#seblaine smut
akfanficlove · 2 years
What is still missing from me for this Seblaine Week 2022? Correct, something explicit.
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Sebastian still knows Blaine’s body like his own, knows where to push and where to pull, plays him like an instrument with nimble fingers. He needs to keep reminding himself that this is nothing, just sex, they are not together anymore. Yet, there's a traitorous little voice inside his head telling him they could as Blaine writhes underneath him.
Throw together some smut, some hurt and some deep-rooted longing and this is what you get.
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so-long-soldier28 · 2 years
Somebody I Fucked Once
summary: a bar in cincinnati is not how blaine and sebastian expected to reunite after so many years apart. however when they do, they're so enamored by finally getting a chance to be together, that their first attempt at a relationship is flawed and rushed, and ends quicker than desired. unable to let go of each other completely, they stay in touch once a month at a sketchy motel halfway from each's university. but is this enough? should they let go and share their feelings for a second chance at love? or will they ignore their own hearts breaking and be happy that at least they have each other in some capacity? only time will tell.
pairing: blaine anderson x sebastian smythe
word count: ~13k
warnings: minor alcohol use, blowjobs, anal (fingering, rimming)
Read it here!
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calsvoid · 11 hours
writing meme: about me
i got tagged by @lusthurts so thank you for that <3
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
ive been into writing for years before i got into fanfiction specifically so i guess just from reading fanfiction i guess, but if you want a longer story, i got more interested in writing from roleplaying on amino and got into fanfiction because the fandom i was in at the time got OBSESSED with this one popular work and i just HAD to check it out
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
officially, my ao3 account only has glee works rn but i do have a 911 fic im working on and i do want to venture into more fandoms, but i don’t really have the confidence to do so yet
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
i’ve been trying since 2020 to be more of a fanfic writer but never actually got anything solid until 2023 so 1-4 years depending on how you see it
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
definitely read im a slowass writer and part of that is because im too busy reading fanfiction instead of writing
5. What is one way you've improved as a writer?
overall in the years i’ve been a writer, i feel like i’m better at portraying characters as well rounded and creating characters that aren’t just one stereotype. when it comes to my time as a fanfic writer, im better at writing actual scenes rather than just random narration
6. What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
the probability of survival when falling from certain heights. also ohio the glee writers were cruel for making their show based in fucking ohio of all places
7. What's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
i’m honestly not picky i love all types of comments, but if i really had to choose, it’d probably be any that point out a specific part or line or whatever in my writing. it makes me so happy when people have some detail stick with them
8. What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
i honestly haven’t done anything too intense in my writing i think the most out there i’ve gotten is just emotional infidelity and that’s just standard for seblaine. i do plan on killing blaine in one wip of mine, but it’s just an idea for now because i’ve got other shit to focus on
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
longer stories are literally impossible for me. i absolutely SUCK at writing anything longer than a couple thousand words and even that is hard for me. smut is also hard but that’s because i haven’t bothered to write smut, so different vibes
10. What is the easiest type?
well if you see how many hurt no comfort fics i’ve published it’s obvious fluff is what i’m best at. but yeah short vignette angsty stories are super easy for me to write. it’s just 50% projection and 50% exaggeration and 100% gay, so no problem there
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
i often write at home, on my notes app, at any point of the day, and i post all my stuff on ao3. i will sometimes edit on my laptop on google docs, but i get lazy too and so my latest fics have been mostly raw and unedited.
12. What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
smut and literally any ship that isn’t seblaine and also longer works. i’d love to be one of those writers who comes out with these multi chapter masterpieces but i’m just not right now. i’ve had ideas for other ships too, but i never really flesh them out because they’re usually stuff that would span across thousands of words and i don’t have the time, energy, nor skill level to do that yet. and again, for smut, i just never bother, and while i think im never going to be the explicit sex scenes type of writer, i love the angst potential of it
13. What made you choose your username?
acedisgrace is a name i’m like 85% sure i saw a joke about from a stolen tumblr post on instagram and i was like hey im asexual and a disappointment haha what if i change my discord name to that and then eventually when i got an ao3 account, i just went with it because i saw it was available there too. as for calsvoid, they’re my initials and i spew whatever bullshit i want on tumblr and also i wish i didn’t have a body and instead was an amorphous blob of nothingness
i don’t really know who to tag that i haven’t already seen tag so anyone who would like to do this can
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lusthurts · 13 hours
writing meme about me!
no official tag but thought maybe time to share more about myself! mostly because I want to know more about you all as well, and @sperrywink extended an invite to seblaine mutuals so I will do the same!
How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I discovered it on accident as most of us do - I was on the Glee wiki I think? There was a link to select fanfics on the ship pages at the time, and I started reading one of the Finchel ones, and it was game over for me lol - I started writing my own a while after that, and I participated in a variety of Glee RPGs that inspired me to write other characters. I was in one of those massive Glee RPGs in like 2011 on fanfiction.net, and it was very formative for me in terms of connecting with the rest of the fandom and wanting to do more of that. RPGs are also so great for exposing you to ships you never would've liked or even thought of before, although all my current ships came from elsewhere lol
oh, and there was the whole escapism from family shit that was going down at the time thing - that was a huge factor for sure
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
I've almost exclusively been writing for the Glee fandom since the beginning, although the ships I've written for have changed drastically throughout that time. I've dabbled in some other things as well depending on my special interest at the moment, but I always come back to Glee. Other fandoms I've written for include The Outsiders, Degrassi, How I Met Your Mother, 13 Reasons Why, Girl Meets World, and Skam ! none of these are published anywhere anymore though as far as I know, it's all far too embarrassing (and yes I'm aware that's the most bizarre mix of fandoms ever)
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
at least 12, I wanna say I started around 2012ish?
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I genuinely think it's about equal, but it comes in waves. Sometimes I'm reading more, sometimes I'm writing more. I'm almost always working on something and I'm also almost always in the middle of reading a long fic.
5. What is one way you've improved as a writer?
I think I've gotten a lot better at writing comedy and ensemble dialogue. I like writing the silly goofy scenes with large friend groups a lot, especially when I feel like I've nailed the character's voices enough that I don't even need dialogue tags to know who said each line.
6. What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Ohio geography lmao - I like always have Google Maps pulled up trying to map out different locations and how far drives would be, etc. I also have researched a ton about various colleges (especially for my current WIP since these characters are actively applying for college rn) and France (never been there, constantly have to write stuff that takes place there).
7. What's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
I genuinely do love all comments! I especially loves one that are specific/mention parts of the chapter or the fic that they enjoyed or thoughts that they had while reading. I also like chatting about the characters and canon and their predictions/hopes for the rest of the fic. The length doesn't really matter so much - I love long comments and short comments, and I try my best to respond to all of them.
8. What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Idk I kinda write a lot of infidelity and toxic relationship stuff. Seblaine is the main ship I write for nowadays, and the nature of their relationship lends itself to a lot of infidelity in their process of getting together. I also just love writing angst, so even when I'm writing established relationships, they end up being sort of toxic throughout especially given the traits of both characters. I just find it more fun and probable to write a slightly toxic relationship than a 100% healthy one.
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
PWP - I struggle so much with writing smut, although I like to think I've gotten a bit better at it recently. I'm also trying to get better at writing ensemble fics, but it's definitely a struggle for me to give each ship/character enough attention. And I'm pretty awful at world building, so anything remotely fantasy, sci fi, etc. is a huge struggle for me.
10. What is the easiest type?
slow burns! I've gotten so much better at delaying the characters from getting together for a really long time in fics and it's soooo fun. I prefer a character centric slow burn with lots of sexual tension and an arc that involves characters moving from enemies/friends/strangers to lovers over the course of many months or years.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I like to write outside of my own home - something about physically relocating makes me way more productive. I write a ton on planes (I travel a lot for work). I also love a good coffee shop, Panera, park, library, etc.
I write in Word and publish to AO3 - used to write in Google Docs but it's so slow and laggy so I much prefer Word. Used to publish on fanfiction.net but I will never go anywhere else now that I've transitioned to AO3, the far superior fanfic site lol
I am most productive with writing either during the day if I'm somewhere other than at home or in the middle of the night in bed - my most productive hours at home are between like midnight and 3 am
12. What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I recently got over my fear of PWP and published a one shot that I'm very proud of. I have many ideas for things similar that I'd like to work through in the future!!
Most of this is fandom specific though - I'm super intimidated to write for big fandoms because I've gotten so comfortable in the Glee fandom, especially writing Seblaine which has a relatively small audience in comparison. I'd love to write Marauders, but that fandom is HUGE and very intimidating because there is so much lore and fanon to mess up. I hope to give it a shot one day though!
13. What made you choose your username?
it's a song lyric! lust hurts comes from the song "Barcelona Boots" by Arlie - the lyric goes "Lust hurts, could you bear it for me?" and I thought that was very fitting for someone like me who's obsessed with romance in fiction but can't be bothered with it in my real life
any of my mutuals are welcome to participate! I'll specifically throw in a tag for @daisyishedwig @calsvoid @xonceinadream @andyandersmythe bc these are the ones that come up first when I go to tag haha
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 5 months
hii are there any fics set after the deleted ‘i want you back’ scene?
It's hard to find any fic that relates to this specifically. Most of the fics about The First Time or 3x05 don't deal with this aspect of that episode...
I did find one that might cover it, though doesn't specifically mention this scene. I don't know if there are seblaine or kurtbastian fics out there that do - and maybe aren't so Kurt or Blaine friendly - but we are only aware of the klaine fics in the library here! ~Jen
Tell me you belong to me by E M Zeray
It honestly doesn't occur to Blaine because to him, Sebastian is obliviously no threat. It's clear how he feels about Kurt. It's clear that he's madly in love. Klaine - fluff, smut, jealous!Kurt. 
ETA: of course, it should be the Michael episode I need a re-watch!
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daisyishedwig · 8 months
Fic writers tag
I was tagged by @kurtsascot, thank you for the tag!
And I'm tagging @calsvoid and @lusthurts and anyone else who wants to participate.
1. how many works do you have an ao3?
I have 37 on AO3 and 80 on FF.net, and most things from my AO3 are on FF excluding like 3 fics. I'm including my FF account because that's where I started posting many many years ago and continued to update until a couple yers ago when I transferred to just posting on AO3. There is a lot of fics on my FF that I haven't crossposted to AO3 yet, and some I probably never will.
2. whats your ao3 word count?
AO3 is 217,634 and FF.net is 287,357
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Nowadays, just Glee, though I do have some WIPs for Stranger Things, Captive Prince, Magnus Archives, and Hatcetfield that I do want to post /someday/. When I started I wrote Supernatural. And over the years I've also written Doctor Who, Takin Over the Asylum, Harry Potter.
4. top 5 fics by kudos
Not So Dapper, Dare, and This Isn't Love all tie for first place with 171. Then there is Chance at 164, I'm Never Letting You Go at 157, Don't You Dare at 150, and Don't Tell Me What You're Thinking at 144.
On FF.Net (by favorites) its The Thoughts I Can't Deny at 163, The Unspoken Rule at 120, A Strange Realization at 142, Icy Love at 101, and Maybe We Can Be Okay at 93.
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I certainly try! I'm always torn between giving hints and secrets and wanting to keep everything close to my chest so the closer someone is to guessing a big plot point or asking a question that I can't answer without spoiling, the less likely I am to respond. Which is why I'm better at responding on one shots, because there's nothing to spoil!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ohhhh, probably Say Your Name While Our Tongues Are Tied. There's probably a Blangst fic from back in the day that has a sadder ending, but they're usually at least hopeful. Say Your Name just feels very helpless, like it's hard to envision a world where anyone walks away from this situation happy, you know?
7. whats the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A Place To Call Home, probably, even though I haven't posted it yet. The Thoughts I Can't Deny probably would have if I'd actually written an ending for it, lol. Tear Down My Reason is definitely very happy, and I Could Touch the Teardrops on Your Face is probably the sappiest ending.
8. do you get hate on fics?
I know I have in the past but I don't remember for what or why, which means it probably didn't really stick with me. And from what I do remember I think it was largely from people who didn't like the characters or ships I was writing about and would come to bitch about that and I'd be like, if you hate Blaine Anderson so much, why are you reading a Klaine fic? I do kind of remember a Kurtofsky shipper coming to complain about how "abusive" Blaine is and I was just like, sure, Jan, when you ship Kurt with the person who threatened to kill him, you definitely have a leg to stand on.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I don't as much as I used to and I actually tend to skip over it a lot. I've been much more into the emotional aspect and only really write the sex if I feel like it will add to the heart of what I'm writing.
But oh boy did I used to. And when I did it was pretty much exclusively D/s and kink stuff, and even when it wasn't there would at least be some form of powerplay or marking in an otherwise vanilla scene, just so my kinky brain would have something to latch onto.
10. do you write crossovers? whats the craziest one youve ever written?
Only on occasion? Like I'm currently working on a White Collar/Glee fic and a Magnus Archives/Hatchetfield fic. Aside from that it will be more like just an AU or inspired by a different media. So like, Sebastian Smythe is the flash, but other characters from The Flash don't really appear. Or my Mrs. Winterbourne Seblaine AU. Or the Spies Are Forever inspired Seblaine AU I have currently only managed to write 300 words in.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I have. I remember someone turning the original Icy Love (which I still haven't crossposted to AO3, oops) into a Larry fic. And I know I've seen some of my stuff around any time there's a new website stealing things from AO3 and putting it behind a paywall. But at some point I got to lazy to care.
I did have a scare a litte while ago where I thought someone had stolen one of my fics because someone commented saying they'd read it under the username comewhattklaine before and I was like I have /never/ used that username before. I've used a lot of pennames over the years but never that one and I went absolutely crazy trying to find where someone with that username at stolen my fic. And then I realized that on my old Scarvesandcoffee account, I had used that name, but that website had been dead for so long i'd forgotten about it.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
I feel like I have but I cant for the life of me remember what.
13. have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes! @itallstartedwithharry and I wrote Tear Down My Reason together. It was an absolutely incredible experience and I always wish that she had the time to write together again because we worked so well together. I was really good at word vomiting on the page and she was really good at cleaning it up and making it more coherent and actually sounding nice. Which is part of why I still ask her to beta for me on fics that are really important to me because she tends to just get what I'm trying to say better than I do sometimes. Like she's been absolutely incredible with betaing A Place to Call Home for me and I'm so glad to have her because she just makes me a better writer.
14. fave all time ship?
Okay. This one is complicated. Because Klaine was my otp to end all otps for so many many years. Klaine means the world to me, it was so incredibly important to me as a teenager and to me accepting my own queerness and feeling safe to come out to my mom (because we bonded a lot over shipping Klaine) and I have written hundreds of thousands of words about those two.
