#so left and right are actually each TWO colours
marigold-hills · 3 days
June 8: bubbles | @wolfstarmicrofic | word count: 500
cw: use of drugs (magical equivalent of weed)
James and Sirius are laying about James’ bed, hands and legs in disarray, giggling. Above them float iridescent bubbles, the light of the dying day refracting through and emitting distorted rainbows onto the walls.
Each time a bubble bursts it fills the room with sweet-smelling smoke, and the two get another hit and fall into another bout of laughter.
“Pads, Padfoot, Paddy-Pie. You don’t get it. Those eyes,” James sighs so wistfully Sirius worries he’ll inhale too much and float away. It’s a funny thought so Sirius laughs more.
“You’re a masochist, Jamesy-lamb. What were you told? Keep out of my eyesight or I’ll rip out your kidneys?”
“So sweet,” James almost moans through another giggle. “So lovely. I hope you’ll get this one day, Pads. It feels… well it feels a bit like this, actually,” he waves a vague hand around the scented air of the room, “only even better.”
“No thanks, I don’t fancy an impromptu nephrectomy.”
“Nah. That’s not for you. You need someone nice, who’ll take care of you.”
Sirius wraps a hand around the gilded oyster around his neck and thinks of the colour of the eye within it. Thinks of a hand underneath his shirt.
Weird thought, he decides.
“Moony still at the library?”
“That funny swot. He needs more sleep, he does, have you seen the bags under his eyes?”
“Thanks, Prongs,” comes the Moony voice, one of a kind, from behind them, full of laughter. “You truly know how to compliment a guy.”
“Moons!” Sirius rolls forward, an excited dog greeting its favourite person. “My moonage daydream, I have stollen chocolate cake for you from dinner.”
Remus puts a hand on Sirius’ hair, sits on the bed by him. “You have? Always so thoughtful for me.”
“Thoughtful, my arse,” James interjects the moment, “if he were thoughtful, he’d have stolen you actual dinner. Moony, you look about five minutes away from keeling over.”
The hand petting through Sirius’ hair takes out some of the sting from the words, but James is right, isn’t he?
“And you two are high as hippogryphs the night before an exam. That horse isn’t looking very tall, Prongs.”
Remus looks down at where Sirius worked his head into his lap (when did that happen?), eyes soft and lovely. He looks so pretty like this, even with the dark circles under his eyes.
“May I have my cake, mo réalta?”
Sirius tries to stand up to get it, but the hand in his hair keeps him from moving.
“Don’t. Just tell me where it is, please.”
Remus gets his cake and sits back down on the bed, with a gentle hand manoeuvres Sirius’ head back onto his thigh. Rips off a piece of cake with his fingers and feeds it to Sirius. Another bubble bursts somewhere above them, the air becoming almond-sweet.
Suddenly, Sirius is hungry. “This is the best cake I’ve ever tasted.”
James, uncharacteristically quiet, bursts out in almost manic laughter. “That’s the bubbles talking, Padfoot.”
part 8! Of 30 :)
Early morning chapter courtesy of my lack of sleep :)
I kept thinking of bubbles left over in a shower or a bath when deciding what to write for this, but figured that’s too early in the story yet :)
hope everyone has an excellent weekend ❤️
@moon-girl88 @digital-kam @tealeavesandtrash @sweetstarryskies @alltoounwellll @hunnybeemarie @hoje--aqui @annaliza999 @hihimissamericanbi
(let me know if you do/don’t want to be tagged in next parts)
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redrocketpanda · 11 months
Something that has been driving me insane about the credits are these sections with the fish so please bear with me whilst I do a mini deep dive (hehe) into fish discourse because YO, we need to talk about these fish!
Notice how at the beginning of the credits we actually have two white fish swimming along beside one another; one with bright turquoise eyes and the other with black.
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A little while later the fish begin to circle each other and a droplet falls into the water between them. As the disturbance ripples out from the center, one of the fish dives deeper into the water and changes its colour to black; symbolizing Geto's change and descent into darkness
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Then we have this heartbreakingly beautiful moment with Gojo and Geto:
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I cannot stop thinking about how long Gojo watches the black fish for as it swims across the screen, whereas Geto's eyes are lowered the moment the white fish appears and he closes them as it swims past.
Gojo cannot bear to tear his eyes away, whilst Geto cannot bear to look
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Throughout the credits, Gojo and Geto have been making their way towards each other through the pouring rain (or mostly sitting and waiting in Geto's case). At the end, they meet each other under a bridge and as they walk away together we see the fish a final time, swimming together again in a puddle formed by the heavy rain.
Geto walks on the left in the light, as the white fish swims close to his head, almost invisible in the brightness of the light. Whilst Gojo walks on the right in the shadow with the black fish swimming further away but still close by.
The fish speed after the two men before disappearing completely under the water just before the camera pans up and we watch as Gojo pulls Geto in for a hug as they walk away, before he's playfully shoved away by Geto.
There's a lot going on the credits (+ opening) that is absolutely killing me but man, these fish?! Breathtaking.
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ch4mpagnedrought · 6 days
[full series]
mdni ! art donaldson
summary: you and art cant help but try and compensate for everything you’re missing out on now that tashi and patrick are together.
ever since tashi had suggested a game of tennis for her number and patrick won, its left you and art to roam around the stanford campus like two little lost puppies, begging for their attention when patrick comes to visit tashi.
patrick has made it impossible to get a hold of the girl, her dorm room always locked and her absence in the daily work-outs the two of you usually have made very obvious. not to mention the betrayal art must be feeling, having his best friend be only in the adjacent building to him, but never coming to actually see him.
you’ve had to find ways to preoccupy yourselves, and stop you from going on an angry rampage, like;
hitting racket to ball in the middle of the court, not even bothering to play a real game. “my prof is making me rewrite my whole assignment this week.” you complain, aiming the ball at the green fencing at the sides and watching it bounce back in art’s direction for your own botched version of squash. he laughs loudly, “who knew you were so bad at everything besides tennis.” you shoot him a scowl and his eyes widen, shoulders shrugging unapologetically as he swings his arm once again.
spring fading into summer means that evenings still have a little light in them, and you fight the urge to lie straight down on the tarmac and look up at the greying sky. the light breeze washes through art’s strawberry blonde hair, swaying it to the side to expose his brows that furrow when you let the ball bounce away between your legs, looking at him with a tense expression. the thought that tashi and patrick were somewhere doing god knows what (you knew what) and completely ignoring you made a reappearance in your head suddenly, and it boiled your blood. “ugh! im gonna kill them!” you huff out, grabbing the ball from the ground and stomping to where you left your stuff. art’s arm finding the both of your shoulders, “ditto that.”
having lunch at the food hall together: waiting in line for the same exact salad that you get every day, curtesy of your game-preparation meal plan and taking a seat on the bar stools that overlook the rest of the campus. stabbing your fork into the frail pieces of lettuce in your plastic bowl, art taking another bite of his churro in silence and licking away all the rouge sugar particles from his lips. “you know, patrick didn’t even bother to call me about his visit.” art says, taking off his red baseball cap just to put it back on his head again. “what a dog.” you scoff, shaking your head and taking a sip of your smoothie that tastes a little grainy from the protein powder. you would’ve continued to rant if you hadn’t spotted tashi and patrick walking hand-in-hand in the distance, all smiles and giggles; it makes you sick. “look.” you point it out to art and he mocks patrick in a high-pitched voice, “hey tashi aren’t i so cool? i play pro and i’m totally not cheating on you.” you chuckle, leaning over to snag a bite of his churro.
and confiding in each other in art’s dorm late at night, when the haunting noises coming from the other side of your wall get too much.
his room is surprisingly so…boyish. a couple posters of tennis stars on the walls that seem so out of place, like he put them there for the sole purpose of taking up space. his medals are hung up on the corner of his wardrobe, tinkering on the edge and there is an unidentified pile of clothing in the corner.
his sheets are a deep maroon colour and you lie flat across them, both of your heads leaning on the single flat pillow he owns, legs crossed. his ceiling has remnants of a water leak the university tried to paint over and you study it from below. “i wonder what they’re doing right now.” art hums, putting his hands behind his head, and letting you rest your head on his bicep.
you shoot up, glancing down at him, one brow lifted and eyes narrow, “i can tell you exactly what they’re doing right now,” you say, scrambling up onto your knees, “’patrick i need your racket right now!’’’ you moan tauntingly, rolling your eyes back and crossing your arms over your chest. art cackles, stomach contracting and grabbing onto your shoulder for support. his hand is pumping warm with blood, hovering over your skin for longer than socially acceptable, and his fingers caressed by the long strands of your curly hair that fall at your sides.
running over to his room meant that you hadn’t had enough time to grab a change of clothes to sleep in, so he graciously lent you one of his t-shirts, a navy one with white embroidered writing that you hadn’t bothered to read, which prods at the aching in his head to see you without it.
“when was the last time you slept with someone?” your question catches art off guard, lying back down next to him and watching the blush creep up onto his cheeks, eyes darting away somewhere to think of an answer. “oh come on, was it that unforgettable?” you laugh. he knew when exactly when the last time was, but the thought that him sleeping with someone had crossed your mind, putting the idea of the two of you together into his own had clouded his head, making it unbearably difficult to think, or speak.
“maybe last month” art estimates when the last time he saw the girl in one of his classes that he casually slept with from time to time, your expression remaining unchanged, which whirls something inside of his stomach. you nod, smile spreading across your lips, and eyes glancing down to art’s partially parted ones. art adjusts himself, propping his head up with his hand and looking down at you, “when was the last time that you slept with someone?”
its unclear to him whether you're joking with your response. “ask me that tomorrow.” it spins his head until he sees double, having to shut his eyes for a second to regain consciousness. your nonchalant smile quite frankly irks him, because you seem so unaware of how he is sliding the tip of his tongue along his bottom lip, preparing just incase you decide that you want to kiss him. or the fact that he moved his leg upwards along the bed to cover his raging boner at just the mere idea of you and him together.
the shirt he lends you rides up on your hips, obviously showing off the black panties that you’re wearing and the neck-line hangs low enough to show the indent of your collarbone that he imagines licking a stripe over.
you thrum, looking up at art through dark eyelashes, “isn’t it so unfair how tashi and patrick can ignore us just to get at each other?”
he got the hint, every crumb you’ve put down he’s followed and scooped up all in one go, sighing out a weak, “yeah” that sounds more like a whine, and leaning down to kiss you on the lips.
the taste of your lip gloss he had missed sweetens his mouth immediately and the faint smell of a chocolatey lotion on your skin sends him into complete overdrive, left hand desperately reaching for the side of your face to take you deeper into him. he sinks himself down, pressing his chest into yours and disconnecting his lips to breathe out a groan at the sensation of your boobs against him like a boy who's never felt them before.
his face is burning hot, lips even hotter as they move simultaneously with yours, covering the perimeter of your mouth with long and drawn out movements to fully get the taste of you hes been dreaming of ever since that hotel room. his hands roam down to the curvature of your waist, taking a strong grip to it to make sure his fingerprints forever remember it, then down to your hips, kneading the flesh.
with him over you, he pulls away from your arms that are wrapped around his neck, pulling the hem of his shirt to unveil your midriff and the black lace that frames your lower waist, your thighs pressed together to catch the heat that he manifests within you, “oh my god.” it might just be the lewdest sight he has ever seen, along with your swollen lips that are glistening with his saliva.
he can barely keep away the moans that try to escape his mouth when he lowers himself down to you, eager lips pressing into your hip, lapping at the surface of your skin with a desperation only art could have, along the hem of your panties, and back up your stomach while your fingers entangle with his blonde locks.
your pulse quickens, exhaling his name out when his finger pulls your underwear to the side, letting the air hit your leaking core, a smile playing at art’s lips. “please, please art.” you moan out, squeezing your eyes shut and letting the sensation of one of his digits swiping through your folds overcome you.
he nibbles at your inner thighs, soft licks soothing the area as one of his fingers slides inside you, while the other gropes at your breast through your shirt. his mind is completely consumed by you, watching every change in your expression with his fingers pumping in and out of you, flush on your face and brows knitting every time he draws back.
your legs instinctively move over his shoulders, trapping him around you to continue the motion and giving him the chance to tilt his head to the side, pressing a kiss to the thigh that is thrown over him. “is this okay?” he asks, caressing a hand down your calf and watching the way your hand reaches out to grab him by the wrist.
“lie down art” you keen, his eyes narrow and he pulls back with a sense of confusion that is overrode with your impatience, ushering him below you. so he does, leaning against the headboard whilst you throw yourself onto his hips, his jaw tilting upwards to unconsciously fulfil the want of his lips devouring the whole of your figure.
the shirt he lent you doesn’t last long, ending up in the pile on his floor and letting him ravish in the sight of your bare torso. he gasps out your name, wandering hands reaching out to massage your breast, flesh filling out the gaps between all five of his fingers. “take this off” you strangle out, gesturing to the shirt he is wearing, disheveled hair falling back into his face that burns hot when you let your eyes roam down to his abdomen. even the weight of your ass pressing into his dick through his shorts is teetering him to climax, hands not knowing where to put themselves when he wants to grab a hold of all of you.
your fingers wrap around the waistband of his shorts that he is wearing, pulling down his boxers at the same time and freeing his erection to slap back onto his stomach, recalling something patrick said about the time he taught art to jerk off. the palm of your hand ghosts his cock, restraining yourself from taking it into your hands there and then, “can i?” even the way you sigh out the question has the hairs on art’s arms standing up and mouth swallowing saliva in anticipation. “yes, yes.” he whines, brows furrowing up at you and all of his muscles tensing.
with a gentle touch, he guides you above him, his hands at your sides as you spread yourself open for him, sinking down only to the tip before he grabs your waist and pauses in the position. he looks like a little helpless, bottom lip between his teeth and an alarmed look in his face that says if you go any further he’ll come right now. “i’ll go slow,” you whisper, a small smirk on your face that’s hard to resist when his shimmering eyes try to find the last slither of dignity within him, “i promise.” you smile reassuringly and he glances away, the flush in his cheeks getting a little deeper.
you keep your promise, slowly lowering yourself down onto him, goosebumps fevering your skin and palms laying flat across his abdomen to steady yourself.
taking him in completely, you whimper out his name and his hands journey to graze your back, up to your shoulder blades where he presses them into you to pull you into him, mouth suctioning down the valley of your breasts. his moans vibrate back into your skin when you pull back up from him, stimulating every single nerve ending in his length like it never has before. you set a pace, slow and steady for art, snapping your hips down onto his in a way that knocks the wind out of you each time, gasping for air. he keeps you close to him, rolling his hips to meet you in the middle and put some of that athlete stamina to use and murmuring your name with every movement.
his finger moves your hair from your shoulder, so he can press soft pecks onto the surface, whilst you clutch the wooden headboard, growing impatient and consequently pounding him into you. his moans purr into your ear, grabbing onto your ass to keep you still as he thrusts himself into you from below and shakily calling out an, “im gonna come.”
you nod, clasping around his biceps and leaning down to nip at his neck, losing composure the more your walls contract around him. you ignore the muscles in your legs that ache and your lungs that can’t seem get a hold of the air that is shared between you to continue to mercilessly plunge him deeper into you until it feels like you’re melting into one another, a shudder sending itself down your bare back and deepening the heat that builds in your core.
art is panting, popping your tit into his mouth one last time before falling still, twitching inside of you and releasing all of his seed into you until it overflows from below. your name echoes out of his mouth, whimpering and whining it out until he can open his eyes back up and centre his vision on you burning every last bit of energy to bounce on his dick.
you lean forward onto him, eyes rolling back into your head when reaching your climax and pressing your burning cheek against his face to feel all of him. he brushes his hand down your back comfortingly, you heaving into the crevice of his neck that glistens with sweat and feeling your walls contract around him the last couple times.
art sighs your name out, pressing his lips into your cheek and letting a smile spread across his face when you brush the dampened hair out of his forehead to get a better view of his eyes.
your body feels limp, falling back down next to him with a post-sex fatigue that follows you all the way into the next morning, where you sit at a table in the food hall, thanking art for bringing you some breakfast and trying to ignore the echoing of all the noises he made last night in your head.
“fuck i really need to work on that assignment today” you groan, taking a bite into a slice of honeydew with your head in the palm of your hand. art watches and nods, a false portrayal of an active listener when what he’s really focusing on is the way your lips curl around the slice, biting off a chunk and closing your lips around it in a way that makes him reminisce that he was right there too only a couple hours ago. “i can help.” he offers, truly from the kindness of his heart that kindly wants to spend the rest of his life looking at you.
“you wish.” you scoff, “i’m not allowed to be alone in a room with you anymore.”
art takes a swig of his water to hide the grin that spreads on his face, and when he makes eye contact with a random student from across the hall he feels like they heard that too. he wishes they could hear, and know that you, the best tennis player stanford has probably ever had, are having to physically restrain yourself from him.
