#season 4 ep 25
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just as i was sobbing my friend looked over and said “if you get rid of the top two turtles it’ll look like a penis if you squint” and.
and now a deeply moving and sad scene is completely ruined for me
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filmjunky-99 · 6 months
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s t a r t r e k t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n created by gene roddenberry [in theory, s4ep25] 'Romantic Subroutine // Lovers Quarrel'
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zoe-oneesama · 16 days
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I'll do what those cowards won't.
Episode 53 Part 25 First < Previous > Next Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44 Ep 45, Ep 46, Ep 47, Ep 48, Intermission, Ep 49, Ep 50, Ep 51, Ep 52
Ko-fi | Patreon
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relative-dimension · 1 year
“All Roads Lead to Rome”
Season 2, episode 13 - 23rd January 1965
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[id: The Doctor defends an attack with a knife from Ascaris using his lyre, and says “Oh! So you want to fight, do you?” /end id]
The introduction of this version of Nero really drives home how this serial is more focused on its entertainment value than any sort of historicity but honestly, while the history student part of me may be sobbing a little, I think it’s absolutely worth it.
Fun: 5/5
Production: 4/5, the construction of sets and locations for only a few scenes in Ian’s sequences with his new slave bestie is probably the shakiest it gets in this story, but honestly the effects when they’re sinking and the way in which the actors sell Ian’s cuff being broken off makes it work a lot better than it might have done.
Pacing: 4/5, the split between the fun Nero plotline and the serious slavery plotline is slightly odd, but to be honest, it balances out the flippant way some things are treated in Dr Who and Vicki’s side of things to have genuine fear built up around Ian and Barbara’s. This strict divide will lead to some problems next episode.
Character Writing & Use: 5/5, Vicki’s excitement to be on an adventure is the purest and sweetest thing in the entire world and I fucking love her.
Depth: 3/5
Not Ageing Horribly: 3/5, there’s a revelation that comes in the final episode which I think makes moments in this episode, and the evident motivations behind them, slightly suspect. It’s nothing really awful, and in terms of the history possibly even accurate, but, well, we’ll get there when we get there. It’s about Christians so you can imagine I’m probably going to have a more irritated reading of it than other people might.
Overall Score - 24/30
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maraczeks · 2 years
omitb s2 thread pt 6
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myshunosun · 2 years
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Moonwood Garden
Moonwood Garden includes 13 items for all your gardening needs. Decorate your garden, grab some seeds from your new garden workbench and plant some herbs in a compact 2-tile planter box. You can read more about the items, find the in-game preview and download the set below!
Download set (always free on Patreon) / Follow me on social media
@maxismatchccworld @s4library @sssvitlanz @public-ccfinds @mmfinds
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Here's what you get:
2-tile planter box*, 14 swatches, 75§   
4-tile planter box, 14 swatches, 100§   
Flower arranging table (Seasons EP required to function), 14 swatches, 250§   
Base game table (functions as display), 14 swatches, 250§ 
Box with pots, 8 swatches, 80§ 
Vertical garden (decor), 14 swatches, 150§ 
Ladder shelf, 14 swatches, 150§ 
Picked flowers, 1 swatch, 20§ 
Potted fig plant, 6 swatches, 75§ 
Potted ivy plant, 6 swatches, 50§ 
Bag of garden soil, 6 swatches, 25§ 
Stacked bags of garden soil, 6 swatches, 50§ 
Stack of pots, 5 swatches, 40§ 
Here’s some more info and credits: 
Base game compatible 
New meshes, all LODs 
Custom specular and normal maps 
Custom catalog thumbnails, tagged swatches 
Simlish font is by gazifu 
Swatches come from my personal palette and from peacemaker-ic's color palettes 
* I created new tuning in order to make the 2-tile planter functional. You can plant 2 small plants in it. Let me know if you notice anything strange!
You can search for “moonwood” or “myshunosun” in the buy catalog to quickly access these items. Enjoy! 
Follow and support me here: Tumblr / Twitter / Patreon / Instagram
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absolutebl · 8 days
This Week in BL - Well... at lease we have Wandee & Stand-in?
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
May 2024 Wk 4
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Wandee Godday (Sat YT) ep 4 of 12 - The geept is strong with this one AKA Yak CAN flirt. Wandee now knows he isn’t the only one with a crush on someone else. AND YET they are SO DAMN CUTE together. I do wonder sometime if Yak is running a counter con with Dee pretending to have a crush on Taem. Meanwhile, mad props on the HPV vax public service! Good for them!!! Now that's my kind of product placement. I do have a feeling the sad bit with these two is gonna be VERY sad and last longer than we like. 
My Stand-In (Thai Fri iQIYI) ep 5 of 12 eps - It’s a riveting show. Pleasant? No. Riveting? Yes. Tiny crumbs for Ming’s assistant. Joe is best boy. That is all. I LOVE this show.
We Are (Weds iQIYI) ep 8 of 16 - TOO MANY SOUND EFFECTS. Omg get your fingers off those buttons you computer wanking sound dude (you know it’s a dude) what tf do you think this is? Lovely Writer? Also, they left ALL their drinks! Can you not walk and drink at the same time in a BL? Meanwhile not much happened that hadn’t already happened AKA bit of a filler ep. That said, the friendship group stuff is glorious!!! Also this brand of super gentle flirting suits PondPhuwin better than any of their prior rolls. It reminds me of how much I think they suit a historical. There is a gentle dignity to these two. 
Only Boo! (Sun YouTube) ep 7 of 12 - I love how kindly the turn down was. But most of the dancing stuff was dull. I don’t know I just find the actor playing Kang pretty vacant of appeal I guess. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
At 25:00 in Akasaka AKA 25 Ji Akasaka de (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 6 of 10 - As is not uncommon with JBL I’m being to get frustrated with Yuki the Uke. Sigh. I’m probably gonna stay that way for several episodes given the pacing of this show. 
