#shadow adorabat
shapeshiftinterest · 4 years
This Could Be Us But You Playin': badgermao & shadow badgermao (CH 3)
Mao and Shadow Mao return to see that the HQ has been trashed
Adorabat explains
sidenote: she doesn’t know what the Badgerclops’ were talking about, just that BC was choking on some toast
story under the read more
This Could Be Us But You Playin' (also on ao3)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Both Maos dropped their grocery bags in shock, eyes widening. 
Mao held his head in disbelief as Shadow Mao lifted a hand to where their mouth would be and let out a silent gasp.
The living room, office, and probably the kitchen, were all a mess. Papers were scattered everywhere and a good half of the furniture was overturned. 
The living room table was split in half, random memorabilia still on fire. Burnt toast was everywhere, on the floor, the walls, even the ceiling. And was that- 
“SOFIA!!“ Mao cried, rushing over to the rafters. “Don’t worry, we’ll get you down from there!“
While Mao was freaking out over the couch, Shadow Mao sprinted towards the kitchen. 
His boyfriend was doing a hand stand while Badgerclops sat backwards in a chair and drew his portrait... in ketchup. Shadow Mao looked past them to see Adorabat T-posing on the kitchen table.
But where was- 
The sound brought his attention to their adopted deputy, stuck head first in a box of cookies and struggling to get out.
“BADGERCLOPS WHERE ARE YOU?!“ Mao shouted from the living room. 
“UH, I’M KINDA BUSY HERE MAO” he scoffed, continuing to smear ketchup on the canvas. “Some people just don’t appreciate my creative ways, y’kno?“
Shadow Mao shook his head at them before trying to get Shadowbat unstuck, gently tugging the box off their head and wiping the crumbs off.
They blinked and ‘squee’ed at their guardian, the bat’s eyes turning into happy slits as they rubbed the top of their head against his chin in thanks.
Shadow Mao set them on the table next to Adorabat, who was now shoving pieces of toast in her mouth and offering a few slices to her new table buddy.
Mao had also moved to the kitchen and was now in a shouting match with Badgerclops while Shadowclops buttered another piece of toast and watched.
They noticed their shorter companion walking over and handed them a slice with some jam on it, shoving the other 3 pieces into their ‘mouth’ and leaning against the counter.
The cat shade crunched half of it and tossed the rest back to their companion, who snapped it up mid air, before quick stepping behind Mao and putting a hand on their shoulder.
Mao paused, looking over his shoulder at red eyes. He glared for a bit and sighed, pinching the bridge between his eyes. 
“Alright, just. Everyone into the living room. Badgerclops, could you please help me get Sofia down from the rafters.”
                      -after getting sofia down and putting out the fires-
The Maos stood in front of the broken coffee table, arms crossed as they looked at their deputies.
“Can any of you tell us what happened to HQ while we were gone?“ 
The deputies shared a look but stayed silent.
Mao glowered, foot tapping impatiently. Shadow Mao picked up a piece of toast and waved it at Shadowclops. ‘What’s up with all the burnt toast??’ they signed.
Shadowbat rubbed the back of their neck with one of their wings. 
Mao looked off to the side, “Fine, you leave me no choice, but to withhold the snacks we brought for you until further notice.“ 
Four sets of eyes snapped to attention.
Badgerclops gasped, “You wouldn’t dare!”
“Oh, but I would. And the longer you say nothing the colder they’ll get.”
‘You monsters!’ Shadowbat signed.
Shadowclops put a hand to his forehead, feeling faint.
“Wait!“ Adorabat called out, just as the Maos were going upstairs. “We’ll tell you.“
“Adorabat what are you doing?“ Badgerclops whispered.
“It has to be done! I wanna know what they got us.“
He made a slightly troubled face before conceding.
Adorabat took in a breath “It started like this.“
                                 -a few minutes after the Maos left-
Badgerclops walked into the living room, an Adorabat on each shoulder. Shadowclops looked up from their borrowed Switch but kept pushing buttons rapid fire.
“Sup shadow me, wanna join us and mess around with the toaster while the Mao’s are gone? We’re gonna see how much bread it takes to built a fort out of toast.“
Shadowclops nodded eagerly, saving their game and tossing the Switch onto the couch.
                                   -an ungodly amount of toast later-
“It’s so beautiful.” Badgerclops choked out, wiping a tear from his eye. 
Shadowclops put a hand on his shoulder and handed him a napkin, glowing with pride at the toaster fort they’d made in the living room around the couch. 
All four deputies were decked out in their own toast outfits, personally decorated with different colored jams.
“Badgerclops, we should take a picture to show Mao Mao!“ Adorabat said, tugging on his belt.
“Good idea 'dorabat.“ Badgerclops pet his toolbelt pockets. “Now where did I...?“
Shadowbat swooped over them, dropping the phone into his hands.
“Oh sweet, thanks lil dude.“
They gave him a thumbs up from their perch on Shadowclops’ shoulder.
“Ok everybody, say, ’deputies!’“
‘Send that one to me.‘ Shadowclops signed.
“Fo’ sho my guy, fo’ sho.“
It wasn’t long until the four were tag team playing against each other. 
Badgerclops fell back against the back of the couch, careful not to knock his toast crown against the top of the fort as he passed his controller to Adorabat.
Shadowclops sat on the opposite end, decked out in similar toast duds. The two watched as their smaller deputies duked it out on screen. 
He leaned over, catching the other’s attention. “Hey so like, what’s up with you and Shadow Mao?“
Shadowclops turned his head and tilted it. ‘What do you mean?’
“I dunno like,” Badgerclops covered his mouth, whispering “why d’y’all smooch so much? Are you heroes with benefits or something?”
He jokingly wiggled his eyebrows at the other and broke off one of his shoulder armor toasts, biting through half of it before reaching for the peanut butter jar.
Shadowclops snickered, signing something that made Badgerclops’ face burn. Most likely due to choking on his toast, but also from embarrassment.
‘Are you ok?‘ Shadowbat signed, their head popping over the edge of the fort to look at him with concern, miniature toast crown slipping a little.
“Y- *hHrGk* yeah,” Badgerclops hacked, giving the Adorabats a thumbs up “never better!“
Shadowclops thwacked him on the back as he continued to wheeze. 
“Thanks man.”
‘no problem :).‘
Absentmindedly he shoved his other shoulder toast into his mouth. Anything to get his mind off of Shadowclops signing ‘dude, we’re lovers, lol’. 
Sure, he’d thought about it a few times when he was alone, or when he and Mao’d had a soft moment together.
And yeah, maybe they made out before when they’d been on the road *cough* and in his art and some of his dreams *cough*. But officially?
Badgerclops’ brow furrowed and he crossed his arms. Officially they were partners, co- heroes. They were best buds protecting Pure Heart Valley along with Adorabat.
He glanced back at Shadowclops, Shadowbat was splitting part of their crown and giving him half. He wondered what it would be like to have that kind of relationship with his Mao.
Adorabat’s controller clattered as it hit the floor, skidding under the couch and breaking Badgerclops out of his thoughts.
