#she's literally the only reason i can live semi-peacefully with the ending.
lloydfrontera · 6 months
oh god i'm gonna cry. hold on. hold the fuck up.
so i was reading the chapters with charlotte and she kept calling javier "하비엘 땀똔". 'habiel ttamtton'. and i didn't get it i didn't know what she meant. but then. god. hold on. "삼촌". 'samchon'. uncle. she's trying to say 'habiel samchon'. she's calling him 'uncle javier'. but she's so tiny she can't pronounce the words so she says 'ttamtton'. i'm gonna fucking cry
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peace-coast-island · 2 years
Diary of a Junebug
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A yoga retreat on Wuhu Island
There’s something about Wuhu Island that makes you feel energized, like you can take on the world by storm. I’m by far not an athletic person but there’s something about the environment here that makes me want to get up and get a good workout in. I’d say the calming scenery contributes to that as it’s the perfect place to go hiking, biking, gliding, jogging - you name it.
It’s been a couple years since I last visited and if I recall, the island hasn’t changed too much, which is a good thing. By luck, us campers managed to reserve a bunch of seats for the yoga retreat, which is no easy feat as those fill up quickly. That’s part of the reason why we haven’t been back in so long - I mean, Wuhu is a popular vacation spot for good reason.
Along with us campers, Arabeth and Elaina also managed to snag a reservation for themselves. I haven’t hung out with them in forever so it was nice to run into them on the plane. It’s been nice catching up with them while running around the island.
I’m glad that Elaina and her family’s in good spirits. She says a part of her still kinda finds it hard to believe that her mother’s gone but at least she went peacefully. The last time I saw Qing was at her final public performance at Briar Woodwinds a few years ago and that was an amazing experience. Since then she enjoyed a quiet retirement. Then a couple months ago her health took a turn for the worse and she passed away with her family by her side after a brief hospital stay.
After hearing of Qing’s passing, I’ve been on a binge listening to her music. It’s amazing to look back on her life in terms of her music and family. She’s lived a good life and in the end, that’s what matters the most. I may not be able to leave behind a legacy like Qing, but I hope to live a fulfilled life with little regrets.
A couple weeks ago, Elaina and Chris released one last song from Qing, her swan song. Earlier this year Chris and the boys were helping Qing go through some old stuff when they came across a demo tape from about twenty years ago. One of the tracks was a song written by Qing’s friend that was somehow shelved or forgotten until it was rediscovered. With next year marking 60 years since Qing began her recording career, it seemed like a good idea to surprise fans with one last song.
Taking Flight indeed is a swan song, and a very fitting one at that. The lyrics sound so bittersweet, they’re the words of someone who knows the end is near and wants to reassure their loved ones that everything’s gonna be all right. When the song came out I had been listening to it on a loop because for some reason the message just hit me.
No matter how far and wide we fly, we always leave a part of ourselves behind - memories, stories, music, sorrows - and those are what carry us through time. With that in mind, no one can truly be forgotten. I’d like to think that I could leave something behind, even if only for those who truly knew me, because it would mean at least I made an impact on someone.
Elaina admits that some days are better than others, as expected when going through a loss, but she’s doing well. The fact that her mom wasn’t in any pain and was able to say goodbye to her family is more than enough. That’s good to hear and I’m sure that makes things a lot easier for her and Chris.
As for the rest of the family, they’re doing fine too. David still vlogs on a semi-regular basis while also working freelance so I can still keep up with the occasional Allegri family antics. Even though they are aunt and nephew, they have this chaotic sibling vibe that’s interesting to see. As for Chris, aside from being a literal dad to David, he does sometimes kinda serve as a second parent figure to Elaina despite their small age gap. Though Chris often comes across as the most serious Allegri, they’re all a bit chaotic in their own way and that’s part of their charm.
David’s brothers, Danny and Jeremy have been doing their own thing, which Elaina finds kinda hard getting used to since she’s used to seeing the twins together. They started drifting apart when Jeremy decided to go to Oxford and from the looks of it, he’s probably gonna stay after graduating next year. She kinda suspected that after his first semester, something that Chris won’t admit that he isn’t too happy about but is happy for his son nonetheless. As for Danny, he dropped out of community college after one year so he’s been working odd jobs since then. Chris was fine with him taking one year off but now it’s way past that he’s insisting that Danny either go back to school or find a more stable job. Elaina’s been trying to help but that’s been easier said than done.
Angie has taken after Elaina and Qing in terms of her love for music and being a ray of sunshine. Elaina showed me clips of various performances from school plays, concerts, and recitals and Angie really does steal the show. She’s already looking into places like Starling and Julliard so that’s amazing! Elaina said that she sees a lot of her mother in Angie, even more so now that she’s gone. Being the youngest, and the closest to her grandma, Angie was hit a lot harder by her death, but she too is carrying on. There’s no doubt that musical talent runs in the family.
Arabeth’s doing fine as well, busy as usual with dance and helping Lawton with the younger kids. It took a bit of time for Lawton to get back into the swing of things considering how unpredictable the schedule of a pilot can be, but he’s adjusting well and the older kids help out whenever they can. I remember how Lawton was considering going back to work on a part time basis now that Saige, the youngest, is in school, but had his doubts for various reasons. Luckily he has Chris, who went through a similar transition, to guide him on what difficulties to expect and how to avoid running yourself into the ground.
I can’t imagine working a job where you have to travel half the time while raising a family as a single parent, so Chris and Lawton have my respect. As much as I enjoy traveling, I don’t think I’d want to be on the go most of the time, especially if I’m the one responsible for making sure a bunch of people get to their intended destination in time.
Lawton’s eldest, Mallory and Skylar are in college - Mallory commutes from home while Skylar is abroad. Erisy is starting to look into colleges, particularly athletic scholarships as some universities have been taking an interest in her. Rockwell and Saige have taken after their aunt as they enjoy dancing.
Arabeth had admitted that she was hesitant about her brother going back to work, but now that the kids are older and have busy schedules, it doesn’t really make sense for Lawton to just sit at home. Saige, as expected, had a bit of a hard time to adjusting when her dad’s not home at first but now she’s used to it, and it’s not like Lawton’s gone for long - a couple days at the most, so it’s not a big deal. As for whether he’ll take on international flights again, that’s still up for debate, at least for another couple years, but according to Arabeth he’s completely fine with just domestic flights. Chris, on the other hand, has fully transitioned into full time earlier this year, and Elaina says his hours thankfully aren’t too crazy.
Yoga at the park has been a lot of fun! I think the chill atmosphere contributes to that as there’s no pressure to get it right the first time. The instructors are super helpful and they let everyone do things at their own pace, which I’m happy about. I know it’s good to have some sort of exercise routine but honestly I can’t be bothered. However if I were ever to try doing something like a daily workout I feel like yoga would be the way to go.
Even though I’m not a morning person, I’d say the 7am classes have been worth the hassle. Doing yoga early in the morning has awakened my mind and body, so I feel great afterwards. In fact, being on the island in general has made me feel more energized and well rested than usual, so I feel like I get a lot more accomplished in a day. Like I said, there’s a reason why Wuhu’s a popular sports resort, especially for those who aren’t really into athletics.
The lack of pressure to be good at something really is freeing. I’m no perfectionist but I am the kind of person who tends to steer away from something if I feel like I’m not good enough and people are gonna judge me for that. Aside from not being too interested in sports, I also lack athletic ability, and being aware of that while having that being pointed out to you as a flaw that must be fixed is a good way of shutting someone down.
Over the years I’ve learned not to judge myself based on skills, something that a lot of people are in the process of unlearning. Sure it’s nice to learn something and be good at it, but you shouldn’t get too wrapped up about it. You may not be good at something but you still enjoy it nonetheless. Shouldn’t that count for something if it makes you happy? It’s not easy but it really is a lot freeing to let go and not be tied down by what you think is expected of you.
After yoga, Daisy Jane, Arabeth, Elaina, and I just do whatever strikes our fancy. Today happened to be running around a giant obstacle course. Out of the four, I came out last, though I wasn’t too far behind Daisy Jane. I’d like to think all my years of hiking has helped me out as there was quite a bit of climbing involved. Also, the point of the obstacle course is to see how creative you can be rather than speed and agility, so that made it more fun.
(Now I’m starting to get ideas for our next big camp event…Knowing Isabelle, building a giant obstacle course at the campsite isn’t impossible.)
Other fun activities we did were wind gliding, mountain biking, kickboxing, diving, water skiing, and tennis. Again, I wasn’t very good at most of these but it was an enjoyable experience. There’s just so much to do on Wuhu Island that it can get a bit overwhelming, so we try not to take on too much. So it’s one big activity and the rest is mostly chill.
Like last time, I think my biking is my favorite activity on the island. There’s so much to see and it always changes depending on what activities are going on at the moment. I wasn’t one of those kids who rode their bike around the neighborhood - I just wasn’t good at riding a bike in general - so to pick up biking as an adult feels different. Somehow biking as an adult is more enjoyable - probably because as a kid I was kinda pressured to get into it because it was a kid thing. Again not the best at it, but at least I can go at my own pace and not feel self conscious about it.
We’re about halfway through the yoga class now and I’m already starting to miss Wuhu. Tomorrow after class we’re gonna go bowling and then attend a dance class. The weather’s also gonna be a lot warmer so we’re gonna head to the beach too.
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autisticandroids · 3 years
Oh patron saint of mpreg, tell us, what is the absolute gold standard canon divergent mpreg scenario with Cas and Dean?
so for me the gold standard is for cas to get pregnant due to some kind of magical or metaphysical situation that dean at least does not perceive as sex. bonus points is cas is hesitant about it but refuses to explain why (because he doesn't know how dean will deal with the concept of himself being able to potentially get cas pregnant), so dean is like "we're doing it anyway" and then they do it and then cas doesn't tell anyone that he is pregnant until circumstances force the information out of him. and then dean has to deal with the fact that 1) cas can get pregnant, 2) cas is pregnant, 3) it's his, and he does so pretty poorly.
the rest is under a cut because this post is over 2.5k words long.
my favorite times for this to happen are at the end of season nine, just before dean dies and gets demonized in do you believe in miracles, and at the start of season twelve, just before sam and dean go to jail, because the pining in both those scenarios is delicious but it is so much more powerful if cas is also pregnant, and never even told dean. double points if the truth somehow comes out while they're separated so when dean comes back it's like. yeah cas is pregnant. it's yours. welcome home dean now you have to coddle cas' emotions because he thought he would have to raise your baby alone.
the season twelve scenario is particularly delicious because 1) we can have lucifer slut shaming cas in front of crowley in rock never dies, so crowley knows before dean, and 2) much more importantly, mary is there, and i am obsessed with like. okay. several things.
- the idea of mary getting all baby fever because she misses her boys and this is like. a baby she can take care of because she never got to take care of sam
- the idea of dean working through some of his parentification trauma by coparenting a child with the parent whose place he felt he had to take
- the idea of mary coming in and projecting her insane 1980s gender roles all over cas, suddenly treating him like a woman, stripping him of agency, etc. and like. dean would also do this even though he's not from the eighties, but mary would do it double strength, and they would reinforce each other, it would be a nightmare
- also mary trying to relate to cas on the Travails Of Motherhood etc. and cas being like ?????????? like i cannot stress enough that the weird gender roles she projects onto cas are also standards that she held herself to back when she was a Wife And Mother. while cas is like mary i am not a human woman and also i don't see what "having to look pretty for my man when i'm all baby bloaty" has to do with anything. that's not something i feel like i have to do
oh and 3) could you imagine lily sunder has some regrets if cas was pregnant? unfathomable episode. like ishim and mirabel's reaction but ALSO lily's. and it would fix the number one issue i have with lily sunder, which is that the resolution of the moral dilemma is "well AKSHUALLY the kid was human and not a nephilim so killing it was bad" rather than "it was bad to kill lily's baby, full stop." like ishim's cover up and using the machinery of power to manipulate the truth is very compelling, but the fact that it results in the moral essentially being "it would have been okay if the kid had been a nephilim" suuuuuucks.
basically, there's a reason i have two entire mpreg aus set in season twelve.
and then the delicious part in the season nine version is like. one, dean is away for much longer and he could be anywhere. also he's a demon and he's cheating on cas with crowley. and then even when cas gets him back he's still cursed with the mark, so we can get all weepy over that. you know. i'm the one who's going to have to watch you murder the world and i'm eight months pregnant. etc etc.
but the other thing that's juicy about this version is that cas is still semi-involved with the other angels at this point, like he's roadtripping around with hannah and they're trying to get heaven under control, so carrying a nephil is going to really affect those relationships. so he's going to be probably disliked by the other angels, and there are MANY opportunities for slut-shaming, but at the same time, the other "outcast" type angels might respect him for violating heaven's dictates.
and then of course there's his grace vampirism victorian wasting disease. in canon he's perfectly happy to let himself die, but if he were having dean's baby he would absolutely not do that, that's dean's baby he's endangering there. so of course there's the terrible guilt of having to kill other angels so he can live, plus potentially preparing to die shortly after childbirth so he doesn't have to keep killing. delicious.
and on top of all this cas can get slutshamed by metatron in, depending on when exactly he gets knocked up, meta fiction, stairway to heaven, and do you believe in miracles. plus stairway to heaven would be insane like all the angels would know that cas is pregnant. they would see it in his grace. like cas' angel army would just. know that he was pregnant with a nephil, and have to accept that because he's their leader. in love with humanity indeed.
i'm trying to think of other good times for this drama with cas getting secretly pregnant through a nonsexual interaction to take place. it would be great in season six. like: he's doing a blasphemy with his body but at the same time he's this big important rebel leader so they can't say shit about him, and also he's pregnant while fighting these big important battles (fun and sexy), AND this is like, hot on the heels of the realization that something about his feelings for dean is untoward, expands beyond the bounds of ordinary friendship and camaraderie. like he realizes that, and maybe even that he has sexual feelings for dean, and then he gets immediately knocked up. stunning.
it would ALSO be extremely fun for it to be some kind of... i don't know, magical longer gestation times, whatever, but for cas to have gotten pregnant sometime in s5 and only realized during the Year Of Lisa. LOVE to watch a man rake leaves while both metaphorically carrying the taint of taboo sexual feelings for him and literally carrying his child.
but the thing about season six is, first of all, cas isn't really... envisioning a future with dean. not the way he does in the later seasons. like does he fantasize about a future with dean? yes. like. he really did watch that motherfucker rake leaves. but it's only fantasy. he expected to never speak to dean again after swan song until dean prayed to him in the third man. he's obsessed with dean, but it's distant. remote.
like, we talk about cas babytrapping dean in the later seasons with jack, and he absolutely does, and he would do it even more if dean got him literally pregnant, but that babytrap is about... how do i put this. it's about winning dean's affection. late seasons cas knows that he's going to die by dean's side. the difference that babytrapping dean makes is that maybe it will get dean to be nice to him in the mean time, instead of discarding him like so much toilet paper.
but season six cas doesn't think of it like that. if he were gonna babytrap dean, it would be in the more traditional sense of forcing dean to stay with him in order to raise their child together. and he would never do that. he wants dean to have a happy future, which in his mind does not include him. like, compare here "he's retired and he's to stay that way" in the man who would be king, where cas assumes that dean is happy without him and expects him to live out his days peacefully without ever seeing him again, to "i'm the one who's going to have to watch you murder the world" in the prisoner, where cas assumes that he will be by dean's side for centuries.
but anyway, the other, much more important problem with season six is that cas has a war to fight. like, in the later seasons, cas really has nothing. even when he's on tenuous good terms with the angels, he doesn't really have a home with them. the winchesters are his family, and he'd give up anything for them. he has nothing in his life. he's at rock bottom, and this becomes truer the further along you go. late seasons cas has nothing he would prioritize over serving the winchesters, and he would be happy dropping anything he was involved in to have and raise dean's baby. parenting would give him a purpose that he no longer has, because everything else has been stripped from him.
but in season six cas has a life outside of them. like yes, he has a war to fight, but he also has a place in heaven, with the other angels. he belongs somewhere, he has solid connections to the outside world. even if he didn't have a war to fight, i don't know how excited he would be to have and raise a baby (even dean's baby) because he simply has other things he could be doing. he's involved in the world beyond the winchesters.
like, the reason cas wants to be a parent is that he is totally alone and totally purposeless. having a child gives him both a reason for being and someone who will always love him and who he can care for. if he doesn't have that hole in his life he might not be so eager to fill it with a baby.
for all these reasons, this plotline really doesn't work in season six, because you simply cannot justify cas not getting an abortion, unless you do something nasty like make angel abortion impossible, which i don't love.
you COULD somehow put the impregnation just at the end of season six, maybe just before the man who would be king, such that cas doesn't realize he's pregnant until he's already godstiel. you guys are unfortunately very aware of how obsessed i am with pregnant godstiel.
actually, @jeanne-de-valois has a concept of like. a single, madness fueled midnight hookup immediately pre-tmwwbk (or maybe even during, but prior to the superman mistake), where cas is simultaneously so stressed from being stretched so thin from the war and the lying and the shady dealings, and so high on being The Big Man In Heaven, that he's bold and out of his mind enough to actually come onto dean, like he just appears one night in dean's bedroom and is like, fuck me, and dean is like 👁👄👁 okay. so they have one single adrenaline and madness fueled hookup, and then everything immediately goes to shit.
and i think that's a great place for cas to get pregnant, and then he doesn't realize until he's become god, or maybe he does and he's just like "i'll deal with it later," either way godstiel is like oh? i carry dean's heir inside me? i will have dean's baby. i will have dean's baby it is my right and also my boon to him and also a symbol of my great and magnanimous love for humanity. and also maybe i will put giant paintings of myself pregnant with his child up in churches. what about that. which would be fun. don't know when he would give birth though. actually it would be insane if he gave birth as emmanuel and was just like. raising dean's nephil when dean found him again. nuts. but it just doesn't really have the same flavor as late seasons mpreg. doesn't compel me nearly as much. like the symbolism of godstiel being pregnant with dean's child is fun and sexy but them actually raising the kid afterwards doesn't compel me nearly as much, so it's better to leave literal mpreg to the later seasons and let godstiel mpreg reside in symbolism and fantasy.
or maybe the fetus gets stolen by the leviathans when cas walks into the lake and dean has to battle his leviathanated nephil daughter as the main villain of s7. like she's dick roman's secret weapon. i think that would be fun, actually. kind of an emma situation but drawn out over the whole season. and he thinks cas is dead for most of it so she's all he's got left of cas and a mess cas left for him to clean up. big sexy.
and as a bonus, i will also tell you the best time, imo, for dean to get pregnant: near the end of season eight. possibly a single, tragic farewell fuck in sacrifice when cas is planning to lock himself away in heaven and they're never gonna see each other again. and this impregnates dean with cas' nephil.
but then cas is human. and he can't do anything about it. like generally if they managed to get dean pregnant somehow, cas would immediately talk him into an abortion (which wouldn't be too hard; dean's natural white midwestern man who doesn't vote aversion to abortion would be at war with the horror of being pregnant, and the horror would win), or might not even inform dean that he's pregnant, and just quietly end the pregnancy without dean's knowledge, because cas would never put dean through that. but if cas is human, he can't do that. and furthermore, that nephil is the last evidence of his angelic nature that persists. it's the last of what he used to be, the last of his grace. and there's something absolutely delectable about that.
then of course dean would have to leave the bunker if he was pregnant with a nephil, because angels would be after him, and he wouldn't want to lead them to gadreel, so i am imagining dean discovering that he's pregnant and then showing up in a panic at the gas n sip like "actually cas i'm also out of the bunker will you go on the run with me?" and then they go on the run and have to live in motels again and cas gets to live with take care of dean who is pregnant with his child which is essentially his dream, and he doesn't have to feel guilty because he's no longer capable of giving dean an abortion so he doesn't feel obligated to get him to have one. ideally cas gets re-angeled just in time to give dean an angelic c-section. or maybe they rely on a normal human c-section in a hospital and cas stays human and they are two humans raising their nephil, which is also fun to me.
