smythesm · 1 year
I Was Enchanted To Meet You- Thursday, April 27, 2023
Para: I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Seblaine.
Blaine: @andersoncharm
Sebastian: @smythesm
When: Thursday, April 27, 2023 (Seb 28, and Blaine 26.)
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Notes: Blaine and Sebastian get married under a sky of spring flowers.
Warnings: This RP in general includes; Mentions of death/Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine. Depression. Anxiety.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Para Title and Lyrics Taken From: Taylor Swift- Enchanted.
We will be doing a series of little mini’s to progress over the next few years of this RP. Things might get a little confusing but we promise to date them accordingly. 
Under cut to keep dash neat. Work is mostly unedited as usual.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian Smythe was getting married and he was thrilled. That was a thought he had never imagined would happen. But, things with Blaine were just that way- mystical, surprising, shocking, romantic, and wonderful. The two of them stood in the courtyard of their Boston home with their hands clasped together. They were surrounded by a select few of their family and friends. 
The courtyard was full of every type of purple and white flower you could imagine. There was a mix of magical and natural flowers, even some sprinkled in from Friday's Flower Shop.  Blaine had spent the days leading up to the ceremony working his magic to create garlands of hyacinths that swept across the space intertwined with sparkling fairy lights, bouquets of lilies and corsages of sweet smelling lilacs for both of them to wear. 
Sabine looked impeccable in her sleek black dress as she sat in the front row, the mother of the grooms. Blaine had told her that his father was in England for business and couldn’t get back. They didn’t want her to think he was on bad terms with him but couldn’t really tell her about the whole exile thing either. She said she understood and gladly accepted the role. She had been a wonderful help, of course. She helped to make sure the chairs and catering arrived on time and even volunteered to watch the house and the pets while they were gone even though she didn’t need to with Freya around.
Hunter had held Mel, their little flower girl, and even sprinkled magical aubergine petals down the aisle. He couldn’t hide his smile as he stood next to Sebastian, Mel’s little coos and giggles mixing with the soft music that played. Tony was their officiant of course and Sam, B’s best friend, stood next to him with a happy look in his eyes that could rival an excited Enjolras ready for a treat. 
Tony spoke eloquently but Sebastian could hardly focus on the words. He knew he needed to of course, he had things he was supposed to say. He just couldn't stop staring at his soon to be husband. He looked perfect with his sleeves rolled up and his suspenders. They kept squeezing each other's hands three times, “ I love you.” Seb just wanted to slip the ring onto his lover’s finger, just wanted to dance under the dizzying but lovely scent of the flowers and drink champagne and kiss and kiss and kiss until it was time to celebrate their wedding night all alone. 
When it was time for his vows he felt more nervous than he had anticipated. He pulled the piece of paper from inside of his tux jacket and unfolded it with ever so slightly shaky hands that only Blaine would notice. 
“ I’m not the best with words unless I’m arguing a case or just….arguing in general, so I’m going to keep this short and sweet. Blaine, the day that Ras dragged me into you at the park was the best happy accident to ever happen to me. You're my favorite person and somebody I never could have imagined ending up with. I grew up thinking that I didn’t need love, that it was a losing game and that I was too smart for all of it. I hate admitting when I’m wrong, but I’m so glad that I was. I love you and everything that you are.” 
 Blaine’s POV:
Blaine had worked meticulously and tirelessly to make sure his and Sebastian’s wedding was beautiful and intimate, he’d spent weeks tweaking each leaf and petal- most of the flowers were natural except for the hyacinths which Blaine had gone to great measure to craft out perfectly with magic, all the while explaining to his soon to be husband all about Apollo. One of Blaine’s patron gods, and why the flower was significant in the first place. Alas, the story was a sad one-  Apollo lost his lover after all, but the point of incorporating the symbol into such an important day for the two of them was that Apollo had gotten love Hyacinth while he was alive and didn’t their story have traces of Sebastian and Blaine’s story? Men loving men, others being jealous of that, fates… It seemed only natural to have as many of the flowers as possible. He’s also made sure to tuck little surprises of red roses and myrtle here and there to honor Aphrodite. She did have a hand in their meeting after all and was protecting his love still. It made him smile every time one of their human guests made a comment about the pop of red in all of the magical purple and white.
And Blaine truly had outdone himself. The whole courtyard looked like a fairytale and smelled floral with a sprinkle of freshly cut grass. It just felt like love and spring and the birdsong was enough to make a person cry. It was as if they were singing just for them. It was gorgeous. Still, none of it compared to the man standing in front of him in a fitted dark tux, purple flower in his lapel, trembling fingers holding onto a piece of paper that featured words that threatened to sweep Blaine away all over again. He wanted to reach out and steady Sebastian’s hands and reassure him once more with three squeezes of love, but he was too taken with his words to do more than grin. 
Sebastian’s words, the man who said so little but showed so much. Gods. It was all happening, it was real- they were getting married. Sure, technically they were already married, the papers were signed so they could leave for their honeymoon in the morning with little fuss, but here in front of an audience of people they cared about both present and in memory, it was actually happening. His breath hitched as he listened, Seb telling him that he loved him and everything he was almost made him lose what little control he had over himself and a teary laugh escaped him at Seb’s little joke. 
“I hope someone recorded that so I can remind you that you said it later…” 
He swallowed to keep himself from losing it over Sebastian’s sweetest words, but he could still feel the tremble in his bottom lip and his eyes stung with tears as gold met green. Blaine felt breathless and like he might float away and was only able to steady himself by reaching out and taking Seb’s hands in his. 
“I- well, I guess it’s my turn,” He looked around the crowd at all the faces watching them- Sam, Hunter and even adorable little Mel, hair in ringlets, in her dad's arms stood next to them all with goofy grins on their faces. Tony stood in front of them looking gorgeous with her long braids piled on her head, the tip of her nose red from sniffling. She was doing such a good job. Freya and Ras sat happily with the two of them like proper wedding party members, Freya had trained the pup well. They both looked so proud, yes even Freya. Sabine sat up front with, wiping away tears as she listened, and he watched as Thomas actually took her hand in his as he looked up at Sebastian with- was that pride? He thought so. Blaine noted that David and Nick had snuck in somewhere in the back because of course they did, forbidden or not they had shown up. He gave them the smallest nod. Only two people were missing for him- one was in his heart and he could feel her there each time the spring breeze rustled a new batch of petals into the air, almost like his mom was throwing them herself. And the other person would be risking a great deal by showing up. He supposed his dad not being there was for the best even if it hurt both of them.
He cleared his throat, knowing it was pointless as his voice would be thick with tears the moment he tried to speak anyway.
“Sebastian… where do I even begin?” He squeezed Seb’s hands trying to steady himself and took another breath. “After I lost my mom I never really thought I’d find happiness. I had this… emptiness inside of me and I felt so alone all of the time even when people I cared about were around me. It felt like a piece missing that I hadn’t noticed before and nothing made me feel better about it. Nothing until you and Ras came crashing into me and turned my whole life upside down. The two of us have been through so much- more than most people could come back from, you know?” Blane wanted to say that they’d sacrificed and lost more than most but he didn't’ want anyone to question it, besides Sebastian knew what he meant, “we’ve fought so hard to keep what we have, this love- this untouchable thing, and we’ve came back stronger than ever after all of it, most people would just fall apart-”  He swallowed hard, rolling his eyes upward to clear away the tears and losing a few in the process.
“I said I wouldn't cry and here I am crying- shocking, I’m sure.” he paused and brought one of Seb's hands to his lips before kissing it gently, “What I’m trying to say is that I love you so much. In fact, I love you a little more every single day that I get to spend with you. Loving you is the easiest thing I’ve ever done and getting to just sit next to you and wind down on the couch each night after a hard day is the most magical thing in the world to me.” He didn’t care if that last line was cheesy, he meant it.
He wanted to tiptoe up and kiss his person, but Tony was telling them it was time for rings and Blaine’s heart jumped again knowing they were one step closer to being Mr. and Mr. Smythe-Anderson. Normally there would be a ring bearer but the two of them had decided to keep the rings close to their hearts in honor of the way Seb had proposed during their short engagement. Blaine reached up to Sebastian’s necklace, the one that held his protective crystals and wedding ring and slid Seb’s ring loose with shaking but sure hands, nodding to Seb to do the same, his fingers gently guiding Sebastian’s to his own necklace.
Sebastian’s POV:
It came as no surprise that Blaine’s vows were perfectly picked and poised. Most guests wouldn’t think twice about the word ‘magical’ but to Sebastian it meant everything. In their world, one filled with enchanted fruit, gods, cryptids, and teleportation, Blaine had picked him as the most bewitching thing. He had always picked him over the power and the divination, over leading the Witches in his father’s footsteps. Sebastian had never really felt like anybody’s first pick before he met the other man. He wiped a tear off of his cheek with the back of his hand and rolled his eyes playfully, only for B to see.
He knew that later on, when it was just the two of them in their bed that they’d tease each other about how sappy everything was and that he would cheekily deny his nervous hands and watery eyes, he’d smother B with kisses to end the playful teasing and the dark would wrap them up as they tangled together. 
The rest of the ceremony was a bit of a blur. They slipped each other’s rings on with shaky and soft laughter. They kissed and held each other tight when Tony announced them as husband and husband. They walked down the aisle surrounded by soft applause and shiny eyes. Sebastian stopped to hug his mother and Blaine shook Thomas’s hand. Looking around at the small group, Sebastian couldn’t wait to get inside and celebrate with their friends and family. 
Sabine had helped them set up the downstairs of their home or the small reception. There were more of Blaine’s flowers and handmade candles with lemon balm and cinnamon for good cheer enchantments to keep the mood bright. Sam was in charge of music and manned the record player, Sabine doted over the appetizers and insisted all the guests eat more. Hunter cheered when the two of them sloppily fed each other the first slice of their chocolate wedding cake. 
They spun around the living room dancing with their friends to their favorite songs, taking turns twirling Mel around, her giggle better than the music- the champagne didn’t stop flowing (literally, it was secretly magical) and the furniture was covered in suit jackets and discarded high heels. There was candle wax on the floor and flower petals in their hair. Sebastian hated mess and disorganization but this felt perfect, felt like one of the parties Blaine had described from the old times, when witches would dance and sing and drink for the changing seasons.  
 Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s body buzzed with an energy that could only be defined as cosmic as their wedding evening soared on. He was tipsy on champagne, laughter and stolen kisses. He’d already referred to Sebastian as his husband more times than was really necessary  but he couldn't seem to help himself. It was made all the better by the twinkle in his husband's eye each time he turned to answer Blaine’s call which made Blaine want to keep doing it even more. He found it so hard to contain himself when Sebastian cheekily referred to Blaine as Mr. Blaine Smythe-Anderson while they were pressed close and slow dancing to a song that had lost its lyrics to the melody of Sebastian's voice whispering the words into Blaine’s ear. He swallowed hard, stupidly happy as he remixed an echo of the words to Sebastian by replacing his name with Seb’s and giggling like a kid and good gods they were the cheesiest they’d ever been before. He secretly loved it though and supposed it was warned after the chaos they’d been through.
He was about to make himself pull away so that he could surprise his man with one more thing before the party ended and he got to steal him away and into their bedroom for the night when, dancing there and looking over Seb’s shoulder he spotted a face that outside that he was sure wouldn't be able to make it. There, in their flowery courtyard, standing just out of the fairy light glow where only Blaine could see him stood Will Anderson. His dad was smiling at him, really smiling- blue eyes glittering with a happiness Blaine hadn't seen on him since before his mom died. Blaine’s breath hitched and before he could even smile back, Will was gone. He smiled to himself, opting to keep the secret for just him until later on when he could share it with Seb. Weeks later when the two of them would go through their wedding gifts Blaine would find Will’s gift among the guests as if he’d been there the whole time and perhaps he had been. Blaine hoped so.
He let himself sway with Sebastian for a few moments longer, just breathing in his husband and the revelry around him, his heart feeling light and fluttery with joy over the events of the day. He pulled back and tiptoed up to press a few soft, lingering kisses to Seb’s lips before guiding him to a chair he had placed next to the piano he’d moved into their living room. When he’d magicked it down here yesterday Sebastian had  been curious but Blaine had jus told him that someone might want to play it. Nevermind that the someone happened to be him. He cleared his throat and the music faded away slowly by his own doing. He made sure to make the change subtle so their less “in the know” guest wouldn't wonder how he’d done it.
“I, um, I have another little surprise for my husband.” 
He licked his lips as he looked around at everyone's faces. He suddenly felt so strangely nervous as he sat down at the bench. Blaine performed live all the time. He sang and played at the Snowed In, he sang and played at the river and in parks and on stages. That was the whole reason they’d even met in the first place. But looking up at everyone now, Blaine felt so overwhelmed that his nerves were starting to get the better of him and he wondered for a moment if playing, which was one of Blaine’s strongest magics,  with people like Sabine and Thomas around would give him way. He couldn’t help but hum with his natural, Witchy energy when he played, but most people didn’t notice because they were strangers or they knew what to look for. People just knew they felt better after hearing Blaine play. But, one look at Sebastian’s eager, open and smiling face told him it was okay and he let his fingers hover over the keys. He kept his eyes up and trained on Seb as he spoke, not wanting to miss a moment.
“I’ve spent a long time trying to find the perfect song because of course I was going to sing to you, you know? I mean,  it’s me. I wondered if maybe I should go over the top and happy, or slow and sappy. There were so many options I could have used to show you how I felt and then the other day while baking for the Snowed-In this little gem came on and it hit me, I thought it described exactly how I felt when I first met you, Sebastian. And I am so happy that you went against your own rules and reached out to me after that first night and didn’t let me spend forever wondering if you knew how very enchanted I was to meet you…”
Blaine grinned to himself at the silly romantics of it all and let his voice trail off as he pressed his fingers to the keys, shifting into a slow, stripped down piano version of Taylor Swift’s Enchanted. His voice rang sweet and soft yet seemed to fill the room as if that was all that there was in the world. He moved his way through the song, his eyes never leaving his husbands as the rest of the room faded until it was just the two of them.-
 (There I was again tonight
Forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired, lonely place
Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy
Vanished when I saw your face
All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you
 Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?"
'Cross the room your silhouette
Starts to make its way to me
The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks
Like passing notes in secrecy
 I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you…
And now I'm pacing back and forth
Wishing you were at my door
I'd open up and you would say, "Hey"...
This was the very first page
Not where the story line ends
My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again…
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you…)
 Blaine’s voice, though trained to do the exact opposite, cracked on his last note as emotions took over and what seemed silly a moment ago left him feeling raw and exposed in his feelings now. His vision blurred with tears as the room came back into view, everyone standing with blissful, softly magicked expressions on their faces- Blaine had tried to only channel his energies to Sebastian since he knew what to expect. Blaine’s vision tunneled only to him, Seb who looked just as blissful and a little in awe, his eyes bright and green in the candle and fairy light glow. Was his husband crying too? Blaine stood on jelly legs and closed the short distance between them, eyes full of happy tears and enveloped Sebastian safe and protected in his arms.
“I know it was cheesy, I couldn't help myself though. I just love you so fucking much, Seb.” The words were whispered against Seb’s jaw as Blaine tried and failed to reach for new kisses.
“I can’t wait to spend forever showing you how much.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian quirked his head to the side, a curious smile spread across his face as Blaine pulled away and announced that he had another surprise. Their guests turned to follow  Blaine as he walked over to his instrument. He could feel everyone’s eyes switch over to watch him, to look for his reaction. All Seb could do was smile and watch his new husband speak, his fingers ghosting over the keys, itching to play. 
As Blaine spoke, he could picture their first chance meeting perfectly. Well, chance probably wasn’t the right word. It was destiny. It was the fates plan all along. Seb thought about how B told him they were connected by an invisible string that tangled and wove around their lives until they finally came crashing into one another. 
He shook his head and rolled his eyes playfully as Blaine wove the song title into his introduction. The whole thing was just so perfectly Blaine and just so reminiscent of their beginning that he couldn’t stop grinning. Sebastian could feel the pang of happy tears threatening to fall as the other man kept his golden eyes locked on his. His body felt like it might float away with Blaine's magic music flowing through him. 
When the song ended the two of them crashed into each other’s arms and held tight. 
“That was perfect, B.” 
He finally caught Blaine’s lips in a soft kiss, “I love you back. Can’t wait to hear you sing for the rest of my life.” 
 The party slowly wound down after midnight. Sabine urged them to not worry about the mess, said that she’d take care of it. Of course all Blaine needed to do was wave a hand and the whole place would look good as new but they had to agree and thank her to save face. Sebastian had a feeling that even if his mother knew for sure that B was a witch, she would still insist on cleaning. She shooed them away, towards the stairs and told them to go to bed. 
“You two have a flight in only a few hours. Don’t worry about me or the pets. Go. Go!”
They knew that they had their flight to Norway and that they should probably sleep a little but, B was magical, after all. He could whip them something up to give them energy or even add more time to their day.
 As soon as they were in the privacy of their own room, their hands were on each other. It felt like their first time, tripping over pant legs and awkwardly trying to take dress shoes off, laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. 
 Blaine’s POV:
As the song ended and Sebastian fell into his arms Blaine made sure to discreetly brush the little happy tears from Seb’s cheeks.
“Good because I have saved so many melodies just for you….” 
His  voice was a hushed and giddy whisper as he twirled them around the room while Sebastian whispered the sweetest things back to him. Blaine’s once aching and lonely world felt so full and new at that moment. Sure, the two of them had spent beautiful and terrifying years together already, but this felt different. This felt new and exciting and most of all- safe. He felt a security he hadn't felt since his mother had died. With Sebastian by his side and friends on their side he was ready to experience all that life had to offer now. He could hardly wait to start.
Guests slowly started to head home, all except Sabine who had sent her own husband on and was insisting she stay and pet sit for Ras and Freya even though they had told her they could make arrangements for them. She wouldn't hear anything else and wanted to clean their wedding mess and to sleep in their guest room. She wanted time with her grandpets. Between Sebastian and him though, they thought she might be using it as an excuse to have two weeks of alone time. She was already dressed for bed and curled up on their couch with Freya at her side and Ras at her feet. A book in her lap and a glass of wine in hand as she absently shooed  them up the stairs- almost as if they weren’t even registering to her.. It made Blaine smile how comfortable she was.
Come morning Blaine would be whisking Sebastian away to chase the mystical northern lights in Norway and there they’d remain for the next two weeks, tucked away in a snowy village almost as old as magic. Seb wasn’t much for snow, but he loved Blaine and they already had a second summer honeymoon planned out for August in which Blaine told Sebastian he’d take him someplace hot where they could be next to naked together on sandy beaches again. But for now, the snow called and besides, Blaine had already promised to keep his husband warm with more than just magic.
His hands fumbled like the first night and strange nerves made his fingers quiver over Sebastian’s freckled skin when he pressed him down into their bed. Everything felt new and just like it always had to him- it was like he was seeing the two of them in a new light, yet nothing had changed at all. He was all energy and want and filled with unfamiliar clumsy giddiness. And yet each rise of Seb’s constellation of freckles under his fingertips was as familiar as his own skin. Each kiss, giggle, gasp and moan felt like home and he couldn’t get enough.
He couldn’t wait to spend the next two weeks alone with his person doing exactly this every chance they got under flickering aurora borealis greens and pinks. Aphrodite was going to be so pleased with them by the trip's end, he was sure of it. Furthermore, he couldn’t wait to spend forever knowing he’d finally get to freely live his life just loving Sebastian. He was getting everything he’d ever wanted.
 (The boys shall return with more stories in the future.)
13 notes · View notes
andersoncharm · 9 months
Hey Everyone!
Just wanted to let you all know that we are very much still around and plan on continuing at some point. Can’t really say when as things are just now getting back to normal for us. We had a personal and major loss in our family this June and it’s rocked us pretty hard.
But! We’ll be back as soon as we can! We appreciate you all and can’t wait to share more of our boys and their story. 
Thank you!
-S (Blaine) & H (Seb)
5 notes · View notes
twoblueheartslocked · 3 years
Seblaine- Present Day (May/YEAR 1) PT2
Para: Part Two- I Don't Wanna End It When We're Only Just Beginning
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Seblaine.
Sebastian: @colorsicantsee
Blaine: @twoblueheartslocked
Time: Present Day- May. Directly after Part One.  
Location: Brooklyn, New York
Info:  Blaine wakes up alone and full of anxiety and is forced to deal with an irrational,  but very real panic attack.
Warnings: This rp mentions past abuse(Physical, mental and sexual), possible unwanted sexual situations, anxiety, depression, negative body image, drug use, alcohol use, cussing, death(parents).
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
***Content Warning: (Please Read!) This particular para includes a detailed description of a panic attack and mentions of past abuse. Please skip this one if you are triggered by descriptions of panic or anxiety. H (Seb) struggled pretty hard with this, we did not expect this to happen but at the end of the day that’s how some triggers are discovered. The next one will be much lighter. We promise.***
Under Cut because of length and sensitive content. 
As usual the para’s are mostly unedited. 
