#simon riley x afab reader
stargirlrchive · 6 months
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simon noticed the way your eyes lit up anytime he rolled his balaclava over his face. the subtle shift of your thighs as they clench together.
a tiny lightbulb going off in his head as your eyes droop low and hazy. you like it, you like him in his mask.
he had just gotten back from a mission the night prior, and out of habit slipped his mask on before heading downstairs. and the way your eyes lit up had his stomach twisting up in excited knots.
that morning was quiet, but he didn’t miss the way your eyes continued to shift over to him.
it was both of your day off, so he had pulled you over to the couch with him. sitting you on his lap as the two of you talked but you were practically humping yourself against him.
and he knew you didn’t even realizing you were doing it. your hips shifting lightly as your eyes continued to drink in how he looked with his mask.
“are you even listening, love?”
your eyes glued to the way his mask moves as he talks, nodding your head stupidly but you aren’t listening. and he knows it.
and before he can keep talking, your pressing your lips to his. and you’ve kissed him over the mask before, but this time is different.
your hips are bucking down onto his as you whine against the fabric. your tongue gliding along his lip, and your hips stutter when you feel his rolling back against yours.
all your thinking about is the steady pulse between your thighs, growing slick with arousal as you tongue at the fabric covering his face.
you can still taste him, can still feel the glide of his tongue against yours, and the way his teeth nip at your lip. the fabric of the balaclava surprisingly soft as it rubs against your skin.
and without even meaning to, simon is being rougher with you. his hand heavy and commanding as he rolls your hips down onto his cock. he’s getting so swollen and hard, blood rushing straight to his shaft as pretty little noises fall from your mouth.
his other hand is tangled in your hair. tugging your head back so he can kiss you harder.
when he finally tugs you away, your lips are swollen and slick from his kisses, your eyes half lidded and low. begging him to fuck you with the mask on, telling him it’s okay for him to be a little mean to you.
and c’mon, how can he deny your request when you’re asking him so nicely?
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tojisun · 19 days
simon would slap your pussy, ensuring that the strikes are sharp bites on your clit, and croon, “so sensitive,” when you’re squirming on his lap, whining and thrashing at the pain because simon has a heavy hand and a measured strength—the mix creates an orgasmic pleasure that keeps tipping you close to your release, only for him to stop and not deliver you your euphoria because this is a punishment.
“not yet,” he murmurs, nuzzling your cheek. “you still haven’t learned.”
he’d even swipe a glob of your slick from your wet slit and show it to you, stretching his fingers apart just inches from your face, all soft and tender as he praises how wet you are.
“lookie,” simon chuckles. “so thick with need, huh?”
he brings his hand close to your lips. “open up, petal.”
you sniffle, distraught, but continue to obey him anyway. because—
“there’s my good pup.”
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schrodingerscougar · 3 months
Summary: roommate!Simon is possessive.
Simon is practical. Why would he have an apartment of his own when he’s away so much? It would be better to rent a room, have someone who collects his mail and keeps the place clean while he’s gone. It doesn’t even bother him that his roommate is a woman in her twenties because they barely meet anyway. But when Johnny finds out, he goes feral and can’t stop bugging him about it. 
“She’s cute,” he notes after his superior showed him your Instagram profile. “And you say you haven’t made a move on her? What a shame. If you won’t do it, I will. Could use a pretty little cock sleeve like her.”
He has no idea why, but Simon gets mad at the Scotsman for calling you that. If he wasn’t so good at controlling himself, he would have punched him in the face without much consideration. You’re a nice girl; smart, kind, beautiful, and understanding. You don’t get mad at him if he arrives home in the middle of the night and wakes you up by accidentally kicking something loudly in the dark. You don’t get mad if he forgets to help out around the apartment with the chores when he’s home. You don’t get mad if he forgets something that was on the shopping list. 
Letting out a sigh, he leans against the wall and puts his phone back into his pocket. “She wouldn’t let you close enough for that,” he finally tells Soap. 
But he doesn’t seem offended, in fact, he takes it as a challenge. “Just introduce me to her. Let’s see if I can get into her pants.”
“Not gonna happen, Johnny.”
And just like that, you remain his well-guarded secret. You remain his, and only his.
(part 2)
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konigsblog · 4 months
hickeys with simon riley...
;simon notices your possessiveness and neediness.
cw: thigh riding, afab!gn!reader. mdni
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your face is buried in the crook of simon's neck, lips sucking hickeys onto his bare, veiny neck while he cups the crown of your skull firmly. his other large hand guides your hips, watching you rub your swollen, puffy sex against his thigh, moaning at the friction of his jeans against your sensitive, wet clit. your hands grip his broad shoulders, kissing down his collarbone while he chuckles at your neediness.
“such a needy thing’, rubbin’ that pussy against me, sweet one.” he chuckles hoarsely through deep grumbles, his tight grip leaving indents along your hips and waist, kneading the flesh and fat on your thighs between his thick, calloused fingers.
the softness of your body against his scarred, rough fingertips has simon grunting and gazing down at your throat heavy eyelids, chuckling at your needy state. throwing his head back as you lick his neck slowly, moving to his jaw where you layer hickeys and dark bruises all over his skin. you feel so possessive, but you can't stand the lustful glares simon gets, you want everyone to know he belongs to you... :(
don't worry, simon will treat his needy one just right, covering your neck, collarbone and jaw in dark hickeys as he unfastens his leather belt, preparing you to take him whole, to make sure you know who you belong to.
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iifishizzleii · 2 months
“you’re just so small :(“ “he doesn’t want to hurt ur tiny body” “his fist is bigger than your womb” “his hand is the size of your entire stomach” “:( small baby no hurt by big man soldier”-
brotha eeughhhaa🤢🤢🤢👹👹🤕🤒🤒🤮🤧
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moondirti · 2 months
(first time doing a ask bare with me)
pretty please a continue of the house distribution thing. the fic where she does military housing to afford rent. just a continuation please 🙏🏽
feel free to skip if your mind is just blank with ideas for it x
simon riley / afab! reader • part one cw: dubcon, intoxication, spanking, wedgies, degradation, dacryphilia, very mild puppy play (mostly just pet names)
"Well, aren' you a sight."
Much like the lamplight, his voice is low. Mocking, almost. You'd think he were amused if it weren't for the dangerous way his eyes assess your sorry state, raking the lines of your bare legs to the way your dress wraps tight around your chest. It almost escapes you that he's maskless at first, so entranced by the glint of his pupils, the shadowed irises that pinch a deep, very primal nerve in you.
His lips curl into an uneven sneer, scar dissecting the bottom and running down to his chin. You wipe your nose with the heel of your hand, giving your best attempt at an apathetic shrug.
"I had fun."
