#she's just trying to get rid of a spell but he's holding on to his virtue with a cooked spaghetti so of course this is too much for him
sandushengshou · 11 months
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Zhu Yan & Shi Ying | The Longest Promise
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valsdelulucorner · 15 days
Hii idk if you take requests (if not you can totally ignore this ) but can we get a part two on mc and the familiar where she keeps it 💜💜💜💜
Yes of course! Just a little reminder for those who dont remember, Juniper is MC's little familiar! Hes deadly to demons because he's made of plants that are poisonous to demons Part 1<3
Just imagine Mc gets a deadly familiar while down in devildom
The brothers absolutely FREAK. OUT. Scrambling over each other to get away from you and the creature loving around your ankles. Everyone's in their demon form while they hide behind lucifer, despite being in his demon form is holding a chair.
It seems you brought home a very deadly devildom species, a creature that resembles a lion but is completely made out of vines, thorns, and deadly flowers that excrete deadly pores when breathed in. It seems like humans are immune to the flowers and pores because you are completely fine with little Juniper loving around your legs, the brothers however are completely vulnerable to the spores and flowers. Safe to say, they kicked the little flower cub out and quarantined you and the room Juniper was in.
Juniper didn't leave though, taking refuge in the gardens outside of the house of lamentation. Lucifer was not pleased in. the. slighted. He will immediately call over lord Diavolo to get rid of the little pest to make sure his family is safe, but the moment he sees you look so happy with the little creature, he will decide apon letting it live somewhere else
After having to let Juniper go, you were sad for a while and alittle bumed you didn't get to keep him. While sleeping one night, a beautiful series of juniper flowers started growing from your wall and out emerged little juniper, purring loudly and curling up against you while you laid in bed. The first thing you woke up to the next morning was Asmodeus screaming and slamming your door shut again, screaming about how Juniper is back and is contaminating your room
Lets just say Diavolo and Barbatos were called and were over there almost immediately. Barbatos was close to erasing the threat but you managed to convince them to spare Juniper (again). Diavolo put a protection spell around the large group of Juniper flowers and around little Juniper himself so he would excrete the lethal pores and flowers that would harm the demon brothers. This in itself was great but it opened up so many more problems
Little Juniper would just randomly appear and disappear when he wanted so no one knew when he was going just show up randomly. He loves to just show up and run around the house of lamentation and just cause trouble, grabbing something before sprinting back to your room before jumping back through his little flower portal. The brothers HATE when this happens and have genuinely tried to rip the flower portal apart, only to fail because of the protection spell on it. The only times they actually appreciate the little cub is when it follows you around when you go out alone for a walk. Other demons scream and run away from the little cub, completely unaware of the protection spell he has so they just avoid you like the plague at night. It keeps you safe, its the ONLY reason that they let him stay
After a while, they just get used to him and stop reacting, which causes little Juniper to calm down abit. Sometimes he just drops in at night and wonders the halls to try and find you, scaring the shit out of mammon and asmo one time when they were sneaking in. If he finds you cuddling with one of the brothers, he will pull such a cat move and just squeeze his body in-between you and (fav bro), his hind legs kicking and pushing the chosen brother away and curls up against your chest. Juniper has gotten kicked out of many rooms before because of this
This is so short and not the best but i dont really have any ideas right now. I think ive also been shadow banned lmao, i dont know if thats a thing on tumblr so im just uploading abit more today to make up for the past days
He is so cute, love little juniper. What scenario should i do next?
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nixiefics · 7 days
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Aegon is a man obsessed.
Ever since the incident in his chamber a mere two nights ago, he cannot not rid himself of the feel of you. How your hair brushed his cheeks, how soft your skin was against his hand and your smell - it was as if you had cast a spell to have it constantly follow him around.
He imagines your giggles as a response to a different kind of touch and groans; it would seem as if he would be in a constant state of arousal until he could devise a plan to rid himself of these thoughts. It's slightly embarrassing that he cannot control himself - like a little boy discovering the pleasures of women for the first time.
Gods, he has known the pleasures of women for years and yet the mere thought of you seems to cause his body to overload with raw hunger. He could have you for an eternity and it would still not be enough.
You are giggling with a lady he does not recognize, a plain thing, about something or another but all Aegon can focus on is the delicious image of your mouth as a dollop of cream is left behind in the left corner. Your tongue darts out to clear it and Aegon wishes he could violently throw himself from the balcony to avoid the sudden rush of more blood to his lower body.
"Are you quite alright, Aegon?" Alicent appears suddenly and Aegon chokes on his own tongue, trying in vain to shift his body so as not to offend his mother. "You look pale, darling."
Your eyes dart to his with concern, a silent question. He wants to scream, rage at everyone to leave you alone with him - he wants to-
"The sun is bright today." he swallows as he gulps a particularly good vintage of Arbor Red; It's tasteless. "Too hot."
Alicent smooths a hand over his forehead and he wishes she would disappear - it feels more like smothering with her, sometimes. She takes a seat instead, on his left side and reaches for a pastry as she listens to you and the… whoever she is, prattle on.
"Going to my room." Aegon mumbles and drains his cup. "Tired of being outside." He needs release.
He nods at his guard and whispers something to another, and you watch him with a forlorn expression. He had been acting very strange lately and you wondered if you had taken your teasing too far the other night. It had been unintentional, just a testing of the boundaries, but he had swiftly ordered you to bed and slammed the door in your face leaving you feeling… hollow.
Your feelings for Aegon had always been immeasurable. He was the first boy who had given you attention - positive attention - and he was the only man you now felt secure around. You knew his marriage to Helaena was purely practical, a way to secure a claim he might or might not have, but you still felt jealous of your friend - that she knew him so intimately.
You blink as the sun glances off one of Lady Connington's bracelets. She was a fine enough conversationalist, but you would rather be with Aegon just laying down in an alcove somewhere and not saying anything. Gods, you need to ask a Maester for something for headaches.
"You are pale as well, Y/N." Alicent sighs, "Have you and Aegon been staying up late in the halls again?"
You want to snap that her son is grown and can do what he pleases but hold your tongue, lest you lose it. "No, Your Grace, I have not seen Aegon until this morning."
She frowns at your words and glances to where her eldest has disappeared. It is odd for you to not be in Aegon's company. Alicent had always been wary of your friendship with her son; feeling that it undermined everything she worked so hard to cultivate but it became evident that you did make Aegon happy and so she contented herself with the gossip of castle staff - you had not ever been abed together.
"Perhaps it is a summer flu, Your Grace." Lady Connington says, winking at you as she sips at her wine. "I have heard the smallfolk are getting light symptoms."
The night is warm, as only one in King's Landing could be. You're not sure how you managed it but you had found out from Aegon's sworn guard Ser Erryk that Ser Arryk had escorted him to the Dragon Pit. Aegon adored Sunfyre more than anything in the world and often snuck out to see him; when he wasn't in the Street of Silk, that is.
It is enough to divert Alicent's attention. Yes, that must be it; nothing untoward that a tincture from Maester Orwyle could not fix.
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The Dragonkeepers eye you warily but allow you to pass into the caves unencumbered. Sunfyre was used enough to you that he would not cause much havoc. It is a familiar path as you step lightly past the lairs of Dreamfyre and the others, careful not to disturb their rest. The caves are sweltering, something you had never gotten used to, and you are grateful that you remembered to only dress in the lightest gown you had.
"Egg?" you call as you near Sunfyre's little corner. He is huddled against her side, eyes lazy as he clutches a bottle to his chest. No wonder Arryk had looked nervous outside.
"Wouldn’t let me take him out." Aegon slurs, "S'my damned dragon, can do what I like."
You smile and bow your head to the golden dragon, who is appraising his rider as if he had lost his mind - perhaps he had. "I doubt Sunfyre feels like a midnight flight, Egg. Why don't we just sit with him?"
Aegon hiccups and shakes his head, turning away from you as he takes another swig of his drink. He seems very upset with you and you are left speechless; not ever had Aegon gone without resolving a disagreement - not that you knew what this one was about.
Sunfyre adjusts himself as you approach, allowing you to perch against his leg and huffs a hot breath at you. If he could speak, you're sure he would be telling you to fix whatever is wrong with his rider.
"What is the matter, Aegon?" you ask tenderly, licking your lips to add some moisture to them. "You seem… put out by something."
He huffs and whirls to face you. "Women! I can't… why are you all so complicated?"
Taken aback, you laugh. It's not what he wants to hear and violently throws the bottle of liquor against the nearest wall, staggering to his feet.
"S'not fair, that… you all just get to hide your," he blinks for a moment and looks at you with a squint. "You can all just hide your hunger under dresses and pretty smiles. We… us men have to suffer the fucking embarrassment of being so… engorged! It's not fair!"
"You're not making sense, Egg." you whisper, hesitant that he might lash out in his drunken state. "I don't know what you mean?"
"I came in my pants." he yells, startling Sunfyre. The beast growls low and you swallow thickly as you move away tentatively. "Oh, sod it, you smug beast. You're allowed to have one over whichever pretty dragon you like! I came in my pants the other night from a stupid touch against her backside!"
You balk and shoot to your feet, not believing your own ears. "Aegon-
"You've bewitched me, Y/N." he is close now, the smell of mead on his breath almost too much. "You haunt my every thought - how you would moan and writhe… it's maddening."
You stand there, bathed in the eerie glow of the dragon cave, with its massive, shadowy form looming in the background. Aegon, his eyes glazed over from too much drink, sways slightly as he leans in closer to you. His breath, warm against your skin, carries the scent of ale and adventure.
In this moment, the air between you crackles with a tension that’s palpable, almost suffocating. You can feel the heat of his gaze, intense and hungry, as he inches closer, his lips mere inches from yours. The world around you fades away, leaving only the two of you in this enchanted cavern.
Your heart races with anticipation, your pulse echoing in your ears like a drumbeat. His hand reaches up, tentative yet eager, to brush against your cheek, sending shivers down your spine. Every nerve in your body tingles with anticipation, yearning for the moment his lips finally meet yours.
But just as your lips are about to touch, Aegon’s expression shifts. His eyes widen in alarm, and before you can react, he lurches forward, his stomach heaving. The spell is broken as he retches at your feet, the sound echoing off the cavern walls.
Disappointment floods through you, mingled with a hint of amusement at the absurdity of the situation. Sunfyre, observing the scene with a curious tilt of its head, seems to share in your bemusement.
With a sigh, you realize that this moment was not meant to be. Gathering your composure, you call Ser Arryk, who emerges from around the corner and observes the spectacle with a mixture of concern and amusement.
Aegon avoids you for a week.
“Help me get him back to his room,” you say, your voice tinged with resignation. Together, you and Arryk lift Aegon’s limp form, carrying him out of the cave and back to his chambers, leaving behind the almost-kiss that never was. As you walk, you can't help but wonder what might have been, the taste of what almost happened lingering on your lips like a bittersweet promise unfulfilled.
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You've been on edge for what feels like an eternity. Every moment without his presence is a torment, a gnawing ache that refuses to be ignored. It's been a week since that almost-kiss, a moment suspended in time, fraught with anticipation and desire; leaving you standing there, lips tingling with the ghost of what could have been, while he stumbled off, retching embarrassingly in front of you.
Since that fateful moment, Aegon's been avoiding you like the plague. Your notes go unanswered and your attempts to bump into him accidentally-on-purpose met with swift evasions. The frustration builds within you like a storm, thundering in your chest with each passing day.
Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, you decide to confront him. You track him down at his favourite tavern, where he sits alone in a back room, nursing a cup of his favourite Arbor Red. As you approach, he looks up, surprise flickering in his eyes before it's quickly masked by a guarded expression.
"We need to talk," you say, your voice trembling with pent-up emotion.
He nods slowly, gesturing for you to take a seat opposite him. The air between you crackles with tension, thick with unspoken words and unanswered questions.
"What's going on, Aegon?" you demand, your frustration boiling over. "Why have you been avoiding me?"
He sighs heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I... I don't know," he admits, his voice tinged with regret.
"That's not good enough," you insist, your tone sharper now. "We almost kissed, Aegon. You've been avoiding me ever since. I need to know why."
He meets your gaze then, his eyes haunted with a mixture of longing and uncertainty. "Because I've wanted you for so long," he confesses, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I never thought you felt the same way. And then when we were finally close, I... I got sick, and I thought you'd be repulsed by me."
Your heart aches at his words, the vulnerability in his voice pulling at your own insecurities. "You're an imbecile," you whisper, reaching out to touch his hand.
He looks up, surprise flickering in his eyes at your touch. "I know," he says softly, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "But I meant what I said. You're the best thing in my life, and I want to make you happy."
A rush of warmth floods through you at his words, melting away the walls you'd built around your heart. "I want that too, Aegon," you admit, your voice barely a whisper. "I've always wanted that."
You sit together in the small room, Aegon's gaze meets yours, his eyes reflecting the warmth of the candle as he reaches out to gently cup your face in his hands.
The air is filled with anticipation, a tangible electricity that seems to crackle between you. With a tender smile, Aegon leans in, his lips brushing against yours in a delicate caress. The touch is light at first, a gentle exploration that sends a shiver of excitement down your spine.
But as the kiss deepens, the world around you fades away, leaving only the two of you entwined in a moment of pure connection. His lips are warm and inviting, a perfect match to the softness of your own as they move together in a dance of passion and longing.
You can feel the beat of his heart beneath his chest, steady and strong, matching the rhythm of your own. His arms wrap around you, pulling you closer until there's no space left between you, lost in the blissful embrace.
You moan as his lips feather their way over your cheek, down your neck and to a sensitive spot that makes you almost limp with pleasure. Gods, his lips feel good. His hands even more so because they travel from their spot on your waist and up, to cup your breast through your gown, and down to the curve of your behind. The flesh is lush in his hands and Aegon swears under his breath as you tug at his hair, a plead for more leaving your lips.
He hates the idea of taking you here, in a dirty tavern on the Street of Silk but his thoughts are sharply halted when your hand travels from his chest to his erection. Every sane thought he had harboured until then, disappears into thin air at the sight of your hand cupping him through his breeches. "Fuck."
He lurches forward, claiming your mouth again and you're left breathless as his hands dig into your arse, lifting you onto the table and scrambling to get his hands under your skirt. "You are a marvel."
He kisses his way down your neck again, nibbling that flesh that he so dreamed about for so long. It is more divine than he could have imagined and he groans as you tug at his curls again; just as Aegon's fingers reach down to hook into the seat of your underwear. His eyes are squeezed shut as he leans into you, smelling you, while his fingers drift over your pussy, searching desperately for a reaction.
His actions steal the breath from your very lungs as you feel the first sign of wetness begin to coat your underwear. He is in utter awe when he feels it. Quickly descending into a level of pleasure that he was not even sure existed, he murmurs in his desperate drunken haze, "I wish to play with you and taste you and fuck you until you’re barely able to speak-"
"God's, Aegon!" Your voice is hoarse and your cries reach a pitch that would be audible to the patrons outside. Aegon does little to stop them, in fact he encourages them, as his fingers push your underwear aside.
"So fucking wet," The warmth of his breath fans against your cheeks, his lashes fluttering as his thumb teases the treasure at the very cusp of you. Then his lips stop moving against your chest as he suddenly drops to his knees and stares up at you - it is a heady sight. His hands scramble for your skirts and you see him smile like a child who has been given a boiled sweet.
"If there is a heaven, woman, it is here." he mumbles, trailing his lips along your inner thigh gently. A soft moan falls from your lips as he swirls his tongue around your needy pearl, awarding you the attention he earlier denied.
“Aegon,” you moan, thighs clenching against his head.
His hands wrap around your thighs, pressing them to the table so he can continue feasting. Aegon’s tongue moves lower, dipping inside your centre, lips parting your folds. He moves his mouth in such a way, eating and kissing you all at once. The pleasure is almost too much to bear and as he pushes his tongue completely inside you, you begin to shake, almost reaching your peak.
You’re tugging at his hair with every movement, angling your hips just so and then…
"Fuck, love, look at how beautiful you are…" the scowl down at him as the feeling of euphoria starts to dim but he merely wipes his mouth sloppily before leaning in to kiss you again, whispering. "Don't pout, darling, you shall have what you crave but only when I say you can."
You hadn't even noticed that he had freed himself from his breeches until you feel his cock stretching out the beginning of your entrance. Aegon sinks into you with a stuttered gasp, lazily thrusting into your tight heat. The pain that comes from him splitting you clean in half is short-lived, pleasure creeping its way up your spine.
You cry out as he thrusts into you, hitching your leg around his waist as he rolls his hips into yours.
“Such a good girl,” he croons, as tears leak from the corners of your eyes, “look at that greedy little cunt, taking my cock so well.”
You throw your head back against the wood, arching your back as waves of pleasure wash over you, both from Aegon’s thrusts and the sweet words he whispers to you.
“You’re doing so well for me,” he praises, burying his face against your chest.
He suckles at your breasts, leaving scattered red marks across them that will surely bloom into purple bruises the following day. Dragging his hot tongue over your nipple he bites the puckered nub harshly and you tangle your hands in his hair, yanking harshly at the roots.
Aegon lets out a breathy laugh, slamming his hips against you until your jaw slacks and your grip loosens. He brings a hand to your throat, wrapping his fingers around it loosely. His rings are icy and you whimper, pupils blown with lust.
“Now I will never let you go.” Aegon taunts, the sound of wet slapping echoing throughout the room, “You are the sweetest addiction - one I would happily give every other one up for.”
You can only moan as he sloppily kisses you. You can feel your walls pulsating around his cock, stomach clenching so tightly you feel you may break in half.
“That’s it, take all I have to give you,” Aegon murmurs, as your walls flutter against him.
Your belly warms as your orgasm hits you, and with a few final thrusts Aegon pulls out suddenly, coating your stomach with strings of his pearly white release. He watched you as you drag your fingers through it before shoving them through your parted lips; savouring the taste of him with a moan.
You watch him, with curiously as he watches the way your fingers trace the shape of your lips. Then those perfect eyes meet yours and he drags himself from your between your legs, fixing his trousers and tugging your skirts back into place.
