#she's still just a silly little guy
smallrat25 · 1 year
Whenever I’m browsing the rottmnt tag and I see like, f!Leo or f!Donnie I read it as “female!Leo” and then in my little agender brain I see an absolutely regular Leo and EVERY TIME I’m like OH she looks so cute here
Because turtles aren’t really sexually dimorphic, so!
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EXACTLY THE SAME except a process has occurred [Gave them a W chromosome] [Just as gay as before but now in the other direction]
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
Hehe I really enjoy your comantary and captions you're so funny, I can't wait until we see Wen Ning again since we left his brief cameo
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I miss him everyday.
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smalltimidbean · 4 days
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Queen Brie gets a new loyal knight chew toy
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retros-artandstuff · 2 months
homestuck doodle dump
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hi loves xx
A little fyi, I won’t be as active as I used to because of two things 1) whenever I’m here I get in a very dangerous loop (hehe) and it’s not worth it and 2) I’ve been doing really good in therapy lately and for someone who has been hanging by a thread for years, this means a lot to me. I don’t want the time I spend here to be the detriment of that achievement because even though I’m really putting in the work, is still a very fragile state of mind.
So, as a compromise to myself, I’m turning off notifications and focusing more on other things I want to pursue. I’m not really going away or anything, I’ll keep my queue going and I’ll be here from time to time, I just won’t be as active as I used to, that’s all.
And you might ask yourself, couldn’t I just do that without doing a post about it? Surely. But then, what’s this place if not my personal void to shout at?
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feroluce · 3 months
Thinking tonight about Caelus, and the nature of his loss and his grief after the Everything that went down in Penacony during 2.0.
Because Acheron, Black Swan, and Misha kind of knew of Firefly, they at least met her, but they didn't like really know her, and Caelus never even got the chance to introduce her to the rest of the Astral Express Crew. The only person who would have talked to her much was Sparkle, who is. Probably not really someone Caelus is interested in grieving with skznmsks
Anyway, all this to say, I like thinking about how alone poor Caelus is in his grief, because he was the only one who knew Firefly. He's the only one really mourning her. There's no one to talk about her with. There's no stories to trade or memories to reminisce with anyone over. It's not as though he knew her for long, but still. No one else knew her at all.
And I love the thought of all of this coming bubbling up, hot and acidic and bitter, during a conversation with Sampo, who Caelus just so happens to run into in the Golden Hour. Poor Sampo is kinda blindsided, he knew shit was going down in Penacony, but yeesh. And he just. Isn't quite sure what to say about it all, because he's never really encountered this before. His feelings about the Masked Fools are...a mixed bag, but he's been a part of them for a very long time, and when you're with a close organization like that, it's hard to feel alone, in grief or otherwise.
So Sampo sits there on their little bench that the two of them have occupied, and he thinks of his old friend April, how she'd died in his arms cackling and spitting her own blood after a heist gone wrong, and how after he'd dragged himself back to the World's End Tavern they'd all held a Fool's Funeral- which is basically just a big party where everyone gets really really drunk and reminisces and toasts the dead and celebrates their life.
He still thinks about her a lot, and he remembers how the time he'd most keenly felt her absence was on Jarilo-VI, the one place where he couldn't talk about her because he couldn't say anything to give himself away as an alien. The Fools still tell stories about her every time he goes back to the Tavern. His first toast of the night is always in her name. Even now, all these years after she'd died, Sampo is still learning new things about her. He's never had to grieve her alone.
Caelus doesn't have any of that.
He might never have that. As they speak, Caelus has no proof that Firefly was even her real name, or if she dreamt with her true appearance. He might not ever find out who she even was.
And just imagining that kind of loneliness hollows out a strange little pit, right behind his sternum, deep between his ribs.
So Sampo claps Caelus' shoulder and offers him a deal. Come find him outside of the dream. He knows a guy who can get them a lot of beer for really cheap-
("Is that guy you and your five finger discounts?" "Whatever do you mean, dear friend, I don't even know the meaning of the phrase, hehee.")
-and they can hole up in a bar or a hotel room or something, and get completely shitcanned. Tell him all about Firefly, tell him everything, and he'll tell Caelus about April and everyone else he's ever lost. Sampo will carry Caelus' memories of Firefly with him, and at least this way, Caelus will be a little less alone in remembering her. And the next time they cross paths, Sampo will be the one to bring her up, and to tell her stories, and Caelus can get to be the one listening. He won't have to be the only person to talk about her anymore.
Caelus rolls his eyes when Sampo avoids another remark about sticky fingers, but...ok, yeah. That sounds good. Nice, even. Thank you. Caelus bumps his shoulder against Sampo's. Sampo bumps back.
