#solid but friendly fr <3<3<3!!!
berryblu-arts · 1 year
This is the most *him* caelios/ciel has ever looked
just look at him, thats my boy :´D <3!!!
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priyanshisingh · 3 days
Bamboo Product Market Dynamics: Global Growth and Trends (2023-2032)
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The global bamboo products market is poised for robust and steady growth, with a projected value of USD 105.36 billion by 2032, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.59% from the USD 73.59 billion recorded in 2023.
The global bamboo product market is experiencing robust growth, fueled by increasing environmental awareness and a shift towards sustainable and eco-friendly products. Bamboo, known for its rapid growth and renewability, is being utilized in a diverse range of products, including furniture, flooring, kitchenware, textiles, and paper. The unique properties of bamboo, such as its strength, durability, and natural resistance to pests and moisture, make it an attractive alternative to traditional materials like wood, plastic, and cotton. The rising demand for sustainable building materials has particularly boosted the bamboo flooring and furniture segments, as consumers and builders seek eco-friendly options that reduce deforestation and carbon footprints. Additionally, the fashion and textile industry is embracing bamboo fibers for their softness, breathability, and antibacterial properties, catering to the growing preference for sustainable and health-conscious clothing.
The market is further driven by government initiatives and regulations promoting the use of sustainable materials, especially in countries like China, India, and Vietnam, which are leading producers of bamboo. These countries have also invested in advanced processing technologies to improve the quality and variety of bamboo products. In North America and Europe, the demand for bamboo products is bolstered by increasing consumer preference for green products and the adoption of stringent environmental regulations. However, the market faces challenges such as the high cost of bamboo processing and transportation, and the need for better infrastructure and supply chain management to ensure consistent quality and availability of bamboo products.
Innovations in product design and manufacturing processes are also playing a crucial role in expanding the bamboo product market. Companies are exploring new applications for bamboo, such as in the production of biodegradable plastics, composites, and high-performance building materials. Furthermore, the aesthetic appeal and versatility of bamboo products are attracting a wide range of consumers, from environmentally conscious millennials to luxury buyers looking for unique and sustainable home decor and fashion items.
The bamboo product market encompasses a wide range of items, each leveraging bamboo's unique properties for various applications. Here are some of the main types of bamboo products:
1. Bamboo Furniture
Chairs and Tables: Known for their strength and lightweight, bamboo chairs and tables are popular for both indoor and outdoor settings.
Sofas and Beds: Bamboo frames are used to create sturdy and stylish sofas and beds.
Shelving and Storage Units: Bamboo is crafted into shelves, bookcases, and storage units that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
2. Bamboo Flooring
Solid Bamboo Flooring: Provides a durable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional hardwood flooring.
Engineered Bamboo Flooring: Combines bamboo with other materials for enhanced stability and versatility.
Strand-Woven Bamboo Flooring: Made by compressing bamboo fibers, resulting in an extremely hard and durable flooring option.
3. Bamboo Textiles
Clothing: Bamboo fibers are used to make soft, breathable, and antibacterial fabrics for shirts, pants, socks, and underwear.
Bedding: Bamboo sheets, pillowcases, and blankets are prized for their comfort and hypoallergenic properties.
Towels and Bathrobes: Bamboo towels and bathrobes are known for their absorbency and softness.
4. Bamboo Kitchenware
Cutting Boards: Durable and knife-friendly, bamboo cutting boards are a popular choice in kitchens.
Utensils: Spoons, spatulas, and chopsticks made from bamboo are eco-friendly alternatives to plastic or metal.
Serving Trays and Bowls: Bamboo serving trays and bowls add a natural touch to dining and entertaining.
5. Bamboo Paper Products
Toilet Paper and Tissues: Bamboo fibers are used to create soft and strong toilet paper and tissues.
Writing Paper and Notebooks: Bamboo paper is a sustainable alternative to traditional paper, used in notebooks and writing pads.
6. Bamboo Building Materials
Bamboo Panels and Boards: Used in construction and interior design for walls, ceilings, and partitions.
Bamboo Composite Materials: Blended with other materials to create strong, lightweight composites for various applications.
7. Bamboo Personal Care Products
Toothbrushes: Bamboo handles are used to make biodegradable toothbrushes.
Combs and Brushes: Bamboo is used to craft hair combs and brushes, providing a natural and eco-friendly grooming option.
8. Bamboo Crafts and Decorative Items
Baskets and Woven Items: Traditional weaving techniques are used to create bamboo baskets, mats, and decorative items.
Lamps and Lighting: Bamboo is used to create stylish and sustainable lighting fixtures.
9. Bamboo Bikes and Sports Equipment
Bicycles: Bamboo frames are used to make lightweight and durable bicycles.
Skateboards and Surfboards: Bamboo is utilized in the construction of eco-friendly skateboards and surfboards.
10. Bamboo Disposable Products
Straws: Reusable bamboo straws offer an alternative to plastic straws.
Plates and Cutlery: Bamboo plates and cutlery are biodegradable options for picnics and parties.
Market Drivers:
The bamboo product market is experiencing significant growth, driven by a combination of environmental, economic, and social factors. One of the primary drivers is the increasing global awareness of sustainability and the urgent need to reduce reliance on non-renewable resources. Bamboo, with its rapid growth rate and renewability, presents an attractive alternative to traditional materials such as wood, plastic, and cotton. Environmental regulations and government initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable practices are further propelling the market. For instance, many countries are implementing policies that encourage the use of eco-friendly materials in construction, packaging, and everyday products.
Another key driver is the rising consumer demand for green and eco-friendly products. As consumers become more conscious of their environmental footprint, there is a growing preference for products made from sustainable materials like bamboo. This trend is particularly strong among millennials and younger generations, who are driving the market for sustainable fashion, home decor, and personal care products.
Key Player:
Yongyu Bamboo Industry Group Co., Ltd.
Anji Tianzhen Bamboo Floor Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Tenbro Bamboo Textile Co., Ltd.
ITC Limited, Paperboards and Specialty Papers Division
The Bamboo House, India
Agarbatti Agarbatti (India) Limited
Hawa Projek Indonesia (HP Indonesia)
Kayu Lapis Indonesia (KLI)
Green Bamboo Vietnam Co., Ltd.
MOSO International B.V. (Netherlands)
Cali Bamboo (USA)
US Floors, Inc. (USA)
Bamboo Group (Belgium)
Bambu® (Germany)
MOSO International B.V. (Netherlands)
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/bamboo-products-market
The study of the bamboo product market reveals several key findings that highlight its growth dynamics, opportunities, and challenges:
Rapid Market Growth: The bamboo product market is experiencing robust growth, driven by increasing consumer awareness of environmental sustainability and the benefits of bamboo as a renewable resource. This growth is expected to continue as more consumers and industries shift towards eco-friendly alternatives.
Diverse Product Applications: Bamboo is being utilized in a wide range of products, including furniture, flooring, textiles, kitchenware, paper, and personal care items. Its versatility and strength make it suitable for various applications, expanding its market potential.
Technological Advancements: Innovations in processing and manufacturing technologies have significantly improved the quality and durability of bamboo products. These advancements have made bamboo a more competitive material compared to traditional options like wood, plastic, and cotton.
Environmental Benefits: Bamboo's rapid growth rate, renewability, and low environmental impact are major factors driving its adoption. It is a highly sustainable material that helps reduce deforestation, carbon footprints, and reliance on non-renewable resources.
Regulatory Support: Government initiatives and regulations promoting sustainable practices and the use of eco-friendly materials are boosting the bamboo product market. Countries like China, India, and Vietnam, which are leading producers of bamboo, have implemented policies to support bamboo cultivation and product manufacturing.
Consumer Demand for Eco-Friendly Products: There is a growing preference for green and sustainable products among consumers, particularly in North America and Europe. This trend is driving the demand for bamboo products in these regions, as consumers seek alternatives that align with their environmental values.
Economic Opportunities in Bamboo Cultivation: Bamboo cultivation and processing provide significant economic benefits, particularly in rural areas of bamboo-producing countries. This sector offers job creation and increased income opportunities, contributing to local and regional economic development.
Challenges in Market Expansion: Despite the positive growth trajectory, the bamboo product market faces challenges such as the high cost of bamboo processing, limited availability of raw materials, and the need for better infrastructure and supply chain management. Addressing these challenges is crucial for sustained market expansion.
Health Benefits: Bamboo products, especially textiles and personal care items, are gaining popularity due to their health benefits. Bamboo fibers are naturally antibacterial, hypoallergenic, and highly breathable, making them ideal for products like clothing, bedding, and hygiene items.
Regional Insights: North America and Europe are leading markets due to high consumer demand and stringent environmental regulations. The Asia-Pacific region, particularly China, India, and Vietnam, is expected to witness the fastest growth, driven by government support and increasing consumer awareness. Latin America and the Middle East & Africa are emerging markets with significant growth potential.
By Product Types:
Building Materials
Other Products
By Applications:
Browse the full report –  https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/bamboo-products-market
Browse Our Blog: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/bamboo-product-market-projections-global-industry-cce8f
Contact Us:
Phone: +91 6232 49 3207
Website: https://www.credenceresearch.com
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technology01tools · 16 days
The Ultimate Guide to Backlink Generators: Boost Your SEO Effortlessly
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In the ever-evolving world of SEO, backlinks remain one of the most critical factors in achieving high search engine rankings. But building quality backlinks can be a daunting and time-consuming task. Enter free backlink generators – tools designed to simplify and accelerate the process of acquiring backlinks. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what free backlink generators are, how they work, and their benefits and limitations. Plus, we'll provide tips on using them effectively to boost your SEO.
What is a Backlink Generator?
A free backlink generator is an online tool or software designed to help you create backlinks to your website quickly and efficiently. These tools can generate a variety of backlinks, ranging from social bookmarks and forum postings to web directory listings and blog comments. The primary goal is to enhance your website’s authority and improve its search engine rankings by increasing the number and quality of inbound links.
How Do Backlink Generators Work?
Free Backlink generators automate the process of link building by:
Identifying Opportunities: They search the web for potential sites where you can get backlinks.
Creating Links: Some tools can automatically submit your site to directories, create profiles on forums, and post comments on blogs.
Monitoring Links: Many backlink generators offer features to track the status and quality of the created backlinks.
Benefits of Using a Backlink Generator
Time-Saving: Automates the tedious task of manually searching for and creating backlinks.
Scalability: Generates a large number of backlinks quickly, which can be especially useful for new websites.
Improved SEO: Helps improve your website’s search engine rankings by increasing the quantity of inbound links.
Accessibility: Many backlink generators are user-friendly and require minimal technical knowledge.
Limitations and Risks
While backlink generators offer numerous benefits, they also come with potential drawbacks:
Quality Concerns: Not all generated backlinks are of high quality. Low-quality or spammy backlinks can harm your site’s SEO.
Risk of Penalties: Search engines like Google penalise websites that use black hat SEO techniques, including the creation of artificial backlinks.
Lack of Control: Automated tools may create backlinks on irrelevant or low-authority sites, which can be counterproductive.
Best Practices for Using Backlink Generators
To maximise the benefits of backlink generators while minimising risks, follow these best practices:
1. Choose a Reputable Tool
Not all free backlink generators are created equal. Research and choose tools with good reviews and a solid reputation in the SEO community. Some popular options include:
SEMrush: Offers a comprehensive suite of SEO tools, including a backlink generator.
Ahrefs: Known for its extensive backlink database and powerful analysis tools.
Ubersuggest: A user-friendly tool that provides backlink opportunities and analysis.
2. Focus on Quality Over Quantity
Prioritise generating high-quality backlinks from authoritative and relevant sites. A few high-quality backlinks are more valuable than numerous low-quality ones.
3. Monitor and Audit Backlinks
Regularly check the backlinks generated by the tool to ensure they are beneficial to your SEO. Use tools like Google Search Console and Ahrefs to audit your backlink profile and disavow any harmful links.
4. Integrate with Other SEO Strategies
Combine the use of backlink generators with other SEO strategies, such as content marketing, social media engagement, and guest blogging, to create a robust and sustainable SEO plan.
5. Avoid Overreliance on Automation
While backlink generators can save time, they should not be your sole method for acquiring backlinks. Manual link-building efforts and building relationships within your industry are equally important for a well-rounded SEO strategy.
Backlink generators can be a valuable asset in your SEO toolkit, helping you quickly and efficiently build a strong backlink profile. However, it’s crucial to use these tools wisely and complement them with manual efforts and other SEO strategies. By focusing on quality, monitoring your backlinks, and integrating various SEO techniques, you can significantly improve your website’s search engine rankings and online visibility.
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havellsindia001 · 4 months
Navigating Connectivity Excellence with REO RG-06 Coaxial Cable: An In-Depth Overview
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In the rapidly advancing realm of technology, the quest for dependable and efficient connectivity is more crucial than ever. Whether you're orchestrating a home entertainment setup or overseeing a cable TV infrastructure, the choice of coaxial cable plays a pivotal role in ensuring seamless communication. Among the myriad options available, the REO RG-06 Coaxial Cable stands out for its remarkable features and capabilities. In this thorough exploration, we dissect the key attributes of this cable and unveil how it can elevate your connectivity experience.
