#so i knew i had to do an ace attorney one lol
chocopink · 1 year
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and here's my bonus piece for @teenyzines again definitely go check out the full zine to see all the other wonderful artists' works!!
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u3pxx · 5 months
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next, you're gonna tell me it's gonna be some made-up year like "2025" next. tch, imagine that.
anyways, whoo! 2023! compared to both 2022 and 2021, i gotta say, my art style took a hard swerve in some direction this year. i mean, look at that klavier from january and that butch kim from just this december! (granted, i heavily referenced the portrait of butch kim but still, i didn't use to paint! mama mia!)
the way i drew faces has definitely changed, that's what i get for getting into something that's live-action and into smth that has realistically proportioned art lol
OH! OH! HOW COULD I FORGET!!! IT WAS (and still will be) THE YEAR OF THE OLD MAN!! i really learned how to draw aged faces this year! ach fraulein, i have not stopped drawing people in their 40's-50's! i would say "send help" but i'm actually having a lot of fun ASKSKS
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i think a funny thing about these art summaries i've done is that they're mostly ace attorney but then there's just a month where i become a different type of ill LMAO this year it was four months for the price of two new interests!
cheers! here's to 2024!!! hope y'all have a fun art year!!!!
i'm gonna ramble more below about like, other art things i did this year but i'm gonna put it under 'keep reading' bc this baby is getting way too wordy now WHEEZES
⚖️ mea culpa comic [x]
drawing this one was so time-consuming and ambitious but boy, do i love the end result! i had fun doing the inks for this one but was it a lot! i usually color in lineart and render everything but i had to stop myself from doing it for this one bc man, i'll die asksks
this also has some of my favorite apollos i've drawn, definitely
also! the part about the lineart not being colored and no rendering ended up being a deliberate stylistic choice for this one bc i had like more freedom to do just shadows with inks without it looking too out of place.
💐 my lawfully wedded zine spread [x]
now this one isn't out yet but take my word for when i say that this is one of the most craxy things i've ever drawn for this year, on account of drawing a comic AND group shot all in one!
also literally one of the prettiest things i've rendered this year, lookit that klav...
🎉 aa4 redraw - 2022 anniversary [x]
kind of like my wedding zine piece, group photos are insane, and rendering like uhhh [looks at drawing] 11 CHARACTERS IS ALSO INSANE if i try and draw a group photo again you have to stop me DFGHDJ
🎨 my art fight stuff [x] [x]
was possessed in the month of july or smth bc i pumped out like how many drawings so quickly (before i got burnt out that is pftt)
pace yourselves and don't be like me pls ajshgdghhjk
💥 people park day [x]
my friend told me that it was very obvious i watched across the spiderverse when they saw this FDFGHJD
but yea! this is when i started getting really into like, thought bubbles or just like, panels or drawings within a drawing when coming up with layouts
i still love the colors on this one...
🪩 fem disco portraits
ok so i haven't uploaded these yet but you have to trust me when i say that something was in the water DFGHDJ
who knew that all it took for me to learn how to paint was butches
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THE ONLY GOOD THING ABOUT THAT SCHOOL I SWEAR PFTTT this experience has also awaken the merch beast in me and i need to make more physical things for my brain to be happy, that's just how it be pfttt
hopefully next year i can actually start like a shopee shop or whatever lmao
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i'm actually quite happy i got to participate in art fight this year! very delighted for all the art i've gotten and very fun to have drawn for others too!!
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i got invited and joined so many zines from 2022 continuing to 2023 that i kind of got burnt out from participating for now ngl ASKSKSKS not gonna be joining much this year oopsiessss! (unless i lose self-control [very likely])
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i don't actually like a lot of the stuff i draw for art school bc i tend to cram and not have fun pftt <- adhd moment, tragic! but here are some that i actually kind of like lol
i think that's it! thanks for reading all the way down here!! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
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oodlyenough · 2 months
apollo justice: ace attorney thoughts
over the weekend I finished playing AA4 so I wanted to try to put my thoughts in order. much to think about etc
spoilers for the whole game obv, but i haven't played AA5 or AA6 yet so any mention of those are speculation lol
I had heard some pretty mixed reactions to AA4 and I had a lot of reservations going in. It's also probably the AA game I've played that I've been the most spoiled for, which is a shame but probably an unavoidable consequence of waiting for the port while engaging with the fandom. I don't usually like being spoiled but I think knowing the broad strokes of what to expect actually helped here. I can imagine an AU where I blitzed through the first trilogy and onto 4 with no idea of what was coming and being... very upset and disappointed by the direction it took. Having several months to brace for things like Phoenix's disbarment, the 7 year gap, Trucy, etc definitely softened those blows and made me more amenable to them than I would've been otherwise.
For the most part I thought the puzzle solving was good and the pacing was solid. The puzzles were mostly challenging enough to be satisfying to solve but not so challenging as to be infuriating, and I don't think I needed a walkthrough at all. 4-1 is one of the best tutorial cases in the franchise so far (though I'd give the edge to 3-1) and 4-4 was a really cool finale. The middle two cases tbh I also found fairly charming, and there's usually a least one case in the middle that seems to drag forever, so that was a pleasant surprise. I played Investigations 1 right before this, and I thought both the puzzles and pacing in that game were frankly horrible, so AA4 won a lot of points just with that.
I did think Turnabout Corner and Serenade would be more relevant in the grand scheme of things. The half-spoilers I knew had me expecting a much bigger web of conspriacy than we ended up with -- I expected it to be more than coincidence that Phoenix got hit by a car, more than coincidence that the Borginian egg coccoons are related to poison etc ... like... I fully assumed this was going to tie into the atroquinine plot. But I guess not ... ? Lol
The new main cast are all very likable, despite my initial reluctance to have a new main cast to begin with. Klavier was an interesting change of pace as prosecutor, in that he wasn't particularly antagonistic outside of the court, nor was he particularly preoccupied with winning, but he was still fun and challenging enough to face off against. Trucy was fun and delightfully bonkers as all assistants should be. Apollo's longsuffering exasperation was hilarious. Ema is the BEST I loved having her as the detective I wish she was there all the time.
I loved Beanix, for the most part. I can see why he rubs some people the wrong way, and tbh I'm glad his last canon outing isn't ... this. But I didn't find him wildly out of character, or at least, when he was feeling "out of character" vs the trilogy it made sense given the intervening events. I also thought it was fun to see him from the outside and see what a galaxybrain 5d chess master he is. I do wish we'd gotten to see more genuine moments of him with Trucy.
Kristoph was fun as a villain, though I have to say fandom led me to believe he was much more of a mastermind puppeteer than he seemed to be in reality. I was expecting a whole decade worth of conspiracies! Instead he fucked up once and struggled to fix it for seven years, lol. I also found the Kristoph/Phoenix relationship a) very fascinating, b) not really what I'd been led to believe by fandom (shocker). I like the canon more though -- I like that instead of being a retread of the Dollie betrayal-from-someone-you-love it was two guys who hate each other being forced to play nice as part of their own schemes.
