#so hes like. yknow. not as bad as he could be for sure
nerves-nebula · 16 hours
Talk about the Groe Hole
ok well dont call it THAT fasjfmsdfsdf
so yknow how in some stories the heroes find out that the Big Bad villain they're tryna defeat isnt actually A Guy but is instead a spirit or a force of nature or something puppeteering a guy/vessel? And sometimes they gotta banish the spirit itself and the Guy/Vessel survives after that? Groe was the vessel.
It got brought back to life by a, uhmmm, like a cult? it was brought back using one of its seeds, which are very magically potent and which they had to go to great lengths to acquire. What the cult needed was a body/vessel for their god, and the seed sprouted Groe a new body. I mean, it's HIS seed, right? So Groe is back and spends like 70% of his time being possessed by a hugely powerful spirit god thing. When he wasn't busy being possessed, he was being imprisoned and tortured/abused so that he couldn't escape. there was basically nothing he could do about this until some adventurers or heroes or whatever finally took down the cult and freed him. They did that kind of on accident, cuz they thought that Groe was just an empty vessel and weren't sure what to do with it once they realized it was like.. an actual person.
at which point Groe nearly immediately tripped and fell into another cult. but like, a REAL cult this time, not like the fantasy idea of a cult I just described. Like a close knit high control group. It was supposedly a safe haven for plant and nature spirits to live peacefully but it's run by the worlds worst plant-based HOA. this was mildly inspired by my interest in christian fundamentalists and also new age cults. Groe spent around 5 to 50 years there (idk i haven't figured it out) before skeedaddling and eventually just dragging its ass back home, out of a lack of anywhere better to go.
unfortunately Maureno had moved back in and had a kid, so Groe had to set up in an abandoned trailer it found nearby. it didn't wanna grow itself a new home cuz of Personal Reasons and Trauma or w/e so. metal rust bucket it isss.
so basically The Hole was a cavernous system of caves and man made labyrinthine structures where Groe was kept underground by a magic cult for an unknown amount of years before being sort of rescued and then immediately falling into a different, harder to escape cult. (harder to escape because he didn't know it was a cult)
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aropride · 1 month
its also very interesting to learn about other types of fundamentalism because it feels like a lot of these programs or churches or whatever are just saying the quiet part of the way i was raised out loud . and like adding rules and regulations in order to make sure everyone's doing it Right but the core beliefs are all the same it's just that they're being said out loud instead of vaguely hinting at
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coquettejohnny · 3 months
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photo of the sunset i took today ^_^
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secretmellowblog · 10 months
Another parallel between Valjean and Javert is that they’re eerily silent when captured or threatened.
Jean Valjean being captured by Patron-Minette:
The silence preserved by the prisoner, that precaution which had been carried to the point of forgetting all anxiety for his own life, that resistance opposed to the first impulse of nature, which is to utter a cry….
Javert being captured by Les Amis:
Javert had not uttered a single cry.
The other police spy who’s captured at the barricade— Le Cabuc— is not like Javert, in that he behaves like a normal person. He cries out in pain and anger and fear; he begs for mercy; he prays. But Javert is inhumanly tranquil, and reacts to his death with indifference.
Jean Valjean, when captured by Patron-Minette, is similar. He acts eerily “calm,” and inhumanly “silent.” Of course in Valjean’s case, he has to be silent, because he’s aware that the police would only hurt him if they arrived; his politeness is also a survival strategy. Knowing how to behave in a superficially polite solicitous way to avoid punishment from authority is clearly something he’s had to learn to survive prison.
This parallel feels like another way the trauma of prison has affected both of Valjean and Javert’s lives. Javert spent time in prison as a child, Valjean spent nineteen years serving his sentence— and both of them have now learned to silence “the first impulse of nature” to cry for help. They know instinctively how to behave in situations where they are trapped in another person’s power and have no autonomy. They are able to remain calm and tranquil and even “polite” even when they’re threatened with death.
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da-proti-toku-grem · 1 month
how do you know the difference between a huge anxiety attack and a panic attack?
