#slight heavensward msq spoilers
kicktwine · 8 months
I hope you don't mind me asking, but what are your blind thoughts going into stormblood? Although you mentioned having received slight spoilers, despite what you may or may not know, are you hopeful or wary about the upcoming expansion ahead of you and ch'ahri?
I dunno hardly AAANNYTHING here is a complete list of my thoughts
kugane tower jumping puzzle (I will not be attempting to win this one) (I’m decent at jumping puzzles, but only because I’m on controller and enjoy platformers)
Godzilla 💕💕💕💕 no one told me Godzilla was here (seriously even the music and laser beams were goji-like) - they seem to be leaning into some tropes this time (with Gosetsu as well)
people seem to like the omega raids? excited for those. Halfway thru Alexander as we speak and those are fun I love gobbie
i am slightly wary going into the actual story content, since the concept of freeing ala mhigo is a healthy amount of detached from real-world allegories but also a healthy amount more connected to real world conflict around annexed powers and occupied peoples than we’ve previously gone into. It’s very grounded - the primal is a consequence, rather than a part of the conflict, and I expect them to split the focus. Insofar as post-arr and heavensward are, I mostly like how they handle complex societal topics and I trust them as far as not mucking it up entirely goes, but I put myself at a literary distance about the whole thing because im not one to speak about if they’re gonna handle it well. I’m gonna watch and mess around in the world they give me first. As far as pre-stormblood goes, in my not-a-guy-who-knows-things opinion, they handled it about a 7/10? Some dialogue bothered me, some things were like dam the horrors of war and desperation so true😔 (this is a positive). Some things were like yo is that Godzilla
I do LIKE the tone though. I think they did a tonal shift into something a little darker and brought in a Silly Guy to balance it, and it feels like they have a complete grip around their overarching story and world now.
I also wonder if they’re doing two things at once and how they’ll handle it? I want to visit Doma. I want to visit doma I want to visit that underwater bubble city you look like the monkie kid dragon place. Ch’ari will probably like it too, he’s one of those weird cats who likes water and being in water
i wasnt all that interested in the trailer aside from pretty location, it seems very stereotypical fantasy asia world tour. meteor buddy grow your hair out you look so good in Dawntrail
im trying to keep my opinions my own, since I hardly hear anyone talk about stormblood, sandwiched as it is between heavensward (everyone’s first exposure to the good kush) and shadowbringers (everyone’s perfect baby). So, about 1/4 wary of the msq content, 1/2 excited for the new dungeons and fights (is all of stormblood going to have 15+ enemies coming at you at once?? My frames get scared unless I’m wired into the internet and go down to 30 fps when they all load in), 1/4 excited to see new environments and new characters again :]
Ari is always excited to go to a new place. He always tries to make a good first impression, because whatever you do next (even if you’re rude) is colored by your first impression, and it sometimes fails and sometimes works to his benefit. He didn’t have a good reputation in Limsa, and it was shaky AT BEST in Ishgard, this is the first city he goes where either no one knows him or if they do know him it’s in a positive light. New experience for kitty
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the-dragons-knight · 3 years
FFXIV Write 2021
Prompt #2 - A Father’s Blessing
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<No spoilers, but Heavensward story content>
Aberrant - ‘departing from an accepted standard’
It was still so terribly strange to be walking the paths of the Churning Mists, walking upright with the feet and toes of a girl rather than the claws. She still remembered the day she was struck down and sank beneath the waves of the Ruby Sea, the day her life forever changed. In the eyes of a human, it had been a millennium. For most dragons, it had only been yesterday.
To her…to Kadlin, it felt like eons.
The wind around her shifted, a strong gust bearing down on her from above and the light horned auri woman turned her gaze to the sky as the great, white feathered wyrm, Hreasvelgr, floated down to land in the clear beside her. She smiled softly and followed him, standing before him as he lowered his head to her.
“Kadlin, my daughter,” His rumbling voice soothed her as she embraced his snout, rubbing her cheek and scales against his fur, “I have missed you. It is good to see you well and safe.”
Kadlin nodded, looking up into his eyes with a sad smile, “I’ve missed you too, father.” She was glad the ancient tongue of her scaled ancestors had not left her just yet.
Hraesvelgr hummed, “Your eyes always remind me of your mother…And she would have been proud of you.”
“Perhaps not of everything, but hopefully most things she would have. I at least avenged her partly…in some way perhaps.”
The wyrm sighed in a low hiss, “Revenge was never Ratatoskr’s way. Her nature was far too kind and understanding…but yes, you have set that vengeful spirit free.”
Kadlin nodded, “I um…I’ve had a lot to think about lately and…” She stepped back from him and moved to settle herself on a rock behind her, pushing back the skirt of her red dress to not bunch up the fabric around her scaled tail, “And I think…I have an answer for that question finally.”
Hraesvelgr knelt down to lay in the grass, curling his tail and wings around her as he listened. She took a deep breath before looking him in the eye, “I…I wish to remain amongst the mortals. Amongst man and his world.”
“Thou wouldst still trade thy wings for legs?” He replied, “Even after so long of being without them and being so far from home?”
