#so i dont entirely blame the devs?
frozenhi-chews · 27 days
Still kinda wish we got a Starlo genocide fight. Or at least a different one in Neutral
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devine-fem · 4 months
what got you into batjokes and what draws you to them as a pairing?
oh my GOD A BATJOKES ASK. anyway. it was telltale batman. like even lego batman was too silly for me to even care and out of every version of batjokes, i think lego batman falls flat for me. WHEN I FOUND TELLTALE BATMAN IT CHANGED MY LIFE. when i played that game it was the catalyst for my love for dc. ive never seen more tragic gay people in my life. in telltale instead of the joker being a maniac, it goes off of that idea that he doesn't have a backstory and basically his role is switched with harley. harley is the joker and joker is more harley, including the obsessive love and abusive tendencies. joker is likable guy, hes actually just genuinely mentally ill with a few identifiable illnesses. when he gets nervous, he laughs, he doesnt like to be blamed for things, hes sometimes irrational and jumps to conclusions but theres moments where hes just trying to do some good even though hes not taken seriously. its somewhat relatable even. if you pick a curtain route you get a curtain ending which entails that bruce tries so hard to make the joker something hes not. just the fact that he tries SO hard to keep his code while having joker has basically a glorified robin. theres so many basic romance tropes and honestly, i argue that they were genuinely in love with each other in that game because if you reject selina you get scenes with joker instead and the game dev comfirmed that joker is bi in the game and batman's whatever you make him. watching their relationships and the concepts of their character clash in such a tragic way and then the ending where it all was just like..." whyd we even do this, it was bound to blow up like this... " like they had to prove something to themselves which brought both of them down in the most tragic way. WHEN I
TELL YOU I CRIED LIKE A BABY at the end of the game thinking about bruce and jokers relationship and how fucking SADD it was. my friends actually LAUGHED at me cause i cried literally nine times that night and i dont cry at games but something about that really grabbed me in and PULLED on my heart so bad. from then i went on a rampage researching anything batman and joker related and realized their relationship has always been homoerotic like this. something about the villian x anti hero trope really pulled me in. even though i hate this trope, fanon batjokes was something else entirely. just the idea of having someone be made to be your opposite. their constant dance and twisted love for each other I UGHHHH the desperation of it all, the drama, how much theyre willing to twist their words and beliefs, EVEN betraying the people theyre close to just for the other. oh other ships PALE in comparison to batjokes and toxic codependency and it saddens me how dead it is because its my second favorite ship under jondami. wish there was more content because its a REALLY good ship. and im very normal about them btw ugh thank you for the ask, i need this lowkey
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saintadeline · 8 months
Hm I wonder what you think on elden ring now... You mentioned it was even worst and that it show the devs were bad somehow?
I wouldnt say it *shows* anything more than the others but its... definitely something. I dont talk about it much because i know how er fans get when people criticize their favorite game LOL but its honestly the main thing that keeps me from really enjoying it. I dont want to blame grrm for the way its gotten worse because that isnt fair to him considering soulsborne was already kind of dubious at times but the collaboration of miyazaki + grrm + the ds2 writer (whose name i forgot sorry) was UH. SOMETHING. ds2 is already the worst in terms of misogyny straight up so i usually put it apart when talking about that topic re: soulsborne but yeah that means i was unfortunately not surprised (but still disappointed). I honestly wouldnt really know what to say about it unprompted but i mean the main and obvious offender is rennala and it pisses me off so badly because aside from how dogshit her writing is she would be my favorite 😭 it's not even subtext, it's outright misogyny when her character is "woman known for being a terrifying and powerful leader who as soon as she got married was nothing more than A Wife and lost her status as well as becoming nothing but a mother. Her entire ROLE is "mother". After she got married she serves no more purpose in the lore than to have children. And when her husband left her she was broken and of course she can be nothing without a man so she is now obsessed with motherhood and birth. Like come on its just ridiculous at this point. Theres much much more id have to say about many other characters but i dont think people are ready to hear what i think about malenia LOL.
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gddmgttsu · 5 months
Not sure what to title this one so I’ll leave it blank maybe…
So I’m in bed just trying to doze off and a memory from college flashed in my mind.
I had a PE class separate from my batchmates because I took the wrong science class and the schedules didn’t line up. (btw I have no clue what Bio Chem is for when I’m a music major)
I’m not very athletic so I didn’t really have a great time playing basketball with the sporty people so I always sat aside after warmups. After warmups I just exhaled really loudly because I was in pain and this girl sympathized with me.
Over the course of the coming weeks she started talking to me more and more and I had learned that she was a Game Dev student with the same year ID number as me I think. I have friends in game dev but I think they’re the batch after this one so I didn’t really know this person.
Now, I play games too so it somewhat became a common talking point between me and this girl. I remember her recommending me that South Park game that released. I think it was Stick of Truth or something like that but I didn’t really have any interest in it so I just said I would check it out to be polite.
Before I say anything more, I would like to mention that I myself am horribly inexperienced with anything romantic and I don’t find myself very attractive. People in my highschool batch are getting married while I’m over here wondering when I can run another Minecraft server with my buds.
Over the course of that PE period I got the impression that this girl may have had a crush on me. I don’t think it was a bad thing but it was one of those things where it felt like she was grasping for straws to find any common ground where we could relate or bond over. I’m honestly guilty of it myself but you can’t really blame teens or young adults still trying to figure any of this out.
I dont want to be rude but I wasn’t really interested and if I were, it would have probably been a bad time because me at that age would probably explode in a real relationship. I didn’t know it at the time but even until now I still feel that I’m inadequate for loving and being loved.
There are a couple of instances where this girl’s affection seemed a bit too obvious but the one that will stick with me was that on our last PE class. My gym for this class was located on an entirely different plot of land from the school so after classes in one building I had to walk a bit to get to the gym. As I’m waiting to cross the road to the gym, I could see her on the other side of the street a bit further to the right looking right at me.
I don’t want to be presumtious. Besides, most of what I’m talking about hasn’t really been confirmed because she never confessed but I got the impresson that if she wanted to, she would the moment I crossed the road. From the corner of my eye she looked very anxious like she really wanted to talk to me but she just stood there not even entering the gym.
That was the last time I ever saw her. Despite talking to her over the sem I never actually caught her name.
Looking back though I’m honestly flattered because I’m just this dopey idiot. Perhaps if things were different we would probably be friends but I don’t live in that alternate universe.
I hope she’s found someone that treats her good. I doubt I could have been that for her. Honestly she was in the same boat as anyone right now with an unreciprocated crush. May those people find their love as well.
I’ve never had any luck in the romance department and I’ve only ever confessed one time to a girl and she wasn’t even straight. That’s perhaps a story for another time…
Another funny anecdote to this PE class:
My batchmates girlfriend at the time was in Theatre. One time we all wanted to eat at a nearby restaurant for lunch but she still had business to do in one of the theatre classrooms. We went to go meet her and wait inside and it was the Production Design classroom or something. It was a really big space where you make props and stuff so alot of wood and paint. Honestly it was pretty cool to see.
My friends girlfriend introduces me to some of her classmates and one of them goes “yeah I recognize you from PE actually” and because I’m an idiot, I just blurt out loud “yeah but I don’t recognize you” in the most idiotic tone you could say it in. All the girl could reply is “oh that’s okay” and we didn’t talk anymore after that.
I hope I didn’t offend her too much haha.
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traceofexistence · 10 months
as a long term gamer, and a big fan of the tomb raider series, I follow the tomb raider account on FB as one does.
so today I saw this
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a very cutesy art about a girls summer camp
the comments from dude bros...
