#she will make it worse every single time by saying the most horrible shit
wisellamawerewolf · 2 months
Heaven has a point and it's ruining the show's entire premise
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*rant under the cut*
It has probably been said before by other people who can articulate their thoughts better, but considering the way VivziePop chose to tell her story, Hazbin Hotel's premise just doesn't work.
At first the show's main idea was presumably about how it's never too late to become a better person. The themes of Hotel and providing redemption to damned souls if they CHOSE to become better was fitting for that concept and it could've worked well without much involvement from Heaven. Yearly extermination (although arguably not necessary) added stakes and a sense of emergency, but making Heaven fully involved in the situation was a very questionable choice. Now the main theme of the show is less about "self-improvement" and more about "Heaven is hypocritical", and it just doesn't work well for one (main) reason: every single sinner we have encountered are absolutely horrible.
I already sense some that people might bring up the "They're in Hell" argument, but here's the thing: it would've worked fine with the initial premise, but you can't say "Heaven is bad for exterminating souls" when these souls a.) killed, hurt and ruined people's lives when they were alive; and b.) kept killing, hurting and ruining people's lives in the afterlife. Is there a better solution than just killing these people? Probably. But that doesn't make Heaven seem hypocritical and unjustified. At worst it makes them look stupid, because if they knew most people would find extermination of souls abhorrent, they could've just send someone to rearrange hell and completely isolate the most vile sinners from others in order to prevent them from hurting people, instead of just letting them continue doing their shit but in a slightly worse place.
Another argument that comes in mind probably sounds something like "well obviously not EVERYONE is irredeemably bad in this place, and Heaven is surely unjustifiably sends people Hell for stupid reasons if it's overpopulated". And if this statement is true, I have a couple of questions:
Why then literally none of these people are in the Hotel? Surely Charlie could've find at least some of such people and convince them to participate in her experiment. This is probably better to live under the protection of one of the strongest beings in hell than being potentially killed in the streets, so what do they have to lose? If none of these people believe in Charlie's idea, why every time we meet a non-resident, they are always murderous assholes, with almost no exceptions? If Hell is full of wrongfully condemned souls, why doesn't Charlie address them in the seventh episode, instead of going to the cannibal town to ask for help?
I think I've said it somewhere before, but VivziePop wants to criticize religion for scaring people with eternal punishment for doing arbitrary and harmless stuff, but also wants to treat said punishment as a playground for her edgy OCs most of whom are the exact people who by all logic should be in hell.
She wants her story to be about redemption but then turns around and says "actually, my homicidal OC's did nothing wrong, the SOCIETY that condems them is a true villain. Please ignore corpses my faves piled up in the corner". Viv wants to have her cake and eat it too, which results in a sloppy writing.
The most frustrating thing about this that it could theoretically work if handled more carefully: Charlie is already naive and Vaggie is a freshly exiled angel so just make them believe that all sinners have a legitimate reason to be in hell and need to be "fixed". Let them run into Angel Dust and try to make him improve, only to later learn that better people were turned down in heaven and send to hell because of the arbitrary reasons.
It could've both drived the message of "you can always chose to be better" and provide a valid critique to the religion in regards to what counts as a "sin" and wether it deserves such a hursh punishment or not, but ut VivziePop just can't decide what she wants to do and talk about so she just throws in everything at the same time.
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frecklystars · 28 days
Hi, I need some help if anyone has advice or something. Or even just a “that’s rough buddy”
Last night I had one of the worst breakdowns I’ve had in a long time bc I saw a commission of my abuser with stsc. She commissions artists just about every single day of herself with TF characters, so I always avoid the tumblr search tags. Even non-TF artists I feel wary of bc it doesn’t matter, if you’re an artist and your comms are open, she will buy from you and it’s always her self insert/OC. I never look up self shipping or transformers or anything like that in the tumblr search. I never interact with anything she’s a part of. But this time I was simply searching up something entirely unrelated in a browser, and she just - she showed up. She fucking showed up! All of this time I take to be so careful, to limit my tumblr experience drastically just to protect myself, and yet I still see her. I cannot believe how easy it is to find my abuser floating around online because she commissions people every single day. I wasn’t even on tumblr and I still managed to see her. It was just… Google images. No keywords that could have possibly led to me seeing that, but she showed up as one of the first results in the images and I just. had the worst reaction ever. Understandably
It was her pink OC, and very long story I won’t bother you with, my abuser’s pink OC is the reason why the color pink became a cptsd trigger for me in 2022, and I was really struggling with that shit when it was fresh. Obviously I got better with it because uh, I’m a Barbie blog now, but I still have my bad days with it and I’ve never been fully okay with pink. I never feel fully “safe” around it. Which sucks. But I was at the point where I could tolerate it. Well, until now 😭 ugh
Seeing my abuser was already a big shock, obviously horrible. Seeing my abuser be lovey and soft with stsc was also really horrible. But seeing the pink and immediately my brain saying “oh look it’s pink, that’s dangerous, but maybe it’s Barbie pi— ohhh nooo, that’s your abuser, she’s right there!!! That’s her!!! In the pink!!! I told you pink was a trigger!!! You’re in danger now you’re gonna die!!!” makes me feel like I’ve gone backwards in my healing process and I’m afraid that’s irreversible. I know healing isn’t linear and I know setbacks are normal, but this feels different. It was Barbie pink, like the hot magenta color you see on the album cover? I feel sick typing this jfc. My abuser is now associated with Barbie pink in my brain. I don’t know how to fix this. It used to be more of a milky pink that would bother me bc THAT is what her OC color used to be, but now apparently she’s? Barbie pink???? And a paranoid part of me believes she might have changed it on purpose just to fuck with me because she knows I see her commissions everywhere I go, because one of our last conversations we ever had was her saying she was fully aware how much her own s/i was a trigger for me. This is so much worse bc now every time I see Barbie Pink I’m not gonna think of Barbie! I’m thinking of the person who nearly fucking killed me multiple times!
I was doing soo much better with my pink trigger. I associated pink with how safe and loved Barbie and Ken make me feel. The hot magenta Barbie Pink made me feel the safest because that’s LITERALLY Barbie pink. I would still get tense seeing it but then I’d immediately say to myself “that’s Barbie pink. That’s Barbies color. Barbie would never let my abuser come near me, because she’s a girls girl, and she’s smart, she would not allow herself to be manipulated, she’d keep me safe” etc etc. and I would almost immediately be totally fine with looking at the color, my tense feeling would melt away most of the time. i was doing so much better but now it’s like this is ruining all of my progress. My abuser’s main color now is Barbie pink and I feel really sick.
I’m extremely shaken up over not just seeing my abuser again, in a commission no less (which she’d often use against me, so seeing TF commissions of any sort give me bad reactions, hence why I don’t even look at TF fanart whatsoever even if I wasn’t triggered by the actual franchise) but also seeing the very Thing that turned pink into a trigger in the first place. I feel very hopeless bc I miss stsc but seeing him be romantic in a commission with my abuser, on top of the trauma associated with him just in general because of said abuser, makes me feel so impossible to reach him. So not only do I feel hopeless and miss my starlight so fucking badly, as I do everyday, but now I feel worse with the color pink. I don’t want this to ruin Barbie for me. I don’t want to be scared of the very thing that was helping me heal this far.
I don’t know how to fix this. I’m hoping I will eventually bounce back from this major trigger of seeing my abuser AND tf together, like this was a triple hit on me, had three major triggers in one image — I’m just hoping I’ll… move on?? And then maybe pink will go back to being tolerable again? But I’m scared it won’t. I’m scared I really cannot heal no matter what I try to do
Anyway idk what kind of advice I’m even asking for, maybe reassurance that it’s gonna be ok. Or something 😔 literally anything helps I don’t care WHAT it is, if anyone can spare something nice in my inbox or the replies, I will super appreciate it
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slutisnotabadword · 1 year
My Possible Unpopular TVD Opinions
DISCLAIMER: This is MY fucking opinions, lets be for real. If you don’t agree, then good. If you do, then great.
