#shooting the breeze with zeph
vibe check! *bricks you up in a wine cellar* 
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sceptilemasterr · 3 years
Defenders of the Flame (TE Rewrite) Act 1, Scene 8 - The First Day
Title: Defenders of the Flame (A CIU Screenplay)
Main Pairings: Shreya x F!MC, Beckett x F!Atlas
Other Pairings: N/A
Genre: Full Rewrite (The Elementalists, Book 1)
Rating: PG-13 for violence, blood, swearing, alcohol, and sexuality
Summary: In her first class at Penderghast, Fiora learns all about stoicheal energy.
Previous Scene: Pend Pals
Masterlist: Link
A large group of excitedly chattering first-years, among them Fiora, Shreya, and Zeph, file into Auditorium 2 for their first class of the day.
ZEPH: So, Stoicheal Theory, huh? What d’you think it’s gonna be like?
SHREYA: Sounds rather dull, if you ask me. But I’m open to anything!
Zeph picks a row and files in, taking a seat about halfway down the row. Shreya sits next to him, and Fiora takes the seat on her other side.
FIORA: I don’t know... it sounds complicated. What if the professor is super strict? I mean, we might--
SHREYA (laughing): Don’t you worry, Fiora. It’s the first day. I bet you anything it’ll just be basic things, like the six-element model and such. You know?
FIORA: ...Sorry, six-element model? What’s that?
Zeph gives her a curious look as Shreya belatedly remembers Fiora’s situation.
SHREYA: Oh! Oh, right... uh…
As she attempts to come up with an excuse to explain Shreya’s ignorance to Zeph, Beckett enters the auditorium. Frowning at the lack of empty seats, he sighs and reluctantly takes the seat on Fiora’s other side, closest to the aisle, then immediately opens up a textbook and begins reading. Zeph is quickly distracted by the new arrival.
ZEPH: Hey! Hey, you! Guy over there! My name’s Zephyr, but you can call me Zeph, it’s nice to…
His voice falters as Beckett ignores him completely and simply continues reading his book.
ZEPH (hesitantly): ...meet... you? (to Shreya) What’s his problem?
SHREYA: I don’t--
Fiora’s face lights up when she recognizes the newcomer.
FIORA: Hey, wait, I know you! We almost ran into each other, right? So, uh, do you like reading, or--
BECKETT (annoyed): If I wished to speak with any of you, I would have made that quite apparent.
He returns to his book. Puzzled, Fiora looks over at Shreya and Zeph.
FIORA (muttering): Well, excuse me for trying…
All of the whispered conversation in the auditorium stops as a young woman with shockingly bright yellow hair enters the room from a door in the front, stepping up to the podium. She wears sweatpants and a green t-shirt with a grey windbreaker over it. This is DR. RELIGAST, a professor at Penderghast College. She places a hand on the surface of the podium, and a shimmering, three-dimensional image of a pyramid erupts into existence above her.
FIORA (in awe): Whoa…
DR. RELIGAST: Yes, yes, hello, and welcome to Penderghast! I am Dr. Religast, and I will be with you for the entire year as we learn all about stoicheal theory! Now, it may not be as flashy or exciting as some of your other classes, but believe me: stoicheal theory will be the essential backbone of your career, whatever you choose to pursue. So! Please, do not brush off my class as, and I quote: “just another boring lecture.” ...Those are actual words a student once said to my face, by the way.
There are a few awkward laughs. Beside Fiora, Beckett writes furiously in a notebook, hanging on to Dr. Religast’s every word.
DR. RELIGAST: Right then! Let’s get started. Here’s a simple one: Who can name the six basic stoicheal forces?
Dozens of hands shoot up, including Beckett’s, Shreya’s, and Zeph’s. Beckett in particular is so eager that he looks as though he may launch off of his chair and into the ceiling at any moment. Fiora simply looks around, confused and more than a little overwhelmed. Dr. Religast points to a random student toward the back, an Earth-Attuned named JOSHUA HIGHLAND.
DR. RELIGAST: There! You in the red shirt.
