#so I'll def slap that together once I have the time
inkblackorchid · 8 months
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I think it says a lot about Crow that his deepest desire isn't actually to experience what life would have been like with his own parents, but that the orphans he used to look after had had the luxury of being with theirs.
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kiiiiiim · 2 years
Trying to get my boss to realize that no, I don't need her to hire more people withno experience for me to train, I need. My boss. To be at work.
#ok. i understand that my job is not something people can just jump into and know everything there is to know within a few months#but my 2 coworkers have been here a little over a year and are both part time so they dont get to learn as quickly#and ive been here 9 years this month so like. obviously i know more.#but when all this shit comes in at once and i have to take all the phone calls and take in all the complicated jobs#and i have to run from my customer to my coworkers because she needs me to check her quote#or just take over her customer altogether because the job is more complicated than slapping a frame on a photo and going#or my other coworker who can't read a ruler because of his dyslexia and like i GET it but this whole job is based on using a ruler#so i'm spending all day making sure jobs get quoted right & written up right & cut right & put together right and they're not even my jobs#but they Are all my jobs in the end and i just. i can't be responsible for everything that happens in here.#i'm not mentally equipped for that stress 24/7 and i swear to god if my boss says When The Business is Yours One Day one more time 🙂🙂🙂#so no. i don't need another new hire to babysit.#i need her to be here to help me before the spark gets lit and i'm the one dealing with the fire#and i def don't need her to remind me that i'm the highest paid person on payroll like that's supposed to keep me from going crazy#like she's not a bad boss she's very good to me but contrary to popular belief i cannot nor do i want to be Boss Owner Ma'am#and i really don't like to think about how every year she gets closer to wanting to retire#and i'll have to choose between this and finding another job#happy monday i need a drink#text post
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hydrangeyes · 7 months
Tobirama x Seme Male reader
So if you don't know, Yes this already existed, my old account was deleted (accident but I can tell I won't be getting it back), and am reposting my old x male reader works!
I don't know if I saved all of them but here is one that was saved to my AO3 account.
Edit: So shuffling through my docs It's been brought to my attention that wattpad (who I use as backup) Cut a lot of my fics in half??? anyway I'll be trying to fix that also
Requested by bunglol
This is def Au piece where those who were revived, stayed. Idk that whole story arc just flew passed me lmao. This ended up longer than expected lol, uhhh oops?
Edited: *kicks door open* SUP I HAVE NO EXCUSE ONCE AGAIN I BECAME ADDICTED TO NU:CARNIVAL (like h scenes aside I really do like the combat aspect and am curious on where the story is going)
If I remember right there is fingering and probably eating him out
As to be expected his mission went well. A few hiccups with a couple of rogues but nothing he couldn't handle. Tobirama jumps rooftop to rooftop away from the hokage's tower, now free to go home after submitting his report.
The only thing nagging him was the fact he hadn't received a welcome back tackle from his....his... If anyone were to see him they'd see a soft blush on his cheek. Thoughts of his loud and energetic pup eased the lasting tension in his muscles and warmed up.
N/N inuzuka, A roguishly handsome man who front he moment they meet, made it a habit to take his entire attention. Knowingly or not. At first it was annoying how the cheery male would constantly try to drag him into mundane conversations and bring him furs from animals he hunted.
Embarrassing really, as Tobirama caught on quickly to what he was doing. And felt he was far too old to be courted by someone so young. N/n being in his early 30's but still, Tobirama felt dying and now back again was enough to give him the years of two old (So what if he was forever 34).
Anyway- N/n started this whole thing when he was just 24! Tobirama let out a bemused sigh as he slowed getting to his secluded home.
And yet, N/n got what he wanted. Tobirama fully and happily wrapped around his fingers. And given that outside of solo missions they weren't together , It felt weird to not have N/n bombard his space now that he was back.
Landing on the porch, Tobirama listened as he unlocked the front door (My how the future has advanced was a thought that kept passing his mind).
'He must have taken up a mission while I was out. Odd how he hasn't mentioned that in his last letter.' Stepping in and closing the door behind him Tobirama slips out his sandals just in time to be suddenly yanked further in.
N/n lets out a gruff whine pulling Tobirama close to sniff and run his hands over his form. Looking for any injuries or aches, ignoring Tobirama's sputtering and seeing there was no harm, he lifts the man up. Effortlessly placing him over his shoulders to carry, running a hand up and down the back of his thigh.
"I know I have been gone for some days, but really n/n! Put me down, what is going on with you!" The silver-haired man yelps lightly smacking n/n's back.
"Ahh! Ngh n-n/n?~" Tobirama moans out in wonder, a N/n gives him a firm slap on his ass, gripping and massaging the cheek afterward. The wolf huffs and tosses him onto the bed, tobirama blinks as he's being tossed onto the bed.
He watches as N/n eyes him from above, face flushed and fangs bared. N/n's eyes were hooded and dark with hunger, loose pants tented enough that there was no point hiding it.
"You were gone for too long tobi~" N/n purrs out finally, his voice was raspy and a growl trailed just after the words, sending shivers down tobirama's spine.
Oh. He could already imagine he will be out of commission for the rest of the week. His legs already trembling and spreading to allow N/n in.
N/n hums softly pressing tobirama down onto his back. "Of course, if you're sore or tired from your mission-"
"Fuck me."
And with that, the last of N/n's restraint snapped. Claws greedily tore and tossed off the clothes on tobirama, leaning down to eagerly lock and bite at the man's neck and chest.
"N/n! Ah- mm those were-" Rama (fuck it typing this instead of his full name) starts dispite his hands running through N/ns' hair to tug him closer.
"I don't care. We'll buy new ones." N/n growls tilting his head to get a look at the marks he left on the pale neck, before continuing on down.
Semi distracted with trying to mark every spot his mouth could reach, N/n uses his left hand to nudge rama's left leg up and over his shoulder; his right spreading the other.
Rama, having been biting his lips to cover up and muffle his raspy moans, hisses in embarrassment at being so thoroughly exposed. His own hands trying to come down to cover his twitching and flush cock. One glare from N/n stopped him in his tracks.
"N-N/n, please." He keens impatient and is already on edge. And well, seeing his bites litter his mates' chest and stomach, N/n decides to move on (he'll come back to the marking during the second round anyway).
Chuckling N/n gives his mate what he wants being a bit sadistic in taking his time in grabbing lube. Slicking up his fingers and Rama's greedy hole, he wastes no time in pressing and then thrusting two fingers into it.
Focusing on Rama's whimpers and desperate moans, N/n curled his fingers to brush and hit Rama's prostate. Cock twitching in his pants feeling the greedy hole tighten and suck his fingers in. Not able to help himself, N/n scouts up to flick his tongue against the rim, pumping his fingers faster and deeper.
"N-N/N!!!" Rama shouts arching his back and throwing his left leg over n/n's shoulder to try and press him closer. N/n's fingers and tongue overwhelmed him to the point of trembling and rolling his eyes to the back of his head.
Rama's shudders as he feels the large amount of precum he was leaking join the mess N/n was making of his hole. "P-please~" Rama sobs out, reaching to tug his hair for his attention. With a groan, N/n pulls out and back licking his lips eyes hooded.
"Sorry~ You're hole is just so cute and tasty-" cutting him off Rama yanked him up into a messy deep kiss, a trembling hand sliding down to grasp and pump N/n's thick cock.
Pulling back a little Rama stares darkly into N/n's eyes, he pants out. "If you don't fuck me right now pup I will through you down and fuck myself on your knot myself."
Edit Nov.8.2023: Writing smut is so funny to me tbh
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if-confessions · 1 year
I feel down about lack of artistic skill. So many IF authors are knocking it out of the park with their UI designs and promo images, and I'm here getting stressed out on canva struggling to even make a nice looking simple "game updated" banner with text on a background. are there guides anywhere on how to make these banners? are they really needed to get people's attention? (they feel like they are... the most popular blogs seem to have loads of shiny visuals that are really pretty but I just don't have the skills right now...)
Hey Anon!
Don't feel down...
This is really not something that happens overnight. Sure, some artistic talent will help start you off, but it is still a skill. One you can learn. But like all skills, it takes time to nourish and make it flourish. (and that amount of time needed will depend on the person.)
Also, Graphic Design is a very broad field. In the IF community, it will often embrace two different things: the UI, which requires learning a programming language (CSS) and the assets (including promo images), which requires learning about aesthetics, a graphic program, etc... These are very different skills to learn.
So you will make mistakes along the way, everyone does. It takes quite a lot of trial and error (with a lot of error) to get it right, then to get it right and quick. That's part of the learning process.
And, I can't lie and pretend innate artistic talent won't take a big part of making this process easier. Knowing how things should look, nicely or easy on the eye, is very helpful to make the whole process faster. As well as having studied those skills before starting making IF content (like in school/uni, or having learned by spending decades in a fandom making those weird little edits and banners for your forum signature that you spent hours making sparkle....). Or, in some cases, the author was able to get assets directly from someone with those skills (as paid content).
I don't know where you are on your IF journey, but don't despair. I know it's hard not to compare yourself to other authors and their skills (I know I do that, and have to remind myself not to do it), but you don't know how far they are on their graphic design journey. Maybe they struggled like you, once.
I know I did...
... and I still do!
This post is getting quite long, so I'll share my lil bit of experience below.
I've been on the internet for a while (when Forums were the thing), and learned a lot of those graphic stuff through graphic design-help forums (some where full on forums, others were just sub-channels, but you got to learn from someone with knowledge, that was cool). Also didn't realise then the use of images. I def used copyrighted images when I shouldn't have... the early naughties were a different times (and so was I, being 12 and all...)
But, before starting IF, I hadn't touched Photoshop or other Graphic Design program for about... 15 years? I had lost a lot of skills in that time. I had to relearn a lot of things (as well as learn some new ones, CSS had never been in my wheelhouse).
It used to take me hours to make banners and the such. I fawned over other creators' ability to make gif (which is doable on Canva), or have the perfect aesthetics to match their project (and their drawing skills...). For CRWL, I spent days on Canvas editing the main banner, because it didn't look right enough. I've re-done that one a couple of times, and I am still not happy with it.
Even after almost two years of doing this regularly, I still struggle. I can spend days/weeks on a UI to make it look nice and have the right palette, only to realise when it's published that the sizing messes up for some people. And I still spend hours on those Coming Soon posters (and then forget I have night light on my devices, so it messes with the colours). And have we talked about the time spent trying to find the perfect picture to use (on copyright free websites)? Though for smaller projects, I might slap two things together and call it a day. You can't go wrong with a simple colour background and a special font.
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realpapaemeritusiv · 1 year
🔫 Tell everyone about gianni rn or I’ll shoot (it’s full of water) (just regular water but it’s like just slightly cold)
damn guess i gotta tell the world about my main boy gianni. it'll be under a cut bc its long as shit
okay so this right here
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is gianni (technically gianni copia emeritus if we're going by full legal names here). we've made our own lore and i hope eventually you'll make a masterpost of it so if i write stuff later on i can include the link as a reference for anyone that might choose to read it bc honestly i think the lore that we've altered and made up is really interesting and i think people might enjoy reading it one day. anyway, onto the meat and potatoes of this.
so, with the lore that we've created, gianni is the twin brother of copia (named giorgio/gio in our lore bc honestly he needed a name and that name slaps) born to nihil and lucifer (i am 100% down to answer more questions on this bc this slaps also ik owen will def be down to answer questions about that little tidbit or it might be in the headcanon tag on their blog).
there's a bit of a branching path with him because i go back and forth between having them be raised together until they're both 10 or until they're both 5, but the constant is nihil having to send away one son to keep them safe from imperator (named cirice in our lore and will be called that for the duration of this post just to keep things streamlined). from 5/10 until his mid to late 30s, gianni worked his way up in the ranks of an abbey in italy that i think i made up. honestly, he was completely taken advantage of in that abbey, being worked to near death by the cardinals and siblings of sin (fun fact this man is a people pleaser to the max and also physically cannot take a single day off and has actually almost died from it). while literally being overworked by pure luck he managed to meet a special someone (you'll shit when you find out who it is) and starts a little sneaky relationship with them.
the person? temptesa, aka our own rain ghoul. (i'm sure owen's posted lore about it so go check it for more deets). they probably get a good year or two together and exchange rings before his beloved is sent away without his knowledge (to Linköping by pure luck where they're later reunited and i'll def expand on that if anyone wants to know more)
so he's eventually asked to return to the abbey as a cardinal (that we placed in Linköping just for simplicities sake and to have one cohesive area anytime the abbey's mentioned) and arrives back home after 25-30 years to one of 2 things
the previous papas already having been executed by cirice and prepared for the veneration of relics and everyone in the abbey absolutely depressed
during anti christmas :)
i haven't really taken the time to build the lore on everything that happens immediately after he's returned home, but he does continue his work as a cardinal and watching as his twin becomes papa and tours the world spreading the word of the church
he gets to play papa one time because his brother's way too sick to perform the ritual/show and he's the only one available who can fill the role. he literally crams learning all the songs in like 11 hours and is such a nervous wreck before that first show and he def barfs at least once before he goes on stage for the first time.
this man is a whole ass natural at being on that stage. talks to the crowd, puts his whole self into every song, and literally stays a few hours after that first show just to talk to anyone who stays after bc this man loves the fans, adores them tbh.
he finally gets his chance to be papa when gio wants to step down and focus on starting a family with his wife (who i am also 100% down to talk about later, not rn tho this is gianni time) and this man puts his entire being into being a good papa. he doesn't take a salary, pushes for the ghouls to be equal to him, defends the ghouls (and there's a ton of stuff i could talk about when it comes to him with the ghouls bc this man is lowkey a whore), and just pretty much revamps the church from the ground up and has the ghouls finally be equals to everyone else.
that's just a lil taste of gianni tbh bc there's so much more i could talk about but i gotta workshop some of it still
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jungw8ns · 3 years
PAIRING: boyfriend!enha x gn!reader. GENRE: established relationship, fluff, crack. WARNINGS: profanity (not that much tho), mentions of death (?). WORD COUNT: 100 - 200 each member.
