#she can be so fucking sweet when she's acting on her canine instincts
monty-glasses-roxy · 4 months
I can see Gregory throughing a squeaky toy and Roxy/Roxanne wolf would case it.
But then he see cassie.
So roxy little sister dasent react to squicky toy?
I may be a Wolf like my big sister Roxy but I do not react to dog toys !.
Humm. Let me think here. Fazbare...
* Wait *
* a evil grin appears on Gregory face as he pull out a dog whistle and uses it *
* I can see fazbare reusing roxy ears on cassie animatronics body to save at least a little bit of money *
* Roxy/Roxanne wolf and cassie both cover there ears and growl at Gregory win the dog whistle was used *
Oh my god a dog whistle...
I just looked it up and apparently they don't typically hurt the dog or cause any damage so long as they're used properly and not like... Directly in their ear and stuff. Apparently they're used for recall training and stuff which is neat! And with another look, there's sheepdog whistles used for training herding dogs which I really should have known since I've seen them do that before, but I didn't realise it was a specific kind of whistle. That's pretty cool! The more you know!
Honestly, at this point, all I can imagine is management or the Plex staff getting so annoyed at Roxy being Roxy and trying everything to try and get her to do as she's told for once. Like the manager assigns a handler to her who's whole job is try using the dog side of her brain against her by using dog training techniques on her. So some guy is trying to get her to do things on the whistle for a reward of some kind and it works, sure, but she's also not a dog. Like, she can figure out what they're doing here and find loopholes or just straight up steal the whistle. She can just take the reward when they're not looking cause she knows where they're kept and keeping it on a high shelf doesn't work with an animatronic wolf lmao
Maybe after several attempts going South, it's deemed a lost cause and now the whistle is only used to get her attention when she's ignoring all the messages they're sending her again. Or maybe to wake her up from a nap when she doesn't wanna cooperate or something I dunno but I love the mental image of management fucking chasing her around with a dog whistle, a clicker and a chew toy to try and get her to do stuff she doesn't wanna do lmao
If this starts happening in the Fazcade, DJ plays Yakity Sax every time. It's become free entertainment for the animatronics and staff members to watch management try every trick in the book on her and nothing ever works... It would be pretty funny if it worked in unintended ways though. Like, Roxy hears the whistle from across the Plex and in her brain, that means someone has something for her so she shows up immediately. She gets something, sure, but they also give her several commands or jobs to do that she may or may not do. It might give her something to do if she's bored, but I bet a lot of times she just shows up, takes the reward for showing up and leaves lmao
If the manager is particularly good at dog training, they might be trying so hard not to get frustrated with this. A dog is more likely to learn if they do it willingly and can leave if they want to, so if Roxy isn't willing, trying to force her will have the opposite effect. And they've come so far! She shows up for the whistle! And sometimes she does what she's asked to do! If they start trying to force her into things or start severely punishing lack of cooperation, she's just gonna go back on all of this! So they can't force her! No matter how much they want to just grab her by the nose and drag her where she needs to be! It's driving them insane but look how far they've come!
Roxy playing fucking mind games here. Shows up when whistled for, gets her reward and then sometimes does just enough of what they ask her to do to keep them thinking they're making progress, stringing them along as long as possible. It means she keeps getting rewarded for the absolute bare minimum she loves it
Of course, Roxy does everything she's supposed to anyway, but if they're going the dog training route, they've probably figured out she's bored most of the time. So now they're trying to keep her out of trouble with other things and this is the only one that's shown any semblance of success lmao she's so fucking lucky she's become the boardroom's favourite and is too expensive to replace now. Like as soon as she knows that, there's just no hope anymore.
I dunno that could be pretty funny maybe
Anyway, I know this isn't what you were asking about so... Imagine Roxy standing there, frozen solid, eyes closed, arms crossed, ears flat back and jaw tightly shut, because Gregory is trying to get her to chase a squeaky ball. He has a whole bag full of them. Roxy is struggling so hard with all the squeaks and she wants to just leave so badly but she knows if she moves even an inch, she's gonna break into zooms and she can't have that... So she's spamming Cassie with messages to come and save her right the fuck now.
Cassie shows up, sees what's going on and immediately drags Gregory out and confiscates all the squeaky balls. The door shuts behind him, she turns to Roxy. "Heehee he's gone!" and Roxy gives her the biggest puppy eyes ever. "You ready?" Cassie asks her as she holds a ball up. Roxy makes a little dog noise of affirmation, and in a flash, the ball is squeaked and thrown across the Raceway as far as Cassie could manage.
Roxy is fucking gone. Cassie can't keep up with her. All you can hear in the empty Raceway is excited squeaking and laughter. Roxy is zooming around the place so fast she puts her go-karts to shame, squeaking the ball like crazy, jumping off the walls and flying over the railings, while Cassie keeps picking up more squeaky balls, squeaking them for Roxy's attention, and throwing them for her as far as possible again. She's curious how many Roxy will try to chew and squeak at once. If the Minis are here, they're helping grab and throw more of them, sometimes drawing her in three directions at once so she doesn't know who to run to first.
This is Roxy enrichment of the highest level! Her favourite game ever! Her brain just switches off and all that's going through her head is squeaks and the need to run even faster! She's having an absolute blast and a half! The game only ends once she's ran out of steam and flops over on the floor for a rest. Her tail does not stop wagging and the squeaking may slow down, but also won't stop at all for at least another hour lmao
It just hits the perfect spot in the dog half of her programming, it's so much fun for her and the most effective way to de-stress she's ever found. And of course, Cassie loves it too. It's so fun to play these kinds of games and to see how excited Roxy gets. If Cassie is an animatronic dog here too in the scenarios you've created? Sure, she doesn't wanna chase the ball too, but even humans roughhouse. There's no way Roxy doesn't crash into her and start a play fight, or that Cassie doesn't try and wrestle the ball away from her sometimes. And if it's a squeaky bear or something? Well there's always tug of war!
Only problem is Roxy getting too carried away and accidentally hurting Cassie a little bit. It's not usually that bad, and sometimes Cassie returns the favour in the next game by also getting carried away, but it upsets Roxy every single time. But she's still very much in her dog brain usually so she comes over to Cassie, eyes all big and pathetic, whining and nudging her with her nose all sad and apologetic... Cassie hugs her every time, says it's fine, she's not hurt that bad, it was an accident, it happens... And then grabs the squeaky ball from behind Roxy and brings the fun back by insisting they keep playing with a lot of squeaks lmao
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mooifyourecows · 1 year
about your cat and dog body language post, i think that dogs are easier to learn the body language of because all of them are very different when they feel certain ways (for example), my rottweiler will growl when he’s excited which is just something they do, but other things like shaking his butt/tail nub show that he’s happy and not gonna eat your face off, sometimes he’s even got a smile on his face and that helps, but my other puppy is always whining for attention and you can more tell in her eyes and the position of her ears if she’s upset or just wants to be smothered with love.
i think that. cat language is just a lot more universal so it’s easier for people to understand than other people’s dogs but i think it’s about the same for me at least with understanding how my cats feel vs how my dogs feel.
also everytime i say something about puppies i have to give you a cute picture
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i think people believe they understand dog language better than they actually do. i'm sure people who have dogs understand their personal dog's language fairly well from experience but lately I've noticed people have been blatantly ignoring the body language of dogs that DON'T belong to them because they have this mentality of "all dogs are good boys!!" which makes them believe that they can pet and get close to them all they want.
but there are actually a lot of canine behaviors that are constantly overlooked, even by long time dog owners. and i often see people acting certain ways with their dogs that are completely disrespectful to their animals and the behavior they're exhibiting in response.
even wagging tails do not always = happy. i've seen dogs wag their tails as they bite the absolute shit out of someone for not respecting their personal space. If you watch police dogs, they wag their tails as they attack. Some dogs wag their tails while scared shitless. I knew someone who had a dog who was incredibly anxious of strangers and would wag the fuck out of his tail while also peeing all over the floor, all while LOOKING happy (according to people's belief of what a happy dog looks like). It's just that people get it into their heads that because dogs are smart, obedient, trainable, and great companions, that means that they are simple. Dogs that bite = bad/untrained dogs. Rather than what they usually are, ie animals with a unique set of behaviors and instincts that need to be understood and respected.
I also disagree that cat body language is universal whereas dog body language isn't. they both have their own unique personality from animal to animal while also following close to their primal instincts and nature. as someone who has had many cats and many dogs, spending long hours observing and learning about each, they are very similar when it comes to exhibiting unique quirks AND universal behavior.
The problem is that there's a belief that cats are all cold and calculating while dogs are all sweet and obedient. Both things that are generally untrue.
Where I think that cats are easier to understand is that they are surprisingly expressive and wear the expression of their feelings clearly. They're not hesitant to let you know when you are doing something that displeases them.
Petting them where they don't want you to? You're going to get a quick glare and a swishing tail, followed by a growl or perturbed meow/hiss, solidified by a swipe or the complete removal from the situation they are not enjoying. They get their point across.
Meanwhile with dogs, they do have that "i must please and obey my owner" instinct that makes their displeasure with your actions more reserved and subtle and easily mistaken as a totally different feeling.
Petting a dog where they don't want you to? You're going to get a calm but bulging eyed look that shows the whites of their eyes more clearly than normal. Then maybe some nervous lip licking. Perhaps they'll paw at you, which many people interpret as "aw, they are petting me back!" or "they want me to continue!" when in reality, they're trying to correct your behavior. Then yeah, maybe they'll walk away, or maybe they will growl or bark, but at that point, you don't know HOW frustrated or irritated your dog is. They might literally be on the brink of biting, which confuses people because "that's so weird because they were enjoying my petting up until that last moment!" Wrong! they were clearly trying to express their feelings but people don't respect dogs' subtle body language like they should.
I think that because dogs show their happiness a little more clearly than cats (tail wagging, running around in excitement, bright and happy facial expressions, prancing about, excited whining), they think that that means that they are easy to understand in ALL ways. Wrong again. People just like to ignore the negative sides because they're dogs, and they're all good boys, and they're man's best friend, and they can do no wrong, and there are no bad dogs, only bad owners, and I'M not a bad owner, therefore i can't have a bad dog.
Cat happiness, to me, is just as easy to spot as dog happiness. But it's quieter. It shows itself through vulnerability and closeness. Happy cats will purr, try to sit on you or mirror you. They will lift their tail high and vibrate it at the base. They will sit with their back to you to show you that they trust you enough not to feel like they need to keep their eye on you at all times. They'll flop around on the floor and show you their belly because they trust you to look and not touch that vulnerable area. They'll follow you to the bathroom because they know it's dangerous to do that without a lookout. They'll rub their scent all over you and guide your hand to where they want to be pet.
