#so wht even try
skybristle · 4 months
this close to ending up on the news istfg I'm so overwhelmed with everything and I just realized I misread a project I've been doing for weeks that sets me back and I have a presentation and so much is happening and I feel like I'm hitting gifted kid burnout on top of general burnout and I can't even do 3 tasks a day becwyse of issues nobody wants to believe I have and. God. I want to rest let me rest let me rest please it's only February I want to fucking die
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cerubean · 1 year
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pls help im trapped in build mode
** original build: casa do mar by baelaisa
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cruelsister-moved2 · 7 months
cant tell you how fulfilling and comforting it feels to be in a classroom full of women being lectured by a woman on the work of other women about subjects who are also women like i just got a small taste of what men are experiencing every day of their lives its intoxicating
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cosmobrain00 · 2 months
ive said this bfr kinda but one thing abt owl is he may actually be an asshole, but he’s an asshole with points. important distinction
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anneonomus · 16 days
going to work at the tail end of what may very well be a concussion everyone cross ur fingers for me
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starlooove · 4 months
Truly hate tiktok tim stans
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Okay stream over and as such no one is safe anymore from my RGGJoposting (sorry in advance), HOWEVER I did want to say...
Of course Mine Himself At Present is the furthest thing from punk, but I believe the reason he has that belt is a nod to Nakamura, who is credited with bringing punk influences to the kabuki scene. (This particular photo was taken years after Y3, but...)
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By the way, Nakamura is how I found out there's a lot of stigma against sons of kabuki actors who choose to play roles of a different gender than their fathers. He comes from an established line of onnagata, so it was a big deal for him to choose to play male roles.
Arakawa was a taishu engeki actor rather than a kabuki actor, which is less steeped in tradition than kabuki, so I don't know if it would've been the same for him doing the opposite to Nakamura. But it's Neat to think of it as a concerted choice for him in terms of feeling that strong of a connection to femininity.
oh fuck yeah punk in the kabuki world WORD UP TO THE LEGEND.....
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thursdayg1rl · 5 months
mitski was so right in saying if i gave up on being pretty i wouldnt know how to be alive
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dockaspbrak · 7 months
what the hell
#ok not to be rude but#i sort of cant handle the depression perhaps anymore like it is unending#i dont understand why god cant just give me theability to reanimate the dead or perhaps just do it himself#i miss the little guy i kind of dont know what to even do#i feel stupid bc i feel like its like....people dont really perhaps i just dont think people are that cool about talking abt grief#esp about pets..like#i feel silly for being so depressed but i also cant perhaps handle it#the self loathing is really hitting a peak this week idk like#where do ie ven go from here is my thought i guess i dont really want to be alive or do anything i just miss him so much#he was so sweet and small#i keep getting served videos about like senior 20 yr old cats being surrendered to shelters and like#im so mad like id do anything to have gotten 2 more years with him wht the fuck are you giving them up for#what the hell#its frustrating because ir eally dont want to be comforted or even spoken to about this im just like mad#mad and bargaining clearly i forget what stages those are#depressed yet pissed off also like what the fuck did he do to deserve this it was so fucking fast#cherish your fucking pets. treasure every fucking day#ugh#maybe ill try a different kind of eating again for awhile tbh lets see what thats like in the new context of living w regan#its hard bc its human nature to criticize and correct i think so its hard to feel like i have the space to do what i want? bc of that....#idk idk
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stephaniedola · 6 months
not me feeling unstable because my doctor is ghosting me about refilling my mood stabilizers
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ennuidays · 7 months
i actually cant do this
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brainjuicey · 1 year
oh my goddddd early days tom cruise films make me feel something entirely different its something the scientists havent discovered yet
#its not even that i find him attractive although he is sort of pretty in an eyebrows kind of a way but he plays the roles so rigid#and#im half convinced he doesnt know how to act he just loves being in front of a camera#but there is always some sort of intricate rituals homoeroticism and natural domesticity about the movies#hold up i need to google if jerry bruckheimer made the outsiders#theres just something so verile about the way the men are portrayed in that kind of Romantic action#prepostmodern james bond kind of action movie if that makes sense#early fast and furious has it too but grittier#transformers but the 1986 animated version#like what is that genre of classic golden age american propoganda and theatrical rock mixed with tragedy and heroism? girl idk wht im sayin#guys im so freakin pissed that narcos white guy whats his name boyd holbrook ?? was a blatant paul walker rip off but now ive watched#top gun now i understand he is also a goose rip off#like stop trying to make more media like this we've progressed past the need for reviving romanticising the 70s in what is obviously just-#romanticising the 50s....#america* btw if thats not clear#guys i hate contemporary american media and i hate the hyperconsumerism and i hate the oversaturation of the market but#dear lorrdddd something about that whole being a man with an attitude just living his life and the story is just about a guy and his bros#and of course there is obvious sexism and exclusionism <333 but this is fiction so!#just a guy and his bros ! what more could u want#plus the fuckin pre-digital age transparency between creator and art is pretty sweet#i miss watching a movie and being able to enjoy it as a viewer and not a cynical judge on the methods and ethos of what goes in#like i just dont care and its vicariously thrilling#maybe its an esoteric lack of pop culture#top gun
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psrj · 2 years
Your art is amazing and I could stare at it all day! But I'm curious about your Ocs, specifically Jacque and Sloane.
