#smith's grove sanitarium
iwasgoodtoyoumickey · 4 months
‘My God, he's a freak himself, and his masks are just as ugly’
Ismael rolls his eyes before bringing a paper cup of coffee to his mouth and taking a sip. That jerk Noel Kluggs disliked the prisoner at first sight. Moreover, probably Michael's gaze – very often the novice ordered the patient not to look at him.
‘Masks are like masks,’ Cruz says, ‘get off the guy.’
‘Are you defending him again?’
‘I'm not... just shut up, okay? You shouldn't care about his masks.’
‘They're even scarier than my neighbor's smelly clay figurines, she makes them out of shit.’
Cruz snorts: laughter runs through him along with disgust, and he shakes his head. He knows it's all a matter of habit. Michael had been making scary masks almost since he arrived here, but they had never aroused the old warden's dislike. Only, perhaps, anxiety and sadness.
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looseratinthegarage · 2 years
Rz Michael: *reaches hand out*
Y/n, a security guard: I know this is a trick, but that is the cutest fucking thing I have ever seen in my entire life- *proceeds to hold his hand*
Michael: *spins y/n around and pulls them against his chest as a meat shield they ain’t gonna shoot at him if your in the way 🤷🏻*
Guards: We’re coming to get you it’s okay!! Yeah sure
Y/n: nah it’s cool, I’m a willing participant.
The guards:
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nm24484 · 4 months
Case Number: 131 Patient: Myers, Michael Date Of Birth: 10/19/57 Admitted By: State Date Of Admission: 11/1/63 Status: Standard
Michael was admitted to Smith's Grove Warren County Sanitarium by the state after his parents, Peter and Edith Myers found that he had fatally stabbed his sister, Judith Myers, on Oct 31. Michael's parents returned home to find him in their front yard, knife in hand, and with a blank expression.
In a statement by Peter Myers to the head of the Smith's Grove psychiatric board, Dr. Adam Vincent, he remarks on Michael's apathetic nature. The following is the previously mentioned statement:
"Michael was always a different boy: no friends, no pets, and barely ever spoke.
All Michael did was sleep, eat, brush his teeth, repeat. Sure, he had a life outside of his daily routine, but it wasn't much.
Kids at school would pick on him, and I even saw it when I dropped him off at school, but it didn't look like he cared. I just don't understand him, and I don't think I ever will. I hope you can fix my boy, doc. It won't bring my daughter back, but please fix him'.
Upon arrival at Smith's Grove, Michael was immediately seen by Dr. Adam Vincent.
Dr. Vincent attempted to interview Michael, but Myers simply would not speak. The following is a transcript from the failed interview.
Dr. Vincent: My name is Dr. Adam Vincent, the date is November 1st, 1963, and I'm joined by a newcomer, Michael Audrey Myers. He is six years old and was admitted to Smith's Grove by the state after murdering his sister with a large kitchen knife. Now that we have all of that out of the way; how are you, Michael?
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Vincent: Do you feel bad for doing what you did?
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Vincent: Your father told me you were quiet, but I didn't know you were this quiet, haha.
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Vincent: Patient appears to be severely withdrawn, his eyes only staring forward, and with no movement whatsoever. Sorry about that, Michael: I have to record this little talk we're having, but you know what? It would be an even better talk if you would say something to me.
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Vincent: Fine, how about this: why did you kill Judith, Michael? Your own sister. She was minding her own business, and you stabbed her to death with a knife. Why, Michael? Why would you do such a thing?
Myers: (Turns to face the wall).
Dr. Vincent: Michael? Why don't you want to look at me? Did I upset you?
Dr. Vincent: (Touches Myers on the shoulder).
Myers: (Immediately removes Dr. Vincent's hand from his shoulder).
Dr. Vincent: The patient is shutting me out completely. I'm going to have to shut down this interview if you can call it that. Do you want to say goodbye, Michael?
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Vincent: That's what I thought. Well, goodbye, Michael.
After the interview, Myers was escorted to his living quarters in the children's wing of the facility. Upon arriving at the children's wing, Myers was to be photographed, as per facility
rules. Complications arose when the flash on the camera went off. As the picture was taken, Myers immediately turned his back to the photographer, resulting in a blurry, incoherent photo.
After a bit of coaxing Myers, the photographer was able to get him to face forward. The photographer claimed to have covered the flash with a towel, thinking that Myers was alarmed by the sudden bright light. However, the resulting photo was that of Myers' silhouette, rendering the photo useless. The photographer cited Patient Admission Guideline 2' when confronted by Smith's Grove director, Thomas Blythe
The photographer stated that nowhere in 'Patient Admission Guideline 2' does it say that one is obligated to take a photo that shows the patient's face. The photographer further argued that Myers was a "stubborn little guy", not allowing him to take a proper photo. The said guideline has since been updated.
Due to this loophole, Myers's admission photo was left as it was.
On November 2nd, Myers was to be given a mandatory psychological evaluation.
Before the state was to decide on whether to keep Myers for a finite time or indefinitely, his mental state had to be examined by a specialist in child psychology. Dr. Adam Vincent referred Myers to Dr. Samuel Loomis, an expert in child psychiatry.
Dr. Loomis was given the assignment at 10:31 AM by Dr. Vincent, and the evaluation was to take place at 1:00 PM. However, the evaluation had to be set back to 2:28 PM, because Myers was engaging in uncooperative behavior.
Myers refused to leave his living quarters. No matter what staff would say or do, Myers would only sit on his bed, looking straight at the wall. As per facility rules, especially in the children's wing, staff are to find any other means of getting patients out of their room before resorting to physical removal.
Dr. Loomis eventually came to Myers's living quarters in an effort to get him out through persuasion.
According to witnesses at the scene, Dr. Loomis knelt by Myers' bedside, looking up at his face. Loomis, still looking directly at Myers, reached into his coat pocket, pulling from it a piece of paper. Dr. Loomis unfolded the paper, revealing to Myers a photo of his house. Myers slid from his bed and onto the floor, following Dr. Loomis out of his living quarters.
The following is a transcript of the evaluation.
(See page 4.)
Dr. Loomis: It is November 2nd, 1963. My patient, Michael is sitting across from me - (whispering) I'm talking about you, pal. (Normal tone) and he hasn't uttered a word since his arrival at Smith's Grove sanitarium, at least not that we've heard. Alright, friend: why have you followed me here?
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: [whispering] Could it be because I showed you a photo of your home? Do you want to go home, friend?
Myers: Home.
Dr. Loomis: Ah, see? You can speak to me, Michael. I won't bite. Now, why are you here?
Myers: Judith.
Dr. Loomis: Right; Judith. What do you remember about Judith?
Myers: Sister.
Dr. Loomis: Indeed, Michael, indeed. You're doing very well. Since you're doing so well at answering my questions, I think you deserve a reward. How about candy, Michael? Here, take it.
Dr. Loomis: (waits for Myers to take candy).
Myers: (Slowly reaches out to retrieve candy).
Dr. Loomis: There you go. Go on: eat it. It's cherry.
Myers: (Motionless, silent).
Dr. Loomis: Well, you can eat it whenever you feel like. Now, let's talk about what happened to Judith. Do you want to talk about that, Michael?
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: You won't get into any trouble.
Myers: (Silent).
(Dr. Loomis is Right.): Let's move on then. You were trick or treating, right? How much candy did you get? was it any good, or just tons of apples that old geezers like myself hand out?
Myers: Judith.
[see page 51)
Dr. Loomis: Oh, well what about her, Michael?
Myers: Alone.
Dr. Loomis: was she alone?
Myers: Me.
Dr, Loomis: Why were you alone?
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: Was she meant to be babysitting you, Michael?
Myers: Judith.
Dr. Loomis: Yes, Michael: Judith.
Dr. Loomis: How do you feel about Judith?
Myers: What?
Dr. Loomis: How do you feel about Judith, Michael? Was she nice to you, maybe a bit mean like my sister was?
Myers: Feel.
Dr. Loomis: Yes, Michael. How do you feel about Judith?
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: Do you know what "feel'" means, Michael?
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: To feel is normal, Michael. We all feel, in some way or another.
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: We all get happy, sad, angry, and so on and so forth. Do you ever get angry Michae]?
Myers: (Hangs head).
Dr. Loomis: Do you ever get sad?
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: Do you ever get happy?
Myers: (Silent).
(see page 6]
Dr. Loomis: I see. Your silence speaks much louder than your words, Michael. would you like me to explain my feelings to you?
Myers: (Raises head).
Dr. Loomis: Alright. Well, feelings are what make people happy, sad, or angry. Right now, I'm happy to be with you, but I'm sad that you don't know what my feelings are. Do you feel anything like happy, sad, or angry right now, Michael?
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: Oh, Michael: how confused you must be in this world. You know, I once met a little boy, not much older than yourself, who didn't know what his feelings were. I taught him the idea, how to understand what people are feeling, and so on. Do you want me to begin teaching you too, Michael?
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: We can do that later. Right now, let's just focus on this moment. Where are we, Michael?
Myers: Room.
Dr. Loomis: Yes: we're in a room. What color is it?
Myers: White.
Dr. Loomis: Where is this room? What is the big building built around the room called?
Myers: Smith's Grove.
Dr. Loomis: You're right, Michael! And what's today's date? What number of days in the month of November are we in right now?
Myers: 2nd.
Dr. Loomis: Good job, Michael. You're a bright child: you just need some help is all. Well, that's all the time we have for now, Michael. It was marvelous talking with you, my friend. I look forward to our next talk, but until then, take care, my friend.
Myers: (Escorted from the room).
Dr. Loomis: Michael seems to be experiencing the classic symptoms of childhood psychopathy: no emotion, no understanding of right or wrong, no moral compass.
Michael, as distant as he may seem, is very lucid, and very much aware of his surroundings. It would appear that all he does is listen, watch, learn.
If his father's statement is accurate, I would say that Michael could even be experiencing obsessive compulsions. We'll see where this leads us, but for now, I would advise holding onto him until we can figure out why he murdered his
Following the conclusion of Dr. Loomis' interview, Myers was once again taken for his mandatory admission photograph. In this instance, the photographer opted to use lighting from an open window and even implemented overhead lighting. Said photo can be seen below.
The photographer stated that this method of photography was easier for Myers, as he didn't move a muscle during the process. After the successful photo shoot, Myers was escorted back to his living quarters. Additionally, Myers was gifted a notebook and a box of crayons, as requested by Dr. Loomis.
The idea behind this gift, as Dr. Loomis worded it, was to "possibly get a glimpse into Michael's psyche". Dr. Adam Vincent approved the gift and allowed Myers to use it whenever he wished.
On November 9th, Myers was scheduled for another appointment with Dr. Loomis.
In this instance, Myers showed no resistance or hesitance in following Dr. Loomis out of his living quarters.
Loomis remarked on Myers' sudden cooperative nature, citing it as the "beginning of a bond of trust".