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Jack over there couldn’t care less and blames the new design of tomb raider games to wawmen but he doesnt care about anyone’s gender. not to mention that the new trilogy SLAPPPPED so hard, and the only reason these dude bros hated it was because Lara has a normal body and not exaggerated bazunga honkes like the older games. 
then when Sarah stated the obvious 
Jay proceeded to mansplain that nobody stops wawmen from joining the game dev profession. although the truth is that women who do have the guts to be in that field, come face to face with an extremely toxic environment. 
or should I remind Jay over there all about gamer gate? (and the woman was not even a game dev she was a gamer and game critic) 
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Joe, James, Chris and Emerson, who otherwise claim to be the biggest fans of tombraider, dont even know that a new games has already been announced by the same page 
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from december last year
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Sarah again like a true tomb raider warrior speaks truths
Samer, has other concerns, but I thought “nobody cares about characters sexuality” but they will claim “but lara has to stay mysterious” though when the old movies dropped and Lara canonically fucked a dude, it was alright. 
Ian, Daniel, still dont know there is a new game
Tim has remained in the past
Neil, nailed the misogyny and he got a like from Daniel, as we all know wawmen cant do anything right? and they are diversity hires only
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patrick over there thinks that THAT Lara is the true Lara, when it’s just an Angelina Jolie skin, also Just because you can’t see new Lara’s ass on every camera angle in the new games doesn’t mean she’s not sexy, and that outfit is not even something you MUST wear, there is only one story driven outift you need to have on to access an area in the last game but no other outifit is necessary, and without them she wears that same shirt as the other one, she just instead of shorts wears tight pants. you can still see her ass for those wondering.
Lucas is screaming because crystal dynamics invited a bunch of girls to their head quarters from a summer camp...
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Imre finds the entire thing funny for some reason, though he would have totally praised if instead girls camp it was boys camp
Laura... and we found her the wawman of all wawmen the one who probably declares she’s antifeminist. patrick from above liked her comment
they could have simply scroll pass, but noppppe they had to make a point that wawmen suck and don’t belong in the game dev, even though nobody stops them
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homieswithhades · 2 years
ep 15:
so hold the fuck on....... theyre now blaming jehee for that rapist bastards injury/death????????????????????????????? joonho is gonna eat someone alive 
see from an non-korean speakers pov i cannot tell if the acting in this show is really good or not but i know damn well hanyang’s actor is just acting with his ENTIRE SOUL. i KNOW hes good
i cant belive they didnt let minchul out ?!??!! jehyeok is fuckin plotting rn i can tell 
jehyeok is such a sweetheart :(( nd joonho clearly wanted to go after paeng i cant wait to see char dev there
slightly unrelated but ZICO AND MINO HAVE A TRACK ON THE OST??? YASSSS
i forget this guys name the junior officer,,, “maybe captain na has a past we dont know about” mood mood mood mood
 na hyeongsu... ok noted
OHHHHHHH i knew she was minchul’s daughter !!! i knew it !!!! oh im so 💔💔💔
the shit is hitting the fan too hard for there to only be 2 hours left of content 
ohhh ok i see false alarm some ppl just dont like seeing a girlboss like jehee winning shes fine. but gottamb she did not commit to that kiss like at all bro. girlie please thats joonho right there. id be climbing him like a tree bestie
no please enough homophobia in this episode i dont feel like seeing jiho and jehyeok gawk at eachoother. im tired. 
oof. off to a bad start w jiho. tsundere ass bitch i h8 u. can i skip this flash back. please. im putting it on speed 2 i rllt dgaf ab their silly little rings.  ok its the cheek pinch. ill accept  that .
minchul is actually getting the christmas pardon 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 pls paeng is so so happy i love them sm  TYHEYRE ALL SO HAPPY PLEASLPELAPSLE IM GONNA CRYYYYYYY !!!!!!!!!!! JEHYEOK HUGGING HIM AND CRYING????? PLEASE IM GONNA DISSOLVE 
good lord that better not backfire on jungwoo.... like mans deserved that punch but that was pretty public,................
ok jiho spit some facts for once in her fucking life,,,, and +1 for calling him good boy ig,, he got so flustered plsss
jesus god joonho where are you walking so intensely OH GOD OH FUCK NOOOOOOOOOOOOO JAILBIRD NOOOO HE GOT JEBAITED BY THAT FUCKIGN WOODSHOP CHIEF YEOM BASTARD ISTGGGGG jehyeok is literally gonna commit a crime godspeed and godbless 
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flowerslightning · 4 years
Let's take a quick look on how Cloud handle his depression in AC - specifically his room
In the Remake, pretty sure Cloud actually suffered from PTSD + depression due to the trauma he faced, but since his memories messed up everything and need to hurry come back in action - click here to read what I ranted about his memory - , so Cloud didnt show much symptoms of someone with depression.
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I wanna highlight more in the AC. We all certain that Cloud was happy enough with Tifa and the kids. He was recovering, slowly but improving. Yeah, though he had some problems with Tifa, but I consider he was in recovering phase. However, things changed when he got himself Geostigma, this was where Cloud got deluded he was worthless, guilty and his depression kicked in (again)
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We'll focus his room, the place where he sleep. This was the room where he slept (well I believe he sleeps here) and took orders for deliveries, and also he used this room for studying about Denzel's illness through medical books. Dont try to mention about the color of this room. Cloud, pls give some sunlight to ur room. It was gloomy. 
But hey the bar looked gloomy too so i guess devs should take the blame for this? No, jk. Blame the lighting the devs gave
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There was no curtain, no mirror, no decoration, plain. Oh well, this room belonged to a male, what were u expecting for? It was quite clean if u ask me. And there we see an old tyre, some boxes and.... An old tyre in second floor room.... Hmm alright..
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Hey, dont judge him.. Cloud loves his fenrir, so, its normal. Im sure there were oil cans for his bike somewhere too
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But, can u see the papers and pictures on the wall?
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Yup, there were plenty of papers and photos on the wall and on the table. I'm guessing those were the notes/receipts for his deliveries work. And the papers on the table were about his research on Geostigma
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And the books... Ohh, if only med books were that thin, im sure the med students dont have to suffer too much to study.. Uuh, and those hard cover books. Must be pricey..
U can see photos of scenery on the walls. It could be Cloud took those pictures while he was doing his deliveries around the world. Someone who suffers from depression, they usually have no interest with such things. So, we could say that Cloud really was recovering well from his trauma. There were photos of skies (cough.. Zack's symbol cough) and open field. Cloud had a thing for this scenery
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Plus, a family photo on his table ! Awkward Cloud and shy Denzel spotted there
Tifa could freely enter the room without hesitation. She even answered the phone call and talked like a normal operator. Meaning, Tifa was used to enter Cloud's room with/without permission. U could say "Ofc she entered the room without hesitation, Cloud wasnt there, duh". U see, even if Cloud was no longer there, do u know the word 'privacy' still exist? It was not like Cloud moved away forever from that house.
We've been told by the devs that Cloud had been living with Tifa and the kids for quite some time. He felt too peaceful with him to the point it scared him a lot.
After he got himself Geostigma, he moved to the Sector 5 church and lived there. This place, exactly how someone with depression would live.
Dont read this if ure Clerith shipper or easily triggered. 
Now, I've read somewhere that says Cloud having depression for loosing Aerith was a romantic act. And WHERE THE HECK DID U FIND THIS ROMANTIC? TELL ME??? OUR CLOUD HERE WAS THINKING ABOUT DEATH, HE NEGLECTED EVERYTHING AND YET U THINK IT WAS ROMANTIC???
Reduced hygiene, gave less damn about the warmth, who needs a blanket anyway. Rain? Who cares. Let my entire place be soaked wet. No pillow, no bed? Like i care about it. Say hello to my housemate, the bacterias and mosquitoes. Is that a cup i see there? Yeah, i dont need food. 
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Cloud was really homeless here. Someone who was expecting to meet its end there, slowly and painfully. He wanted to 'die' there, alone.
Having depression - major depressive disorder is not romantic at all. And can never be seen as a 'sweet' thing to do for ur partner. I saw real patients with MDD and I have to say, the only things they want was to feel happy and peaceful again. They had anxiety, they felt sad without proper reason, they scared of something that i dont think it would happen, some patients were too afraid to smile, lots of them just wanted to die bcause they were feeling hopeless and shame. 