"Did'ya now?" He laughs humourlessly. "Mus' have different ideas of fun, me and you. Can' see the fun in getting pissed out'f my mind, worryin' the people in your life by stayin' out s'late."
Spite flares, fear slinking back your throat to make room for the petulance that froths on your tongue like venom. It completely poisons his admission to the fact that he'd been worried, turns it into something pathetic and hypocritical. You storm closer. Wild. Angry.
"That's fucking rich coming from you. What is your idea of fun, then, Lieutenant? Tormenting women who open up their home to you? Walking in on them in the bathroom, pissing all over the fucking seat? Does it grant you satisfaction to make people so uncomfortable that they'd rather be anywhere but with you?"
His jaw tenses, a "careful, pet." grunted under his breath, but he makes no move to stop you. Just continues sitting on your couch, legs spread, simmering. Waiting for you to tire out.
"Shut the fuck up. Oh my god. Oh my god. I can hardly be at bloody peace in my own house anymore! You're- You're... A fucking nightmare, Riley! So excuse me if I went out and enjoyed myself when I haven't been able to do so in weeks!"
By the end of your little tirade, you're an even worse mess than you had been before. Flyaways stick to your sweaty temple, mascara rims your blown eyes. Your panting does nothing to calm the frantic race of your heart, which beats at your ribcage like doldrums to war. You can feel the effects of it everywhere; your pulse, hot and quick, at your eyebrow, your wrists, the arch of your foot.
Riley stands. Your lip trembles.
You're so close now that your gaze is level with his chest. Tall. You'd forgotten how tall he was. Or how wide. Or dangerous. His biceps – bare given his tight-fitted t-shirt, tree-trunk large and enough to crush watermelons – tense, and all-too-suddenly, you find your jaw clutched in a bruising grip. He jerks your head up so your eyes meet his.
"Simon." He mutters. "But you don't get to call me tha', or anything at all but Sir."
"Letmegomff–" You're rendered mute when his thumb and forefinger press your cheeks together, but that certainly doesn't stop you from whining.
"Y'wanna know my idea of a good time?" Purely rhetorical, of course. Aside from not being able to answer him, it doesn't matter what you want. There's a clear direction this seems to be heading towards – someplace where the hand pawing your ass continues lower, or where the length in his pants fits down your throat. Someplace not unwelcome by you, despite the way you thrash and cry in his arms. "It's putting foul things like you in their place."
He shucks your dress over your ass, the fabric bunching around your waist, and hooks a fist in the waistline of your soaked panties. Your mind is so foggy, influenced by shitty tequila and the subspace Simon bullies you into embracing, that you don't process the cause of your pain immediately. Don't correlate it to the way he pulls upward, your underwear bunching into a tight line that cleaves between your ass-cheeks and rubs abrasively against your poor clit. Don't– can't confront it until the force literally picks you up off the floor, toes barely touching the ground, held up by a wedgie and the grip around your jaw alone.
Tears spring to your lash line, tracing miserable treks down your cheeks. His thumb swipes what it can away, pushing the salty water into your mouth, and stays there while you lap at his calloused fingertips.
"There we go. Look at you, brainless mutt. Jus' need something on your cunt and something in your mouth to keep you quiet, hm? Happy to hang li'e this for hours, I bet."
Your muffled yell is met with another laugh, thumb pushing deeper into your mouth to shut you up.
"Shh, I know. Still need'ta be taught a lesson. I haven' forgotten." The stitches on your panties begin to tear, the rips loud and relieving, especially when you start to sag back down to the floor. Simon doesn't take it with any kind of urgency, though he cocks his head at the way you blink up at him, lashes fanning in rapid succession. An unspoken, desperate plea. "Was gonna hold out, get you sobered up for your punishment. But you're practically itchin' for it, aren' you?"
He puppets your head into an enthusiastic nod, which he meets with a faux huff.
"Course you are." The forbearing quality of his tone is promptly betrayed by the way you're manhandled over his lap. Pivoting one hand opposite to the other, he's able to sit on the couch and get you thrown over his thighs in a mere matter of seconds. "Normally I'd make y'count, but I figure you're too far gone for that. Jus' try to keep your wailing quiet."
Your underwear gives in with a final tug, ripping from the soaked gusset to become nothing but a flimsy piece of fabric around your hips. Simon swipes the tattered remains off your raised bottom, taking longer than necessary to smooth over the area. It's all the indication you need to what's coming – his rough palm teases the nerve endings below your softer skin, bringing them to frenzied life. Preparing them to hurt.
When he breaks away, you hold your breath.
The air behind you whistles as his hand comes down.
A sharp, resounding crack fractures the baited silence of the room. Your mouth flies open. Searing pain roars across your backside like wildfire, worsening every second it's exposed to open elements. Your scream is belated, thunder to the lightening, tearing from your throat only after the initial shock subsides.
A series of lighter blows land on alternating cheeks, two fingers returning to gag you through the onslaught. Unlike his thumb, these reach the very back of your tonsils, prompting wet gags as they fondle with your throat. Drool dribbles from the corners of your lips, slicking your chin with lipstick-tinted fluid.
"Fuckin' beautiful when you're not givin' an attitude, puppy. All stupid and submissive, cunt droolin' on my lap."
You groan, choke, then cry some more when his spanks grow incrementally harsher again. Gratefully, they're never in the same place twice. He beats the top of your thighs, your lower back, the sides of your hips. Your cheeks especially, which start to emit a steady kind of heat the longer he keeps it up.
Eventually, as a matter of coping, your brain starts to consider the cruel sting as pleasurable instead, sending little bolts of pleasure directly to your clit every time his hand comes down on your ass. It swells, fattening up with blood, pressing tighter against the steady mass of his thigh. Inadvertently, you start rutting against it to find more of the same relief, humping his leg like the dog he's making you out to be.
It doesn't escape his notice, of course.
His foot pushes one of your flailing ankles outward so that your legs are spread, pussy made vulnerable to his scrutiny. The next slap is thus aimed straight at your fluttering hole, slick doing nothing to affect his deadly precision. When it lands, it lands exactly where he meant for it to, and introduces you to a whole other degree of pain that has you seeing stars. You're openly bawling around his fingers now, vision so cloudy you can't tell light from dark.
"Didn' like tha', did you?"
"Nngh– nmmph!"
"There's more where it came from, pup. Best listen to everythin' I say from now on, then, 'less you wan' your little hole beat black 'n' blue."
Simon stresses his point by tracing the seam of your cunt, collecting the lubrication there to smear across the hotspot at the top. Presses into it. Grants you a little gratification, as if to say: and here's what you can have if you behave.
"You gonna be a good pet?"
This time, he withdraws his fingers from your maw. Expects a response, even though it takes you ages to recover from the lack of oxygen. You swallow the saliva pooling behind your teeth, inhaling ragged gasps that make your lungs ache.