I think it's fairly obvious AA4 was meant to be a soft reboot of the series, to pivot away from the trilogy cast and set up our new heroes in Apollo, Trucy, and I guess Klavier. I think this is probably the entire explanation behind Maya and Edgeworth (and others but lbr those are the big two)'s conspicuous absence... but that doesn't make their absence any less conspicuous. I can squint and forgive neither of them being there when Phoenix is accused of murder, even though I find that insane. I can squint around Maya maybe being off in Kurain during the Enigmar trial, even though I think they could've used a line of dialogue to explain it. But then we started playing past-Phoenix for huge portions of investigation and that started to fall apart for me. Sure, maybe he's pushing his friends away because he's depressed, or maybe he wants to keep Maya out of things because he thinks it's dangerous, or whatever -- you could at least throw in a line or two saying as much. Not mentioning them at all and setting AA4 so closely after AA3, where Phoenix fell through a bridge to save Maya and Edgeworth chartered a private jet, just feels ridiculous.
I also think, at the end of the day, the story here was focused on and pivoting around Phoenix. The core question of the game is "what the hell happened to/is up with Phoenix Wright?" I love Phoenix, so that alone isn't a negative -- except that I think it meant Apollo, Klavier and even Trucy felt underwritten. Trucy and Klavier have such personal stakes in the unfolding events with the Gramaryes and Kristoph, but we only spend a little time and hints on how that might influence Trucy, who mostly falls into the AA weird girl pattern of brushing off major trauma instantly. (Maya got this a lot too in the original trilogy.)
Klavier ... I like Klavier, but they did not do much with him. How did he feel about Kristoph going to jail? He doesn't seem to hold it against Apollo, which is uh, noble, but perhaps not believable. He says he values honesty and truth but do we know why?
Apollo, likable as he was, felt like a passenger in his "own" game, rather than a major character. He doesn't even solve much of the stuff happening in the big overarching mystery -- he is Phoenix's avatar in court, presenting evidence and clues Phoenix left for him. Unlike Trucy and Klavier, who I am pretty sure take a back seat from now on, I guess Apollo still has two more games to try and flesh himself out ... lol but I also know fan reception of those two is not great, so my expectations there are minimal.
A really solid game that I enjoyed playing, though I can see why it's controversial and not some people's favourite, if they really loved the trilogy. I think it's debatable whether this was the best/only way to continue the series after AA3. And I am excited to read and write a billion 7 year gap fics now.
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journalsouppe · 22 days
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Professor Layton and the Spectre’s Call!! I actually discovered ordering the game from the UK with shipping was actually cheaper than ordering the American version of the game, there were no major differences that I could tell as they still had the original English voice actors.
I enjoyed this game!! Not my top favorite installment but I still had a great time and loved the new characters. The puzzles were well designed and had nice scaled difficulty and the mini games were really neat too. The Eternal Diva references were so blatant lmfao but I’m excited for Miracle Mask! I was also super exhausted when writing the summary so sorry there’s so many errors and I use the word fun a million times ToT
The Descole and Tea sticker are from JordyDrawsMerch! All other stickers are from Daiso. Writing typed below!
Rating: 8.3
Played: Sp 2024
Port: DS on 3DS
Favorite? Y
Replayable? Y
Recommend? Y
Series: Professor Layton
Emmy and BABY LUKE!!
Ngl im so excited to watch the anime, I love the animation sm
Oh Layton is not taking Claire’s death well at all
I love how animated the background now is!!
Beautiful music as always
Does Clark have the same VA as Dmitri lol
The specter looks like one of those little kingdom hearts guys
Luke’s been a LaytonMobile hater since day one lmao
Luke is especially funny in this game
Layton taking Luke to the black market is so wild
I’m going to fight aunt taffy
Ooo we get to play as Emmy
Holy shit Emmy
Emmy asking if Layton always pokes lamps he sees is making me think he physically touches everything the player taps
The convo with the meowing man???
Based anti-cop npc
Is Hershel gonna get a cask of amantillado’d T^T
The canals are so pretty i like the design of misthallery
Oh i do not like the police chief
Grosky is very funny
Omg the cliff death police cover up reminds me of killer frequency which i just watched a playthrough of
Where’s phoenix when you need him
I love descole’s voice
The story book stories and animations are so CUTE!!
I wonder if Naiya was added to the game to hit at the Eternal Diva
This kinda reminds me of a pokemon movie but I don’t remember which one it was
^^ it was pokemon heroes when latias and latios were caught ^^;
Creepy fucking factory music ToT
Oh dear. I seem to have stepped on a hexagonal spanner
Descole always serving massive cunt
Woah the golden garden is beautiful
Ohh so that’s why Luke was fork life certified in plvspw
I really like these little episodes from others POVS! ^_^
This was such a fun origin story for Luke and Layton. Very much a classic Layton game with world ending machinery and gorgeous environment design. I really liked both Emmy and Descole, there’s a more serious undertone than with Don Paolo as the main villain (even though I do love Don Paolo). Emmy is amazing!! I was afraid she would be sidelined like Flora was but I’m glad to she stands her ground and does what she wants to do. I alos like how we got to go on our own adventure as her to London, she’s a character that doesn’t need to rely on Hershel to solve everything. Meeting Luke was great, loved his blank stare. It was fun seeing his origins and how Clark and Hershel knew each other. I’m curious how the prequels will play into the New World of Steam, especially now that Luke’s family have stories and sprites (unlike in the original trilogy). Loved the ACAB story, v nice to play while I’m still so mad at what’s happening to university students currently. Descole was so fun, I am obsessed with his outfit and personality. Unfortunately I was spoiled on who he is but I’m very excited to learn more. I think similar to Ace Attorney, the fourth installment is that last game in the classic 2D style, which is sad but PLvsPW makes me very hopeful about 3D Layton. The overall story was fun, I really liked the sub plot about the Ravens - that was really fun (i was so tired writing this omfg). I wish we got a little more backstory on the rich guy who died, I feel like there’s more to the story. OO I loved the little episodes, especially the one about Chelmey. They added a lot of fun context and gave more life to the NPCs. Such a fun and classic Layton game, I can’t wait to play Miracle Mask! (And read the light novels). This wasn’t my favorite Layton game but I still really loved it and had a great time and loved the puzzles — that’s all I want from PL!
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bizarredawdler · 10 months
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Ghost Trick beaten!
This was a fun one! Had so many people recommend this to me and when I saw it was finally ported to steam, I knew I had to jump on the occasion. So here are my thoughts on it!
The story and characters are amazing! Shu Takumi excels at making every character in his games memorable and unique and just like in ace attorney, he knocks it out of the park here! Everything starts out simple enough, with you playing a ghost trying to learn more about your past and how you ended up dead in the first place, but as you meet more characters and unravel the mystery, the game quickly starts throwing curve balls at you throughout the entire game right up till the ending, and I didn't expect most of them! Definitely the highlight of the game for me, and I strongly recommend you play this game blind to get the most of it!
The gameplay was fun, simple and well paced! You start out only being able to jump from object to object and interacting with them to help you move further, but as the story progresses, you end up having to prevent people's deaths by going back 4 minutes in the past and finding ways to avoid their unfortunate fate. It was really engaging figuring out what you can do with the objects available in the scenery to help acheive your goal, and the game expands on the mechanic in ways I didn't expect, which was neat! And because this game was originally made for the DS, the gameplay segments are very well paced with the story so it nevers feels like there's segments in the game that drag on, which I appreciated a lot!