With a gesture, Dr. Religast amplifies the student’s voice so that it can be heard throughout the entire auditorium.
JOSHUA: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Metal, and Wood.
DR. RELIGAST: Yep, that’s correct! Now, check out the diagram above.
She waves a hand and presses something on the podium, and the base of the holographic pyramid above transforms into a grid of six colors, each labeled with a symbol representing its respective element.
DR. RELIGAST: These are the basic stoicheal forces. Stoicheal energy is ambient within this realm, unlike the Archikial Realm. This means that channeling stoicheal energy is easier here, further amplified by an individual’s Attunement linking them to…
As Dr. Religast continues lecturing, Fiora leans over to Shreya.
FIORA (whispering): Okay, “Archikial Realm?”
SHREYA (whispering): The other realm. Y’know, where you came here from?
FIORA: Oh, right--
Beckett clears his throat and glares at the two girls, who both quickly sit back upright and focus on Dr. Religast.
DR. RELIGAST: ...and so the basic forces share this relationship. Now, if you observe the pyramid once more, you will see that I have positioned the colors in a particular pattern. Does anyone know why I have done so?
Beckett’s hand shoots up fast enough to create a small breeze that ruffles Fiora’s hair. No one else raises their hand, and Dr. Religast points to Beckett.
DR. RELIGAST: You in the blue blazer!
She gestures again, and Beckett’s voice becomes amplified as he stands up.
BECKETT: Thank you. I can see that you have positioned the colors representing the basic stoicheal forces so that each is alongside its natural opposite.
Dr. Religast nods, and Beckett takes a seat.
DR. RELIGAST: Wow, exactly! That’s the first time in three years that anyone spotted it on their own.
Beckett gives Fiora a smug glance at the compliment, then turns his attention back to the professor.
DR. RELIGAST: He is correct. The basic forces each pair with another in an antagonistic relationship: fire and water, wood and metal, and air and earth.
As she lists each elemental pair, their corresponding colors on the pyramid illuminate.
DR. RELIGAST: This means that someone with a particular Attunement will be hindered in their abilities when surrounded by its opposite. For example, I’m an Air-Attuned, and a pretty good one if I say so myself!
She pauses as a few students laugh.
DR. RELIGAST: But let me tell you, if I were underground, I’d find it much harder to perform even a simple technique. Likewise if an Earth-Att were somewhere high in the air, like on the roof of a building, for instance.
ZEPH (whispering): So if someone lit me on fire…
SHREYA (whispering): Wouldn’t that give most anyone some trouble?
Zeph laughs.
DR. RELIGAST: Now, I conjured a pyramid rather than a simple square for a reason: the basic forces aren’t the only types of stoicheal forces that Attuneds can command.
She gestures toward the holographic pyramid, and the upper part of the pyramid illuminates with another six colors, of corresponding shades to the ones below. These new colors are much brighter and glow with brilliant light.
DR. RELIGAST: Okay, can anyone tell me what these represent?
A number of hands go up, including Beckett’s, unsurprisingly. After a moment’s hesitation, Fiora’s face lights up with excitement and she raises her hand as well.
FIORA: Wait, I know this one!
Everyone stares at her, and she realizes she accidentally said that a bit too loudly. Dr. Religast laughs and points to her.
DR. RELIGAST: You there!
BECKETT: Yes, the additional colors clearly represent--
He stops when he realizes it is not his voice that has been amplified. Dr. Religast frowns at him.
DR. RELIGAST: Not you. The girl with the red hair!
FIORA: Oh! Me! Uh... I think those are the Primal Stoicheal Forces?
DR. RELIGAST: Very good!
Fiora sinks down into her chair. Shreya smiles and pats her on the back.
SHREYA (whispering): You did it! (smirks) Of course you’d know that one.
Fiora blushes.
DR. RELIGAST: As she said, these are the Primal Stoicheal Forces: the raw, untamed stoichi brought to this realm by the Sources. These forces are distilled into their basic forms and utilized by we Attuned. With intense study and practice, any Attuned can eventually master their Attunement’s corresponding Primal Force. They are as follows:
As she states each element and its Primal equivalent, she gestures toward the pyramid, causing the corresponding colors to illuminate.