Living With Him AKA Kare no Iru Seikatsu (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 7 of 10 - Also frustrating. Willful misunderstanding. We got us some running of the gays but boy is this drawn out. 
Blossom Campus (Korea Thurs Gaga & iQIYI) ep 3-4 of 6 - The puppy is a bit too much sunshine innocent for me. And the professor is a bit creepy. I don't know, I'm not loving this one like I want to.
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It's airing but...
You Made My Day (Thai YT) ep 1 of 5 - mini series staring the I Will Knock You couple Tar & Bom, started but I couldn't find it. I also didn't try very hard.
The Time of Fever AKA Unintentional Love Story 2 (Korea movie) trailer released to Korean theaters 5/25. HoTae & DongHee, side couple from Unintentional Love Story are back! Same actors, same character names. I love them. I NEED TO SEE THIS. How?
OMG Vampire (Thai Sun ????) ep 2 of 10 - yeah I can't find it.
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In case you missed it
Crossing my fandoms moment, major Kpop blog ran the following: OMEGA X Hangyeom Talks Jazz For Two, Brotherhood, And More With KpopStarz
Tis the season of remakes? Both Addicted Heroin (August, my love!) and My Love Mix-Up (G4!) are coming from Thailand. I am very excited to see both. I love a Thai remake, often more than the original.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
May Releases
VBL (Taiwan) is releasing 4 'Special Episode' epilogues to their 4 2023 shows every Friday this month on Gagaoolala, Viki & Viu. Not sure on search terms or how to find these. (Or, frankly, if we need them.)
5/10 – You Are Mine
5/17 – VIP Only
5/24 – Stay By My Side
5/31 – Anti Reset
5/28 My Biker 2 (Thai movie YT?) - trailer
5/30 Knock Knock Boys (Thai Thurs WeTV & Gaga) - I do love Best and I'm interested in seeing him in a new pairing. That said, I'm not wild about Seng. Still, this looks like a chaotic pulpy mess, I'm looking forward to wallowing in it one way or another.
5/31 The Time of Huannan (Taiwan movie) - May not be BL
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All Wandee Gooday.
Icky no longer allows screen shots or there would have been a bunch from Stand-in.
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity
@rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in it's infinate wisdom doesn't like too many tags.
There's these tricks, remember:
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You put a lot small visual elements and details in that I never seem to notice on my first read, and it always makes rereading exciting. What’s a detail from the comic that nobody ever seemed to notice? I’m sure there are things that nobody has mentioned, especially from the early chapters, that you’d want to talk about
Oh man.........that's a great question.
The thing is, there are a lot of details that people don't pick up, but there are definitely eagle-eyed readers that also do! There are also details which most didn't pick up until someone posted about it, and now everyone knows!
There are also details which are actually... yet to be revealed as relevant! That's a secret tool that'll help us later. :)
But most of it is plot relevant decisions I make which make the story more full, but are not necessarily NECESSARY for full enjoyment.
For example, in the very first comic, when Earl approaches Steven....
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Her eye isn't white! That was a fully deliberate decision. She didn't actually approach Steven because he wanted her to. That was a decision she made on her own!
Most of the white eye shenanigans in Season 1 were deliberate, albeit not very explicit. I suppose that worked out okay, though. Plus, many people DID catch on!
Also, this part in the Kindergarten comic:
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...which people assumed was a power separate from everything, is actually just the first instance of Steven's Command power. The thing is, I hadn't settled into how to portray it at the time, and also - the gem is Corrupted! It doesn't respond to Steven's commands the same way normal gems do. I planned to explore that earlier initially, but in the end, decided to tie it into much later plot.
In Season 1, EP 38, Steven asks Earl to write her name.... and she does! But in gem, not English, because she doesn't know how to write in English.
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She designates herself as White Pearl, putting the dash over the top diamond. It was at the time when she was still anxious about making Steven - White Diamond - angry with her.
And to add to the eye thing - during the Season finale of Season 2, when Steven wondered if Earl only came to see him because he forced her to - the comic where she finds him in the water proves otherwise!
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Immediately when she grabs him and swims up, her eyes aren't white! She's doing it of her own accord.
Also, in Season 3's opening, when Rose is angry at what she THINKS is White Diamond, she almost has a slip of the tongue when talking about the past.
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There's a very pointed reason that panel of Earl is right there next to Rose's cut-off 'My...'
Also, when Rose leaves Steven in the Containment Sphere - the Baby Jail Bubble - she unlocks it to leave, and you can pretty clearly see an interesting detail.
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(which Steven, of course, doesn't notice.)
There's also a bit of a narrative tongue in cheek line-up which is accidental on Steven's part but still rings true:
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(TVTropes editors caught this one! Hey TVTrope editors!)
Also, this very famous Seaglass foreshadowing:
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The first instance of Steven connecting to tech was in the beginning of this season!
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When Steven has a bad dream after fusing with Earl and forming Bleached Coral, there's a hidden detail in this reflective text from Nightmare Rose:
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(It might be easier to read if you mirror-flip it.)
Another fun thing I enjoyed doing before I got busy with other stuff is gem language! Earl writes Steven notes in it to help him learn, and now signs with her English name,
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In the Cluster Experiments comic, if you look at the panels before stuff starts to Happen, you can find a few Experiments hiding in the background. :)
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In Amethyst's room, there is a Japanese stopsign and a d20 in the background.
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In episode 25 of season 4, Steven is playing Moonlight Sonata!
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In episode 33, the ship Steven connects to displays a bisection of the earth which showcases its lumpy core! Or rather, the megastructures that are hidden deep inside the mantle.
