#like we’d chill you’d never be my friend but we could mutuals ya know
rubysparx · 1 year
What if I posted art again. Would u guys even care
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jostepherjoestar · 3 years
After seeing tha La Squadra ask with the yakuza games I was wondering how the group would react if the yakuza La Squadra member had a few of their old yakuza friends visit Italy and their the characters from the yakuza games (let’s just say it’s in the same universe)
🐉 Former Yakuza La Squadra member gets a visit from Kiryu & Majima🐉 (multiple asks in one) (2,1k)
sfw // gn reader (reader is the former yakuza member)
After discovering Majima and Kiryu shared a mutual friend that had moved to Italy and joined a gang there, they were curious to know how they were faring, deciding on a whim to pay them a visit. Their old pal had left quite the impression on the two men back when they were part of the yakuza.
Set in an AU where the Yakuza in-game happenings and JJBA events take place in the same universe, the game does not exist, it’s just real life for the characters and La Squadra’s newest recruit that used to be in the Yakuza happened to be friends with Kiryu and Majima back in the day.
(Btw my interpretation of Majima when he’s alone with Kiryu is that he mostly drops his act and since he’s in a new country he is a little more timid towards strangers, don’t get me wrong, he will still start shit but maybe not as quick.)
It was a bright and sunny day, the sweet spring wind still holding some winter chill as it blew through your hair. You were sat on the bench across from the safe house, arms spread wide on the backrest, cigarette dangling on your lips while you basked in the warmth of sunshine. You quite enjoyed sitting like this, making it an uninviting scene for passersby or your teammates, not wanting anyone near you so you could relax in peace. Of course still on guard, never truly letting it down, there’s enough people out there that have a bone to pick with Passione, especially your division. You took another long drag of the cigarette, the overwhelming smoke entering your lungs like ashy clouds. But as you heard some rustling you reached over to grab the smoking bud and pressed it into the ground with your foot. There was something suspicious going on, you felt like you were being watched. You casually peered through half closed eyes at the building in front of you, no one had been staring through the windows. No, it felt like it came from a different direction. Lazily you stood up, stretching your core, twisting your middle from side to side while letting your arms get some movement, readying your body for possible combat. As you turned, you saw a trashcan wiggle in your peripheral. The movements looked very unusual, was there a cat stuck in it? But the can was placed so precisely on the corner of an alley, someone could easily be standing right around the bend to surprise-attack you. Picking up a rock and throwing it right at the middle of the can, even making an indent, you felt a bit idiotic for doing it. But still there was no further movement or sound. You were still curious so you without much thinking you crept closer. If it was an animal in need you’d feel bad to have left it to suffer.
As you stepped nearer, now in front of the dented can, having full vision of the alley you were met with someone you didn’t suspect in the slightest. “Kiryu-san?” You questioned, face frozen in shock. “Wh-what are you doing here? Am I dreaming?” you asked while rubbing your eyes, maybe if you rubbed them hard enough you’d wake up. The large man’s furrowed eyebrows softened as he was met with your familiar form. A small smile formed on his lips but he stayed quiet for some reason, opting to kick the trashcan in front of him instead. It burst open, the lid sent flying further into the alley as you both ducked for cover. “What the fuck Kiryu-chan?! I told you I got this!” Majima’s figure popped out, the snakeskin jacket crumpled from what looked like sitting in the confined space for far too long. You couldn’t believe your eyes, you’re sure your mouth was hanging open with eyes wider than a deer in headlights, like your brain had crashed and burned. “Ya went and ruined the surprise Kiryu-chan! And ya went and broke Oushi-chan as well.” The one eyed man gestured angrily while complaining, he’d planned out the perfect way to surprise you: to shock and fight you. But the only thing that snapped you out of your stupor was that stupid nickname, Oushi-chan. He basically called you a bull, giving you the nickname after you’d stormed angrily down the stairs of the Tojo Clan head office after a particularly frustrating meeting and nearly threw Majima down the stairs as you raced on by. “Stop calling me that! And what in the name of all that is sacred are you doing in Italy?” You hushed your yells as to not alert the entire neighbourhood of their arrival, helping the older man out of the trashcan. “We’d thought it was nice to come and visit you, see what you’ve been up to.” Kiryu calmly explained. “And calling was too expensive? You guys really scared the shit out of me!” Still filled with disbelief at their sudden appearance, but glad to see those familiar faces again. You did miss them too, the short time you shared with them still being remembered fondly. “Glad to see ya haven’t changed, ya did get an Italian accent though.” Majima playfully jabbed as he slung his arm around your shoulders. “Oh you’re one to talk about accents old man.” You prodded back as you pushed his arm off in annoyance, not taking any of the man’s teasing that easily. “Before you ask how we found you, I’ll explain.” Kiryu’s voice was still as deep as you remembered, telling you how they knew you were in Naples and even knew of Passione, it was just a matter of time until someone pointed you out (after some mild intimidation). Not that it was hard to spot you among the Italian men in your team. Hard for these two to talk, back in Tokyo you’d spot that grey suit and angry scowl from a mile away. And let’s not even pretend that Majima’s no-shirt-tacky-jacket-leather-pants look was any less eye catching. You huffed out a laugh, the shock of seeing these two finally wearing off as they started asking questions about how you’ve been and how work is. Happily chatting on the bench you were previously lounging on.
