#i’ve decided depression jokes are fine if they’re puns and not about the actual depression lol
oingomyboingos · 2 years
sarah tonin??? I hardly know her
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ninjakitty15 · 3 years
Chapter 15: Trickster Treats (Loki X OFC Pairing)
"You know, not that I'm complaining here, but you don't have to bribe me with chocolate chip pumpkin pancakes and pumpkin spice latte, as much as I missed those breakfast foods this time of year," I assured my best friend in the whole fucking multiverse.
"You have no idea how fucking bored I've been since you went MIA, I tried making new friends honest, but you of all people know how hard that is."
"Even in Salem where the weird are welcomed?" I asked.
Zari just nodded while shoveling crispy strips of freshly made bacon onto my already full plate. "I also think you need this, I know you don't extensively need to eat being dead and all but how the hell else do you recharge after kicking terrorist ass?"
"Mischievous magical sex certainly helps," I chirped.
"Is that why he hasn't come down for food like you did?" she asked, jerking her head toward the guest room we stayed in.
"Not as much as usual actually, we were both just tired and needed company over intimacy. Asgardians are fucking addicting, pun intended."
"Let's hope he doesn't wish he knew how to quit you," she teased.
I scoffed and shoveled more food into my mouth. "He aint never had it this good, the best thing about necrophilia is the dead can't say no."
"Jesus, woman, still with the dead jokes after all this time?"
"Always," I replied smoothly.
"So what should we do today while I got you?" she asked excitedly.
"Like you said, I gotta recharge and then I gotta celebrate properly since I missed out so many times, too many really, it's a good thing I got out before I missed it this year or I'd be seriously depressed."
"You're only really alive during this time of the year despite the veil between worlds being so thin and your death powers being strongest then, irony that is. So what was it like being in the Avengers company?"
"Kinda boring when I wasn't actively shagging the only other person on house arrest there, I'm not terribly into new state of the art tech Tony's all about. I mean yeah it looks cool and shit but like I've no idea how to use the majority of it."
"It did take forever for you to get a smartphone when the rest of the first world had been through like 5 at least."
"That was partially because I was under the impression I couldn't afford one or didn't need that much stuff just to contact people."
She rolled her eyes at me and scoffed. "Whatever, Ms. Slide to Text Not Smart Phone."
"Call me what you want but whenever I dropped that phone, the worst that happened was the battery popping out, let's see you drop a smartphone any height without a protective cover and see if it even works after that."
"Get with the times, woman!"
"Don't wanna!" I retorted and crossed my arms in a pretend pout.
"How the hell does Loki put up with you really?"
"I already told you, copious amounts of kinky and experimental sex, keep up."
"What about sex?" a familiar smooth accented voice interrupted.
We both turned to see a groggy looking Loki that shifted into his mortal form Tom seamlessly, a hand combing through his short sandy curls and a lazy smile tugging at his lips upon setting his eyes on me. "Zari wants to know why you put up with me."
"Put up with? Why would it be a chore to be with you?"
"My thoughts exactly. See, Zari, it's not me, it's you," I taunted.
"Shut up and eat your damn pancakes," she demanded.
"So orange is for the pumpkins everyone picks and carves into what you then call Jacko Lanterns, black is for the night of the holiday and the darkness and death that comes after the season more or less, white is for the spirits free to roam about, what about purple, I know I've seen some of that mixed in as well as green," Loki commented while we raided some more tourist stores full of holiday goodies.
"Purple seems to come out more in kid friendly type decor or even dare I say glitsy stuff I'd rather not. Green's also a bit kiddish but it also goes with the monsters and other characters people tend to dress as for the occasion," I explained, sifting through the sweatshirts that all had Salem something or other on it.
"And what's the most common costumes?"
"Well I mean every year there's always a select group of costumes that's all the rage of that year, like maybe Tony did something wicked awesome the world knows about so everyone's gotta be Iron Man that year, but then there's also something for the girls that's excessively popular but at a certain age or older it's gotta be either slutty or some other form of sexy because that's society in a nutshell. Dudes can be anything but chicks are just breathing sex dolls."
"That's disgusting, why didn't you people let me destroy New York when I had the chance?"
"What do you mean 'you people'?" I asked suspiciously. "You know how I feel about that city."
Loki picked up a rather cute looking scarf that of course was green and wrapped it around his neck then turned to me. "What do you think?"
"Lay off the green or go back to your real form, you can't have it both ways, even I know that and I never go undercover."
He scowled at my logic as he had made a habit of by now but put it back all the same and chose an orange one with black skulls instead. "As a child then, to your knowledge and not society's, what were the most popular costumes of choice?"
"I think even before I came into existence, the classic ones were: witch, ghost, devil, clown, cat, skeleton...those ones at least. They were the easiest to make as well if you didn't have the money or time to buy one and the economy has always been shit. Oh and there was the Grim Reaper of course, how could I forget that?"
"That was your first costume, wasn't it?"
"Nah." I smiled. "I don't remember much before I died, no faces or names or anyone really but I do know I was a witch...glad I can remember that much of my childhood. Ghost was the absolute easiest fucking costume to make but witch was the bees knees for me."
"What made a ghost costume?"
"Oh just find any old white or offwhite bedsheet that didn't drag too much on the ground or you'd probably trip over it half the time you're trick or treating, cut two holes for your eyes, boom done, you're a ghost, I sheet you not."
"Zari warned me you were fond of bad jokes and puns, I found them amusing but now I'm sort of wary."
It was my turn to scowl at this, he seemed to enjoy my wordplay till she had to ruin it. "She and I are gonna have words later about that, ruining my fun when I just got here." I snagged a comfy looking black and orange hoodie with a cute witch pun on it to purchase and snagged Loki's scarf as well to pay myself despite his protests. "Shush, Zari gave us spending cash since we want to stay under the radar and cards will fuck us over that way."
"I know but I wanted to pay for it myself," he insisted.
"Listen, this city is all about my favorite holiday and said holiday only has one law, trick or treat and since you are the master of tricks here, if you want anything in this city, it'll be my treat."
He opened his mouth to argue a few times before deciding he wasn't going to win what I thought was a smooth as fuck reply that should also be bulletproof too. "Fine. Well played."
"Jolly good, and thanks, been known to happen. How long do you think we'll have before we're found by either party?"
"Stark will hopefully find us first, I'd rather not be locked up again, I'm sure you agree there. As to how long...a few days give or take with his resources. Worried, love?"
"Something occurred to me just now. While this is my turf and I'm nigh unstoppable here, I don't want the other agents coming here and sullying my slice of heaven or Valhalla in your case and that's what they'll do, they're a plague, spreading and destroying everything they come in contact with."
"I can understand that, that's what I felt with Asgard before it went down in flames. What would you have us do then?"
"I don't want them here, but I still need to sort out the traitors, there's gotta be more than the two I saw there at the base. I'm also tired of being targetted, that's the reason I left the country in the first place and literally the second I come back before I can even touch native soil, I'm back to being wanted by the wrong people. This country sucks."
"The Avengers have already tried many times to nip it in the bud as you Midgardians would say. I'm willing to bet there's several more hidden bases off the radar we won't be able to find ourselves unless they want us too."
"What are you saying?"
"We won't be able to rid them of the world unfortunately, they've been around since 1940s at least and don't plan on retiring despite their old age. Although...what did you say about getting rid of certain household arachnids earlier on?"
I blinked and wracked my memory, wondering where he was going with his musings before it dawned on me and a wide wicked grin spread across my face. "If you can't kill em, make em wish they never came in. What do you know, you can teach an old god new tricks."
His smirk from pulling a page out of my own book went back into an unamused though half hearted glare at my last bit. "You're lucky I don't know how to quit you."
And once more I was the one scowling again. "You wouldn't survive the withdrawals, I'm a fever you can't sweat out. Also, it's rude to spy on other people's conversations. That's classified information you don't have clearance for."
"I'm a god, I have clearance for everything, silly woman."
"Eventually that card will expire that you keep pulling," I muttered, tugging him out of the shop and onto another while pulling on my new hoodie.
Outside in the heart of Salem, the cobblestone streets were damn near packed like Mardi Gras  in the South, street vendors everywhere, tourists and people that just bloody love the upcoming holiday getting it while it was there. The park across the street from all the chaos was busy with fair rides and games for the kiddos, fried dough, candy apples and fresh apple cider as fair food. This was my home, my heaven, if I died for good then and there, I'd regret nothing because I'd already be in heaven and there was no telling what kind of afterlife I was in for. The air was crisp and smelled of hay rides and apples and I couldn't remember a time I was more in love than I was then. I pulled Loki out of the crowded street and into a side alley between shops, grabbed him by his cute new scarf and snogged him passionately. Even in human form I couldn't get enough of him, would you blame me? He cupped the side of my face once we pulled away and studied me almost tenderly.
"This will be our place," he murmured. "Not Stark's, not the Avengers, not Hydra's. I've already watched one place I love go down in flames and I've already lost one woman I love fall before that even happened, I won't let either of which happen again, not while I'm still breathing. I swear it on my life. We can't let them near this but we can't run from them either, so we'll take the fight to them or die trying."
"Well, you might die, I'm already there but yes, I concur. First we enjoy our mini vacation, then we raise some hell and all the damned that comes with it. To mischief, to merriment, to manslaughter!"