Title taken from Five More Minutes by The Jonas Brothers.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s body woke up first though he couldn’t be sure what woke him in the first place. He felt good- there was a pleasant ache thrumming though his lower half as his toes cured and his hips wiggled slowly down into his bed, burrowing himself as deep as he could into his covers, waiting for the comfort of an incredible night and good sleep to wrap around him and pull him back into slumber the way his  arms were wrapped around Sebastian. He smiled, his arms stretching and pulling at the air in front of him in an attempt to bring his boyfriend closer. Only Sebastian wasn’t there. 
His voice was loud in the stillness of the night and his heart thumped in his chest hard when there was no answer. Finally, Blaine’s brain woke up,  his eyes opening and searching out into the space where Sebastian had fallen asleep, happy and loved in his arms. The little apartment was quiet, dark saved the faint fairy lights from his living room. He lifted his body off the bed, his eyes scanning the room and listening hard for the sounds of the sink running or the television playing faintly in the background but he couldn’t hear anything, his whole apartment was still like it too were sleeping. Blaine, confused and groggy and a little disoriented from waking up so happy and high in the air now felt nothing but trepidation as he slowly got out of his bed, it was late spring but the season was holding on and it was chilly in the half bedroom. He reached out for his phone, scanning to see if maybe Seb had messaged him to tell him something came up, but his phone just showed a picture of the two of them cuddled on the couch and smilingly playfully. His screen told him it was 2:34 am. Seb’s phone was nowhere near him. Again he called-
“Seb? Are you awake?” No answer still. 
His stomach did a little flip as he made his way to the foot of the bed and tugged his sweatpants on. It wasn’t the kind of flip that accompanied giddiness or joy, but the dread kind, the kind that came  before bad news or sorrow. Sebastian’s clothing was gone too. Nothing seemed to remain. He left his shirt in the room, and squeezed his phone in his hand as he made his way into the living room, his eyes scanning for his boyfriend. He wasn’t in the living room, he wasn’t in the bathroom and he wasn’t in the little kitchen nook. Sebastian wasn’t here. He noticed that the front door deadbolt was locked, but the chain was off and that meant that Sebastian had left but locked the door on the way out. Blaine had an extra key up on his key rack up there, he was planning on giving it to Seb, but he hadn't worked up the nerve to do so. Afraid that he’d panic if his door just opened randomly. But he’d been wanting to give it to him. Had Seb taken it as he left him? Would he mail it back with an lol like it was all a joke?
Where had he gone? Blaine made his way around the apartment again, it took him all of three minutes to check every single space and Seb wasn’t there, no hiding or playing tricks. Blaine’s breathing that he’d been trying so desperately to keep steady picked up and his hands had gone clammy. His eyes blurry with unshed tears because he was sure now that Seb was gone. That he’d just got up and left him. Five months with me and he’s over it… The thoughts were in his head and he couldn’t unthink them now. 
His hands trembled as he stood there in the middle of his living room in front of his couch, eyes blurred and locked on the door in the deep quiet. Blaine knew that their short time had been hard, that Seb had made so many sacrifices for him and that it was bound to add up. He was convinced he’d only told Blaine he loved him because he felt sorry for him and now that Blaine had thought it, it seemed so silly that he thought this was anything other than pity. Sebastian made him feel safe, Sebastian made him feel whole, Sebastian made him feel good about his body and his mind, Sebastian made him love him and believe he was loved in return and then Sebastian left.
The quiet was no longer just quiet, it was deafening and heavy and it felt like it was pushing at him from all angles. Like it was sitting on his chest and slowly suffocating him. He felt dizzy and nauseated. Suddenly the room felt too big and too empty even though he knew it was small and full of the few things he loved and held close. He gasped, trying to breathe in the denseness of the room, his fairy lights glowing brighter and brighter until he thought they’d fucking explode around him. His hand went to his mouth to hold in his sob and he blinked, the unshed tears dripping down his cheeks and he couldn’t breath from it all. How had he let this happen? How had he let his guard down so fast? He’d convinced himself it was all so good when he was really just a stupid boy playing house with someone that never felt the same. He’d convince himself that they helped each other, how could he have done that? 
His heart felt sick as it pounded hard and fast against his chest, like it might pound out of his chest- and he felt pathetic and more alone than all the times Kurt had hurt him. What had he done wrong? Why had Sebastian left? Was he really so unlovable? He was softly crying now, the sound low but loud in the quiet, it had all happened too fast, so fast that Blaine wasn’t able to get a handle on it before it got out of control. He’d felt these things before, irrational thinking that sent him sobbing and hyperventilating and alone. He couldn’t let himself think about anything good in times like this, his eyes saw even when his heart and mind tried to convince him that what they were seeing couldn’t be the whole truth. Seb couldn’t just be gone, he wouldn’t just do that. But Blaine wasn’t seeing him and there wasn’t possibly any other explanation. He must have just left him. Everyone did… His mom and dad, Cooper. Even Seb had cut off contact with him once before... 
He was too wrapped up in the sudden onslaught of pain and tears to notice the change in the atmosphere. He was just standing there in the middle of the room, breath hitching pathetically, one arm wrapped tightly around his middle, the other covering his mouth to hold the sounds back, like he used to do when he didn’t want Kurt to hear. Everything felt real and ugly and raw. His eyes were so blurry with heartbreak that he didn’t see the door open and the light from the hall creeping into the dark, oppressive quietness of his home. Didn’t notice his overreaction. It was too late for him to stop it anyway.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian woke up gently, his body sated and comfortable. Blaine was pressed into his back lightly snoring and he didn’t want to move. But, the annoying ache of needing to piss pulled at him. Seb sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face as he gently stepped into the cool bedroom air and crept to the bathroom. He figured that while he was awake he’d step out for a quick cigarette. His body craved it after the events of the night and it had been a few hours since his last one. Seb crept back into Blaine’s small bedroom and slipped on his clothing. He figured he’d step outside, he didn’t want to be disrespectful and smoke in his boyfriend’s apartment. Sebastian grabbed his jacket and B’s key and made sure to be extra quiet. Blaine looked so peaceful as he slept in the bed and he didn’t want to disturb this small slice of relaxation that  Blaine deserved. 
Seb made his way down the few flights of stairs that led to the other man’s apartment and stepped into the cool night air. The gentle sound of early morning commuters and people making their way home from bars surrounded him. He tucked himself into a small corner of the brick building and lit his cigarette. Seb stared off at the city, this street wasn’t particularly busy at this time of day but would be in a few hours. He wished he could see the stars but that was almost next to impossible in New York City. Sebastian instead reflected on the night and how great his body felt. He was tired in a satisfying way, the type of tired when you know as soon as your head hits the pillow again you’d be out cold again. Seb was excited to sleep in with Blaine, their naked bodies tangled under his plush comforter. Maybe they’d go grab Brunch somewhere, his treat. Maybe B would insist on cooking a hearty breakfast. Sebastian finished off a second smoke and flicked it onto the dirty sidewalk before he bounded back up the stairs, ready to fall back into bed next to his guy.
Instead, he walked into see Blaine trembling in the gentle glow of his fairy lights. 
Sebastian took a few steps forward with his hands in front of his body. “Hey, what’s wrong? Did you have a bad dream or something? I stepped outside to smoke and didn’t want to wake you.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine stared wide eyed  at Sebastian standing in his doorway, his hand still covering his mouth as he tried to place the pieces into the correct spots in his brain. For some reason they would not fit and all he could think was that he’d come back as a joke, to witness Blaine’s downfall in person. The nickname that always fell so easily from Sebastian’s lips roared in his ears like jeering laughter and wanted to scream. His body felt tightly coiled and unpleasantly achy, a stark contrast to what he’d felt only minutes ago. Had it only been minutes? Surely he’d been standing here for hours by now…  
He flinched and took a step back as Sebastian walked towards him like the other man might hurt him and he felt small again, the way Kurt used to make him feel. It wasn’t until Sebastian spoke in his gentle and soothing voice again that he finally let himself think maybe it was real, maybe he had not left him after all. But he was still buzzing with grief and now he was angry at himself even as the pieces finally started to slowly and painstakingly slide back into their slots. His breathing was hard, and his hand slipped from his mouth to press against his chest as if holding his heart inside. He tried to talk but the rapidness of his breathing and the push of his lungs prevented it for a moment and all that came out was a wheeze of pain.
He closed his eyes and clenched his free hand into a fist against his body so tightly it hurt, trying with all he had to accept the actual truth that was in front of him. Seb was still here, Seb only went to smoke. Blaine didn’t care that Seb needed to smoke, he’d known about his habit since they were kids and he didn’t need Blaine’s permission to do so. Why the fuck hadn’t he put it together? Seb was looking at him, green blue eyes wide and full of concern, lips parted as if to say more. Seb loved him. Finally his voice broke through his painful gasps and he was able to get some words out, broken and jagged. 
“I thought- oh god, I thought you left me.” He gasped, the words taking so long to release into the air between them,  his heart still slamming too painfully into his ribs to catch his breath. “I thought you didn’t want me anymore.” He let out another sob, this one louder without his hand holding it back. Each word hurt and he was still struggling so hard to calm himself down even though he knew all of his thoughts from moments ago were ridiculous and unwarranted and he had unknowingly overreacted- one look at Seb standing in front of him with concern etched into his face told him that much. 
Breathe in, breathe out. Count to ten. You’ve got this, Blaine.- But he didn’t have it. Not this time.
“God, I can’t- I’m so sorry. Please-” He begged, though he didn’t know what he was begging for. He reached out with the hand that wasn’t pressed to his heart anyway, desperately wanting to feel him, wanting him near. He had no idea how Seb could even look at him right now. Embarrassment raked through his body even as he struggled to breathe and keep the squeezing pain in his chest under control. 
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian watched as Blaine tried to catch his breath and pull himself together. Maybe he shouldn’t have been so quiet, maybe he should have nudged B and whispered that he was stepping outside. Seb’s heart fell when his boyfriend seemed to flinch away for a moment. God, he had really fucked up. “I didn’t want to wake you, You looked really comfortable.” 
He took a small step forward, “B, don’t be sorry. I’m the one that needs to apologize. I should have said something. I just really didn’t want to disturb you.”  
Blaine’s hand reached for him so Sebastian gently clasped his fingers through his and stood for a moment before pulling him into his arms. His boyfriend felt clammy and shaky and Sebastian cursed himself again. How could he have overlooked this? That was such a dumb move.
 They were silent except for the sound of the other man’s ragged breathing for a long time. Seb rubbed his back and and held on tight, hoping that the pressure of his arms would help Blaine calm down. 
“I’ll wake you up next time.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let Sebastian pull him into his arms, Seb had put his sweatshirt on and the fabric felt cool against his bare skin. Blaine wanted to fade into the other man and just fucking disappear. Shame and fear still coursed through him as he tried to steady his breathing against his boyfriends neck. His boyfriend. Blaine still had a boyfriend. Sebastian wanted to be with him. He hadn’t left him like he’d convinced himself only a few moments ago. 
He counted, slowly and steadily in his head and they stood like that for so long, Blaine face hidden against Seb’s neck, embarrassed to look up, that he lost track of how long they actually stood there. His heart had slowed a bit, the panic subsiding into a dull sense of dread, but his chest still hurt like he might die and he needed to gain control of himself. The slow and steady stroke of Seb’s hands on his back, the pressure of his arms locked around his body, it was helping, making him feel protected and made him feel less out of control. Like Seb was bringing him back to earth. Finally, after what felt like hours Blaine pulled back just slightly, enough that he could speak, his lips moving against Seb’s shoulder. 
“You didn’t do anything w-wrong. You don’t have to ask permission to go smoke, Seb. You’re a grown man and I-I don’t want you to think I need you to tell me everything.  I just woke up and panicked like a crazy person because you were there and then you weren’t and I couldn’t find you or any sign that you’d even been there and it was dark and I couldn't convince my brain to think rationally about what you might have been doing. I went into a downward spiral and I couldn’t pull myself back up.” He sniffled, still terrified to look up at Seb’s face. 
“I used to do this all the time, but I was always alone. Hiding away... After my parents, after I stopped hearing back from you. All the time with Kurt. Even Coop… Just downward spirals and nonsense and me convincing myself I’m not worth it. And see people always leave me- I mean, it feels like they do and I just thought maybe you didn’t want me anymore, and I am such an idiot for thinking that because you do. You still want me and you still love me. Right? I-I don’ t know how you can, but I need to know I didn’t just ruin this incredible night- this whole amazing thing we have with my… my stupidity.”
He was still holding tightly to Sebastian, afraid to let go, even more afraid that maybe Seb would tell him that he really didn’t want or love him. His breath hitched at the thought and he shook his head visibly and hard to clear away the thought. His catastrophic thinking was what got him in this state in the first place.
“Please tell me I didn’t ruin this.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian would have stood there holding Blaine tightly all night if it meant that he could feel just a little better. 
“You are not stupid and you didn’t ruin a thing. I promise. Everything’s great.” 
He kept rubbing circles into Blaine’s back. The other man’s skin was hot and his breathing was a little ragged. Sebastian knew what it felt like to be helpless to your overwhelming emotions, he handled it differently but it wasn't healthy. He knew that he needed to work harder. It wasn’t just Blaine that needed help, he did too. Sebastian silently promised that he’d do better if not for himself than for the relationship that he had yearned for for so long.
“We don’t have to talk, B. Just focus on your breathing for a sec. I’ll breathe with you.”
 The room was silent except for the sounds that always swept through the city outside.  Blaine’s breathing had finally slowed to its normal pace and if Seb didn’t know better he would think that his boyfriend had fallen asleep standing up, his head cradled in his chest. He gently stepped back, his hands on Blaine’s shoulders. “You’re doing so much better. We should lay back down.”
Seb gently  led Blaine to his room. He tucked the covers around him and got him a glass of water before he curled up behind him. Sebastian wrapped his arm around Blaine and kissed the back of his neck so softly it was barely there. 
“I love you, B.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine tried his hardest to let himself relax into Sebastian’s arms, it took a while but eventually he could feel it happening. The slow and steady rise of his boyfriend's chest against his cheek was lulling and Blaine felt completely safe in Seb’s arms. He didn’t want to move, didn’t want to look up, didn’t want to face reality just yet. He didn’t have to though, Seb just held him in his strong arms, holding him close like he was something precious. Wasn’t even upset with him for his outburst and Blaine wasn’t sure how he’d gotten so lucky or how he could have thought those things. He knew that he couldn’t be blamed for it though, well, he knew now, a few minutes ago and he’d be kicking himself.
Now he just let Seb’s voice sooth him, let the sounds of Brooklyn ease his mind, let the voice of the car horns and the faint whistle of the wind sweeping through the old windows of his apartment wrap around him like a comfortable cardigan. He even smiled just slightly when Seb told him he was doing so much better, the reassurance lending him some strength. He nodded in agreement and allowed himself to be led back into the bedroom, too afraid to speak much, afraid he might cry again. He knew he was allowed to, that Seb would just hold him. But he liked the way he was feeling right now and wanted to hold onto it until he fell asleep. 
Sebastian wrapped around him assuming Blaine’s normal position. He didn’t mind the change though, he welcomed the change even if it were just for the night. He snuggled into Seb’s arms, his head slightly throbbing and he knew he’d pay for it tomorrow. But for now Sebastian’s breath was warm and comforting against his neck and the softest kiss was pressed against his skin making Blaine shudder at the gentleness and the sweetest words were being whispered against him. 
“I love you back, Seb.” 
When he answered, his voice was raspy with emotion and so low and he hoped Seb heard him.  He drifted off knowing that he did.
The next morning Blaine woke up to the smell of coffee and Seb nuzzling him awake so they could make breakfast, well, so Blaine could make breakfast, he was lucky Seb knew his way around a coffee pot. His boyfriend kissed him, gave him that- for Blaine only smile that was both devilish and sweet at the same time and didn’t breathe a word about Blaine’s attack. The only thing he mentioned was how much fun he’d had before they fell asleep and Blaine had to admit that part of the night had been incredible. Blaine could do nothing but agree, smiling to himself as he fried Seb’s bacon. 
He really was going to be okay. Maybe he’d fail at remembering that another night, for right now he was happy and good and that was all he could ask for.
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orderofhunter · 3 years
Part 3- And it’s My Whole Heart Deemed and Delivered a Crime-Saturday, November 15, 2020
Para: And it’s My Whole Heart Deemed and Delivered a Crime-Part 3
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Seblaine.
Hunter: @orderofhunter
Blaine: @andersoncharm
Sebastian: @smythesm
When: Saturday, November 15, 2020- Early Morning.
Location: Sebastian’s Apartment- Boston, MA
Notes: Hunter and Tony bring Blaine home to Sebastian. -Features appearances by Antoinette ‘Tony’ Thompson (Hunter’s girlfriend and one of Blaine’s best friends) and Will Anderson (Blaine’s father and the headmaster of LeFay).
Warnings:  This rp includes; Mentions of death. Mentions of Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of injury, Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine.
Extra Warnings: (This hasn’t been brought up for a bit but, this RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Hunter’s POV:
Hunter did his best to keep himself focused on the weight of his friend situated between him and Tony. He had been instructed by Will Anderson to bring Blaine straight to Sebastian’s house. Seb was to keep Blaine until Will showed up with further instructions. Hunter wasn’t sure when that would be, but when Will Anderson gave you orders it was best just to follow them, especially after the events of the last few days. He had no doubt the man was teetering on the edge of relief and rage right now. Hunter had put a very drained Blaine into his car and made the drive. Blaine could hardly sit up on his own and Hunter himself was so exhausted after forty eight hours awake and it had taken everything in him  not to pull over and let his heavy eyelids slip close just for a few minutes. 
The only thing that kept him going was the thought of how much Sebastian needed to see that Blaine had made it, Tony had reported that he’d hardly left the couch and that Freya was working overtime trying to keep him sane and comfortable while he waited. And it helped keep him going knowing that as soon as Blaine was safely home, Hunter would get to pull his girl into his arms and maybe let his guard down for a few seconds. He hadn’t gotten the chance yet, but it would be worth it once he could. She’d been there waiting with wide alert eyes when he’d pulled up and had rushed to help him with Blaine. The dark haired Witch was practically her brother and he couldn’t blame her for the worry that cut through her pretty face.
The two of them gently but firmly pulled Blaine up the flights of stairs to Seb’s house, the shorter man's head lulled from side to side and Hunter wished he could have brought a Witch to help them use magic for this part. It would have been so much more comfortable for Blaine who had been put through hell the last two days. His eyes slipped down to the rings of raw red skin around Blaine’s wrists, the ones from the magical cuffs they’d used to keep him still and controlled and he winced knowing that while the blisters would fade the scars never would fully and Blaine would have to live with them, as well as the mental ones for the rest of his life. At least he got to come home. At least he got to keep his person. It had come at a cost, but at least he was home now.
He thought back to how hard Blaine had fought for Sebastian. How cut open and freely Blaine had pleaded for his life with him. How hard he tried to convince the Council and Order that they were really Fated and that he truly never set out to break rules. He remembered Will’s face as his son begged, the man must’ve thought he looked passive but anyone paying attention would  have clearly been able to see the heartbreak written across his face over having to put the only piece left of his own Fate though this bullshit. In the end, right when all hope was lost and Hunter truly thought he was going to have to watch his friend, his girlfriend’s chosen brother, and his best friend’s soulmate burn or be sent someplace dark and locked away forever- it had come down to a few little missing pieces in the puzzle that was Blaine and Bas that had saved them. One that Blaine had figured out- A pretty little High Priestess and one that Will, who apparently had been helping Blaine and Bas secretly all along at great risk to himself, had cleverly thought of- a very very young Oracle. They’d both given a bit of information about Sebastian being chosen by Aphrodite for Blaine and that was extremely confusing and Hunter still wasn’t sure he understood it and he’d have to wait until Blaine was steady and alert to ask more about it. 
Hunter let Tony take the brunt of Blaine’s weight for a moment and dug out his key that Bas had given him and slipped it into the lock. He hadn’t messaged his friend, didn’t want him to panic or jump up and pace until they got home, so Sebastian looked slow and sleepy with puffy red eyes and his own little menagerie of animals piled on top of him. It took his friend a few moments to realize that Blaine was positioned between the two of them but once he did he was up and rushing over to them, worry and relief and a different type of exhaustion in his eyes. 
“Questions later, we need to get him into bed quickly.” With Tony’s help and Sebastian by their side and a suddenly overly excited Ras tangling his body up in their legs (Blaine wasn’t able to use his magic to calm him right now and it showed.) they finally managed to get the shorter man into the bed. Tony pulled his shoes off and tucked the covers around him like a mother would to a child. She looked like she wanted to sit next to him, but she looked up at Bas and took hold of his hand so that she could help guide him to Blaine, she nudged him to sit with him and then stood back against the wall, looking like the badass rogue hiding out in the shadows of a video game. Hunter scratched the back of his neck a bit sheepishly, not knowing where to start.