The following is a transcript of Myers and Loomis' 2nd interview.
(See page 8.)
Dr. Loomis: Welcome back, Michael. I see you have that notepad I gave you. Do you like it?
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: You can show me what you've drawn if you'd like.
Myers: (Extends arm to Loomis, giving him said notepad).
Dr. Loomis Let's see... Very good, Michael! Is this smiling girl your sister? (Points to Myers' drawing).
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: Well, whoever it may be, you did a good job, my friend. (Flips through pages of notepad).
Dr. Loomis: Oh. Michael. What is this? (Points to Myers' drawing).
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: She has a big smile, but it seems she's hurt, isn't she?
Myers: What?
Dr. Loomis: In the drawing, Michael. You drew a happy smile, but she's badly hurt. Looks like she may have been hurt by a sharp object.
Myers: Hurt.
Dr. Loomis: Oh, my boy. Do you not know what it means to be hurt?
Myers: (Hangs head).
Dr. Loomis: When you hurt someone, it can make them sad, angry, or even afraid. To be afraid is another feeling, Michael.
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: (Plips through pages of notepad) Ah, see? Now this one is just right, my friend. (Points to Myers' drawing).
Myers: (Looks up at drawing).
Dr. Loomis: A big, happy family, right? Very good job.
[see page 9]
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: Now, all I ask is this: why have you drawn the mother, father, and sister in black, but not the son?
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: Could it be that you don't like them? Maybe they were mean to you?
Myers: (Silent)
Dr. Loomis: I know plenty of children who had mean families, Michael. It's alright to talk about it.
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: Well, I quite like the picture: shows character.
Myers: (Silent)
Dr. Loomis: (Plips through pages of notepad). Oh, would you look at that? Is that man meant to be me, Michael? (Points to Myers' drawing).
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: I ask because of the little boy sitting across from the man. Do you know what strikes me about this drawing?
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: The man isn't drawn in black; he's drawn in blue.
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: The boy is still drawn in red but the man is in blue. Blue is a tranquil, relaxing, and beautiful color.
Myers: (Silent).
Dr. Loomis: (Looks at the clock). Well, my friend, it appears that we're out of time. It was wonderful to speak with you again, Michael Just like last time, I'll be back, my friend. I'll be back.
Myers: (Escorted from the room).
Dr. Loomis: It would seem that Michael is far more expressive in his drawings than in his words. His actions speak for themselves. His deliberate, rigid movements may signify a certain discomfort, but that is just speculation.
An enigmatic, psychopathic young boy, but not a lost cause by any means. His father will be visiting him tomorrow, so I must remember to be present for that meeting. Now... Where is my? Well, I seem to have misplaced my pencil. I guess I'11 just have to keep a mental note of that meeting.
Approximately two hours after Michael Myers' appointment, Edith Myers, his mother, visited the facility. Mrs. Myers appeared distraught, according to Abigail Lancer, the Smith's Grove receptionist. Mrs. Myers exhibited behavior perceived as "sporadic", and "fidgety". Ms. Myers wished to deliver a message to the psychiatric board, insisting that it was "urgent".
Ms. Lancer attempted to calm Mrs. Myers, but the situation only escalated.
Through so-called "frantic rambling", Ms. Lancer was able to decipher some of Mrs. Myers's messages to the facility. "Don't let Peter sees him, "Don't let him get out of this fucking place',
', and "Michael isn't human" were some of the sentences Ms. Lancer could decipher.
Mrs. Myers was escorted out of the facility by security, still ranting and raving about her son, Michael. This message was passed down to Dr. Adam Vincent, who then passed it on to Dr. Samuel Loomis. Loomis then decided to tape his thoughts on the situation. The following is a transcript of said tape recording.
(See page 14.)
On November 10th, at 7:30 AM, a mandatory shakedown was performed in Myers' living quarters.
Orderlies searched underneath Myers' bed, between the sheets, and even searched his person, but found no cause for concern. Myers was cooperative throughout the process, earning him the right to proceed with his father, Peter Myers' visit.
The visit was scheduled for 1:00 PM, giving Myers time to see Dr. Robert Callahan, Smith's Grove physician.
Callahan tested Myers's seemingly limited range of motion: checking for muscle stiffness, hernias, broken or fractured bones, and possible head injuries, but found nothing of the sort. Dr. Callahan noted Myers' unwillingness to be touched, stating that he would "take a step back, turn his back to me, or begin to walk away. He wasn't as difficult as the schizos, but still a pain in the ass".
Myers' physical lasted a span of approximately 40 minutes: stretching from 11:20 AM to 12:00 PM, due to his less-than-ideal behavior. Upon concluding the checkup, Dr. Loomis was sent to escort Myers to the visitation room. Peter Myers arrived at approximately 12:40 PM to check in, bringing with him one of Michael's possessions. The item in question was a defaced birthday card.
Dr. Loomis: Alright. All set to talk.
Peter Myers: Thanks, doc. Hey, Mikey. What's it been like here?
Michael Myers: (Silent).
Peter Myers: Thought you said he was talking to you, Loomis.
Dr. Loomis: Take your time, Mr. Myers. Michael will open up in due time.
Peter Myers: (Sighs). Fine. Anyway, I brought you this, (Remove birthday card from coat pocket).
Dr. Loomis: Michael, did you draw on that card?
Michael Myers: (Silent).
Peter Myers: He did. It was for his 5th birthday, and we found it again in his room with all of these drawings on it.
Dr. Loomis: Oh, Michael: why have you done that to your birthday card?
Michael Myers: (Silent).
Peter Myers: Michael! why did you draw this on -
Dr. Loomis: There's no need for shouting, Mr. Myers.
Peter Myers: Loomis, he's my son.
Dr. Loomis: But we don't want to upset Michael, do we?
Peter Myers: Upset him? Upset him?! Doctor, Michael killed my daughter!
Michael Myers: (Hangs head).
Security guard: (Opens door). Is everything okay in here?
Dr. Loomis: Yes, everything is -
Peter Myers: Yes, yes, yes. Everything's fine.
Security guard: Alright then. (Closes door).
Peter Myers: (Whispering). Michael, look at me. I just wanna know why, Michael. Why would you do this to us? What did Judith do to deserve that?
[see page 17]
Michael Myers: (Silent).
Peter Myers: (Normal tone). That's why I brought your birthday card. I wanted to see if it would trigger some kind of reaction. I wanted to see if maybe, just maybe it would remind you of why you did it. I don't know why I thought it would work, because Mister Big Time Shrink over here is supposed to know all that psycho stuff, but I'm desperate.
Michael Myers: (Silent).
Peter Myers: (Voice trembling). I should've known you'd do this. I - I just couldn't admit it to myself.
Dr. Loomis: Admit what?
Peter Myers: (Stifled sobs). That Michael isn't like us. (Sniffling).
Dr. Loomis: When was this first apparent?
Peter Myers: (Sighs, sniffling). It always was. When Edith gave birth to him, we thought he was a stillborn. He wasn't crying, he wasn't moving, hell, he was barely breathing. The doctors scrambled to find out what was wrong, but he was as healthy as could be. The doctors couldn't explain it. They told us to keep an eye on him, so we did. (Sobs). Sorry.
Dr. Loomis: No need to apologize,
Peter. It's alright; go on.
Peter Myers: (Sniffling). Me and Edith would check up on Michael every night, just to see if our little boy was still (stifled sobs).. breathing. He was so quiet: never making noise or anything like
that. We never knew when he was hungry, so Edith breastfed him whenever we thought he went too long without being fed.
Dr. Loomis: Quite unusual. Go on, Peter.
Peter Myers: we thought he'd grow out of it, but he just didn't. He didn't learn to walk until he was four, and he didn't start speaking until he was five. God, the way he moves: it's inhuman. He's like an alien, Loomis.
Dr. Loomis: Let's not speak 111 of Michael, especially while he is in the room with
Peter Myers: Whatever you say, doc. You didn't have to bury the family dog.
Dr. Loomis: Go on...
Peter Myers: Rascal was a good, loving boy. That dog never hurt anyone. Actually, he'd sit in Michael's lap and lick his face whenever he got the chance.
Michael wouldn't even blink, he'd just sit there and stare at fucking nothing. One day, Rascal got all riled up by some kids playing outside. He wouldn't stop barking.
He had his paws up on the window sill, barking at those loud kids outside.
Dr. Loomis: What happened to Rascal, Peter?
[see page 181)
Peter Myers: (Voice trembling). I went to calm Rascal down, but when I got there, I saw him lying on the floor. (Stifled sobs). He - he was just laying there, you know? And Michael. Michael was just fucking standing there, looking at our dead dog. I yelled "Michael what did you do?", and that's when he said his first word.
Dr. Loomis: What did he say?
Peter Myers: "Quiet". He didn't even look at me. No, all that little shit said was "quiet", and stood there.. Doctor, do you believe in evil?
Dr. Loomis: No. Evil is a human construct, not an achievable state of being for anyone or anything. Nothing is black and white in this world, Peter.
Peter Myers: You gotta be blind then, doctor. You've seen what he's done, how he acts, what he draws, so how can you say you don't believe in evil?
Dr. Loomis: People are capable of awful things, but there's always a psychological reason behind their crimes. Nobody does anything without reason.
Peter Myers: You know, I had a little hope that you educated, fancy shrinks could fix him, but if you don't want to accept that there's nothing left of him, then there's nothing you can do to piece him together. You wouldn't fix a broken window if you couldn't see the cracks, right?
Dr. Loomis: Peter, Michael is not exempt from salvation. He just needs -
Peter Myers: Doc! There's nothing left! No understanding of life or death, right or wrong good or evil nothing!
Dr. Loomis: Peter, calm down -
Peter Myers: Michael! Look at me! Why did you kill your sister?!
Security guard: (Opens door). Is every -
Peter Myers: (Grabs Michael). Look at me!
Michael Myers: (Opens notepad, revealing a pencil).
Dr. Loomis: Michael!
Michael Myers: (Jabs pencil into Peter's neck).
Security guard: Hey! (Dashes to aid Peter.)
(Unintelligible shouting)
Security guard: He's bleeding out! Someone call an ambulance!
(Emergency alarm sounding off)
Dr. Loomis: My pencil.
What do you think?
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dollgall · 2 years
get in loser we’re going to smiths grove sanitarium <3
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6lostgirl6 · 11 months
A Night To Dismember
Pairing: Michael Myers x Fem!Reader
TW: Detailed Gore, Mentions of Murder, Mentions of Sexual Assault [Not by Michael], Slightly Possessive Michael, Protective Michael, Mature Audience only!
A/N: Requested by my bestie @prettywhenibleed! I really hope you enjoy this and it was an absolute pleasure to write this for you!! Love you, my favorite slasher whore! ❤️ This isn't my best work, I'm afraid, forgive me.