“what are you smiling about?” the familiar voice of patrick calls out from a few strides away, in a pair of indigo levis and a white tee, grabbing onto arts shoulders and lowering himself down to his level to grab his chin playfully. art swats him away immediately, pushing patrick down into a chair. and tashi grazes your shoulders softly with her hand when taking a seat next to you and stealing a piece of your fruit from your bowl, “good morning.”
“morning.” you sigh out, taking a sip of your tea and hoping that it isn’t totally obvious that you slept with your friend. but tashi takes notice of the slight frizz in your hair, a dishevelled-ness that is never usually there, so it wasn’t her intention to call you out in front of the four of you when she asks, “why do you look hungover?” she even moves a piece of your hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear to get a better look at the colour under your eyes. your brows furrow, eyes glancing to the left of you at the two boys whose expressions couldn’t be anymore different. art’s poker face is awful, he’s trying to keep his face composed but his posture slumps under the weight of patrick’s hand that spreads across over his shoulder, the corner of his mouth turned up into a smirk.
you shrug nonchalantly, taking another bite of your breakfast to act like your lungs aren’t constricting and you aren’t going into fight or flight, “late night i guess.”
theres a moment of silence, everyone in their heads peacefully while you wish you could get into art’s and find out what he’s thinking about your pathetic lie.
“nice shirt.” patrick says.
“thanks." you reply, swiping over the embroidered ‘mark rebellat tennis academy’ with a finger and looking up at patrick, who meets your eyes with a knowing smirk that makes you feel silly for not assuming that patrick would have memorised art’s whole closet, or recognise the school they went to.
and when patrick squeezes art’s shoulder and asks whether he is “up for a game?” you suddenly become hyper aware of how much his gaze slips past art’s eyes and down onto you as they stand up from the table, eyes squinting and a stupid smile on his face. the combination is so piercing you’ve become aware that even if tashi believed your lie, and art thinks he’s got away scott free—he knows, and he’s letting you know.
his hand ruffles the hair on art’s head, arm falling over his shoulders and drawing him into himself, “we have a bunch of catching up to do, art.” he keeps art close to him as they walk away towards the tennis courts, leaning in to whisper something into his ear after the both of them briefly turned around to wave you and tashi goodbye.
tashi seems unphased by their behaviour, continuing to braid a small of piece of your hair that she unconsciously started. “you know patrick’s about to tell art all about your get together.” you chuckle and tashi scoffs, leaning back into her chair, “he wouldn’t say anything” she reassures, “also we didn’t even do anything.” she adds in quickly, stealing another piece of watermelon from your bowl and taking a bite to avoid talking about the topic like you hadn’t just done that. you smile at her, and she widens her eyes to let you know that she’ll tell you all about last night later.
“i wouldn’t be so sure.” you shake your head, stealing back the half-bitten melon from in between her fingers and finishing it off.
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xxnghtclls · 2 months
Pond and Poetry
True Form Sukuna x Reader
Permission Universe ❤️
Rating: Mature
Wordcount: 1,358
Fluff! Flirt and a little bit of dirty talk… Soft Sukuna all the way tho.
Summary: Sukuna meets you in the garden, while you’re busy playing with Kois. And then you flirt. Just flirt. I got some Permission feels recently so I couldn’t resist to write this.
Warm sun on your skin and green grass beneath your figure, as you lay in front of the pond. Spring is here, the air is not cold and not warm, perfectly balanced by cold breezes and the warmth of the sun. Cherry blossoms start to bloom and small little wild flowers poke their head out of the ground.
Colourful Kois are swimming quietly in circles. Back and forth and left and right.
And you watch them with a thoughtful smile on your face, while you let the sun warm your figure. The sight reminds you of the time, when you and Ak-
When you were watching the Kois together.
The kimono you’re wearing is heating up with each minute, coating you comfortably. Supporting your head on your right hand, you reach with your left one into the cold water.
Your finger dips in, an attempt to touch one of those big fishes, that sometimes disappear beneath the reflection of the sun.
However, this reflection is interrupted, as suddenly your tall King steps onto the bridge next to the pond. Without greeting him and now having a better look at the Kois, you manage to brush your skin against the smooth surface of their scales. Your eyes light up and you smile.
“Got you.” you whisper quietly, as you see the outlines of familiar spiky hair and a huge figure imprint a shadow on the water.
You blink and finally look up to your right, seeing Sukuna’s gentle eyes looking down at you, his head being propped up on his right upper arm, just like yours. He’s wearing his Hakama pants and black cloak, while he leans against the balustrade of the bridge. He cocks his eyebrow at you.
“Childish brat.” he teases, flashing his teeth into a smirk. You huff, before you stick your tongue out at him.
“Let me.” you mutter, before you turn back to the Kois, as you keep twirling your finger in the water.
He huffs at your response, as he keeps watching you.
“Join me.” you continue almost inaudible, as you wiggle up your feet and swing them back and forth.
No response.
Except a pull on your heart. And you know what’s up.
You sigh, before you retrieve your hand from the water and tap with your palm on the spot next to you.
Two times.
“Come.” you say softly, still not looking at him.
And you can feel his eyes boring into your figure and how his shit eating grin eats you up, before you hear him shift. Sukuna’s naked feet move over the wooden bridge, then through the fresh grass, until they come to a halt at the spot you pat on with your hand.
Don’t look at him.
One of his hand brushes against your moving left ankle, before you feel his foot gently push against your hip.
You ignore him.
He huffs again.
Unbothered, you dip your finger back into the water.
Another attempt of touching those colourful scales.
With a soft breeze, you finally feel him crouching down next to you.
He takes a strand of your hair, fiddling it between his fingers. You quietly retrieve your finger from the water again and reach behind you.
“Closer, my Love.” you mumble softly, as you get a hold of his cloak and pull. One, two times.
And you can feel his grin again. You know he’s just watching you, waiting with what you’re coming up next.
It’s amusing to him. Actually... for the both of you.
To your surprise however, he leans down. His teeth find the shell of your ear for a moment, before he lays down to your left, on his stomach, just like you.
“They’re your gift for me after all.” you say with a satisfied grin on your face, still not looking at him.
As long as he’s this mute, giggling hunk of a man, you would rather admire the fish... And you know it’s a lie.
You have to force yourself to keep looking at those Kois, because you can’t get enough of him. Still.
After all this time.
Because you are his and he is yours. For now and all eternity.
“What now?” he whispers quietly in your ear, his pretty nose presses against the side of your head, taking in the scent of you and your hair.
“You’ll get a kiss if you can touch one of them.” you nudge your head to the pond, before turning your head to finally look at him.
His expression slackens and his lip rises into a mix of a sneer and pout, before he rolls over onto his back and closes his eyes. It makes you snort.
But, you catch yourself, trying to suppress a laughter.
You lean over and with the index finger of your right hand, you give him a poke on his bottom lip.
“A kiss on your lips then.” you say cheekily, as if you just upgraded your offer significantly, while you watch how the shadows of the trees and the light of the sun dance with each other upon his facial features.
He blinks his crimson orbs open, still holding his unamused expression, as he grabs your right wrist.
Too much?
You inhale.
“A kiss on my lips then?” a new offer, using a mature voice this time.
A pause.
And a breeze, while he contemplates your new offer. You watch Sukuna’s hair move from the breeze, before his lip twitches. He pulls you closer. Close enough, to let his lips slightly brush over yours.
“A kiss on your lips it is.” he breathes. “And a kiss on your cheeks. And...”
“And?” you raise your eyebrows at him.
“...the sound of your thighs.” he concludes, brushing his nose against yours. “And how they mute my ears.”
Heat rushes to the cheeks in your face and to the lips between your legs.
“Maybe you should write poetry.” you cock your head to the side, trying to act over your embarrassment and arousal.
“Maybe I should.” Sukuna smirks quietly in response, as his eyes pierce through you.
You chew on your lip, as you lean back into your previous position and turn back to watch the fish in the water.
“There.” you dip your left finger back into the cold, as you watch him in the corner of your eyes, how he rolls back over on his stomach, leaving the black cloak laying in the grass.
Sukuna reaches for the water too, but his finger brushes over your hand first.
So gentle. So slow.
His touch feels electrifying, sending a feeling of home and love through your whole body.
Those fingers that killed many men and women and children. Those fingers that did such cruelty.
So soft against your skin. You focus and watch his hand closely.
And your heart starts racing.
His index finger follows the line of your hand, along your own finger and finally dips into the water as well. Sukuna’s hand stays resting upon yours, as you both slowly circle your fingers in the water.
It almost drives you insane.
The Kois keep dancing around your limbs, coming closer, swimming away again.
Sukuna quietly guides your hand closer to one of them. A gentle vibration flows through your hand and you notice how the fish grows slower in its movement.
Your fingers brush against the scales. In unity. Along the whole length of the fish. “Got you.” he whispers against your hair, sending shivers through your whole body.
Sukuna then guides your whole hand underwater and turns it upside down, making it able for you to even hold the Koi for a few seconds, until it swims away again.
Your eyes light up again, as your heart is beating in your chest. And Sukuna pulls on it.
“Use me as your canvas.” you whisper, your voice almost trembling, wetness rising between your thighs, before you look back at him and his eyes falls to your lips.
“I will.” he stares and you stare back at his wrinkly eyes, before he leans closer. “Gonna write my poetry all over your body.”
lmk if you want to read how Sukuna’s poetry looks like ✌️
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babsisbakery · 4 months
Kitchen miracle
Leah Williamson x dutch!reader
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“Leah, get your ass in the kitchen.” her head shoots up from her phone almost immediately. What the hell has she done this time, are her thoughts. After cautiously entering the kitchen she realises what has slipped her mind. She tried to make you breakfast but then her mum called her in the morning and she kinda forgot. So she stares at the slight mess she had made. Flour on the counter, egg shells left and right to a completely doughy mixture covered apron. A bad cook to say the least. But it's the gesture that counted. “I’m sorry my love, I totally forgot, my mum called a-” “Le what were you doing?” “Uhm tried to make you some breakfast.” It doesn't sound like a statement rather a question. “Babe, I can't be mad at you, you're too sweet for your own good.” You walk towards your girlfriend and envelope her in a tight hug. “I love you Le” with a bashful grin Leah returns the declaration. “I love you too.” After standing in each other's arms for a few minutes just enjoying the warmth of your partner, Leah speaks up, “Could you please show me how to make your favourite breakfast?”
Your head turns downwards to look into her eyes. “Of course i can, let's get to it shall we but first we should clean up this chaos love.” a giggle leaves your lips while Leah shamefully looks away. With your fingers on her chin you turn her head. “Baby there is nothing to be ashamed of.” and with leaving her time to respond you kiss her. A few moments go by, you pull away, Leah chasing your lips, unsuccessfully as you're taller than her, and you bite your lower lip as Leah’s actions are melting your heart. 
So while you are searching for the perfect playlist to start baking in the meantime Leah begins cleaning. Kitchen peace is restored pretty quickly with two people working together ideally. “Okay now I'm going to weigh everything and you take out the Pannenkoeken pan cause we are making Pannenkoekeeeeeen.” “We are making what?” “Babe you know pancakes, right?” “Of course I know what pancakes are but what in the world are Pannenkoeken?” You are amused by her confusion, her furrowed brow looks quite adorable. “It's similar to pancakes, don't question me, rather help cause I’m the one who could make something tasty.” Leah’s hand shoots to her chest acting offended but you both know she is joking.
“Step one is to mix all the dry ingredients together which means flour, salt, cinnamon and vanilla sugar.” Your girlfriend carefully combines these, eager to continue. “Now for the next step I like to whisk the eggs in a separate bowl beforehand so it's well distributed when added to the flour.” You grab an extra bowl and hand it to the defender. She does as she's told and then pours them into the dry mixture. “Well done babe. Now follows milk and a tiny bit of melted butter. And e voila.” Leah stares at you dumbfounded, “Wait that's it, we are done?” “Yeah see its pretty easy when you get the hang of it darling.” She is amazed. “But you still have to do the actual Pannenkoeken now that the ‘dough’ is ready to go.”
“I pre-heated the pan a bit for you, just have to put some butter on it and scoop the batter into the pan. Rotate the pan and wait. When the beige colour turns into a more yellowish one you flip it. Got it?” “Yeah I think I got it.” As you suspect she does it excellently. Leah gets more comfortable making them with each Pannenkoeken. While she is in her element, surprisingly, you search the cabinets for something to eat them with. Cutting up some fruit, getting out the Nutella, jam and honey plus walnuts you are all set. Two dishes are already on the counter stacked with a few Pannenkoeken. You can't believe your eyes as you turn around and find your girlfriend flipping one in the air. Luckily she catches it, serving it on your plate.
Both of you sit down on the dining table, diving in. “That was really fun my love, we should do that more often.” states Leah. A grin on your face and a satisfied stomach make you nod. “Definitely, you did an amazing job. Maybe I’ll make a chef out of you after all.” You both burst out laughing. “Good one baby, good one.”
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won4ver · 7 months
✈︎ our forever is done
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sunghoon should’ve known you’d find out eventually, but he was too late.
pairing : figureskater!sunghoon x fem!hockeyplayer!reader
warning + genre : blood. injury from glass. crying. sunghoon is heartbroken. sunghoon is deeply in love with the reader. betrayal. angst. break up fic. angst no comfort. no happy ending. bet au.
wc : 2k
note : js a short one i wrote literally 2 minutes ago
no it’s not [part two]
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“Please, i’m sorry” Sunghoon sobbed as he kneeled on the ground, his knees bleeding from the broken pieces of glass under them. His hands were wrapped around a shattered picture frame, fingers pressing against the larger shards of glass to keep them from falling, as if it would mend the glass back together.
You didn't look at him as you were emptying your designated drawers from his dresser into a small suitcase that you had let him borrow for his tour. You were blinded by rage, your eyes swollen with the tears that you've shed for your broken relationship. Sunghoon had promised that he would be different, that he was going to treat you better. “I’m so sorry” He repeated again and again as his drunken mind ran, thoughts spewing with the tears leaving his mouth.
“Am I that unloveable?” You temporarily paused your actions as the words shakingly left your mouth, the pain unmistakingly filling each symbol. At his silence that followed your question you let a scoff leave your mouth, disbelief filling your eyes. You spun around to face the boy kneeling on the ground, his hands now bloodied from the glass puncturing them from his carless hold on them.
Sunghoon was looking at you as if you were the one who broke his heart, as if you were the one who played with his heart for some stupid validation from your friends. “Did you really hate me so much that you had to bet on my love? Sunghoon, you were my everything” He looked down as his eyes burned, his teeth coming out to bite at his bottom lip. “But all I was to you was some stupid game” You turned back around towards his dresser, your eyes finding another framed photo of you two. “God, I was so stupid to think that someone could actually love me”.
Sunghoon’s voice went unnoticed to you, his words carrying the weight of the world but never reaching your obit. “I love you more than anything, more then everything”
You grabbed the photo from the dresser, allowing your eyes to trace over it one last time. In the photo you looked happy but he looked ecstatic. You were standing beside him, your arms tightly wrapped around his waist as you smiled into the camera, unaware of the loving gaze coming from the man beside you. Sunghoon was smiling down at you like you’d won the lottery, his cheeks pink from the words you’d shared moments before. You recognized that photo as the day he had officially asked you to be his girlfriend, a month after he first asked you out- the day he claimed as his “favourite day ever”. God how naive you were to believe him, to believe you'd ever meant anything to him.
And like the tear that fell down your face, the photo fell with it. Then the next photo, then the next. You grew angrier with every photo that fell, your heart causing a physical burn in your body. For somehow who never loved you, he had a weird amount of photos of you. The wall above the desk was filled with polaroids, all either of you or the two of you. His bedside table had two photos, one was a photo of you from a week after he asked you out, it was a photo of you after the first hockey game of the season.
The other was another photo from the same hockey game, but it was the two of you together. He was wearing one of your jersey’s, his face painted in strips of your college team's colours with a huge sign in his right hand reading “Y/N’s biggest fan!”. His other hand was wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you flesh against him, your skates and equipment still on. It was the first game he's ever been to, and it was your first time letting someone wear your personal jersey.
As the last photo hit the ground you heaved, your back rising as short breaths left your tight chest. As your head cleared up a bit more you could faintly make out the sound of Sunghoon’s frantic voice, the sound only growing as you turned to face his bedside table, advancing towards the last two photos- his favourites.
Before you could step any closer Sunghoon grabbed your arm, forcing you to stop. “Please stop, don't touch those, please” he begged as his hold grew firmer. You turned your head to look at him only to see him looking back and forth between the broken frames on the ground and the untouched ones on his table.