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the two of you were so pumped playing an escape room together for the first time that the other people in line had to calm you guys down (which was trully embarrassing to say the least 🤐🤐)
he was looking at the ranking board filled with pictures of players that had succeeded in the shortest amount of time and he just wanted nothing more than to see both your faces on there
but anyways, we all know how competitive heeseung gets 🕴️
oh boy let me tell you, this guy WAS SPEEDRUNNING IT but not the kind you were thinking
the second the timer had started he was literally SPRINTING AROUND THE ROOM LOOKING FOR CLUES YET COMPLETELY MISSING THEM 🏃‍♂️💨💨💨
while he was busy running around, you were picking up the little details in the room and in no time managed to open a few locks
"y/n look i found– oh 😐😑😐"
when you noticed him standing from afar staring at you with his arms crossed, you called him to solve this one puzzle you already did
*gasps* "oh no! babe i don't understand how to do this, please help me 😔😔🤥🙏🙏"
he had to bite his lower lip to stop himself from letting out that cocky grin but it got out eventually
"oh it's so easy sweetheart, just put this here and then voila! 😉"
when the two of you escaped you suprisingly got to take a polaroid with him home after ranking 2nd in the records
heeseung was the one who held onto it tho, placing it underneath his clear phonecase for safekeeping <3
"y/n stay behind me >:(("
"um, babe, you do realize that's just a door right?"
you knew you shouldn't have played horror games with him a few nights ago cause he looked like he was about to lose his mind 😔
you had to shove his ass aside and move on to the next mission cause the both of you knew that he was stalling 🏌️‍♀️
jay was being extra clingy the whole time you were playing, he'd either link arms with you or hold hands (he's literally so adorable) 💞💞
while you were roaming around the room trying to solve a puzzle, you saw this horse mask on a nearby table
and so you made sure jay was distracted and put on the mask
you could've NOT worn the dusty old thing but where was the fun in that?
"jay can you come here for a sec?"
you hid behind the wall beside the door frame waiting for him to come into your sight and attacked him
now, how about we guess what happens next?
a. he faints
b. he runs away
or c. he slaps you in the face and forces you to buy him food for the rest of the night
if you guessed c then YAY! YOU'RE CORRECT 🥳🎉🎉🎊
when he finally takes off the mask like those scenes in scooby doo he's never felt so betrayed in his life
he wouldn't stop side eyeing you until you guys finally pulled up on the mcdonalds drive thru
"hi, can i get two um– bts meals please? 😒😒 and two oreo mc flurries 🙄🙄 and also large fries 😐😐"
sane (1/3)
would be trailing behind you like a little puppy (i love him so much 😭😭😭)
he either has his arm linked with yours or held hands every five minutes
really focused on the puzzles he's doing but the second he hears you call out his name for help he's there beside you with the sweetest smile
but anyways, mans was POPPING OFF the entire time you were playing
he was solving problem after problem in no time (he wanted to impress you is why he activated his inner flash ⚡⚡) but he did let you play tho, the last thing he wanted to do was make you pissed at him for hogging all the games
def buried jake with compliments and forehead kisses right after ❤️__❤️
and so the two of you got out in like an hour and a few which you were very proud of
"you were so cool today babe, good job !!"
"aww thank you angel 😊😊"
sane (2/3)
would be linking pinkies with you the whole time, only letting go whenever the both of you had to solve something that needed two or more people
there was this one game tho where he had to arm wrestle this literal hand lever to open the door to the last room (yea...don’t ask why, the staffs were pretty weird 😬😬) 
it made him enjoy the experience a bit more as it was only the two of you playing instead of getting accompanied by strangers
“oh this’ll be easy, y/n step aside, i’ll handle this 😏😏😏”
idk if you were supposed to think about how handsome he looked with his serious expression on and his veiny hands coming into frame or be worried for him because the lever was REAL HARD to pull that his veins looked like they were going to pop any second soon, you stepped in and helped him tho cause you were a good s/o <3
from a spectators point of view, the two of you looked like y’all were about shit your pants but the two of you eventually succeeded on beating it, immediately dragging him to the next room which had a sofa in it, laying down to catch your breaths
cliché moment ahead ⚠️⚠️
the two of you shared a few laughs before standing up on the empty space, held hands and started to jump in circles to celebrate your success 💃💃
yupp, y’all were never going back to that hellhole again
very stubborn at first, he wanted nothing to do with the game but then you held him at gunpoint by saying:
"please just this once or else i'll revoke your mint choco ice cream rights 🔫🔫🔫"
"it won't be that scary sunshine, besides, i'll be ready to 🤜💥 yk?? trust me babe i would never let anyone hurt you <33"
kinda pissed since you blackmailed him into the place and also bc he wanted to play bumper cars and dance mania but he yea he caved in pretty quick 😋😋
(y/n let him play his games in peace tf >:(((( )
once you guys got in tho he realized how normal it was and that it was not terrifying at all
he wouldn't stop back hugging you and you couldn't bring yourself to push him away to play the games so you just let him walk behind you with his arms on your shoulders 😩😩
(y'all were walking kinda funny but don't tell sunoo that 🤫🤫🤫)
yea the two of you ended up escaping with a whopping 2 hours and a few minutes
but it was the effort that counts so A+++++ for the both if you 😜👍👍👍
sane (3/3)
was the one who suggested going, he even searched on naver about really good escape room places to visit and was overall really looking forward it
he liked going to places and having fun with you so it wasn't a shock how his eyes were literally crescents and his dimples were so evident
yea he literally rushed the both of you to the place that you were the first in line 😵
while waiting for the staff to finish setting up he was playing with your connected hands like 🖐️✊🖐️✊ (so precious 💞💞)
"y/n why are you taking so long 😭😭 what if they close and we end up not solving a single lock, hurry up por favorrr 😩🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏"
when they finally lead you to the room he was kind of surprised that they had separated the two of you into different spaces (like the one with txt where they had the answers to the other member's puzzles yk???)
he was locked inside a telephone stand while you were handcuffed in the main room
dw the two of you reunited after a few minutes cause jungwon was rushing his lock to get to you 🤭
you both were progressing at an average pace and it made you guys a lot more closer (not that you guys weren't before but you get what i mean)
after you guys escaped the two of you went to eat curry and talked about the whole experience 😋✌️✌️✌️
this boy literally dragged you in the escape room with him
"ok masterchefs, in order to test your abilities we must go through series of puzzles and make it out alive, understood?"
he tried ignoring how confused you were and went on to try and get you guys to escape
HE'S LAUGHING AT YOU FOR WHATEVER REASON AND OBV YOU LAUGH ASWELL CAUSE WHO WOULDN'T??? his laugh is so contagious pls 🤖🤖 he was so close to d wording cause he couldn't breathe from laughing too much
yea.. you guys spent so much time laughing at each other for being so dumb at this that you ended up playing 'till closing time
spoiler alert: he fails on doing anything cause the second you made eye contact with him this child collapses 😍🤩
"haunted house next weekend???"
NOTE – god they were WAY funnier in my head but yeah.... i love them so much AND OMFG HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN HEESEUNG’S SELCAS LAST NIGHT???!?@??#?@?!?@ HE’S NOT REAL WTF ⁉️❓❓⁉️
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also, idk why BUT EVERY TIME I SAVE A DRAFT the paragraphs get scrambled?? £!?) 6=6) 🤣😂💔💔🤣🤣😂💔 it's so annoying but anyways, ilysm pls stay safe and have a great day <33
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wwwcapricorncom · 3 years
hii could i request something? i don't mind whether it's a headcannon with some drabble or a longer scenario, do whatever you have time for. make sure you're taking care of yourself 🥰
oki so nsfw haikyuu, im very indecisive so I'll give you a list of some characters - feel free to include multiple alsjdggwgw.
tsukishima, kageyama, miya twins, kuroo, bokuto, yknow throw in hinata for some spice. basically anyone that would rUiN me 😗✌️
okay so for the scenario literally go wild with it, I'd love to have a few kinks involved like dumbification, verbal degrading, use of "puppy", breeding, denial, overstimulation and masochism (or sadism if you look at it from the characters side).
feel free to improv if there's anything specific you've been wanting to write lmao I'm happy with anything.
have fun hehe
Eep! You’re so sweet I could cry T^T. You’re my first ask btw so Thank you thank you! Anyone who enjoys this post, please thank anon! This will also be my first work for haikyuu so I hope it will be good! In addition, i'll write the reader as Fem for now bc it wasn’t specified, so I hope that’s okay<3. I was gonna include all characters, but I felt I kept you waiting long enough.
Okay so im thinking…. How they act when domming WITH BOKUTO, ATSUMU, OSAMU, TSUKI, AND HINATA.
Genre: SMUT/MINORS DNI/ 18+/ Characters aged up
Warnings: dumbification, verbal degrading, use of "puppy", breeding, denial, overstimulation, masochism & sadism, a wee bit of impact play in Osamu’s... it just happened, gagging, nose pinching, praising, oral (fem and male receiving), dom dynamics, use of the word “daddy.
Bo is a wild card, so anything can activate his dom moods and they can vary from service to hard domming.
You have to watch out for those days when you do something that he finds so cute because that’s when he wants to be a service dom.
And that means fucking you completly dumb.
“C’mere puppy”, just wants to show you how much he appreciates and adores you, so he has to make you feel so good that you turn into mush.
Always fucks you in a position that relies solely on you having to rely on him because it’s such a power trip for him.
Will have you picked up and getting fucked against the wall of your room as he tells you how cute you are.
Seeing you like this triggers something so animalistic in him, he is suddenly so hyper focused as he fucks you like an animal.
Just wants to see how wrecked you’ll get for him, but wrecks himself too.
“C’mere puppy, gonna pick you up.” You're a mess already, having been getting fucked into on your back by your boyfriend. Still, you put your hands out so he can pull you into his broad chest and up you two go. He smiles at your compliance and goes in to kiss your cute lips, albeit deeply as he sucks on your tongue and bottom lip which makes saliva string you two together when pulling away.
By the time he is done kissing you, he has your bare back pressed against the cool surface of your room walls and is nudging the head of his big, fat cock back into your needy hole. “Ah! Bo, fuck! like this?”
You can’t help but ask while clinging to him for dear life as he bottoms out in you. All he can do is nod, one hand strongly wrapped around your lower back, close to your ass, and the other flat against the wall above your head. He loves the way you cling to him, much like how your soft walls do at the slightest dragging of his cock. In and out. He begins to buck his hips up into you and you bounce at the sheer force of each of his thrusts, breast bouncing gloriously in front of him too as he eyes them.
You’re open mouthed panting in no time in rhythm with his thrusts as your eyes gloss over while looking into his golden ones. He searches your face before using force from his legs to start ramming into your spongy spot and you gasp, “fuck daddy wait!”
“Just wanna make you feel good pup, just let me…” He groans as he continues to fuck into your gspot, making you clench around him sporadically as you begin to moan, “i-if you keep thrusting there-
“You’ll cum? Good, cum for me and i'm not gonna stop either.” He states seriously as he picks up his pace, moving the hand he had around you to your hip and gripping it tightly as he enclosed you against the wall more. You had no choice but to take the harsh thrusts that he was giving you, each retraction taking the air from your lungs before the thrust to your spot delivered intoxicating pleasure.
Your fucking head was getting cloudy as you succumbed to the pleasure, sweat trickling down the valley of your breasts at the body heat you two were producing, the mere sight of you sruggling to determine what you should do makes him go feral. Gripping both of your hips, with a bruising glasp, he makes sure the top half of your back is still resting on the wall as he begins to bring you down on his dick while thrusting up.
“You look so fucking sexy like this! Shit, I love having you on my cock!” He is growling now as you moan incoherent sentences, clinging to him closely you decided on just nodding your head. Too fucked out for anything else as he dominated your throbbing core.
He moans loudly at this as he balls slap aggressively against your ass, “already fucked dumb, pup? Fuckkkkk just how I wanted you.” He says as you start to go weak from the pleasure of your orgasm staring to consume you, moving to place your head in between the crook of his neck. He doesn’t let you though, grabs you by the chin and forces your unfocused eyes to stay on him as drool trickles down your skin from your lolled out tongue.
How could he not watch you go dumb on his cock as he fucks your through your orgasm and into his. You two are going to be so sloppy when he’s done.
This fucking Psychopath mean and hard dom.
The most verbal degrader, but also lovesss to humiliate you too.
Just looks at you condescendingly, but is trying to hide his amusement.
“You look so pathetic right now, sweetheart.” is pushing his glasses up with one hand.
Has the other hand buried two fingers deep in your needy cunt.
All you can do is whine because for fucks sake he won’t give you anything, but shallow thrusts. All because
“If you want more then fucking work for it!”
Has you fucking yourself on his fingers in an instant while he snickers and smirks  (still being mean) as if his hard on isn’t threatening to fucking cream his pants.
“TSUKIII!” You whine as you grip his wrist that is connected to the fingers inside your dripping cunt.
“You look so pathetic right now, sweetheart” He states with a smirk as he gives you two sharp aimless thrusts into your cunt, making you whine louder.
“P-please just give me more! Stop being so mean!” You say as you look up at his shirtless frame. You know by the look on his face that he is having fun, that he enjoys seeing you so needy and you hate that you’re feeding into it. But it’s so hard, when he has been fingering you to the edge and stopping every time right before you could even release.
“You want more? Then fucking work for it, whore!” He says almost sadistically and you nod as you lift your hips up to meet his fingers. You begin to thrust up into his two nimble, long fingers as you clench around him. Your walls are thankful for the aggressive friction that you are finally getting after 3 near orgasms.
One particular rough thrust hits your g spot and you moan lewdly, tongue almost hanging completely out as you feel the familiar tingles of a strong orgasm. Just as you go to lift your hips up to ram into his fingers in the exact same way, his other hand is pressing you firmly down onto the mattress, halting your attempts.
You fucking choke on a sob as tears obscure your vision and he snickers, “Aw you’re such a crybaby!”
But seeing your flushed face and rising chest as your lip quivers, does it for him. And he’s a little mad at himself because you won and don’t even know it. I mean now he just has to fuck you- you just look so pretty, begging for him after he’s been so fucking mean to you. Crying. Gosh, it makes his dick twitch as precum trickles down to his balls.