"To bed, then." he places an uncommonly tender kiss to your forehead. "I wish to devour you, still."
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bloatedandalone04 · 13 days
Bets & Bargains - Part 7
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Series Masterlist
➪in which bradley finally makes things official between you and him, and the guys finally catch onto what’s been keeping their frat mate so busy lately.
PSA: strongly suggested to read the warnings before proceeding.
WC; 4.5k | Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡
Bradley failed to notice that you had accidentally left your hoodie on his passenger seat when he dropped you off last night. He was going to bring it to you since you didn’t live far away, but he decided to just keep it there until he saw you again. 
Then he got himself ready for bed and saw the mess he made for you in his boxers, and he went right back out to his Jeep and grabbed your hoodie, then spent the next ten minutes holding it up to his nose as he jerked himself off in his bedroom. 
He couldn’t help it. It smelled like movie theater popcorn and you, a combination he didn’t think he would like so much. 
He was happy it was the weekend and he didn’t have class to go to today, because he knew he wouldn’t have been able to focus on a single thing other than you. 
Why you were such a distraction, he didn’t know, but he honestly didn’t care. Last night was amazing, and he was cursing himself for it ending so soon. You and he talked for a long time after you got each other off in the driver’s seat of his Jeep, and it was only around ten when he drove you back to campus. He should’ve taken you to get milkshakes or something, since you both were quite a big fan of them, instead of reminding himself that he wanted to take things slow with you. 
Bradley hadn’t even told you about Bri yet, like you told him about Luke, but he was sure that you would automatically think that you were a rebound since he and Bri broke up literally only a week ago tomorrow. That wasn’t the case, though. Sure, his initial, drunken thought was to find someone to make Bri jealous with, but that wasn’t what he was doing with you. He liked you, and if she was jealous because of that, then it was just a bonus. 
He knew he liked you a bit too much too soon, so he restricted himself to only texting you all throughout Saturday while he tried to catch up on the assignments he’d been given during the first week back at school. As he read through them, he realized that he had missed the explanation of them as well since he was too preoccupied with thoughts of you, and then he told himself to get a grip. 
He had never been like this before, not with anyone, but he wasn’t mad that you were the first person to get him all flustered and unfocused like he currently is now. 
On Sunday, he caved. 
I miss you, babes. Can I see you today?
He was scribbling out a spelling error, not caring enough about neatness to actually erase the mistake, when you got back to him. 
Y/n: I miss you, flyboy. What did you have in mind?
Bradley laughed at the name, pushing aside his school work in order to give you his full attention. It was nearing four in the afternoon and he hadn’t eaten much today other than half a box of stale crackers, and he has a few things in the fridge and cupboard he needs to get rid of soon, so he decided to invite you over for dinner. 
You hungry? I’m sick of fast food places, let me make you something real and half decent. 
Y/n: I’m always hungry, and beyond curious to find out about your culinary skills. 
I’m very skilled in the kitchen I barely use, believe me. Come over at 5?
Y/n: I believe you. See you soon, flyboy.
Bradley was left smiling stupidly at his phone, then he quickly changed your contact name before trying to get as much studying time in as possible before you got here. 
You’d spent most of the weekend in your room, wanting to avoid Sam as much as you could. You were still annoyed with her, and pissed off that she thinks you were looking for a rebound in Bradley. Even though you weren’t, she was the one who told you to go get a rebound anyway. 
Things had been over between you and Luke for months, and you were more than ready to move on. And Bradley seemed like a great person to move on with, if he felt the same way about you. Though, you had a feeling he did since he pretty much told you in his Jeep on Friday night. 
Fuck, you’ve replayed that night over and over in your head too many times to count. It was almost too perfect. Not only did he make you feel unbelievably good, the long talk you had after was something you didn’t know you needed so badly. 
Talking with Bradley was one of the easiest things you had ever done, and listening to him talk about his life and past and possible future was like a breath of fresh air. 
It was almost five when you finally left the confines of your room, and of course Sam was right there. Really, you should’ve expected it since her room is across the hall from yours, and the hall is extremely small, so you were bound to bump into her eventually. “Oh,” she blandly said, a bottle of Pepsi in one hand and a bag of chips in the other. “You’re alive. She’s alive, everyone.”
You watch with narrowed eyes as she turns and gestures to you as if it wasn’t just you and her in the cramped hall. “Really?” You ask in a bored tone, crossing your arms. 
“Really,” she hummed, raising her brows quickly before turning towards her bedroom door. “Have fun with the frat boy.”
You glared at her then at her door when she slammed it in your face. How did she know you were going to see Bradley? Sure, you’ve seen him a lot since that party, maybe a bit too much, but still. That was a lucky guess. 
Not wanting to be in a bad mood when you get to his place, you take a deep breath and raise both your middle fingers at her door, then head towards the front one. You would deal with her later, and preferably clear the air, because she was acting like a child and you were getting fed up with it. 
It was kind of cold out for a summer night, and you failed to check the weather before leaving, so you ended up walking across campus in just a grey tank top and black jeans. You walk up the steps and knock on the door, rubbing your hands over your arms afterwards as you wait. 
You didn’t have to wait for too long as less than ten seconds later the door opened and revealed the guy you were annoyingly into. “Hey,” Bradley greeted with a boyish smile that had you fighting off one of your own. “You don’t have to knock, you know. We rarely ever lock the door.”
“Oh,” you laugh and step inside the house when he moves to the side. “That’s really good to know in case I ever stay the night again.”
Bradley, who looked too good to be true in his blue flannel and dark jeans, rolled his eyes as he pushed the door closed. “You didn’t let me finish. We rarely ever lock it when we’re home,” he added with a laugh, draping his arm over your shoulder as he guided you into the kitchen.
You hum and lean into his side, wrapping your arm around his middle. “That makes it sound a lot better,” you smile up at him. “Thanks for clarifying.”
Bradley shook his head, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips as if it came naturally to him. Was this a normal thing now? God, you hoped so. “Come on,” he said against your lips. “It’s almost ready.”
You let him lead you into the kitchen, your body stuck to his. It seemed like neither one of you wanted to let the other one go at the moment, and you didn’t mind it one bit. “What’s almost ready?” 
“The decent food I promised you,” he answered, pulling you with him to the stove. You barely got a second to look at the pan that was on the burner before Bradley picked you up effortlessly and set you down on the counter next to the oven. 
You got a hint of his strength on Friday night when he threw you over his shoulder and carried you across the parking garage, and both times left you a bit breathless. 
Bradley moved his body so his waist was in between your thighs, and his hands were placed on the counter next to your hips. He was still taller than you, even like this, so he had to lean down to ghost his lips over yours. “Do you wanna taste it?” He asked, his words muffled against your mouth. 
Not being able to form proper words, you nod and harshly swallow at the smirk that formed on his lips. He turned away from you and grabbed a fork, piling a bit of the ground beef onto it before bringing it up to your mouth. You hold eye contact as you take the fork between your teeth, a sharp intake following shortly after. “Wow,”
“Good? Bad?” Bradley laughed, setting the fork down and placing his hands on either side of your hips again. “Which one is it?”
“Good, it’s good,” you reply, still chewing as you reach up to wipe at your mouth. “Spicy.”
He hummed, lifting his hand and running his thumb along your bottom lip, collecting what you failed to wipe away. “Is that bad? Do you not like spicy things?”
You shake your head, a laugh escaping afterwards. “I do, I just can’t handle a lot of spice. My taste buds will fall off,”
“Oh, we can’t have that,” Bradley laughed, too, sliding his hand up so it’s caressing the side of your face. You were still smiling when his gaze became a little more intimate, and you thought he was going to kiss you again when he instead surprised you. “Do you wanna be my girlfriend?”
Your eyes widen a bit and you laugh again, a sound of disbelief as your eyes flickered all over his face. “What?”
“Do you want to be my girlfriend?” He repeated slower this time, his thumb gently stroking your cheek as he looked down at your lips. 
The shock from the sudden question eventually wears off and you place your hands on his shoulders. “Um,” you trail off as you sit up straighter, your hands sliding up to tangle in his hair. “Yeah, I do.” 
Bradley grinned at you, “Yeah?” 
“Yeah,” you confirm, unable to stop the smile that matched his before he leaned in and pressed a firm kiss to your mouth. 
You gently pull at his hair as he grabs your hips in both hands, deepening the kiss as he tugs you towards the edge of the counter. “You left your hoodie in the Jeep,” he told you, barely pulling away from your lips as he spoke. 
“Oh,” you murmur. “Is it still in there?”
He shook his head, kissing you again after. “It’s in my room,” he mumbled. “I’m keeping it.”
You laugh against his lips, wrapping your arms around his shoulders before pulling away. “It’s my favorite one,” you pouted and he reached up to tug at your bottom lip.
“You can steal one of mine,” he suggested and the offer sounded too tempting to decline, so you just smiled at him and nodded. 
“Okay,” you agreed, kissing him one last time before pushing him away from you. “Check the food, flyboy. Make sure it’s not burning.”
Bradley shook his head with a laugh, stepping away from you and checking on the pan. “It’s not,” he observed, glancing over at you with teasing eyes. “But if it was, it’d be your fault for distracting me.” 
You shrug, gripping the edge of the granite as you lean over. “You gotta learn how to focus on the important tasks if you want to be in the Navy,”
He copied your shrug and looked over at you as he turned the stove off and set the pan onto a different burner. “I don’t know, kissing you seemed very important,” 
You roll your eyes and look around the simple kitchen. “Where are your frat buddies?”
“I don’t know,” Bradley answered with a quiet laugh, transferring the beef into a bowl. “They’re hardly ever here. That’s why it’s so quiet. I don’t know what they do all day long.”
You nod even though he was too focused on the food to see it. “I like it when it’s quiet,” you say, watching as he grabs two plates from the top shelf of a cupboard, the stretch making his flannel lift and expose a bit of his toned waist. “Means I get you all to myself.”
“What, having me all to yourself every day last week wasn’t enough?” He teased, setting the plates down before holding his hand out to you. 
You grab it and hop down, throwing your arms around his shoulders and pressing your nose to his. “Nope,” you mumble. “Friday was too good of a date, it just made me want you more.”
Bradley wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to his chest. “Good, ‘cause that was kinda the plan,” 
“Oh,” you drag the word out as he pulls you with him to the small table by the sliding door. “You’ve got it all figured out, huh?”
Bradley shrugs, sitting down on a chair and pulling you onto his lap. “I might’ve thought about it once or twice,” he replied and you shake your head, watching as he reached around you and began piling various ingredients onto a tortilla wrap. 
Why did it feel so easy with him? And how was he able to make your whole body blush with a simple sentence like that? 
You drape your arm over his shoulders as you get yourself settled on his lap, and when you turned your head to look at him, you were able to see his multiple scars up close. “Can I ask you something?” You sounded a bit hesitant, and Bradley quickly looked up at you. 
“Yeah, of course,” he answered, wrapping one arm around your middle. “Did I already mess this up?”
“No,” you laugh, leaning down to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth to further prove your words. “I just…how did you get these scars?” You quietly asked, tracing your fingers along the raised skin on his face and neck. 
Bradley’s shoulders dropped in what you think is relief before he leaned back against the chair. “You finally noticed them, huh?”
Shaking your head, you shift on his lap so you could make your own wrap, then you lean against him again. “I noticed them the first night I met you, I just didn’t want to ask you something that might make you uncomfortable,” 
“No, it’s fine,” he gave you a toothless smile, running his fingers along the waistline of your jeans. “It’s stupid, really. I got really drunk at a party last year and I started talking out of my ass to Eli and Wes, the guys I live with. It got heated and I don’t even remember why or what I said, but it was apparently something pretty bad since Eli ended up shoving me into a cabinet and I went right through the glass door of it.”
Your eyes widen and you put your wrap down after only taking one bite. “Oh, my God,” you gasped, sliding your hand up and gently massaging the back of his neck. “Jesus, Bradley. And you’re still friends with them? You still live with them?”
“Still got the cabinet, too,” he nodded across the kitchen and towards the fridge. A tall, wooden cabinet was right next to it, and you questioned how you failed to notice it there until he pointed it out. The door was missing the glass, and the wood around it was chipped, indicating that it was broken pretty forcefully. “We use it as a place to put the recycle bin now.”
You turn back to him with a frown. “Bradley..”
His smile faded, though you knew it was a forced one anyway. “I know. They thought it was funny at the time, and I woke up the next morning with glass still in my face and shoulder. I looked pretty fucking scary walking across the street to the hospital with blood all over me,” 
You shake your head and bury your face against the side of his neck. “Fuck,”
Bradley huffed out a laugh, running his hand up and down your back. “I know,” he trailed off. “I had to lie to the doctor and say that I fell into it instead of telling him that my friend pushed me then left me on my bed afterwards.”
Groaning you press a chaste kiss to the healed scar on his throat before lifting your head. “Bradley. I hate your frat buddies,”  
He hummed in agreement, kissing your temple and keeping his lips there after. “I’m not very fond of them lately, either,” 
After you begged him to let you clean up since he cooked, Bradley guided you towards the living room. Flashbacks of your third date, if he counted it as a date like you do, passed through your head, and when you looked over at the far end of the couch, you could see the blanket you and he shared when you fell asleep. 
A smile takes over your lips as you fall onto the same spot you were in the last time you were here, and Bradley sits next to you. “Did you like it? Did my culinary skills impress you?”
“You know what, they did,” you answered with a laugh, leaning into his side when he lifted his arm. “You’re right, real food tastes so much better.”
Bradley laughed and then your phone went off. You pulled it from your pocket, leaning your head on his chest as you read the new text you had gotten. 
Luke: Are you seriously done with us?? With me? Come on, brat, we’re good together. 
Your brows furrowed and you let out a quiet huff. Bradley shifted and you knew he read it, too, when he asked, “Is that your ex?” in a deep grunt, unknowingly making you smile at the protectiveness in his voice. 
“Yep,” you sigh, not knowing what to say that would get Luke to back off. 
“Block him,” Bradley suggested and your eyes widened a bit. 
“What? You think I should block him?” You question, cuddling closer to his side as he nodded. 
“I don’t like the way he calls you brat, it’s condescending,” 
“Condescending?” You repeat with a laugh before scrolling through your long thread with your ex. “You really think I should block him? You think he’ll get the hint that way?”
Bradley hummed, leaning down to kiss the top of your head. “Block him, baby,” 
You bite back a moan and click on the red button without thinking twice. “There,” you whisper, nudging his chin with the top of your head. “He’s blocked.”
You swipe out of the thread and were about to turn your phone off when Bradley stopped you. “Can I see it for a second?” 
“My phone? Why? You think I have more secret exes I should block?” You tease and hand him your phone, watching as he laughed and shook his head. 
“No, I just wanted to change something,” he mumbled, clicking on his own contact. “Fratley, huh?”
You laugh and nod. “It’s fitting,” 
“I like it,” he rasped, editing the contact name before handing your phone back to you. “There.”
You look at the two new hearts he added beside his name and smile, clicking on the picture icon before crawling onto his lap. “Okay, picture time,” you state, goosebumps forming on your skin as he runs his hands up and down your thighs. 
With your phone in one hand, you use your other to purse his lips together, his cheeks scrunching up cutely as you did so. You quickly take the photo and stare at it for a few seconds, a humorous smile painted on your lips. “Good?” He questioned with a laugh and you nod, turning your phone and showing him the picture. “Jesus.”
You laugh loudly, dropping your phone onto the cushion next to you. “You’re so cute,” you murmur, leaning down to kiss along the side of his face. “My turn.”
You hold your hand out to him and he laughs, unlocking his phone and placing it on your palm. “Have at it,” he said and leaned back on the couch as you opened his contacts. 
“Oh, look at that,” you trail off. “You already changed my name.” 
Bradley nodded smugly, taking his phone from you again and pulling you down against his chest. You laughed and braced your hands on his shoulders and smiled when he lifted his hand and took a picture of the two of you, his lips pressed to your cheek. You watched as he set it as your contact picture, cropping most of himself out and only leaving half his face in it. 
“Now that that’s settled,” he whispered, kissing you before you could get another word out and wrapping his arms around you. 
After kissing for what felt like hours, you had to go back to your place since you had a test you needed to study for that was for your morning class tomorrow. 
Bradley was reluctant to let go of you once you moved off the couch and pulled him into a hug by the front door. He pressed too many kisses to count all over your face before letting you leave with a pretty smile on your lips.
Then he was alone and already thinking about you. 
He turned around and headed up to his room, shrugging off his flannel that smelled like your perfume and tossing it onto his desk chair next to your hoodie. He kicked the door closed and fell onto his bed, his notebook opened to a random page as he read over his terrible handwriting. 
Not even five minutes passed before his bedroom door swung open and Bradley turned just as Eli and Wes stumbled their way into his room with beer bottles in their hands. “Hey, Bradshaw!” Wes greeted in a slurred voice, his arm draped around Eli’s shoulder as they fell onto the end of his bed. “Shit, this is more comfortable than mine. Can we switch beds?”
Bradley raised a brow and sat up against the headboard. “No,” he answered, knowing Westley was being serious with that question. “Do you guys need something?”
Eli lifted his head and narrowed his eyes, “What? We have to need something to be able to hang out with you? That’s low, bro,”
Bradley shook his head and looked back down at his notebook just as his phone went off from its place next to him. He put the book down and reached for the phone, but Eli was quicker and apparently wanted to be a pain in the ass as he grabbed it before Bradley could. 
“Ooh, Y/n, huh?” He laughed as he held Bradley’s phone about three inches away from his face. “Is this what’s been keeping you so preoccupied nowadays, Bradshaw?” 
“Give me my phone,” Bradley grunted, reaching for it. 
Eli held it away from him with a smirk. “Aww, is she your girlfriend now? You’re over Bri?”
“That was quick,” Wes chimed in, lifting his body up so he could look at Bradley’s phone as well. 