But Seblaine. Ohmygod Seblaine. I have reached a point in my life where my brain is more interested in the kind of stories those two can supply me. In this concept of quantum entanglement that will always pull them together but never ever let it be /easy/ for them. There's just some ways in which I think they're better for each other, I think in some ways they bring out the worst in each other, but that in turn allows to them to truly see the best in each other too. I think the tragedy of their story as it happened is beautiful and cruel. And I just want to explore every crevice of their brains and to never let them go. At some point, Klaine became too easy. They'll always get their happy ending (at least in canon). But Seblaine never will. And the art that can be made from a relationship like that intrigues me far more.
15. wip you want to finish but doubt you will?
Probably La Pute. Of all my old WIPs, it's the most likely to be finished (because I do have some pretty extensive notes on how the plot was supposed to go). But at the same time, that kind of fic that I loved to read and write when I was young (dubcon, noncon, slave fics, etc.) just doesn't interest me the way it used to.
If I were to psychoanalyze myself i'd probably say that my love for stories like that was deeply derived from my sexual repression and inner angst (largely driven by vast amounts of untreated mental illness) that I had no real life experience to draw from so I just used these dark dark stories as a way to try and release any of those emotions. But now as an adult I've lived through many traumas and general life shittiness and I can now find a release for my inner turmoil in writing about things more close to life instead of having to reach into that level of darkness.
16. what are your writing strengths?
Oh I don't even know. I think probably dialogue? That's what usually comes the easiest to me so it's what I would assume, but I'm honestly not sure.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
I tell more than I show. Like I try to describe body language and expression in a way that isn't just "he shifted anxiously" "He looked pissed", stuff like that. But I'm just not great at it, so I tend to just tell the reader what a character is feeling more than anything else.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I'm always drawn to the idea of doing it, but I don't just want to like copy and paste the lines into google translate, you know? And I don't speak any other languages and most of the friends I have that do speak the languages I would want to translate lines into (namely Tagolog and French) aren't Glee fans, so I don't want to make them translate for me.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Unpublished? Inuyasha/Naruto/Harry Potter/Bleach/probably some other things. I wrote a very extensive self insert fic when I was like 9 or 10 that involved all of those fandoms but it never even got typed up and I lost the binder I was keeping it in probably nearly two decades ago.
Published though it was definitely Supernatural.
20. fave fic youve written?
A Place To Call Home was such a long endeavor and something that was very important to me to finish and it means a lot to me to have finally finished it.
Maybe We Can Be Okay is probably one of my most well-received fics considering the dark content and complex themes. And I'm still really proud of it.
And then it's not out yet, but my fic for the I Want You Back day of 10 Days of Seblaine has been a very difficult fic to write but I'm really happy with how its turning out and I can't wait to share it with you all in November.
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gleekingdom · 6 months
Seblaine plot, glee au
A rp idea inspired by the song ' Mr.Rose' by Spence hood
Here's a link to the song
Plot: it's back in the 1800's. But in this au let's say they were okay with LGBTQ+ but things followed a class system that you couldn't marry someone in a lower class and vise versa.
Sebastian one day spots Blaine though a window in his home, and feels starstruck he catches him by a brush of roses, so ever since roses remind him of that man.
It turns out Blaine had just moved next boor and was exploring the place. Sebastian goes out to meet him and so on.
One of them would be a more wealthy class while the other would be more poor and be like a servant where they live. And one of them would be in an arranged marriage they don't want to be in, or both can.
But it's really up to us and what we'd like outta the rps. But I don't do smut. Or horror but I'm open to mostly anything else
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corvusbound · 8 months
fics? i write those
hello tumblr!!
i finally have a blog for glee and fanfic
anyways, i am constantly coming up with ideas and never writing them so i figure writing other peoples ideas is a good way to get words onto a doc
this is my ao3, for some stuff i've written
i think people make boundary & stuff i like to write posts when they do this kind of thing? so i'm making one of those. see below:
glee! (this is the main one)
mcyt, mainly empires smp or traffic smp
lockwood & co
glee: klaine, kurtbastian, kelliott, mikurt (just like any with kurt, platonic or romantic), quinntina, quinntana, brittana, most platonic relationships. basically just anything other than ones listed in my dnw
mcyt: basically anything but i am more inclined to write things with scott in them
lockwood & co: locklyle, lockarimlyle, again basically anything
marvel: ironstrange, the supreme family mainly
soulmate aus, aus of other media as long as i know what on earth it is, aus of any kind tbf, team as family, i am best at fluff but will try my hand at angst, honestly anything that isn't in my dnw i will try but it might not turn out well lmao
glee: kurtofsky (sorry!), any romantic kurt/any girl, seblaine, blam, kurt being depicted in a very bad way bc i love him too much, grief fics (make me cry too much)
marvel: like anything captain america i'm sorry, grief fics (see above)
smut (i cannot write it for the life of me), really intense gore, main character death
that's all i can think of atm! will add to later if i think of anything else! :D
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twoblueheartslocked · 2 years
SEBLAINE- PRESENT DAY (Mid October/Year 1)-No Stopping Your Plans (And Those Slow Hands)
Para: No Stopping Your Plans (And Those Slow Hands)
Pairing: Seblaine.
Rating: NC-17
Sebastian: @colorsicantsee 
Blaine: @twoblueheartslocked
Time: Year One: Present Day. Second week of October- Six weeks  after It’s Supposed to Be Fun Turning Twenty-One. 
Location:  Sebastian’s Apartment- Manhattan, New York
Info: Blaine helps Sebastian with some studying. Things don’t go as planned- or do they?
Warnings; please read: This para is sex/smut with plot. (Bottom Blaine for this one.) -Mentions themes of alcohol addiction, recovery discussion, depression/anxiety, past (physical, mental, and sexual) and mentions of past unwanted sexual advances while under the influence of alcohol. -This RP in general has themes of past abuse (physical, mental and sexual), previous unwanted sexual situations, anxiety, depression, negative body image, drug use, alcohol use, cussing, and death(parents).
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. He is not a nice man at all. Never will be in this RP. You’ve all been warned.)
Title Taken From:  Slow Hands- Niall Horan
Under Cut for content.  
As usual, the para is mostly unedited.
 (Fingertips putting on a show-
Can't you tell that I want you, baby)
 Blaine’s POV:
The windows in Sebastian’s  apartment were open and an early Autumn breeze was pressing tickling kisses all over their skin, leaving little trains of goosebumps in their wake. Blaine had brought over candles in an array of Autumnal fragrances which included pumpkin, fresh apples and morning air. Blaine didn’t know how they managed to mix a crisp fall morning into the wax, but the apartment smelled like one of his favorite seasons, and for the first time in over four years he was allowed to enjoy it without Kurt’s special brand of soft spoken ridicule.
 He’d stolen one of Sebastian’s Columbia hoodies  and while the light blue suited Sebastian much better, Blaine was more than happy to wear it, feeling all the more closer to his boyfriend for having done so. He was so goddamn comfortable and it freaked him out how much his guard was down with Sebastian even after all they’d been through the last ten months. But, he clung to it and held it closer to his chest than he’d ever held anything before. Soot’s pitch fur ruffled, of course she came to stay the weekend with him,  as a particularly powerful gust of refreshing air gusted through the room. She stretched before settling back down to loaf behind them on the sofa.
While the apartment was still a bit too big and bare for Blaine, the room had a new permanent coolness since Seb let him open the windows and Blaine loved everything about the way the day felt, but Sebastian shivered against him which was just as well as it gave Blaine an excuse to snuggle even closer, as if possible, to his boyfriend. The both of them trusting each other with touch in an almost natural  way that neither one of them had experienced in a long time. It was almost easy to forget how much had happened with Sebastian in the last month. Almost.
Sebastian, the man that never needed or wanted any help, had since talked to a therapist about his mental health. He’d gone to talk about the bad places he’d been- the dark halls and rooms, the men, the consensual ones and those that were more blurred lines. He’d gone to talk about alcohol and drugs and self destruction. He was learning to let out the things he kept bottled up to even Blaine. Plus, he had been to three meetings- A Beginner's Meeting where he was able to get acquainted with how it all worked, and two Closed Meetings where Blaine had to let him go in alone  and trust him enough to get through it all by himself. Of course,  Blaine had held his hand before and after each one, and whispered how proud he was of him before sending him off. He wished so hard he could hold his hand through the duration of them but he understood why he was made to sit in the hall. His hands clasped on his lap, nervously picking at the callous’ on his thumb. 
Sebastian only spoke about his progress he’d made with his therapist and group leader with Blaine, his mother, Sabine and his best friend, Hunter. And when he spoke he was selective about what he shared, which  Blaine understood. It was his journey, Blaine was just support. Seb had still not reached out to Thomas, his father- and it didn’t appear that he would break that thick panel of ice anytime soon. He still turned stony and distant if Blaine brought it up, almost like he thought that Blaine was taking Thomas’ side. Blaine was not at all- he knew Thomas had been wrong to call and reprimand Seb when he’d been doing so well at the time and he knew it was partly Thomas’ fault that Sebastian fell so hard and hurt himself after. Of course he also knew Sebastian was his own worst enemy and that he needed help to get his life back into his control. He needed an outlet, something to help with his depression, his anxiety and his urge to drink himself into oblivion when pushed down.
Blaine’s  boyfriend took his new quest to recovery so quietly, almost silently and so goddamn softly- as if he was afraid of it. He took it with gentle, almost tentative looks that seemed to ask Blaine, ‘Am I doing okay, B? Please, tell me I am.’  And Blaine, for his part, did his best to show Sebastian that he was doing so fucking well. And Blaine meant it, he knew how hard it was to work on yourself and overcome things that felt out of your control. He knew how much of a struggle it was to heal bone deep anguish. He knew he couldn’t pour from an empty cup, but Blaine gave everything  he had for both of them to feel better. Still Blaine wanted more than anything to know what was going on inside Sebastian’s head when things got too quiet. 
All of that had brought them today- a perfect day in an imperfect world. A day where Blaine was less than two weeks away from his twenty-second birthday and for once that didn’t bring him as much anxiety as it had the last four years. A day where he was comfortable and Sebastian was still and calm next to him as he worked on homework. New medicine had brought on a new awareness that enabled Sebastian to work harder and focus better on his studies than he ever could before.
Blaine watched as Sebastian tucked his bottom lip between his teeth and sucked gently on the plump flesh as he concentrated on his slim laptop, his green eyes darting over words that Blaine didn’t have a chance of really understanding no matter how much he pretended he was helping the other man study. Times like this Blaine couldn’t take his eyes away from Sebastian- when he was still and deep in thought and god, he was fucking beautiful in his concentration. All at once Blaine needed to kiss him, needed to feel that bottom lip against his own teeth, felt like he might go a bit crazy if he didn’t. 
He didn’t want to jar Seb out of his mindfulness, he understood all too well how upsetting it could be to be touched when you didn’t want it or weren't expecting it, so he took a note from Seb’s book and wiggled his fingers gently in front of Seb’s face to get him looking at him. As soon as green met gold in question he took initiative and let his waving fingers slide gently against Sebastian’s smooth jaw and drew the two of them close, hesitating for a moment to silently  ask for permission. When Seb’s lips parted, intrigued and with a quiet rush of breath, Blaine knew it was a go ahead. He all but melted against Sebastian as he pressed his lips against his boyfriend’s. He sighed, the feeling of Seb’s mouth open and willing just for him exactly what he needed and he deepened the kiss, his tongue seeking and sliding against Sebastian’s and he could feel the fire between them slide down his body to pool in intimate places before resting in his toes, making them curl against the cool hardwood floor. 
Kissing Sebastian was one of his very favorite things and he’d never tire of the slip, slide and tangle their mouths. He wasn’t sure how long he lapped at Sebastian's lips and teeth, but by the time he forced himself to pull away he was breathless and everything felt tighter. It was a struggle to act nonchalant like he didn’t just interrupt Sebastian’s studies with something so intimate,  and even harder to speak. He barely managed.
“Mm, sorry.”
He  knew what he’d done, but of course he wasn’t going to let on that he knew even though Sebastian could fucking read him like his favorite book. He fought a smile, and shifted a bit in his seat to relieve some of the new tightness in his body.
“No more interruptions, I promise. I know you need this stuff  for economics.”
Sebastian’s POV:
The air was cold in the apartment which kept Sebastian alert. Blaine had asked to open the windows to let in the autumn breeze and he obliged. He wasn’t a fan of the weather turning, but Blaine was enamored with the orange and brown leaves on the ground and the heat of pumpkin lattes in his hands and he couldn’t help but soften towards the season. Blaine had made the trek to his apartment with candles and his little black cat and Sebastian thought of teenage witches and whimsey. He was sure the thought would make Blaine smile, maybe he would tell him later. 
Seb had told Blain that he needed to study and his boyfriend understood and sat snuggled into his side in one of his old hoodies. He liked how Columbia blue looked on the other man’s olive skin. Sebastian wanted him to keep it, to wear it when he felt lonely or scared, and to hold him close like a lover’s locket. 
The past weeks had been exhausting. Seb thought that going to therapy and getting better would be an easier experience than it was but it was messy and tiring. He practiced his restraint in silence, spilled his guts to a lady in an office, and cried over paper cups of coffee in a circle of folding chairs. Of course he had a select few he could talk to, and he did sometimes. Sebastian had to remind himself he wasn’t a burden and old habits liked to hang on like the last dead leaf on a branch, and he didn’t want to pile his shit on anybody. Sebastian often felt like maybe he wasn’t doing the whole healing thing right but B was there with his gentle presence and he didn’t have to speak it, he knew he had him. 
Their day tucked into the couch was a welcome respite for both of them. Seb’s laptop was cradled on his lap as he read over his notes. Blaine’s body heat felt nice against him and made it a little distracting. The subject matter he was studying was terribly boring and the other man didn’t realize how enticing he could be, even when he wasn’t doing anything. Seb could smell the spicy aroma of his cologne and saw his hips when he raised his arms to stretch, the hoodie sliding up just enough. So when Blaine gently got his attention and slowly kissed him, it was a very welcome distraction. 
When B leaned away from the kiss Sebastian’s lips followed like a magnet, “I think I need an interruption.” Blaine was right, sure. He needed to study. But, it was still early in the day, surely he could find time later.
“It’s important to take study breaks,” he smiled a slow mischievous smile and went in for another kiss. Sebastian’s hands found their  way to gently sit on either side of his boyfriend’s neck, a place only he had the blessing to touch. He could feel Blaine’s pulse quicken underneath his fingertips as they slowly kissed and pressed into each other closer. Sebastian’s lips trailed as far as he could reach until the hoodie stopped him. His hands tugged on the soft fabric, “You could keep it on," He murmured against his boyfriend’s jawline, he loved the way his budding five o clock shadow felt on his lips.
 Blaine’s POV:
It still amazed Blaine that anytime he wanted attention or intimacy all he had to do was ask for it, whether verbally or with kisses. Sebastian just gave it to him- even when he was tired or strained or working. His boyfriend would  kiss him back and it’d lead to something more or he’d snuggle up to Blaine and nuzzle into his neck when they were too sleepy or stressed to do much more. He couldn’t get over how different everything was for him now. 