If i were Tifa, I would be sad too. U have a warm bed to live, clean water to drink and yet u choose to live in a cold damp place.. WORRY ABOUT UR HEALTH, CLOUD !
Cloud was a dork for not trying to get help, but it wasnt his fault. We should thank his family and friends to be there for him even when he kinda pushed them away for a bit.
But after he finally moved on, his room became brighter than the previous look. Cloud let more sunlight to enter his room, and more scenery pictures hanging around his wall and on the tables
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Cloud framed his big FF7 family photo. Despite the cold look he always gave to the team, he is actually a big softie. From the two different pictures, the one on the right was before Cloud moved on from his guilt, we can see Cloud was not really getting well in the picture, he looked awkward, and Denzel was being shy shy. In the new picture, Cloud was seen to be more involved in the group photo. Wait, was he smiling there? I’m sure he was smiling and Denzel looked happy too. - The family conflict resolved -
It would be fairly enough to say, Cloud finally found peace within himself and looking forward for the future together with his small family.
Another thing, 
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FF7 always associated with yellow flower. So, the yellow flower is not necessarily about Aerith only. The SE has confirmed in Ultimania Crisis Core, the water represents Aerith, and since Aerith is the last Cetra and an important character in FF7, the flowers always associated with her. and thus, the flower is the main symbol for the entire FF7 game. 
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autisticlalna · 3 years
mmmmmmm the lore goes so deep my mind is going brrrrrr!!! this is all so cool im all mmmmmmmm, !!!!!!! Its So Cool!!!
ive now read the wiki page on the first wyatt masoning! i cannot believe how unbelievably cool the events are in blaseball! the whole frequency thing and some players didnt get their names fully changed back and!!! NaN!!! i see why you love NaN bc i now also adore NaN. that is. fantastic. AND i saw ur art on MaX's page its still so pretty ahhhhhh!!!!! bro all ur contributions to blaseball and MaX r so cool!!!! aw uve got such good ideas i cant wait to see the wiki page once its al done
aw but ye getting good pics of mc skins can be hard. if u know someone w a minecraft account they can equip em and then u can see them on namemc, which can give good pics, but then u need to know someone who has a minecraft account
a waffle house existing in another dimension is the least weird part of all of this lore. that fully checks out. MaX should enjoy xer time there, that is good vibes. and yeee, definitely all the wyatts hang out and vibe together!! do status effects never go away then? or they dont happen on purpose? i assumed any of the wyatts would have to, like, intentionally activate their echoes, so no echoing out of existence by accident
gfhfhdsHDSADD dont make me emotional abt original wyatt mason now the microphone!!! have hope????? i dont even go here and id cry abt that wht the hey!!! bro the coin is so mean, can't believe the true enemy to baseball was capitalism all along. do boss battles happen often? it sounds like a boss battle against the coin is upcoming
thats So Much Cool Necromancy Lore tho!!!! dude!!! this is the coolest baseball simulator in the history of both baseball and simulators!!!! the modifiers are so cool, im in awe of all the work the devs must do. that is such a cool series of things. BUT OH NO ON MAX ECHOING DEBT. that would be so dangerous. MaX isnt even the only one with echo, right, isnt it all the wyatt masons? that is so much potential risk, oh no. thank goodness for sure for siestas, that is a lot to unpack. this is all So Cool
GOD YEAH BLASEBALL RULES the most fun part abt the first Wyatt Masoning to me is like. it was a glitch! the Grand Unslam was a glitch bc the site broke and the devs had to roll it back. the Wyatt Masoning was a glitch that happened when the devs tried to do Something to Wyatt / the Tacos in general and everything broke. and now there’s this whole entire ongoing plotline that’s still a thing SEASONS LATER, and !! the devs are so fuckin cool when it comes to rolling with whatever the fuck happens. its like a ttrpg but its baseball
i love NaN so so so much,,, NaN is like. one of the fan favs fhgxkldhdflkf their lore is so cool and !! ive been super attached to them for forever now. which i lovingly blame my taco friend for, thanks aquelon MAN the fact that the Wyatts exist now so theres like 13 copies of who NaN Used To Be around and , fuckin. smth that came up in the lore jam was MaX is like, trying to figure out who xe is besides just A Wyatt, yeah? MaX looks up to NaN!! NaN has gone through A LOT, like a lot has happened in blaseball since the Wyatt Masoning and with how many teams they’ve been a part of and they’ve learned and grown and MaX hasnt yet because MaX didn’t exist until last season. so NaN is like, even though MaX is potentially older NaN is still more Mature and someone that MaX could Be Like and aaaaaaaaaaa
i have a mc acc so i should probably just. do that fhglxhkgf cant wait to forget to change my skin next time i stream mc so it’s two palanauts and then a blaseball
a joke-y thing is that MaX works at the Elsewhere Waffle House and might be the manager? bc of being stuck there over siesta. like, xe has nothing else to do, xe might as well. i have a semi-shitposty twitter rp acc for xem and xe ate grass bc xe was bored and Coolname Galvanic, pitcher for the Tokyo Lift, told xem to
status effects are like!! so there’s several kinds of mods, some of which are permanent, some of which only last a season, and some of which are like. have a chance to fade. Elsewhere is one of the ones that has a chance to fade, like each time the player that’s Elsewhere would normally have a turn there’s a chance that they’ll show back up. MaX got sent Elsewhere late in the season and we didn’t make it to the playoffs, so xe didn’t return before siesta and won’t have a chance to return until next season the Echo modification is permanent, but it only activates in Feedback and Reverb weather (w/ the Echo copying the modifications of the opponent team in Feedback and the mods of their team in Reverb) and when it activates it just like. Goes. in xer first game, MaX echoed like 3 times back-to-back and all of us were going WHAT THE FUCK???? bc that was us finding out what Echo DOES lmao. like any time MaX is up to bat in Feedback or Reverb, xe has a chance to start echoing and then will copy other players until xe gets an out or a hit. the lore on how intentional echoing is is a bit wiggly rn but i hc it as involuntary bc it really does just fuckin Happen and MaX gets stuck with shit mods fghlkxfhlkxf
IM GONNA FUCKIN CRY OVER THE MICROPHONE!!!!!!! i went through his twitter today bc it got pointed out that he mentions Wyatts, plural, a few times and i got super emotional bc he’s just!! he’s doing his best!!!!!! he wants to help his friends but he’s Stuck and the entity he thought he could trust to keep everyone safe has probably just tried to fuckin, either assassinate him or at least cut his connection!!!!!!! and we dont know what happened to him or if he’ll be back or what and aaaAAAA capitalism is very much the enemy. fuck the Coin, at least the Peanut was upfront abt hating us fhglkhdxkghf the Coin is like. gatekeep gaslight girlboss. mostly girlboss. so far the only boss battle has been against the Peanut-- there was like, two rounds? there was Season 9, Day X when the Charleston Shoe Thieves won the championship and then got fuckin Obliterated by the Peanut coming down, pulling together a team, and curbstomping them, and then Season 10 Day X was the Peanut kicking the shit out of the Baltimore Crabs before the Monitor and Jaylen, with help from the Microphone, were able to counterattack. that’s been the only instance so far, but the fandom is Definitely gearing up for a fight against the Coin. there’s some theories that the Absurd Amount Of Wyatts is gonna lead to another situation of like, the Wyatts are gonna end up being a team on their own? vs a Coin-led team. im not really sure on that one myself bc it feels too much like a repeat of vs the Peanut but either way the Coin is going the fuck down
the amount of work the devs do is honestly Staggering, especially w how much of this is practically on the fly? like, dude. blaseball is a fucking marvel. AND YEAH LIKE,, ALL THE WYATTS MASON HAVE ECHO,,, only MaX and Ivy are still in play right now but uh. you know how i mentioned the Receivers? so, it turns out, whenever a Wyatt echoes a mod, that mod gets copy-pasted across all the Receivers (there was, like, four of them. we are now down to three because Something Tragic Happened). so if MaX echoes Debt, which could be very possible if we play in Reverb weather because of us having a necromancied player on our team, that could get spread to NaN, Moses Mason, and Sixpack Dogwalker. NaN and Sixpack are both in Mild High rn, but Moses is in... Wild Low, i think? Moses is in Wild with Ivy. so, uh, even Wild ain’t safe
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bruisesandbuzzaxes · 4 years
The issue with DLC 4 (Its not BL2)
Spoilers under the cut as to avoid, well... spoilers.