“Please, do not misunderstand, Father. Full glad am I to be able to come home again and you know not how happy I was to see you all again and to still be able to see you when I like…but I have also lived in another world. I have seen its joys, its sorrows, and I have felt them myself. There are experiences I would have never dreamed of having while clad in the scales of my youth.”
“You say as if you are not still young,” He chuckled, earning him a look from the little blonde form of his daughter.
“The point I mean to say is…I love my home here, but I also love my home there…and I wish not to have to choose between them…if I may. Meaning i wish to be able to choose freely between my wings and my flesh as a please…if possible.”
The white dragon pondered this for a moment before a question rang through the air, “You have already learned to call upon your scaled form again after your battle with Nidhogg’s shade, but I sense that is not the issue. What made you come to this decision?”
Kadlin smiled weakly and looked down at her hands, fiddling with the ring on her finger, “I don’t mean to answer your question with a question but…do you remember…what it was like when you first met Shiva?”
Hraesvelgr growled softly at the mention of the Elezen woman, his eyes turning to the clouds where the setting sun was streaming through them, “I shall never forget that day. The moment our gazes met, our hearts never parted, and never have to this day.”
Kadlin smiled up at him, “I never understood what you meant as a hatchling when you would say that. I thought it was such a crazy notion to think about, but…now I…”
“You have found your heart in another then?” Kadlin froze, listening for the anger in her voice or the disappointment, yet it was entirely unreadable, “And He is a mortal, isn’t he? A son of Thordan.”
Kadlin’s hand shook as she fiddled with the ring more, swallowing hard, trying to keep herself calm in the face of the powerful wyrm, “Are you angry with me?”
There was a silence that felt as if it lasted a century until saw his shadow shade her and felt him push his nose against her head with a soothing purr, “Never, child.”
Tears spilled over from Kadlin’s eyes as she nuzzled against him again, smiling gratefully as he continued, “I have learned thy heart enough now to never be angry with you for following your heart. As I said, your mother would have been proud.”
She wiped her tears as he drew back, confusion rewriting her features, “You knew? How?”
The great dragon laughed, pointing his nose to her ring that she was still fiddling with, “I may be an old wyrm, but I still know the customs of man.”
She scoffed lightly, “I never said you weren’t! But I am sorry if it seems I deceived you or hid something from you. It was not my intention.”
“I know this. Your intention is ever the purest one,” Hraesvelgr lowered his head until he was eye level with her and they gazed deeply into one another eyes, “I have spent centuries isolating myself from the world, pining for the loves I have lost. ‘Tis a fate I choose for myself in remembrance of those we have lost, but I would not wish it on anyone, especially not you, little one.” He touched his nose to her hand and said, “Kadlin, my daughter and daughter of Ratatoskr, first of the name ‘Sailehsdran’…of the dragons chosen by Hydaelyn, you are always welcome home, my child, and you have my blessing to follow the path your heart leads.”
Kadlin smiled brightly through her tears, wiping her damp cheeks with the back of her hand again and again to be able to see him clearly, happily laughing at her inability to stop them, “Thank you, Father. Thank you so much.”
“But tell that son of Thordan that if he dares to harm thee, I will see to it that there will be ought left but ash.” He chuckled darkly.
“I highly doubt you will need to worry about that with Ser Aymeric, but I’ll be sure to let him know, just perhaps a bit more gently so as not to scare him away,” Kadlin laughed with him.
He hummed in response, “I expect to see you before you are given away to him. Both of you, of course.”
“Whatever do you mean? I wouldn’t think of anyone else giving me over to my husband to be but im father. ‘Tis how the tradition must go, after all.”
It was sure to be a wedding Ishgard would not soon forget.
((‘Sailehsdran’ is actually ‘Hydaelyn’s chosen dragon’ in Dragonspeak, hence why is it my Auri version of Katsum’s last name ^^))
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frostsong · 4 years
estphie. realm of thoughts & relationship musings. general spoilers for heavensward msq. 
like north and south, fire and ice, what makes them so different is what brings them together.
cw for slight religious themes.
whenever he mentions the goddess or the church she cast her eyes upwards and down in exasperation, rolling her shoulders and tilting her head n a sign of clear disrespect to any fervent follower. but estinien knows she is far from a true non-believer; he’d caught her at her weakest, in which she yielded herself to something higher, if not the fury--bent and shivering in a lone, snow-dusted corner, the intricate beads of the dansereau’s rosary stretched from her neck, the medallion of the goddess held fast between her palms like a lifeline. he never once dared to tell her, knowing that for someone like her such a show of vulnerability was rare and unwanted.
he isn’t one for prayer either. the most he’s done in these past days is pay his respects to a grave, one occupied and the other empty, a bouquet of white lilies in hand. it was needless to say that the war’s end came with both doubt and hope in the souls of many, now simultaneously blessed and cursed with the gift of the truth. it’s a revelation, a revolution, but he’s pledged to see it through to fruition, with his old friend the revered lord commander spearheading the new era. the stark divide between black and white that defined ishgard for thousands of years were coming to a collision point, blending into a grey, a silver in the newly-freed sky. 
how fitting it was that euphemie had that silver in her eyes all along, shining and sparkling like sunbeams on flowing water newly broken from its ice. with her, the world spins into motion, laughing and dancing and crying, blending into a spectrum of colors he feels like he hasn’t seen in years, with cheeks dimpled and rosy and waves of hair that caught sunlight in-between strands. sometimes she notices how he relishes her warmth wordlessly, while they’re closer than ever beneath bedsheets, and she laughs and tells him to thank the shroud for thawing her out ever since she left.