This fandom doesn’t realize everyone’s horrible. One thing I’ve noticed about this fanodm is that people really like to pick and choose who’s the worst or the ‘least worse’ character. Idk, I just find it weird that someone favors Klaus Mikaelson, but HATES Damon Salvatore. As if Klaus isn’t terribly worse. Almost every single character in this series has done a multidue of horrible things, especially the vampires, so it doesn’t make sense to people do that. I understand if it was based on personalities, but the way people express their likings, it doesn’t seem like it is. For example, the whole Damon versus Stefan debate. Some people hate Damon because what he’s done, but turn around and love Stefan even though he’s done the same shit, and even worse.
Damon didn’t need to be labeled as the ‘better man’. Look, Damon is my FAVORITE character. I love that man with all of my heart, but truthfully, I don’t think he should’ve been the “better man”. All Damon’s life he has been coming second to Stefan. With their parents, Katherine, Elena, and damn near everyone else. And honestly, I think it got worse with Elena because deep down, she wanted him to be “Damon with Stefan-like qualities”. But he’ll never be Stefan. And that’s okay. I think Damon’s arc should’ve concluded with him accepting the fact that he’ll never be the better man, and him being okay with being imperfect. Not everyone has to be the hero.
Bamon should’ve fucking happened! If Bamon has one fan, it’s me. If Bamon has no fans, I’m no longer on Earth. I just really, REALLY, love this ship, I don’t think you guys understand. Honestly, it might’ve been better than Delena. Damon and Bonnie have some underrated chemistry and tension since day one. And they had a great set up. Damon sworn to protect the Bennet bloodline and now he has this girl who pushes his buttons alot, while he’s constantly pushing her buttons—UGH, I love it. True enemies to friends to lovers. They should’ve ended up together, atleast once. But we all know why it didn’t happen *cough* julie *cough*.
Caroline’s such a fucking hypocrite. I love Caroline, but she also annoys the fuck outta me. And I think it’s just her natural personality. She’s just so judgemental that it drives me crazy, and personally, I can never be friends with someone who always has ann opinion on the shit I do. What really bothered me about her is her drilling down on Elena during the first part of season 4 about Damon. Which I would’ve understood considering her abusive past with Damon, however, she never mentioned or brought up that as a reason why she hates Damon or why Elena shouldn’t love him. Instead, she came off really fucking hypocritcial because not even five second after basically calling Elena an idiot for picking Damon, she’s LAUGHING WITH KLAUS?!?!? Aka the most evil mf in the entire series, like let’s be so fucking fr. Klaus is ten times worse than Damon and this bitch is laughing it up with him over champagne. And not to mention she sleeps with him later on.
Bonnie would’ve made a better protagonist. Bonnie’s storyline had so much potential to be stretched out. Like she came from a very powerful coven that dated back to the first creation of an immortal being AND the other side. Her ancestoral history with the Salvatore brothers. The way she became one of the most powerful witches—like she fucking stopped hell fire, bffr. And Bonnie’s fine asf, she’s that girl. I think her character arc is good, and would’ve been great if racism didn’t occur with Kat Graham.
Elena is not as bad as y’all say she is. Can she a be a little self-centered? Yeah. But it’s not hard to understand why. During the first few seasons, EVERYONE made everything about Elena—especially Damon and Stefan. Like Bonnie was about to die for her during season 2. Everyone has risked everything for her. Shit, if people treated me like that, I would think everything’s about me, too! And no, Elena’s not a crybaby. If I was going through everything she was going through, I would cry every day and night. Girl lost two sets of parents, her brother at one point, and both of her guardians (Jenna and Alaric). And at one point, lost the love of her life (Damon in S6). Not to mention, someone was always trying to kill her, and then she had to deal with an evil doppleganger. Shehas every reason to cry. And the weird thing about that is, everyone calls Elena a crybaby but not Klaus? Every damn picture I see of that man, he’s crying his eyes out. It’s always that same damn crying face too. I love Klaus but y’all really be pickin and choosin who to pick on.
Damon and Stefan’s background should’ve been talked about more. I still don’t know why the producers, or whoever, changed their origins from the books (as far as I know they were from the 1500s in Italy) but I think changing it was so unnecessary. I don’t know why people have such an obsession with 1800s, but it’s WEIRD how we collectively decided to treat that time as an aesthetic while this country was treating people like animals, but hey, that’s just me. ANYWAYS, I think they should’ve brought up the brothers’ history and background earlier in the series, instead of waiting till the end where the rest of the story was falling flat. Because if we’re being honest, in the early seasons, we don’t know much about them. Hell, I don’t even think we know their birthdays. Like we’re aware of their troubled past, but we don’t know their family backgrounds, and I feel like knowing someone’s familia backgrounds helps understanding their core.
“When I kill someone, they’re supposed to stay dead!”. Alaric should’ve stayed dead. Jeremy should’ve stayed dead. End of story.
Kai’s actions are not justified. This fandom and hundreds of others have a tendecy of babying these grown ass people. So what Kai’s family treated him differently. That literally happens to damn near everyone in this world. It does not give you anexcuse to kill your entire family, INCLUDING CHILDREN?? Bitch you deserve to get locked up. They should’ve killed his ass but that’s just me. But Kai’s fun, I suppose. I just don’t like it when people baby him trying to justify him killing innocent children just because his father didn’t love him enough. Who cares? Go to fucking therapy like the rest of us. And then y’all tried to ship him with BONNIE?? OUR PRECIOUS BONNIE?? It’s like y’all forgot how he made her life a living hell in that prison world, which led her to almost killing herself. Bonkai could burn, don’t ever bring up that garbage ass shit ever again in my presence.
Might do a part two
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coffee-in-veins · 9 months
I was thinking again about how Dismas's Face Your Failure sucks, but tbh they kinda fucked up with the concept? To have Dismas kill a random guard doesnt really represent what went on and how it affected him, on the other hand, for him to face his failure by shooting that poor woman again would have been horrible and stupid.
There are very different types of backstory they tried to pigeonhole into the "failure" theme and to represent it by a single NPC gets even more awkward. You have Para killing the result of her horrid experiment, good, ok, makes sense. But Audrey kills her husband which she has no reason to regret killing in the first place, only that she didn't get away with it, Bonnie is faced with the adult that tortured her as a kid (is her failure running away from a fucking cult???)... then Barristan has to kill the ghosts of people led to their deaths and genuinely regrets doing so. Damian has to beat himself like he doesn't do that shit every day.
I'm sure if this was an anime it would all make sense, with dialogue and the evil shades taunting the heroes by distorting what went on, but as is stands, it's just forced. It's no Come Unto Your Maker in terms of impact, that's for sure
thank you for the ask!
sorry i'm slow with those lately ^^' too much irl shite falling on my lap... i am genuinely happy to receive asks, but i barely have much strength to do more than reblog some nice art lately. my bad.
i hope the length of it will make up for how late it is.
frankly, i refuse to engage with DD2 on principle and do my best to forget it exists, so where i feel comfortable discussing DD1 and my knowledge of it, in DD2 I can mostly speak based on youtube walkthroughs and my spite.
please, bear in mind that i'm biased. i'm still salty at DD2, and what i let slide in DD1, i meticulously dissect in DD2. so if this bothers you, i'm genuinely sorry. i can't help it. this was why i tried my best to distance from DD2 entirely.
that includes the little arsonist. i still can't help but resent her for taking space away from someone from the old cast. so i can't say anything about Bonnie, sorry.
Dismas is just a whole mess in his own league, as I mentioned before. and it's too depressing for me to dig into it fully, but the way the game is now (to my knowledge) it seems that his biggest 'failure' is getting out of a 'hellish' prison which had left such a lasting impact on his psyche that he has nightmares about it instead of some eldritch horrors. which imo speaks volumes about his time there.
frankly, for me Para is firmly in a 'this is not as traumatizing as they make it out to be' category. the guy was already dead, and based on narration, he was dead before she found him (where in DD1 comic this fact was up to debate). morally, at least in my eyes, it is no worse than autopsy. is autopsy immoral? no, not really. it doesn't hurt anyone. the corpses don't really care what happens to them. she basically created a Gaunt and we see no proof that Gaunts are sentient or can comprehend what is happening to them. for all intents and purposes, Para made a zombie, and then killed a zombie. the only change was that she used to know the basis of said zombie. was that traumatic for her? most likely, in a way every failed experiment of such magnitude is. was it immoral since the guy was dead and wasn't technically there anymore…? ehhhh… no? not in my head, at least. it definitely didn't warrant the place of her biggest failure - after all, she continued her trade, in DD1 at least, and there she was quite self-assured and willing to do what it takes to battle illnesses of Hamlet.
