izzyspussy · 2 years
[Reposting because tumblr won't let me reformat my original post]
Summary: "You want those breathers flushed out of here, I'm your guy. I'm the universe's one and only bio-exorcist." He flicks out two fingers towards Shane, between which he's holding a very tiny piece of paper. Shane takes it, to be polite, and as he touches it it grows into a full size business card.
"Beetlejuice," Shane reads aloud doubtfully. "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice."
The little man cackles like a witch, with his tongue held fully out of his mouth, gleefully shaking two shakas.
(a shyanara fusion taking parts from both Beetlejuice (1988) and Beetlejuice: The Musical)
It's the second week of their second year of marriage when the accident happens. Shane has just gotten off the phone with his mother, who had asked yet again when Shane would be giving her a new grandbaby, and reminded him yet again that Scott has already delivered two. Shane had side-stepped the question as long as he could before eventually giving up and claiming to have something urgent to attend to so that he could end the call. Shane would feel guilty if he told her that the baby thing is all up to Sara, though he's not sure why. His mother would never be passive aggressive about it, he knows. And how else can he explain why they're still waiting? It just sort of seems like one of those things you're not supposed to say out loud. Shane heads up the stairs in something of a hurry. He's got a half complete shadowbox up there waiting for him and it will be nice to sink into working on it after the uncomfortable phone call. He gets part way up the narrow staircase to the attic before almost running right into Sara on her way down. They giggle at each other, and Shane touches her waist. She's wearing one of her favorite dresses, pale pink and long-sleeved with a subtle ruffle down the front. The sleeves are rolled up and there's a smear of neon green at her temple. "What spook have you summoned this time?" Shane asks, gently teasing. Sara's paintings are always so unique and haunting, and Shane loves them. He kind of wishes they could have them downstairs, up on the walls. Once they're fully dry and won't get messed up, Sara puts them away, and Shane never gets as much time as he'd like to look at them. So he tries to encourage her. Painting is much less weird than meticulously pinning dead insects to light absorbent boards anyway. "A demon, I think," Sara answers shyly, tucking an errant curl behind her ear. "He just kind of came to me, I can't explain it." "I can't wait to meet him," Shane tells her honestly. She rolls her eyes, but the soft blush across the bridge of her nose tells him she's pleased. And Shane does love to please, so he soaks it up, and lets it make him feel good too. On a sudden whim, he pulls Sara down another step and into a kiss, the both of them giggling again. Even after so long together, it's such a giddy feeling to be in love. So Shane hams it up a little, acting out his love for Sara like it's a fun skit. He loops both gangly arms around her waist to hold her more firmly and dips her. She throws her head back to laugh, and Shane tucks his own flushed face into her neck, and then- Shane's foot slips. It's a long, long way down.
Everyone read this!! It's my "Halloweeny" fic from last year, and I even posted it on time, and I'm really proud of it, but it didn't get the attention I expected it to which is a huge bummer!
The fic features themes of heteronormativity including the pressure to have kids, compulsive heterosexuality including the disproportionate need to not be "weird", the definition of "evil" and how there isn't one, people with personality disorders: they're just like us!, death obviously, and deportation. And listen. I know I wrote it, but I think I did a pretty good job with those themes while also making them kind of funny and fitting them into a light read.
Please. It's under 10k words long, or about a half hour read. And it's good. I promise.
Happy 'Ween Season
Read the whole being dead thing Here ->
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Hello friends and shippers! 
It is still January, and it’s cold and dark and sort of miserable in the Northern Hemisphere, so the book club was definitely looking for something to warm us up. 
Our theme this past week was Shyan+, and we had nominations for all permutations of Shane and Ryan plus an extra! There’s an amazing variety of options in this fandom, which is a wonderful thing, and with a close vote, we selected To The Sun by blacktofade featuring the Shane/Sara/Ryan combination as our read this week. 
It’s domestic, it’s comforting, it’s bittersweet in the way that all the best ten years later fics tend to be. It features our usual suspects, in a wildly different era of their lives than the one they were all in in 2019, and it’s done with great care and presence of mind. 
Rating: Explicit
Life is weird. Ten years after Unsolved ends, Shane’s married with a kid and Ryan accidentally bumps into him at a gas station in Illinois.