You could see the pain he was going through, his face red from crying, his eyes swollen from the tears relentlessly falling from them. His eyes were the worst. The eyes that usually held the utmost love for you were now staring at you in horror. He genuinely looked like he was going to pass out.
“Please, you can do anything but break those. I don't care, trash everything else, but please not those” his voice broke with every other word leaving his mouth, one of his hands leaving your wrist to harshly rub against his eyes, his bottom lip wobbling in an attempt to conceal his cries.
You just shrugged his arms off and turned away, walking back towards the closet not caring for the glass on the ground. You picked your suitcase off the ground and pulled it into the closest, grabbing more of your clothes to throw them in.
Sunghoon moved like he was in a haze, kneeling back onto the ground. His hands rapidly, but gently, grabbing the photos from the ground, carefully trying not to scratch or rip any of them in the process. His hands reached from photo to photo and he shook, pulling them to his racing heart. He gazed down at each of them, his heart breaking with every new photo.
His heart, if possible, dropped even further as he heard your suitcase zip up. He rose to his feet, the photos still against his chest as he watched you walk towards the door, his other hand reached out to grab steady you as you walked over the glass. “Be caref-” the words died on his tongue as you turned around and glared at him.
“You don't get to tell me what to do, act like you care for me” you spit with venom, your voice not coming out as strong as you would've liked, not that you cared right now. “Not after what you did to me, to us. I never want to see you again” Within seconds Sunghoon was in front of you, his head shaking in denial, his long hair falling down in front of his face. “Please, y/n, don't leave me. You promised me forever”
You looked into his eyes as you spoke the next words, leaving daggers in his heart that would cause his heart to bleed for days. “Our forever is done, Sunghoon.”. He once again shook his head in denial, “No it’s not, it's barely started. We haven't traveled to your home town yet, we haven't ate ice cream in the middle of the winter while skating together, we haven't graduated college and got our own place, we haven't adopted the three cats were saw at the shelter, we haven't done anything.” he grabbed your hand, his fingers leaving more blood trails against your wrist, you didn't say anything which prompted him to continue.
“I love you so much, please. It's true our relationship started with the bet” he watched as your head tilted down, your quiet sobbing filling his ears. “But our love didn’t. I've been in love with you since I first saw you in grade school. I have loved you since we first bumped into each other at the seesaw. I loved you while I watched Jake bring you to prom after I spent months planning my proposal. I loved you way before the bet, before it all started.” he stood there waiting for you to respond, his head pounding as he sobered up from the night that ruined his life.
It was true, he asked you out after getting betted on it. He foolishly agreed to let Niki, a freshmans, dare. They told him that he could never make a hockey player fall in love with him, a figure skater. He knew he shouldn't have taken the dare, and broke it off the day before your first date. He spilled his feelings to his friends, telling them about how he's pinned over you for years, that you’re the only person who has ever looked at.
His friends finally understood why Sunghoon never paid attention to anyone else, never dated or kissed anyone within his whole twenty two years of living. It finally all fell into place, until his house of cards fell.
Sunoo, the only sober one, had called you from the bar, telling you that Sunghoon was begging for you. After hearing you agree Sunoo meant to hang up, he really did, and soon he will wish that he had double checked. You also didn't realize you weren't hung up until your phone automatically connected to your car's speaker, the voices coming out all throughout your car.
You allowed yourself to giggle over the mistake and reached over to end the call. But before you could you heard a distinctive voice questioning Sunghoon, his words made you freeze. “Dude, when will you tell y/n about the bet? It's been three years, she deserves to know”. Your world crashed in from around you the longer you listened, hands gripping the steering wheel as you drove to the bar.
The second you reached the bar you disconnected the call and stormed in, your eyes searching for Sunghoon. The second his eyes met yours his face lit up, a bright smiling coming across his face as love filled his body. The boys noticed his wiggling body and automatically knew that you were there, he only ever acted like that for you.
Sunghoon stumbled to his feet as he ran over to you. His arms wrapped around you and his body melted into your hold. He rubbed his cheek against yours as quiet “I love you”’s left his mouth. The boys walked over to meet you, none of them except for Sunoo noticing your odd behaviour due to the alcohol. Sunoo tried to meet your eyes but you avoided it, just looking down at Sunghoon’s back. Your arms that usually wrapped back around the boy now laid limp against your side. His cheesy ‘i love you’s were usually met with your own, but now you were silent.
After helping Sunghoon into the car and buckling him as he stared at you with a lovesick smile on his face, you started your car and began your way home. Sunghoon reached out and grabbed your hand, his fingers clumsily entwined with yours. At one of the stop lights he leaned over to kiss you, and you allowed it because you knew this would be his last time ever kissing you, which was unknown to him.
After you got to his apartment and unlocked the door you finally exploded, accidently knocking into his dresser during your fight causing one of the photos to fall. And the rest led to where you are now, him crying while staring into your eyes waiting for you to respond. Except you didn't.
You just pushed him off of you, uncaring about the way he stumbled back into the wall, the photos crumbling under his hold. A few of them got caught on a sharp edge and cut, matching Sunghoon’s heart. He couldn't breathe, everything around him blurring as the lights flickers in and out between the edges of his eyes. Soon black filled his vision, his head tilting back as he fainted.
The door to the apartment across the hall from him slammed open, the boys running into his open room to see what all the slamming was. They all froze at the door upon seeing the state of not only the room but their best friend. “Oh my god” Sunoo whispered in horror, his head snapping back down the hall, watching as the elevator closed with you crouched down, clutching your suitcase beside you as you sat there crying.
It then clicked for him, it clicked for them all. You'd found out, and left him.
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icallhimjoey · 21 days
writing idea: group hang at a rage room/smash room that ends up in a meet cute.
eeeeeee thanks for this request! it's a quick lil thing, hope you enjoy! tw: mention of blood and a cut in your face Wordcount: 1.7K
Not His Thing
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Joe hasn't stopped feeling the uncomfortable flush of guilt in his face for the past half an hour. He feels awful.
Smash rooms, as so it turns out, aren't really his thing.
"Stop saying you're sorry."
"Yea, sorry. I'll stop. Sorry. Sorry." Joe jokingly takes all blame immediately, because he is obviously an idiot who can't do anything right at the moment.
You smile through watery eyes, your nose tinged red and half your face numb from the cold. You've been pressing a towel-wrapped ice pack to your cheekbone for over twenty minutes now, and it's done wonders for the bleeding and for the pain. Not so much for the panic and the lightheadedness that followed though, but all things considered, you feel fine.
Your fun day out with friends has been cut short, though.
"Does it hurt still?" someone asks you, and you expertly control your voice, give them a steady, "No, it's just cold, now." but your eyes are still watery.
When you remove the ice pack for a member of staff to have a look at you, they tut worriedly and tell you to just hold it in place a moment longer.
Joe did this. This is Joe's fault.
Joe tries his best not to wince at the swelling he can see. At the size of the cut he left in your face. God, your face. You are likely going to need stitches. He remembers getting a cut in his own face, right in the middle of his forehead, and how that bled for hours. The worst part though, is that it'd left him with a scar.
Joe can't believed he scarred someone.
"But I am sor–" Joe tries, not overly loud, he doesn't want to make you jump.
"Stop it. It was an accident. Accidents happen, don't worry." You reassure him once more, and you really mean it, but it does nothing for Joe's culpability.
He did this.
Joe had swung a bat at porcelain, and you'd been in the wrong spot at the wrong time. A shard of vase had gotten stuck in your cheekbone, just below the protective glasses you'd been wearing.
You imagined it'd just been a scrape, had only let a small, "Ow," pass your lips upon the impact, but then you'd gone to touch it, and felt something solid there still.
Skin wet.
The liquid warm.
Something solid.
Something sharp.
Your fingers painted red, and the sight of it had nearly made you faint. Joe had never seen colour drain from someone's face quite so fast.
Joe already knew that his fight or flight response was freeze, but being confronted with this cowardly personality trait like this was terrible.
Joe hadn't ever seen a girl panic the way you had from something he was responsible for.
He'd just stood next to you in his protective gear, big shocked eyes behind his plastic safety glasses, entirely unsure of what to do.
And then you'd wobbled on your legs, and he had just shot an arm out.
For the lack of strength you'd held in your legs, Joe was surprised by the death grip you had on the sleeve of his overalls.
Your blood covered hand went back to touch at your cheek again, but Joe was able to grab hold of that wrist just in time. And then, with weird tensed upper bodies that held onto each other, Joe'd lowered you down onto the ground because everyone around you kept repeating for you to sit down, to get onto the floor.
You sat down, and then only seconds later, lied down before you could lose consciousness all together. Your friend lifted your legs up and even though your eyes looked scared, the two of you were giggling. Laughing at the silly situation.
And Joe had just stood there.
Your skin looked extra pale next to the bright red of the blood that dripped down your cheek right into your hair and it was... sort of beautiful. Awful thing to focus on when he should've actually been doing something helpful, but Joe just... looked at you, and thought you looked lovely.
Looking at you now, still teary, but smiling, he's still scared it'll flare up again. Your panic. It's unlikely, you're sat on the floor, leaning against the wall near the exit, but your cheek doesn't look good. He feels bad going back in to launch a hammer at a printer, or whatever, so he's hovering. Some of his friends are too, just like the staff is, making sure you're drinking your water, telling you to stay seated until your breathing has returned to normal.
Your friend has gone to get the car, and she said she'd be quick, but the second she was out the door, you'd cracked a joke. Said you'd see her in an hour if you were lucky.
You shudder through another inhale, and it makes Joe's eyebrows twitch up a little. You see it happen and release your breath in a laugh.
"If I were to go with just how you're looking at me, I'd believe I was actively dying," you joke, and everyone around you politely smiles through worried grimaces.
"I feel fine. I'm fine, honestly. It's just a minor cut. It feels," and like an idiot, you remove the ice pack and shove a dirty finger right into the cut on your face.
You feel how wide the cut is, and how deep into your cheek your finger sinks.
The wave of nausea is a surprise to you, and the way Joe shoots into action when you sag to the side because your head is suddenly too heavy is a real surprise to him.
"Hey, hey, okay, careful, careful..." Joe holds you by the side of your face that hasn't got a huge gash in and curls his fingers around as he carefully tries to hold you up.
"Maybe you shouldn't..." he starts, and finds the ice pack you've dropped with his other hand. "...play with that."
You kind of want to go to sleep.
Close your eyes and have a nap.
You lean into the hand that holds you and the instant comfort after shooting pain is nice.
But then the ice pack gets softly pressed against where your skin's broken and your eyes laser back into focus.
"Hi," Joe says when you make eye-contact. He smiles, though it's wobbly.
Maybe you aren't as fine as you thought you were.
"I'm fine?" you ask, feeling panicked like a real loser.
"You're fine." Joe assures you, voice soft but level enough for you to believe it. That's what's important, he thinks. If you believe it, you'll calm down enough until your friend gets back and she can take you to hospital.
"You're okay, focus on breathing, all right?" Joe redeems himself. This is what he should've done half an hour ago, when all hell broke loose. "That's all you've got to do. You're fine."
"I'm fine." you repeat after him, and force yourself to take a deep breath. "I'm fine." you're reassuring yourself now, and with one hand cupping your clammy face and another cooling where you're hurt, you press your own hands to your chest and ground yourself with your eyes closed.
It's awkward because there's other people there, but Joe's glad he gets to hold you for a bit. It's admittedly an unconventional way of being close to someone he's just met, and he still feels mortified, but... you're pretty. Even with dried blood covering half your face.
If this is how he meets the love of his life, it can be an embarrassing story he will gladly listen to at every single birthday party until he dies.
"That hurt." you say after a moment, and smile, eyes still closed.
"You're fine." Joe says again, but whispers it now.
"I'm sorry," you say like this is your fault. "I should've known not to agree to come to this," you confess, eyes blinking open now, and if you're startled by how close Joe is to you, you don't show it. "I'm not really angry enough for this. I don't think smash rooms are my thing..."
Same, Joe thinks, and he smiles, gets some of his confidence back when he sees the flush returning to your face. "Maybe there's some anger now?" he asks, because you should be angry. At him. Look at what he's done to you.
You don't understand what he means, this handsome stranger, and you frown in confusion. Before you can ask, and before Joe can explain, the door opens and your friend barges in, completely out of breath.
"Quick! I've stopped right in front and I'm holding up traffic!"
And just like that, Joe and staff help you move back up onto your feet.
You're fine.
You're helped out to the car, but halfway down the pavement, you're walking by yourself and are getting into the car without any help.
It is just a cut on your cheek.
"Can I, em," Joe starts, staring through the glass of the door at where you cup a loose hand over your cheek to protect it when you put your seatbelt on with the other. "Can I get her details?" he turns to a member of staff.
"I'd love to send a card," he explains, and from behind him, he can hear one of his friends softly chuckle.
Joe'd forgotten he was even there with anyone.
"A card, or a bunch of flowers?" one of them starts.
"He's going to write her a love letter," one groans, already annoyed by the idea of it.
"Gifts her ten grand, just because he feels bad," another jumps in, and they're laughing, slapping shoulders. They're making fun, pretending to be Joe, mimicking the face he made, how he'd helplessly stood there, joking about how the one time Joe joins them for something, this happens. It's all shit they'd held in whilst you were there still, and it's all spewing out now, no holding them back. Joe doesn't even try.
"Come on, we've spent long enough not smashing TVs in."
And bats, hammers and axes get picked back up.
"You coming?"
And Joe smiles, though it's not very convincing.
"Nah," he says, and walks over to that staff member. He needs to get your details.
"I'm good."
There was no way he was going back in there, because smash rooms, as it turns out, aren't really his thing.
the end
The Taglisted
@ali-in-w0nderland, @alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson,
@choke-me-eddie, @demonsanddemogorgons, @did-it-work, @dirtyeddietini, @djoseph-quinn,
@dolcevit4, @eddies-puppet, @emma-munson, @emotionaldreamer, @everythinghasafacee,
@figmentofquinn, @ghost-proofbaby, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, @hanahkatexo, @harringtonfan4,
@hazelenys, @jewellethief, @joesquinns, @keikoraven, @kennedy-brooke,
@lovelyblueness, @manda-panda-monium, @mandyjo8719, @mexicanfolklore, @munsonluvrr,
@munson-mjstan, @nadixq, @nglharry, @notverywise, @pepperstories,
@phyllosilicate-s, @royale1803, @sherrylyn0628, @sidthedollface2, @solzi1420,
@songforeddiemunson, @sweetberry47, @take-everything-you-can, @thebellenouvelle, @tlclick73,
@werepartnersnow, @winterwakesthewolf, @witchwolflea, @yelyahcardella, @yunirgo
taglist currently full, sorry
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metalhoops · 1 year
Steve was going to die crouched behind a picnic table in an unfamiliar town. That’s how he saw it, anyway. 
He’d been looking for Robin. That’s where it all went wrong. She hadn’t shown up for work at the video store that Saturday morning. It wasn’t like her. The two had just started at their new job and it was a goddamn Saturday. Steve had been run off his feet all day. 
At the end of his shift, he couldn’t help but look for her. Since the incident with the Russians, both he and Robin had their days where they would disappear, but they’d always let the other know they were safe. 
Steve never used to be a worst-case-scenario kind of guy until everything with The Upside Down. All day he’d felt panic rising in his stomach. What if she’d been taken by demogorgons or kidnapped by secret government operatives?
He drove the BMW past all of Robin’s familiar haunts. She wasn’t at home or at Steve’s place. The school was closed, so she couldn’t be at band and she’d have asked him to drive her to the movies.
That’s when he started to check the places he didn’t want to find her. The Junkyard, Lover’s Lake, and the remains of the Hawkins lab.  She wasn’t there. It was then he recalled a conversation they’d had last Sunday. 
“All right, I’ve got some more evidence,” Robin had exclaimed days before, and Steve had known exactly what she was talking about. 
“Well don’t hold out on me, Rob,” Steve pushed, pulling out a notebook he should’ve been using to keep track of people’s late rental returns. 
Instead, it harboured two columns and a series of tallies, an ode to their Scoops Days Steve was secretly proud of thinking up. ‘Vicky likes boobies’, proclaimed one column while the other argued, ‘Vicky doesn’t like boobies’. He’d never said he was mature. Plus Steve got a kick out of watching Robin squirm. They’d been trying to work out if Vicky was a viable crush. Steve thought she was but so far the columns were an even split. 
“Last night I saw her car parked outside the fairgrounds in the next town over. Any other day of the week and I wouldn’t think it was weird, but Saturday night, it’s a spot, you know?” Steve didn’t know. 
“A spot?” He echoed. 
“Yeah, you know? Like how skull rock is ‘a spot’ but it’s only for certain kinds of people.” Steve’s brow pinched together and he nodded. 
