#sarah tonin??? i know her....
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brainrot cont. via dragon au
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papermint-airplane · 10 months
The next day at school, Sarah had an epiphany. It seems she met the class pet for the first time and fell in love with its adorable little face, because she immediately wished for 20 of them. 😅
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I didn't pin this wish because she's awfully young to decide right now what she wants to do with her life forever, but I'm keeping it in the back of my mind for now. Maybe all this means is that Sarah needs a pet of her own.
The animal-related wishes soon subsided the moment the teacher corralled the kids onto the school bus because today is the day of the big class field trip!
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Naturally, as the shy kid she is, Sarah tucked herself away in a corner, within sight lines of the other kids but not interacting with them. Cricket, however, planted herself directly next to the teacher. So, Cricket is that kind of kid, huh? No slight against her goes unreported, no offense too minor to be turned into the gossip of the day. I don't blame Sarah for steering clear of her for now until she's sure she wants to get involved in whatever drama Cricket is bound to stir up.
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The entire class was thrilled when they finally arrived at the bistro.
Hanson: We get out of school and we get snacks? This is the best day ever!
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Well, except for the teacher. I've never chaperoned a field trip before, so I can only imagine how stressful it is keeping an eye on all of these kids in a restaurant kitchen surrounded by sharp objects and hot surfaces.
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He calmed down pretty quickly once he realized Sarah's interest in the knives was purely culinary, though. I imagine she quietly slipped away from the rest of the group to live out her top chef dreams on her own.
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She even gained progress towards a cooking skill point! It seems like Sarah Tonin gets a lot of serotonin from the kitchen. Will that be a lifelong passion or just a childhood interest?
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Regardless of what the future holds, Sarah brought back a cute panda bento box as a souvenir. It'd look great on her nightstand next to her bed...you know...if she had one.
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For now, the outdoor picnic table next to her sleeping bag can be her nightstand.
We have got to get this kid a bedroom of her own.
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robbarracuda · 11 months
A conversation that Denji and Aki have absolutely had
🪚 - Denji; 🚬 - Aki
🪚 "Hey, topknot! Got a question for ya!"
🚬: -sighs while smoking a cigarette- "What is it now, Denji?"
🪚 "yeah uh, do you know anyone named Sarah?"
🚬: "...wha--what kind of question is that?"
🪚 well, uh, y'know that one chick on our team, the one who's always pissin' herself?
🚬 Kobeni, yes.
🪚 Well I was passin' by the bathrooms and I heard her panicking about needin' to find some chick named Sarah.
🚬 Hmmm... I don't recall us having any Americans working in Public Safety, so I can't answer for sure.
🪚 I gotcha. Ah well, I'm sure she'll find her soon, can't be that hard with a weird last name like hers.
🚬 ...weird last name?
🪚 Yeah, her name's Sarah Tonin I think.
🚬 (thousand yard stare)
🪚 ...what?
🚬 -sighs once again- Denji, I know you didn't go to school, but I swear to god--
🪚 Geez, what's got you so bothered?
🚬 "Sarah Tonin" is not a person. Kobeni was talking about a chemical called serotonin.
🪚 whuzzat?
🚬 A chemical in the brain that regulates your mood and helps you feel happy.
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princecamellia · 3 years
Stimulus check this, stimulus check that... but who’s gonna stimulate my brain, I have adhd bitch, help 😔
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i-call-me-clarence · 5 years
Me: I feel awful and nothing can make it better :’(
Tyler the Creator: *does a 8 minute freestyle rap about how much he wants to get freaky with Funk Flex*
Me: oh wow the power of chaotic gay energy has once again cured my ailments :D
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roseapothecary · 2 years
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Happy New Year, everyone! 
I know 2020 and 2021 have been chaotic, to say the very least... but there are some lovely people who have improved my life while I’ve been at my lowest, and I want to give them a shout out. Obvi, I’m talking about my beloved mutuals on this stupid lil site that I love. 