Unveiling the RG-06 Distinction:
1. Flame-Resistant High-Grade Insulation:
Elevating the priority of safety in electrical installations, the REO RG-06 Coaxial Cable excels with its flame-resistant high-grade insulation. This feature ensures the cable's structural integrity even in high-temperature scenarios, offering a robust and secure solution for a variety of applications.
2. PE Foamed Density Material:
The use of PE (Polyethylene) foamed density material in crafting the RG-06 cable enhances its performance. This material not only bolsters the cable's durability but also aids in maintaining signal integrity by minimizing signal loss and interference.
3. Tailored for Cable TV Operations:
Precision-designed for cable TV operations, the RG-06 coaxial cable meets the rigorous requirements of transmitting audio and video signals over extended distances. It stands as an ideal choice for cable TV providers and enthusiasts seeking superior signal quality.
4. Cable Type: CCS Conductor FR PVC Insulated:
The RG-06 features a CCS (Copper-Clad Steel) conductor with FR (Flame Retardant) PVC insulation. This combination not only improves the cable's conductivity but also adds an extra layer of protection against fire hazards, making it a reliable choice for diverse installations.
5. Size: RG6:
Classified as an RG6 cable, the RG-06's standardized size ensures compatibility with a wide range of devices and systems, offering versatility in connectivity solutions for users.
6. Gas-Injected Foamed Polyethylene Insulation:
The insulation material, gas-injected foamed polyethylene, not only exhibits excellent dielectric properties but also minimizes signal distortion. This advanced insulation technology ensures clean and reliable signal transmission.
7. UV-Resistant Black PVC Jacket:
The outer jacket, composed of UV-resistant black PVC, shields the RG-06 cable from environmental elements like sunlight. This feature not only protects the cable but also enhances its durability, ensuring optimal performance even in challenging outdoor conditions.
8. Solid CCS Inner Conductor:
A solid CCS (Copper-Clad Steel) inner conductor adds to the cable's overall reliability, enhancing conductivity and signal stability. The RG-06 proves suitable for high-performance applications demanding consistency.
9. Flexible Circular Conductor Shape:
The flexibility of the circular conductor simplifies installation, allowing easy maneuvering around corners and tight spaces. This practical design feature enhances the cable's user-friendliness across various installation scenarios.
10. Standard Length in Coil: 90m Coil:
With a standard length of 90 meters per coil, the RG-06 cable simplifies planning and installation, providing users with an ample amount of cable for their specific requirements.
Applications and Advantages:
1. Home Entertainment Systems:
For home entertainment systems, the RG-06 coaxial cable ensures high-quality signal transmission for cable TV, satellite, and other audio-visual applications. Its flame-retardant properties and UV-resistant jacket make it suitable for both indoor and outdoor installations.
2. Cable TV Providers:
Cable TV providers benefit from the RG-06's specialized design for cable TV operations. Its robust construction and high-grade insulation ensure reliable signal transmission over long distances, enhancing the viewing experience for subscribers.
3. Commercial Installations:
In commercial installations where reliability and durability are crucial, the RG-06 cable stands out as a dependable solution. Its flame-retardant insulation, UV-resistant jacket, and solid CCS conductor make it suitable for diverse applications in conference rooms, hotels, and retail spaces.
4. Versatile Connectivity:
The standardized size of the RG-06 (RG6) makes it compatible with a variety of devices and systems. Whether connecting a television, satellite receiver, or other audio-visual equipment, the RG-06 cable offers a versatile and reliable solution.
In Conclusion:
The REO RG-06 Coaxial Cable emerges as a premier choice for those seeking a reliable and high-performance connectivity solution. With features such as flame-resistant insulation, PE foamed density material, and specialized design for cable TV operations, this cable offers a secure option for various applications.
Whether you're setting up a home entertainment system, managing a cable TV network, or installing cables in a commercial space, the RG-06 cable's features, including gas-injected foamed polyethylene insulation, UV-resistant black PVC jacket, and solid CCS conductor, ensure superior and uninterrupted signal transmission.
In conclusion, the RG-06 coaxial cable from REO is not merely a cable; it embodies cutting-edge technology and a commitment to providing reliable connectivity solutions. Invest in the RG-06, and discover the difference in performance and reliability that this cable brings to your audio-visual and communication setups.
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eurobond-acp-panels · 4 months
Exploring ACP Sheet Design: A Closer Look at Eurobond ACP
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Architectural design has witnessed a transformative evolution with the advent of innovative building materials. Among these, Aluminum Composite Panels (ACP) have emerged as a popular choice for architects and designers due to their versatility, durability, and aesthetic appeal. Eurobond ACP stands out as a leading player in this realm, offering a wide range of designs that redefine the concept of contemporary building facades.
Understanding ACP Sheets:
What are ACP Sheets?
Aluminum Composite Panels (ACP) are flat panels consisting of two thin aluminum sheets bonded to a core material. The combination of lightweight aluminum and a sturdy core makes ACP sheets an ideal choice for architectural cladding, signage, and interior design.
Eurobond ACP: A Pioneer in the Industry
Eurobond, a prominent name in the ACP industry, has gained recognition for its commitment to quality, innovation, and design excellence. By visiting Eurobond ACP, one can explore an extensive collection of ACP sheets that cater to diverse design preferences.
A Deep Dive into ACP Sheet Design:
1. Color Palette and Finishes:
Eurobond ACP offers a rich array of colors and finishes to meet the demands of contemporary architectural aesthetics. From solid colors to metallic shades and wood textures, the color palette is designed to inspire creativity.
2. Customization Options:
The ability to customize ACP sheets is a key feature that sets Eurobond apart. Architects and designers can collaborate with Eurobond to create bespoke designs, incorporating specific colors, patterns, and even corporate branding.
3. Texture and Patterns:
Eurobond ACP excels in providing diverse textures and patterns. Whether emulating natural materials like stone or creating unique geometric designs, the ACP sheets contribute to the visual appeal of buildings.
4. Digital Printing:
Eurobond's commitment to innovation is evident in its digital printing capabilities. This allows for intricate designs, company logos, and even art to be directly printed onto the ACP sheets, opening up new possibilities for customization.
5. Fire Safety:
Eurobond places a strong emphasis on safety standards. Their ACP sheets are available with fire-resistant (FR) cores, ensuring compliance with building codes and regulations.
Application and Sustainability:
1. Architectural Applications:
Eurobond ACP finds extensive use in architectural applications such as building facades, exterior cladding, and interior design. Its versatility and adaptability make it a preferred choice for both modern and traditional architectural styles.
2. Sustainability Features:
Eurobond is committed to sustainable practices. Their ACP sheets are eco-friendly, recyclable, and contribute to energy efficiency in buildings. This aligns with the growing emphasis on sustainable design in the construction industry.
In conclusion, Eurobond ACP stands as a benchmark in the world of ACP sheet design. With an extensive range of colors, finishes, and customization options, Eurobond caters to the evolving needs of architects and designers. The fusion of aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability in Eurobond ACP makes it a reliable choice for those looking to elevate the visual appeal of architectural projects. Visit Eurobond ACP to explore the world of possibilities that ACP sheet design has to offer.
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cancerfairy · 2 years
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𝙰𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚞𝚜 𝚁𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙲𝚞𝚕𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎
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✦ can come off mean looking
✦ actually really friendly people.. unless they're tired
✦ have a resting bitch face too
✦ or just have a poker face
✦ very very observant
✦ will give you a vibe check in .473 seconds
✦ don't have many friends but they care deeply about the ones they do have
✦ on the other hand they might ignore their friends from time to time
✦ they tend to disappear often like they'll just isolate themselves from others to recharge
✦ will ghost you if they don't like you
✦ good at learning many languages or retaining words/phrases from other languages (gemini 5h)
✦ those with a scorpio mc are perceived as closed off and more aloof
✦ while those with a sag mc are perceived as more friendly and open
✦ they don't like to be told what to do
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✦ very analytical and can see right through others
✦ have a soft heart for animals
✦ will stand up for the underdog
✦ some aqua risings are tall (ex: zendaya)
✦ but those who aren't usually "look" tall
✦ like a lot of different genre of music
✦ people always say this but we're actual trendsetters fr
✦ hair is usually frizzy </3
✦ they might have dry faces
✦ their faces might also be long
✦ the skinny calf thing is REAL
✦ might have bushy eye brows or atleast thick eyebrows
✦ those with pisces in the 2nd usually have soft voices
✦ while those with aries in the 2nd tend to have raspy voices or kind of intimidating voices
✦ those with pisces in the 1st tend to have glossy eyes
✦ aqua risings also have intense eyes too also might have long eyelashes
✦ those with gemini in 5h have sooo many hobbies and act really youthful in love
✦ those with with taurus 4h tend to have a peaceful home life or mothers/family that spoiled them
✦ their mood highly affects whether their routine is solid or not (cancer 6h)
✦ usually want partners who like their authentic selves, have high self esteem & are successful (leo 7h)
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✦ they probably also want warm and kind partners who'll spoil them or respect them highly
✦ these people have very innovative ideas bc they think outside the box
✦ a LOT of them are very blunt
✦ also very sarcastic but usually funny
✦ they don't open up easily at all
✦ those with libra 8h find it hard to pick a side when they're in the middle of an argument so they'll stay neutral
✦ in love, libra 8h people can be very submissive and just go along with what their partner says & they're very romantic
✦ for those with virgo 8h they like to be helpful to their lovers and always offer them assistance
✦ theyre the types to leave sticky notes on the fridge or give them daily reminders
✦ they tend to have friends from different cultures or backgrounds (sag 11h)
✦ they love to teach their friends the things they've learned (sag 11h also if they have sag mc)
✦ with both the 1st and 12h ruled by saturn, these people learn a lot of lessons throughout their lives
✦ it's almost like their life is on hard mode
✦ these people might have trust issues
✦ might've had a chaotic childhood (gemini 4h)
✦ but still probably keep in contact with their family often
✦ their family was probably very talkative too (for gemini 4h)
✦ they might find it beneficial and relieving when they move out of their home or probably already yearn to do so
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✦ for those with scorpio in 9th did teachers dislike you for no reason? or did classmates find your intimidating??
✦ for those with libra 9h i bet teachers really liked you </3
✦ i noticed a lot of aqua risings have some part of their body elongated.. for me it's my torso
✦ might have an asymmetrical face
✦ those with aries 2nd i already know you spend your money just as fast as you get it
✦ those with pisces 2nd house probably always forget where their stuff is or fumble the bag a lot
✦ we happen to be pretty good with technology (especially uranus 1st housers)
✦ yes yes, we're unique
✦ we do copy people tho (or take inspo from other but we do it better)
✦ they always keep people at arms length bc they don't trust others easily
✦ might actually have trust issues too
✦ those with taurus in 3rd are slow and careful drivers
✦ they also speak quietly and were probably the classmate you couldn't hear when doing a presentation rip
✦ those with taurus in 3rd also probably made friends easily but didn't have a big circle
✦ those who have leo & virgo in the 7th will probably attract a spouse that'll be helpful and charming
✦ if youre an aqua rising with pluto in 10th i bet you probably have trouble picking a job and sticking with it (sag mc)
✦ sometimes they come off as stuck up
✦ reputation might fluctuate a lot with sag mc & pluto in 10th
✦ people might either wanna be you or dislike you for no reason
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✦ i've noticed that those with sag mc are trusted a lot by other people's parents/in-laws
✦ have big dreams but their subconscious thoughts limit them a lot (cap 12h)
✦ do y'all also dream of money or being rich too? (cap 12h) cause i do
✦ these people are usually very chill and don't get angry often at all
✦ they do get annoyed tho
✦ when they dislike someone they really can't hide it well
✦ can seem really far away or out of reach to others
✦ secretly wants people to tell them they're unique
✦ sometimes have a hard time knowing who they truly are and might constantly question it
✦ very very introspective
✦ most aqua risings are introverts (intp/infp)
✦ these people also read a lot and might be nerdy
✦ also might love anime/manga
✦ actually really loyal people
✦ if you want to know them you need to ask the 'right' questions
✦ they don't usually talk a lot (they mostly talk to themselves)
✦ secretly wants chaos
✦ these people are usually very kind tho
✦ you can't change their mind when it's made up
✦ actually really intuitive
✦ they usually know things before they happen or can predict the future well
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✦ really the 'it' girl fr
✦ half of them don't care what others think about them
✦ the other half constantly wonders how other ppl perceive them (especially retrograde planets in the first- specifically uranus)
✦ don't want to stand out but don't really want to fit in either
✦ would care more about a dog dying in a movie than a human dying
✦ really dislikes small talk like they won't even engage in it
✦ they need mental stimulation to keep them interested (gemini 5h)
✦ usually very fair and accepting people
✦ theyre the type to criticize you in their head but never say it
✦ supportive asf
✦ probably love friends to lovers trope
✦ might've had a lot of childhood friends (gemini 4h)
✦ generally unbothered unless some kind of injustice happens
✦ these people mind their business but do like gossip (gemini 5h)
✦ might be friends with a lot of gemini/taurus/aqua placements
✦ also fashion icons!!