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happy-haunts · 5 years
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The Hostess
Chapter one | Constance pt.1 : Constance pt.2
Chapter two | Mister Topper pt.1 : Mister Topper pt.2
Chapter three | Madame Leota pt.1 : Madame Leota pt.2
Chapter four | The Hostess
Chapter five | Captain Blood pt.1 : Captain Blood pt.2
Chapter six | Emily DeClaire pt.1 : Emily DeClaire pt.2 : Emily DeClaire pt.3
Chapter seven | Finale
I walked with Red and Constance behind me as I held my lamp up beside my head, leading them to a door that said ‘Cast Members Only’ and upon opening they were flooded with the overwhelming pinks, on my walls were several prominent heroes, princesses, magical girls, and fantasy posters. I had bookshelves filled with books- sitting atop them were the animes, manga, and novels of the characters on my walls if not more, hanging in a closet with black beads as curtains were cosplays and an assortment of pastel clothing, my bed was just a standard queen with regular pastel pink sheets(and a body pillow of a really hot anime girl), and last but not least my pink desk with my tiny chibi figurines, pink desk chair, pink headphones, and gaming set up.
I felt rather embarrassed that Red and Constance had to see this side of me but I attempted not to show it as I took a seat in my desk chair. Constance sat on my bed while Red kept standing- she seemed visibly uncomfortable in my room.
“Okay so pushing aside all of the questions I have about just this...” Red gestured to everything, “Maybe you can tell us how you managed to break Constances’ amnesia? Because that would be helpful in the future.”
“I can tell you that but it might involve alot more context.” I poked my fingers together nervously.
Red sighed and sat beside Constance on the bed, “Fine! Tell us your life story!” Constance gave a smile as she poked the body pillow.
I am a twin, but my sister and I aren’t very close since she tends to be so depressing! She asks me if I want to know when I want to die, tells me the world is eternally doomed, and will sometimes quote outdated jokes from the internet. I’m the opposite to my sister, I read manga, cosplay, do seances in my room at 2am because I desperately want a date even if that means I need to sign a pact with a crossroads demon, and sometimes I actually drink the recommended amount of water in a day. Our home life was normal enough, we lived in the suburbs of California which could be kind of dreary at times with how sunny it is, so when my sister and I received a letter to work in a haunted mansion (TM) you could see how we would jump at the chance! It was a dream job for both of us! My sister would get to do more research in the powers of the undead and I could spend all day reading manga and messaging my devil boyfriend who won’t return my summons.
And that was that, I was sent to Liberty Square to await the inevitable rising of my undead ancestors and make sure they didn’t do anything damaging to anyone in or around the mansion.
When I arrived to the rather well-put together mansion I was greeted by a gentleman named Fletcher Hodges who was there to welcome me to the mansion. “Ah you must have been the Hostess assigned to the Liberty Square branch of Gracey manors?” He extended his hand for me to shake as I accepted it.
“Yes, I heard there would be ghosts...? Where are they?”
“Oh they haven’t risen just yet, but according to our calculations they should be due to show in a couple months - if they show at all.”
“You don’t believe in ghosts Mr. Hodges?” He adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat.
“Not exactly, I know they exist since I’ve conducted many experiments and what I’ve recorded is that ghosts are seemingly everywhere - dozens of people who have unfinished business (or in this case cursed) roaming on a plane parallel to our own, but we are unable to see or interact with them without the aid of technology or a highly remarkable gift.”
“Wait if they can’t interact with us then what is the threat of this curse? They’ll all just exist on their own plane.”
“Ah, not exactly! I was reading up on this type of necromancy in ‘Necronomicon on the go’ and there is a footnote similar to this situation -it states that if an apparition gains the ability to raise the dead then it can have a dramatic side-effect, which may cause the user and those risen to exist in the same plane as us mortals while also having their spectral bodies.”
“Well that could be a problem.”
“And as a descendant of the Gracey bloodline we believe it is your responsibility to care for your elderly.”
“Would they really be considered elderly if they’re dead?” Mr. Hodges waved his hand at me and handed me an envelope as well as a box.
“Lets not get into the finer details, here is your first paycheck - you will receive one at the end of every week, and here is your uniform.”
“How will you know I’m even in uniform?” He looked at me with a stone cold expression.
“We know everything.” I raised my eyebrows - that was disturbing. “Now if you excuse me I need to be in Tokyo tomorrow - so I must get to the airport.”
“Wait, isn’t there anything you can give me? Maybe a spirit wrangling lasso?”
“I’m afraid not, but Leota’s headstone is out back so perhaps you can ask her once she’s risen.” He gave me a wave and walked back to his car.
“Well that’s not very helpful.” I opened the paystub and almost choked $400 for doing nothing in an empty mansion! “You know maybe I can figure something out.”
I wasn’t sure how long it would take for these ghosts to appear - or if they even would - but I got started on my room almost immediately, painting the walls myself and buying cheap shelves so I could save up for the books and figures that I always wished I had enough money for.
I remember a very specific weekend when I was putting together a second bookshelf (I had filled the other one up already)and was out of uniform - it wasn’t anything awful just a pink shirt with fuzzy blue pajama bottoms. I heard a voice coming from the hallway and quickly threw on my uniform before walking out to investigate - but we will ignore the fact that I had forgotten I was wearing pink bunny slippers.
Walking down the hallway was a blue apparition, he shimmered like water, his wavy hair floating around his features.
“Emily?” He called, but when he turned his head he only saw me. “Who are you?”
“The Hostess - who are you?”
“William Gracey, is Emily here? Have I risen her?”
“I’m not sure? Maybe die again and come back later?” He gave me a skeptical look.
“I don’t think I can be killed again.”
“I could figure it out probably, I’ve been watching this show about two brothers who fight monsters and -.”
“I’ll stop you, I don’t care.” He then kept walking - mumbling something to himself.
“Maybe if it hasn’t worked you just need to try harder?” William glanced back to me with a dark glare- his glowing red eyes piercing me.
“Fine, why don’t I just raise the entire graveyard!”
“No, no, no, no!”
But I guess I hit a nerve because he raised everyone...
Ballroom dancers were swaying in the parlor, an undead horse charged down the halls, some guy kept throwing around hat puns and making his head appear in his hat suitcase - it was overall a mess.
“Perhaps this is better?” William smirked and disappeared into the walls.
“What a dick!” I shouted, but I had a job to do ... oh crap I had a job to do. “Well lets start with ... A catalog.” So I grabbed a spare journal and began to catalog all the names of of the inhabitants and a short description of them.
Constance Hatchaway : Attic bride - I walked into the attic to try and find that William guy who made my life 999 times harder than it needed to be, sitting on a chest was Constance.
“Hello? I’m making a catalog of ghosts in the mansion, could I get your name and if you can recall - a brief summary of your life?” She stood up and when she turned to face me I noticed the hatchet in her hand.
“Constance Hatchaway - the Hatchaway bride, I killed all of my husbands in life because they were trash.”
“Mhm, mhm, ma’am please set down the hatchet.” She looked at her hand and gave a little chuckle.
“I’m not going to do anything to you...” She sat back on a chest with her chin in her palm. “I just wish I had made some different choices when I was alive.”
“If it helps you have a whole afterlife to do things that you wanted to before? I can come back to talk more with you after the catalog is done?” She perked up and gave me a warm smile.
“That would be wonderful if you did.”
Hatty : origins unknown - I had begun to notice when I approached the inhabitants of the mansion over time a lot of them couldn’t much recall their lives, most of those in particular were quite old ghosts, I’m talking Egypt ghosts which made absolutely no sense! But the puzzling thing was when I approached Hatty - a rather skeletal looking apparition - he couldn’t recall his name, life, or death let alone recall the room he just came out of. I took it upon myself to just go ahead and write down a name for him, Hatty seemed rather suitable given that was his preferred pun.
Madame Leota : Psychic and Scorceress - When Leota finally appeared in her crystal ball she was rather puzzled, not knowing that she would be buried on Gracey soil -thus immortalizing herself within the curse.
“Just call me the Hostess.” Leota eyed me up and down before finally flashing a smile.
“Alright, so what else is it that you need of me?”
“I’m glad you asked, I need to have more power over the mansion’s ghosts than that William guy.”
“Well if you remain inside the mansion’s property you’re out of luck, I gave him all the powers he desires so long as he died and was forgotten.”
“Isn’t there some kind of loophole you can give me just in case this dick decides he wants to go on a power trip?”
“I suppose I could give you something to ward off his presence in a limited manner...” She made a lantern materialize before me, “When a candle is lit inside this lantern, any control William has over the inhabitants of this mansion will be lifted - as well as William cannot step foot into the light to do harm to any apparitions he may wish to hurt.”
“This is fantastic!”
“I could, however, give you all the powers I possess if you want to make a deal?”
“Nah that’s okay and anyway the groundskeeper has been complaining about not having a light at nighttime, so this can double as his little walking light.” I exited the seance room and began looking through my catalog - so far I recorded 998 ghosts, but I hadn’t ran into any named Emily? Maybe William’s attempt to bring this girl back from the dead really did fail?
I walked along the large windows of the ballroom as I watched the dancers spin in circles, but something outside caught my eye - a glowing specter in the distance.
“I am not about to lose a ghost on my first day.” I grumbled and marched outside, it was further away than I expected - sitting atop a hill of wildflowers overlooking the river that reflected moonlight from it’s surface. “Hey! You’re too far from the mansion property, I’m going to need to escort you back inside until I see about drawing up some travel papers - because honestly I don’t think those hitchhikers are going to stay in one place very long.” I placed my hand on my hip with a sigh - I needed a raise.
“I danced with a boy on that river.” The ghost mused, her hair was a dark violet, skin purple, and wearing a white wedding dress with a matching flower crown that left petals scattered through her hair. “I remember that ... I remember everything...” She turned to face me, her eyes glowed blue unlike all the other ghosts, and on her chest was a bright red beating heart.