Audrey actually got away with killing her husband. the problem was that she got his debts too, as the new Lord of her household. so to not lose the lifestyle she had, she resorted to grave robbing. later, she either didn't get away with that, or got way too into it for the thrills. if anything, my bet would be on her regretting not killing him sooner, before the debts. i can't see any point where he would be her failure. marrying him? well, considering the age and her noble lineage, being a woman and narrator's phrase about her "Born into money, and married into more", marrying her husband was hardly her own decision, so not a failure in that regard, too. unless RH are implying very, very dubious things, i fail to see any scenario where he is her fault, worthy of 'Face your Failure' yelled at her face.
Barristan we get to see in both DD1 and DD2 seemed to be post-redemption arc, personally. well, save for few barks in DD1 afflictions (man, i miss how jaded and pointed they were unlike what i've seen in DD2...), but in DD1 everyone was much more at each other's throats and less sanded off to be mellow when they were afflicted, imo. but i digress. so, guardian grandpa felt like he had had his redemption arc already, before the game even started. he fucked up, he made amends, he learned his lesson. making him re-kill the ghosts is just a dick move from writers, imo.
i'm lowkey afraid to ask who Junia and Sarmenti get. because i dunno. i have my guesses, but if they are true, then i'm... i'm not even disappointed, i'm just tired.
Damian is... well, he simply is. i can get a separate rant about him, but boy, i have a lot of punches for the way the narrative worked with him. granted, he appeared when the levels of my blood salt regarding DD2 were reaching organ-failure levels (guess like Damian himself), but boy, did the RH did him dirty! not only in handling him, but also with going the most stupid, the most cheap option of self-fight.
however, and that's one huge however.
however, there's one character who, to me, outshines all this crap.
the most baffling example for me personally has to be Baldwin. the game made a very pointed, on the nose, blatant effort of showing him like the only actually undeniably good guy from the whole roster. he is kind, humble, loving, and is a 2-meter tall disney princess in disguise considering how each of his official artwork features small birds loving him and sitting on his hands. i don't even know what he gets as a Failure. his advisers? he dealt with them in more ways than one. the beggars he selflessly helped got leprosy from? if yes, this is undoubtedly not-as-good of a character anymore. does he just get to slap the boss for 200 HP because he's a gigachad or something? i'm genuinely confused.
as i said before, given the game's narrative, Face Your Failure makes no goddamn sense, and i stand by those words.
not only it feels cheaper than Come Unto Thy Maker (you can't straight out DIE from it afaik) it's not a hindrance - it's outright your way to win. unless you play with a vestal who has 0 attack skills, this is not a thing which makes the fight harder (like Come Unto Thy Maker does, progressively reducing your damage output and safety options), it does the exact opposite! why? why would the big bad make this fight easier for you to win? ugh! are we going for the 'i know you are in there somewhere' fights? is the guy called Hateful God for fuck's sake playing along with you, pulls his punches and secretly wishes you well? WHY would he??
excuse me, i need to read some soft reymas else thinking about this will put me into salt-induced frenzy.
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snifflesthemouse · 1 year
Final Post before I go... to remind some of you exactly who this author is...
I am a recovering addict who has almost a decade clean and serene. I know, without a doubt, I am a HORRIBLE wretched human being. I lived with a narcissistic murder/psychopath before prison, and then I lived with all kinds of them IN PRISON. I walked past meaner, more dangerous people to go poop or shower than anyone behind a screen here. I have lived life. I'm nowhere near a narcissist. You have no idea who I actually am, you only see what I construct for you to see to protect my own identity.
Saying I am a narc because people are having trouble following my very long, drawn out posts is stupid. Clarification isn't indicative of being a narc. So literally every single YT channel or anyone wanting to find a different medium for further clarification is a narc then? I think not. I think most of you pick up words and repeat them without thinking of the true connotation of the word's meaning
Really, right now, I am just thinking out loud to myself about why I am attracting dumb people here all of a sudden.
Calling me names, calling any person like me names, only makes me laugh. It's cute to me. When people call me names or say things like they have some authority... it only shows me their water levels... and boy the drought is upon us!
When you've spent the first two decades of your life conning people and putting thousands of dollars up your nose or in a vein, you get to know people. Truly see the worst society has to offer. My cellie in prison stabbed her best friend 72 times. 72. We ate lunch every day together. She was a narc.
OH, FYI... A water level is someone's mental capacity in the con world. I embrace critically thinking people who can form a thought and express it without being like me deep down inside. If you are NOT like me, you are a good person. I am not a good person. DUH.
Deep down inside, I want to show my true colors. I want to be nasty. I want to skulldrag people sometimes. I don't though, because the old ways bring back the old me. I've worked too hard in the real world and I know my real world worth.
I don't owe anything to anyone. I try to be nice and not read the comments, or even my messages. But eff all that.
If you think for one second I am not aware of how terrible a person I was, you are stupid. I know better than you all could ever...
If you feel the need to say something rude, think twice. Please. I won't be held responsible for what comes off my keyboard next if you bring it to me first.
Let's just say I've said it all about myself at least 10x as bad before and 10x worse. I've said it MANY TIMES BEFORE but it seems people are too lazy to get a clue before commenting anymore.
That is all, folks.
Well, not really... Truth is I write things, I post them and walk off and live. I took my drug addiction and turned it into an empire where I am retired. I don't make money here. I've never once received shit, even though people quote my work all the fucking time. Funny. What's even funnier is how you can post real shit with real proof and people still be like "WhAt DoEs It MeAn?!?" They believe dumb shit about fucking reptiles but not common sense logic or real proof. I don't want fucking morons around me or on my page. If that statement bothers you... go ahead and block me. I don't block people because I don't ever read anything from hardly anyone else. I read a few blogs I Know and trust. But that's it.
I used to care that this blog was growing. That it had thousands of followers. That I still to this day haven't been able to follow everyone back because of the limits daily. I used to think being nice and just ignoring the rude people was the thing to do, because hey at least they read and you made them think... that's all an author wants. Readers to think... harder, differently, whatever. JUST FUCKING THINK.
SO yeah... do with that what you will. Because this author will continue to do whatever the fuck this mouse wants. This mouse isn't like some Yter or some blogger begging for cuppas and tips. I got cash, and I got ass. I don't get shit for shit. It is my hobby. I'd get it if one of yall paid a motherfucking bill sometime. I might listen. But I do bad all by myself.
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kidfoundonstreets · 9 months
okay uhm the scarf guy and the pigtsail guy from yttd . and charlotte and lime from wh. and uhhhhhhhhh anyone from cinderella game
head in hands HIAAIIEY HYEHEYEH HAII ROBIN <333!!! TAHNKYOU please know the opffer is pen for you anytime.. anywhere.. smooches your forehead okay so i like the pgistial and scarfie scarf guy because theyre so fcuked up ina ll of the ways. i like how they make me wanna throw up and shove my head inside a sewer while inhaling fanfiction of them like toxic gas. that aside the angst and to put it simply fucked up potential in their dynamic is what draws me to them, i enjoy how complex it could be - your abuser could love you but not in all the right ways, it could exist, shin and how they care about one another with the idealistic frankly obsessive posessive view midori has with him as well like the cut scene of him c rying over shin HELLOOO?? anyway theyre silly to me. guy who lives in your house is also your roomammte old friend bestie lover worst person you know etc jerk weird weird satrange weird. i could write a lot more if it was speciifc but im very bad with words sooaoaahahdhwh <3 oh and gore chalrtotoe and lime are also one of my fav dynamics yesss horrible yuri. chalrotte never wnating to give up on lime while lime has al;ready given up for any sort of proper undertsnaidng she craves bwteen them, heyre friends but one wants more while the other doesnt, it doesnt even have to eb romantic it just hurts because charlotte was all by herself or maybe just singled with the others apathy toward semotions so seeing lime full of emotion and passion and pain who could get chalrotte probably also ironically struck a chord in her - and shes always worried for her, like she might go too far, and when she does she just starts crying. thats the good shit. a hoepless ending a hopeless dynamic but they kiss sometimes in my brain to make it worse. perfect. that cinderlelal game ,, ,,,, !! oh god please dont stirke me here IM SO EMABRARSED i dont have any ships in that game so ill go on with that xoxoxoxoxooxox dorpelts one ive been playing ! i really like how with shiloh theres this fake "is this true is this not" with him, you never really know and thats what the fandom loves about him whcih i agree its an addicting type of thang, and even in the end its not completely clear. all we relaly get is that its sure at least that he does value jb at least a ltitle or see her as of value, as she does end up consistnetly vomplimented talked to and by his side through the end. he cant have a verison of hismelf that isnt manipulative, long gone, and you need to accept that. theyre awful divorce. i cant get enough of it. jbs overflowing confidence and shiloh right beside her like a dog with a knife, begging for any sort of scraps because hes a liar. a mnaipualtor. like jeoekr! or kokcichi . ezxcept hes actually good . can you imagine it. ironically hes probably the most untrustworthly one there becausre atleast the others say what theyre thinking. shiloh is a mixed bag and every word has at least a little bit of a truth and lie to it.
