#share for more representation
aquagirl555 · 1 month
Would you rather
Have you and your name forgotten, never known to any, lost to history and time, have no legacy
Be remembered for thousands of years, by millions of people, but the only thing future generations will know about you is that you sold shitty copper
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redysetdare · 5 months
I think queer stories would be better if people stopped assuming that queer representation hinges on if two characters are romantically involved at all. Like the moment you accept characters as being queer without needing romance to prove said queerness then i think we'd find ourselves with a lot more unique, nuanced, and interesting queer stories. but by limiting queerness to only romance you are stifling queer stories.
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heymacy · 2 months
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IAN GALLAGHER + his journey with bipolar disorder
╰┈➤ “At times, being bipolar can be an all-consuming challenge, requiring a lot of stamina and even more courage, so if you’re living with this illness and functioning at all, it’s something to be proud of, not ashamed of." - Carrie Fisher
#happy world bipolar day to all my bp babies#(more thoughts at the end of the tags)#shameless#shamelessnet#shamelessedit#ian gallagher#cameron monaghan#*macygifs#bipolar disorder#hello pals how are we doin#i made this gif set in july of 2023 and never posted it because 1) i was terrified to share it and potentially see Bad Takes in the tags#and 2) because my hyperfixation was waning. and while both of those things are still mostly true (the fixation comes and goes)#i feel like it's really important to share as ian's bipolar storyline was not only so vital to his character it was a bit of representation#that isn't often given to the disorder and those (like myself) who live with it every single day#world bipolar day is a day where we can both celebrate ourselves and our resilience and also raise awareness of the reality of the disorder#which is both terrifying and beautiful at its core. this disease is not a death sentence or a sentence to an unfulfilled and miserable life#while there are challenges galore when it comes to balancing life with this disorder it IS possible to live a full and productive life#and i think it's really important to have representation of that in media - and while shameless dropped the ball on a LOT of storylines#over the years THIS is the one they really fucking nailed and i am incredibly grateful#i first started watching shameless while in the midst of a major depressive episode and i was later (finally) diagnosed during an extended#hypo/manic episode - this show and ian's storyline got me through so much and made me feel so seen and validated in my struggles#world bipolar day is also vincent van gogh's birthday (happy birthday buddy) who was posthumously diagnosed with bipolar disorder#and who experienced both depressive and hypo/manic episodes during his lifetime (and was regularly institutionalized)#it takes a lot of help and support to keep us going. it takes the support of our family and friends and *most* of all#it takes patience and kindness and understanding - which is so so so easy to give if you are willing to love and listen#so please. be willing. listen to our stories. be patient with us. show us love without conditions. support us in any way you can.#we are worth it#i promise#anyway. that's really all i wanted to say. happy world bipolar day to those who celebrate (me) and may all of us living with this disorder#go on to live happy fulfilling beautiful magical lives
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
I love Jiang Cheng and I hope you agree. The most tragic thing about yunmeng siblings is that JC and WWX really love each other the whole time… I like to think they can fix it someday
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Someday perhaps....in the meantime, I bet he's loving having dogs run around lotus pier. As a WWX deterrent of course. No therapeutic reasons at all.
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akajustmerry · 1 year
"...The proliferation of the ‘Black Character Dies First’ trope is rooted in the historical exclusion of Black people from places of equity. Like Hollywood’s history of vilifying and murdering queer folks on-screen as a method to oppress even the image of queer life, dehumanisation of Black on-screen life stems from regulations, laws and a dominant global culture whose racism excluded them from humanity, limiting the inclusion of Black people behind and in front of the camera. 
The relationship between Black death and white protagonists also sees Black people killed to further non-Black characters’ plotlines, in a trope filmmaker Ashlee Blackwell identifies as the “Sacrificial Negro”. The Sacrificial Negro, she says, put “themselves in the face of danger and must die in order to help the white character to survive”. Sarah may not willingly have sacrificed herself in Last Of Us, but it’s her absorption of the bullets fired that allows for her non-Black dad to live. 