Every animal is so unique and special and they all have their own love language, even if certain things seem pretty universal. One of my cats will literally bite me when we are being affectionate, and I know that for HIM, that's a love behavior. But if one of my other cats bit me, I would know that they are doing it out of fear or anger (which has never happened but, hey, that's how i'd interpret it if they did because i know them). A different cat of mine will crawl onto my chest, hook his claws in my shoulders, and DRAG his body up into my throat and shove his nose and mouth really hard against it because that's something he likes and it's how he shows he's happy and loves me. If one of my other cats did that, I'd be worried because that's not their usual behavior. Another one will grab my hand, with claws, and bring it to his face for pets. One loves to be under blankets and i make her a tent on the couch every night to sleep under. She also expresses herself vocally, unlike all (except one) of the others. She meows LOUD at me and loves when I talk back to her. She will literally join me if I sing or whistle because she fuckin loves to hear it and wants to contribute. My cat that passed away this year would jump up into my arms so i'd catch him and carry him like a baby, where he'd wiggle around and bite and claw at my shoulder while purring super loud.
The only times I've ever struggled to understand my cats' behavior is when they're sick or injured, but that confusion has helped me get them the care they needed quickly. Whereas my dog (whom I've had since he was a puppy and have spent nearly every day with since then) often stumps me with a change of behavior that is not caused by injury or sickness. I'm constantly expanding my understanding of dogs through googling his actions and reading all about what they could possibly mean.
While I think all animals can be understood through research, time, and patience, I find cats so simple and easy to understand. Maybe because the way they act and express their emotions is similar to how I feel and like to express myself. (he said, autistically)
I love dogs AND cats. But I think everyone needs to spend some extra time learning about them, because chances are, every single owner (sans the ones that are literal animal behaviorists/trainers/vets) is probably at least a LITTLE bit ignorant of their pet's subtle language.
Thanks so much for the puppy pictures Babe, here's some of Ruto. Can you tell what she's thinking in both?
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cinnamonest · 3 years
The slut Kokomi ask- I was literally thinking to myself while wandering around the sangonomiya shrine that, Kokomi when not being a girl boss is definitely sitting in there getting absolutely railed by her little boy toy Gorou, I definitely see her as the brains of the duo, and he really is just a dumb thing with a big dick to her, at first she just uses him as a stress reliever, this is just casual sex to her and nothing more, but to Gorou he believes that she loves him and he already worships her so there’s not a doubt in his mind that it’s love. Eventually Kokomi will have to explain to him that it’s not love, she knew this conversation would be coming but chose to hold off because if it went wrong where else was she going to get good dick? Effectively making her situation worse by letting his feelings fester, when she first tells him he’s taken aback, probably in denial that her excellency would play with his feelings like that and not be truthful with him. At the end of the conversation she’ll probably try to break it off saying that it was her mistake and unprofessional in the first place, and I can imagine him snapping after hearing that, lunges at her and drags her to the nearest wall just to fuck her against it, she’s always encouraged him to be a bit rough because she knew he would never actually hurt her, oh how that backfires on her now, he thinks to himself, “he’s the dominant one in this one sided relationship of his, even if he’s worshipped Kokomi for a while, he gets to call the shots and how dare she think that she can just abandon him like that.”She won’t have time to protest when her face is shoved against the wall with her ass up, by the end of it she truly will be fucked out, every hole was used and abused by her sweet little general Gorou. From that point on, Kokomi may be the grand strategist that leads her army, but behind closed doors she’s just his dumb little cock slut, honestly he prefers her this way, it feels nice to be on the receiving end of all that worship he blindly gave her, he deserves it at this point, at least from his pov.
(I am a firm believer in the wife Kokomi agenda, how’s she gonna walk around in her cute little outfit, her innocent little girly aesthetic, those shorts???? There’s no way she’d last long without getting non-conned by someone, and she’s an army leader???? Gorou thinking to himself: “doesn’t she know that women are supposed to answer to men” I also believe the Gorou has the same kind of sexist mindset as Razor, the, it’s just the way things are in nature mindset)
Y'all this tweet is so cute though
Another follower of the Wife Kokomi Agenda excellent, the one true way
Can you blame her? I mean boy is basically a living bad dragon dildo with that knot, and he does all the moving too! He's the ideal sex toy! I'd use him too ngl. Poor thing, he has such a teeny tiny brain to go along with that massive cock and all 3 brain cells are consumed by Kokomi-ism. Head empty only her excellency
He has a duality, an inconsistency of thought, both sides due to his canine nature. On one hand, worship and loyalty! Like a doggie to its master, he just!!! He could spend all day talking about how much he loves her!! Poor Resistance soldiers, anyone who is like "hey Gorou why do you like Kokomi" is immediately subjected to the standard 4 hour presentation he has memorized and rehearsed to give at any given moment. His tail wags uncontrollably when she comes into a room, his eyes are wide and bright. He has the most obvious crush in the world.
But dogs can also be... Aggressive when they feel threatened. Even the sweetest, most loving dog knows how to bite. When something tries to take the person they love away from them... Even if that thing is the person themselves... But his doggie brain rationalizes that if he just shows her how much he loves her, she'll love him back. That's how it works.
The best part? It takes the knot a while to stop swelling, so even after she's thoroughly bred, twitching and panting and numb, with dazed eyes and a belly swollen (dogs cum a LOT), they're still locked together, and she couldn't pull away even if she wanted to, the knot is snugly fit inside. It keeps her plugged up so no cum spills out. That way she can be bred with all his puppies and then she'll love him forever. But for now, since he physically can't pull out, he can wrap his arms around her and hold her tight and nuzzle into her neck while she numbly twitches, his fluffy tail wagging back and forth the whole time.
And yesssss I love that he WOULD have that mentality! It's not even really intentional or derogatory, a lot of it is just pre-programmed into his brain. His human side wants to be respectful but... his instinct is to breed. He doesn't so much intentionally see her as a lesser out of disdain or arrogance (he does kinda worship her at the same time after all), so much as he just looks at her, and his brain registers only hips, thighs, waist, tiddy (which is her fault seeing as how much she shows those things off). Thighs that act like cushions for his hips, hips and waist for handlebars and holding babies on the hip, tiddies for feeding, for his pups (and him) to suckle on... How can he not look at her and see a puppy-making machine?? His animal instincts don't pay mind to feelings and all that, it just registers that there is a very much unbred, non-pregnant female who would be very suitable for breeding in front of him. So that instinct kinda takes over any rational thoughts he could have had. And she's supposed to be a puppy machine, in his instinctive brain, that should be her priority, since she's the one that carries them, she should forget about all that other stuff.
Male dogs can be aggressive towards the females, too, when it comes to forcing them to do what they want... to the point of grabbing them with their teeth and dragging them away, too. Especially if the female is trying to interact with another male dog... You can't blame him for getting mad and dragging her away. Or grabbing her and growling when she doesn't do what he wants. He apologizes later, but in the moment it's just instinct. She's the weaker mate, of course she should do what he wants.
Unfortunately, our boy's cum is highly potent... Unlike with Razor where it might be a coincidental chance, with Gorou there's a 100% guarantee he'll end up breeding her with at least four or five puppies, minimum. Poor Kokomi is gonna be a busy mom. No time left for war strategy and all that, only nursing and playing with the... Fish-dog babies.
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untaemedqueen · 3 years
SandB Series
Alpha Werewolf!Taehyung x Mate!Reader
Chapter 12.
Genre: Werewolf!AU, Smut, Angst
Warnings: Feelings of Inadequacy, Use of Oc's Powers, Dirty Talk, Begging, Praise, Lactation Kink, Sexual Acts Involving Jeongguk, Jimin, Yoongi, Use of The Term: Bitch, Pregnancy Kink, Milk Drinking,  Cunnilingus, Knotting, (Minor) Jungkook Handjob, Cream Pie
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Being in Summit is eye opening on levels you never thought you would begin to grasp.
It's not just discovering you have powers, it's seeing how these two species you once considered mythological act around each other.
Even how they act within their own groups.
You've come to understand recently, or feel more accurately, that the Fae do not actually like the werewolves. In fact, there's a film of hatred that pours from their territory into the wolves.
It's shocking in all honesty, how do they keep up the charade? How do they keep the wolves from not knowing their fervent hatred?
It astounds you almost everyday.
What you've also come to realize is how different packs are than the one you're in.
Yes, even though you're a human, you've been told very rigorously by the servants that you are indeed still a part of the pack.
With your mate being pack Alpha, it seems that you're also held to a higher standard than all the other wolves in this group.
You can feel constant judgement from other female werewolves when you pass them in the streets or when they just pass by you on a whim.
Sylai, a female Omega you've been spending time with almost as much as Namjoon has been, seems to know all the hot gossip at the drop of a hat. However, she is timid and skittish at times whenever your best friend Alpha is around.
The pretty Omega is always quick to tell you why you're an outcast here and although you shouldn't be upset about it -- you almost always are.
You've come to terms with the fact that werewolves don't normally find their mates in humans, you've heard it from Taehyung's lips on more than one occasion, but you didn't think it would disgust others as much as it does.
When you've had the chance to view other packs, they seem to operate on levels of hierarchy you've never seen before.
The Alphas are always on top, the Betas a close second and the Omegas, most times, are treated like play things. Which is why you can understand that Sylai makes herself so small around Joon.
When you've been able to see other Alphas mates, they're very accommodating and docile. They're almost always pregnant which you understand and they bow to their Alphas every wish.
Sometimes you recall your past fights with Taehyung and lump forms in your throat. You can remember how he wished that you would just listen sometimes or not make comments and it truly makes you wonder… what if you aren't right for him?
You feel strong, thick muscled arms curling around your waist as you stare at the other packs down below your bedroom balcony.
"Hi, beautiful," your mate whispers, spreading his hand over your small belly.
"Hi," you breathe, letting your eyes flutter shut.
He's been away a lot recently, most because of the High Council asking his opinions of what to do with the rabid werewolves still at large -- including his parents.
"I missed you, baby girl." he coos, drifting his lips slowly over your mate mark.
You hum in agreement, running the tips of your fingers over his arms.
He peeks over your shoulder to look down at the random pack near the forest's edge.
He watches the Alpha snarl and snap his teeth at a Beta when he gets to close to his mate. Your fiance chuckles, burying his face in your hair.
"What's funny?" you inquire softly.
"Betas don't know how to behave sometimes," he replies, lifting the hem of your shirt to caress your growing belly.
Sometimes you feel completely out of your element and this feeling has been growing ever since you found out you're one of the Fae.