I have seen many people give DLC 4 shit because it did not meet their expectations lore/game play wise. Although many of these criticisms are indeed true, I have also found a trend (within all of BL3, but especially within DLC 4) that seems to be ever present within these issues. 
Borderlands 3 is not Borderlands 2 and should stop trying to be as such. 
I know, shocking right? But it seems that both the devs of the game, and its audience expected a BL2 clone and yes, they got on but in the worst way possible. The thing that made BL2 great was the lore (or greater presents of), the game play, and characters. The villain we got was deep, sadistic, but also compelling. Handsome Jack was not just some 1 note CEO with an evil company with shallow motivations. He was a father who was twisted by the pursuit of his goal SO MUCH that he ended up killing his daughter to achieve that goal. He thought he was the hero SO MUCH that he built a city commemorating that fact. And at the end of the day, his hatred for us (the vault hunters) comes from his hatred of those who were responsible for the death of his wife (bandits) and imprisonment of his daughter. His megalomania came over time and was not the ONLY facet of his character. The Calypso Twins are still villans, but just not as well developed or compelling. They are sarcastic, manipulative, and at the end of the day still want “the vault” but their presence cannot be felt in previous games despite not being introduced yet. They are not as “impending” and dont interact with you as much. They dont really feel like a threat. They are just sorta underwhelming and over compensate by making the characters as annoying as possible. They try to mimic Jack by dialing all of his negative qualities up to 10, and thats where you get the twins from.
But what does this have to do with DLC 4? Dont worry I am getting there.
The rest of Borderlands 3 follows the same pattern of trying to mimic 2 in both its DLCs and main game. In borderlands 2 Roland (a past vault hunter) dies at the hands of Jack after the events of the control core. Jack gains a siren, and can now finish charging the vault key. Roland’s death was built up to, and executed well. It provided motivation for the characters to move forward in their quest, and also a greater looming threat since Jack just killed/took 2 of the characters we spent the entire game up to this point getting to know and love. However BL3 does the same thing with the death of Maya (another past vault hunter) after the battle with the rampager. However Maya’s death really does not hit that hard since we only got to know here for about 1/3rd of the game, and the rest of the events following this are devoted to her bratty apprentice Ava blaming Lilith for it occurring. The twins also steal her siren powers (sorta fulfilling the need for a siren on their side, in this case just their powers) and use that to help open (or nearly open) said vault. Maya is our Roland, and the twins are Jack. The situation may be changed, but the roles are exactly the same.
Krieg’s DLC ( DLC 4) fulfills the need for a DLC dedicated to how the character closest to that “Roland figure” deals with the loss. Tiny TIna’s assault on Dragons keep DLC does this well by not only giving us a fun story, but also closure. Its fully fleshed out story wise and may not introduce a lot of ‘new’ lore, but it does give us a better look at the Tina and how she deals with grief. It was not given to us to be a “lore intensive” DLC, it was given to us to resolve a conflict for a character and further flesh Tina out as a character. 
Krieg’s DLC essentially achieved the same thing (although in a rather strange fashion), but it was marketed to us as more “lore intensive”. Going into the mind of a fan favorite who has very little known about him and his origins is a GREAT opportunity to give us new, much needed, lore. Even within the nonsensical confines of Krieg’s mind, we still could have gotten much needed exposition and lore about Krieg and his relationship with Maya. We got SOME of that, but it only seemed to only be limited to the template that Assault on Dragons Keep gave us. Krieg was essentially a much more unstable Tina and the snippets of lore we got were either retcons of previous content or were loose enough that they could have applied to ANYONE who was a patient during the Hyperion slag experiments. We did not really learn anything all that important or new. Does Krieg have a wife and son/daughter? Maybe, but we know nothing about them or if they are still alive. Was Krieg’s eye removed by Dr Benedict or a skag? I dont know, it was mentioned once but that could have literally been any patient in the trials. Did Krieg have a relationship with Maya? Yes, but we literally get to see NONE OF IT. Instead, we get a DLC that is trying to ride the emotional coattails of BL2 and trying to reskin what worked there, here. 
I feel like if the devs did not do try to create another BL2 , and the fans did not expect another BL2 the people would like both DLC 4 and BL3 better. Like, having a quality game is important. But we dont need another BL2 for it to be a good game. 
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sage-nebula · 5 years
I hope you dont mind my asking, but wouldn't GF have decided to remove the national dex long before LGPE released? I can see those games selling well confirming to GF that "pokemon sell well regardless of cut features" but it feels strange to blame it on LGPE when the development time on the games would suggest they made this choice awhile ago. (Not to defend lgpe lack of content) Sorry if this is a bother, I just feel like I'm missing something and would really like to understand your reasoning
For almost any other game I would agree, however for Pokémon in particular:
The National Dex (insofar as the ability to transfer old pokémon over) was never going to be a Day One feature. It’s never a Day One feature in the first games of the generation. Even if they wanted to make it one, in this case they couldn’t because Home isn’t releasing until 2020. As I’ve said in other posts, if they wanted to patch in the NatDex, they’d have the time to do it. Technically speaking, they’d have the time to do it, especially since the fanbase would be willing to wait (even if there’d be a few whiners here or there) the extra time.
Since it’s not a Day One feature, it’s something that can be worked on later in the development cycle (/can even continue to be worked on after the development cycle, or at least it could be if this series were treated with the respect of, say, The Legend of Zelda series). Again, I’m not talking about DLC that’s already on the game card that needs to be activated later, I’m talking about DLC that’s patched in, content created after that you download either to the harddrive or (though I don’t know if Switch DLC works this way specifically) onto the game card itself. Given the type of content they generally want to show early in the release cycle (the general theme / concept of the games, scenes of the various areas in the region, new ‘mon), and the fact that this would be a feature added post-release anyway, we can make a safe bet that the NatDex is something they’d work on much later in the development cycle, possibly even in the last year since, again . . . they’d have that time if they wanted to use it (and if this series was treated with genuine respect).
The Let’s Go games were stated by Masuda to be the future of the franchise if they sold well. They featured a Pokédex that was limited to only the Kanto ‘Dex, plus Meltan and Melmetal. They released in November 2018, and indeed, they sold well. In early 2019 (February, IIRC) Sword & Shield were released. While of course I don’t work at Game Freak and thus can’t say for sure, I would place money on the idea that if they were even a bit on the fence about adding the National Dex, the fact that Let’s Go sold so well despite being limited to 153 ‘mon pushed them right over the edge to, “Cut the National Dex from Sword & Shield, there’s no point in working on it.” I mean, why should they expend the effort if people will buy the games anyway? Especially when President Ishihara went on record saying that long-time fans only cared about “new pokémon and features” around the time of Let’s Go’s release. Sure, they might have already been thinking about cutting the National Dex beforehand, but Let’s Go no doubt assured them that it was a safe and correct call to make.
So that’s what I mean when I say that Let’s Go’s positive sales figures sealed all of our fates. To be entirely honest, before the National Dex announcement, I was certain that we wouldn’t see the shockwaves from Let’s Go until Gen IX. But Sword & Shield having a limited ‘Dex just like Let’s Go, and having special feature ‘mon behind $60 paywalls like Let’s Go, and having core features stripped out like Let’s Go, and the fact that it’s starting to look frighteningly like the starters won’t be able to evolve like in Let’s Go . . . the effect is pretty apparent. Sure, some of this stuff was present even before Let’s Go (namely the whole “let’s ditch useful features in the name of simplifying things” tack that Masuda has been married to for years now), but in the wake of Let’s Go, it’s success, and what Masuda said would happen if it was successful, it’s really hard not to see the link.