“Guys, I’m serious,” Bradley muttered, grabbing the device before Eli could lock him out of it with all the failed password attempts. There was no way he was telling these two fucking idiots that he had made it official with you. They were drunk off their asses and already didn’t take anything he did seriously. There was no way he’d be able to convince them that he’s being genuine with you. 
“Does she know she’s just a bet yet?” Eli asked as he took a swig from the bottle. 
Bradley was just about to read your text, but Eli’s question had his face heating up and his expression dropping. “No,” he answered instantly. “And she’s not going to know, because she’s not a bet.”
Eli rolls his eyes and swirls the beer around in the bottle. “Yeah, yeah, you said that last time, but look at it from our perspective, dude,” he started, leaning towards Bradley, the strong booze radiating off him. “Bri breaks up with you, you throw a party and come up with this sick, cruel idea to help get her back, decide to use Y/n for that idea, and then you spend all of last week with her. And now she’s your girlfriend? Come on, Bradshaw, you haven’t even tried to hide your true intentions.”
Bradley narrowed his eyes and set his phone aside. “What are my true intentions?”
“You’re hoping to make Bri jealous so she’ll come back to you,” Eli answered, shrugging afterwards as he finished off his beer. “Then you’ll dump Y/n, and we’ll pay you a thousand each.”
“I’m not going to dump Y/n-”
“So if Bri were to come up to you sometime within the next few weeks and beg you to take her back, you wouldn’t?” Wes asked, sipping the last of his own beer. 
Bradley wanted nothing more than to kick these two drunk guys out of his room. He had nothing to say or prove to them, and he wished they would just drop it. “No, I wouldn’t take her back,” he muttered, bringing his knees to his chest as he rubbed at his eyes. “I like Y/n.”
“More than Bri?” Wes asked and Bradley glared at him, making the blond raise his hands in defense. “Hey, you’re the one who made a bet to win her back.”
“Y/n’s not a bet-”
“Think of it as a bargain, then,” Eli cut him off, suddenly sounding more sober than how he sounded when he first came in. “Come on, Brad, you’ve come this far. See how it plays out. You keep doing whatever it is you’re doing with Y/n, and if she ends up falling for you, then you get two grand.”
“And if she doesn’t?” Bradley had no idea why he was still even entertaining them at this point.
“Then we’ll know that you really do suck at dating,” Eli laughed. “Just go with it, bro. It could be fun for all of us. And she’ll never know.”
Bradley didn’t say anything else, waiting until Eli and Wes got bored of the silence and left. When they were gone, he finally allowed himself to read the text you sent almost twenty minutes ago. 
Babes🩷: I forgot to steal one of your hoodies. Can you bring me that flannel you were wearing tomorrow? For no particular reason at all.
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 9 months
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[6:33 am]
(cw: parents!au, pregnant reader, "mommy" reader)
Jungwoo swears he can hear someone trying to wake him up, albeit quietly. He doesn’t hear anything for a minute and decided to nestle further into the warm sheets and fluffy pillows. Not even a minute later he feels something wet hit his cheek, then hit it again, and then, “Daddy.”
He blinks an eye open, flinching at the brightness of the dawn just creeping in. He catches sight of his daughter standing right in front of him, how he missed her face inches away from his own. She smiles all too brightly for the neon green time glowing on his night stand. She holds her pacifier in one hand, the obvious culprit for the wet feeling on his cheek. Now he had even more incentive to get rid of that damn pacifier. “My love, why are you awake?” He mumbles out, running a hand over her tangled bed head.
“Daddy, I’m hungry,” she tells him.
He shushes her gently, “My love, it’s not breakfast time yet.”
She juts out her bottom lip as she lays her head beside Jungwoo’s, “Daddy, please. I’ll be quiet.”
Jungwoo sighs, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, and sits up. Knowing his daughter she won’t give up on this, she gets her food or she continues begging until all three- well, four- of you are awake. “Let’s go,” he tells her before he slowly slips out of bed, careful to not wake you up. You had been up late with the very toddler padding along behind Jungwoo with her blanket dragging along.
He sets her on the counter and places his hands on his hips, “Cereal?” She shakes her head, he tries again, “eggs?”
She shakes her head once more before she pulls the pacifier from her mouth, “Pancakes!”
“Baby, it’s too early for pancakes. Do you want some rice?” Jungwoo offers instead.
Your daughter pulls out the big moves, she pouts her lips and throws on her puppy dog eyes that are quickly filling with tears. Crocodile tears, Jungwoo knows, but he’s so weak to her. He curses internally, she must have inherited this look from you. He can recall countless times you pulled the very same look to get what you wanted and he fell for it every time. Now he was seeing the very same look and falling under the same spell.
He curses internally, then sighs with a finger pointed at her, “We have to be quiet.”
Her tears dry immediately as she nods fervently with a big smile. He pulled out the pancake mix and got to work. He mixed the batter, handing it off to your daughter as he turned to heat the pan. He poured the batter into the pan, quieting down his daughters excited giggles and kicks against the cabinets.
When the pancakes were all served up and cooled down, he carries his daughter to her high chair and straps her in. Her little plate of cut up pancakes was drizzled with syrup as she thanked Jungwoo and placed a wet kiss on his cheek as she tore into the food in front of her. Jungwoo couldn’t fight the amazed chuckle as he watched her eat. His daughter always ate like she was starving, which could not be further from the truth what with her protruding little belly and consistent second servings at every meal.
He slowly ate one of his own pancakes, feeling the tiredness of being up so early finally hit him again. He gets up and starts making coffee, keeping an eye on the toddler who hasn’t slowed down despite his many warnings for her to do so.
He just begins pouring himself a cup of coffee when he feels a hand on his back, “Smells good in here. Pancakes, this early?”
He pulls you into a hug, placing a hand on your barely there baby bump while he places a kiss on your temple, “Your daughter has resorted to violence when she’s hungry.”
You snort out a laugh before turning your playful glare to your daughter, “You little monster! Did you wake Daddy up for pancakes?” She laughs as you barrage her chubby cheeks with kisses in your cupped hands, “Did you hit Daddy this morning?” She shakes her head so you try again, this time she nods. You begin telling her that hitting people is not nice and explain other ways to wake Jungwoo up, “like this, you take your finger and you poke him right here!” His daughter’s laughs ring out again as you tickle her midsection as well as you can with the limited space in the high chair.
“Good morning Mama,” his daughter smiles, puckering her lips to place a big, wet kiss on your cheek. A very different wetness on your cheek compared to what Jungwoo got earlier which has him grumbling under his breath.
“Good morning my love, wanna say good morning to the baby?” You ask her after giving her her own kiss. She nods fervently again, much like the nod she gave Jungwoo earlier. You stand and pull your T-shirt over your belly and let the toddler whisper, though it’s really not a whisper, and kiss your belly as a greeting to her sibling.
A plate of pancakes slides in front of you, Jungwoo places a kiss on the crown of your head, “For Mommy and baby.”
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slvthrs · 9 months
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one stupid red hoodie makes it impossible for you to do anything and the only thing you can do is try to give it back
WARNINGS: NSFW CONTENT MINORS DNI, ANGSTY, + some fluff, sex, making out, grinding, oral (f receiving) praise kink, cheating, they're both not the best people but they're in love
word count: 4.7k <3
This dumb fucking hoodie.
I don’t know what to do with it. 
I’ve had it for a week now and it’s been sitting on my desk, folded perfectly and untouched.  The red on it is slightly faded and cat hair covers it instead of dog now but it still is the same crewneck that I loved on Vinnie and the same one I would wear every time I slept over at his.
But now I can’t even touch it. It smelt like him, it felt like him, it was just so Vinnie and it was too much for me.
3 days I spent trying to just ignore it despite everything my friends said, also trying to ignore Vinnie’s calls and texts.
And now I’ve spent 2 hours on a call with my best friend, Bowie, debating what to do with that stupid hoodie.
“I swear to god just get rid of it, burn it, rip it to shreds I don’t know babe just do something to get rid of it.” Bowie argues
She’s always been better at relationships than me. To the point that she and her girlfriend were planning for their one year anniversary in 2 weeks while I was her worried about a boy I haven’t seen in years.
“I can’t get rid of it, Bow.” I sigh
“Oh c’mon! Vinnie slept with you and literally RAN away the next day and refused to talk to you for 3 years, PLUS he has a girlfriend… you know you deserve better!”
“I know, you're right but I just can’t Bowie, I’m sorry.”
“Why,” She exclaims, “What is so special about this stupid hoodie and Vinnie?”
“I actually think I’m gonna die, Mom please hurry up.” I sigh, clutching my stomach.
We’ve been on the road for 5 hours now and we haven’t taken a single bathroom brake since we couldn’t spot a gas station but my bladder was screaming at me
“You're so dramatic, y'know that right?” Vinnie quips from the seat next to me causing me to throw my bag at his chest.
He’s sitting with his headphones in, playing some game on his console with the light from the window shining on the side of his face illuminating his side profile so perfectly. 
The pain in my stomach doesn’t stop and I bend forward resting my head against the seat in front of me with my hands holding my stomach tight.
I feel a hand rubbing on my back and I realize it’s Vinnie trying to help and then suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and everything just clicks.
I’m on my fucking period. 
“Mom,” I say, my voice hoarse. “Please tell me you found a bathroom, I’m pretty sure I just got my goddamn period.”
She tries to reassure me and turns into a parking lot while Vinnie keeps rubbing my back and offers me food to which I throw it at his face.
We finally get to a run down bath station which I run into with everything I need and I’m able to clean up but there's still a huge stain in my pants and for some reason I feel tears well up in my eyes and I just sit on the point seat for about 5 minutes until I finally force myself to wipe my tears and get up.
I walk back to the car but I hear a voice shouting at me from behind.
“Hey wait up!” It’s Vinnies, he’s holding a bag with snacks and a hoodie in his right hand, leaving the shop nearby. 
“Take this, it’ll cover your pants up, plus it’s a Washington sweatshirt, and your favorite color!”
It’s a pretty red with white letters spelling out our state. It’s too big for me, most probably Vinnie’s size. 
It’s cute. 
He helps me wrap the sweatshirt around my waist and walks with my back to the car right next to me.
We settle back into our seats and thank god that no blood spilled onto the car seat.
With all the bags and the fact that we were in the back with the rest of our families in the front plus Vinnie basically grew a foot over the year, we were crammed together in the back seats with our legs hitting the others and our shoulders touching.
I end up plugging my headphones in and listening to music while staring outside the window, looking at the trees and the sky trying to take in nature but not even 30 minutes in and my stomach hurts again.
I try to hold it but Vinnie realizes and dumps the plastic bag of all the stuff he brought on my lap.
I look into it and I see chocolate, all my favorite candy and snacks, bottles of my favorite soda and medicine in there. 
He didn’t buy anything for himself, he only bought stuff for me.
“Thank you Vin.” But my voice comes out no louder than a whisper.
“Eh, don't sweat it, you're awful on your period.” He laughs and I punch him in the shoulder.
“Asshole.” I mutter.
I end up falling asleep with my head on his shoulder listening to Ivy by Frank Ocean.
I never forgot that roadtrip; it was 2 years before Vinnie left for LA.
“You just don’t get it Bow, I can’t get rid of it!” I reiterate.
The phone call goes silent as I droop against my head board sighing. 
My eyes roam back to the hoodie again.
I should give it back to him.
“What if I give it back to him?” I mutter to Bowie
“Babe no,” She continues, “You're using this as an excuse to go see him and it’s not gonna end up well.”
“But Bow-” I try to reason with her but she cuts me off.
“C’mon, we both know you shouldn’t go see him.” 
“I know, I know. I’ll call you tomorrow; Love you.” I tell her
“I love you too, get some rest.” And she ends the call
I lay down on my bed staring back up at the ceiling. 
Bowie is right, I’m just trying to make an excuse to see Vinnie and he probably doesn’t even want the hoodie back.
My mind goes blank as I stare up at the wall.
Bowie is right.
But I rarely ever do what’s right.
I get up and grab the hoodie, the bag it came with along with my phone and car keys and walk down to the parking lot and before I realize it I’m punching in the code to Vinnie’s house I got from Harvey into the GPS and driving off.
The road is wet from the rain which happens once in a blue moon and there is a surprisingly few number of cars on the road for this city but I try to look at that as a positive.
I try to put some music on and it auto plays to ‘White Ferrari’ by Frank Ocean and suddenly I remember this is an awful idea.
What if he’s home with Allison?
What if he doesn’t wanna see me?
What if he refuses to take the hoodie back?
What if I make a fool of myself?
Panic racks up in my brain and thousands of ‘what ifs’ terrify me. Just the thought of Vinnie not wanting to see me makes me wanna drive my car off a bridge but I try to push every negative thought away.
I skip the next few songs until my phone lands on “Black Beauty” by Lana Del Rey. 
Every single day after Vinnie got his license we would blast this song, screaming the lyrics and staying out until our parents would call us home.
He loved to drive and I loved just sitting there in his presence, not even talking just being there with each other, it was our favorite thing to do together.
Now I have to drive myself everywhere in a black Honda Civic. 
“This car is actually fucked you don’t get it like everything about it is broke what the hell did my dad make me fix this shit? I fucking hate Hondas.” Vinnie whines, he loves fixing cars but still always drags me to sit there and watch him do it whilst I text my friends.
The dust and oil lay cover his face whilst he sits there with black gloves and poking and prodding under the hood of the car.
“Oh c’mon are you even listening to me?” 
“Yes yes I promise! And why don’t you just tell your dad you can’t fix this car?” I tilt my head to the side practically begging to finish this up.
“No, I’m gonna finish this and then we’re going out for ice cream.” He says with his chest puffed like it’s an amazing, unthinkable plan.
“Whatever Hacker, at least this car is cool.” I say sliding my hand across the shine of the black.
“It’s not. You just like every black car.” He shrugs but he’s right, I love black cars.
“Hey when we grow up I’ll buy you a black JDM so we can match.” He huff’s and I can feel a smile tugging the corners of my lips.
“We both know I’ll be the one making enough money to buy a car.” 
“Whatever, as long as I get to drive you around in it.” He replies
I smile to myself imagining Vinnie and I when we were old still doing the same things we did as kids, driving and smoking until the sun comes up.
A familiar feeling in my stomach rises as we return to doing our own thing and I return to texting on my phone.
“Who have you been texting so much anyways?” He asks about 10 minutes putting some random tool down and picking up another
“No one Vin, it’s just that guy from that skate shop, he’s actually kinda cool I think you would like him!”
“Oh.” He replies in that voice he gets when he tries to not get mad
“Yeah! He asked me to go on a date with him to a skatepark.” I reply beaming.
“You're joking right? I ask you to go every week but you never do,” He reminds me whilst twisting something inside the car, “ But you’ll go with the sketchy guy from a skate park who always smells like weed and let me remind you, I’m literally a better skater than he is!”
“Dude it’s not that serious it’s just some dumb date!” I raise my voice at him but I don’t even understand why
“Fuck fine whatever just don’t come back crying when the date goes horribly with that guy.” He retorts staring dagger in my direction
“Whatever, I'm not gonna come back crying and you're just being a dick cause no one wants to go out with you.” I walk off when I finish leaving Vinnie in his dad’s garage.
Vinnie was right however, the date went terribly that night. He picked me up an hour late and all we did was smoke and walk around and when I wanted to leave he got pissed I didn’t hook up with him.
I ended up walking by foot to Vinnie’s house and ended up spending the rest of the evening crying into Vinnie’s familiar red Washington crewneck.
That was 3 weeks before Vinnie left for LA.
The drive feels like it’s going so slow. 
My mind is so scattered that I keep zoning out until the robotic voice of the GPS snaps me out of my self induced trance. 
The closer I get to Vinnie’s house the harder it gets to breathe and the more my mind keeps disassociating. 
My eye’s keep getting foggy and I start getting scared that I shouldn’t be driving in this condition.
I run my hands through my hair, pulling at the roots.
It’s dry, I need to put oil in it.
I watch as the lights flash from red to green and watch as the trees sway due to the rain, watching stray’s scatter across the road’s and how my windshield wipers turn from one side to another trying to flick all the water droplets off.
The more breaths I take, the shallower they get before I finally decide to pull over on the side of the road.
My head falls against the wheel as I try to relax, forcing myself to take slow deep breaths, in through my nose and out of my mouth.
But I jolt my head back up as I get a call, grabbing my phone and picking it up, praying it’s not Bowie.
“Hello?” I whisper into my phone
“Jesus, Y/n where the fuck are you?” Vinnie replies back at me
“Vinnie? What the hell are you talking about?” My voice rises
“Outside your house, I’ve been waiting for like 10 minutes, where are you?” I can hear the rain pattering on the other side of the call. 
“Fuck, I have a key under my doormate, I was just…out.” I half-lie.
“Just get here okay?” His voice is softer now and I can hear him unlock my door and walk in, ending the call.
What the fuck.
What is Vinnie doing at my house?
How does he even know where I live?
A thousand questions race through my head as I take my car out of park and turn it to drive back to my house, pressing on the gas and driving as fast as I can. 
I arrive back there in about fifteen minutes and as I pull my car into the parking spot I suddenly become very aware of what I left the house wearing.
It was my black bralette and a pair of low rise sweats and I slammed my head against my wheel again.
I’m not going to see Vinnie in this yet there's nothing in my car to cover me up.
I mentally swear at myself for not thinking ahead enough cause even if I got to Vinnie’s house was I really gonna walk in wearing just a bralette and sweats?
The only thing in this car, besides me, is that red hoodie sitting right next to me, basically taunting me.
The stupid hoodie I tried to ignore for a week, sitting there, being my only option- it was like karma.
I slip the hoodie over my head as the neckline dangles over my shoulder. The sleeves are far too big and threads are coming loose. But one thing is most noticeably different, it’s scent. 
What used to be old Axe body spray mixed with sweat, weed and dog smell, is now Dior cologne, teakwood, with smoke but with something else. 
It’s pretty lavender and the essence of pineapple- Allison’s scent.
He gave our hoodie to her.
The hoodie he gave me he gave her.
