#searching for the best pattern asap
countthelions · 1 year
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I've hit the mills end JACKPOT
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digisurvive · 6 months
The case of the mysterious woman
So, my friend got digisurvive for their birthday and was diligently texting me about it. When he met the mysterious woman, he remarked "lol this is arukenimon again, isn't it?" (We watched Ghost Game together, but she hasn't actually watched 02 LMAO).
At any rate, this got me thinking the scenario brings out very fun points of interest for Shuuji, Kaito and Aoi, regardless whether we, genre-savy digimon fans, can buy it.
We get our first taste of Shuuji's risk aversion in this part when he quickly shoots down the idea of going out to explore, backed by Aoi. In true Takuma fashion, we push the decision for later, much to Saki and Minoru's disappointment. From Minoru's side, who has the tendency to act impulsively and plan poorly ("Let's go out and look for the Professor asap, we can look for food on the way"), it's not surprising he'd take this stance. Despite his fear being getting the spotlight in his arc, it's not like he lacks an adventurous spirit or dislikes entertaining bizarre ideas; it's more about how inconsistent he is to act based on integrity because of falling into his avoidance coping and priotizing his own comfort or giving in to his emotions.
From Saki is more interesting, I think, given she was chased around by Fangmon alongside Shuuji and finds the possibility of violent confrontation distateful, not to mention she's fairly conflict adverse too. Still, she emphasizes the idea of at least trying something in part 5, and, with her cultivated optimism, expects for the best. This very strongly plays into why her and Minoru trust Arukenimon so easily. Lots of wishful thinking and wanting to believe the best can happen. I think one could have a lot of fun playing into how eager she is to jump into the apparent easy solution. The disillusionment certainly starts to set for her past part five lol
Shuuji's stance is, as said earlier, risk adverse. He doesn't wanna take any chances and he immediately jumps into the possibility of getting them all killed. At this point, he still hopes a search party will find them and hasn't yet been shown that won't be the case, so he's not being entirely irrational here. However, the fact remains that it's a defined pattern for him to reject taking any risks and freezing and failing to respond to the situations before him. The other thing that is also a pattern is how easily he caves in to external pressure. He doesn't have much trust in his own judgment, and his own personality and upbringing make him suceptible to that sort of external pressure— so once the majority outnumber him, he takes on the responsibility of spearhearding the exploration lol This carries over to the way he fails with Arukenimon. He's suspicious of her but eventually caves in to what his juniors want to do, even though it's so ill-advised. Given the Cherubimon evo scene underlines the need for him to embrace his "selfishness" and trust his own judgment, it's pretty great how even early conflicts show us how badly he struggles to actually put his foot down and stand by his discernment. On the flipsode, this trait of his isn't always negative, not imposing on the group can lead to some necessary outcomes, but the fact is that these early "agreements" stem from being outnumbered and not having any real alternative than to follow the group, so they usually bring out his shortcomings more often than not.
In the case of Aoi, I think it's interesting that she initially backs Shuuji up, only to change her mind when she hears about the radio tower. In part two, she wasn't opposed to looking for the Professor and co, but she disagreed about going out unprepared, wanting the group to find food first. As she puts it in part four when scolding Shuuji after his argument with Kaito, they can't get by without ever venturing outside. So, she's not as risk adverse as him but tends to prefer caution and less plans when they don't have a clear goal. She rejects the idea at first, but once she hears about the radio tower and reasons the benefits it'll have (being able to communicate with the world), she sees the risk as warranted. Arguably, she agrees with Shuuji and Kaito about the Mysterious Woman because of pragmatic reasons but completely fails to rouse the group under this directive. While being a pushover often seems more of a her problem, this scenario brings out really well how her inaction or inability to assert herself can have negative outcomes for them as a whole.
With regards Kaito, this scenario is a great reintroduction to his character. The initial reason he gives for not trusting Arukenimon can boil down to just instict (Everything we have met this far is a monster, what makes you think she isn't), even in the face of the partnermon not being able to confirm his suspicions. Beyond that, he's so riled up by Arukenimon, he comes off as too irrational and violent (Shuuji and Minoru straight have to hold him back from fist fighting her, which is just hilarious). I think this makes him easy to dismiss by Minoru and Saki, even though his case is actually pretty credible once he actually explains it LOL The fact Dracmon straight up says "We'll go through this, and if we're wrong, we'll say sorry afterwards" makes it doubly funny. Despite being right and having pretty solid reasoning, he sure makes himself look pretty badly lol
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groovycowboychild · 4 months
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Live Blogging The S1 finale
i decided to write down all my thoughts (on paper, so i just retyped them here) as i watched the finale to appease my need to comment and or critique on whatever kripke has magicked up
I hate john so much GET HIM OFF MY SCREEN
this guy has been searching for the demon that killed his wife for the past 22 years and you're saying that ONLY NOW IS HE NOTICING THE STRANGE ASS PATTERNS????? the signs like cattle deaths and rising temperatures cannot compare to the things he has supposedly done in the past 20 episodes where apparently he's this mastermind who can hunt anything. unfortunately, we're just gonna be shown more and more proof that john (and sam) doesn't use their brain when revenge is concerned.
also why does him cursing feels so out of place??
That comment on sam's premonitions. Gods I can't take it I need him punched in the face so badly for that
also love how Dean takes every order and beating and insult to himself like a dog but the second john attacks sam, he instantly defends sam
God i hate how when dean and sam are having fights, john just tells them to stop and makes no move at mediating the actual conflicts. like yeah dude, good job on teaching your kids to repress and forget, I'm sure it's super healthy
Also icb he's taking the obvious bait from meg without a second thought. this guy kept being hyped up as the best hunter to the point of ditching his kids to be less vulnerable but a single phone call and he folds like a wet paper towel. like wtf the voice can even be faked and he makes no attempt to make sure of that when we know even monsters like the wendigo can mimic voices and he's here not thinking when it's a high level demon????
spn is so dumb at balancing character intelligence, knowledge, and survivability. i don't wanna be harsh but are you saying john really thinks he can trick a demon and his friends with some random fake ass gun. that or his IQ is below ground level
you know what I'm starting to be unable to ignore the fact that growing up watching spn caus your dad watches it religiously means that i can see damn well how hard it has impacted how he parented me and my brother. what? with him practically skinning john from the problem solving to the parenting and the reactions towards conflicts. not all ofc but like damn still
also I'm so proud of deans "if things go south, just get the hell out." I'm so proud of him i hope he starts applying it to himself more often and stop working himself to death like a dead man's horse
sam is so little sibling with the constant comments, awful ideas, and even awfuller questions. dean's got to be the worlds most patient and loving big brother COUGHS (codependency)
ngl i kinda hate megs acting. she gets the job done i guess. Actually, i just hate the way she's written from the dialogue and naughty girl persona. ig i cant be too harsh since its the first demon character of the show
the gun check scene was very dumb ngl. not the best work. the way meg didn't realise as soon as that bullet went through her corporeal form is so dumb. she should've been smarter than that. wouldn't change the goddamn thing in the long run anyways, would just make it less annoying to watch.
ik I'm being harsh here but like i fees as though they should be better at their job at this point. like the second that radio started going haywire, they should've booked it out of that car and go to the house asap. like i know its for cinematography and tension reasons but it just feels dumbbbb
dean always the one saving children...... I'm so insane about it
dean holding sam back from the fiery suicide. god i love that scene so much. every line that comes out of dean's mouth is practically gold there. the performance was amazing
dean the only one with a brain and a heart in his body that's why he's the shortest in the family
dean the only one in this family who's hunting for the sake of people who are alive. saving people instead of revenge when he's the one whos first and most victimised by the demons. I'm feeling insane
thank you dean for not idiotically trying to save your deadbeat sun of a gun dad the second you hear meg call. thank you for not falling for the same bait your dad so easily fell into despite him and your brother making it seem like the only right choice in such a situation is to eject your brain from your head. once again thank you for having your priorities straight
thank you for knowing when to change courses. thank you for knowing when to ask for help. yes this is a dean winchester appreciation post
I'm ngl jared padalecki's latin accent is so shit
their discussion about an innocent girl being trapped in there and it being an argument against exorcising the deamon out makes no sense. first, that girl is as good as dead the second she got possessed anyways even without falling from the 7 story building. and now? so what if the girl will die w/o the demon. you really think that having her body be misused and deformed while being forced to watch without any control is better than what would be eternal rest???? a fate all human must succumb to???????
ok remember the plane episode? in that ep, they said that after the demon's out, it's supposed to be in it's strongest form as it isn't contained in a body anymore but here they just straight up ignore it????
ok i know for a fact that moving a person with broken bones without proper prep technique and stuff is like one of the worst things you can do but ig neither of the winchesters went to med school
"I've got a Yorkie upstairs and he pees when he's nervous" I'm kissing kripke on the mouth thank you for writing dean winchester
with how much he loves saving people it would've been so easy to make dean want to be a cop but thank god they were a firemen outfit before the touch a cop one
IT KILLS ME, that the abuse and mistreatment john had dean went through has dug its nails so deep into deans psyche and body that even when things that he trusts show differently (the holy water test on john)he was still 100% sure his dad would never actly lovingly or be proud for dean saving his brother (also he would never say please lets be real)
I'm speechless. the Azazel monologue to his escape. the whole scene. GOD. i love it so much. it hit all the right spots, dialogue immaculately written and the amazing performance by the actors oh my god yes yes yes dig out those underlying insecurities that dean loves to hide behind the cold playboy persona aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh just amazing. the tension and rawness of that shoot me scene too GODS
that ending was a sure ticket to have their first ever next season and just proves again how deserving spn was of the hype and love it's gotten at the time
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longbeachtherapy1 · 1 year
Know when trauma is affecting your life
Life is not always fair, and destiny has some really painful ways to make it obvious. The problem is, it becomes worrisome when the trauma of the past haunts your present without you knowing. Yes, there are indeed many cases where people are not aware that they have trauma or they do not want to accept it which worsens the problem.
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Why do you need to heal from trauma?
Trauma affects you to the depths you can’t even imagine. It only changes how you feel and react in a different situation. No, it affects you way more badly than that. Trauma changes the way you perceive the world, and it shackles you down within your insecurities and labels.
Traumatized people are very much capable of dealing with situations like how a non-traumatized person would, but the ghost of the past hinders them from doing so. It kills the potential and makes you a slave to your thoughts.
