#skyrim affirmations
skyrim-forever · 2 days
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skyrim affirmations part 9
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venacoeurva · 7 months
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I have been stuck with the words “wife city” sang like an 80s rock jingle type thing in my head for some reason
I don’t have a wife to say it to so we improvise
-Please do not reupload, edit, or use.-
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sybbi · 7 months
*pointing at myself in the mirror* Listen to me. Look into my eyes. You will not fall to the bi-yearly siren song of Skyrim. Say it out loud. Speak it into existence. You do not need to look for new mods and start a new playthrough. You are strong. You can do this.
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powdermelonkeg · 11 months
Congrats on the progress on Cirinel! What's been your biggest hurdle so far?
From a technical standpoint, Nifskope. I'm trying to figure out how to give Cirinel some nice hair, but it's been...frustrating. I've only tried it for about an hour, though, so I'm not giving up yet.
From an overall standpoint, my voice. Still very much in that "Aaaaah, why does my voice sound like THAT" phase. I know it sounds normal and I'm hyper-analyzing it, and also that it's going to sound weird to me because recordings are just like that, but it's still not fun. I did give a voice sample earlier, and I'm (mostly) happy with how it turned out, but I need to buckle down and practice the mood I want to give her (and also use the right mic, I just had my headphones for that one).
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slime-crafters · 2 years
Chin up, short kings! According to Elder Scrolls logic, you are gifted in the art of sneaking, light armour, and bowmanship❤️
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aleksikesa · 2 years
Skyrim is 11 years old today….
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panuccispizza · 2 months
I think it's seriously important to kill this idea in your head that there is someone who will think you're stupid for doing something. or there's someone actively judging all of your decisions. like the only one bullying you here is yourself and I'm sorry but you're going to have to heal from that if you want to live your "cringe is dead" dream
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argisthebulwark · 4 months
Love's A Funny Thing
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summary: assigning my favorite Skyrim men one of the five love languages. gn reader, no pronouns or y/n used feat: Erandur, Miraak, Cicero, Brynjolf, Balimund, Erik the Slayer, Vilkas, Arnbjorn, Teldryn Sero, Farkas warnings: none
Words of Affirmation
Erandur wants nothing more than to express how deeply and all encompassing his love for you is. He loves you with each breath he draws, every day spent in your presence only strengthening your bond. The shimmering pink light of sunrises and easy breeze through a perfectly autumnal forest make his mind drift to you, often recounting the beauty he finds in the world and how it relates to you. With your hands clasped in his he admits his love for you, interrupted only by the tearful kisses you plant across his face. 
Miraak has spent lifetimes cultivating a vocabulary and puts it to good use. In languages long forgotten he whispers of his love to you, shaking the walls when his Thu’um aims to make it known to the entire world that he is yours. There is nothing but sheer adoration when he tells you how deeply your claws have sunk into his heart, how his soul spent centuries yearning for yours.  “I have wasted lifetimes searching for you, my beloved.” Miraak murmurs against your lips, voice low and velvety. “And I would face all the terror of the world again if it allowed me a few more moments in your arms.” 
Quality Time
Cicero could easily display his love with any of the love languages, even some secret bloody ones he's thought up too, but quality time means the most to him. It is most natural for him to show his love by sticking to your side - accompanying you on missions to ensure your safety and only sleeping when you’re pressed to one another, he shows you how deeply he cares by remaining with you. He wishes for nothing more than to make you laugh, to hear your voice and bask in the presence of his beloved Listener. 
Brynjolf has lost many people. There are so many friendships cut short and people he’s spent more time missing than knowing them. He makes a consistent effort to never lose time with you - after thinking Mercer snatched away another loved one, Brynjolf changes his ways. The endless nights spent working in the Cistern are replaced with a staunchly enforced time when the workday ends.  “You’re not my Guild Master anymore,” he interrupts when you hastily remember an unfinished task during dinner. “We’re home, love. I’m nothin’ but your husband here.”  He will not miss a moment with you. The days spent grieving you altered his view on work - nothing takes precedence over time with you. To him, nothing is worth losing time with his beloved. 