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kendrixtermina · 4 years
Route-specific characters & NPC survival chart
Church of Seiros
Rhea -> Lives only if you marry her; Guaranteed survival in Azure Moon. While the last we see of her in Verdant Wind she’s “in critical condition” it’s implied that she died, Catherine certainly gets the “travelled the world” ending not the “became Rhea’s bodyguard” one. Obviously gets axed (literally) in CF. 
Otherwise there isn’t anything exclusive to Silver Snow; Flayn and Seteth can survive all routes 6 can still be married in Azure Moon and verdant Wind; Granted, it’s hard to avoid offing Catherine in Crimson Flower as she comes straight for you on the map where she’s encountered but I hear it has been done; Catherine, too, can get the exact same ending (which I’d consiver her best one) in Verdant Wind. If you just want Rhea to live, her survival is guaranteed on Azure Moon. 
Leicester Alliance
Claude - Can survive everything except SS and even there it’s left ambiguous if he truly died. Ignatz, if recruited, will speculate that he could’ve escaped while Lysithea reasons that even if he lived he must’ve been grievously wounded. SS aside tho he can even be considered to have won & gotten his will in AM and CF, as the Alliance sees very few casualties & the new ruler is amenable to peace with Almyra. That’s unless you choose to off him but why would you do that you meanie? I suppose someone on their very first playthrough might if they don’t know what his deal is the NPC dialogue goes out of his wayto make him sound suspicious. 
Hilda - Can obviously survive the routes she’s recruitable in & has some chance of kicking the bucket in Crimson Flower, though she’s far out in the map & not too hard to avoid. If not recruited, she can technically die in AM but is easy to save. Unclear what happens in Silver Snow if she isn’t recruited; It’s possible that she died defending Claude against his explicit orders like her possible deaths in CF and AM, or that she ran off she like shoes in the AM version of the battle. 
Judith - The one non-avoidable Alliance casualty on CF; She didn’t follow Claude’s retreat orders and Edelgard, judging from the post batte dialogue, was looking to take her out the enemy commander so the underlings & soldiers would surrender. Obvsly lives on Verdant Wind; Can technically die on Azure Moon but is pretty easy to save. Unclear what happens on Silver Snow, she isn’t seen again post gronder & we’re told that the Alliance “lost many leaders”, but she isn’t mentioned by name so you’re free to imagine that she’s chilling on a tropical Island with Claude. 
Balthus’ Half-Brother - took part in the battle at Gronder in Silver Snow & appears to have died; at least Balthus hasn’t heard anything from him. He is explicitly mentioned to be just fine in Crimson flower. I’d assume he lived in Verdant Wind and Azure Moon (Balthus expresses some worry for his relatives beforehand, but his post-Gronder dialogue in Azure Moon instead involves having a friendly brawl with Dimitri)
Acheron - truly has an amazing talent for always picking the losing side
Kingdom of Faerghus
Gilbert - Lives in AM, dies onscreen in CF, mentioned to be dead in Silver Snow; Does not die in Verdant Wind but she last we hear of him is that he picked up Dimitri’s Body & disappeared into the distance, so he probably spent the rest of his life being a Hermit or something
Rodrigue - Dies oscreen in AM and CF, mentioned as being dead in Silver Snow, unclear what happens in Verdant Wind, though Felix mentions not having heard any news from him in ages before they ever get to Gronder; Sure he could’ve been cutting off communications to make sure that the news of Dimitri’s survival wouldn’t leak. Even so I see little reason to suppose that he didn’t die at Gronder like his SS counterpart, but it’s not explicitly stated. 
Dimitri - dies in everything but CF; Bonus points for dying in 3 entirely different ways
Dedue - Can actually die in everything. Certain casualty in CF; Can die in AM if you don’t do his paralogue but why wouldn’t you it’s the one chance you get to resolve an ugly political clusterfuck semi-peacefully. If he survives the palace brawl in VW or SS, we’re told he was never seen again & presumed to have gone back to Duscur. We’re told by Ashe that he made sure to descrate or at least burn Edelgard’s remains first; But hey, at least this meant TWSITD couldn’t turn her into a zombie like they did with Nemesis....
House Rowe - Gwendal dies in all 4 timelines, his employers get pulverized by the javelin of lights in CF
Rufus - is murdered in AM so Dimitri can be framed for his murder. Presumably killed by Cornelia’s coup in VW and SS since we’re told she killed all the remaining Blaiddyds. Not dead in Crimson Flower, hence Dimitri’s comment that the Blaiddyd bloodline will continue even if he dies
Adrestian Empire
Hubert, Edelgard and Jeritza - Certain death in everything but CF, but they’d prolly think it was still worth it
Randolph & Ladislava - Always die; I suppose it’s meant to make the weight of the conflict felt. 
Fleche - Dies in AM; Lives in CF. Doesn’t appear at all in VW and SS so who knows, though since Randolph still dies I presume she’d still get involved in the war effort after his demise. Since the empire loses she might’ve died anyways, but perhaps they just made her clean uniforms & stuff and she survived. 
Caspar’s father - Dies in SS and VW, lives in CF. We’re not told what happens in AM, but he was holding down Faerghus when he died which he obvsly couldn’t have been doing in AM, so he probably lived. 
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pazzodiamante · 4 years
Oldest, Middle, Or Youngest Child?
Haikyuu edition
Middle child
He just raidiates younger sibling vibes man
But the fact that he handles Bokuto so perfectly makes me think that he HAS to have a younger sibling
He has an older brother who’s away for college and a younger brother who he adores
He’s not that close to his older brother anymore but back when they were, you could always catch them play fighting and laughing till tears came out their eyes
His brother going away for college changed him a lot. He was never the type of person who was exited all the time and and he sure as hell didn’t have a kind smile on his face as often as others, but when his brother was around he often appeared to be in a good mood and much more open. He became more quiet and picked up a resting bitch face that made him look bored all the time a few months after his brother left, he slowly distanced himself from people and kept more quiet to and himself too
He’s really close to his younger brother though, he’s in junior high. They play video games together, ride bikes at the park, watch horror movies together, and a bunch of other stuff. Akaashi always makes time for him, always
If their mom happens to be working late, Akaashi picks up food for the three of them once he heads home so they can eat since she won’t be cooking for them and Akaashi can’t cook for shit. They eat their food in peace in the living room watching tv and enjoying each other’s company
Sometimes if they both happen to be up early in the morning on a weekend with no school and no work to do, they’ll make breakfast, chill on couch, put on some cartoons, and eat whatever they made in a comfortable silence
Middle child
His three older siblings already graduated high school and one passed college too, his two younger siblings are in high school and in elementary school
His oldest sibling is the only boy aside from himself, he’s 25. He doesn’t live with them but he comes home a lot since their house is pretty big and he has a room there. They get along fine, Kyou’s relationship with him is similar to his with Iwa’s but he’s much more closer to his brother and he has more fun with him since they grew up together
The second oldest is his eldest sister who is 23 and in law school. She’s usually very busy with trying to deal with school, work, family, and friends at the same time so they don’t interact that often but when they do it’s peaceful and fun. She’s the most mature of them all so she’s the one that stops the fights and takes responsibility when she has to
The other middle child, or the third oldest, is his older sister who is 19 and in college. She works at a restaurant near his school so sometimes after practice he’ll go there to eat and do his homework. Her girlfriend works there too so Kyoutani and her end up talking a lot and he knows a few other employees thanks to his sister and her girlfriend
His younger sister, who is a first year and one year younger than him, is his resident pain in the ass. He argues with her the most but he would never go as far as to actually hit her, he knows that he’s pretty strong and the only ones who could actually take it are his brother and older sister (19 year old one) since the three of them are the only ones who work out and have played sports before. They’re both pretty similar in a lot of ways so there are times where they get along and have the time of their lives
His youngest sibling and the baby of the family is Rika, she’s 7. She is literally the only sibling Seijou knows the name of, Kyoutani doesn’t talk about his personal life much but she’s the only one he’s actually called by name when talking about her, the rest get names like “My sister”, “Assjack 1”, “Assjack 2”, and “Assjack 3”
He gets along with sister 2 best but sister 3 least. He likes the other two just fine and Rika favors him, something he likes to rub in his brothers face
Fun fact: his eldest siblings actually share different fathers than the rest but the same between each other, none of them actually like him so they never bring him up. That’s also one of the reasons as to why they treat Kyou’s dad like their actual father
I’m working on some Kyoutani headcanons so I’ll write more about them there :)
Oldest child
He has a younger sister who’s not even in junior high yet, she’s babey
She’s also his human alarm clock
Matsukawa absolutely hates waking up early in the morning, he would sleep in until 12 everyday if he had the chance and he does on holidays
So since his actual phone alarms are useless (he just keeps pressing snooze and never actually stops them and get up), Hanamaki and Mattsun’s little sister have taken it up to themselves to wake him up
Hanamaki is up much earlier so by the time Mattsun’s alarms start ringing, Makki is eating breakfast peacefully. When he’s done he’ll just walk 5 minutes to Mattsun’s house, climb a tree that’s right next to Mattsun’s window so he can get in through there without waking anyone else up, and attack him with pillows until he wakes up and starts getting ready
When it’s not Hanamaki waking him up but his little sister instead, she’ll go in his room with two pans and start smashing them together while yelling “GET UP BIGFOOT!!!”. What a way to wake up amiright, instant panic and confusion the moment you process the sounds. She only does that when it’s only them two together though so she doesn’t wake anyone else up and the reason why she’s up so early is because she watches morning cartoons and eats whatever breakfast their mom left them
Mattsun loves tickling her to death, they play around so much you wouldn’t even think it’s actually Mattsun and not some secret twin of his who is much more happy and cheerful than he is
She’s so smol and loves having Mattsun lift her up with one hand and have her be taller than him by lifting his hand straight up, their cealing is pretty tall so he doesn’t have to worry about his arm touching the ceiling or his sister hitting her head while he’s lifting her up
Aside from “Bigfoot”, she likes to call him “Mountain man”, “Uvo’s son” (he’s from hxh and he’s tall as hell bruh), and “Cupcake” for some reason. Mattsun guesses that she calls him that because Makki calls him “My chocolate cupcake” jokingly sometimes and she’s been around a few times when he has
Mattsun would kill a man for her no question about it
Oldest child
He has an 13 year old little sister who he is very protective of
They argue so much though it’s unreal
She often kicks his knees when she’s mad at him since he’s too tall for her to reach his face
She gets most of her roasting material from him and Moniwa prays for the child whenever he remembers (he’s been to his house before so he knows)
Aone once told him “She’s a lot like you” and Futakuchi has never been so offended in his life, he couldn’t even find the right words for that he just made disgusted noises
He’s just like that, acts like a dick a lot but he would do anything for her except wash the damn dishes
She knows this and she’s the same
She’s so sarcastic Kamasaki almost lost his shit the first time he met her and realized that she’s even worse than Futa
“It’s fineeeee my dog won’t bite or anything, cant say the same for my sister though. She’ll have you reevaluating your life” -Futakuchi at Kamasaki
Youngest child
He has an older sister who is 22
They aren’t that close since they’re only related because of their dad and live separately (Kawanishi living with his mom and her living with her own) but they’re pretty chill around each other
She isn’t the energetic type, preferring peace and quiet over anything but she doesn’t mind making conversation either
She sometimes cooks for him when he’s home and not in the dorms, he won’t admit it but he loves it since she’s always cared for him and she has amazing cooking skills
Oldest child
He has two younger siblings, a younger sister who’s about to graduate junior high, and a brother who is 2 years younger than her
They call him “The Capitalist”
Seriously, they have plenty of normal names for him like “Hayahaya”, “Haya”, “Yaya”, “Yato”, and “Hayaaaaaa” if they want something from him, but that other name is the sole weird one and most used name they have for him
The reason behind that name is that he’s a killer in Monopoly and bullies them through it, there’s only two people who can beat him in the game and those two people are two of their cousins but they don’t see each other often
“Sorry I don’t speak broke”, “not my fault I’m filthy rich and you’re living the life of a New York rat”, “sorry can’t see you through all this CASH”, “maybe if you weren’t slow on the brain then you could’ve saved some money and actually stood a chance”, “what are you? My mother? No, pay up kid this ain’t a game” -Hayato Yamagata in Monopoly
Hayato and his sister practice volleyball sometimes since he taught her how to play once while their brother watches when he’s feeling down. Spending time with them just helps
They play all sorts of card games with a big tray of snacks next to them when she’s the one down, and they all binge watch cool series together when their little brother is the one who is down
They like to spend a lot of time together and they overall care a lot about each other
Both of them miss Hayato a lot too since he spent three years living in a high school dorm system and he plans on moving away for college too but they wouldn’t admit it
Hayato misses them too but instead of trying to deny it or anything, he just spends as much time with them as possible. He takes them to the mall, theme parks, restaurants, etc.
His sister also has a crush on Semi and Hayato absolutely does not let her live it down, she knew she was done for the moment Hayato realized
Middle child
He comes from a family of A LOT of siblings and always feels outshined by them, two older ones and three younger ones to be exact
The oldest is a girl who’s 25 and currently lives with her best friend, second oldest is a boy who’s 19 and the one person who can absolutely get under Goshiki’s skin in less than 2 minutes, then there’s Goshiki, after him is his junior high brother who proves to be amazingly intelligent and great at volleyball himself and is only one year younger than him, and after him are “The Terror Twins” which are his two younger brothers that are three years younger than Goshiki
His older brother used to play basketball but stopped once graduated, that’s why he’s taller than Goshiki and a bit stronger. He always uses his height & strength to his advantage and a weapon to make Goshiki’s life a living hell and Goshiki hates him for it. Does anyone know why exactly he’s such a dick to Goshiki? Nope, it’s only a guess that he has some sort of hatred for him due to the fact that Goshiki shares a different mom than the rest of them
He and his younger brother have a complicated relationship too. They don’t physically fight like Goshiki and their older brother do but he constantly acts like he’ll always be better than him and like he’s worthless to him, that messes with Goshiki sometimes and they always end up arguing
There are a few times where those two pain in the asses actually like him and they get along though
The twins aren’t really bad, they just have a lot of energy in them and like causing trouble so Goshiki doesn’t really mind them unless they direct their mischief towards him
He gets along with his older sister the most, she’s really nice to him and often offers to go out with him. The volleyball team has also met her twice and they seem to like her too
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yukiwrites · 4 years
The First Step Towards Their Life Together
For Corrianderweek 2020, Day 2: Coronation Day. This is a sequel to a story I wrote sometime ago, Battle Against What Was Forgotten.
Part 1 - Part 2
One thing that Kamui was absolutely not expecting to happen during the wedding’s preparations was for Camilla to be the one to preside over the dress-making.
It happened a week after they had defeated the Forgotten Dragon -- time during which the groundworks for the double coronation and the wedding ceremony were starting to take shape.
“The time’s finally come!” Camilla marvelled as she twirled Kamui around like she was a little girl. “The dress I’ve been sewing for your marriage will finally come to use, my darling.”