Maybe it's because you feel like you don't even know yourself anymore. You don't know who you are or who you should be.
The soothing scent of pine and musk breeches your senses once more and you allow yourself to be calmed by your mate at this very moment.
"Sylai has been spending a lot of time with Joon." you comment to him.
He hums in agreement, wanting to ignore his Alpha duties for just one minute of the day. If he accepts this fact, then his wolf will have to welcome someone new into the pack and he would just rather have these moments alone with you.
"I've seen it." he murmurs, pulling you closer to his body.
"Are you going to let her join your pack?" you ask, turning around to him.
You really like Sylai and you would really appreciate more female company around.
"Probably, Joon deserves to be happy." he answers, not wanting to dive head first into the matter.
"I mean, she's really sweet. I think she would be good for your pack."
The words 'your pack' don't sit right with your mate for a second. And he voices it openly as he pulls you over to the bed. "Why do you keep saying that? You keep saying 'your pack'? It's our pack. You're my mate, you're in this pack too." he inquires with a raised eyebrow, sitting down on the bed.
He pats his lap, leaning back on his elbows and like always you straddle him immediately.
"Well, I'm not a wolf. I'm a Fae or… just human so…"
He can smell your timidness, he can hear your heart hammering with worry and his wolf suddenly feels protective.
"What's wrong, baby?" he whispers, dragging his thumb over your lower lip.
You shake your head slightly, running your fingers over his tight black t-shirt that seems to hug each and every sinewed muscle on his chest and stomach.
"Hey now," he breathes, flipping you over so you're laying down beneath him.
You don't make eye contact with him, you don't so much as look above his stomach as he lays down beside you.
"Y/N?" he murmurs, kissing your temple.
It's stuffy in the room, you've come to realize or it just feels that way with his prodding questions.
"Y/N?" his voice is more forceful and you're just embarrassed to speak.
Werewolves aren't known for their patience. They need to know what's wrong, why this is happening and how to immediately fix it or there's very little in the world that will calm them down until the problem is solved.
The growl Taehyung emits throughout the room is a warning to you. It's a warning for you to speak up.
But you've seen Alphas immediately give in to their mates when they bare their necks. So you do so as well.
Taehyung's heart clenches in the recesses of his chest and he can almost scoff at your meekness. "Don't do that," he breathes, nuzzling your neck with his nose.
"Where's my spit fire mate today? What's wrong, baby?" he gasps, burying his face into neck.
"I'm sorry," you bleat.
"Sorry? Sorry for what? You're perfect, baby."
Your fiance can quite literally feel his heart panging with worry. He can hear some of your thoughts like you're screaming in the quiet room.
"No, baby, no." he hisses, turning your face to look at him.
When your eyes don't meet his, he can only swallow thickly.
"I love you, baby girl." he promises, drifting his lips over your jawbone.
"I love you too." you mumble, looking down at your engagement ring.
"If-If you wanted to get another mate… maybe a wolf… I would understand."
The sharp breath Tae takes between his teeth, makes you shudder beside him. "Don't you dare, ever, suggest something like that. You're my soulmate, do you understand? You're my woman. My mate. I don't want anyone else, I could never be with anyone else."
"I'm not a wolf," you explain, turning to face him.
"So?! What does that have to do with anything?" he scoffs, narrowing his eyes at you.
"Well, most other wolves are disappointed that I'm a human. I'm not-"
"Who fucking cares about those newborn pups?! Who cares what the fuck they think?! They aren't in my pack and they aren't my mate!" he curses, sitting up and carding his fingers through his silver mullet.
You can see his chest vibrating with growls and snarls. You know you're pushing him to the edge but you just can't help it -- your insecurities are trumping everything right now.
"Are you embarrassed of me? Embarrassed of our children? Our pups?" Taehyung inquires, looking at you with hardened blue eyes.
"No," you reply, turning your body away from him.
"Then what is going on in that head of yours? You feel inadequate? Because wolves look at you differently?"
You stay silent, squeezing your eyes closed.
"Answer me, Y/N." he urges, running his hands over your back.
"They...They just look at me like I'm a disease or something. Like I'm not worthy of being with you. And… I don't want to be a burden to you or your pack."
He scoffs loudly, hooking his arm around your body and pressing his chest flat to your back.
"I don't care about others. You're not a disease. You're not a burden. You're mine. You're my beautiful, precious, headstrong mate who is just as much a part of my pack as Guk or Jin." he breathes.
When your silence bleeds throughout the room, he doesn't think he can stomach it for another second.
His canines drop out of instinct and he clamps his teeth softly down on your mate mark. If you were a wolf, you would be arching back into him needily already but it grounds him to know that things aren't so easy.
Yeah, you're stubborn and reflexive but you're his. And he loves that so much that if the Earth was crumbling he wouldn't care as long as you're in his arms.
Taehyung lifts the hem of your shirt, cupping your small belly. "I don't need anyone else but you, Y/N. You're a fierce woman and I count myself lucky to know you and to have you as mine."
"I'm sorry… I was just embarrassed… I don't want to burden anyone." you hiccup, looking down at his hand.
"Never, baby. You're never a burden." he promises, pulling the straps of your tank top down.
From your belly to your clothed core, his hand digs beneath the band of your leggings.
"Why would I want a meek little wolf when I can have a fierce fairy in my bed." Tae quips, turning you flat on your back.
Your breath hitches and you gasp gently when his fingers part your lower lips.
"T-Tae," you whimper, allowing him to position you as he sees fit.
As he climbs above you, his eyes roam over your body as if you're prey and you can't help the excitement that begins to bleed from your pores.
"Do a little magic for me, babe," he quips, kissing down your neck.
Snapping your fingers, you relish in the deep growl he gives when you both are stark naked.
"Pretty girl," he drolls, palming both of your breasts in hand.
When your nipples begin to bead milk, he can almost surely feel his knot twitching to expand already.
"I love you." his voice is a purr that echoes throughout your limbs.
"I love you too."
The kiss he captures you in is passionate and heated. You can feel the sharp points of his teeth raking over your bottom lip until your aching with need at your center.
"Flip over for me, my wolf wants to show you how loved you are." he coos, suckling at your nipple.
Flipping over onto your front, you perch your ass in the air for him and the complete sense of dominating ripples through your mate.
His eyes harden over, pupil dilating as he stares at the puckered mate mark that scars your skin.
"My bitch is so pretty full of my pups," the Alpha growls, knocking his forehead against your temple.
His movements are fluid and firm, spreading your legs to situate himself between them.
The head of his cock glides through your now sodden folds and you quiver with anticipation.
"Alpha, please," you beg, lowering your forehead to the pillow.
His sharpened nails dance over your spinal column, purring at how submissive you sound beneath him.
"What is it my pretty mate? You're aching? You need Alpha's big cock in you? Want me to split you open so well you don't even remember your own name?" he prods, rutting his cock to your core.
"Yes! I need it!" you preen.
His hands grip onto your hips, massaging the flesh within his large, warm grip.
"Well, if that's what you need," he hums, entering you in one intrusive motion.
Your mouth drops open into a silent scream, your hands fumbling to grip the sheets until your knuckles turn white.
This sex is primal and mind shattering -- and everything you need.
Taehyung can hear your thoughts screaming once more and he's pleased with what he hears this time.
Nuzzling your neck, he lets your cunt accept the intrusion of his large cock. He takes to caressing your three month pregnant bump to distract you.
"That's it, baby. You look so gorgeous stuffed with my cock inside your pregnant pussy." he mumbles against your ear.
You can feel his muscles contorting and hardening against your back.
"I would never love someone like I love you. I would never wish to be buried in someone like this, baby girl. Let them talk all the shit they want, because you're the one that gets this hard cock at night." he growls, rolling his hips for you to feel every inch of his cock within you.
Your mouth waters and a sharp moan emits from you at the feeling.
"No one takes my knot but you. And no one would ever take it so well."
Taehyung lets his prideful thoughts bleed past his lips because he knows you need to hear them. He knows you need the assurance. And he may be Alpha, but he's a slave to your love first and foremost.
When he pulls his length almost all the way out, your body sings with hot pleasure -- it's every thick vein and ribbed muscle along his cock that gets your mind numb.
"Only my beautiful mate," he thrusts back in to prove his point, "gets fucked stupid by my cock."
Your back arches, his name falls from your lips like a prayer and you don't even have the strength to lift your head up and look back at him.
He creates a dazing, relentless pace, fucking you just hard enough to keep you babbling but not hard enough to get your orgasm to approach.
He's proving a point. He's making you his again and again with every thrust.
His canines sharpen longer and they clench down on your mate mark just hard enough for you to feel a sting sing through you.
"Hey, Tae-" the door is thrust open and you can barely focus on who's just intruded but your mate just chuckles against you.
"Come in and sit." he orders, pushing your hair away from your mate mark.
His fingers glide over your distending skin, kissing down your back with soft, open mouth pecks.
"My mate thinks she's not enough for our pack." he announces and fuzzily you can hear murmurs of shock.
"She thinks she's not worthy of my knot and my pups," he growls, fucking into you harder.
"Tae!" you whine, pushing your hips back to meet every thrust.
"But she's a pretty bitch that still bends to my will," he coos, focusing on how much of your arousal has coated his long, thick length, "Yoongi, come."
He pulls you up by your shoulders, pressing you up against his chest with a snarl.
Yoongi sits before you, not knowing where to look but licking his lips hungrily.
"You want him to suckle? You want our pack to need you, bitch? Is that it? You want your scent all over all of them? To show these filthy mutts who live in this city that you're a queen amongst mongrels?" he inquires, kissing the shell of your ear.
You don't know what's driving you, you don't know if it's the insanely arousing thought of being above everyone else or it's the thought of being on top of this pack. But the sharp 'yes' you moan out has Yoongi growling with anticipation.
"Feed," he orders the Beta.
You gasp loudly at the foreign feeling of Yoongi's lips against your puffy nipple. You adore how his eyes screw shut at the taste of you. His hands grip onto your sides and you're lost for words when he ruts his clothed hard cock against your thigh.
"See, my beautiful mate, you're above all here." Taehyung coos, pressing his hand to the apex of your thighs and rubbing smooth circles to your swollen clit.
"Jimin." Taehyung calls and you hear the earnest whimper of your best friend.
"No, I don't think I should… I'm-" Jimin breathes nervously.
"Well fuck, if you won't I will," Jungkook groans, pushing Jimin out of the way.
Your head lolls back to your mate's shoulder and your vision becomes blurry with the attention your body is being given.
Taehyung knows that his wolf is sharing you for the sake of proving a point but he can't help the way his cock twitches within you as he watches Yoongi hump your leg like a dog in heat.