So if you are facing any kind of invisible walls that are stopping you from achieving your goals or making you feel incompetent, then you need to check in with your inner self ASAP and see which part of you is bleeding and desperately needs your attention.
Can I recognize the trauma on my own?
No one who’s suffering from mental health problems wants to hear the words “stop overreacting” which might be the reason you avoid that mental health checkup. The fear of a professional telling you that you are fine and just overreacting can be greater than suffering from the trauma itself.
This is because it’ll mean all the battles you fought alone meant nothing, which can be heartbreaking and to some point cruel. But the truth is chances are you need professional help and even if you are fine, no therapist will ever make you feel your struggles are of no importance.
But even then, if you are uncomfortable visiting a therapist, you can look for these signs.
Signs of trauma
There are 4 major types of symptoms that you might experience in case of trauma. These types include cognitive symptoms, behavioral symptoms, physical symptoms, and psychological symptoms.
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Cognitive symptoms
Intrusive thoughts
Mood swings
Disorientation or disassociation from the body
Memory loss
Difficulty in focus and concentration
Flashbacks of the event
Behavioral symptoms
Avoidance, especially if the task relates to the place or activity of trauma
Isolation and difficulty in maintaining close relations
Lack of interest in things and activities that you once enjoyed
Physical symptoms
Getting frightened easily
Long-term fatigue and exhaustion
Sexual dysfunction
Change in eating patterns
Extreme alertness and always being on defense
Psychological symptoms
Getting overwhelmed
Feeling emotionally numb
Panic attacks
Bottom line
Along with decreasing the quality of life, trauma also makes you more vulnerable to developing mental health disorders. It is of utmost importance that you visit a therapist in San Pedro in case you have any of the above symptoms. And although the past never changes, all we can do is let go and move on once we are done grieving, because holding onto it will only hurt us.
For those searching for the “Best trauma therapist near me,” visiting Long beach therapy can be a great choice because they have a staff full of mental health professionals. These experts excel at helping you heal from the past and teaching you to live in the future with great hope for the future.
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winniecouturebg · 2 years
Exactly How Many Couture Wedding Dresses Should You Try?
So, you are planning to start your wedding shopping. And the biggest question that is bugging your mind is how many couture wedding dresses you should try! You need to devote a lot of your time and energy to the trial process. Exploring multiple bridal fashion boutiques and trying countless bridal outfits can feel like a never-ending process. You may fall head over heels in love with the very first bridal attire you see. Or, you may end up spending weeks and months choosing that one perfect couture wedding dress for your most special day in the life.
How would you know when to pull the reign? How many is too many? This blog tells you exactly that.
What happens when you try too many wedding outfits?
The bridal fashion experts believe that when a bride-to-be tries way too many bridal attires, it will gradually get overwhelming. She will start feeling frustrated and perplexed. It is necessary that she focuses on that one dream wedding gown and not while away time in search of “something better.”
It is therefore quite advisable that the would-be-bride should limit the number of wedding outfit trials. And then, as you come back home, go through the pictures you have clicked. Sleep on with your wedding attire options, and the day after, you will be in a better state to take a smart decision.
Is it okay to try bridal dresses from different bridal fashion showrooms?
It is okay if you want to explore the bridal attires from different showrooms. But ensure that you visit the flagship showrooms for 3 to 4 designers whom you adore and follow. Otherwise, you will end up wasting too much time while surfing through multiple designs, styles, patterns and so on.
Should you keep trying on attires even when you have finalized "the one" in your mind?
Once you have set your mind on a couture wedding dress and wish to wear it at your wedding, you should stop the trials. It is time to seal the deal. Get rid of all the inspirational pictures, magazine cut outs, and Pinterest and Instagram images ASAP! You should give yourself a break and be at peace with the one which you have selected after investing so much time and money. Otherwise, every new dress that you try will tempt you to change your mind and look for better options. Soon you will realize that you are running behind a mirage.
In a nutshell!
Your wedding shopping experience should be fun-filled and memorable. You should, therefore, not over-complicate things and opt for limited wedding attire trials. And to make things easy and smooth sailing, you can visit Winnie Couture- the best wedding boutique where you will get to choose from a wide variety of wedding couture dresses. They aim to offer a plush wedding shopping experience to all the brides-to-be out there. Visit their flagship stores if you wish to finalize your wedding attire in one go.
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honeycuttross7 · 2 years
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bruhnfoster8 · 2 years
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The Replica Valentino Handbags Real Leather Small Square Shoulder Bag looks quite simple, and the male ticket may be very refreshing to give me a New Year’s Day present. If you confirm your handle earlier than the deadline, meet the necessities for the campaign , nd there are spots still obtainable, you'll receive a delivery affirmation email stating “You’re in”. If your survey results from the application don’t match what the model is in search of, or if all spots have stuffed , you'll receive the rejection e mail. "During the years 1961–70, the cosmonauts made 2 hundred journeys overseas; Tereshkova alone made forty-two foreign journeys. wikipedia handbags She acquired by far the most invites among the many cosmonauts." Vostok 6 was the ultimate Vostok flight and was launched two days after Vostok 5 which carried Bykovsky into a five-day mission. Our "Internet-Only" method allows us to cut the overhead value and offer you model new red bottom at the lowest prices you'll ever see. Even though the tags may not be visible while wearing sneakers, it is amongst the most important particulars to try while authenticating an item. The color of the strings has been mismatched by the replica factories, as they are alleged to be darker as proven on the authentic mannequin. Very very first thing that needs to be mentioned is the black shiny leather used for the pumps. While it must be very shiny, it mustn't go excessive, which is in a position to make it look cheap-looking which is the precise case in the best image. It should reflect light as nicely as it is shown on the genuine model. Not solely is the bottle gorgeous however there’s one thing about this perfume that makes it a candy deal with to wrap up this year. Out of all of the perfumes I own , Aerin’s Cedar Violet is the one I always get the most compliments about. It’s some of the distinctive floral scents with a touch of amber to make it much less overpowering and more pure. Below, discover our 25 favorite fragrances from Sephora’s Fragrance for All Event. And, bear in mind — shop ASAP; some of the most popular fragrances are already out of stock. The rules required that the potential cosmonaut be a parachutist underneath 30 years of age, less than one hundred seventy cm in peak, no more than 70 kg in weight. By January 1962, the All-Union Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Air Force and Navy had selected four hundred candidates for consideration. After the preliminary screening, 58 of those candidates met the requirements, which Kamanin reduced to 23. On 16 February 1962, Tereshkova was chosen together with 4 different candidates to hitch the female cosmonaut corps. Replica Valentino Handbags Rockstud Spike Small quilted leather handbag Red purse is the new work of creative director Pierpaolo Piccioli, which results in the brand’s new inventive path. 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In the times that adopted Meng arrest, China detained Michael Kovrig, a Canadian diplomat on leave, and Michael Spavor, an entrepreneur, on imprecise allegations of in actions that endanger the national safety.
0 notes
kirozai · 3 years
Hi! I hope your having a good day! Would I be allowed to ask for the reactions of Some genshin boys reacting to the reader on their period (to make it better pretend they don't know what periods are)
Thank you for your time and feel free to not answer this
hi there’! apologies for not getting to you sooner. and i hope you have an extravagant day! <3 (its day for me rn :) )
Is it that time?
sfw, fluff, obsessive worshiping, religious themes, genshin impact cult au, afab reader.
it all started off with you getting sick, at first zhongli thought it was just something you caught and isolated away from others to protect you , but then it became a pattern. every month for around a week you would get really bad cramps and horrible symptoms. the best he can do is have healers by you easing the pain a bit. unlike the other world you were in you had to suffer and pray the pain medication would kick in soon here in teyvat there are healers and medications stronger then even prescriptions. thats a plus side i guess. your surprised to find out that… no one. and i mean no one. has a damn idea about what a period is. i mean that box of tampons/pads that somehow keeps getting refilled with magic, which no one has any idea what there for, thank you celestias for having a bit on mercy and not letting you free bleed. when you explain to zhongli what it is, hes on a search to try to find something to stop the pain. after a while of trying herbs and medication, you two find one that helps the pain and sometimes gets rid of periods all together. kinda like birth control but stronger. so now with the medication you can live a somewhat non-painful life.
xiao is… confused to say the least. while you two were walking the celestias thought it was a great idea to make you start now. like right now. we dont care if you dont have anything. xiao starts panicking when he sees blood which causes him to go adeptus mode. the first thing he does is bring you to the teapot. okay now there are a bunch of healers and doctors around you trying to figure whats going on. at first, you think this is all a joke being played on you, you realize xiao doesnt make jokes like this. do they really not know whats going on? you explain it to them. a bunch of “oohhs” are exchanged but with xiao it brings him sadness that you have to suffer every month. :c he knows what if feels like. for this section ill say that there is no help and its just the sanitary items. ciao will always get your favorite foods and hangout a lot. he needs to keep an eye on you when zhongli is out of course. zhongli is trying to find something that can help make you feel even a little better. xiao would do things with much more. for example, you want water? already done. breakfast? all made in bed for you to eat. ( or a table if you prefer that”)overall hes quite kind with your times. even when you get mad for no reason.
i am so tired. i cant even post to my full potential :( (sorry venti)
thank you for reading this! and requesting i did want to make it longer but i need to feed my children.
requests are open
kirozai out!
edited: no
edit: hi everyone im going under surgery so ill be out for a couple of days! wish me luck! ill try my best to get back asap. <3
264 notes · View notes
rivalsforlife · 3 years
Ace Attorney 20th Anniversary Character Poll (and how to participate in it!)
Hey there. If you haven’t heard the news, Weekly Famitsu Magazine (a Japanese gaming magazine which has, historically, been where many new ace attorney games are announced) is going to have an article releasing on October 21st featuring Ace Attorney for the upcoming 20th Anniversary.
This is pretty decent news, I think, though we don’t know yet if there’s going to be a new game announcement or any other sort of news. What is confirmed is that they’re going to run a fan poll where you can vote on your favorite characters, cases, and Payne hairstyles, among other things.
This does not ask for personal information, and as far as I can tell, you don’t need to be in Japan to respond. The poll is, however, solely in Japanese, and I assume they’re expecting answers in Japanese as well. I took the liberty with the help of google translate to attempt to make a rough translation of the poll, and you can follow along with this and fill it out yourself if you wish! Keep in mind this may not necessarily be extremely accurate, because google translate, and if anyone knows better than I do, please do correct me!