The soundtrack is really good! Lots of bangers, but also has some more somber tunes for some of the sadder moments in the game. Just some nice variety overall!
The extras for the game are a little dissapointing. You get some illustrations and some behind the scenes sketches after you beat the game, but aside from that all you get are some slide puzzles you can try, some in game acheivements to get and a jukebox mode... and that's it lol. I get this is a DS game so they obviously couldn't pack too much stuff in the game, but I was expecting a bit more for the remaster on steam. Just a minor nitpick.
In conclusion, yeah I can see why the people who have played this became die hard fans and urge people to play it any chance they get. I certainly had a blast! So if you guys want a fun little puzzle game with a lot of heart, play this!
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bcofl0ve · 6 months
making of the masters of the air: a wwii museum event
will do my own “and supporters like you” pbs-core spiel since that’s essentially what they did at the beginning, speaking more so to my austin fandom folks here, shows like masters of the air wouldn’t exist without the bravery of the people they’re about and the people and organizations dedicated to keeping that history alive. this was free to watch but i threw $10 to the museum anyways and encourage y’all to match me and donate too if you’re able to which you can do here. $10 is like, 3ish days of coffee money! (which i say knowing that to some people $10 is a lot of money- but y’all know my heart.)
this is reminding me that i need to watch band of brothers and pacific over my winter break
watching the trailer again…anthony boyle you come to me as someone i picked apples with in papa’s orchard
kirk mentioned that they’ve been working on this for ten years and i didn’t know that!
first q was asking miller what pushed him to write mota: he talked abt growing up in a military family, said what pulled him towards writing about war is being interested in the stress of being under combat and mentioned reading a pysch case study book from someone who treated wwii air fighters for “combat fatigue” ie what we know now as ptsd.
“if you got to the sixth mission you had about a 0% chance of surviving”
talks about meeting a jewish pow named louis lovesky (might be spelling that last name wrong, will correct if i can figure it out) and that the first thing this guy said to him was that he could do 100 pushups and just dropped and did them- good for him!
.”when you’re hit in a plane whether you’re killed or not they strip your bed and your locker and send everything home” …was a prelude to a louis story about him being worried about him sending all his stuff home to his mom because he had a ton of condoms in his locker lol
“i was a virgin but i was very hopeful” - lou
over to kirk, talking about how they were originally working with hbo.
hbo came to them and said they wanted to do another wwii series and they were between a navy or airforce show. they initially thought about combining them but realized it wasn’t possible.
after reading mota closely it “became apparent” that was the way to go to story wise. cities the human detail and miller creating a whole visual descriptive world in his book.
“you make it so clear in your book, this is a form of combat that had never happened before and will probably never happen again”
“when we read masters of the air we read the story in the first part of the first chapter about the 100th bomb group…a group of guys who didn’t know each other before the war, and would’ve died for each other by the end of the war”
miller on why he chose egan and cleven to focus on: “i knew that men at the 100th bomb group just worshiped these guys, and they were so different. cleven didn’t like athletics, he didn’t drink, he was a one woman man and egan was the opposite, he was in the bars every night raising royal hell. totally different guys yet they bonded so closely together. they both get shot down at just about the same time.”
talking about rosenthal, says that was the guy he most respected. jewish kid from flatbush who loved the dodgers and loved jazz music. went to law school and aced it out, got a great job, and enlisted right after pearl harbor.: “as long as [hitler] he is running that country i’m flying my plane” ended up going home after getting shot down, got bored at his old law office and ended up going to be an attorney at nuremberg. (mollie note: i might be doing a study abroad program at the nuremberg next summer so this is super interesting to me). wanted to go the hangings because he thought it would be closure, said seeing them in prison clothing and gaunt etc it was closure for him. 
you can tell from how miller was talking that he truly admires rosenthal which i found very sweet.
kirk says egan and cleven reminded him of damon and pythias from greek legend, and rosenthal reminded him of galahad from arthurian legend.
austin butler name drop, turn up!!
kirk says making this differed from bands of brothers and pacific in that none of the men portrayed in the show are still alive so they didn’t get to meet them (save for miller), which meant the research was a lot more of an undertaking- but they did get to talk to some of their family members.
kirk talks about rosenethal’s grandson and son meeting the person that plays him in the show and how sweet that meeting was.
four primary locations during shooting and each was about the size of a small airport.
kirk talks about covid complicating things…i could not help but giggle a bit lol sorry austin
“one of the reasons i think this series works, hopefully, is the devotion to detail.”
kirk talks about bringing some of a local wwii museum staff on the ground in the uk to set and that they were very touched by how accurate was, a complement to the art and costumes department. 
miller mentions his first meeting with tom hanks and that tom was very insistent that everything that happened in the show had to have happened in real life and passionate about the accuracy
tom flew into small town pa to work at miller’s house and that his wife was very excited
they got tom at the airport and tom had suitcases of germany history books with him and 245 notecards and miller was like…dear god
kirk: this has to be the most difficult production, the logistics of this thing, says they’re still in post production even though it comes out in a month and a half.
kirk mentions john orloff and says when they invited him to join the project he threw himself into it completely
says john's challenge with the book was figuring out how to adapt in a way that was dramatically coherent
miller says john called him and they talked about gale cleven for like 8 hours, miller mentions being the only one that met any of them
kirk asks miller about meeting harry crosby, who is played in the show by anthony boyle and recommends his book “a wing and a prayer”, says he had a good sense of humor.
gale cleven got a phd in astrophysics and went on the be a president of a college (and an alcoholic, as miller tacked on at the end there lol)
two themes in the series:
the irony that war is impossible without love: why do they do it? they do it for each other. war is impossible without the love of the men for each other in impossible circumstances
how do those men keep getting back into those planes?
miller wanted to get away from the idea of “push button warfare” and that taking viewers inside the plane is an important part of that
seeing the missions reproduced, seeing the panic and fury and chaos inside the planes. there are no foxholes in the sky, where do you go? trying to take care of injured men mid air being hit, having to hit back etc etc, “it’s unbelievable what they suffered, the germans came so close they could see the eyes of the pilots”
the camera men had a tough time moving around inside the planes, speilberg had two b17s built from scratch which took 11 months. they built a 3rd one that allowed the camera men to go in the plane and film the close ups more easily.
kirk asks what separates it from just another combat story
providing some sort of context w/o being didactic. why? how do you answer the why without lecturing? 
audience questions, i missed the first one bc my browser crashed but i think someone asked if they filmed in actual flying planes?
which of course was a “well no”
kirk mentions there was dedication from everyone, from austin and calum to the set PAs
miller mentions looking at the labels on things in the bar and the papers in the office folders and how *everything* was accurate
2nd question asking how the fire fights were produced: kirk says some visual effects are still being worked on, gives very high praises to the special effects team.
mentions 100s and 100s of video screens creating what the environment would be outside of the airplanes to help the actors visualize it
miller says they filmed a plane landing by putting one of the b17s they built on a crane
3rd question is about airpower in wwii, miller talks about how in the beginning of bomb warfare it was extremely ineffective, says we evolved from that to doing serious damage on the german economy by hitting german oil.
miller starts to talk about something he was working on with kirk earlier in the day and kirk says we’re keeping that a secret, lol i wanna know what they were talking about! 
kirk mentions the psych impact of it going from 25 missions, to oh now it’s 30, oh now it’s 35. the guys knowing they were being used as bait to bring up the german fighters- that psych is what makes this more than just another adventure story
miller talks about how getting the guys mentally right to go back up into the planes they made them that way in the first place was quite the dilemma, when the only thing that could cure as guy really was saying you don’t have to fly again.