He had spent so long made to believe that his overwhelming need for physical contact and want for affection was distasteful, shamefully attention seeking, and annoying. It was simply tolerated, then mocked, and finally flat out rejected. Even in high school when things had actually been good with Kurt and him for a moment, Kurt always seemed slightly irked if Blaine lingered too long or touched too boldly and Blaine couldn’t imagine ever interrupting Kurt’s work when they lived together, he’d have been reprimanded or worse. But now? Now he could interrupt Sebastian all he wanted and it was welcomed like it was a gift instead of a burden. 
He still had moments where he’d get nervous and his touches would be too tentative at first, but Sebastian always soothed those nerves instantly and Blaine couldn’t get enough of it. How had he gone so long living the way he lived with his abuser? It ate him up to think about and yet didn’t matter anymore. Now Sebastian was looking at him like he wanted to drink him up and his beautiful hands were ever so gently touching his neck. A spot just a year ago that would have sent Blaine into a tailspin of panic if anyone dared touched. His heart fluttered and his breath hitched and he needed more. Wanted to feel those hands all over him, god he’d do anything to keep Sebastian looking at him like that.
“Yeah, breaks are so important…” His  voice was soft as he trailed off as Sebastian’s lips turned into that smile that promised trouble, the one that made Blaine double take and blush on the day they met and made his heart beat faster than he thought possible. And then he was being kissed again and Sebastian’s lips and tongue were sliding against the pulse point in his neck, just above his sweatshirt and Blaine felt like he might just float away. He was so lost in the feeling that he almost missed the other man's words, thank god he didn’t.
Keep it on? Oh god… 
A shiver of absolute want ran through his body over the images of Sebastian on him, hands tangled in  his shirt, moving him where he wanted while he fucked over ane over into Blaine- the friction would rub and sting so nicely as the hoodie hitched up around his ribcage and under his back… Images of Blaine pressing Sebastian down and fucking into him slow and deep as Seb’s fingers clung to his shirt so he wouldn’t fall back, his legs spread wide for Blaine as he thrust into him slow and deep. Fuck.  
He wanted to feel the burn of the cloth against his skin, wanted it to leave its mark and  god… How far he had come to actually want something like that. The thought of either scenario made him so achingly hard that the neediest, softest moan escaped his lips and all at once he was god damn desperate to feel Seb’s body on or under him.
Gently Blaine took the laptop from his boyfriend's lap and he closed it before setting it down on the end table.  He could see now that Sebastian was just as hard through his sweats. Blaine reached out and let his fingers slip into the band of Seb’s pants, relishing for a second that his boyfriend rarely wore underwear, he let his fingers encircle Sebastian’s cock, sighed at its heaviness against his fingers. He rested his head against the other man's shoulder and stroked him almost lazily for a moment, enjoying the fact that he had done this, he’d made Sebastian this hard. He enjoyed the little noises Sebastian was making for him, and again it amazed him just how responsive and accepting Sebastian was of his affections.
He lifted his head and withdrew his hand, his fingers instantly missing the way Seb’s cock felt and fit, but it was okay for now as he’d feel it again soon. He lifted himself from the couch, sliding one leg over Seb’s lap until he was up and straddling the other man's hips, Seb’s cock so hard against his. He looked down at Sebastian, his eyes sliding over the part of his lips, his boyfriend’s teeth just slightly showing, his tongue just barely visible like he wanted to ask for something, but Blaine’s lips had already found their way back to Sebastian’s and he licked into his mouth again, the slide and slips of lips and tongues just a bit more dirty this time.  He rolled his hips into the other man, gasping a little, the thin fabrics allowing him to feel Seb against him almost completely. He  tangled his fingers into Sebastian’s hair and pulled so that he could tilt his head back and cradle his face in his arms- making the other man look up at him. Blaine’s voice was stilted, and his own question excited him in a way he couldn’t understand yet.
“You’d like that, huh?” 
His hips humped slowly into Sebastian, whishing that they were the type to hide condoms in living room end table drawers so that they could fuck right here with the Autumn breeze and candles around them. They weren’t yet but maybe one day they would be. Then  Blaine was surprised by himself again- Surprised by this man, the one that asked for sex and wanted to do filthy things with his person. He was so new to Blaine. And yet, he kind of remembered him from long ago. His breath was hot against Seb’s lips as he panted out between hip rolls what he wanted. 
“Come show me then…”
 Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian bit his lip and let go of a deep breath he didn’t know he had been holding as Blaine’s hand slipped under the band of his sweats. Time felt like it stopped anytime the other man’s adept hands touched his skin. Blaine had lyrical hands, you could feel years of musicality etched into them and they played Sebastian like his most loved instrument. The other man touched him with promises of what was to come and Seb felt like he didn’t have the will to wait much longer. He needed Blaine in his bed, needed to be skin to skin, needed Blaine’s low voice in his ear. 
And then his boyfriend was in his lap and they were kissing and rutting against each other like they used to in his parents basement in their stolen moments. Sebastian loved when Blaine felt confident and comfortable and uninhibited like this. He could feel the other man’s breath against his lips, could feel how hard he was, his hands gripped his hips. Sebastian just nodded when the other man spoke, it wasn’t the time for words. It was time for him to worship Blaine in the best way that he could. 
He wasn’t sure who stood up first or who started undressing who, how the lube and condoms ended up in his hands but it didn’t matter. Sebastian had Blaine pressed into the bed, still in his hoodie, his naked legs splayed on either side of his hips. He liked how the fabric felt against his naked chest, loved the thought of being all over his boyfriend like this. 
Seb looked into Blaine’s eyes as he pressed into him. He moaned and held himself up on his elbow, his other hand gripped B’s jaw gently. 
“Keep your eyes on me.”
He pressed into Blaine over and over again and he could feel his thighs shake against his hips, he had to control himself, could have fallen over the edge from just that. He was beautiful, his curly hair mussed by the pillows, his mouth open with little moans, musical and perfect to Seb’s ears.
“You’re so fucking perfect.” 
 Blaine’s POV:
It was almost as if time didn’t exist in times like this. Times when they were just so in sync it was hard to tell where one of them ended and the other began. He wasn't even sure how he’d ended up almost naked and under Sebastian but he knew without a doubt that that is where he needed to be.
He just  lost himself. His voice was too needy, too loud. He could cry with it all. It was like he couldn’t breathe with how much desire was rolling through his body.  He did as he was told and kept his eyes on Seb, a thrill passed through him from Seb’s gentle demand and his strong slender fingers on his jaw and Blaine could do nothing but drink the sight of Sebastian covering him and thrusting into his body,  could do nothing but cling to him tightly as he could. 
His legs were quivering and spread and his knees were bent and god he was so fucking open for Sebastian. He couldn’t recall ever being this open before. He wanted to beg him to take what he wanted from him. Wanted him to fuck him until he couldn’t take it anymore. Everything was slick and smooth and the sounds filling the room were filthy and sweet and he would swear he could taste the music in the air. He felt like he might float away. His face scrunched like he was in pain, but overwhelming pleasure rolled through him in waves. The hoodie twisted, aching around his ribs and god he felt every inch so fucking much. 
It was still bright in the room and he was letting Sebastian fuck him on top of the covers and he was so exposed and for once he didn’t care. He wanted to go on like this forever. Wanted to hold on so it could last longer and yet…. He was overwhelmed with sensations and feelings and Seb's admission of Blaine being perfect, imagine that, tipped him over and he fell, fell fell. Seb's name a dirty, delicious moan on his lips, begging him to catch him- begging him to keep going. But he was left a whimpering, aching mess as he held tight to his boyfriend and hoped he just knew he could have it all still.  He usually much preferred to be in control, but sometimes he just needed it like this. Needed to be taken over. Needed that sore fullness. And it seemed Seb sometimes needed Blaine like this too. It was a big deal to him that he was able to succumb after all he’d been through and that Sebastian just knew.
As his eyes searched out Seb’s he wanted nothing more than to tell Sebastian that he was the perfect one, wanted to tell him he was everything, but he was still falling and all he managed once their eyes connected was a sigh and the softest expression,
“...love you.”
It didn't fit with what they were doing, or maybe it did- either way Blaine couldn’t imagine not telling Seb right then how he felt, it didn’t matter if he already knew a thousand times over. He needed him to know right now, at this perfect moment.
 Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian loved this. He had never been so natural as he was when he was with Blaine. Even when they were kids, B had a way of getting him to let go of any inhibitions he had, and nothing had changed. They clicked, they always had. They had a magnetism that nobody else could ever match, the type of shit poets wrote about, what the best love songs tried to capture. Things just worked, they didn’t need to fulfill any specific rolls or worry about anything when it was just them. They moved together and fit perfectly. 
He knew he wasn’t going to outlast Blaine by much. Sebastian knew what Blaine wanted, they knew how to speak without any words. He held on tight to the other man as he fell apart in his arms, his breath hot and his skin satisfyingly sweaty. Sebastian could feel his boyfriend’s legs shake around him, could tell he was sensitive with every little moan after every thrust. 
“Love you too….”
Suddenly, his hips had a mind of their own as he let go. The two of them held each other and B ran circles over his back as his hips stuttered and he tried to catch his breath.  After a few moments of breathing and holding one another after he had removed himself gently from B, Sebastian chuckled and nuzzled into Blaine’s neck. He hummed a happy sound into his warm skin and he could smell the remnants of raspberry in his hair. God, this is what he lived for. It was enough to just bask in the other man’s glow, it felt like the sun hanging high in July or hearing his favorite song for the first time.
“That was nice.”  
 Blaine’s POV:
Blaine loved watching Sebastian fall apart. Loves feeling the shudder and the sigh and the way he just sort of let himself go and melts into him- like Seb just knows he’s got it like that, because he does,  and that Blaine will hold him through it, because he will. He holds him close and strokes the back of his neck as Sebastian comes down and joins him in the afterglow. He loves this part almost as much as what came before.
Blaine blushed deep and let out a laugh because nice is an understatement but his laugh quickly turns to this raw  emotion and a wave of happy tears threaten to overtake him and he has to hide his face against Seb’s chest to hide them from the other man and maybe himself. He had truly never been that open before and he knew he would have been embarrassed over all of his whimpers and writhing if not for the way Sebastian was looking down at him. Like he loved him more than anything. Like he was some precious thing. Blaine was the most exposed-mentally and physically, and yet he’d never felt safer than he did right now with Sebastian around him.
After so much fear with Kurt of ridicule and pain, and the fear of triggering himself if he let go- tonight felt like a long time coming. It felt like he’d been waiting to let go like this forever yet he hadn't known. He was the same man that some six months ago had called his boyfriend to ask him if he could talk to him through touching himself properly. The same man that clutched blankets over his naked body like a life support- the one that was terrified of feeling the shamed way he felt with Kurt.  He was proud of himself for just letting things happen the way they were meant to happen here. And perhaps he might still tense up or prefer to be less exposed and more protected by blankets, but tonight Sebastian’s warm body, and the chill of the Autumn wind from the open windows felt like the safest covers. 
As he lets himself lie there, wrapped up in his second safest space with his beautiful, damaged but recovering boyfriend he wonders if it could possibly get any better than this one moment. They’d hardly been back together a year yet and so much could happen so he knew he should relax, but look how much they’d been through together in ten months…  he treasured it all- the highs and the lows. He wanted to voice everything all at once to Sebastian, he wanted to tell him he was proud of the two of them, tell him how good he felt right now, maybe do something that might lead to Blaine getting to flip them over and lead to explore the gorgeous  inches of his boyfriend's body… Yet he still felt so overwhelmed and too many things were rushing through his mind as lie snuggled against Sebastian so he settles for a simple statement instead,
“So nice.” He lets himself snuggle closer still to Seb.
“So, I’ve decided I’m gonna keep this shirt, okay? Okay.”
 Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian stretched his body and reveled in the afterglow with Blaine. The two of them kept kissing and smiling into each other’s mouths, their sighs and the sound of the breeze coming through the window were the only  noises in the cacophony of the city that mattered. He never thought he would find so much satisfaction in pillow talk or even be lucky enough to share in aftercare. The two of them always had each other. B always knew what Sebastian needed and he hoped he did the same for him. 
He wrapped his arms tighter around the other man’s clothed back and pressed a kiss to the side of his head. He laughed a little when Blaine replied. Did he really believe for one second that Sebastian would ever want the hoodie back? Of course he didn’t. He wanted him to keep of it and think of how his body felt on top of him, how the scent of his cologne would linger on the shirt like the touch of their hot skin. 
“Good. Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Sebastian described all the ways he wanted to see his boyfriend in the shirt and all the ways he wanted him to feel wearing it. He hoped that Blaine felt beautiful and wanted and sexy and all the good things that he deserved to feel. 
Their talking led to kissing which led to some more fooling around. Their time bled into a small nap wrapped around one another. They woke up during twilight, the street lights in the neighborhood were starting to pop on and paint the sidewalk in circles of orange. Sebastian ordered them Chinese food and they sat in bed and ate with a trashy reality show on in the background as they laughed and talked and Soot snuck pieces of chicken. If only all study sessions could end this way.
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chenfordsrollisi · 2 years
Hello. I'm looking for RP partners. I RP on Discord only and am hoping to make some new friends. I'm F/34. US, Native English speaker. Sorry, not fluent in any other languages. Multi-para writer most of the time. Here's what I'm looking for:
18+ RP partners. If you're not 18 or older, I'm not interested, sorry.
Partners to RP across a wide variety of TV show fandoms.
NSFW RP's, though that isn't all I RP. I like to try and find a balance of smut and plot. Smut's great, but can get boring if that's all there is.
Multi-para writer.
I'm looking for a partner to play male characters. I prefer to play female characters, unless in a Slash rp like Glee's Klaine or Seblaine.
My kinks and my squicks can be found here: F-list Below is a list of fandoms I'd like to rp. I'm not going to list any pairings, because I multiship and like too many pairings. If you're curious about certain ships to rp, please reply to this post and ask and I'm happy to respond whenever I have a chance. Fandoms: [TV versions] The 100 Arrow Boy Meets World Buffy the Vampire Slayer Burn Notice Chicago Fire Chicago Justice Chicago Med Chicago PD Criminal Minds Crossovers DC's Legends of Tomorrow FBI The Flash General Hospital Glee Grey's Anatomy Hawaii Five-0 Higher Ground Law & Order: SVU The Magicians NCIS NCIS: LA The Night Shift One Tree Hill Private Eyes Riverdale The Rookie Rookie Blue Roswell, New Mexico S.W.A.T. Supernatural
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smythesm · 4 years
Won't Get To The Bed- Saturday, August 1, 2020
Para: - Won’t Get To The Bed
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Seblaine. With @andersoncharm
When: Saturday, August 1, 2020
Location: Sebastian’s (And Blaine’s) Cambridge apartment.