DR. RELIGAST: Motion, for Air. Gravity, for Earth. Creation, for Metal. Life, for Wood. Energy, for Water. And finally...
FIORA (whispering): Light, for Fire!
DR. RELIGAST (simultaneously): Light, for Fire.
Beckett looks curiously at Fiora.
BECKETT (muttering): Impressive. Perhaps you aren’t quite as hopeless as you look.
FIORA (whispering): You know I can hear you, right?
As Dr. Religast continues lecturing, Zeph raises his hand. She goes on for a moment, ignoring him until she finally looks to her right and jumps in surprise.
DR. RELIGAST: Oh! Sorry, so sorry. Did you have a question?
ZEPH: Yes, sorry. You mentioned the six Primal Forces, but aren’t there two more?
A few students giggle. Dr. Religast frowns and makes a frustrated sigh.
DR. RELIGAST: If you’re referring to the so-called “Lost Sources,” that’s a ridiculous myth that has no basis in reality.
ZEPH: But they say there’s--
Dr. Religast waves a hand as though brushing his questions aside.
DR. RELIGAST (sighs): Every year, someone always asks that. Every year, my answer is the same. No one in all of Attuned history has ever seen, encountered, or observed a Time- or Space-Attuned. Unless anyone in this room has, say, a Time-Att friend or two they’d like to tell me about?
She pauses. Zeph sinks back down into his seat in frustration.
DR. RELIGAST: Okay, enough of that. Back to the two-tier stoicheal model.
Dr. Religast resumes her lecture. Fiora glances over at Zeph curiously...
Scene Notes: Well, Dr. Religast pretty much covered all the additional worldbuilding in this scene. And if you’re wondering, yes, she’s a completely original character. I decided to add a few extra professors into the mix since the original only had three (not counting Dean Goeffe).
As for Zeph and his “Lost Sources” theory... is it really just a myth? Surely you all know by now that nothing I write is accidental... 😉
Next: Theory and Practice
CIU Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn @endlesshero1122 @bbaba-yagaa @acidsugar0 @shaylan211 @griselda1121 @acanthisorbis @marmolady
DotF/Elementalists Tag List:
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Shadows (Beckett x MC)
And finally, here’s another fic of our favorite nerd! Writing this made me realize how much I miss him and want him to come back. Ugh, this hiatus. xD
This turned out pretty short, so I hope you’ll enjoy this tiny bit of interaction before PB bless us with more chapters of our favorite nerd! 
Dedicated to @pbmychoices and @mariaoz because I love talking with you two about Beckett! =)
Tag list: @fluffy-marshmallow-heart, @god-save-the-keen @aworldoffandoms @choices-fam
As usual, if you want to be tagged comment below! Just don’t forget to specify if it’s for all my fics or just specific ships! =)
Pairing: Beckett x MC (Kate)
When: This takes place at the beginning of book 2, before MC meets Alma.
Summary: Once Beckett fails to show up to dinner with no prior warning, Kate goes to look for him.
This story contains:
Mild horror
And fluff! <3
It’s just another Sunday night at Penderghast. My friends and I are sitting around a table, sharing stories from our free day on the grounds. I laugh from the joke Zeph just made and Aster joins me, her giggle almost like the sound of bells. Atlas rolls her eyes and murmurs something under her breath, while Shreya responds to Zeph with a beaming smile. Griffin says something in reply, and the three of them go into a lighthearted exchange.
I glance at the clock right above me. Dinner started almost half an hour ago, and yet Beckett still hasn’t come. It’s not like him to disappear with no warning.
“Kate, is something wrong?” Aster asks, her voice barely audible over the chatter of the others.
I meet her innocent blue eyes, a frown to my face. “Beckett’s still not here.”
Shreya, who was animatedly explaining something to Zeph and Griffin, stops mid-sentence. She turns to me, a mischievous lilt to her voice. “Well, maybe someone should go look for him? Kate, what about you?”