It’s just not possible to divorce HBO’s The Last of Us from this cultural legacy. Sarah’s death at the hands of a faceless agent of law enforcement even echoes the images of the killing of Black people at the hands of police. Her death has always been a senseless tragedy within the story, but casting a Black actor in the role complicates the image of her death beyond a simple tragedy, and racialises her death in a way that can’t be separated from Black bodies being treated as dispensable on-screen.
Druckmann disregards Black trauma and Black bodies in The Last of Us beyond how they bolster the stories of his white protagonists. It’s hardly a stretch to see this as an extension of his “intense hate that is universal” attitude; one that privileges universal hate over a universal right to humanity. It seems that, for Druckmann, people of colour in The Last of Us are canon fodder in the battle for his white character’s survival. 
In The Last of Us, the Black person is dead. They are twice dead in the backstory, dead in the inciting incident, dead twice over on the journey, and rot among the corpses Ellie and Joel step over. A show’s attempt at inclusion has failed if almost every person of colour dies for the sake of white character development. The bodies of Black people and people of colour are not footnotes or fodder. "
‘The Last of Us’ Barely Makes Space For Black Folks In Its Apocalypse by Merryana Salem
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findafight · 3 months
I think there's something deeply interesting about the Clone troopers learning Mando'a from the trainers, and passing that on to each other. It's probably not a full language, not at first. They only got the basics from the trainers, but they take loan words from Basic, and then from other worlds they're stationed on. It gets passed down to the shinies, evolving and changing quickly. It's a living language, and it has different accents, different words taken from different languages depending on where the troopers speaking it have been for the longest. It's not hidden, not really. The Jedi actively encourage it, though Kaminoans have never wanted it to spread. But it's a remarkable thing, how quickly it changes and how precious it is, for clones to have something that is It morphs into something unique and theirs.
And then, order 66 happens, and clone troopers are phased out and replaced by recruited, but some sources have them training together/training new recruits, and so they pick up on the language as a kind of military slang or code. But it's still a language, still taught and spoken, though more covertly, more carefully even as the clones are slowly decommissioned, but their language is passed on through imperial stormtroopers.
Even when the New Republic seems to have defeated the Empire, there's still Grand Moffs, there's still Stormtroopers, and the First Order rises. And yet somehow, stormtroopers keep this language alive, even though no one who speaks it now knows where it came from, or why only troopers speak it.
Eventually, all those kidnapped children grew up not knowing anything but the first order, and fear, and whispered words under bedcovers that the higherups can't understand. Sometimes they call them natborns and they don't know why. Sometimes they call each other vod'e and don't know why. They know what it means, (it means brother, means sister, means sibling, it means something deeper than that) but not why, not the how. They just know it's a secret. Some of them know songs, and some of them don't get a chance to learn them before they're heard by higherups and whoever knew it was reconditioned and it was lost.
When the First Order falls, troopers who escaped try to find their vod'e, find their family, and along the way they also find decedents of Clones, who speak a language similar to theirs. Who know the words that First Order troopers have only whispered to each other and speak them in the open with their families without fear. Who know all those songs that were so precious and dangerous and more. And they discovered their shared heritage, shared history, through the language the clones built for themselves.
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antihibikase-archive · 5 months
It is incredibly isolating to navigate through fandom as an aromantic person. Aro experiences are so varied, and there is no definite aro experience that encapsulates the alienation that fandom spaces cause for certain people.
Fandom is mostly built and structured on shipping. And if not, the blorbofication of characters, which tends to go down the shipping pipeline; where does that leave the romance repulsed aro person who genuinely does not want to see any form of shipping? Platonic dynamics, right?
Yeah, sure. But by platonic dynamics, it's only "best friends" or "family" right? Where does that leave the aro folks with undefined labels? No, qprs aren't a get-out-of-jail card.
And qprs- they have no rules or standards set upon them by society, not even having a clear definition for what it is, because not all qprs are the same. Yet, for some reason, it ended up becoming the "nonbinary" option to a lot of people- not romantic or "regular" platonic? Qpr it is, right?
But where does that leave the aro folk who don't want a qpr? Who don't wish to see characters depicted in pairs or trios or so forth- who embrace the lack of a partner?
