#snyderverse cast
mndvx · 2 years
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fra_fee Feckin’ proud to be in @attitudemag on #pride month … thanks for having me. Link to article in bio 🌈
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wonderbatbvs · 1 year
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The Trinity in Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice
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3-n-1-g-m-4 · 10 months
I hate batfleck.
I'm sorry, I need to speak my truth 😔💔
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jademight · 1 year
Man DC really is just scorching Earth huh
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geminidamianwayne · 2 years
I told everyone they were gearing up to scrapping the entire snyderverse but no one seemed to believe me
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thereasonsimbroke · 11 months
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Be sure to also join us on VERO ☑
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burger4621 · 8 months
I Love Super Heroes, But I hate the modern Super Hero.
I know it's an Unpopular Opinion in the world right now... But i really wish we could stop going for deconstructing the Super Hero genre. Or needlessly gritty. I wish we could just focus on these characters being good for the sake of being good.
The reason i hate the SnyderVerse is the same reason i hate The Boys, Invincible etc. Good for you, you're gritty and 'realistic'. But you completely ignore the reasons for the characters have to be good. Yes i know this is kind of reductionist, I know the shows mentioned above gives motivations for their cast. But they're kind of weak in my opinion... But i am just another Comic Book Nerd on the Internet. Im not saying they need to be Batman 66... But I haven't seen a live action Superman who felt like Superman in a long time. The Snyderverse felt like it removed Clark Kent from who Superman is. He's not a tortured god. He's a Hick. He's a Farm Boy from Kansas. Batman is another one! I understand The Dark Knight Returns is iconic. It changed how the world saw Batman. But now we are in a cycle of making the character darker and grittier because he's obsessed with vengeance. You've removed the hope that Gotham could be better. When i think about why the Spider-Man movies and games tend to be successful is that unlike the trends with Batman and Superman, they haven't removed the core of who Peter Parker is to Spider-Man. He may not always be right in a situation. He quite frequently makes the wrong decision. But he always tries. There is hope. There is the belief that he needs to do what he can because With Great Power Come's Great Responsibility he is the only one who can. Batman used to be like that too. Superman has the ability to be like that again. My Adventures With Superman was the most amazing Superman I have seen in a long time. Someone finally paid attention to who Clark is.
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the-metropolis-marvel · 3 months
inspirations for Superman: Man of Tomorrow as well as overall set up
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I am......
of the evil superman trope
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my favorite superman comic is smashes the klan because it understands the character so so fucking well. Clark's personality was almost Identical to that of the superman Identity. My Adventures with Superman nailed not only Lois Lane but also stuff like the Daily Planet and Jimmy Olsen and hell, HIS FARMBOY DORKINESS
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I'm also gonna do a reverse kingdom come
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in kingdom come the older heroes stoop down to the younger heroes level and become darker and more brutal. In the titanoverse it's gonna be a reverse. Superman is gonna be a beacon of hope in a world full of dark and brutal heroes. He needs to stand out in a world of darkness.
I chose Christian Borle as lex's voiceclaim because his portrayal of Vox is both smug, overbearing but also shy and insecure of Alastor because people like him more than they like vox
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similarly to what gunn is doing, Superman to me is a symbol of hope....like he is supposed to be. as someone who suffers with mental health issues, I want superman to be a character that is all powerful and has everything, but still uses it to be a beacon of hope and to tell you "hey, things are horrible right now, but you will get through this, everything will be ok"
I want to see second chances....this decision might be a tad controversial
I'm keeping the snyderverse actors for Clark and Bruce wayne.
The titanoverse is essentially gonna be "what if the snyderverse was faithful to the comics instead of edgy fanfiction" (except for the rest of the cast like jessie Eisenberg as lex "totally not the riddler" luthor and z!onist wonderwoman)
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henry cavil is one of the best superman castings just...ever
he's dorky, he's got the voice, he loves the character and I think it really sucks how he wasn't given a second chance(though I also cannot wait to what David will bring to the role)
and same case with Bruce Wayne. Affleck was perfect for the role of bruce wayne but he needs to be more optimistic, one of my favorite things done with batman is the storyline of crisis of 2 earths. in that story Batman is shown that his opposite is the ultimate nihilist.