ut thats how they like eahcother and its fun interesting we arnet here for a long time we're here for a fun time for nate it givess a bit more of a genuine perspective, im not used to jb being comforitng or nice tbh lol. but its clear that they atleast fiteachother even if jb isnt the nicest one for him - i think shes the only one who can keep up with his intense moods and issues stacked on him and his rough exterior. hes honestly a pretty decent guy if you dont piss him off whcih is easy. closeness issues. commitment issues. nothing is ever stable issues. i get it bro. the thing with all of these dynamics in this game is that they do somehow in a hilariously awful way is complete eachother, i cant say if any of them will end well but its obvious that theres chemistry in all of their interactions and i love love love this game. anyway i also relaly liked how with nate you dont kiss him at all and instead get a hug at the ened, its nice compared to shiloh who just goes along with everything and how jb is pulled to his wants at times (while with shiloh shes the one ofc usually taking all of the lead while hes the jester) - i think it really digs in how much he trusts her to go that extreme and vomit-inducing lengths at the end because he wants their kiss to be perfect qnd it isnt perfect right now. but hes ready to keep going because of this stupid bitch (jb). and i find that super sweet
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dantes-gf · 2 years
This is gonna be bulleted and short bc I have trouble writing long stuff without overdoing analyzing, this is the dancole thing - DD anon
Nicole is seen at multiple points manipulating Dante in different ways. Specifically gaslighting, bodyshaming, and threats, as well as just regular emotional manipulation. She essentially refuses to let Dante break up with her. Every time he tries he gets a different tactic.
The first clip I found was Nicole turning Dante’s gentle attempt to breakup into bodyshaming him. He says “I can’t see this working out in the future” and she responds by agreeing because he’s gained weight and being all around difficult, resulting in his attempt to break up failing.
The second clip was Nicole saying she loves him, emotionally manipulating Dante into not wanting to leave her when he tries to break up with her. Dante doesn’t want to hurt her, but she refuses to let him leave her even when he tries to.
The third clip was them on what looked like a date at Love-love para, where she says, and I quote, “if you’re hiding something horrible, you should just tell me now so I don’t have to hunt you down and hurt you later.” She was correct he was hiding something, but she had no idea he was cheating at this point, this was purely based off him acting a bit odd. This is also in public, so I’d have no problem seeing Nicole using worse threats behind closed doors.
Also, considering the girls are all automatically on Nicole’s side when they find out about cheating, and Katelyn’s own disregard of her treatment of Travis, it’s not unlikely to say he may have tried to say something to someone and was promptly told he was either lying or exaggerating.
I think what should’ve happened, if I have to still make use of it for character development, use it to further Zane’s “not a bad person, just cold” thing.
Dante and Zane are roommates in LLP. Dante canonically talks to him about his relationship problems. If Nicole were to try and use his being unfaithful to manipulate him into something else, Zane would be a good person to help him.
Zane’s not a nice person. He’s not warm and he’s not really kind most of the time. But he is not the type of person to recognize abuse and not say anything about it. He won’t do anything until he has to because he hasn’t been asked to do anything.
When Zane bluntly calls her out for what she’s doing, Nicole would likely object and say he’s lying or Dante’s making it up, except Zane has no motives around him. Dante wouldn’t need to alienate Nicole from Zane and Zane doesn’t have anything against her.
Zane would also get solid backup from others, because Garroth knows his baby brother, Aaron knows Dante, (screw canon) Aphmau is not someone who’d call a victim a liar without proper proof, and obviously Travis isn’t going to call Dante a liar.
Katelyn would be the only one to side with Nicole, which could also be used to point out her continued physical abuse of Travis. Either she can lose her friend group, or she can admit that Nicole is abusive and that she herself needs to stop using physical violence to release her anger.
tw / abuse and extremely toxic relationships
while obviously it’s an issue with dante and nicole, i feel like almost every single one of the relationships in aphverse are just a mess of lowkey abusive behaviors. especially travlyn and dancole.
i think it all roots back to jess and her own relationship situation and probably the media she’s consumed over the years that make her view these borderline abusive relationships as love.
i think it’s just awful that we have characters such as katelyn and nicole who are presented as the tough girl stereotype, the ones who like don’t take any shit, but they’re not “tough” girls, they’re just mean and hurtful and SERIOUSLY rooted in the “i’m not like other girls” character type.
and yes i know this ask is about dante and nicole and i didn’t even realize the stuff she said/did that was just horrible but katelyn really is just Awfully written. she’s mean and just punches people?? all the time?? and i don’t remember too much of dante and nicole i won’t lie but it seems she isn’t too far off from katelyn’s writing…
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Guys, I'm in a mood. Hot takes time for each Xenoblade. >:3
Xenoblade 1
Egil is a lame antagonist
The game's themes fucking suck
Dunban is the worst designed character in the series, in terms of gameplay
Zanza was more interesting before we knew about his other half.
Metal Face is one of, if not the, single best written antagonists in the series.
Melia's character design is really ass.
Xenoblade X
The writing is actually really good. Especially factoring in the sidequests.
X has the best gameplay in the series, but it also has, by far, the worst combat.
The series has yet to make a more compelling antagonist than Lao, despite having tried repeatedly.
Elma is underrated.
X has the best plot twists in the series. In particular the mimeosome twist is the single best plot twist Monolith has ever written.
X is literally the only good open world game. Easily outclassing more famous titles like Breath of the Wild and Elden Ring.
Tatsu is inoffensive, even considering how extraneous he is.
I actually liked the food jokes. They felt homey. Even if they weren't particularly funny.
Thank fuck Cross never happened again. The actual worst protagonist in the series.
Elma has the best character design in the series. But True Form is arguably worse than Pyra.
Xenoblade 2
The only good character designs are the NPCs, and even then, 2's NPCs are much lamer than the rest of the series'.
2's additions to the lore were universally shit.
I really liked 2's combat, but I also think almost every boss fight in the game was shit.
Rex shouldn't have been in the game. Pyra should've been the actual protagonist.
The tensions between Mor Ardain and Uraya were interesting, up until the game decided to drop it for literally no reason.
It's frankly a miracle that the game is polished and playable considering how disjointed it feels fundamentally.
Dromarch and Ursula bug me particularly because Polar Bears and Cats canonically went extinct.
The music in 2 would be good if it wasn't for the horrible misusage of certain songs. Shadow of the Lowlands is the greatest offender and actually ruins the song for me, but Counterattack, Ancient Vessel, Spirit Elpys Crucible, and such were also horribly mishandled.
Tora can burn in hell. What the fuck?
I don't like anything revolving around how Klaus was handled in 2. Also the beginning of the "Meyneth never happened saga."
I don't think it counts as a hot take to say that Pyra's character design is ass, actively ruins the mood of every scene she's in, and makes the character writing worse. But I also have to add that it isn't just that the artist was jacking off. Even if Pyra was the most modestly designed character in the game, her design would still be ass. And that applies to every other shitty design in the game (except Dahlia, where the problem really is just.. why?)
2 is, by far, the worst game in the series. That said, I'd consider it a relatively inoffensive game if it wasn't a Xenoblade game, and I do get why people like it.
That said, the way 2 handles its themes is pretty lame.