“Well, he’s uh, home. And good news, he gets to stay.” He forced a big grin and patted Sebastian on  the back and hoped he wouldn’t soak up too much guilt over everything he’d find out. “He can’t really communicate right now, we’re not sure how long he'll be like this, but he knows he got to come home and I think he can hear what’s happening. They’ve sort of been draining him slowly, those cuffs do it and, well, they made him wear them for over forty eight hours so he’s very weak and his magic is a little off right now. But, you can touch him, it might make him feel better.” He nodded in encouragement, glad to give some good news. “And you get to meet the parent soon, exciting, right?” He gave an uncomfortable laugh.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s mind felt like sludge. Events of the last two days were buried deep under the mud of his brain and no matter how much he dug he couldn’t get to the bottom, it just kept filling up with more wet mud. All he could think about was that he was going home. He could hear what he thought was  Hunter and Tony talking, could feel the comfort of having their arms around him. Could feel the press of Tony’s kiss to his cheek and could feel her positive energy wrapping around him like a hug. But it seemed no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t focus on the details of his trial… he’d gone to trial, right? They went dark and choppy. He could see flashes of his dad's face, and the glares of High Council and High Order members surrounding him. Could recall the pain of Witch Steel cutting into his wrist and when he moved his hands what little he could he could swear the cuffs were still there cutting into him. No, his wrists were red, the cuffs weren’t red… His back hurt from standing up so straight for so long and his throat felt raw from yelling. Why had he been yelling? He hated that.
All at once too much feeling cascaded around his body as they started up a set of stairs, and though each step felt like hot coals against his flesh he tried his hardest to help Hunter and Tony get him up the steps. He knew before seeing him that Seb was there, he could just feel him, and he wanted nothing more than to wrap his boy up in his arms and never let him go. He had this funny feeling that he’d get to again, but this little nagging in the back of his mind told him there was a cost and for the life of him he couldn’t remember what it was. 
He tried to yell at them to stop, to let Seb hold him and help him to the bedroom  but they kept him away from him and wouldn’t even let him stop to pet Ras or say hello to Frey. It felt like heaven when he got to lie down, the bed familiar and comforting and very much Seb’s, but his frustrations grew as his arms were so heavy he couldn’t even move enough to reach out for Seb’s hand. He opened his mouth to try to talk to him, to tell him that he loved him. To tell him that he knew he’d get to come home, he’d give anything to just be able to say his name- but the movement of his lips was too exhausting and all he could do was look at Sebastian- and then Seb reached out and took hold of his hand then Blaine wasn’t able to look anymore. In his relief his eyes had closed and he was trying to smile, maybe he was smiling and all he could was listen, content in the weight of Sebastian’s hand.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian had spent the past two days in a...well, a daze. He had scraped himself off the floor only to make it to the couch. He turned on the tv so that the place wasn’t so cold and quiet but he didn’t pay much attention to what was on. His mind was filled with scary scenarios and all he wanted to do was stare at the clock on his phone. Freya and Ras piled onto the couch with him and he felt the weight of Blaine’s crystal under his shirt and it made him feel a little better for a short moment. There were a few small moments over the 48 hours where he tried to take care of himself because he knew the other man would want him to. He managed to eat a little and take a quick shower but mostly all he wanted to do was take all of the potions Blaine had left and spend his time in a sleepy haze.
So, that’s what he did. Spent his time cooped up in the living room under the weight of his pup and B’s familiar, soundly sleeping as well as an anxious human could with the help of a draught. Seb had just woken up from his last potion induced slumber when the door opened. It was a welcome, if not worrisome sight, Hunter and Tony tried their best to keep Blaine upright in between them. Sebastian and Enjolras  jumped up off the couch and rushed to the familiar faces. He wanted to say so many things, ask so many questions but Hunter had shot all of that down immediately. Sebastian stayed out of the way as much as he could as he followed them into the bedroom. He was thankful for Tony’s help and her soft touch that encouraged him to sit on the edge of the bed with his boyfriend. 
Sebastian nodded as Hunter spoke and even smiled a little bit. He had Blaine back, how could he not breathe a small sigh of relief? 
Sebastian held on to Blaine’s hand and looked over his face as Hunter continued to speak. The other man really did look exhausted and pale. “I’m glad he’s back. Thank you.” He reached forward and laid the back of his fingers against his clammy forehead. Sebastian wondered if this was going to be as bad as the last time his magic was drained.  “Meet the parent?” Sebastian’s hand fell from Blaine’s face.
Hunter’s POV:
Hunter watched the two of them for a moment before speaking. He watched how Blaine seemed to be smiling even though he wasn’t with it whatsoever, he watched how delicately Sebastian touched the dark haired man's face and the little smile Bas gave made Hunter smile too. He looked back at Tony and gave her a smile too, knowing she was feeling just as relieved and happy. He wasn’t sure if happy was the word, but there was a definite returned feeling of lightness that had been missing for some time now. He cleared his throat at Sebastian’s question and nodded, his voice a sigh when he spoke. It seemed the calmness would be short lived for the time being.
“Yes. his father will be here soon. He uh, well, he’s got to take Blaine back to LeFay for a few final things... See, Blaine may have gotten to come home but it wasn’t without a price.” He shifted his weight, unsure if he should just tell Sebastian everything or hold off until he was more prepared, a reassuring hand on his shoulder from Tony told him that he really just needed to get it all out. Bas could ask questions a bit later. 
“Blaine well, gets to stay with you. And that’s like, great news, right?” He licked his lips and shifted his eyes to where Blaine was lying. The other man's smile had faded and his brow was creased like his head hurt and Hunter wondered what magical draining felt like. Of course they couldn’t take all of Blaine’s magic away, it was a part of him just as much as his bones were, but they could drain a fair bit of it and hold it from him. He’d been told through his training that the taking and the giving back was incredibly painful. He knew Blaine had been drained a bit once, but he’d never been forced to wear the cuffs. He didn’t envy him at all right now. “It turns out, and don’t ask me to explain this all the way because I really can't- it’s never happened to my knowledge, but you were apparently chosen for Blaine by a love goddess. You must have done something to impress her and to think you deserved a Witch so she went back and made sure your names were written together. That’s why you’re Fated, well, there’s talk that you might have been anyway, she just sort of made sure it happened and as we know when Gods meddle in human and not so human affairs shit tends to hit the fan..” He pushed his hands into his pockets and leaned against the wall to take some weight off of his tired feet.
“Blaine sort of figured it out. His magic started draining the moment I put the cuffs on,” His eyes shifted to the blisters on Blaine’s wrists and he cringed a little,  “And of course that keeps him from thinking his clearest, but eventually he had the clarity to call upon those Priestess, the ones from Friday’s that were fawning over you, something about your story and how they treated you felt a little off to him and he thought maybe they’d know something, he didn’t know why he never asked them before but I think it as because he wanted to pretend everything was okay, you know, to keep you safe. Anyway, they confirmed it, and this Will, his dad, called on an Oracle, which was kind of an act of defiance on his part because he’s supposed to stay out of it and well, the Oracle confirmed it. Basically they cant touch either one of you now, you’re Goddess protected and Aphrodite doesn’t fuck around. They can’t do a damn thing to you and you both get to live out the rest of your lives together. Isn’t that great?” 
He grinned, knowing he hadn’t shared the price yet, but how did you tell your best friend that his boyfriend was exiled from his own race? That he has to give up everything. All Blaine would get to keep from his world was his magic, and that's only because they can’t take it away without killing him. They even forbade him from seeing his dad anymore. Hunter wondered if Blaine would follow that rule or if it’d get broken, it wasn’t like Blaine was good at following them anyway.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian stayed close to Blaine on the bed but looked from Hunter to Tony and back again. They both looked exhausted. He wasn’t sure if his apartment was in the best shape for Blaine’s dad to come over, and he still had a thousand questions he didn’t know how to voice. Should he offer them something to eat? Start cleaning? Stay on the bed with B? All Sebastian hoped for when Blaine came back was for safety and peace and it seemed that the latter was not going to happen anytime soon. 
“Price? What price?” 
He squeezed Blaine’s hand and hoped he was fast asleep. Before Hunter answered his question he launched into the details of the past two days. Seb tried his hardest to follow along but there was so much to take in. 
The flower shop? Aphrodite? Sebastian’s mouth dropped open and he was sure he looked like a fucking idiot. Goddess protected? What the hell did that mean?
 “Excuse me? What do you mean? How are you just going to say all of that and follow it up with ,’oh, don’t ask me to explain!’ Haven’t you been training in this shit like, your entire life?” 
He shook his head in frustration but did feel a little relieved that it was confirmed again that he and Blaine got to continue being together. 
“Again, what’s the catch? How long will his wrists be blistered? Will he recover from all of this? Do I have to work part time at Friday’s? What?”
Hunter’s POV:
Hunter opened his mouth to protest, Sebastian’s onslaught of questions and semi accusations were warranted but it still took him a little off guard. Okay, fair, he should know, Bas was right. But in his defense this was brand new fucking territory. He held up his hands out in front of him as if to ward his best friend off and calm him down.
“Christ Bas, relax.” He shook his head and ran his hand over his face to clear away his exhaustion and frustrations. Truth be told he was annoyed that this whole Goddess thing had blindsided him. Not only him, but Blaine and Will and the whole Council and Order as well. “I wish he weren’t so out of it, he could calm your ass down for a bit.” He joked, but truly he was only half joking. “What I’m trying to say is that this shit has never happened before. The Council and Order have never seen it, and if they have they’re keeping it hushed so that that word doesn’t get out and Witches all over don’t start claiming they have human Fates just to say so. Not everyone is lucky enough to get an Oracle to speak for them. It’s new and fucked up, but it is what it is and maybe Blaine can explain it better to you in a few weeks when he can function properly again, yeah?” He crossed his arms, trying to figure out how best to proceed.
“His wrists are like that from the Witch Steele, the cuffs I put on him? Yeah, they’re not meant to be comfortable and only Witches that are brought in for serious trials ever have the displeasure of wearing them. Usually the Witch in question is guilty and dealt with, but Blaine, well, he wasn’t guilty. I know they look bad and I know Blaine doesn’t deserve them, but you should have seen him up there talking about you. He loves you so damn much, some of them were even a little swayed by his words, but words are words to Witches and Hunters at the end of the day and it took way more than that. But yeah, he’s always going to have the scars. The blisters will heal, but he’ll be able to see and feel them forever. Don’t worry though, he’ll glamour them so no one will notice but him.” He nodded and moved a little closer to Sebastian.
“He’ll recover, you just have to give him time. Maybe when Will gets here he can help him snap out of it a little. I don’t even know if he remembers everything right now. But, he’s home and he’ll get to sleep in your bed next to you tonight and you can breathe, okay?” He took a deep breath and decided to jump into the freezing lake that was the catch. “He’s home with you forever now, but he can never go back to the world he knew.” He paused, looking closely at Bas hoping he understood when he meant. “They believe him, and they accept that you’re his Fate and they’ll never come after you, I mean if the word gets out that he came out of a trial that has had Witches put to death in the past some rogue Witches might try and punish him, but you leave that chaos to the Order. What I’m saying is that you two are free to live your lives together, Blaine just has to do it without his people. He can't keep them and keep you at the same time.” He bit his lip, worried he was laying way too much on his best friend, but he wasn’t sure how else to do it. “He uh, he’s also not allowed to raise children with you either because that would mean a human outside of the Order would be raised knowing about Witches and unless you want to keep Blaine’s magic a secret from your kids you’d have to tell them. But hey, you never wanted children anyway so that part shouldn’t be a big deal.” He shrugged like it wasn’t but Sebastian’s face kind of said differently.
“Look, it’s going to be okay. Blaine has accepted it, so fucking gracefully might I add, and sure, he’s not supposed to see his friends or his dad anymore, but I know we can find a way around it. He just wants to be with you and you shouldn’t worry too much about this. He’s going to be okay. Maybe a little sad for a bit, but he’s always a little sad, right?” God damn he was bad at this when it was personal.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian pointed at Hunter, “Do not tell me to relax. I appreciate everything you’ve done but don't do that. This is obviously new for all of us.” He stood up and adjusted the covers around his boyfriend and listened as Hunter spoke. Weren’t oracles in old Greek myths? The world that Blaine was being ripped out of was still a mystery to him. He’d never learn all of it and the decision the trial had settled on confirmed that fact. Sebastian sat on the bed again and set his hand on Blaine’s thigh, he wanted it to comfort him but was unsure if he could even feel it at the moment. 
He felt really sad from the onslaught of information. Sad for B, sad for himself, sad for David and Nick, even his father. This wasn’t going to be an easy transition and he hoped he was worth all of this. Now they might not ever be able to have a kid? Sure, he’d always said he didn’t want to but what if he changed his mind? Sebastian knew for a fact that Blaine loved kids and would be a great father. All of this was a mess.
“This really sucks. How is any of this fair? They proved that we’re soulmates. That should be enough. No good deed goes unpunished, I guess.” 
Sebastian rolled his eyes at Hunter and pinched the bridge of his nose. Tony muttered something about how he wasn’t very good at this part and gave him a weak punch in the bicep. 
“Of course he was graceful. I hope this was all worth it in the end for him.”  He thought for a moment. “Is it even safe to find a way around this shit?”
Hunter’s POV:
Hunter held his hands up in surrender trying to show his friend that he hadn't meant it. He understood Sebastian’s frustrations and he couldn’t blame him for being snappy. He tossed Tony a glare that held no true annoyance and shook his head again, trying to clear the blurry edges of sleepiness that was creeping into his vision. He needed to stay  awake and alert just a little bit longer. He wondered if Blaine had any potions for alertness lying around.
“Sorry, we’re all really fucking tired, I know. I shouldn’t have said that. It’s really not fair, but he did break rules, I know he couldn’t help it, that's how the Fates work, but he still broke them. They fed us some bullshit about how he should have come to them with the information and maybe they could have helped him, but even Will thought that was a bit bogus, all it would have done was expedite everything and it may not have gone in your favor. No, they’re really just trying to cover their asses. They have to punish him somehow or else rogue Witches and Hunters will never take them seriously again. That’s all I can offer right now, I don’t like it any more than you. It feels like a fluke thing, but again, when the Gods get involved it never goes well, history and “myth” show us that. I mean, you’ve heard about what Apollo did to Patroclus and in turn what it did to Achilles- don’t look at me like that, we get tested on this stuff.” He shrugged again and rolled his eyes. 
He was about to tell Sebastian that yes, it was worth it when the air in the room shifted and suddenly Will Anderson was taking up the empty space off to his right, closest to Blaine. His rat familiar close on his heels. The apartment had been guarded and protected so heavily that Hunter was surprised he’d managed to break through, but it was Will and he was powerful and Blaine was weak right now so maybe he shouldn’t have been so surprised. Will was not a tall man, only a few inches taller than Blaine, but he was so imposing and powerful looking whenever he entered a room. Something about him screamed not to fuck with him, he’d been told by older members of the Order that the salt and pepper man was once kind and jovial but after his wife had died saving Tony his whole demeanor had changed and he’d turned into this quiet and severe man.
“It’s probably not worth it, but I’m sure we can figure out a way for me to see my son once in a while.” Will’s eyes shone bright and blue and Hunter could feel Tony stiffen and stand up straight at his presence. He knew that Will respected her and didn’t resent her for what his wife had chosen to do, but she always held herself so tightly when he was around, so different than when she was laughing and snuggling in with Blaine. “Hunter, Antoinette.” Will nodded his head towards them before moving his gaze into the direction of Sebastian. “You must be Sebastian. I’m Will, Blaine’s father.” He reached out his hand and grasped Sebastian’s in his, his friend looked a bit awestruck. “I’m here to give you all the rundown. I’ll be back in two days time to get Blaine. He’ll be gone all of Monday, and I’ll see that he’s taken care of while he’s gone. I promise to bring him  safely back to you Monday night. You should know that he’s going to be very weak for a long time and he’s going to need you to help him around for a bit. He’s not going to feel like himself for at least a month,  but he’ll be able to talk to you and he’ll be able to walk and do most normal things, but there is a chance he’ll lose track of himself every so often so I wouldn’t advise discussing the more heavy things of this ordeal for a little while. If you’ve made Holiday plans, I’d leave Blaine out of them for the time being, he’s not going to be up to it.” The elder Witch cleared his throat and before Sebastian, Tony or Hunter could speak he carried on. 
“I’m sure you’ve got many questions but we don’t have much time for them tonight. I’ve prepared a few answers for the immediate future, the rest can be discussed at a later date. Blaine’s degree is real and can be used for any career it fits, LeFay is a real University after all. Though he had money and won’t really need to work, something tells me he’ll be insistent on making himself useful. His things from home- ingredients and notes and paperwork and his garden and so on that he had at LeFay had been transferred to a small cottage on the shores of Marblehead, just outside of Salem. I plan to take him there after our goodbyes on Monday. It’ll be a place for him to practice so he doesn’t have to clutter up your home. I’m sure you don’t want his old world colliding with this one. He’s kept it separate so he doesn't overexpose you and I think that’s an excellent idea to uphold.” The man paused as if collecting himself, his eyes never leaving Sebastian’s.
“I know this is all very harsh and we probably look like monster’s to you, but this is very much for the best. The two of you can live as you’ve always wanted and no one will harm you for it. You’ll both be kept safe and I’ve seen over the last two years of keeping you both out of trouble that you truly are soulmates. I’m only sorry I wasn’t allowed to be part of your journey. It wouldn’t have looked good if Blaine knew I was on his side, and yes, I’m always on his side. He is my son. And you, well, you’re his Soulmate. I’d welcome you to the family but there isn’t much time and there’s not much of a family anymore I’m afraid. All I ask of you is that you keep him safe, and love him just as much as he loves you. If you can do that then you’re golden in my book. You know, Blaine’s never taken that crystal off for anyone and if I hadn’t seen you two together and only knew your relationship off of that knowledge I wouldn’t need anymore information. That’s a big deal for him. Cherish it.” He paused. “I know I’m not supposed to be around, but I will be. My contact information is already in your phone and if you have any questions while Blaine is out of sorts, please, reach out to me. We’re supposed to sever ties by Monday night, but I assure you, I’ll find a way to help.” With that, Will reached out and gave Sebastian’s shoulder a firm squeeze, like a father welcoming a new son in law to the family. It was all very personal and so unlike Will Anderson that Hunter felt like he shouldn’t be here right now. Before he could excuse himself and Tony he turned to them.
“Now, I’m going to give Blaine this potion to help his mind catch up, he still needs to stay in bed, but he’ll be able to think a bit better. With that being said I expect that when I leave all of you will go to bed. I can take you and Tony home if you’d like, but you might feel better if you’re all close to each other for the night.” Hunter nodded his consent, the thought of magic travel or even driving his car made him want to throw himself off the balcony. Bas’ couch would do just fine. He watched as Will made his way over to Blaine and he hadn’t noticed before but Freya- Blaine’s own familiar, was curled up next to him, glaring daggers at everyone. Will kneeled down next to Blaine and pulled out a glass vial so tiny he could hardly see it in the man's hands. He watched as he gently cupped Blaine’s face and titled the contents into his son’s throat. Nothing big happened, Blaine didn’t stir or open his eyes, he didn’t change at all. Will pressed the palm of his hand to Blaine’s cheek and whispered a few words he didn’t catch before getting to his feet. 
“He’ll wake in about fifteen minutes, his mind is rooted very deep down right now, it’ll take a bit for it to catch up. In the meantime, I meant what I said. You all three need to get some sleep, if I have to I’ll spell the apartment and we don’t want that.” He turned to Sebastian one last time and reached out to press the tiny vial into his hand. “If he doesn’t wake up in fifteen minutes give him a drop of this. And if he still doesn’t wake up then I suggest you use that contact info in your phone.” He patted Sebastian’s shoulder once more and then stepped away. His voice fading as well as his body and his familiar. “Monday.”
Hunter cleared his throat after the silence settled over the room.
“And that, my guy, was the nicest I’ve ever seen Will Anderson. Wow, lucky you.” He laughed to take the tension out of the room and glanced at Blaine to see if he’d changed, he hadn't. He wondered what would happen if he didn’t. “I guess we should do what he said. Tony and I will take the couch, Ras can stay with us if that’s alright? Keep him out of your hair while you manage Blaine, okay?”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian wasn’t sure why he expected Will to arrive at the front door after witnessing Blaine pop all over the place with his magic but he was shocked when he was suddenly in his bedroom. He jumped off of the bed immediately and Enjolras did too, he only gave one little sharp bark before standing guard in between the two men. Will looked like Blaine but didn’t all at once. He had all of the softness of Blaine’s features but with an edge, his voice was deeper and his body was a little more broad. His energy felt powerful, a lot like the high profile, authoritative attorneys he worked around. Seb thought that if Will met his own father, they’d probably respect each other or maybe even golf together. He cleared his throat and grasped the other man’s hand firmly, “sir.” 
Seb kept his eyes trained on Will’s and was thankful for his years around his cutthroat father and uncles, for his experience in law because he was nervous as hell but wouldn’t let any of it show. He stood tall and held his chin high, nodded when expected and took mental notes as if he were at the office getting the by and by on a possible case. 
He touched the crystal underneath his hoodie. “I know, sir. I know how important it is. I love him and I’m going to do my best to take care of him. I know that sounds like a cookie cutter thing to say to your “in law” but it’s true. I’ll do whatever it takes.”  
