#so i am 80 percent sure he's gonna bite it
callmearcturus · 1 year
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boy its a shame that you are doomed to die* because the crunchiness of "two childhood friends get crush on same girl" is great, esp if we can navigate this to resolve with "everyone lives together in a nice apartment and girl never has to cook a day in her life because she accidentally hooked up with two fucking health nuts"
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ebbarights · 1 year
alright so people won't be annoyed at me liveblogging a three day old episode with thoughts they have already seen a million times i will compile all my thoughts into one post so you can just skip this
SHIV PREGANTE??? i was 80 percent sure this was happening but i'm still fucking surprised just like with logan's death
the intro sounds soo fucky. like i thought there was something wrong with my speakers but this happening right after logan's death I LOVE IT
hiam abbass in intro we love to see it
i feel like i do have to add (since no one will read this anyway) that the reason it has taken this long for me to watch it is that i really really think watching succession is bad for me. like it kind of counts as self-harming behaviour i think. but yesterday i went on a long walk that really helped and now i feel more equipped for the episode. let's see if it undoes all the progress!!
this really is the season of hugs
'i'm sure it'll crush me eventually' 'pre-grieved' relatable repression king
my one wish for when the show is over is that someone makes a greg-less cut. just remove all of the scenes where greg's there
first sympathetic karl moment
the HEAVY swedish accent oskar has i love it
willa absolutely slaying that dress and marcia. queen on queen violence
krank real
'i have been worried that this was gonna happen for ages' real. whenever anything bad happens i have already anticipated it and so my emotions never feel real in the moment? like i've practiced them already so often that it's hard to feel something u know
kind of weird to say and probably gonna bite me in the ass later but it really seems like kendall is the most well-adjusted of all of them
'he's a bit racist' interesting use of present tense there roman. sure you've pre-grieved enough
kendall's second name is logan officially confirmed huh
frank openly laughing at greg i loooove it roman fully saying he hates him i am so here for this
is it real motif showing up yet again
i actually can't bear this frank kendall dialogue
did frank say 'he left you' or did he say 'he loved you'
roman just immediately leaving when tom shows up. same
i never would've guessed that shiv would blame herself. honey being on the plane didn't kill him. but it makes so much sense that she feels left behind and alone
i still want to know about how shiv and tom met and what that difficult time was
like i fully believe tom loves shiv and that he means what he says when he tries to comfort her. but with the background of his one ally being dead there's just no way that shiv can believe a word he says, and it's gotta be at least one motivating factor for him
DOG WITHOUT IT'S PERSON roman take a look at that mirror and see what you might find in there
clogged toilet -> bodily fluids motif really all the motifs making a comeback this episode
why is shiv like half a head taller than roman her heels aren't that high
greg stop talking about being distasteful you fully asked for a job while logan was in a coma
i love roman being nice to kerry maybe i'm naive but i can't see an ulterior motive for that? unless he wants to be like logan oh my god please don't please no
romtom real (also i just accidentally typed rimtom. accidentally? guess we'll never know)
stewy lore his dad is 95 and is 'normal' enough to just randomly sue his neighbour
haunted house motif real
i love willa's mom
roman's joking about growing old sharing a bed with his siblings like charlie and the chocolate factory but i'm serious i want that. in my life. both for them and for me and my friends
roman yet again being the only one who thinks about connor. at all
helping old ladies cross the street somebody kill me
roman admitting he betrayed them just so he can get a shot at ceo. well at least he told them himself?
here's the thing i kind of think kendall's right about shiv not really working but. god emotionally i will kill him for you shiv. cutting her out again?????
'i'm not trying to fuck anyone' ace king
connor's mom?????
jesus kendall. i knew he would do this but jesus.
once again the end titles music is so fucking amazing.
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curetapwater · 3 years
A Beautiful Transformation? No Way!
Part 1 of Legendary Warrior Sailor Black
Nagisa knew too much about dying for someone still alive.
There she lay, curled up in shuddering fetal, biting back whimpers and growls because she couldn't give the ones that did this to her the satisfaction of knowing she was in pain. But of course she was in pain, what else were you supposed to feel when red was flowing from your pierced abdomen? She coughed and tasted iron. Now blood was coming from two places.
The lightest touch, warm and gentle, brushed her fingers. She mustered what strength she had left and opened her eyes. A girl's face lay mere centimeters from hers on this ground that shook with what Nagisa knew was the world crumbling around them. Wishing she could stop them, she beheld the tears streaming from the deep blue eyes that held Nagisa's world, her universe, for reasons she couldn't quite recall. Neither girl had the ability to speak, but Nagisa knew that right then what she needed to do was take the girl's hand.
Her hand...
Misumi Nagisa was yanked back into the waking world so hard she feared whiplash. She blinked and rubbed at the clouds in her eyes until she could make out the time on her alarm clock. Oh. Her brother was right.
She yanked on her uniform button-down, skirt, vest, bow tie, and blazer faster than you can say "tardy," ran her toothbrush through her teeth and her hairbrush through her hair, grabbed the crosse leaning against her desk, and sprinted out her bedroom door.
"I'm heading out!" she announced without so much as a "good morning" to her family.
"Don't you at least want some toast?" her mother asked, spreading butter on a fresh slice.
But Nagisa was already on her way out of the apartment. "No time for toast!" she shouted back. Then she was back inside. "Oh, who am I kidding, there's always time for toast!"
Trying not to choke on toast while running turned out to be a lot harder than television had led Nagisa to believe. Swallowing down the last bite with a hard gulp, she lamented morning coming so early.
She doubted this disaster would have even happened had she not been up all night scared she'd have the dream again. The one where she dies.
Shudders made her almost drop her crosse. That and the fact that she was still running. How could something that wasn't even real do this to her? It was invading real life! She'd considered telling her parents but figured they would just tell her what she already knew: that she wasn't really dying and that the world wasn't ending and that the girl with her wasn't dying either because she wasn't real. If she was, then Nagisa would be able to remember something about how she looked. Other than her eyes. And the way her hand felt...
Nagisa shook her head. If she went on like that it'd give the girls at Verone Academy all the more reason to stuff her locker full of letters she didn't want-
5 kilograms of something Nagisa couldn't see knocked her head clear of thoughts and into the pavement. She growled, staggering back up. "What was tha-"
A group of boys, maybe eight or nine years old, pushed past her and nearly threw off the balance she'd just regained. They were chasing a cream-colored cat that scampered all about, jumping on and off every surface it could to avoid the little menaces. It would seem the cat had chosen her as one of his landing spots.
Seeing the poor thing so helpless, in such terror, stabbed through Nagisa's stomach with a justice-induced rage.
"HEY!" she hollered, brandishing her crosse like a weapon. The boys turned, shocked at the power of her voice. "Pick on someone your own size!" They blinked at her. Then she raised her crosse in a jerk just threatening enough to make them scramble off.
The cat revved up to dart away, but stopped short and turned to stare at her.
"You okay, little guy?" Nagisa asked, stooping down to scratch his head. There was a bandage on his forehead. "Here, let me get that for you."
And she did, peeling the adhesive back to reveal the strangest marking she had ever seen, some sort of weird heart-shaped thing. She thought it might be a bald spot, but it was blue. Blue? Did cats come in blue? She'd never owned one-
Ah crap, now she was double late! The cat was fine, but she wasn't gonna be if she didn't book it to the train station!
If it weren't for the vice principle telling her off about tardiness and irresponsibility and selfishness maybe Nagisa could have made it for at least the end of the first class period. But nope, instead by the time she made it to her classroom, the second class was well underway and Ms. Yoshimi was handing out grades for a test Nagisa had forgotten about the moment she'd turned it in.
"Ah, Ms. Misumi," she said. "Since you've decided to join us today maybe you can explain this." She handed her a paper face-down. Never a good sign. Walking to her desk, Nagisa clutched the side that held her red-ink fate flat against her stomach so no one, including herself, could see what it said. She waited until eyes were off her and snuck a peek.
She got a thirty percent.
"No way!" she exclaimed before she could stop herself. All eyes were back on her. This day just kept getting better and better.
"English is a weird language anyway," Rina consoled on the way to the train station.
Shiho nodded emphatically. "Yeah yeah yeah. If it's gonna, like, have that many rules then they shouldn't change all the time."
Well that was easy for them to say. At least they passed the test. Nagisa passed her crosse between her hands before resting it on her shoulder. Lacrosse had gotten her mind off of things for a bit. It helped that it was something she was actually good at. The muscles in her legs ached in protest of their continued use after practice, but they burned good because she knew she was getting stronger.
"Hey! I know what'll cheer you up, Nagisa!" Shiho said.
"I hear that one jewelry store in the mall is having a huge huge huge sale!"
"I doubt there's anything in there we could afford, even if it's on sale," Rina reasoned.
"No, but, I hear they're cutting prices by, like, ninety percent!"
"Really? I need to see that for myself!"
Somehow Nagisa doubted even with those huge price cuts that she could afford anything. Not so much because the jewelry was expensive, but because she'd squandered her allowance on chocolate desserts and takoyaki (not at the same time). Not to mention she doubted she'd be getting another payment for the next ten years after her parents saw the newest low in her academic career. And she was pretty sure she was in the hole to begin with...
So, Nagisa hopped on the train to home and left Shiho and Rina to their detour.
She kept her eyes on her loafers. All she wanted to do in that moment was shuffle over to the nearest window so she could stare out of it with quiet sullenness instead of having to look anyone in the eye. But she managed to do just that when she forgot you're supposed to look forward when you shuffle and she ended up shuffling right into a boy's solid back.
"Ah!" She leapt back in surprise, and he did the same. Her surprise soon melted to deep, deep embarrassment when she looked up to find the cutest boy she'd ever laid her eyes on.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his gorgeous floppy hair flopping gorgeously.
"I- I- I'm so sorry!" Nagisa replied with a bow.
"It's no problem," he said. "It was an honest mistake. You're Misumi, right?"
The tight cocoons forming in her heart burst into butterflies. "You know my name?"
"I told him," said the girl Nagisa just noticed had been standing with this boy the whole time. Nagisa recognized her as Yukishiro Honoka from her class, a very pretty girl with delicate pale skin and a head of shiny, neat hair that housed the brain that got the highest score on the test Nagisa had failed. And she knew him. Oh no.
"I apologize if it seemed like I had been talking behind your back," Yukishiro said, which planted in Nagisa's head the idea that she had been talking behind her back. "I was just concerned because you looked so distraught, and I was telling Fuji-P-"
"Ahhh... I told you not to call me that in public!" the boy said, cheeks flushing.
Great. They had pet names, too.
"I hope you're not still upset about that test," Yukishiro told her.
The butterflies in Nagisa's heart were replaced by a wasp sting of horror. "HOW DID YOU KNOW I GOT A THIRTY PERCENT ON THE ENGLISH TEST?!"
Conversations stopped all around her. Passengers, including far too many in Verone uniforms, briefly gaped at the girl dumb enough to announce something like that to a packed train car. Then they turned back in a way that was supposed to be discreet but everyone knew really wasn't.
Yukishiro's polite smile cracked to reveal a foundation of shock and second-hand embarrassment. "I- I- um, wasn't aware of the exact score, but... I just heard you exclaim 'no way' when you saw it and assumed you weren't happy..." She cleared her throat a bit, a cute little sound that somehow made Nagisa feel like even more of a bumbling fool. She had to get out of there.
"Well, it was nice meeting you!" she forced through her teeth before pushing through the packed train car to find a spot as far from all human beings as possible.
At home, Nagisa was greeted not by her family but by a note:
Ryouta and I are out buying groceries. Leftovers in the fridge. DO YOUR HOMEWORK.
Love, Mom.
Her father wouldn't be home for several hours. So she had the apartment to herself to... what should she do? Cry? Sulk? Scream into her pillow? That last one sounded good. And then maybe if she was feeling a little more devious than usual, she'd change that 30 to an 80 with a couple strokes of a...
No, that was too low. She just wouldn't bring it up until it was brought up to her. Now there's a plan.
She went to her bedroom, threw her bag and crosse on a chair then threw herself onto her mountain of plush toys. She really hadn't gotten a lot of sleep last night, and she decided not to remind herself why in case she scared herself into another all-nighter. That day, especially that exchange on the train, was way scarier than anything her brain could concoct, even if in her dreams she had tasted death...
Because she...
What was she thinking about, again..?
Nagisa didn't even have time to dream before she was awakened by four little paws driving into her stomach.
Her assailant turned out to be the cat.
"Bald spot cat?" she exclaimed.
"It's not a bald spot-mepo!" the cat said.
Nagisa screamed. The cat got the message and launched himself off and onto the floor, giving her the second painful jab to the stomach she'd experienced within a single minute. She scrambled off her bed and grabbed her crosse as if it would protect her from the creature.
"What?! WHAT?! A talking cat?! No way... There's just no way!" she whimpered, more to herself than to him.
"Just put down the stick and listen to me-mepo!"
Nagisa lifted the crosse above her head. "G-Get away! I won't hesitate!"
"Mepooo!" the cat screamed and ran to her balcony that she realized she'd forgotten to close the door to. That would explain how he got in. "Don't hurt me-mepo! What are you doing-mepo! This isn't how legendary warriors should-"
"What's with all the 'mepo mepo' stuff? Say 'mepo' one more time!"
The cat clamped his mouth shut, clearly fighting the urge. "MEPOOO!" he shouted, darting back into the room and between her legs. Oh, no no no, that was closer than Nagisa ever needed to be to a weird talking cat. Who knew if he was even a cat at all?
Nagisa screamed and bolted back to her bed. This had to be a dream. If she just closed her eyes she'd wake back up in the real world where cats didn't-
"Listen to me-mepo!"
She opened her eyes to find him standing at the foot of her bed. She sat up, hugging a stuffed panda close in a feeble attempt to make herself feel better. Saner. "What do you want? What... are you?"
"My name is Mepple-mepo."
"Mepple-mepo?" Nagisa repeated.
"No-mepo. Mepple-mepo."
Nagisa blinked, then nodded her understanding. Maybe he'd go away if she just complied.
"I'm here because I've finally found you, the Legendary Warrior-mepo!"
"Legendary Warrior?" Nagisa said. She'd hardly say a girl in a wrinkled school uniform armed with nothing but a crosse would be something anyone would call a warrior. "I think you've got the wrong-"
"I didn't think you looked anything like what I was looking for-mepo. Until you saved me-mepo! If you didn't take off that bandage I wouldn't be able to talk-mepo!"
"And then where would we be?" Nagisa said dryly.
"Listen-mepo! A strange presence is in the air and it's threatening the city-mepo! I've watched you all day and I'm sure you're the warrior destined to find the Legendary Prism Crystal and the Princess of Light-mepo!"
"The what and the who?" This was getting way too complex. As if a cat being able to talk didn't make things complex enough.
Mepple rolled his eyes, which Nagisa was pretty sure cats weren't supposed to be able to do. "The sacred treasure and the princess of the Garden of Light-mepo!"
"Oh, well, that clears it up," Nagisa said, chuckling in an attempt to depressurize. It didn't work.
Mepple groaned, hopped off the bed, and padded over to the balcony. He pointed up at the sky with a round little paw. "There-mepo!"
Nagisa looked up into the twilight and saw oranges fading to blues but no supposed Garden of Light. "What am I supposed to be looking at?"
"That-mepo! The big white circle with the rabbit on the side-mepo!"
"... You mean the moon?"
"We called it the Garden of Light-mepo," Mepple said, going back inside. Nagisa followed and closed the balcony door before the neighbors started thinking she was crazy. Maybe she was.
"So... you're an alien?"
"I guess, but that's not important-mepo!"
"I beg to differ-"
"Just take this-mepo!" And with that, Mepple suddenly did a high-reaching somersault, leaving behind a trail of sparkling dust that materialized into a white and pink brooch that fell into Nagisa's hands. It was heavy, and it was cute. But it also came out of nowhere!
Nagisa cast the thing onto her bed, freaked beyond belief. "What is happening?!"
Mepple picked up the brooch between his sharp little teeth. Whatever muffled words came out of his mouth, they couldn't have been all that pleasant. But then he dropped it himself, ears perked up. "I sense an evil presence-mepo!"
Nagisa backed away. "A what?"
"Turn on the TV-mepo!"
Nagisa ran into the family room and did as she was told. On the screen flickered live footage of the mall, with policemen trying to break in.
"It seems there is some sort of barrier inside preventing entry into the complex," the news anchor said. "The state of the patrons inside is currently unknown."
The bottom of Nagisa's stomach dropped out. "That's where Shiho and Rina went! Do you think they're still in there?"
"I don't know-mepo! But I know this looks like a job for you-mepo!"
"Me? What am I supposed to do?"
"Put on the brooch and shout, 'Black Prism Power, Make Up'-mepo!"
Nagisa assumed the "mepo" was meant to be left out. "What good'll that do?"
"Just do it-mepo!"
And so, feeling like the kind of fool that announces to a packed train car that she got a thirty percent on a test, Nagisa attached the brooch to her bow tie and shouted, "Black Prism Power, Make Up!"
Her hand shot up without her permission. An instant later, the world around her exploded in blinding rainbow-colored light. She wanted to scream, wriggle, call for help as she was lifted into a void of pure color, but instead her body moved in sweeping, elegant movements in a choreography that she'd never learned. A yelp wished to break through her enforced silence when all clothing except the brooch vanished. Great ribbons of light erupted from the brooch, wrapping around her body in the shape of a leotard, gloves, boots, and a miniskirt. A big bow tied itself just above her backside, earrings clipped themselves into her ears, a choker found its way around her neck. Then a strange, almost searing sensation prickled in the center of her forehead, until a hard metal circlet materialized in place. Finally, her feet touched ground, though still all she saw was nebulous color. Her body struck several battle-ready poses she had no say in striking. But she really started freaking out when her voice started making choices of its own.
"I am the emissary of light that fights for love and for justice! I am Sailor Black! And now, in the name of the Garden of Light..." Her arm snapped forward, pointing a warning finger to no one in particular. "...return to the darkness from which you came!"
She blinked -- Oh, joy, she could blink her own eyelids! -- and the world faded back to her living room.
"...Say what?"
Mepple looked upon her with eyes that saw some champion of justice, as opposed to the middle-schooler in a shrunken black and pink sailor fuku that Nagisa saw when she caught her reflection in a mirror. "Amazing-mepo..." he said. "The Legendary Warrior has awakened right in front of me-mepo!"
"Now Sailor Black can finally fulfill her destiny and help restore the Garden of Light to its former glory-mepo!"
"I'm going to what?" Nagisa wanted to press further, suddenly feeling less hugged and more caged by the costume's tight fabric. But the sirens blaring from the television set reminded her there were more pressing matters at hand. "How am I supposed to help Rina and Shiho and everyone like this?" she asked, holding the black skirt's hem between her fingers.
"You are Sailor Black-mepo! You have legendary powers-"
"If you call me 'legendary' one more time..." Nagisa started, simmering on the outside but reeling from how fast this was happening on the inside.
"Never mind that-mepo. Let's go-mepo!" And with that, Mepple ran back to Nagisa's bedroom.
"That's not the way out," Nagisa said, following him. She found him with his front paws on the glass door to her balcony. "Maybe you always land on your feet, but I don't-"
"Do you want to save your friends or not-mepo!"
"I do, I do!"
"Then trust me-mepo!"
Nagisa sighed. She guessed she couldn't exit through the apartment complex's lobby dressed like this. She didn't feel particularly powerful, but if a cat could talk to her and she could change her clothes just by saying a phrase, then maybe she could trust this little guy.
She placed a gloved hand on the handle and slid the door aside in a shuddering motion. "Okay... Okay..." she heaved as she stepped onto the balcony. She'd never before given much thought to how high up the apartment really was. How she'd taken for granted the fact that she knew what the tops of neighboring buildings looked like. She'd never considered having to stand on them!
Part of her wanted to back away, to declare this whole mess some stress-induced fever dream that would all go away once she came back to her senses. But then she thought of her friends' horrified faces, their screams for help, who knows who keeping them in that dark mall to do who knows what.
Next thing she knew, her foot launched herself off the railing and into the newly dark night. The jump sent her farther up than she'd ever thought possible. She bypassed several buildings until her feet touched the roof of some office building. The sole of her boot touched concrete for but a moment before she took to the air yet again.
She wanted to scream but at the same time a euphoria was building inside her. "My body!" she exclaimed to Mepple, who rode her shoulder. "It's so light! And my muscles are so strong!"
"That's the power of the Sailor Guardians-mepo!" he said.
"Guardians? You mean there are others?"
"We'll talk about it later-mepo."
Perched from her hiding place on yet another roof, Nagisa gathered that the police were trying to break into the mall from every entrance. Some even tried to break the windows, but some unseen force seemed to be keeping the doors shut and rendering the glass unbreakable.
"What kind of glass did they use on that thing?" Nagisa mused.
"These are dark forces at work-mepo. I can sense them-mepo," Mepple said.
"So only someone else with powers can stop whatever's going on here?"
Nagisa stretched her legs, hardly believing they had been able to make such impossible feats to get up there. "And I guess that person is me?"
"And what if someone recognizes me?"
"No one will-mepo. You're Sailor Black now-mepo."
"Oh, so people won't recognize me just because I'm in a new outfit?! You know, I'm the only person I know around here who has orange hair-"
Mepple leapt from her shoulder, plunging stories below.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" she hollered, following him anyway because she didn't know where else to go. With the place surrounded on all sides and no credentials to get past the cops, Nagisa resolved on the way down to land on the mall's roof. Unintentionally in the best way, she misaimed and ended up crashing through a skylight.
Descending into darkness in a glittering explosion of broken glass, Nagisa -- er -- Sailor Black felt a distinct stab of terror upon realizing she had no idea what she was getting herself into. Or maybe that was just her stomach dropping. She brought her hands in front of her, hoping to soften the fall, but when her hands hit floor she realized she had enough control to cartwheel onto her feet. No time to be impressed, she decided. She needed to find out what the heck was going on. She needed to know Shiho and Rina were alright.
The only light was from the moon, shining through the skylight. Other than the deserted rest area in which she stood, darkness stretched around her on all sides, truly endless. Had Mepple not landed on her head a few seconds later, she may have been paralyzed.
"Would you stop that?" she said, rubbing her head.
Mepple was already on the move. "The dark power! It's this way-mepo!"
Sailor Black sighed and followed. Kiosks, mannequins, garbage cans, so many figures that seemed innocuous in the light now made her heart twinge with dread. Her mind concocted horrible images of the figures she couldn't make out. Then she found one she did.
A body in a Verone uniform, laying crumpled on the floor.
Sailor Black screamed. Mepple sped over to investigate. "She's alive-mepo."
She clapped a hand to her mouth, her scream still echoing through the spacious mall. She hoped that hadn't attracted any unwelcome company.
Mepple stuck his head in a paper bag still in the girl's unconscious clutch. "What's this-mepo? A necklace-mepo?"
"A necklace?" Sailor Black said. That logo on the bag... now that she looked more closely... That was the store Shiho and Rina had been headed! And she knew exactly where it was, even if this place was spookier than usual. "Follow me, Mepple!"
The sight she was met with a the jewelry store was a horrible one indeed. So, so many bodies littered the floor. Older women lay sprawled alongside schoolgirls no older than Sailor Black. And all their bodies glittered with brand new jewelry.
"What do you think is going on here-mepo?" Mepple asked, sniffing at a ring cast to the floor.