✦ rambles a lot to themselves
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bicyclepainting · 2 years
huxley’s zodiac chart
huxley zodiac chart time <3 i actually changed this chart around So much before i finally felt solid about it. it was a struggle not to just give him All taurus placements because i truly believe there is an argument for each placement here to be taurus. anyway
character analysis and astrology ramblings under the cut!
masterlist for the series
sun- taurus
moon- libra
rising- cancer
mercury- gemini
venus- taurus
mars- taurus
before we get into huxley’s actual chart, we should cover the topic of stelliums. in astrology, a stellium is a group of three or more planets in the same sign or house in a chart. there is some debate about what exactly qualifies as a stellium but the basic agreement is that the rising sign does not count (it isn’t a planet) and it has to be at least three from the inner planets (all listed here, including jupiter and saturn). the outer planets (uranus, neptune, and pluto) don’t count because they are considered to be generational planets (meaning that they are slow-moving and many people born around the same time share the placement) and might not have as much impact on your day-to-day life. asteroids also aren’t counted because they are a relatively new discovery added to astrology and not part of the inner planets. they’re more like the little details to the painting of a birth chart, compared to the broad strokes of the inner planets. as for what a stellium is like in practice, it is just a very concentrated energy of that sign or house. people with stelliums tend to go through stages of extremes where nothing is going on to everything is going right/wrong. this is because as the planets go through transits, if it affects (for example) one taurus placement of huxley’s, it would affect the rest too. as an example, if the sun was in taurus, not only would he feel the effects of that in his sun sign, but he would for his mars and venus as well. with all of that being said, i wanted huxley to have a taurus stellium, i feel its fitting and will explain why as we go.
taurus suns are extremely steady and dependable. taurus is the fixed earth sign so they often get the reputation of being stubborn. "bull-headed" is the term most often used because this sign is represented by the bull. but one thing about taurus is that they know when to choose their battles, and they do not choose lightly. taurus is a slow-moving sign, they spend their energy with purpose. i believe this definitely applies to huxley, stubborn on the things he wants to be, but ultimately chooses his battles wisely
libra moons are very friendly. they love people and love to talk to other people. libra moons also have a very strong sense of justice; they are represented by the symbol of scales after all. they take a lot of time with their feelings, weighing all options before moving forward. they very much value balance and peace. when i think about the expression of hux’s libra moon in canon, i think of his anger towards kody in his first audio but also his restraint toward kody during the inversion and how he spoke to damien through that (theres also that taurus “knowing when to choose your battles” thing there too)
the rising sign simply indicates the ruler of your first house, the house of self. it can also have an influence over your appearance. because cancer is ruled by the moon, cancer risings tend to have round faces (often called moon faces) and can have a more feminine appearance in general (regardless of agab). cancer risings come off as very friendly and caring individuals, which i think is shown perfectly in his first audio
huxley’s mercury sign was something i went back and forth a lot on. theres only three options (aries, taurus, and gemini) due to the nature of mercury, but i still struggled choosing. giving him a taurus mercury made sense because of his voice, taurus rules over the throat and when mercury (the planet of communication) is in taurus, the voice is often smooth, slow, and calming. and that is SO hux like FR. However.. hux rambles quite a bit and that is not characteristic of a taurus mercury at all. gemini mercuries on the other hand….. ramble city babey!! absolute chatter boxes <3 i think hux’s taurus stellium smooths out the gemini mercury’s chattiness a bit, but its definitely still there (and his stellium would explain the voice too tbh)
because taurus is ruled by venus, this placement is domicile! this means that the planet is comfortable in this sign. venus is the sign of beauty, relationships, finances, and aesthetics, among others. taurus venuses are often romantics who love love and have an appreciation for the finer things in a relationship, and life in general. once they commit they Really commit (the same can be said for the other fixed signs as well: leo, aquarius, and scorpio) and they tend to like to take their time when getting to know people. taurus venuses are extremely loyal as well. i think all of these things are applicable to dear hux <3
the opposite of a placement thats domicile is a placement that is detriment, which is the case for a taurus mars. scorpio is domicile for mars and the opposite of scorpio is taurus, so that makes it detriment. taurus mars are often slow to act. they may lack motivation beyond their comfort level (like failing the same elemental class multiple years in a row). and the previous elements of taurus are also exhibited for this planet (the planet of aggression, passion, and drive) as well: loyal, stubborn, values security. i think these all apply to hux for this area as well
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royal-ruin · 2 years
mha/bnha fic recs (part 4)
mha/bnha fic recs part 1, part 2, and part 3 personal favorites are starred, by the way. everything is complete unless stated otherwise.
shinsou-centric platonic fics because i’m obsessed. i have a ton more shinsou-centric romantic fics in my drafts right now, but long fic rec lists are going to be the death of me, so i’m going to be trying shorter ones now.
family / platonic shinsou hitoshi-centric (mostly, anyway)
A Guide to Getting Your Teacher a Date by deafmic (~26k)
1-A decides to throw a holiday party and try to set their Aizawa up with Present Mic. Shinsou Hitoshi ends up orchestrating most of it while spending his first holiday with his new family and stumbling through the motions of new holiday traditions.
shinsou in class 1-A
I'll Speak Your Mind For You by Scarlet_Nin (~5k)
[“You wouldn’t want your son to miss his bedtime, would you?” Hitoshi asks, unfazed.
“That’s none of your concern,” Endeavor spits out and the threads that were fading are dangling in front of Shinsou’s mind, brushing against his fingertips and becoming more solid. Easy within reach.
All he needs is to pull now.
“It kinda is,” Hitoshi says, flatly. His heart is pounding away in his chest, beating furiously against his ribcage like it can break through and fly away like a bird. His blood is rushing in his ears, heated and slurpy from the fire that steadily rises. “Considering you ruined my plausible deniability by shouting your son and me deaf in rage.”
Todoroki’s mouth drops a little open and the reaction would be hilarious on any other day. Normally, Hitoshi would smirk, smug over getting the drop on someone so collected and stoic with his words, but Endeavor’s face twists in outrage, his grip tightens.
And Todoroki winces.]
bamf!shinsou, shinsou in class 1-A
and i'm nothing like you by aloneintherain (~9k)
Of all the people to have been kidnapped alongside, it had to be this person, this hero, the one person who would never blame him for the things he was forced to do.
[“Don’t cry,” Midoriya says.
“Fuck you,” Hitoshi chokes out.]
(When Shinsou goes grocery shopping a few weeks after transferring to Class 2A, Midoriya tags along. Because he is, for some reason, determined to be Shinsou’s friend.
Shinsou remains cold and withdrawn in the face of Midoriya’s friendliness—until they’re kidnapped by a woman with a brainwashing quirk who believes Shinsou doesn’t belong in the hero course.)
angst, kidnapping
How to Win the Sports Festival: A Step by Step Guide by mhwright (~15k)
Short re-imagining of the Sports Festival Arc if Shinso had planned a little better and worked a little harder to win the Sports Festival and if the match-ups had been slightly different. Self-indulgent fic of watching him succeed.
The fic is the title, folks. Shinso Wins the Sports Festival.
not all heroes wear capes by garbageman87 (~4k)
Shouta often hears Hitoshi humming the same melancholic tune. His voice isn't perfect, it still cracks and strains in places, but his voice is beautiful. He only wishes he knew what the song was about.
Then, one night, he and Hizashi find out.
aizawa-yamada fam w/ shinsou.
you should be scared of me by moxie_girl (~8k)
In a world where Midorya Izuku is not blessed with Anime Protagonist Powers™, Shinsou Hitoshi is determined to win the U.A. Sports Festival.
give me everything you have (and then some) by laurenshappenstobemyhusband (~7k)
["Midoriya, which one of these guys do you think you want to manage?" the girl next to him asks. "I think the shadow quirk bird boy looks pretty powerful. I'll try and nab him after this."
Midoriya agrees, but his eyes are drawn to a different boy. The one with the mind quirk that can control anyone. The one that lost on a fluke. The one who everyone else already thinks of as a villain to be.
"I think I'll go for that one," he says, pointing to the purple haired boy. "He looks like he can be something great."]
Just Need a Little Dose of Help by LittleLeeeLoo (~7k)
Shinsou just wanted to get some sleep meds from the store. He didn’t expect to run into a villain. He didn’t expect to be cared for. He didn’t expect it to change his life.
dabi and shinsou (platonic, obviously) with dabi being a good big brother.
two for one special by WriteThroughTheNight (~16k)
[“About that… does the hospital have a copy machine?” Hitoshi chooses that moment to peak over Shouta’s shoulder, undoubtedly giving Tsukauchi a full view of his bloodied face. Unintentionally, he also gives Shouta the perfect opportunity to watch shock, understanding, and sheer resignation flash through the detective’s eyes.
“You’re not telling me that you found another child on the way to the hospital with the first one,” Tsukauchi says.
“I did not find another child on the way to the hospital with the first one,” Shouta lies.]
OR A story of two rooftops, two kids, and one extremely long night.
more aizawa-centric, but it’s fine.
mysterious as the dark side of the moon by mcsparky (angelbolt) (~3k)
“I wasn’t attacking you then,” he responded, cracking his neck from side to side like he always did when they restarted. Aizawa moved his feet back into stance. “I noticed this time when you gave me that look you do when I do something wrong.”
Aizawa blinked. He knew exactly the angle the kid was playing at, but it didn’t stop him from being the least bit curious. He narrowed his eyes, “What look?”
Shinsou shrugged but there was an edge to his mouth that Aizawa had come to recognize as a smirk, “Eh. Already forgot it. Guess I’ll tell you next time,” he matched Aizawa’s stance, “though there won’t be one.”
aizawa continues training shinsou
there’s a very tiny bit of background shinkami, but this one’s more focused on shinsou and aizawa’s relationship.
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Title: The Risks [4/?]
Summary: A supposedly new head of the family quits his role to make his own gang. It was his choice to make, and this was the path he decided to take.
Word Count: 4360
The gang is complete now and it’s now going to focus on them as a whole!! Also, there will be some canon characters mentioned in this chapter too [like it was brief but...]
Also there is a bit of gore on this chapter? Not too descriptive though but just a warning !!
Hanako/Lotus belongs to @polar-stars!!
Emile/Canción belongs to @polar-star-dorks!!
Part 1 can be found here! Part 2 here! Part 3: here! Comments are appreciated, and remember that I love you!!
Months. It's been months ever since the group was able to be complete. Their team may be small, but it was a sight to behold. They were people with maximum potential. A leader, an assassin, a negotiator, a solider and a planner- each of them had their own special ability to make the team complete. They did have to go through certain training to be prepared fr the worst, but they went through this all together.
What was special about today? Well, it was no ordinary day for them- not completely. It may have contained the strums of a guitar, the continuous sound of writing, footsteps all over the place- but there was something new about this day. But there was one thing that made it not ordinary- this is the first time that they'd go to an actual mission. An official mission...
And man, would it be fun.
"Okay, listen. Emile, you have to deal with the guards." A woman with purple eyes began talking as she walked around the room. "They'd believe your words, all you have to tell them is hat District 23 is currently in trouble- that's where one of the family members of someone in that gang is." She glanced at Emile. "I also do believe that you'd be able to convince them that you looked terrified, so with that- you can distract them and share fake information with them. You'd be basically gain some things you may not know about them, because if people are in panic- there's a possibility they'd be more honest and not even think about answers."
The man with light brown hair nodded as he smiled sweetly. "Alright, mi amiga. I'd be able to do that." No one would actually expect him to lie, and that's why he was perfect for the role. He could even negotiate people with money, but currently that was not his job. "After that, I'd have to talk to someone, right? About the money exchange they didn't give?" He tilted his head and she nodded. He was going to fake his own identity as well in this situation as an ally. But luckily, he prepared what he was going to say weeks ago. "I got this!"
"Thank god..." She sighed out of relief, thinking that since it's their first official mission, she might not be doing her job as great as always. "Okay, Tetsuji." She shifted her attention. "You'd be the first one to enter, but it's so you can remove their first wall of defense. With you strength and your talent with a gun, you'd be able to do all of this in a couple of seconds. It gives a way for Masae to enter the area, and she's supposed to be hidden, since she's an assassin."
Tetsuji already knew what he needed to do. From all of the members, he was the strongest in physical strength alone and he could probably beat several people in only a couple of minutes. “I can do that.” He assures the gang before giving a smile. “I’m certain that I’d be able to go through all of this, especially the main guards wouldn’t be against me, but they’d be talking about a formal matter with Emile.”
The planner placed her pen inside her pocket before glazing at a female, who was turning a knife around her hand. “You’re an assassin, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t need to tell you what you need to do.” She knew that Masae was one of the first recruits, and she was someone who had some experience with combat. “However, I’ve got their floor plan, so you better avoid the traps.” She handed some papers to her.
"The floor plan...? In your hands?" Masae got the papers, her face still looking surprised. She quickly stopped spinning her knife to remember the image in front of her. "It's hard to gain this information... But thank you so much, this will be a great help." With the help of Emile, who has always had the chance to meet the enemy face-to-face in friendly terms, Hanako and him were able to steal this important information. "I know what to do though... I'll slay them."