Zeph opens his mouth, but before he can say anything Shreya shushes him with a look. He raises an eyebrow but doesn’t persist, continuing to eat his dinner instead.
I shoot Shreya a suspicious glare, but she just sends me an innocent smile. “Why me, exactly?”
She smirks. “Well, you are the closest to him. I think he would prefer to see you.”
“Only me?”
“That way the rest of us won’t have to miss dinner!”
I decide not to point out that both Griffin and Atlas have emptied their plates. “Fine.” I halfheartedly agree.
“But don’t take too long. Or I will eat your food.” Atlas comments nonchalantly.
Shreya shoots her a scathing look, but it vanishes once she turns back to me. “Don’t worry, Kate. I’ll make sure your dinner will be safe. Take as long as you need!”
As the five of them continue chatting, I’m already entering the dark corridor. The lights are much dimmer than the cafeteria, and something dark and slimy creeps up on me. I shiver as the faint sound of footsteps comes nearer, before I feel a warm breath on the back of my neck. It smells of blood, and the cold hands that touch me send a shiver down my spine. I turn my head so I can see the person’s face, and meet harrowing red eyes.
“Surprise,” Raife says, his smile a harbinger of death.
He lunges at me, but just as I’m about to scream- he disappears. I close my eyes, breath erratic, as I force myself to calm down. Raife’s dead. He can’t hurt me anymore. It was just an illusion.
Once my breaths slow, I force myself to walk in the direction of the library, away from the light of the mess hall. I summon a weak flame, which keeps the shadows at bay, and let out a sigh of relief. The light helps somewhat, but I still find myself looking back, making sure no secret shadow monsters are coming after me.
The halls feel so much emptier at night. It’s deathly quiet, the only sound coming from the flapping banners. A light breeze enters through the open windows, caressing me with cool, calming fingers. I can even taste the salt of the lake, and the fire in my palm warms my heart a bit more.
I smile when I see a slant of light coming through the library’s oak doors. I walk in after turning off the fire in my palm. I smile as I approach the librarian’s desk, but she narrows her eyes at me. “Don’t you have dinner to go to?”
I shake my head. “Actually, I was wondering if you saw Beckett Harrington around here?”
She looks at me the way one would look at a child who just asked a very stupid question. “When is Mr. Harrington not here?”
Relieved, I say a polite “thank you” and head deeper inside. Beckett always chooses to sit at the desks of the innermost part of the library. I never understood why, but no matter how many times he attempted to explain, I knew I could never see myself in the same situation.
I find Beckett sitting at a vast table, a high pile of books at his side. An open book lies before him, and his eyes scan its contents studiously. His brows furrow in concentration and his mouth murmurs words I can’t make out.
I approach him in long strides and pause when I’m standing right above his hunched figure. “Beckett?”
I wait, but Beckett is so engrossed in the book he doesn’t notice me. I smile at the golden opportunity and bend down so my breaths fan his face. “Beckett?”
At first, Beckett looks at me in surprise, but his eyes darken once he notices how close we are. A tingle goes down my spine, but I force myself to back away. Once we’re at a safe distance, I let out a breath of relief. Beckett just watches me, a twinkle of curiosity in his eyes. “What are you doing here?”
I cross my arms. “Do you know what time it is?”
He glances at his watch, and his face immediately pales. Beckett meets my gaze, deep sorrow crossing his face. “Kate, I’m so sorry. I was so immersed in my reading that I must have lost track of time.”
I sigh. "What are you even reading for? An extra credit assignment? A special study you want to conduct?”
Beckett puts the book he was holding beside the others. His fingers thrum on its cover as he tries to find the right words. “In truth, I was searching for a cure to your ailment.”
I frown. “What do you mean?”
“I was attempting to find a solution to your unstable powers. Unfortunately, I still haven’t unearthed anything of value.”
I gape at him. “How long have you been working on this?”
Beckett doesn’t meet my eyes. “For the past two weeks or so.”
“Is that why I haven’t seen you much?”
He nods. “I didn’t want to let you know, in case it turned out to be a futile attempt.”
“Well, next time I would appreciate if you would tell me.”