“Sorry! Could one a y’all get that for me?“
“Oh yeah, sure.“ 
He blindly searched for the controller with this robo arm, something thunking against it. “I think I got- oh no. GET OUTTA THE WAY!!“
Badgerclops’ arm started to spark, flipping through different modes before settling on the blaster setting. 
“Nonononono. SHADOWCLOPS, SAVE SOFIA- AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!“ he yelled, arm rapid fire blasting through the toast fort and parts of HQ.
Badgerclops rushed out of the fort, tripping on the living room table and breaking it in two, a wayward beam taking out part of the ceiling.
His shadow version managed to yeet Sofia into the rafters a little farther in.
Shadowbat was frantically trying to remember where the fire extinguisher was and just kept breaking thing she thought it would be in. 
Meanwhile the strength of the blasts had forced Badgerclops into the kitchen, where he and Adorabat were hitting his robo arm in an attempt to dislodge the magnet stuck inside. 
Adorabat gave up once the toaster exploded, poking at the base of the prosthetic the way she’d seen Mao do before. 
After a few tries the rogue arm sent out a strong blast, catapulting itself through one of the closed windows and into the forest.
All of them were breathing heavily, Badgerclops went to get his spare arm while the other three put out some of the more immediate fires.
Tired, and still a little on fire, they sat at the kitchen table. 
“So it’s agreed? We don’t tell either of the Mao’s what happened here.“ Adorabat said, wings folded in front of her.
                                                 -present time-
“And that’s what happened!“
“Wait, so you’re telling us, that Badgerclops’ arm got a magnet stuck in it and is still blasting stuff in the forest?“
The deputies looked at each other. “Yes.”
Shadow Mao sighed rubbing his temples before looking at Mao and shrugging. 
‘We’ll deal with it later, groceries first.‘
“We’ve decided that because of the damage done to HQ, the four of you will NOT be getting your snackies,“ he paused “... until you clean this mess up and deactivate that arm.“
The deputies deflated. “And to motivate you to get the job done quickly,” Shadow Mao poured the contents of the bag into a bowl 
“tadaaa!! mini cobbler filled beignets, specially made from Muffins’ bakery.” Mao said with a flourish.
“OOOOOOHHHHH!!!“ The deputies leapt out of their seats, rushing to different parts of the room and getting started.
The Maos nodded at each other and Mao made his way to the kitchen, not noticing Shadow Mao sneak 2 of the treats to his shade deputies.
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Headcanon #270
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Eugene and Sonara met after she saved him because he was flying during a storm, after she took care of him he had feelings for her, but it wasn’t until months later that she reciprocated those feelings. 
(submission by @Anon)
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Draw my Mao Mao and Adorabat which I inspired from Shadow the hedgehog and Rouge the bat. 
P.S. Don’t know how to draw Omega which supposed to be like Badgerclops :(
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kingollyorigami · 4 years
the squad
[but i cant draw badgerclops]
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blubird513 · 5 years
Has Adorabat ever gotten sick?
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Adorabat isn’t shy in talking about her dad. It’s very apparent in Head chef that she openly mentions him and quotes him on an interview. She wasn’t confiding in friends or family when talking about him. However, I believe the reason for her not talking much about him, is because she isn’t prompted to mention him much.
Of course, when she’s prompted on lighter subject, she will quite literally give a straightforward answer. Keep in mind, Adorabat is a five year old that would, I believe, not give a full life story or background at simple questions. She’ll answer honestly and to the point. 
However, that poses a big question, Mao Mao and Badgerclops being semi-guardians of Adorabat, haven’t heard her mention her father or any other relatives. If they were to hear her reveal of a family, how would they react? This is especially interesting with Mao Mao who has a drive to live up to those that came before him and surpass their shadows, (imagery that is quite present in the show). 
I would have no doubt that Mao Mao might adopt that same drive with living up to someone that means something to Adorabat. He would want to live up to the parental figure Adorabat had and maybe even surpass them, be a worthy role model, parent, and hero that Adorabat can look up to. To know he’s doing right by her, or more accurately, by himself.  
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realfuurikuuri · 5 years
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I’m a Mao Mao man who makes Mao Mao memes. 
For the desperately needed context, please give @spookylovesboba​ a visit 
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Ahh I saw that you do Mao Mao :0 could you do Mao Mao with a fox s/o?
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Mao Mao with a fox s/o
When he first met you he was suspicious, not to be rude but foxes sly, conniving animals and the last one he met was trying to scam an entire village and was fine with people getting hurt as long as he got money
He follows you around a bit to see what you’re like, he’s honestly surprised when he sees you helping the citizens, you act so kind towards them despite how annoying they can be. You have infinite patience, don’t you?
He starts talking to you face to face and finds your actually nice to talk to. He has found out your great at stealth and ask you to teach him some things.
You’ve jumped out of the shadiws and scared him on more than one occasion, despite how much your fur sticks out and how tall you are you melt in the shadows.
He envies your tail, it’s so floofy and long. It’s gracious, elegant and looks perfect on you.
He even tries recruiting you, though you prefer to just keep to yourself. Fighting monsters sent something you want to do.
You basically get to mother Adorabat. You also babysit her on especially ‘dangerous’ missions. Mao Mao was so relived when you were able to keep Adorabat entertained while he went to the grocery store, it’s so hard to shop with a hyper child grabbing things
Badgerclops like you, you compliment his inventions and give him the self esteem boost he needs.
You’re accepted into the family fairly easily. When you’re parents said to go out and make a family you were certain they didn’t mean this but you like it.
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smallpwbbles · 3 years
(SU Anon) Sonic is adopted by Tom and Maddies, Shadow and silver are adopted by wade and rachel. Henry and Linda adopt Bendy, Badgerclops and mao adopt adorabat. Any adopted found familes that i'm missing here Pwbbles? ;)
There probs is more but like my mind is so filled with found family you can point at a bunch of characters and I’ll be like DAs a family
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maomaomeows · 4 years
Hairless Cat! S/O: Mao Mao
Request: your ask box seems to be closed on your tumblr, or at least I can't find it, so I'll drop my request here bfyudksbvfjdsvx- What if s/o was was a hairless cat? i think it'd be kinda interesting to see how he'd handle the whole 'hairless cats are ugly and mean' stereotype and stuff like how they get cold easier or can't be in the sun for too long without getting sunburnt. (sorry i rlly like hairless cats aaa) thanks-
[A/N: I'm back!! Sorry for the giant hiatus everyone!! Hopefully I should be posting regularly again! This was very fun to write, (I love hairless cats!!!) and I can't wait to fill the next request! I love you all so much. Thank you for all of the love and support <3 Anyways, under a read-more since it’s long!]
He’s had a lot of experience with all sorts of animals, so you’re not the strangest person he’s seen: not by a long shot. Not to mention, he grew up in a cat-dominated city. Some of his more distant family members are Peterbalds, as well! He has a very deep respect for hairless cats, and he has plenty of experience with them.
That’s not to say he views y’all accurately, though. At least, not at first.
He actually bows to you the first time you two meet. Hairless cats are typically royalty where he’s from!