The poll closes September 30th 2021 11:59 PM Japan time - so there’s not a lot of time to fill it out!
Here’s a link to the poll. The questions are under the cut.
Also, keep in mind that this will address characters that appear in all of the games, though no major plot spoilers are present.
I recommend using google translate on the webpage if you can, it makes things a bit easier to navigate. I didn’t put the Japanese phrases next to the translated answers, since there was no option to copy+paste, so it would take up too much of my time - I can if someone really wants me to, though. Don’t solely rely on google translate though, as sometimes it will do things like translate “Naruhodo Ryunosuke” to “Phoenix Wright”.
As well, for some things like character responses, you may want to double-check their names on the wiki, just in case I got something wrong (which is quite likely.)
Here’s the translation:
The weekly Famitsu November 4, 2021 issue (released October 21, 2021) features a special article on "Ace Attorney," which celebrates the 20th anniversary of the series! Among them, we will carry out an “Ace Attorney” series fan questionnaire. Please answer whatever questions you can.
There are 20 questions in total. If it takes too much time to fill in, the input may be reset, so if you feel that your answers are going to be long, we recommend that you prepare a separate text and copy and paste it.
Please note that answers to the questionnaire may be excerpted and edited and introduced in the weekly Famitsu, Famitsu.com, and other media operated by our company (KADOKAWA Game Linkage Co., Ltd.). 
* In the page, "The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures" may be described as "Great Ace Attorney 1", and "The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve" may be described as "Great Ace Attorney 2”.
The deadline for responses is 23:59 on Thursday, September 30, 2021.
(Pen name (Required))
This is a free response question, so answer whatever you want your pen name to be.
(Gender (Required))
This has three options, which are, in order: Male, Female, or Prefer Not To Answer.
(Age (Required))
The options are, in order:
Under 10
“Tell us your favorite character in the Ace Attorney series! You can fill in up to three people.”
The following questions have a small free response box where you can put in the character’s name. Underneath that, in the larger free response box, you explain your reason. I’d recommend going onto the ace attorney wiki page of your favorite characters, going to the “names in other languages” tab, and then copy-pasting that name in there. If you’re avoiding the wiki because of spoilers right now, you can either send me an ask asking for the name and I’ll try to get back to you asap, or ask a friend who is not avoiding it.
You don’t *need* to fill out the explanation section if you’re not confident in your Japanese and don’t want to risk it being thrown out if it’s in English. You could try google translate, but keeping it simple would probably be best, otherwise it may come out weird.
“Who is your favorite defense attorney in the “Ace Attorney” series? (Main character edition)”
This is a selection box where the options are, in order:
Phoenix Wright
Mia Fey
Apollo Justice
Athena Cykes
Ryunosuke Naruhodo
The free response section below asks for you to give “A word on your favorite point”, which… I have no idea what that actually means. Sorry. Someone who actually knows Japanese, get back to me on that. It may be explaining why they’re your favorite, or it may be ... talking about pointing, it’s hard to tell with this series.
The next few questions (3-8) follow a similar format with the question then free response, so I will focus on the questions for each one.
“Who is your favorite defense attorney? (Minor character edition)”
This is another selection box where the options are, in order:
Marvin Grossberg
Diego Armando
Kristoph Gavin
Raymond Shields
Calisto Yew
Kazuma Asogi
Ryutaro Naruhodo
Gregory Edgeworth
“Who is your favorite prosecutor?”
Selection box options are, in order:
Miles Edgeworth
Winston Payne
Manfred von Karma
Lana Skye
Franziska von Karma
Klavier Gavin
Gaspen Payne
Simon Blackquill
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi
Ga’ran Sigatar Khura’in
Sebastian Debeste
Taketsuchi Auchi
Barok van Zieks
Zacharias Barnham
“Who is your favorite assistant character?”
Selection box options, in order:
Maya Fey
Pearl Fey
Larry Butz
Ema Skye
Trucy Wright
Rayfa Padma Khura’in
Kay Faraday
Susato Mikotoba
Herlock Sholmes
Iris Wilson
“Who is your favorite defendant?”
Selection box options, in order:
Larry Butz
Will Powers
Maggey Byrde
Maximillion Galactica
Matt Engarde
Ron Delite
Terry Fawles
Wocky Kitaki
Machi Tobaye
Vera Misham
Juniper Woods
Damian Tenma
Solomon Starbuck
Ahlbi Ur’gaid 
Bucky Whet
Dhurke Sahdmadhi
Ellen Wyatt
Magnus McGilded
Soseki Natsume
Gina Lestrade
Rei Membami
Albert Harebrayne
Espella Cantabella
(Yes, I don’t think Turnabout Reclaimed is on here, for some reason. Neither is Zak Gramarye.)
“Who is your favorite witness?”
This is just a free response, since there would be too many options. Again, find your favorite witness and copy+paste their name in Japanese into this.
“Who is your favorite mascot character or animal?”
Selection box options in order (there’s A LOT, and I’m uncertain on some, so be prepared) are:
Steel Samurai
Mr. Monkey
Pink Princess
Evil Magistrate
Blue Badger
Nickel Samurai
Jammin’ Ninja
Mr. Hat
Bum Rap Rhiny
Phony Phanty
Orla Shipley
Plumed Punisher
Sergeant Buff (the helicopter)
Proto Badger
Pink Badger
Bad Badger
Steel Samurai Daddy
Pink Princess Mommy
Rocky the Polar Bear
Patricia Roland’s white fox
Sirhan Dogen’s dog Anubis
Money the Monkey
Jezaille Brett’s swan
Astique the Elephant
Darka the cat
Usalock (Herlock rabbit)
Kumaris (Iris bear)
Chunosuke (Ryunosuke mouse)
Nyasked Disciple
Usato (Susato rabbit)
Hedgina (Hedgehog Gina)
Nyasogi (Asogi cat)
Nyan Zieks (van Zieks cat)
Eve the Cat
Constantine the Dog
Mr. Blue Badger (the Blue Badger of PLvsAA I assume?)
[can’t believe they put the parent versions of steel samurai + pink princess in there but not the iron infant?]
“Please tell us which game has the best character animation (Phoenix Wright’s sweat, Ryunosuke Naruhodo’s darting eyes, Miles Edgeworth’s bow, etc.) and why?”
Selection box options in order:
Ace Attorney 1
Justice for All
Trials and Tribulations
Apollo Justice
Dual Destinies
Spirit of Justice
Ace Attorney Investigations
Ace Attorney Investigations 2
The Great Ace Attorney
The Great Ace Attorney 2
Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney
Then in the free response portion you can talk about your favorite animation and why it is your favorite. If you think you can do that. I just put in my favorite by searching up the character name and trying to google translate the pose, which may not be effective, but you can give it a try.
“Please tell us your favorite pun name! (Redd White, Luke Atmey, Magnus McGilded, Carmine Accidenti, etc.)”
First you select the game it’s from, I think, which are in order:
Ace Attorney 1
Justice for All
Trials and Tribulations
Apollo Justice
Dual Destinies
Spirit of Justice
Ace Attorney Investigations
Ace Attorney Investigations 2
The Great Ace Attorney
The Great Ace Attorney 2
Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney
Then in the free response you give the name. Again a situation of finding the character you want on the wiki and copy+pasting the name into there. This might be a little odd because of the pun names being different in English and Japanese, so proceed with your own discretion, I guess. (For instance, if “Rei Membami” is your favorite pun name for some reason, this would be very odd because “Haori Murasame”, her original name, is not a pun... looking at the name explanation sections on the wiki might be a good idea. If you’re totally not sure, you can pick one of the examples.)
“Which is the most impressive case? (Up to three can be entered)”
They follow the same pattern of “enter a case” and then “explain why”. Again, you don’t have to fill out the explanation if you don’t want to.
The order of the cases is:
The First Turnabout
Turnabout Sisters
Turnabout Samurai
Turnabout Goodbyes
Rise from the Ashes
The Lost Turnabout
Reunion and Turnabout
Turnabout Big Top
Farewell, My Turnabout
Turnabout Memories
The Stolen Turnabout
Recipe for Turnabout
Turnabout Beginnings
Bridge to the Turnabout
Turnabout Trump
Turnabout Corner
Turnabout Serenade
Turnabout Succession
Turnabout Countdown
The Monstrous Turnabout
Turnabout Academy
The Cosmic Turnabout
Turnabout for Tomorrow
The Foreign Turnabout
The Magical Turnabout
The Rite of Turnabout
Turnabout Storyteller
Turnabout Revolution
Turnabout Visitor
Turnabout Airlines
The Kidnapped Turnabout
Turnabout Reminiscence
Turnabout Ablaze
Turnabout Target
The Imprisoned Turnabout
The Inherited Turnabout
The Forgotten Turnabout
The Grand Turnabout
The Adventure of the Great Departure
The Adventure of the Unbreakable Speckled Band
The Adventure of the Runaway Room
The Adventure of the Clouded Kokoro
The Adventure of the Unspeakable Story
The Adventure of the Blossoming Attorney
The Memoirs of the Clouded Kokoro
The Return of the Great Departed Soul
Twisted Karma and His Last Bow
The Resolve of Ryunosuke Naruhodo
On a Dark and Stormy Night
English Turnabout
Mysterious Labyrinthia
The Fire Witch
The Great Witch
The Golden Court
A Taste of Despair
Secrets of the Underground Ruins
The Story's End
The Final Witch Trial
The Last Inquisitor
The First Story
Since that is a LOT to navigate, use the Japanese to help you. The games are laid out pretty simply: if you know the game and case, you can find it pretty quickly. It goes mainline -> Investigations -> TGAA -> PLvsAA. Mainline Ace Attorney games are 逆転裁判 followed by a number corresponding to which entry it is, with the exception of the first game (which is first on the list anyways). Investigations games start with 逆転検事 and followed with a 2 for investigations 2. Great Ace Attorney starts with  大逆転裁判 with a 2 for Resolve, and Layton vs Ace Attorney is  レイトン教授 VS 逆転裁判. After the game title you can find the case number.
For some reason, Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice’s DLC cases don’t seem to be on this list. Sorry if those are your favorites. Maybe yell in the free response box about that.
“Which of the following do you want to touch?”
