#sectional couches with recliners
lucasrosendal43 · 1 month
15 Interesting Facts About Green Couch That You Never Knew
Add a Green Couch to Your Home We may receive a portion of sales from purchases made via hyperlinks on this page. Bring a fresh and vibrant look to your home with a green couch. At Apt2B our extensive range of custom-made upholstered sofas is available in a variety of vibrant shades like mint, emerald and cool olive. Proper lighting brings out the radiance of a green couch and its sheen. Use it in conjunction with other natural-inspired decors for a more refined living space.
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Versatility Green sofas look great with neutral shades like white and grey. They can also be styled with more striking colors like red and black. They look fantastic in neutral shades such as white and grey, but can also be styled with more striking colors such as black and red. These are often used in homes that have themes of nature or coastal but they can also be used to add a modern flair to any room. The color green symbolizes beauty and life, which makes it the ideal choice for sofas. Green is the most prevalent color in nature. It is found everywhere, from grass blades to leaves on trees. Apt2B offers high-quality green couches that come in a vast spectrum of shades, ranging from rich olive to vibrant Kelly. Choose from a subtle sage couch or an khaki or mint couch, or a vibrant emerald velvet sofa to make a striking statement. It's simple to make your couch stand out by pairing a green couch with a throw or an accent pillow that is matched. The pillows can be placed on either the back or front of your green couch, and are available in a variety of designs sizes, colors, and fabrics. contemporary couches have pom-poms or fringes, which can create a more eclectic feel to your space. Rugs that match the color of your couch is a great option to tie everything together. Swyft has a broad range of rugs in a variety of designs and shades that will match your new green sofa, ranging from muted tones to bold geometrics. Rugs like these can help bring out the tones of your green sofa and add a splash of colour to your living area. If you want minimalist style go for a green sofa with monochrome colors. A pine green sofa looks great with black, white and cream accents. It can also be paired up with wood furnishings. You can also experiment with different shades of green in your décor to give your living space a a fresh and contemporary vibe. A green sofa can be a fantastic option for any living space. It can complement a modern, traditional, bohemian, or minimalist design aesthetic. The possibilities are endless So, get inspired and pick out the perfect green sofa to fill your living room! Freshness Green is a hue that is a symbol of freshness and nature. It also evokes the outdoors. It's a color that is versatile and can be used with various living room ideas. It can be delicate and subtle like moss, or deep and rich like olive. It's a natural appearance that can create a relaxing and relaxing atmosphere after a hard, long day. A green sofa can bring peace and harmony to your living space. It can be a focal point of your living space or be a complement to neutral colors like white or grey. It's also a great option for creating a contemporary or modern feel. To enhance the elegance of your couch, opt for complementary cushions that match the natural shades of the shade. If your green couch is dark, you can pick lighter shades of cushions such as gray or teal to create contrast. This creates a monochromatic look that complements the natural shades of the green sofa. Accent pieces are available in a range of styles. The use of floral or patterned pillows and throws can help to display your personal style and show your individuality. You can use a botanical motif to boost the brightness and freshness of your green couch. To really showcase your green couch's sheen make sure you add plenty of light. Ambient light will highlight the shine and radiance of the hue, while accent lighting can create a warm and comfortable ambience in the evening. If you are concerned about your living space getting too bright, consider adding an open window behind the green sofa. This allows natural light to enter throughout the day. The right accessories will enhance the look of a green velvet sofa. For this emerald-toned style, 22 Interiors opted for a textured woven rug to play off the sofa's texture and add depth to the space. To add a jungle-inspired feel of the room, they also selected various patterns for the accents that include the faux elephant tusk as well as an hummingbird-themed painting. They finished the look with a bold B&W botanical wallpaper to highlight their natural-inspired style. Eco-friendly A green sofa will bring a the natural look to your living space. It can be a perfect match for any decor style that ranges from traditional to modern or bohemian to minimalist. It is also more environmentally friendly than synthetic materials due to the fact that it employs less chemicals. Furthermore it is easy to maintain, and you can use various fabrics to create different looks. From vibrant lime to deep emerald green couches are available in a wide range of shades. Green is associated with health and wellness and can help a room feel relaxing and soothing. It also has a connection to nature and the outdoors which can assist you to relax at your home. Green sofas come in a range of fabrics that range from soft wool to natural linen. Natural fabrics are typically organic, which means they are free of harmful chemicals that could harm the environment. These fabrics are also durable, making them durable and resistant to staining. These fabrics come in a variety of styles and patterns so you are able to select the best fabric for your home. To create a minimalist style, choose a light neutral like cream or beige to offset the vibrant green of your sofa. You can also bring warmth to your living area by using mustard yellow or the rust orange. You can also decide to be bold and create a striking statement piece by selecting a green sofa with a pattern. A couch with a pattern allows you to show off your personal style and imagination which is why it's the ideal choice for those who want an original and striking design. Eco-friendly furniture brands have been working to reduce their impact on the environment for a long time. They have adopted more sustainable materials, cut down on shipping emissions, and removed harmful flame retardants from their products. In addition certain companies have created buyback programs to encourage reuse and repair of their items. Sabai sofas, for example, use recycled boxes as packaging, a reusable bag made of produce bags, carbon offsets in shipping and zero waste production. CouchHaus is another option for green couch shoppers. Their ethos revolves around sustainability and they aim to design beautiful eco-friendly sofas that are made with the finest design and craftsmanship. They employ a range of sustainable materials, including Chilean pine wood and natural fiber blends. They also use a patented glueing method that is water-based and formaldehyde-free. Their environmentally responsible furniture line includes a range of large and small straight and corner sofas, as well as a variety of snuggle chairs and footstools. Relaxing The color green is associated with nature and serenity, which can make it a great choice for creating an oasis of relaxation at home. Its soothing effect can help you decompress after an exhausting day. This makes a green couch the perfect choice for the living space where you'd like to bring a sense of peace and tranquility. Green sofas are available in a range of shades, from dark emerald to light sage. These shades are very popular since they give a fresh look and feel that can be easily paired with other neutral colors or brighter hues. Green couches in a variety of textures, ranging from velvet with a texture to washed linen. This variety of options will ensure that you will be able to find the right green couch to suit your individual taste. A plush velvet green couch offers a classic look that instantly improves the look of any living room. The tufted piece features a button details on the back, as well as a durable spring base that will provide comfort and durability. Accent pillows in emerald-green match its sleek silhouette for a sophisticated look. If you're looking for a more casual feel, a low-slung green sofa is the way to go. This tufted style is an elegant, yet cozy place to unwind after a long day. The luxurious velvet fabric gives it a a modern touch and its durable soft springs and cushions filled with down provide the ultimate level of relaxation. A bold pattern is an alternative option for a green sofa. You can experiment with an unchecked pattern or a floral print to create a unique appearance in your home. This style of sofa will complement any style, be it modern or bohemian. It is possible to add plants to to increase the natural beauty of your green sofa. Color wheels can assist you in matching your green sofa with rugs and curtains. You can also order swatches of your green sofa to see how it looks in your home before making the purchase. This will help you select matching pillows and other items for your living space without overwhelming it with too many bright shades.
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castanedaflanagan09 · 1 month
Test: How Much Do You Know About Futon Couch?
Futon Couch Bed Futon couch beds are a great way to maximize space in your living room. They come in a variety of styles, sizes and materials. They consist of three major components, including a support layer (or base) and a mattress layer, and a top or cover layer. This futon folds flat into an oversized twin bed. It then backs up easily to couch. It is durable and comfortable.
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Durability Futons are a popular choice for living spaces with limited space, as they can serve as seating and beds. They are usually light and easy to move around, making them a great option for students in dorms or young professionals who live in cramped apartments. Futons can also be made to be highly customizable, as the frame and mattress can be adjusted to accommodate your individual requirements. The best futon sofa mattress is made of sturdy materials that are strong enough to stand up to the demands of frequent use. Choose a frame that is made of steel or wood, and a mattress that is strong, supportive, and comfortable to sleep on. There are mattresses designed for people with back pain, since they are specially crafted to offer the most comfort and support. When selecting a futon, it is important to consider the space it will take up. The best futons feature an open layout that makes them easier to fold up when not in use. This will let you make more space in your home and make it more flexible. Aukfa AK - FF01-040 is a fashionable and versatile piece of furniture which can be used both as a sofa and mattress. The futon is built with a sturdy wood frame with metal legs that can hold up to 600 pounds. It also includes an extremely comfortable futon mattress which is available in a variety of upholstery. The name of this product is a bit confusing, but once you understand how it works, it's easy to understand. The futon is a Japanese furniture style that can be used as a chair or an bed, with an innovative mechanism that allows you to lay it flat for sleeping or lock it upright to sit. Its simplicity and flexibility make it a good option for college students, young professionals and those who live in urban areas. Modern designs are often similar to Western convertible couches. A traditional futon consists of a wooden frame with slats and a thin mattress composed of cotton. They are a great option for those who want to reduce space or are on a tight budget. They are also easy to clean and inexpensive. Comfort Futon couches are ideal for those who need an option that can be used as a bed. They are available in a variety of fabrics and colors, so you'll be able to find the one that is perfect for your space. They are perfect for those who have small spaces or who reside in apartments. They are also a good option for guests that require an area to sleep. Futons can be uncomfortable, even though they are versatile. Some are too stiff, whereas others have a sharp edge that can cut your neck or back. It can be uncomfortable for those who are used to sleeping on soft, cushioned mattresses. The frame of a futon may also be too narrow for certain types of people. An excellent method to ensure your comfort is to purchase an item with a solid hardwood frame. A wood frame will last longer than the frame made of particle board, and it also provides more support for your mattress. You should make sure that the slats on the padding are the same length and distance apart. The slats must be thick enough to prevent the mattress from sagging. Another method to improve the comfort of your futon is to add a mattress topper. A mattress topper is a second layer of padding you can place on top your mattress. It's designed to help with issues such as body impressions, sagging and discomfort. Many of these mattresses use natural materials, like organic cotton and wool, to give you a more comfortable night's sleep. The most common futon is a click-clack, also known as the klik-klak or sofa-cumbed. These couches are typically low-height and have the ability to transform into beds. These futons can be made from a variety of materials, such as leather microfiber, twill, and twill. These are usually made in China, and they are very affordable. While some of these sofas are extremely cheap and may not look great however, there are plenty high-end options on the market that will suit any style. For instance, the Ikea EKEN futon bed is an ideal option for those who want an elegant look that can accommodate guests. Its simple design and clean lines are easy to integrate into any space, and it's available in 10 different colors. It can even convert into a queen-sized bed. Style A futon couch bed is a flexible piece of furniture that can be used to sit and sleeping. It is lightweight and can be moved from room to room as needed. sofasandcouches.com is easy to keep clean. Futons are usually made of cotton, making them comfortable to sit on. However they can be a challenge to fold. Some manufacturers have introduced new designs and materials to make folding easier. The term "futon" is used to describe both a Western-style convertible sofa and the traditional Japanese bedding, can be confusing. It could also refer to an inflatable mattress that is shaped like a pillow and is placed on the platform. On the market, there are numerous types. The choice is contingent on the preferences of the buyer as well as his or her space. No matter what kind of futon chosen, it is essential to select the right frame to accommodate the padding. The slats should be evenly spaced and around 2.5 to 3 inches wide. Solid wooden frames are the ideal option as they last longer and provide more support. It is also important to remember that a futon needs frequent changes between seating and sleeping, which can cause a lot of damage to the mattress. There are many choices for a futon couch that will look great anywhere. Some models feature wooden frames and cotton mattresses for a rustic appearance while others come with metal frames and more hefty mattresses to give a more modern appearance. Some models come with armrests and shelves built in making them suitable for modern spaces. Anyone who wants to reduce space in their home will find a futon bed is a fantastic option. It can be used as a sofa to watch TV and relax or even bed when guests come in. It is an excellent option for college students who want to sleep on their floor. Verify the warranty prior to purchasing a futon. A futon of good quality will come with a guarantee of one year. However, some manufacturers also offer extended warranties. Price Depending on the type of mattress as well as the complexity of the frame, futons can vary in price from under $100 to more than $600. They are cheaper than sofa beds, and because they can function as a couch and bed they are a preferred option for college students as well as those who live in a smaller apartment. Futons are lighter than sofas and are easier to move, so they're a great choice for people who tend to move their living spaces frequently. They are also available in a wide range of sizes and firmnesses, which means you can find the one that best suits your requirements. If you're concerned about the appearance of your sofa it is possible to choose tri-fold or bi-fold options that folds flat to form an ottoman, making it look more like a regular couch. A futon has the advantage of being upholstered in fabric or leather. This makes it more versatile than most traditional sofas. It's important to choose an appropriate color and fabric that complements your furniture. But, be aware that most futons don't offer the same comfort as a typical sofa, so you might require a foam mattress or pillow top for extra comfort. If you're on an extremely tight budget, you can purchase an affordable futon by searching for a model that has an ideal blend of practicality and comfort. The Lucid Futon Sofa Bed With Box Tufting is a good example. It is a great option that's both functional and stylish. It features a solid wood frame and a base made of metal that is strong enough to support 600 pounds. It is available in three different upholsteries and is simple to put together. This modern memory foam futon is another excellent alternative. It is available in a variety of colors and has a split-back. It comes with an USB charging port. This sofa is priced at less than 200 dollars and is a Walmart bestseller. The sofa is available with faux suede upholstery in black blue, gray, or black. It is a modern sleek design that appears expensive. The cushions on the seat are thick and plush, but the design is simple enough that it can blend with any room decor.