Book Club Thoughts:
it's really excellently written. it's beautiful simple prose that never feels overwritten.
I love the balance of it with the tide swaying towards hope.
i really love that their reunion is a chance encounter. it's like fate, which is how i feel about their whole damn relationship.
one of the most excellent establishings of a past without using literal flashback i've seen in fic.
the way [the author] weaves in the memories from past encounters and writes them in the scene so it feels heavy, meaningful, purposeful.
There's this sensation of thinking you have managed to fully get over something and then being faced with it again and discovering that all the feelings you'd managed to forget are still there that gets captured really strongly and accurately through the story.
it's understanding not just who they are, but who that means they will be. incredibly aware writing.
Polyamory and absence and reunion. All were handled so well.
I love in reunion fics when the characters are better together older.
I want to mention "Ghoul Man". that's so cute.
there's nothing quite like the idea of turning all of BuzzFeed Unsolved into children's stories featuring Ghoul Man.
bear is the perfect writing of a lab, they are such good dogs and this writer knows the truth of that fact.
What sticks with me most from this is  how much the domesticity of Shane and Sara’s life means to Ryan. It doesn’t put him off, but drags him in. Because it’s them, everything is different but it’s still them.
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Spooky Season Is Here!
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madamecrimsonslair · 2 years
Title: If Shyanara Was a Rom Com [Fanvid] Fandom: Buzzfeed: Unsolved, Watcher Entertainment Pairing(s): Ryan/Shane/Sara (Music is a royalty-free indie-style type song)
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goodnightghouls · 1 year
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demon ryan fics?(no pwp) if there aren't any then maybe take this as a prompt :))??
thank you 💜
hello there! we've gathered a few sfw demon ryan fics for you!
fics marked with an ‘♦️’ are written by our server members, can have been written before or after they joined 💙
When you feel my heat, look into my eyes (it's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide) by RainyJade | T, 12K, complete
Ryan never planned on telling Shane that he was a demon. He had hidden it his whole life and by then he didn't know how to tell Shane. But all of that changes when the Ghoul Boys went to Italy to explore a supposedly haunted abandoned palace for BuzzFeed Unsolved. Shane gets kidnapped by some demons and now it's up to Ryan to save his maybe crush. But to do that, he has to reveal to Shane that he's a demon. And maybe something else. Y'know. The maybe being in love with him part.
the whole being dead thing by calicojackofficial | T, 9K, complete
"Your name is Beetlejuice?" Shane mumbles.
"It's my middle name," Beetlejuice explains, dismissively. "My first name's Ryan, but no one ever used it so it fell into disrepair." Disrepair? Shane feels his mouth shape the word in a silent repeat, confused. But there's a lot else going on right now and it's all confusing, so he puts it out of his mind. He'll come back to it later if he ever gets a moment to rest in peace.
a shyanara fusion taking inspiration from both Beetlejuice (1988) and Beetlejuice: The Musical
♦️ Just a Low Level Demon by Impala_Chick | T, 2K, complete
Shane never gets freaked out while filming on location. This time is going to be the exception.
Prophecy and Pride by baruffio | T, 54K, complete
Ryan's just a young demon trying to live his best life in LA. Of course, Shane has to make everything more complicated.
the devil went down to buzzfeed by blackice | T, 11K, complete
What Ryan needed was an opposite, someone who was comfortable in shooting down the very idea of supernatural, ethereal beings. Someone who could stare a demon in the eye and think: nah.
Demon!Ryan works in Buzzfeed to derail any serious belief in Hell, for the loudest whistleblower is the most untrustworthy. He fails to account for two things: Shane Madej and the supernatural’s disrespect.
if you enjoy, consider leaving a comment or a kudo! authors appreciate it!
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drunkkenobi · 2 years
Tagged by @calicojackofficial to post names of the files in my WIP folder regardless of how nondescript or ridiculous, then accept asks from people with the title that most intrigues them and tell them something about it.
I've been a little blocked on all things creative lately, but I did finally write on something this week. Here's what I have that isn't completely abandoned. (All Shyan or shyanara)
Ghost dads
It's a wonderful life Shane madej
SW shyan
Daddy sara
And here's what I have that aren't more than ideas yet
Murder, Shane wrote
Lady Ryan part 2?