Gift Giving
Balimund may not have much extra time in his busy days but he always whittles out a moment for you. He often surprises you with practical gifts - perfectly balanced blades with intricate handles and jewelry intended to withstand the nastiest of spells. Each gift he gives was forged by his hands outside your home, an individual piece made just for you.  “It’s to ensure you make it back to me in one piece,” he says after strapping the beautiful dagger into a sheath at your side. His gifts are beautiful, crafted purely to show how much he adores you. 
Erik loves hunting for the perfect gift to give you - taking mental notes of what draws your eye when visiting shops, especially the items you put back after spotting the price. He knows how reluctant you are to purchase anything not deemed ‘essential’ but always finds time to slink back into the shop and buy whatever brought a smile to your face. He doesn’t care much for receiving gifts, pouring all the love he can into the specific things he can give to you. 
Acts of Service
Vilkas may have trouble with flowery words but he ensures that you know how deeply he cares. Even if his tone is harsh his intentions are good - if your footing is off or your swing is weak he could lose you. He takes on the role of Harbinger when it becomes too much for you to carry alone, offering help before you think to ask.  He cannot sit under the moonlight and tell you how his heart yearns for yours, but he will clean your wounds without hesitation. Vilkas will bandage you, will piece you back together with his own two hands without a second thought. He will wipe your tears and send your armor off to be repaired to show how deeply he cares for you. 
Arnbjorn would kill for you. Please give him an opportunity to kill for you. Although he cannot untangle the web of feelings in his mind and he isn’t one to shop for gifts he will show you in a heartbeat just how deeply he cares. He has loved and lost before - he does not intend to lose you. His blade is always ready should you ever need it, eyes and ears vigilant for any impending threat.  He is not a man of many words but you feel his love - there is love in the way he ensures your blades remain sharp and pack is fully stocked. Arnbjorn’s love is seen in the way he threatens anyone who dares to cross you and remains at your side during meetings, a silent threat to any who would harm you. The words are difficult for him to say but you know his love is there when he carries you off to bed after an especially hard day or slides you a drink without having to ask.
Physical Touch
Teldryn doesn’t think before pulling you out of danger. It is hardly a thought - his arm hooking in yours and tugging you closer, his body shielding you from danger. Even when his hands are bandaged and bleeding he checks you for injuries, fingers carefully skimming over every inch of skin in search of wounds. Your touch assures him that you are alive, that you are still with him.  His touch is a quiet comfort, an occurrence so common it becomes a natural extension of yourself. His thigh pressed to yours when you sit or the hand resting on your arm while you speak, an ever present reminder of his feelings for you. 
Farkas is ecstatic to find someone as physical as himself. From a young age he learned that Vilkas didn’t express emotions in the same manner but you understand him. You indulge his love of touch; excited hugs upon surviving an especially bloody battle or a friendly slap on the back after a drunken joke, a tender moment heightened by your hands roaming over one another. Farkas is in love with the way you react to him - the flush in your cheeks after he kisses you and the thoughtless way your hand reaches for his, the comforting swipe of your thumb over his hand when lost in thought. He simply has too much love for you to keep it all inside. 
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look i know todd coward cares next to nothing for actual humans but transgenderism in elder scrolls is For Me, a Man with Removable Bits, and my love of this franchise
Here we goes
Argonians can just talk to a tree and get immediate top/bottom surgery. First of all, we knew the Gender Fluid came from nature, humans have been making herbaceous pastes and fluids for centuries that help block estrogen/testosterone. Second, lucky bitches. Where the Hist at can I get an amen
Orcs probably have the wise woman do their hormone potions and then the surgery when needed. I personally like to think Grar the big and bulky is like ‘take this paralysis sleep mixture and then we will remove the organ you deem unworthy.’ Malacath is god of the outcast, and of the strong and worthy, and who would understand that more than a trans Orc?