Yep, now he’s gonna fuck that needy cunny and give you all that you wanted and then some.
Much like Tsuki, he is also a mean and hard dom, but actually has the ability to turn into a soft one.  
Loves to degrade too but because he loves feeling superior. 
Will be at his meanest when he just lost a match and Def takes it out on that cunt. 
Right after like right after the game, he has you riding him in the fucking car. 
Is being so mean too, “don’t tell me that’s all ya got, ya little slut?”
“Ride my fucking dick then!”
Once you amp it up though, fuck his tune switches so fast. “God yer so fuckin’ wet, gonna breed ya just right bc ya think ya can fuck me like this and get away with it?”
Like sir you were just… anyways he will hug you into his chest and mark your flesh up. 
Fills you to the brim while praising and then makes you sit with it leaking into your underwear all the way home 
“Come on slut, fully sit on it. I don’t care if it hurts!” Atsumu grumbles as he smacks your ass, making your legs quiver and a few more inches to slip further into your stretching sex.
He’s so big and that asshole barely prepared you before telling you to basically spear yourself on his erect cock. He’s only this mean when he loses and as much as you wish you could say you hate it, you don’t at all.
You love proving him wrong and he always tries to be right, the only difference is he is being meaner right now. That’s why he slams you the rest of the way down on his cock and has your eyes springing open as you arch and shake with a loud cry.
You can’t even express how full you feel or how it feels like he could’ve just broken you, but your pussy can. It’s gushing around him as if you just came, making a mess at his base and his neatly trimmed pubes.
“Don’t ya fuckin’ dare cum yet, don’t tell me that’s all ya got, ya little slut!” He growls taking ahold of your neck with his large hand. You whine at this putting your two smaller hands around his forearm and shaking your head ‘no’, mind getting cloudy.
He sits up a bit, sweaty back unsticking from his leather seats as he gets inches from your face, still clenching your neck, grasping tighter even.
“Then. Ride. My. Fucking dick!” He snaps, eyes dark as he swipes his tongue over his bottom lip. You feel so aroused at this point, grinding your hips into his as your walls scream from the weak prep.
He continues to spew mean shit at you, further stimulating you as you begin to ride him faster. He is slipping soon after, groans tumbling out of his mouth as you bounce on his cock like a rabbit.
Whines sharply when you start to clap your ass down on the dick before hugging you to his sweaty chest. Your hard nipples will drag against his skin as he keeps you embraced, strong arms around your back as he sucks purple marks into your skin. Will begin to fuck up into you as he moans, “ya can’t ride me like that and not expect me t-to fill ya up, pretty!”
Doesn’t care for your response, too lost in his own delirium, as he concentrated on ramming all that fat cock into your hole in attempts to get deeper and deeper. And when he hears you finally cry out about how, “ ‘TSUMU! YOU'RE TOO DEEP!”
He is emptying his balls into you, with an iron grip on your hips to keep you firmly planted on him as he repeats, “gonna fuckin’ bread ya! Bread ya so good… look at that cunt drinking it all up ah!…such a good girl.”
Is the reverse of his brother- Is primarily a soft dom, but knows when to be a hard/ mean one.
Loves caressing you and giving you touches everywhere.
But is really good at commanding, does it calmly with hot lazy eyes. 
“Go a little faster… yea there ya go. Good.” 
“Don’t do that baby, ya wouldn’t want me mad right?”
Sometimes that is what you want thoe and you’re being such a brat that he understands too. 
That’s when he goes Dom, probably having enough of your bullshit.
Like if you’re teasing and disobeying him, per example, when you’re giving him head. 
Without warning will put a firm hand on the back of your head and push you forward roughly. 
Will fuck your face so meanly, scolding you about how, “this is what ya wanted.” 
“Come on, go a little faster baby.” Osamu commands and his matter of fact tone, the one he uses when he wants you to do something without protest, sends tingles to your cunt as you flutter your eyes up at him.
Deciding to obey this time, even though you know you want something a little more tonight, you begin sucking on his tip a little faster. He nods his head slowly, relishing the scene before him as he tilts his head back.
He’s really getting into it, baby loves when you suck him off on your knees. It always feels so good and he finds himself in this exact position. Head thrown back, eyes shut, one hand holding your makeshift ponytail, and the other on your cheek.
You love the look in his eyes, lustful and lazily hanging open as his pupils flicked down occasionally to drink in your movements. You were growing needy though, panties getting soaked as you rub your thighs together, sucking faster. His hums of approval indicated that he enjoyed this action as he wets his lips and rakes his fingers further through your hair.
Deviously you decided to take him in further and graze your teeth along his skin, something he loved but did not take kindly. It always made him feel way too good like he would cum way sooner than he would want to, so it pissed him off every time you did it. And you knew that it had worked now too when he let out a surprised hiss as you continued to lightly graze your teeth on his member. His breath is shaky as he lets go of the ponytail that he had formed to keep your hair out of your face.
“Fuckin’ mistake” he states seriosuly as his strong hand pushes on the back of your head, lunching you forward and making his cock fully slot itself in your throat. It hurt, it burned, and you were soaking yourself because of the pain. You loved when your daddy turned into such a meanie.
“Can never use yer fuckin’ words huh? Had to be a damn brat.” He grumbles as he starts to slam into your mouth, making tears trickle down the corners of your eyes as you try to keep up with the brutal pace.
He is groaning by now, the force of his thrusts making the veins pop from his arms and legs as your thighs get wet with arousal, “ya like it that much, nasty girl, huh!” You try to tell him yes, but a quick slap to your cheek makes you moan like an absolute slut. It was not enough to hurt, just sting and utterly surprise you, but it was more than enough for you, “don’t fuckin talk when I'm blessing ya with a full mouth.”
His tone is still as calm as ever which makes your pussy throb even more as you nod rapidly, desperately, doe eyes looking up at him as he smirks slightly before continuing to stretch your throat with brutal snaps of his hips. When he begins to cum, he makes sure to thrust fully into you, on his tippy toes, as he firmly plants one hand on the back of your head while using the other to pinch your nose closed.
You cum untouched, choking on his seed and gasping for air as tears stream down your face. But all he says is “ya wanted this and ya liked it, my little masochist.” Osamu has no problem being a sadist for you.
Such a precious baby (reminds me of Izuku) loves to eat you out, but because he really wants you to feel immense pleasure.
Is so attentive, sucks on your breasts, licks your inner thighs, places kisses on your ankles and legs before diving in.
Holds your hand while using the other to spread you apart.
“You taste so good baby.”
Is the type to shake his head from side to side while eating that pussy.
Will overstim you on accident at first, but realizes he loves how easy it is to reel orgasms out of you when you’re sensitive.
“Cum again for me please?”
Oral with him almost always leads to over stimming… both ways.
“Another kiss here… and here….here.” Hinata mumbles against your skin as you arch into the touch of his soft, wet lips. He started at your own lips, made his way down to sucking your neck and breasts, paying special care to your nipples. Sucks and nibbles on them for so long that you're wet and the buds are throbbing and sore.
He will then move down, dragging his tongue down your stomach, kissing your belly button, licking at your thighs before grabbing them. He spreads you open, groaning at how your cunt is seeping with arousal as he stands up, your legs on his shoulders while he admires you.
Will kiss your ankles as he rubs his underwear covered cock along your slit, collecting your slick and dampening the fabric. When he can no longer kiss your flesh or produce light touches here and there, too needy, he dives in and kisses your pussy.
“Sho!” You gasp as your hands fly to his hair, weaving into the orange tuffs as he licks a long flat tongue up your entire cunt. He’ll sigh against your puffy clit after this, amazed that he gets to taste you whenever he wants, and this starts the feast.
He starts to suck and nip at your folds, cute nose bumping against your clit which makes you squeal each time, “you taste so good baby.” He groans again as he reaches to hold your hand that abandoned his hair in favor of gripping the sheets. Your heart swells at the cute action as you grasp his warm hand back and he reallys starts to get lost in your soaking cunt.
So engrossed in tongue fuckng you while rubbing your clit with his thumb, he doesn’t register your slight warnings of, “S-sho you’re going too f-fast!” Because you weren't used to being touched and cared for so attentively, him being the first to do you like this, and your orgasm was approaching so fast it was shocking you.
Precum is rushing out of his cock when you start cumming on his tongue, but he doesn’t stop there. He starts to shake his head between your legs from side to side, further stimulating you and getting sloppier, as he gulps and slurps and continues to eat you out.
“TOO SENSITIVE!” You yell as you start squirming away, but his hold on your hand just gets tighter as he flicks his eyes up to you, “cum again for me please? I know my beautiful girl can…” He says, hot breath fanning your quivering cunt as his dark eyes look up at you. You whine at his words, but accept and he's back to over-stimulating you, using his tongue to weave through your folds and into your hole, rubbing your clit harder.
You gush so much for him by the end of the night. And he hasn’t even fucked you with that monster stamina yet.
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
WWE Summerslam 2021 - Initial Reaction and Review
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It's been a big week for wrestling in general, and now we have the Biggest Party of the Summer in the books, uncharacteristically airing on a Saturday.
It's been a while since I've run down a WWE PPV, time and apathy does have a bit to do with it, but since this is a big 4 and given what happened in Chicago there's definitely curiosity over how WWE would respond
Spoilers for Summerslam 2021 Below, I will be discussing the winners and moments so watch the PPV first
As usual I will indicate in the title who was the person I expected to win before the match started, but instead of Bold this time I'll put them in Italics with the whole match card being in bold
A long-ass kickoff was majority promo and interviews, not any contrarion drabble this time which was good. It was kinda sad to see Asuka on the packages but nowhere to be seen on the card.
I did like the sign guy of 'McAfee = Ratings' because he's kinda right, he has been great on commentary. I did not miss that dude in the Fiend Mask though, or the Lily Doll.
I will reiterate though that Sonya Deville is wasted right now, let her back in the goddamn ring, SD's Women's Division does need it and they make her look like a goof as Assistant GM.
Also apparently the Mysterios vs Usos aren't good enough for a promo package, not like it's a title match or anything... plus the disrespect still there, 'I wouldn't wanna work with my dad' they say like Rey isn't a multi time world champion with a huge wealth of experience.
The Miz and Morrison came in with a water truck to a mixed pop of cheers and boos, this moist gimmick ain't great but props for both guys being dedicated to it, it was short enough not to overstay its welcome too.
Ugh, Logan Paul is here...
Big E def. Baron Corbin (Pinfall via Big Ending) We had a new announcer from a Tiktok competition winner called Raine, and you know she was really good at it.
Corbin entered to boos hugging the MITB briefcase he stole, unable to afford entrance music it seems even though he's getting a PPV paycheck. To his credit he looks ultra disheveled, and when the ref had to pry the briefcase from him he looked super forlorn. I dunno why he's wrestling in a shirt though wouldn't that make it dirtier?
When the bell rings E does basically go right at Corbin, Corbin got a shoulder block in but then got caught in a belly to belly - despite protests - then a belly to backp. E missing the apron splash as Corbin senses a countout win, at 7 he leaves the ring to hit E against the ring post to try and eke out more time, demanding that the timekeeper keep the briefcase in his sights. E does return to the ring but his spear goes right is sidestepped into the ringpost, then thrown into them two more times, but only gets 2.
Corbin continues with some momentum with a sidewalk slam for 2, but his chokeslam is reversed into a rollup for 2 then a stretch muffler. He escapes and hits the Deep Six for 2, then 1.8, Corbin then stumbles to the briefcase, considering an exit before being hit with a lariat. E throws Corbin into the ring, but Corbin rolls right out, grabs the briefcase and tries to run around the ring only to be pounced into the barricade by Big E. The cat and mouse chase comes to an end, Corbin elbows E to get some room to roll to the other side of the ring but E catches him with that suicide spear he does, the briefcase is dropped and the straps are off: Big Ending for 3.
Shots of Logan Paul are hilariously met with huge boos as Big E finally reclaims his briefcase to a pop.
It was a nice little match, good palette cleanser and a nice and clean competition, Corbin had no chance in winning but it was a solid way to warm up the crowd for the main ppv.
Our final bit of the kick-off was discussing the UNI main event, though I feel like losing your job is a higher stake than winning your 17th world title. Also they had to force in the shucky ducky which was dumb.
Main Show
Raw Tag Team Championship: RK-Bro [Randy Orton & Riddle] def AJ Styles & Omos (c) [TITLE CHANGE] (Pinfall on Styles by Orton via RKO) Starting the night with some fun as Riddle comes out in a garish snake print outfit with a cerise pink lining, Orton didn't get the fashion memo thankfully but his hologram snake was cheesy. Riddle interacted with the crowd and had the multicoloured holo-doves while Orton mainly kept to himself. AJ and Omos came out together, though Omos had no theatrics, looking like a bouncer being invited to dinner still.
Orton and AJ started the match, Orton with the early advantage and tagging Riddle in for an assisted backflip for a 1 count, AJ rolls out the ring frustrated then tags in Omos, who just ragdolls Riddle; Shoulder Block, big clubbing blow then a delayed powerslam - an interesting glance over to Orton as well as they smile at each other, almost like Orton approved. Omos tries to deadlift Riddle with a wristlock but Riddle scrambles into a sleeper, but is flipped off then flattened in the corner. AJ tags in, platforming Omos for a Tornado DDT for 2, Riddle tries to fight out but runs into a backbreaker as AJ tells Orton 'you're next'.
During the rest hold, the crowd rallies Riddle back into the fight, AJ looks to have reclaimed an advantage and throws Riddle to his corner, but Riddle turns it into a dropkick on Omos, then dumps AJ out the ring. Riddle tries to tag Orton but AJ grabs him, enzugiri by Riddle allows Orton to make the hot tag. Clotheslines on AJ, a forearm to Omos - but it only stuns him, doesn't even fall to the floor, backdrop and another forearm to Omos that again fails to drop him. Clothesline to corner and a powerslam, this time Orton drops Omos out the ring by dropkicking the knees, draping DDT gets Orton feeling the RKO, but Omos drags AJ out the ring, then catches Riddle's dive to chokeslam him onto the apron. AJ stuns Orton with a jawbreaker on the ropes and gestures Omos to finish Riddle, but Riddle escapes the lawn dart and pushes Omos into the ring post. AJ though catches Riddle with his backflip reverse DDT on the outside, he misses the Phenomenal Forearm, but stands his ground against the RKO attempt, he rolls up for 2 and then lands into an RKO for 3.