Notes: Blaine and Sebastian haven’t had much alone time. Sebastian finally cracks.
Warnings: Lots of smut with a cute ending. Blow jobs, anal fingering, anal sex, mild breath play, some dirty talk. Once again our boys are in a loving, long term relationship and trust each other completely. :)
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian had been busy. The summer had been full of paperwork, client meetings, and research. All things that he was good at and even enjoyed but, since he was Sebastian Smythe that meant taking on even more paperwork, and client meetings, and research than the other interns at the law office. He always went out of his way to take on twice the work he was given and to turn it in before it was due. He would never admit when he was over his head, instead choosing to cling on to coping mechanisms such as cigarettes and too many cups of coffee or sex. The first two were easy to come by right now, he had found himself at the convenience store down the street more than he’d like lately. Sebastian always left with at least a burnt cup of coffee he could have just made at home, frustrated that Blaine was just as busy and couldn’t come over as much. 
Sebastian was having a hard time focusing on the case notes he was trying to put together. He kept getting distracted by his thoughts, he missed his boyfriend. He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath before picking up his empty paper coffee cup. Seb sighed and tossed the cup over his shoulder. No coffee...Blaine would make sure he had a fresh pot...Blaine would probably kiss him in the kitchen,,,.press him against the counter….maybe bend him over and…
He took a shaky breath and reached for the cigarettes in his desk drawer. The last one in the box was broken. That was great. Blaine hated the habit but loved the way Seb’s lips tasted after he smoked...he’d probably kiss all over his neck just to inhale the scent….that always drove him crazy. Sebastian pushed his chair back from his desk and stared at the wall. He needed to get Blaine to come over. Sure, Seb could just go into the bathroom and touch himself but where was the fun in that (besides he’d already done that a few times that morning.) He slid his hand down his grey sweatpants and took a video of himself before sending it to Blaine. Sebastian smiled and tipped back in his chair as he waited for the response.
Blaine’s POV:
The weeks following the Fourth of July weekend Blaine had spent with Sebastian and his family had been long and almost Sebastianless. He’d known he’d pay for spending so much time away from his lessons with his dad and with the Order and Council, and he touted he was prepared to make up all of his work but, it turned out, he wasn’t. Sure, he’d gotten to pop over to eat a few meals, and snuggle up on the couch only to fall into an exhausted sleep warped around him, but Blaine’s body ached to do so much more. He wasn’t used to this, he was used to them touching and tasting whenever they wanted. It was like the gods and their responsibilities had teamed up to test them to see how long they could hold out before one of them lost their shit and abandoned their duties.
It wasn’t like they needed sex to survive or be happy, no, Blaine was happy falling asleep next to Sebastian, and was lucky he had the magic to be there in second so he could do just that. However, sex and intimacy were a huge part of their relationship. Their bodies were always singing in perfect harmony, a duet that other couples should, and probably did, envy. He’d been frustrated for weeks, but was too exhausted mentally to do much about it, plus he knew Sebastian was just as tired and though Blaine could have whipped up something to heighten their senses and put them back into their normal groove, he didn’t because his magic felt sluggish once he finally managed to make it to his boyfriends house at the end of the day from using it so much for his work. Besides,  stolen kisses and sleepy bodies pressed together were enough for him no matter how much his cock argued with his brain.
But, when Blaine’s phone went off as he was working in his room to perfect an exceptionally complex anti detection charm for the Order, he was willing to push aside the notion that he was fine with their lack of touching and tasting and he was so glad that he was alone. It seemed that they were on the same page with their thoughts and Blaine had to fight the urge to just leave all of his rather dangerous tools and trinkets as he pushed the play button on his phone. Sebastian’s beautiful faelike face came into view, his eyes heavy and his lips were quirked just so into a closed mouth and mischievous smile that held a promise of so much more. He watched, his breath hitching as his boyfriend panned the phone down allowing Blaine a preview of just what was on Seb’s mind. Blaine couldn't even see much. Just Seb’s fingers sliding down the dusting of hair that led down into his pants, where he no doubt wasn’t wearing anything under them, and the outline of his knuckles as they wrapped around the impression of the head of his cock that Blaine could just make out through Seb’s sweats as he stroked his hand up and down and Blaine let out a little whimper at the sight. He wanted nothing more than to push Seb’s hand away and replace it with his own, his fingers just itching to feel the heaviness of his boyfriend's cock in his hand.
The video ended just as suddenly as it came and Blaine huffed in frustration at the tease. Sebastian hadn’t said anything, but Blaine got the message. He quickly sent a text reading- I’ll be there in two minutes.- And proceeded to quickly, but safely put his magical items away. He knew he should finish his charm, that it was expected of him and that his dad would be disappointed when he was late with it. But Seb’s green eyes were begging him to come and the thought of getting to hear his little begging moans of pleasure in person won out any reservation he might have possibly had. He made it to Sebastian’s living room in one minute and as he walked up behind his boyfriend, who was sitting at his desk still, he could see that his hand was still down his pants and he was still oh so slowly touching himself and Blaine’s cock twitched in his sweats as he leaned down and pressed his nose into the back of Seb’s neck, inhaling the faint scent of smoke and just Sebastian that drove him mad. He nipped at his neck, his tongue sneaking out for a taste before speaking in a low voice in Seb’s ear. 
“You’re such a tease, baby.”
Sebastian's POV:
Sebastian sighed and reached his free hand behind him to touch Blaine’s curls. A tingle traveled down his spine the moment the other man’s lips and tongue touched the sensitive skin of his neck. 
“Am I a tease or do I just know how to get what I want?”
Sebastian turned in the chair and looked up at Blaine. “We should trade places.” He stood up and gave Blaine a string of kisses, pressed his hands to his shoulders to encourage him to sit in the wooden desk chair. He dropped to his knees and placed himself between his boyfriend’s knees. Sebastian kissed and nipped at his full bottom lip, kissed the stubble on his jawline, kissed his neck and Adam’s apple, slid his hands under his shirt to feel the tender skin of the other man’s belly. He nipped at his earlobe, his dexterous fingers danced along the band of Blaine’s red sweatpants. “I wanna suck your cock.” Sebastian slid his way down Blaine’s body, leaving kisses and smirks all the way down as he pulled down the other man’s pants and boxer briefs in one fell swoop. 
He took the head of Blaine’s cock into his mouth and sucked gently, his green eyes locked on him as his cheeks hollowed. Seb gripped the base of his boyfriend’s cock and began to bob his head. He loved the heaviness of Blaine in his mouth, how hot his skin felt against his tongue.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine sighed a little when Seb’s fingers tousled his curls a bit. He loved the feeling of his boyfriends long fingers in his hair. He wanted to press his head into Seb’s hands and demand more, but there would be more time for that later. His lips curled into a smile at Seb’s words because of course he was right. Sebastian always got what he wanted, he didn’t even have to ask unless Blaine was in some type of mood and demanded it out of him. 
“Mm, I think it’s a bit of both...” 
He mumbled the words, his head tilting up as Sebastian stood, he whined a little, his smile turning into a pout briefly, thinking for just a moment that Sebastian was going to leave his lips unkissed only to be rewarded with a series of kisses and the taste of smoke on his boyfriend’s tongue, the feeling of Seb’s tongue sliding against his made his toes curl with want as he let himself be pressed into the office chair. He realized as he sat that he’d left without shoes in his desperation to get to Sebastian and laughed inwardly at himself. The mirth was soon replaced with absolute desire as Seb positioned himself between his legs, his tummy pressing against his hard cock as he sucked Blaine’s kiss swollen lips and then his neck and throat and Blaine’s heart was all but slamming into his rib cage in anticipation as Sebastian's skilled fingers stroked over the trail hair on his stomach. 
His breath hitched at Seb’s words and his hips automatically lifted up in a oh gods please, yes. He kicked the offending clothing off of his feet and let his legs fall open even more, his hips rolling up and into Sebastian’s mouth as his boyfriend sank his lips over his cock. Seb looking up, green gaze bright though his lashes and Gods, Blaine was already so close as he threaded his fingers into Sebastian’s unkempt hair, gripping just enough to have a tiny bit of control over the motions of Seb’s head, guiding him even though he was incredibly skilled and didn’t need Blaine’s help. And fuck- Blaine knew how much Sebastian loved doing this, how much he loved to feel of Blaine in his mouth, and the ache in his jaw and the saltiness when he would come. Seb’s little moans vibrated throughout his lower body telling him all he needed to know.  He understood why Seb loved it so much. And with each flick of Seb’s tongue over his sensitive skin, each time his lover sucked down far enough to let the head of his cock touch the back of his throat Blaine’s hips pressed up further into Seb’s mouth until Seb flicked his tongue in just the right way over the tip of his cock and Blaine was coming hard, his eyes finally leaving Seb’s to roll back, his fingers gripping his hair and Seb’s forearm tighter as he rode out his orgasm. 
He gave himself a few seconds, gasping for breath,  before lifting his head and looking down in time to see his boyfriend swallow. Seb’s cheeks were red and his iris’ were blown wide with desire, his lips swollen as he licked them clean, a pleased and still mischievous smile on his face. Blaine lifted up and pulled Sebastian's smirking face towards his, his lips crashing down onto Seb’s as he greedily licked into his mouth, moaning lowly as he tasted himself on Seb’s lips, his fingertips and thumbs curling a bit roughly against his neck as he kissed his smirks away. 
“Gods Seb, I want to fuck you… Let me fuck you.”
His voice was breathy yet demanding when he pulled away just enough to speak, he pressed their foreheads together, his lips still ghosting over Seb’s, kissing him after speaking. His hands already dropping fro Seb’s neck to tug his tee shirt over his head and then slipping his hands into the front of Seb’s sweats, grazing his cock, before sliding his hands around his hips and gripping his ass, pulling him closer so he could dip his head and suck at the spot Seb loved so much where his neck met his shoulder before licking a line up to his ear. 
“Please.” The word a whisper as he pushed the gray sweats over the swell of his ass, sighing at the feeling of their bare skin touching.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian’s eyelashes fluttered and he moaned as he felt Blaine’s hips buck, his nails dig into his hair and forearm. He could taste him in the back of his throat. Seb held onto the other man’s hips and hummed and sucked gently as he rode out his orgasm, gently pulled off of the other man with a bit of an obscene,wet pop. He looked up at Blaine’s red cheeks and heaving chest, he loved to see it. He loved Blaine’s reactions to his mouth and body, and the stress he felt earlier already felt a little bit lighter. Seb smiled to himself and wiped his swollen lips with the back of his hand. He was pleased with himself but still hard and all too willing to let Blaine pull him up into messy kisses. 
“I’m yours, B.” 
He lifted his arms as Blaine all but ripped his white tee shirt off of his body. Seb clung to the other man, his hands gripping his muscular shoulders. Sebastian sighed, a tingle slid up and down his spine as Blaine kissed all over his neck and bruised mouth. He gasped at the feeling of Blaine’s solid hands as they gripped his ass. He knew he wouldn’t last very long, he didn’t want to waste any more time.They didn’t need to go to the bedroom, B could fuck him right here and right now. Seb took a step back to fall to his knees. He leaned back against the hardwood floor behind his desk. The floor was cold against his hot skin and would probably leave marks when this was over. He spread his legs and propped himself up with one arm, the other wrapped around Blaine’s neck as he pulled him down, licked into his mouth. Sebastian shivered a little bit from the sensation of his boyfriend’s body against his pressing him into the floor.
Blaine’s POV:
A shiver shot through Blaine’s body at Sebastian’s three little words. His green gaze open and bare, fixing him with a penetrating look and to Blaine the words -I’m yours, B- meant so many things. -Touch me, taste me, fuck me, use me, need me, love me; I trust you with my body completely, B… And not for the first time and definitely not for the last Blaine was overwhelmed with how much he wanted and needed this man laid out before him. How much he wanted to give him all the things he desired all at once. He licked his lips as he watched Sebastian lie back on the hard, cold floor, his legs spreading open for him, his cock impossibly hard as his hands reaching to pull Blaine closer. He let himself be pulled to Sebastian and briefly thought about warming the floor with his magic, but there was something so primal about doing it like this, about fucking his boyfriend into the floor and knowing that there’d be little red marks where he’d been pressed down. Blaine would offer to heal them later, but he knew Seb and Seb would want to keep them close to himself, would want to feel the burn when he woke up in the morning and know that Blaine had made him feel that good. He did however, grab his red sweats to roll them under Seb’s hips and ass so he wouldn't hurt him too much when he rocked into him. 
He moaned into Seb’s mouth, his tongue slipping against Sebastian's sweetly and filthily all at once and tasting himself, and cigarette smoke and old coffee,  his fingers were already slick with his magic and gliding over his already hard again cock to slick himself up before slipping two of them inside the tightness of his boyfriend. He loved watching Sebastian squirm and pant as he fingered him slowly, and not for the first time he wondered if he could make him come this way… With just his fingers and his mouth on his. He added a third finger and pumped them a few times into Sebastian while sliding his free arm under Sebastian’s head to bring him closer and to cushion him from knocking his head against the hardwood. 
One he knew his boyfriend was ready and open- he nosed into Sebastian’s neck, lips finding the sweet spot, the pulse point where Seb’s heartbeat thrummed against his lips and Blaine removed his fingers, replacing them instantly with his cock. Not giving Sebastian any time to feel empty before sliding all the way inside of him. He kept still for a moment, giving him time to adjust before moving into him over and over. Seb was slick, and open and so fucking tight and his legs fell open further for him, allowing Blaine to go deeper and he wasn’t sure how long he’d last as he thrust in hard and fast. But, he wanted to watch Seb fall apart first. Wanted to feel him shake and shiver underneath him. He brought his free hand up, his fingers curling gently around Seb’s throat, his thumb pressing against his pulse point a little harder with each thrust. His voice a breathy mumble.
“You feel so fucking good, baby…”
Sebastian’s POV:
Seb writhed and panted underneath Blaine, his fingers working into him caused his breathing to escalate. His skin felt ultra sensitive and overstimulated, every touch made little sparks fly inside of his body. He wiggled his hips against his boyfriend in a move to encourage him to continue, to let him know that he was ready for more than just his fingers. 
He gasped whenever Blaine kissed and sucked on that specific spot, his favorite spot, on his neck. It always made him lose his mind, always made the fire in the pit of his stomach swirl, made his cock throb. Blaine knew every place that made Sebastian’s eyes roll back, knew every inch of him like a well-worn map. He knew where to go to get him to fall over the edge, expertly worked him like he was one of his most loved instruments that he always returned to late at night. 
Sebastian’s legs fell open as the other man pressed his fingers against his throat, he could feel the rough patches on his hands, the delicate scrape of his crystal necklace as it dragged across his chest. He moaned and nodded his head as if to say ‘yeah, you feel so fucking good, too’ but his mouth refused to form any actual words. All Sebastian could do was pant and moan and gasp, his hands grappling for purchase against the tight muscles of his boyfriend’s strong back. 