Jeongguk's lips on you are familiar and suddenly you can smell the forest from that fateful day when your fiance shared you with the youngest pack member.
"You gonna cum? Hmm, beautiful? I can feel your pregnant cunt trying to milk my cock," your mate growls in your ear.
The small whimpers of the wolves suckling from your breasts, sends you over the edge and Yoongi is quick to press his hands against your rib cage to keep you from falling.
"That's a good little bitch," Taehyung gasps, fucking you with a fierceness to cum inside you.
"You want it, baby? You want my cum?" he goads, kissing over your mate mark.
"Yes, please," you cry out, carding your fingers through both Yoongi and Jungkook's hair.
Jimin lets out a sharp whine, feeling conflicted on what to do. But, this probably will never happen again in his lifetime and even though you're his best friend… he's not missing this. "Fuck it," he curses, jumping onto the bed.
He eyes you wearily for a second, avoiding your stomach which he knows is solely the Alpha's property and heads straight for your swollen, over-stimulated clit.
Your mate on instinct cups your growing stomach, growling as his best friend makes his dissent.
Your body shivers like a leaf when Jimin's plush lips kiss at your bundle of nerves.
"Oh God!" you cry out, gripping onto the boy's hair harder.
Yoongi curses against your breast, pulling off your nipple to catch his breath as his shorts become sticky and slack against his golden skin.
"Fuck, baby girl. I'm cumming," Taehyung murmurs breathlessly.
The swiftness of Jimin's tongue knocks the wind out of you and you spiral into another orgasm with ears filled with white noise and eyes seeing stars.
"Shit! Y/N!" your mate growls, pulling you back roughly to his cock until you’re squirting your arousal onto his thighs.
Jungkook whimpers needily, guiding your hand to his swollen cock.
"Pup," Taehyung warns him, stilling your hips as his thrusts become erratic.
He takes a sharp breath between his teeth, cursing loudly when he begins to cum inside you.
His lips tremble against your mate mark when his knot begins to inflate and you can only whimper at the stretch.
"Good girl taking my cock so well," your fiance coos, pressing his index finger beneath your chin and turning your head to kiss him.
"Noona, please. God!" Jungkook whines, nuzzling his face to your breast.
Taehyung can only give a breathy laugh against your lips. "See how needed you are? Guk is going to explode if you don't help him."
Jimin pulls away from your core with innocent eyes and he kisses your forehead gently.
"I'm gonna go check on Baek and Chan." he murmurs, hopping off the bed.
Your mate's eyes follow him as he leaves the room and he doesn't appreciate the bloom of pheromones that bleed from the Omega. Almost as if he's caught feelings for you.
You haven't noticed with your attention on the youngest.
He suckles eagerly from your breast, whimpering and whining as he fucks up into your hand.
"Gonna cum, noona. Oh shit," he whines, burying his face into the valley of your breasts.
You hum sweetly, combing your fingers through his long black locks.
The warmth that explodes onto your hand is a knowing sign of the youngest's release and he cries out softly against your skin.
"Clean her up," Tae warns him and he's quick to do the Alpha's command.
You can feel your tiredness beginning to exhaust you and your mate knows it right away. "She's sleepy, let me lay her down," he whispers, laying on his side with you.
The tug of his knot has you wincing slightly but he makes up for it with his sweet kisses to the back of your neck.
"One time thing," he tells them.
Yoongi pulls at his cum covered shorts with a grimace. "Good enough for me."
Taehyung's large hand caresses over your head and he can't help but think of the scent that was drifting off Jimin in waves.
"I love you," you mumble, closing your eyes.
"I love you too baby girl. You and our pups," he replies, drifting his hand over your belly.
He knows your asleep when his breathing gets shallow and his knot finally deflates after a while.
Taehyung turns onto his back, perching his hands beneath his head as he closes his eyes. His ears perk up and he takes a sharp breath through his nose when he hears Jimin mumble across the mansion.
"I-I don't know. I just felt so-"
"Don't let Taehyung catch you talking like this! She isn't ours," Yoongi hisses to the younger Omega.
"I almost had her before Taehyung y'know, is it so wrong of me to still want her?! You all wanted her at that moment!" Jimin scoffs.
"Jimin, what we did was to help a member of our pack feel safe. You are becoming obsessed with her." Jungkook accuses.
Taehyung's eyes spring open, a deep low growl emitting through his chest. He can feel his canines and nails sharpening themselves. Gripping his shorts, he jumps out of bed with one thing on his mind -- vicious anger.
He can hear the maids and servants whispering nervously as he stalks through the wolframite hallways.
Your mate isn't in the headspace to calm anyone down at the moment, he can't possibly think of others when his wolf is yearning to tear out his best friend's jugular.
Slamming the doors to the dining room open, his eyes scan his pack before finding him.
"Oh shit," Jin mumbles, cupping his mouth.
"GET OUTSIDE!" Taehyung barks to the Omega.
The whole pack avoids eye contact even Jimin.
Taehyung is fast -- so fast that Seokjin's hair blows in the breeze he creates.
The pack Alpha grips the Omega by the neck, hurdling him over the wooden bench he's currently sitting on and dragging him towards the large glass doors that lead out to the backyard.
"Taehyung!" Jimin whines but he's quick to shut up at the feral snap of Taehyung's teeth.
"Someone go wake up Y/N! This is so bad!" Jin yelps, rushing after both of the wolves.
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SandB Taglist-  @jvcqneliue, @gooplibrary, @imaforeigner, @wickizer, @mychemical-friendship, @justmewondering-recs, @stories1907, @stressedinmedschool247, @taeslittletiger, @claireelise19, @neobanguniverse​, @kb-bangtanenthusiast​, @almosthappysublime, @thedarkwinterrose​
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mhathotfic · 2 years
Hi friend , how are you ? Just wanted to check on my favorite person ❤️ — well that’s part of it.
My intentions aren’t entirely pure. Because I’m thinking about PrimeAlpha!Dynamight and his pretty PrimeOmega!Sidekick , that’s all soft curves and pouty lips but with a fiery attitude to match his own. She’s not the typical omega—she fights back and that’s what he loves about her. Never felt the need to submit. Never took on a heat partner. You would’ve thought she was just some bad ass beta but only true Prime!Alphas like Bakugo can smell prime omegas even while they’re still on suppressants. And she gives him shit when he corners her about it , “saying oh fucking well , I still can kick your ass” and it’s great because he loves a challenge and he never stops pushing her. But but- what about one the day she forgets to take her pills (cliche right?) and she’s sent into an agonizing state of pain right in the middle of a villain fight. Katsuki has to literally blast her ass to hell to get her away from the falling debris. Makes quick work of the villain and leaves the mess for the subpar heroes to clean up while he carries her bridal style , three miles until he makes it to his penthouse downtown. And she’s panting at this point because that burnt sugary scent is sticking to her nostrils and she just wants to be bred , so she growls for him to just fuck her and get it over with. But katsuki has other plans. Katsuki actually cares about his pretty little omega that has fangs just as long as his and a quirk so badass that she could defeat anyone that ever stood in her way. So he’s sweet. Takes good care of her. A bath. A massage. Hours of foreplay and praise. And when he finally fucks her it’s deep and slow with his canines embedded deep in her throat the entire time. And she tries to push him away —fighting against the internal urge to submit but he won’t let her. He’s determined to make her his good girl 🥹
I’m good sweetheart, better now. How are you though?
And my love, you are speaking to my soul.
I love the idea of Bakugou finding his perfect match and not knowing what to do about it, but him instinctively knowing exactly what to do because of course he’d know how to take care of his mate hits different.
He’s so big too, a lot larger then her practically dwarfs her really. It’s cute to him that she’ll snap and snarl at him, jumping up and grabbing at the front of his shirt and yanking him down with her just so they’re at eye level. Intimidating everyone else just by existing and getting away with what would be considered extreme disrespect from anyone else let alone her masterful use of her quirk. He adores it, adores all of her and doesn’t hesitate to show her even when he hadn’t claimed her yet.
They’re an odd power couple from the very moment they met. I especially like the idea if their quirks seem mismatched as a team. Say she has one that allows her to manipulate plant life, no one understands until they see how thick vines and tree bark makes for a good shield or how she can manipulate the surrounding plants to alter the the terrain and how he can use that to his advantage when fighting.
But back on track, you know the amount of snarling and snapping from him to get the extra’s out his way because he’ll be damned if anyone sees her in that state other than him he’ll seriously consider killing them must make everyone think he’s gone insane.
I’m thinking about how he scoffs when she acts like this is a chore. Like he doesn’t smell the pure desperation pouring off her or hear the purring she’s trying so hard to pass as a growl.
See he’s never completely gotten over his ego, he’s still a king and god in his own mind and it’s only right he spoils his chosen queen and goddess until she’s putty in his hands.
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zephyoongist · 3 years
“have you seen my hoodie?”
“you’re wearing it aren’t you?
warning: implied smut
are all humans this odd?
min yoongi gazed at you like you’ve got the most magnificent horns in the kingdom. silly, cats don’t have horns. minotaurs do.
you’ve met a few on your journey to find a mate. they’re not very nice. their heads are too big for their little feet. their dicks are big though. not that they’ll get anywhere with that kind of personality.
and you say journey but actually, you venture a little beyond the borders of the felidae’s territory because all the males tend to go for your elder sisters, leaving you with nothing but your fingerpads to get you through your heat.
this year, you’ve decided to find yourself another species, a different breed. white lions are too possessive, stallions tend to mate with too many, songbirds are get attached too easily and you can’t kiss vipers without being intoxicated on their essences.
you keep walking, deep in thoughts as the trees you pass by start looking the exact same. before you know it, the forest line cedes and the blades of grass that caress your soles have turned to hard, solid earth.
in front of you, stands a boy - your nose crinkles - no, at first sight, those sleepy eyes and slightly puckered lips look like that of a boy’s but this- this person without any distinct feature to identify his breed, is definitely a man.
min yoongi is a man in every sense of instinct.
“wh-what are you doing?” that’s when his droopy eyes come to life, and as you said, as if you bear two magnificent horns on your head.
but he’s not looking at your head. he’s looking at your chest.
“oof!” you breathe out at the soft material that lands on your face, the scent engulfing you smells strongly of him.
what is he?
“w-wear that,” his voice trembles but you’re more interested in this fur-like material he’s telling you to wear. it has one big hole and three smaller ones.
“fuck’s sake, all i wanted was some mushrooms for dinner,” odd. yoongi, he-
“do all your kinds speak to yourselves?” you ask once your ears pop out of one of the holes and then your head.