"I don't know, but..." The sinking feeling in Sailor Black's stomach was getting worse by the second. Tip-toeing over girls and women, she scanned around for... Shiho and Rina! They lay together in a heap by a display for friendship bracelets.
"Shiho! Rina!" Sailor Black cried, running for them.
"Shh," Mepple hushed. "Who knows who could be-"
"Who's there?" came a harsh voice. A well-manicured woman stepped out from a back room, paying no mind to the comatose patrons around her. She looked like some sort of store manager. And Sailor Black didn't like her at all.
She looked up from her spot kneeling next to her friends. Each wore one of the friendship bracelets, and it looked like they'd been picking out a third one. "What have you done to them?"
"Why should I care to tell you?" the woman scoffed, heels clacking on the floor closer and closer to her.
Sailor Black picked up the third friendship bracelet, hand shaking. Her eyelids started to droop and her heartrate slowed until she dropped the accessory. "It's the jewelry, isn't it? You're using this jewelry to... to... make everyone fall asleep? Or.. or sick? Or-"
The woman slammed her into the wall with an unnaturally long arm. She held Sailor Black by her neck, her cackling face deteriorating into that of a yellow-eyed monster as she strangled her.
"Mep-" Sailor Black wheezed. "Mepple! Mepple, help!"
Mepple charged for the monster's feet but she kicked him aside.
Sailor Black clawed uselessly at the monster's impossibly strong grip. The air was slowly being crushed out of her lungs. At this rate, she'd-
"Ow!" the monster cried, dropping her. Sailor Black hacked. Stuck in the floor before her was a blue rose. Just as confused as the monster, she looked up.
In the entrance to the store stood a girl in a white top hat, billowing white cape, and a similarly colored blazer and poofy skirt. Her hair shone raven black against the stark white of her costume, and a pale blue mask disguised her face.
"I am Tuxedo White," the girl declared, an identical blue rose playing between her gloved fingers. She snapped a pointed finger in the monster's direction. "Evil servant of the dark power, you will be punished!"
"Not another one," the monster grumbled. She raised her gnarled hands high and bellowed, "Awaken, my slaves, who have given energy to our great ruler!" The patrons on the floor began to twitch, and then to rise from the floor.
Tuxedo White gasped. "Sailor Black, behind you!" she cried.
"AHHH!!!" Sailor Black dove out of the way of an assault from a possessed Shiho just in time, only to almost stumble into a headlock from Rina. "Not you guys, too! Snap out of it, please!" she cried, running around the store.
"You can't stop them by running," Tuxedo White yelled, using a cane to fend off a possessed older woman.
"Do you expect me to attack these people!?" Sailor Black replied. Tuxedo White said something back but Sailor Black didn't hear it because at that point Shiho and Rina had tackled her to the ground. Now, she might have been an athlete, but so were her friends and oh boy did they put up a fight that she wasn't willing to dish back. "AHHHH!!! GET OFF OF ME! GET OFF OF ME!" It was enough to get her to start tearing up. As her vision blurred, the friendship bracelets on her friends' wrists glimmered back at her as the monster's cackling echoed through the store...
They'd had a third bracelet with them...
Had it been for her? Her friends had known how rough a day she'd had and they had tried to cheer her up. And this was the thanks they got? Possessed by this horrible... whatever this lady was? It was enough to make her blood broil.
She threw Shiho and Rina off of her (she'd check on them later) and stood straight up. "You..." she seethed at the monster. "How DARE you take advantage of the friendships of young girls!" She bound towards the monster. Her fist connected with the monster's jaw. "You are an enemy to girls and women everywhere!" Another punch sent the monster careening into a wall. "What you've done is unforgivable!"
"Sailor Black-mepo!" Mepple shouted. "Throw your tiara at her and shout 'Black Tiara Action'-mepo!"
Sailor Black was too angry to ask why. She ripped the tiara from her forehead and instinctively knew what to do. She twirled the tiara around her, felt it crackle and glow with black electricity. Then she threw it like a flying disk, shouting "Black Tiara Action!"
The tiara hit the monster with a crack of thunder, ripping through her body. The monster let out a final screech as she turned to shimmering moondust. Her tiara boomeranged back into her hands, leaving her speechless.
"Did I... do that? No way..."
"You've done well, Sailor Black," Tuxedo White said, bowing.
Sailor Black scratched the back of her head. "I should say the same to you. Thanks for helping me out back there."
Tuxedo White gave a little smile. "Of course. Well, until next time... Farewell!" And she left with a swish of her cape.
"And when we woke up, the place was a mess!" Rina said.
"Yeah, it's true! You're, like, so so so lucky you weren't there!" Shiho added.
"But I could've sworn I'd seen someone fight the store manager. She saved us, I think!"
"Wow. Really?" Nagisa droned, forehead plastered to her desk. Between getting chewed out for the failed test, getting double chewed out for not doing her homework, and having almost died secretly saving a mall from a monster attack the night before, she was past the point of actually absorbing anything her friends were saying.
"Yeah, it's crazy! She's like a superhero or something! I think she said her name was... um..."
"Sailor Black?" Nagisa mumbled.
"That's it!" Shiho said.
Nagisa moved her head to the side. "Cool."
"Anyway, that's why we couldn't get those friendship bracelets," Rina explained. "But it's okay, because Shiho stayed up last night making these!" She and Shiho held up three little silver charms, each shaped like a bunny sitting on a crescent moon. Shiho handed the one painted with pink accents to Nagisa.
"Here you go!" Shiho said. "I figured something made by me would be more meaningful anyway, y'know? We were... hoping we could cheer you up!"
Nagisa smiled at the gift and held it to her chest. "It did," she said, smiling through her tired eyes. "Thanks, you guys. Really."
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evesbeve · 4 years
Family BBQ (TUActober Day 29)
TUActober Prompts by @totallyevan
This is my starry night. I literally turned Diego into a BBQ Dad. Everyone has some very strong opinions on pineapple. Please read it asdfdhjs
Summary: Same Weird Family. New Weird BBQs. [Everyone + their s/o’s are alive and well living in 2019 like they deserve.]
(Read on AO3)
“What the hell are you doing?”
Ray couldn’t help but gape as he stared at what Diego was doing to the steaks on the grill.
At first glance, nothing seemed off; Diego was simply watching over the steaks as they cooked, pink apron over his t-shirt and jean shorts. But then he noticed Lila on the table next to the grill, handing Diego tiny pieces of—
“Is that pineapple on steak?!” Ray asked, watching in horror as Diego placed the slices on the steaks.
“You bet,” Diego said, finishing up and putting down the spatula. “We’re doing something big here.”
“Sure you are, wolf man,” Lila said, stealing his baseball hat and putting it on. “This look so much better on me.”
“You look like a 4th of July Dad.”
“Hey, yeah!” Klaus said, patting Ray’s shoulder as he chuckled. “All he needs is a pair of black goggles!”
Diego grabbed the spatula again, pointing it to Klaus’ chest. “You say another damn word, you aren’t getting any steak.”
“Fine, fine, whatever,” Klaus said, fully wrapping his arm around Ray’s back. “I’ll just have Ray-Ray’s serving, look at how petrified he looks!”
It was then that Allison finally came to his rescue, pushing Klaus off him and taking his hand in hers. “Will you stop bullying my husband or is that not part of your schedule?”
Ray couldn’t help but smile, pressing a soft kiss on her temple. Allison squeezed his hand in return, trying to hide her smile; she looked adorable when she attempted to appear firm in front of her family.
“They’re too busy ‘changing the world,’” Ben said, making quotations with his hands.
Diego raised an eyebrow. “I thought you supported the idea?”
“Oh, he does,” Jill said, looking up from the book she was reading. “Unfortunately.” Her and Ben were sitting underneath the old tree in the courtyard, cuddled up next to each other.
Ben rolled his eyes. “It’s not a bad idea!” he said. “It worked on pizza, why not steak?”
“Because it’s steak!” Luther said as he finally finished placing the table. Ray had offered to help him carry it outside, but well… Needless to say, Luther had it covered. “And it absolutely did not work on pizza.”
“I think it’s nice,” Sissy said, and Luther gaped at her. “Not on steak though, I’m one hundred percent with you on that one.”
“For some inexplicable reason,” Vanya said with a playful tone. Sissy nudged her arm. “Come on, pineapple on pizza is good! Besides, you never know, this could really be something.”
Ray huffed in desperation. “Why are we talking about it as if it’s some sort of scientific breakthrough?”
“It could be!” Lila said. “I mean, who would have thought some random guy from what, the 80’s? Would change the world with pineapple pizza.”
“It was the 60’s,” Five said, taking a sip of his coffee. “Pineapple pizza was invented in the 60’s.”
Lila winked at him. “Thanks, shorts.”
“You know, Lila,” Five said, shifting in his chair and crossing one leg over the other, “if for some reason BBQ Pineapple Steaks turn into a historical breakthrough, I will not be taking your contribution into account.”
“So you’re in favor?” Diego asked.
“Of course I am,” Five responded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “People use fruit to tenderize meat all the time, including pineapple. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.”
Ray let go of Allison’s hand, gesturing wildly at the grill with both his hands. “Because they’re grilling it!” he said. “They’re not doing anything to it, they’re just putting it on top of a plain steak!”
“Hey, hey, hey, now hold on there!” Diego said, pointing with, once again, his spatula, at Ray. “These are going to be the best steaks you’re ever going to have in your entire life, man, so you better show some respect to the cook.”
“Definitely a 4th of July Dad,” Ray heard Lila whisper to Klaus.
“Diego it’s pineapple on steak,” Luther said. “There’s literally no way it could—no, what is the point?”
“It could be nice.”
Everyone turned to the source of the voice; Dave, who had kept quiet all this time, helping Sissy set the table.
“Ladies and gentlemen and enbies, he speaks!” Lila said.
“Don’t be mean!” Klaus said, immediately running up to Dave and hugging him from behind. “Let him voice his opinion.”
Dave chuckled. “I just don’t think it’s a bad idea.”
“Thank you!”
“But you should stop pointing at everyone with that spatula,” Dave said, shutting Diego up. “Because it really does make you look like a—”
“Shhh,” Klaus interrupted, hugging him tighter. “He may wake up with a spatula through your skull if you say it out loud.”
“Whatever,” Diego said. “We’re about to find out anyway. It’s ready.”
Over the next few minutes, everyone started splitting the first round of steaks between them, until they were back in their seats; Ray, Allison, Luther and Sissy were sitting at the table, Five had his own chair away from the table, Klaus, Dave and Vanya were sitting cross-legged on the floor, Diego and Lila were next to the grill, and Ben and Jill were back underneath the tree. For a moment, nobody dared to do anything other than stare at their plates.
“You know what, this is ridiculous.” Allison was the first one to break the silence. “I’m with Ray and Luther.”
“Surprise, surprise,” Diego mumbled.
“It’s just steak!” Allison said. “This can’t actually have any flavor!”
“Do the honors then.”
“Excuse me?”
“Go ahead, do the honors,” Diego repeated. “If it’s just steak, you wouldn’t mind trying it.”
Allison stared at him for a while. “Fine.”
She grabbed her fork and knife and cut out a tiny piece of the steak she was sharing with Ray, making sure to get some pineapple on the bite. Allison didn’t even look at Diego as she put a mouthful in her mouth. And then…
“… well?”
Allison swallowed.
“… I’m with Diego.”
Ray physically felt his heart drop. “Babe, not you too.”
“No, no, Ray, listen!” Allison said, cutting another piece. “Babe, you have to try this, you’re going to love it, I promise.”
“Not before the others do,” Ray said, earning a pout from Allison, who ended up eating the bite for herself.
Soon enough, everyone started eating.
“Ugh,” Luther pushed the plate away from him, and Allison immediately reached for it.
Similarly, Sissy shook her head as she swallowed the bite. “I’ll stick for the normal ones, I think,” she said, passing the plate to Vanya.
Vanya smiled at her, looking more than happy to have it all for herself. “More for me it is.”
“Mmm!” Lila hummed. “I think we might have changed the world after all!”
“I told you it’d be good,” Five said, not bothering to share with anyone.
“Hell yeah it is!” said Diego, a wide grin on his face as he watched over everyone trying his steaks. “I should be responsible for all our family BBQs from now on.”
Family BBQs… plural? Ray shivered at the thought.
“Come oooon, try it!” His attention was turned to the tree. Ben was holding out his fork for Jill, strongly resembling Allison’s attempts from before.
Jill eventually stopped protesting, and let Ben put it in her mouth. “That’s… actually not bad at all.”
“Do you want to try it, love?” Dave asked. He had already devoured half of his and Klaus’ steak, but made sure to leave some for his partner.
“It would be my pleasure,” Klaus said, closing his eyes and accepting the bite in an overly dramatic way—and then he froze.
Klaus blinked his eyes open, reaching for a paper towel and spitting the bite in it. “The hell is this?!”
“It’s gonna be okay, darling,” Sissy said, stretching far enough from her seat to pat his back.
“No!” Klaus said, standing up. He gestured between Dave and Ben. “You know, I was happy that you two were agreeing on something—quality bonding time and everything!” Then he pointed to the plate in Dave’s hands. “But this is a personal attack.”
“Oh, shut up!” Ben said, shaking his head. “It’s not our fault you don’t have taste!”
“You shut up!” Klaus said. “Your tastebuds are dead just like the rest of you.”
“You know I’m right, Davey!”
“You just don’t like fruit, love, it’s okay.”
“Yeah, love!” Lila said through a mouthful. “Veggie rights!”
Before Ray could even begin to process the conversation, Diego was cackling at Lila’s comment, and everyone else started arguing. He did his best to keep up, before eventually accepting defeat, returning to his plate. He exchanged a quick look with Allison, who gave him a thumbs up, and sighed.
Well. Klaus did warn him that family BBQs were going to be weird.
Ray took a bite.
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bigbrotherlouis · 3 years
for director’s cut: the raleigh/airport scene in ‘i can’t find nothin’...’ if you would like to!!!!
ANGELA you’re gonna make me talk about sex scenes on main?! let’s DO IT
(director’s cut meme)
andrei understands, on some level, why they have to fly commercial, (i’m always going to make players fly commercial in fic if i can. direct action.)   even with a job like theirs, but in practicality, when he’s wandering around the raleigh airport at six am after their flight out is delayed, he doesn’t.
marty’s laughing at him in the way that means he’s trying to be subtle about it, but andrei’s too grumpy to care. (this was for la.) it’s too fucking early and the line for coffee is too fucking long.
“it’s too early,” he whines. marty flips over the book in his hands to read the back cover.
“boo fuckin’ hoo, bud.”
“i’m tired.” and again, in russian, “я устал.”
“не— не— i don’t care,” (i couldn’t remember how to phrase this properly and i didn’t want to look it up, plus it’s funny) marty snaps back. “it’s your own fault for watching tv until one in the morning.”
“it was gossip girl,” he mutters. “important american culture.” (in one of my transition workshops where we learned to handle moving countries, we watched mean girls as an example of american culture. true story.)
“uh huh, and degrassi is exactly how canadian high school was like.” (didn’t like the flow on this sentence but i couldn’t figure out how else to phrase it. oh well.)
andrei is, like, ninety percent sure marty didn’t finish high school in canada, but he’s not willing to take the chance that he’s wrong and get teased about it. “please, can we go to starbucks now? давай, давай.” [let’s go, let’s go] (translation is always a struggle, and even more so when it’s a different alphabet like russian. i decided to include translations when context isn’t immediately clear for the reader’s comfort. also, this is something my family does-- use a different language when we want to stress something, like svechy stressing that he wants to leave)
“talking in russian won’t get me to go any faster, svechy,” marty says, placid for the early morning, and shoves a book into andrei’s hands. “here. read this and distract yourself.”
“i don’t read until i awake.” (svechy’s syntax was hard for me to write, because i want it to be clear, true to character, and respectful all at once which is hard to balance. it’s why svech’s grammar can sometimes seem a little inconsistent-- sometimes, i chose respect and readability over true to characterization. also, transliteration of accents can make people seem childish or dumb which is absolutely not what i want!)
“sucks to suck.”
andrei grumbles under his breath, a mixture of russian and english and some of sebastian’s favourite swedish (this should be finnish. oops.) curses thrown in there too, absently drumming his fingers on the cover of the book he’s still holding. marty is paying him no attention, which almost bothers him as much as the lack of caffeine does.
he’s cocking his head to read the spines of the books in the airport store when he feels the heat of someone step behind him, too close for politeness, and he’s whirling before he can even really think about it. (there really aren’t a lot of places spies can meet up by accident without getting too repetitive, especially in something that’s supposed to be silly and short, but an airport felt plausible.)
“whoa,” says joel, stepping back out of andrei’s elbows. “easy there.”
“in the flesh,” he says with a grin, and andrei’s thinking about how twice is a coincidence but three times is a pattern when (this is me lampshading their constant meetups because i didn’t feel like expounding on it LOL)— “is that twilight?”
“i— what?”
“the book you’re reading.”
andrei looks down at his hands and then scowls in the general direction of the shelves. fucking marty. (this is the whole reason they’re in the bookstore. for me to make this joke about svech holding twilight.)
joel tips his head to the side and grins wider. “didn’t peg (haha peg) you for a vampire guy, but i can see it. wait, fuck, are you from transylvania?” (apologies to americans but this is a little jab at your general geography abilities)
“no, not in in russia,” he says absently. “siberia, yes. transylvania, no. why you here?”
“well, i just like to lurk around airports for fun. you see interesting people like this.”
joel snorts. “no, i have a flight, dumbass. i’m a business bitch.” (my rule of thumb for writing joel’s dialogue is to think of the most ridiculous thing i can imagine a person saying in any given circumstance and then assigning him that line.)
“a business bitch?”
“yeah, dude. makin’ money moves n’shit.”
“you’re not following me?” andrei asks, aiming for teasing, pretending it’s not a real question. (more lampshading. i was lazy.) joel makes his eyes go wide and innocent, and mostly doesn’t succeed.
“andrew,” he says, outraged. “are you accusing me of being a stalker?”
“oh, so you’re definitely team edward. (this joke fell into my lap) i see how it is. can’t a bro say hi to his bro in an airport, especially after getting a decent brojob the last time they saw each other?”
andrei mouths the word brojob (i crack up every time this term is used and joel would absolutely say it) and then shakes his head. “no.”
“tough crowd. what are you doing here, buddy?”
“waiting for marty to finish so we can go to starbucks. too early and he is too slow.”
“yeah?” joel looks over at where marty is now examining the overpriced souvenirs with a very careful air, taking them off the shelves and putting them gently back. (i was very into this image) “wanna go stand in line with me?” (high romance there, bee)
strictly speaking, marty and andrei are supposed to be together when travelling, just in case someone gets snatched. it’s happened before, but andrei really, really wants something to drink before they fly out to fucking vancouver, or wherever they’re going. he can’t even remember. besides, if joel was going to snatch him, he would’ve done it earlier, in the hotel when andrei was fucked out and happy. he shrugs. (listen. i didn’t want to do any worldbuilding because it was a fun au so i did the bare minimum.)
“sure. marty, i go to stand in line,” he yells and marty waves a hand without looking up. the line stretches down the hallway, too many people patiently waiting for a rush. (i’m so familiar with this and it makes me sad just writing about it) andrei can’t fault them; he’s tired too, which is why he doesn’t realise that joel’s pulling him towards the bathrooms instead of the coffee shop, pushing him into the family stall and shoving the door closed. (i’m gonna be honest: i have absolutely no idea why i made this a sex scene. like none. i remember being halfway through and being like “....i’m writing?? airport sex??” but i don’t remember why i decided it was a good idea.)
for a second, andrei thinks this is when he gets kidnapped and killed, a rival taking him out in the crowded airport where no one can see. the bulgarian maneuver would’ve been a lot less conspicuous, but oh well. (this is referring to the bulgarian assassins who killed a journalist in the 80s? i think? with a poison-tipped umbrella and i’m just now realising that’s probably not common knowledge)
instead, joel clicks the lock in place and presses up close, plastered to the front of andrei.
“wha—” says andrei, but it’s swallowed up in joel’s mouth, swallowed up in the kiss that joel gives him. he kisses back, of course he does, because it’s a fucking good kiss. joel hums, coaxing his mouth open for a minute and then biting on his lower lip before pulling away. he doesn’t go far, hands skimming down andrei’s body until he drops to his knees on the dirty bathroom floor.
“we are in a toilet,” andrei hisses. “in an airport.” (svech has the practical response)
joel shrugs, giving him the biggest shit-eating grin as he undoes his belt. (joel is never not going to be smug) “guess you have to be fast, then. besides, i owe you one.”
technically, he still got off last time, even if it was pretty basic, it’s not like andrei’s going to say no, not when joel is looking so eager and mischievous.
“don’t make too much noise,” instructs joel, (i realised after i posted the fic that both blowjobs start with someone giving instructions and i’m gonna say it’s because it’s a literary parallel and not because i don’t know how to transition into sexual acts) and then he’s got his mouth on andrei’s dick and andrei can’t think of anything else to say. he bangs his head against the door and clamps a hand over his mouth, digging his fingers of his other hand into the wood behind him.
joel is good enough that andrei’s not going to last long, not like this, getting off on the secrecy of it all. (read: i just didn’t want to write a lot. but also i think svechy has an exhibitionist streak in him and joel definitely does) it’s a tiny bit shameful in the way that makes him groan into his palm, makes him rock his hips into joel’s hot mouth. joel just hums around andrei’s dick and that’s— okay, that’s a lot. andrei’s gonna get a splinter under his nails from digging so hard, or maybe he’s gonna die on the spot, or like something because joel pulls off to just go right back in again and fuck. (fun fact! i’ve never had sex i don’t know what i’m writing)
“fuck,” he hisses through the meat of his hand. “fuck!”
it’s too loud, probably, and joel’s eyes flick up to his with a warning.
“sorry,” andrei breathes. joel pinches his thigh, sharp enough to sting, and embarrassingly, that’s what makes him come with a noise between a breath and a whine.
“baller,” (joel pick something less sexy to say i dare you) joel says smugly when andrei comes back to earth, enough of a douche move that andrei can’t help but roll his eyes. he flicks joel on the cheek.
“you suck.”
he grins. “well, yeah. obviously.” (low hanging fruit but he’d say it so i wrote it)
“idiot,” andrei mutters and then tugs on joel’s shoulders until he stands up, pulls him in until he can nudge at joel’s jaw with his nose. “i help you?”
joel shakes his head, his hair tickling the side of andrei’s cheek. “nah, i like it when you owe me. hey, does it count as being part of the mile high club if we’re still on the ground?” (i was literally in the middle of posting this fic to ao3 before i realised i had not made a mile high joke which was unacceptable. typed it right into the text box)
“damn. it’s on my bucket list.”
“you so weird,” andrei tells him, not managing to keep the fondness out of his voice, and then yawns so hard his jaw cracks. “i’ll pay you back with a drink.”
“oh my god,” says joel and then pinches andrei in the side so he twitches. “i just gave you the best airport blowjob—”
“only airport blowjob.”
“the best fucking airport blowjob of your life, and you’re thinking about drinks? fuckin’ ridiculous, andrew.”
“not andrew, yo-el.” (this is svech getting back at joel as best he can. trying to give it as good as he gets it. establishing banter!!)
“sure, bro,” joel mumbles and andrei shoves at him so he can get his pants back on, fumbling with the door. “next time better be fuckin’ phenomenal. you owe me big time.”
“excuse me, you said it was payback. we equal.”
“maybe i changed my mind,” joel says with a grin, bumping him with his hip.