4th question “how much did this cost” lol
“let’s just say we’re over budget”
5th question about the ages of the actors vs the guys they played: kirk says one of the considerations was there being something about the young men of that time having to grow up fast, 24 then appeared a lot older than 24 today because of life experience.
says you tend to cast older for the believably.
miller told a very funny story about tim van patten creating a model of one of the battles with toys in the middle of the night.
hi hbo war and history tumblr friends, this is an austin butler blog run by someone with a hyperfixation for being an update blog and doing event coverage, so/but do feel free to come hang out as we enter the masters of the air era. i'll be covering every event like this that i can and am super excited for the show- i was at one point on americanrev/john laurens tumblr and am almost suprised i never ended up an hbo war "stan", though that might change here soon!
tags: @superbdinosaurharmony @purejasmine
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Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "alexbutrandomthoughts "?
"I was screaming your name through the radio" by ElectricSplatter a must-read for all soukoku fans, this shit is so good i reread it 20 times at least.
It's basically bsd retelling but they're all singers and it's focused on soukoku. Honestly writing is immaculate and i like the way it was told, format wise, like how we jump back in forth from present to past, and overall it has everything you could want from a story. I have this one saved on my phone and i reread my favorite chapters from time to time
"Time Speaks" by SmallMoon333 do not get fooled by that unassuming title, this fic made me physically incapable of reading any other Lawlight fic, bc this one is just too good. It's akin to trying a high quality steak and unable to eat any other meat anymore bc you know how heaven tastes (i obviously read other fics, they're pretty good too, but this one is just my personal favorite especially the characterization is so fucking good it's crazy)
"Electric touch" by bejeweledhaze okay so you know the feeling when you need something very specific, you go to store, and the stars align perfectly so you find that thing, just what you need it, almost feels like custom made. That's this fic.
So when Kaveh fans died (myself included) after that one official art with Kaveh as a mechanic, i just needed to fill the whole in my chest, after saving every single Mechanic Kaveh fanart known to men. I decided check out the tag, but i didn't really expect much, i mean it's been like what? Couple days since the official art was dropped. Sure there is probably couple of fics but not something i would like, right? Bejeweledhaze said "lemme cook" and turns out they were Gordon Ramsey in disguise. One chapter, 33k words of pure and unfiltered masterpiece.
"School watches Assassination Classroom" by TheSteinsGateFormula so I'm a sucker characters react to their show fics. What of it.
Yeah there are not many reaction fics that i like cuz personal preferences. But THISSSSSSSSSSSS ugh so good. And very much in character and i loved from start to finish.
"MSBY4's Lockdown Survival Guide" by mintberries
Okay so this was just good vibes. Social media aus fics for me is what Isekai is for Gigguk (but I'm also isekai trash person, their just fun) and this is ALSO a covid19 au???? With my favorite team????? This appeased my sakuatsu craving soul and it was just dumbasses having fun.
"Duo Heroes, Double Black" by Yellow_Canna
It's bsd&mha crossover and it's beast!soukoku isekai/sorta reincarnation/technically regression do i need to say more
"No Water Is Enough" by Boomchick
Hualian angst, my favorite type of angst. It's sorta memory loss and i knew the suffering would be glorious once Hua Cheng remembered and it did not disappoint
"Pick-Up and Chase" by SKayLanphear was laughing my ass off with this fic. Marinette just constantly flirting with Adrien as herself and as Ladybug was a wild and hilarious ride
"one step at a time" by OuterWilde (foreverraugust)
Honestly, this was just good old slice of life and overall nice fic. I was obsessed with Ace Attorney at the time, and well with all the crazy shit that was happening in the games, this was a nice break from it.
"A Century Between Us" by Dulllull dead ass my favorite jjk fic. It's not finished, not by a long shot but it's so GOOOOD SHIT SLAPS SO HARD and well it's reincarnation fic how can i not love it and written so WELLLLL PLEASE READ THIS IT'S VERY AAAAAAAAAAA-
As for my name, originally i migrated from Twitter cuz fuck Elon, and had another blog which had my name and this was a side blog for me to scream about my hyperfixations, whichever i would have at the time and i ended up using this one more lol. Hence the "random thoughts"
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momonyaro · 6 months
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better :)
Thank you for tagging me @universe-exhale úwù I love this shit!!!!!!!!
3 ships: Kazumaji (Yakuza), Krolock/Sarah/Alfred/the entire ensemble ... (TdV), Wrightworth [Narumitsu] (Ace Attorney)
Firs ever ship: Hmm the first thing from when i knew what shipping was should have to be Mew Ichigo/Kisshu (Tokyo Mew Mew), way back in 2008 úwù the good ol' days!
Last song: One Last Song - Lord of the Lost, I'm listening to it on repeat rn :)
Last movie: I can't remember lol.. I don't watch nearly enough movies, and when I do start one, lately I don't have the patience to sit through it xd
Currently reading: The Vampire Lestat - Anne Rice and Parasyte - Hitoshi Iwaaki
Currently watching: Youtube videos mostly, DancingBacons and Solo Solo Travel mainly úwù so relaxing! I've wanted to start watching some German series to practise the language some more than just listening to music or watch tanz lmao- but I haven't gotten around to it yet!
Currently consuming: Nothing! I'm reminising in the dinner I just had, my parents and I went out to eat at a Japanese restaurant, I had all my favourite little treats >:))
Currently craving: To go to a museum and just spent the whole day being amazed..
I'm also aking this "get to know" a little light, I guess, but do it if you feel like it <3 and know that I enjoy your pressence on my dash: @littlemouserat @cloudsoveravalir @mallowfluffy @chut-je-dors @anoett-dreamer @water-gazer @patricia-art-corner @mangledpuppet @curiousserpent and uhh just ignore if you already did this or anything ily
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sage-nebula · 9 months
It's been so long since I've played the original trilogy that I honestly couldn't tell you which of the three is my favorite, but at this point I'm starting to think that it might honestly be the first one, if only because the first one doesn't have a single case that makes me want to concuss myself. (Which isn't to say that T&T does, but just that I really don't remember T&T well enough to say for sure.)
The four original cases in the first Ace Attorney game are all excellent, both in terms of story / character content, but also in terms of gameplay. Although I hadn't played in so many years, I didn't pick a wrong answer even once in the first four cases, because the puzzles were laid out so masterfully that the answer became clear with only a minute or two of thinking. I want to note that this is different from hand-holding; it's not that the game told you what the answer was, but that logic allowed for puzzling out when it was time to show this or that evidence. You also didn't have to Press on every single line of testimony usually, because pressing on just the ones that it was intuitive to press on was usually enough.
Now, that's for the first four cases. The same can't really be said for "Rise From the Ashes," but that's because RftA was written after the main trilogy was already completed, and thus suffered the same issues that JFA (and I'm assuming T&T) had: extremely finicky cases which were incredibly picky about when and where they wanted you to show this or that evidence, or requiring you to backtrack to rooms because it refused to make a crucial piece of evidence appear during an investigation sequence unless you had talked to some completely unrelated character already beforehand.