He closed his eyes and let his body just feel all of the sensations that Blaine was giving him-the sound of his ragged breath as it dusted his face, his cock thrusting into him, his back as it rubbed against the floor with each thrust, his hand on his throat, he lips on his swollen mouth and chin and jaw. Sebastian’s toes curled and his knees tightened against Blaine as the warm pool of need in his stomach exploded through his body. He came in between their bodies with a clumsy jerk of his hips, a loud gasp, his hands squeezed the other man’s shoulders. There would probably be blunt little half moons sprinkled over Blaine’s back after this. Sebastian exhaled and let his body turn into liquid as he fell limply against the hardwood floor, his hips still elevated by Blaine’s bunched up sweatpants.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let himself just watch Sebastian’s face when his boyfriend closed his eyes and let his head fall back, opening himself up and just let Blaine take over. There was a total and absolute trust between them that Blaine often wondered how he ever lived without. In his more poetic moments he had to wonder if maybe he just... wasn’t really living before Sebastian. That he was just going through the motions of life wondering if he’d ever feel happiness. It was cheesy and one of his more embarrassing romantic notions but he couldn't help himself. And now the look on Seb’s face was pure bliss and filled with such total trust that he couldn’t help but let himself feel the sappiness. He ducked his head down and pressed another kiss to swollen lips and let his thumb press and rub over Seb’s throat once more and almost as if Blaine had pressed a button, Seb was falling apart around him. He felt him tighten his grip on his shoulders, the pleasant ache of nails digging into his skin. He felt Seb shiver, and his legs shake as he came hard between them. His boyfriend's body practically turned to liquid and went almost limp in his arms.
Blaine moaned at the sight, it was beautiful and so hot and gods Blaine was so close. He gathered Sebastian’s spent body close to him, pressing his face into his neck, his hips snapping forward, his legs spreading wider for a better angle. His lips close to Seb’s ear, panting and barely mumbling sweet and dirty words to him that Blaine wouldn't be able to recall later as he came hard and fast inside of his lover. His body going rigid for a moment before finally relaxing against Sebastian’s. Blaine kept his face pressed into Seb’s neck for a moment in an attempt to slow down his breathing and get himself under control. He kept his arms around Seb. One still under his head keeping him from getting hurt the other tucked under the small of his back to pull him closer. 
Finally, after a few minutes he opened his eyes and pulled back so he could look at Sebastian properly. The other man’s face was red and his lips were pulled back into one of his just for Blaine smiles. And it should have been embarrassing how eager Blaine had been but they hadn’t had the chance to touch each other like this for weeks. Thank the gods Seb finally got fed up with finding time and just took it upon himself to make the time. He nuzzled his nose against Seb’s shoulder and pressed a kiss there, where a dusting of freckles spread out like stars lived. He realized he was still inside of Sebastian and slowly and gently pulled out. Rolling off of Seb just as gently, and lying on his side facing him, his hand reaching out and seeking Seb’s hip to pull him closer. He knew they should get up,  that they’d be achy later but he wanted to enjoy this moment. 
“Gods why did we let bullshit get in the way of this? I’ve missed you. And I’ve missed touching you so damn much, Seb. I guess I didn’t realize how much until you sent that video.” He leaned in and stole another kiss, smiling into it happy and content. “Thanks for that.” He laughed, feeling better than he had in weeks, like a weight had been lifted and all it took was some skin to skin contact with his person. His stomach gave a growl which caused him to laugh again. “Now I’m starving. Why don’t I make us some dinner, and we can wake Ras up so we can all relax a bit together before you and I have to make ourselves start working again?”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian held on to Blaine and tried to catch his breath. His legs were still shaky and loud little puffs and gasps still escaped from his lips. He rubbed his hands over the places where his nails had pressed and listened to Blaine breathe for a few moments. Seb turned on his side to face his boyfriend, only a little uncomfortable on the floor. Though he didn’t like to take potions often he knew that Blaine would give him one for his sore body if he needed it. Sebastian thought for a moment and stared into the other man’s honey eyes. Why did they let everything get in the way of spending time together? Time besides falling asleep or catching a quick lunch together? “I think that humans focus on the wrong things sometimes. Everybody does it.” He ran a hand over Blaine’s side, felt him breathing under his fingertips. “I missed you, too. And this.” Seb leaned in and stole a small kiss. “No, thank you. Great stress relief.” He sat up and stretched his long arms and his legs. Sebastian was thankful that Blaine had magic to clean up their mess and that he was a talented cook. He was too tired to do much else besides sit on the couch and watch a shitty reality show with his guy. 
“I wouldn’t say no to a peanut butter sandwich.” Sebastian smiled at Blaine. “I think we can push work off for the rest of the night.” 
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so-long-soldier28 · 2 years
The Polygraph Test
summary: blaine fails an important test, but can't make it up without it going on his permanent record. maybe the detective will let him pass if he impresses him in other ways...
pairing: blaine anderson x sebastian smythe
word count: ~3k
warnings: smut, dom/sub undertones, leg humping, boot licking/worship, snowballing, spit kink/ spit as lube, sexual roleplay
Read it here!
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calsvoid · 8 months
Fic Writers Tag
i got tagged by @daisyishedwig thanks for that
i invite anyone who would like to do this <3
disclaimer: as i am a pretty inactive writer and have posted/finished a total of zero fics, most of these are going to be simply unanswerable for me and my answers revolve around my wips rather than any completed fics
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
none, but i have three (four? five?) wips right now
2. What’s your AO3 word count?
again none, but i got to 12k+ on the first and scrapped draft of one of my wips
3. What fandoms do you write for?
glee because i have so many brainworms for seblaine , but i do hope that one day i’ll have space in my head to generate other fandom fic ideas
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i absolutely would if i had any, i love interacting with others and would answer as many as i could
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
out of my main wips, my kurt pov fic is probably the saddest just because if you’re a klaine fan, they break up, so rip. but that one is also more of a hopeful ending type of thing. the other answer is this one klaine wedding drabble that i have which is just pure angst for seblaine and they’re just in pain
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of my wips are all happy endings, but i like to think my blaine pov one is the happiest just because blaine gets to be in a good place in his life and heading for even bette
8. Do you get hate on fics?
have not written any, would not be surprised if i did just because i like characterizing seblaine as in love and that’s not super in-character
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nope, have never been interested in writing smut, so probably not ever gonna be a thing for me
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one youve ever written?
also no
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
it’s impossible really
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, and also a thing that will probably never happen. i like my specific work process and having to combine with someone else would be really stressful i think. i do love to share ideas though and i suppose i could co-write in that way
14. Favorite ship of all time?
seblaine seblaine seblaine. they’ve been in my mind for almost a year now (though there was a small episode of not being obsessed with them) ever since i discovered them and i just adore them. they’re everything i love about pairings and i love the potential of the glee universe and all the characters and i’ve grown so attached to these two and they’re probably going to be my favorite for a very very long time. like the angst, the fluff, the little nuances i’ve built for them in my head. i’ve trapped myself and i will sit in my cage and have fun because they’re my sweet angels who are so fucked up and in love, i adore them. i’ve always loved ships where one is a second choice because damn if it doesn’t hurt knowing someone doesn’t want you (supposedly) and you’re not a real thing for them (supposedly). and like the fact they had this friendship that just went so wrong so fast. i’ll never get over them i swear
15. Wip you want to finish, but doubt you will?
my sebklaine au of my kurt pov fic probably. i do love it and the concept, but the fact that i’m putting it off until i can get the original finished means it’s probably never gonna come or be just very far into the future
16. What are your writing strengths?
not sure honestly? i haven’t really written a lot in the past forever, so i’ve never gotten a lot of feedback on my writing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i have a lot, but repetitiveness and my sentence structures probably. i have a lot of thoughts and i need to stop shoving them all into one sentence.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
i don’t like the idea of using google translate nor do i want to research a bunch about languages, so i just like to put whole sentences in italics and write somewhere that they’ve switched languages. as for small words and phrases, i would probably do a bit of research on that, still use italics, but i’ll also write it out in the language
19. First fandom you wrote for?
cinderella and it was for a school assignment
20. Fave fic youve written?
ironically, my favorite is probably my kurt pov fic. i am a sucker for outsider povs and it’s just an idea i haven’t seen explored super deeply and i wanna do that because it would be so fun.
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andersoncharm · 4 years
Part 2-And it's My Whole Heart Deemed and Delivered a Crime- November 12 and 13, 2020. (Thursday and Friday)
Para: And it's My Whole Heart Deemed and Delivered a Crime-Part 2
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Seblaine. 
Blaine: @andersoncharm​
Sebastian: @smythesm​
When: Thursday, November 12, 2020, Friday November 13, 2020
Location: Sebastian’s Apartment- Boston, MA
Notes: With Hunter and Tony's warnings weighing down on them and the clock ticking away their seconds together Sebastian and Blaine struggle to say goodbye as they spend what very well may be their last twenty four hours together. How do you manage just one more day with your soulmate? How do you give one last kiss, one last touch? How do you make love one last time? How do you say goodbye?
Warnings:  This rp includes; Mild smut, mentions of possible main character death, mentions of parental death (Blaine’s Mom), mentions of toxic past relationships, mentions of brief past Klaine. (Under cut for length and content.)
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine had thrown his whole heart and a little bit of magic into the breakfast he’d made for the two of them, for all he knew, it was the last time he’d get to make one for Sebastian and as mundane as it seemed, he wanted to make sure it was the perfect meal. He’d made the bacon crispy the way his boyfriend liked it, he’d made pancakes from scratch and piled them high with strawberries and whipped cream and real maple syrup. He’d have squeezed real oranges for the orange juice if he could have left to go get some. He didn’t dare step foot out of the apartment though, didn’t dare magic himself to the store or anywhere else for that matter. What if they decided to take away his remaining hours with Sebastian and he never got to properly say goodbye, never got to tell him how much he loved him or kiss him ever again. What if Sebastian’s last memory of Blaine was him popping out of his living room to go get something as silly as oranges? Plain orange juice sufficed and got the job done.
The whole apartment smelled like coffee and a breakfast that would put any diner to shame. Blaine would have been proud of himself under any other circumstance, but this morning, even though the November sun was shining in a too blue sky through orange and red trees, casting a golden tone throughout the day, even though it looked like a painting outside, the inside of the apartment was anything but sunny. Sebastian was just standing there, leaning against the counter in the kitchen, his mug of steaming coffee clutched in his fingers so tightly Blaine could see the red. His boyfriends eyes were wide and he was staring at the floor with his jaw clenched, completely in his own world and Blaine, for the first time ever, wished that Witches had the ability to truly read minds. What was he thinking? Blaine could feel the terrified energy radiating off of him and it made his heart ache with a bone deep sorrow knowing that it was because of him that Sebastian was feeling this way.
Sebastian, on a normal day when Blaine made food like this, would have stolen about five pieces of bacon and would have three cups of coffee down by now. He’d have pressed little kisses to the back of Blaine’s neck as he cooked and would  have at least pretended to help him cook the rest. Today though, Sebastian seemed to be in a state of shock and Blaine didn’t know what to do to get him out of it. He was standing as close to Blaine as he could, like he too was afraid to move away, but his mind was someplace else. Blaine had kept himself as busy as he could for the last hour since Hunter and Tony had walked out of their home and he was terrified that if he stopped moving or going on as if it were a normal day that he’d completely crack in half. He realized that this whole thing, the giant breakfast, was pretending that tomorrow wasn’t going to change them forever, even if he lived. Pretending that the Council and Order weren’t going to put him through hell, or that they might spare him all because he would tell him they were soulmates. Without proof… where did that leave them? 
He knew he was being silly and stupid by pretending it away and that he should be out trying to do something, anything to stop this… but his fear of being taken away from Seb even one minute before his time was overwhelming. Besides he’d promised Hunter and Tony he’d stay put. He knew Hunter was out trying to figure out a way out of this, and he could still feel Tony somewhere just outside keeping an eye on them. Freya was with her. Both of them were determined and fierce and it was a little overwhelming. He wanted so badly to contact his father, tell him to help him. But a little part of him was so afraid that his dad was in on it, that his dad, who would have to head this trial, was secretly glad to be rid of Blaine. The voice in his head, that sounded like his mom scolded him and told him differently. He just had to hope his dad was on his side.
He plated their food and set them out on the little bistro table in the small dining room before wrapping his fingers around Seb’s wrist and guiding him to eat. Sebastian looked up at him, his expression seeming lost as he sat down. The whole room felt like that- lost, not even Ras was begging for bacon and Ras loved bacon almost as much as he loved his papa. Blaine, trying to keep up his charade, reached for his fork and cut himself a bit of pancake. He loved sweets and this was his favorite part, any other day he’d have consumed most of it by now. He found that he couldn’t even lift the fork to his lips and suddenly his whole act felt stupid and how the fuck was he supposed to do this? How as he supposed to spend the next twenty four hours acting like he might not die tomorrow, like they might not fuck Sebastian’s whole brain up just to erase any trace of him out of it. Sebastian wasn’t a normal human, he was the soulmate of a fucking Witch- That didn’t just happen to humans. Something was special about them and gods what would erasing Blaine out of his memory do to Sebastian? He sat his fork down on the plate, the sound loud as a gunshot in the quiet room. He reached out with his hand and for the first time since Hunter and Tony had left he let himself really touch Sebastian and really feel the confusion, anger and sadness that seemed to be consuming his boyfriend. He wanted to tell him that it would be okay again, but all at once it felt like a lie and he couldn’t bring himself to lie right now.
His voice cracked as he tried to speak and he had to stop, close his mouth and swallow before trying again. What was he supposed to say? How was he supposed to do this? His whole world was shattering right in front of him and he couldn’t do anything about it. All he had were these last hours and he was lucky to be getting that at all. He took a deep breath, his eyes wide as he scooted his chair over so that his knees were touching the side of Seb’s leg. He leaned forward and pressed his face into Sebastian’s shoulder, just breathing in his morning scent for a moment, his fingers holding tight to his hand.
“I-I know this isn’t how this was supposed to happen. We were supposed to have more time.” He bit his lip, pulling back so he could look up into Sebastian’s worried green eyes. “But, we have a little bit and I want to spend every second making sure you know just how much I loved- how much I love you. I don’t want to go away tomorrow morning not knowing if I’ll get to see you again and worried that I didn’t make you feel all the love I have to give.” His voice cracked a little on the word give and he swallowed hard, determined not to cry yet. He was afraid he'd never stop. “Tell me what you want to do and I’ll make it happen. Anything you want, baby. You want to yell at me for putting us here, then yell at me… You want to cry? We’ll cry together. We can eat, we can watch movies. We can sleep or touch… Anything. I just want you to remember us.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian didn’t take one sip of the coffee Blaine had poured him and he couldn’t fucking remember the last time he didn’t drink coffee. He didn’t know what to do with his body or his thoughts. His brain was racing with a thousand thoughts and he felt like he might cry if the air hit his face the wrong way which was unlike him. Suffice it to say, the morning wasn’t going great for him. Seb didn’t know how to comfort Blaine so he just stood in the kitchen and stared at the floor as the thought ‘are you wasting your time?’ raced around all of the other thoughts bouncing around his sad, tired head. 