“I don’t think I’ve met you...” I mumbled, sitting beside her and pulling out my catalog. “What is your name?”
“Emily DeClaire, what is your name?” She adjusted herself so we faced each other.
“I’m the...” I blinked, my heart tugged in my chest as I was about to tell her my job description. “I’m Tera Normal.”
“Good to meet you! But you aren’t a ghost?” She hesitantly reached out her hands and passed them through my arm.
“No, I’m the Hostess I work here to try and keep all of you contained - seeing as you aren’t supposed to be on this plane but rather the one parallel to us.” I sighed “But William really missed you I guess and is looking for you.”
“Oh dear, well I can help in any way that I’m able!” She clenched her little hands into fists, smiling with determination. “But I suppose first I should go see William if he is missing me that much.” She bounced up in realization, “Oh! Is Mister Topper here too?”
“I don’t have a Mister Topper listed...” I furiously flipped through my catalog, “I have an Ezra Topper?”
“No, that’s just Mister Topper’s brother.” She gave a huff as another startling feeling came across my heart, I felt like it was breaking in two. “I suppose he can’t be here can he?”
“Not if he wasn’t buried here.” Another sharp pain pierced my heart. “But maybe William can sort this out?” Part of the aching lifted.
“Do you really think so?” She smiled at me then twirled into the air, “Okay! we can go see William, maybe he knows how to get my Topper back!”
But once we walked back into the mansion I noticed there was something strange going on with Emily. “So does this Mister Topper have a first name or is it just Topper?”
“Who?” Emily turned her gaze to me now.
“Um, Mister Topper? The guy you’re missing?”
“Topper... Top hat...” She mused- but was overcome when she thought about top hat and began crying. “He lost his head!”
“Whoa, okay what is going on with you?”
“Hurry back!” She screamed as her deafening heartbeat made the walls shake. “Please, Hurry back!”
“I’m right here, Emily...”
“Now look what you’ve done.” William scolded as he walked from the walls and wrapped his arms around Emily- who cried in his chest. “Hush, just forget and all the pain will be gone.” His hand slid over her head making her blink - a smile spreading across her lips.
“I can’t even remember what I was doing again, you must think I’m an air head.” She laughed to William, but tears were still streaking down her cheeks.
“What did you just do?” I hissed to the man, he glared at me - releasing Emily and lifting his hand to her.
“Emily can you give the Hostess and I some privacy?”
“Sure!” She sniffled and began floating down the hall, “I sure am crying a lot today.” William watched her disappear behind a door and then turned his gaze back to me.
“You can’t mention that name to her, where did you even hear it?”
“She told me his name! Are you the one making her forget? What is your problem!”
“It’s for her own good, you didn’t see her when she first came back ...” He closed his eyes and sighed, “She can’t remember, just trust me.”
“Well forgive me but I don’t trust you.” I lifted my lantern, reaching into my pockets to find some of the matches I stowed away.
“What you’re going to blind me?” He laughed and made a fist, slipping the hallway rug out from under my feet and knocking me to the ground, I clutched the lantern against me to keep it from breaking- William approached me now, I began crawling backwards in a panic. “I know, how about I have you join the mansion? We are just dying to have you!”
“Or you can shove it six feet under.” I lit up the match and ignited the lantern - shining it on William which pushed him backwards, I could see he was annoyed.
“Fine, you can do whatever it is you do - but leave Emily alone as well as make sure no one interferes with her memory, or there will be deadly consequences.”
“Just keep making death puns, I can sit here all day.” His cheeks glowed with a dark blue as he turned away and walked back into the wall. “He is SUCH a dick!”
I sat at my desk and kicked my feet in my chair, Red and Constance looking at me with great interest. “Fast forward to today I had come across Hatty being crazier than normal, and whatever had been pushed on Hatty was spreading into the other ghosts - they didn’t seem to remember who they were or who I was! The ballroom ghosts were in a panic because they all forgot how to dance, and the Quartet forgot how to sing! So I lit my lamp and decided it was time to find the source - I ran from room to room till I came across you two! And now I know why the mansion is acting strange- because you two are prying into ghost business and William doesn’t want you to.”
“Well someone killed Emily and we think the murderer might *be* William, which means we need to confront him.” Constance had determination in her glowing yellow eyes, “Emily deserves better than to be played like a puppet.”
“Enough.” Came a deep voice, I turned quickly to my lamp to see the nub of my candle was out- the flame had been doused by the wax. “If you are all so curious to have a conversation then lets talk!” The voice boomed and my figurines were thrown across the room making me scream, books flying from the shelves, floor shaking, and lightbulbs bursting leaving us all in complete darkness other than the three glowing bodies before me.
There he was, the first ghost I had laid eyes on when the mansion came to life.
“William?” I whispered in disbelief, Red seemed to be unaffected by this as though she might have guessed.
“What? Cat got your tongue? I thought you wanted to talk.” He grinned.
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Nightmares from the past (Nathan Drake headcanons)
A/N: Oh boy, this isn't a happy headcanon at all. If you don't want to read about depressing Nathan with PTSD, don't read this, please. And also, I went on fully rage writing mood and then I realized that I ended up in a complete different headcanons. Well, what should I say? 😂
Also also, inspired by Saturn, released by band Sleeping At Last. And... Shit, they're long as hell.
Ok, so this little love of mine has a lot of demons down the road. Like a serious load of them.
Like a dead mum which he loved.
Like a lousy father who put him and his older brother into an orphanage.
His brother, the person he wanted to always shared everything with, was far gone too, dead inside the walls of the Panamanian prison. (This poor Nate still doesn't know that Sam, that little shit, is alive, ok?)
So it's no wonder he has brutally vivid nightmares after which he just wakes up crying.
This little kid has these nightmares since forever, so he often says that he just managed to learn, how to live with them. Even though he never did. But after Sam's death, it was a way worse.
He watched his brother Sam died for like a hundred times in his dreams, and that pain was just the same every single time. It was more and more soul-wrecking that for the first time.
There was a time when he rather works until he fell into a dreamless sleep or just lay on his bed, don't even bothering to try to fall asleep.
He tried everything. Not drinking coffee? Check. Yoga? Check. Diet based on plants for calming down the body? Check. Tea with lemon balm? Check. Listening to slow ballads or orchestral/piano serenades before sleep? Check. Some sleeping pills? Check. Marijuana? Double check.
Like trust me - he tried every single way to sleep like a normal person.
He even had his sessions with psychiatrist and psychologist - and nothing helped.
That poor baby just every time woke up in the middle of the night, totally sweaty and crying.
So one day he just gave up and let his demons take him down the road. He didn't even try to fight back much.
Nathan looked at that time, around the twenty-fifth year of his life, as a serious mess. He practically couldn't focus on anything, everything was just blurry and too fast for him to catch.
He just like seriously lost a lot of weight at that time, almost unable to eat or even live. These months were seriously tough for him.
He even thought about suicide a few times; he wanted to overdose himself.
But thanks to Victor Sullivan, his Dad figure™ and guardian angel™, he never really got the chance to do that.
So one day he went to a coffee shop because Sully left the town in a hurry and those miserable feelings just hit him all of the sudden.
And the first time he didn't even notice you sitting outside with your nose in a book about astronomy. See? He just couldn't focus on anything.
And you didn't saw him either. You just sat there and with a tender smirk, you read about the moons and stars.
He talked to you on his way back - and not because he noticed how beautiful you are, but because he asked, how much is the time.
So you smiled at him and fondly answered, that it's like three in the afternoon. And actually managed him to start talking with you.
You couldn't see that through his destroyed looks, you thought that he's a junkie at first, but when you two cracked some jokes, you noticed those huge blue puppy eyes with a mix of green in them.
Then you noticed his perfect teeth and attractive smile which always was a huge win-win for you.
He was an overall cutie and he was pretty sweet and funny, but you had a boyfriend at that time and decided not to listen to there callings.
Then he told you his full name.
"I'm Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you."
"Oh crap, excuse my attitude and manners. My name is Nathan Drake."
"It's ok, big guy. But I do know that name from somewhere, don't I?"
So he went fully in and told you all about Sir Francis Drake, the famous pirate. He got really passionate, so he looked like a living person when he started talking about that pirate. And you were seriously glad that he did.
When you had to go, you told him about your plans, watching the stars that night, and asked him to join you. And he gladly accepted.
So you wrote him your address and phone number into the book you gave him to have a grantee, that he will actually show up later that night
"I need that book back, Nate."
"Yeah, I'll carry it with me. I promise."
So you made it back to your work and worked to the end of the shift, while Nathan sat at the coffee and read that book with a frown.
He never actually looked at the stars with the intention to know them. He just assumed they were there and that they shine and that was all.
So he managed to read the whole book in one evening just because he knew that you'll think he knows something about the stars.
He came a bit late because he was buying you a bottle of wine as thanks for having him and also, that traffic situation on the roads was just crazy.
He couldn't see how gentle features of your face were because he couldn't concentrate that much at that time, but he immediately spotted bruise surrounding part of your lower lip, you had a big bloody crack there. Nathan knew them really well - those bruises you got after being slapped or punched.
He naturally tried to ask about that bruise by his own stumbling way, but you just smiled and said him not to worry, you're ok. I've just fallen, that's all.
And he felt that there's something not adding up and that you, like him, got some own, personal demons who you're fighting with. But he remained silent, just followed you to the rooftop with a frown.
And oh boy, that night was one of the best in his life. He impressed you with some basic knowledge, he knew a lot from your book and he searched online the rest.
Even when he was telling nonsenses he kept that serious face and you didn't tell him anything. You were just quietly smiling at him.
"And why to you watch the stars, Y/N?"
