fortunate-hal · 3 months
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"Hold still Maester," urged Tyrion. "When Shagga gets angry, his hands shake."
Tyrion's confrontation with Pycelle as depicted in the Finnish special edition of A Clash of Kings illustrated by Petri Hiltunen.
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mundoasoiaf · 4 months
"- E Shagga, filho de Dolf - aquela era a primeira voz, profunda e mortífera. Um pedregulho deslocou-se para a esquerda, pôs-se de pé e transformou-se num homem. Parecia maciço, lento e forte, todo vestido de peles, com uma clava na mão direita e um machado na esquerda. Bateu as armas uma contra a outra ao se aproximar." - A Guerra dos Tronos // Tyrion VI
🎨: Thaldir
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Tyrion and his Wildlings by Nate Barnes
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vivstenius · 1 year
ur WHAT NOW? 😟😟😟
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sl0wdiver · 3 months
Parrot singing "Bowen's on fire"
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steve99941 · 1 year
How HBO's Adaptation of Shae ruined the character(Game of Thrones)
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Shae is a fictional character that appears in Game of Thrones from Season 1.
In Both the Books and the HBO Adaptation, Tyrion Lannister meets Shae when he is assigned to battle in the vanguard in the Lannister Army during the March of Tywin Lannister to the North.
In both versions Bronn arranges for her arrival into the Lannister encampment to meet Tyrion at his behest.
After a series of events, Tyrion eventually gets attached to and falls in love with Shae. He finds a way to secretly bring her to King's Landing, and attempts to hide her away from the public.
Despite his best efforts, his actions ultimately fail. But from here, things go down differently, and I would have to explain the differences that occur in the character of Shae, both from the A Song of Ice and Fire Book Series and the HBO Adaptation
Shae(A Song of Ice and Fire)
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In this version, everything happens the same way as I have explained earlier, She meets Tyrion Lannister on the Green Fork after Bronn sought her out for him.
Eventually he falls in love with her, but unlike in the HBO Adaptation, he constantly doubts her intentions. This is obviously happening because Shae happens to tell him exactly what he wants to hear, which reminds him of his past and the painful event that happened with Tysha, his first love.
After Tyrion smuggles her to King's Landing against his father's orders, he keeps her in a manse and hires servants and guards to protect her.
He couldn't do this properly well, at least not from the master of whispers. Varys eventually finds out, and Tyrion begs him not to reveal his secret. Tyrion sees her secretly by pretending to patronize a whore in a brothel named Alayaya(who loves reading). He would then use a secret tunnel to meet Shae and go back to the Red Keep afterwards.
During the Riots of King's Landing, Tyrion sends Shagga to protect her.
On hearing of the upcoming arrival of Stannis Baratheon on the Blackwater Bay, accompanied with the intensifying riots in King's Landing as a result of the corruption of the King's Court, Tyrion begins to fear for her safety.
With the help of Varys, Tyrion manages to arrange for her to be the handmaid of Lollys Stokeworth.
Before the Battle of Blackwater, Queen Cersei uses the Kettleblacks to abduct Alayaya, so she can pressurize Tyrion(Cersei is unaware that Tyrion is seeing the hidden Shae). Out of anger, Tyrion promises that he would do to Tommen Baratheon whatever harm that is done to Alayaya, he apologizes to her and promises to free her.
Eventually, Shae is brought into the service of Sansa Stark (so she could be closer and under careful watch by Tyrion himself).
After some time, Tyrion is completely uncomfortable with the presence of Shae, as he is torn in between sending her away from King's Landing or marrying her off to tame the suspicions of Queen Cersei.
After meeting Shae one last time, and having a sleepless night, He decides to marry her off to Ser Tallad the Tall, who had been admiring her.
Tyrion eventually finds himself in Prison when King Joffrey chokes to death during the royal wedding (Joffrey was to be married to Margaery Tyrell, after he had refused Sansa).
During his trial, Shae betrays him by lying about his supposed secret plot with Sansa to eliminate Joffrey. She goes into details surrounding the nature of their relationship, embarrassing him further.
After the death of Prince Oberyn of Dorne(Tyrion's champion after he demanded a trial by combat) by Ser Gregor Clegane (The Mountain), Tyrion is confined to one of the Black cells to await execution.
Ser Jaime Lannister and Lord Varys eventually help him escape, but he finds a secret doorway to the Tower of the King's Hand. There, he finds Shae naked on his bed, wearing the golden chain of office he used to wear.