Also, the way 2 concludes Pyra's and Mythra's arcs is offensively terrible. That's just not how you should ever conclude a massive arc, nor is that how you should fucking conclude a suicide arc.
"Nia. I love you. I love you and all you guys." is still the single funniest line of dialogue in the series.
Torna the Golden Country
It's really funny seeing the camera guy suffer.
This dlc singlehandedly makes Pyra a good character, despite Pyra having zero lines of dialogue in it.
I wish this was the main game.
Xenoblade DE
They made Reyn ugly.
I don't like that they lowered the cooldown of Melia's Reflect Art.
I don't like the change to Alvis's character design. Not just the core crystal, which recontextualizes how the audience interacts with the character, but also they made his jacket less fluffy. What the fuck?
I just generally don't like the Alvis is Ontos thing specifically because it I liked how he was handled in the original and I dislike the retcons 2 made to the lore. That said, I do like how the concept was handled in Future Redeemed.
I don't like the remix of Engage the Enemy. I feel like it misses the point of the original song by making the vocals so much more present.
Future Connected
I don't mind the story, but it also contributed absolutely nothing to the larger story.
Haven't played the game, but I can't imagine removing the Vision and Chain Attack mechanics from 1's combat would contribute a positive change in the gameplay.
Xenoblade 3
The designs for the main characters are, on average, presentable but not very good. In particular, I really dislike Noah's and Eunie's class outfits. They just feel out of place and don't vibe with the characters.
Z is the only good villain in this game. While N had a compelling backstory, every moment he was on screen took away from that.
Joran was such a bad villain that he made Lanz a significantly less interesting character in the process. Same with Eunie.
The only instance of "backstory character that got revived" working for me was Taion's mentor (forgot her name). Every other time, it was handled in a way that took away from the story.
3 has by far the best designed combat in the series, and I'd be surprised if Monolith manages to top it any time soon.
3's level design isn't on par with X, but I wouldn't mind the series going this direction in the future.
Camera button was the best idea the series has had in a long time.
Future Redeemed
Having the game tell you completion% singlehandedly ruined the exploration for me.
I found Rex, Glimmer, and Nikol to be rather underwhelming. Especially when I was excited to see what Monolith would do with them upon introduction.
This really should've been a standalone game rather than a DLC. Too many character arcs got skipped over. The combat seriously suffers from lack of customization options. Matthew and A didn't really have enough time to establish themselves. Neither did Na'el, even though I really like her. Alpha would've also benefitted a lot from having more time to cook.
Overall. Mixed to negative opinions about this one, but I'm still really glad to have experienced it.
A would've been the best designed support in the series if their AI couldn't use their Talent Art.
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jklovesfandoms · 2 years
I haven't seen anything like this (except that one literally amazingly written fanfic) yet, but I feel like I am very qualified to talk on this subject, and I want to talk about it, and maybe possibly avoid the ignoring of this conversation before it starts.
Quick TW, bc it is dark, I will be talking about SA with a few details, but not going into super duper specifics, so please don't feel pressured to read this just bc I'm talking about RTC and Constance Blackwood.
Also, please don't read this if you think you'll mentally struggle bc of it, please prioritize yourself and your mental health over me projecting and not quite shit posting.
Please put yourself first over my projecting and ranting. And take care of yourself <3
So, if you've seen the musical, or read the script, you know that Constance lost her virginity to a carnie in a port-a-potty, about 3 hours before the Cyclone derailing.
However, I'm going to include this part of the script, bc it's very important. "He was ancient. Like 32.... Anyways, my virginity. I just wanted to get it out of the way. I just wanted to do it, so I didn't have to think about doing it anymore. No, actually. I just wanted to lose it in the most horrible way possible. 'Constance the lifer, lost it to a carnie, in a crap-box, in a crappy town! Why, of course she did...' " She says this right before Jawbreaker, the monologue leading into Sugar Cloud, if you were somehow not aware.
Now anyways, my projecting.
Constance is talking about her virginity like it was the only thing she had to offer. She also lost it to a man who is 32 years old. She is canonically 17.
Now, do I believe that this started consensually? Yes. I don't think it stayed that way.
And before you go "James, but how can you say that?"
I'm a survivor of SA. I lived through (not at all the same situation) but very similar SA. It started off consensual, and very quickly my no's were not being heard, and suddenly I was SA'd in the side stage and dressing room of the theater that I had longed to call my home for years. Suddenly, I was SA'd in the bedroom of my ex-partner, who was the one who did it. Suddenly, I was SA'd in my own bed. And sadly, many other places.
So yes, I'd say I'm very qualified to speak on this. I hope, for Constance's sake, it started off consensual, bc in my experience, it's worse when it doesn't.
Also, just the way she's talking about it. The way she mentions it so casually. Emotionally, yes, but casually, even more so.
That is exactly how I talked about my multiple SAs.
I made jokes, constantly, about me "having intercourse" with my partner at the time. I put "having intercourse" in quotation marks there, bc it was only consensual a handful of times. It wasn't intercourse, it was SA. Now of course, I'm still recovering. It's been over a year, but it's still a struggle.
Constance Blackwood hasn't had a year. She hasn't even really had a day. Sure, she had an ambiguous amount of time between her death and the start of the musical, but based on how the choir reacts, it wasn't processed time for them. The world was spinning, and then they were in a warehouse. Which means, that by the time Jawbreaker/Sugar Cloud happens, she's had approximately 4 hours to process.
Let me repeat that.
One time that I was SA'd, about 4 hours later, I was on a discord call to play some random online game with some ex friends. I made so many jokes about what happened, making it sound consensual, bc I didn't want my friends to worry. I had barely processed the fact that my pleading hadn't been heard yet. That wasn't the first time, and it wasn't the last, but it still took me a full 3 days to process that it wasn't right.
Constance wouldn't have had ANY of that.
(Btw, I call them ex friends, bc despite every single one of them being told my story, they claimed that I was so joking and proud of the intercourse, that I was lying about a "perfectly fine man." And all of them, to this day, are still friends or friendly acquaintances with the absolute a-hole who SA'd me.)
Now guaranteed, the choir would have been a lot better friends than those people. The choir would've almost, or actually, murdered that man, as soon as Constance came to terms with what happened, and told them. I believe that the choir cares that much about her, about each other.
However, I sadly can imagine how Constance would've lived if she had either been voted back, or if the Cyclone had never derailed.
For context:
To this day, I have an English class with my SAer. Last year, I had science and English class with him. I also still act with him constantly, because we are both still members of our high school drama club, and we're both male seniors. I get sent into auditory (and I'm sure if I could visualize in my head, they'd be visual too) flashbacks, every single time this man speaks. I can't walk into the theater without getting nauseous, especially in two very specific places in the theater. My heart starts beating an average of 20 bpm (recently it's been 30) faster when I walk to my English class. And yes, I keep track of that due to my watch that tracks my heartbeat. Even my own bedroom. For about 4 months after I was SA'd in my own bed, I struggled to exist in my bedroom. I'd sleep in either of my college siblings beds, on the couch, on the floor, anywhere as long as it wasn't in my bedroom. I refused to change in there, and would only change in the bathroom. I still have trouble sleeping to this day, bc some days are a lot worse than others.
Constance, if she reacted anything like me, would not be able to bring herself to use a port-a-potty for several months, to a year. Not just that specific port-a-potty, any port-a-potty. She wouldn't step foot near another carnival for a year, if not more.
But yk what I definitely project onto her? (totally not in spite of my ex friends)
She'd avoid all that with a smile on her face, and a lie on her tongue.
Bc that's exactly what I did. I got asked, why do you struggle so much in English or science, and I'd lie about homework, about outside stress, and how I just can't focus that well. And I said it with a smile on my face.
I got asked why I arrived 45 minutes early for tech week and performance week of our musical last year, fully ready with costume on, makeup on, and contacts in, with 30-35 minutes till call time started, and well over an hour before mics were called.
I said I was anxious about time, how I just wanted to be ready. How I wanted to do personal warm-ups before the group ones.
I'd say that I sat in the pit (a place actors were not supposed to be) for well over an hour bc I didn't want to over heat, and it was the coldest place in the theater. How the dressing rooms were just too crazy. That I wanted some time to talk to some online friends, or play games on my phone. I wanted to check my props and set pieces, I wanted to make sure I didn't still have the fake cigar in my bag.