Shyanara izombie
Steven's dating show
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meeedeee · 2 years
If Shyanara Was A Rom Com [Fanvid] by madamecrimson
Fake trailer to a Shyanara Rom Com.
(Feed generated with FetchRSS) from Search Works | Archive of Our Own https://ift.tt/ucayXHx via https://ift.tt/O5kuz4p
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ao3feed-watcher · 2 years
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...bruh. Out of literally all of the things that people guessed to be the topic...it was just straight up THIS. Which means that excellent fic fodder shall be provided. (I watched this episode when it came out but my brain was on fire the whole time and it it took awhile to process...)
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...or is it? >:3
General Ep Thoughts 
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I love Joyce omfg <3 One of my fave guests!
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2 people that can get Shane Madej to purr:  - 1.) Steven Lim (by complimenting Shane’s commentary voice in Watcher Weekly) - 2.) Joyce because Joyce 
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Ryan asks Joyce if the list was written as a marry, f*ck, or get that a*s obliterated list...but instead of saying “f*ck” he does this gesture...
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K*nk Counter: 1 (F*sting) 
(Ryan says his list a mixture of both f*ck and marry btw)
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I feel like Ryan saying this was lost on me in my first two watches but the third time, man oh man...seriously, do something nice for ya self today and re-watch this part.
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How he thought we would think this meant anything other than V*agra??? Like, sir, you yourself have said that you become very sleepy/useless on, well, what you meant to say... 
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Their faces OMFG
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I’m sorry Ryan, you WHAT NOW??? (This is proof positive, imo, of a common headcanon that if Ryan were to happen upon a k*nk of Shane’s, he would become obsessed with finding out more and would end up on an Internet deep dive (Nord VPN!) 
(Also he goes on to say that he wouldn’t use the word s*xual to describe Shane and it’s like...what counts as being outwardly s*xual enough to garner that as a characteristic? XD Does Ryan think of himself as being s*xual? :o )
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So then Shane does this in reply to what Ryan said...
and then Ryan’s like: 
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EXCUSE ME YOU WHAT NOW? Was this *just* to rile him up and make him *prove* that he was s*xual so you could watch?!?! Wat. WAT.  Full List Analysis for Ryan and Shane
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So as far as DEEP ANALYSIS for their full lists are concerned, going from left to right:  Shane The notes are a bit longer because he waffled back and forth between “these aren’t characters I would bang” to “yeah I’d bang Ursula” to “yeah, Fifi’s a smoke show.” Some people thought he might be faking some or all of his picks, some didn’t. Either way makes for good fic. So, I’ll just be typing my HCs as if they were all legit, for fun XD  5. Miss Bianca - 1920s Mommy (K*nk 2, A*geplay/Mommy K*nk) issues according to Joyce and he likes that she’s always ready for adventure. And then was just like “maybe a throuple situation.” AND I WAS JUST LIKE...BE STILL MY SHYANARA/SHARYELLE/SMASHR HEART??? 4. Ursula - Likes that she’s powerful (K*nk 3, the “S” in B*SM) knows what she wants, and that she would c*sh him with her t*ntacles (K*nk 4, the “B” in B*SM and also K*nk 5, t*ntacles).  Ryan: So this is the one you wanna bang then? Shane: Yeah!  3. Queenie - Mommy giving milk (K*nk 6, l*ctation), and the way he talks about nippyness (K*nk 7, n*pples), which of course meant Ryan had to chime in with (you want to do the sucking or you want to get sucked?). This shows not only Ryan’s previously known n*pple k*nk, but also low-key sounds like a convo that could easily be plucked from a switch fic. >:3 Unsure about that whole o*dipal thing though... 2. Rattigan - Wants to be him, not boink him, but he’ll wait and see what happens. MAJOR switch energ XD  1. Fifi - Regrets not putting Lumiere on there when he saw Ryan’s top hottest Disney characters involved him in the middle of two animated Lions ;) Also, human Fifi has a similar physique to Sara and feather duster Fifi has a dump truck a** like Ryan >:3  Ryan 5. Powerline - Bi King Bergara (K*nk 8, s*xy dancing).  4. Vixey - Ryan’s S*xual Awakening (K*nk 9, furry).  3. Esmerelda - Mentions her beautiful green eyes and lovely curly hair (like Mari’s ;-;); also mentions the green eyes of Scar and Nala; Shane says Ryan is gonna get a bit Topsy Turvy with his #3 pick, and then adds (or Bottomsy Turvy); more headcanon proof for switch!Shane ;)  2. Roxanne - Vanilla pick, cute nerdy girl; not much to say here unless I’d be stretching to make it fit for his crushes on various Buzzfeed people in fic :3  1. Nala/Simba - Ryan wants to be in a lion OT3 XD Last Part of the Ep Thoughts
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Joyce suggesting Ryan wants to be in the middle and Ryan goes into throuple!panic mode ;) 
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...why do we even bother with fic when they write it for us?/j 
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stillarobyn · 2 years
shyan reclist (3/3)
I started watching a little internet show called BFU, you may have heard of it, on June 7 (my birthday) of LAST YEAR. So like, happy 255 Days of me watching the antics of Ryan and Shane? I’ve known who these men are for less than a year, which seems impossible.