He pinches your clit when you take too long. Lightly, but it's enough.
"Yes! Yes, s-sir. I'll be good."
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moonlight1110 · 4 months
Crawling back to you
ex-boyfriend!Ghost x Reader ; (Late) Valentines Special ;)
Your ex-boyfriend who comes banging at your door in the middle of the night. He desperately wants you back, and when he invites himself in, is there really nothing else you can do?
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Tags: afab!reader, p in v, smut, nsfw, vaginal sex, rough sex (kinda idk), mating press, pathetic!Simon, far from canon simon, i write with badjhur's voice in my ear, not propfread, proofread anyway BC I hate typos
Notes: planned on writing something for valentines but uni fucked me sideways so im posting today <3
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"What the hell..." You jump as three hard knocks come from your door, almost as if the person on the other side was just a second away from breaking it down.
You didn't need to go through your mental library to know who it was, you knew exactly who was at your door at this ungodly hour because who else in their right mind would show up uninvited except him.
With a grunt, you roll off of bed and trudge to your front door. A heavy feeling pressing down on your chest as you got closer and closer to the door, you contemplated if opening it was even a good option, but knowing who was on the other side, choosing to ignore him was going to be a poor decision on your part.
With an tired sigh, you grabbed the door knob, squeezing it as doubts ran through your mind, but you are snapped out of it when he knocks, even harder than before.
"What are you doing?!" You ask, trying not to scream at him to avoid receiving another noise complaint from your overbearing neighbors when you opened the door slightly to peek out the small crack of it. Standing on the other side was someone you knew all too well.
"Let me in" his voice was low as he looked down at you, dark eyes staring at you from the opening of his balaclava. "Please..." He took a step forward, placing a hand on your door, but you stayed firm. "Simon, you can't just come here in the middle of the night and expect me to let you in" you argued, hardening the hand that was holding your door.
"I miss you, baby, come on..." He pushed the door slightly, you knew you wouldn't stand a chance even if you tried your hardest to shut the door. With how strong and large Simon was, trying to fight back against him was next to impossible.
"Simon, please..." You looked at him, brows furrowing. However, even at your attempts to stand by your decision, there was a part of you that wanted him to just push your door open... An unexplainable feeling, you thought.
"Take me back... I'll do anything" He sounded desperate, his voice sounded unlike the person you thought you knew, he sounded hurt, vulnerable, not like the usual stone cold and stoic Ghost you knew.
"You broke up with me remember... You can't just go back on that when you want to" your expression hardened in contrast to his which softened as he looked into your eyes. He regretted it, deeply.
"I did, I know that but I didn't know I would be making the biggest mistake of my life, love..." He steps closer, pushing your door open just a bit again. "Don't call me that... Just don't" you shake your head in disapproval but that small part of you just misses the way he called you that, how it rolled off his tongue like honey, you missed it.
"Just let me in, let's talk... I miss you" the last part comes out as a mumbled plea as he pushes your door open finally, stepping inside like he never left. Those three words just made you want to jump over the boundaries you so desperately tried to build up, but all you could do was step aside and let him in, there was no point in fighting him.
"What's there left to talk about, Simon?" You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest as Simon removed his shoes, it looked so familiar next to yours...
"I want you back, I can't fuckin' live without you..." His brows knit together as he looks down at you, reaching out but you step back with a disapproving look. "Then why did you end it in the first place if you were just gonna come back to me anyway..." Your hands fall to your sides with a defeated sigh leaving your lips.
"I told you, it was the distance, my work... I thought breaking up with you would be the best choice for the both f'us..." Ignoring your attempts at creating space between you, he steps closer, caging you between his arms as he leaned against the wall, effectively trapping you under him.
"I was wrong, baby... So fuckin' wrong..." he whispered, his eyes silently pleading for your to just listen. He leaned forward so close you could feel his hot breath even through the fabric of his balaclava.
"I didn't even want to leave you..." You started, your face scrunching as you remembered the events that happened the day he cut things off between the two of you. "You made up so many reasons, so many excuses... You put words in my mouth..." You looked away, feeling your chest tighten again at the recollection of your memories together. It hurt to bring up and remember but with seeing Simon standing in front of you again, it was impossible to push those thoughts away.
"I know, I know..." He took your chin inbetween his index and thumb, willing you to look back at him. His expression was one of guilt and desperation, that much was clear with the way he was looking at you.
"But I can't stand another day without you, been regretting that decision every fuckin' day, love..." He leans in, snaking a hand around your waist. You want to pull away, to push him off and tell him to fuck off from you forever but you don't, you just cant find it in you to push him away when all you wanted was to be with him.
"Those months away from you felt like an eternity, don't wanna feel that anymore..." He pulls you closer, holding you tightly against his chest with his nose now inhaling the scent of your hair from the crook of your neck.
"We can't... This is the type of shit that complicates things, Simon..." you place your hands on his chest as if you even wanna push him off you. "I don't care..." He groans and pulls his balaclava off, breathing against your neck. It makes you squirm the way his hands are travelling down now, you missed it more than you were willingly to openly admit to him anyway, but that's no issue for how your body is responding.
"Fuck if it means we'll get complicated, I need you back..." He kisses at your neck, still familiar with all the spots that just made you melt. "Can't be away from you for another fuckin' day, baby..." He groans, pinning you against the wall by your hips, grinding a knee to your clothed cunt.
"Just say the word and I'll leave..." He groans, giving your throat a good lick all the way to your collarbone as his hands found your ass, kneading like he owned it. "I'll leave and I'll never come back, I won't bother you... But y'need to tell me..." His lips drag along your shoulder as he pulls you closer on his thigh, "Tell me... Tell me y'never wanna see me again, push me away..." He mumbles against the side of your neck.
Your breath hitches in your throat with the way he was talking to you, you knew Simon was a man who was true to his word and once you'd tell him to leave, he would.
"C'mon..." he retracts from your neck and pulls back to look you in the eyes, his brows are furrowed and his eyes are blown out as his eyes flicker over your features like he's trying to memorize every single detail before you told him to leave.
"I..." you scramble to find the words, you wanna tell him to leave but you also want him to stay, you two didn't even end on that much of a bad note, it was a misunderstanding, a poor decision which was made in the heat of the moment...
"Don't leave..." You give in to your emotions, just seeing Simon again after your breakup hurt like hell, but god would you curse yourself if you allowed him to leave again... You couldn't take that, seeing him walk out again, leaving you for the second time.
"Fuck..." He groans as he connects your lips, his hands are pulling at you and pinning you against the wall. It's a passionate and desperate kiss from him, which you return with your own, full of want and the same desperation you craved would be quenched for such a long time. No one did it like him, no one ever loved you like Simon Riley ever did.