Altmer just use the Alteration/Restoration school. Their plentiful magicka means they can use some form of Transmute spell to remove bits and Restoration to heal afterwards. Likely takes way more skill and only highly trained mages may do the Transition Spells but it would be funny if i just *skyrim spell noise* grow peepee
Bosmer do a mix of Altmer and Argonian shit, but in a different way. Herbs and potions for the hormone blocking, and ancient forest magic to make things get off the bod. Hircine can and has killed others who hunt the trans Bosmer, for to hunt prey that is already weak is dishonorable to him. (Yeah, OOC for Hircine, but it’s my treat)
Dunmer call upon spells, potions, and the Daedra. Azura warped their body in appearance as a curse, so logically, she could do it again for the removal of tiddy. Doesn’t mean she would, though, so the Dunmer call upon Telvanni wizards to help out with the grueling and difficult magic of gender affirmation. Hey, maybe Neloth will grant you two dicks instead of one for research purposes. Go grandpa go
Khajiit would just…do really problematic surgery in a back alley with nothing but skooma and moon sugar to help them brave the pain. I don’t know how they would do trans shit, it’s a cat with dick barbs. I don’t want those.
All the human races can’t do spells as well, nor can they brew potions with utmost care, but dammit, they want to feel whole, so the try every way they can. Wise women in Morthal, mages in taverns, the College of Winterhold, and every other method under the sun. I’d be bitten by a vampire to go get their magic skills and make myself feel me if i could, but nah that doesn’t exist.
I am glad i live in a state where gender-affirming medical care is still possible, and where trans children have no need to worry about hiding themselves until they turn 18. For the rest of my brothers and sisters, I can’t tell you how sorry I am and how i wail for you. We’ll have our win, we’re still fighting, and we’re still here. I love you guys.
Stay frosty in Dawnstar my bitches
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dontbethatguy20 · 11 months
I was curious if you’d be willing to write some Skyrim Serana X Reader headcanons, where Reader is very affectionate.
Please and thank you
Sorry this took so long😭))
Serana x Affectionate!Reader Headcannons
For starters, she's hates PDA. The most she'll endure is you holding her hand. When she's in public, she would like people to only see her up front serious persona.
When you two are in the privacy of you twos bedroom, she loves to cuddle. She usually is the big spoon but also enjoys being the little spoon. Being the little spoon brings her comfort sense she has never had much her whole life.
If you ever want a hug from her in public, she'll do one of those hugs that are real quick with one arm, and she'll hope no one saw.
Her love language is words of affirmation. She'll often compliment you or applaud for something you did. For example, if you two are in a cave or a bandit camp, she'll tell you are doing well going through all the people with ease.
If you get hurt really bad, she'll give you extra affection that day. Extra kisses, extra hugs, extra cuddles, extra everything, even in public.
Also, if you are hurt, she'll heal you up with a spell and tell you did well taking a hit like that.
Overall, she's not the most affectionate unless no one is watching.
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skyrim-forever · 4 months
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skyrim affirmations part 8
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panthera-dei · 6 months
Technomancy 101
Hi, friends! I'm back with another witchy FAQ from the past couple weeks. This time from the world of tech magic!
Here are some quick TL;DR technomancy tips for those who may not want to read the long FAQs post beneath the cut:
1. Chest spells (like a jar spell but with a chest filled with in game items that match the intent)
2. Poppet spells using the game characters by giving them items or altering their names/appearances
3. Similar to a chest spell but not necessarily magic per se - using chests or sheds with in-game items as altars and/or offerings
4. Build a shrine / altar / temple with offerings, or leave an item such as a torch in the game world as an offering
5. Burn/bury/destroy ingredients to activate a spell with the desired effect
6. Write an affirmation or a spell on a sign or other in-game item and destroy it to activate as a sigil
7. Build a golem or animal pen or something as a servitor for protection
8. Use some form of sympathetic magic connecting in-game items to IRL items
9. Light sticks, flashlights, plastic lightsabers, and toy sonic screwdrivers make *awesome* wands, especially if they light up and make noise.
10. The possibilities are limited to your imagination!!
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(I am choosing Wittgenstein from The Brave Little Toaster movies as my mascot for tech magic, simply because I like him and because I can. Image credit - Fandom Wiki.)
What is technomancy?: Technomancy, techno magic, and tech magic are all terms for a form of magic that utilizes common modern technology, such as smartphones and video games. Technically, “technomancy” could refer specifically to divination with technology; however, in my experience, the term usually has a broader meaning in common usage. I personally tend to use these terms interchangeably, with perhaps a slight preference for technomancy, since I learned that name first.
What are some forms of technomancy?: Common forms of technomancy include digital sigils, emoji spells, shufflemancy, video game spells, and video game altars.