The options are, in order:
Phoenix Wright’s Spiky Hair
Miles Edgeworth’s Frilly Cravat
Apollo Justice’s Sparkling Forehead
Dahlia Hawthorne’s Fluttery Butterfly
Lotta Hart’s Fluffy Hair
Kazuma Asogi’s Fluttering Headband
Golden Professor Layton
And there’s an option for “other” below.
Google translate says this is “which do you want to eat” - I think it’s more like. “What do you want to be hurt by?” or something.
The options are, in order:
Oldbag’s Ray Gun
Steel Samurai Spear
Edgeworth’s Salary Assessment (aka a salary cut)
Franziska von Karma’s Whip
Godot’s Thrown Coffee
Simon Blackquill’s Finger Sword
Justine Courtney’s Extending Gavel
Susato Takedown
Barok van Zieks’ Heel Drop
And then you have a free response section to explain why... if you want.
“Which of the following would you like to taste?”
The options are, in order:
Dee Vasquez’s T-Bone Steak
The Cough-Up Queen’s Lunchbox
Godot Blend No. 107
Jean Armstrong’s Authentic (?) French Lunchset
Victor Kudo’s Birdseed
Detective Gumshoe’s Weenie Bento Box
Violetta’s Tea
Coldkiller X
Guy Eldoon’s Salty Noodles
Whet Noodle’s Soba
Dane Gustavia’s Candy
La Carneval’s Beefsteak
Van Zieks’ Holy Grail
For some reason they don’t offer you the option to justify your choice with this one.
Q15.ハシゴ派? キャタツ派?
“Ladder or stepladder?”
The options are “ladder” and then “stepladder”. You have the option to put something else if you’re a heathen.
“What is your favorite Payne Family Hairstyle?”
Options are:
Ace Attorney 1 and 2’s “73 hairs”
Ace Attorney 3’s full set of hair
Ace Attorney 4’s “hair only on the sides”
Ace Attorney 5 and 6’s Gaspen Payne Hair [idk what this actually says sorry]
The Great Ace Attorney 1’s chonmage
The Great Ace Attorney 2’s “sprout of hope”
Then you can put in a word about your feelings about the Paynes in the free response.
“Which is your favorite BGM and why?”
This is a free response so you’ll need to track down the song name itself… good luck with that. Then you can explain why in the free response section… even more good luck with that. The wiki does have the soundtracks of the games in English and Japanese, I believe, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find.
Q18.『逆転』シリーズで泣いたことはある? それはどんな場面?(※何度も泣いた人は、もっとも泣いたシーンをお答えください)
“Have you ever cried during the Ace Attorney series? If so, at which scene? (* For people who have cried many times, pick the scene you cried at the most.)”
The first option is a “yes” or “no” for if you’ve cried or not.
The second option is again picking a case, which I don’t feel like writing out again, but it’s in the same order as in question 11. Then in the free response you write what scene you cried in with that case. You could try finding the dialogue - this thread https://forums.court-records.net/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=29682 has a place to download the dual japanese and english scripts for most games except for aai2 and the great ace attorney games. For those ones... good luck.
“Do you have any “Ace Attorney” merchandise you’d like us to develop? (Ace Attorney-themed law books, Phoenix Wright’s hair gel, a clock shaped like the Thinker statue, etc.) *This does not mean it will be made into merchandise”
This is a free response section, so good luck explaining, again.
And finally:
“Give a congratulatory message to the development staff!”
If you don’t know what to put here, you can just copy and paste the following:
Which just says “Congratulations on the 20th anniversary!” I think. If I got it wrong, it’s hopefully not horrendously offensive. If you tried to type your answers and have no confidence in your Japanese, you can input “日本語は話せません”, “I don’t speak Japanese”, though they may have figured that out already.
And with that the survey is done and you can submit! We’ll see the results in October. Thanks for following along!
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sleepylixie · 3 years
Cupid’s Arrow-1
Boxer! Lee Know x fem! Reader
2k words, Romance, College AU(Imperium Universe-4) 
Songs: Tiger Inside- Super M
A/N : Y’all heard right. Part-1. Tumblr deleted the draft i was working on here, leaving me only with the first half of the fic that I wrote on Docs. I'm so sorry for the delay @delicatewerewolfsoul I'll make sure to get that posted asap 🥺💕 This fic can be read individually, of course. :) Do let me know what y’all think about this story!! ONTO THE FIC. - Elliana
Imperium Universe: Jisung || Seungmin ||Lee Know || Chan
Tumblr media
“Who the everloving heck are you?!” You yell, hands banging roughly against the surface of the table. Assorted shushes and glares were instantly directed towards you, the closest being the admonishing stare of Mark Lee, your best friend.
“You do realize we are in a library?” He hissed, a mess of dark brown hair swinging over his brow as he shook his head at you. You rolled your eyes at him, only turning your attention back to the source of your annoyance- your laptop screen.
“This is the 13th ask I’ve received about the same M in this semester.” You retorted, albeit quieter than your initial outburst. Mark’s brows furrowed, lips pouting in a frown as he absentmindedly turned over a page of his book. “How do you even know it’s the same M? It could very well be one person sending the same ask 13 times.”
“You were the genius who put together the one-ask per account rule in the first place!” You threw your arms up in exasperation, the volume control still proving to be a bit of a struggle. “Besides, they’re all worded really differently, look-” You turned your laptop to face Mark, who leaned forward to scan the words on your screen.
A sleek red website sat open in an incognito tab, punctuated with assorted dove-grey boxes full of questions and curiosities, the sidebar flashing a pretty name- Lovelorn Secretkeeper(LLS). Your best friend chuckled as he read the questions on the site. “People have it bad for this dude.”
“I know! They even say the exact same thing, that he’s too out of their league to even try, but he’s too handsome and talented,” punctuating handsome and talented with exaggerated hand movements, “to not try- What do they expect me to tell them!?”
As cliche as it sounded, Lovelorn Secretkeeper was your university’s anonymous love-guru and wine aunt, meting out advice about crushes and heartbreak solutions like over-the-counter pills. People caught wind of it days after the website mysteriously popped up on the informal forums, impossible to trace altogether. Tens of questions poured in by the day, all questions from lovelorn souls asking for the help of the elusive apparition running the site.
If only Everlark University knew that LLS was run by not one, but two apparitions- both of whom were currently puzzling over the identity of a certain M who had turned up on their list of secrets once too often.
“How difficult do you think it would be to find out who M is?” Mark mused, pushing the laptop back towards you. “I mean, you know he’s a dancer and he’s handsome, so why don’t you, I don’t know,” a nonchalant shrug moving his shoulders, “ask the girls you know, I guess? I’m sure word gets around fast if he’s as hot as these questions scream he is.”
The cogs in your head began to turn, albeit rather unwillingly. You weren’t the most social person despite being aware of status quos your university’s student functioned on- was this Dora-the-explorer-esque expedition to find the elusive M absolutely necessary?
No, it wasn’t, you realized, but your own curiosity wouldn’t be satisfied until you found out who it was that had managed to enamour these many people all while looking evidently unavailable.
“Yeah, I’ll probably do that.”
“Hey! Y/N, Right?” A pretty girl sidled up to you on the other side of the bar, her fingers slightly awkward around the glass she was cleaning. New to the trade, you thought belatedly as you smiled politely and nodded at her.
Imperium Bar was just beginning to fill up with students and teacher’s assistants, ready to celebrate the end of yet another week with some cheap alcohol and good times. It was barely halfway through the semester but people inevitably ended up drowning in work- such was the life of a normal student in university, always busy and bustling with full checklists-
“You’re looking for Minho, I heard.” she grinned setting down one glass and picking up the other.
“Yes, I am.” You responded lightly, your eyes still grazing over the slowly filling booths and tables from the corner of the counter you were sitting at.
“He is pretty handsome, really good in the ring. You have a good eye.”
By ring, you could only assume that the new bartender of Imperium meant the stage. You’d spent the past week asking around for a possibly new admit to Everlark who happened to be a dancer and unattainably handsome. To your surprise, your search was cut short in the matter of days when Yeji, a junior in your class pointed you to Lee Felix from her class who knew a Lee Minho. Lee Minho, a transfer student from Everlark’s sister university on the other side of the city, with an express acceptance into the dance club Felix was a part of.
“You’ll find him in Imperium on Fridays,” Felix had the sweetest disposition, a warm smile on his face as he divulged information about his seemingly old friend with great ease. “You should drop by if you want to see him!”
Your better judgement yelled at you to forget the chase- you knew his full name, it was just the matter of a social media stalk before you found out what you needed to know for your 13( now 16) askers. However, you found yourself pulling on a dark hoodie and slipping into the bar on Friday evening, shivering slightly from the cool breeze. You were just curious, you were sure. Just curious.
“Felix! Over here!” The bartender raised an arm in greeting to somebody behind you and moments later, Felix’s dark mane of hair made its way into your line of sight. His eyes were slight crescents on his face as he smiled, the sunny amiability prompting a smile to creep over your face as well.
“Hello, Felix.”
“Sorry for making you wait!” Felix pulled you into a quick hug, before cocking his head towards the back of the bar. “Let’s go, he’s already down there.”
An eyebrow raised in curiosity, you dragged your eyes between Felix and the bartender as you hopped off the stool. “Down...where?”
Felix’s eyes widened, the bartender letting out a gasp of surprise. “Uh…” Your new friend’s voice trailed off in uncertainty, wide and beseeching eyes immediately darting towards the bartender for help. “Oops.”
“Your access should really be revoked, you troublemaking gremlin.” The bartender accused, tossing her dishcloth at him and reaching over to smack him across the head before turning to you.
“There’s been a misunderstanding, Y/N. Junior moron here-” waving indistinctly in Felix’s direction, “is talking about the cellars. Minho works part time here, so he’s usually getting into the stocks in the cellar downstairs. Felix forgot about the rule stating that patrons can’t-”
“At least try to lie convincingly.” You cut through her tirade, a choked laugh from Felix punctuating her surprised silence. Possibly not the most polite thing to say, in hindsight, but her attempts to cover up whatever was going on in the cellar was just getting difficult to hear. You smiled quietly, eyes dragging between Felix’s eyes, alive with mirth to the bartender’s, flat with suspicion.
“It’s not illegal, is it?” You let the question slip loud enough for the two of them to hear. The bartender nodded the exact moment Felix shook his head. A giggle bubbled up your throat at the instant glance of betrayal that passed between the two of them.