Your arms find his neck as your head tilts, allowing Simon to push his tongue past your lips. He doesn't let up, doesn't get up for air, he just fucking wants you, wants to take you right then and there with how much he misses you.
His hands cup your ass as he lifts you up against the all and you wrap your legs around his torso as he finally pulls away from the kiss. "I need you, baby... Fuckin' missed you too much..." he practically growled as he sucked on your neck, walking to your bedroom.
"Simon, calm down..." You mumbled as he set you down on the bed, you could feel how rapidly his heart was beating but that only made him chuckle. "Can't calm down when I have you in my arms again, love" He stared down at you as he leaned back up, removing his shirt quickly.
"Missed you so much..." He whispered against your ear when he dove back down, making space for himself between your legs as he hovered on top of you with his arms on either side of your head. "Missed the way you feel around me..." He hummed while his hands trailed down your waist, to your hips, then just above the hem of your flimsy sleeping shorts.
"Did y'think 'bout me too? hm?" he asked, pressing a kiss to your jaw as his hand travelled under your shorts, his middle finger now circling on your wet clit through your panties. You didn't notice how you ruined your underwear until you felt how slick and uncomfortable it was when Simon pressed harder against your clit.
"Yeah... I did..." you whispered breathily, back arching at the feeling of Simon's thick fingers pleasuring you. He smirks, taking the opportunity to kiss and suck at your neck. "Mmm... Yeah?" He chuckles against your throat, parting your slick covered panties to the side to finally tease at your wet pussy.
"Fuck baby... She missed me didn't she?" he laughs, looking down at the way his hand moved from under your shorts. "Fuckin' pussy missed me too, huh?" He chuckles, as he pushes his thick finger inside you, making you gasp and grip at his arm.
"Simon!" you shut your eyes, back arching as he pressed gentle kisses against your throat. "Relax baby... need to prepare you again, been too long since I've fucked this pretty little pussy..." He coos, adding another finger to stretch you out, curling them so deliciously inside you.
"Fuck... I-" you whimper, sucking in a breath as he finds that spot inside you that just makes you break, he still knows of course, knows every single spot and every single way to make you crumble and submit to him. "I'm gonna cum, Si..." You whisper breathlessly, hands shaking around Simon's arm weakly.
Simon doesn't say anything except give you a cruel chuckle when he waits for the perfect time, just when you're about to cum to take his fingers out and it makes you shoot him a nasty glare. "Why did you do that?!" You whined, but your voice weakens at the sight of the hard bulge under his pants.
"Don't want you cummin' on anything but my cock tonight, love..." he chuckles dangerously, sitting on his knees to unbuckle his pants. He looks down at you with a hunger in his eyes, licking his lips as he finally rolls the zipper down. "C'mon, don't just stare" He smirks, snapping you out of your trance. "Right..." you blink, moving closer to him.
"Good..." he praises as he watches you tug his pants and boxers down together and tossing it down the side of the bed. "Fuck..." He hisses when he's finally free, his dick rock hard and heavy, twitching as beads of precum roll down from the tip. Your breathing quickens when you see it, it's bigger than you remember, thick and running with veins you wish you could memorize.
"On your back..." Simon commands, his voice low as he wraps a hand around his shaft to stroke his dick slowly. "But..." you look into his eyes but he shakes his head with a mean smirk when he looks at you. "As much as I wanna fuck that pretty mouth of yours, that's gonna have to wait another time" He chuckles, pushing you down on your back by your shoulder.
"I need t'fuck you, baby... Need t'feel you 'round my dick again..." he growls, watching the way your face is flushed and your legs are spread out on either side of his torso. He strokes his dick in his hands as he hums, using his free hand to slide your shorts and panties over your legs, throwing it with his pants.
"Fuckin' hell..." he groans when his eyes finally see your bare pussy, your clit twitching and your entrance clenching around nothing. It makes him fist his cock harder as he runs his free hand down your stomach, his thumb finding your clit and rolling it down in little circles.
"Stop teasing..." you say through gritted teeth as one of your hands grip the sheets under you and the other pressed against Simon's chest. "M'not teasing" He chuckles, tapping his dick on your clit a few times. "Just shut up and fuck me already, Simon..." You whine, slapping his chest pathetically.
"Gettin' feisty now, eh?" he laughs lowly as a low satisfied rumble comes from deep in his throat when he grinds his cock against your pussy, letting it catch your slick. "Need to take it slow, love... I don't wanna hurt you" Simon groans, aligning his tip with your entrance.
"Oh... god-" you breathe out matched with a long moan from Simon as pushes the tip in. It makes a lewd, sort of wet sound when he enters you. It makes your head spin in the way it makes Simon throw his head back as he pushes deeper until he's completely inside you with a hard thrust.
He rolls his thumb over your clit, waiting for your breath to steady. "Doin' so good, baby... Taking me so well..." He coos, pressing on your clit as his eyes narrow on the sight of your body, all hot just for him. "M-move, Si..." You whimper out, closing your eyes tightly and adjusting to the feel of Simon inside you again after so long.
Simon hums while he rolled his hips, slowly thrusting his cock in and out. It's slow so he can let you adjust, help you remember how good he stretches you out that it makes you all dumb and pliable for him. "Mmm, yeah... Feels so good, love" he grunts, his hips moving just a tad bit faster.
He thrusts all the way to the hilt every single time, and it feels like he goes deeper and deeper with every thrust he gives you. He squeezes at your thighs, his fingers digging into the soft flesh as he parts your legs even more, putting you in a mating press.
It makes you whimper the way you're starting to feel the slight pain of Simon's body pressed right into you. He's like an animal now, fucking you in such a primal way when he growls in your ear, encouraged by the delicious moans you give him and how you squirm and say his name in your breathy, fucked out voice.
"That's it, taking me like such a good fuckin' girl" He chuckles, driving his hips harder, the sound of his skin slapping against your cunt almost drives you crazy. He leans up, letting your legs rest as he massages them gently, a sharp juxtaposition from how hard he's fucking your weeping cunt.
"Needed this so bad, baby..." He groans, pulling your legs around his torso as he leans down to kiss at your neck. You can hear him mumbling sweet little nothings in your ear as his hands grip at your thighs and the soft skin of your waist.
"Tell me y'missed me... I wanna hear it" He mumbles against your neck, moaning lowly. He sounded so calm and so gentle yet the way his cock was filling you up and stretching you out so good was far from gentle. "Tell me y'missed this dick, baby, c'mon..." He hums, his hand travelling up to play with your tits.
"I-I mis-" You started, but the way Simon was fucking you so good made your head spin you couldn't even string a proper sentence together. He laughed, grazing his teeth over the skin of your shoulder, "Awe can't even speak anymore?" He teases, slowing his hips down and it makes you groan in disapproval.