How do I create a digital sigil?: The ways are about as unlimited as creating a physical sigil on paper. You can use a drawing app on a smartphone or tablet, find a digital sigil generator online, use a photo editor on a picture, or even add a string of charged letters to an email signature (just make sure they blend in!).
OK, and what's the deal with emoji spells?: Yes, this is an actual thing (though not a thing that I'm particularly experienced with). They're pretty straightforward. They can be done like a sigil - string emojis together and charge them. Or like an actual spell - put them together and send to cast, or like to charge and send/reblog to cast.
What kind of games can you use for technomancy?: Any of them. Minecraft is a very popular one. So is Stardew Valley. Skyrim and other RPGs are other common choices. As with other forms of magic, the only real limit is your imagination.
What kind of spells can you cast in a game?:
Chest spells - like digital jar spells - are very common.
Poppet spells are another common choice. In games that allow you to create a character, or in games where you can give items to an NPC, you can turn the character into a poppet of someone and give them an item to cast the spell. For example, if I wanted emotional strength, I could create a Skyrim character as a poppet for myself, and have the character drink a strength potion to cast a spell of strength for myself in the real world.
Burying or burning items in games like Minecraft can be done to cast spells that are similar to physical spells that require burning a paper, bay leaf, or other ingredient.
Enchanting! Use the enchanting function in a video game like Skyrim or Minecraft to enchant a physical object. For example, you might choose to connect a physical scarf to a shield in Skyrim, and when you enchant the in-game shield with a damage resistance effect, voila! You now have a fancy enchanted scarf to protect yourself from spiritual attacks.
Customize your avatar to your advantage! In games such as Sky: Children Of The Light, where you can accessorize your character, you can equip different items to cast a different spell on yourself. For example, you might use the Saluting Captain's staff as a cosmetic to cast a spell of protection on yourself, or you could use a particular cape as a spiritual veil.
For deity work & spirit work, consider creating a space in your game (e.g. a chest, shed, home, biome, character, etc.) dedicated to the entities you work with. For example, temples and altars in Minecraft are common. Devotional sheds and chests are popular in Stardew Valley. I’ve named some appropriate Pokemon after an entity or dedicated the critter to them. You can even place a torch or candle in the game world as an offering.
There are lots more out there, too! This list is a starting point, not a limitation. Use your imagination and swap ideas with others, too!
How exactly does all of this work?? How is it possible?!: OK, so the principle behind tech magic is that you're harnessing the energy of multiple sources.
First, the device itself (and if you're using something like a Switch, the cartridge or other physical media). Each of these items has its own materials - electricity, glass and metal, etc. And each of those materials has a magical property that you can use... Glass and metal come from the Earth and have their own correspondences, while electricity is pure energy in itself.
Second, you have the energy of symbolism, or as I like to think of it with a butchered sociology term, symbolic interactionism - i.e., the idea that we create our own reality (or our *perception* of reality) via symbols. In other words, the power of correspondences! A candle is still a candle whether it's physical or digital. Lapis lazuli has the same qualities in this world that it does in a pixelated version. And so forth. So when you use the correspondences in digital spell work, provided that you raise the energy, it can and does have real world consequences. Similar to doing magic in the astral as opposed to the physical world... you are making a conscious decision to connect a digital item to an effect either in the astral and/or physical worlds.
Finally, you're also harnessing the power of belief and the energy of attention, which is where the chaos magic concepts start to come in. The digital worlds are real because you believe they are and you pour parts of your energy and personality into them - and so do *millions* of other people, in many cases. All of that energy is sort of like a reservoir in these games and it's just waiting to be harvested for spell work!
So… This is another subset of chaos magic, then.: Pretty much, yes. I haven't seen it categorized as anything else yet, except for in those cases where technomancy is given its own category.
And what did you mean by “energy of symbolism” again?: Correspondences. Both traditional ones and your own. For example, obsidian corresponds with protection IRL. So if you were making a chest spell in Minecraft for protection, you'd want to consider adding an obsidian block to your spell. Some of this is also stuff that you can brainstorm on your own and explore! Like for example, in the Elder Scrolls series, there are several plants and items that don't exist IRL, such as the corkbulb root - but in the game, that item can be used to make a potion of healing, so for me, it has a healing correspondence. Also, if the game you’re playing has spells already, you can consider how to adapt those spells to affect the real world in a logical, realistic way! Many pop culture magicians have done a great job of turning Pokemon moves into real spells, for example. So feel free to play around (pun intended) and see what works best for you!