(he catches her hand between his scar-lined fingers and brings it to his lips, in a wry, crooked grin: “and what keeps you coming back to the cold?”)
(she pouts her lips and pretends that the color on her cheeks doesn’t burn: “it’s not like i wanted it in the first place. rather, something trapped me here.”)
(he continues to trace the pads of her finger with the curve of his lips: “i daresay you’re a masochist for enjoying your imprisonment.”)
(she scoffs and tries to wring her hand away from his, but his tongue tickles and winds up stifling on a giggle: “as is my captor, if i’ve made a sadist out of him yet.”)
(the corner of his mouth bends in a deeper smirk as he pushes forward on his elbows, nose to nose and breath against hers: “what a twisted pair we make.”)
(she breathes with a smirk in return, before silencing him with a kiss: “i wouldn’t have it any other way”.)
no wyrm lurches in the dark corners of his mind, no threat lingers over him and what he loves like a looming, foreboding shadow.
and he takes the momentary pause, the short stalemate between one war to the next, for his own. for her. finally nothing comes between them, no snow-swept mountains, no deep green shroud, no harbinger of doom and no perpetrator of political intrigue. estinien and euphemie know too well--one of the few solid promises they can make--that surely something greater will wedge them apart, perhaps in body, but never in spirit, and surely never in heart. these days spent bickering under the dust of rebuilt stone, these nights spent with bent limbs and tousled sheets, touches rough and tender, words hissed and whispered. 
even these moments spent together aren’t promised to them, so they learn to make the most of it in the way they know how. he expected to be the one left lingering in the shadow, watching from a corner, waiting for her companion or companions to leave her be all to himself once again. sometimes a tinge of irritation crosses him like a knife edge drawn across bark, for he alone out of the masses who flocked to her knew her before this all happened, when she was just euphemie. 
no heretic, no savior, no warrior of light. 
it’s a silly thought to hang onto, for even those days before their period of separation were short and stilted by the difference in their social classes--a noble’s daughter and a shepherd’s girl. strange how a war could bridge the gap between them, now two dragoons, two ishgardians working to save their homeland. after years spent under the weight and pressure of accursed guilt, they had found to have much more in common than they’d believed. initially, of course, they believed otherwise, and on occasion those differences reared their ugly heads in even uglier fights. 
the woman called lady iceheart, but who they’ve come to remember as ysayle, made note of the conflict, a shared conflict, that was evident even while at dravania. how estinien mocked euphemie for taking her side, and how euphemie lashed out at him with claims of his constant cynicism. neither one of them was willing to admit it then, that amidst all their differences in opinion they would both fight for a common cause, a cause that cost them plenty. 
(he surprises her when he tells her that they won’t let them take more than they already have; that they’ll be six feet under the cold, cold ground under his greaves, far from aymeric and alphinaud and her, cold and dead to the world, a vow flipped over on its head when the wyrm overtook him that night in azys lla).
it was euphemie doing the saving, salvaging what was left of him in the thundering storm of nidhogg’s possession. hands that held fast and swift to the dance of her halberd were now clutched around his own, longingly, lovingly, with the same heat and fervor pulsing in the palms as had been in battle. astounding she was, for being the same person then and the same person now, how all this could exist in the same being, in the same woman whom he’d grown to love in the entirety of her soul. 
(”you’re staring again.”)
(”so i am.”)
(”anything you want to tell me?” she leans in closer, elbows propped atop his bare chest.)
(”nothing.” he catches her chin between his fingers for a quick kiss, one that leaves her smiling.)
(”then keep at it. it’s really starting to grow on me.”)
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alvaar-aldaviir · 4 years
Movement: Lentando
Time Frame: Sometime Post-Heavensward. Spoilers for MSQ only. ...YOU KNOW THE ONE.
Notes: Platonic. This would be the predecessor to my entry 'Wondrous Tails: Listening to Music / Polyamory Discussion'. You don’t have to read both, but it adds to it.
    One day, Alvaar might find out why Alphinaud seemingly had no interest in listening to his music. But until then, the Arcanist was intent on keeping it to himself.
  Thumbing the strings of his harp in contemplation, Alvaar picked out a soft tune as he listened to the notes. He made a slight face as Alphinaud quickly rose to his feet with a snap of his latest book but per usual didn’t try and stop him. Physically anyways.
“Ah, I believe it’s time that I retire,” he announced brightly. Almost like the Arcanist wasn’t beating a hasty retreat. “See you on the morrow then Alvaar.”
Gaze already fixing back to strings as he continued tuning his instrument the Bard shook his head. “Yes, go on off with you. But I’m told a man of culture should have an appreciation for song Leveilleur.”
“On that we agree, but I think perhaps our tastes in song rather differs my friend. Still, fair fortune in your efforts, Aldaviir,” he shot back without missing a beat.
That was a blatant lie.
