#sleep spell
syncopein3d · 9 months
Someone passing out from fever or sickness, but in a fictional way where you can rush to pick them up and wrap them in a blanket on your couch, not where you call EMS and worry that they might have cracked their head on a sidewalk. Their eyes actually close, unlike in real life where people sometimes faint with their eyes partly or entirely open.
Someone being drugged, but in a fictional way where they glaze over and then gracefully faint, but continue breathing, instead of the real world way, where we have to have a respirator during surgery because substances that produce sustained unconsciousness also tend to paralyze breathing. I like sci fi settings where I can make up drugs for this reason, I know too much about anesthesia.
Someone being put to sleep with magic, which requires no qualifier because it never has medical health risks. I like fantasy settings because of this, too.
Someone passing out from being choked with someone's thighs or arm, but in a fictional way where they stay out without the risk of brain damage or death and they don't lose bowel or bladder control.
The comical clonk on the head is just ruined for me entirely unless it's an overt cartoon, because concussions are scary and subdural hematoma is even scarier.
As a writer I want to do research. As a whump fetishist I have learned that once I have done research, sometimes I harm my own suspension of disbelief. Oops.
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gaynaturalistghost · 1 year
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More disabled characters and stories in fantasy or ttrpg’s!
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whumperofworlds · 5 months
Okay, we all love knocking out a Whumpee, drugging them into unconsciousness, or even chloroforming them.
But consider:
Using a sleep spell on Whumpee.
Whumpee just minding their own business, when they're suddenly sleepy. Next thing they knew, they're knocked out. Whumper emerges from their hiding place and kidnaps them right then and there.
Probably not as good as the above three, but still good 👀
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the-jesting-magus · 13 days
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w-itchtips · 11 months
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herbalgrimoire · 6 months
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My first spell jar. Made for banishing intrusive thoughts and nightmares, and promoting peaceful sleep. Here are the instructions I followed:
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thank you to @bipolarwitchcraft for your help with this 🙌💜
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Good Sleep Jar
Medium jar
Lavender incense for cleansing and calm
Salt for protection
Silver glass for mental clarity and good dreams
3 Cloves for luck
Lavender for relaxation and deep sleep
Sage for protection and mental calm
Rosemary for protection and purification
Bay leaves for intention and amplification
Blue candle for mental clarity and calm
Light incense
Cleanse jar and components
Add components to jar
Seal jar with blue wax while focusing on intention
Place jar in bedroom, preferably on headboard
I created this jar a little more than a week ago because of repeated insomnia issues faced by both me and my partner, and MAN has it worked! The quality of sleep I get has improved as has my ability to actually fall asleep. It's been so nice to get such good rest and my dreams have been relatively calm as well.
That being said, of course, take practical before magical steps: go to bed on a regular schedule, don't eat or use electronics right before bed, and if insomnia is a persistent problem for you, see a medical professional about it.
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wolfhowlwitch · 8 months
Dream A (Sweet) Little Dream Shower Sachet
A shower sachet for those pre-bedtime showers, to help call forth positive dreams and your ability to recall them (and to ward off nightmares).
What IS a shower sachet? A small sachet that you hang around your shower head so that the water pours down, over the sachet, and onto you. This spell can easily be transferred to a bath sachet… I just don’t have a bathtub :)
Mugwort- for lucid or prophetic dreams
Marshmallow Root- to protect and ward off nightmares
Rosemary- to aid in your ability to recall your dreams
Sage- to protect and to call forth healing in dreams
Chamomile- to soothe to sleep
Lavender- to relax and soothe anxieties that cause nightmares
Bay Leaves- to shield from bad dreams
Amethyst- to provide clarity in your dreaming
A sachet
To Use:
Fill the sachet with your herbs and amethyst.
Hang the sachet over your shower head, and turn the water to your desired temperature. Take some time to call on any deities you may worship and ask them for sweet dreams tonight.
Shower as normal! Use this time to cleanse yourself of the energies of the day. Visualize the negative energy- anything that could manifest in nightmares- swirling down the drain.
Visualize the water bouncing off the amethyst, all the water that touches your head purging your mind of the stuff of nightmares, washing it down and away.
Take some time to focus on what you’d like to dream about. If you need answers, now is the time to ask your questions. If you have nightmares you’d like to stay away tonight, cleanse yourself of them and take away their power.
Make sure to fully stomp (literally or figuratively) any negativity down the drain.
Turn off the shower and thank any deities you may worship for their aid in cleansing you, and thank them preemptively for the sweet sleep you’ll be basking in tonight. If you don’t worship any deities, simply take time to be thankful :)
Get some much needed sleep, and delight in the absence of nightmares.
Write down any dreams you do recall in a dream journal or something similar!
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Sleep Spell
First appearance: Memory of a Memory
Description: Her hair is worn down and layered. She has on a long light blue dress shirt with short sleeves, no visible bottoms, and red loafers.
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Your Problem
First appearance: What Was Missing
Description: Her hair is worn down and is the length of her body. She has on a wide-brimmed yellow sun hat. She is wearing yellow gloves that extend nearly to her shoulders, a red tank top, blue pants, and knee-high cowboy boots.
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plinchy · 3 months
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Sleep is cool. For 5d8 at 1st level you can potentially hit up to 40 hit points. A good pick for lower levels, AND it also scales up 2d8 per level..! You can put a whole tavern of commoners with a good roll and buffed up sleep spell.