I take a second to breathe again, letting the cool air enter my body and try to cool me off in the process.
I get so entranced in the hoodie that I nearly forget I’m supposed inside with Vinnie.
I slip out of the car and ever so slightly push down the handle walking into my own home with heavy steps, far too upset to try to be quiet.
I slip past the shoe rack and through the mirror and art littering my house. 
Barely any lights are on and I can smell coffee from the morning and smoke from earlier in the day as I walk into my living room.
And there he is.
The same guy who left me days after he turned 18, after everything. He’s just sitting on my couch.
His head is tipped back with his hair damp from the rainwater, his legs are spread apart as he has his phone in his right hand whilst his left is fidgeting and picking at the skin surrounding his thumb. It was always his dumb tick that he did when he was stressed and I can’t help but feel worried.
“Vinnie.” I breathe out so desperately it sounds like a prayer
He stands up so fast he nearly loses his balance and he walks over to me in quick, hurried strides as he catches his balance like a baby giraffe running to its mother.
“Fuck I didn’t realise you arrived.” His voice is no louder than mine.
“Why wouldn’t I, Hacker?” His last name is all I can bear to muster to his face, “It is my home isn’t it?”
“That’s not what I meant.” He stops and breathes,”Hey, you're wearing the hoodie.”
A smile bleeds onto his face and a light blush quickly accompanies it.
“Yeah all my other hoodies were in the wash.”
And the smile fades away.
“Oh, of course.” He stops for a second, “But um, where were you?”
“It’s funny actually I was on my way to your house.” I chuckle to myself avoiding eye contact with Vinnie but he doesn't laugh.
He steps closer to me and now he’s towering right above me
“Why were you coming to my house?” He asks, his eyebrows knit together, looking at me confused.
His hands gently pull my chin up so I can look at him and for a second he looks like the same guy I fell in love with for the first time.
But I pull away, it’s not the same. 
It’s never going to be the same again.
“I wanted to give you your hoodie back.” I say looking away from him
“But it’s not mine… I gave it you to keep-” I cut him off
“I don’t care Vinnie, you have a girlfriend, I haven’t seen you in 3 years I didn’t want your stupid hoodie asshole, I wanted you.” 
I say the last part before I realize what I just said with shaky eyes and a stuttered breath.
Everything goes quiet, we don’t say a word, we don’t even move. The only sound in my house is the dripping of my broken sink and the brushing of the plants across the wall.
“Fine, give me the hoodie. It’s what you wanted to do anyways.”
Is he fucking serious right now?
“Sure whatever.” I grit through my teeth
I pull the plush of the hoodie off letting it settle in my hands before passing it back to Vinnie and then bringing my hands back up to my chest trying to cover myself up.
He takes the hoodies and holds it in his hand whilst his eyes rake over my body, going over the curves, watching as my skin ebbs and flows from my bralette into my sweatpants and as my hair sits, flowing over my shoulder like I’m the prettiest thing in the world.
“Allison.” I spit out like venom, a lot meaner than I intended, trying to catch Vinnie’s attention again.
“Huh?” He asks, his tone bleeding with disinterest
“Your girlfriend… remember?” 
“Right.” Yet he still doesn’t look away from me. 
His eyes rake all over my body watching, trying to memorize everything that has changed over the past 3 years. He’s trying to take everything in.
“You should leave Vin.” I say trying to stay stern
“Sure,” He shrugs off before he snaps out of his trance, “Wait what?”
He’s making this all so hard, I try so hard to ignore the way his gaze makes the hairs at the back of my neck stand up and causes butterflies to erupt in my stomach.
I try to pretend I’m not talking to Vinnie.
“I said you should go Hacker.”
“Wait, why?” He asks with that glint in his eyes.
It’s such a dumb question and we both know the answer to it but Vinnie tries so hard to pretend he doesn’t know why.
“Cause I’m trying to be strong for both of us, Vinnie.”
“Don’t be.” His voice is so quiet as he steps closer to me, his hand resting on my forearm whilst his other one holds on to the hoodie that got me in this circumstance in the first place
It takes me so much strength to not lean into his touch.
“You have a girlfriend.” I breathe out, looking right at him.
“I have a girlfriend.” He repeats but his tone is so much more soothing.
“We’re gonna fuck everything up.” I say and get a familiar feeling of deja vu
“We might fuck everything up,” He stops for a second, “But how could we fuck things up even more?”
He’s right.
This relationship is already doomed.
His eyes flick down to my lips and suddenly my hands are looped around his neck with our lips pressed together, his hands trails down my waist and he grabs both my legs, hooking them around his waist.
Our lips push against each other whilst my hands pull and tug in his hair, they trail down his face and I push them under his shirt.
He swipes his tongue across the bottom of my lip and his grasp on my thighs causing me to moan into the kiss, letting the kiss grow deeper and letting both of us gasping and moaning into each other's mouths, afraid that the moment would end.
We end up falling on to my couch, him towering over placing sweet kisses all over my neck and trailing down farther, trying to make up for the years we spent apart.
The kisses quickly turn into love bits and his roaming hands quickly start taking off the clothes we have on, my bralette falls onto the floor and Vinnie’s shirt is thrown over the armrest.
Gushes of cold air fly through my window and both tighten our grasps on each other in a futile attempt to cool us down, his hips grinding over my cunt and my nails dig into his back to try to get closer to him.
His hips are so unbearably slow whilst his lips are so fast and his hands play a tantalizing game scratching, clawing, and massaging the plush of my skin.
His lips are so chapped but they still feel nice, in between mine as he slipped his tongue in between the warmth of my lips.
I need to buy him chapstick
“Fuck I missed you so much.” He moans into my lips as his hands fall down in between my thighs and his hands slowly undo the knot and pull my pants along with my underwear off leaving my fully exposed under him as he dips his head below.
Faint kisses are placed all over my lower stomach and as they get closer to the inside of my thighs they turn into bites and my airy gasps turn into echoey moans as they bounce around my house coating the walls as my chest heaves up and down and my hands flow along the curves of his shoulder, tracing the muscles there.
“So pretty,” He heaves out, “So so fucking pretty.” His tongue lapped at my cunt, focusing on my clit whilst my eyes rolled to the back of my head.
My legs contorted as my right hand pulled and yanked in his hair whilst my left clawed through his back gaining a hiss from the blonde under me.
It didn’t take long before I came into his mouth with him sucking at my clit and vulgar moans and curse fell through my lips.
He lifted his head up back to see me and I could see the lower side of his face glistening whilst his eyes had darkened with lust to the point the faint brown looked like pools of rich obsidian ink.
He heaved above me before diving back into attacking my neck and lips and my hands returned around his neck.
“Fuck Vinnie,” It slips from my lips whilst his neck is sucking beautiful amethyst marks onto my neck, “God where did you learn how to do that.”
“Oh shut up.” He laughs continuing kissing me all over whilst his finger slowly and tantalizing play with my already swollen cunt.
My hands trail down his chest, feeling my hands go over his muscles reaching to the base of his pants I tug at the belt, whining, asking for permission to take them off.
“Please Vin.”
He laughs, “Please what baby?”
“Fuck me please.” I ask undoing his buckle and try to pull his belt off, right before he stops me, his hands grabbing mine.
“Jesus, were you always this bossy when we were kids?” His eyebrow quirks up, “Ask nicely.”
It’s a command that sends a shiver down my spin and I relax into his touch.
“Do you know what 'nicely' means?” He teases
“Vinnie, please.” I whine, looking up at him through my lashes and I watch as he breaks above me.
Years could go by and I will always know what’ll break him.
“I hate you.” He whispers onto my lips and pulls his pants down.
When he finally starts fucking me it takes me a second to get re-used to his size but when he finally starts thrusting into me I hide my head into his neck to try and subdue my voice.
My legs wrapped around his waist as my hands marked his back with red lines.
He sped up his pace and I arched into his touch, my heart was pounding in my chest and Vinnie wasn’t giving me a break. 
He held me down by my hips and as I looked up at him I could see his eyebrows knitted together, looking as if he was focusing on making me feel good. 
My hands laced their fingers together behind his head as I looked back into his eyes staring at him.
We stayed like that for a bit right before he dipped his head down kissing along my chest and placing kisses along my tits, covering them in marks and bites, sucking hickies all over them and marking them up.
His kisses moved upwards towards my neck and ear and he placed more kisses along my neck and bit my earlobe whimpering and moaning, making sure I could hear how easily and quickly he fell apart for me.
As we both got closer to our ends his pace became relentless, slamming into me, hooking my leg over his shoulder to get a  better anger and more illicit, pornographic moans to fall from my lips.
When he finally came in me, he fell on top of me and we both breathed out trying to catch our breaths.
We stayed there for a bit to try to cool down.
He ended up cleaning me up and we just lay there on my sofa, my body swung over his as my head lay on his chest.
I trace his tattoos with my nails listening to his heartbeat and the sounds of satisfaction he makes whenever I scratch certain spots.
His hands trace my back ever so slowly whilst his other one lies behind his head, propping him up.
The room had quickly gone from being filled with moans of ecstasy and the sound of skin coming together to my voice humming and Vinnie breathing ever so gently.
We don’t say a word to each other but look up and his hand pushes away the hair on my face and lifts my chin up so he can place a gentle kiss on my lips.
We just stay in the kiss looking into each other's eyes and I truly let myself believe that we could be together.
I imagine us back home in Seattle, just us. 
Everything’s the same. Ponchos sitting on his bed with his head in my lap. Vinnie’s playing some new game that just came out. 
And he never left for LA.
He never left me.
I let myself forget for a moment and convinced myself that I didn’t just sleep with the man who left me all alone but rather I slept with the man that I truly thought I was going to end up marrying when I was a young girl.
I let myself forget.
But before we can deepen the kiss Vinnie’s phone buzzes and when he picks it up he sees her name.
And without another word Vinnie puts on his clothes and leaves me there.
All over again.
But this time Inew what would happen but I still did it.
I lie there in my underwear staring at the ceiling and turn my gaze to the floor.
He left the red hoodie.
At this point I have no shame, I pick it up and slip it over my head and it smells so different.
It smells of sweat, mistakes, and all the things we meant to say.
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Maneater girlfriend - Multimuse x fem!reader
Pairing: Multimuse x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Some mentions of mvrder, not much honestly, some jealousy, but I think that’s it?
Type: Blerps
Request: N/A
Word Count: N/A
Prompt: The muses get maneater girlfriends, how they’d react/act about it.
Notes: Honestly, I know some of us may not always feel like it, but it’s fun to pretend. Just like miss Maddie Perez and my queen Rihanna said, even if you don’t feel like it just pretend. Love my maneater readers. Ps. this isn’t exclusively for fem readers, it can really be for anyone. kiss kiss.
I don’t really know what I was going for, I’m just trying to get my juices going, pls don’t hate. Will probably delete this one tbh
Jason Voorhees: Gets so starstruck around you. It’s actually super cute, he never fails to boost your confidence. No matter what you choose to wear, Jason will stare at you all the time in awe, which of course makes you feel like the prettiest person he’s ever seen. Especially when you decide to go all out, he just becomes a puddle. Jason would literally worship the ground you walk on, you definitely have him under your spell. If you want a fan for a boyfriend, Jason’s the one. The only con is that he’d probably forget to take pictures of you because he’s just daydreaming about his hot s/o.
Michael Myers: Honestly didn’t expect any less, but he is a tiny itsy bitsy threatened by your confidence. Depending on the status of your relationship, it could go one of two ways: He could be completely confident, obviously mopping the floor with the guts of the people who couldn’t keep their eyeballs to themselves, or he could be somewhat weary of the attention you get, no matter who it is. Michael definitely has one of the most toxic abandonment issues, but it’s not like you’d be able to get rid of him, he’d get rid of everyone around you before you could even think about skipping town. Michael would stare a little longer on the days you wear more revealing clothing, it’s your confidence that sells the whole look, he’s absolutely mesmerized by you.
Tiffany Valentine: All for it. Wouldn’t hesitate for a second to help you get into your outfit or finish up your makeup/hair. You’d catch her staring from time to time, which she’d laugh it off not expecting to be caught. I could see her getting jealous at times if it seems like someone has your attention and if they cross a line, a knife crosses their artery, no hesitation. Tiffany would absolutely take pictures of you and post you all over her social media, she wouldn’t mind the thirst comments you’d get, after all you were hers. Tiffany would definitely boost your confidence and you’d both become the ultimate deadliest hot couple.
Billy Loomis: Ok, controversial opinion, but Billy isn’t really used to having maneater girlies. He’s used to having cute, beautiful women, but no one willing to stare daggers into your eyes from across the room. He’s absolutely mesmerized, without knowing it, he’d do anything for you. Billy cannot keep his hands to himself, no matter what you’re wearing, or what you’re not wearing. He’s not the best at taking pictures of you, but you’re damn right he’d keep every picture of you he can get a hold of. Sure he can get jealous, but he also knows he has you wrapped around his finger and no one else.
Stu Macher: Everyone expects Stu to have the hottest girl in school, this is no exception. The way you don’t look away when you catch him staring at you is enough to make him fall in love. As much as I love Stu, I know he’s superficial, so if your looks caught his eye, he would do his best to make your relationship work. Even if it means he has to get the right angles when taking pictures of you. Stu would absolutely brag about you, first about how you look then about what you do or what your interests are. Just like Jason, unintentionally, Stu would worship the ground you walk on. 
Patrick Bateman: Ok honestly what else did you expect. Just like Stu, Patrick is superficial. He always wants to make sure he has the hottest/most confident person within 1000 miles. He’d never admit how he likes your lack of interest in impressing every person you meet. That’s probably the trick. Patrick will never forget the times you’d be approached by wealthy men, or simply attractive people that you just couldn’t care for. That would be one of Patrick’s biggest flexes. Of course he’d always want you to look your best, so he does his part in boosting your confidence through pictures, outfits and compliments. Patrick isn’t shy about showing you off.
Leatherface: Just like Jason, he’s stuck. He can’t believe someone like you is interested in him. You are the prettiest most beautiful creature he’s ever seen. Bubba would absolutely worship the floor you walk on. He’s at your beck and call. He’d do whatever he could to impress you, getting you flowers, learning to make your favorite meals, helping you around the house. He’d do anything to spend time with you and just stare at you. He absolutely loves having printed pictures of you, even if getting him a shirt with your face on it was a joke, he’d absolutely wear it without hesitation. To him, your face is a work of art that should be appreciated.
Billy Hargrove: Honestly, didn’t know what he was getting himself into until he realized how much attention you actually got when you’d clean up. At first he didn’t know how to handle it exactly. Of course, Billy would play it off, knowing if you would wander off, he wouldn’t waste his time. Still, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t completely infatuated with you. Your mannerisms are what kept his attention. He can’t describe it, but it’s definitely your aura that intoxicates him. The fact that others would consider you a “maneater” and that it was Billy Hargrove that pulled you? (I mean of course he did right?) he’d hesitate to admit that it boosted his ego a little bit, but he made sure others kept their hands to themselves. 
Steve Harrington: Steve would be a little more confident than the rest on this list I’d say. He knows you’re hot and he would remind you that all the time. “Well when I first saw you, I’m not gonna lie I thought you’d like, throw a drink at me and tell me to get lost. I don’t know how long I’ve been staring” Of course, being out if it got out of hand with others, Steve wouldn’t hesitate to step in, but otherwise, he’s of course constantly staring at you with a big dorky smile. He’d find any excuse to take pictures of you, even if you’re just relaxing. For sure he’d keep a picture of you in his car.
Bruce Wayne: An awkward little mess. Just the kind to stand there and look at you from afar. During the night, in his double life, he’d keep a tab on you. Of course if you went out frequently, it would only give him more of an excuse to try to bump into you. At first it’d be to just get a glimpse of you, later on to get to know you. Bruce was a billionaire, there must’ve been hundreds of models and wealthy women trying to tie him down and yet there you were not able to get more than a few sentences out of him. Eventually after he powered through to actually ask you out, he would do his best to make sure you were in the finest of clothing and enjoyed all kinds of luxuries. Even from time to time, you’d catch him staring from afar. Other times, you’d find magazines with you and him pictures laying about, but he’d never admit he just loved the way you would photograph.
Steve Rogers: Of course he was used to being among the most desired men to date, but that doesn’t mean at times he still seemed to fail at asking anyone out on a date. Especially you, who would just stare right through the men that would be entitled enough to think you were already interested in them. Eventually though, you managed to cross paths and who could really resist Steve’s charm? Just like the rest on this list, you’d catch him staring, but at times his gaze seems more sinister than the rest. Of course Steve would encourage you to dress whatever way you felt best in, but don’t put it past him to lay a hand over your ass in public when he’d feel the slightest bit of eyes on you.
Loki Laufeyson: His argument would be that he was a prince, of course he would have a maneater s/o, what else did anyone expect. Still, deep down there was a weary feeling of insecurity at times, especially growing under his brothers shadow. That’s when he’d become overly protective around you, when anyone else was present, but even more around his brother. Even if Thor swore to never lay but a finger on you unless you needed saving, Loki would be incredibly possessive. He’d never admit it, but you mesmerized him, he wasn’t shy about admiring you even at times when you’d catch him.
Spencer Reid: Kind of funny that you’d both fit the “nerd x maneater” trope, but I mean, of course you did. Just like Loki, there would be a tiny feeling of insecurity, but Spencer would trust you unless you gave him a reason not to. There would be a little bit more pressure on him to keep alert when you were out in public, even if you knew how to defend yourself. Spencer would love to take pictures of you and use them as bookmarks or keep them framed. He’d need a ton of reassurance and he’d be honest about it. I think he’d be the healthiest on this list about this trope, kinda cute. Would NOT be happy about the team suggesting to use you as bait though.
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minichrismd · 1 year
seb x fem!reader where reader pushes solomon out of the way and gets hit with sebastians avada kedavra 😔
Avada Kadavra - Sebastian Sallow
Word Count - 750
Theme - Angst
Warning - Death
Inferi were everywhere, circling around the fight that Sebastian and his uncle were engaged in. (Y/N)’s spells were having some effect, considering at the start there had been close to thirty, there were now only a few remaining.