And I said it with a smile on my face, and lying right through my teeth.
At the time, I was (and still am) anxious about time, so I arrive everywhere 30 minutes early. I was ready early, but I didn't have to be that early. I never once did personal warm-ups. I sat in the pit bc it had the calmest scent (bc of all the lumber), and kept me calm before having to face people. The cold kept my heart rate lower before it rose from dancing, running, and hearing my SAer's voice. The dressing rooms were 20 times more chaotic at the end of the night than when I got there. I didn't have any online friends at the time, I only had 3 games on my phone. I checked all of that other stuff the moment after I entered the theater and signed in.
You can't tell me that Constance wouldn't do that exact same thing. She would very happily lie through a smile if it meant her friends were happy and not in the know. And she would keep doing that until she broke. Yes, she would break eventually. Even if the Cyclone never derailed, she would've broken just like it was supposed to.
Her moment, talking about this right before Jawbreaker? This monologue that brought me down this rant, that brought me to tears the first time I saw it bc it was exactly how I reacted, exactly how I acted? This is her first crack in the wood. It's the first shatter in the mask. And I wish we got to see her fully break, bc I know exactly how that looks and feels.
I know the fear, the pain, the panic, and the overwhelming sense of relief that comes with a proper break.
It's the reason that Sugar Cloud is my second favorite song, that's basically in a three way tie for first with Jane Doe's Ballad (3) and Space Age Bachelor Man (1). We don't see a full break, but Sugar Cloud is at least accepting that it happened. Sugar Cloud is recovering from the small shatter in the mask that is the title of "The Nicest Girl In Town" and I love it. It's exactly what I need, and it's exactly what calms me down. It's recovery, and it's a break at the same time, and I adore it.
Anyways, I don't really know how to end this? Bc I went very very far off track. I don't know how this post happened, but it did, and it feels really good for this to actually be off my chest a little, even if it's only on the wide open internet.
So, if you did actually read this, thank you. Sorry for just getting dumped with trauma, even if I tried to keep the details a little down.
But yes, as an SA survivor, Constance Blackwood is one too, and that's why Sugar Cloud is amazing.
Stream Ride The Cyclone, I promise it'll be more than worth your time.
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pokidot · 1 year
EVERYBODY F**KING DIES! 💥 — childe's loveshack (derogatory)
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Y/N - You were almost too dumb to be a victim of anything. It was why you got a hamster from some guy who was chilling in an alleyway, about to die from lupus or something (you admitted him to the hospital, but you never really found out if he was alive or not). You went to college for culinary purposes to prove to your mom that you had supreme Chad energy, but you were out-Chadded and saddled with the inglorious task of being the class dishwasher. To etch the further pain in your skin like salt in the wound, you best friend often laughs at you for it.
CHILDE - Local promising kid goes dark, happily jumps into the loving arms of trying to become a famous YouTuber who does gym workouts and weight checks (do you know anybody like that who's famous?), started going by three names, and then starts coming out delusional. Man completely dropped out of school as soon as he realized he was destined for something bigger. Better. But not smarter. He has moments of genius, probably when the rain and fog clears out from his head but I guess you need more than two functioning brain cells for that to happen from him. You were probably the only one who enabled him other than his family.
LUMINE - She has been the employee of the month for the local chicken shop every single month. Even though she reigned in the idea that she was the best worker there, she knew it was only because nobody was delusional enough to stay there for more than three weeks. It had horrible management, and the walls were so thin in between the front and the kitchen that you can hear the cooks threaten each other in the back. Weird shit happens in this time, but it's not about to ruin her day, who has time to worry about that when she keeps getting compared to the KFC worker Noelle? She'll show her.
ZHONGLI - In terms of ranking, it seems that Zhongli is definitely one of the most naive out of the entire group. He was one of the members of a charity organizations in Liyue a while back to add to his resume, but it ended up being a cult organization he got brainwashed in. You've put your foot in your mouth every single time you jinxed his happenings, and you feel bad about it now, so you often stay near him just to make sure he didn't get swept away. There was a point where he blew up because he looked like some person who used to be on Toddlers and Tiaras who disappeared from the Internet, and ever since then, he was verified on all platforms on happenstance. No matter how much anybody tries to clear up the mistake, it just got worse. Who knew people liked Toddlers and Tiaras that much?
KUNI - His life is a bit of a shit show (edit: a lot of a shit show), so the closest thing he has going for him is making sure Childe is actively being targeted by him. Unlike a ray of sunshine, every time he's around the ginger, it was like opening up Pandora's Box. The box being whatever asinine sentence was going to come out of his mouth. He's one grade under A from being a slab of meat in his mother's kitchen, and he's so close to having his Joker arc that it isn't even funny, but every day he wakes up and puts on that metaphorical clown costume to say 'not today'. You swear you were a bit omnipresent the next time he approached you to help you study, because the very next day you were dreaming about him. And not in the good way, to say the least. This isn't to say you get bad vibes from him, it was just odd.
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elbiotipo · 2 years
The way you meet the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim is so funny because it might be the most unappealing faction ever if you take it seriously, I'm very big in roleplay and every single choice you make makes you avoid them either as a player or a character like the plague
Here's my experience in my first playthrough years ago:
be me, big heroic dragonborn with a heart of gold
I didn't know what the dark brotherhood was before starting to play
just that they just tried to kill me and they're assasins but they're bad at it
I heard about Aventus Arentino in Windhelm but that's a sidequest for another time, the Greybeards want to meet me
I get to Riften
Go to the Orphanage, meet Gerold, see she's being horrible to kids and that won't do not if I have something to say about it
I don't care if I get arrested (quicksave just in case)
I shout her and she dies
nobody arrests me and the orphans seem happy so that's cool
They tell me to seek Aventus Arentino since he's calling the dark brotherhood
well that sounds dangerous so after I meet the Greybeards I go to Windhelm to talk to him
He's doing a weird ritual with human remains to call them, fucked up shit, I tell him to go to his orphanage, that's it
I look up what's the Dark Brotherhood but not too much so I don't get spoilers
I find everybody's talking about Cicero
luckily it seems it's an optional quest so never mind I'm done
go to sleep
astrid kidnaps me
Now, to recap, these guys
tried to kill me before I even knew who the fuck they were
are terrible at killing since I had to kill Gerold for them
are involved in all sorts of creepy rituals involving human remains classic villain stuff
again, they tried to kill me
and now they kidnap me and want me to kill for them in some fucked up psychological game with apparent innocents
and they tried to kill me
I do what any self respecting player or Dragonborn would do and kill Astrid, and I didn't even care that much for the destroy the brotherhood quest since I thought it would be a lame sidequest
imagine my surprise when after I beat the main quest and so many others I found out they were a major faction with quests and beloved characters (and worse, one of those beloved characters is Cicero)
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old-memoria · 2 years
god I’ll never shut up about how toxic modeling community is..
There’s that forum about modeling industry, probably the most popular in my country, where ppl communicate, exchange opinions etc. it’s literally the most abusive forum I’ve ever seen. it was supposed to be the place where ppl could find information, help and experience, but instead it’s nothing but adults humiliating and insulting young girls. Whenever a girl (often in her teens) posts her snaps or some portfolio pics and asks the community to rate her potential or needs advice, they’d say shit like you’re ugly/ fat/ boring/ get out of here. Their favorite reply is “nah girl you don’t have the look” and they never elaborate on what the look is. To make things worse, ‘the experts’ are usually actual professional models, ex-models or scouts, people that are directly involved in the industry, shape and represent it. That’s absolutely horrible. Whenever they are being called out for their rudeness, they use the classic apology “uh oh sorry the fashion world is harsh! It’s not for everyone, you snowflake”
Yet the real shitshow begins when a girl under 1.70 cm (5.7) posts her photos asking if she has potential. They’d criticize the hell out of her, call her slurs, tell her to know her place, forget about modeling, make fun of her and so on. They’d bully EVERY single petite girl who wants to have a modeling career. Every fucking time. In the most rude way possible. It’s always “hey have you seen yourself?!”, “who do you think you are”, “when will girls of your kind fucking learn..” and you know what? Such comments get the most likes in the thread! I’m so fucking sorry if your personality and sense of worth revolves around being 1.80, you are already extremely privileged in the industry, you’ll never understand what is it like to feel rejected and being not good enough, you have no right to trash people based on their genes, appearance and body. If you’re a scout calling petite girl slurs and mocking her, you’re an unprofessional scumbag. As much as they talk about ✨ being inclusive 🌸 positive 🌸 and valuing all types of beauty ✨ modeling industry NEVER changes.