“maybe i disappear forever,” he replies, halfway between teasing and halfway to serious. joel reaches up to fix his snapback (this is also for la.) and shrugs.
“nah, you’re too sweet to do that.”
“i’m not sweet.”
“uh huh, bro. keep tellin’ yourself that shit.”
the line’s gone down, incredibly, and they’re close enough to the counter that andrei has to start thinking about what to order. he should probably get something for marty, or risk getting whined at all flight.
“yo,” says joel when they’re two people away from the barista. “you got digits?”
andrei hesitates and then holds up his hands, wriggling his fingers. “uh. yes?” (it’s probably more in character for real life joel to ask for instagram instead but this joke made me laugh so much that i couldn’t bear to leave it out. also it’s a little fun second language moment)
joel blinks at him for a long second and then breaks out into a wide smile, shaking his head. “nah, not those. i mean, like, a phone number.”
“i don’t have a phone,” he mutters and then pulls one out of his pocket. (YES this is a tumblr post ripoff but svech wasn’t just going to give it up so easily so in it went) “okay, give.”
he dutifully types out the sequence joel rattles off and then sends a smiley face to the number when joel makes him text.
“cool. now we can text instead of ambushing each other in public.”
“that not me,” andrei tells him. “all you.”
“you’re jumpy and it’s cute.”
“i’ll delete your number. block it.” he warns and joel waves a hand.
“yeah, yeah,” he says cheerfully and then leans over to tell the barista what he wants to drink. it’s the most ridiculous sugary concoction, hardly any coffee, and andrei stares at him in horror. (this is projection for my horror at some of the things i’ve seen in american coffee shops. that’s just. so much sugar. also prime chirping opportunity to show their personalities and dynamic a little)
“you gonna drink that?” he asks and joel frowns a little. “is just sugar. candy.”
“yeah, so? it tastes so good.”
“you not gonna have teeth.” he orders two cold brews and pays. “you gonna die early from sugar.”
“somehow,” joel says with a sparkle in his eye, “i don’t think it’s gonna be the sugar that’ll nerf me in the end.” (minor foreshadowing here! also lmao @ the thought of joel saying nerf) 
he gets his vanilla bean java chip unicorn whatever frappuccino— literally, what the fuck— and takes a satisfied sip.
“disgusting,” says andrei. “no more kissing for you.”
“aw, bud, how am i gonna practice? you said i needed it.” (it’s not stated in the fic but joel learned how to flirt from watching tk and patty and i think it shows) 
“lost cause,” he tells him airily. he’s about to suggest something— he’s not even sure what— when someone appears over joel’s shoulder.
“farabee,” the guy says. he looks stern, but that might be the impressive beard. or the death glare he’s levelling andrei’s way. “where the fuck have you been?”
joel brandishes his drink. “caffeinating it up, g. stayin’ alert and awake.” (real life joel has said this at least once to claude, and i will stand by that statement)
g’s frown gets deeper. “we’re going to miss our flight.”
“nah, we’ve got time— oh, shit. yeah, we gotta bounce, bruh, but i’ll catch you later? text me.” (inelegant departure but my goal was to not overthink things in this fic, like i’m prone to do, so i left it) he almost literally get pulled away by his elbow, towed by his ginger friend through the airport so he can enthusiastically wave his goodbye.
“well,” marty says out of nowhere, reaching for his cold brew and making andrei jump. “there’s good news and bad news.”
“the good news is that he’s cute and somehow into your stupid face.” he takes a long drink, conscious that andrei is about to hit him for making him wait and enjoying it very much. (he’s dramatic and also i wanted to draw out the surprise a little) andrei needs new teammates.
“the bad news?” he prompts.
“the bad news,” repeats marty, grimacing. “the bad news is that he’s definitely in the same line of work as us.”([john mulaney voice] the other shoe just dropped.)
everything in andrei’s head grinds to a stop. “uh. what?”
“i recognize his handler. giroux, french canadian division.” (i’m gonna work g into fic when i can bc i love him)
“joel’s american,” he says absently and marty takes another drink, shrugging.
“so philly’s an international cooperation team. (this was my way of making the international aspect of the spy teams make sense, and also to not have this be enemies-to-lovers, as much as i love that trope) can’t imagine that ever happening.” he gives svech a look which, yes, andrei knows they work together because of a treaty or whatever, but still. he wants marty to be wrong about joel, for so many reasons.
mainly because he doesn’t like feeling like he’s been conned, not when he’s so good at doing the conning, and this is a big one. (it’s not my fic if there’s not at least a little angst!)
“fuck,” he says glumly. marty pats him on the shoulder.
“well,” he says. “at least he’s cute.” (marty’s trying to show his support for svech here! he just wants good things for his friend :)))
that was so fun to do, thank you so much for asking! ily!! <3 <3 <3
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moonchildwildheart · 5 years
The ohh so lovely @mountainofthesunn tagged me and it seems really fun so thank you!
1. What is your middle name?
I don’t have one... would be kinda cool if I did though (let me feel really included on this whole thing y’know?)
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
November 12th
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favourite colour?
6. What’s your lucky number?
24 or 11
7. Do you have any pets?
Two dogs a border collie named sadie and a beagle named maggie mae.. they are really something in their own ways lol and I love them
8. Where are you from?
9. How tall are you?
10. What shoe size are you?
5.5 or 6
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
I have no idea.. quite a bit
12. What was your last dream about?
I just remember josh kiszka coming down from stage and us giving him food (I don’t even remember who us is I don’t remember at all who else was there) and then josh wanted to stay and talk to us so he did and then someone called him from the stage because it was the point of the song where he HAD to sing and he was like “oh!” as if he forgot and then ran after telling us thank you 
13. What talents do you have?
hmm.... I can write pretty well and I make little riffs on the guitar
14. Are you psychic in any way?
Yes very much so
15. Favourite song?
Brave New World  - GVF or My song 5 by HAIM
16. Favourite movie?
...that’s so much to ask from me
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Someone thats fun/funny and goofy but... calm? if I were to try and give an example they’d be Joe Keery and then Jake Kiszka 
18. Do you want children?
Yesss always have ... but someday
19. Do you want a church wedding?
Always just thought of eloping
20. Are you religious?
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
nothing I can remember
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
One time I got pulled over and the cop threatened to throw me in jail because I hadn’t paid a previous ticket but then he was nice and let me go... thats the extent of my run ins with the law
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing?
26. Have you ever been famous?
In my head sure.... my own little world.. star of my own show
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
Not super big but maybe it’d be cool to an extent
28. What type of music do you like?
so many types
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Thats all I do
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
My side or stomach
32. How big is your house?
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
34. Have you ever shot a gun?
ohh yes
35. Have you ever tried archery?
Yeah and I was actually pretty good lol
36. Favourite clean word?
gracious (maybe.... I say it as a joke lately)
37. Favorite swear word?
whenever I’m frustrated I say shit pretty easily so probably that but a good fbomb feels good too
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
uhhh probably between 35 and 40 hours??? It was when stranger things season 3 was released and I watched it all night and didn’t sleep before doing things the next day
39. Do you have any scars?
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
No.... the heck
41. Are you a good liar?
when I need to be
42. Are you a good judge of character?
hundred percent.
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
I’d like to think I can but others may say differently
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I never really think I do until I say certain things and others point it out so maybe?
45. What is your favourite accent?
any and all of them
46. What is your personality type?
a little eccentric and talkative and chaotic (but great just the same) but still somehow really laid back? all I can say from a recent example is the other day I almost climbed onto a billboard because I looked up at it and thought “I want to go up there” I found a ladder to reach the one already attached(I’m small) and everything to get me started and I probably would have done it if my dad hadn’t called me over to help him with something
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
hmmm I try to go cheap.. but I think I have a couple pair of boots in different colors that were $135 each but thats all thats coming to mind
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right-handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
not too scared to kill them
52. Favourite food?
chinese or barbecue chicken
53. Favourite foreign food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
I want to say clean so bad like I WANT to be that person... but I’m messy. I’ve accepted it
55. Most used phrase?
"I was like” I realize I do it but I don’t see myself stopping so 
56. Most used word?
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
Maybe 20 minutes
58. Do you have much of an ego?
no lol I’m pretty chill about things
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
60. Do you talk to yourself?
all day everyday.. gotta keep that audience entertained you know what I’m saying?
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
63. Biggest Fear?
drowning? being buried alive? abandonment? oh- are we getting too real now?
64. Are you a gossip?
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM pride and prejudice? Gone with the wind? They’re pretty general but that’s what’s coming to mind
66. Do you like long or short hair?
Prefer long but either works
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Maybe... doesn’t mean I’m gonna try. Just know that I might be able to
68. Favourite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
Definitely an extrovert but there are times where I can be pretty introverted
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
The thought of looking like an idiot (not that you have to have everything perfect but sometimes the worry still comes)
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Not really
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Sometimes. Depends. 
74. Are you ticklish?
Extremely. To the point where I rarely if ever tell people that I am(because for some reason when people hear you’re ticklish their first reaction is to tickle you??? WHY)
75. Have you ever started a rumour?
I hope not
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
I guess sure
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
79. Who was your first real crush?
My best friend from when I was in kindergarten and then it grew into a crush in jr high  
80. How many piercings do you have?
the two general ones in my ears
81. Can you roll your R’s?
82. How fast can you type?
Pretty fast(not to brag or anything but in elementary school I got awarded fastest typer so... lol) 
83. How fast can you run?
I run fast but not long
84. What colour is your hair?
85. What color is your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
I don’t think I am to anything but lately I’ve been thinking I might be gluten free so who’s to say
87. Do you keep a journal?
I keep one where I write poems/songs but I don’t think thats what this means
88. What do your parents do?
my dad does real estate (specifically he finds fields/open land and then develops them for apartments... he sometimes shows me the next piece of land he’s gonna work on and I silently cry on the inside cause it’s another field of “natural land” thats going away) and my mom was an accountant
89. Do you like your age?
yeah! best yet
90. What makes you angry?
people that don’t listen to others and always assume they’re right or people that don’t try and then complain
91. Do you like your own name?
I don’t really think about it. I guess its fine
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
yes- I really like Rowan for a boy and I actually really like Billie for a girl (@ Billie Lourd I’m literally wanting to name a child after you)
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
I have no preference. Both are great
94. What are your strengths?
can read the vibes of a person and know how to respond(whether its making them laugh or simply being there with them), knowing how to say what needs to be said without causing a problem, can be oddly calm when stressful things happen(especially when other people are freaking out)
95. What are your weaknesses?
Never being able to say no when people ask me to do things
96. How did you get your name?
I think it was the name of someone my older sister went to preschool with
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
I think so
98. Do you have any scars?
99. Colour of your bedspread?
100. Colour of your room?
I don’t know who’s been tagged and who hasn’t so I’m sorry if you’ve been tagged before but I’ll tag @autumnfell @marbles-shall-be-lost @chasemisprintedlies @love-personal @flowrxchild @flowervanpower
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the-little-shoebox · 5 years
1-100 do it scrub
1. What is you middle name?Actually don’t legally have one.2. How old are you?213. When is your birthday?September 134. What is your zodiac sign?Virgo5. What is your favorite color?Green or orange. Both are very good.6. What’s your lucky number?759 and 1137. Do you have any pets?No but I reeeeeeeally want some!8. Where are you from?I’m from Louisiana, the boot of the country. 9. How tall are you?IRL I’m around 5 foot 6. Average height my dude.10. What shoe size are you?10 and a half to 11… yeah big feet for kicking your a-
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?Like…. 2 or three? One tearing about as the seams. 12. What was your last dream about?I…. don’t remember. But I do remember it involved tripping over my roommate’s mountain of clothes while shouting at her for something.13. What talents do you have?Not blinking, screaming a variety of sounds, needle felting, embroidery. 14. Are you psychic in any way?No, not at all psychic.15. Favorite song?DON"T MAKE ME CHOOSE! Well, one of my favorites of all time is ‘Life itself’ By Glass animals. Though Missio songs have been growing on me.16. Favorite movie?Ok this is gonna be weird but Matilda is one of my favorite movies. Watch it whenever it comes on TV. 17. Who would be your ideal partner?Alrighty have them. They’re up above making me answer all these in one go. Love ya babe!18. Do you want children?No. Kids intimidate me.Only fur babies. 19. Do you want a church wedding?Nah. They seem a little too formal for my taste.20. Are you religious?Well I was a long time ago, but I’ve honestly fallen out of it over the years.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?Yes. Emergency stitches.22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?The closest time I did was because we tried to walk home via railroad tracks ditching mom at a pizza place. I was put in the back seat of the cop car and cried thinking I was gonna go to jail. I drew a smiley face on the foggy window……. I was young and stupid.23. Have you ever met any celebrities?Nnnnnnnope!24. Baths or showers?Baths all the way, I enjoy just soaking and totally not falling asleep in the water.25. What color socks are you wearing?I have no socks on now. Jokes on you!26. Have you ever been famous?I’m not famous. Nooooooot at all.27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?Noooooo. I like being in the shadows.28. What type of music do you like?Little bit of everything, but mostly pop or really chill music.29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. 30. How many pillows do you sleep with?Three at most. Hug them all
31. What position do you usually sleep in?It shifts to on my back or on my side just curled up among the blankets.32. How big is your house?Honestly not that big. Simple little adobe.33. What do you typically have for breakfast?If I’m at home a sandwich, but really it’s anything I can grab. Maybe some chips. 34. Have you ever fired a gun?Only a water gun. Never touching a real gun.35. Have you ever tried archery?Actually I have! Not too bad at it!36. Favorite clean word?Clean word…… Moxie. I love just saying moxie.37. Favorite swear word?Bumblefuck……. Some friends help make that.38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?24 hours. Worst night of my life39. Do you have any scars?A few! Claw marks on my arm, but the most infamous one is on the bottom of my left foot. That one needed the stitches.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?If I did they hid it really really well.41. Are you a good liar?Oh no I’m the absolute worst liar. Anyone can tell you that.42. Are you a good judge of character?I like to think it’s about 75 percent accurate? I have a decent enough judge, but it sometimes glitches and I feel like crap for it.43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?I……. no? 44. Do you have a strong accent?Not really. It abandoned me.45. What is your favorite accent?I’m a sucker for like Irish tones. They’re neat to me!46. What is your personality type?If it’s the letter’s thing it’s ENFP. IF I had to say for myself….. loud.47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?I really don’t know. Maybe this one nice light blue jacket I have. I can’t answer that honestly.48. Can you curl your tongue?I think so!49. Are you an innie or an outie?Innie.50. Left or right handed?Ya girl leftie all the way!
51. Are you scared of spiders?Only a few like Brown Recluse and Black widows. All the others are perfectly fine with me. 52. Favorite food?Chicken and Dumplings. My favorite comfort food when I can get it.53. Favorite foreign food?I’d have to say eggrolls and Mongolian chicken. I really love Mandarin food apparently.54. Are you a clean or messy person?Messy. No question about it. I live in a rat’s nest. Working on it though!55. Most used phrased?Either 'you got this!’ or 'FIGHT ME!’56. Most used word?Bruh. I say bruh IRL waaaay too much.57. How long does it take for you to get ready?3-5 Minutes…. not counting the hour is takes for me to actually wake up.58. Do you have much of an ego?No? I least I hope I don’t.59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?Both. I do both.60. Do you talk to yourself?All the time.
61. Do you sing to yourself?Even more so! 62. Are you a good singer?Ehhhhh, we’ll call it so so.63. Biggest Fear?Lightning. I absolutely freeze up and cower from it. Not fun.64. Are you a gossip?…… yeah in recent years I have collected a lot of dirt. But I only receive it and don’t spread it. I hoard all your secrets for myself. 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?How’s how to train your dragon 2 count?66. Do you like long or short hair?I have a pension for shorter hair, every to fun your fingers through.67. Can you name all 50 states of America?I better if I flipping live here!68. Favorite school subject?Art(Duh), but if we didn’t have that I have a soft spot for history or Speech and Debate.69. Extrovert or Introvert?Extrovert. I scream hi to everyone!70. Have you ever been scuba diving?No, but it sounds so fun!
71. What makes you nervous?Everything. Silence, chances in schedule, deadlines, my own thoughts. So…. everything.72. Are you scared of the dark?Not really. I love the dark. I am the dark.73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?Eh..... no. They’ll figure it out on their own.74. Are you ticklish?I am not disclosing this information.75. Have you ever started a rumor?No thank god. That ain’t my style!76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?I mod servers on discord and I do them very well. So yes, that is my authority.77. Have you ever drank underage?No thank you. Not really a fan of alcohol from the looks alone.78. Have you ever done drugs?No….unless caffeine counts.79. Who was your first real crush?My first crush was a guy in like fifth grade called Mark. Annnnnd that was the first time I had my heart crushed in front of me. Luckily he grew up to be a jerk so I’m over it. 80. How many piercings do you have?Zero. I am a chicken.
81. Can you roll your Rs?“Pretty sure I butcher them when I try.82. How fast can you type?Honestly not that fast. 83. How fast can you run?Depends, who am I chasing?84. What color is your hair?Dark Brown, almost black.85. What color is your eyes?Brown as well. 86. What are you allergic to?Seafood, wasps and bee stings, penicillin. 87. Do you keep a journal?Not really. Though i may try to do one again!88. What do your parents do?My mom is a retired teacher. She…. doesn’t really do that much now.89. Do you like your age?Yeah. I’m content with my age and where things look to be going now!90. What makes you angry?Small things, disrespecting arts, just blunt stupidity. Anything off r/insanefacebook.I get angry at a looooot of things.
91. Do you like your own name?Yes I do. I am proud of my name!92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?I have even though I don’t want kids. Though I can’t remember them at the moment.93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?NO KIDS!94. What are your strengths?Drawing expressions, optimism, staying motivated to do a thing.95. What are your weaknesses?Anger, paranoia, long list of health issues. 96. How did you get your name?I have no idea.97. Were your ancestors royalty?I don’t freaking know!98. Do you have any scars?I ALREADY ANSWERED THIS!!!!!99. Color of your bedspread?Dark grey.100. Color of your room?White….. it’s a dorm room.