He poked at the fluffy whipped cream piled high on his pancakes and sighed. The food looked and smelled great but his stomach felt like a pit of acid and he was afraid he might throw up if he ate anything. Sebastian set his fork down and stared at the lavish spread on the small table. Suddenly Blaine touched him and his voice broke through his anxious fog. He reached out and laid his hand on his boyfriend’s thigh. An intrusive thought shot through him, what if he never got to do this again? Never got to something as simple as sit next to Blaine? Never to feel his knees pressed into his thigh or his forehead on his shoulder? Sebastian bit into his bottom lip so hard he thought he might draw blood. He had already picked his cuticles bloody and bit his nails to the nub. 
“Blaine. I…” Sebastian shook his head, his voice cracked from not being used much and his eyes were glassy with tears. He hated crying and he hated feeling this way. “I know that I….can’t spend the whole day acting like this but I’m….I’m sad.” He crinkled his face and swallowed the uncomfortable lump in his throat. “I just want to be near you. I…” Sebastian took a deep, wobbly breath and squeezed the other man’s thigh. “I just want you.” He shrugged his shoulders and looked down at his plate again. Seb wasn’t sure if his words even made much sense. What was there to do in the span of 24 hours? Plenty of things but there was so much that couldn’t happen at the same time. You couldn’t move into a house together or celebrate your new job that you hadn’t gotten yet or travel to Paris again or celebrate all of the holidays and birthdays that might be missed. Hunter and Blaine had told him that his memories could be erased. There wasn’t enough time to relive every moment with Blaine he held dear. They couldn’t stand in an arcade parking lot laughing over a little plastic Eiffel tower or dash through the snow in a horse drawn carriage or fuck in an attic under starlight or get tangled up in Ras’s leash. No fancy French dinner dates or enchanted pomegranates or Wonder Woman themed gifts. All Sebastian could do was make the most out of a day that felt like it was suffocating him. 
 “I don’t want to waste the food but I can’t eat right now. Maybe we could lay down together?” He stood up from the table and held his hand out.
Blaine’s POV:
A jolt of actual pain shot through Blaine’ body as Sebastian’s voice cracked, Blaine could feel it in his bones just as pain as if he’d been slapped across the face. He hated this, hated that he couldn’t fix it. Hated that he’d been born a Witch and that loving Sebastian made him wrong. He’d never hated being a Witch, always loved that he’d gotten such a powerful gift of healing from his mother, and gifts of charms from his father. But, especially his mother’s gifts. He’d always loved knowing he could heal someone's broken heart with a song as they passed by him on the streets, even if the relief only lasted an hour, it always made him feel good knowing he got to make the world a little brighter. But, the archaic laws against Witches and humans being together made him loathe his gifts. It wasn’t as if Blaine was some awful Witch playing with a human's mind, no, he and Sebastian were Fated. That meant something in the Witch community. He could already hear the Councils arguments against how it wasn’t possible.... If only they could just meet Sebastian, if only they could see how much they loved each other. He knew they’d never allow him into their world though. Blaine would have to think of something else. He knew his word wasn’t enough. He knew he’d try anyway.
He swallowed hard as he listened to his boyfriend struggle though his words, each one of them adding another weight to his already heavy heart. The soft and broken way Sebastian said the word sad almost did Blaine in and he found himself clenching his teeth at the unfairness of it all again. He wanted to curse the gods because at the end of the day it was their fault. Was it all just some cruel joke? Find the loneliest Witch and Fate him to someone he’s not allowed to have. Watch him burn? Giggle as the human struggles to grasp a life without his love? And once again Blaine found he’d trade his magic for just one lifetime of freedom with Seb. 
He watched Sebastian and his thoughts seemed to be going a mile a minute. His smooth face scrunched and wrinkled with each new thought that crossed him and Blaine couldn’t take it anymore so he reached out and cupped his hands against Sebastian’s face gently, holding him there so that Seb could see him, so Seb would know that Blaine was here. That he had him and that he’d stay by his side until Hunter took him away. 
“You have me, I’m right here, Seb. I won’t leave your side until they make me…” He trailed off his eyes following Sebastian’s as he looked at the meal. “I can always warm it up later if you’re hungry, we’ll just leave it.” He stood and handed Ras a few pieces of the bacon, the pup looked worried as he reluctantly took the meat from Blaine’s fingers. His brown eyes were large and his energy buzzing anxiety. Normally Ras would have barked with joy at the prospect of three whole pieces of  bacon, now he looked like he wasn’t sure he was allowed to be happy. Blaine gave the gorgeous pup a pat on the head, murmuring to him that it was okay and they’d see him in a little bit before letting Seb lead him back into the bedroom. 
Blaine crawled into the bed next to Sebastian and pulled the covers over them, he pulled the other man to him, his arm tightly over his waist,  their eyes meeting in the weak morning glow. The two of them were still in their pajamas, Hunter had only left a little bit ago and the digital clock next to the bed read 6:23 am. Blaine only twenty two hours left with Sebastian. His stomach dropped at the thought and suddenly he was pissed that he’d spent an hour cooking when he could have just been here, holding Sebastian against him like this. And even has the thought hit him, he knew that it didn’t matter what they did, he would always think it wasn’t good enough. People shouldn’t have to live like this, time shouldn’t be measured like this. They should just be living. Sebastian should be preparing to go out into the workforce, Blaine should be finding his own way in life whether it be at LeFay or on his own helping people in other ways. They should be talking about moving in with each other, maybe getting a house and maybe getting married one day. Maybe Sebastian might even change his mind about children and maybe they'd have one running around calling Seb papa and reaching for them with sticky hands and chasing Ras and Freya around until they fell asleep tangled in Ras’ fur. If only Blaine had been born human. If only Seb had been born a Witch…
He bit his lip and reached out to gently brush a strand of hair from Sebastian’s cheek. “Do you remember the night we met? We had a connection even then, didn’t we?” He licked his lips, his voice a little unsteady even though he tried his hardest to keep it strong. “I knew as soon as I touched your face that I was ruined and that you’d be the reason I smiled for the rest of my life.” He swallowed hard, his throat hurting with the sensation of tears that he refused to let fall, he wanted to be strong for Seb, Seb who was crying already and needed Blaine to be the one that didn’t for once. “Do you remember the first time I told you I loved you? Way too soon and I was so afraid that even with our connection that you’d get scared and run away.” He let out a little laugh at the memory. “You didn’t though. You looked at me with your big green eyes and said you needed time… but you didn’t need time because you knew and you told me not even five minutes later.” He took a deep breath and shook his head.
“We completed each other from the moment we met and that’s why I have to keep being hopeful that I can find a way to show them that we’re not just a couple. I have to have hope that I’ll figure out a way to show them that you’re my Fate and that I’m yours and that by taking me away from you it’s hurting you and we don’t hurt humans.” He licked his lips again, his throat suddenly feeling dry as he gathered Sebastian into his arms even tighter. “And if I-I can’t convince them and I do have to leave you… I want you to know that it was all worth it for me. I’d face a thousand witch fires just to know that I got to be with you. That I got to be loved by you for a little bit. You have been my greatest happiness and my best song, Sebastian. The grandest magic I’ve ever done and I’d go through this whole trial again just to have your company.” He blinked away a few unshed tears, angry with himself as they dripped hot and fast down his face, he tried his best to ignore them. 
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian wrapped his arms around Blaine’s hips under the covers. He could feel the other man’s hands on his own waist, their arms brush against each other. The covers were warm and heavy on his exhausted body and sleepiness tugged at his eyelids but he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to sleep with the constant barrage of negative thoughts. “We always had a connection,” Seb’s voice was raspy and low. “There’s gotta be a way, right? There has to be something, right?”
He pressed a finger to Blaine’s lips. Sebastian nodded and brushed a few tears away from the other man’s cheeks. He knew how Blaine felt and he agreed but, he couldn’t bring himself to speak like things were final. His mind was already filled with dreadful situations and it felt like tears were stuck on the ridges of his eyes all morning. Sebastian lay with Blaine quietly for a few moments and just listened to him breathe, pressed his ear to his chest to count his heartbeats. “You know that I feel the same way, right? I don’t do magic, obviously but, you’ve been my most exciting accomplishment. You’re the best person I know. I love you.” He was thankful that his face was towards the blankets on Blaine’s chest as a few tears fell slowly. Why was crying so fucking exhausting? Everything inside of Sebastian felt spent. 
“I’m so fucking tired but, I don’t know if I can sleep. Is it selfish to want sleep? Would it be wasting all of our time? I don’t know what to do.”  Sebastian lifted his head and watched his boyfriend’s face. He always loved laying next to the other man in bed. He never thought he would be into cuddling or pillow talk but he loved it with Blaine. Loved sleeping next to him, being cuddled, even enjoyed just laying there talking late at night when they had too much wine and couldn’t stop joking around. He would miss it, couldn’t think of experiencing any of it with anybody else. Nobody would be able to hold him the same way or make him laugh or think like Blaine would. 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine knew that Sebastian hated hearing him talk about his death, his finger against his lips a reminder that any time he tried to say goodbye or prepare him that Seb would hush it. But it was right here and there was a very real chance that Blaine not get to come back. He wondered for a moment as he let his fingers stroke through the soft hair at the base of Seb’s neck, if he’d walk the streets on Samhain trying to find a way to get a message to his love. What would Sebastian’s life be like without him in it? Would he wander around thinking something was missing from his life and spend the rest of his days trying to figure out what it was? Would he live? Would his broken red string of fate allow him to exist without Blaine? Blaine mostly wanted him to get to live a life, a happy one. But, the selfish part, the part that knew they only belonged to each other knew that it probably wasn’t possible for Sebastian without him. And it made him ache even more to find a way to survive this. To get back to his person.
“I know you do, Seb. I know how hard it is for you to voice things like that too and hearing you say them now is bittersweet. I love getting glimpses of this side of you, but the fact that you’re so freely offering your feelings to me means that you’re scared and I don’t want you to be scared, it hurts and I’d give anything to make you feel good again.” He bit his lip and could feel the hot, damp sensation of tears falling through his shirt and onto his chest where Sebastian was lying his head on his heart. And again he wanted to fucking hex the gods. And that ugly part that lived in all Witches when they felt threatened felt so close to the surface. But Sebastian was in his arms and he was real and he loved Blaine exactly the way he was and Blaine never wanted to do anything to change that opinion. So he reeled it in and pressed a kiss to the top of Seb’s head and moved their bodies so that Sebastian’s back was pressed against his front and Blaine’s lips were pressed against the back of his neck. 
“I love you back, I always will.” He pressed a soft kiss to one of Sebastian's star dusted freckles and then did it again and it was like catching his own star with his lips. “No, it’s not a waste of our time. We’re together and that’s what matters. I think it’s actually a good idea, we can hold each other and be close and maybe when we wake up, we’ll feel a little better and you won’t be in so much shock.” He gathered Sebastian closer, holding his boyfriend as tightly as he could comfortably, his lips close to his ear so he could hear his question. “With your permission I could make sure you get some decent sleep and promise you no nightmares. Yeah?” He pressed another kiss to the shell of Seb’s ear and after a moment of hesitation he could hear Sebastian’s sleepy, raspy voice say the word yes. And as Seb snuggled deeper into his arms, his hands clutching at Blaine’s, he was overcome with how much this meant that Seb trusted him. Blaine had only done this twice for Seb, once without permission on their first night together and since then he’d been afraid to break Seb’s trust. It almost felt like a call back to that night two and a half years ago as Blaine closed his eyes and hummed a soft nameless tune into Seb’s ear, only this time Blaine was holding him close and fighting like hell to stay with him instead of trying to leave him.
Peaceful, healing and calming magic flowed from Blaine’s lips into Seb’s mind with each new note and within minutes Sebastian’s breathing was steady and his chest was rising and falling in rhythm to Blaine’s song and Blaine could feel the pull working on himself. It wasn’t until he heard Ras’ tentative steps into the room and then felt his slow climb into the bed before the pup finally curled into the two of them at the foot of the bed that Blaine let himself fall asleep with his two favorite boys. All that was missing was Freya and she was out there with Tony, keeping them safe.
Blaine woke slowly, his mind moving before his body and while he hadn't forgotten what was happening, he still felt a little better. More relaxed and like he might properly be able to somewhat… enjoy his time left with Seb. His heart still ached and he was still terrified, but Seb was so comforting in his arms and in his dreams they'd grown old together. 
The digital clock on the bedside table read 11:56 am and too many hours had gone by, but Blaine had gotten to hold Sebastian and press him close for those hours and what else could he ask for? He nuzzled his nose into Seb’s neck, kissing the spot and then pressed a kiss to his ear and then his cheek, trying to slowly wake him up. They had a little over sixteen hours left and wanted to make up for things they may not be able to do. All at once he wanted to celebrate everything. Holidays, birthdays, the whole works...
“Wake up, baby.” He mumbled, his hand moving to turn Seb’s face gently towards him so that he could finally press a kiss to his lips, the first one of the day. “We should go have that breakfast, I can redo it so fast and it’ll taste just as good, and then we should pull out the Christmas stuff and decorate. You know how much Ras likes Christmas.” The dog stirred and yipped as if he knew the words. He did indeed like Christmas but that was mostly because of the snow and the free hambones he got. Perhaps Blaine could magic him one, just this once. He let himself smile, just a small one, hoping it would rub off on his sleepy, impossibly sad boyfriend. “What do you say, Seb- Christmas in November? I could even make us your favorite lemon cookies.”
Sebastian’s POV:
“Yeah,” Sebastian rarely let Blaine use his magic on him. He didn’t want to become dependent on it. He figured that if any time was good for magic, it was now. Seb pressed into Blaine and took a deep breath and closed his eyes. His boyfriend began to gently hum and the sound was soothing and warm. It wasn’t just the sound of his voice, though. Seb felt like he had drank chamomile tea or ate a big bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup. Warmth spread over his body as Blaine’s notes drifted over him and suddenly he couldn’t remember anything as he was sleeping deeply and soundly. 
He didn’t dream once. It was just peaceful, undisturbed sleep. Seb hadn’t even noticed Enjolras’s heavy body on his feet (which miraculously were not asleep.) When Blaine woke him, Sebastian didn’t feel groggy or sluggish. Sebastian softly kissed Blaine back and see stretched his back. “I needed that rest. Thank you.” 