(Note just in case anyone read too quickly: I’m not saying the starters WON’T evolve. I’m only saying that I’m starting to fear that’s the case since we’re less than a month away from release and we haven’t even seen second stage evolutions yet. Maybe they’re just trying to keep starter evolutions a surprise, that’s entirely possible, but it’s also highly suspect, and Game Freak destroyed any trust or good faith I had in them a while back.) 
As a final note, the reason why I say that the Pokémon games aren’t treated with respect is . . . well, there are a few reasons:
Game Freak stated themselves that they put their B Team on Sword & Shield while their A Team worked on Little Town Hero. They also said they wanted to create something, “as exciting, or perhaps even more exciting” than Pokémon. They’re tired of working on Pokémon, and it shows. Which, I mean, I get it, it’s been 20+ years, but in that case tell Nintendo so that they can shift the main games over to another studio. I get that Game Freak was created for the sole purpose of making Pokémon, and maybe Taijiri-san is pissed at how you’re disrespecting his baby (I would be), but for the good of the series, if you don’t want to work on it, give it to someone who does. Don’t just shift it onto your bare bones secondary dev team.
These games are in a hellish development cycle where a new one is popped out every year. Contrast this to The Legend of Zelda where, while we’ve had some anomalies where assets were able to be largely reused and so games came out only a couple years apart (see: Ocarina of Time to Majora’s Mask) --- even that had two or three years before releases, not one the very next year. Most mainline Zelda games spend five or six years in development. I’m fully aware that we will likely be waiting until something like 2022 for Breath of the Wild 2, and I am prepared to wait that time because I know the game we get will be incredible. Granted, I’m going to be dying every single time they announce a release date to push it back, but it’ll be a death I’m grateful for because I will know that the end product will be worth it. The Pokémon games used to have a similar luxury. While there were a grand total of five games released during that time (with “five games” being used loosely, given that one was a slight upgrade and the other four were really two games with slight differences between versions), Gen IV lasted for a grand total of four years. We had Diamond & Pearl in 2006, Platinum in 2008, HeartGold & SoulSilver in 2009, and then finally, Black & White in 2010. By contrast, Gen VII didn’t even last three years, technically. I mean, this November would be its third anniversary, but that’s when Gen VIII officially starts instead. To be fair, it could be argued that Gen IV didn’t have a full four years since it came out in September 2006, and Gen V came out in September 2010. But even if you make that argument, it still had a full year on Gen VII, and to be honest, that showed. The Sinnoh games are far and away not my faves, but they were still full of content. HeartGold & SoulSilver are often considered to be the best remakes in the entire franchise, and considering the content that was cut from OmegaRuby & AlphaSapphire and Masuda’s reasoning for why that content was cut, I can’t exactly argue with that even though I did genuinely enjoy ORAS. And the games that Gen IV ushered in? Controversial opinion, but I think that the Pokémon games peaked with Gen V. Black & White not only initially had a ‘dex that was nothing but new pokémon (and yet STILL included the Nat Dex later, because in Masuda’s own words he felt it cruel to keep people from playing with their faves forever!), but it also introduced a METRIC TON of new mechanics, some of which we no longer get to use (Rotation Battles? Game Freak doesn’t know her). Who knows what exactly Game Freak did with that extra year, but it was clearly a lot of work given how wonderful the games were in Gen IV and Gen V. The extra dev time showed.By contrast, Gen VII got 2.5 years (or 3 if you’re being generous). Every single game released during this gen had massive content cuts, even when comparing to Gen VI, which also had massive content cuts. Mechanics were stripped away, and Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon technically didn’t have a NatDex either, but at least you could still have all of your ‘mon in them at a later date if you wanted to. Now with Sword & Shield, we don’t even have that, despite the Switch being far more powerful than the 3DS. (We also don’t have Mega Evolution for whatever godforsaken reason, even though the Kanto Mega Evolutions at the very least were already used in Let’s Go, the fuck, Game Freak). Pokémon games print money and always have, and Game Freak has taken this and their lack of interest in the series to the depressing but I suppose logical extreme of “do whatever and they’ll buy it anyway.” There’s no love here, there’s no respect here. They just don’t care anymore, and as someone who does care an awful lot, it’s super upsetting to me.
And while people have tried to argue that the games can’t be delayed because of the anime or the card game or whatever else:
The games come first. They’ve always come first. I know some people mistakenly think that the anime came first and that the games were created later, but that is 100% false. Pokémon started as a game series and the anime was created to advertise the games, straight up.
Filler episodes exist, and the PokéAni is no stranger to them. The Orange Islands arc was an entire arc of filler created to pad time between Gens I and II. The Delacora Islands (or whatever they were called) was a filler arc meant to pad time between Gens V and VI. Arguably the majority of the Sun & Moon anime was filler, given its slice-of-life genre, meaning the anime was even less of an excuse not to delay Sword & Shield. You can’t tell me people wouldn’t have been happy with another year of the Alola crew running around getting into random adventures. People would have eaten that up and loved it. We could have had it all.
I’m not even going to dignify “but the card game” with a response lmao. This isn’t Yu-Gi-Oh!. Sure, the card game makes money, and probably a decent amount of it (merch sales probably make up the franchise’s greatest source of income, and as someone who easily spent several hundred dollars in two weeks at the PokéCenters in Japan---including over $100 in one trip to a PokéCenter while I was there, and we went multiple times---I am a big part of that), but they come up with bullshit new expansions all the time and could easily keep doing it. Again, not a reason to delay the games if the games need more time in development.
So all in all, at the end of the day, Game Freak is no longer treating these games with love and respect, which makes them an awful lot like the villains in the games they create. The Let’s Go games were harbingers of disaster for the games, and we were told this very plainly, and just about no one listened. In fact, I legitimately lost friendships with people who got mad at me for making Facebook statuses about how they should buy Let’s Go used if they absolutely had to have them because how DARE I believe Ishihara when he said that Let’s Go were considered core titles, and how DARE I believe Masuda when he said that Let’s Go would usher in the last twenty years of the franchise. Clearly, I was just being an ugly bitch. (I wish I was exaggerating, but this actually happened, I got blocked over it, it was ridiculous.) And now here we are as a result, with no hope of things getting better unless Nintendo forcibly rips Pokémon out of Game Freak’s hands, which I don’t even think they can legally do given that they only own 1/3rd of the IP. (The other 2/3rds belong to Game Freak and Creatures Inc., as I understand it.) 
Pokémon is still my favorite fictional fantasy world, but as someone who has always loved the games first and foremost, the current state of it depresses me to no end.
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didsomeonesayventus · 4 years
ESSAY TIME I love a ship please come hang out w/ me on this dinghy or like. dont because fates is awful and I can’t blame u for dodging that bullet but i just wanna scream because i love them and they’re the fixation rn so 321 GO
i cant blame anyone for not really seeing this because their support is. Ok. Its alright. Not amazing, it’s serviceable, better options are out there in fates I'll concede. Corrin has like. At least 3 other love interests who feel more canon LMAO but this isn’t about them
It's more from elsewhere in their characterization that really made me adore them and, as I mentioned in tags, a lot of this comes from how I write them which. Is largely filed under rp stuff right now but more ramble time on how i write them i guess dont forget to mark your free bingo space for throwing out large swaths of fates canon and writing.  Also we're scooting their canon support gently to the side because it’s ok it’s not the most offensive writing this nightmare scrap heap of canon has to offer but a massive missed opportunity.
PART 1- One (1) Corn, With a Side of Emotional Neglect
*makes vague gesture at Disney's Rapunzel* Corrin would have been so much better recieved if the devs just took some notes from you instead of writing such a flat character i swear.
