crimson-chains · 4 years
My happy ending for green/black is that green kills yellow, black calls an emergency meeting before lime notices the body (so that the deal yellow made with green can’t take effect yet), they both vote out lime, and green wins because there’s only one crewmate and one imposter :D
It’s true, it could happen!! ^^
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transguysuggestions · 3 years
Hello! I’m trying to find an answer for this, but I can’t find anything online :( I’m a dysphoric trans man with schizoaffective disorder and BPD. Does me having psychosis or a personality disorder mean that I’m not allowed to medically transition? I can’t find anything online that confirms or denies it…
I think this one honestly depends on where you live, and if you have your diagnoses on paper. I do think that some gatekeeping therapists may dismiss your ability to know your gender, but I also don’t believe that’s the majority either! I know in the US, many Planned Parenthoods will do HRT on informed consent, so that you don’t even need to convince a therapist you know what you’re talking about regarding your gender to transition medically in that regard!
If at any point, you’re barred from transitioning because of your diagnoses, try and speak with someone else. I know when I was DX’d with depressive psychosis relating to my bipolar, I had it marked in my chart that my dysphoria was NOT a product of the psychosis, and if your gender identity is consistent even through your BPD experiences, its unlikely to be dismissed out of hand by anyone who’s worth their salt.
Ultimately, it does come down to individual therapists if you need a letter of reccomendation where you live, the local laws ect. The plus side though is if you’re in the US, you might not even need to worry about that. I’m going to be doing a good handful of my transition related things through PP, because of that sort of worry. Hope this helps!
And if anyone has more specific information, particularly from regions other than the US, feel free to add on!
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derpcakes · 3 years
hello, i’ve watched madoka magica since like 2012 and i saw your summaries for it a couple years after that, loved them, saved them to my computer, then lost them when i got a new computer and for years and years could never find them again until now. Anyways, thanks for making my day all those years ago and today, because your madoka magica summaries are the best thing on the internet and i’m so happy your blog is still around with them kdhsjshsj
Oh gosh thank you! If you want to revisit them, all the dumb memey summaries I made can be found here: https://derpcakes.tumblr.com/tagged/olox-summaries 
These are from YEARS ago now and I have no idea if they’re still funny but they were a formative part of my tumblr experience and I made some great fandom friends through the following I got from them, and I’m sincerely glad they sparked joy in you as well!
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you always have the hottest takes but you’re always right
I’m glad you think so! But I mean, considering that my takes are mostly variations of “treat people with respect and kindness” they definitely shouldn’t be too controversial generally speaking!
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npd-headcanons · 4 years
hatsune miku (the vocaloid) has npd!
she’s been posted here!
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psychotic-psypport · 5 years
the bee gif that says “click on me” keeps going around but my phone won’t let me read the message and no one’s writing any image descriptions so what does the bee gif message say??? i just want some positivity :( thanks in advance!!
It says "I know things are tough right now, but you are so strong!! You can get through this!!"
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polaroidplanets · 3 years
thanks for tagging me @louiswaist !
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how it works: mark on the 2nd last sheet (my sheet) the artists we have in common, fill in yours (the last one) with your artists, and put them both in your post!!
i tag: @lousunrise @amyscascadingtabs @sminikii @tinyblueflowers @fuckdamn @sixamsunrise @louiscutie @just-a-hopeless-wanderer and whoever else wants to!
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crimson-chains · 4 years
Stop studying the body Black you’re gonna get accused!!!
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(Part 1, tw suicide mention) Hello, I just got kicked out of school to go on medical leave because I had too many incidents of psychosis, suicide attempts due to psychosis, hospitalizations, etc. I know that they just want me to get better before coming back but I’m so depressed because school is everything I love and being home is everything I hate.
“I also feel so alone because I don’t know anyone else who has to go through this and it’s so hard to focus on recovery because I feel like I’m being punished for something I can’t control and all I want to do is go back to school.I was such a high achiever at my university, I maintained straight A’s even when I was in and out of hospitals, school is so good for my mental health and it just seems so counterproductive that both it and all of my (very supportive) friends are being taken away from me. I’m going into partial hospitalization and I have no idea when I get to go back or even if I’m going to still graduate on time. Do you have any advice?”
Well - considering that my solution to the whole “managing school on top of mental health problems” thing was to drop out for good back when I was 15, I think asking some studyblrs run by mentally ill people would provide some far more relevant answers. I do not study and I haven’t for approximately 7 years, so studying with mental illness is not my area of expertise. It’s actually one the areas where I’ve failed completely. But my uselessness aside, I just want to say that I am very, very sorry that you’ve ended up in this horrible situation. It sucks that you’re struggling this much with your mental health - and it sucks even more that your needs and wants haven’t been properly considered by the people making the final decisions according your education. 
I definitely recommend talking to the people in charge of making these decisions and doing your best to explain that going to school is an important part of managing your mental health and that not going would hurt you far more than it would help. Maybe they’re wrongly assuming that not having to go to school would be a major relief, and in that case, talking to them about it might make them change their mind and reconsider the situation in order to actually work with you on your terms instead of forcing their assumptions on you. One can hope! So I definitely recommend complaining and explaining that this is not a good solution for you if you haven’t already.
But that aside, even if you DO have to miss out on some school, I can - as a person who does not go to school and is still a person in some capacity - promise you that it will not be the end of the world. Focusing on your treatment for a while might not be your first choice, but it won’t make your life fall apart. I absolutely promise you that. There’s this idea that if you’re not constantly productive you’re failure, but I promise you that that’s bullshit and that taking some time away from school to work on your mental health won’t actually ruin anything. So even if you cannot convince them to change their decision right now, I promise that you’ll be okay. Lots of love! May your mental health improve soon!
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