In this time I have read a STUPID amount of words about these boys, so to celebrate this non-event, at the encouragement of my good friend  @redxluna I present my personal Shyan Fic Reclist. Turns out it’s an absolutely insane task to fit 50 fics into one list, so I’ve divided it into 3 lists:
Canon-Adjacent Fics
AU Fics
Polyam Fics
Note: These are in chronological order in each of their categories, according to when I added them. I’m notoriously picky with my bookmarks, so just because your favorite fic isn’t here doesn’t mean I didn’t like it.
Complimentary Disclaimer: If you are directly associated with anyone written about, move right along, this is not for you. I include this note as a courtesy because the fan-creator barrier is too thin for this Old Guard Fan, and this is RPF.
Polyam Fics:
this one’s for when two isn’t enough
A Perfect Piece of Ass, Like Every Californian by beethechange (explicit, 25.7k)
“Happy birthday, Shane,” Sara says. “I got you a Ryan.”
“Th—thanks?” Shane says. He looks at Ryan and Ryan just looks back, weirdly impassive, giving nothing away. “But I’m pretty sure I already have a Ryan in this model. What’s the return policy?”
“Not like this, you don’t,” she says, raising her eyebrows meaningfully. Out of the corner of his eye Shane can see Ryan bring his hand to his mouth, stifling a snicker that he turns into a cough. Oh, he thinks.
Oh shit.
Shane/Ryan/Sara. This fic summary is like, imprinted in my brain. I have not been able to get it out of my head since I read it.
look how they align by sarcasticfishes (explicit, 23k)
>Are you guys sure you want me around tomorrow night? he asks, lying on his back under the covers of his bed, phone held to his chest and breathing slowly until he feels the vibration of Shane’s reply just minutes later.
>Of course we do. Why wouldn’t we?
Ryan grimaces as he types out the words, >It’s Valentine’s Day. Don’t you want to do romance stuff?
5 times Ryan was a voyeur, and 1 time he wasn't.
Shane/Ryan/Sara. A short series wherein Ryan realizes he could be a part of Shane and Sara’s relationship if Shane wasn’t so bad at saying so.
I'll be your man if you got love to get done by drunkkenobi (explicit, 6.4k)
Shane and Sara return from an overseas trip with a few sexy surprises for their boyfriend, Ryan.
Shane/Ryan/Sara. Porn with feelings. Shane and Sara stole one of Ryan’s jerseys for some nefarious purposes while away.
I have seen it all in paper dreams by StrikerEureka (teen, 16.2k)
In the wake of his latest breakup, Ryan begins to realize that his closest friends might just be what he’s been looking for. But first he has to accept that he wants both Shane and Sara, and that they want him back.
Ryan puts his hand on her back, his last two fingers overlapping with Shane’s, and Sara plants a loud, exaggerated kiss on the top of his head. She keeps her arms around them, elbows hooked behind each of their necks, holding them what should be uncomfortably close. But Ryan just feels warm.
He’s content not to move, uncaring of the sight they must make, standing ankle-deep in the sand, huddled up together, with this tiny girl holding them both in a headlock. Closing his eyes, for a moment, Ryan just breathes.
For the first time, he’s not thinking of all the ways that this thing taking shape between them could go wrong.