Last but not least, she eyed their leader who was currently waiting for her command. "And you, leader... It's best to act like a guard. You're going to be our last resort if anything turns wrong. You're going to act as a guard and once you bring me to the camera room, you have to leave and do your job. I'll remain contact with you all of you through the ear piece." She crossed her arms. "So you better not lose them." Kaoru already knew what he needed to do. He'd act as an enemy and bring in a fake "hostage", who'd be Hanako but end up bringing her to the camera room by going through a path of the blind spots of the enemy.
"I wouldn't have ever thought of this in only a month." He smirked, and he was truly impressed with her. "You're fucking brilliant."
She gave a tiny smile, returning it to her leader. "Of course." She replied. "You've trusted me, after all." She patted her pocket, which contained two objects- a pen and a Swiss knife. Through the mission, she'd have to be sure that those two were there- as well as a gun that was given to her once she joined the gang. "But I'm going to repeat the instructions in more details once we arrive in the area so none of you would forget it."
Someone began running to the gates, he began clutching his chest and breathing heavily. "District 23... There is something going on in there!" He almost yelled those words while pointing at a direction. "There were people from the Okinawa gang who came over... And I believe that they swore to take out someone named Haru..." He tried to catch his breath, and the guards started panicking, looking at each other.
"Haru Araki... She's our main assassin's sister." One of the guards began talking and his face grew pale. "We should inform him quick, but some of you should go ahead before it's too late." Once the guard said those words, the 3 others people guarding the gate splitted up and went to their respective locations. "Sir, thak you for informing us about it." The guard thanked, a bit relieved. "If we didn't know about this, Araki-sama would have killed us for not knowing..." The guard started to talk and Emile was still trying to steady his breathing.
Even if it was an act, he really had to run all the way here to make it seem very realistic.
"No need... to thank me." He stood up straight, still holding his chest. "I'm just trying my best to be a good ally, even if we've just made the deal some weeks ago." There was a tiny smile on his face, and he was really convinving. "But I do have some matters to discuss with your negotiator..." The negotiator of the other gang was the lover of Haru Araki, even if this information was hidden, Emile knew this well after having a few talks with him. "He might be in panic as of the moment, so I wouldn't know if I should approach him or not..."
The guard shook his head. "I do believe that even if he knows about this, he'd still do his job." He informed before he leaded him inside. "We'll have to tell him about the situation- but maybe you should do that instead. I have to be the one to..." The guard's heartbeat got faster by the mere thought of having to talk to the assassin of the group. "... Araki-sama. I have to tell him his sister is in danger... But you can follow me, I'll lead you to our negotiator's room." He began walking ahead and Emile only followed. He got pass throught the first gate already. This was already a mission success for step one.
"Thank you so much! I'll be sure to inform him." They were passing the hallways and he spotted the ever so familiar room that he entered multiple times as he continued holding the fake identity of someone else. He was great in letting people believe he was on their side, and convincing them that he was the person that they expected to come. What they didn’t know was someone in his gang already brought them down, and that as long as they were gone- he could replace them.
Every negotiator has their own ways of doing their part, and Emile was sneaky and much more than a simple one. He went a step higher than every negotiator out there. Canción was the code name that was given to him, and he would sometimes use that when he was talking to a true ally. Sometimes, he’s use a fake identity. His kind self was shown to complete strangers, and it was very bold of them to assume that whatever words he said were true.
Once he opened the door, he spotted the face he’s seen for some weeks. It was the negotiator, and he soon switched on his negotiator mode on.
"Good evening! I'm Jin Hirofumi, one of the informants of your new allied Yakuza gang." There was a polite smile on his face. "I'm the same person who decided to talk to you about the money exchange last week, I hope you remember my face."
“I do.” The negotiator began placing his hands together. “What’s the information you’re going to share this time?”
Emile brought up papers, which were filled with fake news created by the planner. “First of, I’m afraid to inform you that Haru Araki is in danger...”
That was the cue of Tetsuji to do his part.
Tetsuji entered the gates which was left unguarded after some of the guards scattered around the place to save the woman who wasn’t even in danger. “I’m going in.” The microphone was attached to a part of his suit. He came in with no warning, and this was able to give him a large advantage. Even if people were shooting at him, he was able to dodge all the bullets with his large body. He brought out his gun and started to shoot people down.
No one expecting him to come in, and people thought that they could have brought him down so easily... But damn, were they wrong.
He ended up being able to kill several by himself, and none of his gang members doubted his skill. From that alone, he deserved his code name. He was able to defeat the first batch of defense and he only needed some second to go in the building. No one was prepared to see this coming except Emile, who acted scared that someone intruded. “You’re doing well, Canción.” He says to the microphone as he continued to shoot people down.
He had to make an opening for the person hiding behind his back. Luckily her figure was small enough to not be spotted, and her speed completely matched his and she could follow his steps so she wouldn’t be spotted. This was an interesting match, a pack of people versus a man and his “shadow”. There were knives that flew from the man, and at first they thought it might have been an illusion of a bullet.
They knew that their sight wasn’t betraying them once they saw a knife goingg exactly on someone’s neck. This little move was able to terrify the men, and they could only try to shoot him down and wish that he wan’t as skillful as he was. The more seconds passed, more of people went down on their knees, and Tetsuji had to kill them out of mercy- or else their pride with eternally be ruined. 
He may have some bullets hit him, but none of them were fatal. This didn’t help the person behind him who was already worried about his well-being. “It’s almost your turn.” He reminded her, as he began reloading his gun. “You have to go ahead of me, but I’ll make sure to keep you guarded.” He reassured her and she gripped a handful of his shirt. “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. I chose this life and I trained even before I wanted to join.”
He continued to bring people down but once they went to the second floor, he began speaking up. “What made you lose this war,” He grabs the weapon that was being kept inside a case which was tied to his body. “Is being unprepared.” The gun wasn’t ordinary, and the people who spotted it has no time to report it before their deaths. It should have been expected.
Despite Tetsuji being seemingly a large target that can be shot easily, he still hs the body of steel that can handle several hits. But there was another advantage of being this big. It was the fact that people couldn’t see what could be behind you because of your big body frame. That was one of the things he felt proud of, and Kaoru commented on. 
He could hide a weapon if he never turned around. All that was needed to dodge bullets is going up by jumping, moving to different directions- but turning around was never a requirement. Tetsuji Kabutoyama was a perfect example of an immovable object- the person behind him however... was an unstoppable force. 
“It’s your turn.”
She had to leave Tetsuji alone, but even if people tried to shoot her down, her movements were way too fast. She had a role that should have extreme reflexes and speed, so people who did know she was should never be surprised. She and the other gang members may have had several “small missions”, and this was considered the first official one- but honestly, in her eyes- It did seem similar with the rest. The only difference is that they were not doing it with any allies.
“Please stay safe, you all...” She whispered, and everyone was able to hear what she had to say to the group. She usually spoke more when she was around her gang, but as of the moment- she has to focus on her job. She was able to hear the shooting of the guns, their negotiator trying to calm the person with him down for the act, and some running steps through the microphone.
She brought out her main knives- three of them had deadly poison, the other two had paralysis. She never had a favorite idea of making people bleed to their deaths, she’d rather let everything end in an instant- or maybe let something slowly sink in her enemies’ bodies. Luckily, her gang never tortured anyone, but instead they were in charge of other things. She might not have been able to handle the sight.
In her eyes, her gang was never the evil ones. Their leader made sure to get a history of any family they had to go against, before agreeing to any terms. They always had a large fault in the society, and he would usually bring down the other gangs that focused oh human trafficking. He admitted to the gang that he believed that was one of the worst things that the Yakuza did, but he also wanted to bring down some others.
The only reason why the gang stayed together is despite being part of such a dark world, they tried to bring light to it. It would always bring a smile to their face when someone thanks them- A wife who missed her husband, a husband who kissing his wife after they come back, parents hugging their kids tightly once they’ve found their missing child, a child reaching for their parents while crying because they’ve missed them... They saved people, and they went beyond the morals of any kind of human being.
Detectives may solve the case, the police may catch the suspects- but sometimes it took too long while the clock continuously ticks. So people were desperate enough to call up the Yakuza, and pay them to do what they wanted, but couldn’t. She understood that fully, once her parents died and yet the case was unsolved- and they couldn’t find the suspect.
Despite what people can see in their own perspectives, the whole gang did believe they were doing the right thing- more of the greater good. Their leader always made sure that they were...
She was done going around, and she finally faced the person who she’s supposed to kill- it was the main person who was in charge of the whole human trafficking business. She wanted to aim for the boss, but someone else had the job. She brought out her first knife, her expression turning deadlier as she spotted the person who was talking to a client.
“It’s over.”
A man opened the door for someone, and he even ended up tossing the keys at her. “You do you, Lotus.” He grinned at her. “Good luck, I believe in you.” He says before closing the door, and he prepared his gun. She had no time to lose and she already dragged herself to the screens before typing it in. She turned on her microphone so she’d be able to talk to all of her fellow gang members. 
“Canción, you’re allowed to move out now. Lead the negotiator of the enemy to Sukiru. All you have to do is try and exit the place with him. You won’t be able to be caught because everyone is busy scattering around.” Once she reported this, she watched as he did as she says through the camera.
“Next, of course. Sukiru. Just continue what you’re doing, but as soon as Canción exits and reaches the car to prepare to escape, take down the negotiator because if he survives- it would be a trouble. We already have all the information we need.” She zoomed in to see how he was doing. “While Gaia, you have brought down our main target, be sure to release people from their cells, and go ahead and help Sukiru bring down the rest of the people in the gang. They may have just been 60 people in total, but Tetsuji was able to bring out half in one go with the help of you.”
“I’m currently releasing people, and I’m on it.” Masae spun around before preparing her gun. “I will bring the rest down.”
“Good. Aroon brought down the allies that were inside the building, and he’s currently going to have to face the boss.” Hanako held her breath. This wasn’t the first time she did this, but knowing he was alone... It could lead to anywhere. “So please be careful, leader.”
The leader of the gang kicked the door, and he instantly prepared his gun. “Hello there, Sir.” The boss was glaring at the person who just entered. “I don’t recognize your face at all. It makes me surprised that someone as young as you was able to outmatch my whole gang.” He shouldn’t show that he already lost his cool- if a boss lost their cool, it could possibly lead to their deaths. 
“It wasn’t me who outmatched your gang.” He had to tell the truth to the boss. “It was everyone who’s in mine.” He pointed the gun at the boss. “So, would you want to die fighting or would you want to die in honor of your deceased members?”
The boss stood up before bringing out his gun. “How about this.” He shot the camera which was located in his office. “We fight with each other’s lives on stake... without any fucking communications.” 
The eyes of Kaoru narrowed as he took out the ear piece. “If that’s your last wish, then I’m fully fine with it.” This was the only rule the planner gave to him, and he already disobeyed it. But he had to do it so the boss wouldn’t do anything dirty. “Bring it.”
This was the match that could prove to everyone that he really deserved to be his own gang leader. 
That match started with some few shots, and since the room was pretty closed, it was harder to dodge some bullets. Kaoru still hasn’t shot- and he wasn’t sure if it was the better choice. It was either he saved his bullets up, or that he felt his hear pounding too hard against his chest to even pull the trigger.
“What are you doing? You’re not even pulling the damn trigger.” His enemy remarked before he felt the anger building up in him. “If you can’t shoot me, then killing the rest of my gang was useless.” 
One shot was able to hit Kaoru on the cheek, and now he had a slice through it. He didn’t respond to any of his words and he was too busy observing every detail of the room, looking for a possible thing to do. 
“I wouldn’t say it’s useless.” He finally gave him his words. “I’d say that it’s me bringing you even more shame as a boss.” Kaoru shot the light and it made both of them not being able to see anything inside the room. Some glass shattered on the floor and none of the two would be able to predict where the other is.
“You fucking idiot! This is a game of chance now!” 
“Oh, I know... I know that very well. But I get very excited for the thrill of death.” 
The boss couldn’t spot him, but all he could was hear the foot steps, and even some stack of books falling down. “You’re going to end up dying. I memorize the room which I’ve been staying for 20 years.” He shot where the shelf was supposed to be and he heard a loud thud.
Some minutes passed by and there was no sign of moving and this gave the boss the chance.
He couldn’t tell if he were dead or not. He was moving away to reach for the door and no one stopped him- so he thought it was all over. But it wasn’t.
He felt a cold metal on the back of his head, and the boss gulped and felt a shiver down his spine. 
“Who said I was talking about my own death?”
“Kaoru...” Emile was fixing objects inside the car. “¿Dónde está mi amigo?“ He almost yelled the question. It was a rare occasion where he woul raise his voice, but it was only because of how loud it was outside the car and out of worry. There was no sight of their gang leader anywhere while Tetsuji was already starting the car.
“I don’t know...” Hanako was also panicking. “I gave you all one rule. It was to not remove the ear piece but he did it... I... I don’t know what to do...” She ended up covering her face with her hands. She never liked failing, and she focused on her goal. Her goal to make sure her plan was perfect and everyone will come out alive, but it didn’t seem like it was happening.