Some of the folks listed below are silent pals who have simply made my dashboard a better place... others have become some of my most cherished friends. Regardless, ALL of them have made the last year (in some cases, the last two or even three years) better. I just want to extend my thanks to each and every one of you... and hope that 2022 is a new chapter in all of our lives. 
To my discord darlings, especially — You know exactly who you are, but I want to give ya’ll a special shout out. Frankly, I don’t know what my year would’ve looked like without you and our special little spaces. Thank you for bringing joy into my life. 
I love you all so very much.
xo Petal
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@5ambreakdown, @abednadir, @agoodpersonrose, @aleclightswood, @anniemurphys, @bepoets, @bestwisheswarmestregards, @bishmonts, @blackandwhiteandrose @captainmarvels, @catradoraa, @cheddarholt, @chloesaurora, @chrissiewatts, @concepts, @crowphie, @dan-levys, @danieljradcliffe, @deckerschloe, @designatedgrape, @dessertwaffles, @dinnfameron, @doloresmadrigals, @fictional-entities, @fishyspots, @ganseytheking, @girlhurricane, @hagface, @hermitized, @januarium, @jayteekirk, @jddryder, @jennigarner, @ketterdarn, @kindofspecificstore, @kyrumption, @landofsonlali, @lesbiandeetz, @lesliegrope, @lilythesilly, @linettigina, @mairauders, @mamsellefreeman, @maryp50, @maxbegone, @meliorn, @michellejoneswatsons, @mickmilkovichs, @middyblue, @montygreen
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@noahreids, @planet-her, @ratchet,@ravichakrbarti,​ @raybutani, @robinsonjudy, @roguebebe, @rosedavid, @rosesdavid, @ryan-wilders, @sarah--tonin, @sarahlevys, @saraminia, @schitthappens, @scullay, @sharonfieldstone, @shegos, @softdavidrose, @spockinaa, @starksiren, @stereopticons, @sulkyronan, @sunoficarus, @swearphil, @tamiettitami, @themistletoe, @theswiftiewholived, @thundermercury, @torisvega, @turningtimeinthetardis, @vivianblakesunrisebay, @waningicarus, @whowill-i-betoday, @wordthieve, @wyrdandwonderful​, @lydstilinsk
* If I missed anyone, I’m sorry! ​I combed through the list, like, four times, so I think you’re all here... but I’m still super worried that I missed at least one of the cute little ~mutuals~ xkit icons. If I share a discord server with you and I’m miraculously NOT following you, please feel free to yell at me. I adore you all very much.  
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karatam · 4 years
Dani x Jamie headcanons
sarah--tonin asked:
what are some of your favorite bly manor and/or hill hosue headcanons? (i love reading other people's hc's haha)
lol I don’t even know where to start tbh
a lot of my best ones have been sent to novel_concepts as prompts and used in discussion of prompts, so you can see echoes of my headcanons in some of her fic
warning, a bunch of these are sad and I can’t divulge some bc they might actually be used soon-ish
1. a particular fave of mine, Jamie taking photos of Dani (knowing somewhere in the back of her mind that someday this might be all she has left of Dani)
Like, there are the group photos (faces smushed together with friends and smiling widely), there are a few more formal ones for like passports and events (shoulders back and smiles a little stiff, bodies positioned a little further apart than usual), there are touristy ones (sunglasses on and arms spread open wide in front of the Eiffel Tower, at the Grand Canyon, at the Empire State Building)
And then there are these ones. Ones that no one but Jamie has ever seen (Dani gets a little embarrassed and doesn't want to look). Ones that show the dark smoky look Dani gets sometimes late at night after a glass of wine. Ones that show the constellation of freckles along her shoulder blades. Ones that show her lips a little wet and swollen from kisses. Ones that show the Dani that is just for Jamie
2. Jamie is terrible at math. This is connected to my “Dani does the taxes and all accounting” headcanon
Dani has a will all written out that she updates at least once a year.  She ducks from Jamie's notice to go and visit a lawyer or notary every few months. She mentioned it once and the look on Jamie's face broke her heart, so she kind of did it in secret from then on.  Dani has always been the one to handle their books, so she just sometimes says she's visiting their accountant and Jamie lets her keep up the pretense
A grieving Jamie having to file their taxes, blinking back the tears at just how often "Danielle Clayton" appears on all the paperwork, her loopy signature at the end of every document
alternately, a frantic Jamie calling up Owen like "I'm doing our taxes and we either owe the government a million dollars or possibly they owe us half a million dollars, and neither of those seem right but I hate math"
3. Jamie nearly kills her plants after Dani is taken
it's thanks to Owen that the plants survive for the first time in her adult life, Jamie cannot bring herself to care for all the plants growing in their apartment or store. the dark earth feels like it's a dark stain on her skin, the edges of leaves like sharp razors, the fragrant blooms nauseating
she doesn't touch the watering can, doesn't tend to brittle roots, doesn't trim overgrowing branches
she just lets it all go, because Dani, her moonflower, is gone and never coming back and this is all Jamie has to show for it and it's not enough
Owen walks in to see that carefully tended engagement plant spilt on the ground in a broken pot by the door, Jamie sobbing in the bedroom. He carefully picks it up and places it in a bowl on the kitchen table, scooping the soil in with his hands.