“So… what’s the nature of yer squad exactly? I mean ya look meaner than before, if that was even an option.” The one eyed man jested in a hushed voice, sure that it was a sensitive topic. “Well I like to think we’re the cleanup crew, bringing a bit more harmony to this field of work.” Ignoring his comment about your looks, sure that they helped you in this line of business. “That’s one way to phrase it.” Kiryu huffed out a chuckle, leaning his hands on his knees as he looked at you with a sympathetic smile. He admired your fervour, it was one of the reasons he was so fond of you. After hearing how you stood up against Majima and he didn’t slice you to bits, he was impressed at how you persuaded Majima to settle it through a game of hanafuda. The stoic man knew you liked to be alone, being used to it himself or rather preferring it somewhat over putting his loved ones in danger. He actually asked you to join his family if he ever became patriarch of his own one, he put a lot of trust in you.
After some more catching up you decided that perhaps you should show them around the house and introduce them to your teammates. Knowing how much they loved hearing your stories about your time in the yakuza, they’d surely appreciate to meet your old pals. You stepped in with the two men in tow, stopping in the entry way to hand your friends some slippers, it was a habit you never let go since moving here and you’d even convinced the rest of your house mates to go along with it. “Hey guys, I have some friends I’d like you to meet! Please don’t be weird!” You yelled loudly enough for the entire house to hear, even your capo on the top floor would be able to. Formaggio, Prosciutto and Pesci sauntered out of the living room, looking quite bored before noticing your two friends. Now they seemed interested. “So who’s the eye-patch guy and mister giant?” Formaggio joked as he elbowed Prosciutto who tutted his colleague for touching his suit. “Well these two gentlemen are my friends from Japan… from the yakuza…” it was so awkward to add that they were also involved in such things. You were pretty sure Kiryu was nearing his end run with the organisation anyway. “Oh and they do not understand a single word you’re saying, I’ll translate and yes I will filter out your jokes Formaggio.” You said in a serious tone. The two men behind you stood awkwardly awaiting any signal from you, Majima eyeing your teammates up and down, trying to get a good impression of them. Pesci seemed scared by the men but trying his best not to show it, only shaking a little. Majima thought him a perfect target to tease, holding himself back from his usual persona. “Prosciutto. Pesci. Formaggio.” Your blond colleague introduced them curtly, hands still in his pockets. Kiryu understood the introductions and gave a little nod, Majima followed with a grunt. “This is Majima-san and Kiryu-san.” The mingling of Italian and Japanese still being something you were trying to get used to, only having been able to speak Italian since you arrived. You led the men into the sitting room, the three colleagues retreating back to their card game while you and the other two sat down on the couches. Your colleagues weren’t really that interested it seemed or maybe just unsure of them for now. As you excused yourself to get some drinks for your guests, you were a little worried to leave them by themselves, you knew they could handle themselves physically, but it was more the communication part that you were worried about. You returned with a couple of glasses filled with juice as you saw Melone had slinked inside the living room, gently placing himself on the one seater next to the couch. “So who are these guys?” He asked curiously while leering, perhaps making Kiryu blush a little since Melone kept staring at him. You quickly introduced them to him and shushed him out of your seat, instead he sat on the armrests of the chair. Majima sat up a little, not really liking the looks of the purple haired one. “Is he always like that?” he asked, being a little weirded out. “Yes, yes he is.” You replied with a sigh as your teammate kept staring with a grin on his face, happy to just quietly observe.
You nearly sprung out of your chair when Risotto entered the doorway, feeling like you’d overstepped by bringing in your friends. Majima cocked an eyebrow at your behaviour, not knowing what superior could make you act like that. That was until he turned around as well. “Risotto I-, excuse me for bringing them in but they came all the way from Japan to check up on me.” You pleaded in a hurry as your capo took in the people in the room. “Don’t worry.” He said while giving a nod to the guests while taking them in, having a bit of a stare off with Majima or more like Majima didn’t want to lose eye contact. He felt an innate need to fight Risotto, not because he wanted to hurt him, he just wanted to see what the large man was made off. Risotto reminded Majima of his dear friend next to him. “I’ll be going back to work but please treat their guests nicely.” Risotto aimed his comment at the other men in the room, seeing them not really interact with the guests just yet. You sunk back down in your chair and sighed in relief. “He’s got ya whipped Oushi-chan.” Majima joked as he saw your cheeks get a little flushed.