He’s very confused when he looks up and doesn’t see you wearing gold jewelry, or bearing the traditional tattoos. It’s an... awkward few moments of eye contact. You don’t understand why he’s bowing, and he doesn’t understand why you look so... normal? Civilian-like? Why are you dressed so casually?
He follows you around for a little while out of habit. He thinks he has to protect you. You must be royalty in disguise, right? There’s no way a hairless cat is just another citizen! You have to be some sort of royal family member in disguise. Maybe you’re on a secret mission? Yeah, that has to be it! He follows you from the shadows, ready to protect you from danger at a moment's notice.
You eventually convince him that you’re just a normal cat and god, he’s embarrassed.
He thinks you’re really cool, honestly. There aren’t many furless mammals around, so it’s really cool to see natural skin. He views it as a symbol of strength and individuality.
Adorabat loves to paint on you since it’s easier to get the paint off! The little paint swirls stand out so well on your skin, and you can't help but giggle at the starry-eyed look she gets. It's like painting on a breathing canvass to her!
She got so excited when you mentioned tattoos and their significance in your culture: she likes to pretend she’s giving you pretty tattoos now!
Mao Mao loves the bond you two share. It makes him fall so much deeper in love with you. She's practically his kid, after all.
Mao Mao will absolutely defend you from bigoted folks. You look a little different from everyone else: so what? What’s their issue with that? Are they really so close minded that they can’t even fathom a different genetic structure? He gets really heated about it. He hates it when people judge you right off the bat, condemning you without getting to know you. He will throw down with someone over it, if you let him.
He honestly doesn’t understand where the “ugly and mean,” stigma comes from. You’re so kind...how could anyone perceive you differently? Why make such broad, negative generalizations about people they don’t even know? And you’re so pretty!
He loves how naturally social you are! You’re always someone he can come to when he isn’t feeling his greatest, and he treasures that so much.
He buys you a little parasol to help you weather the sun. It makes even more people stare, but honestly, it’s better than getting a sunburn! It ends up becoming a key piece of your aesthetic. Some people think you're a witch at this point. You don't bother correcting them.
The most embarrassing moment of your guys relationship was when you got up from the couch, only to reveal a small oil stain. Despite the embarrassment, you both had a big laugh about it. You remember the way he doubled over, laughing until he wheezed. He tried to stop himself from laughing by putting his paws over his snout, but once you assured him that it was, in fact hilarious, he took his paws away and laughed for ages. You laughed along with him despite the raging blush of embarrassment. It’s a very fond memory that really solidified your relationship’s trust. You ended up changing your diet that day anyways. Oily skin isn't fun, anyways.
He always picks at your food while you eat. He claims he’s just trying it, but it happens every night! He actually just likes the high quality ingredients he uses in your food.
He ends up switching his diet over to yours as well to make things easier. It makes him feel fancy, anyways.
He tries his hardest to get you to blush. He thinks it's adorable!! He loves how easy he can gauge his advancements as well. You can't fake a blush! And you can't hide yours!
He gets really nervous in the winter. I mean, he gets cold in winter, and he grows a whole new coat for it! He can’t imagine how chilly you get. He totally goes overboard when buying clothes for you. Most of your closet consists of parkas, scarves, and thermals.
Wakes up early to start the fireplace in the morning once winter hits.
He loves to give you forehead kisses. He thinks it’s cute when you flex your “brows” at him in response. He can’t help but snort at the patterns it makes, and he ends up poking you whenever you respond that way. It’s a sweet little inside joke.
He honestly thinks clothes fit you super well? Skin-tight stuff is mesmerizing. The way it clings so effortlessly to your frame, without a single hair marring the cling of the fabric...it’s incredible to him. He's enchanted.
He loves to hold you. The feel of fur on skin is weird, but it’s become a comforting feeling to him. He loves to trace little patterns on you when you cuddle.
Which is very unfortunate if you’re ticklish. His fur always seems to drag across your skin in a way that makes you giggle!! And he knows what he’s doing!! He’s so stubborn about it as well. He won’t stop until you call a time-out.
He smiles every time you yawn. He thinks you’re cute.
He wants to draw on you, but he has no artistic talent. He’s too shy to learn!! He hates not being perfect at first attempt, and well...art is a honed skill. He loves the idea of painting night skies on your back, and making sharpie tattoos for you, but it’ll probably never happen.
You can convince him to write on you, though! He does great calligraphy.
Sometimes he’ll write little poems on your wrist, or your sides. He likes to do this when you’re sleeping, for two reasons. A.) So he doesn’t get embarrassed or flustered about it, and B.) So you have a nice surprise when you wake up!
They’re short, but sweet.
He’s actually a really good poet! Most of the things he writes on you are of his own creation.
Beauty isn't seen by eyes.
It's felt by hearts,
Recognized by souls,
In the presence of love
Overall, he thinks you’re gorgeous. He won’t hesitate to defend you from bigoted people, and he’s always here to help you with any accommodations you may need. You’re beautiful. He loves you so much, and he feels so lucky to have you by his side. He’ll do anything for you!
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larvaecandy · 3 years
what's your kin list
sorry for the late response aaeeee heres my kinlist - adorabat (mao mao n heroes of pure heart) - fluttershy/flutterbat (mlp) - maud pie (mlp) - tempest shadow (mlp) - spinel (su) - zira (lion king 2) - carmilla wingbat (lps world of our own) - basil (omori) - jataro kemuri (danganronpa) - mikan tsumiki (danganronpa) - yuri (ddlc)
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a-black-cats-luck · 4 years
I made another story
Title: Fire Took Hold
Pairing: Mao Mao/ Badgerclops
Summary: "You took something from me," The deep voice growled out. Mao Mao felt terror shoot through him as the shadow step forward, their large hooves digging into the dirt. Their face seemed to break away from the darkness revealing the snarling face of a lion. A large paw reached for Mao Mao's bloodied face. "I plan to take it back." 
With that, the warm coil behind his heart lashed out, and the darkness was chased away. Fire took hold of the dried leaves around him.-or-Mao Mao has really powerful magic he can not control. After one too many accidents his father sent him away to a school that was supposed to help him control it. There he meets Badgerclops, and, later Adorabat. Except the little bat seems to be running from something, heading for their magic school when she crashes into the boys.
Read it here!!!
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shapeshiftinterest · 4 years
This Could Be Us But You Playin’: badgermao & shadow badgermao (CH 4)
late night thoughts and late night talks with BC and shadowclops
story under the read more
This Could Be Us But You Playin' (also on ao3)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Badgerclops stared at the ceiling, robo arm under his head and his normal arm draped over his stomach. 
He wiggled restlessly, thinking back to the words Shadowclops had signed to him a few days ago and hugging his pillow.
Lovers, huh. 
While not completely out of the park, Badgerclops still thought it was a weird idea. I mean, him and Mao? Together? Like, together together? Puh-lease, as if.
The guy was a reckless narcissist with daddy problems. Thinking he was always in the right and nagging about rules and chores and eating lunch without him and Adorabat. He was a total wet blanket.