"It's not so easy to say, they just fascinated me since always a when I'm on this rooftop, it's just that feeling inside me, you know?"
"A feeling? Tell me more, please."
"A feeling that universe was made just to be seen by my eyes.
Both of you had a lot of laughs that night, Nate was asking you the basic information about you; like how old you are, where you've been born and so much small details that connected one with another. In exchange, he told you a lot of things about yourself.
You both couldn't believe that it's already midnight when you looked at your phone. Nathan knew he has to leave and he really didn't want to. He knew that as soon as he leaves the rooftop, those demons will try to keep him down again.
You could feel his mood slowly coming down as if he was the man you've met that afternoon again. And you couldn't just let that be.
"Hey, I've got an idea, Nate."
"What idea?"
"Next week I'm planning to watch Polaris Centauri solar system. It's its time of the year. I would love you to come observing it with me, but I don't have the time to search through the materials because of work and so on...”
“Don’t worry about it, I'll do the research.”
“Really? Thank you, Nathan!”
And boy, he couldn't wait for your next meeting. He even told Sully about the meeting you, excitedly inviting to come over - because Sully was an ex-marine who knew stars better than anything else in the world.
So he called you and asked about Sully coming with him, and you were really excited about having such an experienced astronomist with you on the rooftop when you were about to watch something so spectacular.
So they came together on that night, an hour before midnight. You were actually fond of meeting Sully - he was a gentleman with the funniest puns you've ever heard. You got that sexual predator vibe from him, but it must've been too gone history and he basically didn't even try anything.
They immediately noticed a big violet monocle around your eye, which you tried unsuccessfully covered with make-up. The bruise under your lip was still there, just as thick scab covering your lower lip. But both of them remained silent.
Nathan was just smiling at the sight of the two of you arguing about the stars with a lot of laughs, covered in a blanket and drinking that wine he brought you, feeling so damn fine. He didn't even mind that he almost didn't talk at all.
Sully even showed you stars you didn't know about, he was so excited about having someone who was actually curious about the night sky.
They left at two a.m., with Sully promising you to surely come back sometime, thank you for a lovely night, the cake you baked for them and the fine wine you offered them. It was the only Nate bought recently.
Nathan offered you to stop by on the start of May to observe the Pleiades and β Taurus in the Hyades star cluster. You were excited to accept his offer with a smile. He truly worked on his knowledge about the universe.
It was a long time from that night, but he was looking forward to it. Nathan was working on a new treasure hunt beside Chloe Frazer and Sully in the day and watched the stars in the night. He was keeping himself pretty busy all the time and he was pleased by that. He slept at night; he had no dreams nor nightmares.
When that night came, he bought you some takeaway food you told him you like and a bottle of pretty expansive booze. But you didn't come down to open the door for him. He worriedly rang the doorbell.
Your boyfriend, an aggressive asshole, peeked out of the window. He immediately saw red again; Nathan was now looking like a nice guy, he still had really low weight, but his contours were slowly filling back to their original size. He was a handsome lad now; and since your boyfriend was such an asshat, he assumed you have a date.
So he ran down the stairs and before you could stop him, he punched Nathan in the face for a few times. But Nathan wasn't a weak lad so he could keep up with those punches, actually punching your boyfriend into a small ball.
Then Nathan broke back into reality. The food was all over the walk, the bottle was broken into two pieces and a group of people was watching them without breath. You stood there with tears in your eyes, your hands were trembling and you looked between your boyfriend in pain and Nathan, who was slightly damaged, but on his feet.
"Y/N, listen. I've just wanted to do..."
"You've done enough Nathan! Go away!"
"Get fucking lost, Nathan!"
You managed to pick your boyfriend from the ground and you carried him to your apartment.
You felt bad for Nate, he was innocent after all. Your boyfriend provoked him, so Nate only reacted on that attack. But you know that your trouble only started.
Your boyfriend was seriously a dumb idiot. He was aggressive, he was beating you for every single bullshit he made up. But you still loved him and believed that you can change him. You couldn't - but you naively thought you can do it.
And Nathan finally understood. He has beaten you every time before your meetings because your boyfriend thought you're cheating on him with Nate. How could he have been so blind?
His demons started to show up again in his nightmares - to the normal circle of his dad beating up Sam protecting him, the orphanage memories, Sam dying and now a new one showed up. It was a scenario, where your boyfriend flipped you into the corner after beating you up, you were crying and shaking. And he couldn't save you.
Nathan stayed low for a few days in his apartment only living on his coffee and a pack of cigarettes, eating only some Chinese noodles.
Sully just invaded into Nathan's apartment, making him wash, have some proper food and put on some clean clothes. He didn't hear from the kid for almost a week and he could worry his ass off.
"What's the deal with you, kid? Frazer texted me like a hundred messages a day."
"Y/N's boyfriend punched me. So I punched him back."
"You've been always such a gentleman, kiddo. And how's that beauty? She good?"
"That's the problem, Sully. She doesn't pick up my calls and she doesn't respond to my messages."
So, Sully, the Das figure™ stepped in.
He managed to contact his friends and made them find the place you work in. And forced him to go see you.
So the next day he was waiting for you in front of your work when your pause started and he even went to see the coffee he met you in. The receptionist them told him, that you didn't come to work that day and you didn't even tell anyone where the hell you were.
You were really important for your colleagues, you were the one who brought everyone together... Well, you used to. She told that in the last few days you felt off, without any joy and that you tried to hide many bruises by make-up.
Nathan felt alarmed immediately, he just knew that something has truly fucked up. Just like in his nightmares, he couldn't breathe and almost vomited at your workplace.
So he immediately took Sully's car and drove to your place. On the way to your flat, he was just worried, but when he got out, he went into full-on rage mode.
NOBODY will lay his hand on HIS friend. Not even her boyfriend.
He straightaway broke into your apartment. He didn't even try to ring your way in, he just broke your doors.
And there you were. For the first time, he saw you in a top and he almost punched a hole into your wall. You had cuts, bruises and even bites all over your arms, your face was swollen and don't make me start about the blood in your hair. And what for? You washed a plate badly. That was all. You were so tired that you didn't even notice your door.
"What are you doing here, Nate?"
"I'm here to save you."
And he finally understood.
The things were far funnier and easier by your side. The demons in his head didn't disappear, but they were quiet around you. You were so kind to him when he looked like a bastard and junkie, you were an honest and nice person who cared far more about the others that you cared about yourself. You were an angel who he had the privilege to meet.
He liked you a lot. And he wanted to be by your side; as a friend or more, he didn't care. But he only cared about your safety.
"Why would save me? I don't need saving."
"I'm saving you because of a feeling I have."
"What feeling are you talking about, Nate?"
"I'm talking about a feeling... I just feel you were made just to be seen by my eyes. And how beautiful it is that you even exist."
And you felt so terrified at the moment. You fell down in tears, hugging yourself tightly. Nobody told you anything that nice in the past few years. Nate came to you, got on his knees and carried you to your bed letting you hug yourself by the blanket.
He packed you your things into a big bag. He took everything you needed, some clothes, your hygiene, just everything he assumed you'll need.
And then, just when you managed to stand up and helped him packing, that asshole came home. He got furious when he found Nathan there.
He tried to beat him Nate again, even broke a glass bottle to hurt Nathan. But even as the first time, Nathan got into his element and his rage truly got off. Your now ex-boyfriend was actually lucky to even survive Nate's rage quit.
So Nate took you home with him. He arranged the couch for himself, while he let you take his bed.
He's just a cute smoll bean.
He would do anything to make comfy: he bakes you pizza in his old oven, he'll run for some lemonade and even watches movies with you. Well, he's constantly making some remarks, but that makes you smile for the first time in last days.
"Oh crap, he'll probably fail a complaint on me, isn't he?"
"Then we can fail a complaint on him. Don't worry, it will be all right."
He was moved by the way you said we. It made him smile and replaying it in his head for hours when he tried to fall asleep.
You lived at his Nathan's place for a few days when a black haired woman came into his place.
You looked at her the same way she looked at you. (My girl Chloe is in the game too, I just love her!)
And you were actually like: oh shit, so I'm living with her man?
You straightaway started to cry like a little girl, because your mind automatically expected you to be punished for your behavior.
But she hugged you comforted you in her arms, telling you not to worry and that everything is OK. She introduced herself as Frazer, Nates kind of a... Coworker.
Later you found out that it's not his gf or anything when Nate managed to get back to his place. It was just his friend and co-worker, but she wasn't blind and saw the looks he gave you. And holy shit - she shipped you like hell.
"Have you banged Y/N? Because she's so fucking hot."
"Frazer stop it. Aren't you a heterosexual?"
"Maybe I am and maybe I'm not. It's my thing whom I'm banging?"
You turned his little hellhole into a normal apartment. Let's be honest, he's an overall messy person. He has a mess in every single aspect of his life. In his head, in his apartment, in his feelings, just every aspect you can name.
Nathan needed to be out of town for a while, so you did a proper cleaning when you weren't at work. And when he came home, you made him a big, proper dinner including soup, main meal, and even dessert. He was mesmerized by your skills; that apartment wasn't clean since he moved in.
"Maybe you were just waiting for a person to make it clean here. You should hire a cleaning lady here, my friend."
"Yeah, maybe I was just waiting for you?"
"Wait, what?"
Since that dinner, your bickering and flirting went harder and harder. You managed to make him do some chores like cleaning the toilet and you even discovered that he's an amazing cook.
Both of you slowly managed to make a home from that hellhole where he couldn't even fall asleep.
