#sing Sasha
hoperays-song · 1 year
Alignment Chart Pt. 1
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ash-the-porcupine · 1 year
Ash: *stares* That's a honeyed pickle. Clay: Yeah. What about it? Ash: I thought you said you didn't like honey-? Clay: In my TEA. I don't like honey in my TEA. Clay: Honey on solid food is good. But what kind of ruffian puts honey in a DRINK? Ash: *facepalms* I dunno, like, nearly everyone on earth?
Nooshy: I want to scare the crap out of Buster for April Fools. Meena: I'll admit he's fun to scare. Johnny: Impossible to prank though. Ash: Look, rookies, all you need is a clown mask and a good hiding place! Rosita: Oh? Speaking from experience there, Ash? Rosita: Anything you wanna tell us? *cue montage of clown-masked Ash springing from a closet,the airvent, the couch cucshions behind pillows, under a table, under Buster's bed, behind theater chairs, and scaring the crap out of Buster every single time-* Ash: …Nope! Nothing at all!
Gunter: I'm going bungee jumping this weekend! Rosita: Really? Gunter: Yeah, my mother invited me. You guys wanna come? Buster: *flashback of being torturously hugged and kissed because he was just "The cutest thing EVER-!"* Um… I'll pass. Thank you. Rosita: GUNTER YOU FORGOT TO PUT "PARACHUTE" ON THE CHECKLIST-
Sasha: Mr. Moon, are you really sure this is- Buster: Absolutely! She can do it. I promise. We'll work through it. Sasha: Are you sure? It feels like you're torturing the poor woman. Buster: …Sasha, I'm telling her to just get used to the catwalk, I'm not making her jump. Not until she's comfortable. Sasha: Well, I still think it's unfair. Buster: *grabs cookie off snack table* Take this. Take a break. We ain't discussing this. Sasha: FREE AT LAST~!!!!( Buster: ooooo…kay-
Buster: Good morning, Jerry- *screams* Jerry: *frantically hiding Jimmy Crystal body pillow* GOOD MORNING- Buster: UNSEE JUICE! UNSEE JUICE!
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kai-selfships · 1 year
Part 2: side characters (may not be as long because I don’t have as many ideas haha
Picrew link, art by Naylissa on various social medias
(One year passes in between movies so for characters who are in both movies, there will be two ages listed)
I’m posting this here instead of on my main because you guys are used to me being cringe <3
Also, important: I chose each character’s ethnicity based either on where in the world their species of animal lives, or (for animals that live all over, like pigs or mice) other contextual things (like Gunther’s accent)
Eddie Noodleman (he/him, gay)
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35 years old as of the first movie
Mixed race (his mom is black and his dad is white)
Still lives in the pool house
Does not have a job
But he does have a YouTube channel! He posts video game speedrun
Bleaches his hair
Grew up rich so he doesn’t know how to cook or anything
He is really close with his family, and Nana likes him a lot
He was the one who broke up with Buster— nothing bad happened, he just thought they would be better as friends, but Buster’s feelings were hurt :(
Nana Noodleman (she/her, asexual)
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92-93 years old
Eddie’s maternal grandmother
Becomes good friends with Clay Calloway— they’re both old, rich, mean, and famous in the music industry
They don’t really have the same taste in music (Clay is a rockstar and Nana is a theater actress), but they have a lot in common otherwise
Was a very iconic and popular actress, but it was “controversial” how she had a child out of wedlock and raised them alone
At first she didn’t like Buster at all, but she changed her mind after watching his show, which was very successful
Ryan (he/him, questioning but he ends up identifying as gay)
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24 years old
He’s a natural at dancing, and is the youngest person on Klaus’ high-level choreography team
Was kind of friends with Alphonso during the production of “out of this world” and maybe had a little crush on him
Is very kind— he felt horrible having to beat Johnny over and over on the first day of practice
He thought about reaching out, but was really shy
Really likes to wear pretty clothes and extravagant outfits
Is really stressed out because a lot is expected of him
Suki Lane (she/her, femme lesbian)
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26 years old
Bleaches and dyes her hair often
She got her job working for Mr. Crystal because her parents are big investors for Redshore City’s theater shows
After Jimmy Crystal is arrested and she’s out of a job, she decides to pursue her dream of going to art school and becoming an artist full time
She starts dating Sasha a few months after everything went down, but they had been friends pretty much since the day they met
She doesn’t actually need glasses, she just things they look cool
Loves to thrift
Is allergic to cats
Sasha (she/her, futch lesbian)
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27 years old
South African
She works as a stunt actress and happened to be hired by Jimmy to train Rosita— so she doesn’t directly work for Crystal
She’s very strong and good at gymnastics and rock climbing
Has a two year old child from a previous relationship, and has full custody
She is very close with her siblings and parents— they help raise the kid when she has a lot of work to do
Met Suki during “Out of This World” production, and they became fast friends. Suki needed a cheaper housing arrangement after she lost her job, and Sasha happened to be looking for a roommate, so they end up living together and eventually dating
She was the first one to confess— Suki didn’t realize her feelings were reciprocated
James “Jimmy” Crystal (he/him)
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45 years old
Originally from Canada, but moved to Redshore for business opportunities
Has always struggled with controlling his anger, but he stopped putting in an effort after his wife left him
Has a podcast about how to “survive” in the entertainment industry
Thinks being gay is a choice and doesn’t support Porsha being a lesbian
Definitely one of those “alpha male” guys
Jerry (he/him, gay)
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48 years old
Is so in love with Jimmy and in denial about him being a horrible person
“Babysat” Porsha way up until she was a teenager because she used to get into trouble and Jimmy let her do whatever she wanted
Was really good at his job and very dedicated
Always fought with Suki because he was jealous that Jimmy liked her better
Trying really hard to learn Norwegian because he wants to travel there one day
Mike (he/him)
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25 years old, was sadly murdered at the end of the first movie (this is implied in canon btw)