Shocked to see Tyrion there, she claims that Queen Cersei forced her to do everything she did during the trial, and that she was frightened of Tywin.
Not buying into it, Tyrion uses the golden chain, and strangles her to death. He then proceeds to kill Tywin with Joffrey's crossbow.
Afterwards, it is revealed that Cersei had bribed Shae with a manse and a Knight to wed, If she testified against Tyrion.
PERSONALITY: For this version of Shae, it is obviously revealed that she is nothing but a manipulative and a materialistic person. She probably never loved Tyrion and just loved to tell him what he wanted to hear. Each time she did that she was a step closer to the comfortable life she had dreamed of.
So, as per her personality, we can say that her loyalty lies on the highest bidder, and not on trust, friendship or love.
Shae (Game of Thrones)
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This version is quite similar to the other one, in terms of storyline, but only quite a few differences;
When Tyrion first meets Shae, they have a conversation about Tysha, which didn't happen until later(in the books)
Tyrion brings her to King's Landing and hides her in the Tower of The Hand, until he finally found a way to bring her out without arousing suspicion. With Varys' help, Shae becomes a handmaiden to Sansa Stark(She didn't serve Lollys Stokeworth).
This time around, before the arrival of Stannis Baratheon on Blackwater, Ros(A prostitute at Winterfell who traveled to King's Landing. She's a completely created character by the show, and not in the books) is captured by the Kettleblacks and tortured by Queen Cersei to spite Tyrion(Cersei is unaware that the unnoticed Shae is the real person).
After the Battle of Blackwater, a severely injured Tyrion is visited by Shae. She comforts him and begs him to join her on a boat to Volantis, but Tyrion refuses, saying Politics in King's Landing is what he was born to do. Regardless, She accepts him.
Their relationship is placed into awryness when Sansa Stark is commanded to be wed to Tyrion. After the wedding, the awkward but stable relationship between Sansa and Tyrion begins to grow, causing Shae to continuously grow jealous, despite Tyrion's reassurance that he isn't interested in Sansa.
Eventually, Lord Varys offers Shae an opportunity and a bribe(a bag of diamonds) to leave King's Landing and Tyrion alone for her safety (according to him, her presence is making Tyrion unstable and would bring about his downfall). Shae rejects his offer angrily.
Later on, Lord Varys himself approaches Tyrion and warns him about Shae, and the possibility of his father's threats (Of hanging any whore he catches in Tyrion's bed). Varys has already been late, as a servant had seen Shae visiting Tyrion and had reported.
Seeing no other possible option to send her away(as she rarely listens to him about how dangerous King's Landing is), he deliberately hurts her by saying mean things to her, and he prepares a boat to ship her to Volantis. He instructs Bronn to see her to the ship.
After not seeing Shae for the duration of the Royal Wedding and thinking she has finally left King's Landing, he feels a little bit of relief.
However, as like in the books, Joffrey dies of poisoning, and Tyrion is locked up in a cell, to await trial and punishment for regicide.
During the trial, Shae appears, and lies about a lot of things; Like Tyrion planning Joffrey's death with his wife. She also narrates the story of their meeting, but twists it instead to a story of a Stockholm syndrome relationship.
She is shocked when Tyrion demands a trial by combat. As in the books, Oberyn is killed by Gregor Clegane, and Tyrion is assisted by Jaime Lannister and Lord Varys to escape Prison.
Tyrion eventually stumbles upon the Tower of the Hand on his way out of King's Landing. He sees Shae in the room and she immediately attacks him after realizing who he is.
Upon realizing she wanted to kill him, Tyrion strangles her to death with the gold chains he gave to her. He apologizes to her corpse, picks up Joffrey's crossbow and murders Tywin Lannister, after he repeatedly kept calling Shae a whore.
PERSONALITY: For this version of Shae, it is obviously certain that she is kind hearted, strong, and loving. She loves Tyrion, and not for the reason he thinks that she does.
She is driven by their relationship, and is courageous about it, even to the point of naivety.
Okay? So.... What's the Big deal with Shae?
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Well, HBO's Game of Thrones ruined her character arc by turning her into a completely different person, and then using the conclusion of the original character to offer closure to a new version of the character they unintentionally created. It didn't work out so well(fans complained of this).
The Shae from A Song of Ice and Fire had a satisfying but tragic end. I say this because from the very first time she was introduced to Tyrion, we could already see, after a bit of time, that she was materialistic and was very manipulative. She seemed to know more than she was supposed to, and she had gotten used to the luxury Tyrion exposed her to, dangerously refusing to let go of said lifestyle, even when her life was at risk.