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The Smith's Grove Sanitarium operated according to a schedule that was consistently set in motion without interruption. No authorized doctor employed by the sanitarium, however, would have foreseen this. Medical specialists thought they were completely familiar with Michael Myers' behavior. He was docile and kept to himself, despite being the most dangerous and threatening patient in the hospital. 
But if you left him alone, there was a chance he would treat you in a similar fashion. The sole exception would be if touching his masks or otherwise bothered him. Even being among other patients was something he never enjoyed.
You were a new patient, recently exiled from society and your family because of your dreadful infatuation with fire and burning objects of interest. Your arrival left the building in absolute shock. On your first day, you were assigned to the recreation room. When you entered the room, your initial instinct was to walk over to the largest and most dangerous man within the sanatorium while grinning brightly. You only watched him work on a paper mache mask while standing over his hunched figure in the corner of the room, his hospital-approved supplies scattered along the table. 
You thought the colors were stunning, which you happily expressed. 
As a precaution against Michael harming you, guards stood by the recreation room's entrance wielding batons. Michael, on the other hand, did the exact opposite, giving you a cursory glance before grunting and slackly pointing for you to sit next to him. 
It was like you and Michael had your own timetable inside the sanitarium, and this went on for the next few months without fail. As directed by his psychiatrist, Michael was permitted to create his masks in the recreation area in the mornings. You would follow not far behind and take your normal seat beside him at a table chosen at random, apart from the other patients. You would merely watch him create his masks and ramble about whatever was on your mind. Michael never responded to the conversation, but that didn't stop you from talking to him because he had his own style of doing so without words. You have grown accustomed to deciphering his thoughts from his basic grunts and gestures.
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"Hey, Mikey." You said with a smile, taking a seat at your usual spot next to Michael's side, placing your tray of food onto the table.
Michael was in the middle of placing wet paper mache on the face mold for his mask, his fingers caked in colors of paint and residue from the paper mache. He paused for a moment, giving you a small grunt as acknowledgement before returning to his activity.
You smiled more, chuckling at his usual ways of communicating as you watched him craft. You've always been interested in his masks and the variety of patterns he would use for each one. Many of his masks had their own unique qualities. However, you knew to only look, not touch.
"I see you're adding bright colors this time; are those happy pills finally working?" You teased him, nudging him softly with your body.
Michael huffed through his nose, which you learned was his way of chuckling as he shook his head at you. In the past, It took a while, but you had a better understanding of Michael's gestures and emotions than the doctors.
Simply because you treated him like a person, not an experiment.
"Maybe next time then." You replied, turning towards your tray before glancing at his project once more. "You're really good at that, Mikey. You're really talented."
Once again, Michael paused his movements, his stained fingers holding the paper mache while his eyes remained downcast. His fingers twitched before he resumed, and you almost thought you said something wrong.
"I didn't mean-"
You were cut off as Michael grabbed another mold from the table, pushing it in your direction. Your eyes widened slightly as you pushed your tray out of the way as Michael's slow movements brought other materials in your direction.
Still in slight awe, you watched him turn towards you, and your eyes connected through his favorite orange mask. You couldn't help the way your heart skipped a beat at the way his eyes stared into your own, seemingly piercing into your own soul.
The doctors were wrong; his eyes weren't soulless, nor were they black, resembling a massive void of nothingness. They were blue, similar to a clear sky or the glimmering waves of the ocean.
He huffed before pointing a finger at the materials and then towards you. He wanted you to mold with him.
"Thank you, Mikey." You said softly, a bright smile on your face.
When your eyes met Michael's, he was unable to comprehend the sensation in his chest. Usually, when his sight fell on their figures, individuals would tremble or turn away. He wasn't concerned by their fear of the facility's most dangerous patient. He actually benefited from the fear he instilled in the hearts of many who came to the sanitarium.
Yet you didn't...and he liked that.
He liked that you weren't scared of him, speaking to him, or even touching him like you've been these past few months. The thought of you being scared of him made him feel...hollow.
When you started working on your own mask using the materials that were laid out on the table, Michael couldn't help but covertly place a palm on his chest to feel how his heart was refusing to settle down. He almost wanted to groan in annoyance, hating the way he liked being around you and having your attention.
He had been content with his solitude for a long time, He preferred being alone and had been for many years. However, the notion of you leaving him made the murderous itch inside him threaten to resurface.
He decided that he would keep you with him, protect you with everything he has, and extinguish anyone who threatened to ruin that. With darkened eyes, he returned to working on his mask.
On that day, you and Michael became closer.
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You weren't born yesterday and you certainly weren't born stupid. Trouble was afoot in the institution and it was either happening under the doctors' noses or they simply didn't care enough to investigate. Over the past week, you would hear feminine screams down the hallway in the women's section of the institution during the late hours of the night. Last night, the screams could be heard two doors down from your room.
The screams and cries began when a new guard was appointed to the institution, supposedly replacing a well-known guard who was at the age of retirement. Due to your paranoia, you would sit on the edge of your bed, watching the door in the chance of someone entering your room when they weren't supposed to.
During the days, you would spend all you could with Michael, hoping that your association with him would make you seem off limits to mess with, or you hoped. Yet, Michael couldn't protect you when the sun went down and the men and women would return to their respective cells on opposite sides of the institution.
Tonight, you were following the same routine, sitting on the edge of your bed and watching the door. Your mind was in shambles, trying to come up with a plan in that chance, that horrid chance of the new guard coming for you. You hoped it wasn't what you were thinking, and for once, you prayed.
God never heard your prayers, and he certainly didn't now, especially when the jingling of keys were heading down the hallway, towards your room.
Michael couldn't sleep and when he couldn't sleep, he would simply pass the time by creating more masks or painting designs onto them. He was sitting at his desk, the surface covered in paper mache, markers, paint, and crayons. He was in the middle of adding a touch of red when he heard the distant sound of screaming.
His annoyance was disguised under his mask as he sighed and tightened his grip on the crayon in his hand to the point that it almost broke in half. He puffed again at the commotion and went on, indifferent to the screams. Perhaps a patient was making a scene during the nightly check-ins.
In order to block out the noises, Michael withdrew within the walls of his mind. It was a way that allowed Michael to escape freely from the confinement of his cell. He would always imagine a life outside the institution, with you. He would imagine the way he would protect you and provide for you. The thought used to sicken himn, but now he enjoyed it, the possibility. The sound of keys jingling, seemingly opening his cage, caused him to pause, though. With a loud crash, the cell door swung open, and shouting could now be heard outside of his room.
"Want some, freak?" The guard asked him in an mocking manner while Michael remained at his desk, his back to the guard. Michael immediately understood what the guard was pulling when he heard the feminine screams and intended to ignore it. 
He continued to ignore his surroundings, ignoring the rage building within his chest. The sound of his bed creaking didn't deter him from continuing on with his activity. However, it all changed when the victim screamed one word.
Your trapped figure on his bed, with your nightgown pushed up so that only your thighs were visible, caught Michael's attention as his head whirled around. Your eyes were filled to the brim with tears, which streamed down your cheeks as you sobbed and struggled. His eyes quickly shifted to the guard hovering over you, and he developed tunnel vision instinctively.
A ferocious roar erupts from Michael's mouth and takes hold of the guard by the neck and collar of his shirt, throwing him off balance. In the midst, you shakily brought yourself to a sitting position, fixing the bottom of your nightgown to cover yourself. Your eyes watched as Michael picked up the guard, pinning him to the wall with eerie silence. The man in his grasp was yelling in pain and fear as Michael kept him pinned, his legs dangling in the air.
"L-Let go! Let go, you fucking punk!" The guard cried out.
Michael did not like that, not at all. Without a second thought, Michael hurled him into his desk, his art supplies falling to the ground in a cluster of clangs while the man groaned in pain. Like a predator stalking his prey, Michael's towering form stalked over to the smaller male, his eyes black as night and void of any life or mercy within. His large hand reached out to grab the same red colored pencil,
Michael's next action seemed to be a blur, he body launching onto the guard and stabbing him with the colored pencil, his resiliant strength making the pencil tear through flesh and muscle.
You watched in a sickening twist of fascination and awe, watching as Michael stabbed the guard over and over, leaving no body part untouched, the man;s screams filling the room. Your heart felt warm, knowing that Michael was willing enough to kill someone for you.
Lastly, Michael stabbed him until his chest, stomach, and face was shrouded in punctures, cuts, and wounds. With one last jab, the colored pencil stabbed into his neck, making the man gurgle on his own blood.
"Michael..." You whispered, your eyes taking in his bloodied form as he slowly turned to you, heaving himself up and moving towards you. It was as if he was a trained dog hoping he made his master proud. However, you were nothing of the sort. When he was close enough, you wrapped your arms around him, pressing yourself into his strong form. "Thank you..."
Michael gave a small huff, hesitantly touching your head with his bloody palm, staining your strands with the bodily fluid. Without another word, Michael pushed you away and grabbed your hand, pulling you off the bed and heading towards the door.
"Where we are going?" You asked in confusion, following behind the behemoth of a man down the stark white hallway.
In response, Michael tugged on your hand and you decided to go along with whatever he had in his mind. He saved you after all; even when he didn't have to, he did. It made you feel safe and protected in his presence.
"Alright, Alright." You muttered, your figures turning a corner and out of sight.
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Red and white.
Those were the colors you would never forget. The way the walls were coated in blood and bodily fluids of various nurses and guards that laid along the floor in mangled messes.
Michael was strong, very strong. You remembered the way he smashed a guard's skull in with his fingers alone. You shuddered at the thought, crossing your arms and staring at the wall in front of you as you waited for Michael to finish off his last victim. A nurse arriving at the right place at the wrong time as Michael ambushed her, his hands around her throat as he strangled her.
Michael walked over to you, his muffled huffing practically hovering over your ear as he showed you shoes and coat. You stared at the items with a blank expression, wondering what he wanted you to do with these.
He huffed before shaking the items in his hands, motioning the items towards you. You sighed before taking the items with a small smile, throwing on the shoes and coat. You felt the warmth of the fabric soothe your cold figure.
"Thank you..." You muttered softly, looking up at him as he stared down at you.
He couldn't help but think you looked...cute.
He offered you his bloodied hand, which you instantly took and followed him to the exit. You both were finally going to be free and it was all thanks to him.
After a few hours of walking, your feet were beginning to ache and the adrenaline from earlier was wearing off.
After your fifth yawn, Michael stopped in his tracks, turning towards you in the middle of the field. He simply stared at you as you bent forward to rest your hands on your knees.
Michael, I need to rest for a moment. Please my-" Your words were cut off when Michael stormed over to you, grabbing you roughly around the hips, hoisting you into his arms. His arm went around your waist, while the other held your back in a bridal style fashion.
Your eyes widened from his sudden roughness, however you couldn't complain as you basked in his warmth, nuzzling your face in the bloodied fabric of his robe.
"Thank you." You said, closing your eyes and allowing yourself to finally relax for the first time tonight. You didn't notice the way Michael was staring at you in his arms, his darkened eyes filled with something unknown, dangerous...maybe even a little bit of caring.