"Why'd you slow down..." you whine, looking at him with half-lidded eyes. "Wanna hear you say you missed me first" He chuckled. It was bad enough that he slowed down, but it's even worse when he pulls out and looks down at you with a cruel smirk, stroking the cock that was supposed to be making you cum.
"Tell me how bad you missed me, baby, you can do it" He laughs lowly and he doesn't look away from you as he fists his cock to the look of pleasure on your face.
"I-I missed you Simon, so much-" you moaned out desperately as your pussy clenched on nothing. You were ready to beg for his cock again if he needed you to but you didn't have to worry for long when he turned you around, stuffing your pussy with his fat cock from behind.
"Good girl... Such a good fuckin' girl, aren't ya?" His words are so dirty it makes you tighten around him with a stifled moan as he fucks you fast and deep, not giving you a chance to adjust to the new angle he's pounding you in.
You can't respond and all you can even do is moan and take Simon's hard dick stuffing you over and over again. It doesn't take long for you to feel that tight knot forming in your stomach and Simon can feel it too from the way you're starting to tighten around him.
"Gonna cum, baby?" He asks you with a drawn out hum as he kneads your ass, watching the way it jiggles with every thrust.
You nod, moaning into your pillows as you clawed at the sheets. "Cum for me then... Cum on my dick..." He coos, pushing your hips down to give himself a better view of your ass. Your arms give out and you're practically being fucked into the bed.
Simon chuckles, taking your wrists and pulling them towards him suddenly. It makes you gasp when you feel the pressure building in your shoulders when Simon tightens his grip on your wrists.
"Si... M'close..." Your voice comes out choked out and broken, spiking up every time he bullies his cock harshly inside you and makes your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"Don't need to tell me baby, just cum f'me..." He mutters breathlessly, now holding your wrists behind your back with one hand as the other lands a harsh slap to your ass, making you whimper.
You gasp as tears rolled down your cheeks from how overwhelmed you were. "Simon... Simon..." your voice shakes as you struggle against his grip on your wrists. "Do it baby, cum for me..." He hums, giving your ass a loving squeeze.
You dig your nails into the sheets when you finally feel that knot in your stomach unravel, you feel tingly all over as you cum on Simon's cock with a loud moan of his name. It makes you whine when he doesn't stop, chasing his orgasm now when he feels your pussy tighten around him so good.
"Fuck baby... That's it, that's it..." His groan turns into a drawn out moan as he throws his head back. With the way you were clenching down on him, it made him sloppy.
Simon was sounding whiny now while he chased his high. His hands were squeezing your hips as he held you down and fucked you harder into the bed. He was babbling now, about how good you felt and how you were such a good girl. All for him.
"Feel's so good, lovie... Let me cum inside, please?" He whined through gritted teeth, leaning down to kiss your shoulder. "Please let me cum inside? Please, baby... Please..." He moans into your skin desperately, leaving wet open-mouthed kisses on your shoulder.
"Yes... Yes, inside..." You nod desperately, feeling overstimulated after just coming down from your high and now being used by Simon to chase his own climax.
"Oh fuck..." His voice shakes as he cums inside you, painting your walls white with his cum as he gives you a few more hard thrusts to make sure you take all of it.
"Thank you, love... Thank you" he whispers after some time had passed, giving your hips an appreciative squeeze as he slowly pulled out of you. You whined when he finally pulled out, leaving you breathless as you felt his hot cum drip from your pussy to your clit.
"So beautiful..." Simon whispers as he lays beside you, pulling you close to him in a warm hug with your back against his chest. He wraps his arms around his waist and means his head down on your shoulder to give you gentle kisses.
"I love you..." He whispered close to your ear as his hands caressed your body soothingly. You hummed in content as you relaxed in his arms and allowed yourself to move a bit closer.
"I love you too..." You say quietly, rubbing his arms which were wrapped around you. Simon hums and kisses your hair, lingering there to take in your scent. "I won't leave again... I promise" he mumbles against your hair, his arms tightening around you ever so slightly.
You nod, looking over your shoulder to give him a warm smile, you were too tired and spent to talk but you knew Simon would be able to know what you were thinking just by looking into your eyes.
He chuckles and presses a soft kiss to your lips briefly. "And you know what's funny?" He laughed softly, raising a hand to caress your cheek, "It's Valentine's day" he looked over to the window and you followed his eyes.
The sun was starting to rise and it made you scoff that Simon really came back to you at the perfect timing.
"We're staying in, that's for sure" you laughed quietly, feeling your eyelids grow heavy as sleep slowly overtook you, but you didn't feel lonely anymore. Simon was back, and he knew he would never leave again.
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ghouljams · 8 months
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Samhein Sweets Rating: Explicit(MDNI) Tags: Dub!con, Ghost sex, oral (f!receiving), implied sex, supernatural bullshit, Ghost!Ghost Summary: The arrival of Samhein means the veil is thin, Ghost takes full advantage to taste the one thing he's wanted since you moved into his house.
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You wake up to the feeling of cool thick fingers gripping your thighs. It's startling, enough to pull you out of your warm dream, and make you scramble to try and get away. The touch holds firm, the blankets arched over whoever has crept into your home. You yank the covers back, fist raised to strike at whoever is making themselves at home between your legs, and find the space empty. Your breath comes quick as you stare at the empty sheets. You drop your head back against your pillows to try and swallow down the remains of your panic, just a dream. You close your legs and they're immediately wrenched open again.
The shadows growl, whatever's gripping you tightens its hold. You push yourself up onto your elbows and try not to let your fear betray you. You're not scared, you haven't been scared of this house for months. The curtains over your window rustle in the cool night air, fluttering around moonlight. In the dim shine you catch a glimpse of the hand holding you open, the split knuckles and healed scars, the gentling way the thumb rubs against your skin.
"Ghost?" You whisper, unsure if some other entity has taken up residence in your home. There's a soft hum, assuring, approving. Another strike of moonlight slots over his face. His eyes, dark and sharp, leave you in a trance.
"Lay back down love," He rasps, and you can see it. The phantom pour of blood where his throat's been slit, disappearing once it exits the moon's embrace. Yet you can feel it dampening your sheets as surely as you feel your heart beating in your chest.
You glance at the clock on your nightstand, just past midnight, and look back at the dark space you know your Ghost occupies. It's tentative when you lay back down, but well rewarded. His mouth is cool, but definite as it presses against your panties, kissing the cloth that covers your sex reverently. You shudder, feeling the chill of his breath ghosting over you. This feels wrong. You don't dislike your ghastly roommate, but this is a jump from picking out paint chips over tea bubbles.