You choose the colors and repainted the whole place, bought some little details and Nathan even hung you a hammock directed from balcony, so you could listen to these slow serenades with Italian mood he had described against his sleep issues, drink wine and read, watch sunsets or the stars just in front of opened French door. You loved that on hugged Nathan like three times for that.
Nathan loved to see you so relaxed and finally without bites, bruises or monocles.
Both of you slowly calmed down; his nightmares weren't so periodical and he didn't even have them every single time (but he still slept like four hours a day that little baby). You had nightmares but usually didn't wake him up. You just got you a glass of cold water and sat in that hammock, watching the night sky and letting him sleep.
That asshat whom you lived with try to come for you once when you were at work. But he met Nathan in the door of your office (you had agreed to go on lunch on your pause, while he was waiting on Chloe) and oh boy, your ex just got shitted when he saw him.
That man just saw Nathan, turned backward and almost shitted himself.
And you nor Nathan haven't heard of him ever since.
After four months of you living together (yeah, Natey Matey is a total mess) he found out, that there's something more into you.
He liked your voice when he was teasing you about cooking or betting you on tomorrow's chores, or when you read him from a book. He liked the way you played with your lower lip when you thought and that little unintentional frown or face when you were doing some work at home. Then you usually asked him for his opinion.
It wasn't your looks that made him fall for you (not that you weren't pretty), it was your ability to make him forget what happened to him and make him laugh by your, often incorrect jokes, and actually the excitement you had for his work.
Yeah, you made his eyes shine, heart melt and heart spinning because of what a lovely being you were.
Also, Chloe was asking every time she saw him about that banging.
One time he didn't sleep really well.
Like oh boy, he just woke up in the middle of the night with terror in his eyes. Samuel died in front of his eyes again. He was sweaty and felt himself crying.
And then he heard you crying too. And he didn't spend a second waiting, he just stood up and went to see you.
And oh boy, his heart pounded so lovely tune at that sight; even though you were scared and hugging that pillow so damn hard, you were cute.
"Hey, what's the deal?"
"Gee, Nate, have I woken you? I'm so sorry."
"There's no need to be sorry. You need anything? A glass of water, a cup of cocoa?"
"A company of someone would be nice, yeah."
And so he ended up in his own bed next to you just like that. You lied so you faced each other and talked until the morning came. Then you managed him to make you that hot cocoa he promised.
And from that day on, you slept in his bed together, in the friendliest way ever. It kept those demons away and both you felt safe. But he was a really heavy sleeper and he snored so unbelievably loud! At least you knew he's by your side.
It happened one time when a storm took the city by an attack. The bolts of lightning were so close and bright, the thunder shook the whole apartment.
You both laid in that bed, each on his side, and you just couldn't fall asleep.
"You up?"
"Well, now I am. Is there anything wrong?"
You told him you're terrified of storms and he laughed a bit. That started a whole dozen of complaints from your side and before you even ended, he was just laying on top of you with his head on your thorax and one of his hand held you tightly.
"What should I take from this?"
But you didn't want him to pull him off of you, instead you just put your hand over Nathan's shoulders a kept him closer. Your second hand stroke his hair and you tried to listen to one of the serenades on his gramophone, but the thunder shook everything again.
"You should take that I'll protect you from the storm by my own body, Y/N."
"Oh, so it's Nate the knight, right?"
"Nathan Drake: the great knight. That sounds kind of cool."
And before you could stop yourself, you just kissed his forehead. Like wtf, you've done? Are you... Mentally ok???
But Nathan seemed to ignore it; for two seconds. Then he like put all shyness away and just straightaway kissed you on the lips.
And oh boy, it escalated quickly as hell. You were naked before you could say Mississippi and he was roaming on top of your body.
After that night, you both slept tight even though the storm was raging outside, naked and sound in each others' arms.
He finally managed to find the medicine defending him against his worst nightmares.
It was you being safe and sleeping next to him. And oh boy, he did fell in love you after that day.
But that's a story for another headcanons.
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speeps-highway · 7 years
Something I noticed about the way Sonic is portrayed nowadays is that he is pretty much All Might. Colors and Gens didn't have the plot to fully show it and Lost World put all the blame for his actions. Forces however, he keeps the same careless attitude from Unleashed to Gens, everyone looks up for him as their savior and role model and even when he makes bad jokes against the villains he still ends up recking them like trash. He went from Goku/Luffy type of shonen hero to literally All Might.
I barely watch Anime so I have hardly any idea what you’re comparing him too, but let me make it clear:
Sonic’s portrayal in games suffers in localization a lot.
Adventure -> Shadow Portrayal
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From SA1-06 there was a pretty general issue in the main series with unsatisfactory translations - SHtH messes up a lot of lines, and SA2 is almost completely broken at times (Teria, KAFOW, saying a broken version of the Japanese word for “Damn” when getting grabbed by a ghost)
On top of that I’m not sure what exactly went on and if it’s on purpose or not, but there was some kind of this obsession with giving the character cheesy one-liners, like in the 90s cartoons. Lines like this include “Something Buggin’ you”, “Come and get some Eggman” and “Crack that Eggman wide open”.
Sure, you can argue “Western sonic is different” but look at how that’s turned out in the past, not including giving Classic Sonic a mohawk. I’m sure even those people can notice how much lines like “Something Buggin’ You” are made fun of by people both in and outside of the fanbase. They might have worked well for AoStH and Satam, but they certainly don’t in the main series.
Japanese portrayals of Sonic were far less aggressive than their English counterparts. In fact, he keeps his cool pretty well but boy does he sound pissed in the rare event he actually does get angry. He’s been pretty consistent in acting this way in most, if not all of his appearances. In fact, there’s a character script from SA2 describing the character in exactly this way - you can see it here.
In some cases, this causes the games to lose subtle details like nods to other titles. For example a boy in Station Square who references Little Planet, or Sonic’s reaction to seeing Shadow in Heroes.
Secret Rings -> Black Knight Portrayal
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Sonic is a depressed lover boy in 06 IMO. I don’t really want to get into that, so let’s skip that one.
Starting around the time of Secret Rings, Sonic games finally started to get localisations that were pretty accurate in both English and Japanese. There’s a reason the storybooks and Unleashed aren’t brought up nearly as much as the other games are for Sonic saying dumb lines. I mean, there’s still word differences, but they don’t go full on adding in random one-liners.
In fact, the only concern seemed to be the voice actors. For Sonic himself, even though Griffith eventually improved he was still nowhere near what Kanemaru (and that guy who voiced the Werehog, but I guess the decision to not have a seperate VA for that in English isn’t his fault) did for the character. (Unleashed example (J) (E), Black Knight example (J) (E))
Colors -> Lost World Portrayal
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Starting with Colors though Sonic’s character took a weird turn: He was suddenly shouting cheese more than ever, and they were even showing up in the Japanese version. I think this is largely because they suddenly decided to have Sonic games be written in America by people wholly unfamiliar with the franchise. (Though in defense they’re not the entire problem)
The Japanese/English translation was back to being very different as well, mostly because the scripts included many more jokes and puns that couldn’t be translated well between the two. For instance, Cubot is a Cowboy in the English version but he’s a Ninja in the Japanese one. “Baldy Nosehair” is translated as “Mustached Egg” etc.
In the past, there weren’t a lot of lines you couldn’t easily find a way to translate. I think like, the line that got replaced with Ah Yeah This is Happenin’ is one of the only ones I can think of.
While it’s easy to shit on Colors Sonic, I think he did okay speaking for the game itself - it was lighter than the darker games that had been going on for the last 5 years. The problem isn’t that Colors Sonic existed, it’s that they kept him.
Generations got away pretty easy - there’s not much to even write for that after all. The only real change is the Time Eater scene to omit the reference to Dr. Robotnik.
Lost World is where he really falls apart, that game tried to raise the stakes with the planet draining and Tails kidnapping but in the end he just… couldn’t take himself seriously enough.
For some reason, really starting with Lost World the Japanese script took a wild turn. While Colors and Gens were relatively in the same style, Lost World’s Japanese version improved script in that everyone was generally more in-character. Remember what I said earlier about Sonic getting angry? Compare what he says to the Deadly Six when he sees Robo Tails in the English version to the Japanese one.
Even the jokes in Japanese Lost World are more suited to the character than they are in English. Eggman’s Jetpack at the end for example (J) (E). There’s lots of examples of differences in Lost World, too many to sensibly list really.
Forces Portrayal
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IMO Forces has largely the same localization problems as SA1 - the lip syncing is always synced to Japanese (though lip syncing has never been good for both languages in one game) and the English script has a bunch of dumb sounding one-liners that get made fun of.
By now I’m sure you’re probably familiar with the whole “Sonic was tortured” and “Tails went mad” thing, but there’s still a lot of bad apples in the English version that aren’t there in the Japanese version.
The scene where Zavok opens Sonic’s prison cell is very different between the two (J) (E). I mean there’s still the problem about being stuck for 6 months, but Japanese Sonic is notably less fixated on butts here. He also doesn’t mention Chilli Dogs in that scene above while fighting him, or that “It’s been Generations” comment when he meets Classic Sonic.
Forces is definitely a step in the right direction for Sonic compared to Lost World though, even in the English version he’s far less quick to make jokes as he was before.
The game even restores an aspect of Sonic that was absent in Colors and Lost World - starting (and even finishing) the game alone. He was getting kinda circlejerky with Tails in those games, whereas in pretty much every major game other than Sonic 2 and 3 he’s always shown doing his own thing separated from characters like Tails and Knuckles initially and meets up with them afterwards - even if it’s a game like Heroes where it happens all at once in the intro movie.
I don’t know how Forces’ script was made, but if Nakamura is saying that the script was passed between Pontaff and Goya with the two making changes, they need to make sure that they both end up with the same result.