#i think i had a panic attack yesterday but idk......#god it felt so awful and it went on for like 3 hours#but i also had like a hundred things going on so idk if it was like the accumulation of everything or if it was really a panic attack yk#i was at the fair with my family waiting for my best friend to arrive bc i was going to hang out with her#and yk it's a place full of people and we were standing right next to a huge speaker hearing a man talk#and also each place in the fair has different music playing super loud and you can hear all of them at the same time (+ the flashing lights#all that causes me anxiety every since i was little (even if i didn't know it was anxiety back then)#so i *knew* i was going to have the greatest time and i didn't really want to go there in the first place#but even with that i wasn't really haven't a bad time (yet)#we were just stading there and i was waiting for my friend to call me so we could go somewhere else#she called me to tell me she was coming and right when i hung up the phone i felt a really strong pang on my belly#and idk at first i thought it was period cramps but it was weird bc my period had actually stopped that same morning#also i had taken a painkiller right before going there bc all that i mentioned earlier also gives me migraines so there's that too#so yeah the pangs kept getting stronger and it hurt so fucking bad to the point my legs started trembeling#my vision blured and every sound around me seemed to almost fade away#there wasn't any place i could sit down so i gad to cling to my dad and he had to hold me so i didn't fall to the ground#i think i almost (?) fainted in his arms too#after a while the dizzines went away and my dad went to get me smth to drink and i mostly got my hearing and vision back to normal#all that was like 10 minutes max but then the pangs kept hitting every minute or so for the next 3 hours#we found a place to sit and find smth to eat but i couldn't eat anything without wanting to throw up#my legs wouldn't stop shaking like fucking crazy and i kept going from feeling like i was freezing to sweating from how hot i felt#idk i've had smth like this (w/o the pangs) happen to me before a bunch of times but never That strong and it usually lasted 5-10min max#we ended up having to go home and i had to take some more painkillers and my sleeping pills to be able to calm down a little#i'm pretty sure i fell asleep from exhaustion after everything and i'm still feeling a bit weird after almost 24 hours since it happened#anyways. the thing is idk if all that was caused bc of my anxiety#or if it was smth completely unrelated and i just had such a bad tummy ache that it made me feel bad enough to cause All That yknow#i think it felt pretty much like how i've heard people describe a panic attack but again i'm not sure#yeah.........#maca speaks
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mishapen-dear · 11 months
no but im thinking about how 4halo could be together while keeping their dynamic intact. forever asks bad on a date and bad is like yeah :D friendship date. several dates later bad's the one to propose and he says "will you merry me" as in like. be merry with me. feel joy forever for we're together and we have 11 children aka all of the eggs we have forcefully adopted from the other parents and i dont know what life would be like without you. you changed my life for the better. besties 4evar, forever
#and then richarlyson falls into pieces#and dapper gets to be smug#i don't super enjoy the ship when theyre lovey-lovey but oh my god its so fucking funny to be in a relationship and just Deny it#to each other to everyone else to themselves#is that a wedding ring no its a donut#made of metal#a decoration i wear that's inscribed with my bestie's name because i just like him so much :3#do you see the vision the vibe is queerbait themselves to Hell while being Actively Queer#more thoughtful examination of bad's character is that i think a relationship that actively rejects sincerity is what he'd be most#comfortable in#he's Full of compliments for the other players and eggs but he will Never say that to their faces. he uses sillytime and insincerity as a#shield. if he ever trusts someone to be like. close to them. to consider them a teammate like he considers dapper a teammate#then it doesn't matter what label it gets -qpp or genuine besties or romantic or another option i cant think of- i think that not#acknowledging that sincerity is the only way he could bear letting them into his heart#i don't know forever as well to give a thoughtful analysis but i think that giving him something low pressure that isn't a Romance might be#good for him too if only for the fact that his Romances have all failed p badly. better to just be silly about it yknow just joke around a#lil if it doesn't mean anything then it wont hurt#<- basic angst trope im not sure fits him but be rest assured i am Looking at him. studying that beast.#qsmp#4halo#qsmp shipping
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mcybree · 5 months
Random limlife Scott rant, GO!
I got this ask and decided that I’d give it my best shot but got so mad on my skim through some of the moments I remembered that I gave up.