Always running headfirst into battle with no regard for how they would feel if he got hurt. Making him worry with how many fights Mao started because of a misunderstanding.
So what if he offered to stay with Badgerclops after his crew abandoned him? 
So what if they kind of bonded over crappy family expectations and strained relationships. If he was always there when his robo arm was wigging out again. 
If he (admittedly) looked pretty cool when he was fighting. Or that his spontaneity and improv made Badgerclops’ plans run smoother. 
Or that his jokes were actually pretty funny and his laugh was kind of scary but also kind of really hot.
O-or that Mao’s mouth was really soft, and his teeth felt kinda nice when he bit him. Or that he let Badgerclops be one of the only ones to squish his paw beans.
His face burned and he turned to face the wall next to the bunk bed.
Or that they sometimes cuddled after a particularly bad battle because Mao insisted it was a heroe’s duty even though they both knew it was because the other didn’t want to be alone.
“A;LSDKFJS;DFLK!!” Badgerclops shoved the pillow over his head and kicked his legs a little, careful not to be too loud or jostle the bed. This was dumb.
He huffed, pulling the pillow away and rolling over to his other side. His stomach grumbled. Snacks always helped him think. 
“Hey!“ he whispered. “Psst! Heeeyyyy!!”
“Mao, ‘dorabat! Uhhh, Shadowbat?“ 
He peaked over the edge of the bed. “You guys awake?”
Adorabat and Shadowbat were huddled together under his bunk, swaying a little as they clung to the bed frame.
Badgerclops’ ear twitched, listening for his co hero’s special ‘mao’ snoring.
Once he was sure they were all asleep, he carefully climbed down the bedpost and stairs, making his way to the... already lit kitchen?
Poking his head in the doorway, he saw Shadowclops digging through the fridge. Well, half of him anyway, the shade’s hips swaying to an unheard tune as they moved some stuff around to get to the back.
Badgerclops snorted out a laugh, dissolving into high pitched giggles when Shadowclops startled and bumped his head on the roof of the fridge.
They glared at him (honestly though, it was more of a pout), arms full of junk food from the cabinets, a large soda in one clawed hand.
“Sorry dude.“ Badgerclops managed to squeak out, still riding high on amusement as he grabbed his big boy mug from the dish rack and sat down.
“It was just really funny watching you look through the fridge.“
He shook his mug and nodded at the mostly full 2 liter bottle. “You gonna share that?”
Shadowclops rolled their eye, hip bumping the fridge closed and walking over to fill the other’s cup.
“So where’s Shadow Mao?“ Badgerclops asked, taking one of the bags and shoving a handful of chips into his mouth.
He watched the shade lean to the side and tilt their chin towards the living room. 
The badger turned in his seat, barely able to make out Shadow Mao’s form lying on the couch.
“Heheh, cute. Remember that time he crashed on the bottom bunk?“
Shadowclops nodded, both of them snickering at each other. 
“Oh man, Mao’d be so pissed if he knew we still had the photos.“ 
Technically he did delete them. From his phone at least.
Badgerclops took a sip of his soda, his smile slipping into something softer.
He looked down at his mug, lightly rubbing his thumb against the design on the side.
“Hey, uh, can i ask you a question?“
Shadowclops’ ears perked, head tilting to the side. 
‘Sure dude, what’s up?‘ he signed.
“How, um. How'd y’all get together?“
The shade’s eye widened before they wiggled their brow. Badgerclops laughed behind his hand, fur poofing up a little in embarrassment.
“Oh my god no, I was just curious is all. C’mon man, quit it.“ he said, slapping at his doppleganger’s arm and trying to will his blush away.
The other deflected and tried to squish his cheek, resulting in a mini slap fight. 
It got settled pretty quickly after one of them almost knocked Mao’s Lucky Ducky off the table.
Shadowclops crossed their arms. They leaned back and closed their eye, trying to think of how to answer the other’s question.
‘Sorry bro, I can’t really explain it. It just kinda happened. We were co heroes for a while and one day it just, clicked I guess. We’ve seen each other’s bad days.’
They scratched the back of their head and looked away before signing again.
‘... He knows about our Ultra Focus.’
Badgerclops’ eye widened and he gasped. “No way.”
They straightened up and looked him in the eye. ‘Yes way.’
“Oh my god.“
The two were interrupted by the sound of a toilet flushing. Mao stepped out of the bathroom, half awake judging by how much he was swaying.
He yawned, chain chomp teeth on full display, before smacking his lips and noticing the badgers in the kitchen. He squinted at them.
‘What’re y’all doin up?‘ he asked, blearily rubbing his palm against the corner of his eye.
“Oh nothing, nothing. Just a late night snack.”
Mao hummed, scratching his chest as he yawned again. “mm’K, hurry up and come back to bed.” he called, walking up the stairs.
Badgerclops let out a breath. “Man that was close.” He filled his now empty mug with water and left it in the sink. That was a problem for tomorrow’s Badgerclops.
“Night dude!“ he said, hi fiving his shadow self. “Hey, thanks for answering my question. It, uh, it helped a lot. Gave me stuff to think about, y’know?”
The other gave him a thumbs up, waiting until he heard the bedroom door shut before making a beeline to the couch.
Shadowclops repositioned his boyfriend so that they were sleeping on top of him. 
'It's nothin', babe. Just a talk with the other me.'
Shadow Mao blinked down at him sleepily, red eyes losing the battle with gravity. They lay back down, scooting up a little so their face was buried under his chin. 
Ungloved paws made their way between them, slowly kneading his fur at chest height.
Shadowclops could feel himself drifting off, his partner’s purring and the weight of their body on his was too relaxing to fight.
He brought a hand up to rub one of their ears, the gentle scrape of Shadow Mao licking his cheek was the last thing he remembered before falling asleep.
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turtletangerine · 5 years
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Yet another set of whiteboard doodles from a session with @okdile and @spookylovesboba ! Edgy Teen Adorabat and her OC Shadow Kyle are Spooky’s designs, and non-Sweetypie young adult Adorabat is my older!Adorabat design.
There’s also some Panlie because (though I haven’t seen any of the super recent eps of We Bare Bears) I ship the hell out of Charlie and Panda xjjajs don’t @/me.
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redstreakfox · 4 years
To celebrate this glorious day of spooks and terrors, I’m posting my secret halloween submission for @shapeshiftinterest ! They wanted a story about Rufus and Reggie trying to get candy from the Pure Heart citizens. I ended up mixing a few of their ideas into one story since I loved them so much. I really hope you enjoy it! :) and a shout out to @maomaosmother for organizing this whole event, it’s been a lot of fun to watch. You can read the fic here at AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21258122
Or down below the tag:
Any con artist worth their salt will tell you the number one rule is to always conduct yourself as if you’re being watched. It’s always meant as a formality, an adage passed around to remind oneself that even the smallest slip up could land you broke and in the nearest jail cell. Or, in rarer cases, crawling through a sewer after being pummeled by a five year old. Tonight, to Rufus’ annoyance, that thieving proverb was going to be taken far, far too literally than he would have liked.