Recently graduated from the Lincoln School of Music, but had yet to land a real gig
Still loved to drink and party, and used to go to clubs every weekend
Is from a rich family, but got cut off financially after he made some poor choices regarding money in his teens
Really loved Nancy— she went to the same music school learning to play the flute, and they used to date. She broke up with him because she was going through some tough personal things and didn’t have the energy to be in a relationship
When he saw her again in the first movie, a year had gone by and he was hoping that she was ready to date him again
He plays a lot of instruments; he’ll get bored quickly and move on to another one as soon as he masters it
Nancy (she/her, pansexual)
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Glamorous af, really cares about her appearance
But also really sad :( she was partying and drinking to cope with how lonely she was
Her life was spared by the bears that killed Mike. She ended up breaking down and asking them to kill her, but they felt too bad— Mike had cheated them out of a lot of money, but Nancy hadn’t ever done anything to them
She ended up moving to Washington state to live closer to her family and just get away from the city that held so many bad memories for her
She finds out shortly after the events of the first movie that she’s pregnant, and chooses to raise the child anyway
Still has horrible memories about witnessing Mike’s murder
Alphonso (he/him, pansexual)
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25 years old
Lactose intolerant
Meena isn’t his first girlfriend, but his first breakup left him not knowing what to do because his ex had been so controlling. As a way to try and get over it, he had been practicing putting himself out there by flirting and being really friendly with all the actors and actresses he served
Once he met Meena, though, there was kind of a spark— they were both so awkward and didn’t know how to flirt, lol— he was glad to meet a kindred spirit, and started kinda crushing on her in secret. Plus, she was like really pretty.
He would tell his friends about his feelings, and they encouraged him to ask her out, but he thought for sure she’d have a boyfriend already because she was so cute and kinda famous
He was so glad when she asked him out, and he’s the best long distance boyfriend ever! They do a lot of virtual dates, and send each other love letters and gifts, and all that cute stuff :]
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hell0jon · 14 days
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“First one to leave has to read the next statement”
It’s been 48 hours
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gladumfdoodles · 1 year
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this is how the Cairo/Damascus arc went, right?
[original image below the cut]
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murderandcoffee · 6 months
what vine do you think each of the archival staff members quotes most
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supercantaloupe · 7 months
happy sleepover saturday!!! next will question will be photos of lulu BUT would you like to draw your fav opera npc? i understand there arent npcs in operas but one w npc vibes. also. badass women in opera for the uneducated?
i would say that operas Absolutely have npcs, we just call them supernumeraries lol (supernumeraries are nonspeaking/nonsinging roles, like an extra in a movie or tv show)
anyway my fave has to be donna elvira's maid in this production of don giovanni. the maid is referenced once or twice in the libretto and in most productions she shows up maybe once but doesn't really do much, if she shows up at all. but in this one she's onstage a LOT and practically gets her own arc, despite the entire time being completely silent. i think it's a FASCINATING addition to the opera and i love it so much
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[ask meme]
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palmer-dudum · 1 year
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No way...
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sofarfarout · 2 years
Fictional characters I would kiss. Will I elaborate?
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stewyonmolly · 2 months
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stranger-detective · 4 months
Hi Xhoee!!!! (got ur name from ur blog hope that's okay :))
The nicest compliment I've ever received... tough to say. I'd say up there would be the other day when I was just singing something casually, and one of my friends little siblings looked up at me in amazement and asked 'are you a professional singer or something?'
this was for the ask game below btw :)
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zelena777 · 20 days
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nobodieshero-main · 2 months
okay so i was thinking about ahuru, as one does, and i was thinking about how much i don't want her death to just. be keika's backstory, yknow??
like i don't want to reduce her to just the main characters motivation, which is why i try to give her so much life in any scene she's in. but i think i wanna like- so, ahuru's death literally shapes nobodies hero, right? there'd be no story to tell if she hadn't been killed. and that's kind of a Big Deal to me.
so i think i'm going to symbolise the fuck out of birds. foreshadowing or whatever.
like when keika first meets mattie- he's in priah and he still doesn't have his memories back. he decides to go for a walk, just wandering through the mushrooms and the woods and then all of a sudden a game bird gets shot with an arow right in front of him. and when he looks up, he sees mattie with a bow and arrow, and that's how they meet.
and then in the next book it's revealed that Mattie is, technically, responsible for ahuru's death. it wasn't personal, in the same way hunting that bird wasn't personal, it was just...self preservation. they just shot an arrow and watched it land.
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your-mom-friend · 2 years
do you think that if Tim Stoker was aware that Jonathan Sims was in a band as an immortal space pirate he would randomly burst into one of their songs to annoy him
do you think that if Jon wasn't allergic to relaxing he'd take it as a challenge and take up the other parts of the songs
I just think it would be neat of them to drag the rest of the archives into it
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forensicated · 4 months
Alex continuing to be naughty after moving over to Holby <3
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supercantaloupe · 10 months
who the hell out there is staging handel's messiah??
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