This might sound like griping because I am just not good at these games, but I don't think that's the case. Again, the first four cases in the original game didn't have this problem, at least in my most recent experience. Both the trial sections and the investigation sections made sense with very little nitpicky "this must absolutely be done in This Particular Sequence" bits. It's just RftA, and so far each case in JFA, that seems to have this issue. This could be because Takumi or Capcom wanted to up the difficulty in the later games, or at least increase the length of the cases (both RftA and the cases in JFA so far have significantly more evidence than the first four cases in the original game), but either way, it's noticeable.
Having said that though, although RftA had numerous parts where I had to look up a walkthrough because I didn't interact with the exact pixel of the evidence room at the exact right moment in the investigation and thus couldn't get the evidence I knew was right there, I still forgive it because I love the story and the characters. Although there is legitimate critique to be made about it (most notably how they retconned Edgeworth having ever forged evidence because of his popularity by that point in the series timeline), I still enjoy the story and the characters so much that it doesn't matter as much to me. Plus, tbh, it explains even more why Edgeworth would make the drastic choice he made between games, even if you don't take the retcon into account. The man was really going through it for those few months. (Though having said that, Phoenix being like "all prosecutors are evil scumbags" in light of him knowing Lana is still . . . lmao. You really can tell that RftA was made post the original trilogy.)
So at least, thus far into my replay of the OG trilogy, I rank the first game (with all five cases present) as above JFA, since while JFA has what is quite possibly my favorite case in the entire series (Farewell My Turnabout), it also has Turnabout Big Top, which just . . . well, you know. I feel like TBT is probably the most universally hated case in the fandom, lol.
But we'll see how I feel when I get to T&T, since that's the game from the OG trilogy I remember the least. I do know that I loved playing as Mia and I also love Dahlia as a villain, and getting to play as Edgeworth vs. Franziska was also delightful. So it definitely has aspects I am looking forward to. We'll just have to see if I find all of its cases enjoyable like I did the original game before I can make the final determination on that.
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himawariness · 1 year
Case File: Poe - Devlog 1: Planning, Concept, and Art Style!
I posted my first devlog for Case File: Poe on my site, but I’ll post it here too! It's about the art planning and concept progress so far :)
It's a little long but keep reading below to read more! 
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Whenever I come up with an idea for a new game or comic, I usually always like to start with the characters first. However, for Case File: Poe, the premise came to me first while I was working on my previous game, Dolchio. With the rough plot in mind, I sketched out some character designs and realized that I didn’t like them or feel attached to them at all lol.
So I thought I'd use some old character designs and find a way to stick them into this new game! So that’s how three of the four main cast members were added to the game (Poe, Rokio, and Morg). With the characters decided, I could move on to writing and conceptualizing how the game would look and play; Without the characters and loose plot, it’s really difficult for me to write or do anything else.
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Now that the characters are out of the way, it’s time to write! Which I’m gonna talk about in another devlog because writing this story is my poor little brain work harder than it ever has in years…!! I thought Hansel had a complicated story, but this one is a whole different beast and I’m honestly having some trouble staying organized. But I’m hoping it’ll pay off in the end! No worries though, I’d say the writing is about 70% complete as of posting this devlog, and I started back in February 2022! :] Here’s a blurry image of one of the many several writing/outlining/planning pages I’ve done hehe (blurred for no spoilers!)
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Moving on, now I could start drawing. I don’t like drawing until I have a good chunk of the writing done because I don’t want to have wasted some time drawing something and then end up scrapping it if I decide to change the game around later. I originally had planned for Case File: Poe to be a top-down RPG, like Hansel or other standard RPG make games. So I drew a few character sprites for the game and played around with different styles. But I wanted the game window size to be larger, and forcing full screen on the game would make it look weird if I used small pixel art. So I tried making bigger sprites, or even upscaling them. Long story short, I had to scrap the RPG style and go for something else.
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I knew that because of the nature of the game, a strict sidescroller like the style of Dolchio wouldn’t work the best because I want the player to be able to explore the map. While the sidescrolling style would allow for some exploration, it was more suited for Dolchio’s linear storytelling where exploration wasn’t as integral to beating the game. That’s not the case for this game, as it is about a mystery. Exploring and gathering evidence is the most important part! So I had to go all the way back to the drawing board and play some other games to find some inspiration. And so I did find some gameplay inspiration from games such as Ace Attorney, Professor Layton, Shin Megami Tensei, Danganronpa, Your Turn to Die, Virtue’s Last Reward, and 13 Sentinels.
With RPG Maker MV’s clicking/Mouse support, I figured out what I had to do! Like a clicking adventure game, I was going to have to make a game where the player can explore the whole environment by directly interacting with it and its characters. With that in mind, I started creating concept art and sketching out some of the art for the game!
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So with plot, gameplay ideas, characters, and concepts are out of the way for now, I could move on to thinking about the general art aesthetic that I’d like: I want Case File: Poe to look good. Like, really REALLY good and I’m afraid that my art skills aren’t at that level yet. I don’t it to look or feel like an RPG maker game. So why not just use another game engine?? I’ve made some stuff using Game Maker Studio and I’m confident with it and I could use that but… I like using RPG maker!! It’s fun hehe >:]
Regarding the art, it just means that I have to practice some more and actually take my time on it. Seriously, I usually don’t have the patience to take my time drawing and so I like to rush and finish all my pieces under an hour. It’s a bad habit, I know!! Which is why I’m forcing myself to sit down and not rush through the art, and to make myself polish the artwork as much as I can! And so, yesterday I completed a cutscene CG test where I took all of the time I needed to get an idea of how much time I would need to set aside for the art of the game. This CG took me a little over 3 hours instead.
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And I’m definitely happy with the way it came out!! Yes! The game is coming together in my head! Next, I have to figure out the interface, world map, other graphic design stuff but I’ll leave those for later. My priority now is to finish writing the game and start the script. After that, I can go ham on the art and theeennnn start the programming!
I know this was a long read, but thanks for reading through it! Hopefully I can get these devlogs up regularly that way I can make myself consistently work on the game. :]
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ballwizard · 1 year
oh btw my ACE ATTORNEY dual destinies post game review. LONG RAMBLE CHOCK FULL OF SPOILERS BELOW.. BEWARE!!!!!