Silently, he turned and resumed walking through the field, making sure to keep you safe as you began to doze in his arms.
Finally, you were his.
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1-800-cr33py · 4 months
I know it didn’t win the poll but I humbly ask you to write that RZ! Micheal Myers size kink fanfiction whenever you have the time and if you are feeling up to it🙏
{this is so late and I sincerely apologize TvT}
Tags: Dub-Con, Size Kink, Rough Sex, Choking, Manhandling, Reader is mentions to be a nurse some time ago, blood, knives, overstimulation, Michael is a warning himself. a/: this will most likely be one out of 2 parts anon im so sorry TvT
Sweet thing you were, you’d give the shirt off your own back if someone in need called for it, so giving and so trusting to even the most hardened criminals. It was a wonder how someone like you graced the halls of Smith’s Grove Sanitarium. You, a star-eyed nurse fresh from medical school. The scum and slime that riddled the halls of the hellish “sanctuary” you’d been accepted into. You skip down the halls with your checklist and medicine cart in tow. You were kind. You were happy. You’d given patients who’d hadn’t seen the sun in years the same kindness as one would give to an old friend. But you favored one more than the others.
Michael fucking Myers.
Silent halls.
Odd shadows.
Creaking wheels.
The usual ambiance of Smith’s Grove had finally settled within your nerves after a long long few months. You, with your now worn in uniform, counted the rooms with an intent gaze. On the left, even numbers, and parallel to them were odds. Though it was a weird concept, there was a reason. Those on the left, the doctors deemed ‘safe’ and had the possibility of rehabilitation.
Inmates that resided on the right wing however, well you didn’t quite know if you’re being honest, you weren’t allowed to even breath the wing’s direction yet. But one digresses. Your low heels made a blunt click click click upon the cold floors as you neared your station, medicine cart in tow. Your manicured hand reached for your ID, ringing yourself in as the loud pang alerted you of the unlocked status of the door, which was shoved open by your hip as you passed a polite nod to security. Your trek was cut short however, your overseer tugging you aside with a rather harsh hand.
“ You’re the medicine girl right?”
medicine girl…right. Giving a curt nod he sighed, his breath reeking of cheap coffee and some kind of alcohol. His orders were short, clipped and rather rude. Though the next words he uttered left your mouth gaping like a fish out of water.
“ You’re doing both wards. Kirsten…had an incident. “
Fucking hell.
So now, here you were, approaching your last patient for the night. With security stalking behind you with scowls as they glared at patients through the tiny windows. You gulps, it was never patients that scared you, no. It was the sleazes that worked outside the cells. Their wolffish stares and ugly grins. You shook your head, you were approaching Michael’s cell.
You didn’t know much about him, only whispers of the monster, the brute that killed most of his family. A grade A killer, someone that should be locked away from society if not for Mr. Loomis’s need to study him like some kind of bug. But, you being you, wouldn’t let that stop you from being kind. That’s what irked you most about people here, these patients were still human at the end of the day. They still bled, they still died, they had interests and dislikes and personalities. You sighed, eying the dainty wrist watch. ‘ Just an hour and a half..’ you thought as some scum of a man unlocked the heavy metal door. Eying you as you motioned him to move aside.
“ Careful, he hasn’t seen such a young thing like you in a while…might finally remember he’s got a cock. “ the guard, who’s tag read Pierson, chuckled, elbowing his colleague. You could feel their gaze raking across your body, internally you gagged. Lurching forward was a far easier than you wanted to admit, medicines and needles clattering at the motion as the door slammed behind you, leaving you to jump.
Michael’s room was…interesting looking at it.
Buzzing overhead lights gave some relief as you tended to your cart, organizing the arrangement of pills and sedatives in their respective cup to serve to the inmate, who’s back was turned to you, fiddling with another mask that would surely find its way with the rest that perched upon the greening walls. Finally, you found the correct assortment. Smiling to yourself, you turned to face the mountain of a man.
“ Alright Mr.Myers, here’s your dailies! Dr. Loomis upped your sedatives so if you feel a bit off thats the cause! “ you chirped, leaving the cup a bit of a distance. Like you’d heard from the other nurses, Michael gave no indication of acknowledgment, hands stained with the glue-water mixture. The masks on the wall drew your attention, though you didn’t dare raise a hand to touch the precious things, knowing how it felt to have your art defiled by ignorant hands. “ You have a lovely night Mr. Myers! The mask are gorgeous as well! Truly a work of art. “ you smiled, warmth radiating from your aura.
Oh sweet thing. What have you done?
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issdisgrace · 7 months
Slashers with a person who uses comedy to cope with stressful situations? Like cracking jokes when they literally just fell down the stairs or nearly just got mugged and makes a pun out of it. Specifically Asa or Jesse please I’m desperate for them. Please and thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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At first Asa was put off by the fact that you used humor to cope. But slowly over time it became a weird thing he loved about you. Also your way of coping rubbed off a little on him and on the rare occasion he will crack a joke or two about him being an orphan.
Bo will forever give you the side eye when you use humor to cope. It doesn’t matter how long you are togeather. He will always think that you using humor to cope is weird. But his mindset is very why joke about when you can just not in-knowledge it and push it deep down inside.
Jesse is very much of a toss up. At times he doesn’t care about the fact you use humor to cope. And can/will find your jokes about whatever situation funny. But then other times he is worried that you use humor to cope because it isn’t a all to health coping mechanism. And will ask you if your alright or to stop.
Lester doesn’t mind that you use humor to cope. In fact Lester is right there with you using humor to cope. Lester really started using humor to cope when he realized that his parents hitting him and his brother was not normal. It helped him a lot to deal with the abuse and it still does to this day.
Michael quite literally doesn’t pay any attention to the fact you use humor to cope. He met a couple of people when he was in the Smith’s Grove that used humor to cope with the fact they were in the sanitarium.
Otis is no stranger to using humor to cope with things. When he was a child that was how he coped with a lot of things. But then as he got older he started using torturing and killing people as a way to cope with things. So he doesn’t mind at all about the fact you use humor to cope with things.
Patrick doesn’t notice at all. He is in his own little world. He probably won’t even catch on to you using humor to cope unless someone directly says something about. And even then he kinda just shrugs it off and is like eh everyone copes differently.
This poor baby doesn’t understand at all. He has never been exposed to people using humor cope with stressful/difficult situations. So he is really really concerned for you. He sits you down is like why are you joking about this, this isn’t funny. You need to stop.
Vincent doesn’t bat an eye at you using humor to cope at first. But then you continuously use humor to cope with stressful and/or difficult situations. And he becomes concerned to the point he sits you down is like please stop baby it’s not healthy way to deal with your emotions all the time.
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angels2000blogs · 1 year
RZ Michael Myers x patient reader
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reader is at Smith's Grove Warren County Sanitarium Michael is at and she is pushed around by the nurses and crys when yelled at.
Tw : abuse, abuse mentioned ( or implied) , Michael blames himself for leaving boo and thinks she is being hurt ( he wasn't told about his mom or boo ) , murder ( it is deserved) , swearing,
yes Michael sees us as a boo
I'm so sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors 💗
you had only been at Smith's Groves for 5 months and you had yet to make any friends.
you understood that it was a mental hospital and the chance of making friends were slim to none but you wanted to try anyway, your first two attempts went badly and ended with you getting a big black bruise on your right arm and lower cheek.
when you had confronted the nurses to ask for help with your bruises you were told to ' get over it ' and ' you should be thankful they didn't't kill you ' and never got any ointments, you had to learn that the nurses weren't going to be much help in those situations so you choose to keep to yourself to avoid getting hurt.
as much as you hatted being alone with only your therapist to talk to it was better than getting hurt, you hadn't know this before you were forced into smiths Grove but there were many criminals also seeking treatment here; you wish you were made aware of this factor, considering it would have changed your argument on why you shouldn't go to a mental institution.
but here you were sitting at your small desk drawing small useless drawing of cats and mice that your therapist would stupidly try and find a deeper meaning to.
as you began to draw your firth cat your door was aggressively opened and made a loud noise, scaring you and made you mess up.
you took a deep breath and looked at your now destroyed drawing, you hatted not being able to finish your drawings but you hatted getting yelled at for being late to breakfast more.
you slowly sat up knowing who was opening the door without even having to look , it was one of the nurses that was in charge of you.
you turned around and walked towards an strange face , one you hadn't met before.
you just have stoped walking towards him because the next thing you knew he was yelling.
" Jesus Christ, can you go any slower !" the man screamed as you quickly walked towards you and grabbed your arm and yanked you towards the door.
you weren't sure what was happening.
as soon as he yelled tears filled your eyes and you tried not to allow more tears to replace the ones already falling.
you my not be able to see well but you could feel the arm that grabbed you and yanked you out of your room.
you knew it was best not to resist, so you silently follow the man who still hasn't let you go.
he didn't let you go until you were sitting in your normal place at the small breakfast table.
" now just sit the fuck down and stop crying for god sakes, I didn't even do anything" he whisper yelled right next to your face.
than he was gone, he walked away leaving you crying at breakfast.
not long after that food was put in front of you, you had no appetite so you didn't move.
your head between your raised shoulders and your eyes stuck as a spot on the ground.
you managed to stop crying a little after breakfast was out on the table but your appetite remanded the same. so you didn't even bother picking up your stupid plastic cutlery.
if you were being honest you were fine with just staring at the spot on the floor forever if you were allowed to , but like most things you got comfort in it was taken away.
" why aren't you eating?" a female nurse asked you .
you knew this nurse, she was nice enough but still carried a attitude.
you lifted you head to meet her eyes and gave a small shrug not wanting to speak.
she rolled her eyes and took away the food.
you kept your head up now looking at everyone else talking to there friends or sitting quietly by myself, you eyes accidentally locked with a tall man sitting at a separate table with gards all around him.
he was wearing a blueish long cardigan and a white uniform like the rest of the patients.
looking at the tall man you suddenly become very aware of the fact you went wearing a bra and felt very exposed.
you returned to normal, your head below your shoulders and your eyes focused on a spot on the ground.
you're not sure how long breakfast went on for, but you do know that the male nurse was once again grabbing your arm and trying to pull you somewhere.
" are you my new nurse?" you quietly question, hoping he would say something along the lines of 'no' but lady luck wasn't on your side today.
" fucking hell! speak up bitch" he yelled and pushes you away from him, it didn't hurt but you started tearing up.
you quickly looked around trying to see if there were any nurses around to help you but there was only 3 gards around the big man.
you were quick to realize no one was going to help you .
though, that wasn't how Michael Myers saw this situation at all.
although Michael doesn't get angry often this made his blood boil .
he wasn't sure but in his eyes you were a exact same as little boo.
and he could just sit down and let someone that reminded him of boo get hurt again.
but for now he will just stay put, he's watching as you slowly get up and whisper a small ' sorry '.