He could imagine what Robin was implying. He’d added another tally to his favourite side and thought nothing more of it until he’d run out of places to look for Robin in Hawkins. It was a Saturday night. It was a long shot, but he’d take it.
Steve drove to the next town over and was surprised to see a smattering of cars at the fairground. There were a handful of boys in their twenties sitting on picnic benches around a boombox playing music Steve was vaguely familiar with. Then there were a couple of girls sipping beer and passing the bottle around. 
If you didn’t know, it’d seem like any other half-assed party but if you knew what to look for, you’d know you were in the right place. Steve didn’t know when he’d become the kind of person who knew what to look for. 
One of the guys had his hand tucked into the back pocket of another’s jeans. Then, of course, he saw his fair share of coloured hankies, carabineers and key rings. Sometimes, Steve actually listened when Robin talked to him about that kind of stuff. He figured it must get lonely, not having anyone to talk to about those things. He wanted to be a good friend even if he couldn’t relate to Robin. Steve liked girls. That was the beginning and end of it.  
He studied each of the partygoers' faces and felt his throat begin to constrict. Robin wasn’t there. Where the hell was she? This had been the last stone left unturned. Now what? 
Steve’s heartbeat was a kick drum, threatening to crack his ribs in two as it burst from his chest cavity. His vision began to tunnel and a ringing in his ears swelled to a crescendo as he crouched behind an abandoned picnic table.
What if something happened to her? How the hell was he meant to find her? 
Steve felt a hand on his shoulder. 
He looked up with a start, almost leaping out of his skin when he saw one of the boy’s faces inches from his. The space was dark, illuminated only by the moon and the intermittent flickering of car headlights.
“Hey. You’re okay. Just breathe with me for a second, alright?” The boy instructed.
His voice was vaguely familiar, but Steve couldn’t string together a coherent set of thoughts. His body was focused on not keeling over. He tried to copy the overdramatised rise and fall of the boy’s chest. 
“There you go,” the boy soothed as Steve’s breathing evened out. 
“Guessing, it’s your first time here. Don’t worry too much about it. The first time I went to a gay bar in Indy I had a panic attack in the bathroom.” Munson. The voice belonged to Eddie Munson, Steve’s brain supplied at last. 
They’d gone to high school together. Though Steve wasn’t sure if the guy had graduated. He vaguely recalled Eddie hating all jocks on principal and Steve had tried to give the boy a wide berth because of it. Turned out he was the type to hang out at gay bars. Okay. 
There was no way Eddie recognised Steve. He was being way too nice to him. Maybe Munson was a good guy. Steve hadn’t taken the time to find out back then. Steve hadn’t really been a good person. He was trying hard to be better.
“No one’s tried to push you into anything, right? Because that’s not what this place is about. I might not be able to kick anyone’s ass, but I know a guy who could,” Eddie commented, confirming Steve’s suspicions. He was a good guy. 
“No. I’m good... I’m looking for someone,” Steve breathed, hoping maybe Munson would’ve seen Robin. 
Then again, if Eddie hadn’t seen her, he’d be outing Robin, which Steve knew was a shitty thing to do. Eddie spoke before Steve had the chance to decide what he was going to say.
“You see him around?” Eddie asked, moving to sit beside Steve on the grass, scanning the crowd. 
Oh. Eddie assumed Steve was... That was fair. He was at ‘a spot’. He guessed he could work with that. 
“I think he stood me up,” Steve covered, looking for an excuse to get out of there. 
“His loss,” Eddie mused, placing a hand on Steve’s knee. Oh, no. Flirting. 
“I should get out of here,” Steve stuttered, jerking upwards.
“Right, shit. Sorry. Too strong,” Eddie spoke half to Steve, half to himself as he stood up and dusted grass from his jeans.  
“Don’t let me spook you. Seriously. You look like you need a night out. I can sit all the way over there and we can pretend this never happened,” Eddie proposed. 
Steve was dreading the ride back to Hawkins, knowing if he went home now, he wouldn’t be able to sleep. Steve surprised himself by shaking his head. 
“No, I don’t want you to... just... don’t go. This isn’t something I do. I could use the company.” Steve was surprised at the words as they left his mouth. In what world did Steve Harrington want to hang out with Eddie Munson?
“Alright, no funny business, I promise. I’ve got some beer in a cooler. We could keep things all PG-13,” Eddie proposed, leading Steve to where the aforementioned cooler was stashed on a free picnic bench. 
“I’ve got to drive back home, but I could stay for a bit,” Steve remarked, sitting down beside Eddie’s cooler on the tabletop. 
He tried to focus on the distant music and the sound of passing cars. His thoughts kept returning to Robin. He dug his thumbnail into the table, scratching at the splintering wood as he tried to stop his mind from reeling. 
“Is your place far from here?” Eddie questioned, sitting beside Steve and lounging back on his elbows, glancing up at the night sky. 
“That wasn’t a preposition, by the way,” Eddie clarified quickly. 
“I was just trying to make conversation. Christ, man. I’m shit at this.”
“Shit at what?” Steve questioned absentmindedly, glad to have a distraction. 
Eddie grabbed a strand of hair and coyly hid a smile behind it. 
“You know. Talking to pretty guys.’ 
It wasn’t like no one had called Steve ‘pretty’ before. They had. But they’d always done it as an insult. He’d heard the word, ‘pretty boy’, spat through gritted teeth a handful of times, but no one had ever made it sound like a good thing, like something Steve wanted to be. 
It was strange. Steve hadn’t been lying when he said this wasn’t something he usually did. He wasn’t gay. He didn’t hang out with men in a way that walked the tightrope between platonic and flirtatious, but he’d gone on a lot of dates with girls, some that’d been far worse than the way his night was panning out. Steve was surprised at just how comfortable and familiar the setting felt.  
“I’m from Hawkins,” Steve admitted, feeling Eddie’s keen eyes on his profile. 
“Small world. Me too.” Everyone knew everyone in Hawkin’s. It’d only be a matter of time before Eddie placed him. Then what? He couldn’t imagine Eddie would want to hang out with him for long after that. 
“I came here with a buddy but I’m pretty sure he’s screwed off by now, you mind giving me a lift? Think we could both use the company.” 
Steve was always driving the kids around, that’s what he was good at, and it’d be a distraction. Steve nodded before he could think any better of it. 
“I can do that. You say the word,” Steve muttered and followed Eddie’s eyes to the stars. 
“Soon, give me a few minutes to enjoy the view”. 
That was the one good thing about small towns in the dead of night. The stars could really shine, painting their way across the sky, all milk and moonbeams. For once, Steve wasn’t thinking of the things lurking in the shadows. 
He could hardly make out the features of Eddie’s face, but he couldn’t help but think, if this was like the dates he’d been on with girls, this was the point where he’d kiss them. It’d be romantic. At heart, Steve had always been a romantic.
A car pulled up close to the two boys, bathing them in yellowed light. Eddie’s face turned to look at Steve. His eyes swelled wide with recognition. He’d expected Eddie to be shocked, this was the last place Steve would expect to find himself on an ordinary day. What he didn’t anticipate was Eddie jerking back as though Steve had physically hit him, his body tumbling backwards off the bench and onto the grassy lot. 
“Holy Hell, Harrington,” Eddie choked out, as he tried to pull himself back to his feet, staggering. Right. Steve should’ve known this wasn’t going to end well. He should just leave now. 
“I thought your voice sounded familiar. Christ. Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington. Here? Holy shit.” 
Steve stood, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot, trying to eyeball the best path to the Beamer, suddenly wanting to be anywhere but there. 
“I’m going to go...” Steve began but was cut off by a wild flailing of limbs and Eddie’s hand encircling his wrist. 
“Sorry. Shit. Sorry. Steve, Stevie. Wait. You surprised me.” Eddie placated, his eyes swollen wide as he looked at his fingers around Steve’s limb. It was as though his body had grabbed Steve of its own volition. 
Steve couldn’t help but notice the muffled conversations from the surrounding tables had quietened. 
“I get it if you don’t want to take me home, but I won’t tell anyone... you know. Cross my heart, dude.” 
Steve hadn’t been worried about that until now. His heart rate sped up again. He wasn’t queer but if rumour got around. His dad would kill him. Steve wasn’t sure that the statement was hyperbolic. Eddie must have seen something in Steve’s face, because his grip on his wrist tightened. 
“Promise I won’t. Look, somehow I’ve managed to collect your little flock of ducklings into my D&D club at school. They think you’re a good dude. That’s good enough for me.” 
Steve trusted Eddie. He shouldn’t. He told himself he was dumb for doing so, but his instincts won out. 
“Well, come on then, if you still want a ride,” Steve grumbled, pulling Eddie along with him to the BMW. 
The two talked on the ride back to Hawkins, but all of it was inconsequential. It was just what Steve needed. Eddie rambled about the kids, something he and Steve had in common. It was the only thing Steve knew they had in common besides the fact Eddie thought they were gay, or at least that they both liked men. 
It should’ve been awkward talking to Eddie, knowing the guy would’ve slept with him if given the chance, but surprisingly it wasn’t. Maybe that’s how Robin had felt about him at the beginning of their friendship. No. Don’t think about Robin. She was safe. She had to be. Steve would know if she wasn’t. 
“What happened to you, Steve?” He heard Eddie ask out of the blue and realised his fingers had been gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles had turned bone white. 
Steve didn’t know how to answer the question in a way that wouldn’t spur on deeper probing, so he said, “Nothing”. The reply seemed to tell Eddie everything he needed to know. 
“I guess I grew up,” Steve supplied lamely.
“I wasn’t talking about how you don’t hang out with the same dicks from school. You stopped doing that before you graduated. Don’t ask me how I know that. Don’t make me say it. You’ve always been pretty, is all I’ll say. This is different. You never used to look so... haunted.” 
What was Steve supposed to say to that? He didn’t say anything, just turned the radio up and wondered how Eddie Munson, of all people, saw right through him. 
When they pulled up out front of the Munson’s trailer, Eddie paused, looking Steve over. 
“Hey, Harrington? You still all on your lonesome in that big old mansion of yours?” Steve rolled his eyes but nodded.
“Well, would you look at that? Me too. I mean, minus the mansion. Want to not be alone, together?” 
“I’ve got work in the morning,” Steve deflected as he found himself switching off the car and following Eddie up to the front door. 
“Won’t bother me. I sleep like the dead.” 
Steve was a horrible sleeper, not that it would matter. He knew he wouldn’t be sleeping that night. Maybe in the morning if he couldn’t find Robin he should call Nancy. She knew everything about missing friends, about knowing something was wrong and yet feeling like you had no one to turn to. He wished he’d been that person for Nancy years before but he hadn’t and there was nothing he could do about that now. 
Steve found himself tucked into the corner of Eddie’s bed. The two boys had stripped off their jeans but kept their shirts on. He kept comparing the night to dates he’d had in the past. He kept thinking how easy it felt to do the same with a man. Steve liked women, he knew that, but he was beginning to entertain the idea he might be able to like men. Couple that crisis with his worries that Robin was somewhere alone and hurting and you had one messy knot of emotions Steve didn’t know how to unpick. 
“Night, Stevie,” Eddie muttered, as his hand made its way to rest on his inner thigh. His breath smelled of alcohol. 
“This okay?” He clarified. Yes, Eddie was a good guy and Steve wished he’d known that sooner. 
“Yeah,” Steve admitted because it was okay, much to his surprise.
When Eddie did eventually fall asleep, he rolled over, keeping one hand on Steve’s thigh and slinging the other over Steve’s chest, somehow ending face down in the crook of Steve’s neck. He smelled of beer and smoke. It was the longest night of Steve’s life. 
True to his word, Eddie remained sound asleep as Steve extracted himself from under him come morning. He paused to jot his number down on a notebook beside Eddie’s bed, surprising himself once again. He hadn’t gotten or wanted a second date with anyone in months. He wasn’t sure this was classified as a first date, but it had him wanting more of whatever it was. 
Steve parked outside Robin’s place, surprised to find her waiting for him in the driveway, unharmed and applying her makeup with the help of a compact mirror as though it were any other day. 
“You look like crap,” Robin noted as she slid into the passenger seat. 
Steve could cry. Steve would’ve cried if it hadn’t been for years worth of emotional repression. 
“You weren’t at work yesterday,” Steve said by way of explanation. 
“Yeah. I went to Indianapolis for my aunt’s birthday. I told you I was going last week.” 
Oh. Steve had forgotten. He nodded, then sniffed pathetically, pretty sure he was about to cry. Robin was fine. She’d never been in danger. She placed her hand over his and gave it a reassuring squeeze. 
“Dingus, were you worried about me?” She teased, trying to lighten the mood. He shook his head, a blatant lie. 
“So worried you didn’t go on one of your crappy Saturday night dates or do you have another story to tell me about how you stuck out with a smoking hot babe... again.” That brought Steve to his second crisis. 
“Kind of.” Robin raised a brow.
“Kind of? Steve Harrington, since when are you coy about the people you date? Dude, when it comes to me you have no boundaries.” She was right. 
“I think I went on a date with a guy,” Steve admitted, not meeting Robin’s eye as she let out an inhuman squeak. 
“I was gone for one goddamn day and that’s the day you decide to date a guy?” She gasped, smacking his arm. 
In retrospect, it was pretty funny. Steve’s urge to cry was suddenly stifled as his body rocked with laughter. 
“I think I owe you one, actually,” Steve admitted, knowing he wasn’t going to hear the end of it. 
Read Part 2 Here
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i2ycat · 2 months
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pairing non-idol!heeseung x fem!reader synopsis college boy heeseung that dedicates his songs to u, plays the guitar for u and never fails to sing u to sleep whenever u want genre college au, established relationship in the second half, fluff warnings not proofread, down bad heeseung… main masterlist
reblogs and comments are very much appreciated!
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before u guys started dating
one thing about u and heeseung is that u both LIVE, LAUGH and LOVE music
picture this; u guys are at a music festival, probably something like head in the clouds
u’re singing ur heart out to niki’s set list (as u should) and heeseung, who was just beside u, happened to turn his head at ur direction
boy was absolutely starstruck the moment he laid eyes on u, despite the scorching heat that rendered u a sweaty mess
he felt like he was in a movie
and he swore he felt his heart thumping faster and faster, which definitely wasn’t because of the bass or the crowd around him
he was too scared to ask for ur number right there and then, because honestly he’s highkey lowkey a loser…
he doesn’t have the rizz people think he has!
by the end of the night, he left the venue feeling defeated. the post-concert blues weren’t even hitting the way it should because all he could think about was u
in the next following days, he’s probably written songs about how he saw the prettiest girl but she got away, posting them on his private, for only his friends to see
“WHO IS THE GIRL.” jungwon drills heeseung for answers during a group game night at their dorm, which piques the interest of everyone else because when has heeseung ever shown this much interest in a girl, to the point where he would write literal SONGS FOR SAID GIRL??
heeseung describes the girl in perfect detail, from the colour of your hair to the tattoo u had on ur arm
“hey… isn’t he just describing y/n?” niki asks, trying to connect the dots with heeseung’s description of u and his own memory
“didn’t she post a story about head in the clouds a few days ago as well?? i swear i saw it.” sunoo adds as he pulls out his phone, “wait let me find her instagram,” and by this time heeseung could already feel the familiar rhythm of his heart thumping to the same beat it did on the day of the festival
“is this her?”
heeseung couldn’t believe his eyes. after all this time (it’s only been a week please), he finally was able to put a name to his mystery girl!
when i tell this man LEAPED when he found out that u both had mutual friends all this time… yea he was already down BAD.
more under cut!
after u guys started dating
it only took a month or two of talking for u to fall head over heels for heeseung
i mean how could u not when he’s so beyond perfect???
he’s never failed to pick u up from ur classes whenever he could, give u a shoulder to cry on when u were stressed about ur finals, and plan the majority of ur dates without u ever lifting a finger— u were his princess and he made very sure that u and everyone else knew it
because of ur joint interests in music, u guys would always send each other music that u’re currently listening to
“flo milli?”
“what? sometimes guys want to feel like a bad bitch too.”
other than sharing music, heeseung would 100% sing u to sleep whenever u ask for it… actually, atp u don’t even need to ask for it anymore because he already knows
u guys would be on the bed, and as his hands snakes around u to caress ur head lovingly, hee would start humming a soft tune
the vibrations of it lulling u closer to sleep
and when u actually fall asleep, he would kiss ur head goodnight and flick the bed lights off, tucking himself closer to u :((
before u guys even started dating, heeseung was already writing songs about u, so after dating, the amount of songs dedicated to and for u would only increase tenfold
he’d record them just for ur ears to hear
and when he’s letting u hear the songs he’s made, he always has this lovestruck smile on his face, eyes totally glossed over and heart in his hand for you take…
u’ve become his ultimate muse, his inspiration in all aspects of his life
u could tell just how much he loves you from the songs he makes— the melody, the emotions he sings with, the lyrics… all of it just screams that he’s totally head over heels for u
he would even let u have ur moment in his songs, either singing or just talking in the background… because he always wants to incorporate u into his art
when heeseung does decide to post the music he makes, he always makes sure to use ur photos as the cover because almost every song is about u and for u 😭 man physically cannot shut up about u
he’s talked all of his friends ears off ab how u cute u looked in his hoodie, how u pretty u were yesterday, and the day before that and probably tomorrow as well
there would be a point in time when u randomly mentioned that u found guys who play the guitar attractive and u know what heeseung did that day? applied for a guitar class, only to showcase what he’s learnt so far a few weeks later
“hee, i didn’t even know u played the guitar?”