“don’t your kinds?” he answers, sighing before crossing the distance between you and him and placing a hand on top of your head, “you’re wearing it wrong. don’t you hybrids have clothes?”
the world goes dark for the briefest moment as you feel the material - clothes, he says? - shift around and finally gets pulled over your head. the hole is much larger and comfier around your neck.
“it’s warm,” you hum, rubbing your cheek against the material on your shoulder, “it smells good too. it smells like you.”
you’re not sure why but his species get red especially on his cheeks and ears.
“th-thanks, i guess.”
“you’re welcome.” you grin.
“so why were you walking around in the forest owned by humans?” yoongi asks when he closes the movable plank that’s attached to his cube-looking cave. it’s well carved.
ah, so the journey you initially set out has lead you far beyond the felidae territory.
“are you a human?” you answer his question with another question.
he doesn’t seem to care and instead starts making a fire and setting up shiny containers on the fire. you expect him to start cursing and looking distressed again when the container melts - are all humans this stupid? - but the container remains intact in its natural form.
is it metal?
metal is the only thing that can withstand fire but the pantheras tend to keep the those for themselves to make arrowheads.
you shiver at the remembrance of those golden eyes. the pantheras may have been part of the fedilaes but they’ve long since abandoned their origins, claiming that they were more superior.
“you can have some mushroom soup and leave, i’m sure a kid like you can find her way home,” he has a similar material - clothes - that and put it on while you were deep in your thoughts.
“i’m not a kid - well, i haven’t mated yet, but i’m not a kid,” you say.
he laughs. it’s the kind of laugh that those arrogant minatours do but he’s actually cute so you’ll let it slide, “yeah? so how old are you?”
“in fidelae years, twenty-three,” you say, bringing your legs to your chest under the ‘clothes’ and hugging yourself, enjoying the softness of the material until a loud clang reverberates from where he is.
you’re on your feet in an instant, padding towards where the human male is, cupping his hand and gazing down at it with a sort of grimace.
“give it to me,” you say, gently prying his uninjured hand off and directing his finger to your lips.
it takes a few seconds for the blood to stop flowing from the cut, when it does, you release his finger, giving it a few licks before looking up at yoongi who’s face has turned beet red yet again.
you pick up the scent of his arousal as he looks again, muttering a “th-thanks, but you shouldn’t do that to other people - not even males of your kind, got it?”
“yoongi,” you finally say his name, fingers tugging on the hem of his ‘clothes’, “if you don’t want me to treat other males like that, then take me. make me yours.”
when he twists his porcelain neck to face you - he looks like all the blood in his body is rushing to his head. it’s a surprise that he hasn’t exploded. but you guess, as he cups your cheek in his hands, the trace of blood from the cut brushing against your skin and crashes his lips on yours - he explodes in a different way.
min yoongi tastes divine. like the dew drop of first light after the blue moon. he tastes different from you.
you might have been a little curious and decided to lick your juice coated fingers after you’d taken care of yourself.
“y-your teeth-” he stammers, propping his elbows on the thing he calls bed as he looks at you with the most adorable lust-filled gaze.
you ran your tongue over your canines. well, they never hurt you but they’re still pretty sharp. either way, you’ve licked him enough to know just how good he tastes like.
he tastes divine but he must feel better.
you grin, traces of your excitement pouring over his hardened dick as you stand over it on your knees, “thank you for accepting me as your mate for this year!”
and then you take him all the way to the hilt. the pent up frustrations from all those years you’ve lost to your sisters when it comes to finding a mate blooms in your core and spreads all over your body like sweet, sweet venom.
do all human dicks feel this good?
yoongi’s making the prettiest sound with that pretty face of his as you bounce on his dick. and he lets you do whatever you want. you heard from your sisters that the males of your kin have too big of an ego to let the females take the lead.
“take the hoodie off,” yoongi tugs on the hem of your own clothes.
“why? it’s so comfy!” you whine but know that you’d succumb those pretty pink lips and those clouded eyes anyway.
“i wanna touch you too.”
and so the clothes -hoodie - comes off. and all of a sudden, you’re the shy little kitten that’s hiding her face in her hands as the human male teases your erect nipples. then he pulls you lower until his mouth traps your nipple and his other hand starts coaxing your hips to move again - you’re not sure why or when you stopped.
but you’ve shed off some of the shyness as your bodies mold together into one and an unfamiliar yet familiar spasms of climax shoots through your body.
you end up reaching for the hoodie despite yoongi’s complaints - something about “can’t be naked alone”. he declines your offer to help him into his own hoodie and opts for wrapping his arms around you, his chin on the top of your head and his jawline brushing against the side of your ears, “i’ll keep warm like this.”
humans may be odd but they’ve got good stamina. every waking moment of your and yoongi’s lives, you both spend them tangled in his bed or cuddled up on his couch - sometimes you end up on the floor, and that’s nice too because yoongi lends you his arm as a pillow while you cuddle up to him.
but lately, something seems to be bothering him and you find out why on the last day of your heat.
“you thanked me for being your mate for this year... do you change mates every year?” he’s staring at the ceiling with a sort of thoughtfulness that’s never usually there.
he’s either sleepy or horny most of the time.
other times he gets up to cook for the two of you.
“we’re encouraged to look for different mates in order to find the strongest that we can use to bear children with and continue the royal bloodline but the nobles and below don’t need to try so hard to find mates. they usually stay with their first mate.”
yoongi’s thoughtful hum vibrates under your fingerpads that lie on his chest - you enjoy feeling the different patterns of his heartbeat.
“wait... are you a royal?” his wide eyes gaze into you like the first time you met, as if you’ve grown horns on your head.
“my father is amun, the conqueror of the kingdom,” you nod, “but since i’m the youngest, the pressure to procreate isn’t that big, i doubt anyone notices i’ve been away for three months. i should probably go back.”
“yeah,” he looks like he’s about to cry any moment, “you should,” but he turns away before you can say anything.
ever since yesterday, yoongi’s been acting odd.
cold and distant, as if you’re both strangers living under the same roof. you want to wait until he wakes up to tell him goodbye but it’s a few hours past first light and your guardians, having been lifted from their heat, may be searching high and low for you. so you slip out of yoongi’s bed and out of the plank - door.
as you thought, jennie and lisa were on the verge of crying and going to your father to offer their heads for failing to find out their master’s whareabouts.
“my lady,” jennie nose crinkles as she takes repeated whiffs of your scent, “this scent- it doesn’t belong to a felidae.”
“did you mate with a pathera?” lisa’s round eyes almost pop out of their sockets.
you giggle before bringing your index finger to your lips, “shh, don’t tell father but- he’s a human.”
“a-a human?” jennie whispers under her breath, “my lady, you know what they say about humans! th-they’re like gods! they have the purest forms without tails or thorns on their body!”
“i know, that’s why you two must keep it a secret.” you say but the moment you walk down the pillars leading to the throne, you know everyone can smell the scent of yoongi on you.
your sisters’ alarmed gazes doesn’t go past you but you take your spot on the far end of the throne anyway.
“___ - you- who was your mate?” your sister, agatha, asks.
she’s been rubbing the fact that she’s had more mates than your years of living.
“why should i tell you?” you shoot her a victorious grin.
she huffs, displeased, “wait until father knows about this.”
and as if on cue, the horn begins to blow and silence settles all over the throne as a beast larger than two- no, three felidaes in their beast forms combined, struts down the pillared isle, his steps light and graceful as is his transformation as the beast gets on two paws and takes the remaining of his steps on his two feet.
“felidaes, thank you for gathering here on this wonderful day after yet another successful mating season. i look forward welcoming new cubs to our prides,” he announces.
“and to ___, my youngest, when will i be able to meet this human mate of yours?” he turns to you, pride laced around his words as agatha and the rest of the people’s eyes widen at the word ‘human’.
you giggle, feeling the blood rushing to your face - this must have been how yoongi felt every time his face goes red, “father, you know how humans are different from us. please give us more time.”
humans are odd.
min yoongi especially so.
he acts like nothing’s changed from the time you were living with him to the time you’ve left him. it may have been a short period - has it been a month? - of running away from the ladies that try to pry the story of you and your human mate and the males that sudden have their attention turned to you, trying to court you with offerings of the ancient relics and deepest colored gems.
your tail sways over the ledge of the window as you watch the human male set walk pass you and set up the table before going back to the kitchen only to stop midway. as if he’s seen a ghost.
oh well, at least it isn’t horns.
then he slowly turns to you with eyes round and awake - shocked and disbelieved, even.
“____, y-you came back?” he stammers out.
you grin, hopping off the ledge and bounding right into his arms, your own wrapped around his neck whilst your naked breasts press up against his chest, “i missed your hoodie, so i came back.”
yoongi looks like he’s about to scold you and cry at the same time, but he does neither. instead, he cups your cheeks in his hands and kisses you like he’s never had a drop of water since the day you left.
and you kiss back, savoring the taste of your human mate whom you’ve chosen to spend your whole life with.
you spend your days cuddled together in his sheets like you did before except you’re not licking his neck with every chance you get - it’s the part where he smells most divine besides his dick.
it turns out a human’s heat is all year round. during winter, his hand slips under the hoodie and touches your lower lips. during summer, he keeps trying to take off the hoodie. in autumn and spring, he doesn’t mind the hoodie as much. but you suppose you can’t be hogging all of them at once.
“have you seen my hoodie?” he means the one he claims to be his and is supposed to be steal-proof.
the bright red one with a skull at the back.
you feel your ears perking at the word, thankfully the hood’s covering your head, “no...”
a good few seconds pass without yoongi saying anything, before he sighs, “you’re wearing it, aren’t you?”
underneath your black hoodie, a piece of bright red peeks from the neckline. so you peek up at the human male, laughing sheepishly, “it’s just so comfy and it smells like you...”
“i should start charging you for fees,” he plants his hands on either sides of you, resting his forehead on yours as he smirks deviously.
“f-fees?” you laugh, “w-well, the kingdom is filled with minerals you humans seem to love.”
“pay up with your body,” there’s a glint in his eyes - the kind that used to get buried beneath blushed skin and shyly closed eyes.
you feel your ears perking up, your tail swaying behind you as you tilt your head in just the right angle to kiss his lips. when you pull away, his face is glowing beet red.
“okay, i paid my dues, right?” you shoot him one of your smiles.
he looks like he has more to say, disappointed even, but he settles with a “y-yeah.”
tugging on his hand and swiftly pulling him down onto the bed, cradling his waist. his face looks like it’s about to explode. you giggle.
“you- you’re teasing me,” his forehead creases and he looks like he’s about to kill you and kiss you at the same time.
humans are odd.
min yoongi, especially so.
note. a repost from my other blog.