It didn't last long but it was a fun opener, it was time for a title change and RK-Bro was a good choice. It's a shame Styles has to be the weak link but you can't be surprised that WWE continue to protect Omos.
Alexa Bliss (w/Lily) def. Eva Marie (w/ Doudrop) (Pinfall via DDT) The Lily hologram was fucking horrifying as Bliss carries the doll and puts it on the corner turnbuckle. Bliss weaves Eva effortlessly, she tries a waistlock but gets elbowed off. Eva gets a punch and a hair yank then...poses. She grabs Lily and starts slapping the doll, then slapping Alexa with the doll. Alexa then goes on the attack, clotheslines then a senton for 2, she puts Lily back as Eva argues with Doudrop. Alexa misses the Twisted Bliss and Eva gets 2 twice, a kick to the gut and a DDT finishes off Eva.
Post-match, Doudrop only looks smugly at Eva and grabs a microphone, announcing Eva as the loser, stealing her gown and walking away as Eva insists she made Doudrop.
This match didn't need to happen, in fact it could've just been a segment, but at least WWE were sensible in not having Eva Marie win against a former women's champion. They also didn't do any spooky shit and put the narrative mainly on Doudrop being free to hopefully be Piper Niven again, once again it didn't overstay its welcome.
Mario Lopez (who?) interviews RK-Bro on their title win, Orton cuts his normal promo but gets stumbled by trying to fit 'Bro' into his '3 most deadly letters in wrestling' catchphrase.
US Championship: Damian Priest def. Sheamus (c) [TITLE CHANGE] (Pinfall via Recknoning) Immediately after the interview Priest was already on the ramp, in blue gear with the USA and Puerto Rico flag on his tights, he did his archer pose to set off his tron. The Tron had a bit of an issue with Sheamus' opening, Sheamus wandered in with his face guard and coat. Sidebar, I still don't like the US Title design, it's better than the old one but not by much.
The two start by locking up, some solid chain wrestling shows that Sheamus has the power but Priest has the agility. After a pump kick, Priest hits a Falcon Arrow for 1, he has a bit of a nasty landing with his mid-rope flip senton out the ring, his heel clipped Sheamus' head but Priest's back had a hard landing on the floor, not easy to get distance when you step off the middle rope. Despite a flurry of kicks, Sheamus focuses on the back by throwing him into the ring post, belly to back and also an Irish Curse lead to a Camel Clutch, but Priest escapes that, Sheamus picks him up but Priest elbows out, so then he tries to powerbomb and Priest rana's out of that. Momentum is short though as Sheamus gets a powerslam for 2, a Dublin Smile and a Beats of the Bodhrán but he cuts the count short to slight the crowd's chant. His timewasting is punished by a Tornado DDT from Priest, they trade blows and a lariat floors Sheamus, a spinning leg lariat from the top rope only gets him 2.
Priest sets up the Reckoning, but is picked up for a rolling fireman's carry slam, Sheamus slowly climbs the turnbuckle, giving Priest time to look for a chokeslam, but Sheamus shimmies along the ropes and gets a massive rope-assisted jawbreaker, top turnbuckle clothesline and an Alabama Slam only gets 2. Sheamus angrily talks shit at Priest, Priest slaps him but Sheamus headbutts him back. He sets up the Brogue Kick but Priest gets the Big Boot and the South of Heaven, but it only gets 2. Priest tries the Reckoning but his back won't handle the weight, he tries a Disaster Kick but runs into a knee to the face, it's only a 2. After being furious with the ref Sheamus tries the Cloverleaf, but gets rolled up for 2, he catches Priest in a heel hook in the middle of the ring, with no ropes to reach, Priest reaches for the face guard, ripping it off of Sheamus. Madness in his eyes, Priest unloads on Sheamus' face, causing Sheamus to cover up and release the hold, a flapjack into the top turnbuckle stuns Sheamus for another spinning Leg Lariat and then a Recknoning for 3.
A nice technical match, had some creative spots in there and Priest winning was nice to see after the Miz/Morrison feud lasted forever. I do dislike that they said it was his first title 'in WWE' though, because he was NA Champion in NXT, which is still WWE Cole. I don't think I liked that the face guard is what undid Sheamus, the dude who likes to fight shouldn't really lose to insecurity. But third time's the charm with the Reckoning.
Afterwards we had a promo for NXT TakeOver. We got a backstage talk between Rey and Dom, Dom apologizing to Rey for the SD incident and Rey forgiving it immediately, noting to stay focused on the match right now.
SD Tag Championship: The Usos (c) def. The Mysterios (Pinfall on Rey by Jey via Splash) Immediately after the promo they left the curtain to their entrance, the yellow, white and pink was...a choice, kinda miss the comic book attires. The Usos came out with the Leis and their regular gear.
Rey and Jimmy started lightning quick, Rey setting up a 619 with a rana but Jimmy rolling out of the ring, eating a basement dropkick. Jey's intervening is stopped by Dom who drops him sluggishly into his brother before he's tagged in, Rey hits the baseball slide splash and Dom the crossbody. In the ring Dom's second crossbody gets 2, three amigos by Dom but he shifted Jimmy too close to Jey, who managed to tag a leg, meaning that Jey throws Dom off the turnbuckle when he tries a Frog Splash. Jey taunts Dom after hitting him into the ring post (who has had a lot of mileage already), gesturing him to try and tag his father before cinching a headlock, Dom tries to fight back but is thrown to the other corner, Jimmy is tagged in and they hit a Backbreaker/Ax Handle combo. Jimmy taunts Dom the same way, diving headbutt for 2, the Usos spend too much time taunting Dom in their corner as the younger Mysterio staggers the twins with elbows, his rush for his father is cut off by a very nonchalant uppercut by Jey (McAfee literally yelling HADOUKEN was amazing). Jey continues to posture after suplexes and more taunting, they look for the third suplex but Dom hooks his leg, reversing it into a twisting neckbeaker.
Rey gets the hot tag as Jey tags Jimmy, planting the Uso with a tornado DDT for 2. Seated Senton and a forearm to Jey on the Apron leads to Rey walking into a Superkick for 2. Both Usos stalk Rey, looking to do a pop-up Powerbomb, but Rey ranas Jimmy out the ring, Jey gets him with a superkick to the gut, then a superkick to counter Rey's springboard crossbody, he hits the Splash but it only gets 2. Jey looks frustrated and tags Jimmy to set up the double splash, but Dom cuts Jey off, he tries to suplex Jey onto the apron but Jey drops him with a front-facing suplex instead. The delay is sufficient though since Rey rolls away from Jimmy's splash, headscissors setup, 619 for a big pop, he goes for the Frog Splash but Jimmy gets the knees up. Superkick by Jimmy, tags in Jey, double Superkick, splash by Jey and 3.
*sigh* Can Rey stop being pinned? It's not like Dom doesn't know how to take a pin. It's, it's sucky really, I've said it enough times but Rey deserves more than this given his popularity and past title wins, WWE would not do this to the likes of Edge or Cena, Angle or Goldberg, hell they wouldn't even do this to Eddie and yet Rey gets this treatment as thanks for being full time. Granted, it took like 3 finishers to down him but come on, compare the light pop this match got when everyone knew the Usos were winning with the pop Rey's hot tag and his 619 got, he still has it and they won over the crowd, with more time and narrative to their match it could've been a classic. I'm just sick of seeing one of my faves lose so much you know, if the story is Dom's inexperience then surely he would be the reason for defeat, rather than Rey being ganged up on.
Tiffany Haddish (who??) interviews Priest on his title win, apparently Priest hates bullies and he's happy...not as cool as his NA title win in the hot tub though. Summerslam could've fit in a hot tub
Rick Boogs then shreds the guitar as he welcomes King Nakamura. McAfee is dancing like a goof again on the table and Nakamura's crown falls off, but he makes up for it by playing the IC title like a guitar with Pat. He's disappeared after the Belair/Sasha package though...kinda confusing why that was there.
SD Women's Championship: Bianca BelAir (c) vs Sasha Banks CANCELLED As Bianca enters with SD Women's Title prints on her gear, the announcer says that Sasha is unable to compete, so Carmella is fighting in her stead. A shame but obviously not intended.
Bianca BelAir (c) vs Carmella INTERRUPTED Props to McAfee for noting the collective disappointment. BelAir looks disappointed too and tells Carmella that she's gonna dish out her frustration on Carmella. The title is aloft but then
Becky Lynch is here
Cameras are not showing enough of her on her return as Bianca buzzes, the crowd is on their feet. Becky's got a thicker mane than I remember, maybe it's the curls, a new shirt of 'The Man's back in Vegas' is worn by Becky too as she soaks in her pop. When the cameras stop long enough to focus on Becky she is looking extra lean. She attacks Carmella and dumps her out of the ring, she tells Bianca she'll be right back and throws Carmella into the steps, before standing off with Bianca. She grabs a microphone and asks for a title match, BelAir mulls it, but eventually accepts.
Becky Lynch def. Bianca BelAir (c) [TITLE CHANGE] (Pinfall via Manhandle Slam) Both women are amped up, Lynch offers a handshake but the moment they touch, she socks Bianca, Manhandle Slam and 3. Becky celebrates as BelAir looks stunned and a little shafted, Becky does gesture no hard feelings but, BelAir does have hard feelings.
It's a big pop for Becky's return, though I would've rather seen you know, a match. I love Becky, she's been one of my favourite women's wrestlers in WWE before she was even The Man, and I am psyched she's back, but BelAir vs Becky could've been a good match. we didn't need the Carmella stuff either just have BelAir call an open challenge in Sasha's absence. Also as thin as the SD Women's Division was Becky probably would've fit more for the Raw Women's Title situation, since we last saw her vacating it and that shit's on heavy life support, plus I was kinda hoping that Bianca could beat Sasha but Sasha would win later down the line so we could build Liv Morgan for a title win, I guess October's draft could still open it up. But yeah, happy to see Becky back.
Wrestling Olympic Gold Medalists Tamyra Mensah-Stock and Gable Stevenson come out next, I know WWE have been hot on Gable but after the scripts' comments on Simone Biles it feels forced. Tamyra was at least happy to be here.
Extreme Rules promo is next.
Drew McIntyre def. Jinder Mahal (Pinfall via Claymore) Jinder comes out first, Veer and Shanky only able to stand at the ramp and go to the back. Drew comes with his sword to summon...smoke? You can see how dull that sword is too.
Drew starts the match strong by throwing Jinder in the corner, kicks and chops followed by throws, he motions for Claymore but Jinder rolls out the ring, cutting him at the legs. Jinder's attempt to regain momentum is countered with a belly to belly, so next he tries to appeal to their past friendship but Drew isn't having it. He tries the Futureshock but Jinder kicks him in the face, stunning him for 2. Knee drops and knee chokes are followed by clubs to Drew's head and a choke, but Drew powers out and hits a Glasgow Kiss (which they called a Glaz-gao kiss, it's not that hard to say Glasgow), some more Belly to Bellies leads to a Futureshock and a kip up, 3, 2, 1, Claymore, 1, 2, 3.
McIntyre stepped over Jinder as he celebrated, Veer and Shanky tended to Jinder and then Drew grabbed his sword and started swinging...like the face he is trying to murder these dudes for tending to their boss.
Okay. Easy pop having squashed Jinder, did this need to be on PPV? Probably not, this and Bliss/Eva could've been done on Raw, rather than steal time from Usos/Mysterios and a potential Becky/BelAir banger. Nobody really got over or elevated with this.
Raw Women's Championship: Charlotte Flair def. Nikki A.S.H. (c) and Rhea Ripley [TITLE CHANGE] (Submission on Nikki by Charlotte via Figure Eight) Uncharacteristically, Nikki came out first to nothing, not a pop or a boo, it kinda sounded like fake crowd noises when we had one pop. Rhea got a mini pop next, but loud woos for Charlotte? Don't buy that especially given how she's meant to be the heel. She's in kinda Thanos gear too. The pops were louder for Rhea when her name was announced, Nikki's was mixed and Charlotte had some boos.
The bell rings as Charlotte shoves Nikki, telling her to get out the ring. Rhea shoves Charlotte but Nikki dumps Rhea out the ring, a Monkey Flip to Charlotte then a Rollup on Rhea for 1. Charlotte dumps Rhea as the two tussle, Nikki coming back to boot Charlotte off the apron as part of a bulldog on Rhea. Rhea keeps trying to keep a hold of Nikki but Nikki keeps rolling her up. Charlotte throws Nikki into Rhea like a spear then lariats Rhea and exploder's Nikki. Rhea and Charlotte trade advantages around the turnbuckle, Charlotte fights off a Nikki crossbody and powerslams Nikki onto Rhea, she tries the moonsault but Rhea gets her feet up, Nikki rolls her up but Rhea pulls her off, tries the Riptide but Nikki shifts her weight to splash her. Nikki headscissors Charlotte but is booted by Rhea, Charlotte then boots Rhea and taunts her, Rhea then starts finding energy, a Northern Lights for 1 but Charlotte then regains momentum, a huge big boot to dump Rhea out the ring, but Nikki then tornado DDTs Charlotte for 2. Basement Dropkick to Rhea gives Charlotte time to catch Nikki but Rhea german's them both, Missile Dropkick to Charlotte by Rhea only gets 2 as Charlotte flees to the outside. The two trade blows on the outside, to be flattened by Nikki's crossbody.
Pulling Charlotte in the ring, Charlotte resists the suplex, but Rhea comes in to double up on Charlotte, only for Charlotte to reverse it to a double DDT, Flair chops are suppressed but Charlotte still manages to fend off Nikki and Rhea, Corkscrew Moonsault on the outside takes the two out. She drags Rhea in but Rhea gets a boot, Nikki tries to roll up Rhea but only gets 2. Rhea's limping a bit but still kicks Nikki and cinches in her Inverted Cloverleaf, she dodges the Big Boot from Charlotte (perhaps inadvertently) and locks it into Charlotte, but she rolls through and gets the Figure 8, which is broken by Nikki's knee drop. Nikki hits a Purge but it's broken up by Rhea, she sets another Riptide but again Nikki counters this time with a Reverse Tornado DDT, dumping Rhea out the ring. Nikki sees Charlotte prone, setting up the Crossbody, but she misses, Charlotte locks the Figure 8 and taps.