(Y/N) sighed, becoming out of breath from the number of spells she’d cast trying to get rid of them but she knew she needed to put an end to this.
“Sebastian!” She called out to no avail; he was too engaged in fighting Solomon. Continuing to fight, finally the last of the Inferi were taken care of. She pushed her hair out of her face, running over to help diffuse the fight between Sebastian and his uncle.
“You need to stop Sebastian! It’s gone too far now!” (Y/N) yelled, going unheard over the sounds of spells being fired back and forth between the two. Out of the corner of her eye, (Y/N) spotted Solomon be thrown by one of Sebastian’s spells that he was unable to block. Sebastian paused for a moment, contemplating his next move.
As Solomon pushed himself up from the floor, Sebastian’s eyes seemed to darken. (Y/N)’s stomach sank, knowing what he was going to do. Sebastian wasn’t afraid to use an unforgivable if he felt that he needed to. As he gripped his wand tighter and took aim at Solomon, adrenaline began to flow through (Y/N)’s veins.
“Sebastian! No!” (Y/N) yelled, sprinting to get to Solomon before Sebastian could cast the curse.
“Avada Kedavra!” Sebastian yelled.
“No!” She yelled, crashing into Solomon’s side as Sebastian cast his final curse. Silence fell across the room. Sebastian saw Solomon hit the floor, groaning as he landed, his eyes quickly glancing between the two bodies on the floor. Solomon pushed himself into a sitting position, noticing the lifeless body laid in front of him.
Your eyes were closed, mouth slightly agape.
“Sebastian, what have you done?” Solomon spoke quietly, shocked at the scene in front of him. (Y/N)’s lifeless body on the floor, seeming almost peacefully asleep. Sebastian rushed over, turning her over and placing his ear to her chest. Silence.
“No, no it can’t be, I can’t have done this. Please don’t leave me. I love you.” Sebastian was yelling, pleading (Y/N) to wake up. He shook her shoulders slightly, looking for any reaction, tears beginning to spill down his cheeks. Solomon looked on at his nephew.
“Get away from her.” Solomon said icily. Sebastian didn’t respond, continuing to cling to (Y/N)’s lifeless body. His tears had began to roll off of his cheeks, creating small damp patches on her robes.
Solomon grabbed Sebastian’s collar, dragging him away as he protested, trying to claw his way back to where (Y/N) laid.
With a crack, Anne apparated in to the catacomb, immediately spotting the three of you. Her mouth dropped open in a silent gasp. (Y/N)’s body on the floor, Sebastian with tears flowing and Solomon trying to keep hold of him.
“Anne. Take her back to Hogwarts.” Solomon said sternly. Anne nodded solemnly, grasping hold of (Y/N)’s hand and quickly apparating away. She’d landed just outside of the main gates, students milling around as they were on their way to Hogsmeade, completely unaware of what had just happened. Anne grabbed the first student that she saw, a startled first year.
“Go and find a professor. Now.” She stated firmly, feeling her eyes sting. Anne had liked (Y/N) since the first time she’d met her. The first year nodded shakily before taking off back inside of the school grounds. A few minutes later the first year returned, followed by Professor Weasley.
A look of confusion and dread spread across Professor Weasley’s face at seeing (Y/N)’s lifeless body. Her lips pursed together as if she was trying to think of what to say.
“Sebastian murdered her.” Anne stated, her own tears flowing now. Her brother was a murderer. Professor Weasley gasped, a small crowd had gathered now, trying to understand what the commotion was. It was soon broken by the sound of another apparation.
Solomon had Sebastian by the arm, dragging him towards the school gates before pushing him to the floor. Professor Weasley took one look at Sebastian’s guilt-ridden face; it confirmed what she didn’t want to believe. More professors arrived, expressing the same shocked and heart broken look at the thought that one student could do this to another.
“Professor Sharp, Professor Ronen, please take Mr Sallow to the headmaster’s office.” Professor Weasley spoke softly. She’d never expected this to happen, not to a student.
(Y/N) was gone.
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bookofbonbon · 2 years
few & far - aemond targaryen.
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Reader.
warnings: none.
summary: Targaryen weddings were few and far between what with many of them marrying their own kin and, after Prince Aegon married his sister Princess Helaena, the whole realm seemed to wait with bated breath for what the much-desired Prince Aemond would do.
word count: 554.
Tumblr media
gif credit: @useraelin (x)
The carriage groans with each dip and stray rock it hits, weight shifting and evening out every few minutes sometimes, seconds. The feeling is uncomfortable and, it causes your stomach to turn but, it keeps you from wandering into the dark crevices of your mind. The ‘what ifs’ and ‘why nots’ of why it couldn’t be… no.
You squeeze your eyes shut, shaking your head a little to rid yourself of your stray thoughts. You couldn’t go there, not now or you’d just end up hurting yourself.
Your parents had already warned you to keep your wits about yourself, to think of your family’s honour and dignity… to think of your own.
The abrupt halt of the carriage pulls you from your thoughts. The door opening a moment later by a household guard and your parents, older sister, younger sister, and you file out.
The walk to the Grand Hall of the Red Keep is daunting, its large ornate doors looming over you and your family the closer you get.
With clenched fists, you take several deep breaths, heart thumping heavily in your chest as you try to calm your nerves. When your family's approach comes closer, your mother turns a sharp eye on each one of you, quickly examining your appearances.
“Fix your dress,” she eyes your pleats.
“The pleats aren’t the problem, mother,” you rub a hand across your waist and over your stomach. “My dress… the laces are far too tight.”
“Impossible, it was just made.”
“Well then I don’t feel well,” you complain.
“That’s enough!”  your father whispers harshly as the doors of the Grand Hall suddenly open and your family’s arrival is announced. 
Your family moves as one, strong and united. Your father and mother in front, you & your sisters in birth order behind them; each of you adorned in the sapphire blue and fine silver colours of your house.
You continue to take deep breaths, trying to focus on putting one foot in front of the other and blocking out all around you. You keep your head down, concentrating on the spot directly in front of you and between your parents and when they stop, you stop. But then… so does everyone else at the abrupt sound of a scraping chair.
Your eyes follow the sound before you can stop yourself, immediately finding the Prince Aemond. He is standing from his place at the middle of the high table, eye focused solely on you and mouth slightly agape as if he’s about to say something and he does.
“My love…” he utters under his breath.
Under his breath but, it is the only thing everyone can hear. Complete silence befalls the room, tension so thick in the air it could suffocate you and, part of you wishes that it would.  With wide eyes, you dare not to look anywhere else but, at him. Afraid to see the affronted looks you were sure to be met with from the other noble Lords & Ladies.
You continue to hold his gaze for what feels like an eternity but is only a few seconds. The spell broken by a soft voice that carries from beside him.
“Yes, my Prince?” his Lady wife-to-be calls to him.
Her hand resting gently, gently but, possessively on his arm but, you know he is not hers.
All fics are my own work - I have not posted my work anywhere else.
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters/places mentioned above.
Do not copy. Do not translate. Do not repost.
bookofbonbon 2022. All rights reserved.
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a-couple-of-bees · 1 year
Hello!! To those who have watched the show already, I hope you understand when I say The Lords in Black's song has been stuck in my head since… but I’m desperately trying to work out the lyrics.
(Edit; me and another fan have figured out what I was missing! These may not be 100% but here are the completed lyrics)
So far I have:
Out of the depths of hell and back, us spawn of the black and white
Cover our souls with robes of black and take up the arms of night.
Nibbly wants his sacrifice, and Wiggly wants his wrath
We dance around the pentagram and take all our kingdoms back.
Babble the spell that gets it done, babble it on command
Won’t stop until all the blood is drawn, the lords in Black demand…
You summon us once, you summon us twice, you gamble it on the roll of the dice.
The devil has won, It can’t be undone, the book has all but closed on your life.
(BLINKY: We’ve been watching you Gracie…Someone’s been a little naughty
TINKY: (laughter) Oh boy! A Spankoffski! I can have the whole set in my toybox.
NIBBLY: Stephanie yum yum.
STEPHANIE: Are you the Lords in Black?)
Out of the depths of hell and back, we travel very far
Cover our souls with robes of black , the lords in black we are.
(WIGGLY: Don’t be so formal Stephanie, we’re all pally wals here. I mean look at us, we even hold court in your own tongue and form. Go Nighthawks!
All Laugh
POKEY: Our true forms would melt your minds
WIGGLY: Don’t frighten them Pokey, you nasty boy.
STEPHANIE: We need to stop Max Jagerman. We heard you can help us)
The lords in black will help you yes, you stupid silly girl.
By helping rid the Jagerman, we can help the world.
(WIGGLE: Hm We could, we could take home little Maxy and pull him right down to Drowsytown.
NIBBLY: Swallow his soul, I wanna lick it.
WIGGLY: But why? Maxy poo’s about to get you, tear you all to bloody bits!
BLINKY: I wanna see that.
STEPHANIE: How about a bargain? We’ll give you whatever you want. Just get rid of Jagerman.)
WIGGLY: Whatever we want?!)
Whatever we want, we want, we want,
Whatever we want we get.
Whatever you want, you want, you want, forever in our debt
(WIGGLY: Hm, what could you give to me? Let me check my Christmas list. (gasps) there is something.
STEPHANIE: What? What do you want from us?
TINKY: Something fun!
NIBBLY: Something tasty.
WIGGLY: Oh, you’ll hardly miss it. We just want what you cherish most. That’s all
STEPHANIE: What we cherish most? What do you mean?
POKEY: What do you want, Steph…?
WIGGLY: One of you must give up the thing you treasure above all else.
POKEY: Do it or die!
STEPHANIE: What I treasure above all else? I know what it is! My phone! My whole life’s on this thing! It has my contacts, my pictures-)
(WIGGLY: We want what you really want…you can’t lie to us Steph. You can lie to yourself but not to me. Think about it…
(Steph looks to Peter)
WIGGLY: Ah, there he is
PETER: Steph?
WIGGLY: What’s in your pocket Steph-O-nie?)
Stephanie has got a gun, tra la la la, how fun
Stephanie has got a gun, she knows what must be done.
(WIGGLY: Put a bullet in his brain and we’ll take Maxwell off your plate.
WIGGLY: Pay the price or fuck off
Out of the depths of hell and back, us spawn of the black and white
Cover our souls with robes of black and take up the arms of night.
You summon us once, you summon us twice, you gamble it on the roll of the dice.
The devil has won, It can’t be undone, the book has all but closed on your life.
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huramuna · 5 months
wine red, tears gold - chapter 4.
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king aegon II x baratheon ofc
previous chapter | next
a 'what if aegon didn't get poisoned and the greens technically won the dance but at what cost' au. basically aegon, alicent, otto and jaehaera are the only greens alive. and larys i guess. someone get rid of this guy.
word count: 3.5k
please follow & turn on notifs for @huramuna-fics for my fic postings
content: smut (specifics below cut), canon typical misogyny, canon typical violence, angst, fluff, arranged marriage, touch-staved aegon, aegon isn't a r*pist in this au but he is still a bad person and has his vices, ofc and aegon need to go to therapy together, justice for jaehaera, awkward sex, kind of a slow burn, infidelity
this comes from the inside - the living tombstone • oblivion - grimes
warnings: p in v, creampie
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Being close with another person can be such a precarious thing. Not just in emotional closeness, but physical as well. 
Lyanna never much liked being touched, not even as a child. She would shy away from courtiers pinching her cheeks, from her mother’s outstretched arms, from her father’s heavy hand upon her shoulder. Being touched felt like a burden of sorts, as if someone expected reciprocity from putting their hands on another. 
She never wished to give it in return. 
Since moving to the Red Keep, she has changed— in more ways than one, of course. She quite liked being touched now by her good mother, Alicent’s touches were soft and warm. Mayhaps it was because the queen mother was there to hold Lyanna at her lowest, and she found some comfort in her arms that she never derived from her own mother. 
Then there was Aegon. His touches were… confusing. He seemed much at war with himself, like a stray dog wishing for affection, a scratch on the cheek or pat of the head, but didn’t know how to ask, how to convey he wanted it. His proposal to Lyanna of exchange of pleasure for nurture was a strange one, to be sure. 
It must’ve been the wine, that would be why she had said yes, wouldn’t it? 
Certainly not the fact that her husband seemed… jealous. Jealous of a Dornish prince putting his hands on her and making her laugh. Aegon, being the same one who had said she wasn’t a beauty that men go to war for. Aegon, who couldn’t even flow in the same atmosphere as Lyanna for weeks. Aegon, who fucked a whore the morning after their wedding and many days besides. 
That Aegon— was jealous? 
The notion of it seemed humorous to Lyanna, as if she held some great power over him, reducing him to his knees before her. 
All for a touch. 
In truth, it was more than just a touch. He had fallen asleep with his head in her lap, snoozing softly. Lyanna wriggled down, trying to get comfortable. As much as she detested Aegon, at least she thought she did, she didn’t want to wake him. Not when he seemed so at peace with his pathetic prize. 
He was a heavy sleeper. She managed to lay on her back comfortably and adjust his position to where he was strewn across her stomach and chest. Lyanna watched him for… who knows how long, being lulled into some sense of relaxation by his weight and warmth on her, coupled with his rhythmic breathing. He was like a living heavy blanket. 
Her fingers threaded through his hair, smoothing small circles upon his scalp absentmindedly, as she fell asleep herself. 
When she awoke, he was still there— albeit, shifted slightly. He clung to her like a second skin, his leg thrown over hers, his arms draped over her chest haphazardly, still deeply asleep. Lyanna’s breaths fanned over his hair, his head resting under her chin. Whatever spell she had been under the night before had (almost) worn off, the novelty faded. 
Gently, more gentle than he truly deserved, she roused him. “Aegon,” she murmured, “Aegon, it's morning— I must get ready soon.” 
“Morning…” he hummed drowsily, lips pressed to her neck unknowingly. “No… I will sleep more.” 
Lyanna rolled her eyes; it was like dealing with a child rather than a King. “Laze around if you must, husband,” she began to pry him off of her. “But I have duties to attend to.” 
“Duties can wait, wife,” he blinked, supplanting his chin upon her chest and looking up at her in a way that made her heart wrench. He looked Gods awful pathetic, like an abandoned puppy. “Stay longer, please.” 
“… I have things to see to, Aegon. I don’t wish for your mother to be cross if I’m late to break our fast together.” 
He let out a huff, rolling off of her. “May I at least stay until you leave?”
“I suppose. You can help dress me. Do you know how to dress a lady?” Lyanna asked, getting up from the bed to open her wardrobe. 
“Ehm— I know how to undress a lady.”
“My Myrish silk from last night begs to differ.”
“Well, you have too many layers, too many loops and ties. This is why whores are so much easier, they’re practically already naked.” 
Lyanna shot a glare at him. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t remind me that you frequently lie with other ladies.” 
Aegon came up behind her, a bit taller than her by a head, poking his nose into her neck. “Why? Are you jealous?”
She scoffed. “Jealous? Jealous like you were of Prince Qyle?”
“I don’t get jealous,” he grumbled, backing away from her and folding his arms over his chest. “I just don’t think it was appropriate the way he was touching you— like you were a whore.” 
“You love that word, don’t you?” 
“Mayhaps. I quite like other words, too. Slut, cunt, bitch— the list goes on.” 
“You’re truly an ignorant, beautiful creature, Aegon. It’s a wonder to me that you survived infancy.” 
“You think I’m beautiful?” 
Lyanna let out a snorting laugh, it was undignified and unladylike— but real. Even more real than the laughs that Prince Qyle evoked from her the night before. She stayed turned away, sorting through her clothes. The noise she emitted, raucous and loud as it was, made Aegon smile for half a moment. He quite liked when his wife laughed— and he had been the one to do it this time. 
Aegon ended up not helping her dress, as he took one look at the configurations of a corset and left. 
That was fine by Lyanna, in all truths. She descended to the Queen mother’s chambers and broke her fast with her, as was her daily routine. Somehow, in the middle of their eating, their conversation turned to the topic of sex. Lyanna didn't feel much embarrassment talking about most things with Alicent, as she was a good conservationist– but sex was one of the things Alicent was… hesitant to talk about, all things considered, and Lyanna wasn’t exactly an expert. 
Poking into her soft boiled egg with her spoon, Lyanna listened intently to Alicent.
“You’re the only one I would talk to such things about, dearest,” Alicent hummed, dragging her utensil through her own bowl of coddled eggs, “I never much liked it with… the late King. ‘Twas my duty, after all. I can only hope that, ehm, Aegon makes it less painful for you.” 
“... he does fine, I suppose,” Lyanna murmured, prying the soft white of the egg from the shell and balancing it on the spoon. “... truthfully, we haven’t…” she rolled her shoulders to enunciate her meaning, “Laid together in a way conducive to making an heir– not since the wedding night.”
The queen mother perked a brow, crossing one leg over the other. “So you are doing such things in… other methods?”
“Only once– last night, in fact,” Lyanna admitted softly, poking the bite of egg into her mouth, wiping away an errant drop of yolk from her lip– to which Alicent was watching intently– “After the banquet. Was Aegon… jealous as a child?”
Alicent cracked a small smile, leaning back in her chair. “I’m not sure that he was jealous in the way that some may think. He wasn’t so much envious of what others had that he wished to covet, but rather what others were, comparatively to him. Rhaenyra was his father’s favorite, Aemond was the better swordsman, Helaena more beloved by my father– he was always the odd one out.” she blinked profusely, picking at the hem of her sleeve. “Why?”
“He… followed me to my chambers after the feast and started spewing heinous accusations about Prince Qyle and I.” 
“And this… led you both to the bed?” Alicent took a long sip of her tea, her eyes not leaving Lyanna’s. 
“No– my boudoir chair, actually.”
The queen mother’s cheeks reddened softly. “Oh my– I cannot say that’s something I experienced. Was it… pleasurable at least?” 