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zillifurniture · 9 months
Cozy up with Zilli Furniture's Cinetique 2-Seater Power Recliner - a harmonious fusion of comfort and style. Elevate your living room with this inviting and functional addition.
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aboenfurniture · 10 months
Transform your living space with the 65″ Mid-Century Modern Fabric Corner Lounge Chair, available in Grey, Blue, and Yellow. This lounge chair combines elegance, comfort, and versatility to elevate any room. Its clean lines and sleek silhouette adapt to various interior styles, while the premium fabric, high-density foam, and pocket springs offer plush relaxation. Built with a sturdy wood frame, it supports up to 330 lbs. The corner design optimizes space, and thoughtful details like cylindrical plastic feet enhance both aesthetics and functionality. With easy assembly, dimensions of 65.25″W x 32″D x 34.25″H, and versatile usage scenarios, this chair is a stylish and comfortable addition to your home.
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duskythesomething · 1 year
i did in fact buy a couch! ..it won't fit in my stairway! :D
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shonatanwer14 · 1 year
Buy Sectional Sofa Set Online @Best Prices in India! | GKW Retail
Sectional Sofa Set, Sectional Living Room Sets, Recliner Sofa Sectional, L Shaped Sectional Sofa, Sectional Sofa Set, Sofa Sectional Bed, Sofa Sectional Leather, Sofa Sectionals Modern, Sofa Sectional Sale, Deep Sofa Sectional, U Shaped Sectional Sofa, White Sofa Sectional, Velvet Sofa Sectional, U Sectional Sofa, White Leather Sofa Sectional, Sectional Couch Set, Black Sofa Sectional, Modern U Shaped Sectional, Cream Sofa Sectional, Comfortable Sofa Sectional, Comfy Sofa Sectional, Lounge Sofa Sectional, Blue Sofa Sectional, Corner Sofa Sectional, Chesterfield Sofa Sectional!
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the girl next door 27
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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“Holly,” Steve approaches your mother, “hey, did you use your inhaler?” 
Your mom drones and tries to shoo him away weakly, “sleeping.” 
“Honey,” he sickens the sweetness in his voice, “we need to make sure you’re keeping up on your meds.” 
“I told ya, leave me alone,” she swings her arm out, her eyes closed as she reclines against the cushy sectional. 
Steve catches her wrist and squeezes. Your mom winces and cries out, her eyes snapping open, “that’s not how you talk to your husband. Now, honey,” he bends down to look her in the face, “is this how you want to start our marriage or do you want to get up and take your medicine like a big girl?” 
His tone has chills coursing through you. He’s angry and you suspect not only at your mom. He has to understand, her illness makes her irritable. 
“Ow, ooh, I will,” your mom sits up, “I’m sorry, I...” her eyes search around frantically, “she was supposed to get them for me.” 
“Mm,” he lets her go, almost shoving her arm away from him as he stands straight. As he turns to face you, you cower. “I’ll get it," he snarls. 
He marches toward you and for a moment, you think he might grab you too. You barely get out of his way as he storms past you. You turn and hug yourself as he goes out the door and you watch after him as he charges out the gate. 
You raise your shoulders almost to your ears as you face your mom, “I’m sorry--” 
“Just go away,” she falls back and sniffles, “you’re ruining everything.” She sighs tragically, “he isn’t like this when you’re not around. You just--” she growls and shakes her head, hiding under her hand, “you get in everyone’s way.” 
Your lip trembles and your eyes tinge. You don’t know what you did. You’ve ruined everyone’s day without even trying. 
She groans and sits forward, shaking her head as she strains to reach the coffee you left for her. You rush over to help her and put it in her reaching hands. She sneers over the brim and tastes it. 
“It’s cold,” she snarls. 
“You were sleeping--” 
“So?” She spits and sloshes it towards you, then puffs in exasperation as it spills down her fingers, “why are you always making such a mess?” She starts to shake intensely, “god, take it, take it!” You take the cup as she cries shrilly, “look at what you did!” 
“Mom, I’m sorry.” 
“Get away from me right now,” she snaps and falls back again, crossing her arms over her head. She begins to weep as her body convulses, “you don’t know what it’s like to be so sick. You just... do nothing and stare at me.” 
You back up as the front door opens as Steve returns. You look over at him with the dripping coffee cup. He looks slightly confused as he nears your mom on the couch. 
“Honey, what’s going on?” 
“Oh, Steve,” she moans, “I feel so bad.” 
“Well, of course you do,” his tenor remains rigid, “you didn’t take your meds. You gotta start keeping track.” He sets down her inhaler and a bottle of pills. He hooks his arms around her and makes her sit up. “So, you’re going to take your medicine and stop whining.” 
“It’s not my fault,” she whimpers. 
“Just take it,” he huffs as he swipes up her inhaler and holds it before her. 
She shakily reaches for it and you back away, suffocating in the thick air. You turn and go to the kitchen. You dump the coffee down the sink and wash the mug and your hands. You put it back where you found it and close the cupboard. 
“Hey, sweetie,” Steve startles you as much with his sudden appearance as with his change in tone. “Mom’s all taken care of. We’ll give her a little to let it kick in then we can have a nice pool day. Together.” 
You look at him with wide eyes. What? 
“Oh, you know, I left everything in the car, wanna help me with it?” 
“The car?” You wonder aloud as you glance back and forth. 
“Yeah, grabbed a few things on my way back,” he says, “so, you think you can do the heavy lifting for me?” You blink and he chuckles, “kidding, just a few shopping bags.” 
“Ah,” you exhale and nod. “Sure.” 
You slowly cross the tile and he gestures for you to go ahead of him. He follows and as you pass the living room, your mother slouches down, head hanging forward as she grumbles. You go out into the sunshine and trod along the straight path to the gate. You go around to Steve’s car as he pops the trunk with the button on his keys. 
“I needed a few things for the house, you know? Make it more homey for all of us,” he explains as he grabs two bags, “and I may have made some impulse purchases.” 
“Oh,” you grab the other two bags and lift them out. 
“Well, aren’t you curious? Maybe I got you a surprise,” he suggests. 
“You did?” 
“You’ll just have to wait and see, huh? Wouldn’t be a surprise if I just told you.” 
“Yeah, I guess,” you agree. 
Again, he waits for you to lead. You go back to the house and peek over as you pass the living room. Your mom’s eyes are closed again. You slow as you near the kitchen. 
“Um...” you stop and look around as Steve barely keeps from colliding with you. 
“In the dining room, we’ll sort it at the table.” 
“Oh, okay.” 
You veer through the archway and set the bags on the polished wood. He does the same, standing close as he opens the top of a paper bag. He reaches inside as he smiles. You’re confused. A few minutes ago he was so angry and now, it’s like nothing even happened. 
“You like this?” He takes out a light switch cover with daisies on it, “figured we could doll up your room a bit. It reminded me of you.” 
“Oh sure,” you shrug. 
“And I got some more bedding, just so you have some extra. I know the bed here is bigger than yours but just thought we could toss the old one,” he takes out a package with pink polka dot sheets. “Hope you like them.” 
“Pretty,” you comment. 
“And this was pretty neat,” he takes out something bigger. It’s a little lamp shaped like a tulip, “you like flowers.” 
“Yeah, I... do.” You look at the bags and peer inside one. “Is there anything for mom?” 
“Of course,” he scoffs, “but sweetie, we can show her later. There is one big surprise...” he looks at each bag, “that one.” 
He points and you look at the bag near the edge of the table. You pull it closer and open the top warily. You peer into it and frown. 
“It’s pink!” He gives a hint. 
You see pink and white checkers to the bottom of the bag. You reach and grasp the fabric and lift it out. You let it hang from your fingers and bring your other hand up to examine it. It’s a bikini top, a halter cut with knots behind the neck and around the front of the chest. You just stare at it. 
“You said you didn’t have a suit so I got you one,” he announces proudly and reaches into the bag as he steps closer, “so you can have a swim.” 
He pulls out the other piece. The bottoms don’t offer much more coverage, the sides tied in a similar fashion at the top. You teethe your lip. 
“Um, I don’t know if it’ll fit.” 
“It should,” he looks at the fabric, “I did my best to estimate but... well, only one way to find out.”You glance up at him and bat your lashes, “gotta try it on,” he beams. 
You gulp and he holds out the bottoms. You reluctantly accept them and press them in your hands with the top. You lower your chin and back up. 
“Ummm,” you murmur. You don’t want to seem ungrateful. Your mother’s chides ring behind your ears as your mouth goes gritty and dry like sand, “thank you.” 
“Why don’t you get it on and I’ll get mom out on the deck. I think the sunshine will do her well.” 
“Okay,” you babble. 
You retreat with numb steps, staring at the bikini. You only ever wore one pieces but you hadn’t had a bathing suit since middle school. You walk down the hall to the half-bath and lock yourself in. You can lie and say it doesn’t fit. No, you’re not good at fibbing and he did go to all that trouble. 
It takes a few minutes to make yourself undress and even longer to get into the suit. You notice the top is a larger than the bottoms. The latter are easy enough but the top is weird and you have to retie the top knot behind your neck several times until you feel relatively secure. You refuse a look in the mirror as you adjust the fabric around your chest. Ugh! Stupid things. 
“Sweetie,” a gentle tap sounds at the door. “You okay? Need some help?” 
“No,” you call back, “I’m... okay.” 
“Does it fit?” 
“I think,” you reply. 
“Well, can I see? Best to get a second opinion right?” He says. 
“I... uh,” you stammer. The idea of anyone, not just him, seeing you, has you on fire. Maybe if he sees how bad it looks, he’ll let you just go in your room and never come out. “Alright.” 
Your fingers are clumsy as you unlock the door handle. You pull it open slowly and peek out through the narrow slit. Steve stands against the wall, waiting. He smiles. 
“It’s all good, sweetie, just me,” he puts his hands up. 
“Um, alright, I don’t... I don’t think it’s right.” 
You step out, one leg, then half your body, now the full view. You stand in front of the door, still slightly inside the bathroom. You look up at the ceiling as you hear the breath flow from him. 
“Oh wow,” he utters. 
“I know, it’s too small.” 
“Sweetie,” he says, “it looks great on you.” He shifts on his feet, “I just gotta get my trunks on, how about I meet you out there?” 
You keep your eyes past him, too embarrassed to make eye contact. You nod and turn back to grab your clothes, hugging them against you as you come back out. You tiptoe down the hall away from him. 
“Don’t forget sunscreen, sweetie, I left some out there. Let me know if you need me to get your back.” 
“Kay,” you toss over your shoulder as you hurry away. If you stay in the water, you’ll be fine. 
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ghosts-bandwagon · 1 year
Hello! I would like to leave a request for ghost and alejandro (I don't know if you write for him, if you don't, then leave the request with ghost only). maybe where if s/o is a bookworm, she loves to read, every time that she can, she buys books and only spends her money on them. Until they (ghost/alejandro) pick up out of curiosity the book s/o was reading and falls into a smut/hot chapter and now they tease her about it and make fun every time she buys a new book.
Or something like that, you know. Thank you.
I will gladly write for Alejandro! This kind of took on a mind of its own, I hope you like it!
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
You always had your nose deep in a book for as long as he’s known you. Whenever there’s down time and you’ve accomplished all your tasks, you’re in your room, reclined on your bed, hot tea streaming on your night stand, and a small bowl of your favorite fruit. Simon had to commend your focus, it was downright impressive.