Abrupt finish, it was a really well-worked match selling the chaos of the triple threat. But I never felt like Charlotte was in danger of losing, Nikki wasn't working because they rushed her new character without getting her over, so of course WWE were gonna fall back to ye olde Charlotte title win. The narrative didn't help either, she seemed like the babyface and again, didn't feel threatened, I never saw the opening for Charlotte to lose. In a vacuum it was a good match, as a whole though, since Rhea won the title at mania nobody's gotten over, they made an absolute hash of the Charlotte feud to the point where we didn't even feel invested in Rhea getting a win back, then we fast tracked a cash in. The only one who profited here was Charlotte, who got to add 2 more title reigns to her name on paper, had Becky came here to make it a 4-Way and won, it'd probably have been more hopeful because now, who is next? Asuka's AWOL, Shayna's buried, Alexa's on spooky shits, Rhea's broken, Nikki isn't getting over, who can Charlotte face at this point?
Edge def. Seth Rollins (Submission via Crossface) Dressed like some aristocrat, Seth entered first half smug half focused, it may've dragged on a bit long. Edge didn't come out to Metalingus, but instead he came out in the fires of the Brood, with the dark sunglasses, fire and the elevated platform to boot, but then Metalingus came out to give the people what they want.
The bell rings but there's a long pause to soak in the crowd investment. Edge has the early advantage with a swift punch, every time Seth tries to lock in on Edge he hits back, annoying Seth as he mulls outside the ring. He tries the Pedigree but is again dumped out the ring, this time Edge follows and throws him around the barriaces, Rollins returns to the ring but is knee'd out, but gets some advantage by dodging the Baseball Slide and driving Edge into ye olde Ring Post, then against the steps. Neckbreaker only gets 2 as he continues to focus on the neck with chokes, stomps and slingblades, another neckbreaker leads to another 2 as Seth taunts Edge about it.
A diving knee by Rollins gets 2 as Seth kicks around Edge, he tries another neckbreaker but Edge reverses into a backslide for 2, Flapjack and a tackle into the turnbuckle, Seth fends off Edge at the turnbuckle though and hits the Frog Splash for 2 but for the second time Edge rolls into the corner to avoid the stomp. Rollins pulls Edge to the turnbuckle, but Edge hits him with a top turnbuckle spinning neckbreaker, Flapjack onto the top rope, Edgecution for 2, Rollins stuns Edge by driving him into the Turnbuckle, but he misses his knee strike into an Head Yank for 2. Edge goes up top but Rollins turns it into his Superplex/Falcon Arrow combo for 2, he sets up the Stomp but misses, tries the Pedigree but Edge wriggles out, Glam Slam by Edge for 2, nice homage for Beth there. Seth gets back the momentum though, Jawbreaker on the ropes then a neckbreaker on the ropes, Edge dodges the stomp on the apron though and throws Seth into the ring post (not ye olde ringpost though it's a different one) and then a spear through the ropes into the outside. A bulldog into the apron LED only gets 2, but now Edge is setting up the spear, but Rollins counters into a Pedigree (Pat mustn't have watched Roman vs Seth before because he said he has never seen that counter) but it only gets 2.
Rollins climbs up top looking for the Phoenix Splash, he lands on his feet and rolls away but walks into a spear, 1, 2, No. Edge now looking for the Killswitch but Rollins clubs then kicks Edge in the back of the head, he tries the Stomp but Edge rolls and catches the boot, turning it into an Edgecator, Seth reaches for the ropes so Edge tries to pull him back, but in releasing the hold he gets rolled up for 2. Edge then tries the Crossface, rolling to the center of the ring, but Edge slams his head into the mat and reapplies it for the tapout.
A nicely worked match again that managed to showcase a lot of Edge's past bag of tricks. The second I was wrong about too, I expected Seth to get some momentum to try and challenge Roman like he had been teasing before this feud (on that note, where's Cesaro? Miss that dude), but it was definitely something for the fans to cheer about. The narrative of avoiding the Stomp was also good for the storytelling, Seth doesn't lose anything in defeat either, he's took 2 spears, 2 crossfaces, Edgecator and the Edgecution.
MITB 22 is announced on 4th July at the Allegiant Stadium, Vegas (the same venue as tonight). Expect there to be a Murica match in there. In addition attendance today is 51k. We scope back around to Miz and Morrison's kickoff thing, mostly getting a jobber entrance. The moist jokes were worst this time around as they marketed the 'Drip Stick 2000' which neither had. Who did have it? A very wet and long-haired Xavier Woods with a cocktail stick in their mouth and a 'New Day Order' shirt. Woods convinces the crowd to rally into shooting them with a water gun, though it didn't really get a pop in the act, dumb shit really but whatever Woods' new look is I dig it.
WWE Championship: Bobby Lashley (w/MVP) (c) def. Goldberg (via Ref Stoppage) Lashers out first...no sanctity it seems. He's walking into the ring with purpose, his pose has no pyro though, kinda a lukewarm smoke that'd make Revolution 2020's explosion smirk. Goldberg does his usual entrance, lots of quick camera switching again. Dude looks a bit top-heavy tbh, skipping those leg days. Lashley paces across Goldberg's periphery, it doesn't look like there'll be underestimation in this fight.
They lock up first, a bit of strength testing, Goldberg tanks a shoulder block, grounding Lashley with a flying shoulder block, then a body slam. Goldberg is keeping the advantage with corner attacks and clotheslines but Lashley clubs at the back. He sets up a Jackhammer for insult to injury, but Goldberg keeps his leg hooked, he tries to lift Lashley but can't follow through and gets hit with a flatliner. No sympathy from Lashley as he clubs at the back of the head before uncharacteristically going up top, which Goldberg punishes by throwing him down, Goldberg looks for the Spear but MVP yanks Lashley outside, only for Goldberg to spear him on the outside anyway.
Goldberg sets up a second spear, but as the ref focuses on Lashley rolling out the other side, MVP thwacks Goldberg's knee with his cane, distracting Goldberg long enough to be chop blocked. Chokeslam makes Lashley look for the Hurt Lock, but he can't connect the fingers, as Goldberg escapes though he gets chop blocked again, causing Goldberg to leave the ring. Lashley follows, lifting him up and charging him knee first into the ring post twice. Struggling to stand, the Ref throws the match.
The match is over but Lashley continues to attack the leg with a steel chair. Gage Goldberg attempts to jump but gets wrenched with a Hurt Lock. MVP tries to assure that Lashley wouldn't have known that he was attacking Goldberg's son but it means little, Goldberg insisting he's gonna kill Lashley, meaning this feud isn't over.
The heat was right, the delivery was wrong. We've seen people beat Goldberg clean, I don't see why Lashley, who has beaten people who have beaten Goldberg clean, couldn't do that himself? Needing MVP's help flattens the statement made.
Camera work got a bit wonky there when promoting the Main Event
Universal Championship: Roman Reigns (c) def. John Cena (Pinfall via Spear) Cena's the first to come out, sporting a Super Mario-esque shirt showing his 16 world title reigns, the reigns also shown on the tron, they actually mentioned Ric Flair this time. The Bronze Statue hologram for Roman is still tacky, but he comes out flanked with his cousins and Paul, smoke again instead of pyro - I wonder if they weren't allowed to pyro. Heyman whispers the Usos to leave Roman to walk the ramp. I spotted an 'Anyone but you Roman' sign in the crowd, before McAfee makes me smirk again by calling Roman an 'absolute stud'.
Roman's a little ginger about locking up with Cena, but is goaded into it, winning the shoulder block. A second lock up leads to a Cena roll up for 1, trying to call back to the go home smackdown, another schoolboy for 2 but Roman laughs it off. Roman doesn't lock up again, kicking and clubbing at Cena while mocking the crowd, a lariat is reversed into another rollup for 2 but gets him back with a reverse lariat (he used the back of his arm, like a chop lariat), a Suplex by Roman leads to a 2 count, then the rest hold. Cena tries to break but Roman smacks him, another suplex for 2 then he dumps Cena out the ring, Cena blocks the punch and tries to flurry back, but is whipped into the steel steps. After some posturing Roman smacks Cena headfirst into the steps again, then posing with the belt as he claims that the crowd needs him, he saunters to the ring but walks into another schoolboy for 2, leading to another punch.
Roman insists that Cena can't win like this, but in his gloating Cena almost lifts him for the AA, which Roman counters into a DDT for 2. Roman almost looks bored, telling the hard cam that he's not apologetic about hurting Cena, Cena once again tries the forearms but when he tries the flying shoulder block he runs into an uppercut. Roman mocks Cena for having only five moves, but again it's a rollup for 2, this time Roman counters with a sleeper, Cena tries to fight but Roman puts his body weight on him, he tries again and Roman uses his weight again, only this time Cena launches him into the corner and follows up with a clothesline. Then come the shoulder tackles, the twisting front drop, but as he tiredly goes for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle, Roman snaps in the Guillotine, Cena tries the Jackknife pin for 2, the hold is broken but this time it's a Superman Punch. Roman wastes too much time though and his spear is countered with a kick, this time the 5 Knuckle Shuffle hits, AA, 1, 2, No. Heyman's having heart palpitations ringside but Cena's locked in the STF, Roman makes the rope to break the hold and leaves the ring, but as Cena looks to follow he's hit by a Drive By.
Roman looks to put Cena away with a Spear on the outside, but Cena counters it with an AA through the Announcer's Table, he drags Roman back into the ring but only gets the 2. Cena goes up top, looking for a dropkick maybe, but he's caught into a powerbomb for 2. Roman seems to be prepping his Superman Punch, but Cena rolls for 2, picks up for the AA but can't lift him all the way, allowing Roman to hit the Superman Punch for another 2. Roman is getting irritated now, Cena's been in his head after all, he goes for the Spear but meets ye olde ring post. Cena pulls Roman up for the Avalanche AA, he lands it, 1, 2, No! Cena taunts Roman this time, quoting his entrance theme then mocking the Oooowaaah, the Spear is cut off though, instead they trade blows, one Superman Punch, two Superman Punch, Roman declares he is WWE and lands the Spear, 1, 2, 3.
Roman stands over the prone Cena, but then the noise is heard. Brock Lesnar is in the building, and he still has the hipster look. Cameras lose control again as Heyman finds a conflict in interest, dude is absolutely jacked though. He approaches Roman in a staredown, but Roman just leaves the ring to close the night. Apparently off-air Lesnar then attacked Cena.
You know what would've made this match better? If the conclusion wasn't so forgone after Smackdown. Did anyone actually think that WWE would let Roman quit? At least before Roman's career was at stake there was a 10% chance Cena could leave as the winner, which would've made the nearfalls much more believable.
As for Lesnar, well, Vince always wanted Roman/Brock to be the main level feud and he's always getting his way. It'll draw, but it only puts paper over the submarine window that is the problem.
A good PPV though. I don't think there was any match that was awful. And that's kinda saying something with Eva Marie involved. Some segments and matches were, legless perhaps, stuff you could've be done with or even just put on Raw which is a shame because that took time from matches, as I said I would've liked to actually see Becky and Bianca wrestle and the Mysterios get more time.
The returns were good, I suppose Chicago definitely had nothing to do with that. But I'm not gonna be sad about seeing Becky Lynch again.
My main problem is probably how despite the big card, there was no doubt, I mean I got all but a couple of matches right on this card and it was because the matches were all built so obviously, those two frankly I predicted because I expected a bit more swerve. Part of it could be the fatigue of all the good wrestling we've seen so far but compared to other PPVs where I've felt on the edge of my seat or shaking in my ribs I just felt cosy, like it was a casual watch.
It was certainly not bad, definitely a good outing with good wrestling, but there is room still to improve on the narrative, and camera work like seriously learn to linger, immediate snap cuts throw people off. New directions are ahead to fulfill that so hopefully WWE can find a course to get back on.
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flaine · 3 years
Hi love 💞
Today I am bringing u more girl group uht because they would 100% kill shut up and drive by rihanna! I think it's one of the first gg uht song ideas I had a while back and it slaps.... def more of a high energy dance performance (main dancer britt 🥰) and can u imagine the attitude... so much sass and flirtiness 😳 also I can imagine some like,, dream sequence shots of them lounging across a car? Like just stretched out on the roof n stuff? Similar attitude as in my poker face art but different more casual outfits nfnsjfjsjf maybe I will make time to draw this in the next 2 weeks before I leave but idk how to draw cars.... :')
Anyway some more vb au furtana for u (thank u once again for letting me ramble about them djsjfks)... furtana + pet names/nicknames?