#Okay im half joking#I got angry enough for me to decide that writing a post without careful consideration would probably lead to an inaccurate little ramble#I need to like. actually sit down and watch limlife and do a full overall analysis#because the context for how scott acts each season is so important. a skim just wont do#The reason I dont have notes on him to share with the class already is because when it was coming out I was pretending that—#Scott grew as a person after 3l and I wanted to believe that so badly I started making stuff up about memory erasure and limlife being—#dubiously real so that I could look the other way when scott started being weird about jimmy again#I was like yeah they barely remember it thats why scotts being uncomfortably weird about jimmy this season#not because scott doesnt think about jimmy like a person and just wants to hear him say words that make him feel better about his—#rough relationship history#not because the idea of jimmy gaining independence from him makes him feel insecure or anything#sighs. sorry im just saying things. again its been a while since ive watched it so I need to actually. Yknow. Watch it before making posts#Its just crazy how he treats it like proving a point more than actually caring#“I mightve given you the 30 minutes last week if youd said love you” he wouldnt have. he was already leaving when he said it#he’s literally just trying to get him to feel bad about not saying it#pretty sure he kills jimmy in the same episode he lets jimmy kill him. Like. He doesnt really care like that#He just likes to pretend that he does. He is going through the motions of caring#Its like he needs to believe jimmy still needs him. in like a possessive way. Its really weird man#I will say though since I see this a lot: I dont think him singling out tango in the 30 seconds scene was intentional#because if im being honest. I dont think he sees the ranchers as anything serious#He assumes tango was just putting up with jimmy bc he had to. He doesnt think tango actually cares about jimmy#in his mind no one actually cares about jimmy. because if scott struggled to care about jimmy and Scott is known for being an amazing ally#that must mean everyone else struggles to care about jimmy. If that makes sense#rant over I think. tldr limlife scott analysis postponed until I get my life together enough to be able to sit down and watch forthree hour#bree barks so fucking loud#asks
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mishkakagehishka · 10 months
I had a thought
What if Mika's plans for after graduation are to leave Valkyrie to develop his own art without relying on Shu
sweatdrops. ough. i've a feeling it's probably in some way gonna make shu feel like he's being abandoned because idk if i were to write some conflict that involves shu's grandfather dying. might as well make him feel like when it rains it pours, right? i think it'd be interesting, although we have to keep in mind that shu wants mika to be more independent.... though of course grief can cause regression very easily.
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ranvwoop · 1 month
i need to expel the silly guys in my brain . but i forgot how to draw and writing is hard... much to think about
#vwoop.noises#I am thinking about cool war again. there is no tangible reason for this#Tge only rita summers stan in the whole world.. I think somethint could be done interesting abt her#I'm not sure whether shes bad bc of misogyny or bc none of the side characters were good#I hesitate to be mean bc Just a guy wrote that. Got no compensation for this. Etc etc. It's like conceptually advanced fanfic is my way of -#understanding this space#This being said.#It is very edgy for the sake of kt#And I want to play with your stock characters#Anyways Rita. Why is a child hanging out with the magic terrorists#They give off college dropout vibes but i think shes a little younger than like normal Knew them in highschool vibe. Hmm. Maybe#But regardless. She has to do highschooler chores . She has homework..#its just silly to me. Esp. bc shes just a goth little teenager#I think she's edgy on her own. Not even because the whole thing is edgy. She doesn't get toned down in my mind she believes she's#playing + winning 4D chess#In my beautiful mind palace she wasb rlly good friends w/ jessie b4 Average Tragic Backstory and is kind of like. sus abt the whole thing#very Yesterday was a terrible tragedy. You have classes today#As well as like. She's a bit younger and can cope a bit worse with everything. I think. As is her right as a goth teenager#she's just like. Angry.#Which is yknow. Why magic terrorism#but also w/ like jessie a) Her sibling is coping worse* and then b) Nobody says anything ever so as to not upset joey#*I have rewritten this whole thing in my mind Heart . He mitosis'd and then unmitosis'd as timeline course corrections and this is#quite difficult on a person.#but in the downtime.. shes just a bit silly....#magic terrorists and their princess of darkness (Also a magic terrorist)#I've also decided shes close w og just because I say so . They look similar and people r like Oh how sweet You are looking after yr little#sister. And she wants to do murder.#they both have dark hair; she dyes hers to look gother. and similar faces I Guess < The faceblinder but I'll decide when I draw them
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yknow what i think heatwave should be the next prime he could do it.