4. Jamie never sees a ghost (barring Hannah), but she spends the rest of her life searching for one
5. Dani being unable to control herself while Jamie is in fix-it mode
the jeep conks out somewhere in Colorado and Jamie goes to work on the engine on the side of the road, sleeves shoved up to her elbows, tendons and muscles in her forearms standing out in sharp relief as she gets to work. Dani is only able to watch this for maybe 15 minutes before she grabs Jamie and pulls her (only slightly protesting) into the back seat. Dani ends up with grease stains all up her thighs and back, but it was totally worth it
you’re all very welcome for prompting that 5 things fic of novel’s
6. Dani was subconsciously waiting for their relationship to be legally recognized so that if she dies, Jamie will be known legally as her wife and all that entails
7. Jamie has tattoos (I’ve posted this before)
She has flowers mostly.
A edelweiss bloom (courage, devotion) on her left bicep, the first type of flower she cultivated in her prison work term.
A sprig of bluebells (constancy) on her right ankle, like the ones that used to grow outside her childhood home, the one spot of beauty she can remember.
A daffodil (rebirth) on her forearm that she got when she got out, symbolizing a kind of rebirth.
An ever growing vine of climbing roses up her back, a new bloom added whenever someone manages to sneak into her heart. last count was 7: five pink (happiness), one a dark crimson (mourning) and one a vibrant red (love)
And then, delicate on her wrist, a white moonflower
I think she gets the moonflower while Dani is with her, and Dani is constantly tracing its shape with her fingertips, often without even noticing, and it makes Jamie’s heart clench a little bit in her chest every time
After, she lines the red rose with dark crimson, but doesn’t fill it in all the way. because for as much as she mourns, she also still loves
8. Dani realizing she likes hickeys
with Eddie it always felt like a mark of possession, of something he wanted displayed to the rest of the world to show his ownership of her. and she didn't even enjoy the process of him giving her hickeys, it just kind of hurt a bit
but now, as she wakes up and sees a faint red mark below her jaw, she can't help but smile as she remembers exactly how Jamie was losing control when she bit down a little harder than usual
again, just read novel’s fic, it’s so good
9. Complete crack: they meet at a D&D game.
Jamie is the reluctant DM (she says reluctant, but she also has multiple maps drawn out already), Owen the cleric, Hannah the ranger, Flora the sorcerer, Miles the wizard, Henry is a barbarian and has no idea how to play, Rebecca the warlock. Dani joins when invited by Flora (her favourite student) and decides to be a paladin.
10. Why they don’t get a pet
Jamie's greatest fear is a cat getting into their apartment and then slowly and meaningfully knocking every single potted plant off its shelf/table/ledge and onto the floor, all while making direct eye contact with Jamie
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scraregenrecs · 3 years
Rec Roundup – March 2021 #2
It’s that magical time of the month where we bring you our favorite rare pair/gen fics from the last few weeks! March continued to be a little slim, but between the @scseason7 and the upcoming @sctropefest, we understand.