“I’ll keep silent about this if the two of you will.” You grinned, shrugging slightly as you pushed the strap of your bag further up your shoulder. Felix let another crow of laughter, twining his arm with yours as he steered you towards the dark back door of Imperium, waving off the bartender’s expasterated shouts to be careful, for fuck’s sake-
“You seem like such a cool person,” Felix giggled as you followed his lead, making your way past the tables and groups of people and back into the cool air outside. . “I was a little intimidated by you at first but you’re actually really cool.” You laughed aloud as Felix knocked thrice on a door next to the bar’s back door in a neat pattern.
“Good to know you think so, junior.”
Just then, the door swung open to a set of stairs and a wave of noise much louder than what you were used to.
“Welcome to the real Imperium.”grinned Felix.
You did not think this was where you’d be spending your Friday night- in the basement of a bar with higher ceilings than you thought was possible, the roar of voices settling you more firmly into reality than anything else you’re ever experienced.
The second you and Felix reached the bottom of the stairs, you could see the crowd gathered around the center of the space, the flood lights pointed towards whatever was going on in the middle. There were sparse groups of people scattered throughout, a makeshift bar and couches spread haphazardly around one side while the windows at the top of the walls were left open for some semblance of ventilation. Despite the number of people in the underground space, it didn’t feel… suffocating.
“Do you mind blood or gore?”
Your eyes narrowed; what even was this place? “No.”
Before you could question it, Felix was pulling you towards the crowd and into it, easily slipping between the spaces towards the attraction in the center. You allowed him to lead you, as you had the entire night, until the two of you re-emerged at the edge of the-
The ring.
It looked very much like a boxing ring, but on the same floor level as the audience. Inside were two guys circling each other, breath heaving in puffs of smoke against the chilled air through gritted teeth. They were both dressed in contrasting red and blue, their clenched fists enclosed in hand-wraps. The two guys slipped in and out of the stark shadows that the criss-cross of the floodlights created until one of them caught your eye-
Lee Minho. You didn’t need the yelled introduction Felix was giving you because there was no other way to describe that other than unattainably handsome. Suddenly, the 18 askers in LLS made sense- of course, of fucking course this face seemed impossible to match up to.
You watched in bated curiosity, your eyes scanning him and his opponent- and Minho made the first move. The crowd dissolved into roars of encouragement as he went in for a clean right hook, his movements smooth and feline-fluid. He was confident, you realized as you watched him dodge and block and strike with an almost bored, practiced ease. No, he was good at looking confident. The set of his jaw was nothing but confident, his teeth bared in a snarl of fake amusement as he lunged at his opponent, the fight dissolving into a tangle of arms and legs rolling against the concrete floor.
“He’s one of the best this season.” Felix yelled over the din of the crowd, but your eyes were still trained on the match. “You don’t say.” You shouted back, catching yet another glimmer of amusement light up your companion’s face before turning your attention back to the fight.
Yes, he truly seemed like the best- your breath caught in your throat at Minho’s unhesitant, almost instinctual manner of moving, already on the other side of his opponent before he could even throw a swing. His poor opponent was almost effortlessly pummeled to the ground soon after, a grin of triumph pulling up his lips and the nasty looking bruise high on his cheekbone as he was announced the winner.
His eyes scanned the exultant crowd, catching on yours for a split second before moving away-
You let out a long breath as he hopped out of the ring and into the dark of the surroundings. So it was him.
This was the M your askers were going on and on about-
For the first time, you were in agreement with them.
Lee Minho truly did seem unattainable.
Taglist/Interested Parties 🥴: @aliceu @decembermoonskz @rebecca-noona @skzctnightnight @fylithia @illicit-roses @cotccotc @straykidsownmysoul @soya-zz @stellarmonsterr @seraplantery @jl-micasea \\ @inkidz @starryktown @districtninewriters @stayhavens​  
Do let me know what you think! - Elliana
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sunlightwoo · 3 years
tag games ✰
here’s just a long post of me continuing on tag games that i’ve been tagged in but haven’t had the time to answer hehe
however if you see this, you’re tagged by me if you haven’t done it already :) and thank you @hyunjaethereal​, @timextoxhajima​​ , @sankyeom​​ , @viastro​​ , @bbangsoonie​​​, @wavesmp3​​​ and @shionwrites​​​ for tagging me ily guys <3
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✰ element writer tag ✍️
what element writer are you?
magma writer
Molten rock that still has to surface. You're the perfect mix of fire and earth, and your story shows it, having the best of both worlds. You're the writer that holds fire on their fingertips and kisses their lovers goodbye in the most painful way. You're able to build long stories that burn on the inside. You break the human soul, touching with infinite grace the right cords. You are an artist of the elaborate pain and heavy angst only a constructed and long story can give. If i could see in your eyes, i would be looking at your soul dancing on an unstable floor, flames all around it, to protect it and to forge it. Your love burns hot and infinite inside of you, and sometimes, when it slips out, you're afraid that it could burn too much. But the right people will know how to love you, and every bright tongue of fire your soul is made of. Your stories are the ones that make the world change.
damn no need to hurt me like that
✰ what is your unorthodox love language?
for this one i took it with my friends and it was sharing foods with your loved ones!!
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and this really hit home <//3
✰ playlist tag
rules: we’re snooping on your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs and then choose 10 victims.
flag by tbz
sit down by nct 127
after school by weeekly
come back home by 2ne1
good to me by svt
from by ateez
secret story of the swan by iz*one
she’s in the rain by the rose
shoot by itzy
asap by stayc
✰ writer positivity tag 🪴
rules: bold the things that apply to you
I am a talented writer | I have a way with words | I can plan my stories really well | I can improvise my stories really well | I am great at writing realistic dialogue | I can really paint a picture with my words | My writing is very atmospheric | I am great at descriptions | I am great at action | I am great at touching people with my stories | the backstories of my characters are all diverse and I feel like I truly know them | I am great at making a realistic and complex personalities | I really enjoy the character dynamics and relationships in my wips | my main characters aren't always the same | I am great at coming up with gripping beginnings | I am great at coming up with gripping endings | I am great at coming up with titles  | I am in love with my characters and would die for them if they were real | I love how I write animals and mystic creatures | I am great at world-building | I have intriguing and gripping plots | I write amazing character-driven stories | I am great at capturing and keeping the audience's attention | I am persistent even when I want to give up | I'm very organized with my writing notes | I am constantly learning from every story I encounter | I devour books
✰ this or that intimate moments (bold what applys)
love at first sight or slowly growing fond of someone | love letters or mixtapes | hand kisses or kisses on the cheeks | understanding each other without words or finishing each others sentences | gazing into each other’s eyes or looking away blushing | longing to be with someone again or spending every second together | laughing together or crying together | someone run their fingers through your hair or gently playing with your hand | surprise kisses or long tight hugs
✰ aesthetic tag
➼ 𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 13/20 (had a hunch)
baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | re-watching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night |
neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story |
|➼ 𝐄𝐃𝐆𝐘 4/20
closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks |
➼ 𝟕𝟎’𝐒 5/20
colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding |
collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colourful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairylights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details |
✰ zodiac this or that (i’ll do my big three)
Pisces sun: Aquamarine or Amethyst. Sea Green or Ocean Blue. Tulips or Carnations. Turmeric or Willow Herb. Surfing or Water Skiing. Ocean or River. Poetry or Painting. Dolphins or Whales. Pineapple or Watermelon. Telekinesis or Reality Warping/Illusion powers. Zinfandel or Spiked punches/lemonades. Starfish or Seashells. Healing Crystals or Dreamcatchers. Psychic powers or Water bending/manipulation. Coneflower or Iris. Lighthouse or Watermill. Baby’s breath or Waterlily. Taurus or Capricorn.
Taurus moon: Green or Pink. Malachite or Emerald. Roses or Violets. Thyme or Brasil. Vanilla or Chocolate. Candles or Bath bombs. Painting or Jewelry making. Seduction powers or Enchanted jewerly, treasure, or gemstones. Foxglove or Larkspur. Chocker or Medallion necklaces. Apples or Grapes. Singing or Humming. Elephants or Turtles. Gardening or Shopping. Having a homebody day or Taking a walk in nature. Pinot Noir or Bourbon. Precognition or Manipulating life force. Violin or Lute. Cancer or Pisces.
Virgo rising: Navy Blue or Olive Green. Peridot or Sardonyx. Peony or Sweet Pea. Hops or Rosemary. Chess or Checkers. Carrot Cake or Fig Bar/Cakes/Cookies. Knitting or Crocheting. Grammar Checking/Quality Assurance or Critiquing a piece of work. Golf or Tennis. Buttercups or Morning Glory. Herbs magic or Earth and plant bending. Mice or Bees. Cabernet Frank or Micro-brews. Enchanted Garden or Magic that can perfect skills. Bunnies or Deer. Cancer or Scorpio.
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mysewingadventures · 4 years
What did my ancestors actually wear?
I’ve been into historical fashion for a while now and have also been doing a lot of genealogy research about my own family. So while doing research for my costumes, I see all those beautiful gowns and dresses and can’t help but picture my own ancestors wearing them. But now I know better than that and no - they didn’t actually wear the typical western fashion trends of the past centuries.
While the only info I got about my family was from my Silesian grandma and can’t be sure to speak for everyone of my ancestors reaching back until the 1710s (which is how far my research has got me), but apparently, my grandma’s grandma, my great-great-grandma, only wore traditional Silesian costumes, and they were nothing like what I’ve learned from Fashion History.
This is a very new deep-dive for me, I’ve never ventured my way into more traditional folk costumes and there doesn’t seem to be a lot of info about them historically, but I’ve found some things I’d like to share anyways because while learning and knowing about stereotypical garments of a certain time is great, I find it highly interesting to know about my own culture as well.
The majority of my Polish family was from the Częstochowa/Opole area, and I’ve learned that traditional costumes varied even from one town to another, but I’ve found this beautiful postcard drawn by Maria Orłowska-Garbyś showing the Bytom Costume, which looks very similar to the "standard" or most widely spread Silesian costume, the Rozbark Costume.
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I’ve found this same picture being labeled as Bytom and Rozbark so I’m gonna go ahead and guess that they were in fact the same costume or very similar, which makes sense as both cities lie very close to each other. So for the purpose of writing this, I’m going to be using them interchangeably (I’m not 100% sure if they’re the same thing though, so take what I’m saying with a grain of salt.)