Slowly but surely with lots of hard work the men actually started talking (with your help translating), Kiryu was still a bit demure but you didn’t expect him to be otherwise, respecting his usual style. After a while Prosciutto even invited them to play a round of cards, all sat around the table while he dealt them. A simple game of blackjack. You actually quite enjoyed the intermingling of your past and present, happy to know there were still people looking out for you back home. Not even sure if you were still allowed to call it home, having perhaps found a new one.
And yes Melone did ask to fight Majima, who quickly agreed since he thought the lithe man was weird and needed some readjusting. Of course Majima won, you sternly asked Melone not to use his stand. The whole thing was quite amusing actually, even Kiryu seemed to enjoy it.
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Rose Petal:Chapter 4
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Previous : discontinued(being rewritten)
Pairing: Wolffe x fem!reader
warnings: cursing, FLUFF, inaccurate descriptions of baby development?(basically the baby can do stuff before she could in real life), mentions of domestic abuse, some blood, sad
word count: 2,234
tags: @catsnkooks​ @queenchaos-5​ @persaloodles​ @haloangel391
You continued to watch the clones interact with Rose for several minutes before Wolffe finally spotted you. You gave him a look that said, ‘I told you so’, which led to Wolffe fondly rolling his eyes. This drew the attention away from Rose to you. Some clones only briefly glanced at you before going back to watching Rose. Others looked between both you and Wolffe. Knowing how you both felt about each other, they were making some assumptions. Wolffe seemed to catch on, and quickly denied what they were silently implying. 
“No, (Y/N) and I are just friends. She isn’t the mother. And before you ask, the mother is a piece of banthashit that left Rose and me.”
Your cheeks were lightly dusted in a pink blush, which you tried to hide behind your hand as you watched the clones’ reactions. Some looked at you and shrugged, others looked like they were about to punch something. You found it sweet at how they mutually seemed to want to kick Sera’s ass for what she did to Wolffe and Rose. You waited for a while until everyone had gotten a chance to say ‘hello’ to Rose before you stepped away from the wall you had been leaning on to go sit with Wolffe. Boost, Sinker, and Comet stayed with Wolffe and watched as you came over to join them. 
“So, what’s next?” Wolffe asked you as you sat down.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. 
Wolffe’s head tilted slightly in confusion. You shook your head. You were more than willing to help Wolffe but he can’t rely on you to make decisions for him. You’d help him get there and give your opinion. Rose was Wolffe’s daughter, not yours. You needed him to start making important decisions concerning Rose. That is his job after all, even if he is new to all this.
“Look,” you started. “You are a parent now Wolffe. You need to be the one making these types of decisions. Of course, I’ll help you with that and give my opinions, but anything to do with Rose is your decision.”
Wolffe didn’t respond and he looked away from you, deep in thought. After a minute or two, Wolffe nodded to himself, then looked back at you.
“We need to tell General Plo, but it would probably be best if we had a better plan as to who is going to take care of Rose when I can’, how are we going to get Rose the things she needs? That way we’d have a better chance of convincing the general to let Rose stay.”
You smiled and nodded, agreeing with Wolffe’s plan. Wolffe beamed at your approval, before continuing. 
“(Y/N), you said you could watch her when I couldn’t. That just leaves when you can’t watch her.”
“Well, who’s going to do that?” Sinker asked. “(Y/N) is your best bet. I don’t know who else would be able to watch Rose.”
Wolffe went back into deep thought. He didn’t know what to do. Clones were almost always busy, even more so when on the front lines, Wolffe knew Rose couldn’t be anywhere near there. Unfortunately, you’d be busy around the same time he would be. Sure, you were almost never planetside during a campaign, which meant you wouldn’t be busy until injured troops were transported back. But Wolffe couldn’t guarantee he’d be back to get Rose from you by the time you’d be too busy to watch her. 
“Ugh, what am I going to do?” Wolffe asked. 
“Perhaps, I could propose a solution.”
The five of you turned in the direction of the door only to see Plo Koon observing your group. 
‘How long has he been there?’ you asked yourself
You looked back at Wolffe. He must have felt your gaze because he turned to look at you. You gave him a small smile and a reassuring nod. You watched him take a deep breath before turning to look at the kel dor. 
“What is your idea, General?” Wolffe asked.
“Before I share, perhaps you would like to share the details of the situation?”