And are, uh, right there with those writers.
But honestly, the perfect writing break is a reading break so go get a snack (and a tall glass of water for some of these) and give these fics some love.
are there still beautiful things? by @mymariahcarey, Stevie/Twyla, T, 4564 words
Summary: “Look what I got Stevie!” Twyla calls as she runs through the waist-high grass towards the line of trees where Stevie’s waiting for her.
By the time Twyla reaches her, her cheeks pink and her breath labored, her french braids are coming undone and there’s a twig stuck in one of them.
Or, Stevie and Twyla were childhood best friends.
Rec [written by samwhambam]: If you want post-Cabaret Stevie introspection with a life long crush and some T Swift sprinkled in? This is your fic. There are sweet moments from their childhood sprinkled in that really drive home the love and affection for each other. AND THERES A FIRST KISS. WE LOVE TO SEE IT. overall an A+ fic and one I will be reading again
just for one night by @samwhambam, Jake/Rachel, E, 2786 words
Summary: Rachel is embarrassed after driving all the way to Schitt's Creek to try to win Patrick back. So she spends her evening making herself a new tinder account.
Rec [written by yourbuttervoicedbeau]: The first of TWO Jake/Rachel fics that people wrote for my birthday, because my brand is truly secure. This is such a hot fire connection between Jake and Rachel the night of the barbecue, and the ending is the best kind of tease.
know something now I didn't before by @sarah--tonin, Alexis/Twyla, T, 687 words
Summary: Alexis and Twyla navigate having different sexual preferences and how not liking a specific thing is totally okay.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: There isn't enough F/F fic that explores the many varied nuances of sex and sexual preferences. This short fic features the characters communicating, setting boundaries, and supporting each other every step of the way.
let me see you do that yoga by @hullomoon, Alexis/Twyla, M, 967 words
Summary: While doing yoga with Twyla, Alexis has something else in mind.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: This is the perfect mix of cute, introspective, and spicy! It's a fun throwback to the first season's yoga class, and is a quick, sweet read.
staying friends would iron it out so nice by @thankstwy, Jake/Rachel, M, 2269 words
Summary: This is so typical, isn't it? Hollywood would have a field day with her; of course the woman catches feelings for her sex friend first, because that's what women do. But why is it always painted as something bad, to feel this way for someone she's grown so close to? Why isn't she allowed to want to have someone in her life, to miss them when they aren't around, to crave them when they're near?
So what if it's complicated? So what if he doesn't want the same thing? So what if she gets her heart broken again? It's a miracle that her heart even wants to try again.
It's been almost two years since Rachel and her sex friend, Jake, started up their sex friendship. What comes next doesn't look like what they've been told it should, but when has that ever truly mattered?
Rec [written by yourbuttervoicedbeau]: Again, Jake/Rachel is the way to my heart and this is just wonderful. I’m a big fan of anything in fic that talks about relationships other than the ‘standard’, for lack of a better word, and both Jake and Rachel are so honest and hopeful of finding a way forward here.
this must be rare, 'cause nothing else can compare (not that we're aware of) by @turningtimeinthetardis, Ted/Alexis/Twyla, T, 11,770 words
Summary: It all starts because of a pun.
Two puns, if you really wanna be precise.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: I'm so excited to see more fic for this throuple, and this is a very fond look at how these three sunshine-y people could find their way together. The love and affection that they all have for each other rings true.
three o'clock by @schittyfic, Alexis/Twyla, E, 2914 words
Summary: “Oooh, Twy, three o’clock.”
“Huh?” Twyla wrinkles her nose at Alexis in confusion, picking up her phone from the vaguely-sticky table and checking the screen. “It’s nine thirty-two.”
“No-no, babe, like, three o’clock.” Alexis enunciates each syllable, widening her eyes and jerking her head dramatically. It’s still, like, totally subtle, though. She closes her glossed lips around the straw of her daiquiri as Twyla finally turns to look across the bar.