(They find each other again the next day, and true to their word, get themselves completely and utterly shitcanned. Caelus talks more than Sampo has ever heard him; every minute detail, every word choice, Firefly's every odd little mannerism and habit. Because Caelus wants to make sure this will outlive him, that even if the Stellaron dwelling within him finally burns him to a crisp and he really does up and kick the bucket, or even, godforbid, if he forgets, he wants to make sure someone remembers her. She deserved that.)
((And it takes quite a while, after that. Caelus doesn't see Sampo again until after everything has settled down. On his last day in Penacony, he finds the guy slinking out of a seedy back alley and all but runs right into him. Sampo happily leads him to some dive bar in an even seedier back alley that Caelus has never even heard of, and Sampo raises his glass. "To Firefly! Who sounds like she probably would have hated me at first, but I would have liked to have met her anyway."
And Caelus stares at him, almost looking startled, long enough that Sampo worries that he's read him wrong and brought this up too soon. He's halfway into planning how to talk himself out of this situation when Caelus finally throws back his head back and laughs, tells him that yeah, Firefly would have politely called him out on every lie he told, and all their conversations would take twice as long with the way Sampo is so full of shit.
And he can see it, the same way he watches and sees through everyone, that Caelus' eyes have a tightness to them, his knuckles are nearly white around the handle of his mug. But he smiles. He hits his glass against Sampo's far too hard and throws it back and gets foam everywhere like he does every time they drink because the guy's about as elegant as a raging bull, but those things don't lessen the genuineness of his smile.
The grief is there, but so is the elation, and those emotions aren't a sliding scale between one or the other. It is all of both and both at once, and that's what contents Sampo enough to throw his own mug back when Caelus makes a toast of his own, "to April!!".))
#caelus#sampo koski#hsr caelus#hsr sampo#sampo & caelus#honkai star rail#hsr#my fics#me a few days ago: my favorite silly little guys uwu#me today: ANGST#honestly I feel like this isn't even a super strong angst though#it's more just. bittersweet? melancholic? something.#I JUST. REALLY LOVE STORIES ABOUT THE NATURE OF GRIEF#and 2.0 laid the groundwork for that beautifully woohoo#I just remembered this probably isn't common knowledge oops but April is the cute red haired girl in Funny Bone#her name was revealed by the creators on twitter. she's named April like April Fools!#anyway I ship it hardcore now thanks bucket boi & studio#but anyway yes I love and adore the loneliness of the trailblazer's loss and grief after 2.0#because we know from Sunday that Firefly is “spiritually dead” but the trailblazer wouldn't have that knowledge#and they wouldn't know her identity or about any of her connections to other people#and I love that juxtaposed against Sampo and the possible strange nature of his own grief-#-given how the Masked Fools operate and how they see Elation in everything and everywhere#Sampo is no saint- like at all lol- but I do like him and Caelus getting along and being bros#and I don't think it would be terribly ooc for him to care about someone he sees as a genuine friend#he maybe rarely considers someone a genuine friend. but still dmxjjdjdk#listening to Sam's boss theme as I tag this... have been listening to it a lot ever since I finished 2.0 tbh#it's probably what inspired a lot of this haha#because it does sound strong and intimidating and imposing#but you can hear it#the heartbreak
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manyfandomsonelog · 11 months
One thing I think is really funny about Trucy is that she is probably the Ace Attorney protagonist with the most tendency towards actually committing crimes on purpose. Like out of all the non-evil Ace Attorney characters (outside of Kay who I haven’t been introduced to yet) she has the vibes of someone who would just actually commit a crime. She (probably) forged evidence, and she talks about making things disappear all the time, including making the prison guard in the detention disappear when she was held there AND making a contract disappear that would mean owing three million dollars to some guy (even if the contract was illegal, too). PLUS she got along with an organized crime family extremely well and was completely unintimidated by them.
…But of course, all of the lowkey-threatening vibes she has going on are countered by the fact that she’s incredibly cute and she’s just a silly goofy little magician with an adorable smile who would never do anything wrong ever.
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cloudydayjoy · 1 year
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Duke Dominion here to make life worse for everyone and capture some sick footage for her metal music videos while she wrecks planets
Her helmet has a camera lens.