Corrin in particular with how I write her is getting a pretty massive rework in the emotionally stable department because honestly I don’t believe she would be. like. She's not dumb, but she is naive, important distinction, and it ends up coloring her views a lot and I have a ramble on that over here on the inverse graph that is Corrin’s confidence but to dissect where her attitudes came from:
Her family was limited to visits, and she has been directly/implicitly blamed for this for roughly a decade and a half, at least a decade, by not being an insane king's definition of strong enough to be with them. Bad memory makes her frail, swordsmanship isn’t up to par, doesn’t seem to offer much else in terms of skills unlike Xander, a Certified Badass(tm), Magic-oriented Leo and Elise, and Magically gifted but just plain ruthless Camilla. She’s held at arm’s length from her family, and while her siblings may have always loved her and expressed that love as often as they could, they’re not always there or a good yardstick to measure her progress with, and she had to always watch them go and likely wonder when they would come back, or if they even would.
As for our beloved butler and maids, being surrounded by servants was probably her most constant and consistent source of contact, and she does love them, but it can be very easy to wonder if they love her because they do or because it's their job to.
Corrin's faith in everyone around her and unwavering trust is there because any sort of doubt is basically redirected to. her. Because she is the dumbass who's still figuring the world out. She's hyper aware she's still learning and making naive decisions and she overcompensates that with "well what do I know" and not feeling really all that worthy to be Special Protagonist. She doubts herself before almost everything else.
Brief mention of Dragon arc because fates was dumb and neglected an entire arc for dragon feelings beyond chapter 5 and foreshadowing for Dad(tm) but I also write in an arc of the Dragon Is A Metaphor For Loving Yourself Faults And Trauma And All Love Yourself And You Can Control Yourself Dammit.
*Corrin hurt herself in her confusion!*
The way I write Corrin is not nearly as put together and confident as Canon™️ Corrin is, at least for a good chunk of the plot. She fakes it till she makes it because she is a leader and being mopey will not get things done but she’s also very self critical and mopey on the inside and quite paranoid that people don’t actually like being around her and just. ball of stress and anxious hidden under Many a uwu that she doesn’t want to talk about because why should she complain her childhood wasn’t That Bad and if she’s mopey how can she set a good example and people don’t like debbie downers and look its fine its fine lmao
PART 2- Mr. Perfect
As for Mr. Subaki he puts a lot of time and effort into looking perfect. I emphasize that because he may very well have natural talent, but honestly it feels like a large amount of his perfection is just. Stressing himself out by planning for and rehearsing everything possible! God this anxious idiot I love him!!! He's sociable and agreeable, but I think with basically everyone it’s. Skin deep. He’s charismatic Enough, and he digs a bit into the other’s history and personality if he’s interested, but he never really lets the other reciprocate like a magician never revealing his fraudulent secrets.
Biggest problem with that is he can't open up and vent because that is to admit a flaw and no no cant have that we cannot have that so he's just. Not sure who to turn to and has trouble being emotionally honest- even to himself. He just! Doesnt let himself have fun or relax; all perfect all the time baby. There’s basically no one who he could consider a close and trusted friend who can love him flaws and all. The closest would be Sakura and Hana and welp. gotta keep things professional and it’s not like Hana really expresses a sense of understanding and patience when they’re fiercely competitive with each other.
There’s probably a lot of muttering to his pegasus while he’s cleaning her hooves or braiding her mane, or staying up late thinking about how narrowly disaster was and wasn’t avoided that day but he. Also doesn’t really vent and also feels that imposter syndrome of “I’m honestly awful how did I even make it here.”
and it stinks because I think at his core he is a very sweet and caring guy and a massive dork, but he just plops himself on the edge of a pedestal and gives himself no room to be himself or anything less than perfect and is likely on the cusp of impending burnout.
you dumb anxious idiot i have S-Ranked you every fucking time I open this godforsaken game I didn’t even fucking plan for this
PART 3- (Patrick Warburton impression) “Oh yeah, it’s all coming together.”
So our characters and stage are set. We got FE Fates (I’ll default to Rev), we got my views when writing these two, so what next? What is the general plot I imagine since we’ve gently scooted aside the canon support chain?
The dumbasses-to-be think they’re out of each other’s league.
For Subaki, it is plot-irrelevant background character falling in love with the protagonist, which yields the exact sort of pining you’d imagine: man you are super cool and hit all my standards but I’d be dreaming if you felt the same about me. She’s sweet, she takes charge, she can fight for herself well enough, has he mentioned she’s sweet? He can actually relax a bit around her which is really odd but I guess that’s what happens when your personal skill is literally called “Supportive”. Oh yeah and also his Lady’s older sister which oof. Sakura? In law???? Hinoka in law???? Takumi in law?????????? ryoma in law oh gods.
For Corrin, it’s Mr. Prince Charming right there and he’s very nice and Sakura is saying so many nice things about him but wow she’s. a princess from a country that has consistently terrorized his and on top of that might a well have been raised under a rock!!! And she picks up details and nuances in people remarkably well, but she overthinks them. She can pick up that Subaki- while very polite and friendly -isn’t being entirely forthcoming about what he’s thinking or feeling, but she can’t pin down exactly what it is, and makes the educated guess that he's just being nice because she’s Sakura’s sister or something.
And they’re friendly. They help each other out a bit. There’s tension, sure, but no one really comments on it (except for everyone making bets in the bg). They don’t really yield on their internal messes because Corrin knows she’s a leader and can’t really do that and distracts herself with believing in everyone around her, Subaki just flat out would rather do literally anything besides admit he’s messed up anywhere or open up. So feeling are put on a low simmer for awhile.
Of course they fall in love, and it almost gets messed up because when Subaki requests to talk with her in private to confess, she immediately assumes he’s going to tell her that he’s not interested. Her simmer roars into a boil because she’s been under Protagonist Stress ON TOP OF having a crush she’s confident won’t be reciprocated, so she snaps quite a bit because that has all been shoved in a bottle and she just wants to get the mess over with if he’s just going to tell her very nicely that her company is lovely but hes not interested it hurts a lot to think that but its fine you don’t have to settle.
But the thing is being emotionally vulnerable like that, pointing out she’s scared too of always not being enough and living up to expectations, to finally get that off her chest, spurs him into it, too. Because she gets it. She honest to god gets it even if she bought into the lie he’s perfect she understands. Oh, yeah, she also reciprocates feelings that’s really excellent too. Like Subaki probably makes a lot of fuss about a bunch of ultimately meaningless details and having “standards” and yadda yadda gods help whatever poor soul asks him to pull out the list of traits of his ideal partner, but I think at the end of the day if he’s looking for love most of all, like a lot of people he just wants someone who he can just. be himself around. Who likes it when he’s being himself!
And they both learn that yeah maybe they’re more flawed than they’ve been lead to believe, but it starts to not matter at all because they still try really hard and everyone makes mistakes. They’re both here to say it’s ok your best is enough, YOU are enough. They both think they’re amazing regardless of their mistakes and love to see each other smiling and succeeding and just make. a nice little bubble of comfort. They’re stubborn and supportive, they learn how to poke and prod the bad moods away be it making a nice cup of matcha and talking it out or laughing at a tiny, meaningless mistake and repeating it to keep that feeling of dread away. Also they both spoil their partners regardless of who they end up with you can’t @ me on that they both do it which means guess what mega spoil time. And long hair on both just means they can braid each other’s hair no problem... waaaaaa.... Also early rise Subaki and late rise Corrin so there’s always a sleepy fight in the morning because UGH this is early you keep saying i’ll get used to it but im not i need a kiss first if you want me to be up this early. Subaki is better at logic and planning than Corrin, and Corrin keeps things optimistic and has a good gut for when to take an improvised risk. They’re always swapping places on who’s holding the other back from a fight that isn’t worth it because some asshole insulted the other, they mediate each other and will fight anyone who even harms a hair on the other’s head. They give and they give back and they work together perfectly.