This version of Shae would have no issue testifying against Tyrion during the trial. Not because of personal issues, no. She's like Bronn, in a sense. The highest bidder is the best Companion. The moment Tyrion stopped giving her what she wanted, she could care less about him.
If HBO adapted this version into the big screen, the bag of diamonds Varys attempted to give to that Shae wouldn't be refused by this one. Not for anything in the world(Infact, she might even hang around for more).
The relationship between Tyrion and the Book Series' Shae is somewhat schematic. Tyrion knows this; It's exactly why he kept doubting her intentions, and he was right.
The Other Shae though? That's a different matter entirely. She genuinely worried about Sansa, she loved Tyrion, she rejected luxury to stay with him, she kept ignoring Tyrion's warnings about King's Landing because she thought they could overcome together.
From what I could understand of this version, she was far from opportunistic, and she genuinely loved Tyrion. I suspected this when I was first introduced to her in the first Season after having read the book.
This version of Shae would not do what she was written to do.(She definitely wouldn't have lied against Tyrion because she loved him).
Yes, we understand that she was hurt and angry, but this was of course way too obvious for her not to understand( I feel Tyrion leaving out the details as to what happened and why she had to leave just sucked because it was obviously a cheap way to make her arc go towards the version of her in the books).
The transition from a loving and understanding character to a lying and mischievous one doesn't do it for me.
Sure, there are lots of defences for why she did what she did; To Spite Tyrion, Or she was under the command of Queen Cersei and the likes.
I don't know, they may be right, but I just feel Shae became a wasted potential that could have been much more. They just had to write her off unrealistically because that was what happened in the books.
The Book Shae wasn't as complicated and as interesting as the TV adaptation. They just had to ruin her character by being faithful to the source material. She deserved better.
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stormcloudrising · 2 years
How many people in the Vale are aware that Alayne is Sansa or Alayne isn't actually who she says she is?
Hi Nonny,
I'm super behind on responding to my asks, and so apologies upfront.
Petyr thinks no one is as smart as him, but he dropped the ball on hiding Sansa's identity.
I think that a lot of people know she's Sansa Stark, starting with Myranda who tricks Sansa into revealing her identity. Sansa sees her as a friend, but she's most definitely not. Myranda has also likely told her father. There are no clues that point to it but I also don't think that we can rule out Lyn Corbray having sussed out the truth as well.
We know that Shadrich the Mad Mouse knows the truth. There's a theory that Ser Byron and Ser Morgarth are the Hound and Elder Brother respectively, in which case they also know that Alayne is Sansa. I think that there are big holes in the theory...especially the part that says Shadrich is Howland Reed. He's definitely not Howland as I discuss here, but I can see why they might think that Byron and Morgarth are the Hound and Elder Brother. However, I'm also not sold on that theory.
The most important person who I think knows that Alayne is Sansa is Yohn Royce. Petyr doesnt' think he's made any mistakes, but he's made several, and one of the biggest has to be thinking that Yohn Royce didn't recognize Sansa. In fact, I would be shocked if Yohn doesn't show up at the tourney and surprise Petyr.
Speaking of the tourney, I expect the mountain clans to attack then and we know that Timmet, Shagga and the other members who served Tyrion in Kings Landing will recognize Sansa.
The Vale arc is right up there when it comes to the number of Chekov guns GRRM has put in place to go off. In fact, I think it will be the most surprising arc of TWOW.
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
How would the various Vale Mountain Clans and Free Folk view each other and interact if they ever somehow came into contact, in your opinion?
I expect they would be very mutually accepting?
The mountain clans in the Vale seem both more flamboyant (cutting off ears, burning out eyes), more tribal (with names for every clan), more patrilineal (Shagga son of Dolf, Gunthor son of Gurn, Chella daughter of Cheyk) and less politically resourceful in a way than the wildlings beyond the Wall do, who regularly unite under kings to make trouble for the North, who practice agriculture and trade (where possible). Clearly there are some differences owed to their separate histories.
Still they seem to have much in common with the free folk beyond the Wall, specifically because they held on to their way of life stubbornly even without the imposition of a massive ice wall. They just wanted to be free, and the wildlings beyond the Wall would probably respect the hell out of that.