Just make sure not to include yourself in the spells radius. Or your friends.
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kizillcadi · 2 years
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Sleep Spell🌜🧙‍♀️
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thewrathfulwitch · 6 months
Sleep Aid Spell
Black salt: Protection/banishing
Salt: Protection/cleansing
Cinnamon: Protection/prosperity/success
Rose water: Cleansing
White willow bark: Soothing/dream scrying
Colored fluorite: Memory
Obsidian: Soothing/clarity
Lapis lazuli: Cleansing/Clarity
Amethyst: Clarity
Purple candle: Ambition
The crystals are all in chip form to use in spell bottles.
Obtain your spell bottle and cleanse it through any means (incense stick, frankincense, match smoke, etc.), place all the ingredients in, and seal with the purple candle.
This spell is to help aid in falling asleep and then remembering your dreams, this spell having a dual nature.
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I charged my chamomile lotion under the full moon tonight and my boyfriend let me put some on his chest and back, so the whole time I rubbed it in I chanted in my head "restful sleep" with my whole heart because he hasn't been sleeping well lately. We're about to go bed, let's see how it goes!
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emoji-spells · 2 years
   ↪ Emoji spell: “I will sleep peacefully and wake up refreshed.”
Like to ‘charge,’ reblog to ‘cast!’
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syncopein3d · 9 months
After the Battle
(whump oneshot, f/caretaker m/whumpee)
The knight was unhorsed long since, his lance broken, his sword dull. When the last of his foes fell, he had ranged far from the field of battle, surrounded by looming oaks. He withdrew his blade from the body with difficulty. He had to kneel. An arrow stood from his cuirass in front. It had reached something important below his heart on the left. He knew not what, but his head was light and his legs were heavy, and he had noticed that the pain was beginning to feel dull and strange. There were other wounds. He felt bruises from maces, the agony in the right part of his chest was possibly a cracked rib, and a little hole in his side stung where a dagger had found him, but he knew it was not these that would kill him.
He had to lean on a tree to climb to his feet, looking around. There were dead men wearing the colors of both armies, dead horses, but the only things living were the crows and ravens. Night was falling, too cold for many flies at this time of year. Darkness would bring the killing frost. The knight turned slowly, trying to decide which way to go. He wanted his brothers in arms to have his armor, his weapons, to bury him and speak the rites of his gods. But he could not now tell which way he'd come from. The setting sun was so diffused by the shade that it was little help.
He took up a broken lance from beside a dead horse and put his back to where he thought the dying light was. His vision was spotty now, making it harder to tell. At least it was a direction. He did not want to spend his last moments quietly waiting. He limped grimly onward, leaning on the half-lance.
There were strange whispers in the wood. As it grew darker they grew louder. The knight stopped, swaying, trying to decide if this was real. His legs were numb now, and when he tried to walk again things went away for a moment entirely, spots crowding out his vision. When it cleared he was on his knees.
A cool hand rested on the back of his neck. He went to reach for his sword, but someone whispered words in a tongue unknown to him, and suddenly he couldn't move. A warm, effervescent feeling blossomed in his spine, traveling up and down. Long nails gently scratched the back of his head. Where was his helm? He didn't remember removing it.
"Easy, now," said a woman's voice softly. It was husky and sweet, hard to narrow as to age. "Your wounds are dire. I can save you, but I will need you still. I know what your kind thinks of mine."
He was falling backwards, unable to stop himself. The witch - for it must be a witch - lowered him, pulled his legs out straight. She moved around him as a dark blur, robed, a smear of gray against the browns and greens. The pain was fading. Not just the pain of the arrow, but of cuts and bruises and his aching ribs, smoothing gently away into warmth and tingling.
"Gods accept... My soul..." His eyes were closing in spite of himself. He felt so very light now. Floating.
"Perhaps one day," said a voice that seemed far off. The long nails scraped lightly through his hair. "But for now, you will sleep. Sleep, Sir Knight."
He tried to speak, but only a sigh passed his lips. Clear thought was no longer possible, and without it there was no ability to resist. He slid gently and easily into a deep, deep sleep.
The witch watched the lines of his face relax. Then she bent to the straps of the cuirass. Getting the arrow out of his liver would not be easy, but at least he would feel no pain.
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wizardsaur · 1 year
Hermit-Wizard's Sleep & Dream Quick Spells
1. Nightmare last night? Open a window & shake out your pillowcase in the sunlight/fresh air. Get those vibes gone. No more Balloon Animal Alien Invasion or Fish-Hell nightmares
2. Big Day of XYZ got you stressy? Can't sleep? Glass of Warm Milk+ will fix you right up. Add chamomile & lavender for peace, and rosemary for clarity, if you've got it. Stir in a spoonful of honey for sweet dreams - Four times counterclockwise to remove the chaotic and unwanted vibes. Seven times clockwise to imbue desirable Snooze-Vibes. Tap spoon on mug's edge 3x to "Seal The Deal"
3. Not a spell, but counting sheep isn't actually numbering off fluffy wooly babies jumping over a fence. Pick a relatively broad theme. Mentally list off everything you can about that theme. Specific Names of Colors does the trick for me.
4. "In with the good, out with the bad" breathing. Deep breaths, breathing exercise style. Welcome energies that help you find peace, exhale that which makes you stressed & keeps you awake.
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