And these concepts presented; when aro folk talk about them, do you care? And if you do, do you understand? Do you try to?
If you aren't aro, but wish to be supportive, are you a genuine ally? Do you raise the concerns of aro folk you share the space with?
Or do you take a look at these concepts- and decide you understand them "well" enough? Do you decide to speak for aro folks instead?
Do you depict relationships outside of romance because you believe in the importance of platonic relationships? Will you accept the fact that not all platonic interactions will be familial or "best friends"?
Can you accept depictions of qprs outside of "more than friends, less than lovers"? Are you willing to accept it is not just "best friends" or "romance lite"? Will you accept that nothing is inherently romantic- and characters in a qpr may fall under your standards of lovers?
Can you resist the urge to put every character in a pair or trio or group? Are you comfortable with the notion of characters finding more joy in being by themselves, outside of all those lenses you see them in?
It's good if you can.
And if you can't, at the very least, do you understand why some aro folk in your space are upset? Embittered by your favorite ships? Starving for representation?
Did you depict these characters with these concepts with the knowledge that aromanticism is fluid?
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echojedis · 9 months
People who make nonbinary Star Wars OCs I owe you my life
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crushedsweets · 9 months
I WISH I COULD ANIMATE AND I WISH I COULD COMMIT TO COMICS I want nothing more than to make a long 100 page comic for my lore with Toby as the mc
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mo-ok · 11 months
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Ive drawn every day this week 👌👌👌 please enjoy the unnecessary amount of Go On RPM content (I cannot be stopped)
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ann-chovi · 1 year
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@coffee-craving-canine I mean, he's not short by any means- but he's certainly not bean-pole Melli tall. XD The man tops out at about 6' when he actually stands up straight.
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Mari is literally just that short. 5'1" when she's not leaning on her cane.
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
i'm not gonna lie 2 u guys funniest part of the "we need more wlw rep!!!!" marauderstok discourse for me is poking my nose into the comments and seeing people recommend my fics. feels like someone going "hmm i wanna watch a fun high school comedy!" and watching u guys go "oh hang on let's put on jennifer's body!" like. babygirl we both know that person is looking for a flower field to skip around in and here u are going "oh i know a spot!" and guiding them to the murkiest most disgusting wretched swamp where i wait beneath the surface of the muck with my hundreds of sharp teeth eager to devour the first warm-blooded creature who steps foot into my pond. u are all going to get me cancelled in 2023 i am pretty sure when tiktok cries about "wlw rep" they are not wanting me to kill off all their lesbians in my stories but hey prey is prey thanks for the snack ig <3
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golden--doodler · 7 months
Hi yes hello pls talk about your Linda is deaf AU. 👀 I am v v curious.
Awwwwww! You wanna know about my AU?? 🥺🥺🥺
*Cracks knuckles* Time for me to yell about an AU literally no one asked for (I don't how I even got this super random idea in the first place, it just kind of happened).
But anyway, the gist is that everything's the same, except Linda was born with some sort of ear condition that's affected her hearing ever since she was born. For quite a few years, her hearing was still passable, and she could get by--especially in her younger years, her hearing was actually almost on par with a normal person's. But by the time she turned around 17, her hearing got significantly worse, and she became deaf.
She began wearing hearing aids, but hearing aids aren't perfect and can be quite uncomfortable. She's mainly relied on sign language and visual cues to get by, but because she's heard sounds before, she still talks quite a bit. Maybe not as much as in canon, but she's still the Linda we all know and love. She just can't hear.
Gloria refuses to believe that Linda has anything wrong with her hearing, for some reason. Gayle is actually quite kind about Linda's disability and has done her best to accommodate. She's still Gayle and is pretty terrible at sign language, but it's the thought that counts! And it leads to Linda getting super excited every time Gayle says anything correctly in sign language. Gayle even accompanied Linda to get hearing aids for the first time and helped pay for them, because Gloria is awful. Al just doesn't really know what's going on.