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It also showcases a few geothermal coring sites made during the colonization.
And by the way, the drill Pearl built was actually a repurposed ship hull which was used for the Space Race ship in the original show!
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And man there are actually... many more! But I had to skip over them because they are alluding to things which have not yet been explicitly revealed! :D
But even with this, I'm sure there are other ones I'm missing. If you think you have one that should be listed - throw it on a reblog or in the comments!
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hmm. somethings missing…
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ah. much better
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sgiandubh · 7 months
Machiavelli took a day off
... when the Telegraph article was written in great haste, by someone blatantly given a last minute task, who had no fucking idea to whom she was talking and what exactly meant the PR vetted or even prompted questions.
Instead of a line-by-line analysis, we'll take things differently, on this page, using the '5 W rule of journalism' (or even non-fiction writing, in general, if you ask me):
Who? SRH, EP of the OL series and one of the two male leads of the TCND series, which will be shortly broadcast by Channel 4, in the UK and IE only (and Movistar in ES). The rest of the world is not concerned.
What? A promotional article, focused on the actor's personality, CV and projects.
When? At a particular moment in time, just after the SAG-AFTRA strike and before shooting OL's eighth and last season.
Where? Crucial to place it in LHR (to imply he is 'just visiting') and God forbid it would be in GLA, which (for some curious reasons) seems to be off-limits.
Why? An actor with solid credentials hopes to keep agents and employers interested, after above OL project is done, which is rather sooner than later. Also addressing (as per the actor's PR agent specific requirements) three particular issues: the Palestine letter, the Bond project and his 'private life'.
Onwards to the three issues at stake, which probably prompted the article. In chronological order, this time. And no, I am not going to address the Scottish independence mention, because this is a sincere, well-known position of his and this page never bitches about people's convictions - also because I educated myself on it and I agree with S.
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It was important, for obvious reasons, to push damage control a tad further. Also, strictly from a hypothetical POV, I would be very curious to read your compare and discuss thoughts with regard to this particular post on this page:
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A sort of answer came in the Telegraph paper, too. Not only to me (I am less than nobody), but to all the people (of which we were many) who thought he should not get involved in this type of debate:
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This is not the first time he uses this specific talking point. Last time known to me was on the day the Queen died, on X (I looked for that post, but can't find it, because I am just a filthy lurker, like that: but it is there).
The really interesting question, therefore, is: does he/somebody monitor what is being said on Tumblr? The answer is, I think, yes, and it shows. Will it stop me talking in here? Nope, as I trust my discerning abilities, for the moment. Other than that, his damage control op does not bring anything new to the table.
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What can I say, Sir? While there's life, there's apparently hope. But that doesn't translate well, given the context of your interview. That spells desperate and it's not a great picture. Also, let us keep a pious moment of silence in fond memory of a 25 year old who had a dream and the dream went to Daniel Craig (who I detested as Bond, because every girl has her Bond and mine is Pierce Brosnan, amen).
I know people still speculate about it. I have very high reservations and I cannot, for the life of me, seriously consider even thinking about the possibility. He could do it with flying colors, no doubt. Does he stand a chance? I prefer to have zero expectations on it and be floored if it happens. If he naively still yearns/pushes for it, this interview could very well be as abysmal as C's VF tantrum.
'Private life':
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Ugh. Slippery when wet. I have already touched the subject in a reactive re-blog of @samheughanswife's post about it and I will not get back to what I said even without reading the article.
Some more extraordinary wording, in here: 'there might even be space for a personal life' - begs the question 'when?' In general? (in general, all men are created equal, too - it's practice that kills the theory) Now? (it is my staunch belief the answer is yes). After OL? (then and now and after Hiroshima, too). Can you program these things? (nope, stars simply aligned) Heh. Enough said. Also, 'might' spells cheap insinuation to me. But that's just me, a blonde voice in the audience.
Now, onwards to the daughter thing. I believe this specifically addresses the cheap, abundant clickbait content on You Tube, hence the vague 'online' reference (not Tumblr, not fans, not blogs - he is not C, he kept it clean). Such as this very recent one (last 'clip' on the topic was five days ago):
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The two I chose to share here, which are very conspicuous FAKES, are originating from the same 'source', an account that seems obsessed with S&C and has no problem changing its narrative three times a week, if needed. My opinion? PR induced shite, to prod numbers/interest and see what sticks.
No newborn daughter? I hear no lies.
As for OL leaving 'no time for relationships', ahem. *urv will be thrilled to read that, I bet the farm. As will Flukenzie Floozy, at least her - damn, she was persistent! Also, hello, back to 2014-2016 playbook, aren't we?
No new relationships? Whatever for, when IYKYK? I hear no lies.
'I want a cat' ('because she's great', says my shipper brain on autopilot), 'but I am too scared even for that'. Humph. A very poor lie. But admitting you wanted and got a Ca(i)t scares the bejesus out of you, since 2016. I hear no lies. Yes, I am being tongue in cheek and damn the consequences.
Morality of it?
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The easiest solution is never to take personal questions in interviews or panels. Why These Two still do it completely mystifies me.
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thissying · 1 year
An overview of my F1 videos from Dutch media: documentaries, race weekend interviews etc., subtitled/translated to English when needed. Mostly Max, but other drivers as well.