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scottmapess · 4 years
Bitcoin Halving Is Today, Next Price Movement, ETH Vs BTC & TRON Stimulus
And lo, everybody. Welcome back for another video. Hope you’re all doing well and that you’re all having an incredible day to start things off. Today is the day after months, years of anticipation. The Bitcoin having is here today, just past 20 hours, 30, depending on where you are in the world, I think is roughly at the time of me making this video about a good 10 hours left. The rewards that Bitcoin miners receive in exchange for the work they do to add transactions to the block chain will be cut in half. What does this mean for the Bitcoin network? Predictions about the consequences of the having range far and wide. But there are several popular narratives among cryptocurrency crypto currently cryptocurrency analysts. At present, the price of Bitcoin has taken a bit of a hit, if you will. Bitcoin peaked at ninety seven hundred on Sunday, the 10th of May. At press time, the 11th of May, that figure has shrunk to eighty six hundred. We recovered from it says eighty four hundred. I spoke about this yesterday as well. Depending on where you look and where you were getting your cryptocurrency prices or cryptocurrency articles. We dropped to as low as 80 100 on certain cryptocurrency platforms, but we are or have recovered from 80 one hundred within the last 24 hours. Although is important to note that Bitcoin is up roughly 40 percent since the beginning of the year, outperforming both gold and U.S. dollars. I’ve been seeing a lot of articles about this as well, that a lot of people have been trying to see what has been what assets have been doing well during all of this madness that has taken place over the last three months. And once again, even with a move down, if you will. Bitcoin is at the moment, I believe, the still the best performing asset of anything in the world right now because of, you know, there’s a load chart right there. And one of the most popular believes in cryptocurrency circles about having events is that they are great for the price of Bitcoin, that sooner or later having will cause the Bitcoin price to explode. The belief stems from the fact that cutting the mining reward in half contributes to greater scarcity of Bitcoin as a number of users on the network continues to grow at this present. Pree having moment. Eighteen hundred Bitcoin are produced every day through Meiners Post. Having that is going to be nine hundred per day. And then it goes on to talk about some other people who, what they think and how long it will take place. It is one person I believe he said it takes. He said he believes it’ll take anywhere from 12 to eight no. 18 to 24 months for Bitcoin to try to reach over twenty thousand again. I think that is a I don’t even think the word is conservative answer at that point. I think it will happen much, much sooner than that. I think we are at the point aiming for prices that are a lot higher than twenty thousand. So I think twenty thousand will not be as difficult as people think. But I think the more difficult part will be the actual mega psychological barrier of a trillion dollar market cap. I think that’s going to force greater volatility within the crypto currency space. Yeah. Adam, I mean, this is it. We have been talking about this for heaven knows how long. But here we are. I am. I mean, to say excited is once again an understatement. It seemed like this day would almost never arrive. And we we’ve all had those moments before where you kind of just assume you’re waiting for something. Will it ever get there? No, it’s gonna take a bit longer. But alas, here we are. A lot of the discussions are, for those of you not looking at the screen, said Bitcoin price rests near eight thousand seven hundred dollars at the dump. What’s next? I can give you the yays and the nays if you want. The majority think that the actual fall down in price that we had yesterday, over the weekend was the was the actual having dumped that people were anticipating I e it took place before the actual having happened and therefore after the having prices will move up. You also have the naysayers who say that Bitcoin has to retest three thousand two hundred, that Bitcoin has to be so and so, which is complete nonsense in my opinion. The other articles we’re talking about, the actual current price of Bitcoin, have made sure to note that we not only bounced off of the eight thousand dollars where we fell from, but also the. That we’re constantly floating around or maintained the eighty six hundred eighty seven hundred dollar support, which is a support line. And therefore the fact that we are over it, floating above it, against it, whatever words you kind of want to use. Shows that we are still in bullish territory. If you kind of want to say that this person right here believes that we would meet, we may retest nine thousand five hundred dollars once again, I in all honesty, I think this is going to be a very crazy week, not only for crypto, but just in general, like for the entire world. I just feel something is is is going to be a miss something something weird is going to happen. And I I think that’s also going to contribute to the wild swings in Bitcoin’s price. As always. Or rather, don’t be surprised if the price goes down and then don’t subsequently be surprised if a day or two later we hear that it was from Wales. I think there’s going to be a huge amount of hype as far as people trying to buy. It is going to be hitting the actual, dare I say, main stream news, because this is also a very big topic. If they’ve been talking about the price of Bitcoin before any of this was happening, imagine what’s going to actually happen now, especially if we end up getting a really good move up or move down in price. It’s going to hit the the airwaves. No one uses that term anymore. But, yeah, we are here. We’re going to see exactly what happens. This is the big day. I actually can’t believe that it’s here. Yeah, I would ask what all of you think is going to happen after having the comment section would just be a mess. It could just be tons of people fighting. I think the last like two weeks I’ve seen such an increase in people calling each other names or and I’m sure you’ve seen them as well. It’s very difficult to get the amount of scams. Spam within the comment section has been absolutely wild. There’s there’s one in particular. It’s actually really funny. It keeps. It kind of goes like this. Oh, my gosh, I’m so happy that you mentioned blank coin because it is my favorite coin. I’m glad you also mentioned it because, like, it it it’s some type of a robot. Maybe that does it on almost every one of my videos as I go through the comments. It’s very, very weird. And they pretty much right. Hey, I’m so glad you talked about this coin, which I never did. It’s usually like Hex. Did you bite in like two or three other coins? You if you watch the channel before or even just one other video, you know which coins are important to me and. Yeah. So there’s a lot of spam, a lot of fighting. But I mean it’s to be expected with all the. All right. Yeah. That’s the that is the bitcoin having. Where will the price go. Next question mark. Question mark. And yeah. Let’s move on. Next up, new data comparing Bitcoin’s fundamentals now and around the second having in 2016 demonstrates the immense growth of the network. Double, triple and even quadruple digit increases are evident in all areas, including the number of Bitcoin addresses. The hash rate and the daily transaction volume. While most members of the community are focused on the volatile price movements around the having new information compiled by Glass. Node takes a thorough look at how Bitcoin’s fundamentals have developed since July 2016. Seems like an actual lifetime ago. My gosh, I’m in 2016, which is a very weird cryptocurrency. The prices weren’t moving. I was angry at everything. I remember looking at the prices. You’d wake up and the price would be up by two percent and you like, yeah, you get back from the supermarket is down by 14 percent. I’m just a very it’s a rough time for me. For starters, the number of Bitcoin addresses has jumped by two hundred and thirty four percent. Those addresses are at an all time high at the moment. Over 30 million. Interestingly, the number is even higher than during the parabolic price increase in 2017. And this isn’t the only thing that’s up since 2016, 2017. This is why I mentioned a lot of times and in many videos, while prices are important in the short term, the more important thing to look at is the actual fundamentals of the Bitcoin space. The address is the usage of the transactions, the amount of wallets, the amount of people who are gathering or accumulating crypto currencies as this is what it’s actually based on. If we had seen that in 2017, we saw this line going up twenty eighteen. It was a rough year for all of us. But if 2019 had been around here, that’s when you start getting worried to the fact that we are on a continual upswing with 2017 being the real anomaly, because it probably would have been resting around somewhere around here. This is great. It’s nice to see that even after prices have crashed because of Wales in 2018, that we are still on upswings. This is also why I mentioned before. Why would all the mega institutions be looking to get into an asset class that was going to fail? It’s because they know that it’s not going to fail and therefore this is why they’re putting their money into it. This is just how I view it from my vantage point anyway. This is a list for the number of Bitcoin addresses as crypto potato. Wow. Recently reported the interest in opening new addresses containing at least zero point zero one BTC or a million. Tosches has been surging lately with over four hundred and thirty thousand created in the last 90 days. Loan additionally addresses with at least one Bitcoin or 10 million Satoshi. These are at almost the or also higher than in 2016 by 64 percent and one hundred and forty two percent respectively. Entities holding 1000 bitcoin or more is the only measure which has decreased slightly by seven percent compared to 2016 because Bitcoin’s price is significantly higher and therefore it’s more expensive to buy 1000 Bitcoin. That makes the most sense. I was just watching. Something is really funny. I was making breakfast. I don’t if you care for that. The point is, I was watching something while I was making breakfast and I was watching like a video of this guy in Switzerland who was I think he owns Bitcoin Swiss whoknows. And they would he he he was discussing or he was being someone was interviewing him and they were asking him the question, when did you first get into Bitcoin? What was the prize? And he was like, price. He’s like, I got into Bitcoin before there was a price. And the person was like, what? He said, Yeah, I got 50 Bitcoin like I think like a couple of months after it came out because I think he paid for his friend’s coffee or something like that. And he mentioned he had bought his first 1000 Bitcoin for I think like seven hundred dollars. And I was like. So he he he holds an enormous amount of of of bitcoin. Yeah. I thought of that when I saw that thousand dollar Bitcoin, because if you, if you, if you bought a thousand Bitcoin or seven hundred dollars and you saw the price of Bitcoin hit a dollar, you probably go, OK, well the price increase, let me buy a little bit more. It’s four dollars. Let me buy a bit more. Eight dollars by a bit more. So, yeah, I just thought that was interesting to note. Here’s a little chart for the addresses. The Bailey transaction count and volume have seen substantial growth as well. More specifically, the transaction count is now 44 percent higher than in 2016. While the volume has skyrocketed by six hundred and eighty two percent. That’s insane. Two to two point one billion dollars per day. In fact, the last note and firms in four informs that the on chain volume of U.S. dollars has been consistently high since 2000, 17 of them. I mean, this is a major difference. Twenty sixteen compared to every other year. It was it was these years were rough. I mean, it wasn’t difficult keeping hope alive. There were just more like, you just want something to happen. And then it’s kind of like, okay, you can you can go up now. Although the data above illustrate significant increases in almost all areas, none has been more impressive than the growth of the hash rate back in 2016. Bitcoin hash rate was one point five million Tarah hashes. It is now at one hundred and nine million Tarah hashes to put this into another perspective. It’s a surge of six thousand eight hundred and thirty seven percent in just four years. Bitcoin is fundamentals are incredibly solid. They’re great. We are passing the high 2017 numbers, which once again, I mentioned a couple of other videos. I said. Don’t you think it’s weird that even that not only that prices are down, that we can have any one who would be negative and or bearish on anything within the Bitcoin space? We are doing exceedingly well. Fundamental, wise and fundamentals is what ends up translating into higher prices, especially when people continue to use the network and more people jump onto the network and more people are trying to accumulate the one million, 10 million Satoshi range or if not an entire Bitcoin as Bitcoin’s supply is limited. So regardless of the there’s a huge discussion happening right now amongst the cryptocurrency space. And I think we went over this yesterday as well as far as people or miners in particular who are going to be selling off higher and or lower, depending on how you want to look at it, portions of their Bitcoin holdings in order to pay their rent, to pay their electricity bills and stuff like that. You have to keep in mind that they may be selling Bitcoin into the market, but they are going to for every seller, there is a buyer. And at some point you have a situation where you realize once again that Bitcoin itself is still finite. Just because they are selling off Bitcoin does not mean that the Bitcoin machine is spitting out more bitcoin. It remains the same. It remains consistent because math anyway. Yeah, I saw this. I thought it was great. I think we need more news like this simply because I think people kind of lose sight of exactly how strong and powerful the Bitcoin network is. Once again, the news that we had, you can Google it. Bitcoin is the eighth largest currency on the planet. That’s not a joke. Just imagine when we passed by that and this was this news came out when Bitcoin, I think was below or around ten thousand dollars. So imagine when we hit twenty five thousand magin, when we hit fifty thousand dollars. What number ranking Bitcoin will be? Anyway, that’s that news. And let’s move on. Next up, open interest for c m e Bitcoin futures made a new all time high of just under half a billion dollars on Friday, the third consecutive day of open interest records. This week, significant growth and C.M.A Futures demonstrates the intensifying Konta contest contest between oh my gosh essay contest contest between the stalwart institutional trading platform and crypto native derivatives exchanges. Like Big Macs over the past month, semi’s Bitcoin futures market has grown faster in nearly every other Bitcoin futures market on a percentage and real growth basis. There are the charts right there with C.M.A being in yellow. Soaring semi open interest coincides with news that prominent American hedge funds are interested in investing in Bitcoin futures as of April. Renaissance Technologies, a flagship medallion fund, is considering trading Bitcoin Futures only CMG. On Thursday, Paul Tudor Jones, the second of the Tudor Investment Group, also told investors he is keen to invest in Bitcoin futures. This is the entrance. We would definitely get over the whole Paul Tudor thing a couple of days ago. This is in a the beginning of the interest entrance entrance, not interest because they’re already interested. The entrance of them into the cryptocurrency space. I think when it comes to the traditional or more traditional investors, it is easier for you to sell them the idea that you are going to get into Bitcoin futures, which may either be settled and so and so other cash or in Bitcoin, but you have to have something that is comfortable to them when they start saying that they’re making money or when they start seeing that other people are making money in Bitcoin as well. The actual physical Bitcoin air quotes because as digital numbers on the screen. This is how you get more people into the cryptocurrency space. But the fact that we’ve seen a large spike in interest. For Bitcoin futures is I mean, from a decentralized standpoint, you got to go from an actual growth of the space standpoint. Once again, keeping in mind, a couple of years ago, institutions would not even mutter the word Bitcoin and now they’re all over it. They’re buying up as much as they possibly can. Or they’re trying to have some type of an exposure to the asset, even if it has to go through CMBS. Bitcoin futures. Fascinating indeed. We’ll see where all of this goes, I guess. And I want to give you a time frame, but at some point we’re going to see this this interest accelerate in different directions. And I think it’ll start more if we end up seeing more Bitcoin side chains and or more Bitcoin decentralized finance products. I think institutionalise institutions will grasp that almost immediately, trying to figure out ways to profit from it as well. Yeah. Let’s move on. In news, that was kind of everywhere, news ish, maybe kind of a theory, I’m cocreator, Vitaly Budarin is fending off naysayers who believe the smart contract platform is simply extending the life of the legacy financial system instead of offering a truly decentralized alternative. I’ll give you a backdrop to see you understand a bit more of what I’m going to go through. The idea has been since the very beginning when he theory launched was in late 2015, early 2016. The idea was it was garbage. It’s trash. We don’t need it. How dare you? We already have Bitcoin. That was kind of the idea as time has gone on and ethereal has risen in price and has become more popular and more people are using it to more institutions are trying to use it in the entire decentralized financial space has grown. That narrative has kind of disappeared, however, for people who are Bitcoin purists. The idea is that if cerium is working with far too many institutions. Case in point, the Enterprise Theory Alliance, while a lot of these institutions may be making their own side change on a theorem or even using the actually theorem network themselves. The idea is that Bitcoin is meant to dismantle the current financial system, i.e. you don’t have to rely on anything. The old system has Bitcoin does all of it by itself. You can send money back and forth to who you want, when you want, how you want, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, just through the Bitcoin system. However, for a theory and it comes down to other companies and corporations are building things on top of your theory, um, that are simply things that we already have and the traditional financial markets. Whatever JP Morgan Chase is going to be building on it, whatever Microsoft is planning on building on top of it, you kind of get the idea. And this leads to the eye symbol idea that. E theory theorem is kind of facilitating B sticking around of these traditional financial institutions by building more. That’s the argument. That’s the actual argument for those. Like I said, I had to give you some context before I kind of went further into it. In a debate on Twitter. Buther Encounter’s, a statement from the founder of Crypto Ne. Yes. Who says the theorem based decentralized finance movement, which is designed to offer a way to access services like loans without intermediaries, is actually creating an ecosystem that’s chock full of middlemen. Once again, the idea for Bitcoin is I send money to you, you send money to me. There’s no middleman. It’s just me and you back and forth. However, with a theorem, you have all these other platforms that are based on top of you theory and therefore the money has to kind of flow through them and or other middlemen are creating their platforms. Orny Theorem. So if I’m sending money to you, it has to flow through their system and they have the AYSO, that KYC, AML KYC and then it pops over to you. But there’s still a middleman when there doesn’t have to be one. So this is true and maybe metalic is still a Bitcoin. But in present, every theorem is clearly not sharing goals with Bitcoin. Ethereum is prolonging the legacy financial system full of intermediaries, and Bitcoin is creating a new one without the middleman, Italic said, I really and truly think it’s the opposite. Bitcoin people seem happy to have lots of centralized middlemen Bemax, Teather, liquid, and it’s the etherial community that’s trying to decentralize these functions with smart contract constructions, which is it’s it’s kind of a 50 50. A lot of the things that are becoming popular on Bitcoin that institutions want to use once again because they kind of have to go through these things are things like Teather or things like liquid, which speed up a cryptocurrency trend or Bitcoin transactions amongst institutions and or cryptocurrency exchanges. But at the same time, these things are going to be created regardless of if we want them or not. We’re we’re going to need side chains. If Bitcoin is going to remain as a core unchained and at the same exact time, same exact thing with the theorem, if he theorem, it becomes more popular, more institutions are going to build on top of it, whether Retallack says yes or no. And a lot of what they’re trying to do or what they have claimed that they’re trying to do with the theorem are the creation of smart contract platforms or whatever that they’re trying to create. We’re simply that acts as the actual middleman. So is the actual computer system doing it and not an actual person? But is Amida Budiman also less a few ethereal based systems that he says have remained faithful to the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency, including decentralized exchanges like yttrium name service and automated exchange protocol unit swap? Like I said, this was kind of everywhere. I think this discussion is going to go on forever. You can make arguments on both sides. I think or like to think that a lot of the people on the theory and project are aiming for a more decentralized world. But you will always have that apple in the bunch who just doesn’t really care who is just there exclusively for profits, as opposed to the thought of making a better world for all of us, as it were anyway. Yeah, like I said, I mean, this is. Sure, why not kind of discussion? But, yeah, that’s that news or today. In the news, I couldn’t avoid. I tried my darndest and I mean, I was bombarded with this nonstop. A stimulus aid package worth around two million dollars was allegedly awarded by the U.S. to the Tauron Foundation. Matthew Graham, CEO of block chain investment firm Orsino Global Capital and Beijing, translated and shared the post. The Tron platform owned by Justin Sun has been handed by the U.S. government a two million dollar grant due to 19. It was posted on the platform. We chat. Two days ago, a report cited the grant as once on once again, another Tron foundation and controversy Katrina controversy. But it was yes and verified claim of packages from the US. So the point is they’re meant to be federal relief for companies in need. Here’s the actual thing right here. The Post, apparently the translation was it was given by the U.S. in the form of two million dollars and is not supposed to be paid back. The issue is, as it were. Right. It’s it’s a lot to unpack. But right here, for those of you not looking at the screen or who simply don’t remember, it says BitTorrent is selling for one hundred million dollars to Justin Sun and his block chain startup known as Tron. People from Tron have purchased an enormous amount. They purchased BitTorrent. They purchased steam and many other things that they’ve spent millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions on. So the question then becomes, did they need the two million? It seems more like if they in my opinion as well, if they had better men, money management. I mean, one hundred and forty million dollars is is an enormous amount of money to receive two million. Do you need it? No. Especially when you have tons of businesses around the US who are actually closing tons of people who can’t pay their rent to can’t pay their mortgages. So this is kind of the discussion going on. And a lot of people are not too. They’re not too thrilled about all of this happening. Like I said, I could not avoid this. I really, really tried because I kept on seeing the news about this. But eventually it was like. It’s hitting me in the face over and over. If this is so apparently this is still a legend. No one knows for certain. I think people have been trying to. Get a proper answer. But I think one has not been given. This tells me supposedly, allegedly from the information that I have acquired, absorbed from the Internet. They probably did receive the money. And as such, are just trying to be hush hush about it. If they did receive the money, that’s a bit of a shame. I’ve been watching a lot of stuff about the the things that families and businesses are going through, especially once even all of. And I dare not say all of this is over of the next couple of months as more places try to reopen. A lot of places simply won’t ever be able to reopen. So anyway, yeah, like I said, that was that news. If it turns out to be true, because I, I it’s it’s all over the place. It’s not like on one or two different Web sites. It’s it’s very major news right now because I’m pretty sure people would not be are not thrilled if this is actually true. Anyway. Yeah, let’s move on. This is awkward. And yeah, as of right now, depending on where you look, the prices at the prices, the the the timing is different on every single website. Some of them have it listed as 10 hours. Some of them, this one says nine hours, 44 minutes and twelve seconds, which is obscene to think they were that close. Other ones have things like eleven hours. It is very weird, varying times. I assume as we get to the last hour, things were kind of slimmed down and become more accurate. But yeah, nine hours according to this. Nine hours and 43 minutes, Bitcoin’s reward is going to get cut in half. This is absolutely obscene. Even have like a little chart down here for the other having is in the block height when it’s supposed to happen and the actual rewards when we. I remember I remember people talking about Bitcoin’s block reward being twenty five. The fact that we are going to be at six point to five and then the couple of years at one point five, six. These numbers don’t make sense to my mind anymore. Imagine going from 50 Bitcoin PLUR per block reward to one. It’s it’s it’s it’s a lot, but, yeah, that is. More or less, they say, more or less. It’s more and more the news that we have for today. As always, a very special thank you to my Patriots supporters. Hold on, I have to sneeze Crayola. Michelle, you are well on crypto with Lionel Tiger, a macho nesa. Make me a cake. Army Medic 17 Anytime Fitness Moncks Corner Staff Bodey MC Boldface. Yes, the Krypto Miller Hitch Test Everyday in Cowslips Leg Day Minting Coins. Jeremy Fox. Jim Gardner. Anthony Charles Nickman Delivery Praksis. Vlad the Impaler. Richie Richard Third. Nick Kanaya set soon Adamia Nicholas one with one piece one love crypto artist cold 3D Adobo Bankroll Network Crypto Joe two for two to the worldwide night. Al Jarreau Schneider Master Ventures in Thailand. Mohammed Ronie Adam Grasset Todd Mollis. A Biblio phobia the antima reader John Starts and Nostromo Jungle Loadout Song Alone Omar and Steuer Joshua Vinyard The Pothead Moon Man Hi SRP Yashar Hot Audy and Professor Walli from Gun Bot University. Thank you all very, very much. Your support. Thank you to everyone who is a member of the channel. Thank you to everyone who has a clicker of affiliate links. I do. Thank you all. Sincerely, at the moment, Bitcoin’s price is currently eight thousand five hundred and ninety one dollars, at least on this Web site. It is currently down by 2.8 percent. We are very volatile at the moment. I assume it’s a mixture of people who are trying to. Well, I mean, logically, people who are trying to buy and who are trying to sell. Good job there. But I think it’s it’s only going to intensify as the next couple of hours go on. You have people who are either trying to raise the price of Bitcoin and I assume there are massive amount of buy orders. But on the same exact side, on the other side, rather, you have people who are adamantly trying to push the price of Bitcoin down. Why would Bitcoin logically be going down in price during this movement or monumental day that we’ve all been waiting for for a long time and with the fundamentals being very strong? It has to do with. At the find like a really cool name for them, like dirty whales or like. While she whales are the whales who who keep trying to push the price down, it’s just them. Eventually this. I was reading an article about it before as well, and I said eventually this will be almost impossible to do because the buying pressure across the board will eventually be so high as the coming years continue to move on because of the amount of people who want to accumulate Bitcoin that any type of massive sell off by a whale will be at their own demise because they’ll have sold off and there’ll be a huge amount of buying pressure or people who will be more than willing to buy up everything that they’re trying to sell. So at the moment, the market is down, all of the market is down. I mean, Monaro is up. Cool. Yeah. Just how things are. I. I was going to ask if you’re all as excited as I am, but I might be the biggest nerd in the building here waiting for the reward having to happen. I do hope you all enjoyed. Hope you all are having a great day. Great morning. A great afternoon. A great evening. Wherever you are, wherever you might be. I do hope that it’s absolutely fantastic. Thank you all, once again, we’re watching and or listening. And I will most certainly be talking to you all soon. See you.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-halving-is-today-next-price-movement/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/05/bitcoin-halving-is-today-next-price.html
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jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
Bitcoin Halving Is Today, Next Price Movement, ETH Vs BTC & TRON Stimulus