“well i just started learning, like, 3 weeks ago.”
“and you’re already this good?”
“what can i say? i’m a determined man.”
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© i2ycat 2024
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adoregojo · 4 months
valentines - sae itoshi x reader
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yayyyyy I finished it, im free :3 im so freaking sleepy rn warnings: angst, very happy ending the chap before: one
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it's been years since you last saw sae.
those 3 years without the elder itoshi felt unfilled, missing it familiar spark. visiting the sea doesn't feel the same without the reddish-brown boy alongside with you. his endless grumbles about how luck keeps running the opposite direction and it's always loss in the in of his road were now just a remains echoing inside your head.
it's not that his face wasn't rememberable anymore, in fact, his face was glued on every bug screen around japan. under the name of the japan prodigy himself. however his face was blurry and those big-screens always do him unjustifiably. pictures were good, but sae grew. oh how you wished you could have grew together again.
you missed his actual face, when he would reveal his rare unseen smile to you. even when he didn't smile, there was something there, your grandma always said that his eyes would go soft under the mention of your name. when actual emotions were still swirling in his heartland. now you looking at his face, his slime teal eyes were so..bleary.. sae looked like he lost all his colours.
you wished you could embrace him, just like you used to when you two were kids after he flunked his math test and the first thing he does is let you hug him and play with his hair, sae told you that he would never let someone else do that to him yet the word shameless was unfound beside you.
but now you were helpless. thinking about the great distance itself between you two was crushing.
you kept writing, and sae promised to write back. at least he did at first, within the next months his letters and calls were fading, draining each day, they were getting awfully dry to the point you felt he was just saying anything to make shut you down. but in the end he stopped completely. no matter how much you texted or called they were never answered.
yet you kept on writing, even when he didn't reply. you sent him birthday cards on his, remained him of yours as well. however he never responded. you write and send, write and send, write and send damn letters nonstop. at some stage you didn't know where to send them anymore. they were never replied to, never seen nor read.
soon your texts became green. and it felt like a door was slammed on your face.
you felt desperate, like a dog waiting for it owner returned. and you could feel the pity glimpses in everyone's faces, in school, neighbourhood, sometimes even your own grandma, except that she held more sympathy with it.
perhaps, the younger itoshi was the only one who didn't change much. just like you, sae stopped his communication with him as well. but he handled it way better than you did, the letters 'big brother will come back, he's just busy' fell out rin's mouth every time he senses you unhidden soreness.
you should believe in what he says, it's literally his brother. his own flesh and blood, his family. yet you didn't ease up under his words, if anything it worried you even more. you felt it, the wave screaming back at you that something bad will happen, something that'll change everything forever.
and you knew you were right when opened the door revealing rin with tears running down his reddened cheeks.
rin never told you what happened that tragic snowy night.
all you could remember was him shedding tears like there was no tomorrow, they were silent yet so painful that you felt sorry for the boy. you always took rin as an unbending person, he was like sae but much more chill and dare you say more friendly?
you warped a blanket around him when he slept in the guest room, you never pressured him. never pushed him, thinking about it now, you should probably have. because you woke up to that bed soothed back all clean and empty the next morning.
and it felt like rin last strike of humanity was left dead under your roof.
rin changed, and everything changed with him. maybe you didn't, perhaps you grew doleful, dejected. waiting was hard, pouring down your soul. it felt like the sky was telling you that you were waiting for nothing, but to be truthful, not only the sky was implying that.
you saw how the younger itoshi would look at you when he saw you writing letters to sae. he said nothing and stood silent, yet his eyes were pleading with you to stop, to give up on his brother before he curses you for good. however, you were already cursed by sae a long time ago.
even when he left for that project, deep inside. he wanted to say something, to speak up. the words were on the tip of his tongue yet he kept on opening his mouth and closing it like a lost fish. then rin left without a word, leaving you to face the truth by yourself.
you found it strange when every time you were present in the tv room, the first thing your grandmother dose is close the tv or change the channel. it was weird, you never remembered her being a big fan of national animals shows. she always liked the news which was what she kept avoiding for a while for some reason. her protection wouldn't last forever.
a secret kept swimming around you, just walking around in the hallways was enough for everyone to either laugh or look at you with such pity. even the teachers? what was going on, what kind of secret could it be to impair you this much?
you wished to stay curious, to stay lost in your little circle of agony but not to witness the man that planted dead hopes within you was now cutting your roots of holden on faith.
you saw a picture of sae kissing another girl, and you felt your soul getting toured up by him.
like the world itself was laughing at you naiveness, how stupid you were. you felt used, the wasted years you spent waiting on someone who didn't even care felt like a pure burning betrayal. you got that light message, sae was basically telling you to get off his back, you were no longer needed.
you meant nothing that anyone could possibly overshadow you. you got tossed aside, a dusty memory that was never worth holding in the first place.
you stopped writing letters after that day.
"nice having you back in japan, genius boy."
aiku laughed, but the man ahead of him didn't even spare a smile at him. instead he found the glass of drink in front of him more interested. the black head let out a sigh, he guessed that sae isn't exactly a man of change, he needs to stop letting his hopes up for nothing.
it's an understatement to say that aiku was surprised that the elder itoshi would even acknowledge his invitation for a night out at what he called a fancy bar. hell, sae probably didn't even like wine in the first place. yet he was here, looking around with his boredom eyes that never opened fully.
"soo, you finally opened your heart for your dear home?." aiku asked, taking a sip of his own drink. through the transparent glass, he could see the slim teal eyes peeking at him.
"what's up with that interview question? don't say you invited me for this." sae spat out, the place was awfully packed despite it being the middle of the night. and he would lie if he said he wanted to spend another second here.
"haha, once a stiff always a stiff. thought i would get a thank you for getting you out of your forlorn shell for awhile. i mean, look at those chicks, you sure you don't wanna catch yourself a little fun? heard you were left out on valentines eve."
the elder itoshi frown a brow, "you think you're my wingman or some shit? don't get too high of yourself just 'cause i went out here with you." scoffing, the reddish head crossed his arms.
before aiku could get a chance to reply, a sultry voice called. "you boys would like a refill?" the suffocating smell of her perfume was pocking sae's nose, which made him hard grimace in disgust. while on the other hand, the shaggy head threw a sly smile at him for some reason, he better not do anything stupid.
"not me, hun. but my friend over there would definitely like to. right, sae?" he should've knew better. he knew this fucker was trying to set him up with some, it didn't even need a rethink when his glass wasn't even half way empty.
sae could feel a vine running through his head when the high heels sound was lifted to his side. his personal space was getting tackled when the woman bend over with her breath that reeked of unhidden smoke and alcohol was tickling his ear.
"Oh? you must be a new one. we got specials for those." she breath out, her hand running down sae's arm. he had to stop himself from getting defensive at her sharp nails stabbing him through the fabric of his clothes. "you can request anything you please, even these lewd things going on your head."
her flirting was on death ears, he didn't even take a glimpse at her. nudging that man was like trying to punch a wall. sae told himself to ignore and she'll get the message and leave him alone already.
"c'mon now, whatever little sweetheart you clinging onto doesn't have to know."
and that hits a nerve, "anything you say? than I request you to step the fuck back you good for nothing tart creature." as soon as these harsh words come out, a loud gasp was heard. and sae couldn't find it in himself to stop the next words of coming out. "I came here for someone, not some harlot woman wiggling over me. go throw yourself on some pimp maybe you'll find a purpose inside their pants or something."
soon, it turns into a crying mess. and sae remains stiff. the only reaction he could give was sipping on his drink, he saw aiku trying to stop the women from running before stroking the bridge of his nose is disbelief.
"what the hell man.. you could've just told her to leave you alone."
"I don't like pushy people."
he hears a scoff, then aiku swaying after the other woman. sae could feel the eyes of strangers staring him down, not that he cares, not even about that woman who he sent crying, she can collect what's left from her dignity, if there was any in the first place. he was too busy rethinking why did he speak those words.
and why did was your face the first thing to pop up his mind when he said that.
it's been years, and he couldn't believe that he agreed to aiku's request, yet he'll never admit that he wanted any reason to step here again. any reason to see you again, he never thought he still had it in his heart to miss you. to be eager for you, he found himself bubbling with excitement like a little kid again.
sae can't figure why are you suddenly so heavy on his mind, was it the years of pushing you to the corner of his mind was paying off? even the tiniest things were enough to makeshift you in a way. it felt like he couldn't escape you, you were in everything and everyone. in the side planted flowers, in the little kids laughs, in the bright colours of the sun.
he wondered if you still think of him, if you still hold on him after seven years of being absent in every way possible. you turned eighteen without him, you probably had much more friends by now, maybe even changed your haircut, he remembers you rambling about how your grandma wouldn't let you change the same haircut for years now. sae himself doesn't notice the smile forming on his lips.
"wash that sappy face off, doesn't suit you." a firm voice stated, he didn't even have to turn around and see when he knew this tone like the back of his hand. lo and behold, his younger brother standing there.
"shitty brother."
rin walked up to the table, his hands deep in his pockets. standing in such a filthy place made shift disgustingly. not even trying to hide his displeasure staring at both his brother and whoever walks by like a walking foul trash bags. or maybe that's just his natural face.
he didn't take the obvious abandon seat, instead he stood like he just needed a minute before taking his leave. "didn't expect you to be back, though you called this place unworthy of your presence." said rin, his eyes doesn't held them loathing anymore. but still a hint of unbearableness was there, that'll take some time to wash away.
"i have my reasons." he simply replied, he was never releasing his feelings.
"plus, what the hell are you doing here? and don't lie to me when you look like seconds away from throwing up." sae question,
"you need to get a assertive manager next time." rin shrugged, he wasn't planning on lying. the guy almost shat himself at the sight of rin alone. maybe he should work in his face expression.
"well, I know you aren't here for a heartwarming family reunion. so spit it out already." rude as ever, but the younger itoshi learned to not raise his hopes too much when it came to his brother.
rin doesn't reply to that, instead he reaches for his black coat pocket. lifting out some designed letter, leaned it carefully over the table for him to take. so sae does, playing around with the object, he sided eye his brother.
"a wedding invitation." rin answered before he could question.
"yours?" he asked in disbelief, that was not a face of a man getting married.
his younger brother started at him like he grew another head, "no?" he almost gagged, narrowing his eyes.
"then i have no interest in wasting my time."
"just read it you damn slacker." rin demand, he did not come all the way here for his older brother to act like a spoiled brat. he swore he's gonna shove that letter down his throat if don't stop yapping.
finally sae let out a dramatic sigh before opening the letter, whatever name it was, it better be worth it. and part of him wished he never opened it.
because his eyes uncontrollably traveled to your name, not even that he read the start nor the beginning. he wished it was a mistake, maybe someone else's name and it was all pure coincidence. his eyelids flicker open, he read it once, twice, and the world felt like it stopped.
"..it's in two days by the way.. and stop looking at the letter like that, your gonna burn it." rin words went from ear to ear. but sae managed to catch something in the lines 'in two days'
"two days?.. why am i getting an invitation now?" words came out mindlessly, he wanted to ask more, who, how and when. his mind was on track. sae never wished for something to be a sick joke like now.
"are you serious? be grateful you were even in the list." nevertheless, rin didn't like his question. is that really what he asked? not even about you? however, his brother colourless face spoke more.
sae didn't reply, he looked at the letter in his hand like it was his worst enemy. rin wished his brother wasn't a damn block headed maybe then he'll get his fingers on what's running inside his mind. so rin takes his leave, letting his brother handle the news by himself.
"woah, man. that girl just wouldn't stop crying. I'm starting to believe you're truly heartless." aiku let out breathlessly, but he was met of a new face of sae, it was the first time he say any other expression on his face. especially something..this emotional..
"dude, you okay? looks like you've seen a ghost."
maybe even someone as cold as sae could carry a fragile heart.
2021 February 18
it felt like the universe was laughing at him.
fate was truly the cruelest, out of any other day. it had to day, the day that was meant for you and him, just fir another guy to snatch his place like a piece of candy. he wished it was him, he wished he didn't come here in the first place. yet he was, surrounded with unfamiliar faces chit chatting around.
sae regrets stepping in here, he wanted to leave. to runaway. he doesn't want to face it, to face you walking down with another man that is not him. but he wanted to see you so bad, why did this feel like this is his only chance to see you ever again?
he felt aimless, and the people talking wasn't helping him either.
"did you hear? they're gonna rent a house on a beach!"
"oh my, they're so lucky. wished mine would have the same mindset."
fucking kill him.
"you actually came? thought you'd leave like the spineless coward you are." the voice of rin was merciless. and most of all brutally honest.
"shut up. I don't wanna hear it." sae waved him off, he didn't wanna hear it. especially his little brother berating him senselessly. deep down, he knew he deserved it. he was the one that stepped over your heart when he promised to take care of it. maybe he is a coward.
after he followed after rin, which took to long for his liking, he had to complain. "fuck you taking me to?" he spat out.
"be patient, don't you wanna talk to them?"
that somehow shuts down any chance of any other objection, it felt like ages before they got to the meant room. and for some reason, sae doesn't enter yet, he doesn't find the guts to.
"why did you even invite me to this?"
"me? invite you? you wish." rin jeered, his brother was definitely not in the right mindset to think such thing. "they invited you, if anything i thought it was better not to."
"I didn't even think you'd come, looks like you still got something in that frigid heart of yours. but it's already too late to come over your fears."
a ghost smile form on sae's face, at his own stupidity, at rin's truthful manner. at himself,
"i know that."
he closed the door behind, and slowly walked into the room. his steps were heavy they kept on echoing through the walls. announcing to the world what he was doing. it was a miracle he didn't fumble his feet on the way, and more of a miracle when he didn't faint at how beautifully you shone.
you quickly stood up, the white dress mimicking your movements. he was right, you did change your hairstyle after all, and oh, how you good you made it look.
"sae? you actually came.." you exclaimed. examining him from head to toe, he did change, more like he grew. he wasn't the same height as you anymore, his bangs were long gone. and he refused to meet your eyes. looking at everything but your gaze.
"yeah." he pushed out his lips.
it was strange, seeing the one he promised to marry get married to another one. his first crush, first crush, his first heartbreak, the first heart he shattered. all the memories of childhood came like a rush wave of air, and what lingered was your face at the airport, the day you said goodbye. the day he heard you sniffing behind him, yet he didn't turn.
perhaps because he knew out everyone, he would've gave up everything just to not see you a tear run down your face. or it would be him crying with and be a couple of crying mess. yes you got him warped your finger like that.
sae only knew a world with you, and he knew his soul stayed with you the day he left.
"it's been a while,"
"seven years, it's been seven years." the male corrected
"i know." you giggle bitterly. he knew you knew. you both knew but none spoke or mentioned anything.
"how have you been?" he had now idea of what to say or ask of you, that was your fucking weeding of course you're happy. damn, even his younger self wasn't that clueless.
"I'm good. you?"
I'm missing you terribly.
"that's good.." you shifted awkwardly, like you wanted to hide from him. was he making you that uncomfortable?
"can i?" stretching out his arms slightly, he was ready for you reject it, to punch him, to scream at him. but you nodded instead.
you lean right on his chest, his hesitate arm on the small of your back. when was the last he hugged someone? it was much easier when you two were kids. it sure felt warm, your cologne taking over his senses. he just didn't feel like fits the puzzle anymore. and it fucking hurt.
it didn't last long sadly, taking yourself out of his embrace. he doesn't want to let go, if he let go, you'll disappear. despite that he looked into your eyes, and suddenly he doesn't feel only half alive. you still got him warped around your finger like that.
"i need to go, it was nice seeing you again, sae."
he could only nodded, every step he took away from you felt like the world was draining it colors again, the universe was punishing him, because seeing you not sparing a glance back was truly painful.
the evening felt timeless, it skips to where he sat looking heedlessly at the ground. he didn't want to meant anyone's face nor attention. he bet that his was gloomy enough to scare off anyone who walks by.
one's begs to differ.