“Oh,” Twyla breathes out, unknowingly mirroring Alexis’s pose, sucking her own straw into her mouth as they both stare.
Or: two tipsy girlfriends thirst over the hot, bearded guy across the bar.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: It's the author's first F/F fic, and it will burn your face off! The banter and dynamic between them is so light and fun, and the sex is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥! I'm so glad to see more authors showing the range of this ship.
with your breath by @5ambreakdown, Stevie/Twyla, T, 2036 words
Summary: Looking at Twyla in this god awful bar after a three week trip to New Hampshire, Stevie wants nothing more than to bundle up within her, burrow inside of her until all she knows Twyla, in all her kindness and goodness and quirks.
Rec [written by samwhambam]: omg this fic is amazing. Stevie with a crush? Admiring Twyla from across the bar? Twyla reaching out to Stevie? Um yes. Thank you. I’ll take all of it. Highly recommend you give this a read if you’re dipping your toes into the Stevie/Twyla pool.
Happy reading, friends!
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oingomyboingos · 2 years
sarah tonin??? I hardly know her
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Wait, what are your hcs for Adora’s fav SpIns/hyperfixations? And do you have any hcs for whether Adora plays a musical instrument?
- cartography! adora’s biggest sp/in is cartography and she LOVES it and covers her entire room in maps for like a week until glimmer and bow encourage her to move the 99 billion detailed maps she makes of every single facet of etheria she needs to know for Diplomacy Things into an empty room. 
- after the war, she revisits all the maps and starts adding to them with plans for rebuilding and rehabilitation, etc. catra is floored by her ability and immediately starts to help her organise and make maps of new planets at adora’s request (its a shit ton of work ok)
- also Working OutTM because Sarah Tonin and its rewarding hgjhjjk
- YEE idk i just,,, i love the idea of catra playing guitar and teaching adora. bc somFt. adora is a pretty good student and have i mentioned that i think that fiddling with the guitar strings is an EXCELLENT stim? so its just. sensory heaven as well. and if catra (who is literally the softest fluffiest thing on earth) sits squished up with her, even better 
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 years
Oh that is very true. My favourite broadway actress Lea Salonga has said multiple times that whenever she does a scene with her favourite leading man, she always feels something despite being married lol.. and i quote “i’m married but if you don’t feel something from looking at that person who’s inches close to you and is ridiculously good looking then you’re not human”
Yes, this exactly. With the exception of asexual people (which I'm not very knowledgeable about so excuse any ignorance on my part), I it's just human nature. Humans tend to be tactile creatures. Closeness, intimacy, touching, kissing, hugging, caressing, all those things create emotional and physical responses. It creates vulnerability between people. It's how we tend to create bonds with each other and feel fulfilled emotionally. And at the end of the day if someone is attractive it does have an influence on us whether or not we actually want to sleep with them. I've made out with a couple friends whom I had Zero, and I mean Zero, fucking interest in, but they were good kissers and in the moment I liked it a lot, no shame. So it stands to reason that even if you're faking all these actions and emotions for a scene, your body wouldn't exactly know the difference and you still get that shot of Miss Sarah Tonin from being a human connecting with another human 🤷‍♀️
That's my thought process anyway
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I dont know who this ‘Sarah Tonin’ lady is but boy I’d sure love to meet her some day
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tamiettitami · 3 years
make me choose: who has the better series wide arc? david OR alexis → requested by @sarah--tonin
while there is definitely an argument for both sides (hell, even i could argue either or) and anyone who knows me will tell you i'm a david rose warrior until the end of the earth, i have to go with alexis on this one
there's something about her development from "grad night" to the end of s4 that's absolutely unmatched. from graduating high school and confessing her love to ted, season 4 definitely shows alexis at her best
also, the scene at ted's where she explains her concerns about missing her family if they go to the galapagos ): that's one of the first times we've really gotten a glimpse into how living in schitt's creek has affected/changed her personal relationship with her immediate family
just... the decision to say, "okay, this relationship has taught us a lot as people and i still fucking love you, but i have to let you go" is not an easy decision to make; however, alexis made it and i'm incredibly proud of her for doing so
STARTING HER OWN PR FIRM?? HELLO?! that's my pubic relations bitch, YOU GO GIRL!!
in 2x6 when she asks david for a hug after her break-up with mutt
this could be used for either answer and i'm including it here for alexis's ability to step outside of the comfort zone, or lack thereof, established between her and david to get the support she desperately needed
↳ this got WAY longer than i intended and i barely even scratched the surface, but maybe one day i'll do more of an in-depth analysis because i've actually been thinking about it for awhile !