Shane/Ryan/Sara. This whole fic feels like a falling in love montage.
triptych by justcourbeau (explicit, 6.6k)
• a set of three associated artistic, literary, or musical works intended to be appreciated together.
Shane/Ryan/Sara. This is impressively indulgent and sexy in its familiarity.
i like us better when we're intertwined by uneventfulhouses (explicit, 11.5k)
He’s scrolling through his phone for something to do when a hand presses on his shoulder. He expects it to be Ryan, but pink fingernails tell him it isn’t. He looks over his shoulder to find Mari looking at him, her face close enough that he can see each one of her eyelashes and every freckle that dusts the bridge of her nose.
“Hey,” she says. “Are you going to come to bed?”
Shane raises his eyebrows. “I’m fine on the couch—”
“Shane,” she says, cutting him off. She rescinds her hand, leaning against the seatback of the couch. “Come on, get the light. You can come sleep with us. There’s plenty of space.”
Not at all against his will, Shane gets up and shuts off the light in the living room after double checking the front door is locked. Mari takes his hand, lacing their fingers together.
Shane/Ryan/Marielle. Ryan’s Shane’s boyfriend, and Marielle’s Ryan’s girlfriend, and after this weekend, they’re all something more.
The Ringer by beethechange (explicit, 9.2k)
Then Ryan leans in conspiratorially, all his attention trained on Sara. “What, is the gentle giant not enough for you?”
She inhales shakily, caught off guard by the question, and it makes him grin. Ryan’s smile has always been sunshine, pure sunshine, but now it’s the kind that you bask in and find out later it’s given you solar keratosis.
“It’s not about enough,” she says. “It’s about different.”
“You just need someone to take care of you, huh?” Ryan asks. He reaches out to tug on one of her curls, to push it behind her ear, and it makes Shane want to sit on his own hands. “Big guy’s not pulling his weight, so you need a ringer to come in and do the job right?”
Shane/Ryan/Sara. This hit me in kinky places I didn’t know I had.
got nothing to lose but emptiness and hang-ups by beethechange (explicit, 17.7k)
“My girlfriend wants to have a threesome,” Shane tells him. “A, uh—a ménage a trois, if you will.”
Ryan absolutely will not.
This is not a place for such conversations, even if they were the kind of friends who have them—and they aren’t. There’s nowhere Shane could say that to him and have it be normal, but in this place it strikes Ryan as particularly unseemly.
“Shane, this is a haunted prison,” Ryan says helplessly, the way you might say sir, this is an Arby’s.
Shane/Ryan/Sara. Shane perhaps doesn’t have the best sense of timing.
Green Light, Go by calico_fiction (mature, 7k)
It's less momentous, figuring out that he's into men too, than Shane would have expected if he'd ever thought it could happen to him. It's no revelation or epiphany. It's just Ryan.
Shane/Ryan/Sara. Shane explores his sexuality in the midst of a queer revelation inspired by Ryan. Sara helps a lot. This has kink discovery and negotiation, polyamory negotiation...everything I love, basically. I’d lowkey chew my arm off for a follow-up.
Not a Crowd by blacktofade (explicit, 12.5k)
Shane's night has been planned for over two weeks now in the sense that he parks his car outside his place at exactly six-thirty, there’s a light on in the upstairs bedroom, and the blinds are drawn like there’s someone in there. And when he puts his key in the lock, he doesn’t have to unlock the deadbolt first because someone’s already done it. And when he steps inside and toes off his shoes, there’s the soft sound of Sara’s laugh and a responding voice that’s unmistakably male.
Shane/Ryan/Sara. I have no one to blame but myself. There’s some kink in here.
the rest of your life by bestliars (teen, 30.6k)
MYSTERY DISAPPEARANCE IN THE MIDWEST! The year is 2034. Successful video producer Ryan Bergara uproots his whole life to take care of his friend’s children.
Shane/Ryan/Sara, but this is almost a gen fic. Shane and Sara disappear and per their Wills, it falls upon Ryan to care for their kids. Spoiler: they come back, and it’s a Second Chance Romance.
we go together, better by sarcasticfishes (explicit, 3.4k)
Shane is calling him before work because this isn’t about work
Shane/Ryan/Marielle/Sara. Set during lockdown, pre-poly facetime porn.