While true he had certainly grown up with a variety of music in Sharlayan, none of it quite matched what Alvaar played. Even songs that Alphinaud had heard before were just... different when coaxed out of that worn travel harp and sung with that clear tenor.
Sad songs pulled at the heart until tears filled your eyes and raucous tunes set your feet to tapping. The Bards ability with song fairly dwarfed what he’d read of them in his studies. Once Alvaar put his fingers to strings, the Warrior of Lights true magic came to life; not one of aether, but one stranger still. And in its own way, just as potent as any spell.
The Arcanist had seen it enough times in their travels. Watched whole rooms fall under the persuasive sway of Alvaar’s songs until all eyes were on him.
He’d also seen that cheery mischievous side of him too, although he was rather certain Alvaar must have forgot. Back when the Bard wasn’t known the world over as the Warrior of Light, and his behavior had been more fanciful. When the handsome Elezen had tempted more than one patron with movement and song at the start of a night’s stay, and met up with him the next morning practically glowing and notably without having to pay.
As much as it had annoyed him then, he almost missed it now. Leaned against the wall of a nearby hallway, where he could safely listen without being seen, he noted that Alvaar’s songs didn’t have that same happy energy to them. They were still just as skilled and persuasive. Still pierced straight to the heart and tugged at emotions. But the happy tunes people asked from him paled to what he could remember.
They had never quite recovered their spark after Lord Haurchefant had been killed, though no one else seemed to notice it.
The truth of Alvaar’s skill, the truth of Bardic magic at its core, was always about heart. Least, that was how the Bard himself had explained it. It was about feeling something so passionately, so honestly, that you could put it to song. Make it resonate and change the world around it.
When they had first worked together, Alphinaud had found Alvaar a bit odd. His face was always set with a quiet sort of calm despite the bardic attire he wore. Nothing like the minstrels the Arcanist had known, who wore their personality as loudly as their clothing. How did a man with such a quiet and placid demeanor stir the hearts of those around him with voice alone?
It was only when he’d found him one evening at the Roost, harp in hand, his hat gone, and dancing merrily on one of the many tables that it all made more sense. That under the calm was a man who had felt the full range of emotions so intimately they rose effortlessly to his call.
He’d read somewhere that the difference between technique and mastery was in understanding the embellishment. The little bit extra you added in to make something personal, to give it heart. It was, as Alvaar had explained, what made a Bard. How a minstrel could play the same song as him, but only a Bard who had wholly felt the emotions lying in that song’s intent could turn it into magic. Could freely arrange those notes with pause and movement to give them feeling.
It was a gift that made the heat of Titan’s lair bearable for a party of adventurers. What had turned aside the freezing storms of Saint Shiva. The rally of a battle cry that had brought down Ultima and Ascians and made Gods into little more than stumbling blocks.
He didn’t hate Alvaar’s performances. The truth was, Alphinaud wasn’t any less enchanted by Alvaar’s skill as anyone else. But it was also why he didn’t want to be around where the Bard could see him listening. Perhaps it was just an excess of pride, but he didn’t care for letting Alvaar see his reactions. He didn’t want to be part of the loud candor of drinking songs or find himself dancing with some stranger to a waltz. Nor did he fancy the way songs of tragic love moved him to tears when he had seen it for himself. When he had watched the light in the Bards heart nearly snuff itself out in grief as he’d held his dead lover in pained silence.
The trouble of listening to Alvaar sing was when you knew the story behind a heartfelt song. When you could remember it clearly, and so feel it the way the Bard had.
It was a large part of why Alphinaud would never admit that he listened to and loved the Bards songs. The more they travelled together, the more of those feelings and stories he understood. And somehow, the more he felt like he was peering too closely into the man’s private life.
It was why he really wanted to hate love songs. Invariably, as the night dragged on and the Bard began to drink to keep his voice honed, he would pull something softer from his repertoire. And without fail he could remember where that feeling came from.
On one of many trips to Camp Dragonhead to provide support, they’d been caught under snowfall so thick they’d had to wait out the day. And with nothing left to do, the Bard had lifted his harp and for once Alphinaud had nowhere else to be. So he was nearby to see Alvaar performing with a light step and a strong voice as the denizens of the fort partied around him. When he’d crooked a smile at Lord Haurchefant and his voice had taken on a silken sweetness with his verse. One of the first of many love songs he’d heard Alvaar sing and even remembering it now he still felt the same faint flutter in his heart. The truth of the man’s feelings woven inextricably into that song, gentle and kind. A smile unique and reserved only for him. Ardent passion and understanding; acceptance given and returned. A promise of always being there to provide comfort and support in the most savage of storms and heartfelt thanks for returning in kind. The feeling of carrying someone with you no matter how far the road took you, and a vow to always return home...
He hadn’t been surprised at all that Haurchefant had only grown more enthusiastic about the hero in the coming months. He’d been somehow even less surprised, if not completely free of feeling scandalized, when he’d later caught the pair cozied up together in Haurchefant’s chair with a sea of bottles on the desk. Alvaar seated casually on the man’s lap as he nuzzled against Haurchefant’s jaw with a soft laugh and perfectly happy caught up in the Lords arms listening to his stories.