Sebastian was surprised by how many times Will touched him and softened his words. This man was not the man that Blaine had been cooped up with for class and training. The trial had obviously changed him how could it not? He knew that no words would fix anything for Will and that he wasn’t the type of man that needed small talk or little exchanges. Seb just gave a curt nod and stepped aside so that he could administer the potion. He was a little nervous about the thought of possibly giving Blaine more of the mysterious liquid but maybe Tony or Hunter could help? It didn’t matter, Will was gone and protesting wouldn’t work on somebody like him anyway. 
He turned towards his friends and gave a sigh of relief. “Yeah, that was crazy.” Sebastian set the little vial on the night sand and whistled for Ras to follow him. He gave the dog’s head a ruffle and a kiss and a whispered thanks for protecting him in the bedroom. Sebastian encouraged the dog to cuddle up on the couch with Tony and Hunter and pulled down some extra blankets and pillows for them. He tossed the blankets on top of their laps. “I’m not tucking you in.”
Sebastian was glad to finally lay his head on the pillows and wrap his arm around Blaine’s waist in his bed. He had missed sleeping next to his boyfriend, missed being pressed against him, missed the comfort of the weight on the other side of the bed. Seb pressed his nose into the side of the other man’s neck and sighed, “I love you.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine had been fighting for consciousness for what felt like forever. He kept swimming up to the muddy surface, could hear the muffled voices of his loved ones, could feel Freya next to him, Ras at his feet and Seb’s gentle hands worrying over him, but no matter how hard he tried to speak or move or just open his eyes he couldn’t. Little bits of conversation floated down to him, fighting through the mud and muck of his mind- Scars… blisters… not allowed to raise children… of course he was graceful… I hope this was all worth it… I’m always on his side, he’s my son… Sir… I love him… when suddenly there was a bitter taste and whispered words that commanded he wake up and he wanted nothing more than to follow through. A little blue light reached out for him and seemed to pull, pull, pull him up and through the darkness and it seemed like years before he was able to finally open his eyes.
They opened to darkness, his friends and father gone and he wanted to yell until his voice, still raw from his trail, gave out. Slowly, his other senses started to move back into place and he was made fully aware that his Sebastian was holding him close, so tightly that Blaine wanted to drift back off to sleep. But, he knew he needed to let him know he was there, let him know he was awake and that he was with him. Little flitters of light charged throughout his neck where Seb’s nose trailed and pressed and the feeling of his words against Blaine’s skin sent tingles of happiness down his spine. Sebastian’s I love you hung in the air between them and Blaine wanted to tell him so much in that moment. Wanted to tell him about the trial and how his dad had been helping and how angry he was that they kicked him out, but how happy he was that he got to stay with Sebastian. 
He wanted to rant about not being able to freely see his friends or father or live in his mother’s world anymore, and he wanted to yell about how ridiculous it all was to be punished when they’d proved they were Fated. He wanted to cry to him about how unfair it was for them to take away their choice to have kids, maybe Seb had once, long ago, said he didn’t want that and Blaine was content to not be a father, but taking away the choice was unfair and made Blaine feel trapped. He wanted to sob to him about the disconnect he felt with his magic, and how they were going to monitor him like a criminal for the rest of his life. And he wanted to tell Sebastian that even with the pain of his losses, and his sadness over everything that had happened in the past forty eight hours that it was all still worth it for him. 
It took him too many minutes but finally he managed to move his body so that he was turned towards his boyfriend just enough to make out his features in the dim moonlight. He’d been forced to wait so long to move that Seb had already drifted off. Blaine sighed, and though he knew he had so much more he needed to say he also knew they now had the time. Maybe it would take days for him to be able to talk freely, maybe weeks, but soon he’d talk to him. He’d show him that even though it hurt he was happy he’d won. His lips finally managed to move, and his rusted vocal cords stirred and he settled on the only  words that mattered.
“Love you back.” 
The words were soft and so raspy that Blaine was almost sure Seb had missed them. But his boyfriend's body jerked softly awake and Seb lifted his head up to look down at Blaine and Blaine tried his hardest to smile. Seb smiled back, and gently turned Blaine so that his back was pressed against Seb’s chest, a reverse of their usual and Blaine let himself fall into a real sleep to the slow steady breathing of Seb’s breath on the back of his neck, Freya’s soft fur tickling the top of his head and Ras snoring away with the sleepy energy of Tony and Hunter in the living room.
Happy Holidays everyone. We’ll continue after the new year! -S and H
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seblaineaddict · 4 years
You know, as we get nearer and nearer to Seblaine Week 2020, it's fair to say, Seblainers are all probably really looking forward to seeing what gems the incredibly talented Seblaine fic writers have in store for us.
At a time when the world is one gigantic clusterfuck, seldom has it been more important to have something we can read and appreciate, during these hard, unprecedented times.
There are of course, hugely creative, massively talented, established Seblaine writers, within our tiny, but fierce fandom; like my own very, very good friends @aelora , @jammie3132 (Julia3132) @whatdiditellyouflawless (Tiburonwriter) @mrstotten , @andersoncharm and @smythesm (collectively, shwrites at AO3).
Also civillove (@blainesebastian) @ttinycourageous (define_serenity) , @an-alternate-world @ejaycaswell (Seblandersmythe), @anisstaranise @sperrywink @xonceinadream and Imogen Le_Fay (if anyone knows her Tumblr blog name, if she has one, please message me with it). To name but a few.
We know everything we read from them, is going to be a gem. Something you excitedly bookmark, tell all your Seblaine-loving friends (and also in my case - boyfriend) about, then compare notes, enjoying how immersive their stories of Seblaine, are.
Then there are the much younger Seblaine writers, and sometimes, they are for whatever reason, not called to mind as easily when we think of great Seblaine writers. And that is a grave injustice!
One such writer, is a young girl who is as wonderful a person, as she is a writer.
@sourwolfseblaine is only 16 years old. She not only writes in English, which is not her first language, (Dutch), she is also proudly autistic, and never, ever tries to garner sympathy, or complain, despite regularly receiving hate via Instagram DMs, from ADULT Klainers, and Kurtbastian fans.
She has overcome so much in her relatively young life, and is such a talented writer. She and my own niece have become very good friends, and support each other in so many ways. I have become very, very fond of her, and can't wait until she has written her first novel, and the world can also enjoy her immense talent.
So next time you are working your way through the Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe tag at AO3, give @sourwolfseblaine and her wonderful Seblaine fics (linked below), a read. You will sooo not be disappointed.
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andersoncharm · 2 years
I Can Hear the Bells (Something’s Beginning)- Friday, December 9, 2022
Mini Para: I Can Hear the Bells (Something’s  Beginning)
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Seblaine.
Blaine: @andersoncharm
Sebastian: @smythesm
When: Friday, December 9, 2022- A week after- A Little Light Wedding Planning.  (Seb 28, and Blaine 26.)
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Notes: Blaine and Sebastian talk to Sabine about their wishes for their wedding.
Warnings: This RP in general includes; Mentions of death/Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine. Depression. Anxiety.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Para Title Taken From: Hairspray- I Can Hear the Bells
We will be doing a series of little mini’s to progress over the next few years of this RP. Things might get a little confusing but we promise to date them accordingly. 
Under cut to keep dash neat. Work is mostly unedited as usual.
 Blaine’s POV:
Blaine paced around the kitchen and busied himself putting things that were already where they belonged back in order A task which consisted of picking each item up, looking at it, and then promptly placing it back in its home. This was it. They were finally going to tell Sabine that they didn’t want a big wedding or an extravagant honeymoon. His stomach dropped a little at the thought and ran his finger so hard over an invisible fleck of dirt on the counter that it made a sharp squeak. Gods, get it together. Everything's fine. And of course, it was, she’d understand.
He kept throwing little glances over at Sebastian who was sitting at their breakfast bar with a sleek, thin, grey laptop opened up on the countertop. The sound of a low chime rang throughout the spacious kitchen and Blaine caught Seb’s eye, he looked adorably nervous. He’d even gotten a bit dressed up for the Skype call which made Blaine laugh because Seb’s mother had seen him at his worst. He stopped his redundant pacing and reached out to give his fiancé's hand a comforting squeeze, hoping it granted him a bit of courage with his wonderful whirlwind of a mother. As soon as he did so the ringing cut off and was filled with Sabine Smythe’s sweet lilting accent as she exclaimed her surprise and excitement over the face-to-face call.
He didn’t know why they were both so nervous- it was Sabine and it was silly that they’d be nervous about her reaction to how they wanted to do their own wedding. She loved them and just wanted them to be happy and healthy together. On the other hand… it was Sabine! The same Sabine wanted to plan and make things lavish and over the top and who had probably already called every place she could think of to make the day perfect for them and they hadn’t even given her a date. She was the mom who only wanted the best for her son and her future son-in-law, who always spent time making sure Sebastian knew he was loved and always made sure Blaine knew she loved him just as much as if he was hers and he loved her for it in return. She’d talked about little else since Sebastian had told her about the proposal and Blaine’s acceptance. She was beside herself excited. So excited that when Seb tried to call her last week to tell him, she’d cut him off and started to throw plans at them a mile a minute. Needless to say, this all was a week overdue and Blaine was feeling the anxiety.
He felt like maybe they were cheating her out of her motherly experience by wanting to have something small and intimate. How were they supposed to tell her they wanted a small spring wedding outside in the courtyard of their own house with Tony officiating and a small wedding party that included a dog and a familiar “cat”? Or that they wanted a lowkey honeymoon up in the mountains where they wouldn’t be bothered for a few days. Once upon a time, Blaine had thought that maybe he’d like a huge wedding with hundreds of guests and extravagant decorations but it was before his mom died and before he’d been exiled from the only life he’d ever known, including his own father. The thought of doing all of that now felt daunting and all he really wanted was to be Seb’s husband. To have someone call him Mr. Smythe-Anderson.
“B... Baby- Hey, you gonna say hello or stare out the window all evening?” 
He hadn’t realized it but he’d been staring out the window at Ras chasing little flurries of snow dancing in the air of the fading sun as Freya stood nearby on the stoop watching over the loveable pup all while Blaine fantasized about being Sebastian’s Mister. Sebastian’s voice was playful as he arched his brown and then furrowed them as if to ask where he went and as if to say don’t you dare leave me alone here. Blaine ducked his head sheepishly in apology and then made his way around to stand next to Seb before leaning into his lithe body all by sighing at the comfort of being close to Sebastian brought. He grinned as Sabine’s pretty face came into view. Her green eyes, so like her son’s, shone with delight as she watched them.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I was watching Ras and Freya play in the flurries and got distracted, they’re so cute. Anyway, how are you?”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian knew deep down that his mother wouldn’t hold their decision against them and that she would ultimately understand. He still felt a bit nervous, like how he used to feel when he would bring home a not-so-perfect grade back in high school. He could tell Blaine was going out of his way to keep his hands busy. His mother had been nothing short of supportive and they just didn’t want to let her down in any way but they had to do what was best for them. All that really mattered was that they were going to get married, they were going to put roots down together and he would marry B in the middle of the street if he had to. They both knew that at the end of the day, she’d get it but that didn’t make it less intimidating. Sebastian and Blaine made eye contact and he pressed the call button. 
Sabine’s classic beauty came into view. Her blonde hair was pulled back into its classic chignon and Seb could see that she was sat in her clean kitchen. “Hey, Mom.” Sabine’s face brightened and she smiled her smooth, perfect smile and greeted him in French. Her eyes wandered around Sebastian and he could tell she was looking for his fiancé. 
“B... Baby- Hey, you gonna say hello or stare out the window all evening?” 
The other man made his way over and greeted Sabine in his usual charming, effortless way. Even when he had nerves, his grace still emanated from him. Sebastian loved that about Blaine and he could tell that Sabine did too.
“I’m well. To what do I owe the pleasure of getting to see my beautiful boys?”
“Well,” Sebastian looked over at Blaine who nodded in encouragement. “We have done a lot of thinking lately and-”
“Grandchildren?” Sabine cut in.
“No, Maman, we’ve talked about this.” He he spoke gently and could feel a small slump in B’s body. Sebastian placed his hand on the small of his back and rubbed slow circles to comfort them both.
“We decided that we don’t want to have a big wedding. I know how excited you’ve been to plan but, we’d just prefer something small and intimate. We wanted to tell you before you got too deep into all of this wedding stuff.” 
“Right, B?” He looked at him as if to say a little help here.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine tried his best not to visibly react to Sabine’s casual, and not without an undertone of excitement, mention of children. He knew she still held out a bit of hope that the boys would “change their minds” but that she didn’t expect anything more than the two of them bringing Ras and Freya around here and there. And themselves, of course. She had taken their news and reasoning of deciding against children mostly because of the state of the world- with grace and only rarely mentioned them. Still, it hurt a little to hear now. He knew she meant no harm by it, but that didn’t stop the dull ache. Seb’s hand at the small of his back sent a surge of comfort through him and he took a deep breath, his smile falling easily back into place as he spoke.
“We know how excited you’ve been to plan something special for us, but hey, you can still help us do that. See, we plan on having it in the Spring, when the flowers and trees are at their second best, and we wanted to just, sort of have it here- where we built a forever home together, out in the courtyard, under the trees. That’s why Seb told you I was taking care of all the flowers because they’d mostly be in nature, and well, I just love putting flowers together, as you know. But I was thinking we’re gonna need a whole bunch more and I could very much use your help picking them out.” 
That wasn’t why Seb had told Sabine that Blaine would take care of flowers, he’d told her that because Blaine could grow the best flowers with his hands, but she couldn’t know that. Even though Blaine had messed up a couple of years ago and had forgotten to let a bouquet of flowers he’d given Sabine die naturally and she’d asked a bunch of questions. Thank god his guy was persuasive and good at sidetracking others. He looked at Sebastian to make sure he was doing this right getting a nudge and a little smile in return. His fiancé was probably just happy he didn’t have to say as much right now.
"Of course, you won’t just be in charge of flowers!  You’ll also be an honored guest. Mother of Groom,” He paused, not knowing if he should add the next part, but his mouth was moving before he could stop himself and it felt good saying it. “Or since were nontraditional and I don’t have that option- you could even be Mother of the Grooms if you want that. Everyone that will be there knows what I’ve lost, who you are, and what you mean to me so it’s an option… It’s entirely up to you.” He tried not to think about the fact that his father would more than likely be forbidden from attending and still wasn’t sure what he’d tell Sabine or how he was supposed to be okay with that. But, he kept speaking before she could reply, his nerves getting the best of him, leaning into Sebastian for further comfort. Gods, why couldn't they just say “I do” right now? The ring was all but searing a hole into its temporary home against his chest each day it was made to wait for its own forever home on his heart finger.
“We haven’t worked out all the little details, just that we want to be at home when we tie the knot and we want your help in making a smaller ceremony happen just as much as if it were a big ceremony.” He worried his bottom lip as he watched his soon-to-be mother-in-law’s pretty face work through emotions.
“We didn’t break your heart too much today, did we?”
Sebastian’s POV:
Blaine’s easy way and natural charm were comforting as he eloquently explained all of the details to Sabine. Sebastian was good with words and could be extremely convincing, it was his career after all. But B was just a lot more patient with words where he was efficient and with something as delicate as a wedding, B was the expert. 
There was a small crease of concentration between his mother’s eyebrows but it softened as Blaine explained everything. "As much as I love to plan extravagant things, I understand. I only want what makes you two happy.” Sabine’s voice was soft. Sebastian knew she would accept but relief still settled over him and he could feel his fiancé loosen up more as well. He had been given a wonderful mother and he had put her through some hell in the past but he was thankful for her and her never-ending acceptance.
“No no, no broken hearts today.” Her green eyes turned a little misty. “Of course, I’ll be the Mother of the Grooms.” A small tear fell down her cheek that she swatted away with a manicured fingernail.  “You two just want to ruin all of this expensive makeup, don’t you?” 
Sebastian smiled and shook his head. “Never. “ He cleared his throat to keep himself from getting too emotional while sandwiched between his two favorite people being honest and open together. It was crazy how much his life has changed since he’d met the other man. He was calmer and happier and his emotions weren’t something that he was ashamed of anymore. “As Blaine said, there are still a lot of little things that need to be figured out. Obviously, your assistance is needed. And we would love it if you helped with our tux fittings.”
He turned to look at Blaine and smiled a little relieved smile. “What am I missing? It’s go time now.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s heart gave a little flutter as he watched a tear slowly trace its way down Sabine’s pretty face and he knew it was in response to his suggestion. He had to fight the urge to keep himself from doing the same. He swallowed hard and tried his best to keep the smile on his face even though he was sure it was wobbly now at best. His laugh was easy when she quipped back to hide her emotions and he found himself shaking his head along with Sebastian. Everything still felt so surreal, in a few months, give or take a little, he’d be married and he’d have in-laws. One of which he was extremely close. He kept picturing himself getting to cook meals at the lake for the Smythe family again alongside Sabine as he’d done a couple of Summers ago. Where they had worked so well together with happy little trills of laughter while Sebastian watched them with happiness in his eyes over the steam of his coffee cup. He liked to imagine that maybe one day he could even maybe win over her accommodating yet less companionable husband the same way he’d instantly won her over. He wasn’t sure how, but he had the time now.
He was so pleased that she had taken the news of their smaller ceremony with grace, but of course, she did. It was Sabine and she was probably the most graceful person he knew now. Ideas for flowers and outfits were flitting around in his head and he couldn’t wait to sit down and write them all out. He was so happy that he’d get to say his I do’s outside, in nature. It was important to him that the trees and the wind and sunshine surround them. A little way to bring him closer to his craft and his mother. He’d find a way to sneak in a bit of flower magic into the ceremony. He’d love to have more, but normal people that weren’t allowed to know his secret would be there, and the less magic he used the better, but they couldn't stop him from having some at his wedding.
“It makes me so happy to hear you say that.” He nodded in time with what Sebastian was saying. Gods they had so much to do if they were going to do this all by Spring. He had to laugh at himself, here he was wanting a smaller wedding partially for less stress just so he could still stress over it. “Right, we have so many little things to go over, but don’t you worry about any of that right now, I’ll get back to you about the flowers as soon as I figure out what color we want and all of three of us should plan a shopping trip at the beginning of the new year for our attire” They three of them rambled on for a fair bit which resulted in Blaine pulling out his wedding pad of paper and a pen so he could take even more notes and suggestions from Sabine and Seb. And by the time they had closed the laptop Blaine’s wrist hurt. 
“I think that went well.” 
He laughed and leaned turned so that he was facing Sebastian. The evening had passed into full night now and with the glow of the laptop gone Seb’s face was hard to see, he placed his pen on his now-closed notebook, and then he waved his hand through the air- the glow of the kitchen lights eased themselves on much softer than they would have been if he hadn’t used magic and had just turned them on at the switch. The ambiance of magic light was much preferred though. 
“How would you feel about April 27? Or we could even do June? I mean, we met on June 27 four and a half years ago,” Gods, had 2018 only happened less than five years ago?, “but that’s Summer and we wanted a Spring wedding so I thought maybe we could do the same day with a different month?”
He watched his future husband for a moment, looking up at him through his lashes and he desperately wanted to be as close to him as possible. A wave of overwhelming love for his man passed through him and he reached out to take Sebastian’s face in his hands, he leaned up and kissed him, letting his lips linger before speaking softly.
“Gods Seb- I love you so much and I just want to marry you. I really don’t care what day we pick.” Looking at Seb in a glow of magic, he hated the thought of not just doing it tomorrow. But, he knew they had to pick one, that people were counting on them. That didn’t stop him from halfheartedly joking-
“Mm, how about tomorrow?” 
Sebastian’s POV:
 Sebastian loved watching Blaine scribble in his official wedding notepad. He had teased him pretty relentlessly about it, all in good fun of course. It was actually a very nice pad of quality paper, embossed with their last names in gold script. Seb assumed that it was probably anointed too as B had picked it up at Fridays, the local temple of Aphrodite. Of course, they planned on purchasing some of their flowers from them and the devotees were swooning over their engagement. He wouldn’t be surprised if the pad were a gift from the high priestess herself. Sebastian made a small remark along the lines of ‘that thing turned out to be pretty useful after all’
Sebastian pushed the laptop to the side of their granite countertop and stretched his long arms. “It went great. Now the real fun begins.” He watched Blaine’s hand as soft, warm light illuminated their faces. Sebastian nodded. The date didn’t really mean much to him, he just wanted to be married already. “I like that idea a lot.” He leaned into the other man’s hands, they were still warm from the magic B had done. Seb leaned into the gentle kiss and sighed, his hands on Blaine’s wrists. “I love you back. So fucking much.”
He knew that Blaine was joking in a bittersweet kind of way. “If only.” Sebastian stole a few more kisses. “But, I have plans for you tonight, “ He nipped at his fiancé's ear lobe. “I think we’ll be too tired to do anything but lay in bed.” Sebastian looked down at B with a mischievous smirk. He ran his hands down the other man’s chest to settle on his waistline. “What do you say, future Mr. Smythe-Anderson?” Blaine was on him before he could think of anything else to say, the scrape of the bar stools loud in his ear as he was pressed into the countertop and covered in kisses. They left their clothing in a trail to their bedroom, scattered like rose petals down a wedding aisle. 