Your hips jerk at the feeling of his tongue, so wet and sure, as he drags it up your covered slit. It rolls against your clit as purposefully as any living man's has, maybe more. It's unearthly the way he presses his mouth just a hair closer and suddenly it's like you aren't wearing anything at all. His tongue strokes through your folds lapping at your cunt as he grinds his nose against your clit. The slick muscle presses into your hole, thrusting in and out before his lips close to suck at your dripping sex.
Another wave of moonlight and you can see him again. Your ghost with his eyes closed, a low groan following the obscene slurping noises as he thoroughly enjoys the taste of your cunt. You squeeze your thighs around his head and he looks at you like he could've forgotten there was a person attached to his meal. He keeps his eyes on you then, until your curtain flutters back into place, his intense focus makes you hot all over almost more than his skilled tongue does.
You twist your fingers into the sheets, unsure if you can touch him but needing to hold on to something. He works you up too quickly, twisting his tongue against your clit while he eases a thick finger into you. He hardly needs the coaxing to crook his finger and stroke that neat little spongy spot in you. The nerves lighting up and pouring heat into your stomach, winding you up tighter with each deft curl of his finger. It strikes you then that your ghost must have watched you finger yourself a hundred times to know exactly when you'll squirm and beg for another finger.
You remember all the hand prints in your bathroom when you showered, all the temperature drops when you changed, every time you felt watched when you dug through your bedside drawer for your favorite toy. Fuck he's wanted you for so long, ever since you set up his altar, ever since you moved in. His shoulders rise and fall with heavy breaths in the moonlight, his lips sucking eagerly at your clit as he opens you up on three impossibly thick fingers. The cool phantom feeling of his skin doing nothing to disguise the pleasant burn of being stretched.
"Want you to cum for me," His voice is so low, so dark, more words than you can hear from him in a weak aided by whatever spell the moon in weaving in your room. You whine, you want to. You can feel the coil in your stomach so tightly as you fuck yourself back onto his fingers, you just need a little more. He bites your clit and everything snaps. You arch your back and clench around his fingers as orgasm blankets your body. Thick heat drumming through your veins and making your legs shake.
You shiver, feeling his fingers leave you, and push yourself up again to grab your curtains. You rip at them, the curtain rod clattering to the ground as the room is bathed in silver.
The man that sits between your legs rolls his shoulders back with a pleased hum. His bones pop with releasing tension as your eyes roam his scarred torso. The blood that drips from him only seems to outline the defined musculature. Whatever your Ghost did before his untimely demise certainly left him well off for it. His hand wraps around your ankle and drags you into his lap with a huff of laughter.
"Oh darlin'," He breathes, pressing his heavy cock against your soaking cunt, "why'd you wanna do that?"
He stops fucking you some time around sunrise, leaving you so quickly you don't think it was entirely his choice. It's probably for the best, it gives you a few hours to sleep before you actually have to be up. By then you're sore, your muscles aching pleasantly, and your cunt leaking whatever he'd fucked you full of. You want to call it cum, but can ghosts cum? Stupid question when one of them spent all night proving they could. All that to say you're showered and setting the kettle on when you finally check your phone. You wonder what happened, what got into your favorite specter, when you notice the date. October 31st, and a full moon none the less.
You snort and set Ghost's mug on his altar. It bubbles pleasantly. You wonder how thin the veil will be tonight, and if you can expect this sort of treatment on any other holidays.
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harveywritings92 · 11 months
Soap: How’s Ghost’s head?
R/n, annoyed: Still full of bullshit.
R/n: Oh... You meant when he walked into that flag pole this morning. He’s fine.
Soap: …
R/n: Why are you still staring for?...(looks over her shoulder) Oh crap, is he behind me?
{Ghost is sitting on the chair next to her with out his mask on.)
Simon, flatly: No. I’m beside you...
R/n, jumps away shocked: Ahhh! 
{The reader is so used to seeing Ghost with his mask on, she often forgets what Simon looks like. Also the reason the reader is acting so catty is because Ghost stood her up on a date, he didn’t mean to. A female recruit who was after him, tricked Ghost into helping her with some tasks knowing full well he had a date with R/n. Long story short, the recruit tried to make a move and Ghost tore her down a few pegs in front of everyone. He tried to apologize to R/n for missing their date but she was giving him the cold shoulder so he’s basically following her around like a lost puppy...]
[PART 2]
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stargirlrchive · 6 months
dbf!simon who carefully slips his thick hand into your panties during the family movie night. your thighs tightening around his hand as you try to stay quiet but he’s purposely pressing and rolling your clit in the way he knows drive you crazy.
your gripping the pillow that’s covering your thighs as you try not to squeak out moans because your parents are a couch over.
and right before you cum he’s slipping his fingers out of you :( telling you how risky it is, and how you’re being greedy.
he makes you wait until your parents fall asleep before he’s sneaking into your room. his thick palm over your mouth as he fucks you and whispers into your ear how he loves how desperate you are for his cock :(
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tojisun · 1 month
[head in my hands] i think that older bf! simon gets off at how dependent you are on him. that every waking hour, you seek him out. it makes him thrum with something sinister; his heart heady with something dark.
you don't even notice—that's the best thing.
it was just natural for you to come to him, curling to his side like being beside him alone gives you the courage you need or grants you the peace of your mind.
he pushes your hair away from your face and you turn to him with a shy little smile, cheeks round and lips twitching. you don't ask him but he gives it to you anyway—a kiss on your forehead, because you're his precious love.
so good for him. so needy.
simon adores it. he adores the way you can't live without him; how you've made it so you two would be inseparable. he is your rock, you are his lifeline. sure, you don't know just how deep his greed runs—murky waters, blood dripping from the corners of his lips—but it's not like you had to know, anyway.
all you had to do was to stay close, for him to spoil and cherish. for him to love.
"y'need me so much, don't you doll?" simon asks, crooned words pressed on your fever-hot skin. "can't think without me. can't live without me. such a darlin', y'are."
you keen, breathless, unable to speak past warbled gasps. you feel the slow stretch of his cock as you rise, the glide torturous, hitting every of your sensitive spots, before you sink back down again, stuffed whole, his cockhead breaching into depths you never knew was even possible.
too mu'—!
simon's hands move, jostling you from where you are on his lap. they hook on your waist, dimpling your skin as they sink into your fat. it makes him groan, seeing how full you are against him. how full you are of him. seeing your softness, your tenderness, immortalized in his hold like this—weeping, leaking, cunt gushing—makes him whimper, mind splintering at the overwhelming pleasure.
not enough. s'not enough.
(simon doesn't realize how needy he is of you too.)
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 8 months
Some Dad!Cod Character Scenario and Appreciation Post
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Characters In Mind: Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Alex Keller, König, Keegan P. Russ, Gary "Roach" Sanderson.
