#ship your moots!!
Ship your moots & assign a trope!
i’ll do my best but i haven’t been interacting with a lot of people lately,, i should probably do that more ;;
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@haithamuse x al-haitham - book shop au
You’re browsing the shelves of your favourite book store for something new to read but as you go to skim over the summary a voice behind you speaks up, “I personally wouldn’t recommend that one. This one might suit you better,” as the guy hands you different book. Out of spite you purchase the one you chose and end up hating it. So, defeated you go back to try his recommendation-which you’d eventually end up loving- and as you check out you catch the infuriatingly smug smile of a certain someone.
@zhongrin x zhongli - soulmate au
There’s two ways this could go:
Either, you go all your life without being able to perceive the golden sheen of jewellery and the amber light of the setting sun, perfectly encapsulating the missing part of your life. Until you’re supposed to run an errand for your parents at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and you’re greeted by a handsome consultant with the most beautiful eyes you’ve ever seen. Well, not like you could have. After the initial shock, he gives you a soft smile, “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”
Or, Rex Lapis has gone all his life with the words “Oh my god” engraved in his skin. And he’s peeved. Would his soulmate really be someone just praying for his help? Yet he can’t help but perk up every time he hears the title, just for nothing to happen. By the time he assumes the role of Zhongli, he has accepted the fact he would never meet the person he is destined to meet. That is until somebody runs into him at a tea shop and spills tea all over him. “Oh my god! I am so sorry!” “I assure you, everything is fine.” Just like the times you traced the words on your skin, hearing them aloud brings you a warm sense of comfort.
@watatsumiis x capitano - there is only one bed
You were running errands with the Fatui Harbinger when suddenly the clouds broke and absolutely drenched you with no sign of stopping any time soon. Luckily the inn close by still has one room available and you quickly assure Capitano you don’t mind sharing. What the two of you didn’t factor in was the single bed at the centre of the room. While it was big enough for two people, the halves couldn’t be separated. You go to bed that night with butterflies in your stomach, wondering if you could catch a wink of sleep at all and unaware your companion wasn’t faring much better. When you wake up the next morning, the spooning position you guys find yourselves in makes room for a much needed conversation.
@virtue-and-beneviolence x shidou - athlete and manager [annoyance to lovers]
You’re always either having a great time or you want to scratch his eyes out. As you might expect, you have your hands full with trying to keep his public image alive, from foul language to violence, you’ve had to deal with it all and with most things, Shidou couldn’t care less. But, every time a tabloid posts an article about an alleged dating scandal, he shuts it down with fierce determination. After it happened a few times, you can’t help but confront him, seeing as he’s so carefree about everything else. He just gives you a lopsided grin saying he can’t make his beautiful manager worry her pretty little head about that.
@feitania x gojo - enemies to lovers
The first time this man opens his mouth you want to punch his teeth out and I totally get it. Much to your dismay, your forced to work with this idiot for a longer period of time and, apparently, his new favourite past time is driving you up the walls. Both of you waste no time throwing insults and back-handed compliments at each other which lose more and more of their bite the more time you spent together. Much to your surprise, the moment you no longer have to see each other, your days are suddenly so stale and boring. Maybe you prefer this nuisance over the mundane drag of day to day life after all…
@ukaishin x kita - friends to lovers
Being with Kita is always calm and relaxing, that’s why it’s easy spending time with him. Over time you grow close enough to understand each other with just a simple look. Yet simple things don’t always stay simple, so naturally your heart has to beat faster and your mind has to go blank whenever you see him, just to throw you off balance. Is it wrong to feel like this for your friend? To sort out your feelings, you avoid Kita as much as possible, until he corners you and asks if he had done something wrong. Turns out these feelings are something you share as well.
@scaranya x nagi - slow burn/ mutual pining
Nagi is a friend of a friend, someone you’d never meet otherwise. And for quite a while that’s all there is to it. You see each other once in a while when your friend drags you out, his comments make you laugh and you can’t help but want to get to know him better. But how? He’d probably not appreciate it very much if you were to bother him, you think. Yet, you wouldn’t know it, but Nagi is nearly going crazy over how to ask you to hang out with him one-on-one, he has no clue about these things! Meanwhile your friend is nearly tearing their hair out at trying to play matchmaker for you two idiots (affectionate).
@kazooms x kalpas - present day au
You’re pretty sure Kalpas saw you one day and just decided you’d be friends, kinda how cats sometimes decide that they’re living in your house from now on. Because how else would this friendship have come to be? With his reputation as an unhinged delinquent no less. And sure enough, Kalpas shows up at your door -a cut on his cheek, bloodied knuckles and already forming bruises- more times than you want to count. Every time, you tell him he can’t keep coming back and, every time, he doesn’t listen. With time, you start anticipating his late-night visits, especially since he began bringing your favourite takeout as a way to appease you.