He was a man who valued his privacy, so naturally he’d respect yours. Still he couldn’t help the curiosity that tugged at the back of his mind, what could possibly be so interesting?
One day while you were reading on the couch, you were so comfortable and wound up dozing off. Your book was held loosely in your hand and Simon couldn’t help but be endeared at the sight, and then the silence broke when your book slipped off your lap and onto the ground. He knew how delicately you treated your books and he’d hate to see you get upset over bent pages, so he leaned down and picked it up off the floor.
Unfortunately, Simon is cursed with the ability to read things quickly. And as he slid your bookmark into place, he was met with paragraphs full of descriptive and erotic literature. He didn’t mean to read it, he really didn’t, but now that he saw the books contents, it all seemed to click. It made sense why you’d never read around others, but in the comfort of your room or the comfort of your shared home. He couldn’t blame you though, the words seemed to stir something in him as well. Still, he slipped the bookmark into place and set the book on the small table beside you.
The next time you went to the bookstore together, he decided to have a little fun himself. Simon tracked you down in the fiction section and stood behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on yours.
“Struggling to find something?”
“Sort of, nothing’s really standing out to me.” You leaned back against him as you reached out and grabbed another book,
“Not titillating enough for you?”
The little shit knows.
“What do you mean?” You feign ignorance, knowing full well he can feel your heart hammering in your chest,
“Just wondering if it’s interesting enough for you.” His hands have started wandering, smoothing down the curves of your waist, squeezing the push of your thighs,
“Just spit it out, Simon. I’m not an idiot.” Your face started running hot as his lips ventured the column of your neck, nipping the skin of your jaw, kissing along the shell of your ear,
“Just sayin’ you might have developed a preference for a reenactment, pet.”
Alejandro Vargas:
He loved seeing you read, it brought him so much peace to watch you. Coming home from the hectic chaos that is dealing with the cartels was made significantly more soothing when he saw you in the kitchen, making dinner with one hand and holding your book in the other
He’d always go with you to the store to get more books, he loves going with you. He loves seeing how meticulous and thorough you are when you’re picking your books, you’re so focused, it’s impressive. He honestly wished his men had a quarter of that focus you possessed, god only knows what they could accomplish. He’d always tease you about it, and you’d playfully shove him with a deep blush on your cheeks.
One day, you had to step away from your book to take a phone call, so you set it face down and walked away to take it. Alejandro came into the dining room and saw the overturned book and heard your voice carry down the hall. Being the chismoso that he is, he took the opportunity to take a peek at what you’ve been reading. He felt the heat rush to his cheeks, his ears, and everywhere else. Dios mío, is this really what you’re always reading? That would explain why you tuck the book away when you fall asleep. He was so enthralled by what he was reading that he didn’t hear you hang up and come back in, until he saw you in the corner of his eye,
“Mi vida, is this what you read constantly?” He asked with a smirk on his lips, he sees you start backing away, your face losing and gaining so much color. He set the book down and walked over to you, you were rooted in place, stuttering and stammering. His hands snaked around your waist, his hips pressing against yours, he can feel your heart thundering in your chest, and god he could swallow you whole. He rested his forehead against yours, lips molding against yours, tugging your bottom lip between his teeth,
“Corazón, I’d be happy to recreate those scenes if you want to.”
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 10 months
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Pairing : Dad!Kim Seungmin x F!Reader TW : pregnancy ; childbirth ; the pregnancy complications are finally announced ; Changbin is still the coolest best friend ; Seungmin trying to do better ; fluff at the end ; premature birth ; emergency c-section ; little bit of crack humor (i think it's funny) ; Word Count : 7.9k Request : so many people wanted part 2 to Seungmin Dad!Angst , and it won in the poll, so here we are! A/N : I hope this lives up to everyone's wishes of how they wanted it to be and how they wanted it to end! Also, I'm tagging everyone that seemed excited for part 2 and everyone who commented that they wanted to be tagged and the ones who said they wanted a part 2... I hope that's okay!
“You look like you’re waiting for a call from the president, calm down, buddy.” Hyunjin said as he sat on the couch, watching Seungmin pace the room back and forth. “Just talk to me while you wait… Did you get to see her? How big is she? Is the nursery set up? I can’t believe I get a little nephew, are you excited?!” 
Seungmin stopped in the middle of the room, glaring at Hyunjin who seemed to be full of optimism while it felt like his own life was in shambles. He hadn’t exactly told Hyunjin what was going on though, mainly because he was so focused on waiting for the call from Changbin that he didn’t want to answer anything else unless it was his phone. “I didn’t get to see her at all… I don’t know about the nursery, I don’t know about anything, that’s why I’m waiting for the call from Changbin because he vaguely said that she wasn’t doing okay and I’m really scared right now. Does that answer all of your questions?” 
Hyunjins smile fell immediately and he lowered his head. “Sorry… You don’t know what happened?” He asked, and Seungmin shook his head, dropping down into the recliner and throwing his head back with a loud groan. “I don’t know why he wouldn’t let you see her though… It’s your kid…” 
While Hyunjin had a point, Seungmin couldn’t stop thinking back on what Changbin said. “Just the mere thought of me apparently makes her cry… And he said that she doesn’t need to be stressed right now… I don’t even know if I’ll be able to see her before the baby is born… I’m having a son…” 
He was rambling now, not even caring that Hyunjin was in the room. “I know… You told me…” Hyunjin whispered, but Seingmin wasn’t listening. He shook his head as he continued to stare at the ceiling, his quiet sniffles filling the room. “Don’t cry… I’m sure that it’s not anything too bad. Maybe she just wasn’t feeling well and Changbin wanted her to rest. Maybe you’ll be able to see her once she’s feeling better… You need to be a little more hopeful.” 
“It’s not just that though…” Seungmin debated, turning to face Hyunjin with glossy eyes and flushed cheeks. “What if she doesn’t want to see me at all? What if she doesn’t want me in his life? What if she ends up with Changbin at the end of all of this because he’s been there with her through everything? What if I was too late?” 
Hyunjins lips pulled together into a thin line before opening with a small pop, and for the first time, he didn’t seem as optimistic. “You could have talked to them… You could have let her explain. You should have let her explain. You could have talked to Chan hyung… Jisung… You could have talked to any of us. You let your own thoughts get the best of you, and I understand where your worries came from, but you let them fester instead of trying to fix them.” 
Seungmin nodded slowly, he had nothing to say to that… Hyunjin was right. He had been so wrapped up in his own thoughts, in his own worries that he never even took the time to try to sort them out. The silence was awkward because Hyunjin was waiting for a response that Seungmin didn’t have, and the only thing that broke the silence was Seungmins phone vibrating on the coffee table. “Hello?!” He rushed out the word as soon as he answered, not even bothering to check the caller ID, only hoping that it was Changbin on the other end. 
“I can’t talk for long, she just finished her lunch and she’s resting again, I only have a couple minutes or so…” Changbin said as quietly as possible, and Seungmin wondered where he was right now. Why were you resting so much? What was wrong? “I’m gonna make this as short as possible. She started bleeding and I took her to the doctor. The doctor said it was partial placental abruption, but it’s too early for Y/N to deliver the baby, so she’s on bed rest. Her movements are very limited, she can only go to the bathroom and take a shower. I don’t want her to be stressed anymore than she already is, and I know that for some reason, you’re trying to come back all of a sudden, but she can’t handle that right now.” 
Seungmin had no idea what the hell Changbin was talking about, he didn’t know what placental abruption was, he did understand that it was too early to deliver, but he needed more information. “Is… Is the baby okay? Is Y/N okay? Are they going to die?” He hated saying that word in any connection with you or his son, but he needed to know… The lack of information was killing him. 
“I mean… I don’t know, Seungmin. I’m just going off what the doctor told me… And from what she said, it sounds pretty damn serious. You’d know if you had been here, but you haven’t.” Of course, another jab at his absence, and while it was to be expected, it didn’t change the fact that it pissed him off, especially right now when he was just trying to figure out what was going on. “Let me make it a little more simple for you… Your son's lifeline is slowly being unplugged, and we don’t know why, we don’t know how…. But if it completely unplugs, it could kill your son and really hurt Y/N… Okay? Does that help? Is that enough answers for you?” 
“No… It’s not.” Seungmin retorted, and through his anger, he felt nothing but fear. He didn’t want to lose his son, not before even having the chance to meet him or see him in pictures. He sure as hell didn’t want to lose you… But Changbin was ticking him off. “Why are you being such an asshole? Shouldn’t it be enough that I’m trying to come back? It’s not like I waited until she had him…” 
“Yeah, you waited until she was put on bed rest with 3 more months to go through this shit. You waited until she was at the most stressful and scary moment in her pregnancy just to show up at the door and almost stress her out even more. Why do you think I’m being an asshole?” Changbin argued back, huffing loudly. “You picked a really bad time to give a shit, and while I’d love to try to make things easier for you and make you feel better and help make up for the time that you threw away… I just think that the health of your son and Y/N is more important than your emotions.” 
“Well maybe it would be less stressful for her if you stopped assuming what was best for her and my son and just let me go up and see them myself!” Seungmin argued back, jumping up off the recliner and throwing his free hand into the air. “What if she wants me back in her life and you’re the reason that she’s so upset because you’re keeping me from seeing her! You ever think about that or do you just think about yourself?!” 
“Ohoho! That takes a lot of nerve coming from the guy who had to make up the most ridiculous excuse to get out of manning up and being a good boyfriend and a decent father! You basically accused her of being a whore and your son of being a bastard but sure, you’re the first person that she wants to see.” Changbin scoffed, and Seungmin hated the sound of it. “Stop trying to pretend that this wasn’t all your fault to begin with. Stop pretending that you’re some type of victim now that someone else decided to fill the gap that you left. I don’t have time for this, and neither does she. I’ll come into practice when I can, and like I said at the house, I’ll try to be cordial with you… But you just continue to piss me off.” 
“We-” Seungmin began, but the beeping coming through the speaker let him know the call had ended before he could say anything else. “Fuck!” He shouted, throwing his phone down onto the couch beside Hyunjin and dropping down into the recliner once more, his hands running over his face as he sighed loudly. “What the fuck!? Who does he think he is? Huh?” 
“I don’t know man, but… You both sound like you’re out of line and… The way that you two are acting, it’s not good for Y/N and the baby at all. You both need to put aside your bullshit and try to find a happy ground for her and the baby.” Hyunjin said, running his fingers through his hair and tsking his tongue. “That whole thing that happened right there… That was ridiculous and childish and if Y/N ever found out about that, she’d be so disappointed in the both of you. I actually feel worse for her and the baby than for either of you. Grow up… You’ve got a son on the way, start acting like an adult.”
“Who was that on the phone?” You asked when Changbin walked into your room, your head straining to lift just enough to look at him as he walked through the door. It was clear as day that he was annoyed, he wasn’t very good at hiding those emotions, he was like an open book. 
He shook his head, giving you a sheepish smile as he sat on the edge of your bed. “It was no one important… How are you feeling? Do you need to go to the bathroom? Are you hungry?” He asked, trying to change the subject. It wouldn’t be that easy though, mainly because you had a pretty good idea of who he was talking to, you just wanted to see if he’d be honest. 
“Binnie…” You murmured, reaching out and grabbing his hand to give it a soft squeeze. You knew that the only reason he was trying to keep it from you was because he cared and he didn’t want you to get hurt, but you were an adult, you were having a baby… “It was him… It was Minnie, wasn’t it?” You asked, and he rolled his eyes as his nose scrunched up in disgust. 
“I hate it when you call him that… He doesn’t deserve the nickname… It’s too cute for someone like him.” Changbin grumbled, his thumb brushing over your knuckles lightly, something he often did to calm himself down. “Even if it was him… It’s not fair that he gets to decide when he wants to be in your life… I’ve been taking care of you and he still acts like I’m the one that took you away from him. I wouldn’t have to be here if he wasn’t such an idiot.” 
You dropped your head down to the pillow, chewing on your bottom lip as you stared at the ceiling that Changbin had so generously decorated with little drawings from all of the guys and even a poster from the new album that he had unboxed with you… The poster happened to be one of him which only made him happier. “I know that you don’t like him right now… But I still love him… Even though you think I’m stupid for that…” 
“I never said you were stupid for loving him…” Changbin cut you off, looking over at you with a small pout. “I just said that I didn’t understand why or how you could still love someone who assumed those things about you.” He corrected and you nodded your head along with his words. 