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onlyifyoubadd · 1 year
i really hate that nikolas is recreating his mother's trauma with esme. its just such a triggering plot for me! especially after today when he drunkingly showed up, locked her in with him, and then threatened to keep her abducted and move her to the island just to stop people from finding out about his spawn with esme. like....he knows about Laura's abduction. shit he even lived with her for a bit of his childhood when they were both being kept at the island when he was young. he is literally reenacting his family's most disturbing crime (at least to me), which was his father's and uncle's twisted obsession with his own mother!
the difference with this situation is that nikolas isnt doing this out of some sick infatuation with his abductee, but out of anger and displaced blame for HIS stupid ass choices. he just wants to show up every so often and blame her for all his problems since no one in his actual life gives a damn about his dumb sob story. its such a horrible narcissistic character trait and it can definitely get worse from here!
i was horrified when nikolas put that mask on and terrorized spencer and his friends! he was so smug and saw nothing wrong with his actions even after Laura and Kevin were telling him how sick of punishment it was to put his own son through! i have so many anti-nikolas thoughts its driving me crazy that he is in every. single. damn episode!
i am absolutely NOT an esme apologist in the slightest! throw her ass in jail! then the baby will be taken away from her when she gives birth, and then everybody that she ACTUALLY hurt can get justice for her crimes against them! Trina, Joss, Cam, Spencer, and Ava deserve to make her suffer, NOT nikolas! all he did was consensually fuck his son's girlfriend, apparently without a condom! now she is just a punching bag for nikolas and its not satisfying in the slightest, at least for me. and i worry that his mistreatment will escalate to just making us see her experience more trauma, which wont help anything but vilify nikolas and set him even further down the path of being another deranged Cassadine man who holds his power over women.
i cant wait to see what laura says about everything, but at this rate nothing is gonna be revealed until this time 2023!
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lunannex · 2 years
starting to wonder why they reimagined allison as a black woman in the first place if this is happening ... but if they always intended to have her like this in s3 and just used the trauma from racism and police brutality for shock value? they used all that pain to try to explain why a black woman (the only prominent one on the show) would become someone who would do that to her white brother, whose relationship with allison is portrayed as evil and corrupt while he has a burgeoning relationship with a light skin lady? emmy is a talented actress who committed to the role despite the awful writing. she deserved better.
so yeah, fuck the writers of this show and fuck steve blackman. this is disgusting and they can't pat themselves on the back for representation when there is so much anti blackness. i'm done watching this show. maybe it's for the best netflix hasn't been promoting this season much because i don't care if they cancel this shit.
I mean I genuinely think they just casted a Black woman as her TV counterpart for diversity points. I can’t speak for anyone involved with the casting and I could totally be wrong, but even so, it was only during S2 that they started touching on the racial aspect in the show and it was only really because of the time period they were in.
But that aside, I think Emmy Raver-Lampman is an incredible actress and the love she has for this character is so clear to see in her performance. She stole every scene she was in. She makes Allison’s anger and grief feel so real, especially in the mirror scene and when her and Viktor have that argument in Ep.7. In general, her arc this season WAS very compelling. I GET why she made the decisions that she did, fucked up as they were. Watching her spiral to the point where she’s rumoring HERSELF and making terrible decisions and veering the line between hero and villain: much to think about!
I’ve always had problems with the writing in the show. I’ve still always been a fan despite its many flaws, but it is interesting to think about that scene in Ep.5. Where, like you said, they have a Black woman do this to her white brother while he’s in a relationship with a light skin woman.
It’s interesting to see how that scene single-handedly destroyed so many people’s perceptions of Allison. Which I do get because it was fucked up, but all of the blatantly racist comments I’m seeing are disgusting beyond belief (including but not limited to: wishing she was dead and that she rots in hell). And even IF that scene hadn’t happened, people would still be shitting on her regardless. Fans of the show are going after Allison in ways that they never did for characters like Viktor. Even The Handler, who we agree was pretty creepy towards Five, never got these kinds of comments. No, it’s not the same situation, Allison’s decision here is arguably worse, but I do think there would be more people jumping to her defense and less of these horrible comments if she was white.
I don’t necessarily think a character has to be a good person to be a good character. And I’m not going to say that certain decisions Allison made this season were out of character, because I don’t really think they are. Back in S1, we found out that Allison used to be careless with her powers and would use them to get everything she ever wanted. It was only after she made the conscious decision to become a better, kinder person that she grew into the Allison we meet at the start of the show.
I’m much more upset at the showrunners than I am at the character. Allison’s always been getting the short end of the stick, and while I think her arc is super compelling and even if it sounds fucked up to say that I enjoyed most of it, it’s hard to ignore how it could have been so much better. My problem isn’t her going down a darker route, it’s the way they decided to go about it. If that scene in Ep.5 hadn’t happened, I would feel differently than I do, because up until that point I was all for her journey of grief. But seeing this + the treatment of Marcus in S3 made me feel kinda disappointed.
Nothing will ever justify that scene, and I’m not trying to defend it at all. It was handled poorly and had no consequences whatsoever. You could take it out of the series and nothing would change and it’s just a sign of bad writing and what happens when people like Steve Blackman are the ones calling the shots. Still, I love Allison. Her arc was more tragic and devastating to me than anything, and it was scary to watch her go down this path. And despite everything, I really do hope that she gets better writing if the show gets renewed for a 4th season.
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casspurrjoybell-28 · 6 months
Alpha's Temptation - Chapter 42 - Part 3
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*Warning Adult Content*
On the weekend I wake up from a horrible nightmare, so shaken I take over an hour to recover, downing my pills when I realize I've been forgetting to take them.
My hands are trembling so much that I drop the mug of tea I made and it shatters all over the floor.
I nearly break down right there but instead I hold in my tears, willing myself to stop being a fucking crybaby over the most minor inconveniences
.As I'm cleaning up the mess Lylah texts me, asking if her and Wren could come over today.
I look around at what a mess the place has become but then I sigh.
Maybe some social interaction will do me good.
I text her back saying sure.When Wren and Lylah come over Lylah envelopes me in a big hug.
"How's my hoe doing?" She squeals, squeezing me tight and lifting me up so my feet leave the ground.
I let out a soft huff of amusement as she sets me back down, giving them both a faint smile.
"I'm okay."
They exchange looks with each other, obviously not believing me.
"Well, I brought some cookies for us to bake. Why don't we pop them in the oven and have ourselves a fun little movie day?"
She wiggles her eyebrows at me, shaking the cookie kit box in her hands.
"That sounds great."
We pause the movie once the cookies are done, taking a break to have a snack.
As I bite into the warm chocolate cookie, I nearly start to cry, remembering the times Daemon would cook for me or get me snacks.
He made the best snacks...
"Do you still have that shirt of mine you borrowed?" Lylah asks from over by the staircase.
"Oh yeah, it's in my room," I say, instantly regretting as I watch Lylah bound up the stairs.
"W-wait. I can get it for you."
I run after her, clambering up the stairs to find her standing at the door of my room, eyes wide.
"Girl...this is..." she says and Wren comes up behind us, all of us looking in.
My bed is covered with every single item of Daemon's I could find. His jacket, his clothes. His belt. Even his deodorant bottle.
Do I cry myself to sleep in that pile of him every night?
Yes I do.
My face burns with embarrassment and I push past Lylah, sitting on the bed in defeat.
I must look pathetic to them.
They notice the sad expression on my face and Wren comes over, sitting beside me.
"Hey, it's nothing to be ashamed about. Lots of omegas make nests when they miss their alphas. It's completely normal," he reassures me, rubbing a hand up and down my arm.
"Hmph," Lylah crosses her arms, looking angry. "But that bastard doesn't deserve a nest, does he?"
"Lylah." Wren gives her a stern look but she waves dismissively at him.
"All I'm saying, Ash, is that you need to let him go. Because he ain't shit. You can find another alpha in no time. It's not like you have to be with your mate. There are other guys..."