Looking high up above the arching gate that leads into Pure Heart Valley’s kingdom, he saw the crown jewel he knew he’d never be able to have. Not even if he planned the largest heist of his career over the course of eight-and-eighty years did he think he’d have the slightest sliver of a chance in stealing it. It didn’t matter anyway, though. The Ruby Pure Heart wasn’t the focus of tonight’s current plan.
Thank god, too.
Staring back at him, from its place perched up on the mountaintop, was the visage of a ghastly jack-o-lantern; a hellish fire burning through its eyes and an upturned grin carved entirely out of malice. It was a ghoulish, frightening image projected across the entire surface of the heart shaped ruby, an homage meant to accentuate the ongoing Halloween festivities. And no matter where Rufus stood, whether there at the gate’s entrance or from the miles and miles back that he and Reggie had travelled through to arrive here, it was as if those fire haunted eyes were following him closely all the same.
Most likely the work of that peacocking king and his damned chameleon sorceress.
Nevertheless, he had a twofold scheme to accomplish that night and thus had no intention of letting any harvest season horrors deter him from it. He held out a hand in front of Reggie to stop him and then pointed it further to his left, indicating for the raccoon to follow him into a more discrete section of the woods that rung the outside of the kingdom’s walls. Settling into the shadowed underbrush, the fox pulled out from behind him a large burlap sack.
“So, what’s the plan again Rufus?” the raccoon asked, threading his fingers together as he watched the conniving fox dive arms deep into the sack. From out of it, Rufus retrieved a matching bag and handed it to his companion.
“This Hallow’s Eve, my furry friend, we’ll be engaging in a rousing rendition of trick-or-treat,” Rufus grinned. “Tricks for them. Treats for us. Tricks especially for that blasted sheriff and his snivelling cohorts.”
“But, won’t they recognize us? They didn’t seem to like us too much last time.”
“Reggie, you mean the world to me but this is why I come up with the plans. Remember when I told you to start practicing different voices? To see if you could mimic a certain one? Well, look around you.”
The raccoon began swiveling his head in every direction he could, puzzled at what he was meant to find other than dirt and trees. The fox merely rolled his eyes.
“I didn’t mean literally, Reg. It’s Halloween, the day when adults and youth alike hide themselves behind all sorts of masks and costumes to procure as much candy as they can,” he said, reaching once more inside his bag to fetch a pair of what seemed to be deflated skins; one as black as midnight while the other shone moonlit white overlayed here and there with patterns of brown. “And I believe maybe it’s time we start cashing in on the fun as well.”
The second con-artist rule, one that works well in many professions, is to always learn from your adversaries. Rufus could admit that when it came to Pure Heart Valley he had grown too complacent. The arrival of two new sheriffs were variables he hadn’t anticipated. Their use of pressed nylon suits to pretend to be other people was a tactic Rufus had anticipated even less.
He still woke up in a rush every now and then from the memory. The cat’s mocking smile appearing out of that tiny blue body, the nightmarish drill that had ripped through his partner’s head before Rufus had any idea what was happening. Reg, meanwhile, thought the entire ordeal had been hilarious in hindsight. Easy for him to say when he wasn’t the one who watched…
Regardless, it was a plan that (unfortunately) had worked near flawlessly, and it was a plan that Rufus now conspired to use himself. It was easy enough once he knew what to do. Finding the suit maker had been the first step, all it took was finding any talented tailor that practiced just even the smallest amount of magic, an occurrence that was fairly common in this day and age. The more difficult task came in collecting samples of who they needed the suits to resemble.
Pure Heart Valley was known for being a monster magnet. It was why the valley had needed a protective shield in the first place. Whether it was just a badly located area or the work of the Ruby Pure Heart attracting the creatures itself, the kingdom faced its fair share of attacks on a regular basis. It was during one of these episodes that Rufus saw an opportunity.
While he had Reg sneak into the city itself to steal what he needed from a handful of citizens distracted by the monster fight, Rufus, in turn, went to forage for hairs throughout the then empty sheriff’s department. To his excitement, it wasn’t the only valuable item he came across in his search.
“We’re going to have our fill of candy and our fill of revenge, getting those do-gooders the same way they got us,” the fox said, handing the badger suit over to Reg. “We’ll put these outfits on and mess around Pure Heart tonight as the sheriffs, using their authority to snag all the sweets and running their names through the mud in the process.”
Reggie looked at tentatively at the white nylon in his paws. “How do these even work? I’m like way too small for this to fit me.”
“Reg, both you and that badger somehow fit inside your tiny body, remember? They obviously work through magic. This isn’t some sort of cartoon show,” Rufus said. “Now help me fit inside of this.”
It was a while later, after a good half hour of struggling and stretching and preening, that the two bandits stood there wholly transformed into new people. With their appearance now in order, the pair set about preparing a decoy treat bag, filling it with a sizeable amount of pine straw and leaves found strewn about the forest floor. Once that was finished, Rufus slung the decoy over his shoulder while Reggie kept the empty one close to him.
Rufus, nodding, then led the two of them past the thinning line of trees and out into the open space just before the kingdom’s gated entrance. The fox, turning his head down to look at the raccoon before remembering that that night he would be needing to look up instead, threw his arms out wide in a grand gesture, “And now, let the show begin.”
Spinning back around, the disguised fox threw his weight against the wooden doors and pushed them open, revealing the warm glow of quaint rows of shops newly masqueraded in all sorts of Halloween decorations. The main fountain, the centerpiece of the starting plaza, ran blood red that night thanks to artificial coloring. Sweetypies of all shapes and sizes milled about the area, the ebb and flow of their mild-mannered chit-chat flowing around the two visitors in a steady hum.
The third rule to remember is that anyone who falls for a ruse once could always be made to do so again, and luckily for Rufus, this was a kingdom full of rubes he once had tied around his fingers not just once, or twice, but for three consecutive years. Or at least, it would have been three had two certain sheriffs and their shrieking bat brat not interfered with schemes they had no business meddling in.
Now, however, he had the chance to reclaim it all once more, even if just for a few fleeting hours. And for a night of sweets, what better place to start than in the baking district?
Muttons… Mittens? ...the yellow bakery mouse, whatever her name was, had been a personal favorite of Rufus’ during their Takes-giving day outings. Her offerings were never known for being on the expensive end, always usually an assortment of foods she had baked that morning, but Rufus never really cared when their taste more than made up for a lack of dollar amounts. And tonight, he planned to go straight to the source.
It was only two firm knocks before she answered her door, standing there dressed as a sunflower, a wooden spoon in one hand and a mixing bowl in the other as she stirred its contents.
“Oh, Sheriff Mao Mao, Badgerclops, I’m surprised to see you two not in costume. Where is your little deputy, Adorabat?” she asked.
“That little nuisance is probably eating out of a garbage can somewhere,” Rufus responded, trying to imitate a gruffer tone of voice. From the quizzing look the mouse suddenly gave him, he figured his voice, his response, or both was throwing her off. Unfortunately, being the sole plan maker, he hadn’t had the time to practice with his voice like he had intended. At least the nylon suits seemed to be properly working.