“But you think it… Either way… I love him, and maybe it’s because he’s the father of this little guy… But I’m not going to keep my son from seeing his father, especially if Seungmin wants to be in his life. I can’t take that away from either of them…” You explained for what seemed like the millionth time, except this time, Seungmin had actually come back, and while you really understood Changbins reasons for keeping him away, you were still upset about it. 
“What if he stresses you out… Huh? What then? You know that being stressed out isn’t good for you or the baby… Why do you want to do this to yourself?” Changbin tried to reason, but you only shook your head, already beginning to cry as you once again thought about Seungmin and the months that he had missed, the future he seemed so willing to give up on before. “Don’t… Don’t cry, you know I hate it when you cry… I… What… What do you want me to do?” He finally relented, his head hung low, and you could see it was killing him to give you this option because he knew what you’d say, what you’d ask for. 
“Can you just… Call him… And ask him to come over? I want to see him… I really do…” You whispered, and Changbin looked at you, giving you one last chance to back out of this choice that he thought was quite dumb… But you nodded your head to emphasize and he groaned softly, getting up off the bed and walking towards the door. “Thanks, Binnie.” 
As much as you would have liked for the call to be made in the same room, you felt like that in itself would be stressful for you. You didn’t want to hear them argue, and you had this gut feeling that Changbin would still be in his mood when inviting Seungmin over. That didn’t stop you from listening to bits and pieces of the conversation though, and you could hear Changbin being short with Seungmin… And truthfully, the only reason you knew it was Seungmin was because of the way Binnie was talking. 
“No way!” Changbin shouted, and you wished that the phone was on speaker so you could hear just what was going on, but you were left to just listen to Changbins end of the call. “I’m not picking you up and taking you to the damn flower shop! That’s ridiculous! If you want to get her flowers, find someone else to drive you over here.” A moment of silence followed, and then you heard Bins agitated sigh. “Oh please, you should be happy that I even called you to let you know she wanted you to come over. I could have talked her out of it! It’s not like you deserve to see her anyway!” 
Even without hearing Seungmins end of the call, you were already getting stressed. When he came back into the room after ending the call, you couldn’t even pretend like you hadn’t been listening. “I really do appreciate the fact that you care so much about me, Binnie… But could you at least try to act decent? I know you hate him, but you don’t have to fight my battles for me… Especially considering I don’t even want to fight… I just want to see him.” 
“Yeah, that’s the part I don’t understand…” He mumbled, returning to his place on the edge of your bed. “You’re too loving… You’re too forgiving. If I don’t fight your battles, I sure as hell know that you won’t. You just let people hurt you and you pretend that you’re okay, but if you were okay, you wouldn’t cry so much.” His lips pulled into a thin line as he looked at you, noticing the way you wouldn’t even look at him, your eyes averted to the other side of the room. “Is it so bad that I don’t want to see you get hurt?” 
“I’m not saying that it’s bad…” You muttered, fumbling with a loose thread on the blanket to keep your mind busy. “I’m an adult though, Changbin… I have a baby on the way… You’re not always going to be able to protect me. I’ve got to learn how to handle things myself, and… Even though I’m not yelling at people over the phone or threatening them with my nonexistent massive muscles… I can still handle it…” 
He chuckled softly as the mention of the muscles, his hand moving to squeeze your upper arm. “When you have this baby, I’m taking you to the gym with me. You’re gonna start doing the Binnie workout.” He joked, earning a small giggle from you as you tried to flex what little muscle you had. “Gonna get you so strong, you’ll be lifting little dudes stroller with one arm and holding him with the other.” 
Seungmin was shaking when he pulled up outside of your house, gripping tightly onto the gift bag that had a little outfit for his son and a bouquet of flowers for you. Hyunjins words had replayed in his mind the entire time he was browsing through the flowers, the fact that a bouquet of roses and apologies wouldn’t make up for what he had done… That’s why Seungmin didn’t pick roses, he had chosen your favorite flowers, something that he proudly remembered you talking about. 
His feet could barely carry him up the stairs, his knees felt wobbly and his hands were trembling as he lifted one to knock on the door. He couldn’t hear you or Changbin inside, but he was pretty sure you both were there considering the fact that Changbins car was still parked right out front. He could have knocked again… He should have knocked again, but in his mind, you had already said you wanted him there, and you were carrying his child… He just let himself in, walking quietly through the living room and down the hall where he saw you and Changbin in the bedroom. 
Seeing Changbin so close to you, touching you, making you giggle… It was infuriating, but he tried to bury that feeling as he rapped his knuckles against the bedroom door to let you and Changbin know he was there. “Wow… You don’t even knock, do you?” Changbin muttered when his head whipped around and he saw Seungmin standing there. 
“I did knock… You were too busy touching all over her to answer the door.” Seungmin retorted, walking further into the room and freezing when he saw you laying in the bed. You looked just as you did when he had left 6 months ago, but he could see the swell of your stomach underneath the blanket, and there was a certain kind of warmth that bloomed in his chest when the realization hit that it was his kid in there. “H-Hey…” 
Changbin might as well have completely disappeared, and in Seungmins eyes, he had… All he could focus on was you, the way your face contorted, and it looked like you were trying to smile, but there was a sadness in your eyes that he knew was also caused by him. “Hi…” You muttered back, giving a small wave of your hand before dropping it back down on the bed beside you. “I didn’t think you’d come…” 
“Why wouldn’t I?” He quizzed, taking another step towards the bed. “I wanted to see you… I came to see you earlier today and Changbin said you were resting. He wouldn’t even let me inside. He made me stand out in the pouring rain while he told me basically how much of a piece of shit I was.” 
“See!” Changbin screeched, pointing towards Seungmin as he looked at you. “He only agreed to come here because he wanted to start shit! Sure! Make yourself look like the victim even though you’re the one who left!” 
Seungmin jumped up off the bed, his finger pressing into Changbins chest. “You’re just trying to keep me away from her! You say it’s because you want to make sure her and the baby stay healthy, but I saw the way you were touching her! You’ve got hidden motive and I’m not fucking stupid! Get away from my girlfriend and my kid!” 
Changbins head fell back as he let out a loud, sarcastic laugh. “Oh!? You mean the girlfriend that you broke up with?! The kid that you denied!? Is that who you’re talking about?!” His chest puffed out and he pushed Seungmin away from him, causing him to stumble back against the nightstand. “I invited you over here because she wanted to see you and talk to you! If you’ve got a problem with me, we can handle it somewhere else. She doesn’t need your bullshit and your pity party act. No one here feels bad for you for what you did.” 
“You said that you were gonna talk her out of wanting to see me! You’re trying to take over! Go find your own girlfriend and have your own kid!” Seungmin shouted back, his anger through the roof at this point. 
“How about you both just stop?” Your voice came through all the noise, so soft, so timid, and they both paused to look at you. There were tears in your eyes and you were already beginning to sniffle as your bottom lip quivered. “You’re acting like idiots… You’re both making me regret wanting either of you around. If you’re gonna keep fighting, just… Go somewhere else.” 
“No… No, I want to be here… I want to see you.” Seungmin quickly pleaded, grabbing your hand on instinct, and while he thought you’d pull away, your fingers slipped between his and you pulled him closer. “I won’t fight… I just want to be here with you… I’ll ignore him.” Your head nodded slowly, and then you shot a stern look at Changbin who’s hands flew up in irritation before he stormed out of the room. “Does he… Does he move a lot? How do you get to the doctors if you have to stay in bed all the time? How do you… How do you shower?” 
You snorted softly, shaking your head. “I know what you’re thinking… It’s pretty obvious now… Changbin does not help me in the shower. I go by myself, he just has to help me get out of bed so I don’t strain too much.” That explanation in itself was relieving to hear, but you weren’t done yet, and Seungmin listened intently to everything you had to say. “He moves a whole lot, can’t get him to sit still, especially when I’m trying to sleep. He’s a menace… Just like you.” Seungmin chuckled lightly, already feeling so close to his son, he had never met him, and this was the closest he had been to you and your stomach since he had left, but he felt as close as ever to you and the baby. “The doctors have to come here to check on me every other day, and they call me daily just to see how I’m doing. It’s too early to have him, so they just have to monitor me closely.” 
“If it’s okay with you…” Seungmin started, moving closer to you on the bed and letting his free hand move down to your stomach, smiling softly to himself when he felt a bit of movement beneath your skin. “I want to be here… I want to stay with you. I want to be here when he’s born and every single day after that. I’m sorry for what I put you through… I can’t make up for the time that I lost from being a total idiot… But I want to be in his life, and I want to be in yours.” 
“Why did it take so long for you to figure it out?” Your voice was low, it sounded like your throat was closing up and Seungmins heart clenched hearing you sound so upset. “You could have asked… We could have talked about it… You missed so much.” He nodded to your words, he knew what he could have done, he knew what he should have done, but he hadn’t done anything. “I guess it’s… It’s too late to try to play catchup… It would be weird starting over from here though… Wouldn’t it?” 
Your weak chuckle as you motioned to your stomach had him smiling, although it was more of a grimace. “I don’t want to start over.” He mumbled, absentmindedly playing with your fingers as he stared at your stomach, not willing to admit it out loud, but he couldn’t look you in the eyes, not without feeling ashamed for what he had put you through. He only felt worse for expecting you to want to pick up where you left off, and honestly, things weren’t so good then either. “I want to tell you that I… I love you…” Your eyes widened at those three words, and it was noticeable, and it made him feel like shit. When was the last time he had told you that? “I want to say it every single day… I’ll say it a thousand times a day… Just to make up for every single day that I didn’t say it. I love you… I’ll start now… I love you.” 
“Shut up…” You mumbled, pulling your hand away from his, much to his disappointment, but he watched as you wiped your eyes, blinking them quickly, and a single tear rolled down your cheek. He quickly caught it with his thumb, his hand lingering on your cheek a little longer as he let himself really look at you. “What? I know… I’m not as pretty as before… It’s hard to brush my hair and do my makeup when I can’t move.” 
A soft scoff blew through his nose as he leaned in to press a kiss to your forehead. “Hush, bubby.” He cooed, letting his fingers dance across your face ever so light and down to your stomach once more. “I think you look just as beautiful… Maybe even more now…” 
“You weren’t even this sweet when we first started dating.” You commented, and he rolled his eyes. “You’re raising my expectations, Seungminnie. You better be like this all the time now.” 
His nose crinkled in fake disgust as he let out a groan. “I have 6 or more months to make up for being a jerk, that’s the only reason I’m being like this. Don’t call me out on it though, I feel gross.” 
Your tongue poked out from between your lips and his laughter, your laughter, it came out more genuine now. “I think it’s cute… You’re cute… Although I do miss you being the biggest tsundere in the world… Mr. I’m Not Soft.” You reached up to poke his cheeks, and while he’d usually pretend to be disgusted by it, he leaned into your touch now, pressing his lips against the palm of your hand. “I missed you…” You whispered, and he nodded his head in understanding, in agreement, because he truly missed you too. 
“So… If you two are done being super sappy now… I feel like I’m next in line for an apology.” Changbin said, finally making his presence known in the doorway to the bedroom. “I put up with a lot of shit for you, buddy. I want an apology, a hug… And I want my friend back…” He pouted from his spot near the door, his arms outstretched towards Seungmin. 
“I’m sorry… But ew. No… I don’t feel like doing all that right now. I am sorry though… For being an ass, and because I will not give you a hug right now. Maybe later though.” Seungmin teased, and Changbin slowly backed out of the room, and while he assumed that Changbin would stay a little longer, the front door opened and clicked shut, then the sound of a car being started up, leaving Seungmin and you alone in the house once again. “I guess I’m back for good now…” 
“I guess you are…” 
“How is she doing? Is the doctor still coming to see her? Does she have someone at the house coming to stay with her while you’re here?” Changbin asked as he sat on the floor beside Seungmin in the practice room. It had been almost two months since Seungmin had come back into your life, 7 weeks to be exact, and things were perfect. Seungmin couldn’t be happier, it was like he had never been gone, simply picking up at a time before his thoughts had gotten the better of him. 
“You really are annoyingly protective of her…” Seungmin joked as he leaned his head back against the mirror. “My sister is going to stay with her until my mom can take over. I made sure all of her favorite snacks are in the house and if she has to use the bathroom, they both know what to do to help her get out of the bed. The doctor is coming tomorrow though, that’s why I asked Chan hyung if I could come in a bit later.” 
“That’s all good but… How is she doing?” Changbin emphasized the very first question he had asked. It had been 7 weeks since he had last seen you, and while Seungmin had told him multiple times that he was still allowed to come over and hang out with you, Changbin didn’t want to cross that invisible line, especially so soon after things between you and Seungmin had just been fixed. 