So, Wolffe did. From his not-so-secret secret relationship with Sera, to how he was going to break up with her. Although, Wolffe made sure to leave out how he felt about you. He continued on saying how she got pregnant despite being on birth control, how she ran off leaving Wolffe to raise Rose on his own. Hearing this all again really made you feel bad for Wolffe, not out of pity. You knew he’d hate that. But because of everything he’s gone through. You knew Sera treated him horribly, and you weren’t surprised that he’d left that part out when he went over everything that happened. It sent chills up your spine thinking about that horrible woman. 
* * *
You were working late in the medbay finishing up reports. You and the rest of the 104th were on leave, but that didn’t mean you didn’t still have work to do. Most of the boys were either at 79’s or in the barracks getting some much-needed rest. Wolffe on the other hand was with Sera, or at least that’s what you thought.
Your head jerked up when the medbay doors slammed open. You instantly shot up out of your seat when you saw Wolffe stumbling towards a cot that sat near the entrance. You rushed to his side and saw him clutching the back of his head.
“What happened?” You shouted, pulling his hand away from his head only to see it covered in blood. “Oh, kriff, Wolffe.”
“ ‘m fine,” Wolffe muttered through clenched teeth.
“Like hell you are. I don’t mean to point out the obvious, but your head is bleeding.”
You left Wolffe’s side to get a damp cloth and bactaspray. You went back to Wolffe and began to gently wipe the blood away. You heard Wolffe sigh.
“Sera and I… we had a fight. Her yelling, me yelling. The usual ya know. I got sick of it and went to leave, but Sera threw a plate at me. It knocked me out and when I came to, Sera was gone. So,  I left and came here.”
Tears threatened to spill down your cheeks. You wanted to rip Sera’s head off. You finished fixing up Wolffe’s head and stood in front of him as he turned around to face you. You quickly pulled him into a tight hug. You both sat there like that for a while before Wolffe finally broke the silence.
“I’m breaking up with Sera. I-I don’t want to go through this anymore.”
* * *
You pushed the memories of comforting Wolffe out of your mind and focused on the present.
After Wolffe’s explanation, everything went quiet. The kel dor seemed to be deep in thought which only stressed Wolffe out more. Then, finally, after what felt like ages, Plo Koon finally spoke. 
“May I see the child?”
Wolffe nodded and stood, making his way over to his general. 
“General Plo, may I introduce Rose. My ad.”
Wolffe held Rose close to his chest as General Plo watched Rose reach up, desperately trying to grab her father’s face. Wolffe brought Rose closer to his head. She instantly placed both her tiny hands on Wolffe’s nose. You, Comet, Boost, and Sinker were quietly giggling at the confused look on Wolffe’s face. Rose moved a hand over to his scar, lightly running her finger along the scar. Wolffe hummed happily until her other hand  Plo chuckled lightly and looked back up at Wolffe. 
“She is a beautiful child, Wolffe. You should be proud.” Plo complimented. 
Wolffe swelled with pride. A large smile spread across his face as he looked down at his daughter.
“Perhaps it would be best if the child remained here on Coruscant,” Plo said, quickly cutting off Wolffe before he could protest. “You will not have to give her away. I don’t need to be a Jedi to sense how much you love your baby, Wolffe. I won’t let anyone separate the two of you. That being said, I believe the safest place for Rose will be the Jedi temple. When we return to Coruscant you will be allowed to bring her back to the barracks and tend to her while on leave.” 
Wolffe went to protest, but Sinker beat him to it. 
“But, sir? What about the other Jedi?”
“The Jedi will not harm the child.”
“With all due respect, sir,” Boost began. “It isn’t Ros’ika we are worried about.”
Plo raised his hand to his face and began to think, but the Force had other plans. He felt the Force swirl around him as he saw a vision:
Wolffe is standing before the senate on trial for having an illegal child. Wolffe looks over to Rose, who is being held by you and smiles fondly. He looks up slightly to look at you and mouths something. You mouth something back. He turns back to face the chancellor as a single tear rolls down his left cheek. 
The vision ended and Plo moved his hand to place it on Wolffe’s shoulder. 
“It is the will of the Force,” Plo simply saws.
‘Damn, Jedi, being annoyingly cryptic.’ you thought. 
You watch as Wolffe closes his eyes and lets out a long breath. He cocked his head to the side and looked down at Rose. He looks at her for a few moments as he thinks. What other choice did he have? Wolffe trusts his general, and if he thinks that this is what will be best for Rose, then that’s what Wolffe will do.
“Alright,” Wolffe said. “Rose will stay at the temple when I can’t look after her.”
Boost looked shocked as Sinker protested. 
“B-But, Wolffe, you’ll be decommissioned.”
“I have to do what’s best for my ad, Sinker. General Plo is right. Rose will be safe with the other Jedi. I’ll face the consequences for my actions, and besides, what other choice do I have?”