And lo, everybody. Welcome back for another video. Hope you’re all doing well and that you’re all having an incredible day to start things off. Today is the day after months, years of anticipation. The Bitcoin having is here today, just past 20 hours, 30, depending on where you are in the world, I think is roughly at the time of me making this video about a good 10 hours left. The rewards that Bitcoin miners receive in exchange for the work they do to add transactions to the block chain will be cut in half. What does this mean for the Bitcoin network? Predictions about the consequences of the having range far and wide. But there are several popular narratives among cryptocurrency crypto currently cryptocurrency analysts. At present, the price of Bitcoin has taken a bit of a hit, if you will. Bitcoin peaked at ninety seven hundred on Sunday, the 10th of May. At press time, the 11th of May, that figure has shrunk to eighty six hundred. We recovered from it says eighty four hundred. I spoke about this yesterday as well. Depending on where you look and where you were getting your cryptocurrency prices or cryptocurrency articles. We dropped to as low as 80 100 on certain cryptocurrency platforms, but we are or have recovered from 80 one hundred within the last 24 hours. Although is important to note that Bitcoin is up roughly 40 percent since the beginning of the year, outperforming both gold and U.S. dollars. I’ve been seeing a lot of articles about this as well, that a lot of people have been trying to see what has been what assets have been doing well during all of this madness that has taken place over the last three months. And once again, even with a move down, if you will. Bitcoin is at the moment, I believe, the still the best performing asset of anything in the world right now because of, you know, there’s a load chart right there. And one of the most popular believes in cryptocurrency circles about having events is that they are great for the price of Bitcoin, that sooner or later having will cause the Bitcoin price to explode. The belief stems from the fact that cutting the mining reward in half contributes to greater scarcity of Bitcoin as a number of users on the network continues to grow at this present. Pree having moment. Eighteen hundred Bitcoin are produced every day through Meiners Post. Having that is going to be nine hundred per day. And then it goes on to talk about some other people who, what they think and how long it will take place. It is one person I believe he said it takes. He said he believes it’ll take anywhere from 12 to eight no. 18 to 24 months for Bitcoin to try to reach over twenty thousand again. I think that is a I don’t even think the word is conservative answer at that point. I think it will happen much, much sooner than that. I think we are at the point aiming for prices that are a lot higher than twenty thousand. So I think twenty thousand will not be as difficult as people think. But I think the more difficult part will be the actual mega psychological barrier of a trillion dollar market cap. I think that’s going to force greater volatility within the crypto currency space. Yeah. Adam, I mean, this is it. We have been talking about this for heaven knows how long. But here we are. I am. I mean, to say excited is once again an understatement. It seemed like this day would almost never arrive. And we we’ve all had those moments before where you kind of just assume you’re waiting for something. Will it ever get there? No, it’s gonna take a bit longer. But alas, here we are. A lot of the discussions are, for those of you not looking at the screen, said Bitcoin price rests near eight thousand seven hundred dollars at the dump. What’s next? I can give you the yays and the nays if you want. The majority think that the actual fall down in price that we had yesterday, over the weekend was the was the actual having dumped that people were anticipating I e it took place before the actual having happened and therefore after the having prices will move up. You also have the naysayers who say that Bitcoin has to retest three thousand two hundred, that Bitcoin has to be so and so, which is complete nonsense in my opinion. The other articles we’re talking about, the actual current price of Bitcoin, have made sure to note that we not only bounced off of the eight thousand dollars where we fell from, but also the. That we’re constantly floating around or maintained the eighty six hundred eighty seven hundred dollar support, which is a support line. And therefore the fact that we are over it, floating above it, against it, whatever words you kind of want to use. Shows that we are still in bullish territory. If you kind of want to say that this person right here believes that we would meet, we may retest nine thousand five hundred dollars once again, I in all honesty, I think this is going to be a very crazy week, not only for crypto, but just in general, like for the entire world. I just feel something is is is going to be a miss something something weird is going to happen. And I I think that’s also going to contribute to the wild swings in Bitcoin’s price. As always. Or rather, don’t be surprised if the price goes down and then don’t subsequently be surprised if a day or two later we hear that it was from Wales. I think there’s going to be a huge amount of hype as far as people trying to buy. It is going to be hitting the actual, dare I say, main stream news, because this is also a very big topic. If they’ve been talking about the price of Bitcoin before any of this was happening, imagine what’s going to actually happen now, especially if we end up getting a really good move up or move down in price. It’s going to hit the the airwaves. No one uses that term anymore. But, yeah, we are here. We’re going to see exactly what happens. This is the big day. I actually can’t believe that it’s here. Yeah, I would ask what all of you think is going to happen after having the comment section would just be a mess. It could just be tons of people fighting. I think the last like two weeks I’ve seen such an increase in people calling each other names or and I’m sure you’ve seen them as well. It’s very difficult to get the amount of scams. Spam within the comment section has been absolutely wild. There’s there’s one in particular. It’s actually really funny. It keeps. It kind of goes like this. Oh, my gosh, I’m so happy that you mentioned blank coin because it is my favorite coin. I’m glad you also mentioned it because, like, it it it’s some type of a robot. Maybe that does it on almost every one of my videos as I go through the comments. It’s very, very weird. And they pretty much right. Hey, I’m so glad you talked about this coin, which I never did. It’s usually like Hex. Did you bite in like two or three other coins? You if you watch the channel before or even just one other video, you know which coins are important to me and. Yeah. So there’s a lot of spam, a lot of fighting. But I mean it’s to be expected with all the. All right. Yeah. That’s the that is the bitcoin having. Where will the price go. Next question mark. Question mark. And yeah. Let’s move on. Next up, new data comparing Bitcoin’s fundamentals now and around the second having in 2016 demonstrates the immense growth of the network. Double, triple and even quadruple digit increases are evident in all areas, including the number of Bitcoin addresses. The hash rate and the daily transaction volume. While most members of the community are focused on the volatile price movements around the having new information compiled by Glass. Node takes a thorough look at how Bitcoin’s fundamentals have developed since July 2016. Seems like an actual lifetime ago. My gosh, I’m in 2016, which is a very weird cryptocurrency. The prices weren’t moving. I was angry at everything. I remember looking at the prices. You’d wake up and the price would be up by two percent and you like, yeah, you get back from the supermarket is down by 14 percent. I’m just a very it’s a rough time for me. For starters, the number of Bitcoin addresses has jumped by two hundred and thirty four percent. Those addresses are at an all time high at the moment. Over 30 million. Interestingly, the number is even higher than during the parabolic price increase in 2017. And this isn’t the only thing that’s up since 2016, 2017. This is why I mentioned a lot of times and in many videos, while prices are important in the short term, the more important thing to look at is the actual fundamentals of the Bitcoin space. The address is the usage of the transactions, the amount of wallets, the amount of people who are gathering or accumulating crypto currencies as this is what it’s actually based on. If we had seen that in 2017, we saw this line going up twenty eighteen. It was a rough year for all of us. But if 2019 had been around here, that’s when you start getting worried to the fact that we are on a continual upswing with 2017 being the real anomaly, because it probably would have been resting around somewhere around here. This is great. It’s nice to see that even after prices have crashed because of Wales in 2018, that we are still on upswings. This is also why I mentioned before. Why would all the mega institutions be looking to get into an asset class that was going to fail? It’s because they know that it’s not going to fail and therefore this is why they’re putting their money into it. This is just how I view it from my vantage point anyway. This is a list for the number of Bitcoin addresses as crypto potato. Wow. Recently reported the interest in opening new addresses containing at least zero point zero one BTC or a million. Tosches has been surging lately with over four hundred and thirty thousand created in the last 90 days. Loan additionally addresses with at least one Bitcoin or 10 million Satoshi. These are at almost the or also higher than in 2016 by 64 percent and one hundred and forty two percent respectively. Entities holding 1000 bitcoin or more is the only measure which has decreased slightly by seven percent compared to 2016 because Bitcoin’s price is significantly higher and therefore it’s more expensive to buy 1000 Bitcoin. That makes the most sense. I was just watching. Something is really funny. I was making breakfast. I don’t if you care for that. The point is, I was watching something while I was making breakfast and I was watching like a video of this guy in Switzerland who was I think he owns Bitcoin Swiss whoknows. And they would he he he was discussing or he was being someone was interviewing him and they were asking him the question, when did you first get into Bitcoin? What was the prize? And he was like, price. He’s like, I got into Bitcoin before there was a price. And the person was like, what? He said, Yeah, I got 50 Bitcoin like I think like a couple of months after it came out because I think he paid for his friend’s coffee or something like that. And he mentioned he had bought his first 1000 Bitcoin for I think like seven hundred dollars. And I was like. So he he he holds an enormous amount of of of bitcoin. Yeah. I thought of that when I saw that thousand dollar Bitcoin, because if you, if you, if you bought a thousand Bitcoin or seven hundred dollars and you saw the price of Bitcoin hit a dollar, you probably go, OK, well the price increase, let me buy a little bit more. It’s four dollars. Let me buy a bit more. Eight dollars by a bit more. So, yeah, I just thought that was interesting to note. Here’s a little chart for the addresses. The Bailey transaction count and volume have seen substantial growth as well. More specifically, the transaction count is now 44 percent higher than in 2016. While the volume has skyrocketed by six hundred and eighty two percent. That’s insane. Two to two point one billion dollars per day. In fact, the last note and firms in four informs that the on chain volume of U.S. dollars has been consistently high since 2000, 17 of them. I mean, this is a major difference. Twenty sixteen compared to every other year. It was it was these years were rough. I mean, it wasn’t difficult keeping hope alive. There were just more like, you just want something to happen. And then it’s kind of like, okay, you can you can go up now. Although the data above illustrate significant increases in almost all areas, none has been more impressive than the growth of the hash rate back in 2016. Bitcoin hash rate was one point five million Tarah hashes. It is now at one hundred and nine million Tarah hashes to put this into another perspective. It’s a surge of six thousand eight hundred and thirty seven percent in just four years. Bitcoin is fundamentals are incredibly solid. They’re great. We are passing the high 2017 numbers, which once again, I mentioned a couple of other videos. I said. Don’t you think it’s weird that even that not only that prices are down, that we can have any one who would be negative and or bearish on anything within the Bitcoin space? We are doing exceedingly well. Fundamental, wise and fundamentals is what ends up translating into higher prices, especially when people continue to use the network and more people jump onto the network and more people are trying to accumulate the one million, 10 million Satoshi range or if not an entire Bitcoin as Bitcoin’s supply is limited. So regardless of the there’s a huge discussion happening right now amongst the cryptocurrency space. And I think we went over this yesterday as well as far as people or miners in particular who are going to be selling off higher and or lower, depending on how you want to look at it, portions of their Bitcoin holdings in order to pay their rent, to pay their electricity bills and stuff like that. You have to keep in mind that they may be selling Bitcoin into the market, but they are going to for every seller, there is a buyer. And at some point you have a situation where you realize once again that Bitcoin itself is still finite. Just because they are selling off Bitcoin does not mean that the Bitcoin machine is spitting out more bitcoin. It remains the same. It remains consistent because math anyway. Yeah, I saw this. I thought it was great. I think we need more news like this simply because I think people kind of lose sight of exactly how strong and powerful the Bitcoin network is. Once again, the news that we had, you can Google it. Bitcoin is the eighth largest currency on the planet. That’s not a joke. Just imagine when we passed by that and this was this news came out when Bitcoin, I think was below or around ten thousand dollars. So imagine when we hit twenty five thousand magin, when we hit fifty thousand dollars. What number ranking Bitcoin will be? Anyway, that’s that news. And let’s move on. Next up, open interest for c m e Bitcoin futures made a new all time high of just under half a billion dollars on Friday, the third consecutive day of open interest records. This week, significant growth and C.M.A Futures demonstrates the intensifying Konta contest contest between oh my gosh essay contest contest between the stalwart institutional trading platform and crypto native derivatives exchanges. Like Big Macs over the past month, semi’s Bitcoin futures market has grown faster in nearly every other Bitcoin futures market on a percentage and real growth basis. There are the charts right there with C.M.A being in yellow. Soaring semi open interest coincides with news that prominent American hedge funds are interested in investing in Bitcoin futures as of April. Renaissance Technologies, a flagship medallion fund, is considering trading Bitcoin Futures only CMG. On Thursday, Paul Tudor Jones, the second of the Tudor Investment Group, also told investors he is keen to invest in Bitcoin futures. This is the entrance. We would definitely get over the whole Paul Tudor thing a couple of days ago. This is in a the beginning of the interest entrance entrance, not interest because they’re already interested. The entrance of them into the cryptocurrency space. I think when it comes to the traditional or more traditional investors, it is easier for you to sell them the idea that you are going to get into Bitcoin futures, which may either be settled and so and so other cash or in Bitcoin, but you have to have something that is comfortable to them when they start saying that they’re making money or when they start seeing that other people are making money in Bitcoin as well. The actual physical Bitcoin air quotes because as digital numbers on the screen. This is how you get more people into the cryptocurrency space. But the fact that we’ve seen a large spike in interest. For Bitcoin futures is I mean, from a decentralized standpoint, you got to go from an actual growth of the space standpoint. Once again, keeping in mind, a couple of years ago, institutions would not even mutter the word Bitcoin and now they’re all over it. They’re buying up as much as they possibly can. Or they’re trying to have some type of an exposure to the asset, even if it has to go through CMBS. Bitcoin futures. Fascinating indeed. We’ll see where all of this goes, I guess. And I want to give you a time frame, but at some point we’re going to see this this interest accelerate in different directions. And I think it’ll start more if we end up seeing more Bitcoin side chains and or more Bitcoin decentralized finance products. I think institutionalise institutions will grasp that almost immediately, trying to figure out ways to profit from it as well. Yeah. Let’s move on. In news, that was kind of everywhere, news ish, maybe kind of a theory, I’m cocreator, Vitaly Budarin is fending off naysayers who believe the smart contract platform is simply extending the life of the legacy financial system instead of offering a truly decentralized alternative. I’ll give you a backdrop to see you understand a bit more of what I’m going to go through. The idea has been since the very beginning when he theory launched was in late 2015, early 2016. The idea was it was garbage. It’s trash. We don’t need it. How dare you? We already have Bitcoin. That was kind of the idea as time has gone on and ethereal has risen in price and has become more popular and more people are using it to more institutions are trying to use it in the entire decentralized financial space has grown. That narrative has kind of disappeared, however, for people who are Bitcoin purists. The idea is that if cerium is working with far too many institutions. Case in point, the Enterprise Theory Alliance, while a lot of these institutions may be making their own side change on a theorem or even using the actually theorem network themselves. The idea is that Bitcoin is meant to dismantle the current financial system, i.e. you don’t have to rely on anything. The old system has Bitcoin does all of it by itself. You can send money back and forth to who you want, when you want, how you want, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, just through the Bitcoin system. However, for a theory and it comes down to other companies and corporations are building things on top of your theory, um, that are simply things that we already have and the traditional financial markets. Whatever JP Morgan Chase is going to be building on it, whatever Microsoft is planning on building on top of it, you kind of get the idea. And this leads to the eye symbol idea that. E theory theorem is kind of facilitating B sticking around of these traditional financial institutions by building more. That’s the argument. That’s the actual argument for those. Like I said, I had to give you some context before I kind of went further into it. In a debate on Twitter. Buther Encounter’s, a statement from the founder of Crypto Ne. Yes. Who says the theorem based decentralized finance movement, which is designed to offer a way to access services like loans without intermediaries, is actually creating an ecosystem that’s chock full of middlemen. Once again, the idea for Bitcoin is I send money to you, you send money to me. There’s no middleman. It’s just me and you back and forth. However, with a theorem, you have all these other platforms that are based on top of you theory and therefore the money has to kind of flow through them and or other middlemen are creating their platforms. Orny Theorem. So if I’m sending money to you, it has to flow through their system and they have the AYSO, that KYC, AML KYC and then it pops over to you. But there’s still a middleman when there doesn’t have to be one. So this is true and maybe metalic is still a Bitcoin. But in present, every theorem is clearly not sharing goals with Bitcoin. Ethereum is prolonging the legacy financial system full of intermediaries, and Bitcoin is creating a new one without the middleman, Italic said, I really and truly think it’s the opposite. Bitcoin people seem happy to have lots of centralized middlemen Bemax, Teather, liquid, and it’s the etherial community that’s trying to decentralize these functions with smart contract constructions, which is it’s it’s kind of a 50 50. A lot of the things that are becoming popular on Bitcoin that institutions want to use once again because they kind of have to go through these things are things like Teather or things like liquid, which speed up a cryptocurrency trend or Bitcoin transactions amongst institutions and or cryptocurrency exchanges. But at the same time, these things are going to be created regardless of if we want them or not. We’re we’re going to need side chains. If Bitcoin is going to remain as a core unchained and at the same exact time, same exact thing with the theorem, if he theorem, it becomes more popular, more institutions are going to build on top of it, whether Retallack says yes or no. And a lot of what they’re trying to do or what they have claimed that they’re trying to do with the theorem are the creation of smart contract platforms or whatever that they’re trying to create. We’re simply that acts as the actual middleman. So is the actual computer system doing it and not an actual person? But is Amida Budiman also less a few ethereal based systems that he says have remained faithful to the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency, including decentralized exchanges like yttrium name service and automated exchange protocol unit swap? Like I said, this was kind of everywhere. I think this discussion is going to go on forever. You can make arguments on both sides. I think or like to think that a lot of the people on the theory and project are aiming for a more decentralized world. But you will always have that apple in the bunch who just doesn’t really care who is just there exclusively for profits, as opposed to the thought of making a better world for all of us, as it were anyway. Yeah, like I said, I mean, this is. Sure, why not kind of discussion? But, yeah, that’s that news or today. In the news, I couldn’t avoid. I tried my darndest and I mean, I was bombarded with this nonstop. A stimulus aid package worth around two million dollars was allegedly awarded by the U.S. to the Tauron Foundation. Matthew Graham, CEO of block chain investment firm Orsino Global Capital and Beijing, translated and shared the post. The Tron platform owned by Justin Sun has been handed by the U.S. government a two million dollar grant due to 19. It was posted on the platform. We chat. Two days ago, a report cited the grant as once on once again, another Tron foundation and controversy Katrina controversy. But it was yes and verified claim of packages from the US. So the point is they’re meant to be federal relief for companies in need. Here’s the actual thing right here. The Post, apparently the translation was it was given by the U.S. in the form of two million dollars and is not supposed to be paid back. The issue is, as it were. Right. It’s it’s a lot to unpack. But right here, for those of you not looking at the screen or who simply don’t remember, it says BitTorrent is selling for one hundred million dollars to Justin Sun and his block chain startup known as Tron. People from Tron have purchased an enormous amount. They purchased BitTorrent. They purchased steam and many other things that they’ve spent millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions on. So the question then becomes, did they need the two million? It seems more like if they in my opinion as well, if they had better men, money management. I mean, one hundred and forty million dollars is is an enormous amount of money to receive two million. Do you need it? No. Especially when you have tons of businesses around the US who are actually closing tons of people who can’t pay their rent to can’t pay their mortgages. So this is kind of the discussion going on. And a lot of people are not too. They’re not too thrilled about all of this happening. Like I said, I could not avoid this. I really, really tried because I kept on seeing the news about this. But eventually it was like. It’s hitting me in the face over and over. If this is so apparently this is still a legend. No one knows for certain. I think people have been trying to. Get a proper answer. But I think one has not been given. This tells me supposedly, allegedly from the information that I have acquired, absorbed from the Internet. They probably did receive the money. And as such, are just trying to be hush hush about it. If they did receive the money, that’s a bit of a shame. I’ve been watching a lot of stuff about the the things that families and businesses are going through, especially once even all of. And I dare not say all of this is over of the next couple of months as more places try to reopen. A lot of places simply won’t ever be able to reopen. So anyway, yeah, like I said, that was that news. If it turns out to be true, because I, I it’s it’s all over the place. It’s not like on one or two different Web sites. It’s it’s very major news right now because I’m pretty sure people would not be are not thrilled if this is actually true. Anyway. Yeah, let’s move on. This is awkward. And yeah, as of right now, depending on where you look, the prices at the prices, the the the timing is different on every single website. Some of them have it listed as 10 hours. Some of them, this one says nine hours, 44 minutes and twelve seconds, which is obscene to think they were that close. Other ones have things like eleven hours. It is very weird, varying times. I assume as we get to the last hour, things were kind of slimmed down and become more accurate. But yeah, nine hours according to this. Nine hours and 43 minutes, Bitcoin’s reward is going to get cut in half. This is absolutely obscene. Even have like a little chart down here for the other having is in the block height when it’s supposed to happen and the actual rewards when we. I remember I remember people talking about Bitcoin’s block reward being twenty five. The fact that we are going to be at six point to five and then the couple of years at one point five, six. These numbers don’t make sense to my mind anymore. Imagine going from 50 Bitcoin PLUR per block reward to one. It’s it’s it’s it’s a lot, but, yeah, that is. More or less, they say, more or less. It’s more and more the news that we have for today. As always, a very special thank you to my Patriots supporters. Hold on, I have to sneeze Crayola. Michelle, you are well on crypto with Lionel Tiger, a macho nesa. Make me a cake. Army Medic 17 Anytime Fitness Moncks Corner Staff Bodey MC Boldface. Yes, the Krypto Miller Hitch Test Everyday in Cowslips Leg Day Minting Coins. Jeremy Fox. Jim Gardner. Anthony Charles Nickman Delivery Praksis. Vlad the Impaler. Richie Richard Third. Nick Kanaya set soon Adamia Nicholas one with one piece one love crypto artist cold 3D Adobo Bankroll Network Crypto Joe two for two to the worldwide night. Al Jarreau Schneider Master Ventures in Thailand. Mohammed Ronie Adam Grasset Todd Mollis. A Biblio phobia the antima reader John Starts and Nostromo Jungle Loadout Song Alone Omar and Steuer Joshua Vinyard The Pothead Moon Man Hi SRP Yashar Hot Audy and Professor Walli from Gun Bot University. Thank you all very, very much. Your support. Thank you to everyone who is a member of the channel. Thank you to everyone who has a clicker of affiliate links. I do. Thank you all. Sincerely, at the moment, Bitcoin’s price is currently eight thousand five hundred and ninety one dollars, at least on this Web site. It is currently down by 2.8 percent. We are very volatile at the moment. I assume it’s a mixture of people who are trying to. Well, I mean, logically, people who are trying to buy and who are trying to sell. Good job there. But I think it’s it’s only going to intensify as the next couple of hours go on. You have people who are either trying to raise the price of Bitcoin and I assume there are massive amount of buy orders. But on the same exact side, on the other side, rather, you have people who are adamantly trying to push the price of Bitcoin down. Why would Bitcoin logically be going down in price during this movement or monumental day that we’ve all been waiting for for a long time and with the fundamentals being very strong? It has to do with. At the find like a really cool name for them, like dirty whales or like. While she whales are the whales who who keep trying to push the price down, it’s just them. Eventually this. I was reading an article about it before as well, and I said eventually this will be almost impossible to do because the buying pressure across the board will eventually be so high as the coming years continue to move on because of the amount of people who want to accumulate Bitcoin that any type of massive sell off by a whale will be at their own demise because they’ll have sold off and there’ll be a huge amount of buying pressure or people who will be more than willing to buy up everything that they’re trying to sell. So at the moment, the market is down, all of the market is down. I mean, Monaro is up. Cool. Yeah. Just how things are. I. I was going to ask if you’re all as excited as I am, but I might be the biggest nerd in the building here waiting for the reward having to happen. I do hope you all enjoyed. Hope you all are having a great day. Great morning. A great afternoon. A great evening. Wherever you are, wherever you might be. I do hope that it’s absolutely fantastic. Thank you all, once again, we’re watching and or listening. And I will most certainly be talking to you all soon. See you.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-halving-is-today-next-price-movement/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/618066326975660032
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heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
Bitcoin Halving Is Today Next Price Movement ETH Vs BTC & TRON Stimulus