" god sakes, if I knew any better I'd say you're scared of me ? you scared slut ?" the man says in a sarcastic voice.
you stay still
𝘔𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘦𝘭 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵.
Michael stands picking up one of his gards and throws him across the room.
'𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱 𝘣𝘰𝘰'
the other gards try and reach to there batons but don't get a chance before there also killed.
Michael slams one of there heads into a wall until he hears a cracking noice, he's not sure if it's the concrete or his skull;
and he doesn't care.
the other gard is thrown on to the ground were the man with a caved skull lays, there's another crack.
Michael looks up to you only to find you're looking into his eyes.
you tillt your head slightly.
the male nurse is trying to call for help on his wally talky which he keeps dropping; he's shaking so much he can't think anything in his hands.
as soon as Michael begins walking towards the two of you the nurse pushes you into Michal and runs of.
𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘩𝘦'
but Michael don't want you dead , no.
he catches you and carefuly moves your body onto chair.
Michael once again starts walking towards the stupid man.
the nurse was trying to open the door but he was blissfully unaware that it was locked.
all the doors were locked why Michael would get angry to attempt to lessen the number of dead.
the nurse was screaming and bashing on the door, not that it would do anything.
Michael grabbed the nurses arm and pulled him back dislocating his shoulder with a creck.
the nurse now on the floor tried to crawl away from the significantly larger man who had no intention of stopping.
Michael gave him no time to get away before he picked the nurse by his head and smashed it back into the hard concrete floor and repeated the motion.
all you could do was sit in horror as the sound of the cracks filled the room, the blood pooling at the nurses now caved in head only grew bigger and bigger.
you weren't sure when he died but you understood he stopped screaming at the second blow.
the screams re looped though your head , the only thing you could remember was the screams: they were ear piercing.
Michael picked up the un- recognizable head and pushed it down one more time before standing up.
Michael whipped his blood stained hands and walked towards you, you were not scared; not that you felt safe , but you were so drained you couldn't help not feeling anything at all.
he sat down next to your trembling body and put a significantly larger hand on your shoulder.
the guards came into the room ten minutes later, you and Michael hadn't moved an inch.
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im-his-druidess · 1 year
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For anybody wondering Smith's Grove Sanitarium is the mental health facility and detainment center for the criminally insane in the film Halloween!
(22. Omega goes to an Alpha and clings on them to get away from another creepy Alpha/Beta. & 24. “My ex-boyfriend is here, please scent me before he tries to do something.”)
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"'Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world...,'" you muttered, eyeing the man swaggering around the cafeteria as if he owned it.
It was your ex, someone you never thought you would see again after a tumultuous relationship and an even more volatile breakup, and yet here he was. In the same institute you were currently locked in. You would have laughed in any other circumstance, seeing him incarcerated at Smith’s Grove, but it was hard to find amusement when you were in the same building as him. Also, it was hard to laugh through the sudden surge of sheer panic rushing through you at the sight of him. Clutching your food tray until your knuckles turned white you cast your eyes around wildly. Usually people gravitated towards their own dynamic, Omegas huddled together far away from the group of loudly talking Alphas and the few Betas sprinkled amongst the remaining tables talking normally and without care.
Your ex, an Alpha that liked to puff out his chest to appear bigger than he was and bully those he deemed weaker, was busy stealing food from a smaller Alpha and laughing. Anger burned in the back of your throat at the display, but it was quickly replaced by terror when his eyes met yours from across the room.
His look of shock was quickly replaced by a wide grin full of nothing but malice.
You trembled at the sudden phantom echo of his screaming in your head, his venomous degrading words hurting worse than any slap he ever delivered, and you felt the urge to curl up into a ball. You spun on your heel and began weaving through the lunch crowd when he stood from his seat. There was a guard chatting happily with the lunch lady and you knew he probably wouldn’t do much to protect you if you approached him. Your flitting gaze searched through the sea of issued white scrubs, eyes burning at all the white clothes against the white walls and white tile floors, before landing on a spot of bright orange at the back corner.
Seated alone at a table, chaperoned by a tense guard standing a few feet away, was the Sanitarium’s most known and feared patient. Michael Myers sat with slightly drooped broad shoulders, a paper mâché mask that looked a bit like a jack-o-lantern placed over his face with his long dirty blond hair hanging in front of his masked face like a curtain, and he was eating lazily with his head tilted towards the table. Everyone knew who he was, throwing glances his way and whispering to each other, and you remembered how you nearly fainted from fright the first time the murderous behemoth shuffled past you in the halls. He didn’t say or do anything in particular that frightened you, he didn’t even look at you, but his sheer presence made your inner Omega howl at the feeling of a predator so close.
Not only was the man huge and stacked with muscles that made you gape like a fish out of water, but he was an Alpha.
Even with the mandatory scent suppressants you could still catch the natural spice of an Alpha. Immediately, an idea popped in your head, and you didn’t even give yourself a second to fully think about it before you beelined for his table.
Out of the corner of your eye you could see your ex following you and you all but flung yourself into the empty seat beside Michael Myers. Instantly all the chatter in the room stopped, all eyes swung to you, and the guard nearby paled.
Michael continued to eat.
You felt a small sense of relief wash over you as the man’s body heat seeped into your suddenly freezing body, his spicy scent tingling your nose, and his broad shoulders blocked out most of the stunned crowd. You tried to continue as if this was a perfectly natural thing to do, unraveling your plastic spoon from its napkin before scooping up a helping of mashed potatoes, and you forced your trembling hand to still before you accidently dropped your spoonful. A wave of whispers suddenly rushed through the room and you saw your ex stop and linger a few tables away. You glanced over at the giant man beside you, noting that what you could see of his blue eyes were still trained on his tray in front of him, and you couldn’t help but notice how comically small and fragile his spoon looked in his large hand.
Feeling a need to justify yourself for sitting so close to him you leaned a bit closer to whisper to him in a voice that only he could hear.
“My ex-boyfriend is here, please scent me before he tries to do something,” you said in a rush, shifting nervously in the hard chair at the sight of your ex still too close for comfort, before staring wide-eyed as Michael’s mechanical movements slowed slightly at your words.
You knew that he heard you and you suddenly wondered if you were going to meet a gruesome end by way of plastic utensil. You saw his head tilt minutely, eyes still trained on his food, but you could hear a small huff of breath beneath his mask that you otherwise wouldn’t have heard if you weren’t so close to him. It took you a few moments to realize that he was subtly scenting you. You fought the urge to shiver at the discovery of him breathing you in.
Your eyes dropped to his plate and another idea struck you.
He was picking around his food, avoiding the mushy peas and soggy carrots that was served and focusing on the mashed potatoes and bits of shredded chicken slathered in gravy, and you spotted the pudding container that was served as dessert. The chocolate pudding cup was completely empty, virtually scraped clean, and you came to the amusing realization that he had eaten his dessert first. With a deep breath you grabbed your own pudding cup and placed it near his tray.
A peace offering or a bribe you weren’t entirely sure.
His movements slowed even more and you pretended everything was normal about your interaction with the man by shoving another spoonful of potatoes in your mouth. It tasted like ash and settled in your stomach like lead, but you forced yourself to appear as normal as possible. You spotted your ex taking a few hesitant steps closer, making you subconsciously sink further against Michael until your arm brushed his side, and you nearly leapt out of your skin when a heavy overly warm hand landed on the back of your neck.
In a quick move you didn’t see he had placed his hand on the back of your neck, grip loose and almost lazy, but the possessive hold was as obvious as if he stood and shouted in the now tense cafeteria.
The guard fidgeted nervously with the taser on his belt, the crowd falling deathly silent at the uncharacteristic movement of the infamous killer, and you forced yourself not to go absolutely rigid at the unexpected touch. You noticed that your ex had paled, the malice on his face dropping to an expression of fear, before he scampered back towards his original table.
You could perfectly visualize a tail between his legs as he retreated.
Your entire body relaxed at the threat leaving you alone and you swore you felt those long fingers twitch against your neck before they pulled away. He snagged your offered pudding cup and you smiled. Looks like you both had come to an agreement and, despite sitting next to the most dangerous man in the entire building, you felt yourself relax.
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ebonyslasher · 7 months
Scary, Spicy, and Sweet?
Synopsis: You work as a new Nurse in Smith's Grove after finding a passion working with mentally ill patients. Impressed with your skills, Dr. Loomis assigns you to the infamous Michael Myers. His terrorizing activities take an odd, sexy turn that surprises you.
This will be split into two parts. The second part will have 18+ scenes.
This is a request from soooo long ago for @hdhhffgjdhdhdbdbd. I do hope that you enjoy
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Smith’s Grove Sanitarium.
The big hulking prison-like facility was a new work home for you. A new 40 plus hour workweek included treating and restraining the mentally insane. 
It sounded intimidating, but after dealing with the general public for 4 years, this feels like it would be easy. You graduated with your nursing degree with the intention of becoming a registered nurse (RN) and working your way up into a management position. After rotating through several departments within the 4 years of being an RN, you found a distinct passion working in the mental health floor. This prompted you to get your Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMH-NP) license to work in a mental health facility. This is where you ended up, with a shiny new position at Smith’s Grove.
You were already assigned to a young man named James Gary (15), who often suffered hallucinations and delusions from his extreme schizophrenia. The young boy would often have outbursts and try to combat what he saw and heard. His family was overwhelmed with trying to care for him and decided to dump him into this facility, after a particularly traumatic event involving his little sister. It was sad, but not uncommon for families to do so. 
James was known to be hostile after a few days with a nurse. However, he seemed to be quite pleasant and sweet after you started working with him. Throughout the rest of the 6 months of working with him, he’s had significantly less outburst. A few of the doctors that heard of this figured you were very skilled and were impressed with how you handled him. You,however, thought it was mostly due to James having a crush on you. He would often try to flirt with you, even though you’ve obviously dodged his advances. 
A particular psychiatrist, Dr. Loomis, took interest in your ability. One day he approached you on transitioning to supervising another patient full time.
“Is there no way I could still work with James? He would be heartbroken if I just left him.”
“Young James will be alright. This other patient is a special case that needs expert hands and a strong personality to deal with him.”
“And who is this other patient, Doctor?”
“Michael Myers.”
You were apprehensive to take the transfer. Dr. Loomis did offer a sizable bump in your pay if you switched. However, you recognized that name. Two months ago, a nurse by the name of Susan Dreheary took over his care. Poor thing would often come crying to the breakroom, scared out of her mind. She would complain about how evil and scary Michael was. That he was a terror trying to administer medicine to. One day, she came in with a broken arm and a traumatized look on her face. That was the last you ever saw of her. 
For some reason, the money spoke to you more in your final decision. Nurse Susan was a bit soft and it was her first job out of the program, whereas you had ample experience dealing with combative patients. You figured you would be fine. 