“Are you all right, Sheriff? You aren’t really sounding like yourself,” Muffins said, her stirring hand paused. Rufus simply stood there, mouth hung open and eyes wide as he wondered if attempting another response would only make things more suspicious. Thankfully, however, a large white badger stepped out in front of him.
“No need to worry, Muffins. This idiot’s been sick all morning. Probably from all of the doorknobs around town he’s been licking,” Reggie responded. Rufus looked up dumbfounded at the back of his partner’s head, astounded both at Reggie’s unusual quick thinking and how well his voice matched that of the badger’s. He had even managed to remember her name.
Thank goodness at least one of them was able to pull this off.
Rufus leaned around the side of the large body in front of him and offered the bakery mouse a weak smile. Her expression seemed to soften at that, her hand going back to stirring.
“Well, I’m sorry to hear that sheriff, I think. What brings the two of you to my shop tonight? Here to try my new spider cookies? Some pumpkin cobbler?” Muffins asked.
“Oh, we’re here to steal-,”
Rufus stepped in front of Reggie and made a sudden show of coughing, both to play up being sick and to cut off his partner from talking. “Seize, we’re here to seize a certain portion of your baked assets, my dear, for inspection. We’ve heard rumors of residents getting sick from some of the treats that have been passed around tonight and we’ve been making the rounds to see who’s responsible.”
“‘My dear’?” Muffins quoted him with a frown. “Well, I can assure you, sheriff, everything I’ve made today, tomorrow, forever, is done with the utmost care. Not a single person has ever been dissatisfied with anything coming out of my shop.”
Rufus leaned in, bringing his face closer to hers, “Then you should have nothing to worry about, hm?” He then stepped past her, ignoring her cries for him to stay outside. Reggie, following closely behind, locked the door behind him as Muffins tried to step through.
She hammered her fists against the door to no avail. Meanwhile, the two con men went to task raiding through her pantry and collecting as many baked goods as they wanted while still leaving plenty of room in Reggie’s sack for more of that night’s offerings. Upon opening the door, they found the little mouse seething on the other side of it.
“Sorry for the wait, my dear, we’ll have these tested out and get the results back to you as soon as we can,” Rufus said. The words had barely passed his lips before a sudden movement caught his eye. The fox ducked just in time to avoid the bowl Bakery Mouse had thrown at him.
“You will be sorry!” Muffins yelled at them. “Just wait till I call… till I call-”
“Who? Us?” the disguised fox asked as a laugh escaped him. “Sorry, citizen, the sheriff’s department has received your complaint and we’re afraid there’s nothing that can be done. Now, do try and keep yourself from causing a scene, won’t you? You’ll frighten the children,” Rufus said, stepping around the angry mouse and out onto the street again.
“Disorderly conduct is an arrestable offense, and we’ve got plenty of cell space!” Reggie yelled back towards her as he ran to catch up with Rufus, his voice still a perfect imitation.
The next couple of hours followed that near exact pattern. The two tricksters would come across a group of trick or treaters or residents passing out candy and whisk away their sugary confections under threat of legal action, sowing discord amongst the townsfolk when they could. Pretty soon, Reggie found his bag near full with only just enough room for potentially one more victim.
“This should do wonderfully for now, Reg,” Rufus said, lifting the bag as high as he could to test its weight. “That sheriff and his partner look like a fool now to half the town and we’ve got enough sweets here to topple a dentistry empire,” he grinned. He expected to hear a gleeful response from his partner, but when none came, he looked up to find Reggie staring dead faced out past the fox. “Reg?” Rufus asked.
“I can’t believe Muffins just gave you a free cobbler like that!” he heard a voice scream from somewhere yards behind him. He recognized that shrill voice, could picture the small blue bat it belonged to, and its sudden presence caused the fox to freeze right where he stood.
“More like she threw it at him, Adorabat,” he heard another voice chime, this one belonging to the real badger and not the fake one Rufus stood next to.
A growl cut through the air, “She’s just lucky I clean myself as much as I do! This could stain my fur if I let it sit long enough!” the growl said, morphing into a voice.
And there he was, the person Rufus had been hoping to avoid that night more than anyone.
“Oh yeah, I’m sure you’re just gonna hate licking cobbler off yourself for the rest of the night,” he heard the badger reply to the cat, their voices sounding even closer. They were definitely headed towards them. “What’s up with tonight anyway? Everyone’s been acting real weird around us, like we attacked them or something.”
Suddenly, Rufus heard Little Blue gasp, “Look, it’s us!” And then, out of nowhere, the little bat was there hovering just in front of his face. Instead of her normal wings, however, she wore costumed sleeves that resembled those of a fairy instead. Around the top of her head rung a thin silver loop of metal. A thin line of that same metal stretched out and away from the loop, and attached to its end was a white cardboard speech bubble pointed at the bat with the words ‘Hey, listen!’ printed across it. “Aw, well, it’s you two at least,” she said.
“Adorabat! You can’t just fly up to strangers like tha-... oh, wow, it actually is us dude,” the badger said, their voices now merely feet away. Rufus, finally mustering up the courage, turned around to meet them.
The badger, for his costume, was sporting a forest green tunic with a matching pointed green cloth hat, a plastic sword held haphazardly in his left paw. The cat, meanwhile, ignoring the splotches of cobbler, wore a short red wig with a shiny jewel affixed upon the middle of his forehead. The rest of his attire seemed like it was meant to be worn by one who would be found out wandering the desert. On top of his left paw was seen the imprint of a glowing yellow triangle.
The feline paused for a second at seeing his own self standing across from him, and then an open mouthed grin burst forth that lit up the entirety of his smug face.
“Ha! I knew the king couldn’t be right! See? There are people here that like me. Even enough to dress up like me,” the cat said, his chest puffed out to be as big as his ego. Then, his stance faltered, his expression shifting into one of hesitation, “Enough to dress up... too much like me, actually.”
“I don’t know man, I think it’s kinda neat,” the badger chuckled. Reggie, for his part, began playfully mirroring his twin’s movements as best he could, even going so far as to throw out a similar laugh.
“Ahhh, wait, never mind. It’s officially creepy now,” the real badger said, his good eye gone wide at hearing his own voice thrown back at him. Internally, it was all Rufus could do to keep himself from taking a swipe at his partner in frustration.
“All right, just who exactly are you-,” the cat began when a new timbre voice, appearing from out of nowhere, suddenly cut him off.
“Oh, sheriffs!”
‘For the love of god, no. Please, anyone but him,’ Rufus inwardly swore.
From out of a nearby side street emerged the carefully curated image of a regal street urchin. Careful rips and artistically placed smudges marked his dirty clothes, giving off the appearance of someone who spent most of their time living out on the streets rather than inside a home. The effort was wasted, however, as, under that ridiculous get up, it was still obviously Pure Heart Valley’s king. His perfectly coiffed mane and authoritative voice was a dead give away, not to mention that only feet away from him was his avian servant; a creature that followed the king more closely than his own proper shadow could.
“Your Grace,” the cat said, his attention now diverted to the newcomer, “what are you wearing?”
���Are you supposed to be some sort of smelly clown?” the bat confusedly asked.