ok SO. ending-wise it was fucking awesome. funnily enough while me and sal were on our own between playtime we ended up both getting spoiled on fulbright dying and something odd happening to him. On accident. So we both kind of knew what was coming, but not how or why. and id say it actually didn't take away from the surprise considering by the point you really hammer down on it, it's pretty obvious imo LOL. ALL the disguises threw me for a fucking LOOP!! i was like. Huh??? THIS GUY??? ironically all the big ones he did before the breakdown were ALL characters i voiced which was really really fun for me. i think the choice to have him impersonate phoenix last was so cool and the new sprites he gets RULE SO HARD. genuinely thought it was sick as hell. i miss you bobby every day of my life
something really funny that occurred was : Throughout the entire game sal decided they HATED Simon blacjquill. like genuine vitriol at seeing him. when we found out he was on deaths door they were like KILL HIM‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ OT WAS SO FUNNY. but by the end of the game they did nearly a complete 180 on him and he was the first character they doodled after finishing the game.Thwy were sooooo mad about liking him now
speaking of liking characters: my top fave new characters were DEFINITELY bobby fbright & damien tenma. i already talked about fulbright yadda yadda he's cute yadda yadda need him expoditiously yadda yadda cool ending. Damien on the other hand was the only side character that we were consistently SO happy to see literally EVERY time. (Excluding Bobby). Dude fucking rocks he's so weird and he owns. Cawwww caw caw caw
casewise i think the weakest might have been the monstrous turnabout? even though i LOVED damien the rest of the case was. It was okay? but with the rest of the cases being so interconnected jt just felt kind of out of place. hypocritically i found jinxie and filch and labelle kind of annoying despite liking damien... eye dee Kay. My Opinion. my fav case was the very last one i think. i would say it was the academy one but means just felt like a kinda weak villain. especially since it felt really obvious from the beginning with his whole shtick (which was ALSO annoying) and also his whole. Him. but i liked the whole bit with scuttlebutt & the trio. it was very cute. Also elephant in the room, robin, i felt DEFINITELY could have been handled better. but it really wasn't THAT bad, and i like that he retained her like, testosterone rage screaming despite him "getting revealed". In my beautiful mind they're gender fluid. Smiles serenely. it was also nice seeing klavier again but his 3d model is NOT DOING HIM WELL . i like his gay little intro animation though
oh yeah and the 3d. since we were playing the original trilogy concurrently to dd, we got to compare how the characters look pretty often and i found that it's kind of weird, but i understand why it was done & honestly it allowed them to do more fun stuff. like having bobby wave out of the window or all the shit with recreating the silhouette of the statue was REALLY fun to see and I thought it was cute as hell. Simon does look like he's poking himself in the eye though. the normal art in the game was cute too & i thought the cutscenes were fun when they showed up!
comparing it to the original trilogy, without rose tinted lenses of nostalgia & with direct referencing via.... playing them both at the same time... i really think it was a solid game. one thing i really, really liked about it vs the trilogy is that it's a lot more... easier?? straightforward?? it's hard to put into words but i NEVER felt like i had hit a dead end in investigating and didn't know where to go. the notes system as well as the button to look back at recent dialogue are SUPER helpful, and even if i might not have used them All the time, they really helped when we needed them lol. i LOVE. not having to present every single piece of evidence to a random during investigations and just PRAYINF that one of them make something happen. and especially since i was playing with someone else, and therefore took what could be week + long breaks between playtime, it was really useful to get back into the swing of things. ANYWAYS
Overall it was a really fun & engaging play!! me & sal enjoyed it a lot and it's got our gears turning and steam smokin and shit. we actually finished the second game right before finishing the last case of dd and it was fucking awesome. we started trials & tribulations (one case in!) and after that we might hit up the investigations games... and THEN we'll play spirit of justice. so that's the game plan teehee
Thank you for reading if you did lol ^__^ ❤️🌈‼️
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moni-harmonia · 9 months
Chapter IV Act I
It took me a lot of time to finish Act I because I was so engaged with exploration and building characters lol. It's been a while since I enjoyed doing that.
But I didn't want to wait too much, I decided to continue with the story today. But I didn't know it was gonna be so interesting! I couldn't put it down until I finished the act.
(I don't have screenshots of the beginning, sorry lol, I literally forgot while I was playing.)
First, we arrive at Fontaine, meet the twins, Furina and other characters. With each region I feel they're improving on the storytelling. This Act was long but I never felt bored of it. We met important characters very soon and we knew that something was wrong here. And I'm liking the characters so far.
And then we see our favorite battle maniac again!
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I knew Tarta would appear in Fontaine but I wasn't expecting to meet him so soon. It was fantastic, even if he's a Fatui we're on very friendly terms with him (something to take into account later...).
He's having problems with his Hydro Vision, and I thought "Finally!", I've always felt that problems with Visions is something that would happen sooner or later, but for now we don't know exactly what's going on.
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(Tarta leaves his Vision with us, a very interesting move. I wonder what will happen with him later on.)
We go see Lyney and Lynette's magic show (which was very well animated) and there's a murder.
I have to tell you, I really liked this part lol. I'm a huge Ace Attorney fan. Not only the whole investigation and trial was very similar to those games, but in Ace Attorney there is one case where a murder occurs during a magic trick too! (Well, maybe more than one, but there's one that's very similar to this one)
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Of course we think that Lyney is innocent so we defend him, but in the trial there's an interesting revelation: Lyney and Lynette are Fatui.
What I found most interesting was Traveler's reaction to this. This is one of those instances where you can see that Traveler has their own personality and thoughts. If I could choose dialogue, I wouldn't really have minded if they were Fatui or not, I could tell they weren't bad people.
But Traveler is angry, they decide to still defend them but they're very angry that Lyney hid this information from them.
It was a simple mystery but I thought it was very well done. In this part we meet other characters like Neuvillette and also Navia, and we confront Furina on the trial.
She's a fun character and very different from other Archons so far. I'd say she's most similar to Venti in personality, but unlike him, everyone is aware she's the Archon so relationships are different.
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(I swear, this was too Ace Attorney lol, even the music had a similar vibe, I love it)
Lyney and Lynette were innocent and we discover some very interesting things here. Apparently people from Fontaine can turn into water. This reminds me of Radiant Historia, though in that story people turned into sand instead. I wonder what's going on about that.
And I'm also interested to meet Arleccino and what kind of plans does she have. It seems we'll be meeting her and Tarta in this region. There's still a lot of story left, but I feel like we've seen so much already lol.
I'll try to play Act II in the following days. So far, Fontaine is pretty good both in story and exploration. I hope it continues that way.
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roosterbox · 10 months
I’ve been reading almost nothing but Narumitsu for the last few days, and inspiration struck. I want to do an Inception Ace Attorney AU. To be perfectly frank, I just want to do an Ace Attorney AU for any of my fandoms (thought of a Stranger Things/Steddie one too!) but Inception was the first one to jump out at me.
To whit:
When art student Eames saw the headline, he couldn’t believe it. A picture of his former best friend Arthur - older, taller, with a hard look in his eyes - under the words “DEMON PROSECUTOR.” That sounded nothing like the kind boy he knew when he was nine.
Eames decided then and there, perhaps a bit recklessly, to change his major - the entire course of his life, really - to law. Luckily for him, he wasn’t going in blind; the famed defense attorney Mallorie Cobb, who had helped him out of a difficult situation in the past, was willing to befriend and mentor him, even as he bungled through his first case. She was a bit ambivalent about his decision when he told her his reasoning, having had several in-court run ins with the Demon Prosecutor himself, and seeing nothing redeemable about him. But Eames was passionate. More importantly, he was passionate in his defense of his friend. And in his passion, Mal could see the heart of a true lawyer.
Please forgive my rambling. There’s even more behind the cut, lol.
Spoilers for the Ace Attorney series!
After a nerve-wracking first case, which sees Eames’ first client being his other oldest friend, Nash, tragedy strikes. Mal is murdered, Eames meets her sister Ariadne (the alleged murderer), and finally stands across the courtroom from the Demon Prosecutor. Arthur is both the same boy he knew, and completely unrecognizable. Knowing his friend spent 15 years as the ward/adopted son of the ruthless Maurice Fischer, even Eames could see the emotional walls Arthur was putting up.