The Silesian folk costume consisted of:
The undergarments:
A linen band with hooks in the front was worn on the bust in order to flatten it. I have no idea what this band might’ve looked like as I’ve searched the internet and found no pictures at all but I’m assuming maybe it’s about the size of regency stays? It’s described as belt/band though so I really have no clue.
Next up, a sort of sleeveless linen or silk shift was worn on top of that called lajbik (once again, unfortunately no pictures anywhere). To that, they sometimes sewed (or just wore on top) a bumpad to widen the hips and make the waist look smaller -
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This one’s a classic, we know that one. It appears all the time when studying Historical Fashion that I almost feel like I don’t have to explain it.
Anyways, they would also sometimes sew the skirt to the shift or garter belts.
Let’s talk about the shirt, which would usually be a white blouse with puff sleeves and lace trims and would also have a big lace collar.
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The skirt would be ankle length, big and pleated, light colors being used for younger women and darker colors for older women. The pockets were hidden within the pleats on either side and in the front, there would be a slit which was hidden by the apron worn on top of the skirt.
The apron now - the most colorful piece from this garment. It would cover the whole entire front of the skirt and being also pleated at the waist it was made in a very similar way. The typical floral pattern was not always printed silk but oftentimes it was painted on by hand, which is so fascinating to me. I knew this was a practice back in the days but to think that they actually sat down and painted every single flower on their apron is really really cool. This apron was worn over the final piece, a corset-like vest in usually either red, navy or black (and I guess green?), depending on the person’s age and what town they were from. I’ve found a Bytom version in blue and a Rozbark version in green so that might be the only difference between the two, I’m still trying to understand. The neckline and straps were made of a thick, decorative tape. Overall, this vest was a very decorative piece and wasn’t always worn, but then again, this list I wrote down features only one way of "styling" the outfit as there were many more alternatives and ways of wearing it, but I thought I’d devote my research to the most known version.
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All of this then came together with a big flower crown and a huge ribbon in the back, as well as a (usually) red bead necklace.
Here you can see the Bytom version on the left and the Rozbark version on the right with all of its pieces labeled in Polish.
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I’ve tried my best to translate some of the info from the Polish wikipedia site (the article is "Strój rozbarski", for some reason it’s not letting me add the link), so if you wanna know more about it (and know Polish) you can read that, it’s a much more detailed description!
Enjoy some more pictures I found:
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The last picture is also a postcard by Maria Orłowska-Garbyś showing the Opole version of this costume. It looks slightly different with the cap instead of flowers and the sleeves are longer, that’s why I’m mentioning it! And the black and white photo, that’s more likely what people looked like on a daily basis, I’m assuming the more decorative pieces were added for special occasions.
On an unrelated side note, I’ve unfortunately had to stop the work on my stays for a while due to some issues but I’m hoping to be able to get back to it soon! (They’re almost done I wanna get them done asap). That’s also why I haven’t posted in so long, I’m sorry!
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the-salty-asian · 4 years
Small Inconveniences | J.J.
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A/n: I’m so sorry I haven’t been posting lately! I have so many projects going on at the moment that I’m trying my best to get out ASAP!
Summary: How many chances does it take for Jughead Jones to kiss his best friend?
Warnings: fluff, sexual inuendos
Word Count: 2.5k
Attempt #1
Movie night at Archie’s had been a staple in Jughead’s week ever since he could remember. They had watched everything, from comedy to classic to horror. Of course it wasn’t until a couple years later that they finally agreed to let the girls join, after they deemed cooties wasn’t a thing.
It was another Friday night and the four teenagers tried their best to block out the buzz of Jason Blossom’s death, just for one night. Y/n was curled into Jughead’s side poking him relentlessly.
“Come on just let me wear it for the movie? Pleaaasseee Jug!?”
Betty smiled at the two as she popped the DVD into the box, she knew the little secret that the two didn’t realize yet. From the kitchen, Archie called her, leaving the two alone together.
Y/n had sprawled herself over Jughead as she made another attempt for his beanie. He easily avoided her attack, holding the beanie just far enough with one hand, the other holding her back. She jumped back defensively at the brush of his palm on her side.
“I forgot that you’re ticklish.”
The girl crossed her arms over her chest, “I’m not ticklish, Jones.”
Jughead saw straight through his best friend’s quite terrible poker face. An impish grin spread across his face.
“Oh yea, y/l/n?”
His fingers raked over her sides causing squeals of laughter to erupt in her chest and writhe in his arms.
Jughead’s fingers left her sides to catch her from rolling off the couch. One hand cradled her head as the other gripped her side and his chest was pressed against hers. Y/n’s arms were clasped around his neck in an attempt to save herself. He could feel the rise and fall of y/n’s uneven breaths against him. Up until now he hadn’t noticed that Betty and Archie had left them alone.
All of a sudden, it was like the air had deserted his lungs. His fingertips were buzzing at the contact of her skin and a new sensation flipped his stomach.
“Jug?”y/n breathed.
Jughead’s eyes flicked down to her parted lips and wondered how it’d feel to kiss her, to feel how soft they were or even slip his tongue in to taste her. He shook the fantasy away and focused back on her own y/e/c orbs. Y/n was his best friend, there was no way in hell that he’d do that. Nevertheless, her eyes seemed to invite him, almost beg him, to plant his lips on hers. Jughead dipped his head closer to his best friend making the distance between their lips mere centimeters as their breaths mingled in the small space between them.
" I got the snacks!"
At the sound of Archie’s voice, Jughead removed his hands from y/n’s body. She fell unceremoniously onto the wood floor with a yelp. A string of cuss words fell out her mouth but Jughead barely paid attention, his mind racing at the event that just took place.
For the rest of the night, Jughead perched himself on the farthest end of the couch, sneaking glances at his girl best friend. Maybe she wasn’t meant to be just his best friend.
Attempt #2
After Archie’s last night, the last thing Jughead wanted to do was go to Cheryl’s “mourning” party. Nevertheless, he found himself being dragged through the door of Thistlehouse into a crowd of drunk teenagers by none other than y/n. He didn’t mind as long as she continued to grip onto his hand the entire night.
To his dismay, she unattached from him after an hour to find Archie, leaving him to twiddle his thumbs in the kitchen. Jughead watched the stove clock, impatiently waiting for y/n to emerge with the red head. When thirty minutes had passed,a feeling of dread coursed through his veins. His paranoia set in at the thought of what could’ve happened to her. He began to tear through the house searching everywhere for his best friends. Jughead had been so wrapped up in finding y/n that he barely noticed as he shouldered Cheryl Blossom in the hallway.
“Hey watch it there-oh it’s just you.”she looked him over distastefully.
“Hey Cheryl, have you seen-“
“She’s by the pool, you hobo. God I still can’t believe you haven’t asked her out.”
With that the Queen of the Vixens brushed past him into the swarm of their horny, intoxicated peers. He followed her into the crowd, pushing past more sweaty bodies than he intended to touch tonight, until he reached the door to the pool deck. Y/n sat on the pool’s edge, swinging her feet in it’s water and giggling every now and again. The light reflected off the water’s surface making her glow even brighter. Inside his chest, Jughead’s heart squeezed at the sight.
“I thought I might find you here.”
Her eyes lit up at the sight of him,“Oh my god it’s my best friend! My best friend is here guys!”
He chuckled as he took a seat beside her, “Umm Y/n, there’s no one out here.”
"You know Juggie,"she leaned into his shoulder. "I don't like parties, and you don't like parties. Why are we even here?"
Y/n waved her cup over Thistlehouse sloshing the drink over her hand. A few obscenities and drunken giggles spilled her from her mouth as she wiped at the liquid courage on her pants.
“I think you’re enjoying the party a little too much.”
Gingerly he took the cup away from her so she couldn’t damage her outfit further.
“Juggie can I tell you something?”
Jughead hadn’t realized how close y/n was until he turned his head,their faces only inches apart. Y/n’s hand reached behind his head and pushed his forehead to meet hers, shortening the distance significantly. Her breath fanned over his face, a mixture of alcohol and something sweet. God, did he want to but it wasn’t right. Y/n was drunk out of her mind and for him to take advantage of her would make him as bad or even worse than Chuck Clayton. Instead he pressed his lips to her forehead letting them linger on her skin for a moment. "Come on, let's get you home."
Attempt #3
Regular Saturday nights for Jughead consisted of a quiet trailer and his laptop. His head was still jumbled with last Saturday’s mess, nothing a little writing couldn’t make him forget. It almost felt normal. Normalcy was good, since Archie’s movie night, everything had been far from normal.
The thoughts of Archie’s movie night and Cheryl’s party consumed him to the point where he didn’t hear the knock outside. Before he could get up to answer, the trailer’s door peeled back to reveal the person that made Jughead’s very heart run a marathon.
"Hey,"she offered a soft smile. "I was wondering if we could have a movie night?"
The dim light of the trailer illuminated her puffy eyes and red nose. Her parents were fighting again. However, Jughead didn't press the matter. He knew when she was ready that she’d come to him.
“V for Vendetta ok?”
Y/n nodded with a real smile cracking through her facade. Internally Jughead was soaring through the clouds. It made him so happy to even think that he caused a beautiful smile from y/n y/l/n.
She took a seat as Jughead popped the DVD into the player and grabbed blankets for her. When he returned to his place beside her, y/n buried herself into his side. The nearness of her made him dizzy and the scent of vanilla wrapped around him like a blanket. Her warmth coaxed him into a sleepy daze as V ran about London terrorizing Parliament.
As the end credits rolled she poked his side, "Do you mind if I crash here? My parents think I'm at Betty's."
"Yea of course! My pull out couch is your pull out couch."
“Thank you!”Y/n enveloped him in her arms and squeezed his middle.
"A-and jug,"he watched as her cheeks glow pink. "Can I borrow some clothes?"
It wasn't an abnormal thing for her to ask, y/n had borrowed his clothes before, but the thought of it now pushed an ache into his chest.
“Yea, you know where they are.”
Jughead busied himself with a palette of blankets for himself as she disappeared to change. He had to distinguish the feelings that were setting his body ablaze. Their twelve years of friendship wasn’t about to combust because of his school girl crush.
“How do I look?”
Jughead turned at the sound of her sweet voice and he couldn’t control the fireworks in his stomach. Y/n stood in the doorway of the kitchen wearing his grey “S” shirt and a pair of his boxers. She spun around once, allowing him to view her new outfit. How did she look? The only way he could put it, y/n was stunning.
