#society hill
istandonsnowpiles · 4 months
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Society Hill to Old City
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paulpingminho · 3 months
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secondsofpleasure · 2 years
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backs of buildings / 7.2022
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oldcameranewland · 1 year
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society hill, philadelphia // december 2022
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excusemeaminute · 1 year
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Revenant Hill (𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘎𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘚𝘰𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘵𝘺)
The year is 1919. After the barn he was living in burns down, Twigs the cat takes up residence in a wet log near an abandoned graveyard. When the owl from the next hill over starts demanding rent, Twigs must find a way to make ends meet, and things just get more complicated from there.
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h-eavensnight · 11 months
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bitterkarella · 3 months
Midnight Pals: Hackin'
King: i can't believe elon's grok is pretending i'm friends with him King: i need to stop that AI before everyone believes it! King: i've got to hire a hacker King: franz, you've got to help me Franz Kafka: what? me? Barker: steve, no
Kafka: i'm not a hacker King: oh i thought franz was a hacker Barker: what gave you THAT impression? King: you know, with the cat ear headphones and the striped thigh socks Barker: no steve that's something ENTIRELY different Kafka: n-no it isn't, on second thought yes I'm totally a hacker
Kafka: it means i'm a hacker, nothing else Barker: sure franz Kafka: it does! it totally means i'm a hacker! Barker: franz, go play with your blahaj plush, the adults are talking here
Barker: you know who you need? you need william gibson Barker: the best hacker money can buy King: william gibson? how do i contact him? Barker: you don't Barker: he'll contact you
King: can you really hack grok, william? William Gibson: [wearing black duster and fingerless black gloves] my hacker name is shadow gigabyte King: oh sorry Gibson: can i hack grok? listen kid i was cyberbyting the megabyte mainframe when you were just rebooting your motherboard mouse data bandwidth modem email King: wow!
Gibson: my CPU is a neural net processer, a learning computer King: wow he really sounds like he knows what he's talking about! King: that definitely sounds like hacker talk to me Gibson: CD Rom Gibson: internet Joe Hill: dad can i talk to you for a second King: not now joe daddy's hiring a hacker
Gibson: [wildly slapping keyboard] i'll re-index the mega bit blaster cyber codex Gibson: [wildly slapping keyboard] now we'll cybersecurity the lock box data center King: hey what happens if you push that button? Gibson: what the-- no!! [klaxons sound] King: what's that mean? Gibson: shit Gibson: we've got company
Gibson: sentient cyber virus electronic guard cyberbots Gibson: real high tech Gibson: state of the art in bio-tech wetware neural-data scrapers Gibson: [putting on sunglasses with red laser scope] and they ain't friendly
King: what are we going to do?! Gibson: kid, you keep your hands to yourself unless you wanna become roadkill on the information super highway!!! Gibson: hold on to your CPU (central processing unit)!!!
Gibson: [wildly slapping keyboard] gotta reconfigure the darkweb logistics for ethernet wavetech Gibson: [wildly slapping keyboard] upload the memory downloader for dumpware backup Gibson: [wildly slapping keyboard] uncodify the cyberpatch modifer aaaaand Gibson: i'm in
King: wow, you hacked twitter?? how did you do it? Gibson: the greatest hackers never reveal their secrets [earlier] Gibson: [wearing fake mustache] hey elon its me catturd Gibson: could you give me your password? Elon Musk: sure it's "picklerick420"!
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viksalos · 1 year
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It has come to my attention that there is a new cat game by the developers of Night in the Woods which appears to be set in a similar region as NITW’s fictionalized Western Pennsylvania in a time period that was pivotal to the American labor movement. I am excited a normal amount
UPDATE 11/14/23:
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source here
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cecenyss · 5 months
the Real mystery of death note is that Light somehow convinced the fandom that he is the socially competent one and L is the recluse with no social skills. Light thought it was realistic to respond to the emo freak at his college who said he was a world famous detective after hunching over like a gremlin taking his shoes off in public and sitting like a frog was "if you're telling the truth i respect you greatly." L frequently performs social tests on people close to him to see what they'll say with the goal of studying their responses and picked up a call from his friend in a potentially volatile situation by flawlessly imitating a douchebag friend who parties too much while likely never having been to a bar in his life. they are not the same.
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kkillustration · 24 days
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I’m staying at Hill House. Wish you were here!
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istandonsnowpiles · 4 months
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Turning In
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paulpingminho · 2 years
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strrwbrrryjam · 3 months
listen, listen, listen, karen, grimshaw, sadie, tilly, abigail, marybeth, molly would not be smooth, they are outlaws, living on the run in the wild in the 19th century, they do not have the TIME to shave, they barely have enough time to bathe, it wouldn't even cross their minds when they're worrying about pinkertons, odriscolls and more coming to kill them
what I'm trying to say is let them be hairy, let them have armpit hair and leg hair, let them have bushes, embrace the hairy women I tell ya
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oldcameranewland · 8 months
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crumbpigeon · 1 year
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the return of the nightmare eyes!! i cant wait to meet you twigs! (busted this out in a day because im so excited for revenant hill)
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asskylosaurus · 7 months
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A story about cats.
Best wishes to the folks at Glory Society.
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