The room fell deathly quiet after that. Comet, who had moved to sit next to you, leaned into your side and laid his head on your shoulder. You wrapped your arms around him and you thought back to when Wolffe told you he was going to be a father. 
* * *
Wolffe mumbled out something that you couldn’t understand. 
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t understand you.” 
“Sera is pregnant,” Wolffe said a little louder. 
“Come again?” You heard him that time, but you had to be sure you’d heard him correctly.
“I got Sera pregnant! We’re having a baby!” Wolffe yelled, panic evident in his voice.
You instantly threw your arms around Wolffe. You felt him gradually relax in your arms. You could tell Wolffe was scared, hell, so were you. Wolffe was your best friend and the love of your life. You knew he would get decommissioned if people found out, but you didn’t say that. You didn’t need to, because Wolffe already knew. He was going through the threat of being decommissioned all over again, plus he had no idea how he was going to be a father. So, you didn’t say anything. Neither of you did. You don’t know how long you both held each other, finding comfort in the other's embrace.
* * *
As much as it pained you, you knew Wolffe and Master Plo were right. The temple would be the safest place for Rose to be. Sending her there would ultimately expose Wolffe, resulting in him most likely being decommissioned. Even if the Jedi decided not to punish Wolffe, the senate would most likely find out eventually.
You sighed and looked at Wolffe. He was tense. You could tell he wasn’t overly thrilled about people he didn’t entirely trust watching over Rose for him and it’s not that he didn’t trust the Jedi because he did. Just not the same way he trusts you, his brothers, and General Plo. But Wolffe was right, what other choice did he have? 
“When do I need to take her to the temple?” Wolffe asked sadly.
“Sooner rather than later, Commander. Tomorrow at the latest. I have to call a council meeting, but seeing as this is an urgent matter, the meeting will most likely occur today.”
You watched the sadness wash over Wolffe’s features. His shoulders slumped and he lost his ‘I’m a commander’ perfect posture. Wolffe blinked quickly to prevent the tears that were building from streaming down his cheeks. He took a shaky breath in through his nose and out threw his mouth. Wolffe wasn’t ready to leave Rose yet, and you knew Master Plo could see that as well.
“Wolffe you’ll stay with Rose until the council has reached a decision. I promise.”
Wolffe nodded and held Rose closer to his chest. Boost, Sinker, and Comet went over to Wolffe and wrapped their arms around him in an attempt to comfort him. You wanted to join them in the cuddles, but Plo Koon pulled you aside. 
“Do you trust me?'' he asked. 
“Yes, of course.” You nodded. 
“Wolffe will be turned into the senate. I have seen it in a vision. Though I do not know the outcome. I also have a feeling the child’s life will also be threatened, in what way, I do not yet know. I am asking you to trust me when I ask you not to prevent Wolffe from being caught.”
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lordsicheng · 6 years
“Maybe? Perhaps, Possibly.”
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Park Jihoon x OC
g: fluff, friends to lovers au
summary: for years you and Jihoon have been very close friends, but other people seem to think otherwise. this makes Jihoon a little bit confused on what he truly feels about you– he just doesn’t know that you may feel the same way too
word count: 2.1k
You’ve seen all of your friends get into their own romantic endeavors—dating casually, dating exclusively, one time flings, even one couple you know who are definitely planning on getting married. You, on the other hand, haven’t even had one boyfriend or someone that caught your eye specifically. Not that you weren’t interested either, rather you were just a little bit too naïve to have to make the first move. It’s the 21st century, dating is much more different than it was before.
“Y/n.” someone called out, seated in front of you. But you were too immersed on spinning the straw on your tall glass of iced tea
“Ya, y/n.” he waved his hand in front of you this time, making you shake your head and look at him
“Sorry.” you cleared your throat and leaned on your chair
“Are we going to the party tonight or not?”
“Jihoon, you know I have something to do with mom tonight.”
He nodded in reply, looking at his phone after to check the time.
Jihoon was one of your closest friends since childhood. Just like you, he was also a bit shyer when it came to the topic of love. Though, he had a girlfriend once and even told you first about it than everyone else in your circle. But then again, his lack of experience made him a bit too aloof from the girl he dated and they naturally just grew apart. Not that he fell out of love, he was just not sure of how to express his feelings properly. Good thing was they still became friends after it all.
“Text me tonight, though.” you smiled and stood up, grabbing your purse
“Alright. See you.” he said and waved goodbye as you walked away, sighing and looking to the side to see a couple that seemed very happy just as they linked arms
“Mom, I’m done with the laundry.” you said as you grabbed the last basket of dried clothes from the backyard and put them by the kitchen counter
“Okay. Are you done with all your chores?” she asked as she finished washing the dishes
“Yeah, these are the last ones.” you grabbed on the basket and nodded
“Alright, you can go to the party.” she smiled as she grabbed the basket
“Wait, how did you know about the party?” you raised a brow, crossing your arms
“Jihoon told me.” she shrugged, walking away
“I trust him on taking care of you and getting you home before midnight.”