He grins. “I’ll think about it.”
Beckett gets up from his place and walks toward me, stopping when we’re only inches apart. He cups my cheek as his eyes search my face for something I can’t tell. “You were rattled before.”
“What do you mean?”
“Before, when you came in, you looked like something was out to get you. What happened?”
I hesitate. ““The truth is… Raife still haunts me.”
Beckett gently runs his thumb on my cheek, prompting me to continue.
“Sometimes, in the dark, I think I see him. He comes to me, and-” I stop, breath rattling. “When it’s not him it’s his shadow monsters, and I just-”
I close my eyes, willing the horrifying images away: a shadow monster, approaching me with murder in its eyes; the bruised bodies of my friends, laying across the empty floor; Atlas holding my hand in what could be our last moment together, and Raife’s evil laughter in the background, numbing me to the core.
Beckett tilts his head so his forehead now touches mine. “Kate, whatever happens, I want you to know that I’ll always be there for you.”
I smile. “I know. And Beckett?”
“Thank you.”
He puts an arm around my waist and pulls me so close that our lips almost touch. “Always.”
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zephthekid · 3 years
"that was a mistake."
2030 words. names uncensored.
Night 3 of Perjin’s wedding festivities. Hundreds of humanoids from all across Wildemount are gathered under one roof, in celebration of the nuptials of one very lucky noble. Raucous laughter fills the halls as the drinks flow freely between. If one thing’s for certain, the Menagerie Coast really knows how to party.
At the center of it all lies the happy couple, the eye of the proverbial storm. The “pomp and circumstance” of it all led you and Zippy to follow the overflow into a smaller banquet room, where most “commoner” attendees drifted off to. The hall, set up much like a mini-tavern, is a nice respite. Much less courtly, much more relaxed.
You catch Zippy’s eye from across the square table. He makes a face at you; you make one right back. Solemnly he tips his tankard towards yours, throwing back another drink.
No matter how many ales he downs tonight, it doesn’t change the fact Jin is a married woman now — to both his and your dismay.
It’s not that you wish she hadn’t found love! Au contraire! Jin deserves every bit of happiness coming her way. Can you honestly blame her if she loves him that much?
At least — she’d better love him. She should be head-over-heels if she’s willing to leave your family behind like that. To leave her blood brother behind like that.
The look Zip and you share says it all. He and you both know after this week, it’s likely you won’t see Perjin again for a long time. She’s retiring from the...industry, so professionally, her persona is as good as dead.
You and Zeph aren’t retiring with her though. You won’t leave...you can’t leave. The traveling forger life means everything to you, and it means everything to Zippy too.
Guess you’re gonna need to get used to being a duo.
“Groom’s side?” someone jostles your shoulder. He giggles; this man must be sloshed out of his mind.
“Bride’s,” you look over, meeting the gaze of a rosy-cheeked human. Apparently the alcohol coursing through his veins has emboldened him. Not many approach an air genasi on their own accord.
Zippy rolls his eyes. You shoot a smirk at the human tomato. “I assume you know the groom?”
He hiccups. “Y-ya would be right…” The sound is so tiny you and Zip have to smother your laughter. “Haven’t met many on the bride’s side yet, very cool...cool, cool, cool...”
“Are you not gonna give us a name?” you don’t bother hiding your appraisal of him. The tomato isn’t half-bad-looking, but in his current state? To go farther than flirtation would be a mistake.
“Oh! Yeah...um, it’s...” his words trail off into an incomprehensible murmur.
...Okay then, Tomato Boy.
You see his eyes droop closed, and for a second you think he fell asleep on his feet! Hastily you slide your drink away from him, lest it becomes a casualty. Thankfully, he perks up again, just in time before he slams his face into something.
“So!” he slurs, the alcohol really hitting him full-force. “Who’re you...and your boyfriend?” his index finger languorously points between you and Zip.
Now, you outright laugh. Zippy’s only a split second behind. “What is that, the tenth time tonight?” Z clicks his tongue.
“Twelfth. Twelfth assumption.”
Tomato Boy sways, befuddled. “...Are you...not?”