i mean that whole time traveler episode w jules verne was already basically hyping him the hell up so like we know for sure he's like crazy famous and super duper important. in rba literally the first episode wedge goes like "are you kidding? he's basically a prime!" or something (i don't rly remember don't quote me). he's already op (quadruple changer anyone) so that helps. also let's be real he's optimus' favorite and objectively one of (if not the) best leaders out there so. he'd be a solid choice.
he'd do a damn good job too i mean he's already super popular in rba (knows and is friends with tons of the war bots), he's very compassionate (keeping laserbeak and willing to help potential decepticons), he already knows how to manage people/deescalate conflicts/solve problems (team leader of the craziest bitches like ever and then later school teacher to the runner ups), he can handle responsibility and unexpected circumstances on the fly (emergency responder), and like so much more. i mean in general i don't think anyone else could do it better.
plus it helps that the rescue bots are functionally neutrals. like they were sorta involved with the autobots but like barely. they never did anything with or for them, optimus (and later bumblebee) were the only ones they ever really talked to. i mean nobody even knew they still existed bc optimus wanted them to be secret! also what better way to show the war is truly over than by putting a civilian who actually specialized in leadership and nonviolent deescalation in charge? especially if they were thought to be a casualty of the war.
like if the guy in charge of the world was nonviolent, neutral, dead set on treating everyone equally and had experience in managing social and interpersonal relationships i'd feel pretty damn safe. also heatwave literally lived with a different species and forged genuine connection and he and his team are basically part of their family so he definitely will have no problem seeing issues through different perspectives (the body swap episode alone can prove that).
idk i AM biased bc i love him but he really would be a good choice and i think it would make sense continuity/in universe-wise.
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So it looks like that job might have fell through and I’m lowkey kind of devastated if that’s the case
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firstfandomfangirl · 1 year
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cherrysnax · 1 year
I once heard that dreaming about someone constantly means that they’re thinking about you. Maybe these people miss you too?
kneejerk reaction is that I hope they’re not thinking of me tbh
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#is that the truth? I’m not too sure. I just think it’s be easier to be okay with the concept of everyone forgetting me forever than to sit#with the mortifying possibility of being known and remembered#I don’t remember my hs self fondly so I don’t see why anyone else would yknow#I was already kinda convinced everybody hated me before I vanished so I guess. if ppl are thinking about me it’s negative#it’s scarier if it isn’t lmaoo#I don’t know what’s wrong with me#but yeah I don’t think it works like that nonnie or at the very least I hope it doesn’t <3#I think I’m just a weird guy whose brain is trying to hold on to idealized memories of the past because he’s afraid of growing up#n wishes they had the insight they do now back then. if I had known I was a nb lesbian dealing w massive comp het#if I had known abt the bpd I could’ve realized that I split on ppl and myself#i was so excited to have friends and be cared about man#I hate that little guy I was but I don’t blame them for being stupid and not understanding shit. I wish I could slap my younger self on the#back of the head and be like “’be normal dumbass ur friends like you’’#I uhh often focus on hurting myself more than not hurting the people around me and it was rlly bad back then#asks#nonnie#this is all to say that I think that the constant feeling of instability and academic stress is causing me to subconsciously wish for the#the days I perceive as being easier. it’s a mishmash of real events and things that possibly could’ve been if I was normal#I believe I want a feeling of control or something? idk. idk that contradicts everything#dreams are just dreams. I’m probably just regretting how much of senior year I lost and that’s it
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ff2-soda-pop · 2 years
i feel like the stuff with lloyd and garmadon is really complicated and i looked in the tags for a couple minutes and i keep seeing people being like. making it like one extreme end of a situation or the other and tbh i dont like or get it-