“No... Ruru...” The voice of Masae was trembling and she began hitting the door of the car. “No... Let me out, Tetsuji! Please! I might be quick enough to come back in-”
“Remember the command of our leader?” Tetsuji brought up, even if his voice sounded hurt. “To leave even if he’s not here yet.”
“But this is our first mission, he shouldn’t be left be-”
They heard several knocks on the car door and it was to the point where the window was almost punched.
The people inside the gang were currently inside the basement inside of Kaoru, and two people were refusing to let him go. 
“Mi amigo! Don’t scare us like that!” Emile began crying, and he only hugged the male tighter. “We only did our first mission today... but you made us thing you died!”
Kaoru laughed nervously before petting the head of Emile. “It wasn’t by choice, you know? I only followed whatever the boss wanted me to do...” He felt the girl who was hugging him squeeze him much tighter. “Sae, please... I need air...”
“I don’t think mi amiga will stop... You worried us too much...”
“Guitar Hero! No! You’re crying again, come on...” He began wiping the tears of his two friends and he only looked at the other two of his friends.
“Kaoru...” The girl who specifically reminded him multiple times about the ear piece had her eyes watery. “If you worry me that much again... I won’t be this easy on you.” She was going in full panic when she saw how much chances he had of dying. “You made me think my plan was ruined with that action of yours...”
Tetsuji was currently being the only one calm inside the group, and he tried to calm down. “Looking at it, at least we’re all here.”
“Yeah... Please listen to Wolverine... Stop squeezing me to death and please don’t be angry...”
First mission, success.
The living room was oddly empty, and no one opened the door despite the several knocks. "Open the door, damn it!" A man with glasses yelled and he pushed his glasses up. "Aroon, this bitch..." His voice became more quiet after he said those words. "Fucking." He hissed, but it was because he hated wasting his time. Well, to be fair- he should have called up before he came, but he wanted to inform the gang leader that... He's going to have to protect a woman named Kinokuni Nene.
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forcefluids · 3 years
ForceGel XV — Xanthan gum drilling fluid
The base technology of Force Chem Technologies ForceGel HT Xanthan gum drilling fluid is Xanthan, a natural polymer, generated by the bacteria Xanthomonas Campestris and produced commercially by a fermentation process. It is composed of three monosaccharides — mannose, glucose, and glucuronic acid, arranged in a highly branched structure with an estimated molecular weight of 5 million. Xanthan’s polar side chains provide sites for extensive hydrogen bonding with water and interactions between polymer chains that give rise to a helical structure in solution. ForceGel HT liquid biopolymer is a high-purity cross-linked Xanthan suspended in an ultra-clean mineral oil and biodegradable surfactants for ease of mixing. It is not subject to particle settling or fluid separation under normal storage or transport conditions. Starting with an environmentally friendly fluid and utilizing our unique suspension technology, we eliminate settling of the ForceGel HT while the product remains fully pourable. The long-term stability of the suspension provides for consistent, reliable product properties at your field locations any place in the world. This type of structure allows for a significant increase in solution viscosity especially at low shear rates. The physical properties of ForceGel HT have led to its use in a variety of drilling and completion applications. It is readily soluble in hot and cold water and brines over a wide pH range. In aqueous solutions, ForceGel HT is highly pseudoplastic and shows stability to a wide range of temperatures and pH changes. ForceGel HT has unique resistance to thermal degradation at temperatures up to and over 300°F, but at the same time is susceptible to degradation by enzymatic and oxidizing agents — these properties are ideal for drilling, completions, and fracking. ForceGel HT was cross-linked using a proprietary ionic process yielding an eco-safe, biodegradable, compound with enhanced pseudoplastic properties required to move large amounts of solids. It’s unique ‘scaffolding’ molecular structure makes the product an excellent suspending agent to carry cuttings from drilling and completion operations. ForceGel HT’s rheological properties are particularly well suited to oilfield applications in that it’s pseudoplastic and produces high viscosity while at rest.
Xanthan Gel Drilling Mud Viscosifier Advantages:
Easy to handle and mixes well in low shear environments
Extremely stable suspension provides reliable properties
Freeze/thaw cycle does not affect stability or performance of the product
Optimized bit hydraulics resulting in higher penetration rates (increased ROP)
Viscous laminar flow in the annulus for improved wellbore stability with maximum hole cleaning and suspension capacity; minimal drilled solids settle under static conditions
Performs well in freshwater, seawater, and a variety of brines; both mono and divalent salts and saturated salt environments
Excellent viscosifier — requires less material than other types of rheology modifiers
Solution viscosity is stable in varied temperature and pH conditions
Stable thickener for 15% HCl at temperatures below 200°F; utilized in the wellbore stimulation allowing for dissolved/displaced solids removal.
Rapid dispersion without ‘fisheyes.’
Excellent friction reduction in coil tubing applications
Demonstrates beneficial synergistic effect with polyacrylic polymers utilized for friction reduction and shale stabilization
We also have an alternative product, XanForce Liquid Xanthan Gel
Table 1 ForceGel HT demonstrates outstanding performance which is readily seen in field conditions — tested at 3 gals/10 bbls and 5 gals/10 bbls in Seawater, Saturated NaCl (9.9 lbs/gal), and 11.0 lb/gal CaCl2 brine. Tested at 100°F — Fann 35, f1.0 measurement. Results show ForceGel HT is broad-spectrum and the one polymer that the drilling and completion system should not be without.
Table 2 ForceGel HT exhibits high calcium stability — tested at 3 gals/10 bbls in 11.0 lb/gal CaCl2 brine weighted to 12.0 lb./gal with 90 lbs/bbl of Calcium Carbonate. Aged at 150°F for 24 hours and cooled to 75°F for Fann 35, f1.0 measurement. These lab results indicate why ForceGel HT users in cement plug drill outs swear by its outstanding solids carrying capacity.
Table 3 ForceGel HT exhibits improved thermal stability with increased brine density — tests at 5 gallons/10 bbls in CaCl2; Fann Model 50 @100 sec-1. These lab results back up field-use results demonstrated on a basis by users.
General Guidelines for Maximum Performance ForceGel HT can be used with or without bentonite, i.e. as a secondary or primary viscosifier/suspending agent. Unlike other polymers (cellulosic, polyacrylamides, starches), cross-linked ForceGel HT develops significant viscosity at low shear rates (LSRV) to provide suspension of weight materials in high-density fluids. ForceGel HT can be used in a wide range of makeup waters, ranging from fresh water to saturated sodium chloride, in formate brines, and near-saturated calcium chloride. The following are some general guidelines to achieve optimum fluid efficiency in the field:
1. As with any polymer-based system, the use of efficient solids control equipment is recommended, including high speed, a fine screen shale shakers, hydro clones, and decanting centrifuges. Overall stability is based on maintaining low-density solids in the ≤ 5% by volume range and using the biopolymers to increase LSRV.
2. Bingham Plastic parameters, the plastic viscosity (PV), yield point (YP) will often be inverted, preferably varying between a PV:YP ratio of 1:2 to 1:3 with a PV in the 10–20 range for unweighted systems. Using ForceGel HT to improve carrying capacity will automatically maintain a low PV while increasing viscosity at low shear rates (≤5.1 sec-1), as measured by the Fann 35 and Brookfield viscometers.
3. Using the Power Law model, “n” values, as calculated between 3 and 300 rpm, should be maintained between 0.25 and 0.35 for optimum shear thinning characteristics and hydraulic efficiency. “K” values >10 dynes.secn/cm2 are recommended to assure sufficient LSRV for suspension. Hole conditions should dictate the need for increasing “K”. Fill on trips, settling, barite sag, and trouble making connections are all symptomatic of hole cleaning problems brought about by inadequate LSRV, and indicate the need to add ForceGel HT biopolymers.
4. For optimum stability, pH of xanthan systems should be maintained between 8.0 and 9.0. Monitor and treat the high pH (above 10.0). Watch systems with soluble calcium such as in drilling cement solids due to rapid pH increases and the potential for reduction in performance. Pre-treat with ForcePyrophos to minimize the effect.
5. In low pH, fresh water and low salinity brines (<10% salt) a biocide/biostat (Glutaraldehyde) is highly recommended if the fluid is to be stored.
6. Various additives, including glycols, polymeric blends, resins, and salts have been developed for shale inhibition. While most are compatible with ForceGel HT and other Force Chem Technologies polymers (ForceFluids D-1020 Series — “FR’s”), pilot testing is highly recommended if cationic inhibitors are used (Halliburton Clay Stay & other similar technologies). For optimum stability, ForceGel HT should be pre-hydrated in the makeup fluid prior to adding cationic shale inhibitors.
Application: ForceGel HT mixes easily with oilfield waters. Add 0.5 to 3 quarts/bbl (0.50–4.0 lb/bbl) to drilling fluids depending on the application and viscosity required. Allow more time for complete hydration in cold fluid temperature or high salt content (monovalent — KCl/NaCl and divalent — CaCl2/CaBr2) content waters. ForceGel HT has unique a unique ‘scaffolding’ molecular which allows other polyacrylic polymers to be mixed with the system to enhance carrying capacities, increase friction reduction, drag reduction, or prevent fluid loss. Force Chem’s ForceFluids D-1021 — D-1023 series drilling fluids have been developed to be used alone or in combination with ForceGel HT’s positive system benefits. Combining the technologies can reduce use of both compounds while maintaining the highest possible performance available in the industry. Additionally, our glass and polymer GX and PX drilling beads can come suspended in our ForceGel HT.
Please see our ForceGel HT Technical Data Sheet for further details.
ForceGel HT MSDS Read more about Xanthan Gum at Wikipedia
Originally published at https://forcefluids.com.
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havellsindia001 · 8 months
Exploring the Advantages of REO RG-06 Coaxial Cable: A Comprehensive Review
In the fast-paced world of technology, the need for reliable and efficient connectivity has never been more critical. Whether you're setting up a home entertainment system or managing a cable TV operation, the choice of coaxial cable plays a pivotal role in ensuring seamless communication. Among the myriad options available, the REO RG-06 Coaxial Cable stands out for its impressive features and capabilities. In this comprehensive review, we delve into the key attributes of this cable and explore how it can elevate your connectivity experience.
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Understanding the Basics: What Sets RG-06 Apart? 1. Flame Retardant High-Grade Insulation:
The safety of your electrical installations is paramount, and the REO RG-06 Coaxial Cable addresses this concern with its flame retardant high-grade insulation. This feature ensures that the cable can withstand high temperatures without compromising its structural integrity, providing a robust and secure solution for various applications.
2. PE Foamed Density Material:
The use of PE (Polyethylene) foamed density material in the construction of the RG-06 cable enhances its performance. This material not only contributes to the cable's durability but also aids in maintaining signal integrity by minimizing signal loss and interference.
3. Utilized in Cable TV Operations:
The RG-06 coaxial cable is specifically designed for use in cable TV operations. This specialization ensures that the cable meets the stringent requirements of transmitting audio and video signals over long distances, making it an ideal choice for cable TV providers and enthusiasts alike.
4. Type of Cable: CCS Conductor FR PVC Insulated:
The RG-06 features a CCS (Copper-Clad Steel) conductor with FR (Flame Retardant) PVC insulation. This combination not only enhances the cable's conductivity but also provides additional protection against fire hazards, making it a reliable choice for both residential and commercial installations.
5. Size: RG6:
The size of a coaxial cable is a crucial factor in determining its suitability for specific applications. The RG-06 is classified as an RG6 cable, indicating its compatibility with a wide range of devices and systems. This standardized size ensures that the cable can seamlessly integrate into various setups, offering versatility to users.
6. Insulation: Gas-Injected Foamed Polyethylene:
The insulation material used in the RG-06 cable is gas-injected foamed polyethylene. This advanced insulation technology not only provides excellent dielectric properties but also minimizes signal distortion, resulting in a clean and reliable signal transmission.
7. Outer Jacket: UV-Resistant Black PVC Jacket:
The outer jacket of the RG-06 is made of UV-resistant black PVC. This feature not only protects the cable from environmental factors such as sunlight but also adds an extra layer of durability, ensuring that the cable maintains its performance even in challenging outdoor conditions.
8. Inner Conductor: Solid CCS:
The use of a solid CCS (Copper-Clad Steel) inner conductor further contributes to the cable's overall reliability. This type of conductor enhances conductivity and signal stability, making the RG-06 cable suitable for high-performance applications.
9. Shape of Conductor: Flexible Circular:
The flexibility of the circular conductor in the RG-06 cable simplifies installation and allows for easy maneuvering around corners and tight spaces. This makes it a practical choice for various installation scenarios, adding to the cable's user-friendly design.
10. Standard Length in Coil: 90m Coil:
The RG-06 cable is available in a standard length of 90 meters per coil. This standardized length simplifies the planning and installation process, ensuring that users have an adequate amount of cable for their specific requirements.
Applications and Benefits:
1. Home Entertainment Systems:
The RG-06 coaxial cable is an excellent choice for home entertainment systems, providing high-quality signal transmission for cable TV, satellite, and other audio-visual applications. Its flame-retardant properties and UV-resistant jacket make it suitable for both indoor and outdoor installations.