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andersoncharm · 2 years
This RP will be going on a slight hiatus! We have two big trips coming up in May and as it’s already been hard to write as of late we’ve decided to just hold off until we have more time. Probably the middle of June, but possibly the end. Don't worry though! We shall be back with our wedding themed para at that time. Our boys will be married before you know it! <3
We will still be updating the Fic  version of the RP though if you’d like to revisit. :)
You can find it here!
Thank you all for your patience and we’ll see you in June.
-S(Blaine) & H(Seb)
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smythesm · 2 years
A Little Light Wedding Planning- Friday, December 2, 2022
Mini Text: A Little Light Wedding Planning (Done the way we do para’s to keep dash clear.)
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Seblaine.
Blaine: @andersoncharm
Sebastian: @smythesm
When: Friday, December 2, 2022 (About a month after I’d Marry You With Paper Rings)
Seb is recently 28 since Aug, and Blaine is recently 26 since Oct. 
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Notes: The wedding news is out and Sebastian is a little bit dizzy with all of Sabine’s wedding requests. Blaine’s feeling a little overwhelmed.
Warnings:  This RP in general includes; Mentions of death/Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine. Depression. Anxiety.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
We will be doing a series of little mini’s to progress over the next few years of this RP. Things might get a little confusing but we promise to date them accordingly. 
Under cut for length. Work is mostly unedited as usual.
Sebastian: You know I love details but this wedding planning is getting insane.
 Blaine: Oh boy. Is it your mom again?
 Sebastian: Yeah. She’s asking about flowers now. Do you know how expensive flowers are? I keep trying to tell her you have a “source” but she keeps insisting otherwise.
 Blaine: Oh no... Yeah, the other day she asked me if I preferred a big venue or a smaller one and if I was ready for my “first” trip to Paris. I think she wants us to get married in Paris! Which, admittedly sounds beautiful but I kind of thought we’d have something smaller, closer to where the two of us actually met. I don’t know. I love her, I really do. But  I feel like I have very little control over the conversation when it comes to wedding talk.  
 Sebastian: I know. Obviously I love her too but I feel the same way. Small sounds ideal actually.
Blaine: I just… I don’t know. Having it during the Spring with the plants coming to life and the wildlife waking up to say hello and it’s not freezing and just warm enough in the sun? Sounds ideal to me. We wouldn’t even have to go far, I could grow so many flowers in our courtyard. Like a fairytale. 
 Sebastian: That actually sounds perfect. 
Sebastian: And doable.
Sebastian: Let’s do it.
 Blaine: Really? I’ve been thinking about it since you asked me! I was going to tell you about it, but your mom was so excited and I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but I’m sort of in love with the idea. My mom really loved Spring, it’ll feel a bit like she's there. And who knows, maybe my dad can find a way to secretly see us without anyone knowing. 
Blaine: Gods, now we have to tell your mom, don’t we? Maybe we can wait until tomorrow? 
Blaine: Baby, we have a tentative wedding date! Or a season anyway. I can’t wait for you to come home so we can talk about it. I’ve got so many ideas and I want my future husband's input.
 Sebastian: Yes really!
Sebastian: I’ll talk to my mom about it, you don’t need to worry about that. 
Sebastian: Yeah. :) Right, we probably shouldn’t plan our wedding over text.
 Blaine: We can do it together. Maybe I can tell her about my mom.
Blaine: Okay, so come home so we can talk about it. :P
Blaine: I know, I know. You’re almost done, I can wait. I do miss you though and am looking forward to all the… plans we’ll get to make tonight. You can think about that on your commute. ;)
 Sebastian: Okay, B. We can do that.
Sebastian: I’m actually sort of excited about all of this now. Not the marrying you part, I was always excited about that. I just mean the rest.
Sebastian: Think I'll go ahead and call it a day ;D
Sebastian: I’ll see you soon. I love you.
 Blaine: I am, too. I can’t wait to show you some of my ideas. And other things.
Blaine: I love you back. Please be safe coming home.
/tbc in a para coming in June 2022.
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andersoncharm · 2 years
I’d Marry You With Paper Rings- Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Para: I’d Marry You With Paper Rings
Rating: PG-13.
Pairing: Seblaine.
Blaine: @andersoncharm
Sebastian: @smythesm
When: (Eight-Month Time Skip.) Tuesday, November 1, 2022 *Seb recently turned 28, and Blaine recently turned 26. 
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Notes: Things have been calm over the last eight months for Sebastian and Blaine. They’ve got a beautiful new ‘goddaughter’ and they have each other. Their lives seem to be heading steadily in the right direction. Sebastian takes a giant leap to make things even better.
Warnings: Rated PG-13 for a brief bit of sex.. This RP in general includes; Mentions of death/Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine. Depression. Anxiety.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Para Title Taken From: Taylor Swift- Paper Rings
We will be doing a series of little mini’s to progress over the next few years of this RP. Things might get a little confusing but we promise to date them accordingly. 
Under cut for length. Work is mostly unedited as usual.
Blaine’s POV:
 It was amazing to Blaine how fast time flew when your life was going in a good direction. He had recently found himself thinking back to a few short years ago when his days had been lonely and mostly only filled with animals and strangers down by the river. Days when he’d sit and play his healing music in hopes of making one person out there feel a little less lonely or sad even if he couldn’t do it for himself. And now he still went to the river and played but now he lived right above it in a beautiful home and he got to do it with his soulmate and he never had to feel the ache of true loneliness again. 
 Sure, he missed his mother fiercely still, but he was more at peace with her memory now. His father and he had actually snuck away for an hour last night, Samhain night, and did their own little ritual for her. Their time was short because of how forbidden it was to see him since his exile, but it was the first time they’d celebrated the remembrance holiday together since she’d died and it felt so damn good to praise her and the gods with his actual father, his family- for once. He didn’t see her in the ghosts that passed by them, still couldn’t find her, and probably never would, but he could feel her close there with them. She was in the Halloween wind that brushed through their hair as they laughed together for her under the bright half-moon. He had hugged his father a little tighter last night, not knowing when he’d get to see him next before coming home and spending the rest of his evening with Seb, Freya, and Ras doing typical Halloween things before he pulled Sebastian into their room and showed him just how much he loved him. He could still feel the tingle and the almost dirty pleasure of the press and the slide of Seb’s skin and body against him as he cleaned up their home from the previous night the next day while Seb was off at work. He already had ideas in his head of doing it all over again tonight before bed. They’d stayed up late but Blaine had given him a little pick-me-up potion to keep him on his toes for the day. 
 It hadn’t helped that the two of them had been woken up extra early to the sounds of both of their phones going off with a slew of new pictures of Hunter and Tony’s one-month-old baby, Mel. She had been born on October 1, exactly one month ago and she was absolutely perfect in every way. They’d gotten to be the first people to hold her after her parents, something both of her grandparents had accepted considering Blaine and Sebastian would be her part-time home once Tony and Hunter went back to work next year. Secretly Blaine couldn’t wait for it, he was so in love with her and he could tell that Seb felt the same. He’d never seen him look so enamored with anyone else before and it made him feel giddy that they got to be the ones to help raise her when her parents were gone for long weeks on missions. For Hunter and Tony’s part, they were both doing amazing. Tony was the perfect mother as Blaine knew she would be, and Hunter was well, he was perfect too. The pride on Hunter’s face suited his features well.
 Things had been as close to perfect for his little family over the last eight months. He and Sebastian had also both recently celebrated birthdays and even though Seb wasn’t too happy about being two years away from thirty the two of them had celebrated both days together. Sebastian’s job, still a little new to him, was going well and Seb had been able to help a few at-risk LGBTQIA teens find the help they needed. The Snowed In was booming and Blaine, in his way, had a hand in getting a few people, who had very little, find new jobs under his management. He was practically running the whole place by himself now. He wasn’t sure what else could go in their favor, but for the first time in years, he felt like something good was coming to them for once. 
 After cleaning he made his way up to his music room and then he allowed himself to get lost in the notes of his piano, letting the music take over and be his source of magic. The sounds filled the house and even Ras and Freya came in to watch him, calmed by the melodies that poured from him. He wasn’t sure how long he played, but it must’ve been hours because when he finally looked up the sun was heading down and the clock told him it was after 6 P.M. and that his boyfriend would be home soon. Ras and Freya seemed to know it too and they all but raced Blaine down the stairs, but Blaine laughed to himself as he used magic to pop himself to the door first, a trick that Freya was annoyed that she didn’t think of first. 
 Blaine didn’t always greet Sebastian at the door of their home, but when he did Seb always looked surprised and then slightly suspicious as if he didn’t know what to make of it.
“Hi, baby.”
 Blaine grinned before reaching out and pulling his boyfriend into a hug and pressing a hello, I’ve missed you kiss to his lips before pulling back and looking up at him. His fingers idly and longingly toying with the clear quartz crystal that still hung, hidden only to normal humans,  around Seb’s neck. Blaine had given him his and his mother’s protection two whole years ago, and still, he wasn’t ready to ask for it back even though Sebastian would give it back in a heartbeat. Maybe it was because he associated it with the trial and how he’d almost lost everything. That’s when Blaine had given it to him. Maybe he thought the council and order were still coming after them and since Seb had no magic he needed the most powerful and important object that Blaine had. 
 He’d made Seb a new one- a small black obsidian paired with a small, new clear quartz to amplify that protection-it had a bit of his own magic in it and he planed on charming this one too to be hidden to normal humans so Sebastian wouldn’t have to explain. But, Blaine had been afraid it wasn’t powerful enough without his mother’s magic too. And he felt too shy or felt too selfish to ask for a switch yet. It made him feel good knowing Sebastian had a bit of Imelda Anderson protecting him. Knowing that a piece of Imelda was still in there would explain his longing anyway. He was happy with Seb wearing it and he was okay without it. He patted it and let Sebastian come in the house properly to greet a tail-wagging Ras and an excited to see him but dismissive Freya. 
“I guess we all missed you today even though we just spent the whole spooky night together last night.” Blaine teased, knowing he’d always miss Seb anytime he was away from him. It was only fitting that Ras and Freya would too.
“How was work? Are you hungry?  I thought about trying that new recipe Tony gave me last week…”
 Sebastian’s POV:
To say that time had been a whirl would be an understatement. Time had been practically nonexistent. It seemed to fly by and rush altogether into a mashup of memories and inseparable days. Seb had been working hard at the firm and starting to dip his toes into what he really wanted to do with his life and Blaine had been baking away hard at Snowed In. Holidays came, seasons changed, and the two of them faced it all side to side, just how it was meant to be.
Mel had been born and he didn’t know that such a little squishy thing could have such a strong chokehold over him. He had been terrified to hold her but Hunter encouraged him and set her in his nervous arms and he knew that the two of them would be in cahoots from that moment forward. Sebastian also loved seeing his best friend become a father, loved the glow on Tony’s face, and Blaine’s excitement. He knew that the four of them were going to make sure this little girl had the best life and he was excited to see it all play out. 
Things had been good and there wasn’t a thing to complain about. The firm was doing great and going to work didn’t seem like a chore. Of course, he loved going home at the end of the day but it was nice not to dread the morning. 
Though work had been going well, there was still nothing better than coming home after a long day to Ras and Blaine welcoming him and Freya pretending not to care off in a corner somewhere. He held on to Blaine and kissed him back. Blaine patted the crystal against his chest and it made a thrill of butterflies swirl in his stomach. Sebastian had been cooking up an idea in his mind for some time and the simple gesture reminded him of his plan. 
 He swallowed and looked down at the other man. “It was good. How was your day? Am I hungry? Is that a rhetorical question?” 
Sebastian loosened his tie and feel the clear quartz thrum against his skin, it seemed like it was giving him another reminder to get things in motion. “I’m going to run upstairs and change, okay?” 
 Once he was in his closet he set to work. Seb was rarely nervous but this seemed like a huge fucking deal. He hoped that this all didn’t seem sudden or random. He had been thinking about this for a while and this moment just felt right. Something was telling him to just go for it, B didn’t need a giant show. 
 He hurriedly changed into more comfortable clothing, took a deep breath, and bounded down the stairs to the kitchen. “Hey B?” Sebastian hoped his voice didn’t waver. “I think I got a tangle in the cord of the crystal?”
 Seb stepped into the kitchen with the necklace in his hand and around it, next to the crystal hung a silver band from Tiffany & Co. 
 “Wanna tie the knot with me, B?”
Blaine’s POV:
 “It was good, I spent my day off cleaning and playing the piano. It’s been a minute since I just let myself do that. It was nice.”
 Blaine couldn’t help but laugh at Sebastian’s comment, he knew better than to question his boyfriend’s hunger because of course he was hungry, the other man was always hungry. He waved Sebastian off, his mind already thinking up ways to improve the recipe he’d been sent, but as he made his way to the kitchen and moved about their large kitchen rummaging aimlessly through the cabinets and drawers unsure of what he wanted to do, he realized he wasn’t paying attention to dinner at all. There was this nervous pit in his stomach and he felt a little like he might come out of his skin. He didn’t know why, but normally these feelings were accompanied right before something big happened. However, today was just a normal day and Sebastian was being his adorable self as usual. He didn’t feel a sense of doom or fear or sadness- no, what he felt was absolute excitement. Like that sweet, bubbly feeling you get right before the first, massive drop on a roller coaster. 
 He found himself holding onto the smooth, cool countertop to keep himself from actually swaying.  What was wrong with him? He had the urge to go up and check on Sebastian, wondering if maybe his intuition was off and maybe something was wrong after all but before he could do that Seb was making his way down the long staircase with his hand out in front of him. Blaine could see the black of the cord weaving through his fingers. His excitement was quickly replaced by confusion as that particular cord was forged by his mother and it was not supposed to ever tangle. 
 “Wait- what? That’s impossible…” He mumbled as he let go of the countertop and made his way towards his boyfriend. He reached out to take it from Seb’s fingers and was so worried about how the cord could possibly be broken that he almost missed the question. He looked at the crystal now in his left hand, so unassuming but so powerful and humming with the happiest, protective energy. He could feel it buzzing against his fingertips, only now there was something new. Something round and silver, and as Blaine let his fingertips explore the new object he could feel that etched into the metal were two small, perfect lines running forever around the band next to each other. It was without a doubt a wedding band- heavy, yet featherlight and expensive platinum and it had clearly been picked out with love by Sebastian’s hand. Blaine could feel its short life story thrumming through his fingers and then to his arm all the way up to his heart. He let his eyes slide to Sebastian’s face, beautiful and uncharacteristically nervous but so fucking confident in what he wanted, and Blaine’s breath caught in his throat as he blinked back confused, but ridiculously happy tears.
 “Y-you want to marry me, Seb?” He let out a little laugh, his fingers closing around the necklace and pulling it close to his chest as if it might change his mind about wanting to be worn by him. He didn’t give the other man much time to respond, he was in his arms fast with his face pressed into the taller man’s chest and he nodded over and over, while a giddy whisper of, “Yes.” fell from his lips. 
 He had always wanted this one day, to fall in love and be loved, maybe get married one day. But, after his mom and then meeting Seb only to find out they were forbidden he’d let those thoughts go and just held tight to the thought that he was even allowed to be with Sebastian at all.- But, things were different now, he was free to be with his person, he wasn’t sure why he’d not thought this was an option. Sebastian had though, and in the most adorable and so very Sebastian way, he’d completely chosen Blaine tonight. And whether it was a conscious decision or not Seb had somehow found a way to include his mom just a bit. The gesture meant everything to him.
 He pulled back enough so that he could press a kiss to Seb’s lips, his whole body absolutely trembling with elation. 
“Yes, I will. It would make me the happiest person in the world to be your husband, baby.” He laughed again as he toyed with the ring, unsure if it was bad luck to wear the band before they actually got married or not because this was not an engagement ring, this was the real thing- the forever ring. Sometimes he swore the universe was just so in tune with him, or it just read his mind. He grinned as he remembered the necklace he’d made for Seb and an idea took hold of him. He looked up at Seb, eyes wide and still wet with joy. His heart felt full and wild as Sebastian smiled down at him, clearly just as happy. 
 “It’s an actual wedding band. It’s beautiful, Sebastian. Perfect. I- hm, do you have one, too?
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian couldn't believe this was actually happening. Never imagined standing in the kitchen of the home he owned with the love of his life, his whole life dependent on a simple question. He never saw himself proposing to anyone but once again and all over, things were different with B. Seb had known in his bones for a long time that Blaine Anderson was his and the past years had truly proven it. He didn’t care how it happened or when it happened, he just wanted to be married to this magical, beautiful, talented man. 
 Seb breathed a yes and caught the other man in his arms. 
 “Of course I want to marry you. You’re all I want and need. Forever.”
 He kissed Blaine back and held him close. Sebastian looked down into Blaine's happy eyes. He hadn’t been sure how to go about the whole ring thing. What were the rules for same-sex couples? Were there any? Did there really need to be any rules about this kind of thing at all anymore? Seb definitely didn’t want to follow any heteronormative stereotype and decided to just buy two of the nicest, classiest rings he could find. 
 “Yes, I bought two! I just figured, you know, why not? We’ve never been a traditional couple so why start now? We can wear them now or we can wait. It’s totally up to you and I’m down for either option. I just want to marry you and I don’t care how it happens.”
 Sebastian leaned down and stole a languid kiss. He couldn’t wait to take Blaine’s ecstatic self to bed and show him all the love he couldn’t put into words. They stood together and just shared the moment together before Seb broke the silence again.
 “And uh, I haven’t told anybody in my family yet. Or Hunter.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let himself be held and basked for a moment in Sebastian’s words. He’d said, of course he wanted to marry him like it was the most natural thing in the world. He’d said forever like there was nothing to it and even after four years of holding Sebastian in his arms and knowing that they were Fated he was still beside himself with how the butterflies in his stomach acted up whenever Seb did something sweet or so much as looked at him lovingly. All of the pain and fear and fighting to keep him seemed so small a sacrifice when he compared it to the way Sebastian was looking at him now. So small when he compared it to getting to live a life of laughter and trust and mess-ups and love. Compared to getting to grow old with the one he loved with a future of porch swings and linked wrinkled hands and steaming cups of coffee forgotten in favor of good morning kisses.
 Blaine knew now without a doubt that he was going to grow old with Sebastian. He knew it before,  but this just drove it further home. He could, of course, live much longer if he chose- the lifespan of a Witch could be doubled or tripled to that of a human. Naturally, most Witches were with soulmates that happened to be Witches so they could live to be two hundred without breaking a sweat, aside from tragedies like what happened with his mother, but why would he want that? The thought of living one day without his person was the worst thing he could think of. He’d wear the magical cuffs that gave him his glamoured but still very much there wrist scars forever to avoid that. He wondered if elder Sebastian would have a little stoop in his shoulders from years of carrying his tall frame, or if he himself would just get shorter with bushier eyebrows, over time. He didn’t know but he couldn’t wait to experience it. He was excited to see their years play out together. 
 He held onto him for a moment longer before pulling back so that he could look at him- a little moment of calm in the midst of his excitement. Gods he loved this man. He smiled up at him and nodded in agreement. He had no clue how this worked either. He never thought he’d even get it. 
 “You’re right, to say we aren’t traditional is a bit of an understatement. It doesn’t matter though, I’d marry you right now in this kitchen with Freya and Enjolras as witnesses if your mom wouldn’t absolutely demolish us both. But she will and we can’t do that. However, I think the rings and the string are perfect and I may have an idea on how we can set ourselves apart even more, but also make it known that we’re engaged. We’ll have to talk about how we go about telling everyone later, but tonight is ours.” He tilted his head back to accept the kiss, the sensation of Seb’s lips against his tripping down his body and pooling in his stomach and he had the urge to take Seb upstairs right now before doing anything else. Only Sebastian could make him feel so many emotions at the same time. 
 “Keep kissing me like that and I won’t be able to focus on anything else.” He sighed happily and slipped the necklace with his future wedding ring and his mother’s crystal around his neck. Her magic seemed to breathe congratulations, love as it nestled against his chest, its true home for the first time in two years. He breathed a sigh with it. Not wanting to waste time he stepped away from Sebastian and held up a finger, “I’ll be right back, okay? Don’t you dare move.” As if Seb would.
 He rubbed the metal of the ring between his index finger and thumb, willing it to tell him where in the house its partner was, and with a little smile, he popped himself out of the kitchen and found himself in their bedroom. The little Tiffany blue box stood out against their dark bed sheets, the other ring was practically buzzing, he was surprised he hadn’t felt it before and wondered where Seb had hidden them. Probably in his immaculate closet that Blaine never touched because Sebastian had his methods and was pretty set in how he kept his things.  He scooped the ring up from its robin's egg home and made his way to his bedside table where Seb’s new protection necklace waited for Blaine to give to him. He slid the ring onto the cord, his smile taking over his whole damn face before popping himself back down into the kitchen to Sebastian.