"well, well. if that ain't a face I haven't seen in a long time." an elderly woman said, the same old sly smile still glued to her face. she takes a seat beside sae, fearlessly nudging him to look at her.
"it's you."
"it's me, that old granny you used to call a hag." your grandma said.
"That was one time, and you spanked me for it."
"i sure did, always been a badass." she laughed, and sae found the invisible beam draw in it way to her face.
"look at you, you grew to a fine young man." he hissed when she pinched his cheek, almost as if she meant for it to hurt. he had rub the spot with a grunt.
"despite that, it's sad to say you disappointed me, itoshi sae." she spoke in a straightforward manner. almost like she was scolding him. and when say nothing she continues.
"I would've given you another spank but my grandchild would be mad, they still cares for you. always been." the lady sighed, "they never gave up on you, four years is a real challenge. every day they kept on writing to you, did you perhaps read them."
"every singer night."
"but you didn't respond to a single one?"
he doesn't replay to that.
"don't prove me wrong again. that girl you put your mouth on, why?"
sae's hand travel down his neck, trying to find the right answer. as if there was one. "i wanted them to give up on me. i just felt pushing them and everyone away was the right thing."
"so you became a selfish bastard that kills everything he touches? i knew you were dumb but not that dumb." she shook her head, he had concerned her swinging her cane over his head.
"it doesn't matter, it was already done." lies sliding down his throat. and he knew even a strong face wasn't enough to hide the truth. she could see him bare.
"maybe if you weren't that stupid, you'd have managed to keep the only person that could handle you. but I'm never wrong so i guess you two did end up together in another lifetime."
"but i wanted them in this one."
"too bad, too late." it felt like a sucker punch, he wished for her to actually beat him with that cane at least it'd be less hurtful and heavy. again the urge to leave was strong. and it was getting stronger when that man stood there, and when you walked he couldn't take his eyes off, he couldn't even blink. you never looked so breathtaking. and there he knew that his place didn't get stolen, but earned by someone else. someone better than him. someone that could make you happy and wouldn't make you hold on to a forsaken promise.
yesterday it was him proposing to you with his dead grandparents ring, today it was another one warping it around your finger. the image will hunt him to his death.
the him that promised, the him who kisses you injures, the him who saw you in sunset above the sea. was still there, that version was still swirling within him somehow. and it only shon with your light only. the light that will never be his anymore.
to sae you'll forever be his everlasting one in the stars.
"goodbye." he hopped he chose you in another life.
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lmao this is trash mb yall
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l5byrinth · 4 months
safe and sound
“you'll be alright, no one can hurt you now.”
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pairing: finnick odair x reader
summary: in which finnick shows up at your doorstep and vents his heart out.
warnings/contains: fluff, idk tbh lmk if i should add more
a/n: i combined this with another request bc they were quite similar but tysm for the requests anons 🫶🏼 btw i didn’t really know how to end it im so sorryyy it’s bad. actually this entire one shot is bad 😭
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As the sun set, you watched it from behind glass, captivated by the colours adorning the sky. It was something you rarely did, mostly because you had an insanely busy schedule as a former victor who lived in the capitol.
A knock on your door, however, ruined the one moment you had on your own. With a sigh, you walked towards the door, wondering who was visiting you at this hour. When you opened, you were surprised when you were met with Finnick. Yes, the Finnick Odair. The victor from district four who you had grown a fond friendship with. And had on whom you had a secret little crush on. “Hi, finn?” You questioned, rather than said, wondering why he was at your doorstep out of the blue.
Your relationship with Finnick was… difficult. The two of you had shared a kiss and admitted your feelings to each other before, but nothing really came from it. Mostly because you were both scared what would happen when the friendship you shared would blossom into something more. Besides, you hadn’t talked to him for quite some time.
And yet here he was standing silently in front of you. There was something about him that just didn’t sit right with you. His usual cocky and confident attitude, was replaced with an entirely different one. “Well, come in.” The door creaked when you opened it further and you cringed at the sound of it. He walked towards your living space, as if he had already been here countless of times, which he had of course.
It was like his second home before it got complicated between the two of you.
You closed the door behind you, before following him, a million questions filling your head. He didn’t utter a word, staring at the same sunset you had been watching only a minute ago. “Finnick, is everything alright?”
And it was as if that was his tipping point, because he suddenly stumbled into your arms. You were taken aback, that’s for sure, but you hugged him tight nevertheless. You cooed sweet nothings as tears left his eyes like a waterfall. While soothingly rubbing his back, you let him cry his eyes out, not caring that your sweater was now soaking wet from his tears.
“Finn, whatever it is, just let it out.” You said softly, waiting for him to have cried it all out. The man holding onto you for dear life felt ashamed for breaking down like this. But after what he had been through that night, he just couldn’t bottle it up anymore like he usually did. And when he realised it, the only person who he would want by his side was you.
“Sorry.” Finnick mumbled with his head rested on your shoulder. And if you weren’t so close to him, you probably wouldn’t have heard it. He pulled away, one of his hands lingering on your waist, as he wiped the tears on his cheeks with the other. He had been looking down the entire time, but when he finally looked up at you, you could see the pain and fatigue in his eyes. “Oh, finnick.” You put your hand on his cheek and he leaned into the comforting touch.
After he had calmed down, the two of you sat down on your couch. The same couch you were sat at when you finally admitted your feelings. But none of that was important at the moment. Finnick told you about everything he had been going through since he became a victor at the age of fourteen. The man in front of you told things you could never imagine anyone to go through. Your heart broke for Finnick the more he explained and you wished you had noticed this all sooner.
You drew him in for another hug, telling him you would do anything for him. You assured him, “We will get through this together and make sure nothing happens to you anymore. I’m here for you, Finn. And whatever you need, you can ask me.” Finnick nodded knowingly, wiping away the tears that had fallen down your face because of his story, “I know, love. You always are.”
“I know it’s hard, but whatever happens, you’re safe and sound. With me.” You grabbed ahold of his hands and pecked his knuckles lovingly, his heart skipping a beat. A small grateful smile made its way onto his face as he drew you in closer, wrapping his arms around you while you rested your head on his chest. It was as if a weight had fallen off of his shoulder and he let out a contented sigh.
He indeed felt safe and sound. With you.
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Violets and Verbena
Word Count: 3k
Themes: fluff
Summary: Two years have passed since the events in Hogwarts Legacy, in which Y/N has drifted away from Sebastian. What happens when she has to spend some time in the hospital wing and he comes to visit?
Warnings: Potential spoilers for HL
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Noreen Blainey, hospital matron at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, stood in front of the two witches, holding the curtain partition open slightly and blocking the view of the hospital cot and its owner.
“Someone’s here to see me?” Y/N shared a confused look with Poppy, who sat next to her bedside. “Do you know who it might be?”
“Natty and Garreth both have Charms right now,” she shook her head in confusion. “Maybe it's Amit or Adelaide?”
“I’ll see them,” Y/N agreed, still sounding uncertain. Nurse Blainey nodded once and left, the curtain fluttering closed behind her once more. “I wonder who it could be.”
“Maybe it’s Imelda, come to apologise for knocking you off your broom,” Poppy suggested. Y/N let out a quiet laugh and shook her head. 
“You know it was an accident, and she’s already apologised more than enough.”
“Chocolates make for a good apology.”
“I don’t come bearing sweets, but I could come back with some, if you want?” a deep, masculine voice came from the other end of the partition, before Sebastian stepped into view. He fiddled with his robes nervously and gave them both a small smile. “Hi, Y/N…Poppy.”
“Sebastian?” Y/N’s eyebrows shot up slightly in surprise. After everything that had happened in their fifth year Y/N and Sebastian had drifted and stopped talking to one another, with the exception of the occasional hello as they passed each other in the halls. She still spoke to Ominis at times, but they didn’t spend as much time together as they used to. She knew he missed the man that stood in front of her, but wasn’t sure how to approach him after the death of Solomon Sallow. “You know you needn’t bring anything,” she shook her head with a small smile and gestured to the seat next to Poppy. “Come and sit.”
“So there was no need for me to stop and steal these from the gardens?” He produced a small bouquet of wildflowers from behind his back, and Y/N picked out some violets and different colours of verbena clusters among the bunch that would definitely get him into trouble with Mr Moon. Poppy jumped up to get a vase for them, shooting a look at Y/N behind Sebastian’s back as she went.
“These are beautiful, Sebastian. Thank you,” Y/N reached over to squeeze his hand in gratitude as Poppy returned and set them by her bedside. “Are these forget-me-nots? A happy coincidence, or…?” Y/N trailed off slowly and picked out the different flowers she could see. 
“You told me they were your favourite once, I hoped they would help cheer you up.”
“How thoughtful of you Sebastian,” Poppy commented lightly. She turned the vase slowly as she took note of the flowers scattered within the bouquet. “Did you know one of the meanings for verbena is protection and healing?” Poppy touched the petals, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she looked over at Sebastian. “Amongst other things.” A faint pink dusted his cheeks and he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Yes, well. The quicker Y/N gets back on her feet, the quicker she can get to doing better than me in almost every class,” he played it off with a nervous chuckle and avoided Y/N’s gaze. “It's getting a little boring being on top.”
“It’s been three lessons,” Y/N laughed quietly and turned to look back at him. “I didn’t think you would miss me so much, Sallow.” Sebastian didn’t have a response to this, and went silent. Y/N couldn’t read the look on his face; another testament to how long it had been since they really spoke. Ominis once joked she was a Legilimens, because she could practically read Sebastian’s mind and predict what he was going to say before he actually said it.
“Is that the time?” Poppy jumped up from her seat and grabbed her bag. “I’m going to be late for Potions, Professor Sharp is not going to care that I was on the opposite end of the castle.” She dug into her bag and pulled out a herbology book before handing it to Y/N. “Here’s the book I said I would lend you, you’ll find what you need in chapter seven.” With a quick wave at a confused Y/N and a still-quiet Sebastian, Poppy turned and left.
Y/N took a moment to study Sebastian, who didn’t seem to be in a rush to get to class. He had always been attractive, that much Y/N would admit to herself only, but he had really grown up in the past two years. The last of the baby fat had disappeared from his cheeks, and his jawline had become far more pronounced. His muscles had filled out as well. He had once mentioned to her, shortly after the death of his uncle and Anne had left Feldcroft, that he had taken to fixing up the house and garden there, and she couldn’t help but appreciate how he looked.
“You’re staring,” he murmured, breaking Y/N out of her train of thought. She felt her cheeks heat up and looked away from him as if he could read her thoughts plainly on her face. 
“Don’t you have class to get to?”
“Not one I care to attend,” he moved to the chair closer to her, the one Poppy had been occupying and leant back to stretch. “Not without you, anyway.” He shot her a cheeky grin and crossed his arms across his chest. 
“I didn’t realise you would miss me so much,” Y/N let out a quiet chuckle to mask the strange feeling in her chest. This was the Sebastian she remembered, the one who made her constantly question if he was flirting or not. “It’s not even been a day.”
“It’s been longer than that, Y/N,” he said seriously. “Far too long.”
“Sebastian, I’m so - ”
“You better not be about to apologise to me,” he shook his head with a dry laugh. “Not after everything I put you through.”
“You didn’t - ”
“I crucio’d you,” he interrupted once more, near hissing the word out as he leant forward. Y/N sucked in a breath at the sudden reminder of the excruciating pain. “Not to mention the path I started to lead you down. My uncle…” he trailed off, his eyes going glassy. “I didn’t - and still don’t - deserve your kindness. Anyone else would have reported me and let them send me to Azkaban.”
“Sebastian…” Y/N reached forward hesitantly and took his hands in hers. “I forgive you. I forgave you before you even raised your wand. I told you to cast the spell on me.”
“You have to mean it to cast an unforgivable, Y/N. It wouldn’t have worked - I wouldn’t have been able to hurt you if I didn’t mean it.”
“If you hadn’t we would have been dead a long time ago. You, me and Ominis. You did what you had to in order to get us out.”
“How can you still defend me after everything that I’ve done?” his grip tightened before he let go and leant back in his seat once more. “I came here to make sure you were alright and here you are, making sure I’m alright.” He let out another humourless chuckle and looked at the cards and chocolates by the bedside. “Looks like our whole house has stopped by to see you.”
“Sebastian…” Y/N trailed off, unsure what to say to him. His sudden change in topic signalled he didn’t wish to continue the previous conversation, but she couldn’t let him keep blaming himself for everything that happened.  
“Has Imelda stopped by?” He continued as if she hadn’t spoken and plucked one of the cards from the table. 
“Between you and Poppy you would think Imelda tried to actively kill me,” Y/N rolled her eyes and settled back against her pillows. “It was an accident, and she did stop by. The hamper is from her.” She gestured to the largest present on the table, a giant basket from Honeydukes. 
“Maybe I should let Reyes knock me off my broom, if that’s how she says sorry,” Sebastian let out a low whistle and picked up another card. “Is this from Ominis?” his eyebrows shot up in surprise. “I didn’t realise you two still spoke.”
“Not as often as I’d like, but we chat occasionally when paired together in class.” She watched as he read the message on the card and cocked her head to the side slightly. “Have…have you spoken to him recently?”
“No. Not in a way that matters, anyway.” He sighed and placed the card back down. “I wouldn’t know what to say to him.”
“I find hello is always a good place to start,” Y/N offered. Sebastian laughed, a real laugh and leant forward once more so his elbows rested on his knees. “He misses you, you know.”
“I know. I miss him too. I miss you both. But like I said, I didn’t know how to approach you both.”
“All it took was me falling fifty feet to get us here,” she remarked dryly. “I missed you too. More than I realised.”
“More than you realised, eh?” he raised a single eyebrow and there was a coy smile playing on his lips. “Old feelings resurfacing?” he teased. Y/N’s jaw fell open and her face flamed.
“What? No,” she spluttered. “I never - I don’t - did Ominis say something?”
“No…but you did. Just now,” he grinned widely and took in her red face. “Did you used to have feelings for me, Y/L/N?”
“Shut up, Sallow,” she muttered, feeling utterly embarrassed. “You can go now.”
“No, don’t,” he laughed quietly and reached out to squeeze her hand gently. “Believe it or not, I used to have feelings for you too.”
“No you didn’t,” Y/N scoffed and pulled her hand out of his. Her heart leapt at the confession, even though she refused to believe he wasn’t just saying that to make her feel better.
“Yes I did. I thought I was so obvious about it. Ominis used to joke about how he was glad he couldn’t see because he didn’t have to watch me pine after you.”
“You’re not serious.”
“Y/N,” he sighed, but there was still a small smile on his face. “You’re hopeless. Give me that book Poppy passed you.”
“The herbology book. I recognised it immediately. Turn to chapter seven like she said.” He set the book between them and let her flip through until she reached the right page. The chapter was titled Flowers and their meanings. “Do you recognise any of them?” he nodded towards the bouquet he had given her earlier as she pulled the book closer. 
“Some. The Forget-Me-Nots, verbena, dwarf sunflowers…” Y/N trailed off as she made her way down the page in front of her, reading the meanings behind the flowers he had picked for her.
“Now, I will admit, the forget-me-nots were because they are your favourite, but that doesn’t mean I respect you any less,” he leant forward, face tinged pink as he read respect and true love next to a picture of the small blue flowers. 
“I didn’t think…I thought you had just given me whatever you could grab from the gardens.”
“You didn't think I would put effort into something I gave you?” He gave her a teasing smile and watched as she found verbena on the list. Admiration and respect next to an image of the red clusters that sat in the vase next to them. 
“I’m sensing a recurring theme here.” That strange feeling had returned to Y/N’s chest in full force, the one she thought had disappeared with time and distance. Dwarf sunflowers, adoration & admiration. “Sebastian…” She looked up at him, catching sight of a flicker of emotions across his face. “Are these…do you still…?” Y/N wasn’t sure how to finish the question. 
“Do I still…?” he repeated quietly. His fingers brushed against the back of her hand gently and Y/N felt her heart stutter in her chest. “Have feelings for you? Yes.” He admitted, finally catching her gaze. “Unless you don’t think you could feel the same after everything that happened. Then no.” He added quickly. Y/N let out a breathless laugh, one that seemed to relax him. “I thought they went away some time last year, but when I heard you fell today…” he stopped and grimaced. “I felt like my own heart had stopped inside my chest. I couldn’t breathe until I heard from Poppy that you were okay.”
“It seems everyone knows how I felt - feel - about you. Except for you of course,” he paused to laugh and shake his head. “I thought you were meant to be smart.”
“When did you…how long?” To say Y/N was surprised was an understatement. She never would have thought Sebastian saw her as more than just a friend. To find out he returned her feelings from before - that he still felt the same - had left her speechless.