2. Cable TV Providers:
Cable TV providers can benefit from the RG-06's specialized design for cable TV operations. Its robust construction and high-grade insulation ensure reliable signal transmission over long distances, minimizing signal degradation and ensuring a superior viewing experience for subscribers.
3. Commercial Installations:
In commercial installations where reliability and durability are paramount, the RG-06 cable stands out as a dependable solution. Its flame-retardant insulation, UV-resistant jacket, and solid CCS conductor make it suitable for a wide range of applications, including conference rooms, hotels, and retail spaces.
4. Versatility in Connectivity:
The standardized size of the RG-06 (RG6) makes it compatible with a variety of devices and systems. Whether you're connecting a television, satellite receiver, or other audio-visual equipment, the RG-06 cable provides a versatile and reliable solution.
The REO RG-06 Coaxial Cable emerges as a top-tier choice for those seeking a reliable and high-performance connectivity solution. With its flame-retardant high-grade insulation, PE foamed density material, and specialized design for cable TV operations, this cable offers a robust and secure option for various applications.
Whether you're setting up a home entertainment system, managing a cable TV network, or installing cables in a commercial space, the RG-06 cable's features, such as the gas-injected foamed polyethylene insulation, UV-resistant black PVC jacket, and solid CCS conductor, ensure a superior and uninterrupted signal transmission. In conclusion, the RG-06 coaxial cable from REO is not just a cable; it's a testament to cutting-edge technology and a commitment to providing reliable connectivity solutions. Invest in the RG-06, and experience the difference in performance and reliability that this cable brings to your audio-visual and communication setups.
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earaercircular · 3 years
"Green Amazon" launched by two Belgians
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In 2018, Gilles Davignon and Bastien Leflere launched Waio, “a green Amazon”. Today it has become Slow-cosmetique.com.
"If you really have a strong conviction that society has to evolve, you have to be consistent and invest yourself in it for 100%", Gilles Davignon said to himself. At the end of 2018, at the age of 37, he took the step. With his former classmate, Bastien Leflere, he founded Waio, in Brussels. A platform that wants to "accelerate the transition to a more sustainable world and facilitate eco-responsible and ethical purchases".
The two friends know each other from the school benches. After studying at Solvay, Gilles Davignon followed ING, JP Morgan in London (mergers and acquisitions) and the Cobepa investment fund in Brussels and then in New York, where he launched the American office. "After 14 years in this sector that I liked very much, I wanted to return to Belgium. In addition, alongside my work, I was also involved in movements that were a little more ecological or in any case committed. I wanted to reconcile both, to devote myself to something that would have an impact on the future, my own future and the one of my children. So I left this great career, and what goes with it, to embark on entrepreneurship, stop earning a dime and work day and night, he laughs. Luckily, I found a sidekick to do it with me. " Bastien Leflere discovered entrepreneurship through the CPME track at the Louvain School of Management, an interdisciplinary training in business creation. He started at Exki, as CFO, before ending up at Vente-Exclusive[1], a Belgian e-commerce scale-up.
A buy-in in the midst of Covid
“The idea of Waio was to create a platform that brings together all the sellers of eco-responsible products. A kind of green Amazon, smiles Gilles Davignon. We started with toys, fair trade clothing, articles for the garden, decoration, etc. Before focusing on the categories that were doing very well: zero waste products and cosmetics in the broad sense: care and hygiene products, such as solid soaps and shampoos ... "
The project now continues under another name, Slow-cosmetique.com[2]. In the midst of the health crisis, in September 2020, Waio indeed purchased this French market place located in Roubaix. "We have merged Waio and Slow-cosmetique.com under that name."
The platform, that generates 85% of its turnover in France, brings together more than 200 sellers. "Local artisans and producers, mainly in Belgium and France, and a few in Spain and Italy." All subscribe to the Slow-cosmetic charter that advocates a natural, healthy and reasonable way of consuming cosmetic products. "With us, it's anti-greenwashing. A large part of our artisans are farmers. The one who sells donkey milk soap has his herd of donkeys, the one who sells essential oils of lavender grows lavender in the south of France. It's very fair trade because we have very few middlemen. " With a "fair price" to the producer, "so that he can live well." And a price "accessible to a clientele that is neither luxury nor sore".
In addition to the platform, the products are also sold in about seventy points of sale - including ten in Belgium - in independent organic stores, beauty parlours or even spas.
"Have a compass and keep your direction"
The site employs 11 people (including the two CEOs) and already has more than 100,000 buyers, "with more than 200,000 visits per month; we add a few thousand new customers every month". From 2022 on he wants to tackle other markets such as Belgium’s Dutch speaking region of Flanders and Spain.
"Our impact is to support committed local producers and enable customers to buy healthier and more environmentally friendly!", summarizes Gilles Davignon. He does not regret his change in vocation, "even if being an 'impact' entrepreneur, it is even more difficult, I think, because there is a permanent tension between having an impact and doing it in economically reasonable way. You have to have a compass and keep your 'impact' direction. And work with people, especially when raising funds and looking for investors, who have the same compass as ours. "
The founding duo, who had embarked on the adventure with their own equity, have since been joined and supported by Change, Crédal's impact fund[3], by Citizenfund[4], a citizen cooperative, by a few friendly business angels as well and by finance & invest. brussels[5]. "All investors who have long-term horizons, like us", rejoices the very young forty-something.
However, there is no question of leave the ship, Gilles Davignon and Bastien Leflere intend to remain majority shareholders.
Anne Masset, "L'Amazon vert" lancé par deux Belges : "Être un entrepreneur ‘à impact’, c’est encore plus difficile" in : La Libre Belgique, 8-08-2021 https://www.lalibre.be/economie/entreprises-startup/2021/08/08/etre-un-entrepreneur-a-impact-cest-encore-plus-difficile-QOUFTLCTNFB2ZDTCVV2N2D5XDU/
[1] https://shop.veepee.be/fr-BE#/ Vente-Exclusive became VeePee in the meantime [2] https://www.slow-cosmetique.com/ [3] Change is a Belgian impact investment fund operated by Credal. Its vision is to transform the current economic world to make it more sustainable and fair. Its aim is to make Belgium a hub for social innovation through the emergence of new companies that contribute to the positive transformation of our society. Crédal benefits from structural support provided by the European Union, as well as support from the Region of Brussels-Capital in the framework of the Small Business Act. https://changefund.social/about-us/ [4] The Citizenfund was born out of the desire of 7 Brussels entrepreneurs to propose a new participatory financing instrument to support circular & collaborative economy projects and to put the economy at the service of society by deriving economic, social and environmental benefits from it.This cooperative is an innovative financing solution that complements the existing ones (Triodos, Lita.co, Credal, …), to help citizen-entrepreneurs to overcome the obstacle of financing their projects. Its ambition is to support disruptive entrepreneurial projects affecting all sectors of the classical economy. https://www.citizenfund.coop/en/ [5] finance & invest.brussels is a Brussels public company. It facilitates and completes the financing chain for value-creating companies in the Brussels Region. By providing concrete solutions to the financial needs of entrepreneurs, in the form of loans or equity investments, at key moments in their existence: creation, development, innovation, internationalization, environmental transition, takeover-transmission. finance & invest.brussels is aimed at two specific audiences: on the one hand, start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs (investment of € 100,000 to 5 million), and on the other hand, very small businesses, social enterprises and cooperatives ( investment of 5,000 € to 150,000 €). https://www.finance.brussels/
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: Coolest 15 Bathroom Hangers
  UMIRIO Shower Suction Cup Hooks for Bathroom Towel Hooks for Hanging Wall Hooks Bathroom Hangers and Hooks Heavy Duty Kitchen Towel Shower Hook Suction Bathrobe Holder Brushed Stainless Steel, 2 PCS
UMIRIO Shower Suction Cup Hooks for Bathroom Towel Hooks for Hanging Wall Hooks Bathroom Hangers and Hooks Heavy Duty Kitchen Towel Shower Hook Suction Bathrobe Holder Brushed Stainless Steel, 2 PCS - 
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Strong carrying capacity:maximum loading of 11 lb ideal for hanging your towels, loofahs, body brushes, clothes, hat, keys, bags, jackets and so on.
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Only works on smooth porcelain tile,smooth glass,smooth marble, window, mirror!cannot be used in other places!please comfirm before buying.
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reusable:no drilling no tools no plumer required can be used multiple times after cleaning.
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Premium grade stainless steel the holder is made of premium grade stainless steel, the suction cup is made of pvc(with sticky back for your easily placement).
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Easy installation before installation, please read the installation instructions of umirioyou can complete the installation in 2 minute press suction cup firmly to the wall and twist the knob cap by hands to finish installation and removal.
  HOME SO Bathroom Hook with Suction Cup Holder, Diamond Collection – Removable Shower & Kitchen Hooks Hanger for Towel, Bath Robe, Coat, Loofah (Chrome 2-Pack)
HOME SO Bathroom Hook with Suction Cup Holder, Diamond Collection – Removable Shower & Kitchen Hooks Hanger for Towel, Bath Robe, Coat, Loofah (Chrome 2-Pack) - Simple installation steps 1, choose and clean any smooth surface 2, fully loosen the hook counter-clockwise 3, apply pressure while twisting the hook clockwise until fully tight. Top performance our suction cups stay unrivaled 100% satisfaction guarantee or your money back no questions asked. No tools no screws hassle-free installation no more ugly holes in your shower simply choose a smooth surface, twist & lock, and you’re done in no time the hangers are removable and repositionable, and won’t leave any marks or sticky residue. Caution will only work on glass, mirrors, porcelain tiles, acrylic/plastic shower inserts, stainless steel, quartz, laminate, and other smooth and non-porous surfaces — will not work on uneven and porous surfaces (marble, granite, ceramic, fiberglass, paint, wood, wallpaper, rustic, mosaic or travertine tiles, etc). Functionality meets style our superior vacuum suction technology lets you install this hook with ease, while enhancing the beauty of your bathroom.
  JOMAY Double Towel Hooks Bathroom for Hanging, Simple Robe Hooks Wall Hooks Heavy Duty, Door Holder Clothes Hanger Wall Mounted, Rustproof Brushed Silver SUS 304 Stainless Steel for Bath Kitchen
JOMAY Double Towel Hooks Bathroom for Hanging, Simple Robe Hooks Wall Hooks Heavy Duty, Door Holder Clothes Hanger Wall Mounted, Rustproof Brushed Silver SUS 304 Stainless Steel for Bath Kitchen - Warranty we provide 30-days no question asked money-back and 12-months warranty please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Sleek surface for safety:the edges are smoothed,build to resist daily scratches and tarnishing, which will easy to clean safely hang a bathrobe, bath towel, pants and shirt, swimsuits, coats, bags, shower caddy or other stuff. Against rust and corroded constructed with premium sus304 stainless steel,ensure no rust and corrosions in a damp environment such as a bathroom, kitchen, and toilet. Very easy to install this coat hook is pretty easy to install, the two screws are concealed square or round base, while installing,according to the installation diagram suit for your bathroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room. Multifunctional hook for hanging this hook holds a wide variety of items, coats, hats, handbags, umbrellas, towels or robes in the shower room, kitchen, closet, bedroom garage, balcony, etc, no more buying multiple individual hooks to hang items.
  UMIRIO Bathroom Hangers and Hooks for Hanging Bath Towel Hook Wall Hook Coat Hanger Shower Holder Heavy Duty Robe Hook Bags Key Hanger Kitchen Hook Bathroom Accessories Wall Mount,Brushed Nickel
UMIRIO Bathroom Hangers and Hooks for Hanging Bath Towel Hook Wall Hook Coat Hanger Shower Holder Heavy Duty Robe Hook Bags Key Hanger Kitchen Hook Bathroom Accessories Wall Mount,Brushed Nickel - 
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user-friendly design for easy use double hooks help hang towels, keeps things from falling off hooks,simple design completes any decorating style.
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Sleek and functional alternative umirio bathroom double hook is a versatile alternative to the regular towel ring or towel bar, easily holds stuff without taking up much room.
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Easy access, keep things organized minimalist robe hook with elegant style provides a classy way to hold stuff like towels, bathrobes, coats, wash cloths, loofahs, sponges, bags, caps for easy access, keeps things clean and organized, adds a touch of neat to your bathroom.
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Heavy duty and durable decorative towel hook, quality sus304 stainless steel construction with premium brushed finish, long term durability, resists rust, tarnish and scratches, sturdy enough, right size with heavy duty design.
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Easy installation and secure attachment mounting hardware included for easy installation, firmly attached to the wall without wobbling when anchor it properly.