“Kiddo here is like my sister,” Zeph swings a leg onto the table, leaning back into his chair. Tomato doesn’t buy it.
“...but you don’t look anything like her! Stop pulling m’ leg, man--”
“You don’t need a bloodline to be family,” you coolly interject.
“Huh,” the man grunts, sort of pensively. His attention swivels to you after a beat. “...well, okay then, beautiful, would you like to--”
A dismissive wave of your hand cuts him off. “Sober up, honey, then we can talk,” your tone is determined and even. Surprisingly the man doesn’t put up a fight; he meanders away, while you watch in amusement.
“Twelfth, huh?” Zippy remarks once the other guy is gone. “That’s nearly twice as many as yesterday.”
“Three straight days of drinking makes people bold, I guess.”
“Crazy.” He hums, fishing out a deck of cards from one of his many pockets. “Let’s play blackjack, you game? Loser per round has to get up and serve drinks.”
“To the winner or to the whole room?”
“Depends on how bad she loses.”
“He loses, you mean.”
“Not if I have anything to say about it.” Zippy shuffles the cards with ease, eyes twinkling.
“You won’t,” a spark of challenge glimmers in your own. You won’t lose to the old man.
“Insolent child,” Zeph smirks.
“Idiot prune.” Zephaniah, you’re going down.
Four rounds later, you and Zeph have been pretty evenly matched up so far (say hello, hangover). The conditions of your gameplay have not gone unnoticed, and they’ve caused a small crowd to gather around the table. People are placing bets. You know you have at least 3gp and a nice silk cape riding on you right now.
“Let’s make it funnnnn,” one elven spectator approaches. You recognize them as Assumer #8, from a couple hours ago. They’d spoken briefly with you by the door. “Deal me in. If I beat both your asses, you both do a dare. Mmkay?”
You size Assumer #8 up, and Zippy does the same. They look dazed and unsteady, but then again the same can be said of you. What’s the worst that could happen?
“As long as I don’t have to kill anyone,” you shrug.
The assumer chuckles. “‘Course not. All in good fun.”
“Pull a chair,” Zip sets the next round up, for 3.
Not too long after, your drunken haze finds itself rudely sobered...by both you and Zip’s resounding losses.
Zippy is dumbstruck. Assumer #8’s triumphant grin splits their face open. The crowd mirrors Assumer #8’s sentiments, eagerly awaiting the promised dares. You don’t think Assumer’s gonna go easy. You can tell they have something...juicy in mind.
“...Well?” No sense in prolonging it, you think. “You win, my friend. What’s the dare?”
Zeph’s not thrilled at having a stranger decide his fate. He shifts uncomfortably.
Assumer’s gaze flickers to the crowd, who burst into excited murmurs. You think you hear the word “kiss” thrown around. The air surrounding you suddenly drops a few degrees.
“Ah, we should give the people what they want,” Assumer feigns resignation, but the mischief in their eyes says otherwise. “Give us a kiss, you two.”
Your eyes snap to Zeph, whose grimace does not go missed. “...Alright. One of you step up to the ‘kissing booth,’ then,” he pushes himself up out of his seat, his wrist flicking inward in a beckoning motion. His eyes scan the crowd for volunteers.
You do the same. You catch Tomato Boy from across the room openly staring. Tonight must be his lucky night, you figure. “Come on over,” you shrug. Quickly Assumer stands, shaking his head.
“No, no, no -- you misunderstand,” they place one hand on both you and Zippy’s shoulders. You trade weird looks with Zip. “The people want you two to kiss.” To make it extra clear, Assumer emphatically pats you guys’ shoulders.
Your pupils grow to the size of saucers. Zeph goes into a coughing fit.
“Come on, man, don’t pretend you haven’t thought about it,” they move to slap Zippy on the back goodnaturedly. Zip’s only response is an anxious nape scratch.
You take a deep breath. “You’ve got our dynamic entirely wrong,” you frown. “He and I--”
“Let’s just do it,” Zeph’s abrupt words catch you off-guard. “How bad could it be.”