“It’s black obsidian and your own clear quartz. I made this for you a bit ago. I haven’t had the courage to give it to you because you’ve been wearing my quartz for years now and I was afraid something bad might happen if I took that one back but, I think this might be a sign that it’s time. You may not be protected by my mom’s magic anymore, but my magic is in here now. It’ll keep you safe and keep me close to you. I can charm the crystal so that others don’t see it if you want. I originally made it so they’d both be hidden to the human eye, but I want everyone to see the ring.” He reached up and knotted the cord around Sebastian's neck using magic to singe the ends together so it wouldn’t come off unless he or Sebastian wanted it to. He knew already that it felt like home to the crystal and Seb. He smoothed the black cord down against Seb’s skin before sliding his fingers down to press against the ring and two little crystals.
 “My invisible string has always led to you, Seb so this only seems fitting. It always comes back to strings, doesn’t it?” He laughed echoing back to moments ago when Seb used a string to ask him to marry him and his heart flipped at the memory. 
"Do you like this idea? We can do something else if you’d rather not wear it. I’m sure you’re tired after two years with this one”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian loved watching B when he got this excited. He promised to stand still as the other man popped out of sight. He had witnessed this act a thousand times but it was always surprising to watch. Seb kept his mind occupied with the thought of Blaine’s low voice saying that he was distracting him and the delicious intention it had carried. He snapped back to reality when his fiancé once again appeared literally out of thin air. 
“I think this is a great idea. Honestly, I think I’d feel naked without my own cord at this point. I love being naked but you get the idea.”
Sebastian nodded. Blaine was right, after all. It really did always come back to strings with them. Their destiny and connection to each other had been woven through the constellations thanks to a beautiful Goddess. When Blaine magically tied the cord around his neck, it fell right into place like it knew where its home was. 
 He turned to face the other man and wrapped his arms around his slim waist. The two of them swayed gently and kissed each other for a few moments before Sebastian lifted his head with a satisfied hum. He kept his body close to Blaine and hoped that he’d become “distracted” again. Sebastian knew they had the same thing on their mind. 
 “I love you.” 
Blaine’s POV:
 “Yeah? Gods, I’m so glad you like it. I didn’t know why at the time, but I’ve been a little afraid to give it to you. Now maybe I’m realizing that I was just waiting for this moment. I’ve had this excited feeling in the pit of my stomach for a little bit and now I guess I know why. You are absolutely the most romantic, you know that right? This just cements that fact.” 
 Blaine couldn’t help the grin that felt permanently fixed on his face as he spoke. He felt overwhelmed with such a swell of emotions he didn’t know whether to cry or to kiss Sebastian breathless right here. Who needed a bed anyway? However, between the look on Seb’s face and the way the taller man had pulled him close told Blaine that Seb wanted more than one go around. Besides they deserved so much more than a fast and hard romp on the floor no matter how much fun they’d had doing that in the past. No, Sebastian deserved to be kissed and touched head to toe. Blaine wanted and needed to take his time. Once again his stomach did a little dip and spin as Sebastian, his fiancé, pressed a kiss to his lips and swayed with him.  
Blaine adored moments like this. Moments when the only people that existed were the two of them- just for a second. He closed his eyes and let his lips and then tongue explore Sebastian’s sweet mouth for a moment as they slowly danced to music that only the two of them could hear completely wrapped up in each other. His heart flitted giddily over Sebastian’s declarations of love and he felt like he did four years ago when they’d first said it and their bond had only gotten stronger from then. He nuzzled into Seb’s chest as he gathered himself from their moment, and his voice only cracked a little bit with emotion. 
 “Gods, I love you back.”
 And as he lay between Sebastian’s legs- his fiancé's body naked, and open and begging- Please, Blaine as Blaine pressed him into their bed, his lips and fingers exploring and teasing, loving- he found that he wasn’t worried about the immediate future for once. Everything, for the first time ever, seemed to be falling into place around him and his. He couldn’t imagine being happier than he was right now.
 Sebastian’s POV:
 As they ran up the stairs, laughing and smiling, Sebastian decided he could live in this blissful snapshot forever. That if heaven was what you made it, it would be Blaine’s giddy smile under warm kitchen lights and his hands as they tugged at each other's clothes in the dark of the bedroom. 
 Laying on the bed with Blaine in between his legs kissing and touching everywhere, everything felt peaceful and passionate all at once. They were finally living a life as close to normal as they ever would and life had never felt so satisfying. 
 They spent the night intertwined, a mix of limbs and bedsheets and soft sighs. Sebastian wasn’t sure when they had drifted off to sleep but he woke up in B's arms. The light of dawn filtered through the blinds and splashed across the other man’s skin as his chest gently rose and fell. Sebastian couldn’t wait for a forever filled with these small, beautiful moments.
(We’ll be back late February/Early March with a new wedding themed para. Stay tuned!)
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andersoncharm · 2 years
Hello! We know we said we’d be back early December and we really wanted to be because these boys mean the world to us! However, things are still extremely hectic at the moment with holidays, everyday work, and some severe mental health struggles. BUT! We are currently working on a very, very important Para for this RP and it will be posted in the new year. (More than likely in the first two weeks of January.)
From here on out the paras will be little time skips throughout the boys lives together and each one is super important in it’s own way. We still have a lot to share before it ends, but we’re probably going to be very slow, slower than before from here on out.
Thanks so so much to our followers that have stuck around with us throughout the last almost three (yes THREE) years. We appreciate your patience and still can’t wait to share the rest of this story.  ♥
Happy Yule/Holidays!
-S(Blaine) & H(Seb)
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andersoncharm · 3 years
Hello Everyone!
We wanted to stop in and let everyone know that we will officially be back to posting a decent-sized para at least once a month starting in early December. We’ve missed our babies so much. (of course they’re always with us in our heads and hearts but you know what we mean. Haha.) However, with a major change in our schedules, it’s been incredibly difficult to figure out the time to actually sit down write out all the para’s we have in mind to continue this crazy journey.
However! We’re working on it, and pretty much have it figured out. We have so much more of their story to tell and we appreciate your patience while we figure out our lives and how to showcase our love for these two properly again.
We’ll see you all in December.
 -S(B) & H(Seb)
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andersoncharm · 3 years
Long Live All The Magic We Made- Saturday, March 26, 2022
Para: Long Live All The Magic We Made
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Seblaine. Hunter/Antoinette (OC)
Blaine: @andersoncharm
Sebastian: @smythesm
When: (Four month time skip.) Saturday, March 26, 2022  *Seb is now 27, and Blaine is 25. 
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Notes: Hunter and Tony share some big news with Sebastian and Blaine before asking them something life changing.
Warnings:  This RP in general includes; Mentions of death/Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine. Depression. Anxiety.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Para Title Taken From: Taylor Swift- Long Live
Extra Information: This took far too long to post, we apologize! There will be FOUR POV’s in this Para. We’ve done our best to make it as easy to read as possible. 
We will be doing a series of little mini’s to progress over the next few years of this RP. Things might get a little confusing but we promise to date them accordingly. 
Under cut for length. Work is mostly unedited as usual.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s heart was full and thumped happily in his chest as he poured out four glasses of cabernet sauvignon and giggled with a smiling Tony. He listened to the sounds of his boyfriend and his boyfriend’s best friend Hunter carrying on out in the courtyard. Their new home felt awake and alive tonight after a dinner that Blaine had planned out perfectly, only the second one in their home. Sebastian had done his best to help, but mostly stuck to meticulously clearing and organizing which was saying something as they’d only lived here for a few months now. Neither Tony or Blaine knew what their boyfriends were doing in there, only that they kept hearing random slaps on skin and loud oofs followed by faux annoyance in both of their voices only to be soothed by tipsy laughter. 
The night had gone on perfectly- they’d had dinner out in the courtyard, the spring air was a bit chilly but they were warmed by the cute little firepit Blaine had put in. And since he was with company that knew what he was, Blaine had offered some magic and the whole area had been pleasantly buzzing with his heated energy all night long. Enjolras loved getting to run around wildly with Freya, who still insisted she didn’t run around. But, Blaine had caught her multiple times tonight and promised her he wouldn’t tease her too much. Besides, Ras loved it when she played with him, he’d hate for her to stop. The thought was almost laughable to him as soon as he thought it-Freya would let Blaine dress her up in cat clothing if she thought it would please the golden pup, she loved him that much. He could feel the two of them still running around out there in the glow of the firelight just outside the kitchen door.
He was happy, very much so, but this little ache like a bruise pressed over his heart. Don’t get him wrong, he loved having Hunter and Tony around- Hunter was Seb’s best friend and had done so much for both of them. And Tony, well she was pretty much Blaine’s little sister at this point. They shared a bond, a different kind of fate that few others could touch. Still, he wished he could invite David and Nick, and of course his father, but he knew he had to keep his friends at arms length to save face, and he had to keep his dad even further away. He tried to picture Sam in the room with all of them, and knew instantly that his best friend would probably fit right in, despite not being able to know the truth of it all. Tony would laugh at Sam’s jokes and Hunter would do the same and then quiz him about Japan. Too bad he was still over there, living his dream with his adorable girlfriend. 
And then there was his mom. All of these years and her absence still felt like a sucker punch to the chest when he thought about it. He pressed his hand over his heart just at the spot where her crystal used to rest and wondered how long she’d let  Seb wear it. He could tell it was getting antsy to come back every single time he touched his boyfriend. But, he still wasn’t ready. He’d give almost anything to have all of them here so he could show them how far he’d come and good things had turned out.  He wanted to show off his beautiful home and his gorgeous person, not to boast but to say hey, I made it even when I didn’t think I would… Missing those few people was the only thing keeping Blaine from feeling the happiest he’d ever felt. And even with them not being there, he was pretty damn happy. 
He sighed and dropped his hand before turning to Tony- her large grey eyes now studying him curiously and he knew she knew he was silently working through something. He gave her a big, genuine smile and shrugged.  
“Everything’s okay, Tony. I promise.” He pushed the try full of drinks towards her and scooped up the decadent round dark chocolate mousse cake he’d made from scratch yesterday. He noted that a few raspberries were missing from the top and wondered which one of them had stolen them, Hunter or Sebastian. He knew it was probably Sebastian- it was like his boyfriend felt compelled to steal food from desserts or salads that would taste just the same out of the package. He smiled to himself as he nodded towards the door, imagining Seb sneaking into the kitchen last night and opting to steal two raspberries from the cake instead of the fridge. He’d probably give Blaine some excuse about wanting the chocolate on it. Tony caught his smile and shook her head. 
“You’ve gone from happy to a little melancholy and now back to happy again in the span of three seconds, , you’re going through it tonight, aren’t you, babe? Something you want to talk about? We’ve got a little time before they get too stupid.” She laughed and nudged him before getting a sparkling water from the fridge for herself. “I don’t want to get too tipsy, you know, we are staying here as guests and someone’s gotta keep Hunter in line. I can see it now, he’ll end up dragging the two of us to your bed because his drunken mind thinks that’s a normal thing to do when you’re staying at your best friend's house.” She teased, but Blaine hadn’t witnessed her drink much of anything with alcohol tonight, let alone get any kind of tipsy. She’d been sipping on water most of the time. Her energy felt high and positive, she was happy. So he didn’t think too much of it. But, she was right, Hunter probably would find a way to implant himself into his and Sebastian’s bed and drag Tony with him. All six of them, Freya and Ras included,  just snuggled up. As if on cue, Hunter’s crackle of delight soared from outside and through the kitchen. 
“I’m really okay, just thinking about things I can’t really change. I am happy though, you’ve got it right. And Gods, you’re probably right about Hunter. I mean, as comfortable as that sounds… he has a whole room here that he can roll all over to his heart's content.” He nodded towards the door. “What are they even doing out there? We should probably go feed them some more before someone gets hurt.”
 She laughed, knowing he was right and nodded, still looking a little skeptical over his answer, but she sat her water down on the drink try and walked with him out into the magically warm March air and Blaine followed. Both men looked up at them, the echo of a laugh still hanging in the air. Blaine made his way towards Seb, sat the cake down on the table and snuggled into his boyfriend's side.
“Do I even want to know what you’re doing out here? Also, did you steal my raspberries, Sebastian? You messed up my aesthetic.” He teased, pressing his lips into Seb’s jaw and nuzzling into his neck. He could hear Hunter’s childish, teasing ewwws and he looked over at his friend, who was just as snuggled up with his girlfriend, with wide eyes. 
“Keep it up, Clarington and I won’t give you any cake.” To which Hunter followed up with a scandalized and very dramatic face of woe even as Blaine moved forward to cut each one of them a slice.
Sebastian’s POV:
 Sebastian thought that he would hate having company over at the new house. After a successful holiday season with a visit to Ohio where he realized he missed his mother, Wick, and Luke more than he thought he did and a few small gatherings he decided he didn’t mind it. He was actually excited to have little parties here and there and he knew how happy it made Blaine to prepare artistic charcuterie boards and bake mini desserts. 
 When Tony and Hunter came over, things always felt natural. Ever since everything had calmed down after the trial, things with his best friend felt normal again. Sometimes when they were joking around over beers (and a cigarette for Sebastian) he’d forget that Hunter actually was a hunter of supernatural beings. He liked how easy and connected B and Tony seemed and that things just finally seemed settled into place as much as they could be when you were implanted into a magical world. 
The two of them had been roasting each other and laughing in the courtyard. Normally Seb wouldn’t choose to sit out in the chill but B had extended his magical warmth throughout the area. Sebastian had hit his tipsy best friend in the arm a little too hard and he fell out of his chair a little bit and spilled some of his drink and the ground. They burst into laughter because well, there was just no reason that Seb should have been able to get one over on somebody trained in combat. Hunter made a sly comment about how he had a soft spot for him and that was the only reason it had happened. 
Tony and Blaine had made their way into the courtyard with more drinks and cake and had snuggled up to their significant others.  
“Hunter was just flirting with me. You should like, zap him or something.” He waved his hand in the air like little volts were shooting from his fingertips. “I might have snuck a few, they taste better with the chocolate.”  He liked how Blaine’s lips felt on his jaw, a tingle slid its way up his spine. 
 Hunter’s POV:
Hunter’s skin felt electric with excitement. They were all gathered around the small fire pit, the air comfortably warm with Blaine’s magic. He felt giddy from the wine, Bas’ laugh, and  Tony’s glow. Her soft body pressed into his side, his arm wrapped around her. Everything felt right and he knew that tonight was the perfect night. 
 Hunter leaned forward and plucked a raspberry from Sebastian’s perfect slice of cake and popped it into his mouth.
 “You’re a tattletale. You know I could stop him, right?”
 Tony’s elbow gently poked his side, “You could try. I think I’d let him give you a good zap.” 
 Blaine smiled and Sebastian took a smug bite of cake and Tony giggled into her sparkling water. He couldn’t help but smile, couldn’t even joke about his feelings being hurt. Things may not be lining up how he had always pictured them but he felt satisfied and truly happy. He and his best friend were in love with two amazing people and their friendship had remained just as strong. Their lives were all changing for the better. 
Blaine gave in and slid him a small plate with a decadent slice on it. Tony stole his raspberry which he knew he deserved. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”  She kissed him and he could taste the slightest hint of berries on her lips. 
After everyone’s bellies were full and their drinks were refilled the night fell into a comfortable silence. Hunter could hear dove’s somewhere in the courtyard, Tony’s breathing, and the traffic on the streets. He gently nudged Tony and they held eye contact for a few minutes, she knew what he was thinking.
 Antoinette’s (Tony) POV:
Tony glanced around the courtyard, feeling full of happiness and hope she hadn’t felt in a very long time. For the first time since she’d been cursed with sickness as a child, she felt like things were actually going to be okay. She was a full-time, certified member of the Order now, she was able to freely train and got to work with the love of her life every single day. Hunter always had her back and she always had his. She got to spend time with Blaine, someone that understood her more than almost anyone else in the world, someone she had bonded with as soon as they met, by extension of both Hunter and Blaine she was able to spend time with Sebastian. A person who made both of her boys incredibly happy and therefore made her happy. She had secretly started calling the three of them her boys in her head and she wondered as he laid her hand on her stomach if she’d be adding another one into the mix soon.  
“Something does tell me that Blaine might have a leg up here though, it is his house after all. I mean, we’re actually sitting in a swarm of his magic right now.” She looked over at Blaine and grinned with a shrug while blatantly betraying her own boyfriend. She’d figure out a way to make it up to him later. She secretly sometimes wondered what hidden potential her friend had hidden away. She’d met both his mother and father and they’d both done incredible things and it made her wonder what secrets or untapped power Blaine Anderson might be carrying around. She also sort of hoped that maybe they never found out. 
Good Witches tended to only pull out the crazy magic when things were about to go incredibly bad. Imelda when saving her, and well, Will was on the Council, he got to do bigger magic every day. She knew Blaine was close to cashing in his good card and possibly doing something drastic during his trials, but they’d all pulled through and he didn’t have to. She supposed that was for the best, they were all here now and happy and well, she’d take that over getting an answer to her curiosities any day. 
 She couldn't help the little smile that played on her lips as they finished their food and drinks and when Hunter snuggled in a little closer and dipped down to get her to look at him, she knew it was time to let them in on the reason they’d wanted to come this weekend in the first place. Her heart gave a little flutter and she cleared her throat as she looked up at Blaine and Sebastian. They had three full things to tell them. The first one was the easy part, the other two were a little harder.
 “I’m sure you’ve all noticed that I’ve not exactly been indulging in the spirits with you.” She laughed a little and settled her hand over her mostly flat belly again. The very tiniest swell was there and you had to know she was carrying in order to tell at all. Hunter insisted he could tell when he laid his head on her stomach at night, but she could hardly tell herself. She was only thirteen weeks along as of three days ago.  She thought it was cute though so she let him coo at her. “That’s  because well, we’re having a baby.” She grinned, enjoying  the changes in the faces of the two men sitting across from her. From surprise, to happiness, to what might have been sadness- she felt that one... and back to happiness before crossing over into what could be described as elation. “We’re due at the end of September, early October.” She held her hand to keep them from advancing on her just yet. She had more to say and number two was the the second hardest-
“Before you get too ahead of me, we have a couple more things to ask…” She paused, she knew that Blaine and Sebastian had been through hell and that they had made many sacrifices to be together, including finding out that they’d never get to be parents together,  so she didn’t want to fuck this bit up. She reached over and took Hunter’s hand for comfort and then looked from Sebastian, who was holding sweetly onto his boyfriend and giving Hunter a sort of amazed look-  to Blaine and settled on his kind, eager, wide golden eyes. Eyes that reminded her so much of his mom, now that her memories of the wonderful woman had been restored.
 “We- both Hunter and I,  were wondering if, no matter what we have, if you, Blaine, would give us the honor of naming them Mel.”
She waited, watching Blaine carefully. How he took this question would help decide if the last big thing they wanted to ask them was plausible. If Blaine reacted negatively maybe they shouldn’t be asking such big things in the first place, but if he accepted then they had the biggest, possibly life changing question to ask the two of them. She was nervous as she watched him process with Sebastian’s help. 
 Blaine’s POV:
There were doves again. They cooing and twittering all over the courtyard. Little flits of pale pink and grey and white here and there, making for a lovely show…  Blaine didn’t always notice them right away, but when he did they always seemed to make a big show by spreading their pretty wings and flocking around Sebastian in particular. As if showing him off- Like hey, look over here, this one’s ours. As if Blaine didn’t know all about Aphrodite's advanced role in their Fate’s intertwining. They had an actual altar to her in their bedroom. It still left him beside himself whenever he woke up, or came home to find decadent dark chocolates or expensive flowers or deep red wine left as an offering to her. If it had always been him doing it, that would have been one thing, but these things came from Sebastian and that in and of itself was baffling. He figured his logical, lawyer boyfriend would drop a chocolate kiss or a petal here and there, but most of the time Blaine found incredibly nice things for the goddess of love and beauty. Sebastian seemed to take her presence as seriously as he did. Maybe the presence of the doves was a gift for them. A constant sweet soundtrack to everyday life inside (and outside) of the Smythe-Anderson home.
The doves seemed to coo even more sweetly as Tony revealed her and Hunter’s amazing news. So sweetly in fact that Blaine almost missed it for grinning up at the fluttering birds. His head snapped back down as he caught the words due at the end of September, early October… He wanted to do three things all at once. First he wanted to flock to Tony like the doves seemed to love doing to Seb, and wrap her up to congratulate her, but something her in demeanor said to sit back for a second, then he wanted to go to Hunter and do the same, but again, they both seemed to be telling them that wait, there’s more. The third bit was that he wanted to cry a little, a happy one, mind you. Because maybe there was hope for a child to be in their lives somewhat now. One that maybe they could become friends with and when Hunter and Tony visited  every few months they’d maybe prefer hanging out with him and Seb. Maybe they’d get cute nicknames one day. Maybe.
He was still processing the information and the excitement when Tony asked her next question. The name was pretty and gender-neutral. He liked it as soon as she said it. He had a familiarity with it that he couldn't place his finger on. Yet, he had no clue why they seemed to be asking for his permission to use it. How could he give them honor over a name?