Anatomy of a Champion clips:
Sophie Kumpen 📽 subtitled
Family Dinner at Sophie's 📽 subtitled
Max & Kelly, back from vacation 📽 subtitled
nl.motorsport.com review ep 1 + 2
F1 Talks with Max Verstappen 2022 📽 (english spoken)
Amber chose violence for the opening of F1 Talks 2022
episode 1, p1/5
episode 1, p2/5
episode 1, p3/5
episode 1, p4/5
episode 1, p5/5
episode 2, p1/4
episode 2, p2/4
episode 2, p3/4
episode 2, p4/4
Red Bull Racing Home Run, 10 December 2022
Max arrives 📽 text translation
Max after his first run 📽 text translation
2023: Red Ginger Bull 📽
Picture Perfect 2022, 26 November 2022 📽 subtitled
Max, pole sitter and comedian, GP Canada, 2023 📽 subtitled
Race weekend interviews with Viaplay 2023
Max on Father's Day and Penelope, GP Canada, 2023 📽 subtitled
Max about Helmut's phone, GP Spain, 2023 📽 subtitled
Max telling the story about Sassy being locked inside the closet, GP Monaco, 2023 📽 subtitled
Max (of course) post-race, GP Miami, 2023 📽 text translation
Max post-race, GP Miami, 2023 📽 text translation
Max reacting to George saying his actions crimes were okay, GP Azerbaijan, 29 April 2023 📽 subtitled
Max's race win preference and who he fears the most for the upcoming race, GP Azerbaijan, 29 April 2023 📽 subtitled
Max on the new fences rule and a Melbourne race win, GP Australia, 31 March 2023 📽 subtitled
Max about changes in F1 and his plans for the future, GP Azerbaijan, 29 April 2023 📽 subtitled
Max on being ill before and during Jeddah, GP Australia, 31 March 2023 📽 subtitled
Max and Nyck about The Lap of Jeddah '21, GP Jeddah, 18 March 2023 📽 text translation
If Max doesn't get pole and win this weekend, this could be why: GP Bahrein, 3 March 2023 📽 text translation
Pre-race routine: reaction time tests with Max, GP Baku, 2022 📽 subtitled
Race weekend interviews with Viaplay 2022
Max post-race interview, with a Daniel hug and touchy Lando, GP Abu Dhabi, 20 november 2022 📽 no subtitles/translation
Mike Hezemans congratulating Max on his pole lap, GP Mexico, 2022 📽 text translation
Pre-race interview with Max , Sophie's birthday, GP Mexico, 2022 📽 text translation
Post-WDC win interview with Max, GP Japan, 2022 📽 subtitled
Max on training for Singapore, GP Singapore, 2022 📽 subtitled
Lewis, Max and George scheming in the cooldown room, GP Spain, 2023 📽
Miscellaneous 2023
Ayrton Senna and Max Verstappen, GP Canada, 2023 📽
Foreign press about Max, GP Spain, 2023 📽
At age 25 Max Verstappen is already quickly on his way to becoming one of the greatest in Formula 1 history, GP Monaco, 2023 📰
Max & GP and the team pre-race, GP Monaco, 2023 📽🔇
Max and Ole post-qualifying, GP Monaco, 2023 📽
Max with GP darting in and out with super secret info, pre-sprint race, GP Azerbaijan, 29 April 2023 📽🔇
Max getting strapped into the maxi-cosi, pre-sprint race, GP Azerbaijan, 29 April 2023 📽🔇
Max pre-sprint race, GP Azerbaijan, 29 April 2023 📽🔇
Maxplaining to Charles, GP Azerbaijan, 29 April 2023 📽🔇
Max & Christian Horner, pre-qualifying, GP Australia, 01 April 2023 📽 🔇
Max & Christian Horner, Helmut Marko, pre-qualifying, GP Australia, 01 April 2023 📽 🔇
Maxplaining, Bahrein test day 1, 23 February 2023 📽
Pre-season testing interview with Max for Viaplay, Bahrein, 25 February 2023 📽 subtitled
Christian Horner and Max Verstappen about Ford, RBR Launch 2023 📽 subtitled
Christian about Daniel, RBR Launch 2023 📽
Max Verstappen about sim testing and improving, RBR Launch 2023 📽 subtitled
Max Verstappen about the new year + car, RBR Launch 2023 📽 subtitled
Max and Martin Garrix meeting at the garage, GP Mexico, 2022 📽
Miscellaneous 2022
Max's Machine trailer, with David Coulthard, 11 November 2022 📽
Post-championship win interview with Sophie Kumpen, 9 October 2022 📽 subtitled
Daniel x Max in Max Verstappen: The Next Generation 📽 subtitled
Daniel x Max background crumbs 1, GP Brazil, 13 november 2022 📽
Daniel x Max background crumbs 2, GP Brazil, 13 november 2022 📽
Daniel x Max background crumbs and Maxplaining, GP Singapore, 2022 📽
Daniel and George watching Max's last qualifying lap at Singapore, GP Singapore, 2022 📽
Sophie Kumpen and Victoria Verstappen, on RTL Late Night, post-GP Barcelona, 17 May 2016 📽 subtitled
Sophie Kumpen and Giedo van der Garde, on RTL Late Night, post-GP Barcelona, 17 May 2016 📽 subtitled
Jan Lammers on RTL Late Night, post-GP Barcelona, 17 May 2016 📽 subtitled
Max on the difference between working with Renault and Honda, 2019 📽 subtitled
Max about his onboards, Peptalk 2017 📽
Max, guest on Peptalk in 2017, playing Guess Who Said (I) 📽 text translation
Max, guest on Peptalk in 2017, playing Guess Who Said (II) 📽 text translation
A tour of the Red Bull garage with Daniel, GP Canada, 2023 📽
Race weekend interviews with Viaplay/Dutch media 2023
Lewis and Fernando banter, post race, GP Canada, 2023 📽
George interview, about racing Max and that spatial awareness comment, and getting a gift. GP Canada, 2023 📽
Carlos about Le Mans and participating in the future (with Charles), Canada GP, 2023 📽 (link won't save. tag: le mans carlos)
Fernando post-race, GP Miami, 7 May 2023 📽
Lance Stroll interview, GP Azerbaijan, 2023 📽
Fernando Alonso checking if the lighting is flattering, GP Australia, post-qualifying, 1 April 2023 📽
NOS interview with Daniel Ricciardo, Australian GP, 1 April 2023 📽 + 📰
Daniel Ricciardo on when/if he's driving the car this year, GP Australia, 31 March 2023 📽
Nyck and Max about The Lap of Jeddah '21, GP Jeddah, 18 March 2023 📽 text translation
Viaplay visited orphanage Wat Sakraeo and talked to Alex Albon about it, Studio Formule 1: Bahrein Shakedown, 3 March 2023 📽 subtitled
Yuki only has knowledge about the cars, Bahrein, 25 February 2023 📽
Kevin Magnussen on his F1 comeback, living in Denmark, and Mick Schumacher, GP COTA, 2022 📽
Race weekend interviews with Viaplay/Dutch media 2022
Lando Norris, post sprint-race, GP Brazil, 13 November 2022 📽
Christian Horner interview with David Coulthard, post-race, GP COTA, 2022 📽
Daniel "I 🧡 Austin" Ricciardo, pre-race, GP COTA, 2022 📽
Williams vs. Alfa Romeo playing Dutch Trivia, GP Zandvoort, 2022 📽
George Russell and Daniel Ricciardo chatting mid-interview, GP Monza, 2022 📽
Sjoelen with Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz Jr., GP Zandvoort, 2022 📽
Mick Schumacher onboard after scoring his first points, GP Silverstone, 3 July 2022
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steam-beasts · 5 months
"Down a mine, is he? Hahaha!!" laughed Gordon "What a joke!"