“She’s been complaining of cramps this morning…” Seungmin mumbled, and while he knew that Changbin would bring you up, he thought that he’d be able to come to work to escape the worry at least for a couple hours. “That’s why I called the doctor, and I wanted them to come in today but apparently they couldn’t, so she has to wait until tomorrow.” 
The fact that the doctor thought it would be okay to wait made Seungmin relax a little though, if the doctor thought it was serious, they would have come in immediately to check on you… “Just let me know what’s going on, okay? Keep me in the loop, and if you two need anything… I’m here for you both.” Changbin sighed, drumming his hands on his knees. “Is she scared? Is she okay?” 
Seungmin shook his head, tapping his phone and looking down at the screen to make sure there were no new notifications before answering. “She said she’s fine… That she isn’t worried, but I know she’s lying. I can see it in her eyes, she’s scared…” 
“Oh I’m sure she is. You should have seen her when she first found out. She was an absolute wreck. I think she cried for an entire week. She was begging me to call you and get you over to the house the whole time, it was devastating.” Changbin didn’t mean any harm in telling Seungmin about the time, but he couldn’t help but feeling like absolute garbage hearing what you had gone through, knowing that he wasn’t around when you needed him most. 
“Yeah.. Let’s practice again… Please?” Seungmin muttered, trying to change the subject so he wouldn’t get worked up. He and Changbin were on good terms now, at least, as good of terms as two guys can be on after what had happened. “I really want to get this choreo down, I’ll be able to make it to one of the comeback shows if she lasts until her due date.” 
“Right… Right, you’re right.” Changbin pushed himself up off the floor, grabbing Seungmins hand and pulling him up alongside him. “Everything is gonna be fine though. Y/N was doing great, the doctor said that she would be just fine if we kept up with her bed rest, and… She’ll make it to the due date. Her and the baby will be fine, I’m like, 100% about it.” 
The song ended for what felt like the thousandth time, the guys standing around the room sweating and panting as they held onto the water bottles that they could barely even lift to their lips at this point. “Yah… Seungmin!” Hyunjin called from the back of the room, his voice dry and sounding absolutely parched as he held up Seungmins phone. “Your things been going crazy back here, vibrating nonstop. It’s a bunch of notifications and calls from Y/N, your mom, and your sister.” 
Now, there was absolutely no reason for the three of you to be calling at the same exact time, and Seungmin felt his stomach drop as he ran over to Hyunjin, snatching the phone out of his hand and looking at the screen. “Some of these calls are from 30 minutes ago…” Seungmin couldn’t hide the irritation in his voice. “You heard it going off… Why didn’t you tell me?! You could have stopped the music, you could have pulled me over!” 
“I didn’t know! I thought they were just calling to let you know that everything was okay! I didn’t think you’d want me to stop practice for that!” Hyunjin snipped back, huffing loudly through his nose as his arms crossed over his chest.
Seungmin ran his hands through his hair, panic setting in as he looked around the room at all the guys who seemed just as confused as Hyunjin, maybe even more… Except one… Changbin was wearing the same mask of concern that Seungmin knew he was wearing himself. “Call…. Call my sister or my mom, call both of them. I’ll try to get a hold of Y/N…” Seungmin rushed out the order and Changbin nodded, running out into the hallway, his phone already held up to his ear. Seungmin started dialing your number, listening to the ringing that went on for far too long without an answer. 
“Do you need me to drive you home to her? Maybe it’s not too serious? Did she answer?” Minho spoke up, and Seungmin shook his head fast, his chest tightening up as he tried to call you again. “She might just be in the bathroom…. Maybe you’re overreacting because you know that she’s not in the best of shape right now.” It wasn’t just that though. It was the fact that if anything bad did happen, you were still only 31 weeks pregnant. It was too early to have to baby, and there were major issues that you could face as well. There was a lot on the line here, and he needed to know that you were okay… He was furious with Hyunjin for completely ignoring the vibration, he was pissed at himself for even coming into work today when you were having cramps… He was mad at everyone. 
“We need to go… Like now!” Changbin shouted from the door, his head peaked in just enough to call out to Seungmin. Those words were definitely not what he wanted to hear, but he was already in motion, running out the door and then sprinting down the hallway behind Changbin who was already slamming his finger against the call button for the elevator. “Your sister… She’s totally freaking out right now man… Y/N started bleeding again and they called an ambulance… And they rushed her in for an emergency delivery of the baby… Apparently the placenta detached completely.” 
Completely… Completely? He had read about that happening, what would… what could happen if that were the case. His knees buckled as he stepped into the elevator, his back falling against the wall, his hand weakly gripping onto the side railing that wasn’t able to support him or help pull him up at all. “Who’s in the room with her? Is anyone with her right now? I don’t want her to be alone…” 
If anything happened to you or the baby, he’d blame himself, he’d never stop blaming himself. He wasn’t there when it started, and he wasn’t there now either. He just continued to fail you and his son, and he was beginning to wonder if these things happened as a sign, a way of the universe telling him that he didn’t deserve either of you. “They wouldn’t let anyone in… Your sister said that she looked through the little window and the last thing she saw was the mask being put over Y/N's face to put her to sleep. The doctors had to move fast…” Changbin explained as calmly as possible, but it was obvious, they both were freaking out. 
“Can you drive me… Can you get me to the hospital?” Seungmin asked, unable to get his heart to beat properly, the panic setting in full force now, his breaths unsteady as he looked up at Changbin from the floor. “Will they even let me in? Oh god… What if they don’t let me in? I need to be there with her… They can’t keep me out of the room, can they?” 
He was full of questions, but Changbin wasn’t answering any of them, his eyes downcast as he chewed on his bottom lip. “I… I don’t know… I don’t know what’s going on… Your sister and your mom haven’t called in a bit…” Changbin muttered, looking at his phone that was free of notifications, as was Seungmins. “I’ll get you to the hospital though… Don’t worry… It’s gonna be okay.” 
“Look! Look!” You cheered from the couch, causing Seungmin to look up from his phone. “He’s pulling himself up… I think he’s gonna do it this time…” Your voice softened, trying not to call the attention of your son just yet. Seungmin watched with wide eyes, his phone set down on the couch beside him, completely forgotten about as he looked on at his son who was now getting his balance on the side of the couch. “I think he’s gonna do it…” 
“Shh…” Seungmin hushed you, leaning forward to fully focus on the little boy that was wobbling slowly across the floor, one hand still gripping the edge of the couch until there was no more cushion to hold on to, his arms shooting forward as he took one step, and then another, babbling to himself until he got to the tv, his chubby hands pressing against the screen that was playing the groups latest comeback. “He did it… He did it!” Seungmin shouted once it had fully set in that his son had not only just taken his first step, but he had taken about five just to slap his hand against his fathers face on the screen. 
“My baby!” You cheered even louder now, jumping up off the couch and scooping up your son, holding him up that air and then bringing him back down to pepper kisses across his face. “You did it bubby!” You cooed, and while you sounded excited, Seungmin could also hear that you were choked up, on the verge of crying, and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t too. 
“We didn’t get it on video…” Seungmin thought out loud, looking at his phone and then back to you, but you didn’t seem to care. The important thing was that you both had been there to see it, neither of you had missed it. “Babe…” Your face was now buried against your son’s tummy, something you did often to blow raspberries, but this time Seungmin knew you were trying to hide the fact that you were crying. 
Seungmin grabbed your son from your arms, pressing a kiss to the top of his head before carefully setting him down on the floor and then pulling you in for a tight hug, his hand rubbing circles against your back to try to calm you down. “They said… He wouldn’t be able to… That he wouldn’t be as quick to do these things as other infants…” You said shakily against Seungmins chest, and his hand moved to your hair to brush over it as he hushed you once more. “The doctors said he’d be delayed… And he isn’t… He’s so smart, Minnie… I’m so proud of him…” 
He nodded understandingly, those fears had been there from the moment your son was born, and they were only ingrained further into his head after hearing the doctor talk about what it would be like to raise a child that was born so early. “Of course he’s smart… he’s just like every other child, babe… He’s fine.” He reassured you, slipping his finger under your chin to tilt your head up, his forehead resting against your own. “And even if he wasn’t… I’d love him just the same. I’m just lucky that you both are here, that you both are okay…” 
You hummed in agreement, quickly wiping the tears from your eyes before peering around Seungmin to watch your son play with his toys. “I just want him to always be happy and healthy… I want him to always know how much we love him… And how proud we are of him…” 
“And he does… He will…” Seungmin whispered, smiling softly down at you as he helped catch the tears that had already fallen. “There’s no one that will ever love him more than we do, no one that will ever be more proud of him than we are.” He kissed you gently before pulling you down on the couch beside him, his arm loosely draped over your shoulder as your head fell against his. “I gotta tell Changbin… He’s gonna be so mad that he missed it. I’ll have to record him when he walks again.” 
Changbin, who had become closer to Seungmin than you ever imagined after they had rushed to the hospital together just a little less than a year ago. They had taken turns between sitting with you, and going to the NICU to check on your son and ask the doctors how he was doing. They both had cried at your bedside when they thought you were sleeping, and Seungmin had probably gotten more hugs from Changbin in that week than he had in his entire time knowing him. 
Seungmin had been a wreck when he saw your son in the incubator, the billi lights glowing across your sons almost translucent skin, the tubes that were coming out of his nose and his mouth to help him breathe, the IV that was stuck in the vein in the side of his neck just to make sure he had enough nourishment. It was the scariest time for the both of you, and Changbin had been there through it all. 
He had driven you and Seungmin up to the hospital every single day while you both waited those two months to finally be able to bring him home. He’d go through the hassle of getting a visitors pass just to be able to walk into the NICU and say hi to your son, to check on him and see how he was doing before leaving just to pick you both up a couple hours later. 
Changbin was the one who held you and Seungmin together during those awful two months, when you both were emotionally drained, and he was the one who had made sure there was a carseat in the back of his car the day that you could finally bring your son home, working with Seungmin to make sure it was installed properly before excitedly standing off to the side to watch you buckle your son in. 
He was the bestest friend, the bestest brother, and the bestest uncle that you, Seungmin, and your son could have ever asked for. “What do you mean you forgot to record it?! How could you not record such a pivotal moment in little mans growing journey!? You better record it next time… Actually… I’ll just come over! I bought him a new toy and I think he’s gonna like it. I’ll be over in an hour.” 
“You tired of him yet?” Seungmin asked as he replayed the voice message that Changbin had sent, his chest vibrating with laughter at how dramatic he sounded.
“I could never get tired of either of you.” You cooed, looking up at Seungmin who was already ready to give you another kiss, his fingers lightly squeezing your shoulder. “Although…” You continued after his lips pulled away from yours. “I think he’s trying to outdo the other guys in the whole uncle thing… bubby has so many toys.” 
“I think he already outdid them in the uncle thing.” Seungmin commented, leaning back against the couch and letting out a yawn. “I’m glad he’s here… I’m glad you two have him if I’m busy at practice… I never thought I’d say that…” Seungmin muttered, running a hand through his hair.
“I’m glad I have all of you…” You whispered back, kissing along his shoulder before looking up at him with eyes that looked too innocent to be believable, your lips pulling up at the corners and the expression screamed mischief. “I’m just… really happy that you two are so close… ya know… with another one on the way…It’d be nice to have Binnie babysit for doctors appointments and stuff…” 
“Another one…?” Seungmin whispered, his eyes wide like a deer in headlights, looking between you and your son who was in his own world, surrounded by the multitude of toys that he had. “Are you sure…? I did that… Again? I made another one?” 
You giggled lightly as you nodded your head, and then the front door swung open, Changbin loudly announcing his presence before pausing and then his mouth fell open as he pointed at you. “You already told him?!” 
“You already knew!?” Seungmin shouted back, and then his eyes were back on you. “Why did you tell him first? Were you worried I’d be mad? I would never be mad at you about that… I love you.” 
“Yah!” Changbin groaned, shutting the door behind himself before going over to pick your son up, ruffling his hair and saying hello before setting him back down and turning back towards you and Seungmin. “I’m always the first to know about your weak pull out game. Congratulations though, proud of you. Happy for you. Might need to upsize in the whole house department though if I’m gonna be the best uncle to two of your kids.” 
“My pull out game is not weak!” Seungmin defended himself, his entire face turning a bright shade of red. “This was totally planned. I love being a dad so much, I thought… Hey… What if I could be a dad to two kids? That was the whole thing, definitely planned.” 