The thought of food finally felt okay to him. He knew that he should eat and be alert for the rest of the day. It wasn’t going to do the other man any favors to be sad all day. Sebastian swung his feet over the side of the bed and his feet touched the cold hardwood floor. “That sounds good, B. I could eat.” 
He wasn’t great at decorating or even that interested in it normally but, he always indulged Blaine in decking out the apartment and he was right, Ras always seemed to love to bask underneath the tree and even wore a Santa hat for pictures (sometimes.) It would be a good distraction and would fill up some of the empty hours that lay ahead of them. “You know I’d never say no to lemon cookies. Sure, let’s do it. Coffee first and for real this time.” Seb forced himself to smile and stood up as the dog excitedly leaped from the bed. I’ll miss their relationship. B is so good with Ras. He scratched his head as if to get rid of the intrusive thought and then cleared his throat before the tears returned. He needed to hang onto the thought of watching Blaine work his literal magic on the decorations as the golden pup leaped around the living room. 
Sebastian and Blaine sat at the dining room table and ate a little bit and finally drank their coffee. The food tasted fresh and they talked about the decorations and what movie to play in the background as they dug into the bright red tote Blaine kept the Christmas stuff in. Ras got some more bacon and the two of them decided on a gold and white theme with splashes of red winter berries. “Sounds Classy. My mother will be jealous. You think the council will let me keep the tree up?” The words were out of his mouth with his scathing tone before he could stop himself. “ I’m...sorry. I shouldn’t...that wasn’t cool.” Seb blinked and his cheeks felt red (a rarity.) 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine could tell that Sebastian’s smiles were still just a little too forced, and it felt like he was holding something back, like he was refusing to grasp everything as it was, and maybe that was his way of coping with everything. He was happy to see that Sebastian seemed to enjoy his food that Blaine had magicked back into freshness. He realized he’d been doing more magic today around the other man than he normally did in a month, but what did he have to lose at this point? Blaine had quickly and efficiently made the meltaways that Seb loved so well up and had set them out to cool as Sebastian drank his third cup of coffee and pawed through the Christmas boxes. It made him smile that Seb was willing to go this far for him. The decorating was mostly for distraction, but Blaine wanted Sebastian to have something of his to look at while he was gone, something they had worked on together. 
As they hung each ornament and Blaine made sure each little magical touch he put on the glistening, lit tree- a glimmer there, a twinkle here, magical berries all around- he couldn’t help but feel a pang of sorrow. He’d never gotten to go to Paris properly with Sebastian. Never gotten to walk the snowy streets of Paris with his person, never got to shop with Sabine, never got the chance to meet his grand-mère or prove to the stern woman that he was good enough for her grandson. The thought bothered him more than he wanted to admit. All he had was the memory of a squeaky bed and the breathtaking view from the top of a darkened Eiffel Tower at three am while Seb clung tightly to him. It was an incredible memory, but he’d have liked to have experienced the country proper. He took a deep breath and tweaked a few of the branches to appear to glow in certain angles, almost missing the snark coming from Sebastian. He turned to look at his boyfriend and couldn’t help but wonder the same damn thing.
“You don’t need to be sorry, Seb. You might just be in the angry phase of your… grief. I get it, I’ve been there a bit myself in my head.” He sighed and stepped away from the tree and moved around the pile of fluff that was Ras so he could join Seb on the couch. He sat close to him, one of his hands reaching out to link their fingers together. “I… I think that if I get sent away or I, um- die and they take your memory that the tree will stay but my magic will just fade.” He forced himself to look up at Seb, his eyes meeting his as he spoke, unsure and sad. “Or you’ll just forget that it existed at all. My face will fade from photos, and all the magical things I’ve done around here will as well. Your mom and the rest of your family will forget me and Ras might too. Though he’s a companion and our connection is a little different than humans, so maybe he won't? I don’t know… But, things that I’ve done that don’t involve me direction or my magic will stay.” He tried to make himself smile, but he really wanted to fucking sob. The thought of Ras and Sabine and little Luke forgetting about him was hard enough, but now it was just hitting him that he would just fade from every photo Seb had of the two of them.
“The photos I’ve taken of you and of Ras will stay, you just won’t know who took them.” He looked up at the photo of Seb and Ras Blaine had taken hanging on the wall. “My scent might linger? Um, the things I’ve gotten you that have nothing to do with magic will probably stay, well, maybe, I don’t know. I think so though because they’d have no way of knowing I bought it, especially if it’s just some silly thing- Like our Eiffel Tower. A mundane thing to others, but important to us.” 
He abruptly let out a mirthless laugh, much louder than intended and blinked back an onslaught of tears and angry emotion. “This… I am so scared that it will make you lose your mind, Seb. Because we are Fated and this has never happened before. I wish that I’d just disappear completely to make it easier on you. That everything I’ve ever bought or gave you would just go away… I know that sounds harsh, but I’m so scared of what this will do to your head.” Blaine bit into his bottom lip, his fingers tightening on Sebastian’s as if the tighter he held them, the better he’d feel. 
“But, I stand by what I said before… I’m going to find a way back, okay? There’s got to be a way, there’s gotta be something. You’re my Fate and in my world that means something. I have to make them see that  so I can come back to you. And then we’ll laugh about how dramatic we’re being right now. How ridiculously silly…” he realized with a pang that he’d been preparing Seb for a life without him by telling him all of the things he’d be missing from and his free hand went to his heart where he pressed it hard, as if that would still the pain. It didn’t: He forced himself to smile. Wanting to tell Seb it’d be okay, but unable to get the words out.
“Come here... enough of this.” He moved forward and in one motion he was straddling Seb’s lap for closeness, his hands cupping his boyfriends face gently before tilting his head back so he could look down at him for once. “I’ve  just realized that I haven’t kissed you properly today. Let me fix that.” His breath hitched as his lips connected with Seb’s, and he kissed him slow and deep, like he’d never get to do it again. And then Blaine was breathing him in like Seb was air. Like he’d suffocate without him. His fingers slipped upwards to tangle into his hair, his tongue sliding in between Seb’s teeth and exploring as if Sebastian was the sweetest taste it had ever known. 
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian swallowed the lump he suddenly had in his throat and stared at the floor. He took a shuddery breath and squinted hard, trying to keep more tears from falling. Seb let Blaine hold his hand and tried to listen to him speak. He hated the words that were filling the air, they all felt so negative and heavy. There were so many things he probably needed to say but couldn’t figure out how to place them. “This fucking sucks. I don’t like how any of that sounds.” 
He squeezed the other man’s hand back when he felt him tighten his grip. Sebastian wiped the tears on his cheeks away with his free hand. He felt angry with himself for crying. Blaine was the one that was going to get dragged away and might not come back and Seb couldn’t fucking hold it together for an hour without being magically put to sleep? “I need you to come back, B.” 
Seb held on to Blaine’s hips and immediately felt comforted by his weight. “Please.” He tipped his head up towards Blaine and kissed him. Sebastian slipped his hands under his boyfriend’s shirt and reveled in how warm his skin felt.  To be honest, this is exactly how he would love to spend his limited time with Blaine. They had always been an intimate couple, always knew what made the other feel good and had so much unspoken  trust in one another. Sebastian struggled with speaking about the more touchy feely things on his mind but Blaine didn’t need to hear it all. All they needed to do was kiss or touch and the other knew what the other seemed to be thinking. Sebastian nipped at Blaine’s bottom lip and ran his hands up and down his muscular back as if to memorize every tendon and movement. He moved one hand to grip the other man’s thigh. He wrapped his other arm around Blaine’s back and moved so that he was pressed into the couch. Sebastian had Blaine underneath him now, he stopped and watched his face for a moment before he leaned forward to kiss him deeply again. 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine swallowed hard, Sebastian’s plea for him to come back felt like a punch to the gut and he’d give anything in the world to promise him that he would with one hundred percent certainty. He knew he couldn’t do that but he knew that he had to try and make it happen, he’d exhausted all of his promises to find a way, and now he just knew he had to do it. He tangled his fingers deeper into Sebastian’s hair and kissed him so hard he could barely breath from it. He wanted it though, wanted that closeness and the feeling of their bodies pressed together. He knew Sebastian struggled with words, knew that his much more private boyfriend was much better at showing his love through kisses and sighs and tangled, naked limbs, than with words and it had taken Blaine no time at all to learn his language. They conversed together beautifully and effortlessly.
Blaine leaned into the touches, his back arching into Seb’s fingertips, craving the feeling of them against his skin. His eyes opened in surprised when Sebastian pressed him against the couch cushions and all at once his tough façade flew out the window. He suddenly just needed Sebastian to guide him, show him that it would be okay- at least for a little while. Blaine had spent the last several hours trying his hardest to make Seb feel better, to make sure he was comfortable and safe that he’d forgotten that it was him that might die. He wasn’t sure he was afraid of dying so much as afraid of missing Sebastian in his afterlife. What kind of afterlife would he have without him? He was still terrified of what was to come and Sebastian’s weight on him, his lips on his skin… it was what he needed. His breath hitched again and he clung even tighter to his boyfriends body and he felt safe and at home in his arms. A part of him wanted to just sob and fall apart against his shoulder but he also wanted to Sebastian to take him into the bedroom and fuck him until he forgot about his emending judgement for a bit and he could fall apart in a completely different way.
Blaine could feel Seb against the thin layers of their pajamas, and he knew that he wanted the same thing. He pulled back, his head hitting the arm of the sofa a little harder than he intended. He let out a little laugh so he wouldn’t cry from his emotions being turned up far to high. He reached out and cupped Seb’s face, his fingers tracing down the rest at his neck, his thumb pressing just so at his pulse point.
“I want you to take me to bed…” His words trailed off as the overwhelming urge to cry struck him again, wondering if this would be the last time he got to say that. Would tonight be the last time they got to touch each other? Be inside one another? Would it be the last night he got to hear Seb whisper his name while he squirmed under Blaine? Or would it be the last time Blaine was surprised by how much he enjoyed the rare occasions Seb took the control from him? His breath hitched again and Blaine realized each time it hitched he was a step closer to crying and not stopping. He looked up into Seb’s eyes, feeling vulnerable as he spoke. 
“Please… I need you.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian sighed and pressed into Blaine when he felt his fingers on his neck. Even when Seb’s concern was to make Blaine feel good, the other man still did things to turn him on and ensure his pleasure. He had never had a love like B, and would never have one again. 
Seb wanted to make Blaine feel good and taken care of and if he couldn’t speak it, he’d make him feel it. He could see the tears sitting on the rims of the other man’s eyes. Seb knew that there would be tears all night and he was avoiding the unavoidable but he just couldn’t waste his precious time.He leaned forward and gave him another languid kiss before he took his hands and led him to the bedroom. 
He closed the door behind them and slipped his hands under Blaine’s shirt, let his hand rest on his heart for a moment before he lifted his shirt over his head. Seb dropped the shirt on the floor and suddenly they were both tugging at each other’s remaining clothing and Blaine was pressed to the bed. He kissed Blaine everywhere, traced every vein, touched every muscle, tasted every mark and freckle. Sebastian pressed his hips between Blaine’s legs and kissed him so hard and long he didn’t know how much time had passed. He pressed his hand to Blaine’s and wordlessly asked for his magic to coat his fingers. Sebastian leaned in close and whispered “Touch me, too.” 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let himself be led into the bedroom, his hands holding too tightly so Sebastian’s as if he’d disappear if he let go. He wanted to cling to him until his arms hurt and he couldn’t hold on anymore. His fingers pulled and yanked at Seb’s clothing, unhappy until they were all discarded in a heap on the floor and as Seb pressed him to the bed, Blaine could feel his emotions rising, a mix of desire and sorrow and it was an intoxicating mix, he felt like he might explode or collapse. But, looking up into Seb’s eyes, the early evening sun slanting across his face and making him look even more faelike, Blaine knew that if he had to collapse there was no better place than in Seb’s arms as he pressed kisses to his skin, and touched parts of his exposed body expertly. He could hold on a little bit longer.
He wasn’t sure how long Sebastian explored his body, how long he kissed Blaine- so hard his lips would be swollen hours later, but by the time Sebastian stilled and reached out for Blaine’s hand, ready to sick his fingers with Blaine’s magic, the sun was almost gone and Blaine’s body was pleasantly sore with Seb’s fingertips and kisses. He licked his lips and reached out to share his magic with Sebastian, and his cock throbbed as Seb’s magic coated fingers teased just a little at his entrance, his boyfriends touches and kisses had been so soaked with want and Blaine could hardly stand waiting. But, this was all part of their language. The movement, the wait, the build up… The slickness of his magic on Seb’s fingers, pressed against him, he loved it when Seb did this. Someone who had shown real fear of Blaine’s gift was now able to willingly ask him to share it so they could be intimate without boundaries. 
He let his legs fall open further at Seb’s words, the sound of them so close and breathy in his hear, and he wanted nothing more than to pull Sebastian into him all too quickly, but also wanting to feel his fingers, and then wanting to feel that initial slow burn and hiss as his boyfriend sank into him. He reached out, his fingers still slick and wrapped them around Seb’s cock. Working his fingers around and over him to get them both ready. With his free hand he took hold of Seb’s lightly teasing fingers and pressed them towards him, wanting them inside of him so badly he thought he might weep. He felt raw and exposed and desperate.
“Please, please touch me.” His breath hitched again, and he pressed his hips up towards Sebastian, needing him to take care of him. To hold him as he fell apart.  “Fuck me.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian let Blaine guide his slick fingers. He pressed two inside of him and watched the other man’s face. He liked what he saw, though he didn’t get this view very often. Blaine was squirming and panting and ready. Sebastian wasn’t in the mood to tease, he just wanted to be as close as possible. He removed his fingers and replaced them with his cock and pressed inside of the other man slowly. Sebastian stilled his hips though instinctually he wanted to keep moving. He wanted to give Blaine a moment. Seb ran his palm down the other man’s thigh to comfort him and ask for permission before he began to move. 
He leaned forward and slipped an arm behind Blaine’s neck to support him and bring them that much closer. Sebastian moved his hips again and again and the two of them were completely in sync. Thankfully he was too wrapped up in the feeling of Blaine’s body and the sound of his moans in his ear to think any of the sad thoughts that had infiltrated his mind all day long. All Sebastian wanted to do was make Blaine feel good, wanted, satisfied, and loved. He pressed his mouth to Blaine’s and kissed him hard, licked his bottom lip and then  kissed him again deeply. Sebastian could feel the stubble of Blaine’s five o’clock shadow scratch against his skin, could feel the other man’s thighs shake as they pressed into his hips. 