(quote from Ttte season 1, ep 25; Down the Mine)
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Happy 4/4!
A bit late(ish), i know :P
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baronessblixen · 7 months
Fictober 2023
All the stories in one place. A huge thank you to everyone for their support this month.
Day 1: Secret Spots - This is cotton candy-flavored fluff set after "Millennium": Mulder and Scully go to Mrs. Scully's house and find themselves all alone for a moment...
Day 2: Just in Case - This is angst/hurt/comfort with a dash of hopeful cheesiness. Starts off in Dod Kalm (yes, you read that right). Mulder decides to be brave in what he believes to be his last moments on earth.
Day 3: The Deepest Cut - Diana/IVF angst (with a soft ending): Scully is already upset about a colleague's pregnancy and then Diana shows up and makes things worse.
Day 4: Always Expect The Unexpected - Some soft, fluffy silliness today: Scully and Mulder see her mother out on a date with... A.D. Skinner?
Day 5: If I Were The King of The World - Fluffy-fluff set in Detour: We get to see a bit more of Scully singing to Mulder...
Day 6: In The Blink Of An Eye - Angst/Mulder in peril: Mulder happens to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time...
Day 7: Glimpses of October - Post-IWTB/Pre-Revival vignette: Mulder watches his son play in the fallen leaves. Or is he?
Day 8: A Very Queequeg Morning - Hurt/comfort AND humor after "Pusher": Mulder doesn't mind Scully showing up at his apartment after the case at all. Only problem: she's not alone.
Day 9: Talk Vanilla to Me - Rated M/banter/humor(?): Mulder can't sleep, but luckily, Scully is there to listen… and maybe more.
Day 10: Wishes - Fluff(?) post "Je Souhaite": Mulder wants to know what Scully's wishes would have been.
Day 11: Always Partners - Set in season 6, hurt/comfort, some angst: Kersh puts Scully on another case without Mulder and once again she gets hurt.
Day 12: The Easiest Choice - Fluff, rewrite of the last scene in "Existence": Mulder asks Scully what she's going to name the baby.
Day 13: Don't Forget The Cake - Fluff-ish, season 6: Diana throws Mulder a surprise birthday party. Chaos ensues.
Day 14: Preparation is Everything - Fluff, set after "Alone": With Mulder being unemployed, and Scully on maternity leave, they spend their time thinking about furniture, baby names, and all the ways their lives will change.
Day 15: Temporary Insanity - Angsty first kiss fill-in for "Paper Clip": What happened on that elevator ride?
Day 16: Mothers Always Know - Post-ep (sort of) for "Chimera", fluff: It's the Sunday morning after Mulder stayed over at Scully's and he has a somewhat awkward run-in with her mother.
Day 17: In Sickness And in Health - Hurt/comfort post-"Arcadia": They're on their way back home from The Falls at Arcadia when Scully gets sick.
Day 18: Beautiful In My Eyes - UST-filled post-ep fic: Mulder thinks Scully is the most beautiful person wherever she goes. She doesn't believe him so he tries to make her see it his way.
Day 19: It's Us Against The World - Angst, canon divergence for "Nothing Important Happened Today": No matter what Kersh said, Scully doesn't want Mulder to leave her and the baby. But what choice do they have?
Day 20: Shooting Stars - Mulder and Scully sharing a bed during two nights in The Rain King. After a first awkard night, what happens during the second one after the party ?
Day 21: No Longer Stuck In The Past - A different kind of post-episode fic for "The Unnatural": After his and Scully's baseball date, Mulder runs into Diana.
Day 22: Cookie Theft and Other Crimes - How the Ghosts Stole Christmas post-ep, hurt/comfort, angst, fluff - all the fixings: Bill Jr. runs into Mulder in the middle of the night and it goes as well as you might expect.
Day 23: You're Not Welcome Here - AU in which Diana didn't die and Mulder didn't leave after "Existence": Scully and William are waiting for Mulder when no other than Diana Fowley walks into the basement office.
Day 24: Rules Are Rules - Set in season 7, fluff: They're not supposed to share a room while on assignment. But aren't rules meant to be broken anyway?
Day 25: Another Banner Year - Set after "Our Town", before "Anasazi": Melissa shows up at her sister's apartment, demanding a few answers.