“W-wait, Big Sister?! What do you mean-”
Smiling slyly, the older princess winked before turning around to open the door to her closet. “I have been working on it for a few years now, my precious Kamui. I wanted you to be the perfect bride when the time finally came for you and my brother to wed. Since no one else in the kingdom can appreciate your beauty like me, I naturally had to be the one to sew it!” She walked with light steps towards the mannequin placed right in the center of the small room, smoothing her hand over the flowy and semi-transparent fabric that covered the gown it was dressed with.
Kamui blushed, first from her sister’s compliment and second from placing her eyes on the gorgeous dress. “Camilla! It- It’s wonderful! It looks like a fairy’s dress… Am I really worth such a magnificent thing?” She carefully touched the light blue fabric, her eyes gleaming in anticipation.
“Of course, my dear; you’ll be the queen of fairies, quite literally, on the day you wear this, hm?” Camilla took Kamui’s hand, helping her touch the dress more decisively instead of hesitating around. “I made it with only you in mind, so the more beautiful you find it, the more it’ll suit your natural cuteness! Oh, I simply cannot wait until it’s ready!”
The soon-to-be Queen pressed her lips into a thin line to hide her shy and excited smile, her chest pounding in anticipation. The day she would marry Xander was at last right around the corner; she could scarcely believe it! And she would be so prettily adorned as well, how could she not be excited about it?
There was, however, a point of concern: Kamui’s pregnancy. Despite wanting his betrothed to lawfully become his wife as soon as possible, Xander also didn’t want to put any unnecessary strain on Kamui, especially considering that she had taken a terrible blow during the battle against the Forgotten Dragon. Thus, they all had to take great care of her -- nothing was more important than having her term come to an end as peacefully as possible, after all.
To Kamui, she did not think that it was necessary to wait for Siegbert to be born for them to hold their ceremony -- he was a strong and dutiful baby, who helped her through the last battle just as much as his father did, after all. He would wait for his turn and do his best to not be a burden to his Mommy, of that Kamui was sure.
Thus, they had to hasten all of the arrangements so they could hold both the coronation and the wedding ceremonies at the same day, preferably before Kamui’s stomach started to swell. Since there was no way to tell how long Kamui had been pregnant for, time was of the essence, especially regarding the clothes and footwear she would use on the grand day.
Apart from separating the budget, accepting reports, choosing decorations, personnel, security and delivering the news to the people, there was still the usual workload of being the rulers of a kingdom -- which was now doubled due to Kamui accumulating the role of Queen regent of Valla. The vallites who were living in hiding scattered throughout the Forgotten kingdom had accepted Kamui as their ruler after seeing all of her sacrifices to defeat the One who had brought destruction to their beloved land, so although the coronation and wedding were going to be held in Nohr, Kamui was being effectively crowned as the Queen Regnant of Valla as well.
To summarize: they were busy. Dizzyingly busy, honestly.
Yet, neither Kamui nor Xander could feel the exhaustion. They were finally going to be wed; their love was finally going to be accepted and celebrated, as it should have been since the day it started, all those years ago inside Kamui’s tower.
The couple spent most of their free time together -- with Xander usually bringing his own paperwork to Kamui’s study so he could spend more time with her (and check on her to make sure she would take plenty of rest, mindful of her condition).
Time was of the essence, so everything had to be done fast but also carefully -- they had so much to do, they barely noticed as time flew by them.
It was already the night before the big day, and Kamui was so excited she couldn’t sleep. She also felt a bit sick for some reason -- perhaps Siegbert was feeling all of her excitement and was getting restless? -- so Xander spent the whole time with his wife inside his arms, at the ready to jump out of the bed to fetch a medic if needed.
“Mhm, there’s no need for concern, my King,” lightheaded, Kamui rested her head on Xander’s powerful chest as he drew circles with his hand on her back, soothing most of her nausea away. “I think I just got too anxious and it made Siegbert act up, too.”
Hardening his jaw, Xander adjusted his betrothed beside him, softly placing his hand under her chin to make her look up at him. “You are pale, little princess,” he said in a low voice, his frown digging deeper into his brow.
“I just can’t wait ‘till tomorrow, that’s all,” she tried to soothe him, though her partly-clouded gaze and slow speech only made him worry more.
“I shall go fetch a healer-” He meant to get up as he carefully placed Kamui back on the pillows, but her weak grip on his shirt made the soon-to-be King stop in his tracks.
“No, no, please stay with me- with us. Please?” She looked at him from below, almost like a pleading kitty, making Xander’s heart almost make a squeaking sound. Yet, his expression was still hard.
“Kamui, do not be unreasonable. There will be a lot of activity tomorrow -- you must have a restful sleep to recover your strength.” He carefully untangled her fingers from his shirt, unbending in his resolution to make Kamui feel better at all costs. “If something were to happen to you, I-” he choked up, feeling as though needles were piercing into his heart with just the thought of seeing Kamui fall in his arms once again.
Pouting, the dragon princess kept holding her beloved’s fingers whenever he managed to pry them out of himself. “I’m not being unreasonable, Xander… Please? Just stay with us; I’m sure Sieggy just wants to be with his Papa.” She once again looked at him with a kitten’s gaze, making the Crown Prince sag his shoulders with a short sigh.
“That is foul play, little princess.” Defeated, he returned to his previous spot, collecting his small fiancée into his arms, placing one warm and large hand over her stomach. “How are you feeling, Siegbert? Do not strain your mother too much, you hear?”
“Heehee, don’t scold him like that, Xander, he’s just excited like me, it’s all.” She snuggled her face into his neck, breathing in his masculine scent. “We just want to stay like this for a while longer…”
Blinking, Xander tried to look down to his beloved since he noticed how visibly sleepy her voice had started to sound just a moment after he placed one hand over her stomach. Was it truly?
Were she and Siegbert just in need of cuddles?
“Kamui?” Xander called tentatively, in a voice so low he barely heard himself. Yet, he knew there was not going to be a response since he felt Kamui’s rhythmic breathing by his neck -- she had truly fallen asleep. Smiling so, ever so fondly, Xander caressed his betrothed’s stomach more carefully, placing a kiss atop of her forehead. “Good night, Kamui, and see you tomorrow as my beloved Queen.” He whispered by her soft hair, smoothing his thumb over her still flat stomach, wondering when he would be able to feel Siegbert move, “and may you have a restful sleep as well, Son. Be good to your Mother tomorrow, hm?”
The couple woke up at dawn to let the servants get them ready for the day -- because of that, they were separated right before breakfast, only being able to give one another a short hug before promising to meet again at the altar.
Well, technically Xander would be the one to walk Kamui down the aisle, so they would meet at the door to the Throne Room. He would escort his Queen towards the throne by which the bishop would stand to bestow the crown to the both of them before proceeding with the wedding ceremony.
Her heart pounding, Kamui could barely taste the soup they fed her (usually the bride wasn’t supposed to eat before putting on the dress, but since Kamui was pregnant, many details of this process have been changed to accomodate the baby prince), stroking her stomach once she was inside the wonderful gown Camilla had sewn for her.
As though the marvelous dress itself wasn’t enough, Kamui was adorned from head to toes with many silver jewelry, to complement her hair and blue garments. She wore a two point earring, custom-made for her pointy ear, which depicted a dragon carrying the gem that lay atop her lobe; a festoon necklace that complemented the see-through fabric covering her cleavage; two intricate armbands from which the sleeves of her dress were connected to, both on the same style of the feet bracelets she wore to go with her ballerina flats (there was no way she was going to wear heels, not in her condition, after all).
Camilla also made sure to sewn a transparent cape flowing down off Kamui's shoulders, so the dragon princess truly looked like a fairy Queen, which made her cheeks flush with embarrassment and excitement at the same time.
Xander would be waiting for her by the throne room. How would he react when he saw her? He would always, always, always tell her how beautiful she was, especially during their most heated moments, so Kamui loved to show herself to him whenever she got a new piece of clothing. Just by imagining the surprised and head-over-heels in love look of Xander’s made Kamui wish to dash to where he was immediately.
Still, there was an order to these things, so wait she must, even though she was so excited she felt as though she had actual wings on her back. It was a wonder that the nausea from the previous night was nowhere to be found despite her excitement level being way higher than it was before she fell asleep.
Siegbert was behaving himself rather well, which made Kamui proudly caress her stomach at every opportunity she had to do so.
The final touches were upon her: now she only had to wear a long cloak to cover herself entirely -- the dress reveal itself would only happen after she was crowned, so both Xander and the onlookers could be surprised by their Queen’s beauty all at once. That made Kamui anticipate the moment even more, so she had to stop herself from skipping during the walk towards the throne room.
Her steps couldn’t help but hasten as she approached the corner to the throne room, wanting more than anything to jump into her almost-husband's arms and yell to the world that they’re finally together under the eyes of the gods and of the people. Once she spotted Xander’s tall figure in the distance, her chest started to tighten and her face flushed; it was as though she was about to fall in love with him one more time.
Xander turned his head to the procession accompanying Kamui, his eyes immediately falling on his beloved’s, action of which robbed his breath and took all of the strength he had in his body. If it wasn’t for his sheer willpower, Xander would have fallen to his knees and proposed to Kamui for the second time right there and then.
Once the servants dispersed around Kamui and they were face to face, Xander asked for her hand and brought it to his lips in a genuine action of respect, love and admiration for the one who will always have a hold of his heart.
“Will you do me the honor of being my wife, Kamui?” Xander wasn’t strong enough to resist the urge to propose to her one more time, receiving a bright smile alongside even brighter tears from his beloved.
“Of course, Xander. Yes, yes, yes, I will marry you.” She sniffled, accepting the arm he’d given her so he could start escorting her to the staircase that led to the throne. “I love you so much,” she whispered as the doors to the room were opened, receiving the gasps of admiration of the people that were waiting in there.
Xander walked ahead by pure instinct, his gaze ever glued on his beloved and wonderful -- oh so wonderful -- soon-to-be wife. Likewise, Kamui walked by following the carpet under her feet, her eyes meeting her beloved’s and overflowing with tears that looked more like stars falling from the sky.
It was a day that would never again come; a once-in-a-lifetime event, and yet, they couldn’t stop looking at each other and declaring their love through their eyes. The bishop’s speech lasted too long and too little at the same time, their sense of selves merging with the stillness of the air around them as they simply saw themselves in the entire world.
Soon it was time for Xander to kneel and receive the crown from the bishop, being officially -- finally -- crowned the King of Nohr and Valla. Once it was Kamui’s turn, Xander made sure to place her crown atop her head, adjusting the black pegasus feathers adorned around it only for their wedding.
Once she was back on her feet with a straight back and the weight of being the Queen of two kingdoms hanging upon her shoulders, Kamui undid the knot of her mantle to reveal her dress to the world -- to her King and lover, Xander.
Seeing the mesmerizing sight, Xander widened his eyes as he was overcome with the urge to make her put the cloak back on -- she was so pretty, too pretty, for eyes other than his own to see.
She was more than a Queen, more than the daughter of a god.
She was a goddess incarnate, the one who descended upon this world to enrapture him and make him the happiest man in all existing realms.
During that single moment, that gaze they shared became their whole world and they forgot they were in the middle of a ceremony. As though under a trance, now King and Queen slowly went into one another’s arms to share a tender kiss, even before the bishop could start the marital speech.
The audience cooed and cheered, touched with their rulers’ display of humanity and love.
Blind and deaf to all else but themselves, Xander and Kamui simply enjoyed sharing their first kiss as (technically) husband and wife.
That was the beginning of the rest of their lives, and they couldn’t be happier to have one another as their life-long companions.
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svtmatokis · 5 years
Mingyu Office AU! P9 FINAL
Hello my dear readers,...I feel like I have dragged this on long enough and I know that this needs to come to an end.
This past summer I had the opportunity to travel for work which put a pause on all my writing since I had to leave my laptop at home and then it broke so I had to send it into the shop which caused this blog to go on pause. When I got back, I had to get my barrings together (I still am) and had to find a job. All the while, I was working on little pieces I have yet to post. 
In order to keep this blog alive, I’ve written and qued a few posts throughout the next few weeks so I can focus on my life while still keeping this blog active so please look out for this >< 
I’m sorry that the writing had to take a hold but I have to get my life together first in order to produce good product so I hope y’all understand. In the meantime, I hope you guys enjoy the final part of this AU! and look out for other stories coming soon!
Pairing: Reader x Mingyu
Parts:  1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - FINAL
Words: 3342
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The next morning, you woke up in the arms of Mingyu and felt completely content. You looked up at his sleeping face and couldn’t help but brush a piece of hair that had fallen into his face.
“He looks like a sleeping prince…”you whispered as you caressed his cheek amazed that he hadn’t woken up.
You were about to snuggle back in his chest before a persistent knock on the door made you shoot up which made you look at the clock. 
“Who could be awake at this hour?” you muttered seeing that it was only 8am on a Saturday.
Prying yourself out of Mingyu’s arms, you threw on a robe before checking your hair and went to answer the door and you were shocked to see who was on the other side.
“What are you doing here?” you asked once you opened the door shocked to see Yanan who seemed like he hadn’t slept.
You hadn’t seen him since confrontation with Mei Wei and it was to your knowledge that he was back in China along with the rest of the associates so what was he doing here after a month? 
“Good morning.” he said smiling as if nothing had happened between the two of you and you glared.
“You should not be here. Does Luhan know you’re here?” you asked again and Yanan shook his head.
“I had a business meeting with some investors this week...I tried calling you but your phone kept going to voicemail and I’m on my way to the airport so I thought I would stop by.” he said looking down, “Y/N…I want to explain..” 
“Explain what? How you cheated on me behind my back for three years? With the adopted daughter of the China head nonetheless? How you manipulated half the people in our office to believe that I was the bad guy? What do you have to explain Yanan?” you asked as your voice got louder by the second.
“You don’t understand Y/N, If you-” Yanan started but you cut him off. You were pissed that he showed up without warning.
“I, what Yanan.” you demanded, “If I didn’t put my career first things would’ve worked out? If I jumped into bed with you sooner you wouldn’t have cheated because you couldn’t keep it in your pants? Tell me Yanan, how is this my fault?” 
“Mei Wei was there during a hard time..” he muttered looking down.
“Yes because I wasn’t” you retorted with a roll of your eyes, “I apologize for putting myself first to establish my goals in life. All the while helping YOU with various projects as you fucked Mei Wei behind my back.” You let out an exhausted sigh, “This conversation is over. Please leave before I have to call the police to report you for trespassing. Anything we had in the past is done and we definitely have nothing for the future.” you stated before attempting to close the door but Yanan grabbed your arm to prevent you from going anywhere.
“Let me go!” you almost yelled but took into account that you did not want Mingyu to wake up so you kept your voice to a minimum.
“Y/N, Meiwei has evidence that could make you come back to the China office. You’re in violation of your contract and can literally have you kicked out of the Seoul office and she will make sure that you never work for an agency again if you don’t come back.” Yanan explained and you scoffed.
“Are you serious? Did you not remember the conversation from a few weeks ago? I TERMINATED my contract with the China office in order to avoid all the harassment from YOUR friends because someone found out that I was being offered the S.A position before anyone else found out. Gosh, you really don’t know what that little witch did do you?” you asked with disbelief as you shook your hand out of his grip. “I would rather quit the agency as a whole then go back to the China office.” 
Yanan looked at you in disbelief, “You don’t mean that. Y/N, everyone misses you. I miss you and we all just want you to come back. The office really isn’t the same without you.”
“And you’re also delusional, now leave before I call Mingyu.” you threatened and Yanan scoffed before his eyes widened seeing the named man leaning shirtless against your bedroom doorway behind you who looked like he had just woken up. Which was caused by, 1. He noticed that your side of the bed was cold and 2. There was yelling out in the living room.
Before Yanan could say anything, Mingyu turned around and went back into your bedroom quietly and shut the door and he stood in disbelief with the thought of you allowing Mingyu to stay the night in your dorm which he never had the opportunity to do when you were together.
“Mei Wei’s going to get you fired Y/N….” Yanan tried again, “Think about your career…think about how you will survive?” he tried to reason almost pleading..
“Are you seriously threatening me right now? Leave.” you said shoving him out the door, “I never want to see you again, don’t contact me, don’t send a carrier pigeon, a smoke signal or anything. You and I are done.” 
You then slammed the door in his face as you heard him protesting and you let out a frustrated sigh before taking a deep breath and attempting to calm yourself down. This was too much for a morning and all you wanted to do was crawl back into bed and snuggle against your boyfriend.
As you approached the bedroom door, you heard Mingyu’s voice and it sounded like he was on the phone.
“Great, I’ll see you at the meeting to finalize the decision.”
“ No, I’ll be busy all day with Y/N so you won’t hear from me till then.’
“Great have a good weekend.”
You took that as the end of the conversation and slowly opened the door to see your shirtless boyfriend wearing the sweatpants he had left at your place sitting at the edge of your bed looking wide awake.
As if sensing your presence, he looked up from his position and smiled.
“Good morning beautiful.” he said getting up to wrap his arms around you, bringing you into his embrace and giving you a kiss on the forehead and suddenly, you felt all the tension ease within your body and you leaned up to meet his lips in a gentle kiss.
“Good morning” you whispered and rested your head on his chest as he ran his fingers through your hair while placing a gentle kiss on the crown of your head. “Did I wake you up?” 
“The voices from the living room woke me up. Who was it?” he asked pretending not to know and he felt your body tense again, so he continued to run his fingers through your hair and you let out a semi-exhausted sigh.
“Yanan…” you answered and Mingyu tensed.
“What did he want?” he asked pretending he had not heard the conversation through the door earlier. He could not believe that Yanan would threaten you like that let alone continue with his lies.