How come you only mentioned shufflemancy once in this whole entire post??: That, my friend, needs to be a post for a later date. I assure you, I absolutely can (and probably already have, and probably eventually will) write an entire post about shufflemancy.
How come your formatting is crap?: Because I wrote all of this on a smartphone and pieced it into a post with the mobile app. Bear with me. XD
Where do I learn more and fact check you, smarty-pants?: Tumblr. The answer is usually Tumblr for this kind of thing. Or sometimes Discord. Like pop culture magic, techno magic is simply very new. Some tags to search include tech magic, techno magic, technomancy, video game magic, etc.
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hyperactivewhore · 9 months
Do you mean shifting as in imagination or..?
I'm glad you asked! I warn you though, that this is probably gonna sound strange (to not say crazy) at first and I don't blame you if you think I'm "stupid" or something, but no, I mean it as in literally shifting to any reality of my liking.
"Reality shifting" is the popular term that people use because that's literally what it is, shifting realities, but quantum jumping would be the scientific name and usually the one I pick when explaining shifting to anyone because despite being the same, quantum jumping is generally a more accepted term than just saying "I can go to any reality I want".
Shifting has been part of a lot of religions since the very beginning, it's not a tiktok trend and it's not nothing new. There is a side of tiktok called "shiftok" though, that is a big community dedicated to shifting, it was full of disinformation and kinda rude people back in 2020-2021 but it's not exactly bad now, they know what's true and what isn't and they've come a long way. There's also the shiftblr, the amino community and the twitter one, but I'm just in shiftok and in the tumblr one, but a good and reliable source of information is Reddit!
We've also have mainly agreed as to these terms, to make it more easy and etc;
Script: basically, this is like a curriculum if I can call it that, we don't need one but a lot of people including me always write one to calm our anxiety and reasons. In here, you write everything you want, mostly your personal data, such as your name, family, friends, appearance, etc. It can be on paper or in your phone.
Permashifting: staying in your desired reality permanently, with the possibility to come back to the reality you were in before.
Respawn: cutting all ties with your current reality by scripting you forget all about it, therefore you won't be able to return to that reality because you won't have memories of it. Saying you won't be able to come back is wording it poorly though, because you can definitely go back, but you probably won't because you just won't remember it.
Dr: this means desired reality, basically the reality you intend to shift to.
Cr: current reality, basically the reality where you're in right now.
Or: your original reality. For a better explanation, if a shifter decides to permashift/respawn to their desired reality (dr), that reality becomes their current reality (cr), but before they shifted for the first time, they were in a different reality that was their original one (or).
Cc: comfort character. This usually means a romantic partner, but you don't need one. It can also mean a family member, or a friend.
Wr: waiting room. Most shifters have their wr as a means to shift "easily" or to stay there for a while before deciding to go to their dr's. This isn't needed, but it's a good way to pass time: you can study here, paint, eat whatever you want without consequences, or just relax. I, for example, have a Barbie dreamhouse as my wr because it heals my inner child.
Method: a method that makes it easier to reach your dr, but this isn't needed at all. Just by setting intention, you can arrive to your dr in seconds.
Subliminal: an audio mixed on purpose with positive affirmations that are perceived by the subconscious directly. This isn't just for shifting, there are a lot of subliminals out there, but some people listen to them to make them feel more connected to their dr.
People usually shift to famous media, such as Harry Potter, Marvel, or television shows that can be The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, or completely different things! Like fantasy realities, medieval realities, futuristic realities, and even a reality where you can be a streamer or a famous actor/actress (this specific realities are called streamer dr and fame dr). I'm shifting to a show called The Vampire Diaries, that is a series about supernatural, my fame dr and an old videogame called The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, that is set on a medieval world that has talkative dragons, as an example.
I'm gonna link some guides too, that expand on what I just said, in case you need it: Guide to Shifting and Robert Bosnak, who's an old man who has been shifting since always.
I hope I answered all your doubts and that hopefully you don't see me as some cracked lunatic.