“Oh, goodness no! I’m around the three of you enough for that as it is,” the lion frowned. “As you are all well aware, tonight is another year of Pure Heart Valley’s wonderful Hallow’s Eve festivities. As such, I am observing the time honored tradition of costuming myself as someone I am never able to be. To put myself into another’s slippers as one might say,” he chuckled. “Quite. And so for this year’s engagement, I have decided to become… you,” he finished with a bow.
“Me?” the bat asked incredulously.
The primly lion rolled his eyes and sighed, “No, child, not you, specifically. You, as in, all of you,” he said, waving his arms out in a sweeping gesture. “I have decided to let you all enjoy mine presence this night as someone that I know I mean the world to, as someone that whom without I would be nothing. Yes, I have dressed and paraded myself around tonight as the prototypical image of one of my many loyal subjects. To see what you all see, to live as you all do. I even walked myself down from the palace without being carried, see?”
The group turned their gaze over to the lion’s expressionless servant, and while it was true that on this night he was without the king’s usual recliner, he was instead found to be towing a bag that had to be at least ten times bigger in size than the bird himself. And from its opening, if one looked hard enough, could be seen what appeared to be more candy than any one person should ever have the right to own. Unless, of course, that one person just happened to be a certain wily fox.
Rufus could already feel the drool pooling in his mouth at the sight of it.
“Do you really think we all dress like tha-”
“Ah bup bup!” the king said, waving a hand in front of the badger’s face to silence him. “I did not come here to find you three and squander my time with useless jibber jabber. It has come to my attention that you all have been skulking around town and hoarding up all the candy you could find for some sort of poisonous investigation. Naturally, I have come to preemptively bring you mine own as my safety is of the utmost importance. I expect you to deliver my candy back to me first when you have finished, of course.”
“Investigation? We haven’t been conducting any investigation,” the cat said. “This is,” he wrinkled his nose, “our night off.”
“Yeah!” the blue bat said, flitting around before landing on one of the badger’s shoulders. “And we haven’t gotten no candy neither,” she said.
“Everytime we try, the Sweetypies just start yelling at us,” the badger chimed in.
“Well, then how do you explain that?” the king asked, pointing an accusing finger at Rufus and Reggie who had been both hoping to silently slip away at any moment.
The cat then struck up a steady, measured pace towards Rufus. The look on his face turned the fox’s blood to ice as it coursed through him. His heartbeat seemed to stop, and for a moment he wasn’t sure if it was ever going to start again. The cat grabbed a handful of the silken cape the fox wore and brought his face inches from his own.
“Ok, whoever you two are. I want answers, now! What kind of mischief have you been causing in my jurisdiction tonight?” the sheriff asked, his tone carrying an obvious threat underneath.
Rufus had hoped it wouldn’t have to come to this, but thankfully he had prepared for this situation just in case. Swiftly, he reached as far as he could into the bottom of his bag until his fingers wrapped around one of the small metal balls he had lifted from the sheriff’s headquarters.
“Reggie, now!” the fox cried. He pulled the item out from his sack and threw it as hard as he could directly at the ground in front of him. A sudden explosion sounded, and in seconds the courtyard they had all been congregating in was filled with a blinding smoke. The cat, in his confusion, loosened his grip on Rufus’ collar, allowing him to wriggle free of his captor’s grasp.
“Please tell me this isn’t going to mess up my mane!” the lion shouted.
“My smoke bombs! How?” the cat yelled out in between coughs.
“Dude, I told you we didn’t take them!”
“I can’t see! I can’t see!” the bat cried.
This was exactly the outcome Rufus had been hoping for...
Rule number four: always have an escape plan.
In the surrounding chaos of the situation, the two con artists swapped bags and broke off running in different directions. Rufus carrying the real bag instead of the decoy was only part one in his attempts to confuse his potential pursuers. The fox raced down as many dark alleyways as he could, and when he finally thought he had some time, he paused in the shadows of a run down looking avenue.
Quickly, he tore out of his sheriff costume and took a deep breath of fresh air for what felt like the first time that night. He reached inside the freshly discarded skin and pulled out another one (it looked like a crocodile from what he could tell.)
Now that he had been caught, it was time to become someone new again to truly confuse those do-gooders. He slipped his second disguise on as fast as he could and tentatively crept his way out onto a crowded well lit street, swirling amongst the kingdom’s residents like just another grain of sand along the beach.
Running like a criminal would only rouse new suspicions against him. He needed to blend in with everyone else.
Rufus strolled around the city streets as innocently as he could, taking his time as he meandered about on his way to a designated meeting point. He had elected to take the long way around in getting there, hopefully giving Reg, who also should have changed outfits, enough time to find it and be there waiting.
It was a half hour later when Rufus saw it in the distance, a small public garden nestled in a secluded area of the city, and as expected, he saw someone standing there to greet him. The small pink rhino, sitting among a plot of tulips, warily looked up towards him. For some reason, he was bedecked in what appeared to be surgeon’s scrubs.
“I don’t have time to ask you where you got that, Reg, but I will commend you on the decision. It’s a nice little touch,” Rufus said. “Though, I will say I’m surprised you decided to be that annoying pink gremlin.”
The fox gasped as the rhino pulled out a shimmering scalpel from god knows where and pointed it at him.
“That’s professor-doctor-surgeon gremlin to you, Gary,” the rhino snarled. “And what’s up with your voice?” he asked, frown quickly morphing into a malignant smile, “Oh, you’re probably here for one of my patented throat surgeries, ain’t ya? You know the drill, no questions or insurance needed.”
Rufus had to hand it to him, Reggie was keeping in line with his role like a class actor, but the night was being wasted and he no time to sit and dwell on it.
“Look, let’s just swap bags and be done. That sheriff is still probably scouring every nook and cranny for us and I just want this whole thing to be done and over with,” the fox said. He reached over and grabbed the rhino’s nearby sack, pausing as he tried to pull it. Was the decoy always this heavy?
After gaining some momentum, the fox managed to sling the bag over his shoulder and made his way casually out of the garden.
“Hey! You can’t just take that! I need that for my medical practice!” the pink rhino yelled in his direction.
“Yes, yes, we get it Reg. Now remember, eastern gates, twenty minutes,” the fox called back to him.
From here, Rufus wanted to stay hidden until he made it out of the city. Sneaking down another alley, he changed costumes for a third and final time, a frog creature whose arms seemed too short for clapping. He followed down a multitude of side paths and lanes just barely wide enough for him to walk down, all while keeping himself within viewing distance of the kingdom’s most outer wall. He knew that as long as he continued this way he’d eventually find the eastern exit and avoid any unwanted attention.
He breathed a sigh of relief some fifteen minutes later once he finally found them. He didn’t know whether it was by luck or by fate that the gates stood there unguarded, its keepers had more than likely been too seduced by the call of that night’s tempered horrors and left. Rufus raced through the doors and out into the smothering darkness of the woods beyond.
He had just passed the first few pine trees when he ran into someone blocking his path, toppling them both over to the ground in the process.