Changbin scoffed and you even looked up at Seungmin with raised eyebrows. “Yeah… Okay.” Changbin sarcastically agreed, going over to the fridge and grabbing two beer cans and a bottle of water for you. “Just wait till the guys find out about this, you’re never gonna live it down. Not even a full ten months since little man was born either. You’re impatient.” 
“Shut up, man…” Seungmin mumbled, grabbing the beer and chugging it quickly, hoping to hide his embarrassment under the guise of being flushed due to the alcohol. “I’m sure you’d be the same way if you had a girlfriend.” 
And the bickering continued, so much that even your son ended up toddling over- much to Changbins excitement- and climbing onto Seungmins lap to join the conversation, albeit, in baby talk, but you all found it adorable. Your family was perfect, it surely hadn’t started out that way, and there had been many bumps in the road to get to where you were now, sitting in the living room surrounded by your favorite boys, another child on the way, and while none of this had been planned, you were happy. Sometimes it was the most spontaneous things, things that happened without a single thought… those things were what made life worth living, it made life perfect… and for you, it made life complete. 
Taglist : @steviesbergthuis @lovesunshinefelix @0325tiny @dwaekkiiiiii @jihyun2monster @skzswife @saiko-skz @keylex @strawberry31 @turtledove824 @ladyofodaiba @klyde06 @jellyglly
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megamindsecretlair · 7 months
Can you do more smit with vampire Tyrone. Like how did they meet, how did the reader find out Tyrone was a vampire? How did they fall in love?
A Seduction at Midnight Prequel
Pairing: Vampire!Tyrone x Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. No smut. Cursing, AU Tyrone, Toxic Tyrone. Dark fic. Mentions of stalking and manipulation. Mean-ish reader.
Summary: A chance meeting at a club introduced you to the enigmatic Tyrone. He was interesting in ways that you weren't expecting. And when he tells you he's a vampire, did you really believe him?
Word Count: 4,143k
This has now been turned into a series! Read here: Midnight Sin Masterlist
A/N: Since I don't know how to lay my ass down, enjoy a little vamp Tyrone prequel! How did they meet? The previous fic, they weren't actually in love. Reader is just down bad. I mean, wouldn't you be? Thank you so much for the ask, this was fun! No smut, because the party was the first time they had sex, sorry! Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios!
Taglist: @planetblaque @dayjlovesromance @sevikasblackgf @melaninpov @amyhennessyhouse @henneseyhoe @honeyoriginalz @justheretostan @black-fairy3 @superhoeva @jarfulloftears @hereformiles @montysstuffs @westside-rot @blackerthings @blowmymbackout @euphoric05 @miyuhpapayuh @nicolexnight @8ttached @judymfmoody @notapradagurl7 @wakandas-vibranium @soft-persephone @justabovewater20 @mcotton0928 @soapjay @heyauntieeee @theyscreamsannii @mybonafidefeelings @eggnox @honeytoffee @thadelightfulone @tranquilfandomer @kindofaintrovert @l-auteuse @browngirldominion @sunkissedebony97 @lovedlover @issahyland
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Tyrone knew better. He knew better than to go out among the mortals. The stench of them was unbearable. Every year, humans found more and more ways to debase themselves. They don’t wash, they don’t eat properly, and they drown themselves in buckets of artificial smells. It buried the scent of their blood and he hated it all.
However, his business partner encouraged him to come to the club tonight. Slick Charles was a fast talking, smooth operator that could sell water to a fish. He was ruthless in matters of business. Fed up with hearing his begging, Tyrone decided to come out for one night only.
He much preferred the solitude of his property. Even the parties were starting to dull him. Seen one orgy, you’d seen them all. 
Tyrone reclined on the couch in the VIP section, a booth reserved only for him. It faced the dancefloor below, the bar area, the private tables, and the front door. He watched over everything. Watched how the mortals filled their short lives with bigger and louder and messier.
“We doin’ real well, ‘round here Tyrone. Real well. If we weren’t so exclusive, we could snatch up licensing rights quicker than a ho on the wrong corner,” Slick Charles said. Tyrone half listened.
He sat with legs crossed, his hands resting on his knees. The sunglasses he wore did little to dim his vision but it kept the curious ones from making comments about his eyes. 
And then he saw you. You were down by the bar, leaning over it in a sinful red dress that left little to the imagination and yet, still covered much of your body. Only the middle was cut out, thin straps crossing over your tummy. You kicked up one leg, showing red bottom “fuck me” heels. Your body dimensions were out of this world. 
Tyrone kept watch while you flirted with the bartender to score free drinks. Slick Charles was still droning on, but Tyrone made a mental note to address the bartender issue. You carried the trio of drinks to a private table with two other women dressed similar to you. Their dresses were much shorter, scantily clad, with pieces of material over their bodies. Barely enough to call it a dress. 
Tyrone took a deep breath, sifting through scents until he was sure he smelled you. Something natural and earthy, like fresh rain. The more he took in your scent, the more his mouth salivated. 
Your scent hit him like a ton of bricks. Your blood sang to him. Called to him. Tyrone lowered his glasses, looking at you over the top of them. You were intoxicating. How were you still unmarked? How had no one claimed you yet? 
“See, what I was thinking was at least one other club. Like on the east coast maybe. I did such a good job here, I know I can bring that Slick Charles flavor over there, know what I mean?” 
“Slick,” Tyrone said.
“We’re not franchising. Who is that?” Tyrone kept his eyes on you, too afraid that if he looked away, you’d disappear and take that tempting aroma with you. You were a temptress. Sent here to provoke him.
“Duncan, party of three,” Slick responded. “I didn’t get all of their names.”
A kernel of anger coursed through him. How dare you smell so good? He licked his lips. He had to have a taste of your blood. Hunger pains made him place one hand over his stomach. He hadn’t reacted this strongly in centuries. He could hardly recollect what happened then. 
Tyrone replaced his shades and watched as you mingled with your friends, drinking and clinking your glasses. He longed to hear what you sounded like, what you tasted like.
You were so fuckin’ sick of your bitchy friend. You smiled and clinked glasses with them and encouraged London to take another shot. You looked to your other friend, Amanda, and you shared a look. 
London was back on her “I hate Carlos” bender, which meant going out nearly every night in too tight dresses and heels, cruising for men she wasn’t going to take home. As soon as her Instagram blew up with pictures of her having fun, dressed up sexy, and hanging onto random men, Carlos would call. 
He’d beg and cry and sniffle until she took him back and it was another few months before they were breaking up again. You and Amanda had long ago stopped trying to get in the middle of that bullshit. You were sick of the cycle. 
You were not looking for a man and you hated how pushy these dudes were. They sent over drinks, tried to sidle up to the table, grabbed your waist to try and pull you onto the dancefloor. 
You wanted to stick your stiletto in their eyes. You wanted to scratch or maim them. Teach them a lesson about putting hands on women they don’t know. Who fuckin’ raised these animals? 
Maybe you were just too old for the club scene. You were approaching your 30s and you were fucking over it. All of these men were raised in the barn. Worse, they were raised under the barn. They stunk, their breaths were horrible, and didn’t have two nickels to rub together but wanted to buy you a drink. Please.
So, no, you didn’t want the hustle and bustle of meeting someone, finding out they weren’t shit, and getting back into the rat race. 
You rolled your eyes as London took another fuckin’ selfie with her drink. You had been here an hour and you wanted to dip. You longed for a bath, some smell good, and the next trashy program you could binge watch. You locked eyes with Amanda again. She rolled her neck and gave you a pointed look.
Yes, you were seeing this mess. And yes you were over it. Amanda was the one who came up with the idea of the table. She thought that by supplying London with alcohol and posting all night, you could avoid the drunken desperation of finding any guy that would take a picture with her. You did not have the strength to fight off another fuck boy. 
You watched over your friend like a boring mom-friend, wasting your good dress, until she finally got a like from Carlos. “See! Knew that fucker was watching my stories!” 
“Why don’t we call it a night? This place is dead,” you said. The place actually looked fun. It had good, grown and sexy vibes. There was ambient lighting all around, shadless bulbs hanging down from the ceiling. The music was grown too. Music you could either dance or fuck to.
The floor itself was spacious with enough room for people to actually breathe. The club limited how many people came in at once. It was a huge place, two levels. The top floor was for the real VIPs. Celebrities, CEOs, billionaires, royalty, or people with that much money to throw around.
Maybe you’d have to come back here with Amanda, without London. “Yeah, it’s no fun when there’s no guy to make him jealous. All these mu’fuckas ugly anyway.”
Sweet-fucking-music to your ears. You gathered your things and slipped out of the booth. You linked arms with Amanda as you waited for London to scoot her tiny ass out of the booth.
“Think they’ll notice if I wear this back here?” You asked.
“Girl no, didn’t nobody fuckin’ see it,” Amanda said.
You laughed with her. “You right, you right.” 
Amanda placed her hands on London’s shoulders to steady their drunk friend. Maybe their plan worked a little too well. “Why he gotta act like that?” 
You turned your head and rolled your eyes. Crying over a man? You could fuckin’ never. “Because men are pigs,” you said. What else was new? The sky was blue, fire was hot, and men weren’t shit.
You steered London out of the club. Sharp wind smacked you in the face as you left the warm interior. There was a line outside of hopeful people ready to get inside. 
Outside, you pulled your phone out of your clutch so that you could call up a ride for all three of you. “She can crash at my place tonight,” Amanda said. London went to sit on the curb, holding her head in hand as she scrolled through her pictures. 
“Are you sure?” You asked.
Amanda sighed and looked at London. “Might as well. I think you had her last time,” she said.
You agreed and moved to the side, out from under the streetlight to better see your phone. You typed as you moved. Something heavy slammed into your shoulder and you went careening to the side about to trip over your heels.
Strong hands encircled you and you steadied yourself. 
“Yo, what the fuck?!” You shrieked.
“Damn, bitch you don’t see me walking?” Some pimp-lookin’ wannabe looked you up and down. He wore a leather jacket over a black turtleneck and heeled boots. He looked like a damn clown. 
“The fuck did you just call me?” 
“Apologize to the lady!” A deep, smooth voice moved over you like chocolate. You looked into the face of the one who held you.
Damn. He was gorgeous. Rich, ebony skin. Faint facial hair. Neat cornrows. The sunglasses hid his eyes from you. But those lips. You stared at his lips as they moved. 
“Huh?” You asked. 
“Are you alright, miss?” He asked.
You told him your name. He let you go now that you weren’t in danger of falling on your ass. He held out his hand. You took it. His hand was so warm, near scorching. He brought your hand to his lips.
“I’m Tyrone,” he said.
You smiled at him. It had to be illegal to look that damn good. He wore an all black suit, nothing fancy, no jacket. There was a silver chain running from his vest to his pants pocket.
You giggled as his soft lips brushed your knuckles. “A pleasure to meet you,” he said.
Maybe…you needed to rethink your whole stance on men. He smiled without showing his teeth, still holding your hand. 
“Are you sure you’re alright? That was pretty rude of that man,” Tyrone said.
You shrugged. “Par for the course. Most men are rude,” you said.
“Well, then, I hope to be the exception.” 
Tyrone knew better. But he could not get you out of his mind. The night he met you was like a shock to his system. Rebooting the long frozen heart in his chest. You really had no clue how delectable you smelled. He wondered once again how you flitted through life with no one claiming you.
True, vampires were decreed to keep their activities hidden. Only allowed to keep three donors in rotation and even then, not keeping them for long. It took every ounce of restraint he possessed not to drink you like ambrosia through a straw.
Unbeknownst to you, Tyrone spent his nights learning your routine. A few keystrokes on the computer and he learned where you worked. Keystrokes later, he found your address. Every night since that meeting, he perched in the shadows of your place, looking for any glimpses of you. 
He knew when you came home that you locked your car and swiftly headed inside. Not bothering to search your surroundings. Careless. You did at least lock your doors. Your neighborhood was…cute. Seemed beneath someone as gorgeous and smart as you were. 
You were undervalued at the company you worked for. Yet, you seemed content with that. Why? 
Each new thing he uncovered about you only served to pique his interest more. He had pieces of you but the whole picture wasn’t clear. And it wasn’t enough. 
Tyrone watched you for weeks. You were none the wiser. Each night, he thought he’d finally give in and devour you. Your scent was its own temptation. Luring him half across the city. Begging for him to take you and claim you as his. 
But then you’d do something cute like tilt your head. Or wear another sexy dress that looked painted on your ass. His dick stirred on more than one occasion as he watched you. He yearned to bury himself in you. Wondered if your pussy tasted as good as you smelled. 