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Boycott Hogwarts Legacy
For those who aren't aware, Hogwards Legacy, an upcoming AAA title is being released this Friday, February 10th. Please consider joining your transgender siblings in boycotting its release - while you can separate the art from the artist in many situations, there are times when those artists, like JK Rowling and Kanye West, actively contribute to hate, violence, and anti-transgender legislation and it is simply not possible to separate art from the artist. Supporting Hogwarts Legacy during its release WILL back JK Rowling's beliefs and go directly towards her funding anti-transgender movements harming trans people in the United Kingdom.
Within the last month alone, JK Rowling has tweeted the following to her 14 million followers:
Describing trans women as men with "penises, male pattern baldness, and" r*pists, deserving to be forced into male-only UK prisons 1/30/2023
Stating it's "cruel, degrading," "torture" for cis women to share spaces with trans women 1/29/2023
"Deeply amused by those telling me I've lost their admiration due to the disrespect I show violent, duplicitous r*pists [ie. normal, everyday trans people]. I shall file your lost admiration carefully in the box where I keep my missing f*cks." 1/28/2023
Criticized gender-affirming care and puberty blockers for trans people 1/27/2023
Told a trans broadcaster to prove her woman-ness 1/22/2023
Advocated for hate speech and anti-trans protest 1/22/2023
Called UK politicians cowards for siding with trans people 1/11/2023
Your nostalgia does not justify trans trauma.
"But it looks so good!"
The game may look good because it's a well-polished AAA game, but the story itself has STRONG anti-Semitic themes - as the protagonist, you're tasked with stopping a goblin uprising and goblins of the wizarding world have been well-established as stand-ins for Jewish people. JK Rowling heavily based goblins in Hogwarts on Jewish stereotypes created by Nazis - Rowling has intentionally characterized her goblins as having big noses, working in banks, and known for being greedy. It's not a coincidence. Hogwarts Legacy has you play on the oppressors' side and prevent a literal slave uprising.
Don't buy it.
The people who worked on Hogwarts Legacy have already been paid - your purchase during its initial release isn't saving some starving artist, it funds JKR and makes her and her followers believe her views have value. Simply do not buy the game - don't donate a certain portion to trans charities and /then/ buy Hogwarts Legacy. By buying the game, you justify anti-trans laws and hatred - JK Rowling believes that her wizarding world is so amazing, so well-written that people will always support her no matter how anti-trans and anti-Semitic she is. Prove her wrong.
Don't stream it.
During the boycott, don't create or consume content supporting it. Creators on Twitch are already planning to boycott a mandated advert for Hogwarts Legacy that will play during ALL streams - even during trans and Jewish streams. The better content about Hogwarts Legacy does, the more people will purchase the game during the boycott.
Play alternatives.
There are PLENTY of other magic worlds to lose yourself in that don't fuel anti-trans hate and violence, like:
Witchy Life Story
Cozy Grove
Sun Haven
Potion Permit
Wylde Flowers
Potion Craft
Little Witch In The Woods
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Slay The Spire
Tell Me Why
Songs of Glimmerwick
Wizard 101
Lawmage Academy
Elden Ring
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Wizard of Legend
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
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fishonthem00n · 2 months
An Introductory Post
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◇ hello there
◇ my name is Alex, and I have been on my shifting journey for about 3 years as of writing this. I've had a few experiences in different realities that I will go into detail about later, but first I wanna say go follow my partner @homebeyondstars for even more shifting goodness. (and a cuter blog owner). y'all can ask me anything about my DRs and experiences, I like talking about them <3
◇ sorry if this is long winded
My Focus DRs:
♡ Stardew Valley (harvey <3)
♡ Hogwarts (ravenclaw, set in 2012)
♡ Pokémon (traveling Pokémon care expert in Alola)
♡ Yuurivoice
My Planned DRs:
♡ Dragon Ball Z (saiyan adopted by bulma)
♡ Tinker Bell (animal fairy)
♡ The Arcana (julian <3)
♡ MCU (basically beast boy)
♡ Skyrim
♡ The Lion King
♡ Kung Fu Panda
♡ Twilight
♡ Unus Annus
♡ How to Train Your Dragon
♡ Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
My Experiences
♤ my first shift happened only a month or so after starting the journey three years ago. I had made a MHA DR for my first one, which is now basically retired due to me growing out of it. it was a thing where I was living with the League of Villains (if you don't know MHA those are indeed the villains and very not good people). anyways. I meditated before hand, listened to a Raven method subliminal, and went to sleep. I woke up standing in my DR bedroom with the lights off. the only thing illuminating it was the light from the two fish tanks i had scripted in. the sheets on the bed were also visibly black, which I had scripted as well. I very clearly remember the door being ajar and being nervous that Dabi would walk in. from outside my room I could also hear a TV playing the news but couldn't make out what they were saying. I woke up in my CR after a couple minutes total.