Alphinaud wasn’t naive to courting or even to one-night affairs, but it was perhaps one of few times in his life he’d really seen people so wholly and stupidly in love. Like something out of a novel, two lovers with eyes only for each other.
It was the first time he’d ever felt like he was seeing a side of Alvaar he wasn’t supposed to see. Like he’d crossed some invisible line between them. And somewhere, in some unreasonable part of him, the knowledge had stung for reasons he didn’t understand.
It was an awful thing to relive each time Alvaar set those songs to string. It was even worse knowing the memory of those feelings which lingered in that voice were the happiest his friend had ever been.
He would have given most anything that they could return to them, that it might repay even a part of the debt that the Warrior of Light was due. Instead all he could do was sit and listen and remember and wait. Until that harp fell silent and Alvaar would be too drunk to remember what happened to him. And he’d rise, collect Alvaar’s things, and lead his friend back to his rented room. Remove what trinkets and baubles and gear he could after the Bard collapsed into bed and fight the blankets free to be over him instead of under.
Usually it would be easy and he could retire himself after the Bard had passed out cold. But sometimes if Alvaar had reminisced too much as he played, he would sit beside him and rub at his shoulder while the Bard cried for the things he had lost. Offer quiet reassurances that he wasn’t alone.
Because Alvaar wouldn’t be if he had anything to say about it. While they would ever have duties pulling them in different directions, he would do his damndest to be there when Alvaar needed him, even if that was just to say ‘welcome home.’
It was why he didn’t pull away when Alvaar’s hand gripped his as he’d been rising to leave. Instead he just met the Bards quietly pained gaze and understood the unasked question. One of precious few things the man would ever ask of him and only when the night had dragged on late, his heart heavy with bitter memories and his brain addled with too much alcohol.
Climbing in beside the lanky Elezen, he let the Bard carefully pull him close and hug him gently. Curling up around him protectively where he could bury his face against the Arcanists hair, Alvaar would fall quiet and hold on long after he eventually fell asleep.
It was something Alphinaud hadn’t known how to handle at first, panicked as he was, but like many things where the Warrior of Light was concerned, he needn’t have worried. For all whispers of Alvaar’s illustrious career of debauchery, he’d never done anything untoward where he was concerned. Perhaps held him a little too tightly once or twice, but nothing worse than that.
The Bard had only wished to not fall asleep alone was the slurred answer he’d received from his friend when he’d asked the first time. It was something he could understand quite well, especially given his twins long absence after a life spent so closely together. Though he wouldn’t ever say it he rather missed Alisaie’s presence beside him, especially given their penchant for impromptu naps and sharing sleeping spaces.
So he let Alvaar fall asleep before carefully slipping free and rising to his feet to finish his tasks. A fresh canteen of water at the Bards bedside and worn travel satchel close at hand for whatever hangover might linger in the morning. Ensured that Alvaar’s hat and other removed gear were safely stored away and free of damage. And then with one last fuss of the blankets, he turned off the lights and retired to his own room.
And Alvaar would be back to his calm collected self in the morning, sipping coffee while he waited for him at a table in the inn. Usually with breakfast covered but still hot waiting for him with that impeccable sense of timing he had.
And if Alvaar remembered anything he never mentioned it, and as he never had any intention of bringing it up himself the matter stayed silent between them.
Which was fine for him. Once he might have admonished the Bard for his actions or let him know what he’d done so he could be recognized for the good deed. He took a measure of pride in the fact that he didn’t and the mark of progress it made in his character. The world was ever showing him its capacity for cruelty and he could at least understand the desire for reprieves if not quite the methods.
For all the things Alvaar had done silently without expecting (or rightfully demanding in some cases) recognition, this was surely the least he could do.
If Alvaar could shoulder the burdens of the Warrior of Light without complaint, then he could at least support him in that endeavor however it was needed. Even if it was silently reminding him that he wasn’t alone.
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fair-fae · 7 years
Stormblood Thoughts So Far
Under cut for slight spoilers
Some ramblings as I wait in queue after getting a lobby error that crashed my client after already waiting two hours :’^) I love girl time beach vacation with Lyse and Alisaie why has this never happened before send me on more vacations with the girls I love Lyse in general because she’s an awkward idiot and Alisaie because she has no chill. I relate immensely to both of these qualities. (also Lyse is hella gay and you can’t convince me otherwise) This seems to be the first time SE has gone to any noticeable lengths to change NPC dialogue based on your words to them and your character choices in general. Doing the MSQ on WHM, in the scene where Y’shtola is wounded and being treated Krile fucking yells at you. “You’re a healer, aren’t you? Don’t just stand there gawping!” And it caught me so off guard I laughed for like five minutes. Normally my healer main ass can only stand there like an idiot while people are injured because WoL can only fight. It was funny to see this meta thing finally addressed in universe and to get called tf out for it, and I was glad that my healer finally healed in the MSQ!