@chuuyas-beloved x sherlock - coffee shop au
What brought you to this coffee shop in particular was the rumour of a by now infamous barista who can guess customers’ favourite orders on a first glance, even if they don’t know it yet themselves. You’re not prepared, however, to meet the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen. Luckily for you, before you have to stammer through your sentence, he has already started to guess your order. After you agree and go to pick up your coffee, you had to admit he was pretty impressive. He even knew to write his number on your cup.
@dustofthedailylife x ayato - royal au
You were lucky enough to be invited to the royal masquerade ball, a great honor not bestowed on many; only a few people have ever seen the prince and princess in the first place. Dressed in your finest clothes and with a luxurious mask perched on your nose, you descend the grand staircase to mingle with the other guest. It’s not long before a tall stranger taps your shoulder. “May I have this dance?” is the start of a night spent elegantly floating across the dance floor and falling head over heels for the gentleman holding your hand. The next weeks are filled with dreams of deep conversations and silent promises, a clear crystal blue at the forefront of it all- the same crystal blue you find yourself admiring at the coronation not long after.
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pillow-boi · 9 days
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✨SHOP PREORDERS OPEN [until the 15th of June]✨
Joongdok fanbook is finally available for preorder and international shipping, together with my orv, link click and ace attorney acrylic charms! (+ dmcl book is back)
Shop link: https://polochonshop.bigcartel.com/
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 8 months
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"...Well, I'd rather you not having to handle something like that again. Tell me if I'm speaking out of turn, some people don't like when I do that, but you shouldn't need to be used to be hurt. My shop is just up the street though," they mumble.
'So I'm never too far to help you out,' they held back on saying, but hoped it was implied enough. They wish they could do more than just fix damage that was already made.
In which the local mechanic fixes a librarian bot with a worrying wound in the torso, and said bot wonders why a human would even care in the first place.
Au: Starbench Mafia
Soda (animatronic oc): @clovergreensocks
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sidesteppostinghours · 4 months
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a prehb julicaine for the start of ockiss week! theyre so cute, hope no life changing events redefine their relationship in the future
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eldritchsp00k · 5 months
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All your ocs were so fun to draw!
I Hope you like them :D
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Moots in order:
@sanguineships (sorry, couldn't find an oc so I drew your F/O)
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cigarette-room · 8 months
everyone: he would Not Fucking Do That
me: he would if he was in love
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novelconcepts · 2 months
The fucking choking noise I made when I tuned into a podcast for my run and heard a recent favorite actor go, “I’m still on Tumblr, don’t tell anyone.”
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sherifftillman · 1 year
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cheerscoops + this ship meme template by @jacobseed
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b0ylik3r · 25 days
i saw some replies on a moots post that got me a bit weirded out but im not abt to start unnecessary drama for them so im gonna say something about it here:
if you are a proshipper, or comshipper, or profic, or pro whatever the fuck, and you see someone who's asking if something is a proship or not, your response should NOT be: "they're fictional and i don't care so YOU shouldn't care either".
the reason this weirded me out is because a. some people do not agree with you and you have no right to force your fanbase opinions on them, and b. some people!! dont enjoy csa in their ships!!! fictional or not!!!!! because!!!!!!! that's fucking!!!!!!!!!! weird!!!!!!!!!!!! me personally i don't enjoy my ships with a side of pedophilia or incest, im not gonna harass you if you do i guess but you should NOT try to tell people that they should just because wahh wahh its fictional it doesn't matter. it matters to some people. dont just tell them "enjoy what you enjoy no matter if it's a pedophile ship or not!! :)" just because you enjoy it.
also this moot has proship dni in their bio and pinned. why are you even there lmao
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onyx-got-clowned · 4 months
“wow! L1nkcest isn’t something people actually ship right? …right..?”
I’m baffled. Yall are fucking wild, and weird. Please! indulge me into why you ship them. I’m genuinely curious
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luckquartzed · 17 days
Aventurine is no stranger to this .
Laying in his bed for days at a time . This all consuming emptiness that feasts on his insides , gnawing & scraping away at what little remained of an actual person inside of him , until there was nothing left but a dull pain that was far too easy to forget about , & the inability to feel anything at all . The hollowness only comes after he’s exhausted the reserve of tears he can cry in one week before all that’s left is aching numbness .
It always hits him hardest this time of year , in the spring , specifically in May . He hates this month more than any other . The copious amounts of thunderstorms that plague it was bad enough , & the ever present edge of grief that never fully went away became a stabbing wrench inside his chest . Even though the Kakava & his dreaded birthday ended weeks ago , the looming darkness over him grew , until one day he couldn’t summon the energy to get out of bed .
He texts the others to let them know he won’t be coming into work .