Passing the script between America and Japan is fine, but at the end of the day they need to make sure that both sides have scripts that match each other as close as possible, in order to avoid these character and plot inconsistencies.
Either way, by now presumably Pontaff have had more experience with writing for and have more solid past material for this series than the people who localised the SA1-era games. Considering I’ve heard Pontac refuses to talk about Sonic and Graff’s twitter got trashed by angry fans when he announced writing for the game, surely they should be aware of this characterization issue by now, but I don’t blame them if it ends up being something beyond their control, such as a lack of communication between SoA/SoJ or being forced to write the character that way anyway.
I think ultimately what Sonic the character is dealing with right now is the rotting corpse of 90s American Sonic, who died, came back from the dead, then died and came back again - a zombie that won’t stop falling apart, and the stench is catching up.
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wallyaxiom · 7 years
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not another walt questionnaire !
Describe the character’s height and build. Is he heavyset, thin, short, rangy?
I’m 5’8” which is probably at the shorter end of the male spectrum.  I’m on the smaller side but curvy - like very i got a big, big bum. I used to be tight and toned with a tiny waist but over the last few years i’ve put on some weight so I have a  little ‘tummy’ now. I used to hate it but i’ve grown used to it
2. How old is he?
3. Describe his posture. Does he/she carry himself well or does he/she slouch?  
One does not get considered a prince without a regal posture, thank you.  I’m not the kind to slouch and besides, if I’m going to be a little short I might as well make up for it by standing upright.
4. How is his health? Is he fit or out of shape? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?
I try to keep myself in the best shape I can manage. I used to play soccer in high school. As well as skateboard, when I get the chance I like to surf but other than that I don’t do a lot of physical activity since i’m at home with the kids most of the time. I have some spring allergies which leave me a little sniffly if I don’t take my meds.
5. How does he move? Is he clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid?
I like to consider myself graceful and ‘fluid’ I suppose. When I walk my hips kind of...sway back and forth more so than they should, at least I think so. 
6. How attractive is this character physically? How does he perceive himself in the mirror?
I’ve been told i’m very pretty individual - attractive. I mean if you ask Oliver he’ll go on and on about how he finds me attractive but he’s my husband so like he kinda has to say all those nice things. I don’t find myself unattractive by any stretch of the imagination, at least not anymore i’ve  come to love myself and my flaws, but it’s nothing to brag about.  If anything I’m a bit too delicate, hence the attempts at a manly scruff in the past. But I quick that since Oliver prefers me baby faced and i’ve embraced being delicate and dainty. 
7. Describe his complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred?
I’d say I’m of a medium to light complexion; I tend to be fairly tan year round.  Skin is smooth and I do my best to keep it free of blemish. 
8. Describe his hair: color, texture, style.
My hair is caramel in color and is pretty soft.  As far as styles are concerned, i’ve had every style under the sun as of now it’s usually swept off to the side or I wear a hat when i’m too lazy to do anything with it. Oliver likes it when my hair is styled in a quiff but that doesn’t happen often anymore. I went through a whole quiff phase it was interesting to say the least
9. What color are his/her eyes?
A very vibrant light blue - kinda like the sky
10. Does the character have any other noteworthy features?
My cheekbones they’re very defined. I also have three little freckles that I refer to as a little constellation on my face
11. What are his/her chief tension centers?
Definitely the back of my neck down into my shoulders, following down my spine.  If you hold yourself like I do tension tends to build there and I honestly could probably do with a nice full body massage once a week to relieve that tension.
12. What is the character’s wardrobe like? Casual, dressy, utilitarian? Bright colors, pastels, neutrals? Is it varied, or does he/she have six of the same suit?
Usually I wear like sweats, sweaters, hoodies, leggings, comfy clothes since i’m around the house. I love adidas and I wear a lot of Oliver’s clothes. When I go out though I love dressing up. My wardrobe includes skinny jeans, bright colors, very posh and fashionable. I loooove fashion. (x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)
13. Do his/her clothes fit well? Does he/she seem comfortable in them?
It depends. If i’m wearing Oliver’s clothes they’re big on me, obviously have you seen our size difference? If they’re mine they’re very, very fitted. 
14. Does he/she dress the same on the job as he/she does in his free time? If not, what are the differences?
My job is raising our two kids so.
15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando?
Boy shorts. Don’t knock it til you try it. 
1. What does this character’s voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse?
My voice is a bit high.  Not like girly high but just a light, slightly lilted tone.  It gets hoarse easily as well if I’m shouting or… whatnot.
2. How does he/she normally speak? Loud, soft, fast, evenly? Does he/she talk easily, or does he/she hesitate?
I used to have a really bad stutter but not anymore. I speak quite loudly the only time I do speak softly is when i’m talking to my kids. 
3. Does the character have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics?
I have a valley boy ‘accent’ it’s gone away some but there’s hints of it when I talk, so. Oliver makes fun of it. 
4. What language/s does he/she speak, and with how much fluency?
I speak English fluently and took a bit of Spanish and Latin back in high school. 
5. Does he/she switch languages or dialects in certain situations?
No.  I wish I could break into a thick Irish accent when I got angry but nope.
6. Is he/she a good impromptu speaker, or does he/she have to think about his words?
Unintentionally impromptu, I don’t have a filter sometimes. I try to think about my words before I say them with most anyone.
7. Is he/she eloquent or inarticulate? Under what circumstances might this change?
Eloquent in 75% of situations.  The only circumstances in which it would change is in times of high stress or emotion.
Mental and Emotional
1. How intelligent is this character? Is he/she book-smart or street-smart?
Pretty smart, I think.  Probably more book smart than streets though. 
2. Does he/she think on his feet, or does he/she need time to deliberate?
I’d prefer more time to deliberate. I do act rashly or impulsively depending on the situation.
3. Describe the character’s thought process. Is he/she more logical, or more intuitive? Idealistic or practical?
As of late? logical and practical with a hidden dreamer. More so Intuitive back in the day. I wanted to be something much more whimsical and fun than a stay at home dad. But that’s just not how life worked out but i’m fine with it. 
4. What kind of education has the character had?
Well, I went to public grade school and middle school, a private high school for a year then ended up transferring to public which landed me in Walt and I finished my senior year a semester early because Josh came into our lives. I planned on going to school and being a theatre major...or minor with education as a major. I don’t know. I never really decided since I didn’t have the chance to. 
5. What are his/her areas of expertise? What, if anything, is he/she interested in learning more about?
For as much as I complain, I’m not terrible at menial task work so that’s fine.  I read and comprehend things quickly.  I’m good at memorization and can be organized when the job requires it.  I want to look more into the arts sides of things. 
6. Is he/she an introvert or an extrovert?
7. Describe the character’s temperament. Is he/she even-tempered or does he/she have mood swings? Cheerful or melancholy? Laid-back or driven?
It depends on the day...I can be quite moody sometimes. I have mood swings a lot actually. But mostly i’m very cheerful,very loving. I like to think i’m laid back. But as a whole I guess I’m pretty high-maintenance.  I’m prone to over dramatizing situations and being a ‘brat’. As Oliver puts it. But that’s only with him
8. How does he/she respond to new people or situations? Is he/she suspicious, relaxed, timid, enthusiastic?
I love meeting new people, i’m quite the people person
9. Is he/she more likely to act, or to react?
Probably react.
10. Which is his/her default: fight or flight?
depends on the situation mostly flight
11. Describe the character’s sense of humor. Does he/she appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks?
I think I have a good sense of humor except puns I hate puns and yet i’m married to the king of puns, go figure.
12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders? If yes, how does he/she deal with them?
Yes, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Anxiety, I had an eating disorder about two years ago but I recovered from it. I don’t really deal with my bipolar disorder. I don’t like to think about it - kinda pretend it’s not real but I deal with the other two. I have to
13. What moments in this character’s life have defined him/her as a person?
There’s a lot. Meeting Oliver when I was six, playing the lead in a musical in high school production, the BNL gang and all the abuse I endured during that, not becoming the axiom hire, falling in love with oliver, the coma, the memory loss, meeting my biological parents, getting engaged, having kids and of course getting married.
14. What does he/she fear?
Losing Oliver
15. What are his/her hopes or aspirations?
I’d like to be an actor. It’s been a silly dream of mine since high school. I love performing and making people happy
16. What is something he/she doesn’t want anyone to find out about him/her?
Anything involving my past, whether it’s the BNL gang, the entire Eve situation, my party boy days, I don’t want my in-laws to find out i’m actually really fucking rich as much as I love Georgette i’m afraid they’d think i’m shallow like her oh and my bipolar disorder. No one can find that out.
1. Describe this character’s relationship with his/her parents.
Good. I’m a momma’s boy i’ve always been significantly closer to my mother than I have my father. She’s always been more gentle and loving whereas my father was often more harsh and cold. He’s always put me on a pedestal to be this perfect little boy - the perfect Axiom boy and I couldn’t fit that mold not matter how hard he tried. Not to mention he was a bit...homophobic towards my relationship with Oliver at first but we’ve gotten over it all and our relationship is better now. He’s softer. All and all I couldn’t have asked for better parents. Blood or not I love them and they love me.
2. Does the character have any siblings? What is/was their relationship like?
Yes, Marjorie Beamer. She’s my biological sister. I didn’t know about her until I was seventeen so I missed a good chunk of her life but I love my sister, I adore her. She’s my best friend. 
3. Are there other blood relatives to whom he/she is close? Are there ones he/she can’t stand?
My biological parents I guess? I really don’t know much about their family other than my grandmother. I’m not close at all to the Axioms. Besides Monty, they’ve all kind of disowned me for various reasons. 