Some quick context for finntana is that in hs after she came out to him and Kurt she was still really scared about being openly gay and Kurt joked about how finn could be her beard so finn was like "I mean... I guess we could fake date for a bit??" (In general that's where a lot of their more "couple-like" habits were formed lol idk why but I'm so soft for finntana being extremely close)
Anyway yes so
one time finn accidentally used the term babygirl and santana was so genuinely horrified that he started doing it just to annoy her and it eventually grew on them
Sometimes she calls him babyboy to retaliate and Kurt desperately pretends he does not know them at all
Finn also calls her 'tana a lot without really thinking about it bc that's what he called her when they were small (🥺)
Like in canon, finn calls Kurt stuff like lil bro/brother, probably also uses buddy a lot
Santana used to call Kurt princess (derogatory) in middle school but after they became friends and he told her he didn't like it, she switched to pretty boy (which she admittedly also used when she previously bullied him but like,,, once they were friends she genuinely meant it as more of a compliment bc a. Kurt is pretty and b. He experimented a lot with fashion in hs and she was trying to express her support)
Kurt definitely calls santana Satan (started as derogatory when they were in middle school but, like with pretty boy, became more of an affectionate nickname)
I can't remember anymore rn so that might be it? Maybe I've forgotten some... anyway this got long again (these asks get so long the second I mention vb au dnsjfksjf I'm so sorry) so I'll stop here
Have a wonderful day n take care of yourself 💞💖💘 (and feel free to ramble about your own aus/hcs!! I love hearing about them too!)
hi my love 💗!!
ohh… i can already tell this would be a performance that would make my lesbianism reach some extreme peaks…. i love the attitude that would come with this song!!! every time you give me a song like this for the uht i am so upset that we never got a girl group moment like this for them 💔 also i am in full support of lounging on the hood of a car. it is a dream of mine
and more furtana!!! <333 never apologize for sending your furtana hcs it is an absolute joy to open my inbox to see your rambling <3
but no i love platonic closeness/affection so much it is very important to me 🥺 and i love finntana/kurtana/furt too so these hit!!! i am obsessed w the first two bullets djdhdh i can very clearly imagine kurt’s face as he’s forced to be in the middle of that… also the “tana” one is so cute 🥺 i love them all!!!! 💖
thank u for giving me the floor… my brain is too fuzzy rn for a full ramble of my own but! i will give you a song! i think blaine and brittany would absolutely KILL video killed the radio star by the buggles…. i like an 80s vibe for both of them and also this is just one of those super fun numbers like shout that i can imagine them having a blast performing together!!! also i am convinced that brittany loves to whip out just dance when her friends are over and i think this is definitely blaine’s favorite dance/song. brittany has the high scores for every song but blaine is definitely a close second for this one!!!
take care of yourself too!! & have a very lovely night :) 💞💓
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Thirty-Nine
Table of Content or Part Thirty-Eight
Read here on wattpad
Word count: 4K
Warning(s): Explicit language, Drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion @sinningsixx @edwardtriggerhandzz @lemmyjelly @haileynicoleseavey17 @cierrasixx19 @oskea93 @mgkobsessed @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphorbriansblog @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry @loveofmyloif @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @xpoisonousrosesx @cruecifymesixx @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg @girlnight-terror @mcnibberachi
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1. Prince, "Darling Nikki", flagged for sex/masturbation
2. Sheena Easton, "Sugar Walls", flagged for sex
3. Judas Priest, "Eat Me Alive", flagged for Sex/Violence
4. Vanity, "Strap On Robbie Baby", flagged for sex
5. Mötley Crüe, "Bastard", flagged for violence/language
6. AC/DC, "Let Me Put My Love Into You", flagged for sex
7. Twisted Sister, "We're Not Gonna Take It", flagged for violence
8. Madonna, "Dress You Up", flagged for sex
9. W.A.S.P., "Animal (Fuck Like a Beast)", flagged for sex/language/violence
10. Def Leppard, "High 'n' Dry (Saturday Night)", flagged for drug/alcohol use
11. Mercyful Fate, "Into the Coven", flagged for occult themes
12. Black Sabbath, "Trashed", flagged for drug/alcohol use
13. Mary Jane Girls, "In My House", flagged for sex
14. Venom, "Possessed", flagged for occult themes
15. Cyndi Lauper, "She Bop", flagged for sex/masturbation
Tipper freaking Gore, the wife of the senator at the time, Al Gore, and bunch of other political housewives got their panties in a twist in 1985 and decided to demand artists either censor themselves when creating music, leaving no room for even the slightest hint at sex, drugs, alcohol, satanism, occultism, violence, language, or anything else almost every artist uses one of to express themselves in their music.
When musicians across the board practically told Tipper, the other wives, and everyone else that called themselves a member of the Parents Music Resource Center, to go fuck themselves, they decided to slap censorship stickers on records that contained any of the mentioned offenses.
Even John Denver got hit with censorship for his song "Rocky Mountain High."
It didn't shock me when my mother was photographed with Tipper after attending one of the hearings.
Mötley was invited to a hearing to defend their content and speak their opinions with a handful of others being censored, but they never batted an eye when the news first came out because they knew having an "X" or "XX" or "XXX" rating for violence, language, sex, drugs, alcohol, etc. would only make kids buy the record more. And it did.
"It's bullshit." I state, tossing the news paper article aside.
"It's politics." Fred replies taking a bite of his bagel.
"These womens' sex lives must be atrocious or else they'd be spending more time on their husbands' dicks and less time on these people's." I motion to the article with the list on it.
"If these polotical lunatics spent as much energy taking care of their own damn kids, as they're spending attempting to villainize artists who're expressing themselves, they would realize that it's not Mötley Crüe's or anyone else's job to raise their children. If you're so scared of your kids trying all this stuff, have a conversation with them about it and tell them about it, honestly, instead of relying on the music they listen to, to properly teach them about it. And at the end of the day, they're gonna buy the record whether their parents want them to or not, and they're going to try all kinds of stuff, no matter who talks to them about it, if they really want to try it." I continue my rant, Fred, Doc, Nikki, Vince, Tommy and Mick all looking at me, waiting for me to be done.
"Are you done, Sister Christian?" Vince asks me and I glare at him.
"Viv, it's publicity. Who gives a fuck?" Nikki asks me. "The kids are gonna go for the nastiest rated album anyway. The more 'X's the better."
"Yeah, but the audacity of--" Tommy's teaching his hand around my shoulder and covering my mouth before I can continue and I look at him where he's beside me.
"I've got a headache. I'm hungover, Viv. I love you, but I don't need to hear a Vivian Bitch Fit right now." Tommy explains to me.
I just look at him like he's lost his mind for shutting me up, and he cautiously moves his hand away.
I give him a ten second reprieve before shouting, at the top of my lungs:
"The audacity of these people pisses me off!" I finish what I was going to say and Tommy and Nikki are both jumping out of their seats a little at the sudden shouting, covering their ears, wincing, before Nikki's looking at me, sharply.
I roll my eyes at him and he grabs roughly at my thigh under the table, uncomfortably sinking the tips of his fingers into my flesh.
Ignoring him, I take a sip of my coffee, as he glances around and stands up.
"I gotta piss." He tells us, but I know why he's going to the bathroom.
I wait for him to disappear past the "Men's Room" sign in the Denny's before I get up and follow after him.
I walk in, catching the tail end of him snorting a line, and I cross my arms, waiting outside of the stall he's in.
I hear the familiar "click" of a needle being uncapped.
"Nikki. It's 10:00 in the morning." I tell him.
"Fuck off."
"Fuck off."
"Fuck off."
"Make me."
I wait for him to come out of the stall and do what I dared him to, but I just hear the sound of him sighing out in relief as opiate hits his system, drowning out whatever argument we were about to get into.
When he didn't want to hear me complain or try to talk him out of stuff, he would run to his favorite room in his mind: his heroin den.
If we were at home, he'd lock himself in the closet, with me begging him to come out.
He'd open the door for me right before passing out so he could at least say he tried.
If we were in public or at a hotel, he'd lock himself in the bathroom and do the same thing.
The sound of vomit smattering the floor has me wincing as he mumbles "fuck it" and opens the stall door, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Don't fuckin' give me that hit dog look." He tells me, moving past me to the sink, splashing some water on his face, smearing his already smeared eyeliner that makes him look like a raccoon that's been digging around in a dumpster.
"I'm not giving you any kind of look." I mumble, forcing him to look at me as I wet a paper towel and wipe his black-coated eyelids clean.
The smell of his vomit infiltrates my nostrils and I throw the paper towel away before pulling at his wrist to leave. 
Being that he's perfected his magical potion, he isn't too jittery from the coke or nodding off from the heroin.
He's just quiet.
We leave Denny's and head straight to the airport to head back home, being they wrapped up the last show of the U.S. tour last night.
Next is Europe.
Once we land in L.A., Christmas music blares through the speakers of the airport and reminds me that it's already nearing the end of December.
Apparently Vince is reading my mind because he mumbles, "apparently time flies when you're in hell."
Amen, Vince. A-fucking-men.
The second Nikki and I get into the limo to take us to our house, he's busting out a vile of blow that's nearly empty.
"Fuck, I gotta get Jason over, asap." He tells himself and I rub my lips together.
"You know, we haven't even bought a Christmas tree since we've been married." I tell him, trying to distract myself from his previous comment.
"Yeah." He says, basically blowing me off and I reach the toe of my sneaker out and nudge him on the kneecap as he gets the tip of our house key and scoops some from the bindle, snorting a bump.
"Babe." I continue to tap his kneecap until he's got his hand around my ankle, loosely, stopping me.
"What, Viv?"
"What did I just say?" I ask him, crossing my arms.
He just blinks at me, smirking a little.
"I'll gladly tell you when I finish this." He holds the bindle up.
I lean forward and take it from him, holding it hostage when he attempts to take it.
"You'll get it back when I get a Christmas tree." I tell him, raising my brows.
"Are you fucking me right now?" He asks, chuckling, not thinking I'm serious.
"No...but now that you mention it, I want that, too. Then you can get it back." I add and he smirks.
By the time we get to a department store, get my clothes back on and his pants zipped back up, grab an artificial tree, lights and ornaments, and finally get to the house, it's nearly one in the morning.
"Okay, Saint Vivian, gimme my shit back." Nikki states, carrying the boxed up tree while I carry the bags of lights and ornaments.
"Put the tree up so I can decorate it and I will." I reply.
"That wasn't apart of the deal." He argues, his tone still light.
"Well now it is." I reply.
"That's cheating."
"I made the deal. I make the rules." I shrug.
"You're making me work for something that's already mine." His free hand pulls at my waist, turning me to him and I grin mischievously as he shakes his head a little. "That's it, Sixx." He tells me before crouching enough to wrap his arm around my thighs and throw me over his shoulder.
I laugh manically, partially out of fear that he'll drop me, but also because this is the Nikki I fell in love with.
Playful, lighthearted, aggravating but meaning well, Nikki.
He manages to dig his house key out again and unlock the door before stepping in and turning on the lights in the foyer.
"Baby, put the bags down for now." He tells me and I drop them as carefully as I can while he puts the box the tree is in, down.
He's walking us to the living room, laughing when he pretends to trip and I gasp, digging my nails into him like a cat holding onto its owner to avoid a bathtub full of water.
When he flips the next light on, he stops immediately.
My mind is in shambles for a moment as I try to put together why so many people are in my house once Nikki's nearly dropping me out of shock, not even hearing them all scream out, "surprise!"
Steven and Tansy are at the forefront of people as the explosion of glitter, a mixture of neon and pastel decor, an abundance of various alcohol options, scantily clad women, a handful of Nikki's friends he hangs out with outside of Mötley Crüe, and a big ass, two-tier cake with every curse word known to man written in pristine is cursive font on the sides of it is soaked in by mine and Nikki's eyes.
Steven's wearing a beer hat, smiling widely, while Tansy looks like a sallow Barbie doll, but she's still forcing out a grin for the sake of us, and everyone's waiting for mine and Nikki's reactions.
Nikki and I exchange looks, confused as ever.
"Why is it a surprise?" I finally ask, deciding it's best if I ask instead of Nikki, because all he wanted to do was come in, shoot up, have a few lines, fuck around with me some more, and pass out.
But instead he's being forced to socialize in his own house.
His safe place has been infested.
Steven and Tansy seem horrified that we don't understand the reason for the apparent party.
"...Because it's your birthday?" Tansy reminds me.
"And Nikki's was a couple weeks ago, but he wasn't here to celebrate it." Steven adds, his smile is long gone, his eyes focused on Nikki who looks like he could kill someone right now.
"Oh, right!" I pretend that I know that it's my birthday today, and everyone seems to let out a breath of relief. "It's been a long day." I explain, stepping to the two blondes, hugging them both tightly. "Thank you so much."
While everyone else starts going on with the party, music starting to blare throughout the house on the stereo speakers, cracking open beer, whiskey, and vodka, as girls strip down to bikinis to go swimming, Nikki's still standing at the door, the look on his face is a mixture or pissed off, disappointed, and "I need another dose."
"Babe." I say gently to grab his attention, hazel eyes looking to me as a jaw tightens. "C'mon, just for a couple hours."
"I'll be right back." He tells me, shoving through people to get to our bedroom.
I brush off his attitude the second I feel hands on my shoulders, squeezing them a little and I snap around to meet Duff's chest.
"Hey, birthday girl." He greets me cooly, and I'm hugging him before I can stop myself.
Something wet falls on my hand when I pull away, and just as I'm about to look around for whatever it was, his fingers that are sticking out of leather gloves that just cover his palms, are brushing at my face.
"What's up?" He asks me, furrowing his brows a little.
What is up? Why the hell are you crying?
"I-I'm happy." Is all I can say, chuckling, wiping more tears.
He knew it was bullshit. I was happy, sure. Happy to get the fuck off the road. Happy to get a break from Nikki and Tommy harassing Vince. Happy to get away from Doc's constant pressing for more tour dates to milk as much money as possible. Happy to be able to hangout with balls of optimism and sunshine like Duff and Steven and have Slash show me his pet snakes like he'd been meaning to, and for Izzy to tell me what music I should have been listening to, and for Axl to go on and on about Tansy but then completely deny he was interested in her because he was too much of a dork to just ask her out.
"I'll be right back, alright?" I tell Duff, looking around to see Nikki's nowhere to be seen.
"Okay." He tells me, swigging from a bottle of vodka.
I thread through people who tell me "happy birthday" and I thank each of them, genuinely, before opening up the bedroom door, and shutting it behind me, stepping to our bathroom.
"Baby?" I ask, seeing Nikki standing at the mirror, teasing his hair some more. "I had no idea they would do this." I tell him.
"I had no fucking idea it was even your birthday, apparently." He grumbles. "Shows how much I care, right? Husband of the year. Something else to be hung over my head anytime we get into a fight." 
"Hey, I didn't even know it was my birthday. The guys didn't either. You've all been busy and working hard and tired. I'm not going to hold this over you, Nikki." I assure him, fixing a piece of his hair for him.
I didn't realize his pride was so hurt by the gesture Steven and Tansy made.
I found out later it was Duff who brought up the idea to Tansy, who recruited the Ken to her Barbie: Steven, to help her orchestrate it.
That was another indication to Nikki that he needed to slow down, forgetting his own wife's birthday, but he didn't listen to it a bit.
"I really don't want to do this shit, Vivian." He tells me, rubbing his eyes.
"And I do?"
"They're your friends." He sighs.