Did you change anything about them? Like appearance or storyline?
Thank you so much!
The issue with Sloane and Jacque is that they never really had an established setting or storyline to begin with, and it has given me a lot of headaches over the years when it comes to actually doing something with them and develop them into more than just vague personality concepts. The sketches from last month is me trying to actually give them a setting and story to inhabit for once lmao.
I didn't use to actually write shit for my characters, but my friends have enabled me and I'm now suffering from trying to write actual characters and story. This has been most successful with Otto and Siskin, my tiefling oc's, and Jacque and Sloane to a lesser degree. To claim that they have an actual storyline is a bit of a stretch still, but I've established a more concrete dynamic and aesthetic for them that are both pretty different from what little I had for them to begin with.
In my recent re-hashing of them, the two of them meet as Sloane is taken as a prisoner of war after some sort of ~ambiguous magical disaster~ with her at its center. Jacque is a commanding officer of the opposing side, who for seemingly very selfish reasons offers Sloane protection in exchange for her service.
It's a fantasy setting with a magic system centered around promise, oaths and their binding power. Sloane is an anomaly, someone who's made a desparate choice that she's paying dearly for, and Jacque is someone with quite a bit of power, but not as much as she would like, who's trying to overturn the shape of the conflict they're in.
Their dynamic is tense with a spicy power imbalance. Sloane has wings because it's sexy. That's the basic framework I've got.
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dirt-str1der · 2 years
Keep thinking of the yakuza “fantheory” that crack and meth are very common in the series but we dont see it because kiryu just doesnt know about it
#Yakuza loveblog#and nishikiyama will kill people who try to offer drugs to his brother#and majima stopped doing crack when he got his own family so he never got to invite kiryu into the tiny bathroom to do drugs together#like what if they were just literally high and kiryu is like woah this person is behaving erratically. must have woke up wrong#i keep saying this but i believe that nishiki is clearly the more competent brother betwen them. of course they both have their strengths#which allowed kiryu in particular to shine but long before that nishiki was doing far better than him#and it Showed. my guy had his own car and a bustling social life and a life plan thinking ten steps ahead and kiryus like. i beat up a guy#for twenty dollars just now and i will continue to do so. like this man is not earning money for his family or himself#but he is very very adaptable to life and desth situations which not a lot of people can say and the fact rhat he keeps surviving makes him#seem very impressive but thats literally cause the story is about him#nishikiyama is more competent but kiryu absolutely cannot be killed and together they would have been unstoppable#i really think they have a perfect dynamic. like nishiki and kiryu ... then majima and saejima. they make two perfect pairs#also it turns me into a crazy person to think bout majima not swearing an oath with literally anybody because he was waiting for saejima to#come back ... he really saved a spot for him in his heart ... because like hes irreplacable to him because he loves him ..!!!!!#i just love two bros who know each other so well and will kill for each other#which makes me laugh because again when saejima saw that majima died in the news he had a fucking moment and then acted like he didnt give a#shit like he wasnt even mad he was just like man ... wht the hell ... and kiryu got so pissed that he punched something
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heartburstings · 7 months
[googles rebel news]
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sanchoyo · 10 months
on a less posi note i got another call from my doctors office saying 'oh can u come in today or tomorrow for ur labs? u had one done 3 months ago and u RLY need to get this checked/compared to that one!!' and its like. i talked to a nurse on the phone abt that appointment LAST WEEK!! (it was supposed to be this last monday) telling her that my insurance got cancelled and i absolutely had to cancel that appointment bc i cant pay for the 1. walk in fees without any copay 2. and the labs pay on top of that. the fact they called me again abt it rly did kinda upset me its like. i Know You Think I Need This But It Feels Like You Just Want Money. and did not listen to me the first time we talked abt this, last week!!! and making it sound so Urgent AFTER i said i cant afford it just freaked me out like They Have In Their Files that I have anxiety so Why Did they DO That. After I said I Cannot Come! and i felt rly embarrassed over the whole thing having to be like 'ya i cant afford it' even tho ik thats a reality for a lot of ppl besides myself yk. lol (': basically the Mood today is fuck the american health care system (hint: that is the Mood everyday)
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