The original creator of the picture, they also have so many works that are used in so many fanfics as well so please credit her. I found her account here on Tumblr (@ave661) and here is the post.
AFAB!Reader and used pronouns are "you"
Apologies if this is a bit too short but;
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A/n: I've had a good but also bad week (good thanks to @puff0o0 and other extremely sweet mutuals), it's neutral, I'm not here to rant of any sort but my personal life has not been good. I understand that not everyone will like me but it feels as though everyone hates me, most of those people happen to be at school. Sure I'm not really going to do anything about it because I prefer avoiding conflict but those same people are trying to flip the story around as if I'm the one who hates them when in reality I don't and by being mean to me they're giving me a reason to dislike them. Sure I'm average academically, sometimes I have difficulty pulling my weight in group works and I'm not outstanding in reportings but we all have our difficulties. I just don't understand people who love to hate on others because they have nothing better to do.
This is a word of advice to everyone, don't let others let you feel insignificant, you aren't and you have many talents that make you different from them. (I don't really practice what I preach because I love self-deprication, however I don't want people to feel the way I do because I know what it can cause)
Disclaimers/warnings: OOC??, Pregnancy, Implied birth, Children (Pretty sure that was obvious from the title), People who don't want/hate children be warned.
Short note: This is also a dedication to all the Mistki and Hozier fans out there <3
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He was so used to the smell of hospitals, the smell of medication, it always indicated death for him but this was a whole new feeling. It was the opposite of what he has seen most of his life
So much so that he refused to hold them, afraid of potentially hurting the fragile little one. He looked at you as if you were crazy when you tried to hand him the baby, "Come on now love, you can't just avoid holding them forever" you said to him as of it was a life or death situation.
Hesitantly letting you guide him through the proper way to hold them, he felt his breath hitch at the sound of cooing. The first time the baby opened it's eyes, the first thing they saw being their dad.
The moment he looked at the baby sealed it, he was going to protect them their whole life, he would go as far as feeling all the guilt of having blood on their hands again if it meant your baby would be protected and cared for.
The baby was so small that it's little head was practically the size of his palm, he didn't know initially what to do when the baby cried and shocked himself when he managed to make them stop.
Once the baby was old enough to crawl, he'd let the baby crawl all over him. The little one babbling non-sense while he just chuckled and replied as if he understood what the baby was saying. Gods be damned if he misses an important milestone such as their first word or their first time walking.
You'd often wake up to seeing him shirtless snoozing on the couch, the tv playing only ads for home appliances late at night while the baby only in a diaper having skin to skin contact with their dad, his huge hand big enough to support the little one from falling.
He almost cried the first time your baby reached for his face an touched it, resting it's tiny little fingers on his cheek, giving him a gummy smile. His little one unaware that they just healed something they never broke.
He NEVER wants to ever see your little one grow up, though sure it makes more memories with them, sometimes they just wish time stops for a second so they can enjoy the moment longer.
Initially was terrified that he'd pass his trauma down but he realized that wouldn't be possible and he will NOT ever let them go through what he did.
Eventually chose to resign from his work because the risk was far too much, what if he died? He'd leave you and your child to grieve over him? He won't be there for them growing up and he'd miss everything.
Sure he's worked most his life to get where he is now but nothing is ever worth more than spending a lifetime with you and your child together. He's been lonely almost all his life until he met you.
You are his family, his everything. He promised that whatever happens, he'll crawl home to you...
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majinbangus · 4 days
"Got crumbs on your face."
"Huh?" Cheeks puffed up and round much like a chipmunks, you do a small doubletake, a little too distracted with stuffing your face full of ube pandesal, consequently not even bothering with manners and struggle to speak through your full mouth. "Wah?"
"Fuckin'... Swallow your food before you choke, Tweety."
Holding up a finger to indicate a moment to do just that, you force the half chewed chunks of bread to go down your throat. It's actually impressive you didn't choke like last time you attempted swallowing chunks of barely bitten food.
You turn to him again, looking at the man next to you, but sideeye the half-eaten food on his plate. Usually he's finished by now. Hm. Maybe he'll let you have some.
You clear your throat. "What?"
"Crumbs." He taps his cheek to mirror where it's on yours. "Right 'ere."
Oh. Is that all?
Your tongue darts out to lick it off the way you usually take care of stray food particles on your face. Stretching your tongue as much as you can, you think you get it, tasting a ghost of the ube. Giving yourself a few more licks in that same area, you hold in a hum at the lingering taste and bring your tongue back in your mouth. Yummy.
His fist clenches, but you don't take note of the way his pupils dilate or the clink of his teeth gnashing together, nor do you notice how he sits up so straight he could only be described as rigid, and neither do you see his eyes following the tease of your tongue. You should have. Alas, you're a bit of an oblivious fool.
You raise your eyebrows expectantly at him. "That all of it?"
He heaves, and you're not sure why he sounds so exasperated.
"Bloody hell, Tweety..."
"What? Did I not get it?"
"No, fuck, lemme just- "
He trails off, taking the liberty to pinch your chin between his index finger and thumb, tilting your head to the side so he has a better angle. You don't flinch away, though, letting him puppet you this way and that.
It happens at a normal speed, yet somehow time feels slow. Or maybe that's just your reaction time. Perhaps both.
Instead of picking up a napkin like you expect, he closes in on you as if you're the prey that just gave him an opening to strike. In fact, you almost expect to feel a bite encapsulate your throat, for teeth to sink into tender skin, so you close your eyes in preparation for- something.
Really, you should have seen it coming.
Your eyes shoot open at the wet glide of his tongue laving over your cheek. It's not a small kitten lick either, it's a messy one, similar to a dog with no sense of boundaries. You try to pull away for a brief moment- more out of shock and less out of disgust- but he doesn't let you go, pinching your chin harder and jerking you closer. You're barely able to stifle the whine that claws up your throat but concede to letting him leave a trail of slobber over your cheek and dangerously close to the corner of your mouth.
You're tempted to lick back with each swipe to the edge of your lips, but you hold yourself back. Unlike him, you have some decency. Well. You like to think so, even if you're nearly panting like a dog in heat in the middle of the mess hall. At least no one is here. You think. Hope. You really, really hope no one's here to call out the public indecency you're both displaying.
Shakily, you reach up to tap his wrist, the one that's attached to the hand that's going to bruise your chin if he doesn't let go. Not that you'd mind. But still. You try to pull away.
"Uh, I think you got it-"
You're cut off with a yelp and a jerk, whole body nearly toppling over his from how hard he yanks you back. He glares at you when you steady yourself, hand on his knee and eyes blown wide from the intense look he gives you.
Chest rumbling, he growls- an honest to God, literal growl that shouldn't make your stomach flutter like it does- and shakes your head a little as if to admonish you.
"Wasn't done tasting yet."