And lo, everybody. Welcome back for another video. Hope you’re all doing well and that you’re all having an incredible day to start things off. Today is the day after months, years of anticipation. The Bitcoin having is here today, just past 20 hours, 30, depending on where you are in the world, I think is roughly at the time of me making this video about a good 10 hours left. The rewards that Bitcoin miners receive in exchange for the work they do to add transactions to the block chain will be cut in half. What does this mean for the Bitcoin network? Predictions about the consequences of the having range far and wide. But there are several popular narratives among cryptocurrency crypto currently cryptocurrency analysts. At present, the price of Bitcoin has taken a bit of a hit, if you will. Bitcoin peaked at ninety seven hundred on Sunday, the 10th of May. At press time, the 11th of May, that figure has shrunk to eighty six hundred. We recovered from it says eighty four hundred. I spoke about this yesterday as well. Depending on where you look and where you were getting your cryptocurrency prices or cryptocurrency articles. We dropped to as low as 80 100 on certain cryptocurrency platforms, but we are or have recovered from 80 one hundred within the last 24 hours. Although is important to note that Bitcoin is up roughly 40 percent since the beginning of the year, outperforming both gold and U.S. dollars. I’ve been seeing a lot of articles about this as well, that a lot of people have been trying to see what has been what assets have been doing well during all of this madness that has taken place over the last three months. And once again, even with a move down, if you will. Bitcoin is at the moment, I believe, the still the best performing asset of anything in the world right now because of, you know, there’s a load chart right there. And one of the most popular believes in cryptocurrency circles about having events is that they are great for the price of Bitcoin, that sooner or later having will cause the Bitcoin price to explode. The belief stems from the fact that cutting the mining reward in half contributes to greater scarcity of Bitcoin as a number of users on the network continues to grow at this present. Pree having moment. Eighteen hundred Bitcoin are produced every day through Meiners Post. Having that is going to be nine hundred per day. And then it goes on to talk about some other people who, what they think and how long it will take place. It is one person I believe he said it takes. He said he believes it’ll take anywhere from 12 to eight no. 18 to 24 months for Bitcoin to try to reach over twenty thousand again. I think that is a I don’t even think the word is conservative answer at that point. I think it will happen much, much sooner than that. I think we are at the point aiming for prices that are a lot higher than twenty thousand. So I think twenty thousand will not be as difficult as people think. But I think the more difficult part will be the actual mega psychological barrier of a trillion dollar market cap. I think that’s going to force greater volatility within the crypto currency space. Yeah. Adam, I mean, this is it. We have been talking about this for heaven knows how long. But here we are. I am. I mean, to say excited is once again an understatement. It seemed like this day would almost never arrive. And we we’ve all had those moments before where you kind of just assume you’re waiting for something. Will it ever get there? No, it’s gonna take a bit longer. But alas, here we are. A lot of the discussions are, for those of you not looking at the screen, said Bitcoin price rests near eight thousand seven hundred dollars at the dump. What’s next? I can give you the yays and the nays if you want. The majority think that the actual fall down in price that we had yesterday, over the weekend was the was the actual having dumped that people were anticipating I e it took place before the actual having happened and therefore after the having prices will move up. You also have the naysayers who say that Bitcoin has to retest three thousand two hundred, that Bitcoin has to be so and so, which is complete nonsense in my opinion. The other articles we’re talking about, the actual current price of Bitcoin, have made sure to note that we not only bounced off of the eight thousand dollars where we fell from, but also the. That we’re constantly floating around or maintained the eighty six hundred eighty seven hundred dollar support, which is a support line. And therefore the fact that we are over it, floating above it, against it, whatever words you kind of want to use. Shows that we are still in bullish territory. If you kind of want to say that this person right here believes that we would meet, we may retest nine thousand five hundred dollars once again, I in all honesty, I think this is going to be a very crazy week, not only for crypto, but just in general, like for the entire world. I just feel something is is is going to be a miss something something weird is going to happen. And I I think that’s also going to contribute to the wild swings in Bitcoin’s price. As always. Or rather, don’t be surprised if the price goes down and then don’t subsequently be surprised if a day or two later we hear that it was from Wales. I think there’s going to be a huge amount of hype as far as people trying to buy. It is going to be hitting the actual, dare I say, main stream news, because this is also a very big topic. If they’ve been talking about the price of Bitcoin before any of this was happening, imagine what’s going to actually happen now, especially if we end up getting a really good move up or move down in price. It’s going to hit the the airwaves. No one uses that term anymore. But, yeah, we are here. We’re going to see exactly what happens. This is the big day. I actually can’t believe that it’s here. Yeah, I would ask what all of you think is going to happen after having the comment section would just be a mess. It could just be tons of people fighting. I think the last like two weeks I’ve seen such an increase in people calling each other names or and I’m sure you’ve seen them as well. It’s very difficult to get the amount of scams. Spam within the comment section has been absolutely wild. There’s there’s one in particular. It’s actually really funny. It keeps. It kind of goes like this. Oh, my gosh, I’m so happy that you mentioned blank coin because it is my favorite coin. I’m glad you also mentioned it because, like, it it it’s some type of a robot. Maybe that does it on almost every one of my videos as I go through the comments. It’s very, very weird. And they pretty much right. Hey, I’m so glad you talked about this coin, which I never did. It’s usually like Hex. Did you bite in like two or three other coins? You if you watch the channel before or even just one other video, you know which coins are important to me and. Yeah. So there’s a lot of spam, a lot of fighting. But I mean it’s to be expected with all the. All right. Yeah. That’s the that is the bitcoin having. Where will the price go. Next question mark. Question mark. And yeah. Let’s move on. Next up, new data comparing Bitcoin’s fundamentals now and around the second having in 2016 demonstrates the immense growth of the network. Double, triple and even quadruple digit increases are evident in all areas, including the number of Bitcoin addresses. The hash rate and the daily transaction volume. While most members of the community are focused on the volatile price movements around the having new information compiled by Glass. Node takes a thorough look at how Bitcoin’s fundamentals have developed since July 2016. Seems like an actual lifetime ago. My gosh, I’m in 2016, which is a very weird cryptocurrency. The prices weren’t moving. I was angry at everything. I remember looking at the prices. You’d wake up and the price would be up by two percent and you like, yeah, you get back from the supermarket is down by 14 percent. I’m just a very it’s a rough time for me. For starters, the number of Bitcoin addresses has jumped by two hundred and thirty four percent. Those addresses are at an all time high at the moment. Over 30 million. Interestingly, the number is even higher than during the parabolic price increase in 2017. And this isn’t the only thing that’s up since 2016, 2017. This is why I mentioned a lot of times and in many videos, while prices are important in the short term, the more important thing to look at is the actual fundamentals of the Bitcoin space. The address is the usage of the transactions, the amount of wallets, the amount of people who are gathering or accumulating crypto currencies as this is what it’s actually based on. If we had seen that in 2017, we saw this line going up twenty eighteen. It was a rough year for all of us. But if 2019 had been around here, that’s when you start getting worried to the fact that we are on a continual upswing with 2017 being the real anomaly, because it probably would have been resting around somewhere around here. This is great. It’s nice to see that even after prices have crashed because of Wales in 2018, that we are still on upswings. This is also why I mentioned before. Why would all the mega institutions be looking to get into an asset class that was going to fail? It’s because they know that it’s not going to fail and therefore this is why they’re putting their money into it. This is just how I view it from my vantage point anyway. This is a list for the number of Bitcoin addresses as crypto potato. Wow. Recently reported the interest in opening new addresses containing at least zero point zero one BTC or a million. Tosches has been surging lately with over four hundred and thirty thousand created in the last 90 days. Loan additionally addresses with at least one Bitcoin or 10 million Satoshi. These are at almost the or also higher than in 2016 by 64 percent and one hundred and forty two percent respectively. Entities holding 1000 bitcoin or more is the only measure which has decreased slightly by seven percent compared to 2016 because Bitcoin’s price is significantly higher and therefore it’s more expensive to buy 1000 Bitcoin. That makes the most sense. I was just watching. Something is really funny. I was making breakfast. I don’t if you care for that. The point is, I was watching something while I was making breakfast and I was watching like a video of this guy in Switzerland who was I think he owns Bitcoin Swiss whoknows. And they would he he he was discussing or he was being someone was interviewing him and they were asking him the question, when did you first get into Bitcoin? What was the prize? And he was like, price. He’s like, I got into Bitcoin before there was a price. And the person was like, what? He said, Yeah, I got 50 Bitcoin like I think like a couple of months after it came out because I think he paid for his friend’s coffee or something like that. And he mentioned he had bought his first 1000 Bitcoin for I think like seven hundred dollars. And I was like. So he he he holds an enormous amount of of of bitcoin. Yeah. I thought of that when I saw that thousand dollar Bitcoin, because if you, if you, if you bought a thousand Bitcoin or seven hundred dollars and you saw the price of Bitcoin hit a dollar, you probably go, OK, well the price increase, let me buy a little bit more. It’s four dollars. Let me buy a bit more. Eight dollars by a bit more. So, yeah, I just thought that was interesting to note. Here’s a little chart for the addresses. The Bailey transaction count and volume have seen substantial growth as well. More specifically, the transaction count is now 44 percent higher than in 2016. While the volume has skyrocketed by six hundred and eighty two percent. That’s insane. Two to two point one billion dollars per day. In fact, the last note and firms in four informs that the on chain volume of U.S. dollars has been consistently high since 2000, 17 of them. I mean, this is a major difference. Twenty sixteen compared to every other year. It was it was these years were rough. I mean, it wasn’t difficult keeping hope alive. There were just more like, you just want something to happen. And then it’s kind of like, okay, you can you can go up now. Although the data above illustrate significant increases in almost all areas, none has been more impressive than the growth of the hash rate back in 2016. Bitcoin hash rate was one point five million Tarah hashes. It is now at one hundred and nine million Tarah hashes to put this into another perspective. It’s a surge of six thousand eight hundred and thirty seven percent in just four years. Bitcoin is fundamentals are incredibly solid. They’re great. We are passing the high 2017 numbers, which once again, I mentioned a couple of other videos. I said. Don’t you think it’s weird that even that not only that prices are down, that we can have any one who would be negative and or bearish on anything within the Bitcoin space? We are doing exceedingly well. Fundamental, wise and fundamentals is what ends up translating into higher prices, especially when people continue to use the network and more people jump onto the network and more people are trying to accumulate the one million, 10 million Satoshi range or if not an entire Bitcoin as Bitcoin’s supply is limited. So regardless of the there’s a huge discussion happening right now amongst the cryptocurrency space. And I think we went over this yesterday as well as far as people or miners in particular who are going to be selling off higher and or lower, depending on how you want to look at it, portions of their Bitcoin holdings in order to pay their rent, to pay their electricity bills and stuff like that. You have to keep in mind that they may be selling Bitcoin into the market, but they are going to for every seller, there is a buyer. And at some point you have a situation where you realize once again that Bitcoin itself is still finite. Just because they are selling off Bitcoin does not mean that the Bitcoin machine is spitting out more bitcoin. It remains the same. It remains consistent because math anyway. Yeah, I saw this. I thought it was great. I think we need more news like this simply because I think people kind of lose sight of exactly how strong and powerful the Bitcoin network is. Once again, the news that we had, you can Google it. Bitcoin is the eighth largest currency on the planet. That’s not a joke. Just imagine when we passed by that and this was this news came out when Bitcoin, I think was below or around ten thousand dollars. So imagine when we hit twenty five thousand magin, when we hit fifty thousand dollars. What number ranking Bitcoin will be? Anyway, that’s that news. And let’s move on. Next up, open interest for c m e Bitcoin futures made a new all time high of just under half a billion dollars on Friday, the third consecutive day of open interest records. This week, significant growth and C.M.A Futures demonstrates the intensifying Konta contest contest between oh my gosh essay contest contest between the stalwart institutional trading platform and crypto native derivatives exchanges. Like Big Macs over the past month, semi’s Bitcoin futures market has grown faster in nearly every other Bitcoin futures market on a percentage and real growth basis. There are the charts right there with C.M.A being in yellow. Soaring semi open interest coincides with news that prominent American hedge funds are interested in investing in Bitcoin futures as of April. Renaissance Technologies, a flagship medallion fund, is considering trading Bitcoin Futures only CMG. On Thursday, Paul Tudor Jones, the second of the Tudor Investment Group, also told investors he is keen to invest in Bitcoin futures. This is the entrance. We would definitely get over the whole Paul Tudor thing a couple of days ago. This is in a the beginning of the interest entrance entrance, not interest because they’re already interested. The entrance of them into the cryptocurrency space. I think when it comes to the traditional or more traditional investors, it is easier for you to sell them the idea that you are going to get into Bitcoin futures, which may either be settled and so and so other cash or in Bitcoin, but you have to have something that is comfortable to them when they start saying that they’re making money or when they start seeing that other people are making money in Bitcoin as well. The actual physical Bitcoin air quotes because as digital numbers on the screen. This is how you get more people into the cryptocurrency space. But the fact that we’ve seen a large spike in interest. For Bitcoin futures is I mean, from a decentralized standpoint, you got to go from an actual growth of the space standpoint. Once again, keeping in mind, a couple of years ago, institutions would not even mutter the word Bitcoin and now they’re all over it. They’re buying up as much as they possibly can. Or they’re trying to have some type of an exposure to the asset, even if it has to go through CMBS. Bitcoin futures. Fascinating indeed. We’ll see where all of this goes, I guess. And I want to give you a time frame, but at some point we’re going to see this this interest accelerate in different directions. And I think it’ll start more if we end up seeing more Bitcoin side chains and or more Bitcoin decentralized finance products. I think institutionalise institutions will grasp that almost immediately, trying to figure out ways to profit from it as well. Yeah. Let’s move on. In news, that was kind of everywhere, news ish, maybe kind of a theory, I’m cocreator, Vitaly Budarin is fending off naysayers who believe the smart contract platform is simply extending the life of the legacy financial system instead of offering a truly decentralized alternative. I’ll give you a backdrop to see you understand a bit more of what I’m going to go through. The idea has been since the very beginning when he theory launched was in late 2015, early 2016. The idea was it was garbage. It’s trash. We don’t need it. How dare you? We already have Bitcoin. That was kind of the idea as time has gone on and ethereal has risen in price and has become more popular and more people are using it to more institutions are trying to use it in the entire decentralized financial space has grown. That narrative has kind of disappeared, however, for people who are Bitcoin purists. The idea is that if cerium is working with far too many institutions. Case in point, the Enterprise Theory Alliance, while a lot of these institutions may be making their own side change on a theorem or even using the actually theorem network themselves. The idea is that Bitcoin is meant to dismantle the current financial system, i.e. you don’t have to rely on anything. The old system has Bitcoin does all of it by itself. You can send money back and forth to who you want, when you want, how you want, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, just through the Bitcoin system. However, for a theory and it comes down to other companies and corporations are building things on top of your theory, um, that are simply things that we already have and the traditional financial markets. Whatever JP Morgan Chase is going to be building on it, whatever Microsoft is planning on building on top of it, you kind of get the idea. And this leads to the eye symbol idea that. E theory theorem is kind of facilitating B sticking around of these traditional financial institutions by building more. That’s the argument. That’s the actual argument for those. Like I said, I had to give you some context before I kind of went further into it. In a debate on Twitter. Buther Encounter’s, a statement from the founder of Crypto Ne. Yes. Who says the theorem based decentralized finance movement, which is designed to offer a way to access services like loans without intermediaries, is actually creating an ecosystem that’s chock full of middlemen. Once again, the idea for Bitcoin is I send money to you, you send money to me. There’s no middleman. It’s just me and you back and forth. However, with a theorem, you have all these other platforms that are based on top of you theory and therefore the money has to kind of flow through them and or other middlemen are creating their platforms. Orny Theorem. So if I’m sending money to you, it has to flow through their system and they have the AYSO, that KYC, AML KYC and then it pops over to you. But there’s still a middleman when there doesn’t have to be one. So this is true and maybe metalic is still a Bitcoin. But in present, every theorem is clearly not sharing goals with Bitcoin. Ethereum is prolonging the legacy financial system full of intermediaries, and Bitcoin is creating a new one without the middleman, Italic said, I really and truly think it’s the opposite. Bitcoin people seem happy to have lots of centralized middlemen Bemax, Teather, liquid, and it’s the etherial community that’s trying to decentralize these functions with smart contract constructions, which is it’s it’s kind of a 50 50. A lot of the things that are becoming popular on Bitcoin that institutions want to use once again because they kind of have to go through these things are things like Teather or things like liquid, which speed up a cryptocurrency trend or Bitcoin transactions amongst institutions and or cryptocurrency exchanges. But at the same time, these things are going to be created regardless of if we want them or not. We’re we’re going to need side chains. If Bitcoin is going to remain as a core unchained and at the same exact time, same exact thing with the theorem, if he theorem, it becomes more popular, more institutions are going to build on top of it, whether Retallack says yes or no. And a lot of what they’re trying to do or what they have claimed that they’re trying to do with the theorem are the creation of smart contract platforms or whatever that they’re trying to create. We’re simply that acts as the actual middleman. So is the actual computer system doing it and not an actual person? But is Amida Budiman also less a few ethereal based systems that he says have remained faithful to the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency, including decentralized exchanges like yttrium name service and automated exchange protocol unit swap? Like I said, this was kind of everywhere. I think this discussion is going to go on forever. You can make arguments on both sides. I think or like to think that a lot of the people on the theory and project are aiming for a more decentralized world. But you will always have that apple in the bunch who just doesn’t really care who is just there exclusively for profits, as opposed to the thought of making a better world for all of us, as it were anyway. Yeah, like I said, I mean, this is. Sure, why not kind of discussion? But, yeah, that’s that news or today. In the news, I couldn’t avoid. I tried my darndest and I mean, I was bombarded with this nonstop. A stimulus aid package worth around two million dollars was allegedly awarded by the U.S. to the Tauron Foundation. Matthew Graham, CEO of block chain investment firm Orsino Global Capital and Beijing, translated and shared the post. The Tron platform owned by Justin Sun has been handed by the U.S. government a two million dollar grant due to 19. It was posted on the platform. We chat. Two days ago, a report cited the grant as once on once again, another Tron foundation and controversy Katrina controversy. But it was yes and verified claim of packages from the US. So the point is they’re meant to be federal relief for companies in need. Here’s the actual thing right here. The Post, apparently the translation was it was given by the U.S. in the form of two million dollars and is not supposed to be paid back. The issue is, as it were. Right. It’s it’s a lot to unpack. But right here, for those of you not looking at the screen or who simply don’t remember, it says BitTorrent is selling for one hundred million dollars to Justin Sun and his block chain startup known as Tron. People from Tron have purchased an enormous amount. They purchased BitTorrent. They purchased steam and many other things that they’ve spent millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions on. So the question then becomes, did they need the two million? It seems more like if they in my opinion as well, if they had better men, money management. I mean, one hundred and forty million dollars is is an enormous amount of money to receive two million. Do you need it? No. Especially when you have tons of businesses around the US who are actually closing tons of people who can’t pay their rent to can’t pay their mortgages. So this is kind of the discussion going on. And a lot of people are not too. They’re not too thrilled about all of this happening. Like I said, I could not avoid this. I really, really tried because I kept on seeing the news about this. But eventually it was like. It’s hitting me in the face over and over. If this is so apparently this is still a legend. No one knows for certain. I think people have been trying to. Get a proper answer. But I think one has not been given. This tells me supposedly, allegedly from the information that I have acquired, absorbed from the Internet. They probably did receive the money. And as such, are just trying to be hush hush about it. If they did receive the money, that’s a bit of a shame. I’ve been watching a lot of stuff about the the things that families and businesses are going through, especially once even all of. And I dare not say all of this is over of the next couple of months as more places try to reopen. A lot of places simply won’t ever be able to reopen. So anyway, yeah, like I said, that was that news. If it turns out to be true, because I, I it’s it’s all over the place. It’s not like on one or two different Web sites. It’s it’s very major news right now because I’m pretty sure people would not be are not thrilled if this is actually true. Anyway. Yeah, let’s move on. This is awkward. And yeah, as of right now, depending on where you look, the prices at the prices, the the the timing is different on every single website. Some of them have it listed as 10 hours. Some of them, this one says nine hours, 44 minutes and twelve seconds, which is obscene to think they were that close. Other ones have things like eleven hours. It is very weird, varying times. I assume as we get to the last hour, things were kind of slimmed down and become more accurate. But yeah, nine hours according to this. Nine hours and 43 minutes, Bitcoin’s reward is going to get cut in half. This is absolutely obscene. Even have like a little chart down here for the other having is in the block height when it’s supposed to happen and the actual rewards when we. I remember I remember people talking about Bitcoin’s block reward being twenty five. The fact that we are going to be at six point to five and then the couple of years at one point five, six. These numbers don’t make sense to my mind anymore. Imagine going from 50 Bitcoin PLUR per block reward to one. It’s it’s it’s it’s a lot, but, yeah, that is. More or less, they say, more or less. It’s more and more the news that we have for today. As always, a very special thank you to my Patriots supporters. Hold on, I have to sneeze Crayola. Michelle, you are well on crypto with Lionel Tiger, a macho nesa. Make me a cake. Army Medic 17 Anytime Fitness Moncks Corner Staff Bodey MC Boldface. Yes, the Krypto Miller Hitch Test Everyday in Cowslips Leg Day Minting Coins. Jeremy Fox. Jim Gardner. Anthony Charles Nickman Delivery Praksis. Vlad the Impaler. Richie Richard Third. Nick Kanaya set soon Adamia Nicholas one with one piece one love crypto artist cold 3D Adobo Bankroll Network Crypto Joe two for two to the worldwide night. Al Jarreau Schneider Master Ventures in Thailand. Mohammed Ronie Adam Grasset Todd Mollis. A Biblio phobia the antima reader John Starts and Nostromo Jungle Loadout Song Alone Omar and Steuer Joshua Vinyard The Pothead Moon Man Hi SRP Yashar Hot Audy and Professor Walli from Gun Bot University. Thank you all very, very much. Your support. Thank you to everyone who is a member of the channel. Thank you to everyone who has a clicker of affiliate links. I do. Thank you all. Sincerely, at the moment, Bitcoin’s price is currently eight thousand five hundred and ninety one dollars, at least on this Web site. It is currently down by 2.8 percent. We are very volatile at the moment. I assume it’s a mixture of people who are trying to. Well, I mean, logically, people who are trying to buy and who are trying to sell. Good job there. But I think it’s it’s only going to intensify as the next couple of hours go on. You have people who are either trying to raise the price of Bitcoin and I assume there are massive amount of buy orders. But on the same exact side, on the other side, rather, you have people who are adamantly trying to push the price of Bitcoin down. Why would Bitcoin logically be going down in price during this movement or monumental day that we’ve all been waiting for for a long time and with the fundamentals being very strong? It has to do with. At the find like a really cool name for them, like dirty whales or like. While she whales are the whales who who keep trying to push the price down, it’s just them. Eventually this. I was reading an article about it before as well, and I said eventually this will be almost impossible to do because the buying pressure across the board will eventually be so high as the coming years continue to move on because of the amount of people who want to accumulate Bitcoin that any type of massive sell off by a whale will be at their own demise because they’ll have sold off and there’ll be a huge amount of buying pressure or people who will be more than willing to buy up everything that they’re trying to sell. So at the moment, the market is down, all of the market is down. I mean, Monaro is up. Cool. Yeah. Just how things are. I. I was going to ask if you’re all as excited as I am, but I might be the biggest nerd in the building here waiting for the reward having to happen. I do hope you all enjoyed. Hope you all are having a great day. Great morning. A great afternoon. A great evening. Wherever you are, wherever you might be. I do hope that it’s absolutely fantastic. Thank you all, once again, we’re watching and or listening. And I will most certainly be talking to you all soon. See you.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-halving-is-today-next-price-movement/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/bitcoin-halving-is-today-next-price-movement-eth-vs-btc-tron-stimulus
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cryptosharks1 · 4 years
Bitcoin Halving Is Today, Next Price Movement, ETH Vs BTC & TRON Stimulus