  Hand Towel Ring, APLusee Stainless Steel Swivel Kitchen Towel Hanger, Modern Round Bathroom Hardware Space Saver, Matte Black
Hand Towel Ring, APLusee Stainless Steel Swivel Kitchen Towel Hanger, Modern Round Bathroom Hardware Space Saver, Matte Black - Sleek circle elements, classic round style, smooth touching without scratches your hands, closing design can stop items falling, more security than open side matches our bathroom modern fixtures beautifully and provides a place to storage logically net weight 033 lb (150g). Eco-friendly classic color, high grade matte black paint can pass 48 hours of salt spray test, reach export standards no fade, stain proof, effectively solves fingerprints and accumulation of dust and oil elegant, modern style in your bathroom, toilet, kitchen, adds great beauty and reduces annoying cleaning. Concealed installation, easy to install with supplied mounting hardware, hardware is hiding after attaching firmly blends in well with many family, serves the function wonderfully keeps your wall environment clean and nice. Cleaning & security, hangs hand towels, fingertip towels next to the sink, can properly dry your hands, without throw your hand’s water in floor, keep it drying that never worrying slide to the floor allows a safe and neat household environment to you. Flexible wobbleing ring, our towel rings does moving according to pressure of towel pull, free enough to adjust the ring based on your standing place keeps your hand towel within easy reach on your best angle overall size l 7-1/16″ x d 2-13/16″ x h 7-7/8″(180 x 72 x 200mm).
  HeavenlyKraft Wall Mounted Coat Hook Steel Owl on Maple Tree Wall Mounted Coat Rack/Coat Hanger/Coat Hook/Decorative Metal Hook/Towel Hanger/Bathroom Hanger/Kitchen Towel Hanger
HeavenlyKraft Wall Mounted Coat Hook Steel Owl on Maple Tree Wall Mounted Coat Rack/Coat Hanger/Coat Hook/Decorative Metal Hook/Towel Hanger/Bathroom Hanger/Kitchen Towel Hanger - Use the three hook coat rack in an entryway, foyer, or front hallway to keep jackets, bags, and backpacks up off the floor the stylish hooks also work well in a bathroom, offering additional hanging space for bathrobes and beach towels, or in a bedroom to help maintain a tidy appearance and to prevent piles of clothes from accumulating. Size 211 x 137 x 567 cm. Owl metal wall art cloth hanger creates added storage space-perfect for hanging convenience in lieu of a closet or a cumbersome floor-standing coat rack offering charming style and everyday function, the heavenlykraft wall mounted coat rack makes it easy to get organized and clean up unwanted clutter the versatile wall-mounted unit makes a great choice for small spaces or high-traffic areas around the home or office. Including the hooks, the wall-mounted horizontal rack measures 211 x 137 x 54 cm these hooks are diffrent from other common hooks, since they are designed with double prong which can afford more heavy things15kg maximum weight capacity when mounted into solid wood or wood studs the amazing designs would definitely show your unique taste to your friends or neighbours. The sturdy metal wall-mounted coat rack provides a horizontal row of three hooks for durable, reliable storage space each hook measures 223 inches deep and can hold up to 10 pounds for a maximum weight limit of up to 60 pounds total for the rack.
  Chictie 12 Piece Vintage European Style Nautical Black&White Anchor Decorative Shower Curtain Hooks Round Stainless Steel Anti-Rust Rings for Bathroom Hangers
Chictie 12 Piece Vintage European Style Nautical Black&White Anchor Decorative Shower Curtain Hooks Round Stainless Steel Anti-Rust Rings for Bathroom Hangers - Set of 12 pieces, suitable for rod of diameter 22-30mm(08″-11″). 100% anti-rust stainless steel hooks, popular indoor outdoor decorations for home hotel hostel. Vintage style curtain hooks with various use,such as towel hooks,window curtain hooks,rolling shade curtain hooks,bathroom shower curtain hooks. Muti-useful hooks for bathroom, baby room, bedroom, living room. Sturdy resin shower hooks, also nice for heavy curtain, comfortably hang your curtain in full confidence that these high-quality bathroom shower hooks will hold it up without any risk of snapping.
  KES Dual Toilet Paper Holder RUSTPROOF Stainless Steel Bathroom Double Tissue Paper Towel Roll Holder Hanger Wall Mount Brushed Finish, BPH201S2-2
KES Dual Toilet Paper Holder RUSTPROOF Stainless Steel Bathroom Double Tissue Paper Towel Roll Holder Hanger Wall Mount Brushed Finish, BPH201S2-2 - Multi-purpose shelf the shelf storage is 11 x 43 inches, ensuring enough space to put iphone 11, iphone xr or other items like hand towel, air freshener, sprays, so that it can free up our hands and reduce the risk of dropping the phone in the toilet moreover, the shelf helps protect the tissue roll from water splashing if mounted near the sink. Available & convenient our toilet roll holder is a favorable option for small or busy bathrooms as double roll dispensers always ensure a spare, securely stored roll is available for users this improves the user experience, as there really is nothing worse than running out of toilet paper in a washroom. Easy installation screws and anchors are included in the package no assembly needed you just need to fix the screws on the wall and finish installation within 10 minutes. Upgraded large size we have upgraded the size of this toilet paper holder the roll length is upgraded from 41 to 488 inch, suitable for most tissue rolls, such as regular rolls and large rolls dimensions 11″ (l) x 43″ (w) x 41″ (h). All metal & rustproof this dual toilet paper holder is constructed from sus304 stainless steel, preventing from daily scratches and ensuring durability and rust resistance.
  Towel Ring Holder Towel Shower Hanger Hand Square Hanging Bathroom Accessories Wall Mount SUS 304 Stainless Steel Brushed Nickel Modern Contemporary Stylish Hotel Style
Towel Ring Holder Towel Shower Hanger Hand Square Hanging Bathroom Accessories Wall Mount SUS 304 Stainless Steel Brushed Nickel Modern Contemporary Stylish Hotel Style - Not need assembly hardware pack included, easy to clean/install concealed screws design, keeps wall beautiful overall size l 63″ x d 275″ x h 59″(160mm x 70mm x 150mm) net weight (077lb 349g). Functionality suspension loop fixed in one place, a great way to supports wall, door or closet hanging things helps to optimizing your available space and displays visible items provides a tidy and commodious place to family. Applications ideal for use in bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, lavatory, laundry room, hotel, patio, luxury hotels, spas etc simple, elegant, modern looking harmonize easily in various household decor. Heavy duty construction all 304 stainless steel construction, with an added chromium content to resist corrosion & tarnishing, withstands daily friction effectively. Classic black eco-friendly brushed nickel paint offers a soft touch without fading to your bathroom, kitchen or toilet elegant and neat holder can coordinate well with contemporary household fixtures.
  Owl Shower Curtain Hooks 12Pcs – Zinc Alloy Decorative Rust Proof Shower Curtain Hooks for Bathroom Hanger Living Room Bedroom Decor
Owl Shower Curtain Hooks 12Pcs – Zinc Alloy Decorative Rust Proof Shower Curtain Hooks for Bathroom Hanger Living Room Bedroom Decor - Multiple uses cute curtain hooks for various purposes, such as curtain hooks, bathroom shower curtain hooks, multi-purpose bathrooms, baby rooms, bedrooms, living room hooks. 12 sets sold as a set of 12 pieces if you receive any defective products, please feel free to contact us we will send you a replacement or refund immediately. 12-piece resin shower curtain hook, this set includes 12 rust-proof owl hooks zinc alloy. Rust-proof and durable this rust-proof shower ring is made of zinc alloy it is polished and chrome-plated to maintain a fresh look for many years. Standard size and easy to install suitable for rods with a diameter of 22-30mm (08″-11″), suitable for most shower curtain rods and easy to install free sliding action without any hindrance and hassle, these shower hooks can be connected to your shower curtain eyelets and curtain rods very quickly and easily.
  Stainless Steel Wall Hooks Ceiling Hooks, Flexible Multipurpose Home Use Hook Hangers for Bathroom Kitchen Garage, Pack of 4
Stainless Steel Wall Hooks Ceiling Hooks, Flexible Multipurpose Home Use Hook Hangers for Bathroom Kitchen Garage, Pack of 4 - Made of high quality 304 stainless steel and offers rust protection. Package content pack of 4pcs hooks and matched screws. Easy installation and screws included. Sturdy, durable and beautiful can be mounted on wall, on ceiling or on bevel. Widely used as an accessory for bathroom, bedroom, kitche, garage, closet, cabinet.
  BAYI – Razor Holder Shower Wall Suction Bathroom Hanger Organizer Mounted Storage Silicone Wall Stand For Shaving Knife (Black)
BAYI – Razor Holder Shower Wall Suction Bathroom Hanger Organizer Mounted Storage Silicone Wall Stand For Shaving Knife (Black) - Approximate dimensions (in inches) 1025 w x 475 h x 125 d. Official mygift product other towels pictured not included. A wall-mounted towel hook rack made of metal with a black sandblasted finish and the word towels sculpted across the top in flowing script. Features 4 hooks that are perfect for holding towels and allowing them to air dry. Ideal for use in your bathroom, kitchen, or any other space where you need convenient storage.
  Coat Hook Rail on Wall Mounted – Sagmoc 13-Inch Hook Rack with 5 Hooks, Durable Wall Mounted Hangers for Bedroom, Bathroom, Foyer, Hallway (304 Stainless Steel Brushed Nickel)
Coat Hook Rail on Wall Mounted – Sagmoc 13-Inch Hook Rack with 5 Hooks, Durable Wall Mounted Hangers for Bedroom, Bathroom, Foyer, Hallway (304 Stainless Steel Brushed Nickel) - Thicker thickened rod, solid hook design, strong load-bearing and not easy to deformation, circle design, non-slip and not fall the base is enlarged and thickened, high-end and firm. Linked to flexible sliding-user-friendly design all the hook head of the coat rack made chamfer treatment, not easy to hurt people and items hook arc can effectively mount different materials through the experiments. 304 stainless steel-the surface of sagmoc hook rail was wiredrawing treatmented, moisture-proof and anticorrosion, long time resistance to salt, water and other acidic substances corrosion, able to withstand the most demanding conditions. 100% satisfaction guaranteed, customer satisfaction is our highest priority, if for any reason you are not completely satisfied with our hook rack we will immediately provide you a full refund (or replace your item) order today to enjoy our hook racks. With clean and simple design, our products are perfectly compatible with other modern household adornment and easy to install the screws are also made of rustless 304 stainless steel, which can be solidly fixed on the wall for a long time.
  ESOW Swivel Towel Bar with Hair Dryer Holder and Hook in Swing Out Style, Bathroom Towel Rack Hanger Holder Organizer (3-Arm),Wall Mounted, Space Aluminum Finish
ESOW Swivel Towel Bar with Hair Dryer Holder and Hook in Swing Out Style, Bathroom Towel Rack Hanger Holder Organizer (3-Arm),Wall Mounted, Space Aluminum Finish - [Esow swivel towel bar specification] the hanging towel rack is made from the most durable space aluminum finish ensuring that it will never rust, corrode or lose its shine with a height of 146 inches and a length of 128 inches, this wall mounted towel rack features 3 swing arms hair dryer holder and hook perfect for hanging and organizing your face towel, bath towels and clothes in order ideal for wall, door, bathroom, home etc one piece, no assembly required hardware pack included. [Notice before buying]:package comes with the detailed and easy understanding installation manual, which will not take you more than 8 minutes when selecting the installation place, we suggested that make sure the hair dryer plug wire can be connected to the socket this will make it easier and convenient to use and store the hair dryer after each time hair blowing dry in order to ensure the firmness and load-bearing capacity of the installation, we only provide the wall drilling installation. [3-arm 180° swinging towel bar] features 3 adjustable arms that swivel 180° horizontally on the central pole it can be conveniently swing out to make sure the space keeping between each towel fan-shaped arrangement is more beautiful, neatly organized and saving space meanwhile maintaining the ventilation between towels keep each towels dry and clean the towel bar can clingy wall when not use towel rack, which it greatly saves a lot of space. [Hair dryer holder and plug hook] comparing with some other similar swivel towel bar in market, esow has one special bar for hair dryer and dryer plug storing such a design is more convenient and user-friendly after washing hair and bathing, customers can put the shower cap, towel, dry hair towel on the straight tower rack and bottom hook, then pick up the hair dryer in place to complete the hair blowing process focus on one place for the towel and hair dryer storage and use of toiletries. [100% customer satisfaction guarantee] the towel bars passed 300,000 times swiveling test and load bearing tests, ensuring reliable product performance and durable high quality for customer life using, is built to last if our swivel towel bar does not meet your expectations, return it for 100% refund of your purchase price.
  Tangkula Wall Mount Drying Rack Bathroom Home Expandable Towel Rack Drying Laudry Hanger Clothes Rack (Wood)
Tangkula Wall Mount Drying Rack Bathroom Home Expandable Towel Rack Drying Laudry Hanger Clothes Rack (Wood) - [Multi-function use] tangkula wall mounted drying rack is ideal for bathroom, laundry room, or gardens you not only can use it to hang towels, but also can use it to dry clothes meanwhile, you can also put some small items at the top make your item neat and beautiful. [Sturdy and durable] the wall mounted drying rack is made of engineering mdf can hold up to 5lbs weights ,and pine wood and processed paint treatment, it is durable, anti-rustic and anti-corrosion. [simple and stylish design] tangkula wall mounted drying rack has a simple and stylish design, woody material is full of texture it is conveniently store and dry your towels and clothes, meanwhile to add a modern feeling to your bathroom or laundry room it is a ideal option for you. [Moisture proof design] tangkula wall mounted drying rack is using a painted process that is waterproof and moisture resistant suitable for humid environments, such as bathrooms or laundry rooms. [Space-saving] tangkula wall mounted drying rack is a perfect drying solution for homes it’s design maximizes the space of your room it has a top storage shelf and 10 towel hanger sticks, offering large storage space for your towels or clothes. Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/coolest-15-bathroom-hangers
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captainlenfan · 5 years
2019 Hot Sale Women Smart Watch Bracelet Waterproof Sport Fitness Tracker New
New Post has been published on https://fitnesstech.website/product/2019-hot-sale-women-smart-watch-bracelet-waterproof-sport-fitness-tracker-new/
2019 Hot Sale Women Smart Watch Bracelet Waterproof Sport Fitness Tracker New
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Function Overview:  Dynamic heart rate, blood pressure detection, blood oxygen monitoring,  Sports step (3D sensor), calorie consumption, exercise distance, pedometer  Bluetooth connection, call reminder, message reminder, raise hand to light up screen,  smart alarm clock, find bracelet(anti-lost by vibration), remote camera, Sedentary reminder, drinking reminder,  sleep monitoring,  Information push (SMS, WeChat, QQ, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsAPP, etc.) . 