“I’m assuming you’re oh-so-eloquently asking when I first started to have feelings for you?” his eyes sparkled with more life than Y/N had seen in a long time, and she felt her heart swell for him. “I’ll only answer if you do as well and if you go first. I can’t keep putting my heart on the line without knowing anything in return.” His fingers brushed her hand again, a little more firmly as he gained confidence. 
“That night in the library. When you took the fall for me.” Y/N watched as he gave her a surprised look. 
“That soon?”
“You didn’t know me,” she defended her decision. “You had no need to get yourself into trouble and lie for me like that. I didn’t realise it until later, but that was the catalyst.” He mulled over her words for a few moments before standing and sitting on the bed, turning so he could face her.
“If I’m being fully honest, from the moment you walked in late to your own sorting I was intrigued. I needed to get to know you.”
“Is that why you were so snappy the first night in the common room when I introduced myself?”
“Not my finest moment, I’m sure we can agree,” he looked abashed. “I feel it's safe to assume I made up for it, though?” He watched as she nodded in agreement, a breathtaking smile coming over his face. “Looking back I started to fall for you when you beat me in our first duel in class. I didn't realise until later though, like you.”
“What do you think would have happened if we told each other back then?”
“Honestly, I don’t think it would have ended well. I think I needed to do some growing to become worthy of you.”
“You were always worthy,” Y/N took his hand in hers again and laced their fingers together. Her heart jumped as he squeezed her hand affectionately. “We both needed to do some growing, I think.”
“You still haven’t answered the most important question.”
“What’s that?”
“Are old feelings resurfacing? Can you get past everything I’ve done?”
“Sebastian,” Y/N used her free hand to gently cup his face, her thumb running over his cheekbone. “I already told you, I forgave you a long time ago.”
“That doesn’t answer my question, Y/L/N. If it's alright with you, I would love nothing more than to kiss you right now, but I won’t unless I know you feel the same.” He turned his head to kiss the palm of her hand and leant towards her slightly. “And if you consent, of course.” His eyes darted to her lips briefly before locking back with hers. Y/N felt her heart stutter in her chest as her hand slipped from his face to rest on the back of his neck. It wasn’t even a question she needed to think about. She thought her feelings for the man in front of her had disappeared, but if her thundering pulse was any indication, they had just lay dormant until now. 
“It's okay with me,” she said quietly. He muttered a quick thank Merlin under his breath and let go of her hand to reach up and cup her face in his hand. He closed the gap between them slowly, giving her more than enough time to pull away if she wanted to, and paused right before his lips met hers. She looked into his eyes and saw he was already staring at her, a small smile playing on his features. “What?” 
“Nothing,” he shook his head gently, his nose bumping hers. “I just…I adore you,” he said quietly, before leaning in and pressing his lips to hers gently. Y/N felt her heart leap out of her chest and wound her hand into the hair at the back of his head as he kissed her sweetly. He was right earlier, she realised, when he said they wouldn’t have lasted had they started seeing each other in their fifth year. They both had to go through some much needed growing. It hadn’t been their time back then, and as he pulled away from their kiss, Y/N could only hope that now was. 
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alittletaste · 1 year
↳ In which Y/n and Harry have a whole day just to themselves and they couldn’t think of a better way to spend it than having sex. However, not everything works out how they want it to.
Warnings: 4.1k words (longest fic I’ve written! So please show some love and support) 18+ as there’s a lot of mention of smut. Dad!harry (ygmd universe) Enjoy 🫶
The January chill made it near impossible not to layer up. Y/n tugged a jacket onto Indi, his arms easily slipping in, a smile on his face as Harry worked on wrapping up their youngest, Stella with a scarf. The oldest two of the Styles clan, Jude and Beau, were already all wrapped up and warm, ready to go.
Schools were back on and the mornings were once again the busiest time of the day. The kiddos, now all nice and ready for school, were lined up by the front door. Y/n lays a soft kiss on each of their foreheads as Harry goes to grab his car keys off the hook. He walks back to y/n with a smile, “ready to go my little loves?” He asks the kids, before coming into drop a quick kiss onto y/ns lips, catching her off guard. He winks as he pulls away, y/n already feeling her face warm up.
Jude groans upon seeing the affection between his parents whilst the younger kids giggle. “Right, have a good day at school, my angels! Learn lots!” Y/n speaks, as she practically shoos Harry and the kids outside, if they weren’t gone within the next few minutes, they would be late and the last thing the parents needed was a telling-off from one of their kiddo's teachers.
An influx of “bye mum!” came from her kids as she makes her way back inside. Once she was alone in the house, she couldn’t help but replay the kisses Harry gave her this morning, it was obvious he was hinting at something. Especially since they finally get to spend a full day together. Gemma had decided on collecting the kids from school (and Stella from her nursery) so she could take them over to her place tonight and Harry had a day off. A full day together was something that hardly ever happened now that the couple had four of their own kids and whenever they did have one, the day was spent catching up on some much-needed sleep.
But this time, y/n didn’t want that. Y/n wanted. No, she craved her husband. She needed his touch, she felt as if she went way too long without it so today, she was set on changing that. She rushed to her bedroom, finding the lingerie she got gifted for Christmas from Harry and tugging it on.
The material of the lingerie was lace, the sheerness meant that nothing was left to the imagination and y/n knew Harry would be drooling once he saw her in it. Especially since the lingerie was in his favourite colour on her, black. She was the sight of seduction, a sight for sore eyes. Y/n actually felt confident in herself, and proud of her body, something she hadn’t felt since she’s given birth to Stella, two years ago, despite Harry trying his hardest to show her and convince her that she was and is the most beautiful woman to him.
Her thoughts are cut short as she hears a whistle come from the door of her bedroom, she looks up to find Harry leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed over his midsection. He shifts his weight back onto his feet once he realised he’s caught his wife’s attention, his eyes dark and scanning over her body. “This is a nice surprise” he hums as he makes his way over to y/n, biting his lips, “wow”
“You like?” Y/n asks, despite feeling confident, she still wanted his approval.
“Lookin’ fuckin’ gorgeous peach” he speaks, his voice rough with lust. His eyes were still scanning her body, hungrily. His hands going to grab at her hips. “Makin’ me so hard”
“Hmm, wanted you all morning” y/n replies, her hands dragging up and down Harry’s arms, she squeezes once she gets to his bicep. Despite being 38 and a dad with a full-time, sometimes demanding job, Harry kept up with his health /fitness regime; never skipping any gym sessions and always trying to eat healthy food though he definitely did have his cheat days. Harry was still fit and the sight of his beautiful body had people all around the world, screaming.
“Yeah? What did you want me to do, love?” He asks, guiding y/n back to their shared bed. He pushes her onto the mattress lightly before climbing on top, kissing her neck. “C’mon peach, don’t get all shy on me. Tell me what you want me to do” Harry asks again before going to suck and lick at her exposed skin again. He loved teasing her, getting her to speak and tell him what she wanted was one of the sexiest things for Harry. He loved knowing his wife wanted him to do all these things to her.
“I, I want you to fuck me” she whines, her hands tangling into his hair. She keeps Harry there, against her neck and he continues licking at the skin, dropping a kiss here and there. He didn’t want to suck too hard, scared of leaving a hickey which he knows y/n hates having to cover up.
“And how shall I fuck you?” Harry asks, pulling away breathlessly, he begins to trail his kisses down to y/ns chest, showing her barely covered breasts some love. His tongue was working skilfully on top of her lingerie, the wetness seeping through the material making y/n's eyes roll back.
“Want you to fuck me hard” she half moans as Harry continues to assault her breasts, the sounds of his mouth against her skin filling the room. “Like, like you used to before”
“I’ll do whatever you want baby” he smiles, a fuzzy look in his eyes as he pulls back and moves towards her lips. He was intoxicated with her, obsessed with everything about her. Obsessed with the fact that she was his wife, a woman he could call his own and share everything with, a woman who blessed him with four of their babies, a woman that was with him every step of the way.
Just as Harry’s lips met y/ns, he groaned “love when you scratch my back” he speaks, pulling back, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Harry, I didn’t scratch your back” y/n giggles, confused about what Harry’s on about. Upon hearing that, he quickly turns to look behind him, his hand coming down to press against the mattress unknowingly pulling y/n's hair in the process. They both scream however not from pleasure, more from agony if anything.
“Harry you’re on my hair!”
“Bella get out of the room!”
They both shout, Harry quickly pulls off her, reaching over to pick Bella, their cat, up as Y/n gathers her hair, rubbing at the sore spot on her head. Bella had been the one scratching Harry’s back.
“Bella, out!” Harry says sternly, but instead of moving, she leaves Harry’s grasp and finds herself a comfy place to sit on their bed. Just as Harry goes to grab her again, their dog, Oakley makes his way into the room, finding himself a spot to lie down on their carpet.
“Oakley, out boy” Harry speaks, pointing at the door so his pets catch on and leave but they stay sitting there nonchalantly, acting as if Harry and y/n do not exist.
“Harry, leave it, we can do this later” y/n speaks up from the bed, she was still massaging her head as Harry walks over to her with an annoyed look on his face.
“I love those pets to death but damn, they’re just as bad as our kids when it comes to cockblocking us” Harry laughs making y/n giggle as she moves to plant a kiss on his lips. “I’m sorry I pulled your hair, I didn’t realise,” he says against her lips as y/n sneaks her fingers into his hair, she scratches at his scalp lightly.
“Don’t worry babe, just caught me off guard is all” she replies, leaning in for another kiss. Just as they pull away the front door rings.
“Guess I’ll get that” Harry speaks, pressing a kiss onto y/ns forehead.
“I’ll go have a shower” his wife replies and he nods before leaving to get the front door which happens to be the postman dropping off some bits and bobs Harry ordered for the kid's bedrooms.
As he made his way back up, he decides he’ll carry on what he started earlier with y/n in the shower. He slips into the bathroom, making sure to lock the door this time so no unwanted guests showed up, he starts stripping before joining his wife under the hot stream of water.
“You love your boiling hot showers” he chuckles as he feels the scalding water glide down his back, his muscles and defined body looked extra good wet. Y/n licks her lips as she moves her hands up and down his body.
“Better than your ice baths” she replies and he growls playfully.
“Touché” Harry says, leaning towards y/ns ear, “guess what?” He whispers, his voice sending a pleasurable shiver down y/ns spine.
“What?” She asks breathlessly as she feels Harry’s hands trail up and down her naked body, stopping to squeeze one of her breasts before finding purchase on her ass and he groans, whimpering out a fuck.
“The doors locked. I can finally give you what you want” he replies to y/ns question in a playful whisper. “I’m going to fuck you so hard” he groans, his voice gravelly and dripping in lust. His eyes were dark and his cock was hardening as he spun y/n around, bending her over.
He angled the shower head to her ass, to where they’d soon be connected. Harry’s hands travel up and down her back, he leans down to press kisses to her shoulder “you good?” He asks and she nods, wanting nothing more but for him to enter her and fuck her stupid.
“Tell me you need my cock” he growls against her skin, his hands trailing down her back to spank her ass. The force of Harry’s hand against her ass sends y/n forward, making her squeal. He didn’t realise the force and before he knows it, y/ns heads hitting against the side of the shower wall after she loses her footing.
“Fuck” she whimpers, standing up to her full height as she rubs her head for the second time today. “Ouch, that hurt.”
“Fuck, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to spank you that hard” Harry rambles, feeling guilty for causing any sort of pain to his wife. He pulls y/n into his chest, his hand rubbing up and down her back. “Are you okay? Not feeling dizzy or anything?” He questions, worry in his voice which y/n soon dismisses.
“I’m ok, just lost my bearings” she giggles, kissing Harry’s chest. Y/n leans her head against him, her ear placed right over his heart, she could feel his rather fast heartbeat. “Baby, I promise, I’m ok. Maybe shower sex isn’t for us, but I’m all good. No concussion or anything” she reassured her stubborn husband.
“Ok, I’m glad love. I’m sorry once again, let’s just go cuddle, you can be the big spoon if you want” Harry suggests to which y/n is quick to agree on. They swiftly finish off their shower before making their way back to their bedroom to have a cuddle.
“Have we truly been out of practice for that long?” Y/n asks, as Harry pulls her closer towards him. She tucks into his armpit, her arm going over his broad chest as he leans to kiss into her hair.
“What do you mean, peach?” He asks, his fingers drawing soft and delicate patterns onto her arm.
“Like, have we lost our passion? We’ve tried to have sex twice so far and they’ve both failed. And It’s only 11 am” she questions, her eyebrows furrowed, something Harry loved about her. Every time she got angry or confused, her eyebrows furrowed and he believes it was the cutest thing ever.
“I wouldn’t say we’ve lost our passion, I mean I was dead set on fucking you into oblivion. We’re perfect but sex isn’t. It’s never perfect, you know that, sometimes I get a leg cramp from all the thrusting or your boobs get way too sensitive. Shit happens, we can always try again later, we’ve got the day to ourselves love, don’t worry over it” he speaks, slowly and gently, trying to find the right words to make y/n feel better. She nods and kisses his bare chest, nuzzling her face into his side.
“You’re right, I’m sorry, just get too into my head” she sighs and Harry kisses her hair once again before moving to lift her face towards him.
“Peach, don’t be sorry. It’s ok to feel anxious about stuff like this, I’m glad you spoke to me about it. We’ll have sex don’t worry” he smiles and she nods, cuddling closer towards him. Harry doesn’t let up on his promise from before and he’s turning on his side so y/n can spoon him from behind, the two slowly drifting off to sleep in the position.
After a good hour's nap, the two woke up feeling nice and refreshed. Harry gazed sleepily at his wife, his fingers moving to push her hair back behind her ear. “Hey, you” he spoke groggily, smiling lazily.
“Hi” y/n squeaked, her eyes drowsy and voice soft, “that was a nice nap”
Harry smiles down at her, his hand beginning to rub soothing patterns onto her back, he was fully facing her now. “Yeah, I’m feeling nice and awake now,” he says, “think we should have sex”
“Hmm, should we now?” Y/n teases, running her fingertips up and down Harry’s chest whilst biting her lip. She looks up at him, excitement in her eyes, she really wanted this. She craved it and she didn’t want anything to ruin it.
“Yeah” he murmurs, a slight groan and strain present in his voice. “want your pretty mouth wrapped around me. Be a good girl and show me some love”
“Hmm, guess we should lock the door first” y/n spoke, leaving the bed to lock the door, she walks back graciously, her hair a mess from the nap but nonetheless she looked amazing. Once she’s back on the bed, she begins to slither her hands down Harry’s body, feeling the ridges of his toned torso before finding purchase on his boxers. Harry lifts his hips and she pulls down the boxers, freeing his already aching and hard cock.
She curled her fingers around his thick cock, a breathy exhale leaving Harry’s perfect lips as she started sensually tugging at it. Y/ns lips slowly come to close over his tip, eyes focused on his as she drags her tongue over the head of his shaft, licking it lewdly and sliding her tip around it. The sensation of the teasing, has Harry moaning, voice low and brimming with lust.
Y/n slowed the movement of her stroking hand as she started to take him in deeper, her kissable lips wrapped around his shaft, sucking sensually. Harry moaned deeply at the feeling of her lips sliding over the head of his shaft repeatedly, he was big and filled her mouth out perfectly.
Y/n was moving her head up and down, slowly beginning to take more of him into her mouth, tongue lavishing the head of his cock with a slew of wet licks, teasing the tip repeatedly as her hand comes up to play with his balls. She squeezed lightly, watching as Harry’s mouth parted in a silent scream and his head fell back. His hand comes to cup the back of your head, nudging her down a bit. “Stop teasing me peach” he groans, taking his lips in his teeth as she looked up at him.
He’s greeted with a soft hum, the vibrations making him buck his hips up a bit, wanting more and she obliges, taking him in even deeper as her tongue pressed against the underside of his cock. Y/n pursed her lips snugly around his shaft and slurped right back to the tip before going back down again, repeating this motion a couple of times all whilst her hand continued to play and tease his balls. He was hissing and groaning at the contact-making her smile against him. Y/n took pride in the fact that she was the reason he was a withering mess.
Her other hand left his cock, now resting on his thigh to keep herself steadied as she continued bopping her head up and down, her drool running down his girth and making wet-sounding slurps.
Pushing down on her head more insistently Harry got y/n to move faster, a shudder of pure ecstasy travelling up his cock as she sucked him off. He leaned back onto his hand, groaning as he looked down at y/ns nearly bare back, only her bra straps present. Harry reached forwards and undid the bra in a second, freeing her breasts from the constraint. He threw the bra off the bed.
His cock twitched deep within y/ns mouth and he groans, “fuck, I need to be inside of you right now”
Y/n pulls back, a line of saliva still connecting her to his wet cock and speaks “please, fuck me” she begs causing a growl to escape from Harry. He was quick to lift her, flipping them over, trapping his wife beneath him.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard” he rasped, grazing her nipple with his teeth, pulling a gasp from her. Harry was ruthless when it came to the bedroom, a man that knew what he wanted, a man who had someone that would give him exactly what he needed. In a sense, that would make him dangerous, pulling orgasm after orgasm from his lover, watching and loving the way she squirmed on the bed, overwhelmed by the pleasure.