4. Are there other, unrelated people whom he/she considers part of his family? What are his/her relationships with them?
Silvermist is like a sister to me. Obviously Roger and Olivia Spade. My in-laws are like third parents and when he was alive, Fagin. He meant everything to Oliver and he meant a lot to me as well. 
5. Who is/was the character’s best friend? How did they meet?
This is totally cliche but it’s Oliver. We all know how we met by now don’t we?
6. Does he/she have other close friends?
Silvermist & Hallie.
7. Does he/she make friends easily, or does he/she have trouble getting along with people?
It’s really easy for me to make friends, at least I think. I love people and love making them feel loved and welcomed. I’m a people person. 
8. Which does he/she consider more important: family or friends?
Friends, I suppose.  They’re the people who stick around you by choice, not by force.  They have to like something about you. Family is important too.
9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has he/she been married more than once?
Happily married.
10. Is he/she currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse?
absolutely not no.
11. Who was his/her first crush? Who is his/her latest?
Oliver Spade and uh Oliver Theodore Ryan Spade. He’s cute shh.
12. What does he/she look for in a romantic partner?
Oh wow, do I really need to answer this? Everything I ever wanted in a partner I found
13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does he/she relate to them? If no, does he/she want any?
Yes, two; Joshua and Olivia. They’re my world.
14. Does he/she have any rivals or enemies?
Auto motherfucking Axiom.
15. What is the character’s sexual orientation? Where does he/she fall on the Kinsey scale?
Bisexual, probably a 5 on the scale.
16. How does he/she feel about sex? How important is it to him/her?
Oh god I love sex. I didn’t before but now I do. I really, really do. It’s not that important to me but it happens a lot. Trust me I don’t have to worry about the spark ever going out. My husband can’t keep his hands off me, so!
17. What are his/her turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits?
You’re asking a very loaded question and I’m going to leave a bit of mystery to the public and keep it between my husband and I.  Let’s just say I can consider myself a fair bit… frisky.
1. Do you know your character’s astrological (zodiac of choice) sign? How well does he/she fit type?
I’m a Capricorn so I fit on the seeking stability, calculating, don't show their emotions easily for fear of being vulnerable, quite sensitive with those they care about, though they can be ruthless in business and when going after what they want, stubborn and seeking recognition aspects.  The part about no silly impulses though, yeah, they haven’t seen me when I used to get drunk off my ass
2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in his/her life?
I’m Spiritual sometimes but religious, not really no.  I live by my own philosophy.  Obviously in the one year of private school setting I had a fair bit of religion jammed down my throat but when I decided I liked kissing boys as well as girls, well, religion took a detour.
3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it?
I’d say definitely.  You’ve got to live by your own code or other people are going to define you your whole life.  It started at the end of high school when my parents’ (the axioms more likely) reins loosened and I could do more things for myself.  Have fun, carry yourself as you want to be seen and try your hardest not to have any regrets.
4. How does he/she regard beliefs that differ from his? Is he/she tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent?
I’m not terribly against people whose beliefs differ but if they are strongly opinionated that my beliefs and ways of handling myself are wrong, I’ll defend myself.
5. What prejudices does he/she hold? Are they irrational or does he/she have a good reason for them?
I try not to. It’s hard sometimes because the environment I was raised in because they believed most people were below them.
Daily Life
1. What is the character’s financial situation? Is he/she rich, poor, comfortable, in debt?
2. What is his/her social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected him/her?
When I was growing up obviously I was upper class. I had a damn silverspoon in my mouth. However now that I refuse to depend on my parents in any way i’m middle class. Things aren’t perfect, especially with a one person income but Oliver is the hardest working man I know. I just wish...I could help but I don’t miss being rich, i’m content and happy with where I am.
3. Where does he/she live? House, apartment, trailer? Is his/her home his/her castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does he/she share it with others?
An apartment with my husband and kids. It’s clean when the kids don’t scatter their toys about or when I don’t feel lazy.
4. Besides the basic necessities, what does he/she spend his/her money on?
Clothes, food and smoothies. Oh and food.
5. What does he/she do for a living? Is he/she good at it? Does he/she enjoy it, or would he/she rather be doing something else?
Basically, i’m a stay at home-mom and house wife. I take care of the kids, the apartment and my husband when he comes home. I mean yeah I would but house-wife is kind of the job i’ll be having for a while since we plan on having a lot of kids. Eventually i’d like to go to college and get a degree in something.
6. What are his/her interests or hobbies? How does he/she spend his/her free time?
Going to see local theatre productions, curling up and reading, hitting up local coffee shops, setting up a fire in the fireplace, playing piano or guitar, surfing, movie marathons, star gazing, baking, stuff like that.
7. What are his/her eating habits? Does he/she skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods?
Oh, i’m a bottomless pit. Eating is my number one hobby. I love food. I don’t skip meals anymore. The only time we ever eat out is on special occasions most of the time I cook or Oliver does. We kind of share that, really. I don’t drink anymore, no. I haven’t since Josh happened. Please does it look like I avoid certain foods? Besides Brussels sprouts they’re evil. 
Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is his/her favorite:
1. Color?   blue and pink 2. Smell?  Strawberries 3. Time of day? Night 4. Season? Summer 5. Book? Pride and Prejudice. My mom made me read it in high school 6. Music? Depends on my mood, right now?  Something light— indie-esque. Although I think my favorite kind of music is 90′s music.  7. Place? Next to Oliver 8. Substance? Not anymore, no. 9. Plant? Cactus, they don’t die! 10. Animal? Koala
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letshavepunsoffun · 7 years
Hey, if it's alright can I please get a match up? I'm a trans guy (and really scared of being judged for it), I really like music (I sing and play guitar) and I really enjoy photography, for he most part I'm pretty quiet and keep to myself, I'm nice to basically everyone except myself (cause honestly I treat myself like crap), I also have this obsession with anything sweet and I cant sleep at night so I'm constantly tired (naps are my best friend) (pt. 1/2)
| (pt. 2/2) and I try my best to be there for other people (even though im in a bad place myself) and I seem to hide the fact my life sucks behind jokes and for some reason my thought process will go from a bad pun/joke to "oh god I'm an idiot I hate myself why am I still here" to thinking about our place in the universe or something and apparently I'm pretty intimidating (I don't see why tho, I'm an insecure 5'4 ball of depression and anxiety who is scared of not belonging)
‘Kay, first of all. I want to pinch your cheeks, give you a hug, and then make you drink hot cocoa in front of a warm fire. Secondly, I know how hard it can be to feel judged for being transgender. First hand experience, actually. I used to identify as a Transgender guy as well. However, after learning about the incredibly large repertoire of gender classifications that exist on Tumblr, and especially the “they” pronoun made popular by Undertale, I’ve settled for Pangender. I can’t comfortably identify as one gender or another, so I kind of just flip flop between them, and what ever pronoun someone calls me, I go with it. As long as they don’t expect me to act either “feminine” or “masculine” 100% of the time.In Junior year, I actually gave my English speech about Acceptance In The World of The LGBTA Community. In which, I told my class that I was transgender. I actually made a lot of people cry, including myself. It was great. That was the most confidence I’ve probably ever had in my life. xDAnyway, sorry for going off topic. And if you ever need a dose of love in the form of a song, take this.
I match you with Undertale Sans!Surprise? Not so sure it is. xD You fit each other perfectly.Sans is probably the most accepting of your gender preference of anyone you’ll ever meet. Not that the other monsters aren’t welcoming and open to the concept. But Sans often reassures you about it because he knows you have a tough time with your anxiety about being judged for it.Sans plays the trombone. Well... Not exactly plays it. More like learns a few notes to make some silly sounds, and then plays those repeatedly. Over and over again... and over... and over... Tell him to stop. It’s 3 AM.Despite his persistent need to bother people (especially his brother) with his trombone, he does enjoy music. Specifically your music. Your voice and your skills at playing the guitar are things he could sit and listen to for hours. He doesn’t do much anyway. So having some music to go with that not doing much is highly welcomed.When Sans sees you taking pictures, he starts doing the same thing. Just... he takes pictures of socks. And nice cream. And Papyrus chasing the dog (and vise versa). Most of his pictures end up blurry and his fingers are usually in the shot. He takes this as an opportunity to tell you how good you are at what you do. If you show him how to take better pictures, he’ll proceed to take pictures of the same exact thing. Over, and over, and over again. Until he’s used all the film, or filled the digital camera up to capacity. If he did it with his phone, he’ll text you each photo. And when you say, “Stop sending me that photo!” He’ll drop the bomb and say, “They’re all different photos.”Sans is an introvert. So he knows a thing or two about being quiet and staying to himself. The fact that you do the same is relieving to him. He loves his brother and all, but sometimes that energy and highly extrovertiveness is tiresome and he just needs a break. Preferably with someone as calm as himself. AKA: You.He appreciates your kindness. Keep in mind. He’s a judge. Even if he doesn’t actually judge people very often. (Ain’t that surprising. Sans not doing his job? Unheard of.) So you being nice to everyone around you does a lot to make him trust you. He trusts you with the emotions of everyone he cares about... including himself. And that’s a big deal. Because he’s not very nice to himself either...Actually, it took Sans quite a while to realize you bullied yourself just as much as he did to himself. But rest assured. As soon as he discovered this, he took it upon himself to shower you in compliments at any given opportunity. Complimenting others is his specialty, after all.Sans doesn’t have a sweet tooth. He prefers salt. With the added taste of ketchup, or course. But he does remember your love of sugar, and will most likely buy you something sweet whenever he’s out and about and has money on hand.Also, both of you need melatonin pills. Just don’t overdose. Because they’re depressants, and can make you feel even worse the next day. Just take the recommended amount and you both should be fine.You both have a very similar ability to hide your honest emotions, and can easily shield yourself with humor. However, it takes one to know one. So you both detect emotional distress within each other like nobody’s business. Though, if you don’t want to talk about it, Sans won’t pry. He respects your need for privacy of thought.PUNS. NEED I SAY MORE? Well... Yes. In fact, I probably should comment that Sans usually just rattles puns off without thinking about them. It leaves his mind to wander while he talks. And his thought typically go in the direction of “Haha... Holy heck, I want to die.” Or “Oh boy! I’m super depressed!” So... just realize that he knows exactly when you’re doing something similar. He can see it in your eyes, mate.Deep conversations is another thing you and Sans can thoroughly get into together. Philosophy is a pretty cool subject to him. Be warned, though. He will throw in a lot of science.Have fun with your grinning potato!