“Didn’t you hear?” you muttered and he sighed nodding.
“You know he has nothing on you right? Everything you have with our office is legitimate. I confirmed that tidbit with Luhan earlier on. You’re safe here.” he said and you sighed.
“I know...it’s just…” you let out a semi frustrated growl, “I hate how everything follows me. It’s not my fault...nothing is. I was doing what I did best but it’s because of THEM that I can’t live peacefully..it’s so bloody frustrating.” 
“It will all be taken care of soon babe...I promise you. They won’t bother you again if I have anything to do with it.” Mingyu reassured and you looked up at him.
“Will you have anything to do with it?” you asked and he gave you one of his cheeky grins.
“We’ll just have to wait and see but right now, I just want to spend my day with you doing what you want to do.” he said.
“So we can stay in and watch movies all day?” you asked and he nodded.
“I already got supplies for a few snacks so why don’t I cook up some breakfast and while you set up the living room, I’ll get the snacks ready.” He said leaning down to kiss your nose.
“Deal” you giggled as he kissed your nose before your lips met once again in a sweet kiss. 
A few days later, you were at the office having lunch with Joshua, Chan and Dahyun since Mingyu was away that day for the monthly board meeting with his family.
“So from what I can see, the project is going smoothly and we should be able to have it completed within the next two weeks.” Joshua said happily, “Good job everyone.” 
“It’s really all because of Y/N and Mingyu. We’re just glad we had the opportunity to work with both of them.” Chan said as Dahyun nodded in agreement.
“You all worked hard and you two are extremely hardworking. I’ll be sure to put in a good word with your team leaders.” you said with a smile. 
As you walked back to the office, Dahyun stopped you along the way asking if you two could have a quick chat.
Though you weren’t familiar with her, you knew from Kyulkyung that Dahyun had been working towards a promotion recently and had an inkling as to what she wanted to talk about and agreed to meet with her after work.
The two of you sat at a coffee shop nearby the office and you waited for Dahyun to speak as she played with her cup nervously.
“I just...wanted to thank you.” she started and you were taken back. You did not expect that at all.
“It’s no problem...I told you earlier at lunch. You’re a hard worker and I saw that over the last few weeks…” you said, “But that’s not what you were wanting to talk about.” 
Dahyun shook her head.
“I’ve been doing a lot of thinking over the last few weeks...and after working with your team, I started thinking that…” she started and you smiled.
“That marketing isn’t for you?” you asked and she looked up at you shocked.
“Will Kyulkyung be mad?” Dahyun asked suddenly and you laughed.
“Mad that you’ve decided that your department isn’t where you want to be?” you asked and Dahyun nodded her head.
“Of course she wouldn’t be mad. I know the promotion you’re working towards Dahyun. I know that it can take you in two different directions and you’re leaning towards the other option now arent you.” 
Dahyun nodded again.
“I can’t say much...but you and Nayeon were head to head for the promotion. Kyulkyung tested both of you and she gave you a chance. Just know that okay?” you said with a smile, “She’ll be happy with whatever you go with. Remember, she didn’t start out in marketing either.”
“So she’d be okay with it?” Dahyun asked and you nodded.
“Of course…,she may be tough on you guys but she’s tough for good reason. Just talk to her when the time comes and I’m sure she’ll understand.” you said with a grin as you felt someone put their hand on your shoulder and looked up to see Mingyu. “Hey” 
“Hey” he said leaning down to kiss your forehead. “You weren’t at the office and Kyulkyung said I’d find you here.” he then looked at Dahyun and gave her a nod.
“Just having a chat with our junior. How was your doctors appointment?” you asked and Dahyun could only watch the interactions between the two of you with a smile.
“Everything is well and taken care of.” Mingyu responded taking a seat next to you, “what were you two talking about?”
You looked at Dahyun as if asking if you could share with Mingyu and she nodded.
“We might have a Minghao on our hands if you know what I mean.” you responded simply and Mingyu grinned.
“Seriously? That’s great. We need more females in our department.” he said, “You’ll be a shoe in for sure. Considering who you were up against anyways not that your work ethic didn’t show anything at all either.”
Dahyuns smile grew at Mingyu’s praise and she thanked him.
The three of you spent the rest of the evening talking and really getting to know each other before Chan, Jun and Minghao came since you were all meeting for dinner. You even went as far as to invite Dahyun with you and she agreed, happy to get to know more about the people on the seventeenth floor.
Meanwhile, Luhan sat at his office waiting for one of the key investors of the company to show up. The person had called stating that he wanted to meet him personally which was odd for Luhan but he accepted the meeting anyways. What he didn’t know was the reason for said meeting. 
He quickly stood up as the door to his office opened and said person walked in and he smiled. 
“Mr. Kim, how are you?”
Ten minutes later after a short discussion, the investor gave Luhan a grim smile. 
“One of our majority share holders has rejected further funding for the specific sector and it was a unanimous decision that we would be funding the Korean office in full from here on out…I apologize but we will not be renewing our contract further”
“What do you mean? I thought all relations were well and we were set to sign off for another five years” Luhan said in shock, someone had to be joking. 
“Unfortunately things didn’t turn out the way we hoped and the reasoning is indeed not any of our business. We thank you for the last few years and we wish you all the best” the investor stated, “I will show myself out..”
He then got up and walked out the door and Luhan was left with his head in his hands. 
“Majority shareholder” he whispered and suddenly he was on his laptop looking at the shareholders list. Everyone had a name and picture beside them except one. 
“MGK…” Luhan said to himself and his eyes widened, “it couldn’t be….” 
Yanan who had known about the meeting and had seen the investor walk out of Luhans office slowly peeked his head in and saw Luhans state. 
“Is everything okay?” He asked slowly and suddenly Luhans shocked look turned calm. 
“We lost our funding for your sector” Luhan stated and he sat back in his chair, “a majority shareholder pulled out and unanimously, they decided to stop all funding to the China office.” 
“What?!” Yanan almost yelled, “they can’t do that! I just met with them last week!”
“Our contract ended last week and it was up to them to renew…” Luhan said, “now I’m curious about something, after the incident at the Seoul office, did you try to get in contact with Y/N?”
Yanan looked at Luhan confused, what did you have anything to do with this? 
Luhans glare intensified, he knew Yanan was lying. 
“Don’t you dare lie to me Yanan” he almost growled which made Yanan gulp. “Mingyu had told you to stay away from her. Did you?”
“That kid can’t tell me what to do” Yanan snapped, “I tried talking to her on my way to the airport” he admitted.
“You got in contact with her? After I specifically told you not to? After Seungcheol warned you not to?” Luhan asked incredulously, “let me ask you Yanan, do you know who this said ‘Kid’ is?”
“Isn’t he just another employee of the Seoul office?” Yanan asked and Luhan shook his head. 
“He’s the heir to Kim Investment group. He gave up his position to work with the Seoul office but he may still hold the majority of the shares to maintain some say…” Luhan stated making Yanan gulp. 
“What do you mean?” Yanan asked and Luhan sighed. 
“He may be the reason why the funding was pulled.” Luhan stated evenly. 
“He can’t do that! We’ve been working so hard to maintain the investment!” Yanan yelled. “All this just for Y/N? I will have both of them fired!”
“He just did.” Luhan said, “it’s a fact that if Y/N quits the company, Mingyu will too. She’s more important to him then the office and it’s a fact that he can survive without working for a long time. You literally just cost us an investment and now I’m going to have to start looking again.” he let out a big breath.
“Consider yourself demoted to a Tier 2 associate. You have messed things up royally and the president will not be happy to hear about this. I am not going to cover up your mistakes nor am I going to sugar coat them. If you and Mei Weit want to expose Y/N for things she’s never done, then I will do the same understood? Your team will be dispersed between various team leaders under my leadership and you are back on probation.” he said with finality in his voice as Yanan’s jaw dropped.
“Luhan…” Yanan started but Luhan stood up and pointed at his office door.
“Get out of my office. I will make the official announcement tomorrow after my meeting with our president. You can let your team know if you wish. Get out so I can fix this mess you made.” he said and watched Yanan bow his head and walk out.
Once the door was shut, Luhan sat back down and put his head in his hands. He didn’t expect this outcome at all. He was either going to have to contact Mingyu to grovel or he was going to have to find new investors period. The China head would for sure not be happy about this. Luhan managed to demote Yanan...but after hearing everything, the China head might just let Yanan go.
Back in Seoul, Dahyun and Kyulkyung were sitting in her office smiling after a lengthy discussion.
“Congratulations and I know you’ll make an awesome addition to their team.” Kyulkyung said as the two shook hands. “I also believe that it’s the best place for you after seeing how well you worked with them over the last few weeks.” 
“Thank you Kyulkyung, for all the guidance over the last few years.” Dahyun said with a bow.
“Don’t be a stranger.” she said as Dahyun walked out the door adn Kyulkyung sat back with a satisfied smile on her face.
“So your family really pulled the investment?” you asked as Mingyu nodded his head.
The two of you were having dinner that he cooked at his apartment one day and he had told you everything that happened at the meeting and how his family ultimately made the decision.
“They were the only foreign company we were invested in so it made sense. It was expensive and we felt like we were losing money instead of making it” Mingyu responded taking a bite of his food. 
“So it wasn’t because of Yanan’s visit a while back?” you asked again and Mingyu looked up with a straight face.
“It was the catalyst to my decision.” he said simply and you laughed.
“That explains Luhans phone call yesterday…” you said and Mingyu looked at you curiously.
“What phone call?”
“He asked me if you would reinvest if he fired Yanan. I told him that I’m just your girlfriend not your decision maker.” you responded.
“You will be eventually though” Mingyu said simply and your eyes widened.
“Eventually?” you asked and Mingyu nodded his head.
“When you become my wife in the future.” he said with a grin as your jaw dropped. 
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ckret2 · 5 years
Translating Titans
One moment, Ghidorah and Godzilla were battling for the fate of the planet; the next, Ghidorah abandoned the fight, yielded to a combatant he’d all but defeated, and settled down peacefully in the middle of Boston’s ruins. And everyone, Monarch and titan alike, is trying to figure out why—and what Ghidorah and Rodan are going to do next. From the perspectives of Madison Russell (whose primary objective is to keep a firm grip on both parents until she’s absolutely sure that Ghidorah is gone) and Ilene Chen (who has just confirmed that she’s got a full-fledged telepathic bond with Mothra, and can think of no more important way to take advantage of it than to transcribe Mothra and Godzilla’s worried conversation).
This is part of an ongoing series of Rodorah one-shots; although the primary focus of this one isn’t Rodorah so much as everyone else’s shellshocked attempts to process the fact that the big battle ended without a titan death. If you’re hoping for more focus on the Rodorah, that’ll be back next one-shot. Links to the other fics in the source at the bottom of this post.
Only semi-proofed because it’s 2 a.m. Sept 25 and now proofed!
There had been a fight, and then suddenly there hadn't.
They'd all been ready to turn on the ORCA, to lure Ghidorah away from Godzilla and Mothra, to give them even a few seconds to recover... and in an instant it hadn't been necessary.
They'd watched from a distance as Ghidorah, unprompted, had backed up and looked away from Godzilla; driven back Godzilla and Mothra every time they'd advanced on him without launching a return attack; and then struck them a final time and darted across the ruins of downtown Boston.
It wasn't until they were up in the air that they could see where he went. And then between the rain and Ghidorah's hunched form, they couldn't tell what he was examining so closely until he stood, again, to face Godzilla, and left the crumpled form he'd been crouched over unguarded.
"Is that Rodan?" Madison asked, watching from the Osprey window.
Her own voice sounded far away. Just a few minutes ago, she'd been sure she was going to die, and now... It all might have made sense if the battle had finished with a winner. She could start to process it then, knowing who had won and whether the world was going to end. But the battle hadn't finished; it just froze, like a paused video. Earth was trapped in the limbo between two frames of an incomplete scene. She felt paused with it.
"The, uh—Mothra was fighting Rodan," her dad said, his hand on her shoulder.
Hand on her other shoulder, her mom said, "Mothra must have stung him. We'd speculated that her venom could paralyze opponents," and then automatically turned toward Dr. Chen.
Dr. Chen and her twin sister—the other Dr. Chen, although they all called her Dr. Ling—were their foremost Mothra experts. Madison had heard her mom marveling at how Dr. Chen would call her sister from halfway about the planet because she'd just "figured out" something about Mothra, and then a study of the young titan growing inside the egg confirmed Dr. Chen's realization. Usually Dr. Chen would present the myth she'd been reading that led her to her realization—although, to everyone else, there seemed to be only the most tenuous thread between the text and the discovery. But that was why she was the mythology expert. And Dr. Chen’s mythical findings were marginally less disconcerting than when Dr. Ling figured something out just by looking at Mothra's egg.
Madison had no idea which one of them it was that had first speculated about Mothra's venom—but regardless of which sister had first stated it, certainly Dr. Chen would be able to give them more information. But she didn't say anything. As though she hadn't even heard Madison's mom speak. She just stared out of the window next to them, and occasionally glanced down to scribble in a notebook.
Madison glanced at Dr. Chen's notebook. It was all in Chinese; Madison only recognized a few of the simple characters she'd learned while living in China—人 for "person," 天 for "sky," 心 for "mind"—the only whole word she recognized was 魔斯拉, Mó sī lā, Mothra’s name repeated over and over.
When her dad saw where Madison was looking, he glanced over and asked, "Taking notes? Now?"
Dr. Chen remained silent another moment. Then started, like she'd only just registered the question. "Translating," she said distractedly.
"Trans—translating us?"
Her mom lightly whapped his arm, whispering, "Stop bothering her."
But Dr. Chen's attention was already wholly absorbed by the scene below again.
Ilene had wondered since she was a child how much of her family's claims that they were "connected" to Mothra was mythologizing their family's past, and how much of it was literal. It was, she supposed, one of the reasons that she'd begun researching mythology; and even finding Mothra a decade ago hadn’t satisfied her curiosity.
She'd only received the answer to her childhood question in the last day, when Ling had messaged her to excitedly say that she could tell what Mothra was thinking, that it was like there was a window open between their minds and they could see and hear straight through it to each other—
And now, here Mothra was.
And Ilene felt the open window, too.
Not just that—but she could hear Godzilla, as well. He and Mothra were talking to each other. Ilene couldn't tell if Mothra and Godzilla's conversation was out loud or if they could hear each other telepathically the same way Ilene could hear them; but through Mothra’s mind, she knew what they were saying to each other.
So, she was translating.
As far as she knew, no one had ever documented any kind of communication from a titan before. Mothra was fine with Ilene recording—somehow Mothra knew what Ilene wanted to do, and let her know that it was fine—and so, with shaking hands and pounding heart, she became the first known person to translate titan communication into Mandarin.
Gēsīlā: I don't trust it. It confuses me.
Ilene wondered if Godzilla was really saying that, or if Mothra was just transmitting what he was feeling.
Gēsīlā: We should be trying to kill him. 
Mósīlā: We can't. You're too weak. And I can't restore you like this.
What did she mean, "restore"...? Never mind. Keep writing. Wonder later.
Godzilla and Mothra had retreated into the Boston Harbor northeast of downtown and were wading through the shallow water (shallow to Godzilla, anyway) toward the ocean. They'd already capsized several boats that had somehow survived the initial hurricanic carnage. For now, though, they were paused, turning back to look at Ghidorah. Mothra's more tattered wing dragged in the water.
Mósīlā: It confuses me too. But...
Gēsīlā: But?
Mósīlā: Something's changed in them. Or maybe not changed. But...
There was silence. Ilene could feel Mothra churning through her own thoughts as if it were Ilene who was trying to put her own thoughts into words. Godzilla patiently waited.
Mósīlā: Something's different. They're conflicted.
Gēsīlā: Good for him. He should be dead.
Godzilla's growl was audible from the Osprey. Mothra butted his head.
Mósīlā: I'm saying we don't need to fight them right now. I think.
Gēsīlā: You're not sure? We should fight him just to be safe.
Mósīlā: No!
Gēsīlā: Fine. Why?
Ilene had to write it down several times before she was sure; but by now she was confident Mothra was speaking as though they were talking about plural persons, and Godzilla was speaking as though there was only one. She had no doubt that they were both referring to Ghidorah; so why the difference? Did Mothra count people by the heads and Godzilla count people by the bodies? Was it a linguistic difference between their species? Was it something else?
Mósīlā: Because, right now, they're not trying to burn everything down. They just want to protect Lādùn.
She'd had to pause for a moment, deciding how to write the name; because she wasn't sure exactly how to translate the name that Mothra had given, but she could feel that Mothra wasn't using a species-wide name, the way myths variously referred to multiple members of the fire demon's species as "Rodan." But Ilene had only had the briefest moment to think about it, because the conversation was going on without her. For lack of a better translation, she'd scrawled down the characters for Rodan's species name, circled them to come back to later, and moved on.
(But that meant titans—at least some titans—had names for themselves, individual names, names that even titans of other species recognized and used. Or did Mothra and Godzilla assign names to other titans, like humans naming cats and dogs? Or...)
Gēsīlā: He does not want to protect Lādùn. Does he? He does not.
Godzilla took a single step closer to Ghidorah. Ilene followed his gaze. One of Ghidorah's heads was turned toward Godzilla, watching him warily; another was turned the other way, occasionally twitching up, or down, or to the side, as though keeping watch for any other approaching threats; but the third, neck arched smoothly, was pointed straight at Rodan, watching with unwavering concentration as Rodan took a few jerky steps and tried to stretch his stiff wings. Aside from the two heads keeping watch, everything about Ghidorah's posture—from folded wings to curved back to crouched legs—was pointed directly at Rodan.
