#slug it out 2
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Slug OC Species!
Each of these slugs have different elements and places that they live, most coming from distant cavern systems!
Some faces are familiar, such as the European Slug gang, but we also have new friends with their faces finally shown in coloured, like Dartibranch and Deciwing
Who is your favourite from the set?
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thatone-churro · 8 months
i am (yet again) begging the slug it out 2 dev team to add literally any form of balancing to multiplayer mode.
i have never as many narwhaddles as i have in the past HOUR or so i’ve spent trying to complete my 20 multiplayer victories quest
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beatrizfgamer · 1 month
Check out "Slugterra: Slug it Out 2"
I been a fan of Slugterra since at a young age. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I do.
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mealbits · 8 months
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look at my sonic ocs pretty please ok ty
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polinscarriage · 28 days
Imagine, the 118 gets called to a car crash. They don't know too many details just that there is one person stuck in their vehicle unconscious. They get there and Buck sees a familiar vehicle but it can't be. Tommy was on his way home and this isn't his route. But the closer they get Buck gets more scared until they are by the car and Tommy is in there with his face covered in blood and unresponsive
and buck is FRANTIC immediately. because of course he is.
he forgets for a second that they have saws and jaws and the halligan. he just starts trying to pry the fucking door off with his bare hands.
“tommy! tommy, baby.. can you hear me?”
and tommy isn’t moving. WHY isn’t he moving? WHY was he on this road? WHY can’t he get a good enough grip on this stupid door.
and then there’s a hand on his shoulder. it’s bobby.
“buck, maybe you should step ba—”
and fuck that actually.
“don’t say it, cap. i HAVE to get in.”
the hand squeezes. he meets bobby’s gaze through the window.. desperate.
and bobby nods. “then let us help.”
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palossssssand · 10 months
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The first of many on a new project: Slug City fake movie posters! I plan on doing one for each main character so here's Gingull's poster, featuring the city streets, her electric beast, and Myce Tower in the background.
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lil-vibes · 1 year
hc that dazai only eats food that 1. came from a can that he just opened or 2. food that he can confirm was made by chuuya. sometimes he'll wait until chuuya takes a bite out of dazai's food because he is paranoid enough to think that it's poisoned
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kellterntempest · 1 year
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mortysmith · 5 months
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doubt ill ever finish this, but ghost and mosca yayyy
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We have news everyone!
New Slugterra merch has been released in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia!
They have plans to release this in more countries later down the line
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thatone-churro · 2 months
ah yes, the twice a year update to slug it out 2 is here.
so, what’s with all the anime references in the new artifact cavern dialogue??
i caught an all might, goku, dio, hell even a sans and scorpion reference 💀
but i do find it interesting how aggressive the shadow clan seem in these caverns. in all the others they push back against the player at first but then are like “prove your honor” and like “you seem honorable enough to claim it, fine, just don’t put it in the wrong hands” but they seemed so almost uncharacteristically hostile over the artifacts
especially given most of the artifacts are like. random junk and not even anything related to the shadow clan
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hmm-ctrl · 1 year
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sluggy solidarity
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sooo in regards to @korrasgonefishing’s post that I rb mentioning my fem!mako post and how I was talking about how the bending brothers’ batman ahh backstory would be even more tragic for a little girl because humans can be miserable creatures and they were like ‘oh but what if it was more chill’ and then got talking about bloodstains and I was thinking
oh. mako was orphaned at 8 years old. her mom never would’ve had time to teach her little girl about periods because why would she? they have all the time in the world.
and that’s got me thinking, damn, she wouldn’t have known anything about girlhood. maybe the prostitutes who take pity might tell her the blood doesn’t mean she’s dying, but they probably don’t have much more to teach her that she wants to know, nor would many care to spare the time. and im sure canon mako was the same, not really knowing anything about what to do when he got older, only able to teach bolin how to shave when he’s got a million little nicks on his own face from trial and error.
and that was sad again, my apologies. but it could be happy! and guess howwwwww,, momboss and daughtercop!
so since they’re the sillies ever and also chronically emotionally impaired, their girlhood bonding moment when mako fucks up. (also both of them not really having ‘girlhood’ because of shit ass childhoods… hmm beifong family angst save me…. wait lin beifong learning how to girl on her own because toph never thought to teach her… toph realizing she fucked up way too late because it wasn’t forcing her girl to be a dolly the way toph’s parents had forced her, she just wanted to learn how 2 use eyeshadow,,,, beifong angst save me)
so anyways. mako is so #silly and unaware that chronic lesbianism exists so she’s trying to comphet so hard and going on dates with the biggest fuckin douchebags ever (bcuz they’re ‘manly’ and she has a reason other than being queer for not really liking them) and trying to convince herself she does like them. and essentially she finds this one guy who realllllly fucks her over and he comes into the station to try and embarrass her too, going off about how she could use some makeup and that she acts more like a man than him and. ouch. because she’s always had this problem, she tries to make herself a role model for bolin, but she hates it because being a girl is a piece of her identity that literally cannot be taken away and she’s just letting herself lose it? my fem!mako is cis but she has so many gender feelings because. yeah.
anyway lin to the rescue! who tf are YOU to come into MY station and harass MY officer? I suggest you walk ur smelly ass right back out or you don’t want to find the fuck out what I can charge you with. cuz she’s silly.
and then cue sullen pissy mako cuz she’s like… 18. she’s still a teenager and one of her biggest insecurities just got targeted in front of all her coworkers who she knows already don’t respect her. so she’s miserable the rest of the day,,, until lin to the rescue again!!!
she pulls her daughter aside cuz she’s worried (not that she’ll say so) and is like. don’t let him get to you cuz he’s an asshole and doesn’t really have much worth saying and less worth listening to. you’re allowed to wear light makeup and stuff at the station if you want to, and if you’re really bugged I can pinch someone’s ear to get you some accommodations. because she’s mother.
but then mako is like I FONT KNOW HOWWWW and crying cuz she’s lowkey devastated she never had someone to teach her… anything. she doesn’t really know how to use pads (being broke means you learn how to make bootlegs of, like, everything), she’s never even owned makeup, she hasn’t worn a dress since she was 7, and she doesn’t know any of the girl things every girl seems to know because she has no mom‼️‼️
and lin goes. hm. I am tragically reminded of myself right now. instead of Dealing with that, I’m going to aggressively help and thus permanently insert myself as a mother figure in my favorite kid’s life. so she, over time and gradually less awkward invitations to her house, teaches mako how to use makeup, slightly enjoying being able to experiment with mako’s uniquely distinct features. she teaches her about period cycles and how to cope, and goes shopping for pretty clothes that she insists on paying for at the last second (“you paid for the food already.” “yeah, chief, from the CHEAPEST VENDOR IN RC?? I thought you hated their food!?” she does. she knew mako needed to pay for something, and felt bad picking anything pricey.) and tells mako about her own girlhood and they both are girls.
this is insane wish fulfillment for me btw. what I could’ve had w my mom if I was normal lololol but anyway. I hope that got silly enough at the end cuz I was thinking about my own comphet era writing this and it hurt my soul a little bit !!
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videogame-brainwyrms · 3 months
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Aurorus Dress
A blast from the past that I did as a warm up thing!
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heynhay · 11 months
I think too many of us love you to disappear….
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haha ohhhh okay this is so fine
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