He didn’t know what the hell you were doing with your two friends. They seemed beneath you as well. He caught the way you’d look at them sometimes. Like you wanted to set fire to their hair with just your eyes. Why remain friends with them? 
In his nightly watches, he never caught a man sniffing around. None? How were you not beating them back with a stick? How did they not harass you day and night, wanting to be in your orbit? 
You ended up coming back to the club and he arranged another accidental bump into you, charming you into giving up your number. He already had it. But you didn’t need to know that. He ended up talking to you every second of the day and night. 
He had to explain that his job gave him an opposite schedule, sleeping all day and up all night. You seemed to buy it. 
He took you out on a few trips. Showing you LA at night. The LA Zoo hosted a special event where they set up lights to look like animals. You glowed in the neon light and Tyrone hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off of you. 
But he held himself back. Only touched your hand or the small of your back to lead you through the crowd. He wanted you to crave his touch. He wanted you to seek out his comfort. So he held off on touching as much as possible.
You were probably used to men pawing at you. He endeavored to be the exception and that was what he was going to do. He took you to restaurants and museums. You marveled at how he was able to get you in after dark. He walked you through the galleries, regaling you with anecdotes about painters and artists. Some he knew in a previous life, but he couldn’t tell you that.
Eventually, you got curious about the shades. Strangely, he didn’t want to lie to you. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Tyrone said. 
“Try me,” you said. 
You had been going out for a few months and talking all the time. He knew the shades would be an issue at one point. Especially since it was clear he wasn’t blind. Tonight, he took you on a private Griffith Observatory trip. On the deck, he stood beside you and looked out over LA. 
“Do you believe in monsters?” 
“Like the boogeyman?” You sang.
“Naw, like vampires and werewolves,” he said. 
You giggled and shook your head. “Uh, no,” you said. 
“Why not?” He asked.
“Are you going to tell me about your glasses or not?” You asked.
Tyrone smirked. “C’mon, indulge me,” he said.
You shrugged and looked out over the cityscape. Why didn’t you?
Why would you have a reason to believe in monsters? Sure, you had the odd fantasy about them. The occasional smutty book about being at the mercy of one. But they were all cheap knock offs and underwhelming.
Pale, frigid beings that masqueraded as high school kids. Yuck. The fuck would a vampire want with jail bait? Even if they looked young, they weren’t young. They ought to know better. 
“I guess Hollywood made them too clean and sanitized. They’re actors with fake teeth. They don’t actually exist. What keeps them alive? Why blood? Where does it go?” You asked. 
“What if I told you they were real?” He asked.
You sucked your teeth. “I knew you were too pretty and perfect. There had to be something wrong with you,” you said.
You giggled, meaning it as a joke. But maybe there was some truth to it. Tyrone always held himself away from you. As if he were afraid that you’d break if he touched you too long. At first it was hot, but dammit. You were a modern woman with needs. Each successful date was like another nail of desire hammered into you. 
You lay awake at night, feverish. No one else had been able to rev you up like that. But any time you tried to get close, Tyrone found some excuse to keep his distance. Even when he dropped you off at home, he’d kiss your hand and ask when he could see you again. 
Tyrone smirked and rubbed his jaw. “What if I were serious? What if I told you that monsters are real and they’re out to steal your blood?” 
You rolled your eyes. “Okay, okay, what does that have to do with your shades?” 
Tyrone lifted his hands to his shades and tugged them off. He kept his red eyes trained on you. Wait..red? 
You backed up a step. He had deep, red rimmed eyes where people would normally have brown or blue. “What the –” 
“Don’t freak out,” he said. 
“Where’d you get contacts like that?” You asked. It looked so real. Like movie-grade real. 
Tyrone chuckled, not showing his teeth. “Naw,” he said. He licked his lips. He stalked closer. He bared his teeth, his canines longer than normal. Pointed and sharp. Sharp enough to pierce skin.
Your heart thundered in your chest. “You can’t really be serious, right?” 
Tyrone shrugged. He put his shades back on his face. “Guess we’ll have to wait and see. If you’ll still have me,” he said. He held out his hand and you looked at it.
Was this guy crazy? You weighed who he had been with what you were discovering tonight. Surely, he was just a vamp lover, like a furry. Right? You took his hand. Your curiosity would get you in trouble, but you weren’t done trying to discover what made Tyrone tick. You might regret it.
Tyrone took your questions with resounding patience. He answered them all. Yes, he drinks blood. Yes, he can run fast. No, he could not shapeshift into a bat. No, he couldn’t turn invisible. Garlic was just another abhorrent smell. Silver didn’t bother him. 
“C’mon, you really believe you’re a vampire?” You asked. 
Tyrone took off his glasses, safe to do so since you were walking along the outside of the Getty museum. The view was breathtaking. Nothing glowed like LA at night. The twinkle of the yellow and white lights never failed to make you feel alive. One among many but never truly alone. 
“Have we ever met in the daytime?” Tyrone asked. 
“Well, no but…c’mon,” you said. You couldn’t believe it. “Fangs” and red contacts did not equal a vampire. You didn’t know why you were reluctant to believe it. He seemed too alive to be dead. He breathed, he sighed, he ate food! 
Tyrone grinned, showing that hint of fang. The back of your thighs tingled. Desire pooling low in your belly. Everything about him turned you on. Still, he denied you. Only touched you when it was necessary.
When you were fed up with a dude, that was it. You were out of there. But Tyrone was intriguing. Interesting. He kept you guessing. Entertained. You didn’t know what he was going to say or do next. And you wanted to find out.
“Want me to show you?” He asked.
“How?” You asked.
One minute, you were standing outside the Getty. The next moment, you were at the bottom of the hill. You shrieked, holding onto Tyrone’s long sleeved shirt for dear life. You stared up into his flaming red eyes. His smile was predatory. 
In the next blink, you were back up the mountain outside the museum. He let you go and you moved away from him, backing into the railing so he couldn’t sneak up behind you. 
He stood away from you, poised as if he were posing for a magazine. “A vampire. Like I’ve been telling you,” he said. That predatory grin was back. He stalked closer. You held your hand up. 
Your lip quivered. The mad dash up and down the mountain stole your breath and made you shiver. This was insane. Vampires? Like actual vampires? Blood-sucking vampires?
“So what? You were just playing with your food? Am I gonna end up on a T-shirt?” 
Tyrone shook his head. Maybe he shouldn’t have gone that far. You stood away from him. The flirty tone you always used with him was gone. Your beautiful eyes were wide, your breathing had increased.
Fuck. If he thought you smelled delicious before, your scent mixed with fear and it drove him wild. He took a step forward before he knew what he was doing. 
“No,” he said. He shook his head. He was under control. He could handle himself. “I’m not going to kill you. Would I have taken you on all of these dates if I was? I haven’t even touched you,” he said.
“Why is that?” You asked.
“I wanted you to know me before you found out. Find the man under the monster,” he said. 
You narrowed your eyes. Okay, he laid it on a little thick. But these dates only proved how obsessed he was with you. If no one else had claimed you, he was going to. He was going to have you.
Shit. Tyrone clenched his fists and stepped back from you. The tradition. How could he forget? He started the damn thing as a protective measure against discovery. He didn’t want to share you with the others. 
He also couldn’t leave you alone. Not until he finally got to taste you. Hold you. Move inside you. Even then, he wasn’t sure that’d be enough. 
“So, what? You were just going to date me until you asked for a drink from my wrist?” You weren’t as tense as before. You relaxed inch by inch. 
Tyrone approached you. He held up his hands as if to calm down a skittish deer. When he was close to you without crowding into you, you held up a hand.
“I just wanted to know you. You’re interesting,” he said.
“I’m interesting to a fuckin’ vampire?” You asked.
Tyrone nodded. He looked over you, over the olive green jumpsuit you wore. Your heels were going to be the true death of him. If he was lucky enough to take you to bed, you were keeping those on.
“The choice is always yours,” he said. Not. If he couldn’t have you one way, he’d sure as fuck find another way. “I can walk away right now. Leave you alone.” 
“No,” you said quickly.
A surge of triumph coursed through Tyrone. He felt like a fisherman with a tricky fish on the line. 
“I-I want to know more.” 
“Are you sure?” 
You bit your lip in that adorable way that made his dick twitch. You nodded and Tyrone answered with his own nod. “I’ll tell you anything you want to know.” 
True to his word, he did. He told you all about vampires and how to protect yourself over the next few dates. Though not all the ways. You would never get rid of him. Not if he could help it. He wanted to smell the sweetness coursing through your veins for the end of his days.
You were curious about him drinking your blood, even going as far to offer your wrist once. Tyrone declined and declined, giving you just enough hint to make you stomp your foot and beg for answers. 
He told you about the parties and why they were needed. He told you about the tradition. Each new donor was to be stripped and fucked and drunk from in front of the others. Mutually assured destruction. You could go to the cops, but you’d also have a room full of witnesses of you dallying with the devils. 
He expected you to balk then. To shut him up and resign yourself to keeping your virtue. To demand that he leave you alone and never speak to you again. Who would agree to such a thing? 
You had grinned. Perhaps you had a devil in you already. “Take me to one of the parties then,” you said.
You offered yourself up like a lamb to slaughter. How the hell did he get so damn lucky? 
“There’s no going back if I do,” he said. He ran his fingertips up and down your arm. 
“I want you to show me everything,” you said with a wide grin. 
Tyrone gave you a grin of his own, fangs and all. He pictured your descent into hell and relished the way he would eat you whole.
This has now been turned into a series! Read here: Midnight Sin Masterlist
Need more Tyrone in your life? The Secret Tyrone Files
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie posts a Tiktok that starts out filming an episode of Family Feud and then pans away from the tv. First he pans to Wayne asleep sitting up, head resting against the back of the couch. Then he pans over a little more to Steve asleep with his head rested against Wayne’s shoulder. Eddie pans over a little more to Dustin, asleep spread out over a whole section of the couch.
Eddie captions the video ‘Hanging with the grandpas.’
He sits his phone down so you can see him move over to recline the part of the couch Wayne is asleep on so he’s more comfortable. He gently maneuvers Steve so he won’t wake up with a sore neck. Then he throws a blanket at Dustin at full force and hits the not-quite-a-kid-anymore square in the face, waking him up.
Dustin looks confused but Eddie’s really casual when he’s like, “Hey, what’s up, man.”
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whatthebodygraspsnot · 8 months
I’m sorry but the urge to ask you about Ian and Mickey on an IKEA shopping trip will not relent!
They need a new couch, they maybe accidentally broke theirs. Tami suggests IKEA and Ian drags Mickey. Thoughts??
🛋️ Ian And Mickey's IKEA Adventure 🛋️
mickey gets lost four and a half minutes in. well- okay, not so much 'lost' as 'he saw the recliners and stopped walking and ian was so focused on the task at hand that he didn't notice until it was too late'
but certainly that will be the end to anyone getting lost BECAUSE (!) ian grabbed a map of the store and is diligently consulting it with his concentration eyebrows. like this 🤔. meanwhile mickey is trailing along behind him, picking up and putting down random table decorations that catch his eye.
"mick do you think we should get these throw pillows?" / "for what?" / "idk...the couch?" / "only if you're not gonna bitch about them endin up on the floor every night 😏 ow! the fuck??"
they don't get the throw pillows. actually they are banished from the throw pillows section because an employee has to come over and ask them to please stop hitting each other with them (horseplay)
ian misplaces his husband again and somehow finds himself on his knees with a tape measurer, helping an older woman measure out a coffee table's dimensions to see if it'll fit in her living room.
it won't fit :/ she'll haveta try the Listerby :/ yeah of course he can measure it for her :)
mickey returns with meatballs
they forget what they're here for and leave with nothing
they are bad at IKEA
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shibaraki · 1 year
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Upon entering your apartment you’re struck by the distinct smell of citrus.
“What’s this?” you remark, padding into the room. A soft mew threads between your ankles. Bastard, your cat, follows you toward the couches where Shouta is huddled. “Are you actually eating real, organic food? Not in jelly form?”
Shouta’s movements barely falter as his gaze lifts to find yours from behind a curtain of hair. “Very funny,” he breathes, voice low and warm. Sun floods through the balcony window to swallow him in light. Sat cross legged in old shorts and socks, holes forming where the threads wear thin, he is swimming in a sweatshirt that is too big for his frame. You smile, overcome by a sense of peace seeing him so at ease.
The cushion dips under your weight as you climb up onto the couch, legs folded beneath your body. You recline to let Bastard pass over your thighs and curl in his favourite human’s lap. Shouta bends to kiss the top of Bastard’s head as he settles—kneading at the fleece lined fabric—and continues to peel his orange.