“It was certainly enlightening– that he may not be as useless as I thought,” Lyanna paused. “That I may not be as repulsive to him as I thought I was.” she spoke a bit quieter then, the subject still tender to her, a wound not yet fully scarred over.
“It’s his blood.” Alicent replied in a matter-of-fact tone.
“His… blood?” 
“The blood of the dragon– Targaryens have dragon’s blood in their veins, which runs thick and hot when situations become… precarious. It may be any sort of situation that might give you or I an adrenaline rush, good or bad– but for them, all my children included, it’s like igniting the spark to a wildfire. Some sort of primal, uncontainable thirst for… whatever it is that spurred them. For Aegon… he quells his blood with wine and whores,” Alicent frowned slightly at the notion, the corners of her eyes crinkling into a silent apology, “Jealousy could very well be one of the things that whipped him into a frenzy– mayhaps you should use such a thing to your advantage? Of course, I won’t condone adultery, my dear– but the illusion of interest in someone else may have Aegon more… inclined to lay with you.” 
Lyanna sniffed slightly, putting down her empty egg shell. “I wish he would just want it without me having to… set him on fire, or however it’s put.”
“Men are– for the lack of a better word– stupid, Lyanna. They are blind to the things they need the most.” 
Lyanna spent the rest of her week planning on how exactly to make Aegon jealous. She didn’t really understand how to put on such airs of that extent– acting confident was one thing, but feining attraction for another person was different, wasn’t it? She didn’t consider herself a massive flirt, either.
They sat in the dining hall, entertaining a visiting lord from the Reach, some Tyrell or Redwyne or other, who promptly gave Lyanna a bouquet of beautiful flowers. She was delighted at the gesture, not because she really enjoyed them, but because it would be easier to start her ruse. 
“Oh, thank you, my lord– these are gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous,” she hummed. She was wearing a green dress that, somehow, matched Aegon’s deep green tunic that eve. “How did you know that sunflowers were my favorite?” 
“Ah, your grace, the sunflower is my favorite as well,” the lord smiled heartily, chattering on and on about sunflowers. “It very much reminded me of your radiance, my queen.”
His audacious compliment earned a warm giggle from Lyanna, her face blistered with a blush– half of the blush was from real bashfulness, as she wasn’t used to receiving such compliments. She knew it was false, of course. She was more reminiscent of a plain dandelion than a sunflower.
The dinner consisted of Lyanna talking to him, making much smalltalk and overall, talking to him more than she’d talked to Aegon in their entire marriage. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her husband practically stewing, rolling around a brussel sprout around his plate with the tip of his knife, an inhuman heat blistering off of him in waves.
Apparently, to Aegon, enough was enough– his hand slipped from his goblet of wine, drenching the front of Lyanna’s dress. “Ah– my dear, I’m so very clumsy,” he crooned, “Let’s get you cleaned up, shall we?” 
Lyanna nodded slowly as her husband looped his arms around her and led her out of the dining hall. She murmured some apologies to their guests, citing that they would return soon. Aegon led them down a corridor, not far from the hall, into a closed off enclave, where he closed the door. 
“You’re doing this on purpose,” he grumbled, spinning her around so that her back was pressed against the stone wall in the close quarters of what was basically a servant’s closet. “You’re egging me on purposefully.” 
Tilting her chin up defiantly, she spoke nonchalantly. “I have no idea what you’re speaking of, husband, truly.” 
Aegon gave an unamused expression, his mouth wrought into a thin line. “I’m not even that drunk and I could plainly see you letting that… absolute peon of a Lord come onto you.” 
“So? He fancies me and gifted me a bouquet of flowers– I don’t see anything terribly wrong with that. It isn’t unheard of to pay homage to their queen, is it?” 
His hand shot out, gripping her chin and jaw. “I don’t– You– you’re so fucking frustrating!” he growled, raising his voice. Their noses were touching from their proximity, their breaths intermingling. It was the closest they’d ever been.
Footsteps echoed from the hallway, to which the both of them froze. They came past the closet, then descended back down the corridor.
“This is scandalous.” Lyanna murmured.
“How? We are husband and wife, simply having a chat.”
“We are the king and queen of the Seven Kingdoms, not… animals– I’m sure that anyone who opened this door would see you… pinning me against a wall. I’m not sure much could be left to the imagination there, Aegon.”
“You really should get the stick out of your arse, wife.”
“Mayhaps it would do better up yours, then?”
“Careful, I may actually enjoy that.” he grinned, the expression lighting up his usually solemn face. Lyanna considered him quite handsome at that moment. 
“You’re vulgar.” she quipped back, biting down on the soft part between his thumb and forefinger gently.
A sound akin to a breathy moan came from Aegon’s mouth at her bite. “And you call me an animal? You’re fucking biting me, you cheeky minx.” 
“Yes? Well, if you are to drag me to your level– we are both animals then.” she stared at him with wide eyes and she wondered if he could feel the beat of her heart. It felt like it would abscond from her body at any moment. Her heavy chest fell and rose in weighty breaths. 
“That lord is quite wrong, you know,” Aegon whispered, his lips dangerously close to hers– they hadn’t kissed since the wedding ceremony, and even then it was a quick peck – his mouth quirked into a smug grin. “You aren’t a sunflower. You’re a sweet little rabbit. I quite like rabbit, you know. They’re delicious, succulent,” he paused, leaning forward and speaking against her lips, “Tender.”
It was unsure who closed the gap first, but their lips fused together into a ferocious kiss. They both tasted of a deep, rich wine. It was a fight of tongues and teeth, a battle where they both wished to devour one another– Lyanna’s hand tugged at his white curls, nails scraping against his scalp as he held her face in a vice-like grip, as if he was afraid she would dissipate from his clutches at any moment. His lips were soft, surprisingly, where she had expected them to be rough and chapped. His skin pressed against hers and the slight growing stubble upon his cheeks tickled her in kind, her lips perking into a smile as they kissed. 
The once silent closet became a cacophony of small sighs and gasps from both the king and queen. Aegon’s free hand trailed to the small of Lyanna’s back, resting right in the divots above her bottom, his fingers splayed out in exploratory fashion. His repose was short lived, as he grabbed the fleshy globe of her arse, emitting a pleased hum of surprise. They parted for a moment to breathe, as it was wholly necessary– if they hadn’t needed to breathe, they wouldn’t have parted at all, reveling in one another’s taste for hours.
“I forbid you to cut my dress, Aegon,” she whispered in a playful warning, staring at him with a look that couldn’t be described as anything else other than fondness. “I refuse to go through these halls with my garment sliced to shreds.”
“But you love it, don’t you? You quite liked it last night.”
“Fine,” he acquiesced, his hand retreating from her face to unbuckle his belt. The light of the closet was dim, close to none– the soft flickering of the sconces outside of the corridor bleeding in through the cracked door. She couldn’t see what he was doing, really, but she heard the soft grunts coming from him as his fist slid against his length. Giving her ass a playful squeeze, he used his other hand to ruck up her skirts, the pad of his thumb swiping down her underclothes. “Lovely.” Aegon practically purred, hooking his finger and sliding the wet garb down her legs.
The air was cold against her bare sex, causing her to shiver. She chased the warmth of his body as he adjusted himself, parting from her closeness for just a moment, making her all but whimper. 
They didn’t need words, despite their new trend of back and forth quips– and it was nice to not have to say anything. She let him take the lead, as he was more experienced than she. His legs were between hers, keeping them open as he glided his member between her folds, gathering the wet slick that had been ruminating since they came to the closet, then he slid into her. Lyanna stifled a gasp, the sensation still so unfamiliar– it wasn’t painful like before, as she was prepared for it now, but it was a feeling of stretching she wasn’t used to. 
Aegon, in turn, huffed a moan into her neck, murmuring something in broken High Valyrian under his breath. He sheathed himself to the hilt inside of her, resting both hands on her hips, which had the perfect little clefts for handles, he noted. He didn’t move right away, savoring the warmth and tightness of her, squeezing around him like she was all but made for him. 
“P-please,” she whispered, so quietly, into the shell of his ear.
He set a wonderfully slow pace, which only sped up with each kiss they shared, their tongues mingling and dancing to the soft sound of Aegon’s heavy stones smacking up against Lyanna’s core. Their cacophony became a full on symphony of wet, slapping noises, coupled with their borderline obscene sounding kissing as they moaned into one another’s mouths.
 It felt like something of newness for both of them as Aegon’s thumb came up to circle at her clit– Lyanna was experiencing a fullness and indulgence in having her husband slotted in her so deliciously. Aegon was experiencing something akin to euphoria at the fact that he was fucking someone who wanted him, whom he did not pay, and was not doing so out of duty. He had been a bit hesitant on the latter at first, but there was no way in the Hells that she was faking such debaucherous, beautiful little moans. This was sensual ecstasy and closeness that they’d both never felt before in their lives. 
Lyanna’s whining became more pronounced as Aegon’s attention on her clit came to fruition– she clenched around him like a vice, feeling a small dribble of wetness soak around his cock. This act alone brought Aegon to his own completion, the wetness of her slick now mingling with his seed as he spilled inside of her, deep enough to hopefully take root. He bit onto the lobe of her ear gently as he came, whimpering. 
Lyanna quite liked that sound– of her husband whimpering into her ear as he emptied himself. It made her put both hands on each side of his face and kiss him again– but soft, like his little whimpers. It wasn’t something born of lust, but something completely different. Something that they both really couldn’t name yet.
Coming down from both of their highs, Aegon quickly situated himself back into his trousers– but not before reaching two fingers to his wife’s folds and pushing back in the seed that threatened to leak from her.
“Aegon,” she keened, dangerously close to overstimulation as he gave a cheeky flick to her wrought-over clit. “E-Enough– too much…” 
“I couldn’t resist,” Aegon chuckled as he pulled her undergarments back up, snug once more against her. “I don’t suppose we are returning to dinner?” 
“Gods– I don’t think I can. I am still reeking of wine and I won’t be able to look them all in the eyes when we come back looking as if the cat just ate the canary.”
“Or the dragon ate the rabbit?” 
“... I am sure I can feign sickness just one time– what do you think? Mayhaps we should retire early tonight.” Lyanna flattened out her dress.
“... we?” 
“Yes– we.” 
“We as in… me and you? In the same room? Together?” 
“That is what ‘we’ means, Aegon.” 
“... I suppose I could be convinced.”
They did indeed retire early that night, but not before going for round two, then three. A thoroughly fucked out Lyanna rested in bed, her body riddled in hickies of Aegon’s doing, her fingers tangled in his hair. She was well and fast asleep, Aegon noted. 
He loathed to untangle himself from her– she was so nice and warm and soft… but something inside of him nagged. Something broken and heinous tugged at his humanity, willing him to get out of bed and dress, donning his usual thick black cloak.
Off to the Silk Streets. To sate the broken parts of him and to quell the incessant nagging within his head.
Your fault, your fault.
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kookygranger · 3 months
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Notes On Progress
Ghost!Steve Harrington x Witch!Reader
Series Masterlist
500 words
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“Can I hear them?”
Steve’s been watching over your shoulder as you type up a review of a band from upstate. Reading along as the black ink stamps into the paper with each clack of your typewriter.
You wondered how he didn’t get bored. Surely, you were one of the least interesting witches in the coven to follow around day-to-day. You weren’t used to entertaining, and you rarely practised witchcraft outside of your daily rituals – although he’d watch that intently too, asking about all the different ingredients you’d steep in your tea and why continuously getting the Ace of Cups card in your tarot spread was bothering you.
But he was still here, and you were still wary of why that was – both spiritually and physically – why you?
“Uh, sure.” You click your Walkman, taking out the cassette when it pops up and move over to your stereo. You watch as Steve reads over what you’d written again while the first track fills the room, his tongue digging into his lower lip in concentration.
“That’s good. What you’ve written is like, what it sounds like.” He winces at his inability to articulate, but you get what he means. The compliment makes your shoulders hunch.
A knock at the front door of your cottage pulls you away, and you ignore the tingling in your arm as you pass the ghost.
“Hey.” Your fellow coven member Kelsey smiles at your appearance, holding out a thick A4 piece of paper towards you, “Essie made this painting for you, but she was too shy to show you so I volunteered to bring it ov–“ she stops talking when she notices something over your shoulder, then leans in to whisper, “You have a ghost?”
You follow her line of sight to Steve who smiles at the both of you, offering a wave from where he’s standing further in the house.
“Wait, you can see him too?” You turn back to Kelsey who nods, eyes still trained on him. “Huh, I guess he really isn’t here because of me then. He kind of just popped up a few days ago. Would he have anything to do with you?”
She shakes her head, frowning at the way Steve is staring at you like you invented tight, dark-wash jeans.
“Fuck, well if you hear of anyone missing a spirit let me know.” You look down at the colourful portrait she handed you, “And tell Essie thanks. It’s beautiful as always.”
“Will do.” She turns away slowly and you hear her release a deep sigh as you close the door.
Steve follows you as you walk into the kitchen, admiring the portrait of you with crossed arms as you stick it onto the fridge.
“Pretty.” He mutters.
“I know, she’s so talented.”
He rubs the back of his neck before taking a step closer, chest almost close to touching your back if it were possible. “I didn’t really mean the art.”
You turn your head to see a shy smirk on his face, eyes transfixed on you. You roll your eyes, trying to hide the heat creeping into your skin. Who the hell flirts this much when they’re dead? You’re not even used to the alive ones doing it to you.
You shake your head, trying to rid yourself of his spell if you can’t his spirit, and move back to your typewriter.
Steve settles back into his place over your shoulder, nodding along to the music as the words flow from your handwritten notes to the page in front of you.
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Steve edit by @petersspideymask on Pinterest
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collapsedglasshouses · 5 months
An Angel For Noah || Noah Sebastian x OC [Part 10]
DIVIDER ART WORK BY @cafekitsune
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PAIRING: Noah Sebastian x Jules [she/her]
SUMMARY: Jules and Noah finally face their difficulies, leading to them letting down their guards.
WARNINGS: ANGST, NSFW, MDNI, fingering, unprotected sex (p in v) [does it even count as unprotected, she is a fucking guardian angel idk], even more angst, swearing, mentions of mental health issues, mentions of death, ...
A/N: I cried. A lot. :) Also! I'd like to dedicate this chapter to @crimson-calligraphyx because I accidentally gave Jules' best friend her name in the exact same spelling as her own name! ALSO... this is not proofread... i'm sorry about that ._.
TAGLIST: @trvshdxddy @blackveilomens @crimson-calligraphyx @measuredingold @cncohshit @signs-of-ill-portent @hi-fancy-seeing-you-here @ada-clarence @wild-child-7747 @thebadchic @thescarlettvvitch @cookiesupplier
Keep in mind, this takes place in an alternative universe. Even though I write about real people, the way I write them has nothing to do with how they are in real life.
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“What am I doing?” Jules asked herself while looking at Noah’s sleeping figure. It’s been three hours since he had finally fallen asleep and Jules felt numb. Her heartbeat took some time to slow down a bit, but her mind was still racing as fast as it gets. She couldn’t get the image of him trying to climb over the balcony railing out of her head. She knew he wasn’t doing well but she didn’t realize it had been that bad. He needed help she couldn’t give him.
Every time she considered a strategy to help him, she couldn't follow through with it. The idea of merely returning to exist in his shadows appeared more impossible than ever. All of her past actions seemed like a lot of bad decisions. The fact that she now also had promised him to talk about the situation and see him again, made her feel even more at unease.
Her gaze remained fixed on Noah, and she felt a wave of nausea. It seemed impossible to get herself out of the situation. She didn’t want to leave him; he needed support, and she was determined to find a way to help him overcome his misery.
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When Noah opened the door to his room, a deep sigh escaped him. The bags under his eyes were more pronounced than usual, and he found himself in a state of uncertainty. It had been a while since he last saw Jules. She didn't come to talk to him as she had promised, and although he yearned to resolve things, he understood it might be for the best.
He had phoned his therapist as soon as he woke up and made an appointment for after the tour. After that he went on and did his best. He performed as good as he could and even though the tour had been successful he was more than glad that it had ended.
His therapy session had just ended and now he didn't really know what to do. He was angry with himself that he let his intrusive thoughts get a hold of him back than but when he was being honest with himself he was even more disappointed that Jules didn't show up as she promised.
When he sat down at his desk, his phone suddenly vibrated.
He hadn't heard from her since that night he almost had a car accident while driving to her.
Sadie: What's up? You wanna meet up?
Noah stared at the message and began to bite the inside of his cheek. It wasn't like he didn't like her or something but since he met Jules, he hadn't thought of Sadie even once.
He sighed before laying down his phone again. This was dumb. He was acting dumb. He had this really nice girl waiting for him and he would have the advantage of getting rid of some stress, but he preferred to sit there and mourn his damn guardian angel. He wasn't even remotely sure what he was hoping to get out of it.
So, he stood up and grabbed his jacket and right as he was about to leave his room, he felt a hand on his shoulder and simultaneously his anger level seemed to explode.
"You can't be serious?" He blurted out and spun around to look at Jules. She looked terrible, if he could even say that. If she would still have been alive, he would have said she hadn't slept in a while.
"Noah-..." - "No! No fucking 'Noah'." - "I-..." - "Shut up, you didn't talk then and now I don't want to hear your excuses!"
He tried to turn around but Jules grabbed both of his shoulders to make him look at her. "You know damn well how difficult this whole thing is" Jules exclaimed and tried to suppress her tears.
"No, Jules. It isn't really difficult to just show up and talk." He answered her, ignoring his desire to touch her.
"You seem to forget who the fuck I am, Noah! I'm not even supposed to be here." She snarled at him.
"Then go." Noah answered coldly before getting out of her grip and storming of. He didn't even stop when he passed Nick who gave him a confused look.
He didn't allow him to think anything until he drove out of the drive way. Screams from the music echoed through his car as he gribbed the steering wheel harder. He couldn't believe this whole fucked up shit was happening as if he didn't already have enough to deal with.
When he left the neighborhood, he suddenly felt at unease and could just roll his eyes. "This isn't working, Jules. I'll still leave."
Nobody answered him. He was furious.