And when it comes to the kids that bubble expands and they make sure they all have the tools to just take a deep breath and remember it’s okay Mama and Papa love you so much and you’re going to be amazing no matter what you do. Corrin’s got the best stories to tell and Subaki tucks the blankets in just right. They’re good parents with a lot of patience and plenty of mental health wisdom which is good because, as my mom would say, “bad brain chemistry is my bad”.
Like UGH I love them. I love them a lot. A good chunk of this is me making canon better thank me fates devs
Part 4- Katie All of This is Out of Your Noggin What About Canon
(DBZ abridged vc) WHAT ABOUT CANON but ok here have some canon quotes
“The two spent the rest of their lives together. Corrin ruling as the wise Queen of Valla. Subaki adapted quickly to royal leadership and became a great source of support for his wife. “ - Revelation route ending
“I feel like the pressure's off when I'm with you. I don't have to be perfect.” “You'll never be lonely as long as I'm around. Just call me and I'll come running.” - Friendship bonding quotes but also consider waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
“This might sound corny, but I think you're my soulmate.” - What he says when he is married to you and yes that is corny and its perfect
hot spring is dumb fanservice BUT if you can get the good RNG to get them both in there   “A shared bath warms not just my bones, but my heart as well.” “I-I suppose so...I just wonder if it's right to be so happy...” (emphasis mine) IT ABSOLUTELY IS BE HAPPY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
also one of his quotes when u stop by your quarters is  "Ah, welcome home, dear. Kick off those shoes and relax. You're with me now!" and you absolute himbo your wife doesn’t fucking wear shoes!!!!!!!!!
Part 5- I’m done I’ve yelled into the void good night enjoy a ship please be excited for the fic I have on the backburner that I will get out there one of these days but I want it to be perfect so RIP me I guess
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applekitty · 5 years
whats the nintendlc au?
oh boy. what a question
nintendlc au was an old psmd au i had that was super duper edgy.  it was focused around dark matter as the ‘protagonist’. most things happen from their point of view. basically, nintendlc took place in 2018, wherein a dlc for psmd was released after the game was generally panned by fans for its pacing. the idea was to, all in all, make the game harder. it also supplied more content in the post game, mainly a whole bunch of new chapters and new threats (including a universal parasite, shadow pokemon, and the orb mother) the game was so hard that it was near to impossible. 
your partner, once they return from being semi-dead, had gone from semi competent to completely fucking useless because no matter what, they’d run away from enemies. it was basically just you going through dungeons with a constantly confused partner. who, by the way, if died, would mean you’d still have to go through the dungeon from the start again. so, naturally, hackers came onto the scene. and our hero is one. cyndaquil has hacked a copy of psmd to make it easier and to give them their signature fire claws ability. cyndaquil, to make the game easier, also decided to remove the partner character entirely during post game, just vanishing them from being there because Im Sure That’s A Thing You Can Do. 
in the ‘first arc’ of nintendlc, the game would have you deviate from the original game by not letting dark matter die and instead just taking them off the tree of life to live more peacefully. they’re gravely injured, so they have no choice in the matter. partner, in this case being froakie, hasn’t yet disappeared and is a general source of good for dark matter to follow. then they disappear and everything is Sad. eventually, dark matter escapes and then gets promptly noticed by the people around, including a criminal gang who quickly swipe and run off with them. oh noes! cyndaquil has to go off and retrieve them, but it’s real hard because this gang changes locations every so often! and not only that, one member from the gang that’s a zebrastrika has taken special sympathy for dark matter and decides they’re going to help dark matter in their evil scheme to unlock a Big Door which’ll allow a universal destroyer onto their planet. and guess what, dark matter succeeds! the door opens and the parasite comes out and everyone, ESPECIALLY arceus, is like ‘oh no oh fuck’. but it’s no problem for cyndaquil because cyndaquil is a hacker so they just touch the thing and it dies. which is a general trend. cyndaquil defeats zebrastrika to teach them a lesson, then takes dark matter back.
the second arc is about nuzleaf. nuzleaf was transformed from charming country dad to legit evil. which wouldn’t be so bad if i didn’t make him a super duper predatory pan man (NOT TOWARDS CHILDREN) and have him try to fuck his way to the top. bro literally tried to fuck dark matter not joking. and he was just using them so he could get the ability to petrify people, and when the jig was up he pretended he was possessed so he could get off scottfree. after the whole dark matter thing, some people’ve become thirsty for dark matter’s power for instantenously send people to fucking hell. so, he decided to become a cult leader, seducing (literally.) lugia and the bird trio in the process and turning them into shadow pokemon; pokemon with the ability to use that smoke that turns people to stone. also they’re purple. in a shocking twist, they find out where dark matter is and try to take them, but cyndaquil is ready and slices through their ranks (with dark matter with them so they dont have to go retrieve them from somewhere again) because lots of the shadow pokemon are just weak and easy to take down. eventually, cyndaquil takes down the shadow legendaries. nuzleaf tries to appeal to dark matter and says things can go back to how they were, but cyndaquil slices his ass too. the shadow pokemon stuff vanishes bc the best way to stop shadow pokemon is to beat the smoke power out of them. now no one has smoke powers. nuzleaf blames dark matter for it but no one listens to him and he just disappears.
the final arc is about orb mother. essentially, orb mother is dark matter’s mom, and wants to destroy everything that’s imperfect in the universe. imperfect planets are ones with negativity, so she created the dark matters to seek out these planets and obliterate them. however, this particular dark matter was a flawed creation because it gained the ability of independant thought, which caused it to fail a lot. eventually, dark matter found the pokemon planet, which arceus was on. arceus is a creation of the cube mother, meant to organize planets and keep them all rather nice and neat. however, this arceus tried to assault the orb mother, which meant that they’d be jailed on a planet they couldn’t escape from and had most of their powers stripped from them. so, in attempt to escape, arceus generated a huge negative signal to bring a dark matter to their planet. and they did. they just got the shitty one that cant do anything right. but, at the same time, they got lucky, because they could intimidate dark matter into doing what they want. throughout the entire two arcs, dark matter’s been trying to lay low and not be seen by arceus so that way they don’t have to follow arceus’s bidding and also get punished for their latest failure. but, well, shocker, arceus finds where dark matter is hiding and takes them, forcing cyndaquil to teleport through the 99 floor destiny tower. they get to the top and beat the shit out of arceus, who tells cyndaquil about orb mother and how they should go kill it. cyndaquil says sure and that they will. rayquaza appears at arceus’s command and brings cyndaquil into orbit, where the jump off rayquaza and into space. then they’re magically teleported to the orb mother, who is the size of galaxies. orb mother has some long sphiel about the nature of hearts and life being inherently negative but cyndaquil doesn’t give her the time of day and just kills her.
now, normally, this is where the dlc would end. but since cyndaquil hacked through the game, cyndaquil gets teleported to the anti-hacking area, which is a dark room with the screen displayed. froakie is there. froakie is basically the mouthpiece for the devs, calling cyndaquil a talentless hack (lol) for using cheats. so, froakie fights cyndaquil, forcibly makign cyndaquil helpless first, then defeating them. it then hard bricks their game, causing it not to be playable. dark matter’s also there, and froakie says goodbye to them, and that’s where the au generally ends.
i’d like to revisit it one day and straighten it out, to be quite frank, it’s really super duper edgy, that’s not even mentioning the really horrible shit i left out about nuzleaf’s backstory. shudders.
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wolfgabe · 6 years
Switch Online thoughts part 2
NES App looks pretty good. Games boot pretty quick which is nice and you can easily back out and choose another game without much fuss. Looks pretty well done in general
Haven’t tried any multiplayer yet but I intend to I have heard some people say its improved other say it has not really keep in mind your internet connection could be to blame rather than the netcode itself.