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jojo-reader-hell · 4 years
imagine being Jotaro's twin, and you wake up one morning. You look in the bathroom mirror, only to realize you have fangs, claws, & slit pupils. You scream for Jotaro, who is groggy from the lack of sleep. He glares at you, "wait that's it? For fuck's sake, i thought it was a spider or something." Then he yells for your dear mother. "It's y/n, they're finally going through their transformation." Holly squeals before rushing over to you. (It turns out the Joestar family is a werewolf clan!)
I loved this idea so much that I kinda got carried away writing for it! I definitely would like to turn this into a two parter, so keep an eye out for the AO3 link! Until then, hope you enjoy!
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Werewolf!Joestars and Werewolf!Reader
Big brother instincts activated, Jotaro slammed the door to his room wide open, nearly putting a hole in the wall and causing the door to dangle haphazardly off its hinges. His footfall was heavy, bounding through the hallway and nearly knocking down the decorative plants. In the back of his mind, whatever wasn’t preoccupied with getting to you was worrying about his mother’s nagging about the second door he would have to break to find you. But door be damned, he had to get to you. You never screamed this loud unless something was terribly wrong...
He skidded to a halt in front of the open bathroom, thankful for once in his life that you had the nasty habit of leaving it open, and saw you curled into a ball on the floor. Jotaro wasted no time in dragging you up to sit on your knees and asking where it hurt, only to stop dead in his tracks when he got a good look at you.
“B-Bubba!” You whined, an unmistakable edge to it as you clutched your face. “I’m ugly!”
“You’ve always been ugly.” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them, and you only cried harder and more violently, a little blood dribbling out of your mouth where extra canines had been growing over your normal set.
“What’s happening to me?!” You wailed. “Everything hurts, my mouth is bleeding, my hands are furry, there’s a fuzzy thing on my butt and when I tried to pull it off I scratched myself with my nails-...”
“Good God, just shut your yap already!” Jotaro snapped. “You’re alright, stand up by yourself!”
“Jotaro! What’s wrong?! What’s happened??”
The pattering of your mother’s slippers echoed throughout the hallway, she nearly slid on the wood floors when she came to an abrupt halt, watching in horror as Jotaro yanked you up violently by the arm and tried to get you to stop screaming and wailing. Evidently it wasn’t working, because the louder he barked orders at you to shut up the harder you cried, yelping every time he yanked you the wrong way.
“Fuckhead over here is going through the change!” He answered back, as though you’d merely gotten a zit. Jotaro was dangling you by your arm painfully, and you tried clawing at him to make him put you down.
Nothing bullied him into letting go until a dark look crossed your mother’s face.
“Let go Jojo.”
She used a voice you never heard before, and even more shocking was the fact that Jojo finally listened for once instead of bullying her and calling her horrible names. He immediately dropped you into her care, feigning disinterest like a scolded pet.
“Oh, my baby!” She cooed, a huge smile coming over her face as she took over trying to get you to stand on your own. “It’s going to be all ok now, sweet baby. Nothings wrong, and you’re not ugly. You’re growing up!”
“H-hwat???” You blubbered, acting like a child as your mother mopped up your face with her apron, not caring that your bloody mouth was staining the white fabric.
“Look baby! Look how pretty your fur is, oh... how cute, I hope you have the same pattern as your grandpa. Even your little tail... we need to get you all nice and brushed.”
“But I... I don’t understand!” You couldn’t wrap your head around it, your mother was more concerned with gushing over you and reassuring you about how cute you were, and all you could do was babble questions until your brother put it bluntly for you:
“You’re turning into a wolf stupid.”
“Jojo, we need to be encouraging.”
Your mother’s voice had a certain conviction to it, another mystery wrapped in an enigma as she glanced disapprovingly at her son. She began to tell you all about the changes that would take place over the next few months, asking if you remembered those puberty videos they showed you in school when you were eleven, and you did, quite vividly if you were being honest. Every month during the full moon you’d just go through the motions of transforming, until your body got used to it and the process became as natural to you as breathing. She assuaged your fears: no you weren’t going to become a bloodthirsty animal. No you weren’t a danger to your family. No you weren’t going to suddenly find other wolves attractive or any other silly fear you had. All it was she said was an extra step in growing up you had to take, kind of like puberty 2.0. Well, it was sort of like that for the Joestars anyway, going back as far as your great great grandfather’s parents, the mythological monster part coming from his mother Mary who was one of the last of the werewolves. The lineage was diluted, hence the pain at the beginning that was inevitable, because in order to be with her beloved for all eternity she had to bite him to turn him, thus every Joestar since had to experience a rather horrific baptism by blood when they came of age. It could have been avoided if the lineage had been kept human free, and you would have been born a fluffy puppy instead of a baby, but then where would we be if we couldn’t choose the ones we loved your mother reasoned.
“The only tricky little detail is keeping the secret of our immortality. Usually when we’ve felt enough is enough here among humans, we just pop off into the woods and enjoy our nice long life with our loved ones. You’ll even age differently, your face will stay wrinkle free, and the only difference is your hair will turn grey!”
“Wait a minute... you mean we can’t die and we just leave society to live in the woods?”
“Uh huh!”
“Like, the actual woods around our house?”
“Of course baby. Everyone lives in the woods, who do you think you hear howling every now and again when the moon is full? If you’d like, you can spend your moon time with your Grandpa and Granny, or Papa Jonathan and Momma Erina will be there to take care of you too!”
The way your mother put it, it was like being a werewolf was as simple as going on a fucking family vacation every month.
When the pain came back you didn’t care to even acknowledge the insanity of your mother’s nonchalance. All you knew was that it felt as though somebody was taking you by the arms and legs trying to yank them out of the sockets.
“It hurts...” you cried, “Can I please have something for the pain?”
“No honey... Now that it’s taking over, we can’t give you any anti inflammatories for the pain, it’s too dangerous. We have to be very careful with certain foods too, no chocolates or onions, no coffee, no more cooked bones, no nuts, no avocado. You’ll have to be very careful with your diet from now on, those things can make you very sick. But I have an idea, maybe it will help if you shift completely and we get some food in you.”
“How do I do that?”
“Just relax, don’t tense up because of the pain, it just has to happen. Breathing helps as well, if you want, mommy can shift with you and I’ll show you how to breathe.”
She shooed Jotaro out of the bathroom, giving him some sort of a nonverbal signal that made him snap to attention, for obvious reasons she explained that it would be best to do it in private. You could hear Jotaro on the phone with someone, informing them of your latest development with the Joestar gene and instructing them to bring lots of something, whatever it was you didn’t catch it because your mother closed the door behind her. She helped you change and folded your clothes painstakingly, holding your hands in hers as she instructed you to keep your eyes trained on hers.
“In and out sweetheart.” She told you, inhaling through the nose and exhaling out through the mouth. “In... and out...”
She made a soft sound with her pursed lips, and you mimicked her even though your body was in excruciating pain. Eventually you could actually feel the smoothness of the transition, once the tension left your body you noticed the pain had disappeared and your bones just simply shifted out of place and wherever they needed to go. When you finally came to, you noticed that the world was a whole hell of a lot bigger, a fact that made you completely terrified. Your whole body was seized by shaking and it only made your fear worse, but when you looked at the mass of cream colored fur in front of you, you actually voiced your fear with a loud yelp.
“Baby, shhh, it’s mama.”
A large wet nose pressed against your soft cheeks, a large warm wet tongue lathed at your face, so familiar... you felt like you remembered something like this, maybe when you were a baby, a memory of you cold and wriggling against the same warm cream colored fur surfaced and soothed you somewhat. When you finally looked up, you immediately recognized the warm green eyes staring lovingly back at you.
“Mama...” your voice was startling, almost high pitched. When you looked down at yourself, you noticed little beany paws where your feet and hands should have been, completely covered head to toe in fuzz the color of your hair.
Making yourself go cross eyed revealed a soft muzzle and little black nose, but it hurt to focus too much and you had to stop, turning to the side and noticing a soft rotund puppy body where your own used to be. You were still the same size, but when compared to the adult body of your mother, you felt incredibly small. She was gigantic, rear end pressing against the door as she struggled to stoop in the bathroom, a huge bushy tail nearly the size of your body thumping against the sink and displacing a couple of toothbrushes.
“It’s okay baby. There’s a lot of changes happening, and when you’re born into it you’re luckier than if you’d been bitten like your Granny Suzie or your great Granny Lisa Lisa. Everything is gradual, and you’re not going to burn so much energy. It’s so much easier going through this, you will be smaller than the rest of us for a while until you’re out of high school, but that’s ok. It’s just like growing up all over again, except this goes much faster, isn’t that exciting?”
You couldn’t help the whine that escaped as she mouthed your neck and picked you up. Being dangled from this height didn’t exactly help you when you were already a fearful person to begin with, and it certainly didn’t help that your mother was now the size of the mega fauna they had at the museums. But it was all a matter of perspective. You’d never seen a wolf this close before, only from far away at the zoo on rare occasions, and certainly not from the perspective of being small enough that her mouth almost dwarfed your body, her hot breath steaming on your pelt as she scratched at the closed door with a large paw.
When it opened, Jotaro was there, looking far too annoyed at the fact that you made such a fuss about your changes. He raised an eyebrow as your mother tried to wriggle out of the narrow door frame into the hall with you still in her mouth, and even more shocking was the fact that after she’d placed you delicately on her oversized bed to snuggle with you, you saw Jotaro just close his eyes and lose himself into his own impossibly large wolf form, not caring that his clothes ripped. He laid his head next to you, nosing you as your mother’s bushy tail encircled you protectively, and she began to clean you in a similar manner to a cat cleaning a kitten. Was it the same for canids? Probably. You’d never owned a dog before and suddenly you were very aware of why this was. Especially the way your brother acted, he was a grumpy asshole as a person, you could only imagine what he was like as a monster.
Curiosity compelled you to look around the room, everything so different from a wolfy perspective. Your perception of colors was vastly different, as was the way you perceived the room itself. Often you’d find yourself staring at things that seemed to mystify the primal part of your brain. You were compelled to gnaw at the tassels on your mother’s bedspread, but her gentle nip on your ear discouraged you. Things you knew to be red and green were nearly invisible, fading to grey or an interesting shade of yellow that you didn’t think could exist. Her dresser table interested you the most, as you could see your little ears in the reflection. Lifting your head up a little bit more however, that was a different story as the human reasoning part of your brain suddenly seemed to shut down.
“MAMA!” Your voice was a shrill scream!
You stood on your hind legs and began screaming, hackles raised and your poor little tail between your legs. The sounds you made were so loud and scared that it made your brother flinch.