Gēsīlā: He does. Why?
Mósīlā: I don't know yet. But I felt it in their minds.
Gēsīlā: It's stupid. He's the only reason Lādùn needs to be protected. He was sleeping until he woke him up.
Mósīlā: The humans woke Lādùn up.
(The way she thought "humans" made Ilene feel very small and very brief; like a lone spark that had fallen off a burning log, dying too soon to be noticed.)
Gēsīlā: The humans are stupid.
Mósīlā: Be nice. One is listening.
Gēsīlā: Tell her to tell humans not to be stupid.
That, Ilene thought, would certainly be one hell of a way to open up communications between titans and humanity. (... She was opening up communications between titans and humanity. Had Ling realized...?)
Gēsīlā: I still don't trust him. He's wanted to destroy us for generations. He didn't change his mind just like that.
Was "generations" the right word? In her work as a mythologist, she'd had plenty of experience in translating words with simple definitions but a multitude of culturally-laden connotations into something her Mandarin- and English-reading colleagues could make sense of—albeit usually with the help of copious footnotes; but now, she was translating feelings and impressions into language. Even though “turning feelings into language” was essentially what all writing was, somehow this felt like the first time in her life she'd ever truly tried to translate something. Godzilla's thoughts felt "generation"-ish, but what in the world did that mean to him? What was a generation to something that might have been alive for millions of years?
Mósīlā: But they don't want to destroy us right now.  Look—even the sky is clearing up.
And indeed, sunbeams had broken through the clouds and were gradually stretching wider.
Mósīlā: We need to recover before we fight them again.
Gēsīlā: It would be easier if you had died.
Ilene almost dropped her pencil.
Mósīlā: If I had, it would be much longer before I could help you again.
Gēsīlā: Aren't more eggs ready?
Mósīlā: Yes, but I can't risk going through them this fast if they’re awake again. We have to take this chance to recover.
Gēsīlā: I don't like it.
Mósīlā: I know. But remember, they yielded to you. They've never done that before.
They were quiet for a moment, during which Mothra mentally reassured Ilene that her ambivalence over whether to write "eggs" or "lives" had been well-founded; she could also write "reincarnations," or "caterpillars," or "daughters," and they would all be correct, but meant something different to Mothra than they did to Ilene. Ilene scribbled notes at the top of the page, characters cramming closer together as she ran out of margin space.
Gēsīlā: Come home with me. I'll guard you.
Mósīlā: Okay.
Ilene had to press her head to the window as Godzilla and Mothra's path took them in front of the Osprey and she lost sight of them.
Gēsīlā: He's going to eat Lādùn. Why did Lādùn fight for him?
Mósīlā: I think Lādùn thinks they're one of his kind.
Ilene decided not to write that thought down until she could think of another way to translate it. She'd definitely remember what he said.
Mósīlā: Language!
Gēsīlā: He'll kill Lādùn.
Mósīlā: I don't know. Maybe. Not now, but maybe.
Ilene crossed to the other side of the Osprey to watch Godzilla and Mothra move into open water. Godzilla swam near the surface, his back plates just visible above the water, like something between a shark and an alligator. Mothra perched on his upper back, her less tattered wing held up like a sail. She turned to watch Boston as they left.
It wasn't until Mothra was far enough away that Ilene couldn't feel anything through her window anymore that she re-read her notes and realized that, although Godzilla and Mothra had referred several times to Rodan by some specific individual name, they'd never given one to Ghidorah. Were they, like the humans who'd hidden their legends of Ghidorah, too afraid of him to call him by some name?
No. They hadn't seemed scared. Wary, yes. Grimly certain that he wanted to "burn everything down"—and could, if not stopped. But he wasn't a threat they wanted to flee, but to fight.
Did they not know what to call him?
As they vanished, she wondered.
Madison's mom was staying in Boston. Surrounded by four soldiers ready to take her into custody in an instant, sure. But they couldn't haul her away as long as there were still two very-recently-hostile titans sitting in the rubble together and she was still the only one who knew how to make the ORCA do anything but shout "I'm a Godzillahuman" at the top of its digital lungs. No one was actually sure what else she could do with it at this point, if it came to that; but it remained in her vice grip nonetheless.
Her dad was ready to get the hell out of the city, the state, the country, the continent, and maybe move all the way to the moon if it'd get him away from any living thing taller than an apple tree—but he gave Madison the choice of whether or not they left Boston just yet. It might be a long time, he said, before either one of them had a chance to see her mother again.
She chose to stay. Not specifically to stay with her mom—although she held her mom’s hand so tightly her fingers ached—but because she felt like she couldn't possibly leave until it was really, really over.
And it wasn't over until Monster Zero was gone.
Ghidorah had watched patiently for hours as Rodan gingerly worked through his paralysis, first walking again, then fluttering a few steps. Every once in a while one of the diminishing storm clouds would drift over the pair, and Rodan would caw and keen in displeasure at the rain. Madison's heart leaped into her throat when Ghidorah suddenly spread his wings wide and launched into the air—she could hear hundreds of voices crying out or barking orders—but after three mighty flaps blasted gusts of winds that knocked several people over, he landed heavily again, wings retracted like nothing had happened.
And the sky was clear and empty.
There were so many spotlights illuminating the area and the titans, Madison hadn't even realized it was night.
Rodan grew stronger as the night wore on, until his fifteen-second practice flights forced Monarch and the military to relocate into the few standing buildings and parking garages. Madison tried to cover herself under a table like she'd learned to for earthquakes in San Francisco, but a soldier told her that for tornadoes, you should get in a middle hallway without windows. When Rodan wasn't flying, Madison was near a window with her parents, watching the titans.
Sometimes Rodan would peck at a fallen building, grinding walls and floors into dust, then drop down into it and shuffle around like a bird in a bird bath, before standing to reveal he was covered in grayish ash. He repeated the process several times before somebody pointed and said that his glowing chest wound was shrinking. He was building a concrete scab over the wound.
Ghidorah sat and watched.
A couple of other titans drifted into Boston—specifically summoned by the ORCA's alpha signal or just curious about what it had been, no one could tell. They didn't seem to recognize Ghidorah as the one who had commanded them to wake up, and Ghidorah didn't acknowledge them beyond warily watching them and hissing at Scylla for getting too close. Various intimidation displays were traded; the titans dispersed with little fanfare. Madison’s dad muttered something about alphas, puzzled.
Just as dawn was breaking, Rodan climbed into the air and stayed there, circling and looking down at Ghidorah. He roared several times before Ghidorah spread his wings and climbed too.
Nervous calls were made. Soldiers shuffled around, getting ready, although nobody was quite sure for what. Even Dr. Chen, who'd spent the whole night in her own world texting her sister, came to Madison's broken window to watch. Although Monarch had spent all night waiting for the pair of dragons (as they'd been flippantly dubbed) to move, they'd also dreaded it. Where Ghidorah flew, storms followed.
Madison could feel the static building in the air as he climbed.
But he kept climbing. And climbing, and climbing, and climbing—until he was barely a fleck in the sky. And when he flew, he soared, wings outstretched to catch the first rays of sun in a cloudless sky.
"All of the legends I found and all the data Dr. Graham collected said that he—they spawn storms with every flap of their wings," Dr. Chen murmured. "But they're able to soar without flapping. They don't need to create hurricanes to fly. They can exist on this world without disrupting it."
Which was a mind-blowing finding, to be sure; but after an extremely emotional day of titan battling, Madison's exhausted mind was completely out of whatever fuel it needed to be blown. So instead, she latched on to, "’They’?" Were they changing titan pronouns now? She supposed, vaguely, that it was fine if they were, she'd always kind of wondered how Monarch was all so confident that the titans were boys and girls to begin with, and the discovery that Ghidorah was an actual space alien probably meant that whatever criteria they'd used to decide his—their?—gender was probably irrelevant now—an actual space alien. She tried, again, to find it in her to have her mind blown.
"It's what Mothra calls them," Dr. Chen said. "'The One Who is Many'... Perhaps Ghidorah isn't one creature with three heads, but three creatures with one body."
Oh. Okay, not a gender thing. And Mothra called them that—and, apparently, Mothra was telling Dr. Chen about it?
Madison made one final attempt to light a mental fuse in honor of this latest mind-blowing fact. It fizzled and died.
She turned to the window and watched as Ghidorah and Rodan soared south.
(Replies/reblogs are welcome! Check the “source” link below for my masterlist of Ghidorah-centric and Rodorah fics, as well as my AO3 and Ko-fi links.)
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toasttz · 5 years
From the Tabletop #6
As of the end of the last session, where #5 left off, we've been doing alternating games, between D&D and a new Exalted campaign, swapping every Saturday. So, I'll start with D&D as there's a bit less to report on at-present. We're in an original world of the DM's design, with a design so subtle that the instant he described it to me, I was like "Wait, so the world is all on top of a giant, like Xenoblade Chronicles. Except this is a woman laying on her back?" The main town we operate out of literally has a name meaning "Belly Button". So, for context, a fellow of this party and I were inspired by JoCat's amazing "Crap Guide to D&D" video series and decided to take his advice, form a party of holy class heroes called the A-Men and rock the world around us. This never came to fruition as two of the supposed party fo 4 never showed up for a session. So this is how our party ended up with two clerics out of four players. I guess I'll go first this time. My character is Laga, a Half-Orc Solar Cleric, who follows St. Helbram, an original deity of the DM's. I decided to make Laga as an example to the other half of the party (the same half that was the problem half in Exalted in previous installments), to demonstrate how one plays against type and expectation - by playing a Lawful-Good version of a creature strongly associated with Chaotic-Evil stereotypes. It's a very different mindframe, as I play her as excessively goody-goody in her nature and a strong desire to use diplomacy to get by, rather than force. Our other cleric is Lucius, a Human Forge Cleric, who actually is quite openly racist against non-human characters. He acknowledges Laga, on account she's a lady of the cloth and also in that, despite being half-orc, she's still half-human too. He's been unable to join us for a few sessions, but already set himself up as quite the forceful personality, being the spear to Laga's olive branch. Next is Laguna, a male Drow (apparently those exist) wizard, who runs a pawn shop as a front for the mafia. I actually need to give mad props to his player on this one, as not only has he actually worked really hard to make the character interesting, but he also has very gracefully endured the ribbing the other characters give him. Apparently he is an incredibly beautiful male and, thus, is often mistaken for a woman. And lastly is Kaz. No, that's not his full name, but no one particularly cares. Kaz is the party's munchkin, who decided to play a Aarakocra Monk (and fuck you, where-ever you are right now, Kaz, for making me bother to look up how that stupid race's name is spelled). If you're not familiar, this means that he basically fudged it so he had 20 on Dexterity and then he tried to stack every movement he makes based on Dex. He even tried to argue that Natural Weapons (key word: WEAPONS) counted as unarmed attacks and, thus, should be based on dex. And he also really, really likes the words "BONUS ACTION", on account he's trying to just play himself as a living pinwheel of dex-based attacks. Seeing as he sucks at everything else he tries. So, taking a nod from Rising of the Shield Hero, in town, we find a countdown to the next disaster in town square - 7 days. The people of Belly Button (fuck you, DM-san, that's its name for the sake of these blog posts!) are honestly so used to this that they've become incredibly jaded towards the countdowns. This actually alarms Laga, who finds that the apathy worrisome, as one disaster being worse than the previous ones would be all it takes to cause untold harm. She meets with Laguna, who she has a brief history with (teasing him playfully that he should give up his 'sinful' pawn shop, due to the shady history some of the merch has) and they, more or less accidentally meet Kaz in so doing. Long story short, Laguna and Kaz agree with Laga's assessment, and they set off to try to learn what they can of the impending disaster and what they can do to deal with it. Long story short, they sign up to take on work at a sort of hunter's guild, resulting in a very impromptu battle against a freakin' dinosaur inside the test chamber. Due to... reasons I've honestly forgotten already, Laguna actually wasn't present for this. Laga, seeing this unarmed and unarmored idiot bird-man in harm's way, swiftly takes to the front line, shield and mace at the ready. For reference, Laga's AC is 18, between chain mail and a shield. Due to the aforementioned min/maxing, Kaz has 20. Kaz also wears just a karate gi, essentially. This ultimately results in Laga getting ragdollized as she attempts to protect said idiot bird-man. Thankfully, she has HP for days and, thus, took it like a champ as Kaz rolled 2-3 attacks in a row (this was before the DM and the rest of the party realized he was rolling his talons as unarmed attacks) and easily dropping the beast where it stood. Turns out, it was mechanical and the test was just to see how we'd react, but it was treated as a win, so we were largely satisfied with the results. Some faffing about later (the nature of each impending disaster seems to vary greatly between each instance of such, so information was sparse), so we decided to restock supplies before we leave. There, we meet Gunther, a stout fellow with a shop full of odds, ends, and everything inbetween. He even has wyrmstone, a magically-potent element semi-rare of this world, legendary weapons and tomes, and more. Laga purchased a book that, when united with the other Dragon Ba-- I mean -- copies of the same book, will grant the user a wish. She admitted fully that she wasn't 100% sure she trusted wish-granting magic, or that she could even phrase the wish such that there was assuredly no trouble from doing so, but the mystique won out and she bought it anyway. The entire time, Laguna, default rival of Gunther, kept attempting to... um... smooth things over between rivals. Or... trying to at any rate? On account that everything he said came off as a veiled threat, and it was only because Laga vowed to keep him on a short leash that Gunther relented and let us shop peacefully. Afterward, we ultimately headed to the bar to regroup. There, Laga spotted a proud hound in the corner of the bar. Squeeing like a small girl at a boy band concert, she asked permission to pet and feed doggo. Doggo approved. Turns out he was a mighty hound named Regnar, who the party would soon briefly recruit. I confess this scene made me irrationally happy, even out of character, as the idea of this large, thicc half-orc completely losing her marbles over a cute dog was too endearing not to enjoy. While at the bar, a girl from the DM-original race of Warcur, sought out our help due to a missing sister. She was last seen in the company of a noble, so our goal was clear: we needed to get into the ritzy part of town. No small fear due to us all being demi-human races in a town that really frowns on that. Ultimately, I was able to sweet-talk the guard, on my honor as a cleric. We then spotted the noble in question, and we devised a plan. ... Not... not a particularly SWIFT devising of plans, mind. While Laguna and Laga were largely on the same page, Kaz slowed deliberation down a bit and often confused the nature of the scheme. By the time we broke huddle and prepped to put it into motion, the DM joked that the man was already several blocks down the way, forcing us to race after him in a mad dash. After a brief, but ultimately fruitless, confrontration, the noble went on his way. But not without leaving a note behind. Laga was able to read part of it - something about "Four Sacrifices". Immediately, we put it together: the missing Warcur girl was likely to be killed off in the name of some dark deity! There was murder afoot and it was taking place just outside of town, beyond prying eyes, that very same night! We swiftly recruited Regnar, for his master tracking, and made way for the destined place. There, we saw goblins. Hundreds of them! We approached as stealthily as we could muster, well aware that one misstep would result in us being rushed by hundreds of the green menace, but also the deaths of four innocent maidens! Then, Laguna had a plan. Laga, due to her orc/cleric combination, actually spoke the most languages in the party - common, orc, goblin, and giant. This is important for several reasons, not the least of which was Laguna's plan was to mask Laga as the goblin's primary deity of choice, and then have her, speaking the goblin language, talk down this murderous army from their attempts at sacrificing maidens. His set up was masterful and I actually thought the plan was pretty concrete. We even saw the four girls in question, on a raised platform of some sort at the center of the gathering. Then I screwed up my charisma roll. Laga: You must not proceed with this! This is terrible! Warcur Girl: HEY! How dare you call our band terrible! We only just started playing! Laga: ... WHAT?! Y'ever... have your DM just pull a fast one on you? Well, ours sure as Hell did. And it all started because of a wry observation I made, out of character. In the D&D 5e manual, it lists the available languages and the alphabet they are written in. Turns out that dwarven, golbin, giant, and a few other languages all are written in the dwarven alphabet. DM-san then informs me that he fully planned the dwarves of this world to be very much akin to feudal Japan. Which is a pretty neat idea. And so he began joking that goblin language would be akin to Korean. And if you haven't put it together just yet, we had just walked into a multi-ethnic goblin-pop idol sensation band. G-Pop. And, due to the misunderstanding, Laga herself became something of a pop idol sensation, despite having yet to sing or dance yet. "The Four Sacrifices" was a band name and we had just inadvertently heckled their concert. When they returned to town, bootleg Laga merchandise had begun to make its round, much to Laga's deepest regrets. Not long after, Lucius joined the party, just in time for us to find a help wanted poster. When we sought out the interested party, we found a jilted lover situation - where a terrible witch had seduced and taken away her man! The client wanted us to steal something, which Laga admittedly had a hard time rationalizing away, up until Lucius clarified that liberating items from the witch and turning them over to the church would be a means by which furture generations could be better prepared against black magic - and that set Laga's indecision to rest. We agreed to break into the homestead and "liberate" the item in question. We entered using a magic doorway and this lead us to agreeing to always asking more questions about the nature of our work before we get underway. We were transported into an unsettling and otherworldly library, with strange entities keeping watch over things. Kaz attempted (and spectacularly failed) stealth, nearly knocking an entire bookshelf over on Laga and Lucius - the latter of whom was bopped over the head with a book that he would then claim as his own. We quickly made haste into the hallway, where we engaged with... God-damn Demons. The one race I decided would be fine for Laga to harbor a racial hatred of. The fight was brief, but brutal, as we easily laid them to waste. Then the puzzles began. Each door was guarded by an enchanted, speaking plaque which had a question about the lord of the manor. And, instead of using the... y'know, room FILLED WITH BOOKS AND KNOWLEDGE THAT CLEARLY WOULD'VE HELPED US... we decided to brute force the solution. One instance, when asked what the lord held in highest regard, this exchange actually happened: Kaz: Money? Plaque: No. Lucius: Gettin' laid? Plaque: No. Laga: Love! Plaque: I... y-yes, technically. ("It was actually his 12 wives. But, whatever." ~DM-san, after pointing out how fucking stupid we all had been.) Eventually, we get tired of guessing randomly and head 'forward' best we can manage. This results in our being prompted to roll for perception, which only Laga passes. I then get to be sole witness to a massive, gaunt, nigh-invisible figure approaching us. I desperately attempt to explain what's happening to the others as it nears, and it finally dawns on me (Huehuehue) that one of my basic cantrips is to make objects I touch glow. So, upon nearly getting strangled, I set the figure aglow and the battle begins in earnest, most of the damage being dealt via the two clerics and their divine powers (CoD of War indeed). Eventually we banish the killer and make our way to the safe, which Lucius pries open... only to then have a tiny, cat-like creature (which the DM informs us is called a Poogem) roll out and begin sounding the alarm. With its mouth. Too stunned to think straight, Lucius takes the gambit of the session: Poogem: I'm an alarm! WAY-WOO-WAY-WOO! Lucius: No, you're not! You're my best friend! DM: Roll charisma. Lucius: 20! DM: ... Poogem: I AM?! YAY! Then, we recovered the item and fled as quickly as we could, to the satisfaction of our employer. Afterward, the party split up as Lucius and Laguna went their own ways and Kaz and Laga went to the bar, met by bands of Warcurs. Kaz immediately humiliates himself by failing to understand cultural nuance more complex than "This race is typically NG" and spends 10 real-world minutes trying to fumble a name for his character's father (not a joke). Laga, meanwhile, sits with the female Warcurs and is offered a drink from one after hearing that they spent all day slaughtering demons. Now, due to meta-knowledge, I knew this drink was not safe for consumption. However, I throw my hands up and went with it, having Laga bottoms-up that tankard into her maw. DM: Okay. Roll Constitution. Me: 20! DM: ... Well, alright then. You enjoy it but it has a weird aftertaste. And, holy crap, this has gone on way longer than I expected so, join me next time as the D&D party undertakes a new mission and: Kaz is useless again! Laguna goes on one hell of a trip! Laga seduces a dragon and gets embroiled in TEEN GIRL SQUAD political movements! Laguna gets cursed by MegaSatan! Kaz nearly gets the party killed by offering a dragon a potato sack dress! And Laguna dies in boiling magma! See you there!