"What's mine is your's." I say as I kiss his cheek and he groans.
"You owe me." He tells me as I step out of the bathroom. "Matter of fact, I want my coke back."
"Um, I can't hear you, babe. I'm sure I will when these people leave." I tell him.
"I-I think you're breaking up, I'll talk to you later." I keep going, walking to the bedroom door.
"I'll break something up when these people get the fuck outta my house!" He calls back and I shut the door behind me.
The night goes on as people play beer pong on the dining room table, dance on whatever and whoever they can, snort lines off any flat surface available, and chug whatever is in their cups, drowning pain and becoming oblivious.
I hate to break it to Nikki, but I don't want these people driving in their condition, so they'll have to stay here tonight or call cabs.
After a few hours, people are either pairing off or grouping off to go get laid, passed out, or too high to function properly and are just chilling out.
Steven's observing his work, drinking from his beer cans perched in his hat when I approach him, looking for Duff.
"Have you seen Duff?" I say over the music and he nods.
"Yeah, I think he's by the pool." He tells me.
"The pool?"
I furrow my brows, stepping to the French doors leading outside, seeing Duff and Tansy sitting down on the pool deck, talking
"Is he pissed?" She asks me, referring to Nikki, after I sit next to her.
"I would say go see for yourself but I don't want to toss you into the lion's den." I admit. "He hasn't come out all night."
"I'll go talk to him." She says. "If he's mean to me I'll just cry and make him feel bad like I do to Vince."
Duff and I exchange looks at her confident words before she's walking away in her neon pink bikini.
"Everyone calming down?" Duff asks in a slur, and I nod, glancing through the doors to look at the guests for a few seconds. "How does it feel to be twenty-two?" He adds, rubbing his nose and I raise my brows a little, glancing at the bottle of vodka he's been working on all night.
"It's weird." I mumble. "I was a senior in high school five years ago." The reality hits me and he raises his brows. "God, I'm old."
"You were seventeen your senior year?"
"In pre-k my teacher decided I was too smart for the class and vouched for me to be moved up to kindergarten, and it didn't take my kindergarten teacher long to convince the principle of the elementary school to let me start in the first grade since they hadn't really started in on their curriculum for the year." I explain.
"I couldn't even meet the basic requirements of alternative school." He tells me.
"You're a freaking genius, you just didn't apply yourself." I tell him and he shrugs.
"I had more important things to get done.
"I guess you did." I agree, gently scoring the bottle of alcohol away from him.
"I know you're tired of me saying this, but, Viv, you gotta get back to dancing."
"Yeah?" I ask.
"Yeah. I mean, imagine me giving up music for someone I'm in a relationship with so I can hold their hand or fucking babysit them or whatever. I mean, sure it shows I love them a lot, but it would just make who ever I was with look like a fucking bitch. And I've talked to Nikki before and he told me he didn't want you to quit dance and he wanted you to go to school." He explains. "Why didn't you?"
"I had more important things to get done." I repeat him.
"I don't know if you're selfless sometimes, or just not thinking." He says, before his face suddenly falls. "I sound like an asshole right now, I'm sorry." He apologizes and I shake my head.
"I'm not upset, I know what you mean." I assure him.
"Okay." He rubs his eyes again like a sleepy child.
"Do you need me to help you to bed?" I offer and he waves his hand at me a couple times.
"No, no, I got it." He assures me, standing up.
He nearly falls over.
"Yeah, I'm sure you do." I comment, helping him inside as he apologizes.
"I'm sorry I'm being out of hand right now, Viv, I don't get like this every night." He tells me as I open our guest bedroom and thank God nobody's in here, although it's obvious someone has been screwed to oblivion on the bed.
I just throw the blanket on the edge of the bed over the mattress and help him lay down.
"Thank you." He says as I pull his boots off and set them nice and neat on the floor at the foot of his bed.
"You're welcome." I reply, setting the garbage can beside him incase he needs it. "Goodnight."
I'm about to leave, but his hand gently grasps at my hand, stopping me.
"What is it?" I ask him.
"I'm really glad we met and we're friends, Viv." He tells me, grasping my hand in his like I'm going to walk out anyway and not listen to what he's got to say.
"I am, too, Duff." I say back, smiling a little. "Sleep tight, okay?"
"Yeah." He nods his head.
"Alright, goodnight."
I go to kiss him "goodnight" on the cheek, but my entire system and body locks up the second he misreads my intentions, and kisses me.
This sounds so counteractive to who I am now and what I stand for currently, and it was ignorant of me to think such a way back then, when so many people close to me were heavily affected, some of them even dying, by drugs and alcohol...but I use to wish I liked alcohol or drugs, or even felt drawn to them.
By '87 I'd had several miscarriages, my marriage was hanging by a thread after only being married for four years, I was having an identity crisis and my entire world was seeming to fall apart and it became routine to buy a bottle of vodka or whiskey, or pills, or blow and just stare at it--trying to convince myself to go for it--for an hour before pouring it out or flushing it.
The people around me, which by that point was mainly Duff and his band, started to pick up on this struggle I had. And although they knew I had to be in some kind of extreme pain to be considering reaching such lows, they carried an "if you don't laugh about it, you'll cry" method of pulling me out of such spells.
Anytime we would be hanging out and I'd opt to try something they were doing, they would call it the "Golden Question Game" because the "Golden Question" was always "is Vivian actually gonna do it this time?" and they wouldn't argue with me about it or try to stop me because they knew the answer would always be "no" even if I didn't think it would be.
I even made the reckless suggestion to try heroin, and got as far as Izzy getting it in the syringe for me, trying to explain to me how to shoot it, how to angle it, how to know I'd hit a vein, with Steven, Slash and Duff all waiting to see if I was that desperate for an escape.
Like everything else I would think about doing, I just sat on the floor next to Izzy and stared at the golden liquid in the syringe and thought, "who the fuck are you to get pissed and angry at Nikki and Tansy for their addiction to this shit, and how it's destroying them, and then turn around and do it yourself?"
I shot it into the air away from me, handed the empty syringe back Izzy, thanked him for letting me waste his time and dose of smack, went to the bathroom with Duff at my heels, and cried.
I never went through with any of it because I knew I would never, ever, come back from it.
I would've drank myself to death or drugged myself past the point of no return and would have ended up a statistic.
I just needed a new escape because my original high became a heroin addict, and December 23, 1985, had me realizing more about Duff than what I had noticed before: Vodka was a hell of a lot easier to be around than heroin.
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bigsisterbabysitter · 5 years
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His Girl 》 Part 2
Promt: Billy and Max are thriving in the Henderson house, but when Billy and Y/N go to a party things get a bit intense and Y/N has a few to many drinks
Warnings: Drinking, Mentions of Past abuse, SMUT
Chapter 2: New Friendships and Summer time Bliss
Billy and Max had been staying in the Henderson House for 3 months as the abuse case got very messy, Susan unfortunately getting into some trouble for never reporting the incidents they awarded Guardian ship to her Step Brother Billy Hargrove. Of course there were still visitations but the relationship was definitely strained. But for the most part everyone's lives were finally becoming peaceful. The school years was comming to a close and the first year of highschool for the party had been a success.
Billy had gotten a job at the local mechanic shop and was absolutely flourishing. Y/N took less of the night shifts at the Gas Station and was looking into other options for work. Once Y/N the Mother Hen of the group next to Steve of course started bringing Billy around more he was accepted with open arms much to Max and Y/Ns delight. He tought the boys about cars and in turn they took him to the arcade and got him in touch with his fun side. It was like a happy family they ate pizza and watched late movies all crashing at whoever's house was the hub that night. On more than one occasion the kids snapped pictures if Billy and Y/N knocked out together on the couch they were just waiting for them to get together at this point.
The Byers returned to Hawkins for the summer, Will and El getting out of school 2 weeks earlier than the others and were staying in a cabin by the lake. Surely that would be where the party spent most of their times this summer.
Billy stood infront of his mirror in the spare room he and Max had been sharing. Though most night he snuck to Y/Ns room to sleep peacefully beside her it was like she was a sheild for his nightmares. Max of course pretended not to notice. He fiddled with his hair anxiously wearing a pair of jeans and his red button down slightly unbuttoned due to the heat. He huffs and sighs jumping when Max speaks from the door way
"You look fine. Y/Ns in the livingroom and shes getting impatient..." she smirks and walks over giving her brother a light punch "go have fun please" she said with a soft look. He hadent done much but hang out at home with her friends and work. Admittedly the thought of the party made him nervous.. Billy Hargrove nervous about a party HAH what a laugh. He smirked and ruffled the red heads hair "alright alright dont have to much fun without me kay?" She pushes him out the door "fine now go" she laughs
When Billy walked into the livingroom his breath cought in his throat. Y/N wore a sunny yellow sundress with thin straps. Her hair was curled and on the sides of her head her hair was braided into a crown with a Daisy hair pin holding it together at the back of her head. She looked so sweet and elegant. He had to shake his head "wow" he whispers
Y/N looked up "finally you take longer than I do!" She laughs grabbing his arm saying her goodbyes Dustin piping up playfully "hey Hargrove have her home by midnight" making Billy blush with a laugh. Y/N would be lying if she said she hadent put extra effort into her look painted her nails and toes a bright summery color and wore a sundress that fell mid thigh. She wore a flowery perfume and had a little makeup on, glossy plump lips and some mascara on those fluttery lashes of hers. She looked killer and she knew it. Climbing into the Camaro they drove to the party together and met up with their friends Steve patting Billy's back reassuringly "hey man just take it slow and have fun" he says as Nancy drug Y/N ofd to dance and chatter away
Billy really started to loosen up and become himself again a drink in hand he talked to a few people from highschool keeping close to Steve. They had gotten pretty close over the few months finding an interest in cars together, it had been helpful to have grown up guy talk. Then Stella whom back in his pkayboy days when he first arrived had been a fling on and off. She was a lanky blonde who wore skimpy cloths and had pretty blue eyes, a cheerleader he chatted her up awkwardly as she kept putting her hands to his chest and giggling. During a slower song she did somthing that cought him off gaurd she kisses him hard he jumped away "Uh sorry but no thanks I'm kinda with someone"
The girl giggled "oh hunny" she slurred "I know you you ain't with anyone" she giggles leaning in again and Billy's fists clenched rage in his eyes "you know NOTHING about me" he snaps she looks up as Steve pulls her away and sends her on her pouty way "hey man shes not worth the time" he pay his shoulder reassuringly. Little did anyone know across the room Y/N had seen them dancing and kissing and her heart was shattered... fine she stomped to the kitchen to hide her tears if Billy could cut loose with some bimbo.. so could she.
Chapter 3: Dunken Tantrums
Much to Nancy's dismay Y/N started to down cup and shots left and right until she lost count. She knew why but she couldn't tell anyone. Y/N was in love with Billy and some other tramp kissed him infront of her. She kept trying to corral the drunk girl as she stumbled around soon Jonathan started trying to help as well as Jonathan was like Y/Ns big brother of sorts since neither of them had fathers they were quick friends in middle school along with Nancy. Steve joined the group in highschool but he was with Billy. Soon there was a loud crash from the kitchen and Nancy yelling as men cheered. Steve looked to Billy confused then on cue Jonathan came pushing through the living room "Y/N" he panted "Drunk. Dancing, table" Steves eyes widened but Billy was already running into the room and was met with the scene.
Nancy stood arms out starched behind the table incase her friend fell Y/N danced swiveling her hips and squealing with her arms in the air. It wasnt on purpose but with here being up there the boys below got a nice view up her dress at a white Lace thong. They cheered and clapped as she danced to Pour some sugar on me by Def Leopard her drunken gaze met Billy's shocked face and she Squealed "Billy!! You're heeeerreee did ya finish up with Stelllaaaa" she slurs leaning forward with a giggle. This elects applause as her cleavage is pressed together as she bends down.
Billy looked at the dunken girl "Y/N common" he says brows furrowed together. He cringed when she mentioned Stella. She didnt actually think that did she? It hurt his feelings a little to think she saw what everyone had seen a heartless play boy. "Common Sweerheart get down" he said firmly. She swated at his hand "nnnoope they lllike me!!" She pouted at him. One guy sits himself on the table "yeah we like her Hargrove" he runs his hand up her calf and the back of her thigh giving her round ass a pinch making her squeak"
Billy is furious grabbing the man by the shirt he yanks him up and slams him into the wall "you touch her again" he grins through his teeth "I'll kill you" he snaps like a feral dog the guy snorts "what's your problem Hargrove you blew it, it's our turn" when the man said our turn like she was a duck doll Billy lost it hauling back with a scream of rage and punched him in the face, the man flailed punching back landing one to hisntight cheek but it was weak wouldn't even leave a bruise. Billy held him to the ground and punched him over and over. Y/N looked at Billy gasping "Billy!" She cried out Nancy ran over grabbing Billy's fist "ENOUGH" She yells Y/N feels dizzy her heel slips but thankfully Jonathan was right there catching the messy girl in his arms "okay alright Y/N up we go" he coos to her as she stumbles "atta girl' he pushed her hair back and held her. Steve was busy getting rid if the crowd and blocking the exit as Y/N kept trying to escape.
Billy stopped when Nancy grabbed him his eyes furious. He say Jonathan catch Y/N thankfully and he shook his fist as it was sore knuckles split he looked at Nancy who said "look I cant really explain but you need to take her home.. after you and Stella... shes just really upset okay" Billy was confused but nodded "yeah okay" he walked over grabbing Y/N by the waist when she squirmed away from Jonathan "I'm sorry guy" he mutters throwing the yelling girl over his broad shoulder. She kicks and curses and pounds on his back and he ignores her putting her in the camaro and buckling her in. He gets in with a angery sigh and starts driving.