Day 26: I Saw Your Face In A Dream - AU where Mulder and Scully meet on karaoke night at a bar.
Day 27: Christmas With You By My Side - Sequel to day 22 "Cookie Theft And Other Crimes" but can be read as a stand-alone: What happens when Mulder wakes up with Scully in his arms?
Day 28: The Truth Is (Not) Found In A Glass of Whiskey - All Mulder wanted to do was drop off a report. Now he has to deal with a drunk Skinner.
Day 29: Glass Half Full - Sequel to "The Truth Is (Not) Found In A Glass of Whiskey": It's the morning after and Skinner wakes up with a hangover - and remembers way too much from the previous night.
Day 30: Feelings You Can't Hide - A post-ep for "Bad Blood" obviously. A jealous Mulder, an attempt at humor and the hint of angst may be found here.
Day 31: Trick or Treat - IVF arc, angsty fluff: They're supposed to go to the Gunmen's Halloween party, but there's something they need to make sure of first.
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acuteobserv4tion · 1 year
For people who want to say Splinter neglects the other Turtles.
"Just because you are my least favorite student, it does not mean you are my least favorite son."
Now, to list Splinter being a father/teacher.
First up is Donnie moments.
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His lessons have to do with the balance of body and mind and heart. Also, responsibility for his actions as well as other people.
Season 1:
Ep6 Metalhead
Ep7 Monkey Brains
Ep16 The Pulverizer
Ep 17 TCRI
Season 2: Keep in mind that the Turtles are coming into their own by this point
Ep4 Mutagen Man Unleashed
Next is Raph's episodes with Splinter.
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He throws in a mixture of lessons with Raph, not just anger.
Season 1:
Ep3 Turtle Temper
Ep8 Never say Xever
Ep19 Baxter's Gambit
Season 2:
Ep 7 Slash and Destroy
Here, we have Leo teaching/leadership moments.
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I noticed that Splinter is most strict with his eldest son and often has him be responsible for his brothers.
Season 1:
Ep 4 New Friend, Old Enemy
Ep 13 New Girl In Town
Ep 25 Showdown
Season 2
Ep 10 Fungus Humungous
Ep 22 Vengeance is Mine
And now, for episodes where he's a father/teacher to them all. (Or at least doesn't just focus on Leo)
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Season 1
Ep 5 I Think His Name is Baxter Stockman
Ep9 The Gauntlet
Ep10 Panic in The Sewers
Ep11 Mousers Attack
Ep 13 New Girl in Town (Raph and Leo)
Ep14 I, Monster
Ep22 The Pulverizer Returns
Season 2: Again, the Turtles start to come into their own
Ep 1 The Mutation Situation
Ep 16 The Lonely Mutation of Baxter Stockman
Now, admittedly, there aren't as many moments where Splinter has solo time with Mikey.
Season 1
Ep21 Karai's Vendetta
Season 2
Ep 5 Mikey gets Shellacne
Most of his solo hero moments happen when sensei isn't around.
But, guess what. Next time, I'm dedicating a whole post to the times Splinter compliments Mikey and also goes easier on him in seasons 1 and 2.
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quakinqueer · 3 months
Hey so I've had this in my drafts for well over a month, then that recent smosh mouth came out, rendering this near useless, but I'm still gonna post it cause why not.
Beginner's Guide to Smosh Seasonal Games
(For newer fans, even though no one asked. And yes I'm manifesting summer/winter games 2024, look away.) Mostly sourced from the Smosh Wiki.
1- Smosh Summer Games! (2015)
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1st trailer aired: June 27, 2015 ~ Finale: July 31, 2015 This was the OG that started it all! No theme, unless you count it being entirely held at a beach house. Very classic smosh vibes, inappropriate jokes, and queerbaiting galore, with 12 episodes total across Pit (2nd channel at the time) and Games. (tbh I haven't seen this one). This was held shortly after the 'main squad' was cast (Keith, N*ah, Olivia, and Courtney), and was Shayne's official introduction to the channel! Teams/Cast: Bananarama: Anthony (Captain), Lasercorn (David Moss), Courtney, N*ah, Mari Takahashi, Jovenshire (Joshua Evan Ovenshire). Jiggle Physics: Ian (Captain), W*s J*hns*n, Sohinki (Matt Sohinki), Flitz (Amra Ricketts). Keith, Olivia. Refs/Hosts: Shayne, Joe Beretta Winners: Bananarama Special Awards: MVP - N*ah, LVP - Lasercorn, Biggest Fail - Olivia.