Sebastian took a deep breath and snapped his hips into the other man, he pressed his lips to his jaw, his lips, his neck and whispered every compliment and adoring word he could think of into his warm skin. 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let himself get lost in the feeling of Sebastian inside of him, the first sting, the slow and steady drag, the speed up-  as the other man pressed into him over and over sending him into a swell of pleasure taking away the dull pain he’d been feeling all day long for a little bit. His fingers scraped at the back of Seb’s neck as he let the other man kiss him so thoroughly and with a sweetness that was backed by a real and primal desire. Each thrust caused his toes to curl a little more and his legs to shake a little harder and it had been so long since he let himself be this open, normally he was in control and he loved it, loved the way Seb looked and felt under and around him, they always moved so perfectly together, this was no exception. He needed it, needed Seb’s strong arms around him, needed him to help him forget. He needed the desperate kisses and the low moans and the repeated I love you, I love you, I love you hummed over and over in his ear like the most beautiful song he’s ever heard. 
And all at once and too fast, or maybe they had been just like this for hours, moving together, kissing and loving each other so thoroughly-, he was coming hard and fast, his voice echoing his waves of pleasure as he rode them out. His legs squeezing around his boyfriend, trying to draw him in, encouraging him to keep going, not to let up just because he was sated, hoping to let his last just a little longer. His words a little whine in the back of his throat.
“K-keep going, baby.”
He held Seb close as he kept going, and he loved the sensation of feeling like jelly and still getting little thrums of pleasure throughout his body as Seb pressed into him.  The only thing between him was his crystal, sliding up a bit with each thrust. He clung so tightly, afraid that if he let go his pain would slam back into him and he’d burst into tears. He didn’t want that, he wanted to feel this moment , wanted to wrap it up and save it for later- like he wanted to do with so many memories with Sebastian. At the thought he might not be able to do that, the sorrow started to climb back up and he could feel the hitch in his chest anyway and he pulled Seb closer and buried his face into his neck, pressing tearful kisses and whispering the echoing words back.
“Gods, I love you…” 
Sebastian’s POV:
It didn’t take Sebastian very long to follow after Blaine. Blaine’s arms were tight around him, his fingers in his hair, his lips on his neck. He lay there for a moment so that he could catch his breath and he could feel the energy shift. Blaine’s whisper felt thick, like his throat was tight. Seb leaned up on his elbows to look down at Blaine and noticed the tears on his cheeks. “B…” Sebastian moved his body so that he was now laying next to the other man. “I love you back.” He pulled him close so that his forehead was against his chest. He rubbed his back and tucked his chin into his hair. Sebastian sighed and suddenly felt like he might cry, too. The whole day had been an emotional roller coaster and exhausting and it finally had caught on to him. His hands trembled as they tried to comfort the other man and suddenly he had tears falling, too. 
Sebastian wasn’t sure what triggered them. Maybe it was Blaine’s own teary eyes or the fact that he had been delaying  truly, freely sobbing all day. It was bound to catch up to him and he felt like he was having a panic attack and wished he had taken his medicine for once. His chest heaved and his skin felt like it was on fire and he knew if he spoke that his voice would embarrass him and would sound like a stranger. Sebastian hated this feeling, hated crying because it threw him into a vicious panicky spiral. Crying, really crying, made him panic which made him embarrassed and cry harder and made his breathing heavy and it was just best to avoid the whole mess altogether. Now here he was, naked and sobbing and he couldn’t pinpoint what had caused the reaction. 
“B….B, you gotta come back.”  He hated how thick his voice sounded, how he could feel phlegm in the back of his throat and the urge to throw up suddenly swam around in the back of his head. 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine hadn’t meant to trigger Sebastian into tears as well, he hadn’t meant to make him cry the hardest Blaine had ever seen him cry before and the fact made his tears flow harder and faster and it made him cling to Seb tighter. Seb had been doing such a good job at comforting Blaine, the back rub, the kisses and sweet words and now Blaine could feel the panic just coming off of Seb in waves and Blaine was so so sorry for it. The desperate words of his nickname and the soft way he begged him to come back hit him right in the chest. They held onto each other for a long while, sniffles and low sobs permeating the air around them, at one point Ras came into the room, waiting to comfort his parents, but Blaine had to send him away with a little nudge of magic. He’d make it up to him. Or at least he hoped he’d get the chance. 
Finally, after who knew how many minutes Blaine felt like he might have cried himself out, he pulled back just slightly and Seb instinctively pulled him back towards him and his desperation broke Blaine's heart into a million little pieces. He swallowed hard, a new wave of tears he thought had dried threatened to steal him away into a dark place but he couldn’t let it. Not yet. He needed to be strong. He pulled Seb back to his chest and hummed a soft tune into his ear, not one for sleep this time, but one for calm. He wished he had an instrument with him, his calming magic always worked the best with one, but this would have to work. He stroked Seb’s hair and whispered that he’d come back to him, knowing that he shouldn’t do that but also unable to tolerate the heartbreak in his soulmate's voice again. He didn’t want to overwhelm Seb with his magic, so as soon as he felt the other man lighten up just a bit he stopped his magic flow. 
“Hey…” He mumbled, his lips finding Seb’s to place a gentle kiss against his kiss and cry swollen lips. “I’ve got you…” He took a deep breath, and braved a look at the clock on the bedside table and his heart jumped upon seeing that it was already 11:02 pm. They had less than six hours left. Their passion had lasted much longer than it felt and the thought threatened to send him reeling again as the two of them were so effortless… He licked his lips,  and sat up a bit, his hands slipping reluctantly from around Seb’s body to hover by his own neck, nervous over what he was about to do. He’d never, in over eight years, done this before. Without thinking too hard about it, he pulled the string with the crystal his mother had given him all those years ago over his head and placed it securely around Sebastian's neck. He instantly felt naked even though he was already completely bare. His fingers pressed the shiny clear quartz against Seb’s heart and shook his head when Seb started to protest.
“I want you to have this.” He nodded, his hand still pressing the crystal to Seb’s heart. “I know that when- if something happens to me that all of me will be taken away from you so I have no way of protecting you. But, the magic that’s in this crystal is my moms it’s been there since before she died, and she died with honor so it won’t disappear…  and it’s done a good job of keeping me safe, so I think it’ll do that same for you.” His breath hitched again as he took in the visual of Seb wearing his crystal. He didn’t know how he was going to be able to make himself walk out of that door in five in a half hours…
“Please, don’t take it off. I’ll go to trial better knowing you’re holding on to this for me. Knowing that my mom is keeping you safe for me.” He pressed his face into Seb’s chest, his words muffled. “Please, Seb... And when I come home you can give it back to me, yeah?” He pulled his face back, and gave Seb a smile despite the tears caught in his lashes. “She’d have been happy to keep you safe for me.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian shook his head and even tried to lean away as Blaine put the necklace over his head. “Baby, I…” It wasn’t that he didn’t like the crystal, he just knew how much it meant to the other. He fidgeted with the cool crystal and smoothed the cord around his neck as Blaine spoke. How many times had this very crystal dragged across his own chest in the heat of the moment? How many times had he watched his boyfriend play with it absentmindedly while reading or watching something? Now it was sitting against his skin and he swore he could already feel a positive thrum vibrate gently against him. Sebastian ran free hand over Blaine’s shoulder and leaned forward for a kiss. Seb took a deep breath and nodded, “I won’t take it off. I’ll wear it for as long as you need me to. I don’t know if I deserve her protection but, I’ll take it.” 
The clock refused to stop ticking and Sebastian decided that time was his one true enemy. He felt like anytime he lifted his head from the pillow or took a breath in between a kiss or a touch, too much time had passed. The two of them spent the next few hours in bed, kissing and touching and tasting and whispering. Blaine pressed Sebastian into the mattress and made him forget about the cruel pull of time for a little while and they held each other as they shivered in the afterglow. 
They took a long, hot shower together until the water ran cold. They let themselves get distracted by each other’s bodies, washed each other’s hair and stood under the water wrapped up until they felt like their pruney fingers may never recover. Sebastian put on Blaine’s LeFay hoodie and breathed in the intoxicating yet comforting scent of the spicy oil he wore. He made sure that the crystal was tucked safely away against his chest since he wasn’t used to wearing jewelry (besides the occasional watch).  Sebastian  sat and watched as his boyfriend got dressed and he refused to look at the clock.  “I don’t think I can eat and I don’t want to sleep. Maybe just...come sit on the couch with me?” 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s body felt pleasantly sore from the night's touches, but also so exhausted by the time the two of them stepped under the heat and steam of the shower. Each stroke of lips over his skin, each massage of fingertips into his scalp, it all reminded him of how very real they were to each other. He tried his best to keep it together as they dried off and Blaine dressed himself in jeans and a red sweater, and let his curls free from any product. He’d much rather be in pajamas and crawling into bed for sleep with his person, but the Fates were testing them and had other plans today. He’d encouraged Seb to put new pajamas on, told him that he’d be so tired he’d fall right to sleep and that comfort mattered right now. 
Blaine looked up at Seb, his boyfriend's eyes wide even though they seemed heavy with exhaustion and he nodded. He made his way to the couch and sat before pulling Sebastian into his arms and held him close against his chest as tightly as he could. They didn’t put the television on, they didn’t really have the time for that, the clock read 4:12 am and if he kept looking at it he’d go crazy. There was a pit in his stomach and he wanted to scream again at the unfairness of it all. But Seb was in his arms and the weight on top of him was comforting and Blaine didn’t want to ruin their final minutes with dramatics. 
“There are some potions in the cupboard where the tea is, some for sleep and some for calming. I don’t know if they’ll be there after the trial is over, but the trial could take days and I know you’ll be restless, please don’t hesitate to take them, okay?” He pressed his cheek to the top of Seb’s head, pulling him even closer. “And don’t forget that Freya will be with you the whole time. You’ll have her and Ras with you the whole time. And if you need anything from anywhere, text Tony. She’s staying out there until it’s done. And I’ve put extra protection spells up around the place… you’ll be safe.” He paused, a guilty thought hitting him. “Gods, I’m sorry you won’t be able to do your work…” He was cut off suddenly by a twinkle in the air and paws hitting the floor. 
All at once Freya was in the room, coming through the balcony like she owned the place and there was soft knocking on the door. So different than what it would be like if Blaine didn’t know he had to go. And it was time… Hunter let himself in and Blaine could see Tony behind him, her eyes red and puffy like maybe she’d witnessed some of their struggles on her patrols that night. Or maybe she was just upset that Blaine was being taken away. Blaine kissed the top of Seb’s head and made himself stand up, he shook Hunter’s hand before Hunter stepped around him and pulled Sebastian into a hug and then Blaine did the same with Tony. She felt small and helpless in his arms even though he knew she was anything but. No real words were exchanged between the four of them and it was probably better that way.  
“Just give me two minutes…” He pleaded when Hunter pulled out the cuffs.
And Ras who usually jumped at the sight of Freya and the chance to lick her pretty little frowning face held back. He must have known something was wrong. Blaine bent down and kissed the top of the pups nose and ruffled his fur. “Take good care of your papa for me, yeah? I’ll be back before you know it.” The dog licked his face a few times before doing his duty and moving to stand next to Seb. Freya moved toward Blaine and at first Blaine was afraid that she’d changed her mind and she was going to come with him even though she was supposed to stay here to guard and keep Sebastian safe, but she looked at him and told him to come home in their special Witch/Familiar language. She pressed her face to his for a moment and then moved to stand on the other side of Seb though Blaine could tell she was fighting against her nature. Familiars were supposed to be with their Witches during trials, but she knew how important this was.
Blaine stood, his eyes settling on Sebastian’s face, his boyfriend looking just as drained as him, but he was still the most beautiful person Blaine had ever seen in his life. He ached to run to him and cling onto him and tell Hunter they could just kill him here, but he knew he needed to plead his case. He stepped up to Seb, one hand cupping his face and turning it to look at him, the other going around his waist to pull him close. Blaine went up on his tip toes for one last kiss, letting his lips linger over his boyfriends for a long moment, knowing that the seconds were ticking and Hunter was already being generous with time. He signed and pulled back, and let his thumb brush over Seb’s lips. His other hand moved to press his mom’s crystal against Seb’s heart again, as if to remind himself that it was there. She was with him too. His breath hitched and he felt like he could collapse at any second and the tears were brimming and threatening, but he kept them in, trying his hardest to keep it together and be strong for Seb. What could he say that hadn’t already been said? He didn’t know so he settled on the simplest. 
“Remember that I love you. And if they make you forget me, try to remember that someone loved you more than anything in the world..”
With that he let his hands drop and turned toward Hunter, holding them out to him so the enchanted restraints could be attached to his wrists. He kept his eyes on Sebastian the whole time, hoping he’d done enough to show how much Seb meant to him. The restraints were already draining him, making him more compliant even though he hadn’t put up a single fight at all. He watched as Hunter and Tony gave a regretful nod to Seb and before he could say much else he was being ushered away from his Sebastian.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian nuzzled into Blaine’s chest and nodded. He was usually pretty leery about taking potions and abusing the other’s magic but at this point, what was the use? Like B had said, the trial could take days and he was ordered to lay low the entire time. He was thankful Blaine had thought ahead because he was sure he was going to be miserable without Blaine or Hunter around. 
All at once, Freya was in the room and Hunter was there with intimidating looking handcuffs and Tony was red eyed and tired looking. Sebastian couldn’t speak or focus as Hunter pulled him into a long hug. The tears were back and they streamed down his face as his best friend stepped away. 
Sebastian looked down at Blaine and sniffed. He didn’t want this to be goodbye, couldn’t imagine what was next for them, wished he wasn’t too scared to fight every hunter and witch. There were too many feelings and thoughts fighting for control of his mind and all he could do was nod and cry. Seb wanted to say that there was nobody else out there for him, wanted to say that Blaine was the best person he knew and that he had made him so much better. All he could strangle out  was a sad, “I love you back.” Freya nudged his calf with her furry forehead and Ras whined as Hunter clamped the cuffs onto Blaine Sebastian made sure he kept his eyes on Blaine the entire time, even as he was crying and little sad sobs fell from his lips. 
After the three of them left the apartment, he fell to the floor in a crumple. Freya and Ras lay next to him as he sobbed, he had never had a reaction like this before. Sebastian didn’t know how long he had been crying but felt like he would never stop, like some sort of tragic fairytale character. Maybe he would flood Boston and Blaine would get carried away to safety.
 After what could have been mere minutes or torturous hours, his throat was sore, his nose was runny and his entire body shook from exhaustion. At some point, Sebastian had cried himself to sleep with Ras’ head on his hip as Freya purred next to his face, the thrum of the crystal tucked away next to his heart.
-To be concluded in part 3 within the next few weeks.
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lobstercardigan · 3 years
obsessed with the insane vibes glee tumblr has. like… i got my ass canceled on glee twt for simply liking klaine -- meanwhile on tumblr there are people posting hummelberry porn
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daisyishedwig · 10 months
So much of what I've been writing for Seblaine week has a lot of implied sex but no actual smut scenes. Mostly because it just hasn't felt right, like it wouldn't add to the story and would maybe actually detract from the vibes I'm going for.
But I finally figured out a fic for Dalton day and oh boy are these boys about to fuck on the page. I'm so excited.
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