“Oh that’s adorable Jonathan! Where’d you find that?”
“It was mine when I was a pup!” Jonathan Joestar said, a look of pride on his face as Suzie examined the tiny blue collar with a brass bell he had in his hands. “My mother got it for me because I had a tendency to wander, this way Holly can use it on the little one. Jotaro was too big for it, but I figure it’s just the size for my little bundle of joy!”
“I figured it would be best to just bring meat, and lots of it considering how ravenous of an appetite Jotaro had when he turned.” Joseph Joestar insisted, he and his wife carrying two large fresh kills apiece.
“We can’t feed the baby that!” Jonathan’s wife Erina looked scandalized, holding far too many sweaters that looked similar to the ones pet owners got for their spoiled dogs. “We’re just going to get the little one dirty, and then Holly’s going to have to clean up the mess later on after we make sure the little one is asleep.”
“Once we get the little one fed, then we can give out presents, matter of fact it was very smart of Joseph to bring so much. Whatever the little one doesn’t eat, Holly and Jotaro can have.” reasoned Jonathan’s son, a hulking creature named George who was every bit the spitting image of his father, and the only one of the bunch comfortable enough in the open to remain in wolf form. “Better to be full of food than stressing about the new changes on an empty stomach. Especially if the two of them had to waste energy and shift from the sound of Jotaro’s phone call. It wouldn’t hurt to be fully shifted when we see them either. After all, Holly is the alpha, it would be helpful for her to be surrounded by familiar faces instead of a bunch of humans.”
They all agreed, stopping short of the little cabin in the woods where Holly lived with her two children, helping each other to change out of clothes and stashing them in strategic places on the porch before transforming into creatures so large some of them had to hang back, unable to fit on the small space of the porch. Jonathan took the lead, a smile on his canine face as he politely scratched at the door.
“Jojo!” He barked, tail thumping wildly against the wall as he scratched the door again. “Jojo it’s us! Please let us in!”
He was interrupted by the shrill sound of a puppy’s yelping, the door flying open only for the mega wolf to be nearly bowled over by a very frightened young werewolf being chased by an alpha female.
“HELP! HELP! MONSTER!” You cried, taking off into the woods as your mother chased at your heels.
“Baby! Baby please come back! It was only your reflection! There’s no monster in the house!” Your mother barked after you.
A very irritated and nearly naked Jotaro appeared at the door much to everyone’s shock, scratching his rear through the leftover shreds of his pants.
“Good grief, at least you brought me something to eat...”
There wasn’t even time to scold him for taking a large portion of the kill, he simply took it and went back indoors, dragging it off into a corner to gorge while Jonathan tried to help your mother chase you down.
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sugar-petals · 5 years
:: BTS ◇ Being Their Werewolf Girlfriend
NOTE › @.btsxdoll​ reblogged a ‘where are the female werewolves in fantasy?’ post which inspired this. enjoy ♡
↳ warnings 🌙 dom/sub, smut, angst, marking, dash of humor
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[ jimin ] ➝ He definitely knows that catchy Shakira song, even the Spanish version. But what a real she-wolf roaming his garden at 3 AM ends up being like will blow his mochi mind. Oh yes. It really is a whole new world. And holy shit, you are one hell of a gnarling beast on that lawn. Jimin will be honest with you: If he could, he’d probably brag on twitter all day that you have gigantic claws. That he’s allowed to touch them when you aren’t particularly wilding out somewhere in the local forest scratching pine trees or off to hang out with a fifteen-member, cigarette-smoking ghoul gang. 
But since it’s classified who you are, no tweets allowed. Sadly, he can’t meet the cool ghouls either. For obvious reasons though, he’d be too tasty a dinner, and he understands that you want to protect him. It’s already hard on you to have a kind of parallel life far from your control. Something so covert, scary, and taboo. Mingling with dangerous cemetary creatures for a night, only to return to a completely normal life. As if nothing happened! But cordial Jimin reassures you. Doesn’t make a hidden werewolf identity make someone the most interesting person ever? He couldn’t be a better boyfriend.  
[ taehyung ] ➝ It’s no secret that sweet Tae loves everything fluffy. The boy can’t lie, he likes your fur and muzzle. Every time you transform, he even keeps a diary entry on it. Keenly documenting everything he observes from characteristics to variations of behavior depending on the environment. You really could say he’s a werewolf biologist. He even discovers that if you eat red cabbage the with the moon waning, the transformation happens a lot faster than usual. Seriously, who could be better at dealing with any canine activity — large-scale, small-scale — than dog lover Taehyung. 
What he’s scared of and prevents a lot of cuddles are your, um, well. Huge dripping fangs and a bite force of five-hundred pounds per square inch to back it up. He has a reason to be careful. However, you’d rather devour some random suburb animals even in your worst of moods. Yeontan excluded. He likes you. It’s fun communicating with him. The world is interesting through werewolf eyes, but since it’s only for one night or two, Yeontan’s perspective is even more interesting since his form is permanent. Rascal sure knows a lot of gossip that would otherwise have never seen the light of day. 
[ jin ] ➝ Now, let’s set the record straight. If there’s one man on the face of this sordid planet who loves sizzling danger? It’s Worldwide Fearless on duty. Jin is the chosen one to have as a designated boyfriend. All his life he dreamed of eerie thrills like that, and it became true. Fate! The first night you were shocked to see your ears grow all fuzzy out of literal nowhere, but Jin knew he made the right dating choice. Your final form has the guy all fired up. He desperately wants to be bitten, growled at, paw-slapped, tossed around, walked on (!), licked head to toe. Long story short, he’s your #1 biggest were-fan.
But at the end of the day, no sexual feelings and acts involved. You’ve talked about that at length. To him, such conversations are normal, but which other couple ever talks about something as touchy. Jin would totally be a monster fucker if you weren’t completely beside yourself after transformation. So there is surely be no guarantee of what could happen. Especially with you being a very hungry lycanthrope raiding the basement. Which he neatly stocks up three days before the big event, and you can feast on it instead of turning this whole party into a literal “EatJin”. God forbid, you’d rather walk on him.
[ yoongi ] ➝ As cool as a cucumber. His mother raised a level-headed boy. When the moon is out there taking its monthly liberty to go off I guess, he sits on the porch with his phone’s lunar calendar and Rolex out, only waiting for shit to go down. Yes, he’s mastered all predictive methods. Sweet technology has made it easy for him. You always joke how Yoongi might as well open a ‘Were-Watching’ tourism business if the world were just a bit more open-minded and capitalism an ethical thing. Anyways. In the meantime, you’re busy hulking out in the cornfields and howling like there’s no tomorrow. 
Usually coming back for breakfast, hornier than the local elks in heat. Still with all rabid instincts half active, ready to pounce on what smells so good lying in your bed without pajamas on. Yoongi thinks he’s just one lucky dude not just getting all marked up, but occasionally salivated on when he’s waking up. Normally, sex would end up casual, but post-transformation banging is guaranteed to be energetic and sweaty beyond what he believed was possible. Which guy has his girlfriend plant herself on top of him baring her teeth like, well yeah, a fucking wolf? And he thought life would be endlessly boring.  
[ hoseok ] ➝ When you first approach him with your secret five months into the relationship, he thinks that you want to act out some hybrid fanfiction or roleplay. You say no Hoseok, I really am, y’know, huge and a dangerous ball of fur once in a while. But to no avail. To him, out of sight, out of mind. The oddly not-like-you-but-actually-you-shaped footprints around the garage don’t convince him. Hell, even the two-day ‘mountain vacation’ you take every four weeks doesn’t make Hoseok question that something very wolfy could be going on. “A wolf? Just drop by then!” he says, all nonchalant. 
So it takes the big wolf lady to knock on his window to prove that she’s not kidding and this is what he signed up for. He will take a while to digest things, reconsider his priorities. Is he prey, is he not? Tongue-in-cheek, you assure him that you only munch on the super built hikers who throw their trash into nature. You surely wouldn’t feel saturated eating a skinny guy. That does help Hoseok feel off limits in an unexpected way. There’s still much to get used to, but his chef talent can deal with your strong appetite surging every once in a while and he helps to remove the footprints so the neighbors don’t worry.
[ namjoon ] ➝ It’s like Fox Mulder seeing actual aliens land on earth. Hardly surprised. “Knew it!” is the final verdict when you confess to RM what’s going on. After some lightheaded pre-full-moon feelings make you rip up a sofa pillow at night. Entirely in a daze and pretty much close to howling already. Namjoon quickly understands the scope of peril and eventually opts for sleeping at Jimin’s if it gets a little too animalistic. Other than that, he’s well-informed. He might as well read ‘Mystic Creatures of Moderity′ in his favorite chair while you’re busy gnawing on a raw steak locking yourself in the kitchen.
Namjoon is happy to have something weird going on in his life to shake things up. It feels like a movie to him. Arguably, to others, it would be bizarre and both of you have to hide everything properly. Blasting funky disco music during your noisier transformations and such. Or pretending you’re a very well-crafted 3D robot Halloween costume which people do buy into. But some paranormal stuff happening in his backyard once a month? A whole lot of shed grey hair clogging the shower the day after transforming? Who gives a fuck, it’s just Joon’s girlfriend having a jolly good time. X-Files case closed. 
[ jungkook ] ➝ Admittedly... a bit obsessed. With seeing your full eight feet tall incarnation, doing some unhinged shit out in the woods. That’s sexy. But JK is also caring — you’re hypersensitive to anything silver and most other human interference, after all. Sure, his scent has been up close for a long enough time not to trigger you anymore, even in your full wolven form. But there are still risks involved. The angel promises to stay by your side regardless. And indeed: He’s gonna camp in a raised blind with binoculars to watch over you in the forest moonlight. No zookeeper will get their hands on you, promised. 
Jungkook really admires you in every aspect. No judgment. The animal enthusiast in him just can’t help it. Wolves in and of themselves are a huge interest to him, now he gets to know that you can grow paws, a tail and all that, the full package? Wow. He will never not be stunned. Jungkook wants to know everything about your kind. What you eat, how your heightened senses work, how you navigate your territory, what you feel. He also loves the thrill of adrenaline because boy do you go apeshit in the first couple hours of moonlight exposure. JK is a positive type of overwhelmed. The guy’s in love.
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© 2017-2019 submissive-bangtan. All rights reserved. Do not repost, translate, or modify.
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fallen029 · 5 years
"Puppies are so great, Laxus," Mirajane insisted as she bounced along beside him. "But then, you know, adult dogs need home too. And oh, senior dogs are so precious and sweet and-"
"I've agreed to gettin' you get a damn pet," he grumbled up at the overcast autumn sky. Foreboding if he ever saw it. "I don't wanna have to hear about it too."