Batman is Batman because he cares about people and believes people can change, its why he looks for job opportunities for Harley, and why he sends people to Arkham and not jail.
as you can tell, these 2 characters mean so much to me and especially in the dark place I am in as well as a lot of other people are in,
we need a character like Superman
I'm gonna leave you all with this last quote
We need a hero, couragous sacrificing people, setting examples for all of us. Everybody loves a hero, people line up for 'em, cheer for them, scream their names, and years later tell how they stood in the rain for hours just to get a glimpse of the one who told them to HOLD ON a second longer. I believe theres a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble. And finally gets us to die with pride.
that is what we NEED in a superman
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idontbeatgames · 11 months
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So, uh, I made the fatal mistake of making it known that folks should support Blue Beetle on Twitter considering the representation it's going to bring in the superhero genre and since, you know, the cast of the film actually kind of rocks. And, not shockingly, I got hate mobbed by a ton of Snyderverse fans for the simple fact that I want the movie to succeed. Blue Beetle's done nothing to deserve any hate at all and folks choosing to support to this film or vocally push for the film's success shouldn't get hate either. Blue Beetle is doing it's own thing and trying to make a positive impact on the superhero genre and the Latin Community without harming Snyderverse fans, the previous DCEU films or trying to take away the DC Cinematic Universe that once was. If there is any DC movie in the last several years that deserves any sense of vocal support from the DC Fandom, it's Blue Beetle.
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docgold13 · 1 month
On your Batman list, Ben Affleck is way too low down. Yeah the Snyder films had flaws, but Batfleck was not one of them. it was a pretty perfect casting and a huge amount better then Robbert Patterson!
A valid opinion!
I felt that Affleck did a great job and certainly looked the part. And it's true that the Snyderverse movies were not my particular cup of tea and this likely affected my ranking.
To be frank, the main reason Affleck's Batman is not higher up on my list is that this iteration of the Dark Knight kills. In my opinion Batman should not kill, it's just antithetical to what he is all about.
That and Robert Pattinson, in my view, made for a better Batman as well as a better Bruce Wayne. It's a subjective matter and that's just my take.
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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Conor Leslie as Donna Troy from the Titans television show.
I watched the first two seasons of this show and was not impressed.  I didn’t like the darker edge, and obvious attempt to appeal to fans of the Snyderverse (of which I am most definitely NOT).  It also never felt like the producers knew what they really wanted to do with the series.  However, I cannot completely hate any series that gives us a live-action Krypto, even if he is criminally underutilized.
I do think, however, that Conor Leslie was excellent casting for Donna Troy.  She was one of the bright spots in the series, and her character was always fun, especially contrasted with Dick “I have my head stuck up my @$$” Grayson.
Her character’s rushed, tacked-on, unnecessary, totally ridiculous death at the end of Season Two was just awful on so many levels.  I know that she came back in Season Three (sorry if I’m spoiling it for anyone), but I just haven’t been able to muster the will to watch any of those episodes yet.
I’m not shedding any tears over the show being cancelled with the end of the current Season Four.  Frankly, I’m surprised Titans lasted this long.  
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mndvx · 2 years
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davebautista I was always proud of who my mom was because she was always proud of who she was. In your face,fuck you if you don’t like it, unapologetically loud and proud. And her son payed attention. BE LOUD, BE PROUD, BE YOU. ❤️🏳️‍🌈💪🏽 #ProudSonOfALesbian
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wonderbatbvs · 1 year
It sucks what Marvel is doing with Spider-Man in the comice rn (One More Day levels of bad ffs)
James Gunn is the best pickup for DC since Zack Snyder imo. He clearly has a vision, and until I see more of it, I'll reserve judgment.
Based on the GOTG trilogy, he definitely nails emotional weight. Rocket Raccoon became an all-time fave right next to Spider-Man & Daredevil in terms of beloved MCU characters after GOTG 3.
James Gunn HAS TO cast a perfect trinity. It'll be insanely hard to match The Snyderverse Trinity imo especially since all three deserve a movie together since we'll never get a solo movie for Affleck's Batman, a WW3 for Gadot's Wonder Woman, and a sequel for Cavill's Superman.