The clans of the Mountains of the Moon are clearly descendants of the First Men who did not bend the knee to the Andals and so were driven into the mountains. Furthermore, there are similarities in their customs to the customs of the wildlings beyond the Wall—such as bride-stealing, a stubborn desire to rule themselves, and the like—and the wildlings are indisputably descended from the First Men. (The World of Ice and Fire - Ancient History: The Arrival of the Andals)
Tyrion's POV treats them as a bit of a convenient curiosity, but we know that they only allied with the Lannisters for the very specific purpose of acquiring resources to improve their own independent position, and we have been given to understand that they have put these resources to "good" use. I would not be surprised if they united under one rule to make a more successful bid at gaining the thing they are really after:
But Gunthor raised a hand. "No. I would hear his words. The mothers go hungry, and steel fills more mouths than gold. What would you give us for your lives, Tyrion son of Tywin? Swords? Lances? Mail?" (AGOT, Tyrion VI)
Food. Survival. Winter is here. Their plight is not so different from that of the Northern wildlings, though less supernaturally motivated.
I don't know if they'll necessarily meet each other, unless Sansa performs absolute miracles of diplomacy and the ancient enmity between Valemen and mountain clans is softened to the point where the clans would march North with them. (Though never say never.)
But if they did meet, I think both kinds of wildlings would take to each other like twins separated at birth.
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A Clash of Kings - 25 TYRION VI (pages 360-374)
Tyrion updates his sister on the Stannis V Renly situation, finally sees Alliser Thorne, then deals with Pycelle.
The reader, still recovering from a migraine that left them literally blind for several hours yesterday, has slightly less to comment than usual.
Tyrion threw back his head and roared. They laughed together. Cersei pulled him off the bed and whirled him around and even hugged him, for a moment as giddy as a girl. By the time she let go of him, Tyrion was breathless and dizzy. He staggered to her sideboard and put out a hand to steady himself. ... Is this the Cersei Jaime sees? When she smiled you saw how beautiful she was, truly. I loved a maid as fair a summer, with sunlight in her hair. He almost felt sorry for poisoning her.
Awwww, cute sibling bonding moment. As a sibling myself, sibling moments are always some of my favourites. Alas, the is fleeting because at least one of them is a terrible human being.
Littlefinger stirred. "And where is this charming token?" Ser Alliser frowned uncomfortably. "It... rotted to pieces while I waited, unheard. There's naught left to show but bones."
Oh no, who could have ever seen this coming. (sarcasm) Like I get it though, it's a magical zombie thing that defies death, the idea that it would rot probably didn't occur to them or they might have packed it with ice, but also it wouldn't have been an issue if Tyrion hadn't chosen to be (understandably) petty and just seen Alliser when he arrived.
"If you bury your dead, they won't come walking."
Oh hon, no. They will claw their way from the earth and then kill you while they track dirt everywhere.
Ahhh so Tyrion was publicly mocking Alliser to cover his fears of bedtime story monsters, while also making sure he got the men he needed? Okay, I'll believe it. I would hate to be in Alliser's shoes, though.
(imagine how much would change if the hand had survived long enough, assuming the magic on it could stand the distance from necromancer.)
... they keep calling the girl they found in Pycelle's bed a girl, except for "Shagga wants this woman." And that might just be an accidental thing, but given the statistics of this series, I am picturing her young. younger or older than Shae is the question though.
Oh, no, the answer doesn't change the fact that Pycelle is a dirty old man and a sack of trash. jsyk.
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silvcrignis · 1 year
Shagga likes axes.
"Fair ENOUGH. So do I."
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Under-fucking-statement of the year.
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hepmansspaceblog · 4 months
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Danke, Shagga (CZ)!
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onmyoddyknocky · 10 months
AGOT: Shagga son of Dolf by Thaldir
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markfishersphotos · 2 years
White-Eared Pheasant Dimensional • Photographer Mark Fisher• Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust
White-Eared Pheasant Dimensional • Photographer Mark Fisher• Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust
White-Eared Pheasant Dimensional  • Photographer Mark Fisher• Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust The Focus Is On The Bird has the prominent ear tufts of the genus, not because it has white ears. The indigenous people of Himalaya call it shagga, meaning snow fowl. This gregarious bird lives in large flocks, foraging on alpine meadows  close to or above the Snow line throughout the…
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riderj123 · 3 years
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Countdown to 1r0n anniversary (8/73) - favourite moment in every episode: Tyrion makes a deal with the tribesmen - The Pointy End (1x08)
In my own bed, at the age of 80, with a belly full of wine and a girl’s mouth around my c***. - Tyrion Lannister
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