“Don’t I get a kiss too?”
“…Have one,” he demurs. Your eyes latch onto the flick of his tongue as he laps absentmindedly at his sticky fingers. “Or more. They’re for us to share”.
You pout and pluck an orange from the bowl, rolling it in your palm. Shouta observes from the corner of his eye with the fond uptick of his lips, pulling his orange apart in clean sections and leaving the rinds in a neat pile. You try to peel your own, applying too much pressure, and your thumb tears a hole into the skin. The juice spurts across your hand, becoming sticky as it meets air.
The silence is oppressive. “Not a word,” you sighed, almost tasting his mirth. “I don’t know how you do it so perfectly”.
Shouta laughs and the sound ricochets through you like a purr. He then gently pushes his slice to your pursed mouth, and you take it between your teeth. A cool fingertip traces the curve of your lower lip. His eye darkens, expression soft. Something stirs in your chest at the intent behind them.
“I hope you never learn,” he murmurs.
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inspiration: ‘oranges’ by jean little
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daydream-cement · 1 year
hii! i'm not sure if you'll be okay with this but may i ask for a larissa x ace! reader who loves physical intimacy with larissa? idk what setting it should be but there's cuddles, kisses, caresses. just reader basking in her girlfriend's presence. only if it's alright with you. thank you!
Puzzle Night
Larissa Weems x Ace!Reader
Authors Note: GAHH this was so cute! Thank you for requesting this anon!! It's just a short lil fic.
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Larissa sat on the floor in front of you as you sat on the couch. She was hunched over the coffee table, eyes scanning puzzle pieces before her. Her body was settled between your legs, humming to herself every few moments when she fit two pieces together.
Sitting up, you admired Larissa in her relaxed state: hair down, make-up off, pajama clad. You smirk to yourself and scoot forward, leaning over her to look over the puzzle to find a match. Within a few seconds you find a piece with words that connected to another, you set the piece in place and lean back on the couch once more, "I've done my part."
"Oh, thank you so very much." Larissa's voice was dripping with sarcasm as she reclined back between your legs, head leaning back to look at you.
"I'm a helper. What can I say?" You return the joking sarcasm with a smirk and a kiss on Larissa's forehead. Larissa's hands move up into your hair, keeping you bent over near her face. She pulled you down a few inches so she could press a kiss to your lips. It was these little moments with her that had made falling in love with her so easy in the first place.
Once you part, Larissa keeps your face nearby as she whispers, "Sit down here with me?"
How could you say no to that?
You move away from Larissa and she pushes the coffee table away, gesturing to you to sit between her legs. You take your place between her legs and pull the coffee table closer, now able to take a closer look at the pieces. Larissa took this opportunity to take a break from the puzzle to pay a little more attention to you.
Her arms loop around your middle and she buries her face into the crook of your neck with a content sigh. Rocking back and forth ever so slightly, Larissa closes her eyes and enjoys the physical content as you place the pieces together.
Larissa remains snuggled up to you for 10 minutes before she presses a kiss to your neck and turns her attention back to the puzzle. One of her arms remains around your waist, holding you close to her as she tries to finish a small section of a red barn.
You grow tired of the puzzle after an hour and recline back into Larissa's arms to rest your eyes for a moment. Larissa maintains her focus on the puzzle, pressing a kiss to your forehead before resting her cheek against your forehead.
From the point in which you started seeing Larissa to the point in which you came out as asexual, Larissa was always ready to provide you with the physical intimacy that you loved without ever crossing your boundaries. She was always your safe space.
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aboenfurniture · 10 months
Upgrade your living room with our Modular Sectional Sofa, available in versatile colors: Black, Green, and Gray. Crafted for comfort, this L-shaped sofa features a solid wood and iron frame, 100% polyester fabric, and high-density sponge for relaxation. Configure the pieces to your liking, and chic design elements like wide track armrests and oversized cushions offer modern aesthetics. Easy assembly, strong build, and generous dimensions (112.5”W x 87.5”D x 33.5”H) ensure both style and functionality.
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kidstemplatte · 8 months
one step more
summary: terzo catches his daughter sneaking out of the house.
it is stated that violetta has a mother (presumably reader). more notes at the end. i hope you enjoy <3
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“One step at a time, Violetta.” The drunken teenage girl thought to herself, walking down the dark hallway to your section of the abbey. The hall had never felt this long before. Sure, she complained like a bitch every time she left something in the commons after just getting comfortable in bed, having to walk through the lengthy corridor in her pajamas to retrieve it, but it was never this bad. With every step she took, it seemed as if the corridor seemed to stretch just one step more.
She inched down the hall, her jet-black hair dirty and tangled, the makeup she spent hours perfecting beginning to melt away, her platform boots in hand. Those stupid fucking boots. So cute but so damn inconvenient. She almost bust her face open twice on the walk home, drunkenly stumbling on the sidewalk before taking them off. She knew it was stupid, sneaking out to go to concerts and parties instead of studying or spending time with her family. But recently, she hadn’t been feeling like herself. She couldn’t explain it, she just felt… off. And if taking a few too many shots and jumping around to the sound of ear-splitting screams with a bunch of strangers let her forget about it for a moment, she was willing to do so.
She blinked, and she made it to the entrance. A large black door containing elaborate engravings around the frame and the name “Emeritus” carved on the top stood before her. Slowly and carefully, she turned the door knob and pushed gently. Damn it, this door was old and creaky. If anyone asked what the noise was about in the morning, she would just say she left her headphones in the commons, which was a common occurrence. She opened her phone to check the time. 1:56 am.
She tiptoed her way in, turned around, shut the door slowly until she heard the satisfying click, and let go. Setting her boots down by the door, she inhaled deeply and let out a sigh of relief.
“How was the party, Violetta?”
And as she lifted her gaze from the floor, there sat her father, Terzo, in the large recliner by the fire, swirling a glass of wine in his hand.
Violetta stood by the door dumbfounded , painted lips agape yet not able to produce any words.
“And the one before that?”
The silence was deafening. The only thing audible was the repetitive ticking of the grandfather clock, typically gone unnoticed during the day.
“And the one before that?” he continued.
He took an extended sip from the glass, pretending to wait for a response, knowing damn well he wasn’t going to get one.
“There was even one on a Tuesday. Who goes to the club on a Tuesday?” he remarked.
Like this man hadn’t been to the club on a Tuesday.
“I’m sorry.” was all she managed to get out, staring at a singular spot on the carpet rather than into his eyes, trying to maintain her balance.
“Sit.” He said, gesturing to the couch across from him.
Violetta dragged herself over to the couch, putting a concerning amount of thought into each step. While she sat down, Terzo placed the glass onto the coffee table as she attempted not to look at it. She’d rather stare into her father’s disappointed eyes than look at any kind of alcohol right now. Just the thought of it made her stomach churn.
“Are you drunk?” Terzo asked, leaning forward, his tone eerily indistinguishable.
He raised an eyebrow.
There was no point in trying to hide it.
“Violetta…” her father said, rubbing his face with his hands.
He then started rambling, going off on what was presumably some sort of lecture about sneaking out. But as he kept talking, he kept getting quieter, and everything else got louder. A sickly feeling in her stomach began to grow, and a dull ache in her head was becoming more and more noticeable.
“Give me one moment.” Terzo said, standing up and exiting the room.
Fuck, he was gonna tell Mom.
Violetta shut her eyes, focusing on her breathing as the fatigue grew by the second with each tick of the clock. Her body was heating up, a tingling feeling spreading throughout her body. She was so embarrassed, caught by her dad while she was shitfaced out of her mind. She wanted to go to bed and wake up and feel better, and pretend this was all a bad dream.
When she opened her eyes, she was not faced with her mother, rather than her father, kneeling in front of her, wiping off the smudged black and white paint on her face. She really was her father’s daughter.
Terzo looked down at his daughter’s face, his heart growing with each swipe of the makeup wipe, as more and more of her was revealed. It had been so long since he’d seen her. His daughter. After he was done taking off her makeup, he tossed the wipe on the table.
The walls were spinning. Her stomach was churning. Her head was pounding.
“I think I’m gonna-“
Terzo quickly grabbed a large plastic bowl he had set on the table, previously gone unnoticed, and handed it to his daughter.
Just as the discomfort reached its climax, she retched into the bowl, emptying the contents of her stomach. When she was finally done, she set the bowl on the side of the table.
Much better.
“Better?” Terzo asked, sitting beside Violetta on the couch.
“Yeah.” She said, shooting him a weary thumbs up. Her headache was fading away, her stomach settled, and her body began to cool down.
“Good.” he replied.
And just moments after she felt the relief from the physical pain, another pain started to settle in: emotional pain. She didn’t know why it happened. It just did. Her chest started to ache, her throat tightened up, and her vision started to blur with tears.
“Are you mad at me?” she squeaked timidly, voice cracking.
“No.” he replied.
“You promise?”
“I promise.” he confirmed with a brief nod.
“Being a parent is weird, even after all this time. Of course when I see you leaving the house and partying I at first want to get upset. You know, I did the same things when I was your age. Worse. I was a party animal. Maybe ‘was’ is not the proper word. But I settled down after we had you. But nobody ever talked to me about it. I was scolded before I even understood the consequences of what I was doing. So I want to ask, how are you doing?”
“I don’t know.” she replied, somewhat honestly.
The tears welling up finally escaped her eyes, uncontrollably streaming down her face as she let out soft gasps and hiccups.
“Oh, la mia stellina, do not cry… It’s okay.” He reassured her, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tightly.
It had been so long since they had hugged like this, since they had had a moment, just the two of them together. “I’m sorry it has taken me this long to check in on you.” He said as the two pulled away from their embrace.
“No, it’s okay, I’m sorry I’ve been sneaking out.” Violetta apologized, wiping tears from her eyes.
“Maybe we are both sorry. That’s okay.” He reassured her.
“Yeah.” She sniffed.
“I mean, honestly, it’s not all because I’m feeling weird. Going out is… fun.” She admitted.
“Trust me, I know. You are a teenager. You will go out and do teenage things. I cannot stop that. You are growing up. But I also want to make sure you’re being safe. That is my greatest concern. No taking anything from strangers, no walking alone at night, you know. You know this. You are smart, Violetta. That is why this is worrying me that something else is going on.”
“I’ve just been feeling weird. Different. I don’t know if depressed is the right word-“
“You have not been thinking of hurting yourself, have you?” Terzo interrupted, his facial expression morphing into one of panic as he collected both her hands in his.
“No.” she replied.
“You promise?” He said, voice dropping into a low whisper.
“You promise me?”
“Yes, Papa. I promise.” she reiterated, looking into his eyes.
He missed that word.
“I don’t know, I just don’t really feel like myself. Just different. Like I’m watching my life go by and I’m just… inside my body.” she explained.
“Violetta, you can tell me these things. I am always here for you. I want to be a part of your life. I have no idea what an ideal father looks like. But I try my hardest to be one. I miss talking to you. The longest conversations we have are when we’re arguing. I do not want it to be this way. But that is how it has become.”
A looming silence spread throughout the room, leaving nothing but the faint sound of ticking until Terzo let in a shaky breath.
“Tell me, Violetta, what can I do to change this?”
And in a newly adopted, weaker tone, Terzo muttered,
“What can I do to be a part of your life again?”
“You will always be a part of my life, Papa. Even if you aren’t always with me. You don’t have to do anything else. This is all I needed. A reminder.” She reassured him.
“I will always do more. Take the extra mile. Even just one step more. Always for you.” Terzo professed.
“Thank you, Papa. I love you.”
“I love you too, Violetta. La mia stellina.” He said, pulling her in and holding her tightly.
“Tomorrow we can go for a car ride and listen to music, like we used to? Sound good?” he asked as the two pulled away from each other.
“Only if you let me have the aux.”
“An ox? That’s an odd pet, no?”
“No, Papa, like the- the aux cord.” She explained through laughter, mimicking plugging in the cord.
“Oh. I see. Sure, you can have the aux.” Terzo laughed, waving his hand.
“Oh, and now that we’re being open with each other, can you please tell me about the time you showed up drunk to mass and started freestyle rapping?”
“The time I- how?”
“Mom told me about it.”
Per l’amor del cielo.
☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓
this one was so fun and challenging to write but so worth it!!! i’m obsessed with their relationship. 😭
i really hope you enjoyed!!
more violetta content is coming soon!! and maybe another child as well 🤭
❤️, alice
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