"But you-"
He stands from the table and forcefully manhandles you up with him, leaving your trays on the table as he pulls you along by the wrist, long strides almost bordering as a jog. Fuck, it's like he's impatient or something.
"Wait-" you look back at the unfinished food, free hand half-heartedly groping back at it as you stumble along. "What about our food? We haven't- I'm still- who's gonna clean it?"
Shooting you an irritated look over his shoulder as if to say shut up, he tightens his grip and yanks you along in the direction of his room.
"Not my problem. There's something else I'd rather eat instead."
Wanted it to be Soap, but was picturing Ghost, could be any of the 141, though. I like to think Tweety's shared by all of them. Not quite in a barrack's bunny kinda way, but yeah, also in that way, although I picture Tweety to be oblivious and encounters like this frequently sometimes borders on dubcon.
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ghostsbaby · 9 months
i think ghost would loveeee to tease babygirl reader about their age gap, especially about how easily it is for her to cum around an older man’s cock aghhh love it
sorry this took AGES. I’m still trying to go through everything in my inbox. It also might take me ages but everything has a draft 🖤
so lets dive in
babygirl!reader being an absolute mess under him 😩 girls never had a guy make her cum, let alone multiple times. ghost can’t help but tease her about it when the bed sheets are soaked and she’s whimpering from overstimulation.
And that only makes him fuck her harder, and longer. he’s making sure she knows there ain’t anything that’s gonna be as good as him. his cock left it’s mark and no ones welcome. He’ll rip their heads off 🙈
“so it takes an old guy to make this cunt sing pretty.” he growls in her ear as he pushes in full. making her eyes follow the bulge in her stomach from the head of his cock, few thrusts away from filling it with hot cum
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circusinthewalls · 1 month
NSFW Ghost Rambling - 18+ MDNI, AGELESS BLOGS DNI [Masterlist]
Simon knows damn well how big he is. In height, in stature, in.. everything, really. Even dear Soap is dwarfed at least somewhat by him. So, yeah, he knows how massive he is.
And admittedly now, as he's leaning over you, thick digits gently, gradually working you open, he doesn't know quite how to feel about it. Rare is it that the man ever gets considerably worried about anything, but he's just not sure how he's supposed to fit.
Much like everyone else, you're smaller than him. Perhaps not by a considerable amount, but you feel so goddamn tight around his fingers. Part of him is worried his dick will outright detach when he goes to pull out later.
Uncertainty is twisted on his face, and you think he's bound to burn two new holes in your junk if he stares at it with that perplexed expression any longer. You reach down for his wrist, trying to both soothe and ground him despite your own oncoming pleasurable brain fog.
Pulled from his thoughts, he looks up to meet your gaze and swallows. He can already tell what you're thinking. What you're about to ask. His hand stills for a moment.
"Don't want to hurt you."
"You won't," you breathe in response. "It'll be okay, yeah? We'll be okay."
He doesn't answer initially, seeming to contemplate your words. Soaking them in and visibly relaxing before he nods.
"Yeah, love."
When he's actually pushing into you, his eyes are trained on your face. One hand is cupping it, and the other thumbs slow circles over the thigh it's holding open. Not once does he look away. He's watching, ready at any second to internally reprimand himself if-
You whine. His hips stop dead immediately.
There's a sort of look he gives you. Questioning the noise in the silence that's followed it.
"Want it," you plead. "Simon.."
He has more trust in you than anything else in this world, honestly, and the way your brows are knitted, eyes fluttering just so with each soft pant.. How did he ever get so lucky? Whatever higher power it is that's spared him long enough to let him have you, he thanks for it.
He leans down farther, propping himself up on one elbow so he can tuck his face into your neck as he starts up again. With every sound that escapes, he peppers your throat with kisses. Each one makes the dull, burning ache from the stretch so very worth it.
"So good," he murmurs, like sinking into you is breathing new life into him. "Takin' it like a champ. Fuckin' beautiful."
He does eventually still again, not quite bottomed out, but content with the depth since you are. He just holds you and let's you adjust, grinding forward ever so carefully on occasion while he continues to whisper praises until you're ready for him to properly move.
Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or to use with AI technologies.
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iite-cool · 2 months
losing my mind thinking about being curled up in bed between simon and johnny, moaning straight into soap's ears as simon presses his long fingers up against the spot in your cunt that makes you squeal. he leans in to nibble at your earlobe and pour honey in your ear, "like my fingers in you, sweetheart? yeah? can feel you leaking around me, fuck. go on lovie, tell johnny how good I'm making you feel." you do as he says - of course you do - and curl your fingers in johnny's hair to pull him closer, holding onto him for dear life as he starts licking at your pert nipples, 'feels s'good, johnny ah- mmh feels so good!' and he can only take so much of your whimpering until he starts canting his own hips against yours, rubbing his painfully hard cock against the side of your hip.
simon grabs you firmly by the back of your neck to direct your attention back to him and he groans gutterally at the fucked-out look on your face. fuck he loves watching you go stupid bc of him. he presses his lips to yours in a wet kiss even though you're in no headspace to kiss back and just moan straight into his mouth all cross eyed. he sucks your tongue and lets his teeth scrape against it a little. simon speeds up the pump of his fingers in you when he feels your walls start to clench around him desperately, "you gonna cum for me, pet? yeah, you're gonna give it to me? 'course you are, such a good girl f'me, ain't ya?" you start to babble mindlessly, 'please simon, please si let me cum please- i'm so close, i'm gonna- i'm gonna cum- i'm gonna cummmm-!' your mouth parts in a silent scream and your nails dig so hard into simon's arm, he knows he'll be able to see it for days as you reach your climax, twitching and writhing.
both your boys come close to hold you through your peak and be there when you come back down to earth, and the whole time johnny's still humping his leaking dick against you, desperate for release. when you do come down and your eyes focus again, you have a dumb smile plastered across your face, all content and sated. "y'alright, pet?" you nod at simon and give him a sweet kiss and this is when he drops his hand back down to your cunt to collect some of your spilt wetness. you whine a little, still insanely sensitive, but shut up immediately when you see simon's fingers dripping with your nectar heading toward johnny, "open up, lad." you nearly keel over at the look on soap's face - his pupils are blown wide, charcoal swallowing ocean blue, with the most desperate look you've ever seen on him and he's flushed pink from the neck up. he wastes not a second laving his tongue around simon's fingers, moaning and drooling around them in his mouth. johnny's eyes roll back into his head and his hips jerk once twice three times until he stills and fills his boxers with his cum. you press kisses to his neck while he comes down with simon's fingers scratching the shaved sides of his head. you take some time to revel in the warmth of the bubble created with your loves before you roll on top of simon to return the favour, signalling to johnny to do the same.
please comment i have so many thoughts about these men that need to be talked about
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