2- Smosh Winter Games! (2016)
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1st trailer aired: Jan 30, 2016 ~ Final Ep: Feb 29, 2016 The first Winter Games! Similar classic vibes to the first, except by this time the 'main squad' was much more settled in and comfortable with each other, and the overall cast. Strangely, Ian and Anthony didn't actually participate in the games, but commentated (not sure why). Combo of actual competition eps and also videos for other shows aka specials (s-s-s-sleepover, put it in my mouth) that were winter games themed. 23 videos total across 2nd Channel (Pit) and Games. Teams/Cast: Snow Fleeks: Anthony (captain), Mari, W*s, Sohinki, Keith, Olivia, refs. Blue Balls: Ian (captain), Lasercorn, Shayne, Courtney, Flitz, N*ah, Jovenshire. Refs/Hosts: M*tt R**b, Joe Beretta, Sunny Peabody. Winners: Blue Balls Special Awards: MVP- Olivia, LVP- Joven, Epic Moment- Lasercorn, Biggest Fail- W*s. (Lasercorn got Epic Moment for dropping an actual fire rap during the *wrap* battle)
3- Smosh Summer Games: Camp (2016)
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1st trailer aired: June 25, 2016 ~ Final Ep: July 30, 2016 The first one to have a theme, extremely iconic, the vibes were starting to peak around this time with the main squad being almost fully settled in by this point. For those of you who do not know, back in the day Smosh had separate casts for main/pit and for games, and the seasonal games were one of the only series where they would consistently appear together, and were originally intended to be a bonding activity. This one was the first to really let those dynamics *shine*, and really have them interact in memorable ways. Also best challenges up until this point cause of the theme. 13 specials and 9 competition episodes across games and 2nd channel, this time accompanied by a few vlogs on Courtney's personal channel. Teams/Cast: Kumbayaaas: Anthony (captain), Jovenshire, N*ah, Olivia, W*s, Courtney, Sohinki Harshmallows: Ian (captain), Mari, Keith, Shayne, Lasercorn, Flitz, refs Refs/Camp Counselors: M*tt R**b, Joe Beretta, Sunny Peabody. Winners: Harshmallows Special Awards: MVP- Olivia, LVP- Sohinki, Epic moment- Ian, Biggest Fail- W*s (Sohinki had to leave early due to sickness and so automatically got LVP)
4- Smosh Winter Games: Again! (2017)
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1st trailer aired: Jan 31, 2017 - Final Ep: Feb 28, 2017 Longest seasonal games by far, lot of iconic moments and fun specials, featured CFM's 2nd ever appearance, and was also Boze's debut as a games member! Not much else to say about this one, it's a blast with a lot of classic moments. Oh, and it was the last seasonal games to feature both Ian and Anthony as team captains :,). 19 specials (Game Bang, Board af, hot tub truth or dare, etc.) and 8 competition episodes across pit and games. Teams/Cast: Spaghetti Yetis: Anthony (captain), Boze, Sohinki, Lasercorn, Olivia, Flitz, Shayne Dablizzards: Ian (captain), Keith, W*s, Mari, N*ah, Courtney, Jovenshire Refs/Hosts: M*tt R**b, Joe Beretta, Sunny Peabody, Sarah Whittle, Tanner Risner. Winners: Spaghetti Yetis Special Awards: MVP - Anthony, LVP - Jovenshire, Epic Moment - Shayne, Biggest Fail - Boze
5- Smosh Summer Games: Wild West! (2017)
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Trailer aired: June 26, 2017 - Final ep: July 31, 2017 WWIIIILLLLDDDD HWEST! Let me tell yall this one is ICONIC, for so many reasons, in so many ways. Filmed on an awesome location (a ranch in Nevada), great teams, the production quality was top-notch, and let's not forget the infamous bar-brawl fight choreography of the trailer. So many iconic moments its astounding. Damien's first seasonal games, and also the first to neither feature Anthony nor have team captains (instead of picking teams dodgeball style like they had done previously, this time the teams were picked via a lottery). 15 specials (maricraft, board af, etc.), and 8 competition episodes across pit and games. Fun fact, this season was filmed a week before the "Anthony is leaving smosh" video was released. Teams/Cast: Randy Bandits: Lasercorn, N*ah, Olivia, Damien, Mari, Ian, Flitz Cowbaes: Jovenshire, Courtney, Shayne, Keith, W*s, Sohinki, Boze Refs/Sheriffs: M*tt R**b, Joe Beretta, Sunny Peabody Winners: Randy Bandits Special Awards: MVP - Flitz, LVP - W*s, Epic Moment - Shayne, Biggest Fail - Jovenshire Shayne told his Epic Moment story on the pod, but incase you missed it: during a hangman competition he managed to guess a 2-word answer, with no letters on the board, on his first try. The answer was Wyatt Earp. Some out of context references: "MUNGE", "My name is Calamity Janet, and I am crazy.", "Sorry"×20, *wide shot of damien holding up his fist for like 3 minutes*, *Mama bird*, *shot in the chest* "Where's Anthony?"
6- Smosh Summer Games: We Blew It! (2018)
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Trailer aired: August 17, 2018 - Final ep: August 24, 2018 Folks, what can I say, they blew it. They had 10 dollars and a dream for this one, and they tried their best, but it is admittedly still the weakest of the Summer Games. Between airing later than any other, taking place within only a week as opposed to a month, having the least amount of competitions (5) and the least amount of specials (1 Smosh and Order), this one really is a last-ditch effort sort of ordeal. But make no mistake, it's no one's fault but Defy Fuckhead Media Inc.; in case you missed the Smosh mouth ep, the story goes that Defy simply didn't want summer games to happen that year, and gave M*tt R**b an eighth of the usual budget. Despite all this, I'm sure if you go back and watch it, the videos are actually really enjoyable with some fun goofs and special moments. The first games to not feature Sohinki or Flitz, and this time there were team captains, chosen according to the personal awards given the prior year. Teams/Cast: Inflatabulls: Jovenshire (Captain, previous winner of Biggest Fail), Mari, Damien, Courtney, Keith, Boze Balloonatics: Shayne (Captain, previous winner of Most Epic Moment), Lasercorn, N*ah, Ian, W*s, Olivia Refs: M*tt R**b, Sarah Whittle Guest Refs/Guest Judges:  Garrett Palm, Joe Bereta, Spencer Agnew, Tanner Risner and Tim Baker Winners: Balloonatics Special Awards: MVP - Mari, LVP - Damien, Epic Moment/Biggest Win - Lasercorn, Biggest Fail - W*s
7- Smosh Summer Games: Apocalypse! (2019)
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Trailer aired: July 15, 2019 - Final ep: August 16, 2019 APPOOOCALYPSSE!! This one ROCKS! Not quite as iconic as Wild West, but it's honestly up there in my opinion. The first and only summer games post-mythical, and a return to normalcy from We Blew It in terms of length, airing schedule, etc., probably because they'd managed to find a sponsor to help with the budget. This one had some greeaat specials, including Spelling Bee-kini Wax, Maricraft, Try Not To Laugh: Gauntlet (so many iconic bits from these tntls, and if I'm not mistaken one of Tommy's earliest appearances), and a lot of Smoshcast. Fun fact, Sohinki was actually invited to participate but was in Italy at the time, so Kimmy was cast as a guest participant instead to even out the teams. The first to have no team selection process or opening ceremony, instead the teams were pre-picked at random and revealed during the trailer. 18 specials and 8 competition episodes across Pit, Games, and Smoshcast. Teams/Cast: ToxiciTea: Jovenshire, Ian, Olivia, Mari, Shayne, W*s Mushroom Clout: N*ah, Lasercorn, Damien, Keith, Courtney, Kimmy Refs: M*tt R**b, Sarah Whittle Guest Refs/Guest Judges:  Joe Bereta Winners: ToxiciTea Special Awards: MVP - Joven, LVP - Shayne, Epic Win/Moment - Courtney, Epic Fail - Ian Fun little end note, Lasercorn, up until this point, had never lost a single season, and had been described for a while as having a 'Winning Streak'. That became a big running gag this season in particular, with Lasercorn describing his team as being 'Blessed by the power of the streak', while ToxiciTea claimed that was the year the streak would be broken. In the end, it was. On Twitter and other socials, the hashtags "#Breakthestreak" and "#Thestreakisreal" were used by the fandom to support either team. Overall super fun season with a lot of fandom involvement.