"Lylah," I interrupt her,
"I don't want other guys. I never will."
"You don't have to rule the possibility out."
"Don't you think he needs time to heal, first?" Wren tells her.
"What better way to heal than... burning his stuff?"
She picks up Daemon's leather jacket, carelessly swishing it around.
"I have a lighter with me."
"No," I shout before I can stop myself, leaping up and snatching his jacket away from her.
"Can you just stop?"
My head is hot with anger, my blood boiling at the thought of anyone touching or taking his stuff away from me.
Lylah has gone quiet, her face frozen in shock.
I don't think I've ever yelled at her like that before.
"I-I'm so sorry, Ash. I don't know what she was thinking," Wren stands up and grabs the redheads arm, pulling her from the room before the situation can get worse.
I sigh, collapsing back down on the bed as I shove my face into his jacket.
Well that attempt at a normal hangout was a major fail.
A few days later, I'm standing at the door of Daemon's apartment.
While I'm not willing to give up any of his stuff yet, some of mine is still at his apartment.
So I'm here to pick it up.
I guess it's really over.
Jay offered to drive me, which was really generous of him.
He says he'll wait in the car while I do it, which I'm thankful for.
I would like some privacy, since there's no doubt I'll get emotional being back in the place we made love for the first time.
I still have the key he gave me, so I use it to go in.
I hold my breath as I walk inside.
It looks just how it always looked. Messy.
Obviously a man's living space.
His little wood-carved figurines and jewelry-making chest.
His giant shoes by the door.
My heart aches.
God, I miss him. I miss him so much.
I pick up random belongings of mine around the apartment, finally going into the bedroom, which I knew would be the hardest.
I find my underwear tangled up in his bedsheets, which would make me laugh in different circumstances.
But it just makes me hurt as I remember how attentive he was in bed, always asking if he could remove my clothes before promptly fucking me to high heaven.
Everything we had was so... so good.
Not perfect but what I wanted nonetheless.I sit on his bed, throwing some of my clothes into a bag when I see something that makes me stop.
It's a little picture by the side of his bed, clumsily propped up by some books.
A printout of the picture I took of my drawing and sent to him back before we were together.
The ridiculous drawing I made of me and him as wolves in the forest.
My throat tightens with the threat of tears as I pick it up, clutching it in my hands.
I turn it over and see there's something written on the back...
'Artist - My Shortcake.'
I can't stop the wrenching sob that comes from my chest, holding the picture to my heart.
Because this is sweetest thing he could've possibly done and the fact that he even printed it out is absolutely adorable.
"I don't get you, Daemon," I choke out.
"You do things like this and then you leave me. I don't get it.," I cry, collapsing on his bed.
The scent of him is overwhelming now, which only worsens my hysteria.
I spend a few minutes just lying there, curled up holding the picture and sniffling.
"I m-miss you," I whisper into the empty room.
"I wish you'd come back."
There's no answer.
Eventually I get up again, remembering that Jay is waiting outside.
I set the now crumpled picture back on his nightstand, then stand up with a labored sigh.
I think I've collected all of my things by now.
I'm walking back to the door when something catches my eye peaking out from under the couch.
A little plastic bag of leaves.
I kneel down in curiosity, picking it up.
Is this weed?
I know Daemon smoked sometimes... but why would he hide it under the couch?
I turn it over in my hands, spotting an address written in sharpie written on the other side of the bag.
It reads 4589 Louis Ave.
I don't think much of it but I stuff it in my pocket.
If it is weed, maybe I can smoke it.
It's not like Daemon will be needing it now that he's abandoned me and left for his mission.
And I could use something to numb the pain.
Because I've tried the alcohol in Lucien's liquor cabinet in an attempt to make myself feel better but it tasted disgusting.
So maybe this is a better option.
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jupitermelichios · 7 months
8, 9, and 10 if you want to! :)
8) a character you think did nothing wrong but fandom demonizes?
I know exactly enough about homestuck to know saying vriska here would be a funny joke, but not enough to actually know who she is or what she did or didn't do wrong, lmoa
Memes aside though, Scott McCall is innocent and I am prepared to defend him in court if necessary.
I do get why fandom didn't latch onto him the way they did other teen wolf characters, he's the platonic ideal of a highschool boyfriend and that's not the kind of character that usually appeals to people Doing A Fandom, but people hate him So Much, and I don't get it. He's just a little guy, he's a little birthday boy. Why are you hitting him when it's his birthday?
I especially don't get the 'Scott is a bad friend' take that's so common it has a canon AO3 tag. Him and Stiles have a pretty unhealthy co-dependant friendship, absolutely, but it's very much mutual, and Scott is just as ride or die for Stiles as Stiles is for him. They're just a couple of weird little guys who have had no one else to talk to but one another for years, and have ended up with a freaky psychosexual mess of a friendship, we've all been there.
(also 90% of all female characters from kids cartoons, but that's a wider issue than just fandom taking a dislike to a character. the fact that there are people who think mable pines committed any crime worse than 'having the emotional maturity of a 12 year old while being literally 12 years old' is baffling and terrifying in equal measure)
9) a character that did a lot of things wrong in canon that you think fandom woobifies?
Loki, obviously. I've done my time in the MCU fic trenches, and oh boy some of the Loki takes I've seen...
Stiles Stilinski, the counterpart to the demonisation of Scott. They are basically the exact same level of problematic in a very believable teenage way in canon, but in fanon Scott becomes a monster and Stiles becomes a woobie.
Every single member of the Batfamily, but most of all, Alfred Pennyworth. He's a fun character and an excellent valet, and he loves Bruce and the kids, but my god was he a shit parent. How does anyone look at Bruce Wayne and conclude Alfred was a good parent? It baffles me. 'I raised master bruce'. you ruined a perfectly good orphan is what you did. look at it. it's got anxiety.
(There is one exception to this, and that is the Alfred from the Gotham TV show, who has done nothing wrong in his life ever, and does stuff like hug Bruce, and tell him that he loves him, and actually talk to him about his trauma. 100/10, best Alfred, don't @ me)
But the big one, the one that will result in me just blocking people so I don't have to see their takes on my dash, is John Constantine. And this isn't fully fandom's fault, recent DC TV and animated movies absolutely also do this, but the result is just this horrible oroborous of bad takes as TV writers who think they're too smart for comics inform the opinions of fans who don't want to engage with moral ambiguity, and then the writers respond to what those fans enjoy by making him even more toothless, and around and around it goes until you get this character who is utterly unrecognisable as John, and cruicially, feels fictional, which is the absolute worst thing a version of John can be. If the fact that multiple Hellblazer writers have reported meeting him irl doesn't feel at least a little bit plausible, that's not John.
(and if this is your first time hearing about that, yes multiple otherwise apparently sane writers of a vertigo comic book have claimed to have met the character they created in real life, and the fandom just accepts that as a canon part of his mythos. comics are wild.)
10) what is your favorite “problematic” fandom?
I guess it depends how you define problematic.
I made the decision not to engage with it anymore when jkr lost her mind, and also because I just lost interest and moved on to other fandoms as I got older, but I'm not going to pretend I didn't have a lot of fun in the harry potter fandom when I was a teenager. It was my first real fandom, and I'll always have some nostalgia for it for being my gateway drug into this community, despite everything.
The Fannibals are some of the most talented and creative people in fandom, the art and fic for Hannibal is absolutely incredible, definitely the highest average standard of fic I've encountered in a fandom. Plus it's nice to have a fandom where you know people are capable of engaging critically with dark content. I won't say there are no antis in the fandom, they seem to turn up everywhere these days, but they're easily drowned out by the people who actually remember stuff like SLS and YKINMKATO
I have a weird soft spot for Twilight, something about it just hits the so bad it's good groove in my brain just right, and the recent twilight renaisance has been very fun to watch, but I haven't really engaged with the fandom all that much beyond reblogging some memes (and writing an 8,000 word not!fic about how much better twilight would be if bella swan was polyamorous that one time)
And despite the whole ackles tapes conspiracy theory, and the prevelance of tinhatting, and the dumb shipwars, I'll always have a special place in my heart for the supernatural fandom. it's a fucked up place to live, but I had a lot of fun there, and i still visit on occaision.
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