Y/N is drunk and angery her emotions running rapid. Clenching her fists she starts to scream like a toddler pounding her fists on the seat either side of her thighs "STOP THE CAR LET ME OUT" she shrieks. "No you're drunk" he snarls at her. But hes forced to pull over as she unbuckled herself and stated opening the door. He slams the breaks pulling over on the empty road "what the hell is wrong with you?!" He yells as she gets out
Y/N is hyperventilating walking a few feet from the car she grips her hair and yells at the forest to their left "ITS NOT FAIR" she yells going from loopy to emotional. Her hands tremble and Billy gets out of the car "Y/N what the fuck isnt fair what's you're problem. The Stella thing? News flash I didnt kiss her back!" She spins around "No she cant have you!" She yells shaking he looks at her blankly "What are tou talking about?! Jesus fucking christ why are you so mad about this why do you even care?!" She couldn't breath her tears came streaming out down her cheeks "no no no she cant that was suposed to be me!" She sobs falling to her knees the truth comes pouring out of her lips she rocks forward crying slapping her hands against the warm pavement like a child "I'm your girl not her!" She cried sobs racking through her body "I'm your girl" she shakes her head repeating herself
Billy stares at her in awe his heart breaks for the woman before him throwing a tantrum on the empty rode and he regrets even talking to Stella when she cries about being his girl he wants to cry with her. Hes loved her since the night she cleaned him up thats when he knew he was in love and it scared him like hell. He knelt down infront of her pulling her close "shhh shhh shh" he says rocking her small form "I'm sorry okay I'm sorry let's go home Angle let's go home okay" he whispers into her hair his heart breaking at the fact that he made her cry like this
Picking her up bridal style as her whimpers died down Billy places her in the passengers seat carefully. He presses his lips to her forehead and then drives them home.
Chapter 4: Handle with Care
She started to calm down her breathing normal curled up in the seat. It's only 10pm but the others were no where around thank god. He helped her walk inside and took her to her room. She sat on the bed wiping her eyes as she started to sober up. Billy had left and returned with a glass of water and some Asprin having her drink the entire glass. He sat on the bed beside her silently. She fiddled with the edge of her dress as she started to relize exactly what she had done. Her heart is pounding un her chest her buzz still remains but she was clear headed. They sat quietly for over 20 minutes before Billy turned to her. He looked her in her eyes and grabbed her face. Kissing her deeply. She gasped softly as he deepens the kiss holding her face to his he nips her plump lip softly and she pushes herself forward climbing into his lap wrapping her arms around him he grips her waist tightly "god I've wanted to do this for so long" he growls "I'm so sorry Y/N" he says softly pressing kisses to her cheeks and jaw she shakes her head "I'm sorry I was being so stupid I got jealous and lost it" she says tilting her head to the side as he trails down her neck
Billy sucks loves bits down to the sweet spot where her neck and shoulder meets and bites down "you are my girl Y/N. You're my girl" he promises. She pulls his face back up to hers and kisses him deeply her hips unintentionally starting against his and he groans against her lips and their bruising kiss. She stops her movements and he growls "dont stop" he snaps out using his hands to move her against him bunching up her dress to get more friction.
The feeling over her lace covered pussy rubbing against his jean clad erection drives her crazy a whole new buzz taking over her body his hands travel from her waist to her ass gripping the soft skin she squeaks and she grips the hairs at the nape of his neck giving a soft tug electing a growl from deep in his chest she bits her lip looking at him with lust filled eyes. His own eyes hold the same look. Standing up holding her up he spins around and throws her onto her bed. She looks up at him her heart pounding as he crawls on top of her pushing the skirt of her dress up. He runs a hand down the front if her thong and kisses the top of her chest as he slides a finger through her folds slowly. Stopping to tease her clit she let's out soft little moans and he hums with a smirk "shhh can't draw any attention here love" he coos slipping a finger past her slick entrance she cries out and he places his free hand over her mouth as he fingers her slowly. 2 fingers curling into her G spot she moans under his grip and arches her back looking down at him and he smirks running his tounge over his teeth like a hungry wolf. This made her shiver just staring into those icey blue eyes. Just as she started to wither coming close tonger climax he removed his fingers making her whimper under his hand "not yet princess" he hums smirking sitting up he yanks her panties down her legs. Shes up just as fast pulling him by hisnshiet undoing his buttons. Her hands run over his tanned muscular skin fingers soft against his scars she looks up sweetly kissing each one individually. He stands shocked for a moment looking down as shes so tender with him
Her fingers worked at his belt as she kissed her way down his hops. Tugging down his pants and underwear letting his erection spring free. She hummed as she let him slip passed her lips and he grunts lacing his fingers in her hair. As she sucked him running her tounge along the underside of his cock. He felt himself twitch and he pushed her back. Drool dripping from her chin with a gasp and he crawls up her body on the bed "I need 5o be inside you" he growls she bites her lip and spreads her legs daringly "then come on in" she teases
Smirking he pulls her dress off of her aggressively and attacks her breasts with kisses and sucks. Lining himself up with her entrance she whimpers impatiently. Her heart racing as he slips inside froaning into her brests " fuck you're so tight princess" he groans into her skin and she threaded her fingers through his curls. His hopes moved slowly letting her get used to his size before he began to snap his hips faster pounding into her she had to cover her own mouth for fear of waking the house
Leaning back up he holds her thighs apart leaving fingerprint bruises in her skin. He looked down at her as she withered and moaned beneath him "mmm what a good girl" he cooed and she smiled up at him her brests bounce with each thrust and she uncovers her mouth eyes rolling back as she tightened around him and he smirks "are you going to come for me princess?" He asks growling as he picks up his speed pounding all the way deep side her "Yes!" She almost yells her toes curling her fists gripping the sheets and he barks "Cum for me" and his words have her unraveling her back arches and he reaches down pinching her swollen little clit pushing her further off that edge. He groans watching her come undone and hes close behind. Pulling out letting her legs fall he pumps himself in his fist rapidly painting her stomach and hips with his cum. He looks down at her state panting. Her brests rise and fall with her breaths. The small bruises on her thighs and the hickey on her neck surrounded by a soft bite mark. Pulling in his boxers he leaves only to come back with a wash cloths wiping her down as she can hardly move.
He grabs her a clean pair of panties and one of his tshirts and dresses her. She lifts his hips for him smiling arms above her head. Sitting up she slips his tshirt on and he climbs into the bed beside her. Pulling her under the covers he laces his fingers in her hair and kisses her head muttering "That's my girl" massaging her scalp softly. They fall asleep tangled in eachother, that was the first time Billy loved anyone in this way. And she would be his only love.
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
hello!! i am back and on desktop this time. the blog is just as pretty. alex + yellow = v v attractive jfc. this is a long one so buckle in.
to begin: i hope you have the most fun on your day road trip and sing your heart out to atl and taylor swift. i love driving long distances and idk just driving in general is fun. have the absolute best time MWAH
my birthday is in november!! november 23 to be specific. i share it with miley cyrus which is something i always found to be very cool when i was growing up and watching hannah montana. it also means i am a sagittarius and funny little fact i realized is that my best friend is a gemini. alex and jack are also a sagittarius and a gemini. from being 13 i know that tyler and josh from twenty one pilots are also a sagittarius and a gemini. something about sagittarius and gemini besties idk.
also yeah!! ao3 year in review!! it's a bit complicated to figure out at first and if you read a lot the finding pages thing can be pretty tedious, but it's def worth it once you figure it out. it gives you a lot of different stats about everything you read and it's pretty cool. now i am going to go look at your fics to remember my favs. you deserve the praise so i am willing to offer it. jeez you write a lot i respect the motivation sm. you write quite a bit of angst and i won't lie i try to stay away from angst so i haven't read your fics that seem super angst-y based on the tags. BUT there are still so many i recall reading and loving nonetheless. on a quick scroll-through: i usually don't read high school AUs but "paint me in trust (i'll be your best friend)" was super adorable and lovely. "thank god i'm yours" is one of my favs iirc. also i love love love "it's not always easy (but i'm here forever)" like yes please romanticize alex gaskarth i love it sm. "i won't be silent (and i won't let go)" and "i fell asleep in a city that doesn't" are both super fluffy and romantic and are favs of mine. in case you haven't picked up on it i adore very fluffy and romantic fics lmao. alright i am continuing to scroll and there are so many more i could list that i love but this section is getting quite long. just know if it's about a kitchen or hotel rooms being for lovers i probably read it and adored it and that pov is so valid.
waterparks!! will not lie i only really started listening to them about 6 months ago having been distantly aware of their existence for several years by being a fan of bands in the same genre. listen as long as you let yourself be vaguely annoyed by awsten is prevents you from being in love with him. follow him on any social media platform for like a day and you'll be sick of him typing in nothing but all caps within hours. simply do not romanticize him and you can keep yourself from falling!! so this is coming from a slightly fake parx fan, but some of my favs by them have been peach (lobotomy), crave, numb, fuzzy, violet!, you'd be paranoid too, and lowkey as hell. that is a very songs-from-their-most-recent-album-heavy rec, but whatever. i did give the disclaimer about being a fake parx fan.
yeah hayley does have 2 solo albums now!! petals for armor and flowers for vases / descansos. pfa is the one i didn't really like upon first listen but has grown on me. i haven't even listened to the second one in its entirety oops but we won't mention it. dead horse is good but simmer (pretty sure that was the other single??) just ain't it for me. the album has some lovely songs but it's just a hit or miss album all the way through. some favs of mine on it include pure love, taken, crystal clear, watch me while i bloom, and why we ever. it's sorta a storyline album about healing if that adds anything to it?? but anyways. i started listening to paramore around the time after laughter dropped and it grew to be one of my fav albums in existence. idle worship is probably one of my fav songs like ever. i def understand being slightly put off by bands with songs that make religious references (me with twenty one pilots' earlier music that makes a lot more religious references considering i'm not religious whatsoever) but i think i am blinded by being in love with hayley williams and just ignore it. idk that she's like super religious?? she's addressed believing in god and stuff a few times but she's def not the "rub it in your face" type and if she's making refs in music more recently then they're subtle enough i'm not noticing them. ik albums like brand new eyes had a lot more because it was shortly after that the band split and the songwriting process was essentially her and ex-bandmate co-songwriter arguing about their religious beliefs (turns out he ended up being super homophobic and transphobic all based on his religion so do with that what u will and thank the clown for leaving). i feel u on the "i meant to start listening to them" because that's essentially how i started listening to them. i told myself i was going to and then finally forced myself to do it. fuck falling for awsten knight what's more risky is falling in love with hayley </3
also yeah!! you've articulated my feelings towards tde. every song is so vastly different that it's hard to like it all. #1 fan is pretty decent though, and that's not just my bias about finding both ross and his gf hot and a cute couple and getting to see them together and ross half naked in a mirror in the video nope not at all. he's my fav himbo!! he has no personality!! no thoughts head empty!! i still love him and his strawberry-growing saga on twitter tho <3 the hazard of being in love with ross lynch since i was 12. girlfriend better be a fucking banger and there's quite a few already released singles in the tracklist so i have hope. i believe my show is in chicago on november 19 which is a thursday. kinda sucks since i intentionally bought the chicago tix nearly two years ago (the show was originally supposed to be april 25 2020. lol.) because the show was on a saturday and i have to drive 3 hours to get there. obviously i can't speak for them as tde but r5 shows always fucking slapped and i can vouch for them (realized i haven't seem them live since 2016?? 5 YEARS?? wtf) so if u genuinely like them. would recommend going to see them.
anyways. i have not listened to luke's solo album yet. i plan on it. this has gotten so long but i tried to respond in all areas and even organized it in different paragraphs this time (thanks being on desktop!!). hope you are well. hope you have a lovely day. hmm what's a little "going on in my life" fact. i got new glasses a few days ago and my eyes essentially said fuck off because adjusting to the new prescription has left me with eyes that hurt and occasionally slightly nauseous. here is to hoping my eyes get their shit together. mwah LOVE YOU TOO - the other bella/cubs anon/idk
okay hi hello. i have put this off because holy hell it's long but let's do it. i am putting a cut because this whole thing is long even without my answer
first: the road trip was super fun thank you!!! i am intrigued by this information regarding sags and geminis, we should do some scientific inquiry. enquiry. i don't know if there's a difference between those words.
aha! well i tried the ao3 year in review thing and i would say it had about 55% accuracy but still i agree it's fun to look back at that kind of stuff. and i feel you on the angst thing i go through phases of writing angst-heavy stuff and then writing very fluffy stuff and it is entirely based on my mental state buuuut i have lots of fluff and i'm glad you found it all and that you liked it yay <333 KITCHENS ARE FOR LOVERS i will die on that fuckin hill. hotel rooms as well but primarily kitchens.
dfgjhgdlfkhgdfmj honestly i dont use twitter enough that i would see his tweets enough that that would bother me also the fact that he tweets in all caps means that i just picture him yelling everything he tweets which i find absolutely hysterical so i don't think that would help. i have added these parx songs to my listen asap playlist and will get to them when i get a chance thank you i am excited also i already know lowkey as hell and it slaps super hard so im very much lookin forward to the rest of these. merci merci
YEAH simmer was the one i didnt vibe with. and honestly i feel zero compulsion to get into hayley williams as a solo artist. i just don't vibe enough to want to do that so i doubt i'll be listening to her anytime soon but maybe if i hear the songs in passing or get super bored one night, idk who can really say. but yeah christianity typically puts me off of music (speaking as a very jewish bitch) although there are notable exceptions in the cases of thomas rhett and the driver era. i'm just not attached to hayley enough to be like ehhh this doesnt matter. does that make sense
FAVORITE HIMBO PLEASE HGSDFGDFGKLFGJ i dont follow him on twitter but i have seen some interviews of ross and rocky and tbh they're great i love the way ross speaks like i like his speech mannerisms and i like his FACE and HAIR and. yeah. i think hes pretty. and i think he and 5sos SHOULD collab i think that would be sexy as hell. can you imagine that. oh my god can you imagine a ross lynch/luke hemmings collab. i'm not even really talking to you anymore bella because i know you haven't listened to luke yet and don't have a stake in it but if anyone else is reading this long ass answer. ross & luke collab. okay im going to move on and not think about that now. but i probably won't see tde unless i get a job this semester because i'm trying to stop spending so much money on big indulgent things like concerts likeee i was in a really good habit of not spending that much and then suddenly i got paid for one summer and i was just goin Crazy and i need to dial it back. plus i wanna see ajr and noah kahan equally bad so like. i have to make some calls about priorities here. it's Much to think about
good luck to your eyes i'm sure your new glasses are hella cute tho!!! LOVE YOUUUUUUU
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