And yet.
And yet, as the case took turns and twists and somehow Eames found himself on the chopping block at one point, even then he noticed something important about Arthur. Though Fischer was known to demand perfection and guilty verdicts no matter what, Arthur seemed more concerned with finding the truth. Several times he made observations and objections that hurt his own case, but which helped Eames uncover the true culprit. But he brushed Eames off when he tried to talk to him about this, and maybe other things.
And then, when Arthur found himself in the hot seat, everything changed. Eames leapt at the chance to defend him, and together they barged their way into the root of a 15 year old conspiracy involving Arthur’s defense attorney father Joseph Gordon, and his mentor Maurice Fischer. And through it all, Eames sees his friend - the friend he once was - shining through the years of trauma. And then, name cleared, Arthur vanished, leaving behind a very ominous note:
“Prosecutor Arthur Gordon chooses death.”
Which seemed to point to only one thing.
Eames was utterly heartbroken. He hadn’t yet told Arthur about his own personal realization (that he was hopelessly in love with him), and now he would never get the chance. But even though his reason for his career change was apparently gone, Eames had grown to love being a lawyer. Plus, he couldn’t leave Ariadne to run Cobb and Co. alone. It was Eames and Co. now. Which Ari loved to joke about (“He’s Eames, I’m Co!”).
After nearly a year of various cases and weird clientele, their lives were thrown into the meat grinder again. Ari was kidnapped, and Eames was forced to defend a man who was so obviously guilty, even the judge was questioning his logic and abilities. And if that wasn’t enough, Arthur returned. As happy as Eames was to see his dear friend (love?) alive, so too was he beyond angry, remembering the almost-year he spent mourning him. Arthur, for his part, was apologetic and rather devastated upon finding out how deeply his disappearance affected Eames. But there were more important things to worry about. Working together, in a slightly more official capacity this time, they exposed the murderer, saved Ariadne, and made plans to finally sit down and talk. Which they did. About their past friendship, Arthur’s disappearance (and the note he left), and what this meant for their future. And though he planned to just lay his soul bare and confess how he felt, Eames sensed that Arthur was content to just repair and maintain their friendship, and nothing deeper. After 15 years without him, Eames told himself that this was better than the coldness of before.
At least, until Dusky Bridge.
Until Arthur, an ocean away, got a frantic call from Nash saying that Eames was dying. A call which sent him on the fastest flight back to the states. Which sent him running through hospital halls until he found himself in his friend's room. His friend who, despite some bandages here and there - and a rather persistent cough - was none the worse for wear. Even though, as Arthur was quick to point out, he fell 40 feet through a burning bridge into a raging river. Eames, seemingly embarrassed, downplayed this. But he did ask for Arthur’s help, which the other man agreed to unreservedly.
Eames handed him his defense attorney badge. And asked him to defend [Iris, name to be changed] in his stead. The sheer trust Eames had invested in him at this request was overwhelming. It, along with the stress of thinking Eames was injured and/or dying, caused Arthur to finally let the rest of his walls down. He confessed his true feelings towards his oldest friend, bracing himself for rejection. But of course, Eames laughed, and told him he felt the same.
They agreed to discuss things more at a later date, much like before. Which, case resolved, they did. Among other things.
The case itself brought to light many strange and bizarre happenings. Things about Ariadne and her family. About people from Eames’ past which he’d rather have forgotten. And it marked the appearance of Mal’s estranged husband Dom, a prosecutor who seemed hellbent on destroying the life of the man he blamed for Mal’s death: Eames.
Cases referenced in my notes (so far):
The First Turnabout
Turnabout Sisters
Turnabout Goodbyes
Farewell, My Turnabout
Bridge to the Turnabout
… with a few other tiny references sprinkled here and there, of course.
I’m only focused on the main trilogy right now; the thought of bringing in Apollo Justice and the Seven Year Gap feels a bit too daunting. I’m already having to come up with my own OCs to fill in a few of the characters, lol. I’d love to include Rise from the Ashes (I think Saito would make an amazing Damon Gant), but there are sooooo many side characters in that one… Saito would also make for an interesting Kristoph Gavin, if I were to cover that whole debacle.
(Now I’m having flashes of Eames taking on his own protégé, a young and ambitious defense lawyer named Steve Harrington (aka Apollo Justice), whose main rival/love interest is the rock star prosecutor Eddie Munson (aka Klavier Gavin) Combining three whole ass fandoms into one AU? I need to be stopped, lmao.)
Don’t expect anything concrete any time soon. This is a project that needs care and attention and time to grow, like the Paint Shop AU. I’ll keep you posted on further developments.
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musicallygt · 2 years
Ratattorney the Tumblr musical
anyone remember the Ratatouille TikTok Musical? anyone remember when i obsessed over it? anyway here's me combining it with the Ratattorney AU lol, it's a parody of Remember My Name from the musical. lyrics under the cut
Ratattorney AU belongs to @spirit-small
[MIA, spoken] I’m glad to see the suit fits you!
[PHOENIX, spoken] So it’s… really for me?
[MIA, spoken] Of course it is! You may not be a human, but… you’re as much of a lawyer as I am, in my eyes. And you’re my best friend.
[PHOENIX, spoken] Thank you! Thank you so much, Mia!
[MIA, spoken] No problem, Phoenix!
[PHOENIX] Thought my dreams of law had died When my best friend moved away Who would’ve thought they’d be revived  By attorney Mia Fey?
I've been dreaming of a life Where I'm not just getting by So now that I'm here I'm aiming high Shouting “Hold it!” And “Take that!” And more I’ll show all the beans in the court
L.A., prepare for Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright I’ll fight for the innocent despite my tiny height I may not have an attorney’s badge, but I’ll still find a way And the world will remember my name
[PHOENIX, spoken] Mia was soon killed in her office, and her younger sister, Maya, was framed for it. She tried finding a lawyer to represent her, but everyone refused.
[MAYA, spoken] Someone please, help me!
[PHOENIX, spoken] So I did
[PHOENIX] Hear the judge’s gavel bang See the gallery file in And on the prosecution’s side stands my old childhood friend This is where I'm meant to be This is what I must pursue So I won't let a narrow-minded view Govern what borrowers can do Edgeworth, your argument’s falling through
Oh L.A., I hope you're ready, Phoenix Wright is the defense Though Maya will be the one who’ll present the evidence This tiny attorney is gonna change the game And the world will remember my name
I'll wow the courtroom as I find contradictions  And let Maya know when to yell “Objection!” They may commit perjury or update autopsies But I'll prove what I knew all along The defendant’s not guilty Maya Fey isn’t guilty I’ll show them they’re wrong
L.A., I hope you're ready, for Phoenix on the rise With passion and perseverance surprising for his size This little lawyer borrower is ready to proclaim That the world will remember my name
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aro-attorneys · 1 year
Oh the complicated...state of Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice.
I'm not sure how to word this well so I guess this will just be a rambly essay or something.
I feel like my expectations were already lowered, which helped me enjoy any mainline game after the trilogy more (probably). I'm leaving AA4/AJ out of this though because it feels a lot more like Good Old Ace Attorney game that is clearly a follow-up after the trilogy and has the "retro" Nintendo aesthetic (can't believe I can call it retro. god).