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celticmess · 6 years
Dystopian Descendants City Au or smth idk they’re taken from their hosts and trapped in a city
Dorkiplier Darkiplier 
Sanders Sides
JSE Egos
Iplier Egos
Blankgameplays (Corrupted Crank, Ethan’s one)
Apocalypse (Tyler’s one)
Now for the details!
they’re held in a small, secluded + abandoned city by humans
they’re given free rein within the city
egos like Dark + Anti call other egos that they share a host with “siblings”
there’s no government
no law
the place is run by violence
everyone is short on temper for different reasons
all of the egos and their host were taken by special services
no one knows where they are now
two rules: do not attempt to escape + no killing
once a month the humans gather them in the city centre and one figment is taken
for now they’ve only taken a few minor figments + characters (Paultin, Pluck, Heathen + the Author)
no one knows where they go
or why
but they don’t come back.
like our Anti, but edgier.
hangs around with Darkiishu, Dark, Peevils, Infelix + Madzia
fights with Dark regularly
basically daily
and it never surprises anyone at this point
he’s from a large ego group (they call each other siblings)
he’s the oldest ego but they alienate him the most
he terrifies his “siblings” when he’s angry and/or drunk
usually stays out of the house messing about with his group
by messing about I mean tearing up the area
he comes home when his “siblings” are asleep and leaves before they wake up
whenever he’s home before they go to sleep, they end up being really hostile
never physically, but it’s implied
they know they can’t beat him in a fight
everyone can tell when to stop pushing his temper
his glitches get more uncontrollable as his heart rate heightens
you can hear him before you see him, the sound of static follows him everywhere
has everyone on strings
you need something? You have 2-3 choices depending on what you need: Darkiishu, Phantom + Darkiplier
only hangs out with Anti, Dark + Infelix because they work as bodyguards without knowing it
bc as if you’re gonna attack a lady who hangs with the power trio
only likes two people: Peevils + Madzia
and she even ends up arguing with the sometimes
they’re usually able to talk it out tho
unlike Dark + Anti who’ll beat the shit out of each other anywhere anytime
can never be in photos bc her ability blurs them
the blurriness of he photo changes with her mood
if she’s happy, it’s not too bad, but photograph her pissed and it’s a blurry mess
she stays in a random old broken apartment she fixed up herself
sometimes Anti crashes on her sofa
she’s always the one who hosts Ladies Nights on Saturdays
she controls illusions
Do̴rk͢ip͜l̶ier  Darkiplier
a lot more reckless than our Dark
wears a lot of hoodies
he has a ornate little silver bracelet to keep his powers in check
the googles made it for him
he probably turns it into the top of his cane later on
his hobby is pissing off Anti
starts the fights on purpose
sometimes to vent, sometimes for entertainment
either way, Anti is happy to fight
he’s the third oldest out of his ego group
the host and Wilford are older than him. There was the Author...
he argues with Wilford a lot and Host too when he comes out of his library
he scares the younger ones (Bim, Ed, Silver, King, etc.)
he also doesn’t control his aura very well (hence why he has the bracelet)
so his shell cracks a lot more frequently than it does in our universe
lives with Darkiishu most of the time
can manipulate reflections
if you’ve pissed her off avoid any and all reflective surfaces
she can and will summon your reflection from said surface and have it murder you brutally
she’s very close with Darkiishu
if you mess with one you mess with both
and both are scary
she could not care less about Dark, Anti or Infelix even if she tries
has nearly gotten into a fight with Anti on many occasions
will most likely leave the apartment if Anti is crashing for the night
her and Anti avoid each other as much as possible
is dangerously close to strangling Infelix with his own reflection
lives with Madzia in an isolated apartment in a place no one knows about
none of the others have ever been there
he has eyes everywhere
quite literally
can create semi-sentient ink monsters
he’s the most powerful entity
and everyone knows it
even if he doesn’t fight
the other figments and entities can fight over a subject
but Infelix says something about it? that thing is always considered
low-key cares about the people he hangs out with
he pretends he doesn’t tho
he finds Anti + Dark’s fights highly entertaining
makes it his mission to try and start a fight between Anti and Peevils
the sclera of her eyes are a faint pastel colour (she can change whenever she wants)
when she uses her powers, her whole eye goes the colour of her sclera
she’s part siren
so she can charm anyone except sirens
she doesn’t need to sing
she lives with Infelix
they get along really well
she enjoys her Ladies Night with Peevils and Darkiishu on Saturdays tho
she gets really fed up with the fights
she herself is actually pretty docile
doesn’t mean she’s harmless though
her, Peevils and Darkiishu are always there for each other
they all love each other’s company
they’re so close because they’re basically the only females
Sanders Sides
by far the most harmless figments
Logan spends a lot of time with Dr. Iplier and Dr. Schneeplestein in the makeshift infirmary
he makes a lot of the cures with what they have
if it weren’t for these three, the no killing rule would’ve been broken ten billion times
Patton runs a safehouse for the smaller, peaceful egos (King, Bim, Silver, Ed, Robbie as well as Heathen and Pluck occasionally) and was one of the most emotional when Heathen and Pluck got taken
Sometimes Virgil hangs out with Patton’s group, sometimes he joins Darkiishu, Peevils + Madzia for Ladies Night
his best friend was Heathen
losing Heathen hit him really hard
now he hangs out with Robbie, JJ and sometimes Marvin when he’s not running around with JB and Roman
Roman loves playing hero with JB and sometimes Marvin
occasionally Silver will join in
the group break up fights before the no kill rule gets broken
Deceit doesn’t “hang out” with anyone
but he’s a good source of information
his top clients are Dark, Peevils and Phantom
there’s a lack of entertainment in the city
so Mare performs in the city centre regularly
sometimes he’ll have Anti drum for him
it usually attracts a crowd
there isn’t really anything in the city to do except fight
so most of the population turns up
he’s also had a fair share of fights
Sharper is the one who fixed up the place that the battle egos stay in
so the place is full of tools and random machines
he always patches up Mare and Phantom when they get into fights
he doesn’t trust them not to kill the doctors
Phantom isn’t home very often
usually when he comes home it’s because he’s hurt
the rest of the time he’s in his office
he won the place in a bet
and traded info for interior decoration
it doubles as a bar and it’s pretty popular because it is the only bar
Mare and Phantom were livid when Heathen was taken
fortunately Sharper built a saferoom when he fixed up the place
he had to lock them in for several days
JSE Egos
none of them trust Anti
JB goes into protective mode if Anti turns up while they’re awake
the only one who goes near him is Robbie and sometimes JJ
the others all tend to keep their distance
JB loves spending time with Roman when he’s not protecting his siblings
stopping fights make him feel like a real hero
it also boosts his confidence and every time he goes home he feels more prepared to defend against Anti
he’s convinced Anti is planning something and is determined to keep his siblings safe
on the rare occasion JB isn’t home when Anti is, Marvin steps up
he’s not as confident or as hostile as JB
or as powerful
but he’s just as protective
on the nights he knows Anti is staying with Darkiishu he joins Roman and JB
he loves those nights
JJ is very curious
him and Robbie are the only JSE Egos who have willingly and peacefully approached Anti
When JJ first walked up to Anti, it surprised Anti so much he dropped his croissant
a croissant he stole from Peevils
then he tried to scare him away
but JJ just smiled at him
they don’t interact often at all but JJ will always try and calm JB and Marvin down before they attack
Anti is always hella grateful but never gets a chance to show it
Robbie shocked Anti by straight up walking into his room and sitting down
he finds the static noise that follows Anti really comforting
and Robbie didn’t seem like a threat so Anti let him stay
Robbie always leaves to go back to his room before Anti wakes up
it stops the other egos from jumping to conclusions
Chase is hardly home
but when he is he’s usually a tad drunk after a night out drinking with Paultin, Pluck and occasionally Warfstache
when Paultin and Pluck got taken his mental health took a nose dive
he began to stay out longer
he got drunker
and it got out of hand and he became increasingly depressed
his brothers love him but it gets extremely tense whenever he comes home drunk
he usually starts a fight with Anti on purpose
the nights he comes home sober are the best in the eyes of the other egos
they’re fun and Anti stays away
and it takes Chase’s mind off Paultin, Pluck, Stacy and his kids
one time Chase and Anti both came home drunk
JB ended up fighting both of them to get them to stop while Marvin got the others out of there
they went to Patton and the other sides for safety
the fight lasted all night
the end result was an injured, unconscious Chase with an empty gun, a passed out Anti (sleep deprivation) and a seriously injured JB
Anti avoided them for weeks after
Chase stayed with them while he recovered
Dr. Shneeplestein was the one who saved JB and Chase Brody from dying of their wounds
when he’s not with his siblings, he’s with Dr. Iplier and Logan in the infirmary
the three of them get along incredibly well
but as much as he likes work, he also likes his family
he gets incredibly nervous around Anti
when it was just him and Anti, Anti took great pleasure in messing with the Doctor before he met his current friends
by “messing with” I mean bringing him to the brink of death but stopping at the last second
so Schneep is real wary of Anti
Iplier Egos
They’re more organised than other groups
King, Silver, Ed + Bim spend all their time with Patton in the safehouse that he built
When Dark isn’t home, he’s out on the streets tearing it up with Anti, Infelix, Darkiishu, Peevils + Madzia
he lives for thrill
it’s why he fights Anti
they both love it
the Googles run the place
the place being a several storey building 
the second floor is the Google’s lab
sometimes they work with Madpat
Blue thinks he’s too unpredictable, Ollie think’s he’s scary, Green considers him a risk
Red gets along with him just fine
most of the time though the googles work alone
they’ve banned Anti from the building
Wilford is avoided by everyone
he’s unstable, volatile and unpredictable
Anti has tried to goad him into a fight but Dark stopped him
when Wilford’s bored he spends time with Chase
it surprises everyone
but it’s Wilford Warfstache, he always surprises
The Host used to stay on his library floor with the Author
he stopped coming out of the library after the Author was taken
Oliver tried to get him to come out but he gave up eventually
Lesser Known Egos
he’s a crazed scientist
he hangs with Natemare a lot
The pair cause trouble but don’t really get into fights
he also enjoy dragging Google Red into his projects
Blank doesn’t have friends
he walks the streets aimlessly
just shivering
he’s cold to the touch
don’t test that fact
touch him and you slowly freeze from the outside in
he’s a brute
he’s big, strong and scary
he’s also the subject of many fights
him and JB always end up in a fight
they don’t get along
he starts most of the fights on the streets
The rest of the population are egos that we don’t even know exist yet.
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arikandkade · 6 years
Okay so like-  ....omg can I just talk about something here-? Something I noticed that hit me like a metric TON of bricks filling up the inside of a semi truck wall to wall.  Preemptive apologies for the length.  (thats what he said)  
So....this clip. OMG.  This video is all about the actors and the director of Hannibal talking about what scares them the most and I can't help but go wide eyed at just How. Much. Each- and every one of them bleeds their roles even through their own personal answers. I'm just.... in a state of shock and awe at hearing their responses that seem to mirror their characters personalities.   Scope the scene below the cut for this shiiiiiiiiiiiit  v v v
 Sooo.... let’s look at the answers individually. Cause WHOA.
David's answer is so in depth, and profound, and so thoroughly well presented when he explains it, it almost instantly solidifies his position as a director. What he explains speaks to his understanding of fear, the deep impact it has on him even now, how it makes someone feel and the effectiveness of where, when and how it can settle in on your surroundings or psyche. It really does highlight and display his masterful ability to weave fear, trauma, and anguish so artistically into every ounce of the show, from the settings/murders, to the mindset and hallucinations, all the way down to the choreography of pivotal scenes and the deep inset meaning behind the hundreds of Chekhov's guns in both physical and literal forms the show displays.
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Lawrence's answer was 'everything'. He mentions not liking horror movies because life in and of itself is scary enough. He mention that there is something inherently scary about everything. This reminds me so much of Jack, a man who's had years of experience working within the FBI, seeing the worst that humanity has to offer in nearly every manner the world can offer it. It just fits so well when you think of all the things Jack has been through, and how little he trusts the world around him. I could see Jack not enjoying the horror genre as it is something that hits far too close to home for what he does for a living.
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Caroline also mentions her fear or horror films but less in a world comparison manner like Jack and more as a personal distaste for them due to having a weaker constitution. She mentions her struggle with watching them in general due to a 'weak nervous system' which speaks to Alana who, although she tries not to, can never seem to not let her emotions or nerves get the better of her in most situations. Emotions drive her actions no matter how she may try to remain professional or impersonal. It all amplifies why Alana may not like watching horror movies as she may see each villain or murder as a person to analyze and sympathize with. Partially similar to Jack as well, Alan is far too close to that medium being a theme in her normal life, with Will, Hannibal, Mason/Margot, and Abigal all with blood stained hands for one reason or another. 
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Now Hugh, Hugh mentions what I think it a very interesting fear of heights, snakes, and interviews. What I find extremely interesting in these fears lies within the words themselves. There's a very specific kind of visual flash I can just SEE when hearing those words out loud- that reminds me a great deal of Will and the wonderful way Hannibal (the show) deals with its depictions of irony (saying one thing and immediately transitioning to the real meaning behind a characters words). 
Think of Will mentioning his fears to someone who asked, and then imagine as he is saying them, punctuating each word one by one as he goes down his list, and the images that would appear right after them. "Heights"  Will begins to answer with an indifferently cold but serious look wrought over his face. Cut away to the infamous ending scene of the show where Will throws both Hannibal and himself off the edge of a cliff and plummets into the waters below. Considering the lack of appropriate force or distance the two may have had in their trajectory towards and into the water I could imagine the act, as well as the fall itself, having been quite a painful and traumatic experience. 
"Snakes" he replies again as he goes down the list, a little a degree less hostile as he cocks his head slightly to the side, diverting and lowering his gaze for only a moment. We cut to an image of Alana and Jack, Dr. Chilton and Bedelia, Brian and Jimmy, in their various stages of planning ways to track down and capture Hannibal and Will. They are, as well as others before them, the 'Snakes' Hannibal refers to when describing what he sees Will as the second time they meet. The snakes that slither into Hannibal's home and the ones that will slither by their own soon enough, if they haven't already. Whether they have been or are now, snakes will always be Will's natural enemies, a danger to him and his home/family.
"...Interviews." Will spits with a chilling venom as a twitch pulls at his upper lip in deep disdain, sky blue eyes pulled and pointed up at his target now with piercing and unbreakable particularity.
Shots of Hannibal's first attempt to psychoanalyze Will, Dr. Chiltons, Alana, Jack, all making their own attempts to get inside of Will's head. The thing Will hates most, the thing he is most uncomfortable with and  fears are people trying to see inside him, getting too personal with him and seeing too much of him. Questions about him, poking/prodding, interviews, interrogation of any kind (especially when Will is with Hannibal some time after season 3) any act to know him, any deeper than on a surface level, would be a fearful notion considering he and Hannibal are both high end murders, and red flagged fugitives. 