I'd say go with Tim Drake but he's a shell of his former glory (One Year Later Robin & Successor to Bruce as World's Greatest Detective) all DC does with him is make him gay. I HATE how fake it all is.
I'd love to see Edgar Wright & Matthew Vaughn join this new DCU.
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iintotheunkncwn · 1 year
Here’s my whole stance on the James Gunn comment that’s recently come to light…
Now… a few things have come up since the infamous post from Henry Cavill as to why he’s not Supes anymore and whatnot. Some of it even from Gunn himself and I find it quite interesting.
To me, it sounds like he is trying to do some damage control because everyone is literally on his ass over the whole thing. And now that his future lineup is out there for people to see, even more people are on his ass for it. And honestly, his statements are very asshole-ish and I’m not about that shit.
So what you’re saying, Gunn, is you want a completely clean slate to start anew because it’s the future DC deserves. Okay, fine. I’m totally on board with that and I was in the very beginning. I truly believed and still do, that DC needed a whole new storyline. I wasn’t on board with getting rid of a fantastic cast (not including Ezra, and I’ll get to that in a minute). I’m still not happy with it but it is what it is and from the looks of it Gunn doesn’t care what the fans are screaming about so, here we are.
He (Gunn) says that ‘he never fired Henry, Henry was never casted’. Let’s clarify that Henry, indeed, was not hired BY GUNN. Henry was under the old regime and was fucked with. I’m aware that in my old post when everything happened, not only did I blame WB, I also blamed Gunn. But I now realize in light of things it wasn’t Gunn’s fault per se, but WB’s for being dicks to Henry and the way they did him dirty. Unfortunately, Henry got the shit end of the stick here and it really fucking sucks and I’m still mad about it.
NOW. Here is where I still dislike Gunn. Remember I mentioned Ezra earlier? Well here is my gripe with Gunn in this whole thing. You say you want a clean slate, start anew for a new era of superhero films, yet you keep an incredibly problematic man in your arsenal and on top of that, are allowing others within the Snyderverse to potentially keep their jobs as the characters they portrayed. Excuse me but…tell me how this makes ANY sense. I don’t give two shits if the film Ezra is in sets up your line of films. Scrap it like you’ve scrapped everything else with ease. Or edit Ezra out and put someone else in his place. Idk, work that movie magic however you want, but Ezra should not be utilized in any way for a multitude of reasons that a majority of people already know about.
Also, Jason, Gal, Duhwayne and Zachery are still able to keep their roles for potential future projects…when you wanted a clean slate and move away from what was already set up with the Snyderverse. And, yet again, Henry is cut out and gets the shit end of the stick for no reason other than ‘he is not right for this Superman’. Basically, Gunn in his own roundabout way, also screwed Henry from what I’m seeing on my end.
So tell me…how is anything I’ve touched base on, making any sense? Someone please explain this to me because my brain can’t wrap itself around this bit of info.
IF YOU WANT A CLEAN SLATE, GET RID OF EVERYONE WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS, GUNN. Rip that patched bandaid off with one clean swipe and let it be the end of an era to really start over like you’re claiming you want. What’s happening so far just makes everyone (WB, Gunn and Safran) look like even bigger idiots and the future of their films bleak AF. I’m not remotely excited for any of it, personally. The new lineup that was released yesterday is not making me jump for joy in any way or hold out hope for a franchise I have loved for years, and that is WB and Gunn/Safran’s doing.
If you read this far, thanks for coming to my TedTalk / rant. Also, please know that these are things that I personally feel and have observed, and are based on things I’ve read. Please go research things for yourself so you may form your own personal opinion, and if anyone would like to discuss this topic like adults without insults and the like, I am happy to do so. Problematic behavior in the comments / reblogs will not be replied to.
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ordinaryschmuck · 8 months
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...So, Snyder fans are just delusional, right?
Like, I get it. They want this story continued. But, like, there are other ways to do it. A graphic novel written by Zack Snyder, an animated mini-series on HBOmax, or even making fan fics and doing it yourself.
Telling other studios to buy WBD's biggest brand for the sake of finishing ONE narrative? Especially when this other studio did THIS:
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This is why people call Snyder's fanbase a fucking CULT. They don't give a shit about DC as a franchise and are WAY too desperate to continue Snyder's vision that they really believe WBD will sell the IPs to Netflix and now Universal.