During the Cold Steel questline, my boyfriend who plays a male Midlander said he couldn’t stop laughing because his character was so much taller than the rest of the NPC party that he felt like he was leading a bunch of children around a battlefield on a school field trip
I like that the villains in this xpac actually feel like main villains. You get to see some of their actions even when your character isn’t present, or when they don’t know your character is there. You get to witness firsthand them doing awful things to make you personally hate them. All of the other villains thus far have felt so impersonal (”big bad guy wants to take over ____ so he’s attacking ____, go stop him!!”). The only time I really felt there’s been a personal stake so far is when the Heavensward killed Haurchefant, and it fell flat since they never felt much like the “main” villains of the xpac when there was Thordan himself, Ascians, Garleans, (Allagan) primals, and Nidhogg/dragons all stealing the spotlight. 
One of my few complaints is I don’t know why the Confederacy are being painted in such a sympathetic light and basically our new bff’s. They are pirates and thugs who have laid claim to an entire stretch of sea for no good reason and are extorting people for money to travel and basically just blocking trade and travel between lands plagued by Imperials and already hurting. They are kidnapping, beating up, mugging, and presumably killing people who don’t pay them off to let them pass. I wouldn’t mind so much if Alisaie hadn’t been so salty with Carvallain about his piracy, yet she doesn’t have anything to say about these far worse things happening? There are scenes when the Confederacy has people tied up and are beating them and the WoL just stands there doing nothing. I’ve liked the whole storyline with them otherwise so far, but I wish the WoL and co. would take issue with these things and have some conflict there other than being okay with it all for no good reason. 
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theimperialnuisance · 3 years
(/wave) What is your muse’s opinion about Ishgard’s refusal to join the Alliance in Carteneau?
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(MSQ Related Asks)
“I don’t know if it’s much of an opinion since I’m an outsider looking in as I still lived with my clan prior to the events leading up to Carteneau and I didn’t know much about Ishgard or the affairs of the Alliance. From what I was told and came to understand, Ishgard had been dealing with the Dragonsong War on and off over the course of many years and right before the Battle in Carteneau took place, Nidhogg was awake once again and on the offense to Ishgard. I cannot fault Ishgard for wanting to save their resources for their own affairs but I can also see how their refusal to join left a bad impression with the rest of the Alliance, especially since they had helped in previous battles…I also think the now former, Archbishop Thordan VII, had a lot to do with that refusal as he was a man set to keep Ishgard hidden in the dark from the truth and stuck in its isolated ways. Would it had made a difference if Ishgard had helped in Carteneau? No one can really be sure, and it doesn’t do well to dwell in past misgivings. What matters now is that the Dragonsong War is finally over and Ishgard is once again with the Alliance—Ser Aymeric has shown that its people are ready to move forward and bring about a more stronger and united Eorzea.”
Hello! (/bow) Thank you for the ask @yafaemi c:
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the-dragons-knight · 3 years
FFXIV Write 2021
Prompt #14 - The Dragon Queen
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<Post-Heavensward MSQ, Post-Dragonsong War, Slight Spoilers ahead>
Commend - ‘to present, mention, or praise as worthy of confidence’
“That sounds like it must have been so scary, but also like an amazing journey,” Maelie smiled up at Katsum as she petted the small dragonet in her arms, “To have visited another world…it sounds so very strange, yet so fascinating!”
Katsum smiled back as she handed Midgardsormr, who sat on her shoulder, another piece of the cookie she had in her hands, “It was quite the adventure, there is no denying that for certain.”
Ever since the day the True Brothers began their attack on Ishgard and took the refugees of the burnings in the Brume as hostages, the same day that Maelie was dropped from the top of the Vault and Katsum jumped after her only for both of them to be saved by Vidofnir, they had been good friends ever since, especially as Maelie began to have a fascination with the Dravanians. And who better to answer any questions she might have than the ‘Queen of Dragons’ herself. Katsum grew fond of the young girl and told her as many stories and tales that she could remember in hopes to share the beauties she’d seen of the world to another who could scarcely even have dreamed of seeing such things not so long ago. Each time she came home to Ishgard from a journey, she would seek out Maelie or the young girl would find her and they would walk the city’s streets as they talked, waving hello to all they passed by and marveling at how bright and cheerful the city had become since the end of its long war. There was still much to be done to make the nation whole again, the progress so far was still so beautiful.
The dragonet in Maelie’s arms purred as it butted its head against her hand, as she scratched its scales, “You’ve seen so many amazing things, Katsum. I would love to see the Churning Mists one day, and the vast and endless seas of water, but I imagine not all things were so beautiful and good…”
Katsum chuckled softly, “You are a smart girl, Maelie. Always have been. Yes, it’s true, but,” She looked at her seriously, “Don’t let that stop you from going to find your adventures. There are far more precious and wonderful things out there to outweigh the bad.”
Maelie nodded, “Right!”
“And next time Vidofnir, you should ask her if she can show you the Mists, I am sure she would be happy to.”
“Really?! Oh yes, I certainly shall! Ah, I’m so excited just thinking about it!”
Katsum laughed at the giddiness of the young girl as it reminded her very much of her younger self which only made her smile more brightly. They soon made their way to the aetheryte plaza in Foundation, still talking and laughing as the snow fell softly around him. Katsum’s feline ear twitched at the sound of a very familiar voice speaking not far away and she turned her sapphire eyes to lock onto the royal blue regalia of the Lord Commander, and a warmth fluttered through her chest as she smiled brighter. Sure, she had seen Aymeric this morning and every morning since they were married, but that didn’t mean her heart ever stopped fluttering when she would see him. As they approached him and Lucia, who was standing behind him, she noticed that he was speaking to a Lalafellan man and young woman, who were both dressed in fine robes and furs of an Ul’dahian fashion. Curiosity swept over her as she and Maelie moved in closer.