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sleepinglionhearts · 2 months
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Gougar (George) is a photogenic young man
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deep sea creature saturday adventure
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quirkle2 · 1 year
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my fav pets from cs :) [please zoom in . pl ease]
[designs belong to chickensmoothie]
#qkdraws#i know this isn't gonna get a lot of notes so reminder: reblogs r very appreciated#chicken smoothie#bit of an oddball here !#if anybody doesn't know what chicken smoothie is;#it's a fun little pet-collecting site :) u adopt little sillies n trade them with other users. it's nice#i've been on cs since 2013 and have thankfully collected some of my dream pets in the process :]#the velociraptor's name is valon and i love him dearly#the cool lookin purple wolf is a shima longtail and her name is mal :)#when i first joined cs she had been my dreamie for Years#and when i finally got her i was like . the happiest 12 year old in existence#anyway i still love her very much . i cherish her she'll prolly always be my fav#the pumpkin pie with a face on it IS indeed a pet#i got him very recently actually . he was also a dreamie#and i gave my trading partner like . my entire stock of rares that i had saved up over the course of my 10ish years of playing#as well as like . C$1000+#basically sold my soul for that guy GVEYAIGV#idk why i like him so much he's just . so thoughtless and silly#the other three wolves at the top aren't particularly rare or in demand i just like them#the grey one with the blue accessories and the floating crown is shilao . he is gentle and silly#the one next to him w the scarf is ren . he is jaded and withdrawn but shilao brings him out of his shell etc etc#they sit right next to each other in my pet groups and i have labeled them ''GAY LOVERS'' . bc they ARE#and the cool glowing one is just a staff pet that looked badass i love him#anyway apologies for the random doodles of a game but im assuming not many people know of#i just enjoy them :)
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sysig · 10 months
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He’s my little meow meow, my darling, my bbygirl (Patreon)
#Doodles#Commander Peepers#I'm soooooo normal about him you guys <3 So normal! <3 <3#*Looking back over the other Little Guys I've collected* Hmmmmmmm Evil Xisuma and Spamton and Sableye and Rick Diggins#I think there might be a theme here#Just casually making Venn Diagrams in my head - Evil X has the red/black - Spamton is trans - Sableye has Gremlin energy - Rick is too tired#And those are just the ones I can think of lol - if you look I did the same stretchy pose with EX when I was still drawing him lol#The Stretch Pose is how you can tell if I like a character lol - they stretchin'? I am infatuated <3#I mean I'm normal I'm totally normal lol#Also had to give him a bbygrl pose - I for the life of me cannot find it again but the reference is very strong in my mind's eye!#Not that I couldn't go for another one at some point lol ♪#Ugh the middle one lol - so that Word of God I mentioned in passing about female Watchdogs#I read it in passing as just a basic research of ''Oh here's what The Original Creator has to say alright neat''#Except that it Immediately made me itchy and I was like ''What. What brain this is not that big of a deal what are you doing''#And I was like ''No I'm being silly about this - just because I don't agree doesn't mean it's a big deal lol''#Except then I had stress dreams and woke up Weird the next day and the last time that happened I left a fandom#And the time before that I wrote 4 consecutive pages of 20-something panels in like 18 hours of consciousness - I have normal reactions lol#But I opted instead to vent to smol about it and she agreed with me so basically I'm just saying I'm correct lol /s#Personally Peepers doesn't strike me as misogynistic - he's very much an Equal Opportunity villain in my eyes!#And yeah I considered a lot of different angles around it but like - based on the text of WOY I just don't buy it#If it's not in the show it doesn't count! For all we know there might not even be any female Watchdogs! Lol#Would also lead to the equally-to-Spamton interesting question of How Does Trans Work in that kind of situation#I've definitely not already put a lot of thought into it don't look at me lol#Don't ask me to write an essay about both of those things I'll do it and where will that leave us lol#ANYway lol ♪ He's still the absolute funnest to draw in distress and discomfort <3 And kneeling! He makes me want to practice :D#I always feel like I can try again and do better! >:3c
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puppie-pile · 8 months
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heres sum more swap au :D
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nutzworth · 7 months
unsure if ive talked about this but my personal opinion on the kids coming to earth c is this:
they enter the new earth as normal. as the snapchats intended. daves like hey i can time travel us all to normal society. it happens. its earth. its normal. NO one remembers who they are
and then they just have to live as normal god damn people. they have no power unless they like run for president or something. im unsure about the nature of troll/human/carapacian/consort kingdoms but i guess they can stay. the gods go into their allotted kingdoms as the snapchats intended but they have to like get a job. and pay for rent and make new friends and awkward small talk with neighbors and coworkers
i could probably list out all the jobs i think theyd have but i dont want to do that right now. just know i have it all thought out. mostly.
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hand-of-devotion · 8 months
I've come around on Callowmoore and in doing so realized my main problem with them originally was part of the fandoms insistence on chalking them up to being "a sexy provocative woman being sexy next to a sexy gruff man". Where as I can only enjoy them through the lens of their autistic arospec t4t weirdness.
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itsjusteds · 2 months
So I play DND and my DM, @ryvdraws , came up with a backrooms themed oneshot where the end goal was a TPK. I played a silly little guy named Teddie and long story short, he fell down a hole and was abandoned
I thought it was fun so I drew it
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