Bob is an even better partner than he is in canon. Yes, I didn't think that was possible, either, but it's true. When he and Linda met for the first time, Linda didn't reveal she was deaf at first, because she was afraid of what he would think. Hugo was actually accommodating, but he still made her feel strange about her disability. Like, he would make little comments that he didn't intend to be microaggressions but still felt like them. Bob eventually found out, though, and when he did, his immediate reaction was to try to learn as much sign language as he could to communicate with her in a way that was easier for her. And after years upon years of practice, he's basically become fluent and is really good at sign language. He found something besides cooking that he's proficient in! :D So of course he likes to brag about that.
Some of my other favorite tidbits are (you can find all of my headcanons in this old post: https://www.tumblr.com/golden--doodler/711107535901540352/bobs-burgers-au?source=share&ref=_tumblr):
--As mentioned before, Gene doesn't really know sign language, and basically never uses it. However, he does know one phrase: "More cookie, please" (this was just taken directly from the Hawkeye show but it's very fitting for Gene). He still uses this one phrase from time to time once the occasion calls for it. Linda finds it very endearing.
----Linda learned how to sign the entirety of I Love U So Much (It's Scary) by Boyz 4 Now. during the events of The Hauntening in Season 6, to get into the Halloween spirit. Tina immediately insisted Linda teach her how. Louise also eventually admitted she wanted to learn, especially because she was in a good mood after the family put in so much effort to scare her on Halloween for the first time. In fact, everyone was kind of impressed she was able to learn how to sign the entire song. Of course, when Linda began teaching them, Louise still vehemently denied her celebrity crush on Boo Boo.
----It's revealed in the Season 11 Episode The Terminalator II: Terminals of Endearment that Linda's dad, Al, uses hearing aids like Linda, but he just has them because he's old. In the episode, I imagine Bob making a comment about how being around Al made him appreciate Linda even more because he insists Al is somehow way more difficult to deal with when it comes to his hearing loss than she ever was.
--During the events of the song "Bad Things are Bad" in Wharf Horse (Or How Bob Saves/Destroys the Town) Part 2 at the end of Season 4, Tammy, Zeke, Jimmy Jr., Rudy, plus all the other kids who're talking to Linda, Gene, and Louise hold up signs while they're talking with the words they're saying written on them (such as "maybe you'll find him inside of this vase"). This is because Tina and Louise are the only ones there who even mildly know sign language (besides Linda, of course), so they wanted to make sure Linda understood what they were talking about, especially with how dire the situation was. She did appreciate the gesture.
--This doesn't have to do with the actual AU, but if you want to see a bit of the inspiration I got for this AU, definitely check out the deaf, Queer YouTuber Jessica Kellgren-Fozard, because she's amazing and deserves all the love. Her channel might be where I do some of my research for this AU: https://youtu.be/u3rrCpYTgv8?si=INgUB5oaubC8qZQ6
--During the episode in which Bob and Linda have their "snoring contest" (I think it's Season 8, Episode 12), Bob wonders if Linda is even able to hear their snoring, especially because she has to take her hearing aids out to sleep. She commented that while she mostly can't, she can actually hear it faintly, because of how loud it is. She also can very much feel the vibrations of his snoring specifically, which she says is very comforting for her. He didn't expect to find that so touching, but he does.
--Felix Fischoeder doesn't know sign language but pretended he did when he learned that Linda's deaf, to everyone's annoyance.
--Mr. Fischoeder just casually knows sign language, and was very casual about Linda being deaf (he was just like "oh, cool, that makes sense, you're not getting discounted on the rent though") and is actually quite enthusiastic about using sign language in front of Linda, because he's just like that, it's honestly a little sweet (though he's strangely averse to explaining the reasons why. Maybe he learned for illegal reasons somehow...).
--Teddy knows some sign language! He's definitely not fluent, but he does know an impressive amount for some reason I haven't come up with yet, and loves to show off his skills for Linda. Occasionally, Linda will actually catch Teddy and Bob having a conversation or two in sign language, even when they think she's not around. She finds it hilarious, and also surprisingly sweet.
--Speaking of her voice, she's practiced endlessly to have her voice be as clear as a deaf person's can be (because she knows how much easier it is to understand people when their voice is clear, she wants to make sure hers is clear for others), so she still sounds pretty similar to how she does in the show, with her even retaining her New Jersey accent. Everyone, or at least most people, has definitely noticed how clear and usually easy to understand the tone of her voice is. This was definitely helped by the fact she used to be able to hear in her youth.