“Uh...what?” you try not to gape. “Are you...sure about that?”
You can’t speak for Zip, but Assumer #8 was right about you; you have thought about kissing Zippy--Zephaniah-- before, but that was a long time ago and you’re wiser now and he never really seemed interested in anything remotely like--
“Sure; I mean, more for your benefit than mine, but,” Zeph’s lips twist into a smug little smirk, and whatever ~feelings~ were stirring up within you are quickly doused.
“Excuse me?” you snort.
“I can’t help that I’m attractive, kid,” Zippy runs a casual hand through his hair, obviously peacocking.
You roll your eyes. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, Zippy.”
“It’s not your fault you’re in love with me,” he slides a step closer.
You don’t back down. “Okay.” you reply, eerily deadpan. Zippy wasn’t expecting that. He looks momentarily shaken. Got ‘em.
“Oh, honey, did I hurt your feelings?” you croon. Your eyelids flutter, mockingly. “I didn’t realize you cared so much about me.”
“Of course I do,” Zip scoffs. Oh no. His tone is at best half-sarcastic, you sense. Zeph’s not usually the sentimental kind, but right then there was an earnest quality to his voice. It’s veiled just enough so your audience doesn’t catch it...but you do. You catch it.
“Please don’t make this a moment.” you quench...whatever that was with a narrow-eyed smirk, resting a light hand on his chest. With your stare you dare him to meet your eyes; you’re no coward.
In one swift motion Zeph grasps the fronts of your vest, pulling you in until you’re nearly flush against him. He’s so close now the perpetual breeze surrounding you blows around him too. “Why?” he taunts. “Chicken?”
You hear the room collectively hold their breath as Zeph presses his lips to yours.
Only a second ticks by before you retract. You two stare at each other, unblinking, until—
You both sputter at the same time.
“That...that was a mistake,” you choke as Zippy’s laughter rings loud.
“You’re telling me!” his shoulders shake, but he tries to steady himself.
“Sorry to disappoint, everyone,” you turn to the gathered group, who look thoroughly unsatisfied by the lack of chemistry. They disperse.
You move to lean against the table. “Yikes.” you wince. That kiss felt so...unnatural; no lie, it was kind of gross. 3/10, would not recommend.
Zippy, calmer now, wraps an arm around your shoulders. “Let’s...never let drunks peer-pressure us again, okay?”
“Deal.” You agree readily. “I like how we are, Zip.”
Zippy reaches a hand up to ruffle your hair. “Me too, bro.”
“Shut up.”
“The funny thing is, I ended up dating Assumer #8,” you shrug. The wedding is now a five-year-old memory. You reach past your relatively new travel buddy — dare you say, friend — to grab your cider, leaning against the bar of some random tavern in Wildemount. “9 months.”
“It was a good 9 months. Sort of off-and-on, given how often Zeph and I moved around. Wyatt was great; it was just—” you hesitate, “well, you know, 9 months in, we find out they’d actually conceived a child during Wedding Week, with one of the barkeeps.”
“They what?”
You laugh. “Yeah, so they never cheated on me,” you clarify, “it’s just that their fling right before was...fruitful.” one brow of yours arches meaningfully. Your friend nods in dismayed understanding.
Sometimes you surprise yourself by how easily you take that in stride. “Obviously I told them to go and be a parent to their new baby,” you exhale. “They didn’t want to leave me at first, so I told them ‘it wasn’t really working out anyway.’”
Your friend doesn’t seem convinced by the last sentence. You wouldn’t have believed yourself either, but Wyatt...poor Wyatt was always too ingenuous. “Lies, clearly, but I couldn’t settle down with them. Too soon,” you admit, sheepish.
Immediately you straighten in your seat, cracking a more playful grin. “And I’m glad I didn’t, because how else would I be here with you?” Your arms sweep open in a grand gesture to the rest of the tavern.
Your friend’s expression warms. You take it as a good sign. “Last I heard, Wyatt’s married to her now. They manage an inn somewhere…” you fail to stop yourself from divulging as you down your cider. “Somewhere in Western Wynandir. I’m fuzzy on the details.”