“Rufus, buddy!” a familiar voice greeted the fox. Looking over, he saw his raccoon partner sprawled out on the ground near him, already out of costume and back to his normal appearance. The fox jumped up quickly and tore out of his own disguise, happy to once again see the orange fur underneath.
“Reggie, old pal! We did it!” he cried, scooping the raccoon up and into an uncharacteristic hug. “I knew we could outwit that imbecile sheriff if given another chance,” he smiled as he set his beaming partner back down on his own two feet. “Now tell me, where’s the candy?”
“What do you mean? Don’t you have it?” Reggie asked. “I never saw you at The Garden and so I came straight here after changing. I’ve been waiting out here for like an hour.”
Rufus looked at the raccoon as if he had lost his mind. “But we did meet,” the fox said. “You were there on time and we swapped bags, you were that disgusting pink fellow. We talked and everything,” the fox hesitated, thinking. “You did go to the garden, right?”
“Yeah, The Garden, that little cafe we always visited every Takes-giving,” Reggie smiled.
Rufus’ stomach dropped out from under him.
“Reg, no, I meant an actual garden, we-,” the fox paused and looked at the sack he had brought. “But, if that wasn’t you, then that means…” Rufus thought back to the scalpel that had been waved in his face and shuddered. “So then, what is this?” he asked. He reached down and pulled open the bag only to be greeted by jar upon jar of pristine, premium grade mayo.
In that moment, Rufus felt as if his brain was going to short circuit from anger. He turned to Reggie’s decoy bag and kicked it, knocking it over and spilling out a mass of spruce leaves and pinecones. “What is wrong with the people here!” the fox shouted out directionless into the night air.
“Rufus, hold on,” the raccoon implored, sidling up next to the fox and tugging at the bottom of his shirt. The fox took a few deep breaths, letting his expression relax before addressing his friend. He never wanted the raccoon to believe that his anger was ever directed at him, even if at times he was the cause of it. He cared about him too much for that.
“Yes, Reggie?”
“We still have this,” the raccoon smiled. He lifted his baseball cap to reveal a small pouch underneath. He grabbed it and tossed it to the fox who caught it. He could hear a myriad of candy wrappers rustling around inside, the smell of sweetness permeating neatly around the cloth.
He looked at it with surprise and then turned to his cohort.
“Reg, when did you-?”
“It was during all that smoke,” the raccoon said, proud of his witty thinking. “Before we traded bags I grabbed a few handfuls and stuck it in this pouch. It’s like you always told me, remember? Rule number five: ‘it’s always better to leave a heist with something rather than risk taking nothing.’”
The fox couldn’t even begin to hide his glee. “Oh, Reggie!” he exclaimed his bushy tail wagging around him. “I’m so proud that I could just about kiss you.”
The raccoon chuckled and playfully bumped the fox’s leg with his fist, “Just make sure to share some with me, Rufus.”
The fox smiled, “Reggie, I’d share the entire world with you if I could.” Bending over, he placed a paw on the top of Reggie’s head and teasingly ruffled his hair. “Now, how about we start heading home, hm? I’ll even let you have first pick of the treats.”
And then, finally, there was rule number six: through thick and thin, always have your partner’s back and treat them like the gift that they are.
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blueberryspacemagic · 4 years
how abt John and Mao Mao for the character ask thing? 👀👀
favorite thing about them: He's just perfectly in "my type of character". A little edgy, charming asshole who has a soft side and tragic backstory? A disaster magnet? Self loathing? Hasn't slept in years, keeps a cigarette in the mouth like it's a lollipop? Cool coat? Magical powers and hell/heaven aesthetics? All check, I love him.
least favorite thing about them: He's an asshole who keeps driving people away and continues to get his life worse. Still love him. But quit smoking, this is why you got a lung cancer.
favorite line:
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.
A million thanks, Luv.
Decor by Ikea, finish by Jack the Ripper.
I'm a nasty piece of work.
There's nothing more pathetic than a god who begs.
My name's John Constantine. I'm the one who walks in the shadows, all trench coat and arrogance. I walk my path alone because, let's be honest, who'd be crazy enough to walk it with me?
(honestly I miss these epilogue monologues from the show)
brOTP: Chas, Zattana, Swamp Thing, Batman (why not), Zed (Constantine show), Sara, Ray, Gary, Charlie, Zari (Legends of Tomorrow)
Wow, someone has a name preference, huh
OTP: Zattanstine, Zedstantine, Constangreen, Constandez (still crying) and lowkey Batstantine - you know, for laughs
nOTP: I don't have any
random headcanon: He's actually reading DC comics, his faves are JL and Swamp Thing (inspired by one issue of Constantine: Rebirth)
unpopular opinion: His life should be dark and full of tragedy but it SHOULD have an end and he should eventuall be happy. Fight me on that.
song i associate with them: Billy Raffoul - I'm Not a Saint (Thanks, Ed)
favorite picture of them:
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Mao Mao:
favorite thing about them: Another character who hits so many spots! He genuinly cares about others and wants to provide safety and help. He's also really charismatic and determined. And a great fighter! And a cute little kitty cat with the most maniacal laugh and a puppet face, god bless.
least favorite thing about them: He sometimes puts his insecurities and needs over the great cause. Also when he's rude to Badgerclops, appreciate him!!!
favorite line:
I'm a Hero and I eat cobbler!!!
I LOVE House Music!
Besides, you are so much MORE than a mega mech.
Hot DAWG, I'm impressive!
(In the middle of his own sentence) -wait, hold on, let me tilt my glasses down.
You better believe I love me like a friend.
Did you think that was enough? It's never enough!!
brOTP: Badgerclops, Adorabat, Tanya, King Snugglemagne
OTP: Badgermao and Snugglemao
nOTP: I don't have any yet
random headcanon: He's fucking trans, okay. He had a plushie ducky when he was young!
unpopular opinion: Uhhhh idk
song i associate with them: Welshly Arms - Legendary
favorite picture of them:
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blubird513 · 5 years
Whats your favorite thing about Adorabat?
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Mao Mao didn’t seem to have the best childhood in my opinion, being raised in a hero environment, with bravery and pride placed at a high value in the household, someone as insecure as Mao Mao would’ve probably had a insecurity of asking for comfort from family. 
Something as small as sleeping near a family member could have been a very big “no no” in his family, because he shows weakness. Note: Needing comfort is NOT a weakness. 
Mao Mao’s case led him to have low-self esteem, which eventually led to narcissism and development of a hero-complex, that as well as coming from a family of heroes. Trying to fit in to eventually outgrow the shadows of his family, a symbol that has been very prominent in the series. 
However, with Adorabat, I think he’s trying to do everything his family wouldn’t do for him. That includes things like training her, paying attention to what she’s doing, exposing blatant concern for when she does something dangerous, and indulging her when the moment is right, encouraging her, etc. 
That I think would extend to letting her sleep near him when she needs him, because not only does it make you feel like a hero to someone who needs some comfort at the moment, but because it’s specifically you they sought out, that they need you. 
I think that would strike a cord in Mao Mao, someone who constant want to feel like a hero, being the only one that Adorabat feels that can make her feel safe.
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