And of course, last (not certainly not least) I have to once again share this lovely Commission surrounding this AU that @drawthethingdoppelganger made for me all the way back in March that I still treasure to this day. It takes place during Something Old, Something New, Something Bob Caters For You, and when the wind blocks out what the priest officiating Connor and Farrah's wedding is saying, their exchange for this piece goes something like this:
"Hey! At least I'm not the only one who can't hear this, right? Ironic, isn't it?"
*Chuckles* "Stop making me laugh when I'm so stressed, Lin."
(Oh, and also, Bob's doing the sign for "Yes" with his hand! :D)
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eir-trixa · 1 year
A dinglehopper
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This actually has a bit of a story, for once.
See Im doing an internship in our city capitol and once in a while, a clerk brings her granddaughter to work. Usually it was my co-intern she goes to but since she’s done with her hours, the kid now goes to me to play. So we became friends quick.
So she finds out that I can draw a bit and asks that I draw a mermaid for her, which I did, and let her do the colouring. So I let her do the colouring for a while with little guidance on how to use the digital drawing tools. When it came to color her skin, I picked a darker tone (partly because I just saw TLM and and was still freaking out) and helped her color. At the end of it, she told me that it turned out “ugly”. Rude but okay- so I asked her why, she told me because the skin is too dark. Then she pointed at my skin (lighter than hers and the mermaid we painted) and said that it would be prettier if we made her color like mine.
Which was an insanely misguided opinion that I corrected immediately. Told her that beauty comes in different colors, and that she’s beautiful in her brown skin as I am in mine. Then I pointed out that the in new little mermaid movie, Ariel is black. So princesses can really have darker skin and be insanely pretty. She took a moment to process then went back to painting, shifting the focus to the extra lines instead of the color of the mermaid’s skin.
When that was done, I took a moment too to process what had happened and whether I did make a mistake in explaining. Growing up the Philippines where the beauty standard is being white and thin, I suppose I shouldve expected that view. When most actresses and actors we see in the tv are light skinned, I guess it becomes a general standard of beauty even through the eyes of a 9-year-old kid.
And honestly? This is why representation matters. So little brown skinned girls or black girls can see themselves in the big screen and see that people that look like them are beautiful too. That they can be strong and smart and kind and annoying and loud, etc. They deserve to see that they can take up space in this world as well. And so again, I applaud the casting choices for the Little Mermaid 2023. Little girls all over the world have been seen because of you.
That drawing up there is something we both did that I just cleaned up a little and added glitter. But its the work of two filipino girls who both learned a lot that day.
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mercury-prince · 6 months
Now, what I want to see from star trek is how aliens represent other aliens in art. Imagine if that ancient Bajoran guy who space-sailed to cardassia came back and told ppl how cardassians look, spawning hundreds of kinda shitty drawings in bestiaries after a long game of telephone where they barely look recognisable (like these: first is a scorpion, second is a panther)
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[Image ID: a square medieval illustration of a creature with a human-ish face, a fish-like body, and four limbs sticking out akimbo. it has a sharp tail that is piercing someone's hand. /.End ID]
[Image ID: a deer-shaped creature with a red belly, face, and legs, a blue back, green butt, and beige neck. it has white streaks coming out of its mouth, as if it's exhaling or spitting. a group of rams, sheep and deer look at it, with very confused expressions. /. End ID]
All the pre-warp species that the federation had broken the prime directive with must have some sick paintings of vaguely humanoid creatures standing around in matching outfits.
BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY: do other species have something like the zodiac? Or drawings of the star systems around their planet, using familiar figures to link different stars together? What did they call the foreign planets, before they learned they were called Vulcan or Romulus or Ferenginar? Imagine all the pre-warp star maps in different alien languages and art styles. the ones we have irl say so much about the cultures they were made in.