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Mads's response is pretty funny. His answer (along with the general mention that many things scare him) is 'Long line to the bathroom after 4 beers'. A seemingly sassy or ridiculous response until you think about his character. Considering who Hannibal is and what he revels in most in life, he has very little actual fears, but there is one thing we know that, when issued as a threat against him, had even this psychopathic cannibal behaving properly and cooperatively in aerated captivity, and that one threat was indignity. Hannibal is a man of dignity, of standing, of fine art, culture and music. He lives a refined life and those that threaten that lifestyle usually do not continue to do so for long if Hannibal has any say in the matter, but, when Alana threatens him with the indignation of taking away even his toilet when locked up at Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane you could see in his eyes (past the look of murder) the fear of such a ultimatum in spite of his unwanted desires to corroborate peacefully. The personal loss of dignity is what Hannibal fears more than anything else, so when Mads mentions the fear of being stuck in line for the bathroom after many beers, it parallels with Hannibal's fear: the threat of public humiliation or shame. Especially considering both men's highly renown social standings. Hannibal's high end and well known way of life among the classes and Mads' own personal level of fame.
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....isn’t that crazy? Now, this could be mostly conjecture, and possibly reaching, but I couldn’t help make the comparisons the moment I heard them and then go on a drawn out disquisition about how much I just love this show and cast and crew involved in it.  UGH.  I could gush forever about them. In fact I intend to. I love this show.  If anyone else wants to yell about it with me feel free. I love discussing Hannibal. 
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xottzot · 6 years
2018-05(MAY)-08--Wednesday--and on it continues to go at this hellhole today.
2018-05(MAY)-08--Wednesday--and on it continues to go at this hellhole today.
Most poeple have alarm clocks or whatever to wake up for the day.
Outside in the streets at 7:50am was two adult aboriginals male and female were LOULDY arguing. Theye were dressed all in black clothing.
It's COLD weather here but no rain although rain is forecast to happen sometime later in the week....MAYBE....
And they were arguing on the footpath outside the innocent house which had its yard tap yesterday pipe broken halfway-off by one of the criminal aboriginals....then it was later completely snapped off by other criminal aboriginals and carried off as a 'trophy'. smashed repeatedly ONTO the street outside the aboriginal criminal household then just discarded in the gutter there. (it is no longer there)
ALSO today (Wednesday) at 7:50am a school-aged aboriginal girl walked out onto the street verge outside of fatguts aboriginal criminal household just as a large 4WD utility vehicle/wagon was slowly driving along on the street.
Earlier she had been pursuing & hitting the toddler with a handle. A learned way of living since the adults also beat them with such.
Then she yelled out, "Car!"
It's employed as a general warning to other aboriginals that a vehicle that the aboriginals didn't know of was about (that isn't recognised as being 'local'). - This is also what they do whenever they think Police might be slowly cruising about in unmarked vehicles, not that they give a shit about Police or law or anything. - They grow up this way from toddlers onwards. And in doing so they teach the toddlers the same, so that the next generation of aboriginal criminals learns it all. - And how would I know this you foolishly ask yourself? Because it HAS been going on for over 10 years and getting closer to 20 now......
The big 4WD utility vehicle located the house he had been assigned to go to, and he pulled into the driveway of the unfenced innocent corner house which was the scene of the rampant criminals damages yesterday and has been the scene of YEARS of criminal damages and LOTS by the rampant criminal aboriginals. That's what drove out the rental inhabitants, AND the previous rental inhabitants, AND the previous rental inhabitanats, AND the gentle older previous rental inhabitants who had kept that place so clean and neat and tidy with gardens and established so much of the gardens and house improvements itself...dear Fliss knew of that older couple living there and everything was calm and nice in this area. - ALL of which has long since gone.
And before THEM was the terrrible rental inhabitants who were utterly shitty and semi-criminal and who tore around in cars everywhere until Police visits were almost weekly. - Dear Fliss saw much of that HERSELF. Ask her for proof. - Oh, but you can't...because she has vanished off the face of the earth it seems and left me alone and suffering in this hellhole. - I hope you are well dear Fliss, but we are suffering. I am suffering and so is poor dear Sam and poor dear Max and the last alive of our many chickens who is alone and forlorn. Not to mention Robert who has gone off the deep end but lately in the last week has been VERY quiet yet STILL mutters and talks to himself and he closes his bedroom door so I don't hear him anymore, so perhaps he is just the same if not worse and I don't hear it, I don't know.
But anyway, back to THIS MORNING of not much really to tell but to add to the litany of hell about this hellhole.....
The large vehicle pulled into the driveway and parked under the open carport. A man got out and began looking for the damaged tap. Of course he could NOT find it because it had been literally snapped off at ground level by the forever roaming criminal aboriginals.
He walked about the entire place, perhaps to assertain what other damages need to be repaired YET AGAIN because of the criminal aboriginals. Then he seemed to measure the distance of the mains gas supply which runs under the street pathway there. - I don't know what else.
It was time to feed myself a tiny meagre meal of warmed-up tinned soup and water and some bread and give some after I had eaten to poor Sam and poor Max. It's COLD here. But the sun has come up now and is warming everything up outside and there is NO rain.
And the damned big jet airliners and jets have been LOUDLY flying low over this hellhole taking off from Perth airport since 4:30am or earlier...it might have been earlier at 4am. Fuck 'em, I'm not the chronicler of that shit. But it HAS driven out innocent residents who used to live peacefully here in these streets for years, decades...and which was the foot-in-the-door for the criminal aboriginals to move in and begin to take over......and make this this hellhole......
People living around NOW, have NO IDEA how peaceful this place once was when I was growing up here.....peaceful except for the waves of shitheads that moved in and made everyone elses lives hell and which caused my dear innocent mothers death.
Now, dear Sam & dear Max have been fed a lot of what I was eating, some plain bread and some plain soup, and now I'm going back to lay down in bed because it is SO COLD inside this hovel but I simply cannot afford to have the gas heater on or withstand any abuse from Robert for even using the heater. Poor Sam & poor Max will cuddle up with me on the bed and we will all try to keep warm.
I'm so VERY cold right now and just short of shivering.
The ONLY reason I got up out of the warm bed was to get a fresh crusty bread loaf from the local shop before they are all gone.
I won't tell you the dream I had during one of my sessions of tormented sleep at this hellhole that it is other than I was glad when I was awake even if I did have to get out of the warm bed and into VERY COLD temperatures, then go outside into the COLD so poor Sam and poor Max could do their ablutions.
THAT yelling outside is what upsets them too, and minor fortunately (for once) it didn't happen whilst we were outside, as happens so often.
But poor Max is upset A LOT. Poor Sam is also upset but hiding it. - We are all suffering a LOT without dear Fliss being with us.
The poor chicken (the one that dear Fliss personally rescued years ago) is all alone but just about shed all its feathers and is suffering the cold too and is trying to find sunshine to fossick about in.
It's almost 11am as I write this.....almost time for criminals to be wandering roaming the streets again in anothers session of criminality and distress...and wandering to the shops nearby and causing havoc there or on the journey to or from. Or perhaps they will use a car to go elsewhere and cause havoc there instead at the shopping centres and food places......it's what they do.
One final small point......at fatguts aboriginal criminal household out came a toddler and unlike the other toddlers who simply ran across the road and did what they others do by NOT looking for any traffic, this one slumped down (and literally laid down) next to the road next to the rubbish bins and was bawling for ages by itself.
It's growing up JUST LIKE all the rest have done so about this hellhole, feral.
And after awhile the school-aged girl who is NOT at school came out and sat down with it.
THIS is their destiny of this hellhole.
And I have no part in it other than suffering from it all too and not being with dear Fliss who promised we would be together.
Should I attack somebody elses house and destroy it? - It seems THAT is the way they get attention and help and everything they want, even a new brick house just as fatguts got so many years ago and which dear Fliss could not understand when we were so utterly poor but honest and kind and helped all others without any thought of payment or recompense sought for and yet along comes an aboriginal drug dealer and just takes over THAT place and ran it as a drug dealer for over 10 years and was the scene of SO MANY VIOLENT INCIDENTS AND CRIMINAL INCIDENTS.
NOW it is a place where criminals house up-and-coming criminals just as the aboriginal criminal household across the road from there.
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you. As you promised me and us and yourself. - And all the hell that is now here is why I always feared bringing up an innocent child. And poor dear Sam & poor dear Max are now what dear Basil and dear Vespa as was Thumper and Lady were. They will die alone as will I. We are all suffering without being with you dear Fliss. Sam is having yet another nightmare as I write this. I will try to very gently rouse him awake andnot startle him, Poor Max is going to get upset thinking something terrible is happening yet again. - I will not speak here of the terrible nightmare I had late night/this morning at this hellhole....and then there was the shitheads outside which began my day today..... - I love you dear Fliss and want to be with YOU. - Please save us Fliss and let us be with YOU just as you promised us and yourself.
0 notes
AnotherTale #8 pt 1
Warning!!!! This blog contains spoilers to the game UnderTale!
Nightmares, that term doesn’t even begin to describe the torment i went though in those next few months. Nightmare’s of Wing Ding , Chara & Asriel, The human children, The human in yellow. These things haunted me in my sleep, and even in real life. Outta the corner of my eye I kept seeing them and hearing their voices in whispers around me. I couldn’t get the thoughts of them outta my head. Normally i don’t have a problem with these hard memories but after I carefully placed my scythe into the back of that human, my mind was a wreck. I tried to find something to be happy about, anything, but nothing was helping. I spent my days alone looking for any reason to smile but whenever i thought i could, I heard it in my head “Remember me,friend?” Over and over again i heard that line, making my already dead heart sink lower like a never ending black hole of madness and suffering.
I at some point found out about the new royal scientist Asgore hired, one of Wing Ding’s old assistants who hadn’t been at the core…... I knew Asgore had no idea who Wing Ding was ,thanks to me, so it didn’t bug me too much that he put me in charge of overseeing her projects on trying to look into the power of human souls. I was promised I was chosen at random and i wasn’t going to be studied at all, which held true with my time with the little dino girl. She was an interesting thing. She like LOVED these human cartoons called anime. I normally never watched tv, even monster shows but AL got me so into watching some of these literal garbage shows. She was also really nice about helping me with my loose stitches , she even gave me something to help with my dead body smell. She ended up being a good person to be friends with. Still didn’t help my madness.
Asgore also put me in charge of helping monsters who lost family because of the 6th human. One was a little girl with more spirit and pride then any kid I’ve ever met in years. She had her head held high at her parents funeral service. She was the strongest kid I’d ever seen and she only about 20 something back then. She even did the darndest thing I’d seen in years. Shehad tried to beat up Asgore as a kid. She failed but Asgore offered her training and she took it in a heartbeat. She was and still is a crazy insane girl who always puts me in awesome positions. I was still miserable after meeting her.
AL’s little box robot had become quite famous around the underground, they were bringing a lot of joy to the underground and I even had the honour of being put as his bodyguard for most of his met and gerats. Even his fabulous attitude couldn’t make me smile.
There was this spider monster in hotland that had a little shop. I passed by and she asked I’d like a sample of her one of her foods. I had no reason to say no, so of course I said yes. She then said I owed her 9999 gold as a huge freaking cupcake monster showed up behind her. I then told her I didn’t have any money and even emptied my pockets. She then asked how much my scythe was, I lost my sense of fear as I look her dead in all 8 of her eyes and told her no. She could see I was too attached to make that kind of trade so she made me one little offer “There is One little thing you could do ahuhu”, and so I started bringing little spiders from the ruins to hotland. I did it once a year every time I went to see Chara. Even doing really nice things for those cute little spiders, didn’t make me feel any better.
One day though, a lot of things changed in the best way possible. I found this old little picture of myself in chara’s old room, I went there because it was the 86th year she’d been gone. It was the first picture of myself that chara spent a year saving up for it to give it to me while we were in the underground. Seeing it didn’t help me at all with my problems so I did the one thing I always did to forget my issues. Go to Grillby’s and get hammered. I got a little too drunk and only remember walking around for a while in snowdin not really paying any attention to where I was walking. I took notice of the fact that the snow was coming down really hard all of a sudden. I then look down from the roof of the cave, to my surroundings and noticed I’ve never been in this area of snowdin. I looked around some more and saw a girl. A human girl.
I would’ve acted more surprised in the moment if I had been a little more sober. The girl then proceed to walk up to walk up to me asking if I was ok. I was able to see her more clearly. She had chocolate brown hair, one green eye, one red, and had semi dark skin. She was wearing a sorta dark green jacket, bright jeans and snow boots. Then me being drunk and dumb, i fell over onto the girl as I almost blacked out. I felt myself wake up a bit as the vodka started to already wear off(That’s my favorite drink by the way). I got up first and helped the girl, after which she grabbed my arm and dragged me to a house I’d never seen.”Here come on, I can’t leave you out here to freeze to death” She lead me inside  to the couch and I fell face down into the cushions. I heard her go up the stairs saying she was gonna grab me clothes.
While she was gone I shook my head, feeling the vodka completely losing it’s effect on me. Looking at my arm I saw my left sleeve was torn, most likely from my dumb a&$ walking into trees. That’s probably why she went upstairs to grab me clothes. I looked around and saw how the house was mostly light with candles and a fireplace. Whoever this girl was she wasn’t worrying about any light bills. The whole place was wood too, which made me slightly worried. I then began  to wonder how the hell another human was here and seemed to be living here peacefully. I was put a little at ease as I guessed that if this person was as dangerous as the last one she would've just let me outside to freeze to death. Then again the last one thought I was human and didn’t try to shoot me till I prove otherwise. After a bit I heard the wood creak from the stairs and saw the girl carrying down a pile of clothes.
“Need help?”
“I thought you were drunk? And I’m fine” she said placing the clothes down next to me. “Heh yeah… My body gets rid of the effects of alcohol pretty quickly”, Yeah that’s unfortunately  true. That is totally not why I have a bit of an alcohol problem. I looked around a bit, feeling a little awkward. “Nice place you got here, what’s your name?” Me and her eyes met.”Scar. What’s yours?” “Mas. Um…. sorry for being such a bother. I can go home now if you want” She looked outside through the window seeing how dark it was and how much snow was coming down.
“Not in this storm.Wouldn’t want to freeze to death would we?” She said smiling to me. “No, I guess not.” …… Had I met this girl? Something felt familiar to me.. And I wouldn’t really freeze to death either.My body would at worst get a little frozen but it wouldn’t kill me. “Here” She held out the clothes for me to grab. “I told you my friends left them here. I assure you I’m a female. My friends bought jeans from the wrong side of the store, guess she can’t shop.” I guess I missed her say that first part but I wasn’t agsnist the idea of wearing some new clothes.
“Huh… well then. Thanks. Where’s the bathroom?” She pointed me to a hall “There it is. You may wanna turn on the heater. It gets a little cold in there.” I nodded, making my way into the bathroom and closed the door gently. I got changed but when I looked into the mirror , I noticed something familiar was written on the shirt Scar had given me. It was all black, made of wool, but there was a odd font on the front saying “Cool dude”. “So whoever this girl is… she knows papy,sans’s brother, And maybe undying. She’s the only one I know who wouldn’t be able see guy’s clothes apart from girl’s. Huh… maybe she’s been here for a while.. She’s also kinda-”
“She’s what Mas?” I wheeled around to see something dark move just out of my sight. More of those god damn hunting shadows…this one sounded like...Chara. I flipped on the heater which thankfully made a good deal of noise. I looked into the mirror, turned on the sink, and began to splash water in my face. After a minute or two I regained my composer, put on a straight face and walked out of the bathroom. I heard Scar chuckled at me when she saw me wearing the shirt. I felt a bit of heat on my face which I assumed was the magic in my body forcing me to blush. I guess I forgot I was wearing this shirt. Scar giggled more as she saw me blush. Why did I find her laugh really….. Cute?
Scar composed herself and walked up to me talking the clothes outta my hands. She then motioned for me to sit again so I did. She walked out of the room coming back a little bit later with a sewing needle and string. She sat down next to me and just started fixing up my flannel. While she spent a few minutes sewing I noticed her left hand had an odd shape to it, only three long fingers. I didn’t want to pry but after a few more minutes of nothing but flame crackling and the sound of wind hitting the windows I grew aninoix. “So Scar… What kind of monster are you? You look like a normal human girl..” I decided it be better not to mention the odd hand. She almost looked like she wanted to jump when I spoke. Guess she got pretty into her sewing.
“Oh… you know the tales of the phoenix?”
“Oh yeah!” I let my hours and hours(more like years and years) of reading old books in the underground out for the first time in a while. “Wasn’t it this huge bird monster that was super dangerous?” I finished nerding out waiting for her response. “.... We aren’t THAT bad..” I felt guilt slide up my back. “What?”
Her eyes widened as if she didn’t know what she just said. “Well… I guess I might as well tell you.” She put down my clothes onto the coffee table in front of me.
“I was a normal human girl, and I fought in the human-monster war. I’d always been feared as a brave and strong warrior, until a phoenix bite me in battle.”
The phoenix was sain and we won the war soon after. I survived but A phoenix can only exist at once, and the next is decided on by shared DNA.”
“The DNA is always shared on another monster, whether it  be an accident or not. The monster will turn into a Phoenix over the course of the next few years.” Scar’s hands were starting to shake. “5 years, which for you would had been the second human falling into the underground, the changes that had occur were obviously there.”