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soulcrowvi · 7 years
40 questions because why not.
1.do you prefer to shower when you wake up or before you go to sleep?. Can I have both? I like to shower in the morning because I can clean off any  sweat I may have produced when I slept and it also helps me start my day. Before bed helps me unwind and clean off the germs of the day… but I may sweat in the middle of the night… hmmmmm I guess morning showers LOL 
2. does it bother you to sleep with the lights on. Yes, I really cant sleep with any type of light in the room. I always find myself waking up if I see light.
3. cigarettes, marijuana, or neither? Neither fam.  
4. beer, liquor, or neither? Liquor, I hate the taste of beer 5. what is the biggest impact you hope to make throughout your lifetime?  Probably being able to help someone with their journey get through the darkness of mental diseases. This is a part of the reason why i want to go into the field of psychiatry.  
6. what’s your favourite movie genres.  Uhhh, romantic comedies, animation, horror, fantasy, and anime (if that’s a thing) 7. puns or dirty jokes? Dirty jokes boiiiii. My pun game needs work 8. bubble bath, bath bomb, or bath salts. Probably bubble bath. I haven’t tried the other two. 9. you wake up to find you’ve traded places with a celebrity – who is it? Hmmm I don’t pay too much attention to many celebrities lives so I cant really answer 10. you wake up to find you’ve traded places with a fictional character – who is it? Probably Monkey D. Luffy from one piece. Hes always carefree, does what he wants, eats all day, goes on these dope adventures with his crew and will beat someone’s ass if they step to him wrong. I wouldn’t mind living a life like that for a day or two. Although Zoro is my favorite character I prefer luffys lifestyle a little more.
11. what are you wearing? A grey shirt and blue joggers? WHY YOU NEED TO KNOW HUH? 12. what is your earliest memory?. Crawling on my mom’s bed and she picking me up with a big smile while making  some kind of going up sound. I know I was a baby because even to this day she does that when she plays with other small children.   13. moon or stars? Stars because I like to lay down and count them. Also having sex under the stars is on my bucket list LOLOL 14. sunrise or sunset?. Sunrise.  I love the crisp air and quiet atmosphere of everything being asleep.  During times like that it feels the world is at a stand-still and I can take a second and breathe maybe even go for a jog. Oh and you cant forget the colors of the sky: they so purrrrdy . 15. what’s the best present you’ve ever received? The gift of life boiiiiii. Nah but for a material gift, I hate to say this but, probably a hand written piece of poetry my ex gave me. It a cheesy love poem that made my heart flutter at time. no one has ever done something that for me before so it was something special.  I haven’t looked at it in years and don’t plan on doing it any time soon. That bridge was burned  many years ago cuz fuck my ex lmaooo 
16. what’s your favourite scent? Vanilla or lavender. I use to use candles with those scents as a way to calm myself during a time of depression. In a sense, I associate them both with calmness 17. what do you think about when you need to be in a calm state of mind?  Thinking of myself as a flowing river. This concept came to me after witnessing a small stream on street carry away a twig during the rain. The way I saw it was that twig representing a problem of any sort and the water being my conscious. Basically my conscious developed the habit of analyzing the given problem and determines if it needs to be addressed now, later, or not even be addressed at all. It’s a way I practice mindfulness lol 18. what do you think about when you need motivation? “I know I can fucking do this, so let me stop being a bum and do it” sounds a little harsh but that’s how I get myself moving lmaoo
19. list 5 things you like most about yourself.
My personality
The melanin in ma skin
Dance abilities
Being able to push through most of my anxiety and depression
Kinky af 20. do you have many friends or do you prefer to keep a close circle? I have a small circle of true friends mostly because I dread small talk with new people because ive never been too interested in it with strangers and you know small talk is the best way to start friendships soooooo. I can say this though I have a large number of acquaintances and I probably wouldn’t mind building deeper friendships with them. 21. if you had the chance to be immortal exactly as you are now, would you take that opportunity? Although it’s a tempting offer, im going to say nah to immortality.  Sure, it would be nice to witness how the rest of history will unfold and being able to live forever but it comes at a high cost. The cost being that youll out live everything and everyone you love and cherish. Plus there will come a time when everything ends and you’ll be the only one left, wandering endlessly in the hallowed shell of what you once called home…. That got dark LOL #PessimismOnFleek
22. what do you think of when you wake up? I think of three things in this order:
“….need food”
“I wonder how kn is doing”
“what the fuck do I need to do today?”
23. what’s your favourite word? Breathe. This word helps me calm and recollect myself in time of anxiety and also allows me to take a second and appreciate life.   24. if you could change your name, what would you change it to? I would keep my name the same, I love it actually lmaooo
25. what would your name be if you were the opposite/another gender?  I asked my mom about this before and apparently I would have been a Diana lmaooo 26. turn ons? I have turn ons for both physical and personality
Physical: freckles or small moles on the face. Glasses (bring yo blind ass here girlll) a nice warm smile, long hair although I don’t mind short hair. Ticklish. Has a nice style
Personality: Really kindhearted, loves animals, willing to sit down and talk about finding a solution to our problem if we fight, motivated by a dream,  passionate about her craft or hobby, doesn’t mind carrying the convo at times, is comfortable with silence at times. Knowledgeable about things she finds interesting, does little things for me like buying me my favorite snack as a surprise for when she sees me.  Is comfortable with my level of kinkiness and sexual expression through words. Keeps up with and feeds off my dark, sexual, awkward humor. Not afraid to speak her mind.
27. turn offs? A girl that tries to have “the best of both worlds” basically flirting with multiple dudes at once. Has a history of cheating.  Completely selfish(only concerned with what I can offer her and no “what can I do for them”). The “im fine” text when we both KNOW something is wrong. Goes ghost out of nowhere. Liars. thinks relationships are temporary  and not looking for something long term (I hate wasting time). Treating other people like shit, fake (talks shit about someone then next thing you know they’re the best of  friends) entertains other dudes KNOWING damn well they have a thing for her.  Says “My feelings changed” (three words I despise)
28. kinks? Bondage, neck bites, ear nibbles, lip biting while kissing, biting any part of my body really lmao.(those three areas will rev me up real quick ) letting me pull her hair, licking/ kissing random spots on her body. heaving breathing….lots of it pls. dark colored knee socks/thigh highs if she wears those.. LAWDDDDD *nose bleed*(this could be a slight fetish).  Lap dances and strip teases (both combined as well)   29. what’s your “type”? Uhhh, never really had to think about it until now but glasses, long hair, older, the “social butterfly that’s lowkey and introvert” woke, wants to help me grow, supportive, caring will call me out on my shit, intelligent, high ass gpa (why is that relevant? Idk )
30. give a piece of advice. Everything happens for a reason. Whether you believe in a higher power or not, certain things occur in your life as a way to prepare you for the future, teach you something about yourself, or aid in your growth. You just have to stop and look at the positive in the situation. 31. do you fear death? Nah, but I do want to live my live to the fullest and live to be at least 96.   32. do you believe there is anything that exists after death? Ive juggled the idea around in my head and, similar to the person I snagged this questionnaire from, I definitely  love the idea of reuniting with lost loved ones in some kind of after live. I also like to believe reincarnation is a thing only because it would be dope to die and come back as a giant octopus lmaoooo, but seriously the idea of coming back to life as a different creature is fascinating 33. what expectations do you set for yourself? do you live up to them? Honesty, trying my best at whatever I do, always stay true to myself,  not being pressured ny others. I think I live up to these pretty well but recently ive decided to stop being passive of things that bother me so I guess im still working on that 34. are you a good friend? would you want to be friends with the type of friend that you are? I think im a pretty good friend. Im always down to listen and support my friends with whatever their endeavors may be. Im very chill, understanding, and mature so you don’t have to worry about me  creating drama of any sort. Yeah I would befriend myself if possible 35. dinosaurs or space? Dinosaurs because I’ve always found archaeology to be interesting and I actually love learning about history. I loved T-rexes ever since the first Jurassic park  film I saw. 36. do you believe in aliens?  If we as a species could evolve from particles who’s to say creatures on a distant planet couldn’t do the same? So I guess you could say I don’t deny the existence of them. 37. do you believe in ghosts? Not really but you’ll never catch me messing with an oujia board or casually exploring a proclaimed haunted house. Aint nobody got time for that (similar to the previous question I don’t deny their existence) 38. describe your style? Uses a LOT of dark colors. Its very simple and classy but nothing over the top. I love to wear beaded bracelets because I like fidgeting with them when im bored or anxious. Oh I like flannels as well. Idk if that paints a decent picture lmao 39. send me your name, I’ll post what I think your aesthetic would be. Bish whet? 40. post a photo of yourself? Look at my tumblr default lmao
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