And lo, everybody. Welcome back for another video. Hope you’re all doing well and that you’re all having an incredible day to start things off. Today is the day after months, years of anticipation. The Bitcoin having is here today, just past 20 hours, 30, depending on where you are in the world, I think is roughly at the time of me making this video about a good 10 hours left. The rewards that Bitcoin miners receive in exchange for the work they do to add transactions to the block chain will be cut in half. What does this mean for the Bitcoin network? Predictions about the consequences of the having range far and wide. But there are several popular narratives among cryptocurrency crypto currently cryptocurrency analysts. At present, the price of Bitcoin has taken a bit of a hit, if you will. Bitcoin peaked at ninety seven hundred on Sunday, the 10th of May. At press time, the 11th of May, that figure has shrunk to eighty six hundred. We recovered from it says eighty four hundred. I spoke about this yesterday as well. Depending on where you look and where you were getting your cryptocurrency prices or cryptocurrency articles. We dropped to as low as 80 100 on certain cryptocurrency platforms, but we are or have recovered from 80 one hundred within the last 24 hours. Although is important to note that Bitcoin is up roughly 40 percent since the beginning of the year, outperforming both gold and U.S. dollars. I’ve been seeing a lot of articles about this as well, that a lot of people have been trying to see what has been what assets have been doing well during all of this madness that has taken place over the last three months. And once again, even with a move down, if you will. Bitcoin is at the moment, I believe, the still the best performing asset of anything in the world right now because of, you know, there’s a load chart right there. And one of the most popular believes in cryptocurrency circles about having events is that they are great for the price of Bitcoin, that sooner or later having will cause the Bitcoin price to explode. The belief stems from the fact that cutting the mining reward in half contributes to greater scarcity of Bitcoin as a number of users on the network continues to grow at this present. Pree having moment. Eighteen hundred Bitcoin are produced every day through Meiners Post. Having that is going to be nine hundred per day. And then it goes on to talk about some other people who, what they think and how long it will take place. It is one person I believe he said it takes. He said he believes it’ll take anywhere from 12 to eight no. 18 to 24 months for Bitcoin to try to reach over twenty thousand again. I think that is a I don’t even think the word is conservative answer at that point. I think it will happen much, much sooner than that. I think we are at the point aiming for prices that are a lot higher than twenty thousand. So I think twenty thousand will not be as difficult as people think. But I think the more difficult part will be the actual mega psychological barrier of a trillion dollar market cap. I think that’s going to force greater volatility within the crypto currency space. Yeah. Adam, I mean, this is it. We have been talking about this for heaven knows how long. But here we are. I am. I mean, to say excited is once again an understatement. It seemed like this day would almost never arrive. And we we’ve all had those moments before where you kind of just assume you’re waiting for something. Will it ever get there? No, it’s gonna take a bit longer. But alas, here we are. A lot of the discussions are, for those of you not looking at the screen, said Bitcoin price rests near eight thousand seven hundred dollars at the dump. What’s next? I can give you the yays and the nays if you want. The majority think that the actual fall down in price that we had yesterday, over the weekend was the was the actual having dumped that people were anticipating I e it took place before the actual having happened and therefore after the having prices will move up. You also have the naysayers who say that Bitcoin has to retest three thousand two hundred, that Bitcoin has to be so and so, which is complete nonsense in my opinion. The other articles we’re talking about, the actual current price of Bitcoin, have made sure to note that we not only bounced off of the eight thousand dollars where we fell from, but also the. That we’re constantly floating around or maintained the eighty six hundred eighty seven hundred dollar support, which is a support line. And therefore the fact that we are over it, floating above it, against it, whatever words you kind of want to use. Shows that we are still in bullish territory. If you kind of want to say that this person right here believes that we would meet, we may retest nine thousand five hundred dollars once again, I in all honesty, I think this is going to be a very crazy week, not only for crypto, but just in general, like for the entire world. I just feel something is is is going to be a miss something something weird is going to happen. And I I think that’s also going to contribute to the wild swings in Bitcoin’s price. As always. Or rather, don’t be surprised if the price goes down and then don’t subsequently be surprised if a day or two later we hear that it was from Wales. I think there’s going to be a huge amount of hype as far as people trying to buy. It is going to be hitting the actual, dare I say, main stream news, because this is also a very big topic. If they’ve been talking about the price of Bitcoin before any of this was happening, imagine what’s going to actually happen now, especially if we end up getting a really good move up or move down in price. It’s going to hit the the airwaves. No one uses that term anymore. But, yeah, we are here. We’re going to see exactly what happens. This is the big day. I actually can’t believe that it’s here. Yeah, I would ask what all of you think is going to happen after having the comment section would just be a mess. It could just be tons of people fighting. I think the last like two weeks I’ve seen such an increase in people calling each other names or and I’m sure you’ve seen them as well. It’s very difficult to get the amount of scams. Spam within the comment section has been absolutely wild. There’s there’s one in particular. It’s actually really funny. It keeps. It kind of goes like this. Oh, my gosh, I’m so happy that you mentioned blank coin because it is my favorite coin. I’m glad you also mentioned it because, like, it it it’s some type of a robot. Maybe that does it on almost every one of my videos as I go through the comments. It’s very, very weird. And they pretty much right. Hey, I’m so glad you talked about this coin, which I never did. It’s usually like Hex. Did you bite in like two or three other coins? You if you watch the channel before or even just one other video, you know which coins are important to me and. Yeah. So there’s a lot of spam, a lot of fighting. But I mean it’s to be expected with all the. All right. Yeah. That’s the that is the bitcoin having. Where will the price go. Next question mark. Question mark. And yeah. Let’s move on. Next up, new data comparing Bitcoin’s fundamentals now and around the second having in 2016 demonstrates the immense growth of the network. Double, triple and even quadruple digit increases are evident in all areas, including the number of Bitcoin addresses. The hash rate and the daily transaction volume. While most members of the community are focused on the volatile price movements around the having new information compiled by Glass. Node takes a thorough look at how Bitcoin’s fundamentals have developed since July 2016. Seems like an actual lifetime ago. My gosh, I’m in 2016, which is a very weird cryptocurrency. The prices weren’t moving. I was angry at everything. I remember looking at the prices. You’d wake up and the price would be up by two percent and you like, yeah, you get back from the supermarket is down by 14 percent. I’m just a very it’s a rough time for me. For starters, the number of Bitcoin addresses has jumped by two hundred and thirty four percent. Those addresses are at an all time high at the moment. Over 30 million. Interestingly, the number is even higher than during the parabolic price increase in 2017. And this isn’t the only thing that’s up since 2016, 2017. This is why I mentioned a lot of times and in many videos, while prices are important in the short term, the more important thing to look at is the actual fundamentals of the Bitcoin space. The address is the usage of the transactions, the amount of wallets, the amount of people who are gathering or accumulating crypto currencies as this is what it’s actually based on. If we had seen that in 2017, we saw this line going up twenty eighteen. It was a rough year for all of us. But if 2019 had been around here, that’s when you start getting worried to the fact that we are on a continual upswing with 2017 being the real anomaly, because it probably would have been resting around somewhere around here. This is great. It’s nice to see that even after prices have crashed because of Wales in 2018, that we are still on upswings. This is also why I mentioned before. Why would all the mega institutions be looking to get into an asset class that was going to fail? It’s because they know that it’s not going to fail and therefore this is why they’re putting their money into it. This is just how I view it from my vantage point anyway. This is a list for the number of Bitcoin addresses as crypto potato. Wow. Recently reported the interest in opening new addresses containing at least zero point zero one BTC or a million. Tosches has been surging lately with over four hundred and thirty thousand created in the last 90 days. Loan additionally addresses with at least one Bitcoin or 10 million Satoshi. These are at almost the or also higher than in 2016 by 64 percent and one hundred and forty two percent respectively. Entities holding 1000 bitcoin or more is the only measure which has decreased slightly by seven percent compared to 2016 because Bitcoin’s price is significantly higher and therefore it’s more expensive to buy 1000 Bitcoin. That makes the most sense. I was just watching. Something is really funny. I was making breakfast. I don’t if you care for that. The point is, I was watching something while I was making breakfast and I was watching like a video of this guy in Switzerland who was I think he owns Bitcoin Swiss whoknows. And they would he he he was discussing or he was being someone was interviewing him and they were asking him the question, when did you first get into Bitcoin? What was the prize? And he was like, price. He’s like, I got into Bitcoin before there was a price. And the person was like, what? He said, Yeah, I got 50 Bitcoin like I think like a couple of months after it came out because I think he paid for his friend’s coffee or something like that. And he mentioned he had bought his first 1000 Bitcoin for I think like seven hundred dollars. And I was like. So he he he holds an enormous amount of of of bitcoin. Yeah. I thought of that when I saw that thousand dollar Bitcoin, because if you, if you, if you bought a thousand Bitcoin or seven hundred dollars and you saw the price of Bitcoin hit a dollar, you probably go, OK, well the price increase, let me buy a little bit more. It’s four dollars. Let me buy a bit more. Eight dollars by a bit more. So, yeah, I just thought that was interesting to note. Here’s a little chart for the addresses. The Bailey transaction count and volume have seen substantial growth as well. More specifically, the transaction count is now 44 percent higher than in 2016. While the volume has skyrocketed by six hundred and eighty two percent. That’s insane. Two to two point one billion dollars per day. In fact, the last note and firms in four informs that the on chain volume of U.S. dollars has been consistently high since 2000, 17 of them. I mean, this is a major difference. Twenty sixteen compared to every other year. It was it was these years were rough. I mean, it wasn’t difficult keeping hope alive. There were just more like, you just want something to happen. And then it’s kind of like, okay, you can you can go up now. Although the data above illustrate significant increases in almost all areas, none has been more impressive than the growth of the hash rate back in 2016. Bitcoin hash rate was one point five million Tarah hashes. It is now at one hundred and nine million Tarah hashes to put this into another perspective. It’s a surge of six thousand eight hundred and thirty seven percent in just four years. Bitcoin is fundamentals are incredibly solid. They’re great. We are passing the high 2017 numbers, which once again, I mentioned a couple of other videos. I said. Don’t you think it’s weird that even that not only that prices are down, that we can have any one who would be negative and or bearish on anything within the Bitcoin space? We are doing exceedingly well. Fundamental, wise and fundamentals is what ends up translating into higher prices, especially when people continue to use the network and more people jump onto the network and more people are trying to accumulate the one million, 10 million Satoshi range or if not an entire Bitcoin as Bitcoin’s supply is limited. So regardless of the there’s a huge discussion happening right now amongst the cryptocurrency space. And I think we went over this yesterday as well as far as people or miners in particular who are going to be selling off higher and or lower, depending on how you want to look at it, portions of their Bitcoin holdings in order to pay their rent, to pay their electricity bills and stuff like that. You have to keep in mind that they may be selling Bitcoin into the market, but they are going to for every seller, there is a buyer. And at some point you have a situation where you realize once again that Bitcoin itself is still finite. Just because they are selling off Bitcoin does not mean that the Bitcoin machine is spitting out more bitcoin. It remains the same. It remains consistent because math anyway. Yeah, I saw this. I thought it was great. I think we need more news like this simply because I think people kind of lose sight of exactly how strong and powerful the Bitcoin network is. Once again, the news that we had, you can Google it. Bitcoin is the eighth largest currency on the planet. That’s not a joke. Just imagine when we passed by that and this was this news came out when Bitcoin, I think was below or around ten thousand dollars. So imagine when we hit twenty five thousand magin, when we hit fifty thousand dollars. What number ranking Bitcoin will be? Anyway, that’s that news. And let’s move on. Next up, open interest for c m e Bitcoin futures made a new all time high of just under half a billion dollars on Friday, the third consecutive day of open interest records. This week, significant growth and C.M.A Futures demonstrates the intensifying Konta contest contest between oh my gosh essay contest contest between the stalwart institutional trading platform and crypto native derivatives exchanges. Like Big Macs over the past month, semi’s Bitcoin futures market has grown faster in nearly every other Bitcoin futures market on a percentage and real growth basis. There are the charts right there with C.M.A being in yellow. Soaring semi open interest coincides with news that prominent American hedge funds are interested in investing in Bitcoin futures as of April. Renaissance Technologies, a flagship medallion fund, is considering trading Bitcoin Futures only CMG. On Thursday, Paul Tudor Jones, the second of the Tudor Investment Group, also told investors he is keen to invest in Bitcoin futures. This is the entrance. We would definitely get over the whole Paul Tudor thing a couple of days ago. This is in a the beginning of the interest entrance entrance, not interest because they’re already interested. The entrance of them into the cryptocurrency space. I think when it comes to the traditional or more traditional investors, it is easier for you to sell them the idea that you are going to get into Bitcoin futures, which may either be settled and so and so other cash or in Bitcoin, but you have to have something that is comfortable to them when they start saying that they’re making money or when they start seeing that other people are making money in Bitcoin as well. The actual physical Bitcoin air quotes because as digital numbers on the screen. This is how you get more people into the cryptocurrency space. But the fact that we’ve seen a large spike in interest. For Bitcoin futures is I mean, from a decentralized standpoint, you got to go from an actual growth of the space standpoint. Once again, keeping in mind, a couple of years ago, institutions would not even mutter the word Bitcoin and now they’re all over it. They’re buying up as much as they possibly can. Or they’re trying to have some type of an exposure to the asset, even if it has to go through CMBS. Bitcoin futures. Fascinating indeed. We’ll see where all of this goes, I guess. And I want to give you a time frame, but at some point we’re going to see this this interest accelerate in different directions. And I think it’ll start more if we end up seeing more Bitcoin side chains and or more Bitcoin decentralized finance products. I think institutionalise institutions will grasp that almost immediately, trying to figure out ways to profit from it as well. Yeah. Let’s move on. In news, that was kind of everywhere, news ish, maybe kind of a theory, I’m cocreator, Vitaly Budarin is fending off naysayers who believe the smart contract platform is simply extending the life of the legacy financial system instead of offering a truly decentralized alternative. I’ll give you a backdrop to see you understand a bit more of what I’m going to go through. The idea has been since the very beginning when he theory launched was in late 2015, early 2016. The idea was it was garbage. It’s trash. We don’t need it. How dare you? We already have Bitcoin. That was kind of the idea as time has gone on and ethereal has risen in price and has become more popular and more people are using it to more institutions are trying to use it in the entire decentralized financial space has grown. That narrative has kind of disappeared, however, for people who are Bitcoin purists. The idea is that if cerium is working with far too many institutions. Case in point, the Enterprise Theory Alliance, while a lot of these institutions may be making their own side change on a theorem or even using the actually theorem network themselves. The idea is that Bitcoin is meant to dismantle the current financial system, i.e. you don’t have to rely on anything. The old system has Bitcoin does all of it by itself. You can send money back and forth to who you want, when you want, how you want, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, just through the Bitcoin system. However, for a theory and it comes down to other companies and corporations are building things on top of your theory, um, that are simply things that we already have and the traditional financial markets. Whatever JP Morgan Chase is going to be building on it, whatever Microsoft is planning on building on top of it, you kind of get the idea. And this leads to the eye symbol idea that. E theory theorem is kind of facilitating B sticking around of these traditional financial institutions by building more. That’s the argument. That’s the actual argument for those. Like I said, I had to give you some context before I kind of went further into it. In a debate on Twitter. Buther Encounter’s, a statement from the founder of Crypto Ne. Yes. Who says the theorem based decentralized finance movement, which is designed to offer a way to access services like loans without intermediaries, is actually creating an ecosystem that’s chock full of middlemen. Once again, the idea for Bitcoin is I send money to you, you send money to me. There’s no middleman. It’s just me and you back and forth. However, with a theorem, you have all these other platforms that are based on top of you theory and therefore the money has to kind of flow through them and or other middlemen are creating their platforms. Orny Theorem. So if I’m sending money to you, it has to flow through their system and they have the AYSO, that KYC, AML KYC and then it pops over to you. But there’s still a middleman when there doesn’t have to be one. So this is true and maybe metalic is still a Bitcoin. But in present, every theorem is clearly not sharing goals with Bitcoin. Ethereum is prolonging the legacy financial system full of intermediaries, and Bitcoin is creating a new one without the middleman, Italic said, I really and truly think it’s the opposite. Bitcoin people seem happy to have lots of centralized middlemen Bemax, Teather, liquid, and it’s the etherial community that’s trying to decentralize these functions with smart contract constructions, which is it’s it’s kind of a 50 50. A lot of the things that are becoming popular on Bitcoin that institutions want to use once again because they kind of have to go through these things are things like Teather or things like liquid, which speed up a cryptocurrency trend or Bitcoin transactions amongst institutions and or cryptocurrency exchanges. But at the same time, these things are going to be created regardless of if we want them or not. We’re we’re going to need side chains. If Bitcoin is going to remain as a core unchained and at the same exact time, same exact thing with the theorem, if he theorem, it becomes more popular, more institutions are going to build on top of it, whether Retallack says yes or no. And a lot of what they’re trying to do or what they have claimed that they’re trying to do with the theorem are the creation of smart contract platforms or whatever that they’re trying to create. We’re simply that acts as the actual middleman. So is the actual computer system doing it and not an actual person? But is Amida Budiman also less a few ethereal based systems that he says have remained faithful to the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency, including decentralized exchanges like yttrium name service and automated exchange protocol unit swap? Like I said, this was kind of everywhere. I think this discussion is going to go on forever. You can make arguments on both sides. I think or like to think that a lot of the people on the theory and project are aiming for a more decentralized world. But you will always have that apple in the bunch who just doesn’t really care who is just there exclusively for profits, as opposed to the thought of making a better world for all of us, as it were anyway. Yeah, like I said, I mean, this is. Sure, why not kind of discussion? But, yeah, that’s that news or today. In the news, I couldn’t avoid. I tried my darndest and I mean, I was bombarded with this nonstop. A stimulus aid package worth around two million dollars was allegedly awarded by the U.S. to the Tauron Foundation. Matthew Graham, CEO of block chain investment firm Orsino Global Capital and Beijing, translated and shared the post. The Tron platform owned by Justin Sun has been handed by the U.S. government a two million dollar grant due to 19. It was posted on the platform. We chat. Two days ago, a report cited the grant as once on once again, another Tron foundation and controversy Katrina controversy. But it was yes and verified claim of packages from the US. So the point is they’re meant to be federal relief for companies in need. Here’s the actual thing right here. The Post, apparently the translation was it was given by the U.S. in the form of two million dollars and is not supposed to be paid back. The issue is, as it were. Right. It’s it’s a lot to unpack. But right here, for those of you not looking at the screen or who simply don’t remember, it says BitTorrent is selling for one hundred million dollars to Justin Sun and his block chain startup known as Tron. People from Tron have purchased an enormous amount. They purchased BitTorrent. They purchased steam and many other things that they’ve spent millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions on. So the question then becomes, did they need the two million? It seems more like if they in my opinion as well, if they had better men, money management. I mean, one hundred and forty million dollars is is an enormous amount of money to receive two million. Do you need it? No. Especially when you have tons of businesses around the US who are actually closing tons of people who can’t pay their rent to can’t pay their mortgages. So this is kind of the discussion going on. And a lot of people are not too. They’re not too thrilled about all of this happening. Like I said, I could not avoid this. I really, really tried because I kept on seeing the news about this. But eventually it was like. It’s hitting me in the face over and over. If this is so apparently this is still a legend. No one knows for certain. I think people have been trying to. Get a proper answer. But I think one has not been given. This tells me supposedly, allegedly from the information that I have acquired, absorbed from the Internet. They probably did receive the money. And as such, are just trying to be hush hush about it. If they did receive the money, that’s a bit of a shame. I’ve been watching a lot of stuff about the the things that families and businesses are going through, especially once even all of. And I dare not say all of this is over of the next couple of months as more places try to reopen. A lot of places simply won’t ever be able to reopen. So anyway, yeah, like I said, that was that news. If it turns out to be true, because I, I it’s it’s all over the place. It’s not like on one or two different Web sites. It’s it’s very major news right now because I’m pretty sure people would not be are not thrilled if this is actually true. Anyway. Yeah, let’s move on. This is awkward. And yeah, as of right now, depending on where you look, the prices at the prices, the the the timing is different on every single website. Some of them have it listed as 10 hours. Some of them, this one says nine hours, 44 minutes and twelve seconds, which is obscene to think they were that close. Other ones have things like eleven hours. It is very weird, varying times. I assume as we get to the last hour, things were kind of slimmed down and become more accurate. But yeah, nine hours according to this. Nine hours and 43 minutes, Bitcoin’s reward is going to get cut in half. This is absolutely obscene. Even have like a little chart down here for the other having is in the block height when it’s supposed to happen and the actual rewards when we. I remember I remember people talking about Bitcoin’s block reward being twenty five. The fact that we are going to be at six point to five and then the couple of years at one point five, six. These numbers don’t make sense to my mind anymore. Imagine going from 50 Bitcoin PLUR per block reward to one. It’s it’s it’s it’s a lot, but, yeah, that is. More or less, they say, more or less. It’s more and more the news that we have for today. As always, a very special thank you to my Patriots supporters. Hold on, I have to sneeze Crayola. Michelle, you are well on crypto with Lionel Tiger, a macho nesa. Make me a cake. Army Medic 17 Anytime Fitness Moncks Corner Staff Bodey MC Boldface. Yes, the Krypto Miller Hitch Test Everyday in Cowslips Leg Day Minting Coins. Jeremy Fox. Jim Gardner. Anthony Charles Nickman Delivery Praksis. Vlad the Impaler. Richie Richard Third. Nick Kanaya set soon Adamia Nicholas one with one piece one love crypto artist cold 3D Adobo Bankroll Network Crypto Joe two for two to the worldwide night. Al Jarreau Schneider Master Ventures in Thailand. Mohammed Ronie Adam Grasset Todd Mollis. A Biblio phobia the antima reader John Starts and Nostromo Jungle Loadout Song Alone Omar and Steuer Joshua Vinyard The Pothead Moon Man Hi SRP Yashar Hot Audy and Professor Walli from Gun Bot University. Thank you all very, very much. Your support. Thank you to everyone who is a member of the channel. Thank you to everyone who has a clicker of affiliate links. I do. Thank you all. Sincerely, at the moment, Bitcoin’s price is currently eight thousand five hundred and ninety one dollars, at least on this Web site. It is currently down by 2.8 percent. We are very volatile at the moment. I assume it’s a mixture of people who are trying to. Well, I mean, logically, people who are trying to buy and who are trying to sell. Good job there. But I think it’s it’s only going to intensify as the next couple of hours go on. You have people who are either trying to raise the price of Bitcoin and I assume there are massive amount of buy orders. But on the same exact side, on the other side, rather, you have people who are adamantly trying to push the price of Bitcoin down. Why would Bitcoin logically be going down in price during this movement or monumental day that we’ve all been waiting for for a long time and with the fundamentals being very strong? It has to do with. At the find like a really cool name for them, like dirty whales or like. While she whales are the whales who who keep trying to push the price down, it’s just them. Eventually this. I was reading an article about it before as well, and I said eventually this will be almost impossible to do because the buying pressure across the board will eventually be so high as the coming years continue to move on because of the amount of people who want to accumulate Bitcoin that any type of massive sell off by a whale will be at their own demise because they’ll have sold off and there’ll be a huge amount of buying pressure or people who will be more than willing to buy up everything that they’re trying to sell. So at the moment, the market is down, all of the market is down. I mean, Monaro is up. Cool. Yeah. Just how things are. I. I was going to ask if you’re all as excited as I am, but I might be the biggest nerd in the building here waiting for the reward having to happen. I do hope you all enjoyed. Hope you all are having a great day. Great morning. A great afternoon. A great evening. Wherever you are, wherever you might be. I do hope that it’s absolutely fantastic. Thank you all, once again, we’re watching and or listening. And I will most certainly be talking to you all soon. See you.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-halving-is-today-next-price-movement/
0 notes
ethanalter · 7 years
'Stranger Things' postmortem: Sean Astin reveals the secrets behind Bob Newby
#JusticeforBarb is so 2016. After binging on Season 2 of Stranger Things, the battle cry we’re rallying around is #JusticeforBob. That would be Bob Newby, the ultra-nerdy, ultra-normal Radio Shack manager played by geek icon Sean Astin of The Goonies and Lord of the Rings fame. Introduced as Joyce’s new beau in the first episode of the second season, good ol’ Bob quickly endeared himself to us with his “aw shucks” attitude and obvious affection for his trauma-plagued girlfriend (Winona Ryder) and her two kids, Will (Noah Schnapp) and Jonathan (Charlie Heaton). Even his name — Bob — speaks to his personality as the ultimate square-jawed nice guy dropped in the middle of a crazy situation.
Unfortunately, that name also hinted at his ultimate fate. “I think the Duffer Brothers named him Bob because it started with a ‘B’ like Barb,” Astin tells Yahoo Entertainment. “And if you weren’t 100 percent sure about it, they finish it up with ‘Newby.’ I’ve never asked them, but the comparison is not lost on me. Bob kind of plays the role that Barb played [last season], but Bob lasts a lot longer!” In fact, Bob lasts all the way until Season 2’s penultimate episode, when he’s finally fed to the Demodogs as the love of his too-short life escapes. It’s a heroic fate that’s already earned him lovingly-penned “In Memoriams” and Twitter tributes like the following:
You grew on me so quickly. A true hero. #JusticeForBob pic.twitter.com/rLyqoYk8Ux
— Clay (@claytoon253) October 29, 2017
HE DID NOT DESERVE IT !!!#justiceforBob #StrangerThingsS2 pic.twitter.com/NyAdFuKL46
— Mary (@SpicyInternet_) October 27, 2017
when you get to the penultimate episode of #StrangerThings #justiceforBob pic.twitter.com/wslL1fBprD
— Karen Esperanza (@karenesperanza_) October 29, 2017
For his part, Astin feels that Bob’s seemingly bitter end couldn’t be sweeter. “His death is heroic and satisfying for me as a performer,” he says. “Bob doesn’t need justice — he just needs a nice salute for a soldier doing his job.” We spoke with Astin about his big death scene, and why he’s a Joyce/Hopper ‘shipper at heart.
I have to admit, up until his last episode, I kept waiting for Bob to reveal that he was a bad guy all along. He just seemed too nice! I guess I see that. I stepped into the role when they hadn’t 100 percent decided what they were going to do with Bob, so I guess that possibility could have happened. Who could possibly be that nice, right? [Laughs.] But I think Bob serves a function for the show in that he’s the one person in Hawkins who isn’t in the middle of all that stuff. It’s flattering that you’re glad I didn’t turn evil because the other option is that I could have turned bad and lived! Would I rather be alive and bad or dead and heroic? I think it went down exactly as I would have liked.