His knuckles slowly began to turn white from his hard grip on the steering wheel as he suddenly let out a frustrated groan and turned around as soon as he saw the last gas station before he would reach Sadie's house.
“Fuck off.” Noah shouted into the darkness. He couldn’t believe how much Jules had him in his grip. The last couple of days he tried his utter best to clear his head, get things sorted out, work on the problems that already consumed his mind, but Jules was the one thing that never left him. He couldn’t escape her, and he hated her for that.
“You need to stop, Jules.” He screamed and still, there was no answer. So, when he re-entered the house and stormed to his room, he was about to trash his room when he saw Jules sitting on his bed, staring at the wall.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He screamed at her, causing her to flinch.
“What are you talking about?” She wanted to know, not even caring to look up at his angered face. She really didn’t know what he was talking about.
“Oh, come on, Jules.” He answered her and started pacing up and down the room. He needed to let go. He needed to get rid of his piled-up frustration.
She slowly stood up from his bed, her eyes following his wandering figure. She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t even know what he wanted. But she knew her following spiteful comment didn’t ease the tension. “Enjoyed your trip?”
Noah stopped in his tracks. “You can’t be fucking serious, Jules.” – “Care to explain your psychotic outburst?”
When Noah looked at Jules like that, he didn't realize how exhausted she appeared.
Instead of answered her, he began to shake his head unamused. “You know exactly what you did.” – “You’re insane.” – “OF FUCKING COURSE… I’m talking to my fucking guardian angel who seems to have a great jealousy issue.”
Jules' brow furrowed as she processed what Noah had just yelled at her. His eyes sparkled with a slight hint of madness. A couple of seconds passed, before Jules finally realized what Noah was trying to tell her.
“You think I made you turn around from your booty call?” Jules wanted to know from him.
“I don’t think it, I know it and I need to know why.” Noah answered her and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
Jules blinked a couple of seconds and felt a wave of relieve wash over her. “I hate to break it to you, Noah… But I wasn’t even following you.”
Jules looked into Noah’s eyes and saw how confusion washed over him. He wasn’t sure what he should believe anymore. He let out a frustrated sigh before he sat down at the edge of his bed, Jules eyes following him with concern.
"Why didn't you talk to me like you promised?" He asked her after a couple of minutes of silence, his eyes finally meeting hers.
Jules' heart sank at his broken frame. She didn't know what to say. She knew she had been a coward but she just wanted him to forget about her.
"This is all so confusing, Noah. I feel like we always run in circles." She breathed out and sat down next to him. "I think it would be best for me to just go back into your shadows, Noah. I'm making your live even harder than it already is."
Noah, deciding to ignore her statement, turned his upper body to her, "You need to tell me something, Jules."
She looked into his dark brown eyes which sparked with curiosity. Every time she dared to glance at him like that, she felt like she was going to crumble under his gaze. "What is it, Noah?" Her voice was not more than a whisper, both of them scared to ruin the moment like they did so often in the past.
"Did you feel it, too?" He calmly wanted to know and Jules heart rate increased rapidly. He didn’t even have to explain what he exactly meant.
If she felt it too? Of course, she did. Of course, she felt how their hearts aligned the first time their eyes met. Of course, she felt how she wanted nothing but to be close to him. Of course, she felt it too.
But Jules also knew she couldn’t just say that.
Noah's eyes never left hers. He wouldn’t let this go again. He needed to know if he really was going crazy. He noticed how Jules began to pick the skin around her finger nails and decided to step in. He carefully grabbed her hands. Again, there was this wave washing over him, every time he got to touch her.
And of course, she felt it too. But she didn’t know what to do. She knew, if she would talk, there was no way out of this anymore. Even less than before.
Noah, in the mean time, realized what her answer would be, giving her shift in demeanor. But he needed to hear it from her.
"Don’t make this harder than it already is, Noah." Jules whispered, both of them still getting lost in each other’s eyes.
"So, you felt it too." Noah exclaimed, not letting go of the subject.
Jules swallowed hard. She wanted to be strong. She wanted to let Noah go, but when he looked at her like that, their hands still intertwined, she felt like she was about to explode.
"Say it, Jules." Noah demanded, "Say it and I’ll let you go."
Jules' ears were ringing. Her cheeks were burning and the slight tint of Noah’s cheeks gave away, he was feeling the exact same thing.
"You promise?"
Noah nodded.
"I thought, I lost you." Jules than let out, causing Noah to raise his brows while Jules felt her tears coming up. "I-… I thought, you would do it, Noah. I had this gut-wrecking feeling that you would die…"
Noah swallowed hard.
"If that was the feeling Keaton felt when I was hit by that car… I-… I don’t wanna feel that every again… It felt like I was dying again." She explained while tears fell down her cheeks. Noah wanted to wipe them away but he decided against it, fearing he would lose her again.
Jules squeezed his hands harder.
"When I saw you making an appointment with your therapist and doing rather well after I left that night… I just didn’t want to disturb you again." Jules explained, only interrupted by her own cries.
Noah's heart sank. He knew he wasn’t doing well and he did everything he could to change that again but seeing her so broken because of his action made it even worse for him. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her and yet it seemed it was the only thing that brought them together. Hurting each other…
"I'm supposed to help you when you are in trouble. Prevent you from bad things but I feel like I’m the trigger to get you to do bad things and that’s just because I was so dumb to show myself." She rambled on, feeling a sense of relief from finally letting go of her thoughts. Noah's eyes became watery.
"But the biggest mistake was to let you touch me, Noah, because-…" Jules stopped mid-sentence, in hopes she could calm herself down, but nothing helped. The tears were flowing like there was no tomorrow.
"Tell me, Jules." Noah asked with a raspy voice from trying to hold his tears back.
"Because we both know this was the moment there was no going back." Jules whispered and sniffled quietly. Her gaze fell down to their hands, both of them holding each other with such force, as if one of them would explode into the nothingness.
Noah slowly let go of one of her hands and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Than he placed his hand under her chin to make her look at him. This was enough for Jules.
Everything she desperately wanted to keep from him broke out of her.
"I don’t even know if these feelings are real…" Jules let out and stopped in her tracks again. Noah gave her an encouraging look to go on.
"I feel so alive with you… You make me feel alive, Noah." She whispered and stared into his brown eyes.
For a couple of seconds, they just looked at each other, both processing what Jules had just said. And than… Noah broke.
"You're someone worth staying alive for, Jules."
Jules blinked for a second, trying to fight the urge of getting closer to Noah, but Noah took the decision from her when he mumbled "Fuck it..." and not even a second later grabbed Jules face and let their lips connect.
As their lips met, the scent of his cologne enveloped Jules, making her head spin with desire. Noah felt exactly the same. The warmth of her kiss spread through him like a comforting blanket on a chilly night.
For a second, both of them forgot how fucked up their situation was. They just pretended they were two adults, connect by fate. It was a bittersweet exchange, a mixture of longing and fulfillment that lingered in the air.
Their bodies gravitated toward each other, closing the distance as if pulled by an invisible force. Soon, Jules was being pulled onto Noah's lap and let her arms fall around his neck, while he grabbing onto her waist as if she would vanish any second.
Nothing even compared to the sensation Jules felt in that moment. Noah was the only thing on her mind and nothing was going to stop that. It felt like she only existed for this exact moment. To be close to him, to be held by him. All of his was new for her but she felt this deep need to get even closer to him.
For Noah, it felt like he had eaten the forbidden fruit. He had been in situations like this before but nothing in the world was able to compete with the feelings that washed over him, while his lips collided with Jules'.
When they finally pulled away, the air between them crackled with a newfound energy, the unspoken promise of what was to come. Their eyes met, a silent conversation passing between them, unlocking emotions that had long been hidden.
Jules' lips were red and puffy, while Noah's hair was even wilder then it had been just a couple of minutes ago.
Moments of silence passed between them, both getting lost in each others eyes.
Right as Noah was about to break this silence, Jules became bold. She closed their distance again, not being able to stand even a slight loss of contact with Noah. She felt her heart beating so fast that she was convinced for a second that she was in fact still alive.
She tried to push her thoughts of the future away as Noah's hands slipped under the plain shirt she wore. Jules shivered under his touch.
Even though Jules had no idea what she was doing, she let her feelings get a hold of her and began kissing down Noah's tattooed neck. She felt like she was going to explode when she heard his heavy breaths. Her hand grabbed the base of his hair without a second thought when Noah suddenly thrusted his hips up.
Jules moaned out in a mix of confusion and arousal. She couldn't believe this was really happening. She never made anyone feel the way Noah felt right now.
Noah pushed her slightly against him when she lifted her head again to look into his love drunk eyes.
"Are you okay?" Noah mumbled out, waiting for Jules' consent to the situation.
Jules looked at him for a short second before nodding frantically. She needed more. She needed Noah.
When she tried to kiss him again, he slightly backed away, a smirk on his face. "Use your words, Jules."
"I'm-..." Jules struggled to get out, "I'm more than okay, Noah."
Their lips connected again in a heated kiss and seemingly everything went fast, just like their whole relationship.
They helped each other out of their shirts, before Noah turned them around, hovering over the angel in front of him. He tried not to think about the fact that he was in fact making out with a somewhat ghost.
Jules was real to him. Jules was everything he needed right now.
He planted some soft kisses on her skin and felt how his lips began to prickle. This felt so unreal to him.
"You look so fucking beautiful." He breathed out while letting his hands run over her upper body. Jules felt goose bumps forming all over her skin. She couldn't quite comprehend how she was the angel in their position when every single touch of his felt so godlike.
“I-… I feel like I need more.” Jules said quietly even though it came out more like a desperate plea.
Noah’s hand traveled up to her breast slowly, pinching her hardened nipple for a short second. He didn’t miss how Jules thrusted herself against his thigh for a short second.
“Does it feel good?” Noah breathed out with a faint smile on his face before kissing Jules’ cheek.
Even though Jules had little to no experience, she noticed how he tried to tease her, but she wasn’t able to mock him back. She needed him so bad.
Jules whined out Noah’s name. “It feels so good.”
Noah kissed her deeply, quickly involving his tongue to get a taste of her. Jules couldn’t help but moan into his kiss loudly. Noah loved it, getting addicted to every precious noise he brought out of Jules. Just when Noah brought his knee between her legs, Jules swore she was about to die again. She couldn’t believe this whole thing was even better than she read in her little novels back when she was living in her small flat. Although their kisses slowed down a bit, their actions didn’t.
Jules shyly let her hand travel down Noah’s body, finding its way on his hardness. Noah felt like he was going to explode.
“God. Where did you learn that?” He moaned out in surprise, still not quite processing what was happening while Jules’ moves let him sink deeper into his delusion.
“You know? Reading books can help.” Jules smiled into the kiss, noticing how she got even wetter at his exclaim.
Her hand gripped him harder.
Noah let out a deep moan as he kissed down her neck and moved the hand that was previously placed on her breast down her stomach. Shortly they found their place on her clothed core. It didn’t take him long to push through the waistband of her shorts and she started to lightly massage her clit.
“Holy.” She moaned into his mouth while arching her back.
“You’re going to be the death of me.” Noah whined out, causing Jules to giggle.
“And here I thought I was a reason to stay alive for.” She whispered out with a smile, causing Noah to tease her wet entrance with his fingers before going back to her clit again. Noah smiled at her aroused expression.
“You’re going to be the death of my piece and mind.” He corrected himself, before Jules let go of his hardness to help him get her out of her last pieces of clothing.
Looking at his angel in all her glory was mind blowing to Noah. He was sure he felt his cock twitch in excitement when he looked at her beauty. It felt like she was glowing, and Noah just craved her taste even more.
But he wanted to take it slow. He didn’t know if this was the last time. He didn’t know if they were going back to their weird state of knowing about each other but ignoring their connection at the same time. He would do everything in his power to burn these images in both of their heads.
He circled her clit faster and faster as he leaned forward to kiss Jules deeply. He swallowed every moan of her as he felt himself get more and more aroused.
Then, for a moment, he stopped and looked the girl under him in the eyes, asking for silent consent. Jules slightly nodded; her mind clouded with the man in front of her.
“Please.” Jules groaned as she felt his fingers sink into her deeper and deeper.
“You’re so tight, I can barely fit my fingers in.” Noah teased the girl as he, again, kissed her neck.
Jules gripped Noah’s hair tightly as she pushed herself down on his hand. It was a brand-new sensation for her. It wasn’t like she hadn’t touched herself during her lifetime, but feeling Noah’s fingers inside of her felt like she was meant to be his.
Noah quickened his pace, while his other hand found it’s way to her cheek, caressing it with softness. Her moans echoed through the room, and he wanted nothing more but to record them and play them over and over as if it was his favorite song.
Jules leaned forward to catch Noah’s lips again. Jules didn’t know what had come over her but everything just felt so good and right.
“Fuck, you are perfect.” Noah muttered into the kiss. “Please… Please come for me. You can do it.”
And Jules did. The words and moans that come out of her mouth nearly made Noah come on the spot. She barely had the strength anymore to tell him how good he made her feel while she began shaking in pleasure. All she could do was running her fingernails over his bare back.
For a couple of seconds, Jules just whimpered in ecstasy.
“Your voice is my favorite sound.” Noah whispered and peppered kisses on her cheek as she came down from her high.
All Jules could do was capture Noah’s lips in another kiss, showing her gratefulness to share this moment with him. The kiss became deeper as she wrapped her arms around him, catching him in a firm embrace. She couldn’t let go of him.
Noah let it happen. He also slung his arms around her as if life depended on it. But hugging each other seemingly didn’t do enough anymore.
“Again…” Jules mumbled into his shoulder, causing Noah to widen his eyes. “I need you.”
“Shit… You really want to?” Noah asked, making sure he wasn’t dreaming right now. He lifted his body up slightly, to look her in the eyes.
“I need to feel you, Noah.” Jules whined and left the man over her speechless.
Noah needed to calm himself down. He was already so close to letting go of himself, when he simple looked at his angel. Even now, with the remains of their shared moment hanging in the air, he wondered how it would feel to be inside of her. That’s when he allowed himself to think about the fact that Jules was in fact not a person wandering this earth. He was kind of sleeping with a ghost… Or going insane… Probably both.
“We don’t need t-…” – “I want to, Noah.”
Noah let out a deep breath, nearly unable to ignore his own lust. Jules noticed the conflict going on in his head and quickly came to his rescue. She captured him in a sweet and soft kiss.
“I promise. I want this.” She muttered against his lips. “I want to be close to you. Do you want to?”
Noah nearly crumbled because of her words. Of course, he wanted her. So badly.
Noah swallowed hardly before deciding to let go. He quickly got out of his clothes, giving Jules almost no time to look at his beauty, before coming back to her, kissing her with such force, she nearly moaned again.
He placed himself between her open legs, thrusting his hardness against her pussy a few times, while analyzing her reaction with great interest. Jules took in every second she had with Noah. She was willing to do nothing else for the rest of her weird existence.
If Jules hadn’t already corrupted every little space of Noah’s thoughts, she would have done it now. Everything he could feel, taste, sense… It was Jules. Everything was Jules.
Jules shyly reached down to grab his erection and ran her hands up and down for a couple of times. Noah meanwhile began to shake under her touch. “It feels so good.”
His words hypnotized Jules as she circled her hand over his tip and stroked it a few more times. She would have never thought everything would lead to this moment. Jules felt her heat throb before moving her hips slightly upwards to guide his hardness into her.
Just the tip sinking into her, made both of them moan out. For a moment, Noah stayed still as he watched the woman move her hips even more to give him better entrance. Inch by inch, his cock sank into her, their breaths and whines echoing through the room as he stretched her out.
Noah begged this wasn’t just a dream. It felt more real than anything ever before.
“You’re taking me so well, angel.” He breathed out before placing a small kiss on her lips.
“You feel so good.” Jules answered him and looked into his eyes lovingly.
With that he finally thrusted into her. Everything aligned in that moment. All the moments they shared, all the fights, all the difficulties, all the feelings. Everything felt like it happened to bring them to this moment. It was as if they were the only to individuals existing in that moment. Sweet words were whispered into the heavy air of the room as the both of them gave each other exactly what they craved. Each other.
“Keep going. Noah. You feel so good.” Jules whisper shouted.
“God…” Noah moaned. “I love this so much.”
His pace became faster.
Without even thinking, Jules let out her next words. “I wanna feel your cum.”
Noah’s whole body prickled at her words. He couldn’t form words anymore, everything was hazed with the emotions he felt for her. He loved her. He loved being with her. He craved her.
Jules moved to meet his thrusts. Noah bit his lip. “You’re taking me so well.”
Jules kissed him again, feeling like she had never felt more emotions at the same time in her life.
“That’s it. Let go, Jules.” Noah grunted, making sure to give Jules her time. He was hitting all the perfect spots.
His thrusts became harder, while he captured her hands above her head, getting even better excess. They moaned in sync. It was their final straw.
They both came with a loud moan, his cum spilling inside of her with each thrust. For a few moments, their heavy breaths were the only thing that filled the room. Both coming down from their highs with a few kisses, all filled with the silent confessions of love.
When Noah caught his breath again, he kissed Jules again. “You are so fucking beautiful.”
“So are you.” Jules answered him with a sweet smile while she gazed over his face. He was in fact so beautiful. From his dark brown eyes that held so many secrets, to the small freckles plastered over his face.
Slowly, Noah let himself fall into his bed, cuddling into her side immediately.
Jules, meanwhile, stared at the ceiling of Noah’s room, while her thoughts began to flow her brain. This actually happened. She, an individual dangling between life and death, had sex with the person she was supposed to guard. But he wasn’t just any person. He was Noah. Her Noah.
It took the two a couple of minutes, maybe an hour to finally speak up again.
“You don’t even know how much you mean to me.” Noah whispered out and brushed a strand of her out of her face. His anxiety had also caught up to him, but he tried to ignore it for a second longer while laying there.
Jules bit her lip. Her heart skipped a beat at his words, even though she tried to function normally again. “I can’t even describe what you mean to me.”