However his mouth had other plans, “With your eyes, silly.”
A light laugh escaped her lips and she turned to him with a smile that put the stars to shame. It drastically fell when her eyes studied the pile of blankets on the floor.
“You're not sleeping on the floor are you?”
“Y/n I slept at Riverdale High for a week, I’m pretty sure I can take a night on the floor.”
"No Jug take the couch! I don't mind sleeping on the floor."
"Absolutely not, y/n."
"Fine then we'll sleep on it together I guess."
She laid down on her side, leaving space between her and the back cushions for Jughead to slide in. He mirrored her actions, pushing himself as close as he could to the back of the couch to give his best friend some room. However, her back still pressed into his chest and Jughead prayed that she couldn’t hear his heart pounding in his rib cage.
He felt her laugh vibrate against him, "Relax, Jug I'm not going to murder you in your sleep. Here,”
She blindly grabbed his hand, pulled it over her side and rested it on her stomach. Y/n’s fingers went to work tracing patterns on the back of his hand until they tired, settling on top of his. Jughead’s eyes grew heavy and the steady beat of y/n’s heart and warm vanilla pulled him into sleep.
An hour had passed when Jughead stirred and felt the absence of y/n’s warmth. A frown worked itself onto his face, he thought it had only been a dream. That was until he heard the fridge door open and an artificial glow leaked from the kitchen, it’s light spilling on patches of the living room carpet. He lazily rolled off the couch and padded to the opening in the kitchen where y/n had grabbed a water bottle. She turned to close the fridge but jumped when she laid eyes on his shadowy figure. One of her hands flew to her chest as she let out the breath she had inhaled sharply.
"I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry."
Y/n nodded softly as a shiver wracked her body giving Jughead an idea.
He held out his arms to her, “Come here.”
Y/n shuffled into his arms that he wrapped around her waist. He kissed the top of her head before resting his chin in the same spot. She slowly snaked her arms under his, her hands splayed between his shoulder blades. Together they swayed to silent music as the refrigerator bathed them in artificial light.
She looked up at him, her eyes hooded with sleep. "Hm?"
Jughead took in every feature, her soft hair he wished so desperately to comb his fingers through, her kind eyes that he got lost in constantly,and the scar above her lip that she got when they were seven and playing on the swingset. His eyes traveled past the scar to her soft lips and he was so tempted to take them with his own.
"Jones open up!"
The voice outside banged on the trailer door making y/n jump away from his grasp.
He yanked the door open to reveal Sweet Pea and Fangs laughing like idiots. A sleeping Hot Dog was curled up in Sweet Pea's arms, all of them unharmed, for now.
"What?"Jughead couldn't help but let the annoyance seep into his voice.
"Hotdog won't stop being a little shit and we think-oh"Pea's eyes landed on y/n hovering in the kitchen over jughead's shoulder , a smirk played on his lips. "Are we interrupting something?"
"What's wrong with Hot Dog, Sweet Pea?"
"The little dude keeps humping things, more like Horn Dog am I right?"
Sweet Pea turned to his friend, his hand raised for a high five that Fangs met with a chuckle. Jughead pinched the bridge of his nose as his frustration set in.
"And this was so importantly that you had to come at 3 in the morning?"
The two boys exchanged a glance before turning to their leader with shrugs causing Jughead to let out a frustrated sigh.
“Come by tomorrow,”he grunted as he slammed the door in front of them.
Jughead let out a frustrated sigh as he rubbed his temples. He had been so close to kissing her. His frustration was soon forgotten as y/n’s arms encircled around his middle.
“Everything ok?”
“Yea,”his breath hitched at her touch. “Let’s go back to sleep.”
She hummed in agreement against his back and held onto his middle as they waddled to the couch. Jughead plopped down against the back of the couch, dragging y/n with him. Soon enough they were both fighting the edge of sleep and enjoying the warmth of each other.
Y/n turned in Jughead’s arms and nuzzled her face into his chest, "Goodnight Jug."
Several minutes passed as his eyes roamed her sleepy face and felt her lungs inflate and deflate against his chest. When he was sure she was asleep, Jughead brushed away a strand of hair from her forehead and replaced it with a light kiss, an action he’d always done but this one seemed different. His lips brushed against her warm skin as he whispered.
“You look gorgeous, I should’ve told you earlier.”
With that y/n started to stir, she tilted her head up to look at him, “What Juggie?”
Jughead’s chest grew tight with panic, his mouth and brain failed to get out a sarcastic remark. His mind went blank as y/n closed the distance between them, her lips crashing onto his. His hand instinctively reached up and cupped her cheek. He smoothed the pad of his thumb over the soft skin and kissed her back with everything he had. When y/n broke away, Jughead couldn’t bring himself to open his eyes. Their foreheads pressed together and their breaths mingled in the small space between them.
“I heard you, Jones.”
His eyes finally opened to meet hers, “I’ve waited forever to do that.”
A giggle escaped her lips before she pecked his lips once more, “I could tell.”
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rosesforshego · 4 years
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𝓘𝓯 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓒𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭 𝓜𝔂 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓭, 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7: ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢ ᴍᴇᴇᴛɪɴɢꜱ
August 28th, 2002 6:30 am.
The fabric of his cotton button-up folded around the curvature of his elbow that rested upon his desk. Pen in hand, he rearranged his day planner to accommodate a pop-up meeting that sprang upon him only five minutes prior. His frown deepened, increasing the intensity of the wrinkles that hung around the corners of his mouth, as the permanent ink scratched out the preparation of his dinner that he was going to start as soon as the shrill bell rang at 2:30 pm. His sigh, long and slow, audibly left his nose as his cheek sunk further into the palm of his hand. Looked like he would have to settle for something small, and easy to make, for his lonesome meal.
It’s for the best, he thought. After all, he had lesson plans to catch up on, and a report to write for his superiors, so he shouldn’t spend time preparing a formal dinner for the one person who sat at his kitchen table—himself.
Drew pushed the frame of his glasses until it settled between his eyes, straightening his vision before the lenses fell from his nose entirely. He was not particularly happy when he received the news of this “emergency” meeting yesterday afternoon, and he was nearly furious when he was instructed to conduct a “team-bonding” exercise for the science department ASAP. He would have to admit, it was a rocky start to the school year—the clique culture that controlled the faculty was as present as ever, despite administration’s attempts to stop its formation over the summer—but, was it his responsibility to wrangle these adults and lecture them on how to be adults? Treating others with respect and kindness was a lesson that was taught in Kindergarten. He thought by the time his colleagues were old enough to return the favor, they’d at least remember this important lesson. Alas, he had put too much of his faith in the faculty, yet again, and it was his job to clean up their mess.
Sometimes he wondered why he accepted this “department head” position. It seemed to be more trouble than it was worth.
Besides this babysitting gig, he was tasked with orchestrating this afternoon’s gathering like a poorly-trained conductor in front of a group of ill-prepared musicians—but that seemed to be the theme of every department meeting for Dr. Lipsky. He and his colleagues knew that little direction equated to little progress, but no matter how many times the science department had voiced their concerns over faculty and students, their meek solutions were lost in the ether, never to be discussed by their boss—the Principal—ever again.
His gaze remained transfixed upon the daily planner in front of him as the vague image of his colleague’s solemn faces flashed before him. After years of poor treatment, he wondered why they still worked at Middleton High.
They deserved better.
The door to the lab shuffled against the floor, displacing a thick layer of dust that accumulated upon the tile. Behind the frame stood the slender stature of Miss Goodwin, carrying two freshly-brewed cups of coffee. Startled by his unsuspecting presence, she nearly receded into the hallway, but instead of giving in to her insecurities and subsequent embarrassment, she confidently stepped into the dimly-lit room, illuminated by the dawn’s rays.
“G’ mornin’, Drew.”
“Good morning, Sheila.”
She closed the door behind her, pressing her sole against the slab, maintaining her balance as she slowly moved closer to him. Drew watched her, in awe, confused and intrigued by the way she carried herself on top of the thin heels of her shoes. He always found fascination in the ability to remain balanced upon such thin plastic and, while Sheila crossed the room with a bit of elegance in each step, he found himself with a lack of understanding for such a feat, yet maintained his sense of child-like wonder.
Sheila placed the coffee in front of him, dissuading his roaming eyes from staring at her grace. Not like she particularly minded, nor noticed. The cup rested within the perfect ring that was created by the coffee that sat on his desk the day before. She cocked her head at the sight, a little perplexed and amused that Drew didn’t wipe away the ring. She thought that such a small marking would have driven him insane.
Maybe she assumed wrong.
She smiled, her teeth peeking out from being her blackened lips in an endearing way that Drew could get used to. However, her sly ploy to distract him was not successful as his eyes landed upon the gloved hand that subtly retreated from the cup, carrying within her palm a crumpled, yellow piece of paper.
“What’s that?”
Her sweet smile faltered.
“What’s what?”
His brows lowered, along with the melody in his voice, “The paper in your hand.”
She grew anxious at the twang of accusation within his tone as her hand deposited the paper within the pocket of her blazer.
She lied through her grinning teeth, “Receipt.”
His gaze bore holes into her fake demeanor, which nearly made her forehead glisten with sweat. Bull, he thought. What kind of receipt was printed on yellow paper?
“Well,” his legs swayed, turning his chair from side-to-side, bringing his idle body with it as he chewed on his words. Curiosity may have killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back and that was the principle he lived by.
“Feel free to throw it away in my trash.”
He gestured to the bin beside his desk.
“Oh, no, it’s okay,” she deflected, nearly immediately, at his intriguing proposition. Drew sat up, his back pressed into the chair as he watched her free hand wave his words away. She had something to hid, he was sure of it. Just, what? He needed to know.
Quickly, without weighing the consequences, she continued to spin her web of lies as she attempted to add a sort of justification to her statement, “I need it for reimbursement purposes.”
Reimbursement? For what?
Enough beating around the bush; it was time for the direct approach, “What do you mean—"
“So, Doc,” she slid her leg onto his desk, closing the artificial gap between them with such abrupt energy that she nearly split her coffee onto her gloves.
Strange, he mused, eyeing the deep, burgundy that encased her hands. The morning was not chilly. Why did she choose to wear gloves?