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roseapothecary · 2 years
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Hey, tumblefam!
It’s been a little over a year since I started creating things for this blog, and, while I’ve got plenty of gripes about this hellsite, it’s also introduced me to many wonderful things during a pretty shitty time in my life (and, like, in general history). Since I’ve recently reached 1k followers, I thought I’d do a little something to celebrate and thank you all for all the little ways this community has helped me this year.  Because of you, I’ve learned so much, improved my skills in photoshop, and really started writing again for the first time in years. 
So, I want to do some fun things. Send me an emoji + film/tv show:
⏱️ Timestamp Roulette: Give me an episode, and I’ll choose a random timestamp to create a gifset.
🎶 Spotify Roulette: I’ll shuffle to a random song and create a gifset with lyrics from that song.
✨Make Me Choose: Give me two shows, characters, episodes, ships — whatever. I’ll pick one.
🎀 Special Surprise (Mutuals Only): Send me this emoji and I’ll make YOU something special, based on your interests.
I’ve listed my mutuals and some special shout outs below the cut.
@maxbegone​, @roguebebe​, and @sarahlevys​​: It’s because of ya’ll that I’ve had such an incredible support system this year. You invited me into a community that I will be eternally grateful for, where I have met some of my favorite pocket friends. 
To all of the incredible people I’ve met on Discord as a result: I love you. Thank you for embracing me, encouraging me, and overall just keeping me going this year. I wouldn’t have started writing again, creating gifs/edits again, or stayed half as sane as I have if it weren’t for our corners of the internet. I can’t thank any of you enough.
@lilythesilly​​: You’re the twin sister I didn’t know I had or needed. I’m not British, but you ARE from California, so I guess that makes me Annie and you Hallie. Thank you for being there for me this year and for everything you’ve helped me create this year. Collaborating and scheming with you has been a blast and I can’t wait to do more together soon. 💛
@this-is-bwr​​: I am so, so glad we’ve gotten to know each other better lately and I cannot express how grateful I am to have you in my life. Also, thank you for dragging me into Buddie hell.  
&& love to all of my mutuals:
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@5ambreakdown, @abednadir, @agoodpersonrose, @aleclightswood, @anniemurphys, @bepoets, @bestwisheswarmestregards, @bishmonts, @blackandwhiteandrose @captainmarvels, @catradoraa, @cheddarholt, @chloesaurora, @chrissiewatts, @concepts, @crowphie, @dan-levys, @danieljradcliffe, @deckerschloe, @designatedgrape, @dessertwaffles, @dinnfameron, @doloresmadrigals, @fictional-entities, @fishyspots, @ganseytheking, @girlhurricane, @hagface, @hermitized, @januarium, @jayteekirk, @jddryder, @jennigarner, @ketterdarn, @kindofspecificstore, @kyrumption, @landofsonlali, @lesbiandeetz, @lesliegrope, @lilythesilly, @linettigina, @mairauders, @mamsellefreeman, @maryp50, @maxbegone, @meliorn, @michellejoneswatsons, @mickmilkovichs, @middyblue, @montygreen
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@noahreids, @planet-her, @ratchet,@ravichakrbarti,​ @raybutani, @robinsonjudy, @roguebebe, @rosedavid, @rosesdavid, @ryan-wilders, @sarah–tonin, @sarahlevys, @saraminia, @schitthappens, @scullay, @sharonfieldstone, @shegos, @softdavidrose, @spockinaa, @starksiren, @stereopticons, @sulkyronan, @sunoficarus, @swearphil, @tamiettitami, @themistletoe, @theswiftiewholived, @thundermercury, @torisvega, @turningtimeinthetardis, @vivianblakesunrisebay, @waningicarus, @whowill-i-betoday, @wordthieve, @wyrdandwonderful​, @lydstilinsk
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erenia · 4 years
who tf is this Sarah Tonin bitch y’all keep on talking about?? I don’t know her
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ofthumbnails · 4 years