Hazy by colazitron (mature, 1.6k)
Mari's intrigued by Shane and Sara's whole... situation.
Pre-Shane/Ryan/Marielle/Sara. I love the setup of this snapshot.
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izzyspussy · 2 months
X, Z, L, D for the fic ask!
What’s the most personal fanfic you’ve written?
Kenocardia, in which Taako has clinical depression ft. a description of what depression feels like for him that is very close to how it feels for me.
Which of your fanfics was the most emotionally challenging to write?
Big As the Ocean, And Equally Hard to Control, a shyanara soulmates AU in which Shane and Sara definitely aren't soulmates and Shane and Ryan might be soulmates but it doesn't matter. AKA I accidentally wrote about being aromantic lol.
How would you categorize your fanfic reading? Are you a voracious reader? Do you carefully pick and choose? Something in between?
I suppose I'm what some would call picky with regards to writing quality and characterization, and I have a lot of things I generally don't read (i.e. sickfic, coffee shop AUs, etc). On the other hand, I read fanfiction every day so like... *shrug emoji*
Is there a story you’ve written that doesn’t seem to get much love?
I don't know if I wanna call out one specific fic here, but I do wanna encourage people to read more gen!! My gen fics always get less attention than ship fics, which I know is true just generally. At the same time, I think my gen fics tend to be some of my best! And certainly some of the best fics I've ever read have been gen. Read more gen!
Fanfic Writer Asks
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justcourbeau · 3 years
They’re moving.
This place—Shane and Sara’s place that morphed into Shane and Sara and  Ryan’s place—has served them well. But with Watcher flourishing, and Sara’s art income growing a little bit every month, they’ve really pushed the current home office to its absolute outside limits.
or, domestic polyamory but add some spice
[read on ao3]
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ebonybow · 3 years
wrote somethin nasty and shyanara. read those tags folks.
in the blind | 3.8k | explicit
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hailwatcher · 3 years
A/N: I had intense shyanara feelings after the finale of PH so I wrote this ficlet. Light PH spoilers. You've been warned.
Ryan gets in Shane and Sara’s car.
They don’t talk about it, but they don’t question it either. He just gets in the back like he belongs. Shane and Sara talk quietly in the front, holding hands over the center console. Ryan leans his head against the car window and watches as the Los Angeles skyline, painted in dark black and shades of gold, whizzes by his head.
“It’s not real,” Sara says.
She’s the first one who’s spoken since they wrapped, and somehow her voice is startling. It pierces the silence that’s washed over the trio in the car. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I know,” Ryan answers. Shane’s different, somehow, but they don’t talk about or question that either.
Ryan goes home with them and they eat Taco Bell in Shane and Sara’s living room as they watch a true crime documentary. Sara and Ryan try to joke over it, but the air’s thick with tension, and Shane doesn’t joke back.
“I’m going to bed,” Shane says, at 9:48PM.
Sara frowns at him. “Baby,” she says.
Shane shakes his head. “I’ll be okay.” He motions to Ryan. “Stay here with him.” He leans forward to kiss her, ruffles Ryan’s hair, and then he’s gone.
They keep watching the documentary, but it’s a farce. Sara scoots closer to Ryan until she’s sitting in his lap, her face hidden between his shoulder and his neck. “It’s not real,” she says again.
Ryan brings a hand to her back, rubs it in big circles. “I know,” he says.
Neither of them is convinced.
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blacktofade · 3 years
Shyanara pregnancy kink 👀
Dear special secret anon, enjoy 😈
Sara’s had the date circled on the calendar for a week before Shane notices.
“What’s this?” he asks, finger pressed against the glossy paper. He has a half-eaten bagel in his other hand and a few stray crumbs at the corner of his mouth.
Sara tries her best to look casual as she glances over.
“It’s a Tuesday,” she says, as though it should be obvious.
There’s nothing particularly meaningful about that Tuesday, no meetings planned, no events. Nothing noteworthy at all, except for the enticing red circle.
“Why is it circled?”
From across the kitchen, Ryan glances over, clearly curious.
Sara bites at her thumbnail and wonders how long she should keep them in suspense. She stirs her coffee, the spoon gently clinking against the inside of the mug.
“That’s the day I’m meant to ovulate.”
[Read more]
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