So Bob’s fate wasn’t completely decided when you initially joined the show? The Duffer Brothers had a lot to think about, so it wasn’t like figuring out Bob was the most important task. The earliest hints were, “You’re not going to last long!” But they liked what I was doing and Winona [Ryder] liked it, and they saw there was a vibe between us. I think you could feel the energy that suggested there was something special that Bob could contribute. The only thing I said out loud to them was: “I would love it if Bob did something heroic.” And that was at a time where they didn’t know what the heck Bob was going to do! They may well have gone there anyway, but that’s what I was advocating for.
Was there a version of the season where Bob died even earlier? I think so. I mean, I say that without having been in the writers’ room or inside the Duffer brothers’ head. They may have been committed to killing him sooner, but I think they were open to seeing where it went. That was part of the fun for them with that character; he’ s not on the spine of the plot, so they didn’t really need to figure it out 100 percent. They wanted to see what Bob did for Joyce and Will [as characters]. There’s that great scene [in episode 3] where Bob tells Will how to get through his nightmares and ends up almost getting him killed. You’re just like, “Oh, Bob.” With friends like that, who needs enemies? [Laughs.]
What are the Duffer Brothers like as collaborators? When I would ask them a question or throw out an idea, it was incredible to see them think about it and give an answer. It’s highly entertaining to watch them feel their way through this stuff. They’re like puppy dogs: They look so young and yet they have all this responsibility. And yet, you have absolute confidence that they know where the story is going, and that they’re confident enough in their storytelling instruments. I never saw them have any self doubt even though I’m sure they did because otherwise, they wouldn’t be human beings! Hopefully, the audience will continue to embrace the show, and give them a chance. I want to see what happens in the third season! It’s not over for me in my mind even though I’m over [in the show], and that’s the sign of great storytelling.
Let’s talk about your death scene in the eighth episode where the Demodogs make a meal out of you. What was it like shooting that sequence? The Duffers luxuriate in their storytelling, building suspense and creating those jump out of your skin moments. For the running stuff, I’d either chase a golf cart down the hall or the golf cart would chase me, with a camera rig on the side. To watch it [on set] you’d just think, “Oh, it’s just a guy and a golf cart.” But when you’d look through the monitor, it would look so cool! The magic is in the cinematography; Tim Ives [the director of photography] is as much a character in the show as Eleven. The biting scene was exhausting for everybody. It took a long time to shoot, and there was a lot of screaming and writhing on the ground. They put dots all over you, and at one point one of the writers got on top of me and I writhed with them so that my clothes would crinkle up. They painted them out so all you can see is me. Then they brought in this crane thing for the blood spurting out of the mouth. It was a big sequence to do, and a heck of a send-off. I remember hoping that if I got killed off the show, it would be memorable. I think there’s a chance that people will look back at Season 2 and go, “Oh right — Bob’s the guy who got eaten by the dogs!”
Since you have Paul Reiser in that scene telling Bob where to go, I half-expected him to die like Reiser dies in Aliens: cornered in a confined space. Since being on the show, I’ve changed my profile description on Twitter to read: “I guess I’m meta.” I love Paul and I love Aliens, which is one of the greatest horror/action movies ever made. To have Paul Reiser in my ear telling me which way to turn while running down hallways with a gun like I’m Ripley… I guess I’m meta! [Laughs.]
It’s also great that, before his death, Bob saves the group with the power of BASIC. Were you a coder back in the ’80s? In 1984, when the season is set, I was shooting The Goonies and was more of a “run around the neighborhood” kind of kid. But my brother Tom had a big career writing code and software. If I’m just doing a scene about a guy writing code, I can survive, but not doing it myself.
As an ’80s kid myself, it kind of blew my mind to see Mikey from The Goonies in a relationship with Lydia from Beetlejuice. Did you and Winona Ryder reminisce about the old days? I don’t think there’s any difference between Bob hugging Joyce and Sean hugging Winona. It’s the same thing. We have such affection for each other, and we relied on that shared experience. Some people have high school reunions, but visiting with her feels like visiting with my childhood.
Had Bob lived, do you think he would have convinced Joyce to come away with him to Maine? You know, I was a fan before doing the show, and I was always rooting for Joyce and Hopper. So when I got cast as Joyce’s boyfriend, I was like, “I don’t know if I’m rooting for myself or not!” [Laughs.] I don’t know that I ever reached a moment where I thought that Joyce would be better off with Bob. There are certain moments, like when they’re dancing on Halloween night or when he’s offering to move with her to Maine. Maybe in real life that’s what should have happened; it would certainly be in Joyce’s best interest! But I don’t know if that’s what should have happened on the show.
I love that you didn’t want your own character to come between Joyce and Hopper!  There’s that moment [in episode 5] where we rescue Hopper in the tunnels. He gets his knife, stands up, looks over at me and goes, “Hey Bob.” I don’t know if it comes through in the show, but with just those two words, all of a sudden I was back in the AV club in high school and he’s gonna get the girl because he’s so a tall and powerful guy. And she’s on the other side of me, so I’m not even next to her! I felt bad for me there.
This season is set in 1984; if they jump ahead to 1985 in Season 3, are you hoping for some Goonies cosplay like we got with Ghostbusters this year? I hadn’t thought of that, but now that you mention it would be an outrage if they didn’t do it! [Laughs.] Or at least hear the Cindy Lauper song in the background! The Duffers told me after they hired me that they had a conversation questioning whether they should hire me. When they saw my audition, they were like, “That’s our Bob.” But they also thought, “It’s also Sean Astin, which is maybe too much.” The wanted me to know they hired me for who I am in this moment, that Bob was deserving of a casting hire that wasn’t just a stunt. Hopefully, it all fits!
They did avoid any overt references like having the kids say something like, “This is our time!” Yeah, but they weren’t afraid to have me point to the X on Will’s map and go, “Hey, is that a pirate treasure map?” [Laughs.] So I don’t think they went over the line, but they went right up to it.
Stranger Things is currently streaming on Netflix.
Read more from Yahoo Entertainment:
• ‘Stranger Things’ Season 2 Chapter One recap: Return that frown to the Upside Down  • ‘Stranger Things’ Season 2 Chapter Two recap: Going crazy together • ‘Stranger Things’ Season 2 Chapter Three recap: Reunited and it feels so slimy • ‘Stranger Things’ Season 2 Chapter Four recap: What happened to Baby Jane? • ‘Stranger Things’ Season 2 Chapter Five recap: Tangled and Strangled • ‘Stranger Things’ Season 2 Chapter Six recap: They’re heeeere • ‘Stranger Things’ Season 2 Chapter Seven recap: Baby’s day out • ‘Stranger Things’ Season 2 Chapter Eight recap: Blackout forever • ‘Stranger Things’ Season 2 Chapter Nine recap: Ward and savior
0 notes
curetapwater · 3 years
Hey uhhhhhh I could’ve said something sooner but I’ve started a fic that’s basically a retelling of Sailor Moon but with Pretty Cure characters. Here’s the first bit if you’re interested.
CW: brief blood at the very beginning
Nagisa knew too much about dying for someone still alive.
There she lay, curled up in shuddering fetal, biting back whimpers and growls because she couldn't give the ones that did this to her the satisfaction of knowing she was in pain. But of course she was in pain, what else were you supposed to feel when red was flowing from your pierced abdomen? She coughed and tasted iron. Now blood was coming from two places.
The lightest touch, warm and gentle, brushed her fingers. She mustered what strength she had left and opened her eyes. A girl's face lay mere centimeters from hers on this ground that shook with what Nagisa knew was the world crumbling around them. Wishing she could stop them, she beheld the tears streaming from the deep blue eyes that held Nagisa's world, her universe, for reasons she couldn't quite recall. Neither girl had the ability to speak, but Nagisa knew that right then what she needed to do was take the girl's hand.
Her hand...
Misumi Nagisa was yanked back into the waking world so hard she feared whiplash. She blinked and rubbed at the clouds in her eyes until she could make out the time on her alarm clock. Oh. Her brother was right.
She yanked on her uniform button-down, skirt, vest, bow tie, and blazer faster than you can say "tardy," ran her toothbrush through her teeth and her hairbrush through her hair, grabbed the crosse leaning against her desk, and sprinted out her bedroom door.
"I'm heading out!" she announced without so much as a "good morning" to her family.
"Don't you at least want some toast?" her mother asked, spreading butter on a fresh slice.
But Nagisa was already on her way out of the apartment. "No time for toast!" she shouted back. Then she was back inside. "Oh, who am I kidding, there's always time for toast!"
Trying not to choke on toast while running turned out to be a lot harder than television had led Nagisa to believe. Swallowing down the last bite with a hard gulp, she lamented morning coming so early.
She doubted this disaster would have even happened had she not been up all night scared she'd have the dream again. The one where she dies.
Shudders made her almost drop her crosse. That and the fact that she was still running. How could something that wasn't even real do this to her? It was invading real life! She'd considered telling her parents but figured they would just tell her what she already knew: that she wasn't really dying and that the world wasn't ending and that the girl with her wasn't dying either because she wasn't real. If she was, then Nagisa would be able to remember something about how she looked. Other than her eyes. And the way her hand felt...
Nagisa shook her head. If she went on like that it'd give the girls at Verone Academy all the more reason to stuff her locker full of letters she didn't want-
5 kilograms of something Nagisa couldn't see knocked her head clear of thoughts and into the pavement. She growled, staggering back up. "What was tha-"
A group of boys, maybe eight or nine years old, pushed past her and nearly threw off the balance she'd just regained. They were chasing a cream-colored cat that scampered all about, jumping on and off every surface it could to avoid the little menaces. It would seem the cat had chosen her as one of his landing spots.
Seeing the poor thing so helpless, in such terror, stabbed through Nagisa's stomach with a justice-induced rage.
"HEY!" she hollered, brandishing her crosse like a weapon. The boys turned, shocked at the power of her voice. "Pick on someone your own size!" They blinked at her. Then she raised her crosse in a jerk just threatening enough to make them scramble off.
The cat revved up to dart away, but stopped short and turned to stare at her.
"You okay, little guy?" Nagisa asked, stooping down to scratch his head. There was a bandage on his forehead. "Here, let me get that for you."
And she did, peeling the adhesive back to reveal the strangest marking she had ever seen, some sort of weird heart-shaped thing. She thought it might be a bald spot, but it was blue. Blue? Did cats come in blue? She'd never owned one-
Ah crap, now she was double late! The cat was fine, but she wasn't gonna be if she didn't book it to the train station!
If it weren't for the vice principle telling her off about tardiness and irresponsibility and selfishness maybe Nagisa could have made it for at least the end of the first class period. But nope, instead by the time she made it to her classroom, the second class was well underway and Ms. Yoshimi was handing out grades for a test Nagisa had forgotten about the moment she'd turned it in.
"Ah, Ms. Misumi," she said. "Since you've decided to join us today maybe you can explain this." She handed her a paper face-down. Never a good sign. Walking to her desk, Nagisa clutched the side that held her red-ink fate flat against her stomach so no one, including herself, could see what it said. She waited until eyes were off her and snuck a peek.
She got a thirty percent.
"No way!" she exclaimed before she could stop herself. All eyes were back on her. This day just kept getting better and better.
"English is a weird language anyway," Rina consoled on the way to the train station.
Shiho nodded emphatically. "Yeah yeah yeah. If it's gonna, like, have that many rules then they shouldn't change all the time."
Well that was easy for them to say. At least they passed the test. Nagisa passed her crosse between her hands before resting it on her shoulder. Lacrosse had gotten her mind off of things for a bit. It helped that it was something she was actually good at. The muscles in her legs ached in protest of their continued use after practice, but they burned good because she knew she was getting stronger.
"Hey! I know what'll cheer you up, Nagisa!" Shiho said.
"I hear that one jewelry store in the mall is having a huge huge huge sale!"
"I doubt there's anything in there we could afford, even if it's on sale," Rina reasoned.
"No, but, I hear they're cutting prices by, like, ninety percent!"
"Really? I need to see that for myself!"
Somehow Nagisa doubted even with those huge price cuts that she could afford anything. Not so much because the jewelry was expensive, but because she'd squandered her allowance on chocolate desserts and takoyaki (not at the same time). Not to mention she doubted she'd be getting another payment for the next ten years after her parents saw the newest low in her academic career. And she was pretty sure she was in the hole to begin with...
So, Nagisa hopped on the train to home and left Shiho and Rina to their detour.
She kept her eyes on her loafers. All she wanted to do in that moment was shuffle over to the nearest window so she could stare out of it with quiet sullenness instead of having to look anyone in the eye. But she managed to do just that when she forgot you're supposed to look forward when you shuffle and she ended up shuffling right into a boy's solid back.
"Ah!" She leapt back in surprise, and he did the same. Her surprise soon melted to deep, deep embarrassment when she looked up to find the cutest boy she'd ever laid her eyes on.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his gorgeous floppy hair flopping gorgeously.
"I- I- I'm so sorry!" Nagisa replied with a bow.
"It's no problem," he said. "It was an honest mistake. You're Misumi, right?"
The tight cocoons forming in her heart burst into butterflies. "You know my name?"
"I told him," said the girl Nagisa just noticed had been standing with this boy the whole time. Nagisa recognized her as Yukishiro Honoka from her class, a very pretty girl with delicate pale skin and a head of shiny, neat hair that housed the brain that got the highest score on the test Nagisa had failed. And she knew him. Oh no.
"I apologize if it seemed like I had been talking behind your back," Yukishiro said, which planted in Nagisa's head the idea that she had been talking behind her back. "I was just concerned because you looked so distraught, and I was telling Fuji-P-"
"Ahhh... I told you not to call me that in public!" the boy said, cheeks flushing.
Great. They had pet names, too.
"I hope you're not still upset about that test," Yukishiro told her.
The butterflies in Nagisa's heart were replaced by a wasp sting of horror. "HOW DID YOU KNOW I GOT A THIRTY PERCENT ON THE ENGLISH TEST?!"
Conversations stopped all around her. Passengers, including far too many in Verone uniforms, briefly gaped at the girl dumb enough to announce something like that to a packed train car. Then they turned back in a way that was supposed to be discreet but everyone knew really wasn't.
Yukishiro's polite smile cracked to reveal a foundation of shock and second-hand embarrassment. "I- I- um, wasn't aware of the exact score, but... I just heard you exclaim 'no way' when you saw it and assumed you weren't happy..." She cleared her throat a bit, a cute little sound that somehow made Nagisa feel like even more of a bumbling fool. She had to get out of there.
"Well, it was nice meeting you!" she forced through her teeth before pushing through the packed train car to find a spot as far from all human beings as possible.
At home, Nagisa was greeted not by her family but by a note:
Ryouta and I are out buying groceries. Leftovers in the fridge. DO YOUR HOMEWORK.
Love, Mom.
Her father wouldn't be home for several hours. So she had the apartment to herself to... what should she do? Cry? Sulk? Scream into her pillow? That last one sounded good. And then maybe if she was feeling a little more devious than usual, she'd change that 30 to an 80 with a couple strokes of a...
No, that was too low. She just wouldn't bring it up until it was brought up to her. Now there's a plan.
She went to her bedroom, threw her bag and crosse on a chair then threw herself onto her mountain of plush toys. She really hadn't gotten a lot of sleep last night, and she decided not to remind herself why in case she scared herself into another all-nighter. That day, especially that exchange on the train, was way scarier than anything her brain could concoct, even if in her dreams she had tasted death...
Because she...
What was she thinking about, again..?
Nagisa didn't even have time to dream before she was awakened by four little paws driving into her stomach.
Her assailant turned out to be the cat.
"Bald spot cat?" she exclaimed.
"It's not a bald spot-mepo!" the cat said.
Nagisa screamed. The cat got the message and launched himself off and onto the floor, giving her the second painful jab to the stomach she'd experienced within a single minute. She scrambled off her bed and grabbed her crosse as if it would protect her from the creature.
"What?! WHAT?! A talking cat?! No way... There's just no way!" she whimpered, more to herself than to him.
"Just put down the stick and listen to me-mepo!"
Nagisa lifted the crosse above her head. "G-Get away! I won't hesitate!"
"Mepooo!" the cat screamed and ran to her balcony that she realized she'd forgotten to close the door to. That would explain how he got in. "Don't hurt me-mepo! What are you doing-mepo! This isn't how legendary warriors should-"
"What's with all the 'mepo mepo' stuff? Say 'mepo' one more time!"
The cat clamped his mouth shut, clearly fighting the urge. "MEPOOO!" he shouted, darting back into the room and between her legs. Oh, no no no, that was closer than Nagisa ever needed to be to a weird talking cat. Who knew if he was even a cat at all?
Nagisa screamed and bolted back to her bed. This had to be a dream. If she just closed her eyes she'd wake back up in the real world where cats didn't-
"Listen to me-mepo!"
She opened her eyes to find him standing at the foot of her bed. She sat up, hugging a stuffed panda close in a feeble attempt to make herself feel better. Saner. "What do you want? What... are you?"
"My name is Mepple-mepo."
"Mepple-mepo?" Nagisa repeated.
"No-mepo. Mepple-mepo."
Nagisa blinked, then nodded her understanding. Maybe he'd go away if she just complied.
"I'm here because I've finally found you, the Legendary Warrior-mepo!"
"Legendary Warrior?" Nagisa said. She'd hardly say a girl in a wrinkled school uniform armed with nothing but a crosse would be something anyone would call a warrior. "I think you've got the wrong-"
"I didn't think you looked anything like what I was looking for-mepo. Until you saved me-mepo! If you didn't take off that bandage I wouldn't be able to talk-mepo!"
"And then where would we be?" Nagisa said dryly.
"Listen-mepo! A strange presence is in the air and it's threatening the city-mepo! I've watched you all day and I'm sure you're the warrior destined to find the Legendary Prism Crystal and the Princess of Light-mepo!"
"The what and the who?" This was getting way too complex. As if a cat being able to talk didn't make things complex enough.
Mepple rolled his eyes, which Nagisa was pretty sure cats weren't supposed to be able to do. "The sacred treasure and the princess of the Garden of Light-mepo!"
"Oh, well, that clears it up," Nagisa said, chuckling in an attempt to depressurize. It didn't work.
Mepple groaned, hopped off the bed, and padded over to the balcony. He pointed up at the sky with a round little paw. "There-mepo!"
Nagisa looked up into the twilight and saw oranges fading to blues but no supposed Garden of Light. "What am I supposed to be looking at?"
"That-mepo! The big white circle with the rabbit on the side-mepo!"
"... You mean the moon?"
"We called it the Garden of Light-mepo," Mepple said, going back inside. Nagisa followed and closed the balcony door before the neighbors started thinking she was crazy. Maybe she was.
"So... you're an alien?"
"I guess, but that's not important-mepo!"
"I beg to differ-"
"Just take this-mepo!" And with that, Mepple suddenly did a high-reaching somersault, leaving behind a trail of sparkling dust that materialized into a white and pink brooch that fell into Nagisa's hands. It was heavy, and it was cute. But it also came out of nowhere!
Nagisa cast the thing onto her bed, freaked beyond belief. "What is happening?!"
Mepple picked up the brooch between his sharp little teeth. Whatever muffled words came out of his mouth, they couldn't have been all that pleasant. But then he dropped it himself, ears perked up. "I sense an evil presence-mepo!"
Nagisa backed away. "A what?"
"Turn on the TV-mepo!"
Nagisa ran into the family room and did as she was told. On the screen flickered live footage of the mall, with policemen trying to break in.
"It seems there is some sort of barrier inside preventing entry into the complex," the news anchor said. "The state of the patrons inside is currently unknown."
The bottom of Nagisa's stomach dropped out. "That's where Shiho and Rina went! Do you think they're still in there?"
"I don't know-mepo! But I know this looks like a job for you-mepo!"
"Me? What am I supposed to do?"
"Put on the brooch and shout, 'Black Prism Power, Make Up'-mepo!"
Nagisa assumed the "mepo" was meant to be left out. "What good'll that do?"
"Just do it-mepo!"
And so, feeling like the kind of fool that announces to a packed train car that she got a thirty percent on a test, Nagisa attached the brooch to her bow tie and shouted, "Black Prism Power, Make Up!"
Her hand shot up without her permission. An instant later, the world around her exploded in blinding rainbow-colored light. She wanted to scream, wriggle, call for help as she was lifted into a void of pure color, but instead her body moved in sweeping, elegant movements in a choreography that she'd never learned. A yelp wished to break through her enforced silence when all clothing except the brooch vanished. Great ribbons of light erupted from the brooch, wrapping around her body in the shape of a leotard, gloves, boots, and a miniskirt. A big bow tied itself just above her backside, earrings clipped themselves into her ears, a choker found its way around her neck. Then a strange, almost searing sensation prickled in the center of her forehead, until a hard metal circlet materialized in place. Finally, her feet touched ground, though still all she saw was nebulous color. Her body struck several battle-ready poses she had no say in striking. But she really started freaking out when her voice started making choices of its own.
"I am the emissary of light that fights for love and for justice! I am Sailor Black! And now, in the name of the Garden of Light..." Her arm snapped forward, pointing a warning finger to no one in particular. "...return to the darkness from which you came!"
She blinked -- Oh, joy, she could blink her own eyelids! -- and the world faded back to her living room.
"...Say what?"
Mepple looked upon her with eyes that saw some champion of justice, as opposed to the middle-schooler in a shrunken black and pink sailor fuku that Nagisa saw when she caught her reflection in a mirror. "Amazing-mepo..." he said. "The Legendary Warrior has awakened right in front of me-mepo!"
"Now Sailor Black can finally fulfill her destiny and help restore the Garden of Light to its former glory-mepo!"
"I'm going to what?" Nagisa wanted to press further, suddenly feeling less hugged and more caged by the costume's tight fabric. But the sirens blaring from the television set reminded her there were more pressing matters at hand. "How am I supposed to help Rina and Shiho and everyone like this?" she asked, holding the black skirt's hem between her fingers.
"You are Sailor Black-mepo! You have legendary powers-"
"If you call me 'legendary' one more time..." Nagisa started, simmering on the outside but reeling from how fast this was happening on the inside.
"Never mind that-mepo. Let's go-mepo!" And with that, Mepple ran back to Nagisa's bedroom.
"That's not the way out," Nagisa said, following him. She found him with his front paws on the glass door to her balcony. "Maybe you always land on your feet, but I don't-"
"Do you want to save your friends or not-mepo!"
"I do, I do!"
"Then trust me-mepo!"
Nagisa sighed. She guessed she couldn't exit through the apartment complex's lobby dressed like this. She didn't feel particularly powerful, but if a cat could talk to her and she could change her clothes just by saying a phrase, then maybe she could trust this little guy.
She placed a gloved hand on the handle and slid the door aside in a shuddering motion. "Okay... Okay..." she heaved as she stepped onto the balcony. She'd never before given much thought to how high up the apartment really was. How she'd taken for granted the fact that she knew what the tops of neighboring buildings looked like. She'd never considered having to stand on them!
Part of her wanted to back away, to declare this whole mess some stress-induced fever dream that would all go away once she came back to her senses. But then she thought of her friends' horrified faces, their screams for help, who knows who keeping them in that dark mall to do who knows what.
Next thing she knew, her foot launched herself off the railing and into the newly dark night. The jump sent her farther up than she'd ever thought possible. She bypassed several buildings until her feet touched the roof of some office building. The sole of her boot touched concrete for but a moment before she took to the air yet again.
She wanted to scream but at the same time a euphoria was building inside her. "My body!" she exclaimed to Mepple, who rode her shoulder. "It's so light! And my muscles are so strong!"
"That's the power of the Sailor Guardians-mepo!" he said.
"Guardians? You mean there are others?"
"We'll talk about it later-mepo."
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