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[ ━ alex wolff. cis male. he/him. ] my name is LUCAS BOYD, i am a SEVENTEEN year old JUNIOR from MAXWELL academy, and i’ve been a student for THREE YEARS. people always say i’m TIMID & ANXIOUS but i think the fact that i’m HARD-WORKING & KINDHEARTED makes up for it. they also think of me as THE TIMOROUS but i’m not sure why. there is one thing that nobody knows about me, though, and it’s that I HID MY MOTHER’S ALCOHOLISM UNTIL SHE  DIED IN A DRUNK DRIVING ACCIDENT.  [ stella. 22. est. she/her. ] 
hello all. i’m in desperate search of miss sarah tonin and so here i am, joining another rp. lucas is my baby and i’m always here for character development so let’s see how this transpires !!! if you wanna plot with me like this or hmu on discord. 
history. (alcoholism tw, violence tw, death tw, child abuse tw)
tl;dr - boy terrified of being taken from mother hides her alcoholism from the authorities until she dies in a drunk driving accident, goes to live with rich deadbeat dad, continues to blame himself for mothers death
born to young single mother, florence weber, and isaac boyd, who left before lucas could remember him. 
florence struggled with alcoholism for most of her life, and while she was clean for a few years, she relapsed when lucas was about seven. when he arrived at school in dirty clothes, without lunch packed for him, on a regular basis, alarms were raised, and lucas was told he might be taken from his mother and sister. the idea terrified him. 
his mother managed to recover with the help of her social worker, and they had nearly two years of good times, where they went on camping trips, his mom helped him do homework. she was there to see him win first prize at his fourth grade science fair. but once lucas started middle school, his mother relapsed again. 
desperate to hide his mother’s condition, he started to take care of himself and his little sister. he learned to do the laundry, make his own food, to pay the bills and the rent with his mom’s bank account. in the eighth grade, though, his mother lost her job, and it wasn’t long afterwards that lucas had an asthma attack, and his mother, panicked and drunk, rushed him to the hospital and crashed into another car head-on. lucas was the only survivor. 
lucas blames himself for the death of his mother and the man in the other car; he hid her drinking problem for years, and as a result she never got help. he tells everyone his mom died in a car crash, but not that she was drunk when it happened. nor does he tell anyone the extent to which he hid her disorder, or that she was even an alcoholic. 
after her death, cps picked him up and contacted his father, isaac boyd, who had, since leaving florence, completed medical school, became a successful surgeon, married a woman named kathlyn, and had two daughters, louisa, age 6, and rosalie, age 3. 
while isaac has adopted lucas and his sister, he doesn’t necessarily like to have them around, and sent them off to maxwell and harwick as soon as he could. the boyds keep him taken care of financially, but isaac and kathlyn don’t care to look after him emotionally. in general, they pretend he doesn’t exist. this isn’t common knowledge at school. 
Anxiety(tm) (also depression and ptsd from that car crash) 
big hufflepuff energy
extremely type a, perfectionist by nature 
kind of a crybaby
a Smort Boye, gets excellent grades
uselessly gay 
quite introverted and awkward
a compulsive caretaker with a deep-rooted fear of abandonment
english iii
advanced calculus
general pe
us history
home ec
web design & programming
national honors society
scholastic decathlon
marching band, trumpet
wanted connections. 
bad influence/unlikely friend
helpless crush, or maybe even a bf????????? who knows but he’s probably not that lucky
lowkey academic rival
these wanteds are so bare bones bUT PLEASE HMU WE’LL PLOT ANYTHING OUT
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