Licking. Sucking. Biting. Harry did whatever he could to satisfy y/n's needs, loving the way she threw her head back at the sensation of his warm wet tongue gliding over her soft skin, her fingers getting lost in his hair. His hands smoothed their way down her legs, caressing the skin, he positioned them over his hip, his hard-on coming in direct contact with her dripping core.
“Babe, please” y/n moaned, her head resting against the pillow, giving him more access to litter her skin with kisses.
“I’m getting to it” Harry murmured against her neck, continuing to leave a series of light kisses there, teasingly. “I fucking love you” he spoke, his hand sliding up her body, gently cupping a breast and then tugging at the nipple making y/n squirm and take his cock into her hand. She’s had enough of the teasing and needed him. She quickly discards her panties, whimpering upon feeling the weight of his cock in her hands.
“Need you in me” she whimpered, guiding his leaking cock towards her entrance. Harry looked down, his eyes on the way y/n had a tight grip around his cock. He loved watching the way she ran the head of his shaft up and down her weepy core, gathering some of her wetness, to make the first thrust easier. It was in these moments, that Harry was glad he had a vasectomy, no longer worrying about having to use condoms or the effects birth control pills had on y/n. He was free to enjoy the warm and wet walls of y/n engulfing around him, and what bliss that was.
“You’re always so wet for me” Harry observed, watching as y/n bit her lip upon hearing him. “Love watching this cunt take me, you always take me so well baby” he speaks lowly, as y/n finally places his plump cockhead where it needs to be. Harry slowly thrusts his hip forward, pushing into her, earning a gasp from his lover.
Y/n squeezes her eyes shut, her head thrown back as Harry begins his steady rhythm of thrusting, withdrawing slowly before pushing in and bottoming out again, profanities slipping from her lips. Her hands were clasped around his back, and her legs wrapped around his hips.
Harry flattened his tongue against the base of y/n's neck and licked all the way up to her ear “fuckin gorgeous” he moaned, his hips still keeping up with the pleasurable pace. His thick cock was engulfed with y/n's warmness, he felt as if he was in heaven.
The burning friction from Harry’s powerful thrusts. The bang of the headboard hitting against the wall. The scent of their combined sweat. The slapping sound of skin against skin. Her fingers drawing blood from his shoulders. The sensation was powerful and the couple have never felt better. Y/n feels a little stupid, thinking she lost her passion with her husband, she knew now for sure that, that would never ever happen.
Harry’s heavy breathing soon turns into grunts and y/n's soft moans into squeals, they were both so close to falling off the edge and into the pool of absolute pleasure. “M’so close. Fuck, you’re so good to me” he growls, his thrusts picking up in pace and force. His pelvis was hitting against y/ns repeatedly, her walls clenching and getting impossibly wetter for him and him only.
Harry shouted her name as he starts to come, his hips slamming against hers as liquid heat begins to fill her up. Every one of his thrusts was punctured with a loud groan and profanity. Y/n lay there as she took his cum, watching her husband shudder and whimper in front of her made her lose her mind. She was so obsessed with him and so was he with her.
He slowly pulls out, watching as his cum leaks out of y/n's puckering hole. “Fuck, you’re going to be the death of me” he growls playfully making her chuckle breathlessly. Harry leans forward to kiss her lips, he slowly sucks on her bottom lip before pulling back. “Can’t let you go without giving you an orgasm m’love. What sort of husband would that make me?” He asks as he begins to move down the bed, back to y/ns core.
He lowers his head, sticking his tongue out and pressing it flat against her clit, he kitten licks it, his eyes closing as he laps up her sweet wetness. Harry wasn’t the type of guy to shy away from cum, even his own, so he had no problem with slowly bringing his fingers to her entrance, pushing his cum back into her.
Y/n's lips separated and a string of profanities spilt from them at the feeling of Harry’s long fingers slowly dipping inside of her and his tongue teasing her clit. He lapped up her juices, his tongue expertly knowing exactly what to do to get y/n to orgasm. He circled her bundle of nerves, over and over with his tongue, occasionally sucking, sending tingles up her spine making her shiver with ecstasy.
She was so close already and with a few more thrusts of his fingers, the lap of his tongue sliding against her clit and the suck of his mouth she came, her legs shaking. She was breathless, completely overtaken by pleasure.
Y/n lay limp against the bed once she came down from her high, Harry slowly pulled his hand out of her warm and deliciously wet cunt and bought his fingers up to his mouth to suck them clean. “I love you so much” she heaves, “didn’t know me looking half sleepy was such a turn on” she joked making Harry chuckle as he fell to the space next to her on the bed, his body heaving with each breath he took.
Harry nipped her ear, pulling her closer to his own body, “you turn me on in every way imaginable, peach” he confessed, pulling a soft smile from y/n. “I love you so much, glad I got to fuck you again”
“I’m glad you fucked me too” y/n giggles, reaching up to press a soft kiss, a complete contrast to how fast and hard they were previously fucking, “you’re the best husband ever” she speaks just as her phone rings. Y/n lazily reaches over to grab it, reading the caller ID with a playful frown, “you got them late again didn’t you?”
“Heyyy, the kids wanted some snacks and who am I to deny?” Harry defends making y/n chuckle. She not only got the best husband ever but she also got to give her children the very best father, a man who would do absolutely anything for his family.
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billiedeansbitch · 4 months
𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 (𝐬𝐟𝐰)
(𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
Note: this one's been sitting in my drafts for so long now I don't actually remember anymore what was going to be ending because I left it like halfway but uh, I stirred my brain for something and came up with some angsty shit you're welcome. (And it's smut free! Yay!)
Warning/s: grief and loss.
You pushed your chair gently as possible but you were tired, exhausted and drained, so it scraped the floor, the sound scratching your ears. You winced and muttered an apology half-heartedly for the noise. You felt her gaze lift from her plate to look at you. “Are you done?” she asked, still watching you. You hummed and nodded, bringing your plate to the sink. Words ceased to exist after that. 
When you returned to the kitchen table she was done as well. You watched her pick up her plate and deposit it to the sink, you helped her around cleaning the kitchen, both of you moving in silence and keeping your way out of each other but as you wiped away the table and she was tucking the chairs back in, you felt her warmth against you.
You didn’t look or react. Keeping it all in a tight lid jar.  You resume to wipe the table until the faint marks disappear to your heart’s content. She didn’t say anything either. She was first to withdraw, though her hand fleetingly brushed the small of your back and you turned. You turned to look at her, you couldn’t resist the temptation nor you had the will to just ignore it.
That at least you let yourself to devour. And despite the constant arguments these days, you still couldn’t wait for the moment where your eyes met.
Your heart was hammering against your chest. You felt as though you were about to faint, there was sadness in her eyes, nervously fidgeting with the ring on her finger. “I’ll be in the study if you need me.” 
You gave her a nod. You saw her eyes slowly falter from looking at you down to her feet, ashamed. “Wait” you wanted to say however your lips remained pressed together. She left, taking small steps to slow down, waiting, still waiting for you to say something and silently hoping but you didn’t until she was closing the door of her study and paused, just thinking, she should leave it half opened remembering how you always stick your head in just to check for her. The fond and bittersweet memory rendered her helpless from all the guilt.
It was a little later, maybe past ten o’clock when you abruptly awoke to the sound of shuffling, the vague noises from the television stopped, the room was dim without the vibrant colours from the screen. “You fell asleep,” the voice said, unsurprised, it knew…she knew and she paused whatever she was doing in her study to check on you.
You hummed, rubbing the sleep off of your eyes. You felt her hand on your shoulder, silently asking you to get up. You had half a mind to hold her hand right there, to savour the feeling of her touch and kiss it. Kiss all the pain away. But you decided against it, afraid it would be too much. So you stood up. 
It felt cold–your hands, you looked at them, and they were empty. So lonely and empty. It broke your heart. You wanted to hold her hand but she was so far away, walking in front of you. 
When was it going to end?
She called your name softly as you unconsciously sank deeper into the abyss of your unending thoughts. Your name, not my darling, my sweetheart, or my love. Once more, your heart broke. You miss it, the way she would affectionately call you names, drawing the biggest grin on your lips and you would leap into her arms, burying your face into her neck. You miss her.
“Yes?” you looked up to see her undoing the pins in her hair, her blouse was half open and untucked from her skirt. It reminded you of the bliss as you two ran around the house, going after each other barely having any clothes on and giggling like girls once you cornered her–you knew for a fact she let you and not because you were swift and strong enough to pin a 6’3” woman with a body mass twice as yours were–and then you’d kiss her and she’d kiss you back, both breathless in the end with smiles on your faces.
She asked if the set of pyjamas she laid for you on the bed were to your liking. Your cheeks warmed, and you told her it was perfect. Little by little, you reminded yourself, everything would be better.
You sucked in a breath, fingers automatically unzipping your dress from the back but getting stuck halfway. It was little inconveniences like this one that really felt like the last straw after a particularly having a bad day that struck a nerve, “The fuck is your problem!” you muttered, trying to pull the tab down but it won’t slide.
Larissa saw you getting upset over it. It was one of your downsides—getting easily frustrated over the most mundane things when you couldn’t do it right the first time—she interfered, tapping on your shoulder and telling you to turn around before your head could explode in anger.
She smoothly pulled it all the way down, her eyes following the path of skin it revealed, she longed to feel you with her lips. 
Larissa stayed there for a moment, unable to retract herself from you. She thought that maybe if she kept herself close to you, like this, her sadness would melt away, that her longing for you would shrink even just by an inch. Her arms ached to hold you. She wanted to kiss you. Fill you in with so many kisses until you decided it was enough. She missed you.
And you missed her so much—that, perhaps, was actually your last straw. You broke down, tears spilling from your eyes that you tried so badly to conceal with your hands on your face. The little sobs came, the shaking of your breath and light twitches of your shoulders.
She pulled you in her arms, gently giving you time to resist. You showed none and willingly buried your face on her chest.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” the words repeated again and again, broken in between with sobs and sharp intake of breaths.
“I’m sorry we lost the baby.” 
It stung like a freshly cut wound for Larissa. She never blamed you, she never breathed out a word about the loss of your child, not a single one. She sat in this awful gown after the procedure was done, unblinking. Not a twitch of emotion or a tear. She somehow turned cold and completely shut the world down. It all changed, she changed. 
And she blamed herself.
Every time she’d see your face she was reminded of how hopeful you were, how full of life and physically vibrating with happiness when you found out she was pregnant. She should have waited for at least a month to tell you Incase this didn’t work out like the others but she had a feeling. She had this hope, something she didn’t feel before so she told you and it felt so fucking stupid of her.
“We could try again,” you said, kneeling in front of her, holding her hands in her lap, “He’ll answer our prayers. He will. I know he will.” But she had had enough of it, she no longer believed.
“Larissa, please say something. Tell me anything.”
“I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m done.” she wiped the lone tear from her cheek, and stood up. It hadn’t been a week since she was released from the hospital, her body had not recovered from the loss. It still felt like it was there–the little flutter. It was making her insane. 
“Where are you going?”
"To work. I'm not going to sit around crying all day. I told you I'm done."
That day, it felt like you lost her more than anything.
She pushed you away and you let her. Now you danced around each other, with intensified longing behind your eyes, your fingers twitching to touch, craving to reignite the fading memories of what you two once were. 
She held you tight against her, giving into the needs of her body, of her soul. She let herself heal as the warmth engulfed the dead parts of her. 
Little by little, she hoped it would get better.
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Day 5
I successfully made contact with the human today. As per usual, I completed my cyclic meal intake, but did not come across the human. When I arrived at my work station, the human was already present. She turned around to me and once again, her face warped into a horrifying grimace similar to the one on the second day, baring her teeth and raising the corners of her mouth in a rather threatening manner. I recoiled, although fortunately, the grimace was gone as soon as it had appeared. The human did not seem to notice my discomfort, and simply turned back to her work station.
After a moment, I felt secure enough to approach my own work station. As we worked in silence, I pondered if this was perhaps not a sign of aggression, but rather a way of greeting among humans. Although this thesis could not be supported by any real evidence, as baring ones teeth was a universal sign of aggression among most species.
The human, suddenly, seemingly without any indicator, spoke up: "Y‘know, I just realized that I never asked your name. That must‘ve seemed terribly rude of me." "I was not upset by your behaviour", I decided on after a moment.
"So what is your name?" "My species does not participate in the gifting of individual names.", I explained. "We simply address each other by their titles or their profession. I am addressed as 'mechanic'." 
"But that‘s…boring and sad." My front pliers uttered a rattling sound. "I have never known anything else." Her vocal cords vibrated, producing a barely detectable humming sound. 
The silence did not last long. "Can I ask you a kind of personal question? You don‘t have to answer, obviously…I was just wondering: Do…all of your species look like you? Kind of like, insect-looking, six legs, pliers, compound eyes type?"
"The anatomy of my species does not wary greatly. We all look quite similar, yes." "Oh, cool"
I tried to word my own following question as polite as possible: "What…about your species? Do your individuals vary greatly from each other in terms of physique?" 
"Well…kind of. I mean, we all have, like, the same 'ground structure', I guess you‘d call it? Like, anatomy-wise? But we like, can vary in, for example skin colour, eye colour, hair colour, height, weight, so shape, basically. Uuh yeah, that‘s what‘s coming into my head right now." She had started 'counting' with her fingers while she spoke, taking one finger for every thing she listed.
"That is quite astounding, compared to my species.", I informed her. "Yeah, I guess you could say so…", she opened and closed her mouth, producing a clicking sound as her teeth clashed together. Seemingly, she had wanted to say another thing, but decided against it.
Before I was able to strike up another conversation, Wrin walked, or rather, stumbled into the main control room, a bottle in their gloved hand. They informed me that, apparently, there was another leak in one of the machinery rooms that they wanted me to have a look at. Although I doubted their words, I followed them nonetheless, even if it was solely to reassure them. 
As it transpired, there was an actual leak, which I had to spend the rest of the cycle repairing and checking that there was further damage or similar leaks, since there had been two in a row in a rather short matter of cycles.
When I eventually finished the task at hand, the cycle had almost come to an end and the human had left the premises to indulge in her (now dark) recharging time session.
As I stated in the report prior to this one, I do not draw conclusions, but I have a slight presentiment that the human may like me.
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pictureamoebae · 8 months
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L = no ReShade; R = ReShade inc. ReLight
Quick little shader highlight for you.
You've maybe heard me talk about the Nice Guy Lamps shader before, which lets you add spotlights and create shadows. It's a nifty little shader but it's not very precise, and the shadows suffer from jitter and noise.
Enter ReLight by Marty McFly. ReLight is a fancy and more polished alternative to NG Lamps. The shadows are far better quality, and the lights are easier to position and edit. You can theoretically add as many as you want by editing the preprocessor definitions, but to begin with there are (iirc) two for you to play with. I've set it to four, and haven't felt like I've needed more than that so far.
In the picture on the right I've used three lights, each by the light sources in the room to simulate actual light being emitted from them. The two lamps on the right have a warm neutral light, and the candle on the left has a warm orange light. I positioned them so they sat exactly where the source would be. So, for example, for the floor lamp I positioned the light right up inside the dome of the shade, and you can see shadows being cast by the shade and light only coming down where it would physically be able to fall.
You can also use ReLight to add lights to portraits, making them really dramatic with different colours on each side of the face, or just to brighten the character so you can see their features more clearly. Below is a screenshot I took in Baldur's Gate 3 where I added blue light to the left and warmer light to the right.
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It's such a handy little shader that can help add both realism and a hefty dose of drama to a scene. You need to feel confident tweaking shader settings to use it, and have to edit it for every single shot because the lights stay static in relation to the screen coordinates, so you'll have to move them where you want them each time. It's easy to do though, and lots of fun.
ReLight is one of Marty's premium shaders, which means you'd need to subscribe to his Patreon to get access to it. It's not currently listed in any of his tiers because he stopped working on it in favour of other things, but it works well and is probably my favourite shader at the moment. I'm yet to set up a shot that can't benefit from it in one way or another. If you are interested in using ReLight, you need to sub to the Path Tracers tier. You can cancel your subscription once you've grabbed it from his discord server, but you won't get access to any updates until you resub (it hasn't been updated in a long time though, so I wouldn't worry too much about that).
Paying for shaders is something that doesn't sit well with some people, and that's fair. I would only recommend getting this if you're enough of an enthusiast that spending 30 minutes setting up one shot is your idea of fun (not that ReLight takes that long, it can take just seconds sometimes).
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