The desk creaked beneath her frame, accommodating her weight as she shifted into a more comfortable position. Her words, abrasive against the calm that encapsulated the room, pulled him away from his curiosity, “How’s your morning?”
Truthfully, he was rather appalled that she had decided to make his desk her new seat, but he did nothing to stop her.
A sliver of raven hair fell from behind her ear and Drew resisted the urge to brush it back into place—not like the kind gesture would have eased her frazzled mind. After her successful break-in the previous morning, Sheila had not expected to find Drew slouched behind his desk. She hoped that her sly caper would be just as successful—if not more since she took his coffee suggestions to heart—but, as she felt the heat of her embarrassment rise to her flushed cheeks, there was nothing she could do. Though, she was a little upset that she would have to trash the note she wanted to leave for him. Not in his trash, though.
Maybe it was for the best.
Drew’s raging mind remained fixated on her hunched stature. The confidence that she had entered the room with dissipated behind the worry in her eyes. He may not have known her for long, but if he knew a thing or two about human behavior, he would have to guess that she was stressed—possibly due to whatever secrets she hung over his head. He hoped that Sheila, of all colleagues, could confide in him, but it was only Day 3 of their budding friendship. Maybe he was asking for too much too soon.
The corner of her mouth quivered nervously as her eyes searched his, waiting for his absent reply. Her words pierced the conversation in a way that was rather odd for the two of them, then hung in the space between them as Drew remained silent on the matter. She smiled, meekly, attempting to quell the quiver, but to no avail, as she hoped that he’d drop the subject and free her from her entanglement within the web she spun that would make even the most dignified of spiders proud.
So, drop it he did.
He leaned further into his chair—opening his crossed arms in a comfortable, calming gesture to ease her tension, but he maintained his watchful eye, unsure of where the conversation would lead, nor how his colleague would react.
Miss Sheila Goodwin was a book he’d have to pry open with his bare hands if he wanted to know her secrets. She wasn’t going to simply give them to him, despite his charms.
“Fine,” he replied. His chair squeaked under his weight.
“Just fine?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at his response. The quiver in her lip subsided.
“Drew, I’m surprised. You’re usually more elaborate than that.”
Usually? She’d only known the man for three days. Yet, she possessed the uncanny ability to analyze his behavioral patterns—his strange, wacky, slightly familiar with an aura of comfort patterns. It was something she’d like to explore.
“Well, I had a meeting with the department heads this morning,” he continued, obliging to her subtle request, “and I—”
“Wait,” she interrupted, her curiosity clutching her rational mind, “The department heads? Why did you need to meet with them?”
A short snort escaped Drew’s nose as he crossed his arms, closing the invite he had extended towards her, “I’m the head of the science department.”
A pale pink broke through the green tint of her skin. Monday may have been her first day as a full-timer, but she had her substitute experience to fall back upon, and she was rather appalled at herself for not knowing this important bit of information. She knew who held the reins over the other departments, but not for science.
It was just her dumb luck that Drew Lipsky had to be the head of the science department—and she just had to showcase her ignorance in front of him.
How embarrassing.
“I’m sorry, I—”
“Don’t worry,” Drew waved his hand, dismissing her apology, “You’re new. I’ll give you a pass on this one.”
Truthfully, he would’ve given her a pass anyway—on anything. She was nice to him, treated him with kindness and respect that he had craved for years. Why be pressed over a silly matter?
She subtly rolled her eyes, which prompted a cheeky smirk from her colleague.
With a gentle push, she gracefully leaped from the desk. Her heels pressed upon the hard floor with a satisfying clack that rang within Drew’s ears. He watched her brush the accumulated wrinkles from the cloth of her slacks and, without saying a word, departed from his workspace.
Drew lurched forward, stretching his hand towards her receding frame, but stopped his movement before he could grasp her arm.
Damnit. Leave it to Drew to screw up practically every good thing that graced his miserable, lonely life.
He retracted his hand and leaned back into his chair, watching her stiff stature fade into the greying light. James had always warned him that his sarcastic personality was a niche sense of humor. His mother had always told him that he shouldn’t utilize commentary in the form of jest. He always knew that his awkward, geeky, socially inept personality would drive others away, but he had hoped that this time things would be different. That they’d click. That she’d understand his sarcastic wit and appreciate the sense of humor that had tormented him throughout his formative years. It was never his intention to offend her and, if he did, he was deeply apologetic about it, but for Sheila to simply state her thanks, then saunter away without a word pierced his beating heart.
When he first found her, sprawled upon the mucky floor, prying gum away from its hold on the tile, a warmth grew within his chest. She and her infectious personality was a gateway to a plethora of opportunities to find friendship within another—someone outside of his little group of scientists who understood the hardships of teaching; someone who’d laugh with him, talk with him, support him through his successes and his failures. He desired for someone different, who could release him from the strong confines of his mundane routine. A colleague who could provide a sense of fulfillment in his dull life.
Was that too much to ask?
She zeroed in on the port that led to the vacant hall outside of his classroom, but she didn’t pass through it. Instead, she turned to the long lab table that sat beside the door and snatched a chair from underneath it.
Sheila dragged the padded, metal legs across the tile towards Drew’s desk, then haphazardly spun the chair and straddled the plastic seat. The back of the chair faced the scientist in an informal, comfortable manner as she rested her elbow on the metal—her balled fist held her chin while the other lazily draped over the chair. A slight grin crept upon her features as her stature invited Drew into the easy-going, laid-back atmosphere her informal stature created.
“So, what happened?” she asked, “Tell me more.”
Drew blinked away the uncertainty that pooled within his eyes. For a brief moment, Sheila recognized a subtle perplexed look etched into the crease between his eyebrows, but it quickly faded once he found the courage to compose himself.
“Well,” he brought a finger to his thin lips, tapping them as his eyes trailed to the brown stain on the white ceiling, “this year has been off to an. . . interesting start.”
She shifted in her seat—the uneven legs rattling against the tile, “You’re tellin’ me.”
His gaze met hers for a brief moment of understanding. Her smile softened the corners of her eyes, but her emerald irises displayed a similar sort of uncertainty, laced with sadness and frustration, that reflected within Drew’s.
The job never got easier and he didn’t have the heart to tell her.
“Yeah,” a small chuckle escaped with his response and faded into the thick atmosphere, “you’re not the only one who had a rough first day if that’s any consolation.”
“Somewhat,” she admitted. It was nice to know that she wasn’t the only person left to suffer in the harsh elements that came with the high school, but the curve of Drew’s frowning lips indicated that there was an issue that ran deeper than new teacher initiation day.
Drew broke eye contract with Sheila, his gaze wandering to the posters the clung to his classroom walls. His lips formed a thin line to counteract the growing frown from settling into the creases that formed deep folds around his face. He was positive that she’d hear about the events that were recounted in the early morning meeting, but, after the horrifying experience she called her first day, he fought against the urge to gossip, despite the intense curiosity that laid within her, begging for him to keep her in the loop that she was shoved out of.
Sheila placed a gentle hand on his outstretched forearm. The simple gesture immediately forced his eyes to find hers, but they still held a vacant expression as his mind remained lost within his thoughts. Bothered by his distant stature, and his stand-offish gaze that passed through her, she leaned closer to his stiff body that swayed, slightly, in the chair.
“Everything alright?”
“Huh?” he shook his head, her voice yanked him from the confines of his head.
The look of concern that lined her clenched jaw startled him, yet sent shockwaves of a calming sensation that eased his mind. It was an open invitation for him to confide in her.
It was everything he could’ve wanted.
“Oh, yeah,” he regained his composure, removing his arm from Sheila’s touch, “the meeting went well. I’m just not looking forward to hosting one later this afternoon.”
“With the science department?”
“Yeah,” he eyed her as a soft gleam reflected in the beautiful blue that captured Sheila’s attention, “I was hoping to go home early. Maybe take a nap. . .”
“You’re already that tired?” she asked, raising an eyebrow as a hint of a mischievous, playful spirit rose within her banter.
“I only wake up this early if I have to,” he retorted.
Lately, it seemed as if he could never get enough rest. Waking up before the sun didn’t help.
“Not an early riser, I see,” she remarked, crossing her arms upon the back of her chair.
“I thought you knew,” he said, gesturing to the coffee that sat, untouched, on his desk. Its warm steam continued to seep through the cover, dissipating into the morning air. It invited Drew to take a sip—to wake his drowsy, clouded mind—but he remained immobile, too attentive to the conversation, and Sheila’s cheeky responses, to move.
“I made a guess,” she admitted, “It was nearly a fifty-fifty shot since I knew next-to-nothing about you.”
“You knew I liked coffee, didn’t you?”
She laughed—its melody allowed the light from the new, morning sun to enter his welcoming gaze, “No.”
“Lucky guess?”
“You could say that,” Sheila remarked as she stood from her chair, snatching her coffee that sat beside Drew’s upon her departure, “Hopefully I made it right this time.”
“Not like you made it wrong last time,” Drew mumbled, leaning forward to grab his cup.
The liquid behind the Styrofoam warmed his cold hand. He hadn’t meant for Sheila to hear, but in close quarters, it was difficult to mumble anything without her sensitive ears grasping onto every word. She was quick and keen—blessed with a youthful spirit; a witty personality that he’d have to learn how to keep up with if he wanted to maintain the friendship that bloomed between them.
“Yeah, well,” she pushed the chair back towards the lab table, its legs scraping against the floor as it nestled into the nook beneath the chemically-stained surface, “I tried to follow your instructions, but you didn’t give me any.”
Drew brought the coffee to his lips. The bitterness that coated his tongue the day before was replaced with a rich, creamy taste that brought chills to his ample skin. He hummed into his cup, delighted by the taste, indulging for a moment in the delicious caffeine that would, without a doubt, aid him through the long day ahead.
“It’s perfect,” he remarked, reluctantly pulling the cup away as his gaze trailed towards his colleague who was making her way out the door.
“Hey,” he sat up in his chair as she turned her head in his direction, “where’d you get this?”
She smiled, her irises beaming in the sunlight, “I made it just for you.”
With that, she left—the click of her heels echoing in the empty hallway.
The corner of his lip curved into a smile but immediately faltered as he set down his coffee.
If she made it, then what was the paper for?
Alarmed, he abruptly rose from his seat and followed the draft that flowed out the door in her wake, all the way calling her name, asking questions that demanded answers, as child-like laughter beckoned Drew to Classroom 121. 
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