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Rolling onto his side , the blond stares at the wall . He knows he should do something . He should get up & eat ; when was the last time he ate anything ? The gambler tries to think through the haze that had settled over his mind , but he draws a blank . It was hard to summon the energy to do mundane things like that , when he could simply lay here & wallow in his self loathing . Why should he eat ? What has he done to deserve such a luxury , when his mother & sister would go days without food & sometimes water just for his sake ? All so he could end up a lowly servant to an organization that had worsened the Katican-Avgin conflict to the point it escalated into full blown war . He might have had access to more luxuries than most people could ever dream of , but it was simply gilding on a cage & nothing more than that , at the end of the day he was the IPC’s property . Maybe he deserved this , maybe this was his punishment for what happened in that arena eight years ago . Congratulations , No . 35 , you won the game . You really are lucky .
He’ll never have a life as long as the proof of his non-autonomy is clear for the whole world to see .
Aventurine’s hand lifts to his neck blindly & he finds himself scratching at the tattoo as it fiercely itches , digging his fingernails into it & scraping roughly . His breathing grows shaky & uneven , & before he knew it he was thrashing , violently kicking his blankets away as he sat up with a gasp , hot tears suddenly rolling down his cheeks , clawing frantically at the brand until his neck stings & blood begins to stain his fingers . Off , he needs it OFF .
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The only MH polyships i dont like are the ones that specifically exclude Alex. Im looking at you Bram 😐😭 breaking my heart as the alex defender i am
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luxesiren · 1 year
Ship your moots!
i’ve been waiting to get this ask!! i’m getting around to this really late but anyways..!
@nymphoheretic x rengoku — you guys are actually soulmates, he told me himself! this man would wine and dine you and make sure you’re always protected because he’s just that sweet!
@smiley-babe x izuku — this man would cherish tf out of you and we both know this, he cares about you a whole lot. he would most likely be nervous at first but then once you guys start to date and get to know each other more, he would be act so crazy about you. bonus: megumi
@noritopia x toji — i know this man is notorious for his bad attitude, slutty waist, unchanging personality, and just being an overall asshole (and we love him for it) but i think y’all would be good together, it’s just giving fwb to lovers pipeline or something. that’s just my opinion though! bonus: draken or hajime
@privateparty3 x eren — everyone knows that you and eren are locked in tight, together forever type of thing. he’s such a sweetheart with you but i think he’s still an asshole at times too but like in a funny way, he plays way too much but you love him anyways. bonus: miguel
@diorsbrando x sasuke — grumpy x sunshine is you guys’ trope and no one can tell me otherwise, he’s mad at the world but you make it better and he can’t be mad at that, he actually cares about you way more than he lets on but deep down you know.
@chrollohearttags x reiner — your country boy with southern hospitality loves thee hell out of you, im talking about flowers at every date, he spoils you whenever you want something, he’s always touching on you cause he just loves you so much.
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daincrediblegg · 3 months
hi egg!!!! ive seen the tag a couple times now and im just so curious who is lady terror 👀 an oc? a ship personified? can i peer into your mind for a second (the answer here can also be Who's to say or just NO)
YES! Lady Terror (real name: Genevieve Sinclair) is my sortof self-insert (though she’s gained a bit more of a life of her own now) OC for the Terror. She and Francis as the most disenfranchised from british empirical thought and good society are falling horrifically in love with each other over the course of the expedition in spite of their respective past romantic rejections and dejections and it being the literal Worst Time To Do That. And I tag them when I am… reminded (I’m certain some think I do this too often… but it’s my house). I’m painfully (and soul crushingly at times) trying to get the canon novel for them written (though I have an excerpt of the first chapter in my masterlist in my pinned, should that be of interest), which intends to have the most insane gothic jane austen vibes one could hope for, and I have like 20 au’s for them including a particular western au that is gaining increasing real estate in my brain recently. Loads of content in the “egg’s oc’s” tag if you wanna take a peek (I say mostly bc I’m exclusively on mobile atm bc my computer is in the shop and linking over isn’t very easy😭) and I have some mini fics for them in my masterlist as well!
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oatmilk-vampire · 6 months
My sister @bimbo-boogara asked me what my favorite (age apropriate) unpopular/disliked ship is, so I decided to make it a tag game. 🥰 I'll go first.
Reylo - Rey Skywalker and Kylo Ren
Tagging, only if you're comfortable: ✨
@bimbo-boogara @chrrymunson @ashyyboyy @stveharringtn @thatawkwardangel @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @stevesxyellowxsweater @valerievortex @southerngothicchic @exyfexyfoxes @deadtothebones @ali-r3n
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sketchy-galaxy · 1 year
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Who's ready to go to war with some stars? Because I finally started watching the Bad Batch and LOVED it, I made a Bad Batch s/i!!
She got isekai'd to the universe far, far away by some aliens (Not the Republic!) and is now trying to figure out how to go home with the help of the Bad Batch! Starr is kind of their medic, she fixes them up after missions and has a sword and shield (see left) I wanna develop a bit more, also she is totally not gonna hold Hunter's hand or nothing 😳🤭 ANYWAY HERE'S HER w/ her helmet
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