“Ah, good morning Lord Aymeric and Lady Lucia,” Katsum mused sweetly as she smiled brightly at them, her tail swaying happily behind her.
Aymeric’s ice blue eyes warmly met hers as he too smiled, “Lady Katsum, there you are good morning. And a good morning to you as well Maelie, Midgardsormr.”
The little dragon just nodded slightly as he continued to munch on his piece of cookie while Maelie nodded her hello.”
The paladin woman turned her head in question a bit, “Were you looking for me? Is something wrong?”
“No, not at all, but I was about to search for you yes. You see—”
“I can explain myself from here, Lord Aymeric, if you’d like,” The Lalafellan man rudely interrupted her beloved as he stepped forward with a grinning smile on his muschasted face, making a sweeping bow before her, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Katsum. My name is Aguda Kesuguda, head of the stock and trade of Kesugu Industries of Ul’dah. Before I begin, I really must commend your undeniable strength and poweress on the battlefield. I’ve heard many tales, and while I have not seen them for myself, they never cease to send my heart aflutter to recall them, yes yes!”
The miqo’te narrowed her eyes slightly as her smile shrunk into a rather small and fake expression of kindness, shifting her posture into a more regal and defensive stance; the posture of a queen. This did not go unnoticed by Maelie as she took a step back and watched cautiously. Aymeric too noticed, yet he didn’t not say anything, only sighed at the interruption and eyed the noble.
“Yes, I believe I’ve heard your name mentioned before in brief passing. ‘Tis a pleasure, yes, yet what is it that you sought me out for?” She knew that pleasantries from a merchant of Ul’dah meant only one thing: they wanted something done for them. She had not the patience or care for such games either.
Aguda grinned and shrugged, “Ah yes, a woman of action, of course. Forgive me, it is but the habit of nobles to win over the other with flattery, but you and yours here I see are far too smart to play in such nonsense.” Katsum just stared at him and he cleared his throat, “…more so than I thought too. Ahem, I came to beseech you aid in a most urgent matter. I have a shipment of resources and supplies I am trying to transport to the warfront, and every time it begins to leave on its journey to Ala Mhigo, it has been attacked by bandits trying to steal its contents! It’s not been anything terribly dangerous of course, but I wondered if I could ask for your assistance in protecting it to its destination. Or rather, one of your dragons.”
The group stilled and Katsum’s eyebrows arched in confusion, “ I beg your pardon? And please do not repeat yourself, it is just an expression of my astonishment.”
The noble nodded, “Of course, of course. My reasoning for such a request is that while I could hire a group of mercenaries to protect the cargo, such beings can be unsavory themselves and cost right much gil you understand. But dragons are loyal and ask for nothing, with just a word from you and they fly to your beck and call. And what better way to show your power as a queen than having one of your subjects deliver rations and supplies to the soldiers and people of a wounded nation, hmm?”
There would have been a time that Katsum would have shouted at this man that he knew nothing of dragons and nothing of her throne, and to leave their city before she threw him out herself, but instead, she remained quiet and listened to his greedy words with that simple expression of thought on her face.
Aguda seemed to take that bait as a sign of winning her over as he continued, “So, what do you think? Could you spare a dragon to help out a poor old merchant deliver his wares to those in need?”
She saw Aymeric narrow his eyes, “Would they not appear to be supplies from Katsum herself then if a Dravanian were to be protecting them rather than from you yourself Lord Aguda?”
Aymeric had already caught on Katsum knew, and luckily he was laying out the road for Katsum to ride down as Aguda answered.
“I suppose they would, but I have little worry for that. As long as they get the resources they are due, yes? Plus, they would be packed in crates bearing my seal so a bit of publicity for everyone, hmm?”
It is a very interesting suggestion, my lord, but first I must ask,” Katsum clasped her hands in front of her as she asked, “Are these provisions truly yours?”
Aguda froze in that moment and her eyes sparkled silently; she had him, “Whatever do you mean by that, my lady?”
Katsum smiled to herself as she feigned a curious and oblivious expression, “Pray, forgive me for causing such upset, but I had heard the most awful rumor of stolen goods and provisions meant for refugees of Ul’dah recently, and even more unsettling takes of the people trying to take them back from the thieves only to be injured and then arrested on false charges. As some of those provisions were ones that Ishgard and Dravania both had traded with Ul’dah for such purposes of aiding those less fortunate, it seemed only right that the Sultana inform me of these most dreadful events. So again…I ask you,” Katsum’s expression narrowed and her eyes almost seemed to glow in her fury, “Are these provisions truly yours? And I would beseech you to speak the truth, good sir, for we shall know if you do not.”
The noble’s jaw dropped as she moved her first piece into the winning square. Indeed, she and Nanamo had been speaking on the subject just a day or so ago and how the Sultana was worried about how restless the people were getting at being wronged so, and Katsum had offered to keep an eye out. It had been her cargo originally anyway, and such fine Dravanian resources should not fall into hands they were not meant for.