Look...Snyderverse is dead. I know a lot of them don't want to hear that, but it's true. It's dead and the odds of it continuing are slim. It's an unfortunate circumstance in a studio's drive to make money and get audience's attention and we lose great stories that way. But here's the thing: There are OTHER great stories out there. There are MANY OTHER great movies and shows you can watch or get excited with. Movies and shows with their stories completed. It sucks that this one story will never have its ending, but at least it got a chance to exist for a while before being cast aside.
Also, Snyder is off doing OTHER things, making some...I don't know, his version of Star Wars? I didn't give a shit about Rebel Moon enough to care.
But he's still making that. He's sharing his vision about popular ideas and making movies HIS way. Would he want to continue finishing the Snyderverse if given the chance. Maybe? But he's still fine with this direction the DC is taking, even going out to see The Flash and Blue Beetle because he's a simple dude who loves movies, even a bad and mediocre one like those two.
Snyder is doing just fine, making stories his way and accepting his loss with dignity and grace. Maybe it's time to take that as a sign and accept that this loss is still a loss, no matter how badly you don't want it to be. It's better than to just stew in disillusion.
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comicweek · 8 months
The drama is being rehashed at a time when DC Entertainment toppers James Gunn and Peter Safran are poised to close the book on the previous regime’s superhero slate with the Dec. 20 release of “Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.” Since Warner Bros. chiefs Pam Abdy and Mike De Luca joined the studio in June 2022, followed by Gunn and Safran’s entrance four months later, the four have been saddled with DC duds they inherited, including this year’s “The Flash” ($271 million worldwide) and “Blue Beetle” ($128 million worldwide).
Still, the “Aquaman” sequel held promise considering that the character’s first outing earned $1.15 billion worldwide, becoming the highest-grossing DC movie ever. But sources say the sequel has endured challenges outside of the Heard saga and was testing in the 60s before being recut in the summer of 2022. Despite the overhaul, the film continued to test in the 60s, prompting a new cut. “The movie is like this echo of regimes,” says one insider. “It’s the last remnant of the Snyderverse, and no one really wants to take ownership of it.” Reshoots took place right up until this year’s WGA strike in May. The on-set source disputes the idea that “Aquaman 2” is troubled, noting that the film was on time, under budget and needed only about a week of reshoots.
Like “Flash,” “Aquaman” can’t shake its lame duck trappings, with the DC universe getting overhauled under new leadership, marking Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav’s top priority.
In fact, none of the stars cast by Zack Snyder for 2016’s “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” and 2017’s “Justice League” — including Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller and Momoa — will reprise their roles in the new DC universe in character. Momoa may return, just not as Aquaman. Sources say the actor has engaged in talks to play Lobo, either in the 2025 reboot “Superman: Legacy,” written and directed by Gunn, or in a standalone film. In a confusing twist, Viola Davis, who played Amanda Waller in both of the recent “Suicide Squad” movies, will remain as that character in the Gunn-Safran DC universe in next year’s Max series “Waller” and possibly in the new “Superman” tentpole. Another outlier is Gunn’s Max series “Peacemaker,” which will be back for a second season with John Cena in the lead.
Meanwhile, there has been some confusion on the series front about who is the ultimate gatekeeper. Unlike the Marvel-Disney relationship in which Marvel controls the creative process and Disney+ merely releases the content, Max is creatively involved with the DC slate. Gunn and Safran don’t enjoy the same autonomy as Marvel’s Kevin Feige. (A Max source says the collaboration between the DC team and Max executives Sarah Aubrey and Casey Bloys has been seamless, including on the upcoming series “The Penguin,” which was forced to shut down production after the WGA strike began but is expected resume shooting as soon as the SAG-AFTRA strike ends.)
Regardless, some on the lot are convinced that another company, most likely Universal, will buy Warner Bros. within two years, making recent DC subplots and upheavals feel quaint.
“The bottom line is they need to get DC to work whether Zaslav owns it, whether Brian Roberts owns it, whether somebody else owns it,” says LightShed’s Rich Greenfield, a Wall Street analyst and venture capitalist.
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