You allow yourself one reflective moment before you shake all thoughts of Wyatt and weddings off. That’s enough reminiscing for now. Looking back gets you nowhere.
You breathe. “All behind me now — hey, you wanna dance?”
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intsys: "here we gave them surnames this time"
us fuckin gremlins: "dimitri fire emblem"
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elsa, after dedicating time to learning about her heritage and the customs of the northuldra from yelana, honeymaren, ryder, and various others, tries her hand at a dawn proposal surrounded by a herd of reindeer
the build up to the scene includes her and honeymaren singing a repurposed version of Get This Right as they both plan to propose to the other and head to the grove where kristoff once tried to propose to anna with ryder's help
elsa panicking and fumbling and falling all over herself trying to get the question out, it starts snowing, dusting the trees and the reindeers' antlers in frost, and as she takes a deep breath to steel herself, honeymaren beats her to it, "elsa, will you marry me?"
tears in her eyes, elsa laughs cheerfully in relief and leaps off the stump into honeymaren's arms, "yes! a thousand times yes!"
as the snow settles around them and the sun breaks through the trees, glinting off of each frozen crystal, somehow everything looks so warm and perfect and still, the heat of their breath forming into one mingled cloud and the gentle snorting and scuffing of hooves accompany the sound of their joyous giggling and the morning bird song echoing through the forest
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i want this figure so goddamn bad........that price tag hurts physically
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a handful of people have used #applecore on this site over the years, but with perhaps one exception, they seemed to exclusively be referring to the horrible tech monstrosity, rather than the genuine, wonderful, ancient fruit. instead of the wonderfully homey, comfortable, enriching feeling and varied appearances of natural apples, they refer to the ugly, sterile, evil, mega corporation made up entirely of pollutants, slave labour, and citizen surveillance. horrible. disgusting.
there’s so much variation to be had with colours - reds, of course, but oranges, yellows, greens, white and brown and gold...! warm and cozy fabrics are best, since the time to harvest is autumn-early winter, but cute lacy curtains and sheets and lovely quilts and warm pies and tasty treats are just as much applecore!
admittedly, i have a bias. apples are one of my absolute favourite things in the world, and i hate corporations deeply, that one in particular being among the worst imo. but such a comfortable, sweet, cheerful, casual aesthetic, existing alongside other, more popular, broader ones, like cottagecore, farmcore, grandmacore, lovecore, what have you, is precious and warm. it shouldn’t be cold and clean and tainted with greed.
plus, there’s the massive added bonus of the name being a terrible pun!
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i can and do simultaneously love shigure(against my will) and also hate his fucking shit eating guts
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on the topic of edgar allan poe, and this ep of buzzfeed unsolved, i love poe's writing so fucking much and that will never change but I sincerely hope he died of everything.
all of the possible circumstances for his death, all together, i hope he died of all of them.
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shiraki mayuko is transmasc and bi and hatori is also bi and basically everyone in furuba is a bi icon, what im saying is, that’s gay mayu!!!
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i’ve just updated my theme, finally, and my FAQ, blacklist, and byf along with it. 
there’s now a dropdown menu with links to some of my tags I want to highlight as well! 
please do take a moment to check things out! (you can do this on mobile via your web browser, rather than the app)
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a borzoi is just a weredog thats just a normal dog who becomes a different weirder dog once a month or so
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also ngl while i appreciate the sentiment behind jokes like "stop talking about animal crossing some of us are poor" and whatnot, and im not gonna clown on those posts, like
im still poor
i just spend my food money and shit on video games instead sometimes because i need something NICE and it genuinely hurts when that choice of going without in one respect in order to have something positive in another is treated as a privilege
im not gonna starve, but im not COMFORTABLE
but i DO have animal crossing and it makes me happy and provides a distraction and a social element during some very dark fuckin times and i think we all deserve that if we have a chance
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fellas is it gay to rest your thigh against another man's thigh on public transportation
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reminder: sypha belnades is nonbinary(they/she) and the absolute coolest character in any media ever now and for all time, thnx for coming to my gay talk, you can't change my mind
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