Aguda finally got over his shock and glared at her then, “Uh! The audacity of such claims! I came to seek assistance, not to be blamed for such villainy!”
“Nay, you came here for a dragon —for a “free” guard as you said—that would discourage anyone wearing only tattered rags for clothing too afraid to step forward to take back what is rightfully theirs so that you could spread the name of influence into the city of Ala Mhigo, thus earning potential buyers for future trade. it was made plain the moment you spoke of dragons ‘asking for nothing’. Dragons are loyal to their kin and to those they have come to trust, yes, but if you truly believe they are so blind to follow mine or anyone else’s word and ask for nothing in return like a hound, you are far blinder than you believe them to be.” His jaw dropped again, yet she did not wait for him to answer as she pressed further, “Now, if that is all you wished to discuss, I suggest you take your leave of our city and see to the return of those goods to their rightful owners. Unless…you would like me to inform the Sultana of the information I have just come across and let her and the Brass Blades handle it..?”
Aguda’s face paled, and he tried to retain some of his noblistic confidence, “Why you—”
“Father, please!” Finally, the woman behind him spoke and stepped forward to stand in front of him with a deep look of concern on her face, “She offers you a way to fix it yourself, don’t throw it away with your shame of being caught! I told you you mustn’t do something like this and look where you’ve put us now!” His head dropped as the girl turned to Katsum and bowed her head, a look of sadness filling her eyes as she looked up at her, “I’m so sorry. I had no idea that he had gone through such lengths as this. Please, forgive us, and I will see to it that the supplies are returned to Ul’dah and given out to the less fortunate personally. Please, my lady.”
Katsum stared at her for a moment, looking her over and her lilac colored garments and grey furs. Her eyes showed sincerity yes, but the eyes can be made to fool anyone who looked into them. She glanced at Midgardsormr, seeing he too was staring at her closely, taking in his assessment. With a breath, Katsum summoned Raihogg’s gaze as the dragon’s eye gem began to glow softly and his voice whispered through her mind.
“Her words are genuine as her heart is broken by her father’s deeds. You may believe her as she indeeds to do just as she says.”
The eye in her necklace fades back to its shining red and blue color as Katsum’s eyes softened and she asked the girl, “What is your name, my lady?”
“Kemoda. Kemoda Kesugada, m-my lady.” Her voice trembled as she answered.
Katsum smiled, “There is no reason to fear, Miss Kemoda. I thank you for your honesty and in your offer to right what has been wronged. In return for the good being returned to their rightful owners, I will only speak of the matter being closed with her Grace, nothing more. No names, no suspects. But I will be checking in to be sure our goods were returned as promised.”
Kemoda nodded furiously, bowing low as she breathed, “Oh thank you, my lady! Thank you! You have my word, I shall fix this right away!”
The miqo’te nodded and the lalafellan woman turned and glared softly at her father amidst her worried expression, “Come father, we have much to work on.” With that, she started on her way towards the gates of Ishgard with a determined step in her stride.
Aguda glanced back at her for a moment before looking up at Katsum again and glaring at her, hoping to get in one final word she guessed.
But Midgardsormr hissed first, “Go now, mortal, while I still allow it.”
The deep voice of the ancient dragon seemed to be enough to send the lalafellan man running after his daughter, any thoughts of sassy retorts dying on the squeak of his shout of terror. Midgardsormr chuckled at this before going back to snacking on his cookie and Katsum took a deep breath and shook her head.
“I will never get used to politics and the games you must play,” She sighed.
“No one ever does I’d imagine,” Aymeric mused, stepping up to. her and leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead, “But I dare say you are getting better at playing them. Well done, my queen.”
Katsum blushed lightly as her ears fell back shyly, though her warm smile spoke of her happiness, “Not in front of the child, Aymeric, please.”
He chuckled, and they glanced over to both blink in shock at the wondrous look in Maelie’s eyes as she watched them and she hugged the dragonet tight. She blinked as they looked, “Sorry, I don’t mean to stare, you both are just like a fairytale come true. ‘Tis a love I hope I find one day too.”
Katsum blushed again as Aymeric did and they laughed lightly as Katsum nodded, “I never thought I would have it myself, but thank you, Maelie. That is very sweet of you.”
The girl nodded before Lucia stepped forward then, “Regretful as I am to cut this beautiful moment short, there are other matter that require attention, Lord Commander.”
Aymeric sighed and nodded, looking to Katsum as he drew her into a short yet loving kiss, “Thank you for your assistance, Queen of Dragons. I shall be sure to repay your kindness as soon as I can.”
Katsum grinned knowingly, “And I shall look forward to it. Until tonight, be safe, both of you. And farewell.”
The Lord Commander nodded warmly as he reluctantly pulled back from her and turned to follow the First Commander back to Congregation. katsum watched him go before she turned to Maelie with a grin, “Well, shall we continue our walk?”
“Yes! Or course! Oh, I wanted to ask. How did the Dravanians first come to this world? You mentioned they were from another star right?”
“They did indeed. We’ll be happy to tell you.”
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