"Getting us a pet, dragon," she corrected with a giggle as she beamed up at him. "This is going to be our baby."
"This is not going to be our baby."
"I mean, it is, but if you have to pretend it's not, I understand."
"You're about to be a single mother."
"Oh, Laxus, it's a big step, I know," she sighed as she took to just wrapping both her arms around his, "becoming a pet parent. It's not for everybody. But luckily, I am quite experienced."
"You've had," he griped, "a pet before?"
"Well, I like to throw leftovers out into the yard for the local strays to snatch up. Or I did. Before you made me move into your apartment. Have you thought of getting a house with a yard?"
"So you can invite the neighborhood fleabags over to feast? No," he replied. Then, frowning, he added, "And I didn't make you move in with me."
"I felt forced."
"But oh, Laxus, just think of all the cute little puppies that will be waiting for us at the pound," she gushed, moving right along as she sped up her walking. Now truly feeling drug along, Laxus tried to slip his arm out of her grasp, but Mirajane wasn't releasing him for nothing. "Should we get a little golden one? Then he'd be just like you, huh? Or, oh, you know, I've heard that people don't always adopt the ones with darker fur and I can't stand the thought of- But then again, you have to wonder if we need a little dog. Because your apartment is so small, dragon. But I'll be around to walk him constantly and sis and Elf both agreed to help out, so I guess we could get a big dog. But not too big, because I want him to sleep in bed with us and I don't know if I want a female dog or a male one, but-"
"Just," he cut her off (mostly just to get her to shut up), "go and see, Mira. Which one you want. If you're unable to decide-"
"I won't be able to," she assured him. "I'll want to take them all."
"-then you can have a long rant." Laxus even shrugged. "You might not even like any of them."
"Oh, I already love them all."
"You haven't even seen them."
"I don't have to."
And he believed her.
Still, Laxus felt a mix of nerves as they walked into the Magnolia City Animal Shelter, though it might have more to do with his heightened sense of smell. Because oh, the place smelled godawful. He imagined it did even to a normal person. But Mirajane only grinned as the lowly guy who seemed to want to be literally anywhere other than working what Laxus was sure was a rather stressful (and gross) nine to five gave them the lowdown of the place. After having them sign a form, the young guy led them to the back, where the disgusting smell was mixed with loud yaps and barks of the man dogs caged, awaiting their chance to escape their prison.
And Laxus felt for them. He felt horrible for them.
But he felt for his couch and rug and nice, sleek apartment much more.
Still, Mirajane did seem kind of down recently. Her sister and brother had used her departure from the Strauss household as a wake up call that they too needed to move on with their adult lives. For Elfman, this meant taking his training even more seriously, if it was possible. He was gone constantly, it felt like. And Lisanna was coming to realize all the things she'd almost completely missed out on, so she was off trying to live her second life.
Mira loved living with her dragon. He was certain she did. But given that he was gone a lot too, on frequent S-Class jobs, he knew she was a bit lonely too. A pet would be a good cure to this. She'd only gone on and on about getting a puppy, eventually, anyways and, well…
Laxus just liked for his demon to be happy.
Even if it was to his own detriment.
And she'd swore she'd walk it and bathe it and feed it and walk it and make sure Laxus never even had to look at it, if he didn't want.
Except, you know, when it slept in bed with them each night.
Mirajane was in heaven, rushing from floor length cage to floor length cage, gushing over each and every one of those horrible canine beasts, while the employee gave halfhearted responses to her questions. Laxus couldn't imagine the hell that was showing up to that place day in and day out. The man had his deepest sympathy.
It was as Mirajane walked through the maze of chain link and slobbering dogs that Laxus found himself searching for any kind of escape. Not too keen on interacting with any dog, ever, at all, it was partially his flight instinct kicking in that made him take notice of it. There a door marked QUIET ROOM on one wall and, after giving some glances at his girlfriend, Laxus was quick to go take a peek in there and, hopefully, escape the madness.
The other room was much smaller and seemed to be a sick bay of sorts. There were some smaller cages elevated on a table where he saw a few sick looking, smaller dog as well as a birdcage though, where a colorful parrot or something (Laxus had no fucking idea about bird species) was squawking at him. A huge container with a heat lamp over it was filled with sand and foliage housed a weird looking lizard along one wall and, coming closer, Laxus was pretty interested in watching it flick it's tongue.
It startled him, honestly, when it happened. There he was, leaning in, looking at the weird lizard, when over the sound of the bird squawking and the muffled dogs barking in the other room, there came the softest little mewl he'd ever heard.
Turning, he saw another cage on a table all by itself. Inside, there were three or four kittens, way too cramped together, honestly, and Laxus frowned some, a bit of pity tugging at his heart. He would have probably turned away though, honestly, uninterested in the felines, did his eyes not lock with what might just be the perfect cat to ever exist ever in all of existence, ever.
And he wasn't being dramatic.
Well, maybe just a little.
But one of the three kittens was standing there, staring right at him, with its big, bright green eyes that were really striking against it's gray fur and it had this white spot, right in the middle of it's head and when it meowed at him again, Laxus felt something deep in his core and why was he opening up the cage and taking it out?
Because it was the best cat in the entire world.
And it deserved love and attention and, fine, yes, he couldn't give it that, but Mirajane could, because she wanted to be something's mommy and it needed a mother desperately.
"Oh, dragon, here you are."
He couldn't look away from the kitten in his hands as it held it before his face, staring deeply into its eyes, not really caring at all that his girlfriend was at his side, bouncing excitedly about.
"I've narrowed it down to four- Well, five dogs and I just can't decide and I think that we should just take them all, honestly, and figure it all out later, don't you? Dragon? Uh, Laxus, are you- Ooh, a kitty." coming closer, Mirajane took to look at it as well. "Oh, three kitties! Look at them, dragon, they're-"
"Uh, what?"
Mirajane had leaned towards the cage, where the others were looking out after the one Laxus had snatched, but he only continued to stare deeply into his eyes.
"Those," he told Mirajane simply, "are filthy disgusting cats."
"O-Okay, well."
"And this," he said simply as he slowly lowered the little kitten so he could begin cradling it in his arms, "is a precious kitten who didn't deserved to be locked in this place. Especially not with them. It deserves to be cared for and taken care of. Look at it. This is the smartest animal I've ever met. I can just tell."
Mirajane thought he was making some sort of elaborate, metaphor for how she was acting and was about ready to call him a sourpuss, but then she noticed it. That glint in his eye he got when he was really going through something. She'd only seen it a few times, but oh, it was there then, and as she reached out to rest a hand on his forearm, she only nodded her head solemnly.
"It's like all the other slayers, with their super cool talking cats. Like Happy," she explained. "Only, you're a discount slayer, so you don't get a super cool talking Exceed. You just get a pound reject with a weird marking on it's head."
Finally breaking eye contact with his new best friend, Laxus only said, "It's fur is perfect. And I'm not discount; I'm the best slayer ever. The best fucking mage ever. And don't you ever-"
"I guess," Mira went right on though with a sigh, "we can get your kitten instead."
"Do you mean it?"
"I mean, you have to clean her litter box and comb her fur and feed her-"
"Of course," he agreed with a nod. "It's mine." And when Mirajane reached out to pat the feline on the head, he only jerked it away from her much to the bemused look of his girlfriend. But Laxus only added, "And you can't touch it. Except for if you brush up against it in your sleep. It'll sleep right next to me. Every night."
"You do realize you're gone, like, eighty percent of the time on jobs, right?"
"Fine." Reluctantly, he did allow Mirajane to scratch behind the kittens ears. "You can touch it. But be very careful. This cat means more to me than anything."
"You met it five minutes ago. At most."
"I met you a decade ago and it took me years to realize how much I cared about you," he pointed out as he took to staring into the little cat's eyes once more. As it stuck it's rough tongue out, it brushed against his nose gently. "I knew with this kitten here immediately. Imagine our connection."
But all Mirajane could think about was all the connections she had with all the dogs she knew she loved, before even coming into the shelter, and it was so hard. So very hard. To leave them behind. Because she could already picture her life with each and every one of them and she couldn't picture a life with a cat, because cats weren't as loving or exciting and no one came over to play with the new cat.
But as she watched the way that Laxus let the kitten nuzzle into his arms and the way he was kind of smiling, for once, maybe, well…
Laxus gave up a lot for her.
A lot.
She knew this and reveled in it, but at the same time…
Mirajane was certain she could learn to love a cat.
She'd already learned to love a dragon and man, that had to be one of the hardest things in the world.
"Andromeda is not for you losers to gawk at," Laxus grumbled later in the day as he held his new kitten close as Freed, Evergreen, and Bickslow came over to his apartment to do just that. "She's special."
"Andromeda," the rune mage mused in response. "I think I understand."
"Understand what?"
"The dragon and the princess," Freed explained. When Laxus only stared at him blankly, he went on. "It's a motif. In fiction." Still, everyone just stared. "In literature, there's a recurring theme across multiple cultures and histories, in which a high-born woman, such as princess, must be rescued from a monster by a dashing man. The monster is frequently a dragon, which must be killed. Andromeda is a rather well-known example."
"Well," Mira thought as the others all blinked, "Laxus is a slayer, so that makes sense, I guess, but I like to call him my dragon." Then she giggled before adding, "But then that would imply that he was-"
"Going to eat the cat?" Bickslow interrupted as he tossed a hand worriedly behind his head, his wooden babies cackling already. "Who eats cats? Huh? Not me. Nope. I've never, in my entire life eaten a cat. No way."
Laxus only stared at all of them, even his girlfriend, for a long few moments, before saying, "No one is going to touch my kitty. So get out. All of you. Now."
"Dragon," Mira complained while Freed only tried to explain he was merely being helpful and Bickslow continued to insist he, in no way, would ever eat that juicy kitty the boss was cradlin'.
"I haven't even done anything," Evergreen complained. But, then she glanced at the gross feline and shrugged her shoulders.
She had zero desire to be around the cat anyways.
"And tell Mira's lame siblings, if you see them, that they can't either," Laxus went on as he led the three of them to the door. "And anyone else. Andromeda is too important for you."
She felt too important for him, honestly, but when Laxus fell into bed that night, letting the kitten snuggle up on his chest, he allowed himself to smile openly and honestly for the first time that night.
"Are you happy with her? Dragon?" Mirajane giggled in uncertainty as she joined him. "Do you feel complete?"
Smile growing when the kitten meowed at the feeling of Mirajane's fingers scratching at her ears once more, he let out a long sigh and, man, had he been holding that in his entire life?
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