#like. idk how to make this make sense but like... i feel like given how the show has gone there isnt a way to make this either 'garmadon is#terrible and stuff' or 'lloyd is terrible and stuff'?? like theres just so much to like everything that happens#and i keep seeing people trying to go Entirely one way or the other and i just dont think it works well here??#like garmadon fucked up with being not there a lot in lloyds life and then. whatever the fuck s8-10 was. but at the same time theres stuff#like the snake (forgot the name) venom and harumi bringing back Just the evil parts to take into account for too? which like it doesnt make#it less Bad but also i think when we have stuff like how he was in s3-4 and like how much he was trying to keep lloyd out of harms way in#like s1-2 i cant agree with the idea that hes like Entirely bad or a terrible parent?? like theres a lot going on here#and then with lloyd hes like. a traumatized kid with abandonment issues. i dont blame him At All for how he reacted in crystalized and#stuff. like again traumatized kid with abandonment issues and also tbh it really feels in this show like every damn time he starts to work#through an issue or something bad that happened the show throws a New thing at him or just brings up the Old stuff again so hes like#constantly never getting a break. and so OF COURSE he reacts negatively to garmadon showing up when last several interactions were well....#yknow. s8-10. and then plus theres stuff like 'his dad literally died and then got revived and that whole situation was upsetting in#general for lloyd' (which like. it was like 2ish seasons between 5&8 im not sure if he even would've fully dealt with what happened in#that time frame? could be wrong but still) and just tldr hes not react well to this#(also i have a lot of thoughts on lloyd i could go on about him forever)#but also like i dont think he like.... doesnt care about garmadon?? like i dont think he like Hates Him or anything?? like he clearly doesn#feel as positively as he did Before but like i dont think he Hates him?? if any of that made sense#and then theres shit like the green ninja prophecy and the way its like destiny itself wants lloyd and his family members to just#Fucking Suffer all the time and just- idk i just think its really complicated and trying to simplify it down to like. 'garmadon is terrible#or 'lloyd hates him' or 'garmadon didnt do anything wrong here' or 'lloyd is being too mean' just. doesnt work well here??#though also i do like to think that after the show they're able to work on things and maybe be on good terms again?? idk the show ended on#a positive note and i just want them to be okay again - im very invested in these two if you cant tell - and i just feel like theres#potential for that there yknow?? but like it'd take work and i cant say that there isnt Issues Going On that HAVE to be worked through#because there ARE#.....ok i went on much longer of a tag rant than i expected i need to shut up now#ninjago spoilers
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gudakko · 1 year
wait right i did have another dream
#why do i suddenly remember them only after a few hours#anyway this was from the afternoon nap not the new years sleep that was the bird girl#but yeah i went to my old highschool and usually thats never a good sign in a dream cause that usually means its going to be one of those#stress dreams where im stuck in school for no reason cause i didnt REALLY graduate and have to do it all over#but this time it was different like there was still that lingering feeling at first but then i was just like no im just here to#pick up my diploma im not doing the usual bs#and also it was VASTLY different now like the whole first floor was just a huge starbucks? it had like 5 or 6 counters each with employees#and staff but it was also mainly empty there were only like may 1 or two other people#and i immediately started speaking in english cause yknow and they just assumed i was foreign so they just started speaking to me in the#usual broken italian english and also the way the stuff you could order was displayed SUCKED like you just had a few items listed here and#there and every counter had different listings so you had to walk all over the place to get a good idea but eventually i just asked them#what frappuccinos they had and this guy told me like the 4 different flavors they had but they were all gibberish? like they were just#made up words lmao. so i just picked a random one and he gave me a weird look like are you SURE you want that one? and i was like uh fuck#maybe that other then?? and he approved of the other one so i was like yeah sure and still no idea what flavors they were#eventually i got my order and they didnt even do the name thingy? but i did read something on the cup#cant remember the name but they wrote something interesting i was like huh ok#anyway it fucking sucked it was just. barely a milkshake? no distinguishable taste even if it looked like chocolate and NO whipped cream#like tf. plus it had those boba balls but not the good ones that pop the bad ones i dont like that are sticky#it was a very miserable drink but i didnt wanna complain so i just drank like half of it before leaving lmao
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monsterbisexual · 2 years
maybe if a tomgirl (gender neutral ofc as always) could tomsplain tom to me id Understand (aka hes like the least interesting succession character to me out of literally any of them n i dont get the hype)
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