Everything about Smith’s Grove was boring. It used to be entertaining to watch the other crazies around the facility, but now Michael couldn’t do that any longer. His latest few stunts landed him being consistently drugged and/or restrained by chains in his room. These attempts didn’t stop him from terrorizing anyone close by. Meaning all the nurses who’ve tried to take care of him. They have been through 3 nurses in the last 3 months, who have quit or seriously gotten hurt.
Michael did not care. He needed some form of entertainment. Scaring people is one of his favorite activities. Unfortunately, the one thing Michael gets bored with is the nurse’s reactions. They all want to act brave and save face when interacting with them. Standing tall with smiles plastered on their faces acting unaffected. They never want to admit that they were terrified of him. 
Each time he were to be treated, they would keep a blank look or smile. Michael would stare, suddenly grab their hand, or loom over them. It would obviously affect them. Their eyes would be wide and a slight tremble would start in their movements. But, most would shakily laugh it off.
His continued actions would escalate in intensity. Sometimes, he would have bizarre reactions just to see Dr. Loomis gaslighting the nurses with his explanation. 
‘Surely Michael Myers, the stone-faced presence of evil, did not smile at you Nurse Eve.’
‘He is incapable of showing emotions, Nurse Lin.’
‘Perhaps you are not a fit for this patient as I thought, Nurse Dom.’ 
Dr. Loomis did not believe Michael to be a visibly emotional being. The doctor has tried for years to get a reaction out of Michael. And none have worked. Why would he start showing emotions to only the nurses? Physical or intimidating attacks and attempts were an expected reaction. But to say he made facial expressions was unfathomable. The doctor could not conceptualize this in his mind.
Michael would get another nurse, he would terrorize them, and they’d be out within about a month. The continuation of a banal cycle of his life. 
You walk in, small and apprehensive. Michael looks over and you are actually terrified. You hands were shaking. Your eyes would avert when you made eye contact with him. The whole time you say nothing, just nodding along with the directions Dr Loomis was instructing you on. 
For the first time in years, Michael felt giddy. He had to try not to smirk. Finally someone he can play with. 
It's been two weeks, and you still haven't gotten used to Michaels’ presence. That man was a horror. His aura wrapped around you, choking you with how intense and powerful he was. Your nerves were consistently wound up when you walked to his room. Recently, you had to take a muscle relaxer to get rid of the tension pain in your neck. To try to get through his care, you usually let your soul escape your body. This allows you to blank out and get his medicine administered. 
Has he tried to scare you a few times? Yes. Either by intense staring or jerking towards you. You always scream and jump back, which makes him smirk. Satisfaction glows within his eyes.
As the next three weeks progressed, his stares felt different. Still intimidating, that has not changed. But, it may be held more interest. Curiosity. You could be entirely wrong. There have been instances where you felt his eyes linger on certain body parts. Like your breast. Your thighs. And your ass. You figured that he was probably trying to mess with you even more.
On your first day off, you received a call from Dr. Loomis. He requested that you come in to give Michael a quick sedative and watch him throughout the night, as he was being extremely difficult to the staff on call. When caring for Micahel,your shift was always 8 AM to 6 PM. It was currently 4 PM, and he wanted you to work from 7PM to 5 AM. 
Fuck! You were already 4 episodes in the first season of JJK and thoroughly enjoying your home cooked meal. You were about to say no before Dr. Loomis gave you a great offer.
“You’ll get extra pay just for this shift.”
“How much?”
“How’s $80 an hour sound?”
That’s all you needed to hear. You decide to go in.
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dayumbxxch · 2 months
Spoiled Memories
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Chapter two
The clicking of shoes on tile fills the halls of Smith's Grove. A young 22 year old with dull eyes follows behind Delores, learning what to do at her new job.
The hushed lunchroom made Y/N heart race; even though she knew none of the patients were paying her any attention she couldn't help but feel self conscious. 
Y/N's eyes glaze over as she mindlessly follows the older woman. Life had become dull and meaningless ever since she'd lost her brother. So she began to let her mind drift throughout the day to happier times. It had cost her a few jobs and almost a car crash once but she left more alive in her mind. 
"What were you saying?" 
"We have to go down the hall to deliver the food to the ones that have to stay in their rooms."
Nodding the girl follows behind her mentor, the hallway was pin-drop silent. "These patients are deemed as hazards or themselves..or to others." Delores's voice dropped near the end while glancing towards a door they had passed. 
Her lunch break approached rather quickly, leaving the break room Y/N began ease dropping on a conversation while grabbing a soda. 
"So how's the new girl?"      "Weird she doesn't really say anything. She just stands there silent and shit." 
Hearing enough Y/N turned on her heel and walked back into the break room. Throughout her years of being a recluse she learned not to care about anything really. 
She was here for money to find her brother. That was all she wanted ever since he went to jail and she was moved to a different foster home. 
"So have you met the boogeyman yet?" 
"Um..no I don't think I have"
Y/N's new coworker began a strange story. 
"So there was this boy in a town near here in haddonfield. And one day after the years of bullying and torment he snapped and killed his sister, a kid from his school, and his step dad. So he was brought here when he was just ten years old. His mom came to see him every week. Then he snapped again killing a nurse right after the doctor stepped out of the room. His mom tired of it all shot herself dead. And in the next room was her daughter the boogeyman's little sister Laurie. Now he rots away in his room and he smells terrible. He looks homeless and has really greasy hair."
The boy described rang an unforgotten bell in Y/N head. "What was his name?" The woman spun around a clipboard from beside her. 
Michael Myers
Y/N's heart skipped a little her golden childhood friend had murdered a bunch of people; he's now in the Sanitarium she just started working at. "I'm Isabella by the way!" "Y/N." 
"Elvis I'm home!" A beaten up looking Russian Blue cat jumped at the sound of the front door opening. "Hey honey are you hungry~" Sitting her keys down Y/N picks up her beloved pet and walks him over to the kitchen. 
The move wasn't awful since she didn't have much to unpack it only took a couple of hours. Elvis had gotten used to the new house already and even started exploring outside.
Y/N's life continues as dull as normal even with her late night runs to calm her mind before bed. Everyday seemed to be a repeat of the last. It had only been a week but it felt like a month. The shifts went by slow and her home time with Elvis went by fast.
As usual Y/N begins her day staring off into nothing while sitting in bed. A loud alarm jolts her out of her dazed state, she makes her way to the bathroom.
After doing her usual eyeliner to bring some attention to her e/c eyes instead of the ever darkening circles around her eyes.
The drive to work was the usual forty-five minutes filled with hard rock playing to keep her awake.
"Hey Isabella." Her voice was barely audible but her newly found friend understood her perfectly. "Hey hon how's it going?" The blonde sets an energy drink in front of Y/N as she drinks her own. "Since you're now working the early shift you get to meet the man, the myth, and the legend, Michael Myers and his little pal Dr. Loomis." 
Y/N rolls her eyes while chugging her drink quickly. Tears prick her eyes from the carbonation, blinking them away she stands up and follows her friend. 
"So he's the usual creep. He stares and stands there until you leave. He likes OJ and that's about all we know about him. Don't give him anything remotely sharp he has special silverware that will bend if he tries to stab anyone with it." 
Y/N bites the inner part of her lip and Isabelle picks up on her silence. "You'll be fine. The man has got to eat." She says while handing her a tray. "Him and Dr. Loomis are in there." She uses her head to motion towards two doors. 
"Go" Y/N gets pushed towards the double doors and gulps while  the guards let her inside. Not saying a word she sets Michael's tray on the table. Y/N's eyes flicker towards the huge man and her breath escapes her. She'd briefly met eyes with the man in the mask. 
"Thank you ma'am you may go. Now Michael can you look back at the picture please?" 
A heavy feeling settled in Y/N's stomach, she'd always had a knack for feeling people's stares. 
"Michael?... Michael!"
"Ma'am could you please come back here for a moment?" 
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dem0nic-darling · 10 months
Crazy In Love (RZMichael Myers x AFABReader)18+
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Content Warning- Unprotected sex, knife play, blood play, rough sex, breeding, cunnilingus, size-kink, stomach bulge, creampie, squirting, nipple/boob play, overstimulation, fingering
Trigger Warning- Violence and gore, sexual assault, attempted r*pe, mental illness, suicide, abuse
Synopsis: You and Michael had grown up together at Smith's Grove Sanitarium and despite Michaels lack of speech it's blatantly obvious that he cares for you, in his own twisted way. One night the new janitors make the fatal mistake of using you to provoke him only to awaken the monster inside him, sending him on a murderous rampage and a mission to claim you as his and his alone.
"Hey there big guy, how's your mask making going today?" Michael only grunted, not looking up from the newest addition to his collection he was currently in the process of putting together, a typical response from the 6'7 man you considered a friend. "Talkative as always, I see." You teased, something unfathomable to outsiders but a typical daily ritual to you. Your casual demeanor towards the crazed killer could be acquitted to the fact that the two of you had both been admitted to Smith's Grove as children and as a result had grown up in the Sanitarium together.
You had been admitted a year after Michael for the murder of your father. When you first arrived you refused to open up to any of the medical professionals who treated you as if you were nothing more than a mind needing to be dissected. It wasn't long before Dr. Loomis introduced you and Michael in hopes that the two of you would help advance each others study and treatment. To his delight you and Michaels similar circumstances didn't take long to cause attachment, however, this quickly turned to dismay when he learned about your reasoning for brutally killing your father through bugs he planted in Michaels room. It was a conversation you remember well, not fondly you might add. "(y/n) I want you to understand that I did this in hopes of helping you-" Despite your cold icy stare he continued "I listened in on you talking to Michael and I now know why you murdered your father." Your stare grew icier at his statement. "If you know then what do you hope to achieve by talking to me?" You spat, bouncing your leg. "I wish only to help you (y/n), that's what I'm here for. I know what your father did to you and your mother was unforgivable, but surely you feel some sort of remorse for killing someone so brutally." Remorse? how could he expect you to feel remorse for a man who made your existence hell. A man who made your mother resent you and take her own life in front of you. He calls what you did brutal, when he knew you had killed this man in hopes of escaping the abuse he inflicted on you. When this man was in the act of defiling you in the same room your mother had slit her throat in, yet he dared to call you the brutal one? "You're right Dr. I do feel remorse." Your voice was soft and broken. "I know you do, now-" Your voice suddenly grew crazed and full of rage. "I feel remorse for not ending his filthy life sooner. For not torturing him more before I did. And most of all I feel remorse that I am this way because I'm a product of his rotten seed!" To Dr. Loomis's horror an eery calm and silence replaced your seething rage as soon as the last word had been spat from your lips. Your icy stare was long gone, replaced with a distant and hollow gaze.
Since that day you hadn't spoken a word to Dr. Loomis, and though you did occasionally speak to one of the sanitariums staff it was only to ask for something and always without a trace of emotion. Conversations and emotion were things that only seemed to make an appearance when in the presence of Michael, not that he minded, to say he disliked the idea of sharing you with others would be an understatement.