 Seb was mumbling his name in question. He looked at him wondering why his boyfriend was holding onto him and rubbing his back so comfortingly, like he’d been told something sad. Or why Hunter and Tony were looking at him with wide, waiting eyes, looking and exuding the feeling of nervousness. Why was the focus on him? Shouldn’t it be on Tony and Hunter? He looked over at Seb a little confused. His boyfriend cocked his head to the side, not understanding his reaction, gave his hand a comforting squeeze and it wasn’t until Blaine tried saying the name out loud to Seb to question it that he understood.
 “Mel? Oh...”
 He swallowed hard and blinked once and then twice as everything seemed to fall into place for him. Imelda. Mel… They wanted to name their baby after his mom. The two of them knew that he and Seb wouldn't be able to, so they were asking to do it for them. His heart felt full and sad and he sniffled, blinking back tears as he spoke. His voice a little thick.
 “Oh, I would love that, guys. I truly would.” He bit his lip and leaned into Sebastian, feeling shy and overexposed all of the sudden. “She would love that…” He hid his face in Seb’s neck for a moment to collect himself, and smiled as Seb pressed a kiss to his forehead, gaining comfort from his soulmate and grounding himself. He pulled back to rejoin the group just in time for Hunter to clear his throat as if he had something more to say. Blaine could feel this was a big one...
 Hunter’s POV:
Hunter wrapped his arm around Tony’s shoulders and pulled her in even closer. He was delighted  by Sebastian’s surprised face, his mouth agape for about 3 solid seconds before he mouthed ‘you  motherfucker!’ It made him laugh with how simply Bas the reaction was and then there was Blaine, all wide eyed and shy. Hunter was thankful that Blaine had reacted positively to their request. If it weren’t for Imelda’s selflessness and power, none of this would have happened. 
 “Thank you, Blaine. It means a lot to us,” Tony nodded in agreement.
 “We do have one more question.” Hunter shifted in his seat a little bit. This part was big and his stomach felt acidic with nerves. Before all this, he had thought that he and Sebastian had seen it all together. Asking his best friend this next question felt heavy and scarier than any mission he’d ever go on. 
 “Would you two do us the honor of being the baby’s guardians? Like god parents, only way more. You know, like...on paper. Would you be willing to take care of them while we’re on missions and such? To bring them into your home? Take them in...if...a mission went south.” He couldn’t bring himself to say the words, ‘in case we die.’ when everything felt new and positive, even if they both knew their field was extremely dangerous. 
 “Well, don’t keep us waiting fellas.” 
Sebastian’s POV:
 Sebastian smiled and watched his boyfriend’s face closely. It would have been comical how long it took for the name’s significance to settle into his brain but the entire interaction was just, well, wholesome. He pressed a kiss to Blaine’s forehead and waited for him to peek out again. The gesture of choosing the name Mel was very sweet, even an old cynic like Seb could admit that. 
The change in Hunter’s tone made his ears prick up. He knew him like his favorite TV show, comforting and reliable for background noise that made his pre B world feel a little less empty. Whenever the other man got serious on him it made Sebastian feel a bit on edge. Not because he was afraid to see Hunter serious, just because he never really knew what to expect and that made his organized microcosm feel a little bit wobbly. 
The question that had been asked was not one he had been expecting. He didn’t even think that this was a topic that either one of them, Hunter or Sebastian, had ever talked about. Seb blinked a few times and felt his Blaine shift next to him. He had always thought  that he was bad with kids, that he didn’t like them all that much. But, getting to know his little cousin Luke had changed his mind and he really loved to see the light in B’s eyes when they played their games of make believe. There was a warmth that spread through his body, something protective. None of this was ever in the plans they had made over midnights and pizzas and the bellyache of laughter. This was big and special and the most important thing Hunter had ever asked him to do. Especially now that he and Blaine had had their opportunity ripped away...
“I...do we need to think about this or…?” He pulled away a bit to look down at his boyfriend. “ I know that I...would really love to do that.” 
 Sebastian knew that Blaine felt the same way as he did.
 Blaine’s POV:
Once again Blaine was a bit slow on the uptake, he was having a bit of a hard time processing what was being asked of them. Not because he didn’t want it, but because it was more than he thought they’d ever get. His heart thudded in his chest as he looked up at Sebastian, hardly allowing himself to believe what he was hearing. The moment passed and his face broke out into a smile as he pulled Seb closer, squeezing him to show him that no, they didn’t need to think about this. It was truly a no brainer. He turned his attention over to Hunter and Tony and gave them an even bigger smile. 
 “No, no we don’t need to think about it. I’m with Seb without a doubt… I’d love that more than anything.” He laughed a little, his eyes still bright with tears. Of course he knew accepting came at a price, it put the very real threat that one or both of them might die in the field. They were hunters that worked for the Order in very real dangerous situations. And chances of them dying together were much larger considering they worked right next to each other. It made him, and no doubt Sebastian,  look that ugly truth right in the face.  “I’m gonna have to double down on protection spells and maybe even make you a few charms because there is no way you’re not going to be around to see this baby grow up.” He made mental  notes of the charms and ingredients he’d need for their protection even as he spoke. His brain seemed to be in overdrive as a new person to care about was just on the horizon. He wanted to protect them with his magic and his own self and he didn’t even know them yet. “Tony, how do you feel about letting me make you a little something even more extra while you’re pregnant? And, before you ask, I planned on asking if I could do that before you asked us to assist in the life of your child.”
 The four of them sat and talked for a couple more hours, mostly about the baby and what steps they needed to take for their wishes to come to term, but they slipped a few other things in here and there. There were plenty of laughs, Hunter convinced Seb to take a few shots with him for old times sake and even convinced Blaine to take a couple- one for him and one for Tony since she couldn’t, and he obliged.
Blaine had a few moments of panic where he thought maybe he wasn’t cut out for this task that was  being asked of him, but he’d look over at Tony and see his mother, just a little bit, and how light Hunter seemed to be right now, and then at his boyfriend, his soulmate, his person and it would all slip away… Seb looked happy and hopeful and he held Blaine close the whole time they sat and talked and drank. It was hard to feel anything other than good when Sebastian looked like that. 
Eventually Seb started to yawn and even suggested that Blaine use magic to clean up their messes, which was wild to him considering Sebastian usually liked for him to keep magic more simple. Even after all these years, Seb still would stare in awe and wonder and a little bit of warrant fear over some of the magical tasks that Blaine could perform. And magically cleaning a whole house in one go would do that trick. Seb wasn’t afraid of Blaine, but magic was wild and even though Blaine was a very practiced Witch, he knew seeing something like that to a logical mind like Seb’s was a bit overwhelming. So he said goodnight to Hunter and Tony who were sleeping in the guest room and sent Seb to get ready for bed before doing his fancy bit of cleaning magic. Within minutes the courtyard and kitchen were both spotless and Blaine had rounded up Freya and Enjolras and locked the doors, and renewed his protective spells around the perimeters of the new house. His cat familiar and his not so little pup followed him up the stairs and they were both asleep at the foot of the huge bed before he could change into his pajamas. He was still buzzing with excitement as he snuggled in next to Sebastian whose energy was just as excited, if not drowsy with drink. He might just be making mild hangover cures for Sebastian and Hunter the next day.
 “It looks like we found a bit of a loophole, didn’t we?” He laughed gently and pulled his drowsy boyfriend into his arms. “I mean, they said neither one of us could father children or adopt.  They never said anything about being partial guardians. And they’ll be the child of two hunters, that just means they’ll get to know the truth about Witches and magic and what their parents do when they’re young, we won’t have anything to hide from them.” He paused, watching Seb’s face in the dim light. “I know it’s not what we may have eventually wanted, but I think it worked out for us. We get to be there for them. They have a safe space for their kid and we get to be important to someone. I’m really happy. Plus, you’re a lawyer, so if the Council tries to stop us from helping Hunter and Tony, you can help fight it.”
Seb snuggled into him and reassured him that he was just as happy, his words and little kisses tipsy against Blaine’s jaw. Blaine could have talked about the kid and their future forever, but he was much more sober since he was mostly made of magic and stardust, sort of, and he knew Seb would too under normal circumstances. But his boyfriend was overly happy and drunk and sleep would bring morning and morning would bring the excitement of Blaine getting to tell Sebastian of the ideas he had for the third bedroom. Hunter and Tony were gone a lot on missions, sometimes it added up to about five months out of a year. And then they only got a year and a half off after the baby was born and then it was back to the grind and of course they’d be bringing the baby over before that year was up so they could bond, so naturally the baby needed a bedroom!
He looked down at Sebastian and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, smiling when Seb mumbled his love. Blaine kissed him back and loved him just as much before settling down with the comforting weight of Seb on his chest. An array of ideas and elation for his friends and for them as he slipped into slumber.
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andersoncharm · 3 years
Hey there everyone!
We just wanted to give a quick update and let everyone know that while we’re still going to be considered active we have to take a bit of a break for some serious personal reasons. It’s been an incredibly rough two months for us and we feel as though stepping back for a month or two is the best thing for us to do. We want to put out quality writing and right now it’s not really happening. We know we’ve posted lots of OOC’s lately but we like to make sure you all know that when we’re gone for awhile that it doesn’t mean we’ve abandoned. We’re not close to done.
So, don’t worry, we will be back. Writing these two beautiful boys is one of our passions and we want to keep doing it! We just need to save some space for ourselves for a bit and take care of our mental health. We even have our next few paras outlined! Chapters will still be updated to our AO3 account, but if you follow you’ve probably read what we’ve posted so far. (We call the fic for this RP Some Kind Of Magic under the username shwrites)
So hang in there for us and we’ll see you all soon! Maybe even sooner than expected. :)
We appreciate all of you. <3
-S(Blaine) & H(Seb)
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andersoncharm · 3 years
Be My Once In A Lifetime- Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Para: Be My Once In A Lifetime
Rating: PG-13/R.
Pairing: Seblaine.
Blaine: @andersoncharm
Sebastian: @smythesm
When: (Three month time skip.) Tuesday, November 30, 2021 ***Seb is now 27, and Blaine is now 25. 
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Notes: Sebastian and Blaine move into their forever home.
Warnings:  This para has some sexy thoughts and a bit of smut at the end. This RP in general includes; Mentions of death. Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine. Depression. Anxiety.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Para Title Taken From: Lana Del Rey- Love Song
Extra Information: We will be doing a series of little mini’s to progress the next few years of this RP. Things might get a little confusing but we promise to date them accordingly. 
Under cut for length and some content. Work is mostly unedited as usual.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face as he stood in the doorway of Sebastian's new office in their new home. The shelves were built into the white of high walls and trimmed in soft grey and his boyfriend was currently on top of the world as he slid book after book into their new home. Sebastian radiated positive energy, oblivious to Blaine watching over him, completely unaware as Blaine pulled out his phone and silently captured yet another moment in the next chapter of their lives together. He couldn’t wait to send it off for a physical copy so he could add the memory to their new walls. 
The last few months had hit so fast, one second the two of them were just browsing and the next they were putting in an offer and the. signing their joined names on papers that said this house was theirs forever. If Blaine were to let himself sit and think about it, he’d probably discover that he had whiplash from the whirlwind of it all. Their new home, originally supposed to just be a second step towards a better house in a few years, ended up just being a final step. The place was a fucking dream- an expensive riverfront, three story, three bedroom, plus office space, two bath historical townhome and out of budget dream... but between them, and old family money and trusts on both sides, they made it work- with Seb pushing just a bit harder by telling Blaine they’d get to grow old here while they looked out over the very river they’d met each other three years ago. It all made him incredibly anxious, but it was impossible not to visualize once Blaine stepped foot in the gigantic, open kitchen with windows that let the sun and moonlight shine in and counter space to die for. And Seb’s eyes had grown twice their size when the office was presented to him and Blaine knew that his boyfriend was in love again. He supposed he was, too.
The bricks and foundation had been formed over 150 years ago and had been updated with love over those years and it was almost as if each modern, yet respectful update had been made with Sebastian and Blaine ending up there together in mind. Who knew, maybe it had been, maybe the Fates and the Gods were rewarding them for all they’d been through together. But, standing in it now Blaine couldn’t imagine them anywhere else. It felt unreal even though Blaine had spent the last twenty-four hours after leaving Ohio from a visit with Sabine and the rest of the Smythe’s slowly unpacking their belongings, old and new. Apart of him wanted to magic it all together to see the final product, but watching Seb here now reminded him that doing it this way was much more meaningful. They needed to do this together, just the two of them. It was their baby now.
They’d said a bittersweet goodbye to Seb’s and his old apartment; the one that held so many memories of happiness and sorrow, where he’d healed over the last year from his trial (gods, had it really been a year?), where they’d fought tooth and nail to be together… right before going home to Ohio for Thanksgiving. They’d hit the ground running as soon as they got back in yesterday morning and the house was almost ready for them to start living. It was big, but they’d made it all so cozy- the warm glow of November's fall seemed to wrap the russet bricks of their home up in it’s arms and all Blaine wanted to do was curl up on their new couch with some tea and have Sebastian wrapped tightly in his arms as they watched something cheesy and silly to get them into the holiday spirit, and then maybe he could pull Seb into their bed and they could finally test it out until they fell asleep, exhausted and elated. However, there was still so much to do and Freya was helping them by keeping Ras busy chasing her playfully around their new playground- a little private courtyard. Blaine really should stop staring and go finish putting his kitchen together. But Seb looked so content and beautiful in his concentration that Blaine found he couldn't pull himself away just yet. All his anxieties about the price seemed to float away as he watched. He cleared his throat to speak, his voice quiet as he softly stepped onto the hardwood floor of the office.
“Gods, I can’t get over how happy you look here, baby.” 
 Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian had never really cared for the word forever. It was too final and seemed like some sort of prison sentence. A word that people flung around without truly thinking about what it meant. That was until Blaine quite literally tumbled into his life and things just started to seem real for once. Marriage seemed like a possibility and building a stable home just seemed logical. Everything fell into place after the dust from the trial settled and the two of them had been perfectly content and well, Seb could finally see what forever looked like. It looked like Blaine cooking in their new kitchen, his bare feet on the hardwood floor, the scent of garlic and olive oil carried by the river breeze rushing through the windows. Forever was his meticulous bookshelves and fall leaves in the courtyard, Christmas lights, New year’s kisses in a place that was theirs. 
Seb thought that searching for a home and all of the work wound up in it was going to take  a long time but, it all happened rather quickly and luckily, it was easy for them. Time didn’t seem to exist as packing turned into their Thanksgiving visit (lots of housewarming gifts from Sabine and Wick, he had never seen his mother so elated.) and suddenly they were standing in the doorway to their new home on a gust of cold November wind. 
He teetered on the step ladder as he slipped one of his many copies of Les Mis on the shelf. Sebastian had sensed Blaine’s presence before he saw him, he let him admire the view for a bit longer before he looked down at the other man. 
“I love this room,” He smiled and stepped down from the shelf. Sebastian looked around the crisp white room. Sun fell through the window and splayed across the floor in a satisfying way. He looked forward to the summer sunshine and the warmth it would bring to his little office. 
“You seem happy, too.” Sebastian stepped forward and leaned in for a kiss. “How’s the kitchen look? Think you can work with it?” He knew that B loved it and wouldn’t stop gushing about the counter space. “Excited to experiment?”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let himself really feel the simple kiss for a moment before pulling back to smile up at Sebastian. It was amazing to him that after over three years butterflies still beat against his ribcage and his skin still prickled with emotion every single time this man touched him. Sure, perhaps he was a bit more amped up right now from the high of such a big step, but it was always there. That floating up, up, up and then the freefall down only to be caught with Sebastian’s arms tightly around him feeling. He sighed and cleared his throat, there was plenty of time for Blaine to capture that feeling again and again after the house was done. Nevermind that it was too late now to push it away. He was completely wrapped up in the look on Seb’s face as his boyfriend teased, yes teased him about his new kitchen. He took the bait anyway, the place was too damn spectacular to brush off.
“I am the happiest I’ve ever been, I mean, I say that like every new month, but I mean it this time. I’m not sure how it could get better.” He grinned even bigger, his fingers moving up to rest against Seb’s chest, the clear quartz Blaine had lent him for protection over a year ago now vibrated pleasantly under his fingertips as if telling him that Sebastian was safe now and that he could take it back. It felt like his mom telling him Sebastian would be more than okay without it, but Blaine wasn’t ready. Please. Not just yet.
“Can I work with it? Gods, I mean, you saw the kitchen, right? Your office is awesome with it’s built-in bookshelves and  tranquility that give even our very magical beach cottage a run for its money, but did you see the island in the kitchen? Did you see how much shelf space I have? Do you know how much food you’re going to get to consume in the next lifetime- I hope you’re ready. I just have so much space to make everything in! I can bake for the Snowed-In at home now, I don’t have to go in at 4 am as much anymore. Yeah, I can’t wait, and I can so work with it” 
He laughed, his hands trailing down to rest on Sebastian’s hips as he spoke, his grin gowning. “You realize that we can host holidays now? We don’t always have to go to Ohio, your mom and Uncle Wick and Luke can come here, Seb! Thomas too if he wants… I mean of course I’ll have to do everything naturally when they’re here, but I don’t mind because how nice is that? We can see them more. Oh! Tony and Hunter have a room they can sleep in now, they can stay for a few days before missions and not be cramped up on the couch with no privacy” He paused, biting his bottom lip, his grin turning into a wistful smile. “My dad might even get to visit every so often too, I mean, I know he can't be around too much, but there’s a place for him. He was so happy for us when we told him, I doubt even the High Order can keep him away permanently.” His lips curved back into their grin, wanting to keep the mood playful and not melancholy with thoughts of the trial and losses. 
“And don’t get me started on the view of our river and that courtyard that Ras and Freya have taken over. Have I mentioned the kitchen?” He tiptoed up and stole himself one kiss, and then two more before pulling back to speak again. 
“I’m actually pretty much done setting it up, you’ll have to come look when you get the chance. I’m about to go through each room and recharge the protection spells I’ve done. I know I spent two hours covering the whole place last night, but I just feel like this is such a big deal that I need to make sure they’re good enough, you know? I absolutely can’t let anything ruin this for us, and a shitty protection charm would just be my old luck, right?” He was mostly playing, but he knew and probably Seb knew that it was a very real fear of his- that something was going to come and hurt them or hurt Sebastian and it would be his fault whether it be unintentional neglect or just because of who and what he was. 
“But, I was thinking I could make us a late lunch before I do that? You’ve been working your ass off all day long and I think I’ve only seen you drink coffee, like lots of coffee, so far- you realize you completely forgot to eat?” Typical of his boyfriend to get wrapped up in his work and forget to take care of himself. “I take the blame, I was too excited to make us sit down for breakfast so shame on me.”
Sebastian’s POV:
It was the happiest that Sebastian had ever been , too. “Just for the record, I’d listen to you say that everyday.” He liked seeing Blaine jubilant and excited over new things. Last year had been rough and scary and it felt like they’d never make it out alive. “You deserve all the good things in life. You’ve been through hell and back. But uh, can we maybe slow down on the party planning? I’m not sure if I’m ready to host Thanksgiving, though I’m sure my mother would love it.” 
They stood close for a few moments, Seb enjoyed listening to the other man speak as they gently swayed in the doorway together. If there was ever any doubt on settling on this townhouse, it would be erased by the glow in Blaine’s cheeks and the crinkle of his bourbon colored eyes. 
Sebastian’s stomach growled almost as if on cue when Blaine mentioned lunch. He knew that reinforcing the protection spells throughout the house was important but was relieved when he said he’d fix up some food first. He was thankful that his boyfriend paid such close attention to his habits because he was right, Seb would just pour himself another cup and begin perfectly spacing the pictures he wanted to display in the office. “Yes, shame on you for my bad habits. Lunch sounds perfect, though. And I’ll get to see all of your hard work.”  
The kitchen looked perfectly Blaine, of course. He had hung some herbs on the walls and organized all of the pots and pans so that they hung from a rack above the Island. The room already smelled like lemons and sage with a little swirl of stale morning coffee. “You really got this place together, it’s great.” He sat down on a stool next to the very island B loved so much and tapped his fingers on the polished countertop. “What’s on the menu, baby?” 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s already ridiculous smile grew even more, “I guess I’m just going to have to tell you more often just how happy you’ve made me then, aren’t I?” He rolled his eyes and nodded because of course, Sebastian wouldn’t want the stress of having so many people here. Blaine knew that, but he was just itching to put something together, some sort of get together where they could show how far they’d come and how amazing their new home was. He supposed he’d just have to figure out a way to convince his boyfriend that it would be so much fun. For now, he nodded his agreement. 
“I suppose you’re right. We’ve both been through hell and back and maybe we should just wait. But! Your mom is gonna want to come visit soon, you know she’s so excited to see this place. So by time next year I fully expect a grand get together, yeah?” He laughed and tugged on Seb’s tee as he stole another kiss, humming into it thoughtfully before pulling away and leading Sebastian into the kitchen. The look on the other man’s face told him that he’d done a good job, he bit his lip, suddenly a tiny bit sheepish as Seb looked around, Blaine didn’t need the words spoken out loud to know he’d done a good job. He’d worked hard, and he knew it looked good, but their aesthetics were quite different and it made Blaine happy that Seb genuinely seemed to like how cozy he’d made the room. He pushed a glass of iced strawberry lemonade over to Seb for him to sip on while he waited, and got one for himself too. 