Features: 100% brand new and high quality  0.96inch IPS color screen display, clear to see even under sunlight  Sports and health: Sports step (3D sensor), calorie consumption, exercise distance, pedometer   Support Dynamic Heart rate, Blood Pressure, Blood Oxygen monitoring,  Support call reminder and message reminder  Remote camera function: shake it to take photos after bluetooth connection like a remote camera shutter for your phone.  Life waterproof: IP68 ,can wash hands, wear in the rain, but it better not swim  Large battery built in, super-long standby up to about 10days, work for 6days, quick to charge for 2hours(USB charging, USB cable included) Bracelet band is replaceable  Soft TFU bracelet, quite skin-friendly and comfortable  Smart life asistant to help you a lot  
Specification:  Total Length: 260mm  Band Width: 22mm  Main Unit Size: 4.1cm * 1.2cm *  1.9cm(Length x Height x Width) Bracelet material: ABS, main body cover PC, strap TPU  Battery capacity: 230mah Battery type: lithium polymer battery Display screen: 0.96 HD IPS color screen FTF process, single point touch button  Bluetooth: 4.0  System Requirements: Android 4.3 or IOS8.0 or higher mobile phones supporting Bluetooth 4.0 Color: Black | Red | Blue 
Note:  Please allow 1-3cm (0.4-1.18″) difference due to manual measurement and slight color variation for different display setting Thank you for your understanding, nice day!
 Package Includes: 1 * Smart bracelet  1 * USB cable  1 * User Manual
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cdrforea · 4 years
Nokia 4.2 Review: One Big Flaw
New Post has been published on https://bestedevices.com/nokia-4-2-review-one-big-flaw.html
Nokia 4.2 Review: One Big Flaw
"The Nokia 4.2 has many advantages, but it is affected by the processor."
Good battery life
Nice design and build quality
Notification light, NFC and a dedicated Google Assistant button come in handy
Android One means 2 years of quick updates
Slow performance
Slow camera, mediocre photos in low light
Doesn't work with Sprint, Verizon
Micro USB connection
The Nokia 4.2 was a roller coaster ride. My first test device suffered from constant jerking and freezing, which made using the phone a hair-raising affair. The second device delivered a significantly improved experience, but it doesn't prevent this $ 189 phone from making several compromises.
Affordable phones have to make sacrifices, but the problem is with the competition. Motorola makes a phone with a much better performance for just $ 10 more: The Moto G7 Play. It also has the more convenient USB-C port, in addition to a decent camera, excellent battery life, and an almost standard Android experience.
The Nokia 4.2 from HMD has a lot to offer. The camera is slow, but can be used in broad daylight. The price doesn't look good (in a good way), the battery life is amazing, and I love the notification LED that circles the power button. It is also an Android One phone, so updates are guaranteed for two years. But it all comes down to performance and it can be frustrating.
Compact design, average display
The Nokia 4.2 is not like a budget phone. In comparison, the Moto G7 Play looks and feels very cheap. The Nokia 4.2 has a metal unibody with a polycarbonate frame and the back is protected by glass. This means that the likelihood is that repairs will be needed after a fall, but the phone will also feel more substantial.
A quick note on color. I recommend the Pink Sand over Black option. It is much more attractive and highlights the phone.
The back glass is a fingerprint magnet that you wipe regularly. Speaking of fingerprints: There is a fingerprint sensor here. It may be a little slow, which matches the Nokia 4.2.
You get a headphone jack at the top, a micro USB charging port at the bottom, a special Google Assistant button on the left and a volume rocker and an on / off switch on the right. The lack of a USB-C charging port is disappointing. Many other products have USB-C ports, from MacBooks and iPad Pros to Windows laptops and most Android smartphones. It is ideal to take only one cable with which everything can be charged. The $ 200 Moto G7 Play has one. Why couldn't HMD add it here?
The processor of the Nokia 4.2 paralyzes the phone.
The headphone jack is a welcome addition, and you should use it or use Bluetooth earphones because the bottom speakers aren't loud. However, the audio quality is decent. The buttons around the phone are clickable and the dedicated Google Assistant button is useful if you use the assistant a lot (you can turn it off, but you can't remap the button).
My favorite feature is the power button, which lights up when you get notifications. This is a good thing because the Nokia 4.2 does not have an always-on display when it is not being charged (due to the lack of an OLED screen). It looks good in the dark. It would have been nice to adjust the color, but you stick to white.
I like how compact the Nokia 4.2 feels. The screen is only 5.71 inches tall, which may sound big, but since the frames are narrow, a lot of screen is included in a small package. The rounded edges make the phone more comfortable to hold and the glass feels smooth.
The Nokia 4.2 (above) against Pixel 3a. Julian Chokkattu / Digital Trends
The HD + LCD screen is nothing to write home about. It is colorful and sharp (resolution 1,520 x 720) if you look at it from a reasonable viewing distance. Take a closer look and pixels are visible. It is a little dark, which makes it difficult to read the screen in broad daylight, and the black levels are not as satisfactory as with an OLED screen.
At the top is a drop notch in which the selfie camera is located. The phone still has a "chin" or bottom bezel, but the front design makes the Nokia 4.2 look more modern (and is slightly better than the Moto G7 Play).
Manageable performance
The Nokia 4.2 processor holds everything back. It is a Qualcomm Snapdragon 439 chipset with 3 GB of RAM and 32 GB of internal storage. While 32GB is average for such an affordable phone, you'll want to use the microSD card slot since my 101 installed apps (including preinstalled apps) have reached 86 percent of the allocated memory.
Julian Chokkattu / Digital Trends
My first review device frustrated me endlessly because I was hanging up and freezing when I used the phone. This turned out to be a problem with the device. The second model didn't have many of these problems.
The performance is decent. Expect stuttering here and there as you scroll through apps like Twitter and Instagram, but it's bearable. Games like Pako: Forever and Breakneck ran admirably, with just a few skipped frames here and there. I was able to do most of the tasks that I would do with a flagship smartphone. It just took a little longer.
Opening an app takes a few seconds. This also applies to loading a game, sharing an image or turning on the phone. There were moments when I had to quickly search for something on Google Maps and I was frustrated with how slow the phone took to give me what I wanted. This is not always the case, but usually when I juggle between some apps.
Here are the benchmark results:
AnTuTu 3DBench: 77.060
Geekbench 4 CPU: 896 single core; 3,313 multi-core
3DMark Sling Shot Extreme: 493 (volcano)
These values ​​are below the Moto G7 Play with the superior Snapdragon 632 (as well as the Moto G7 Power). My colleague had no performance problems with the Moto G7 series when testing – everything worked smoothly. Unfortunately, the Nokia 4.2 will inevitably frustrate you at some point.
Android One
I love the HMD phones because most of them run the Android One program. You receive at least a two-year guarantee on Android software and security updates. These updates are also deployed quickly, so you hardly have to wait after Google introduces them. In comparison, Samsung Galaxy S9 owners had to wait six months for the company to bring Android Pie to the phone.
The benefit of updates means that the phone stays secure, you get new features, and bugs and problems are more likely to be patched. HMD beat Motorola here. Motorola offers barely a year of Android updates for its phones – the Moto G7 Play will only get Android Q and not much more.
Julian Chokkattu / Digital Trends
Android One doesn't just mean quick updates. You get standard Android that is clear, simple and user-friendly. Apart from pre-installed Google Apps, there is no bloatware. There is even NFC on board so you can use Google Pay (another plus over the Moto G7 Play).
While the software on Nokia 4.2 is a positive experience, I encountered an error. If the phone remains alone and in standby mode, it can sometimes disconnect from the WLAN. When you turn the screen back on, the connection will be restored, but it's a problem that I couldn't solve. We also noticed this bug with the Moto G7 series, so there is a possibility that it is Android related and not device specific.
Slow camera
The Nokia 4.2 has a dual camera system on the back – a 13 megapixel lens paired with a 2 megapixel depth detection camera. The camera may be slow to start and the shutter may take some time. For this reason, you must be quiet when trying to take a photo to avoid a blurry result.
Julian Chokkattu / Digital Trends
But with good lighting, the Nokia 4.2 can be capable. Dealing with high-contrast scenarios with HDR is decent, the details are solid and the colors look natural. A typical example? The picture of the ship in New York City and the photo of my dog ​​lying on my bed. They are impressive for a $ 189 phone.
As usual, the quality of the camera deteriorates in low light conditions. Images are grainy. While I had to remain silent beforehand, you have to be as still as a statue in low light. I've seen better results with Pro mode in the camera at night, but not everyone will understand how to use manual controls.
Portrait mode works well in good lighting, but any exposure to light, including indoor use, can cause pictures to look bad. Focusing is difficult in these situations and photos never look so sharp. HDR never seems to work as well in portrait mode.
Sample photos from Nokia 4.2
The 8 megapixel camera on the front works well, but has a problem with high-contrast scenarios. In the selfie picture of me, the sky is completely blown out. The selfie photo in portrait mode is better because the exposure is accurate with no blown out areas and there is a nice bokeh effect.
It's a powerful camera that takes a negative turn in low light, like all low-cost phones. However, you have to work with the camera to stay extremely still, which is annoying. It's comparable to the Moto G7 Play, although I think the Nokia 4.2 does a little better in quality.
Good battery life
Finally, we come to the best part of the Nokia 4.2. Never in my time checking the phone did I worry that it would die on me. The 3,000mAh battery isn't large, but with low power specifications and a low-resolution screen, it's enough to keep the phone buzzing for more than a day.
In heavy use, the phone reaches about 20 or 30 percent by midnight. With light to moderate use, the juice is retained for a second day, although charging may be required until noon.
While I was satisfied with the battery in real tests, the Nokia 4.2 did not do so well in our battery test. I played a 1080p YouTube video with maximum screen brightness over WiFi, and the Nokia 4.2 only survived 7 hours and 38 minutes. It's a decent time, but the Moto G7 game lasted more than 9 hours and the $ 250 Moto G7 Power stayed alive for almost 14 hours.
Aside from the battery test, most people will be more than happy with what the Nokia 4.2 can offer here. It's just a shame that a micro USB cable is required for charging.
Price, availability and warranty information
The Nokia 4.2 costs $ 189 and is available from Amazon and Best Buy. It only works in GSM networks, so you can use it on network operators such as AT&T, T-Mobile, Cricket Wireless and Metro by T-Mobile. It doesn't work in CDMA networks like Verizon or Sprint.
HMD offers a standard one-year warranty that protects the phone from manufacturing defects one year after the date of purchase.
Our opinion
The good looks of the Nokia 4.2, the excellent battery life, the decent camera and the fast Android updates are slowed down by a weak processor. It is capable, but there are better alternatives.
Is there a better alternative?
Yes, the Moto G7 Play. It has many of the same specs as the Nokia 4.2, from the 3,000 mAh battery to 3 GB of RAM, but the processor is what drives it. The Snapdragon 632 is much more powerful and won't frustrate you. So I think the G7 game is the better buy for just $ 11 more at $ 200.
It depends on whether you want to choose longer software support instead of performance as these Motorola phones only deliver an Android version update (Android Q), while the Nokia 4.2 will also get Android R next year. While we usually praise phones that promise software updates for two or more years, I think the significant increase in processor performance gives the Moto G7 Play the edge.
If you spend $ 250, you can buy the Moto G7 Power, which has a larger screen – but you get the same performance as the Moto G7 Play. Better still, the 5,000 mAh battery means it's a two-day phone.
If you want to stay with the Nokia brand, it's worth spending $ 300 on the Nokia 7.1. It has good performance, the same Android One software, and a capable camera. If your budget is a bit higher, Google Pixel 3a should be on your list as it only costs $ 400.
For more information, see our guide to the best cheap phones.
How long it will take?
The Nokia 4.2 is in glass so you should get a case to make sure it doesn't tear through a drop. It is also not waterproof.
On the plus side, the phone gets two years of Android version and security updates, so it should take at least two years. This is the case if the performance does not deteriorate by then.
Should you buy it
No. A Qualcomm 600 series processor in the Nokia 4.2 would have changed history, but the Snapdragon 439 won't cut off if you can buy a better performing phone for just $ 11 more.
Editor's recommendations
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