Michael admired your features while you flipped through a magazine across from him, failing to resist the urge to let his eyes travel down to your breasts that were currently resting on top of the table. "I can feel you staring Michael." Your words caused Michael to jump and immediately avert his gaze, earning a small laugh from you. Despite the many years the two of you had spent at Smith's Grove together he had never tired at the sound of your voice and laughter, if anything he had only grown to adore them, like the rest of you.
Though unbeknownst to you this adoration was anything but pure natured. He had spent countless nights since the time he was a teenager fucking his fist to thought of you. His lustful desire had only grown worse as your body matured into that of voluptuous woman's. The only thing that prevented him from tearing off your clothes and pumping your womb full of his seed was the possibility that you would go cold on him like you had everyone else. Michael found the idea of losing the one person who not just accepted, but understood the evil that festered inside of him maddening. He refused to risk losing you just so he could satisfy his sexual urges, no matter how strong they may be.
The patients had been locked in their rooms for the night, but once again you found yourself unable to sleep. You felt your heart flutter as you thought back to Michael and how he had reacted to you catching him staring. Coming to your senses you shook the thought away, letting out a sigh as the feelings remained. 'Here I am, a grown fucking woman still acting like a teenager with some schoolgirl crush.' You had loved Michael for years and still could never seem to chase away the feelings you knew would forever remain unrequited. Perhaps it was the lack of care and love you received from your parents, but the moment you felt a connection with Michael you couldn't help but latch onto him. Maybe your mother was right and you were just a parasite. It was the sound of male voices in the hall and the unmistakable jingle of keys and turning of the lock on your door that ripped you from your thoughts. Before you could fully register what was happening the door of your room was thrown open by the new security guard accompanied by another unfamiliar man, both wearing sickening smiles.
Michael was busy working on another one of his masks as he usually did when he found himself unable to sleep. When he heard the sound of his door being opened and the security guard taunting him he didn't even bother turning around, just continued to construct the mask. That is until he heard your broken shriek.
"She's a pretty one ain't she?" The security guard said, groping you in a way that made bile rise in your throat. Your body remained frozen no matter how much you urged it to fight back. It wasn't until you were thrown onto the bed and met with the familiar view of long blonde locks and a broad back that a small wave of relief washed over you, only for it to quickly disappear as the two men pulled at your clothes and groped your body more aggressively.Thankfully Michaels presence finally broke the spell you were under allowing you to shriek out "Michael!"
At the sound of your voice Michael quickly stood up and turned around to face you and the two men. "Don't worry freak we'll let you play with the leftover-" Michael smashed the man into the wall, choking him. The security guard scrambled off you to try and help his friend only for Michael to throw the other man to the side and turn his murderous intent on him.
While Michael dealt with the security guard you quickly went over to the other man. He cried out in pain as you roughly dug your knee into his back smashing his face repeatedly into the hard floor until it was a mess of bone, tissue, and cartilage. Finally letting go of the mans mangled head you started to laugh only for the laughs to quickly turn into strong sobs until black dotted your vision and you passed out.
After easily killing the security guard Michael went back to finish off the other guy only to be met with his already mangled corpse and your limp form. Panic quickly overtook him as he cradled your body in his arms, frantically searching for any sign of life. At the sight of your body steadily breathing he relaxed, making his way out of the hospital as he held you against his chest, prepared to end the life of anyone who got in his way.
You woke up with a jolt, soaked in cold sweat and breathing erratically. Two large and rough hands you quickly recognized as Michaels held your face to make you look at him. Despite the fact he was now wearing a different mask you knew it was him and your breathing started to slow. "The mask looks nice. It suits you." Mimicking him you placed your considerably smaller hands on the sides of his mask covered face. "Where are we?" You asked, your eyes scanning the old dim-lit room as much as his hands holding your head in place would allow. Michael simply retracted one of his hands and pointed it at himself before placing it on your waist. "Your house, huh?" He nodded and a tension filled silence filled the air.
The two of you just sat there for a few long tense minutes before you came to the realization that you were currently and had been straddling his lap. "Shit, sorry Michael" You tried to get off of him only for his other hand to shoot to your waist and keep you trapped with his tight grip. "Michael?" His hands traced higher, dipping under your tank top. You let out a gasp when he pushed up your bra and roughly grabbed your breasts, the roughness of his large hands rubbing against your sensitive nipples causing you to arch your back into him, only for him to quickly retract from you at the sound of your gasp, as if he had woken from a trance.
Refusing to look at you he gently placed you on the wood floor and started to walk away. He had let his desires take control over him. If you hadn't gasped he had no idea how far he would've gone with you. He couldn't stand that the image of those two filthy men groping you had unlocked some primal need to claim you inside him and Michael knew that if he didn't get away from you soon he'd do just that.
Just as he was about to leave he felt you grip onto the back of his jumpsuit. "Please...I need you...so please...don't leave." Your desperate words made Michaels already fraying string of restraint snap. He waisted no time picking you up by the hips and carrying you over to a pile of old dusty blankets. His inhuman strength allowed him to tear off your clothes with ease. The sight of nude form made his cock throb, begging to be buried inside your tight heat. You let out a whimper of pleasure as he once again enveloped your breasts in his large hands. Michael led out a load groan at the sight of the fat of your breasts spilling through his thick fingers.
"Michael..." you breathed out, taking his face in your hands and pulling it down to your own. He could feel the violent beating of your heart as you caressed the lips of his mask. "I love you Michael" You finally managed to choke out, worry and fear written all over your face as the words left your lips. The same words that tore a groan from Michaels throat as he ripped the mask over his head.
He didn't give you a chance to admire his handsome features before he devoured your lips with an insatiable hunger. You quickly submitted to the kiss, pulling on his long blonde locks with a yelp as two of his thick fingers were shoved inside your small pussy and began to messily pump into you at an intense speed, roughly massaging your breast and nipple with his other hand. The sudden feeling of his thumb rubbing against your sensitive clit had you throwing your head back as shockwaves of pleasure raked through your body and your release soaked Michaels hand and fingers.
For a few moments he just stared at the way your juices dripped down his hand mesmerized before sticking his fingers into his mouth with a groan. With a starved look in his eyes he turned his attention to your slick coated thighs and pussy before forcefully grabbing your hips and pulling your drooling cunt down onto his mouth. "Michaaeell~" You whined, your eyes rolling back into your head as he greedily feasted on cunt like it was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted. It didn't take long before your pussy, already sensitive from your previous orgasm, gushed on Michaels face and into his mouth, to Michaels delight. Your legs quivered and you let out pants and whines as he obscenely slurped up your release like a man starved.
He finally released your puffy cunt with a sloppy 'pop' only to shove his slick covered tongue into you mouth, tangling it with yours so you too could taste the sweet nectar he had so eagerly feasted on.
Your exhausted and overstimulated form perked up at the feeling of Michael's hard bulge poking your stomach. You pulled away from the kiss earning a small scowl from Michael, that quickly turned into a grunt at the feeling of your small hand squeezing his angry cock through his jumpsuit. "Need some help big guy?" He simply nuzzled into your neck, letting out a gruff sigh as you unzipped his jumpsuit and crawled between his legs, giving a kiss to his large bulge over his boxers.
The sigh was quickly replaced by a loud grunt as you pulled down his boxers only for his cock to smack you in the face. Your pussy clenched at the sinful sight, Michaels cock, like the rest of him was best described as monstrous. It was long and incredibly girthy with thick veins running across the shaft and a bulbous tip that heavily weeped pre-cum. You couldn't help rub your legs together at the sight of it, letting out a small whimper at the thought of Michael splitting you open on his beast of a member.
You began twirling your tongue around the head of his dick only for Michael to grab a handful of your hair and roughly rip you away from it with another grunt. As appealing as the image of seeing you struggle to fit his length down your throat was, Michael had waited far too long already to feel the velvety walls of your cunt wrap around his cock.
Michael gently layed you back on to the pile of blankets, throwing your legs over his bulky shoulders. As he rested his tip at your drooling entrance you saw hesitation briefly flash in his eyes. The fact that he was holding back out of concern for you despite being obviously pent-up and filled with sexual frustration made your heart swell. "I'm all yours Michael, I always will be." You said, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips, hoping your words were enough to assure him.
They did more than assure him, as the moment your lips left his he sheathed himself inside you with a roar-like groan, fucking into you with a ferocity that had you clawing at his back. The way your pussy clung to his massive cock, your plush walls wrapping around it like a vice had him never wanting to leave. He fucked you like a wild beast, harshly nipping at the flesh of your neck and chest to mark you as his. The sight of your breasts jiggling from his harsh thrusts made his cock twitch inside you. The way his meaty cock rubbed against your plush walls stimulating all the sensitive and sweet spots inside you in addition to its bulbous tip repeatedly hammering into your cervix had you writhing and digging your nails further into Michaels broad back.
The feeling of his large and rough thumb massaging your clit sent a shockwave down your spine and made your back arch. You couldn't contain the string of moans and whines that left your lips as you felt your climax approaching. Michael looked down at your stomach, fascinated by the large bulge that appeared in your lower stomach with every powerful pump of his cock. Out of curiosity he pressed down on it with the large palm of his hand. With this you were finally put over the edge, violently squirting on Michaels dick with a squeal that you muffled by harshly burying your teeth into his shoulder as your eyes rolled back in your skull and your body tensed up in ecstasy.
Continuing to abuse your cunt with his monster cock Michael admired your fucked out expression. Seeing you end up in such a state because of him made him go feral. His mind filled only with filling you with his cum and sinful thoughts of the way your body that was so small and fragile compared to is own took his cock so well. He brutally thrusted his cock head into your cervix with intense fervor, desperate to spill his cum into your womb, to claim you as his own.
As he used you like a flesh-light you lapped at the deep bite mark you had left on his neck, leaving feathery kisses along his firm chest. Your delicate affections had Michael's cock throbbing, and his thrusts growing sloppy. He pressed down on the bulge his cock made in your lower stomach, letting out a loud groan and burying himself inside you at the feeling of you cunt tightly clenching around him and the sound of your little whines. He captured you tasty looking lips in a passionate kiss, the two of you groaning and moaning into each others mouths at the sensation of Michaels cum being pumped into your cunt, making your stomach bloat from the copious amount that overflowed from your stuffed pussy.
Michael grunted at the way your cunt continued to desperately milk his twitching cock even after he had completely emptied himself inside you. Keeping you stuffed full of his cock and cum, he grabbed the knife he had retrieved earlier and began lightly running it over your plush flesh as he struggled against the temptation to carve his mark into you. Shock filling him as you directed his hand over to your chest, pleading him to leave his mark with your eyes. Watching your face as he pierced the flesh above your breasts with the blade only to be met with a look of tender assurance, his eyes flickered down to your chest which already had a small droplet of blood running down it. He carefully carved his initials into your soft flesh, slicing it deep enough that it would scar without causing any severe damage. Once he had finished you took the blade from his hand and flicked your tongue over the it. The sight of you cleaning your own blood off the blade sent a shudder through Michaels body. Enveloping your hand that gripped the blade into his own he maneuvered your the tip of the knife so it pressed into the firm flesh of his peck, encouraging you to mar his flesh with your claim, just as he had dgown. You pressed a tender kiss onto the flesh before digging the knife into it. You managed to cleanly carve your initials into his peck despite the fact that the feeling of his monstrous cock once again hardening inside you had left your mind clouded. Just as you had done he ran his large tongue over the blade of the knife, tasting the crimson that dripped from it with a loud groan.