This took me way too long. Enjoy!
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xienst · 1 year
MASTERLIST of all ! era EVENT stories
reading all enstars! stories is... a lot. what if I want to read just the event stories?
[summaries will be added to the complete stories masterpost]
meanwhile, links to translations of !event stories here u go:
from spring:
THE FLAG'S HONOUR (fine) - spring2
EASTER NIGHT (switch, valkyrie) - spring3
BOOK FAIR (knights, switch) - spring12
RESURRECTION SUNDAY (undead, akatsuki, 2wink) - spring14
PURPLE WISTERIAS OF MAY (mam, rst, r, k) - spring 15
HAPPY SPRING (ra*bits) - spring 23
BAND ENSEMBLE (trickstar, undead, ritsu) - spring 24
SCHOOL FESTIVAL 4 (rst, kk, kh, tm, wh) - spring 31
from summer:
SHINSENGUMI (akatsuki, trickstar) - summer 8
AMUSEMENT LIVE (2wink, ra*bits) - summer 10
MAGNOLIA (fine) [unavailable] - summer 17
SUNSHOWER FESTA (switch, 2wink) - summer 18
RAINBOW (g&a) - summer 19
POOL (Tomoya, switch, trickstar) - summer 22
SUMMER LIVE (eve, trickstar) - summer 35
STARS * GLITTERS OF THE PRISM- (crossover) - summer 39
SUMMER NIGHT FESTIVAL - (akatsuki, ra*bits) - summer 42
BEACH MATCH (rst, 2wink) - summer 47
PLEIADES NIGHT (switch, trickstar, ra*bits) - summer 52
AQUARIUM - (rst, undead) summer 54
CHEVAL LIVE - (knights, valkyrie) summer 55
from autumn:
TSUKIMI LIVE (akatsuki, ra*bits) - autumn 2
REVENGE MATCH (eden, trickstar, fine) - autumn 7
MUSIC FESTA (rst, fine, izumi) - autumn 11
FLEUR DE LIS (knights, reikao, mam) - autumn 13
ROCKIN STAR (undead, trickstar)- autumn 17
SWEET HALLOWEEN (rst, ra*bits, mam) - autumn 22
HORROR NIGHT HALLOWEEN (knights, trickstar) - autumn 23
SCHOOL TRIP (fine, knights, trickstar)- autumn 24
BLOOD BANQUET (undead, switch, valkyrie) - autumn 25
HOSPITAL VISIT (rst, mam, kh, ns) - autumn 26
TOYLAND (fine, kh, sk, ha) -autumn 32
SOIREE IN THE CANARY HALL- (knights, mam, nn, ko) autumn 33
from winter:
CATS AND THE CAMELIA TRAIN (akatsuki, knights) - winter 5
CHRISTMAS LIVE (rst, 2wink) - winter 9
STAR FESTIVAL (knights, valkyrie) - winter 12
JINGLE BELLS - (fine, trickstar, ta, mt) winter 13
ROMANTIC COMEDY (undead, ra*bits) - winter 14
HOLIDAY PARTY (undead, rst) - winter 15
SS (trickstar, eden) - winter 18
DREAM TRAVEL (fine, mt, hs, kh, ss)- winter 30
FORTUNE DREAM BANQUET (knights, switch) - winter 31
SAGA (trickstar, eden) [ongoing] - winter 32
DINER LIVE - winter 33
SETSUBUN FESTIVAL (2wink, rei, mi, kh, rs, ns, sh) - winter 34
SWEET AND BITTER (knights, ra*bits) - winter 42
DECORATE (undead, akatsuki) - winter 43
HOT AND ELEGANT CHOCOLATE FES (rst, valkyrie) - winter 44
WONDER GAME (switch, eden) - winter 49
next year spring
CLASS LIVE (class 2a + tsumugi + yuta)
HUMAN COMEDY (valkyrie + nn, kk, ra*bits)
REQUIEM (knights)
EP: LINK (fine, trickstar)
OPERETTA (undead)
note: labels of "<season><number>" are according to my masterpost of summaries,, I apologise for the messiness of the labels -> will create a spreadsheet for this one day
also i dont own any of these translations i did not make them (most links are to the wiki via the wayback machine, but some are to current translations on tumblr that are still ongoing)
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