I’d tried to hide my… problems, but I couldn’t keep it hidden forever. I was soon beaten and abused because of my appearance. People thought I would kill everyone , though they knew I wouldn’t. Everyday I went to the top of Ebbot and considered jumping, ending it all. I never did, thinking- hoping things would change.” I was about to say she didn’t have to go on, but before I could i saw she was crying. She wiped her tears and slammed her fist on the table, letting out a choked sob.
“But it never did! They found me one day standing at the edge one day, and I had one way to go. I didn’t care if I died, if I was forgotten… But I lived.” I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. “Tori and asgore had found me and accepted me. After the 4th human fell, tori left. I never heard anymore stories about their kids, their childhoods.” Right, troiel was gone. She left asgore disappearing from the underground. She’s been hiding in the old ruins behind snowdin but no one but me and some ghost knew about it.
I was getting a little pissed at this point of her story. So after all this damn time Asgore knew about another human and never told me. I settled down my anger as Scar continued. “They both said in some ways I reminded them of the human child, Chara.” I felt my already dead heart drop. “I never got to ask what I had in similarity to them though…” I could see it. They both had that feeling around them. The feeling that this person who although has been thought so much, would love whoever loved them. I got a little closer to her placing my hand on her back. She wiped more tears off her face and looked at me.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting to have that outburst. My emotions have always been somewhat unstable.” I wasn’t going to let her blame that on herself. “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t had asked. I’m the one who should be saying sorry. Not you” I said to her keeping my eyes locked with her’s.
She looked at me surprised. “It’s fine,really! I don’t know why that happened….”
We broke our gaze at each other and sat in silence a little longer. I figured…. she told me her life story. Might as well share. “You know, I started out human too.”
She looked up at me smiling. “I never would have guessed!”. We both laughed a little before I continued. “I fell in with that human, chara. They were my… friend. I tried to follow them when they jumped down here but the chain I was using to climb down with wrapped around my neck. Yeah…. I  died. My body was found by Dr. Wing Dings Gaster”
Flashes of him falling into core went through my head. I stuttered a little and took a deep  breath. “He brought me back with magic and.. some other things I can’t talk about. He took me apart while experimenting on me. That’s why I have all these stitches.” I held up my right arm and pointed to my face. “I originally had blackish brown hair and green eyes. As you can tell…. that’s changed.” I put my hands in my pockets and my head down.
I don’t think i’ve ever talked to someone about that. Huh… guess I trusted this girl for some reason. Don’t know why I mentioned Gaster , not like she would know who that is anyway. Even if she could had met him before he fell into the core, she wouldn’t be able to remember him. She looked at me and put her hand on my back. “Wow.... I’m sorry. I-I um.. I didn’t want to bring up something that would upset you. I decided to end that topic and waved  my hand keeping things quite a bit longer. While in the silence she finished fixing up my clothes. Even fixed a few of the other poorly fix holes I had tried to fix myself. At this point I was getting bored and a little ansty. Before I could mention it, scar beat me to it. “looks like the storm isn’t going to clear up for awhile. What do you wanna do?” I looked at her shrugging.
Then I had a idea. A dumb one, but I was willing to take anything. “You wouldn’t happen to have somewhere to train… would you?” She smiled. “Why would you wanna know?” I stood up, held my hand out in front of me and my scythe appeared in my hands. I’d after all these years have gotten quite used to summoning my scythe with magic instead of having to carry it around with me. “Nice. A scythe I’m assuming?” I grinned and noded. “I’ve had it for a long time. Thankfully I can just summon it at will.” Scar held up her hand. “That seems pretty useful. My fire magic just lives within me.” Scar Seemed to zone out for a second but before I could ask what was wrong she stood up and had me follow her down a hallway which went from being made of light brown wood to dark grey stone. At the end there was a large stone brick door. I could barely see anything. I was about to make my eyes glow but scar’s hand seemed to light on fire, lighting up most of the hallway before opening the door with another. She then reached inside the room, put her hands on the walls and touches lite up one by one before the whole room was lighten up.
I’d seen fire magic before, most of it being thrown at my face, but seeing that still made my face go into awestruck. Then I asked a dumb question. “Why not just use electricity? Wouldn’t that be easier?”. She laughed a little, “And get a bill for something I provide for myself? No thanks. I prefer to make my own light.” Then I asked another dumb question. “Well can’t your house set on fire?”
She looked at me with a mischievous smile on her face as fire appeared  in her hand. “Wait you don’t have to demon-” She threw the fire at my chest but it didn’t stick to me or even burn me. For the first time in years I felt heat in my chest as the fire went through my chest, not leaving any burn mark, and hit the wall behind me.” -Strate… How?!” I screamed then went on a little bit of a spanish cursing spire, mean while Scar was laughing so hard she almost fell to the floor. After we both calmed down Scar held a big proud smirk on her face.
“One of the few perks of my condition. I can choose whether or not my fire has any effect on any objects it touches. I nodded, still a little freaked up by that. “That’s pretty neat… I don’t really have that many tricks.” I lifted my scythe for an example. ���I have one other ability, but it’s kind of messed up…” Out of the ground one by one little bits of light formed. Each bit of light turned into a link of a chain until the chain was connected from the floor to ceiling. Scar seemed to get what I meant. “So.. You can summon the chain that-” “That killed me? Yeah…”. I pulled on the chain and it broke into little metal pieces, falling to the ground then disappearing. After some more awkward time not looking at each other I finally suggested something then regretted it . “How about some dodge pratice?”
“WHY DID I ASKED THAT?!” I screamed within my thoughts. I was awful at dodging. For some little facts about me, monsters can’t do that much damage to me, on account of my HP(Health points) being 130. My Def (Defense against attacks) against most monsters tend to be something like 13, humans tend to be 130. Highest my attack can be is 1300 against monsters but for humans it’s highest can be 13. I don’t know why it’s different for humans and monsters but I know for sure that I’m the wrost at dodging. I can dodge unlike most monsters I know but it’s hard to do for me. I freeze up whenever I try and almost always end up getting hit. If my HP is close to zero it’s easier to push through to do it but it’s still not easy. I’ve had a lot of close calls, I was probably about to have a few more.
Scar didn’t seem opposed to the idea and approached me. The room turned black and white and in my vision I saw a white box with my soul in it. After much practice, and by that I mean running for my life, I learn what that little box does. It’s show’s me in sinyce  with my own movements and the attacks of my opponents. It comes in handy but not enough to improve my dodging skills. I see Scar standing on the other side of the box as her left hand lights up with white flames. She throws a few balls of white hot flames that  passed by me on my left with me even moving. “Alright…. she’s doing things easy first.”
I think to myself. My turn.
I see four yellow text boxes in front of me under the white box saying “scar is waiting for your move.”. These boxes said Fight, Act, Item, and Mercy. I picked the Fight option and another set of options is presented to me. Swing, chains, change. These are the options on which attacks I use. Swing being how much power I want to put into using my scythe, chains which I use mostly to whip people or to chain them up, and charge being how much power and magic I want to use with Chas, my Blaster. I choose to go easy at first as well and pick swing.
 I don’t swing with my full force but just enough to almost crack the ground where scar was standing before she dodged the strike. I’m given the chance to make another swing at Scar but don’t and let her have her turn.
We go on like this for a while, probably an hour before scar seems to be outta breath and I’m acting as though I’m tired as well. I was about suggest a mercy but before I could scar started her turn and threw a larger ball of fire at me then she had the whole fight. I was about to avoid it by going left but it seemed to be locked onto me hit me full force on my right. It burned through the jeans and shirt Scar gave me and sent me slamming against the wall and knocking my glasses off and my scythe fell outta my hand as I fell to the ground.
I looked back at scar who was breathing even heavier, her left eye was glowing a deep dark orange and was staring at me with such anger. I stood back up grabbing scythe and standing in a better battle stance. We were still in the battle and it was my turn. My HP had gone down by 15 points, 115 was left. I was about to hit the fight button without thinking about but stopped my hand. “She hit you. Hit. Her. Back.”, I heard the voices say. So many of them demanding me to take action. I wouldn’t do it, I couldn’t.
I don’t know why, but something about this girl told me she wasn’t her. Her face wasn’t the same, she didn’t have the same kind face as before. I pressed the ACT button and choose the option to talk. “Scar? Are you there? It’s me mas. The guy you just met.”, I said to her in the most calming voice I could do. It was her turn, her lite up with large balls of fire and her face was wild with anger and rage. She was about to throw them both at me ,but stop.
Her face changed from that of rage and malice to that of fear and guilt. Her left went back to “normal” and she fell back. Her hands were shaking as she hugged herself. White text in front of Scar said she’s showing me mercy. I did the same and world returned to colors of the grey walls and orange lights. I walked up to Scar, making my scythe disappear as I stood in front of her. She started crying as I could hear mumbling something.
“I-I’m so sorry….. I’m so sorry.”,she through her tears. I sat down next to her. “It’s ok, it’s ok.” I understood what happened. The “phoenix” within her may had done something to take her over. I knew what that was like. She hugged me while she was still crying and sobbing. I got shocked for a second but instead of letting myself get flustered I hugged her back. We just stayed like that for a while, me hugging her while she was shaking.
After what could had been hours, Scar looked at my right arm and leg. “ Oh my god, Mas your- your..”, she let go of me and I did the same. She got up grabbed my arm pulling me up as well and taking me back to the living room. She went into a closet next to the fire place and took out a small medkit and went back to me in a panic. She started to clean my wounds not looking at me and afterwards wrapped my burns. She looked at me as she tied the bandage  around my burns.
“Sorry…..” , She loosened the bandage on my arm. “Oh… No it’s fine. Didn’t feel a thing”, Which is actually true. She looked at me, her face filled with surprize and nodded. “I see….”, she looked back down and started putting her medkit back up and got up to put it back in the closest. I couldn’t let things stay this awkward and quiet. “It wasn’t your fault, you know that right?”, she stopped. “I get what having something in your head that makes you do things that… you regret. The important thing is you make sure to make up for the things you regret by fixing them… so don’t worry.”
She looked back at me, her eyes sad. “.... thank you…”, she went to the closest and put her mid kit away and stayed there, standing looking at the wall. “That hasn’t happened in a long time… I’m so sorry.”, she said her voice sounding shaky. “I don’t know why that just starts happening…” she starts shaking along with her voice. “Maybe those people were right to say I was just a freak…I’m just a fre-.” I ran up behind her and sat my hand on her shoulder. She froze.
“Stop it. You’re not a freak, you’re one of the best people I’ve ever met. EVER. You brought some drunk guy inside because a snowstorm was coming in. You then fixed my clothes after giving me some to change into, then let me talk about something I haven’t talked about in YEARS. And ya know what else? I honestly haven’t had this much fun with another human in like, 80 years. So before you wanna call yourself a freak.”, I let go of scar and she faces me ,her eyes hidden by her hair. “I’m a 93 year old guy who has been alone and depressed for 80 years and has been called a creep, a mistake, a let down.”, I felt my eyes water, “a disappointment, unreliable, weak, inhuman…… and that was before I became a monster”, I’m crying at this point and scar is looking up at me with her eyes widen.
“....guess we’re not that different huh?”,she puts her hand on my shoulder, looking at me with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. I wipe my eyes and smile back, “haha…. yep….”.
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mark4manjoume · 7 years
My seven dying friends
Hello, it’s me again. But tonight, instead of talking inside of our head, thinking rather, let’s chat here in the digital world.
Hello friend, we meet again. Everybody these are my friends, depression, anxiety, sadness, internally dying, crying, empathy and its twin apathy.
Let’s talk about my first friend, depression. We all have this kind of friend, he just feels sad all the time without any reason why, why he can’t enjoy the better things in life, can’t move on from the past and dreading it every night. We usually hang out every sleep over, especially when the hour is dark and we have nobody to talk to. But then, I help my friend depression on his problem by just walking it out, experiencing new things life has to offer, and I’m saying it to it every single time we hang out with each other “It’s okay that I’m feeling you, it’s just that I have to cope up with you, admitting that you’re here, that you exist. Nothing in life is perfect, not even me or you, I need you just like how I need every emotion out there, just hang in there, we’ll make it no matter what.” and after I talked this to depression, he calmly sleeps at night, thinking nothing but just taking his time sleeping peacefully without any harm.
Here’s my other friend, anxiety, unlike any other, I’m always afraid when he’s with me, having fear of anything when he’s with me, always afraid to take the risk, not going out of its comfort zone when I’m saying that he should. He may be weak, for sure, but he’s the strongest out there, I tell you. He saved us a lot of times saying things like “what would it be like if we leave this place? How would our family members feel? That’s not how we play life, we should play life right under our hands, not the other way around” and he has a point out there. We need every reason to cling to life, no matter how little it may be. Although he’s a very scaredy-cat to do what I want to do, but in the end, we conquered it the same. I like him a lot, whenever we hang out, I think of every possibility there is to a situation, and that’s why he’s one of my best of friends (everyone I’m mentioning here is my best friend, and we hang out everyday and everynight, like a lot). Anxiety is a good friend but he doesn’t like to be criticized like anybody else, and that’s why I’m saying this to him every single time “Sink those motherfucking feels every time you’re criticized, at least you’re being told. Analyze the criticism you’ve been told and improve that shit, that way there’ll be one less criticism taken away from you.” and after I’m saying that every single time, he tries to improve himself and he’s doing his best.
Sadness is more like depression, in a way, but he can be easily swayed like watching dog videos, satisfying his cravings, and hanging out with his friends (not us, but those who we don’t hang out everyday). He always feel blue the same time I’m feeling it too. But he doesn’t think of suicidal thoughts like depression and internally dying. He’s just too blue because he got out of a relationship a long time ago and still not get it over with. But he’s trying to date other girls, it’s just that he has high standards and he wants to get the same wavelength with the girl immediately. Trust me, he has dated some girl that kinda parred with his ex. But you know, poor life choices. He also feels blue when his family feels it too, especially to his mom, he may not show it, but he hides it very effectively that no one can see it, just a poker face outside and he just hangs out with crying when he does that although no one can really see how they hang out, not even me.
I always see internally dying as somewhat of a masochist, but really hates pain. One time he saw this spindle when we were doing our internship, he immediately thought of banging his eyes on those two spindles, one spindle each eye, fuck man hahaha. But the saddest part is, it’s just his manifestation or way of putting off what he really feels. He literally feels like killing himself every single night when we sleep. But of course any situation can be solved by another situation, it’s just that we have different methods. Mine is I keep him busy enough not to kill himself, like going out, reading a book (I let him study so he doesn’t feel like himself), doing things he normally wouldn’t do, and of course the most effective, putting him to sleep. But there’s one more way to really calm him and live this life the opposite way on how he’s living, getting him a girlfriend, really. Once he has a lover, he starts to think of his partner more than himself, giving him a reason to live every day. Someone to cuddle with, someone to tell his secrets and story of the day besides from us and I think that can help him calm for sure. I just don’t want to see him doing his own stuff again and again, I mean it’s not healthy to think of killing yourself everyday. But he does this every single day saying to me “you know what’s more difficult than taking your own life? It’s living life everyday and finding a reason on how to live your life, I’m running out of options everyday, that’s why I’m feeling myself, dying every single day.”
Let’s go to my next friend, crying. I don’t see him every day, but we hang out inside, it’s just that I don’t see him anymore, it���s like he’s already dead. I see faint signs of him when we’re sleeping, but I think the last time I saw him when I was in 6th grade. I don’t really know what happened to him, it’s just that I feel him everyday yet I don’t see him. It’s like I’m looking at a rock everytime I see him, like it’s his mask. I dunno, I just want to see him even though it’s hard for me to accept him, but you know, we need to see our friend once in a while. Come back bud, I miss feeling you.
Let’s talk about the twins, empathy and apathy. They’re twins in a way that empathy is like the skeleton while apathy is the skin. Empathy is lowkey, he lives life like he’s the most egotistical guy in the world, yet he doesn’t keep anyone hanging. Like for example, whenever we hang out with our other friends, typically there’s a lot of topics that’s spoken and you know, someone will overlap the other when talking, but he entertains the other one first, the one who overpowered on talking, letting him finish, and then talks immediately to the other one who was hunged up asking “hey what was that you’re talking about?” And you know he’s good at that, and that’s the part that I like about him. But then again he’s just the skeleton and apathy is the skin. Apathy doesn’t care about anything in this world, like he just doesn’t feel anything whenever there’s something to really feel about something like someone has died, he doesn’t show any emotions, but then again whenever he’s alone, he hangs out with depression, sadness and crying, feeling little by little the pain that he should have felt before. It’s like internally dying, but he doesn’t feel the whole emotion at all, it’s like he’s semi-apathetic if you could consider it. But they do complement each other as a twin, and I think that’s part of being human. We don’t talk much, but I connect with the twins whenever we feel the same way.
I know my friends aren’t that deep compared to yours, we have different friends and different coping up with our friends and different experiences. But we all have one thing in common, they live inside of everyone of us. Those people that saying that their friends living inside has a much deeper trauma than yours. They only have a shallow amount of experience how it really feels to feel them all and I think for me, the one who has lived long enough to experience them all is someone you can see everyday, smiling as if he/she has no problem about anything, seeing the little hints that you may feel all of this and knows the exact counter mechanism just to make you feel sane again. They’re alive on the outside, but they’re already dead on the inside, just waiting for death to come to them and living life to the fullest as much as they can and helping others not to feel the same way they did unlike the previous dicks that said that they have experienced more than you, blah blah blah. These dead people inside have one thing in common too, they don’t talk about it to anyone and they help those who are almost following their footsteps and saving them before they end up like him/her and I think that’s the bravest thing I’ve seen a person do.
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