♤ my second experience also comes from this same DR. I don't remember what I did before sleeping, but I had a dream about my teeth falling out into the bathroom sink. at some point I became aware that it was a dream, and became lucid. so, to test my control over the dream, I mentally summoned Bucky Barnes from the MCU. it worked, he appeared, and that was all I needed. I willed myself to shift from the dream and ended up in my DR bedroom again. it looked exactly as I had scripted, and I could see everything this time. I passed by a mirror and noticed I still looked like my CR self. so, I verbally spoke the affirmation I used to describe my DR self whenever I would do methods, and I kinda shapeshifted into my DR self. it was crazy ngl. then I went outside my room and into the living room only to find some of the League there. Toga and Dabi were both sitting on different couches, and they looked like they were having a sleepover or something. Toga waved and said hi to me excitedly, and Dabi was too focused on his phone to notice me. I heard Shigaraki say something from behind me which scared me so bad I got thrown back into another dream that I can't remember. the air in my room felt very fresh.
♤ the third one was a weird one and came out of nowhere. I had a lucid dream where I opened my closet door and affirmed that I would shift once I entered it. and I did. I know this because the sensations were completely different from lucid dreaming. I walked down a really cramped hallway and eventually got to a room where Pewdiepie and Marzia were chilling and playing some Gundam fighter game. I chilled with them and we started talking about how some streamer stole some art I made or something, so I asked if I should start posting speedpaints to help my art be more associated with me. Pewds was like "I mean yeah, sounds good to me." I also remember he kept making the game glitch out and the model move in a weird way that made me laugh and he was like "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHIIIIING" and it was nice for my inner youtube kid brain. funnily, what shifted me back was seeing a fish tank and thinking about how much it looked like my CR tank. for some reason I woke up in my CR after that, ig I focused on it too hard
♤ the final experience is another random one and another MHA related one. and kind of a dubious lucid dream, not sure. it starts in a dream yet again where I go outside my house to the back porch and notice my hands are glowing yellow, which I had scripted for my DR quirk "soothing touch". this led me to snap into a lucid dream or minishift, I'm still not really sure. I could smell the rain, and I could feel all the physical sensations like my breath and the wood beneath my feet. Deku is on the porch with me fsr and we talk for a little bit. then he gives me a cheek kiss (not sure why) and I could VERY clearly feel how dry his hair was. like, caked with hairspray type dry. I walked over to a door and was intending on going to my DR through it, but I got woken up by a phone call. thanks @homebeyondstars <3
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◇ despite not shifting fully for more than ten minutes ish after 3 years, I'm still going. and so should you. find a way to get excited for your DR, cause it is genuinely exciting having the chance to go somewhere you love at no cost. I'm not gonna stop, and I intend on visiting everywhere I want to go and learning everything I can from those experiences. happy shifting, tell me all about it when you come back <3
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how do you think the custom followers would react to their kid coming out as trans?
Inigo: He's one of those dads that's big on 'sit downs' for important conversations. Once his kid tells him, he's immediately supportive and asks every question imaginable. "When did you realize? How are you feeling? How can I make this easier for you?"
Kaidan: As soon as he sees the nervous look on their face he wraps them up in a giant bear hug. Very reassuring and supportive. Anyone messes with his kid, they're getting dropkicked across Skyrim.
Caryalind: SO SO SUPPORTIVE, perhaps even overbearingly so. Aside from just being a naturally kind-hearted soul, he wants to make sure he's exactly the kind of parent his own father wasn't. Probably threw them a giant coming out party-if they wanted.
Rumarin: A lot of funny and gender-affirming dad jokes after the initial conversation. I feel like he'd just be very happy that his kid's happy.
Nebarra: 👍
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