Going into the Trilogy, I knew almost nothing about AA aside from "people ship the blue and red/pink guy" and a few memes. None of that knowledge came even close to the True AA experience, so I was rather blown away by the quality of the games.
Moving my way into the fandom after finishing AA3/TaT made sure that getting "spoilers" is inevitable. A combination of Fandom Exposure and having Friends who already played the games caused me to kind of receive...mixed reviews for post-trilogy games? DD and SoJ were the most controversial (I guess AJ just aged really well bc I mostly see praise for it nowadays). The overall impression I got was "not bad bad but also Not That Good either". (some takes were more on the negative side but some of them were more on the..."forgiving" side.
I really loved AJ, so I was wondering how DD and SoJ would hold up in that case. Like...maybe it wouldn't be that bad or something, you know? And the overall impression they gave me was Kind of a Drag but Not Bad.
Cases felt a lot longer. I guess that was only natural after moving to a better Nintendo system with more memory and processing power. But sometimes Cases that are Longer are Bad. It felt like they had more padding just to fill up some time and it made me move through the storyline incredibly slow; I got distracted easily because they failed to keep my attention. I know, big surprise from someone with ADHD lol. But the Trilogy simply held my attention better because with the limited space they had, everything had to kind of Move Faster for the plot to happen and every line contained important information.
Anyway, that's mostly a mechanical issue. I think another issue, one that most people probably agree on, is that it's very sterile. The first 4 mainline games clearly took more risks. They wanted to tell their story and felt more experimental; it felt more integer in a way. The games had a story to tell, a direction they wanted to follow. Whereas DD and SoJ so far feel very...safe. I'm sure others before me explained it better than I can, but I will try regardless:
The Trilogy and AJ didn't shy away from letting characters react pretty intensely to the situation around them, especially Phoenix. Because things were stressful! There wasn't a constant yelling of course but you could feel how stressful the final cases were for everyone involved.
I think the best example I can think of is Trucy. She was introduced in AJ and they made her instantly likeable to me. You're also immediately invested in her since she's the daughter of Phoenix. And you want to know what happened! How did she end up in Phoenix's care? Is she hiding something? Who were her biological parents? And by the time you unravel that mystery, you're invested enough that you can emotionally feel the importance of the bond between Trucy and Phoenix. AJ even ends with Phoenix stating how well he knows her as her adoptive father! You get a little glimpse of how both of them truly feel and it's just...so good.
And all of that was thrown out the window in DD (and SoJ by extend). They barely interact, they don't even mention any of the terrible things they went through together.
And that's the impression I have throughout both DD and SoJ. They do have compelling characters that I care about. I loved Athena's storyline! And I liked going against Blackquill! And so far I really like Apollo and Dhurke's storyline as well! But none of them really have the same lasting impact on me as the Trilogy and AJ had on me. I would say it's just AA Fatigue (I've been playing these games for so long lol), but even then. I've worn myself out during TGAAC too and yet its impact on me is much greater.
I know this "playing it safe" actually pissed some people off, or at the very least made them stop playing the game. To me, they are still enjoyable. But that is also about it. The only exception for me was doing Athena's trial in 5-5 which gave me the same excitement + stress feeling I had during the trilogy sometimes. There's also some other moments in both games that are actually really good. But if I had to give an overall expression, it would be Enjoyable at best and Dragging at worst.
Tl;dr: DD and SoJ are not Bad to me, but it does disappoint me a bit that once they knew they could just get money with a Safe AA game, they stopped taking creative risks and made Just Average Games.
Last side-note: I am aware of the rumor that Shu Takumi said to ignore AJ as much as possible due to its controversy. Ironically, I see most fans nowadays really like AJ so uh...hm.
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manyfandomsonelog · 2 years
Ha ha ha i meant to write wrightworth but was tired lol
Thanks tho <3
- jpg
I can do those too! (Gladly)
-They have been pining for each other since ELEMENTARY SCHOOL and for a long time everyone knows it but them (even LARRY knows)
-Phoenix figures out his feelings for Edgeworth somewhere just before the DL-6 case if not during, because I just really think that he refuses to believe that the man he loves is a killer
-Phoenix doesn’t outright tell Edgeworth about his feelings, but he does up his flirting game a little after realizing in hopes that Edgeworth might catch on (he doesn’t). He does however tell Maya, who teases him about Edgeworth constantly
-When does Edgeworth realize his feelings for Phoenix? Doesn’t matter. What does matter is that he FULLY believes that he must Never tell Phoenix because obviously he Does Not Feel The Same and the only way to preserve their friendship is for Edgeworth to never say anything ever and repress every emotion he’s ever had
-I think that Phoenix’s “I trust him…?” moment after Edgeworth came back was also fully a realization that even after Edgeworth faked his own death and came back a year later, Phoenix still loved him
-There was definitely a betting pool for how long it would take for Phoenix and Miles to get together, I think it started out with Larry and Maya, then included Gumshoe, then Franziska, then Ema… basically every character in the game outside of Wright and Edgeworth was involved by the end, except for Pearl who would combust if she knew about it
-Even as Phoenix and Edgeworth got closer and their relationship got better, I don’t think that they had a proper love confession until Bridge to Turnabout
-Edgeworth calls Phoenix by his first name for the first time in years after he flies in from Europe to visit him at the hospital (The Forbidden Hospital Scene)
-Their first date together ended up turning into another murder case, because that’s what happens anytime Phoenix tries to do anything nice, and I think it would be so funny if Edgeworth was then the prosecutor for said case and they both sort of reference the fact that yes they were in fact both at the scene of the crime… eating dinner together… when the murder happened
-I am still in the process of going through Apollo Justice, so I don’t know exactly what’s going on with Edgeworth losing his badge and everything, but I do think at some point Phoenix and Edgeworth get married
-Phoenix and Edgeworth’s marriage is an Event and every character from the Ace Attorney games (who isn’t dead or in jail) is there, Franziska plans the wedding and Gumshoe cries like a baby during the ceremony and it is all ridiculously sappy and adorable
-Phoenix’s vows are incredibly long and romantic, and Edgeworth starts his vows out by insulting Wright, before also being incredibly romantic
-Phoenix and Edgeworth argue in each other’s ears during their first dance at their wedding. Everyone else thinks they’re being sweet
-As a married couple they are the embodiment of being so in love with each other while simultaneously bickering constantly with each other. Pheonix brings up stupid debates at the dinner table just to make Edgeworth mad
-They coparent a fleet of adopted children (once again can’t say much on this yet because I haven’t gotten far enough in the games)
-I think they’re the type of married couple to be super in-sync with each other, they pick up speech mannerisms from one another, Phoenix helps Edgeworth put on his coat without even thinking about it, Edgeworth hands things to Phoenix as Phoenix is already reaching out a hand
-They call each other by their first names in private, and almost always in the most tender voices ever
-Edgeworth calls Phoenix “dear”
-Phoenix has an inability to take pet names seriously so he usually goes with stuff like “honey”, “honeybuns”, or “hot stuff” as a sort of half-joke. Edgeworth claims to hate this but also turns bright red every time he does it
-Every year on the anniversary of Edgeworth’s father’s death, Phoenix and Edgeworth visit his grave together
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