Trust. Something you never really heard much from your own mom. She has trust in Jihoon? It made you wonder for a while at how long you’ve known Jihoon all your life. You were also surprised your mom let you go to the party since you didn’t tell her you were to go, but you figured maybe Jihoon was very eager on letting you go. You’d ask yourself why over and over while picking out an appropriate outfit, pursing your lips as you try to decide on going or not. Your phone suddenly rings and you turn to look at it, knowing it was Jihoon since you had a different ringtone for him. Grabbing your phone, you pick up the call and lie on your bed, looking at the ceiling
“So, are you going?” Jihoon asked, sounding a bit excited
“You really want me to go, huh?” you chuckled as you put your hand on your forehead
“Come on! You’ll have fun. I promise.”
Jihoon decided to pick you up at your place, having a taxi wait at the street as he walked over to your front door. You were quick enough to open the door before your mom could, seeing Jihoon widen his eyes as he saw you wear a girly spaghetti dress and a cardigan, pairing it with some comfy flats. You wore a headband and very light makeup, mainly because you weren’t good at it and you weren’t into it either. You literally just looked fresh and girly, which kind of gotten Jihoon a bit taken aback because he was used to the casual you
“Ready?” he asked, putting his hands in his pockets
“I guess.” you shrugged, walking out of the house
“Be home before 12!” your mom yelled
“Don’t worry I’ll take her back here before 11 if I can!” Jihoon said as he closed the door, walking with you back to the taxi that was waiting
Both of you were quiet all throughout the night, but it wasn’t awkward either. You both just were either excited and not for the party, arriving just a little over ten minutes after. As you both arrived the party, you could already tell that the house party was organized by someone you knew. Most of the guests you saw were from your year, and it kind of surprised you that even the more quiet ones that didn’t do much to stand out from the crowd were there and it caught your attention that they were pretty chill all around. You walked your way to the living room to look at the place, where the house was pretty much almost close to a design of a mansion. It wasn’t too big but the interior was pretty spot on and elegant.
“Jihoon!” someone called from afar, making you both turn towards the direction where the voice was from
“Yo, Mark!” he smiled, giving his friend a hug
“Ah, y/n. Good to see you.” Mark gave a nod
“….good to see you too?” you raised your shoulders in uncertainty
“You don’t know me, don’t you?” he chuckled, making you feel even more embarrassed
“He’s from another section. Me and Mark go waaaay back. This is his party.” Jihoon put his arm on his friend’s shoulders, making Mark smile at him and then to you
“Oh. Um, doesn’t it seem weird that a stranger came to your party?” you gave a straight face, crossing your arms
“It’s alright, I know you. I mean, Jihoon-“ he paused, feeling Jihoon’s nudge on his side
“Hmm?” you raised a brow, looking back and forth between them
“Huh, Jihoon just told me you both were really close. That’s all.” Mark shrugged
“I see. I’ll take that.” you turned to the right to see your friend, Hara, smiling from afar
“If you guys don’t mind, I’m gonna go to my friend over there.” you gave a small wave as you moved
“Nooo it’s alright, you go! Girl…” Mark raised his arm as if he cheered for you, suddenly feeling awkward as he looked at Jihoon
“Seriously, bro.” Jihoon sighed
“I thought you both were on a mutual understanding?” Mark whispered, pulling Jihoon to the side
“I haven’t….” Jihoon paused, making Mark raise a brow
“You haven’t confessed?” Mark frowned, making Jihoon feel the heat on his cheeks
“I mean I have to find the right time!” Jihoon shrugged and raised his arms a bit, turning to look at you having a good time talking to your other friends and having a glass of punch
“So is the timing gonna be anytime soon?” Mark asked, turning as well to look at you with a smile
As the night continued on and the party was getting more enjoyable, you found yourself having fun with your friends and not noticing you weren’t looking for Jihoon. He wasn’t looking for you either, so you figured he was just having fun on his own with his other friends probably outside by the pool at the back.
“Hey, y/n. I’ve been meaning to ask but… are you and Jihoon…?” Hara prolonged, making you take the time to realize what she really meant
“Oh, me and Jihoon? Noooo.” you waved your hand off
“I see. Well, he seems like a nice guy. I mean, he seems to take care of you really well too.” she smiled, brushing your hair lightly
“Am I that high maintenance to take care of?” you joked, making Hara snicker
“But really. You don’t see him as like a brother figure, right?” she asked, this time in a bit of a more curious tone
“N-no, definitely not.” you shook your head, turning to the direction of where the back door was to see Jihoon walk inside, looking at his phone
“Think of it this way: he can be someone you can rely on for your problems. He doesn’t seem like the type to say no to you either-“
“Oh, Hara. If you only knew how we bicker.” you laughed
“Shh, wait! I’m not done! I mean, you’re cute. He’s cute. You together? Super cute.” she nodded and crossed her arms, seemingly very approving of her words
“Do you really think we’d end up together, like one day? I’m not saying it’s possible but…” you pursed your lips, turning to Hara
“I mean, do you feel more for Jihoon? Like, more than a friend?” she asked, and you just turned again to look to the food table where Jihoon was eating and chatting with Mark.