Okay now for the big part
I am not sure if I stated this but I feel alot of the people complaining that online should be free don't really understand why online is often a paid service on consoles compared to PC where it's largely free. I was talking with a friend recently and he actually made a pretty good point about online with PCs. On PC with online multiplayer devs generally have two approaches to keeping their multiplayer going. They can either require the players to keep giving them money in order to sustain their servers or exploit the playerbase in such a way so that the game indirectly pays for the servers itself(i.e lootboxes,microtransactions). This is mainly because corporations are generally able to skew whats transparent in hosting their servers for the user so that is unknowingly contributing to those practices. Unless of course the servers are entirely on the user side which in that case the responsibility of maintaining the server falls on the server owner. It is not tied to a service for the playerbase but rather the people who play on that server themselves. There is no such thing really as a one case fits all management system for PC multiplayer. In essence neither one is better than the other and both have their drawbacks because more often than not they tend to favor the developer more than the user. The truth is no matter what the user may do, most modern game services are entirely in hands of the publishers/developers and they have the power to do as they see fit. So in turn you basically have two options you either don't pay for the service and risk being manipulated if you are not careful enough or you pay for a service and help sustain services for a platform even if you feel it's not the best practice in the world paying for something that should be free primarily. There is no definitive easy answer really, you either pay for the service or you host it yourself. With all that said now for a bit of tin foil hat time. I have been thinking perhaps in the past Nintendo relied mainly on virtual console sales and such to help pay for their online services. Of course with Wii U it's been well documented how much of a step down Virtual Console was from Wii with fewer systems and a slower pace of releases. There are probably a number of factors behind this with all the licensing costs probably being one of the biggest. I think after Wii U Nintendo probably took some complaints seriously and decided to rethink their approach. Remember one of the biggest complaints leveled against VC was how we had to rebuy all our games again on every platform. Nintendo Switch Online has basically addressed this complaint already by giving you access to 20 NES games right out of the gate that you probably would have had to pay over 100 dollars for previously with the promise of more to be added in the future. Essentially Nintendo is making virtual console more of an actual service similar to Netflix where you dont have to actually pay for any of the games but of course they probably expect some form of compensation in order to keep things fair and keep their service going. I also find the argument you are not paying for servers somewhat poor. Does anyone remember the Wii's online was largely run through Gamespy's own servers hence why online games on Wii pretty much died when Gamespy shut down. With Switch the eshop and of course the cloud saves have their own servers and games such as Mario Tennis Aces, Splatoon 2, ARMS and MK8DX even though peer to peer still use servers for matchmaking and authentication.
I have also seen a couple people round tumblr encouraging others to boycott the service and be as angry and outraged as possible and to trash anyone who seems to remotely defend the service but I cannot help but ask this how much will all that anger and outrage really matter outside of the massive echo chamber that is the internet? Probably not much really. https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/9gm22e/more_proof_the_reddit_and_twitter_conversation/  This reddit thread here sums it up pretty well. Remember the loudest voices on tumblr, reddit, twitter, and the internet in general are mostly a small portion of the gaming public.
My other issue is how a lot of this so called criticism of Switch online doesn’t feel like actual criticism at all. Most of it is basically just people saying I don’t like it in the most loudest, angriest, irrational manor possible. There is constructive criticism and then there is just mindlessly bashing something simply cause you dont agree with it. It’s pretty asinine really to think this service has no potential to grow and evolve even though it has just launched. Do people forget Xbox Live was not what it is now when it first launched in 2002 Xbox Live became what it is now over 16 years of growth, development, and evolution which was further backed up by MSs own latent experience with online infrastructure and services. I expect Switch Online to evolve as time goes on. More features will probably be added, complaints will be addressed and more classic games will become available of course.
Bottom line why don’t we actually give this service an actual chance to stretch out before we throw it to the wolves 
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chaseprice · 7 years
t3hrogg replied to your post “postfuguestate replied to your post “i still can’t believe its an...”
really gross and undermines a lot of the feelings I had developed for Rachel in this game
uh, dont blame her tho, yeah
if deck nine are crafting a scene where three seperate girls can do the drugging, then don’t choose to villainize rachel. it’s a problematic scene, and deck nine created it for comedic purposes (which is partly the reason it’s problematic). it’s, sadly, clear from the context it’s not meant to be taken seriously. 
i reiterate: rachel isn’t the bad guy. she’s one of the protagonists in this story about girls saving each other and falling in love with each other. she has flaws, yes, and deck nine are hinting at them super hard, but they’re about her running away from her problems and distracting people from her issues and accidentally getting people hurt etc. so don’t let that weird ass option the devs put in change your entire opinion on her character. it seems 10x more awful because of the context of the first game, which was the point of my post. and that... is a dev fault. theyre the aware ones
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is-osana-here-yet · 7 years
are you seriously upset about organ trafficking and possible sex trafficking when you can kidnap and torture someone and have them commit murder-suicide, bully someone till they kill themselves, poison someone, burn someone alive, put a body in a wood chipper and grind it up, electrocute someone to death, kill a person by cutting them down the middle with a circle saw, push someone off a roof and convince the police its suicide, chop bodies up and put in a cello case? Seriously? pt.1
pt.2 At the base concept of the game, Yandere-chan has 1 trait that does not change no matter what type of person you play her as, and that trait is that she will literally do anything to prevent another girl from having Senpai, she will kill, kidnap, and manipulate to get her way. Yandere Simulator is not a game for kids, it has always been this dark, and hopefully will stay that way.
yes. because unlike the elimination methods, sex trafficking is an actual real world issue. it also continues to sexualize the underage girls of yansim.
golly gee it’s not for kids!? im so shocked. but the issue is that dev never put warnings or restricted his own game for those who are a mature audience. dev has very young fans. very impressionable fans. i dont blame dev entirely for this issue but he’s done nothing to help it. and theres being dark, and being “edgelord” the game. like the way its going its gonna end up looking like Hatred.
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omegastation · 7 years
aesfocus replied to your post “aesfocus replied to your post “aesfocus replied to your post ...”
Well aside from the fact that people are doing #savethequarians at the MP team, or people who dont even work on MEA anymore, or telling the MEA team its not okay to have vactions because they don't work enough overtime. @ing flynn and others to tell them off. People are even finding the QA team members personals to tell them just how much they hated andromeda, but also make another game. Watched Billy's stream and while I think he's objectively wrong about some gameplay stuff for MP hearing him talk about how the dev team is being treated after -any- news is horrid. Like after his stream the BSN got amazingly rude about the team being at SDCC and vacation and just... wow. It isn't even the HOPE on one person. The girl in QA who had to lock her personal twitter because people blamed her for all of MEA? The app dev who had to leave reddit because people blamed HIM for all of MEA. Blaming hudson for all of Me3. The EA animator who as soon as MEA dropped was threatened with death and had news story after news story published about JUST HER. There is NEVER bioware DLC news until its done and about to come out. Everyone can hope, but regardless of DLC or future game content (of which walters has to keep explianing what and NDA is on twitter come on dudes stop harassing the mesh artist who gave us Fiend Pug sits) andromeda to me was a fantastically fun game, and even with its flaws it would never pass my brain to ever blame a single 1 person with all of THAT. dslajflkj
Okay, okay, ... I'm not going to delete my reblog because the discussion is interesting but I can see your general point about the danger of thinking one person can save an entire franchise. Fair enough, you know? And the ME fandom needs to learn from its mistakes for sure. I didn't think Hudson would save Mass Effect by himself btw, more that I was hopeful to hear an important trilogy team member is coming back to Bioware and might be involved on a new ME game in the future (like in a few years). Might is the key word and OP acknowledged the fact that it was never a sure thing anyway.
Still, fandom history is all well and good, but not everyone belongs in the same category, you know? A lot of us don't harass or single out team members. Me, I never talk to them at all. I never sent them a tweet (even when I should have with the survey), I never encourage people to go after them at all and I'm fairly on my little corner bothering no one. IDK, it's really sad that a lot of people are being so shitty because then the entire fandom has to answer for them. I hate that.
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