“Our options are slim, but I’m sure I can come up with something.”
In truth, they didn’t have much food in the house at all yet. Just a few things leftover from the other place and some things Blaine picked up before the move; simple fruits and vegetables and so on. Sure, he could order take out, or walk down the street to the deli, or even magic something better, but Seb was sitting at the bar with an easy smile, looking around the room and admiring Blaine’s work. He wanted to keep the moment between the two of them so he opened the fridge to observe. It wasn’t much, but it would work. 
They excited in companionable silence, Seb checking his work emails on his phone and shooting Blaine encouraging just for Blaine smiles as Blaine brought out the deli turkey, cheese, sprouts and spinach leaves,12 grain wheat bread he’d gotten yesterday evening, and sat them on the counter. The condiment choices were slim but dijon mustard was a good go to so he pulled that out too before locating some honey, vinegar and a few spices. He set to work making a vinaigrette dressing for the spinach salad using the honey and spices before putting the sandwiches together, he made two for Seb, just in case. Before serving he sliced up the honeydew melon waiting for them on the counter. He played it all expertly before joining Sebastian on the other side to eat. 
“I know it’s not very Autumn, but it works, right? We need to go to the store when we’re done so that I can treat you properly. I have so many ideas for things to make this winter, you have no clue how excited I am.” It wasn’t as if Blaine didn’t cook for Seb at the old place, but there was just so much space now. It made him a little giddy thinking about all he could make. They were quiet for a moment and Blaine took the chance while Seb was busy devouring his lunch.
“So you can say no and I will completely understand because I know you’re a little unsure about having a dinner party with your family just yet, but what if we just host Hunter and Tony over for dinner? You won’t have to do a single thing except be nice to Hunter and, you know, look gorgeous like you always do. I’ll take care of everything, the food, the entertainment, absolutely everything. Just the four of us. We could do it for Christmas!” 
He grinned, his teeth on full display, head cocked to the side. He knew that Seb could say no, and if he did he would wait, but Blaine needed to put it out there anyway. He wasn’t sure why he wanted to do this so badly, maybe to show how even though they’d been pushed over they had landed on their feet and were stronger than ever. Or maybe it was to show that he was all in for his very human soulmate. He loved his magic, he loved that his parents had given it to him. But, he’d been exiled, sent to live like a normal human with little glimpses of his old life- the beach cottage, Freya, his raw, powerful magic in general... But Seb was his person and this was his life now and people did normal things like invite their friends to dinners in new houses that they're proud of and he wanted it. He wanted to plan, he wanted to host and entertain. He wanted it all. He reached out and gave Seb’s hand a squeeze, his fingers moving to lightly trace the inside of his palm. 
“I’ll definitely make it worth your while.”
Sebastian’s POV:
“This is perfect, B. Thank you.” Sebastian took a big bite of the fresh sandwich and immediately felt better. Even if his boyfriend felt like the meal was simple or didn’t match the season, he somehow knew exactly what Seb needed. He even made him two sandwiches without asking. This small attention to detail might have seemed like nothing to some people but it made his heart flip a little. B just always knew, always did little affectionate things silently, whether it was two sandwiches or leaving water in the coffee pot for him in the morning. Sebastian didn’t need lavish things. He could buy whatever he wanted and had grown up without wanting for anything. What he needed was exactly what Blaine gave him, quiet love and attention to detail. 
He wiped the corners of his mouth as Blaine began to speak. Sebastian knew that this topic would come up again. He wasn’t bothered, it made him laugh. Of course Blaine wanted to throw a small get together and be a gracious host. He’d be amazing at it. Seb could already see him planning and putting together little appetizers and place cards. 
“We can do that. Why wait for Christmas?” Sebastian playfully and gently elbowed Blaine’s side. “Why not show off all of our hard work to our friends? And, I know. Believe me, my mother has already dropped lots of hints. I just need some time to be emotionally ready for the Smythes to descend upon our home. She knows she’s welcome and of course so are Tony and Hunter. Can’t promise to be that nice to him, though.” Seb winked and leaned in for a kiss. 
“That sounds like an offer I can’t refuse.” Goosebumps ran up and down his arms as B’s fingers laced their way over his palm. He looked into the other’s eyes and sighed despite himself. 
“We do have an entire three story house to christen.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s stomach did a little flip over the sound of Seb’s soft little rumbling laugh and felt his face light up even more as the green eyed man spoke, he wasn’t even sure how it was possible to feel any better than he did ten seconds ago, but Seb had managed to do it because, well, of course, he did. Gods, he loved this man more than anything. He let out a little laugh of his own, almost embarrassed over how excited he was about the idea.
“Really, you mean that?” Already ideas were swarming around in his head. Thoughts that went from menus right down to the music he’d pick. He wanted to pull out some paper and start writing down the fluttering thoughts. But, Seb was looking at him some type of way still and he really did  have so much more to finish before he could even think about moving on to a dinner party. Still, Seb had said yes and that was good enough for Blaine right now.  
“I said Christmas because I’d have so much to plan! But, since it’s a small event, maybe we could try for two weekends from now? I’ll have to call Tony and ask her if the two of them will be around, but yes, the middle of December works for me. I have so many ideas for food… I can’t wait to try some out for you. We can start out with this one small dinner and then in a few months we can invite the rest if you feel up to it. Thank you, Seb.”
He bit his bottom lip after receiving Seb’s kiss and found himself naturally wanting more. Wanting to thank his boyfriend with something other than just words. He could feel Seb’s shift too. Blaine’s fingertips ghosted over Sebastian’s goosebumped skin, and he leaned in and kissed him again, his free hand moving up to cup Seb’s jaw. And this time Blaine deepened the kiss, licking into his mouth with intent. His boyfriend’s lips tasted bittersweet- like the honey and vinegar from the dressing he’d made for them and Blaine sighed into the kisses. He pulled back, albeit reluctantly, and looked up into Seb’s deep seafoam green eyes, his words sending a little jolt through him. He stayed close to Sebastian’s lips, voice low and teasing.
“We do, don’t we? Hmm, I know we’ve got quite a bit left to do before evening, but what do you say to an extended break? I could give you a preview of all the ways we’re going to do just that. I could show you just a bit of what I want to do to you...”
Sebastian’s POV:
Seb got lost in the kissing and leaned forward, almost falling off of the kitchen stool in the process. “I think we deserve a break.” His hand made its way to Blaine’s lap where he firmly gripped his thigh. “But what about what I want to do to you?” He smiled against his boyfriend’s lips and felt the energy between them change, like the temperature drop before a summer storm. “You’ve already done so much, after all.” 
He stood up from the stool and walked across the kitchen to the sink. Sebastian leaned back against the cool ledge of the counter and motioned for Blaine to join him. The other man pressed him back and kissed him hard. God, he would love to continue this way but he had a plan. “I want you to sit on the counter, B.” He complied and Sebastian stood in between Blaine’s muscular thighs, his hands cupped his ass as he licked into his mouth. He groaned and fumbled with the waistband of his boyfriend’s sweat pants. The two of them managed to get them down far enough for Sebastian to grip him and stroke him firmly. 
Blaine came, his knees pressed into Sebastian’s sides, his white knuckles gripped his shoulders, a moan against the other’s parted lips. The two of them held each other, little puffs of air and gasps, Blaine’s legs wobbly and Sebastian’s smile pressed into his neck. “Well, that’s one room down. Bedroom later.” He gave Blaine a few more kisses, “But first, protection spells.” 
After the two of them calmed down and cleaned up the kitchen (and themselves) with a little touch of magic, they set to work. Blaine focused on his craft and strengthening the barrier around their new home, Seb hung up photos and art around his office and the living room. 
They ended their night as Blaine had promised. The two of them wound up together on their new bed, a bed that only they would share and make memories in. A bed that Sebastian hadn’t had previous men in, a bed that Blaine hadn’t spent sleepless nights in. The room was thoroughly christened as they moved together in a mess of sheets, Seb’s legs tightly around Blaine. 
They fell asleep- sated, happy and naked. Sebastian looked forward to waking up in their new room, the sounds of the river and their bustling neighborhood, and doing the exact same thing over again. 
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smythesm · 3 years
Mini Para: My Train Could Take You Home
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Seblaine.
Blaine: @andersoncharm
Sebastian: @smythesm
When: (Three month time skip.) Friday, August 13, 2021 
Location: Marblehead, Massachusetts- Blaine’s gifted magical beach cottage.
Notes: Sebastian talks with Blaine about their future.
Warnings:  None for this particular Para. However, this RP in general includes; Mentions of death. Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine. Depression. Anxiety.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Para Title Taken From: Willow by Taylor Swift
Extra Information: We will be doing a series of little mini’s to progress over the next few years of this RP. Things might get a little confusing but we promise to date them accordingly. 
Under Cut to keep it uniform. Work is mostly unedited as usual.
 Sebastian’s POV:
Salt air ghosted across Sebastian’s skin in the small cottage bedroom. Blaine was asleep on his chest still and he could see the moon perched perfectly above the dark ocean through the window they always left open. He wasn’t sure what had woken him up, he just sort of gently fell out of a dream and was looking out at the sea as he listened to the other man breathe. He noticed a large dark figure poke its head up and dive back into the water-it was Flotsam. The past few months had been a whirlwind of hopping back and forth between the apartment and the cottage, an ever-growing sea monster and work for the both of them. Sometimes it was long hours at the office for Sebastian, other times Blaine would spend hours making draughts and tea blends for Hunter and Tony or leaving before the sun rose to start baking at the Snowed In. 
Seb’s mind was wandering in the fuzzy way they often did when you were in between dreams and being fully awake. He would still be able to fall asleep if he just rolled over and let his eyes flutter closed. Instead, he was thinking about time and how much had passed which turned into him thinking about how long he and Blaine had been together which snowballed into the fact that they had spent all this time in an apartment that only one of them had picked out. Seb wondered how Blaine would feel about maybe, possibly moving. They could afford it and more space might be nice. 
Sebastian felt Blaine stir against his chest, “Hey, B? Are you up?” He twirled his fingers playfully in his boyfriend’s messy bed head of curls. He waited until the other man groggily muttered. “I was wondering….how would you feel about moving? The two of us, I mean.” The words were out before he could stop himself, it was probably the anxiety and excitement of the thought. “You know what? This can wait until morning.”
Blaine’s POV:
The night had been an ordinary yet perfect night, filled with things they did weekly-  Seb working through cases on the sofa, books spread across the table, the little line of concentration that lived between his eyes in place while Blaine made a fresh batch of energy and sleep draughts for his friends in the open kitchen. He wasn’t supposed to make them, they had other Witches that were assigned to that, but he’d always help them- The elders could exile him from his world, but it would always be a part of him and he always did what he could. Plus, it helped ground him and connect him to his magic more. Ras and Freya were somewhere out in the sand taunting Flotsam to the shore. The night ended in a tangle of limbs and lips and yet another whisper of let’s just sleep here tonight. The waxing moon sat low and lazy in her sky palace over the quiet sea. Her bright, thin crescent was the last image Blaine had before he’d slipped off into a satisfied and peaceful sleep, his cheek resting against Sebastian’s chest, his boyfriend's sure and steady heartbeat, and the gentle ripple of waves shushing him to dreams better than any lullaby. 
Blaine had never been happier.
He sensed Sebastian awake more than heard him, his connection to the other man prickling in the back of his skull and tingling his skin like an electric charge. He could tell nothing was wrong, but at the same time, something was different in the air around them. He lifted his head and pressed it back into Seb’s hand, enjoying the feeling of his fingers in his hair- his eyes meeting the green-blue of Seb’s as he listened to his boyfriend talk. It took a moment for the words to catch up to his brain. Seb wanted to move? 
“Hey, now, no waiting, I’m awake. Talk to me, baby. What’s all this?” He propped himself up on the bed, his face still hovering over Seb’s chest, his thumb slowly stroking over his skin soothingly. “I mean it’s technically morning now anyway. ” He paused and kept his tone light, his curiosity and even excitement creeping upon him. They had so many memories in that apartment, what could make Seb want to up and leave it?
Their three year anniversary was coming up, not to mention Sebastian’s twenty-seventh birthday and Blaine had spent weeks bothering his boyfriend about what they’d do for each thing, and what he might want. But the bothering always turned into teasing about how Seb had everything he needed and the teasing turned into forgetting that Blaine had even asked at all, but it didn’t matter anyway, they’d be together for whatever they picked, Blaine was sure he’d make it perfect for his guy. 
He had never been more sure and more confident about the direction his life was going than he was right now. Sure, he still had days where he ached for his old world and his mom and now his dad who was just out of reach, and he wasn’t chasing his musical therapy dream, the one he was free to pursue now- he’d wanted it so long even though he’d known he’d be stuck being Headmaster of LeFay, but now it seemed wrong for him. And working at the Snowed In was the most therapeutic thing in the world to him. He got to bake and be around people and he got to lead them and it made him stupidly happy. He was even managing to do freelance tutoring on the side, teaching people to play whatever instrument they wanted to. He was in such a good place right now. They both were. Could a move possibly make that better? Gods, they could build a home together… Blaine had inherited a great deal of money that he had no clue what to do with. He was from a world where he could make anything he wanted. He bit his lip and went on.
“What brought thought on? You’re excited by the thought, aren’t you? I can sense it. Have you been thinking about it a lot and it’s serious or are these the thoughts of a content, sleepy man? I’m not saying no, I mean, I’d go anywhere with you. But, what’s this about?” 
 Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian could feel Blaine lean into his touch, he was looking up at him with sleepy but present eyes. He wasn’t surprised that Blaine wanted to talk now, he knew that the other man could sense emotions as he primarily worked with those.
“I just think it might be time, you know? I picked that apartment out intending to only be there during school and I never really pictured making it into a home. I just never imagined that for myself. It’s the only thing I see now. We should find a place together that we...could see ourselves staying in for a while.” 
He bit his bottom lip, sort of embarrassed at how cheesy his words felt. But, all of it was true. Seb wanted a home with the other man, wanted a yard for Enjolras, windows for Freya to perch on. 
“I know that your stuff is there and I know you have this cottage but, I think starting together from scratch and having our stuff just sort of naturally blend together would be nice. I know that this is a pretty big step but, I don’t know, I’m ready to start taking...big….steps. “ 
Sebastian wanted to crawl into himself. Being open and honest was so scary and still felt fresh and the burn of blush on his cheeks always tore his icy façade down, which was hard for him. He had no protection when he was vulnerable but, if he wanted to keep moving forward, it was what needed to be done. 
“What do you think?”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let his fingers trace lightly over Seb’s chest and then over to his arms and slowly back again, able to tell that the things his beautiful boyfriend was saying were incredibly difficult for him to articulate. I love you had once been hard for Seb, and now it was as easy as breathing for them to say, but this was different. Sebastian had always struggled with saying a lot, he showed how he felt every day, of course, but for him to be this open with Blaine, to put into this many words what he wanted showed Blaine that Sebastian was serious. He could feel Seb’s embarrassment and he wanted to soothe it away, but his own emotions were too busy wiggling with excitement. 
Sebastian wanted to buy a house, no- a home, with Blaine. Wanted to live there for a long time, maybe forever… Blaine couldn’t stop the smile that attacked his face.  This shouldn’t be a shock, they loved each other, they were soulmates, they were meant to be and both had suffered losses for it. But, it mattered to him that Seb had voiced the want out loud in such a sweet way. Blaine let out a breathy little laugh and gave his boyfriend's arm a squeeze to show him he agreed. Seb’s lingering words about big steps echoed in his ears and his heart thudded and flipped and the butterflies that had lived in his belly since the day he’d met this man flittered to life. What did that mean? Would they get to travel the world one day? Maybe adopt another pet and grow old holding hands on a porch swing with no worries in the world like some perfect book ending… Did that mean that maybe Sebastian would want to marry him even though doing that came with more secrets and baggage? His heart pounded harder.
Blaine knew Seb was his, knew that he had him and they'd always be together. He’d thought about marriage to Seb, of course, and he'd thought of children with him, which was a loss he had to carry and yes, it was a heavy loss and sometimes it got to him. But he'd known they’d be together no matter what and assumed they’d stay just like this because it was safe. They’d live in that apartment and magic travel to the beach cottage to get away from reminders of the trial and other bad memories. He never thought he’d get anything more. He didn’t need anything more, he was happy and content and still so in love… And yet here he was being offered a new home, a home that he got to build with his person and a promise of something more. 
“I w-,” he tried to speak, his voice again too breathy and small to take up much space in the room. “I want that, too.” He laughed again, a strange elation falling over his whole being and suddenly he couldn’t stop talking.
“Yes, yes, a thousand times yes I think we should do it. As I said, I’d go anywhere with you or to be with you.” He pulled himself up, forgetting how naked he still was, and pressed his smiling lips to his boyfriend’s and giggled again. He wondered if decorating this place had led him to think about this or if it had always been there in his mind, either way, he was happy for it.
“We could get all new stuff, pick everything out together and build a home. Of course we’d keep some older stuff and memories too. And I could have a little space for magic in the new house, and you could have an office and oh, yes we’d keep the beach cottage- we still have to have a getaway. But, yes, we could have a home together. Would we stay in the state- oh! We could buy a house with a huge kitchen, I could cook so much better for you-” He was talking fast, hardly breathing as he spoke. He paused and shook his head, his smile a little bashful.
“Gods, I’m sorry, I’m just so happy right now. I never thought… I-I’m just happy, Seb. You have no idea.” He leaned down and kissed Seb once more. “It makes me want to get online and look at the market right now.” His cheeks flared in a blush and he had to hide his face in Seb’s neck to hide it.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian loved the look of elation that fell over Blaine’s features. He could practically feel his happiness thrum against him under the covers. Seb kissed his boyfriend despite the smile on his face and wished they could go buy a house right then and there.
“I’d love all of that and don’t be sorry, I’m happy that you’re into this.” 
He rubbed circles over Blaine’s strong shoulders, “We can start looking whenever you want but, maybe we should sleep a little bit more and then eat breakfast first?” Sebastian’s face slowly spread into a sly grin. He knew that B would have his laptop out and logged onto Zillow as soon as they stepped back into the apartment.
“I’m happy, too. This will be good for us.” Seb cuddled in closer to his boyfriend. “You’ll get to pick out paint swatches and furniture to match.” He knew that Blaine’s stomach would flip at the idea. 
Sebastian wanted to spend his whole life making Blaine smile that infectious smile. 
Blaine’s POV:
“I’m just happy.” He said the words with a grin and nuzzled his nose into Seb’s neck again after accepting his kiss. He traced over his mother’s protective crystal that still lived over Sebastian’s heart before leaning down and pressing a kiss to Seb’s chest. He could feel the rhythm of his boyfriend’s heart and it told Blaine that Seb was just as happy as he was. This was one of those moments where he wanted to take the memory and scoop it up into a snow globe so he could take it down and rewatch it again later. The scars around his wrists and the ones on his mind seemed all the more worth it in moments like this.
“I suppose you’re right, we can wait until we’re rested.” Blaine could have easily gotten up and given them both an energy potion so they could work through it all right now. Blaine could have them moved in a week if he used magic, he could speed up the process. But, one look at Seb’s hopeful face basked in the soft glow of the magical candles that permanently lit the whole beach cottage told him that he needed to do this all naturally. They needed to do it the hard way to get the full experience of building it together. Blaine could share some of his magic with Seb, but for the most part, it was his. This needed to be theirs.  
“Don’t you dare tease me with that right now, I’ll never sleep.” He openly laughed, his voice causing Ras and Freya both to come shambling into the bedroom. Freya gave him a look and Blaine knew she approved without her having to tell him. Enjolras hopped up onto the bed and promptly snuggled at the foot of their bed, exhausted from playing one the shore with Freya and Flotsam. Freya got herself comfortable by snuggling into Ras and before long the two of them were asleep. Blaine loved that they were all together.
“We can sleep, I can wait.” He snuggled down into the covers, his arms pulling Sebastian close to him, whispers of I love you were exchanged and his boyfriend was fast asleep in minutes. Blaine held him close, relishing in the feeling of sleepy, hopefully, contentedness. He felt safe, not just because an actual magical sea creature was watching over them, but because they were all together. He finally let himself relax and drifted off to sleep with an itch in his fingertips- not for magic this time, but with the urge to pick up his phone and begin the search for their perfect home. Luckily Seb’s gentle breathing in his ear and Ras’ soft snores guided him away and into a deep slumber.
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andersoncharm · 3 years
Hi guys!
We just wanted to drop in and let everyone know that updates might be coming a little slower and it might now be our new normal, but hey! That’s okay. That’s why we do OOC post here so often so that you all know we’re not going anywhere. We’re still so excited to share the rest of their story. :)
We promise we’re not going anywhere at all, we’re just going to be a little bit slower than we used to be. However, this RP will mostly keep it’s 1 to 2 times a month update schedule. We’ll try our hardest. Thanks for the support, it means the whole world to us. It really does. And stay tuned!
-S(Blaine) & H(Seb)
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