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first pic [Image ID: a photograph of the nebra sky disk, from 1800-1600 BC. It is a turquoise coloured metal disk with a gold circle representing the sun, a crescent moon, and small circles depicting the Pleiadies star cluster. /. End ID]
second pic [Image ID: an annotated diagram of the Mayan Wakah-Chan Tree, a design found on the burial lid of Lord Pacal, from circa 680 AD. It is an illustrated diagram depicting the sun, moon and planets with intricately patterned symbols. /. End ID]
third pic [Image ID: an illustration from The Book of Fixed Stars by Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi, circa 964 ad. it depicts the constellation of Orion, using a black ink drawing of a kneeling figure with the stars drawn as red circles on different parts of the body. Each of the stars are labelled in Arabic. /. End ID]
I could go on forever about how we love to look into the vast unknown to find reflections of ourselves, and how i think star trek is an extension of that urge we've clearly been having since the dawn of time. Its not just the need to study things that will help with our everyday lives (like looking at the harvest moon), its the way we often take a celestial body and make it the symbol of a human characteristic, like how klingons represent honour and vulcans represent logic. what we think about space and what we do to fill in the gaps of the unknown say a lot about how we think in general. and according to trek we think a lot about weird little blokes in weird little outfits so. yh fair enough
i think this is my most research heavy shitpost ever lmao. but please add ur thoughts or take these ideas however u like
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I'm thinkn.. what does ps8 Kuron and Lance's relationship look like after lance wakes up? of course Kuron is Lance's Little Guy TM but also they never really got the chance to truly bond and become friends, and now Kuron is. y'know. being Kuron.. and lance is full of grief and trauma and also The Horrors
i feel like at first its gonna ba at least a little awkward lol
It'll be really fucking awkward for both of them indeed!! But not nearly as awkward. The timeline and the story ideas are not clear but like i feel like there is some shit going on during Lance wakes up and he takes a long time (maybe i'll bring my quintessence ideas for this? Maybe) and when he wakes up he isnt exactly There at first. So like by the time Lance wakes up, Kuron has already had a lot of his character development
And yeah Lance and Kuron is a bit complicated relationship cause like i have said Kuron is grateful for Lance for actually saving him, but also he's a bit angry and most importantly confused cause just why? Why all this? Why now? How did you? What happened to you? And just this confusion that is plaguing since he got his new body.
Meanwhile Lance genuinely cares about Kuron but also is y'know. Busy. Not to mention Lance kinda expected Kuron to be like he was 'used' to be, or rather the rosy eyed version that was Kuron was 'a sweet sensitive guy who can do no wrong and Did Not deserve That' (which isnt wrong but also) (also same with Allura)
But this is something that can be talked out, and it might take some time and development for both of them but by the end i think it's just hugs and a big healing moment for both of them and it would be like a promise to bond and stuff
That being said this isnt exactly final, cause like i said i am still trying to figure out the timeline and story plot and everything so this is very much going to change
#To be honest i kinda imagine Lance waking up at the end of the story??#Like if it were a series the first scene would be Kuron opening his eyes and waking up in a bathup filled with liquid quintessence#There is a scene where Allura wakes up in a desert as some kind strangers find her#And the final scene of the series is Lance waking up in his hospital bed. Because 🌟✨️Parallels✨️🌟#One idea i had that they do meet Lance in his mindscape that is also linked to astral plane#Or more specifically Allura (cause she can magic) and Kuron (cause living in mindscape for years taught him how to navigate them)#It goes horribly. Lance's head is filled with Horrors and so is the astral plane with attempts to recreate misremembered nostalgia#post s8 au#empty answers#Like big thing about Lance's arc is that things are never going back to Way they were.#He's giving way pieces of himself hating how it is changing him just for an ideal past that was never there to begin with#Again this is something that i would most likely change if i have a better idea#Right now it is corkboard of scenes and ideas linked together with red string#I also had the idea of the Horrors being the universe/multiverse itself. Alive and sentient#You know that Allura nebula at end when she sacrifices herself? That is not her but a representation of the universe/multiverse taking her#And it is pissed about galra empire/Haggar thing and is corrupted by that purple quintessence but also likes staring at living beings.#And is very interested in the guy who stared back#But again these are just some ideas#Thanks for asking!!!!#If you got any ideas and want to share please do!!
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