A smile formed on your lips the more you looked at him turning to Hara again as she had a smile on her face as well, noticing you take a glance at Jihoon. She knew how to read you since she was also one of your close girl friends and you were scared of even telling everything you kind of felt that night to her
“Well? Is there or is there not?” she grinned
“Perhaps.” you bit your bottom lip and looked down, already feeling like you were blushing really hard and made sure to not let anyone else see
Without realizing, it was already 11pm. You weren’t in a rush or anything but you didn’t want to upset your mom on getting home late. Jihoon approached you and had two brownie pops in a form of a heart, making you squint a bit to look at them and then back to Jihoon
“They ran out of the other ones, so…” he shrugged, giving you the other one
“It’s fine. Hearts are cute.” you smiled and stood up, grabbing the lollipop from his hand
“Ready to go home?” he asked
“Let’s just walk to the station. I’m not in a hurry.” you nodded
“What if your mom gets mad for you arriving a little late?” he questioned again worriedly
“It’s fine. As long as she knows you’re the one taking me home.”
You and Jihoon walked your way to the station, rather in a slow pace. You already assured Jihoon that you’ll be fine and aren’t in a hurry but he was still concerned. He stole glances to look at you and suddenly felt his heart beat faster and you totally noticed this but decided to not just budge or do anything to scare him away of what he felt. After a while, you decided to look at him and at the same time, he was to steal a glance at you. You both somehow ended up looking at each other before you could chuckle, looking down and continuing to walk
“Ah, whatever is on your mind Park Jihoon just spit it out.” you grinned
“I mean, I just wanted to see if you had a good time at the party.” he felt his heartbeat rate go up again, trying to look away
“I had a great time.” you assured
“That’s good.”
You both fell silent again, and it was you getting nervous all over this time. Jihoon suddenly stopped walking, making you stop just after a couple of steps ahead of him
“Y/n.” he called in a serious but shaky tone
“Yes?” you raised a brow
“If I confessed to you how much I’ve fallen for you over the years from now would you somehow run away from me?” he suddenly blurted out, and you felt shivers from what he just said
“Um, no. It’s too dangerous to run at this time.” you joked, walking up to him
You both just nodded and continued to walk, and Jihoon suddenly burst out laughing. You looked at him with a raised brow and he just grinned and looked at you
“So does that mean you feel the same for me?” he asked out of the blue, which made you chuckle
You grabbed his hand and clasped your fingers with his, leaning your head a bit on his shoulder as you both walked towards the station that was already nearby
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notafeeling · 7 years
Baker’s Four - part one
Masterpost | Next Part
A/N It’s ya girl who knows nothing about bakeries/baking/bakers with the baker au (hypothetically) no one (cough @imin-loveanon cough) wanted. 
Pairing: neutral (for now, will probably be poly in the future)
Genre: angst if you squint while holding a magnifying glass to the text, AU, baking AU, humour
Word Count: 1220
Warnings: some swearing
Ann, or Anxiety, as he’s given the name of later, spots a ‘HELP WANTED’ sign in a bakery.
Ann tugged at the ends of his hoodie sleeves as he shifted from foot to foot outside of the bakery. He was eyeing the ‘HELP WANTED’ sign, like he had been ever since it got put up. The poster said to just go up to the counter during open times, but Ann, in his desire to look like a trustworthy future employee, had turned up before the damn shop even opened.
“Excuse me, are you okay?” somebody asked, making him jump and whirl around.
There was a guy in a blue shirt with a grey cardigan wrapped around his shoulders standing in front of Anxiety, looking like he wanted to go inside.
Ann’s face burned. “Uh, I’m fine, sorry, I should just get out of your way.” He stepped aside and ducked his head down, ready to powerwalk down the street and go home so he could die of embarrassment, but a hand shot out and grabbed his shoulder.
“Sorry for just randomly touching you like that,” the stranger apologised upon seeing the gloomy boy startle, “but you looked like you were interested in the job offer.” He smiled kindly, sounding like actually cared about the ongoings of Ann, a total random.
“Kind of…” Ann trailed off, worrying his lip in between his teeth. He wasn’t good with strangers, especially not those who wanted to strike up a conversation with him. Maybe he wasn’t cut out for this job after all, considering he most likely would have to deal with customers and all that.