He began to roughly fuck into your sensitive and sore pussy once again, uncaring that it was already overstuffed with his cum that sloshed and spilled out with every violent thrust. He greedily lapped at the wound he had carved into you with obscene slurps, sucking on the droplets that ran down to the swell of your plump breasts with a groan. The room was filled with the filthy sound of moans, grunts and the lewd squelches of your cunt being battered by Michaels girth.
You were exhausted, lost in the immense pleasure and pain Michael was causing you as he used your limp form like a cock sleeve. With a final harsh thrust Michael forced more seed into your aching core with a loud drawn out grunt that drowned out your whines as you squirted around his cock before passing out from overstimulation.
After every drop of his cum had been drained inside you Michael pulled your sweat-soaked form on top of his, still impaled on his cock so to keep you plugged full of his cum, and wrapped his arms around you in a protective embrace. He soon joined you in a peaceful slumber as a way to pass the time until you would awaken and he could claim you again.
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dominantslasherking · 2 years
Hear me out-
Being friends with Michael since childhood, breaking out of Smith's grove with him, all the while Michael is developing feelings for the reader. After they break out Michael decides to ride the reader for being so good to him and helping him escape
the reason why the reader is in there could be whatever you want ( I originally was going to say reader should be in for killing thier dad)
Also sorry it's long + I love your fic 😍
Ur a literal god in my books 🙂
Michael Myers with Dominant Male S/o
My Stories are meant for the much more mature audience, 18+
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You didn't regret helping Michael kill the bullies, and you definitely didn't regret killing your abusive mother and father. You did have a younger brother, but your parents starved him so much that it ended up killing him, no one cared for your brother's death except for you. The police didn't give a shit, the teachers, and the entire town just let it happen. Michael was there to try and console you but he wasn't really good at it.
Both of you ended up Smith's Grove Sanitarium together, both of you were being watched closely, they even barely let you two interact...but that didn't stop the two of you after years, of when they finally had enough and separated you two, Michael had broken out of his cell, he killed the guard who was keenly watching yours took his keys and set you free. Both of you were probably the same height, towering over basically everybody, and putting a swift end to the guards that saw or tried to go after each of you.
Michael followed you, as you were the one who got a layout of the asylum. He made sure to clear the way easily as you tried to remember the best way out.
Once Michael and you finally escaped you rested at his place, Michael came out with his suit and mask as he looked at you silently. He stalked closer to you, taking note of how you just got out of the shower and the towel loosely wrapped around your waist. The water glistened on your skin.
Michael took out his knife and slowly traced it along the towel, the blade getting a strong grip as Michael pulled, letting your towel fall down.
His knife stayed in his hand as he refused to let go, Michael sat on top of your naked body, pushing you onto his old bedroom which seemed to have been redesigned by new people living there, but both of you took care of them already.
"Michael..." You breathlessly whispered knowing you wouldn't get a response but you did get a husky grunt in return.
Slowly unbuttoning his suit until you could see his perfectly carved V line and lean body. your hands traced along his abs his mask tilting down at you watching closely as you fondled his body.
One Michael was fully nude and took off his mask to let his shaggy long hair fall in front of his face.
It didn't take long for both of you to get hard since you both did have an attraction to each other. Michael sat down on top of you, forcing your hands off his body to let you know he was in control even if he was the one getting dicked down.
With one hand he searched the nearby bed stand until he found a bottle of lube. Michael really didn't care how much he used, it splattered it all over your cock and he let your cock rub in between his ass cheeks.
Wasting no time, Michael took your cock inside him fully, you could also tell he had no preparations because he was extremely tight, however, his reactions were rather null when it came to pain.
Michael started to lower himself up and down. Your hands clamped around his waist, as he effortlessly rode you his own cock hard cock bouncy up and down from the movement.
You huffed into his shoulder holding in a groan as his body continued to bounce, His hole easily taking your cock inside and sucking it hard, before his hole repelled up and down onto your large cock.
Finally, you heard his small yet herdable groans of pleasure, Michael was also enjoying himself as he rode your cock.
Michael slightly pulled himself away from you, bending his body slightly back, letting you get a view of your cock sliding in and out of his puckering hole which was being torn open by your cock.
"Fuck..." You groaned, feeling yourself near, the sensual sight of his ass devouring your cock helped extremely, his movements got faster, and suddenly you started to thrust inside him sloppily, wanting to release. Suddenly your seed spilled deep inside, him, Michael's hole twitching and squeezing you hard, as you realized he came after you had shot your bucket of cum into him.
Both of you were breathing heavily. Michael suddenly got up, your cock sliding out of his hole, as you watched your load of cum spill out of him.
the cum inside Michael was rather endless since it was basically your first time and his as well.
But it seemed he didn't expect you to fill him up that much.
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dollgall · 2 years
all im sayin is that,,,,,,,
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3lder1ch-l0verz · 1 month
Hello ❤️
I hope your doing well ❥
I wanted to request a male reader x Jason and Male reader x Michael Myers
Like I wanted jason/Michael and reader being best friend since kids and before they become slashers and everything reader had to leave because his family was having trouble after years he come back but even. thought he knew jason/ Michael become slashers he still loved each one of them deeply (I am and at explaining)
Can you do them separated or together :)
Hey Dove! I'm so sorry this is late! I've been busy and lazy lol. Anyways, I can totally do your request! I hope this is of satisfaction! I apologize in advance if it's bad! I didn't know which version of MIchael you wanted, but I mostly had RZ! Michael in mind.
Side note: Since this one was so long, I'll be doing a second part to this request. The next fic I work on should be Jason :)
TW: Mentions of blood, (possibly OOC) Michael Myser
Old Friends...
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It had been ages since you last saw Michael. At the time, you were both 16 and he was still in Smith's Grove Sanitarium. Due to your mother being a nurse working along side Dr. Loomis, you pretty much got a free pass to see him whenever you wanted.
Of course, he never spoke to you. He usually just stared at you. Though, you didn't mind, you were used to him being the quiet one.
However, the peace didn't last long. One day Michael attacked your mother, which lead to her death. Stuck with fear, your father decided to move away.
This left MIchael, well, angry. You were his, you needed to stay with him. Not somewhere he had no access to you.
That was years ago though, and you had made your peace with it. It was Halloween night, and you had finally finished unpacking all of your things. It felt good to be home again, inside the same house you speant most of your life in.
It was now 11:35. The candy had been passed out, pumpkin pie had been made, an extra pumpkin carved in honor of the best season of the year.
Your house was quiet, not a sound to be heard. Most of the children had gone home, silence filled your street. You had just laid down in your bed when you heard the sound of glass shattering downstairs.
You felt no panic or fear, you had a cat. Yes, your cat...you had almost forgotten to check up on her before you went to bed.
You walk downstairs, and go straight for the kitchen.
"MayLee, little lady, what are you doing down here? Breaking dishes again? So naughty." you chuckled to yourseld as you enter the kitchen. There on the floor was a broken drinking glass, but no cat in sight.
"Oh, I see, a little game of hide and seek? Come out, come out wherever you are..." It was a game you and MayLee played, hide and seek. She would hide, and you'd have to find your beloved cat.
You failed to notice the looming figure in the corner, and the droplets of blood dripping next to it.
You searched for a while, almost giving up until MayLee jumped up onto a window seal and meowed, startling you.
"Jesus! You scared me MayLee. Where were you hiding old girl? You weren't in your usual spots. Did something scare you little lassy?"
You picked her up and held her, causing her to meow again. She was a calmcat usually, but right now she seemed...on edge. Tense and frightened.
You start walking towards the stairs but halt when you see a large siloughet of a man. You felt the cold grip of fear grip you for the first time in years. The figure tilts it's head and then steps towards you, causing you to step back.
This continued until your back was pressed against the wall, next to an old picture of you and Michael. The man points at the picture, and then at you.
You were tense, your cat jumps down out of your arms and runs off to hide. The man points again.
"I-i don't know what you want..." The man points again, this time a bit more aggressively. He reaches out and grips your chin. He makes you look at the picture.
"T-that's me and my best friend...his name is MIchael..." you didn't know what else to do. You remained tense, what was he going to do?
You yelped in shock as he lifted and tossed you over his shoulder.
"What are you doing?! Put me down!"
The man ignores your words and walks out of the house and towards the old Myers resident. You weren't let down until you were inside the house, inside MIchaels old room. Surprisingly, the man took his mask off. You were still tense, and you could only stare at the giant.
You slowly relaxed as realization fills you. You've seen this man before, how could you have not noticed?
"...Michael....is that you?" The man nods, shocking you again by wrapping his arms around you and hugging you.
You hugged back, heart punding against your chest. It was really Michael...
"I...how...Michael...you're back...How did you escape? How did you know I was back? I...It's good to see you again, Mikey..." He huffs and held you tighter.
You rub his back as you two sat there and held each other. It stayed quiet for a few minutes, pure comforting silence.
"(Name)...I love you...." You felt felt your face warm up. His voice was raspy, and strained, not surprising considering his frequency in talking.
"...I love you too, MIchael..."
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chvckyleeray · 1 year
could you please pls plz write about michael sth like him falling in love with his former babysitter like before he killed his sister reader was his babysitter for when judith couldnt watch
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• Whenever his older sister couldn't babysit him as a kid, you always watched Michael
• This was for a few years around the time he was in elementary school and you were in high school
• When you heard the news that he had killed his sister, you were shocked
• Michael had always been a good kid in your experience, drawing pictures, picking flowers, and even baking with you sometimes
• He had always listened to you and you couldn't think of a time he had ever disobeyed you
• You had always loved babysitting him and looked forward to it whenever you needed to do it
• You couldn't believe that he could do such a thing and you were incredibly saddened at the news
• Twenty years later when he was in his early twenties and you were in your late twenties, he escaped from Smith's Grove Sanitarium
• He immediately came to Haddonfield and went to visit you
• He didn't actually talk to you but when he arrived, he presented you with a bouquet of your favorite flowers
• It turned out that he had always admired you and that you were one of the few people he actually liked
• Over the years, this had turned into a crush then into obsession
• Of course, you were flattered but you didn't really know how to respond
• You just hugged him and told him that you missed him
• After a little bit of you talking to him while he made you a mask out of things you had at your house, he ended up leaving
• You didn't know if you would ever see him again, but his visit left you happy
• You were glad that he was doing pretty ok despite his circumstances
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