She turned to look into his eyes. She quickly noticed they both knew what was eventually going to happen now.
“One night.” Noah whispered in a pleading tone. “One night, where we don’t think about it.”
Jules swallowed hard. She knew it was going to end rather soon than late. She didn’t want it to but she knew it had to go this way. So, she nodded.
“One night.”
With that she leaned forward and kissed him again. She kissed him with such force, he wouldn’t have any chance to miss what she was trying to say.
After that, they got even closer to each other, letting each other embrace the love they shared for a moment…
One night…
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eldritch-spouse · 5 months
THAT LIVIUS X VINNEL ANON IS NOW GETTING ME TO SHIP ICONS WITH YOUR OTHER OCS, JUST FUCKING GREAT/sarcastic /pos (sorry if this one's long I just gotta get these outta my system lmao)
Kalymir x Patches: because let's face it, Patches can absolutely take quite a bit of a beating [and we know he'd beat off to getting a beating anyways], but there's always the threat of Kalymir ACTUALLY just straight up killing him - Admin assures him that they won't let him die, but sometimes, the way that Kalymir grins at him makes him worry... Also I love size difference and I want Kalymir to (figuratively) tear his ass apart with his cock
Vorticia x Morell: obvious reasons. He's one of the greatest monster chefs of all time, she's the Greed icon - she keeps coming back for his food (and occasionally his bobbles) and he keeps getting very flattered that the literal icon of greed loves his food. Also... Madame Pinnie did mention that Morell has had horny thoughts in which HE'S the one being eaten, even if he's also super terrified of that... And... Firstly, Vorticia's a snake-monster, so idk how her body would react to the poison, but if we're being hopeful, she'd be immune to it - or maybe the fact that she's the icon of greed has something to do with it(?); second of all, she'd probably have the equipment and/or magic to get rid of the poison.
Rinxx x Nebul: HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT-- Nebul to me seems like the type to absolutely exploit the fact that Rinxx has a ton of money and would use him to buy all the sex toys and pearls he could ever want (plus stuff for Purpur of course). Also, the idea of Rinxx being a sugar daddy for Nebul is HILARIOUS. I can imagine Nebul knowing this and being frustrated, because he can't just turn around and give the bird to an Icon (his ass is big but his balls aren't). He has to live with the fact that, no matter how he dominates Rinxx in the bed, no matter how much the Icon allows the Wraith to degrade and demean and even hurt him-- Nebul is not the one who's in control of the dynamic. Idk if he would, but would Nebul ever grow to start liking the fact that he's actually the submissive one? (On a sidenote: I can imagine Rinxx groping Nebul a lot cause he's thick as FUCK and also forcing the guy to wear much tighter, more leg revealing clothes that hug his thighs and ass-- also forcibly pounding Nebul into submission when Nebul irritates him, hehah)
[I love how you spell Rinx like he's a pornstar, Rinxxx. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)]
Ah, Kalymir and Patches, we've talked about that. You captured the essence of it well, but the ass tearing is going to be more literal than physical here. Patches, ever the glutton for pain, will find all his cravings brutally satisfied. And Kalymir, ever fond of resilient little things, will adore taking Patches to his undead breaking point over and over and over.
Morell and Vorticia is equally stressful. All of these are. Vorticia will work Morell stupid in her desire to taste all his talent, but Mori is getting a delicious ego stroke as well as watching a massive woman take rabid, almost lustful enjoyment from devouring his cuisine. It'd be hard to ignore an inkling of chemistry here. But, as you know, typically, most people who lay with Vorticia perish. Perhaps it'll be a different story here, she wouldn't want to lose the best chef she's ever met!
Rinx and Nebul is an interesting pair. And indeed, Nebul will keep fighting for his dominating role as hard as he can. Sexually, he'll never accept submission, and outside of intimacy, he'll still try to cling to any minuscule shred of power he can attain, even if all he can do in certain situations is refuse gifts- Which is very frustrating for Rinx. Fact of the matter is that even when he holds control, it is only allowed and never inherent, which will chew at the wraith. But goodness, the benefits of this dynamic are so many... He can at least revel in the power of being so wanted by someone of such status.
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— “c’mon, i can tell you’re freezing. i won’t tell anyone that you like to be the little spoon, honest:” - For whoever you want to write. <3
I chose to write some fluff for Astarion/Karlach. There's some mild spoilers of Karlach's personal quest, Astarion's backstory and act 2, nothing main plot though. Hope you like it!
Read on Ao3
There were many disadvantages to having a tadpole living freely behind one's eye, namely the unavoidable doom of becoming a mind flayer and having Faerûn destroyed and overrun by an army of said mind flayers.
Astarion understood the fears that struck his companions, he really did, but they were overthrown by the unique benefits that his state of possession had given him. His whole anatomy had been transformed, the rules that he'd followed for two centuries completely turned upside down.
He wasn't under Cazador's beck and call anymore. No more living through the shadows, he could walk under the sun and embrace its warmth once again. He could walk inside any building he wanted without needed to be invited, he could swim in any body of water. He was still bloodthirsty, figuratively and literally, and along the bite scars on his neck and his pallid skintone, those were the only remaining signs of his vampirism.
Hence his lukewarm willfulness at getting rid of the tadpole. If only he had more time to seek someone knowledgeable in ithillids, perhaps they could find to cut contact of the tadpole to the hive and keep it in permanent stasis. Unfortunately time wasn't a luxury they could afford, especially not now that they were in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. If a shadow wasn't trying to get at them, it was some vile creatures ambushing them.
At least the curse wasn't an issue anymore for them, with the blessing of Selûne, but the real problem for Astarion was the overwhelming, bloody cold. He'd forgotten how his body used to be severely influenced by temperatures, and it’d been fine on the Coast with its warm sunny days and temperate nights. But here in these lands, it felt like the chill seeped down to his bones.
It’d been days of this, to the point he couldn’t remember when he hadn’t been cold. It wasn’t so bad when they were walking around and getting into everyone’s business, but it was hard to dismiss when they were at camp and resting. The campfire helped somewhat, but he feared that if he sat any closer he’d been sitting in it, and he didn’t want the others to know his predicament.
He trusted them somewhat, but not enough to disclose his discomfort. He wasn’t the only one afflicted by the weather, seeing as Gale was using a spell to keep himself warm and cosy. He hadn’t even offered it to anyone, the prick. Not that Astarion would’ve accepted, mind you, but it appeared wizard schools taught no manners.
He tightened his hold on his thin blanket and sighed. At least everyone were getting ready for sleep. Perhaps he’d find some comfort in his bedroll, if not in meditation. The cold was reminded him of when he’d been trapped in a tomb for a year as punishment. That was why he was reacting so badly to it, he was realising.
“Hey soldier,” Karlach said, joining him by the fire. She probably was immune to the cold, with her engine heart running so hot. They’d visited Dammon to upgrade it a second time, where Astarion had been in earshot when he told her it was only a temporary solution.
“Evening, darling.” Astarion was massaging his stiff hands, not managing to improve their state much.
“I know you’re normally pale, but not this blue pale. Are you feeling alright?”
Astarion hesitated. Beside Wyll, she was the most trustworthy of the companions. She was loyal to a fault, despite being betrayed in the past. He wasn’t sure whether to call it naivete or resilience. “I’m just cold. The curse on these lands, its chill seeps through our blessing it seems.”
Karlach made a sound and approached him. “You should’ve told me, I run almost too hot for this plane after all. Unless you don’t trust that I wouldn’t hurt you, which I understand.”
Astarion shook his head at that. “Would it be too much to say it’s not you, it’s me?” They were only in close proximity and already he could her warmth, the glow of her heart pulsing steadily through her ribcage. It was a beautiful sight, if ignoring the fact it was killing her.
She crouched in front of him and extended her large hands. She wasn’t forcing herself on him, instead letting him choose. He appreciated that.
He slid his hands into hers. They were almost too hot to bear and his body instinctively flinched at the change in temperature, but he held on and soon it felt like his hands were dipped in a hot bath. So good and relieving.
“By the hells, Astarion, you’re freezing,” Karlach said, gripping him before letting go. Astarion almost whined in displeasure. He watched her retrieve her bedroll and spread it beside Astarion’s.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m not letting you freeze another night. Help me with this.”
Together they spread the two bedrolls like a makeshift bed so they could both fit underneath. Karlach was the first to slip into it.
“Come on. I won’t tell anyone that you like to be the little spoon, honest.”
Astarion laughed and joined her. It was a tight fit, but Karlach didn’t seem to want space between them. She pulled him against her with a strong arm, hugging him. It felt like his limbs were melting from ice blocks and he could finally have control of his body again.
He liked that she smelled of ashes and fresh air, that her skin was scarred and tough when he rested his hand against her bare back. He’d been fond of her pretty eyes and easy smile for a while but hadn’t acted on it with her whole ‘my skin will burn you’ thing before, but tucked against Karlach, the warmth he felt wasn’t just physical. He felt comfortable and safe.
“Thank you.”
“Anytime, soldier.”
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chthonic-mommy · 8 months
Imagine a Good Ending for Karlach
Larian hire me right now.
also my English is weak but I’m trying so please be kind I can’t REMAIN SILENT ANYMORE. it was a 3am unfiltered stream of consciousness written in language which isn’t my native.
So, the final battle. Karlach overheats. I don’t care how are they going to get rid of anything else - that’s not the topic. Then Tav (maybe with Gale’s help) uses extreme ice spell on Karlach, a few seconds before the end. This won’t let her die - but won’t let her live either. Tav just couldn’t tolerate the thought of Karlach dying. The battle ends. Everything’s over. Everyone is alive. But there is Tav - with swollen eyes, feeling like her own heart’s gonna explode instead of Karlach’s engine. And then there is The Body. Tav holds her head close to her chest, crying, but Karlach’s cold now, too cold. Gale tries to go talk with her, but both Astarion and Lae’zel ask him not to. Tav is overwhelmed and incredibly protective over The Body. She is a short and weak bard, but she will not let anyone touch Karlach, she’ll protect her like a mother lioness protects her cub.
She’ll take The Body home with her. Cold, with an ice crust on that place where soft light was coming from.
A year passed. Tav stayed in Baldurs Gate. Karlach’s dream was to help tiefling children who lost their parents. Karlach told Tav “All children should have proper housing. I didn’t have any opportunities when I was a child myself. It didn’t turn out good.”
So Tav opened a home school. She wasn’t as good with children as Karlach was, but she originated from aristocratic family, so she, as a woman of great knowledge, became a teacher for tiefling kids. They were stubborn at first and didn’t attend classes, but by time they started to listen. They began to help Tav with the garden, so they could eat stuff they grew together afterwards. Mattis remembered what Karlach told him - it’s easier to avoid battle and come out as winner out of any situation if you have a way with words. Mol was the last to stop leading her illegal lifestyle, influenced by others.
Tav taught them proper writing, counting, helped them with better clothing. She couldn’t give them everything - money won’t last forever. But she tried - tiefling kids had breakfast and dinner, they had a place to sleep, they were learning something.
Tav was numb. She stopped crying - work and children who needed her, all of that made her tougher. She was weak physically before - Karlach was always there for her to help. She remained weak, but could hardly afford that weakness now.
Three years have passed. Tav searched. Karlach’s body remained the same. There was a way to melt her heart, but she’ll die right after, Tav needed a way to melt her engine without damage, and a way to make it work. Gale told her one day “You need to move on, Tav, those children need you.” Tav answered him “She wanted to live more than any of us did. I’ll rip my own heart out, if needed. Help me or leave me alone.” She and Gale stopped talking for a year. Than he returned to her with loads of books and an apology.
Astarion didn’t like the whole idea of home school at first, but he still was coming to Tav as frequent as he could. He taught kids personal boundaries, cuz Tav didn’t want to be touched, so Astarion taught children that before a hug you need to ask first. Astarion never left Tav’s side, he supported her in her dream to bring Karlach back. He missed his barbarian friend too.
Five years have passed. Lae’zel and Shadowheart came to Tav’s place and brought their hatched gith child with them. Lae’zel also brought githyanki medicine, Shadowheart brought her prayers. Gale and Astarion came, bringing a fire artifact they’ve been searching for during the last year. Halsin and Will came, bringing their magic. Dammon was there as well. The whole group have got together again because everyone knew - if today’s stuff won’t work out, Tav will lose her life purpose. She needed their support.
It was the dark and cold night. Tav was nearly as cold as Karlach, tearless and calm. Gale started to dissolve the spell, the engine began to melt. Halsin was trying to support Karlach’s health, at least till the engine starts. And then everything went wrong. The engine started to heat like crazy, burning Karlach from inside, Dammon took his blacksmith tools and started to repair the engine right there. Tav took the fire artifact and put it into the engine. It burned through her gloves, it burned her hands heavily. Dammon took a step back.
Karlach’s body twisted in pain, she started to cough. She threw up. She coughed again, there was a black smoke, the smell of charcoal and burned flesh.
Everyone stood still, until Astarion ran for Karlach and hugged her tight.
“Damn, Fangs, I’m gonna vomit again…”
He looked nervous, his eyes twitched just like he was going to start crying, but he buried himself into that hug even more. Lae’zel came to them too, swearing, but hugged them with all her strength. Then was Halsin and his bear-like hugs. And Gale - who already started crying. Shadowheart and Will stood aside politely.
Karlach coughed uncontrollably, suffering from pain, laughed, not quite understanding what happened. For her it was just a moment - like she slept for a while. But everyone was different then she remembered. Gale had more wrinkles, Astarion never hugged her like this before, and Tav… looked like a pale imitation of herself. She stood silent, watching the hugs happening. Like she wasn’t there at all.
Everyone moved away, leaving Karlach sitting on the floor, still coughing but not that bad. Tav stayed on her place. She was afraid to believe it.
“Love…” Karlach started, and Tav whimpered, her heart skipped a beat. “…What’s with your hands? Did I burn you?”
Tav came closer, with tears dropping on the floor, breathing fast, looking like she’s gonna either have an anxiety attack or faint.
“Tav?” That’s was enough for her to burst out crying. She rushed into Karlach’s arms, crying like a baby, shivering.
Karlach’s started to kiss Tav’s face, trying to calm her down, caressed her hair. She worried so much and her engine was still unstable - it started heating again. Tav kissed her lips and felt them burning, like it was their first kiss.
“We need to stop, Tav, something’s wrong.”
“I’ll never stop! Karlach I missed you so fucking much! You were here, your body, cold and silent, I could touch you but there was no YOU in there! For five fucking years! I’ll rather burn myself than hold back now.”
Karlach looked at her in shock.
“Five years? How… How did you?..”
“I needed you to live. I did what I could.”
“That’s why your hands are burned?”
“That’s a small price.”
Karlach pulled her close, while her engine calmed down a little.
“And you waited for me for five years…unable to reach me… just like I waited to touch you… when we just met… it’s all crazy.”
“I was afraid I’d lose you. I’d die too.”
“Don’t tell me anything. It’s easy to get used to good things. When you lose them - you may never recover.”
Karlach kissed her again, kissed her burned lips, kissed her forehead, kissed the tears traces on her cheeks.
“We’ll talk about it later… I’m here, love, I’m here…”
That was the first night after the final battle which they spent happy, together. Tav was crying over and over, snuggling to Karlach and holding her hand tight, like she’ll disappear at any moment.
The next morning Karlach found out about kids. Most kids who she remembered were nearly young adults now. Mol and Mattis came early to help Tav with her house chores and ran to Karlach’s arms like they were her own kids.
“Karlach, we thought you dead!”
“Yeah, we thought mama Tav lied to us so we wouldn’t be sad about you!”
And Karlach hugged them close, but then pushed away to ask a question.
“Mama Tav?”
“Yeah, everyone calls her mom, it’s easier to explain and to remember.”
“She adopted EVERY child here?”
“Not really, but we’re still hers, I guess. She helped us all this years.”
They told Karlach about their jobs, about little ones who came when Karlach was already “away”. When little ones, those who stayed at Tav’s place, woke up, they rushed to see what’s happening and why this place is so crowded.
Mol said: “Listen here, little bastards, THAT’S Karlach we told you stories about! She finally came back!”
And then there were lots of “wow”, “she’s as tall as I thought!”, “the light from her chest is real, see?” and “are you mama Tav’s wife? she wouldn’t tell us”. Karlach was delighted.
She got to meet Lae’zel’s and Shadowheart’s baby gith, and couldn’t get enough of him.
She and Tav made use of every free minute to speak. Tav started to bloom like she used to - colors came back to her. They kissed again and again to the point when Astarion started to joke dirty about putting Karlach back to sleep.
When Karlach asked Dammon, how’s her engine, he told her he doesn’t know how long will it last. They didn’t know anything at all.
Lae’zel always asked Tav before, why does she read so much, isn’t she already one of the smartest women in Faerun?
Tav always answered that the main point of learning is that you never stop. Science has no answers, you learn and then you understand that you know nothing and then you learn again. And that’s an endless path, you’re never stagnated. Lae’zel was fascinated by that.
Tav answered Karlach’s question about her engine just as expected.
“If it breaks, we’ll find a way to heal you again. And again. That’s the never-ending path of knowledge…”
“Knew you’ll say that.”
“So why did you ask then?”
“Just wanted to hear it aloud. It’s strange to know… that now I’m finally free. What should I do, Tav?”
“You can start at helping me with our homeschooled gang. I’m slowly getting burnt out. Mal and Mattis are helpful, but I can’t trust them with everything and they don’t have to be here all the time.”
“Understood…” Karlach stopped thinking about her future after Dammon for the first time told her that her engine can’t be entirely fixed. She couldn’t imagine someone going this far to bring her back. But Tav did it.
Karlach was free. Finally free of Avernus, free of her past, nearly free of death (Tav made her believe in that). She was surrounded by children and her friends were all here to welcome her back. Tav was here - with her hands and lips burned and painful, but refusing to leave her no matter what. Sweet Tav, who seemed so little in comparison to Karlach. Her savior.
“Gods,” Karlach smiled bright. ”Love, it feels so good to be alive.”
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