“Oh, goodie! I’m Patton,” the stranger, Patton, introduced himself, sticking out an expectant hand. Before Ann could even take it, he was already talking again. “I’m a baker here! I met the owner through a mutual friend and together we three founded Baker’s Dozen, but, as you probably know, we don’t nearly have that many bakers. We’ve been looking for help a while now, and I’m sure you’ll fit right in. Although, Prince can be somewhat of a hard-butt!”
“Hard-butt?” Ann asked incredulously. “Wait, the person who runs this is called Prince?! What kind of fucking name is that?”
Patton chuckled. “I’m not one for swearing.” Ann opened his say sorry, but Patton only held up his hand to silence him and continued. “It’s okay, the others swear like sailors. And no, his name isn’t actually Prince. I just like to give people nicknames! His name is Roman. You’ll find out why I gave him that nickname later. I also call Logan, the other worker, Logic. He’s very good at managing our sales and always thinks things through very, well, logically.”
Ann tried not to let his excitement show. These people sounded cool, like the kind of people who would welcome him into their little family. “So, if I wanted to apply, how likely do you think I’d be to get the job? It’s just, I really need it, and I’ve baked quite a lot but I’m not very good and I’m assuming that you’d rather someone who was actually confident in their own abilities.” He rambled, a tad unsure, his brain telling him to shut up before he lost any small chance he had completely.
Patton only laughed again. “Woah, slow down there, slugger! As long as you can bake, we’d be happy to give you the job and show you a few things. Besides, no one was born with the ability to cook! It’s a learning process. I know for sure that when I started out, I almost burned down my kitchen every time I set foot in there.”
The younger boy cracked a smile, before hiding it, fiddling with his hoodie strings. “Uh, how do I apply then?”
All of a sudden, Patton seemed to have remembered something. He started patting his pockets and pulled a face as he dug inside them until he finally produced a key. “Hold on, kiddo.” Patton stuck it in the lock and jiggled it for a while. “There we go!” He pushed the door open and Ann trailed nervously behind him.
The usually familiar bakery looked weird with all its lights off, chairs up and just its general emptiness. It gave him the chills.
Patton kept leading him through to the small kitchen at the back, flicking on the lights as he went. Ann blinked at the sudden change but decided he liked the cosy warmth much better.
“I know this isn’t exactly protocol, but considering Roman will probably be behind the counter all day, unable to bother us, and Logan is taking some time off, why don’t you show me what you can do? The others will probably be sceptical of you at first, so if you show them how good you are and how much easier things are with you around, they’ll have to take you!”
Ann nodded furiously, taking the apron thrusted into his hands. The more Patton talked, the more he wanted, no, needed, this job. He was somewhat scared of the way Roman was made out to be, and even more so of the methodical Logan, but Patton was nice. If he only had one (friend?) decent acquaintance out of the three of them, it would still be a heck of a lot better than what he could ever hope to have in the other jobs available to him.
He watched as Patton shifted through the cookbooks in one of the higher shelves and resisted the urge to jump onto a counter while he waited. Gazing around the room, he saw that a lot of the cupboards were up high. Being 5’4” certainly wasn’t going to help, but that was a problem for later.
“Okay, let’s start off with something simple.” Patton placed an open book in the middle of one of the only clean benches and pointed to a recipe. “Think you can make that?”
Ann looked it over. It was a very basic one, he noted with relief. “Definitely,” he answered, noticeably relaxing. Realising that the way he said it might have been a little too cocky, he quickly tried to fix his mistake. “Uh, not because I think this is too easy, I’ve just made this before, you know?”
“It’s okay, er…” Patton paused. “I just figured out I never got your name.”
Ann’s cheeks burned bright red. “Well, it’s, uh, it’s Ann,” he mumbled. It wasn’t exactly a lie.
“Well, Ann, don’t you worry about a thing! Although I must say, that’s an odd name you got there!”
‘Maybe because it’s not actually my name,’ he thought bitterly. He suppressed his urge to say anything about it. “I suppose so,” he said instead. “Not too weird, is it?”
“You worry a lot,” Patton commented. Suddenly, he clasped his hands together and brightened. “Oh, I know, can I call you Anxiety? It’s perfect for you, and it has your name in it!”
Ann allowed himself to smile this time. “I don’t mind it.” He really didn’t. It was way better than any other name he had ever been given. “Although, if we’re giving out nicknames here, yours should be Morality. If you want, that is.”
“That’s a clever one! I’ll have to tell the others that…” Patton hummed happily. They settled into a comfortable silence then, working side by side as they prepared the goods they needed for the day.
A/N New update each week? Maybe idk, but I want to get Anxiety’s name before I write the ending in any case. Will have at least four parts!
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