#sam talks about queer archives
troutminge · 2 years
A guide to my tags (for my own reference)
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uzumaki-rebellion · 1 month
The World-building of Wakanda: Black Panther and Afrofuturism
I've been revisiting the Wakanda Syllabus that an educator associate of mine Dr. Walter Greason put together when the first Black Panther movie came out, and also reviewing old discussions about the significance of that era as a cultural moment and movement at the same time.
The fact that I still write Black Panther fanfics is a testement to the love I have for that fandom and its importance to Afrofuturism and Black Diaspora Futurism. I'm always happy when I see other Black writers out here still churning out plots and series fics because it is a digital archive for how we perceive a fictional future where as Killmonger once annouced "We're on top."
These works are important and specifically center the Black experience. And we don't have to fit our characters inside of white story spaces where we are usually the sidekick or fetish characters. I had an interesting talk with a friend of a friend and she wanted to argue that Black characters in the MCU who were not in the Black Panther/Wakanda Forever films should be included in the discussions of Afrofuturism, and I said they didn't belong in it fully because those characters are not centering Black people's futures. They center the non-Black white leads and their American/American adjacent interests (I'm talking about War Machine, Nick Fury, Sam Wilson, Valkyrie etc). It was a good back and forth because I am always questioning how Black people can build Black solidarity/communities by always working in white spaces in the service of white global agendas.
Writing Killmonger's journey (and his parents) for over six years (Lawd six years!!!!) with numerous books has taught me a lot about my role in preserving our fandom legacy as Black fanfiction writers and as readers. Afrofuturism has allowed me to explore not only Black Liberation, but Black Queerness, ATR's (African Traditional Religions), Black Matriarchy and Black Patriarchy. I've written about things I love and participate in, and also got to play pretend like I'm a kid again playing with my Barbie dolls and action figures. Black sex. Black music. Black art. Black philosophy. Blackety Black and unapologetic.
All this to say that I hope others out there like me keep writing and reading and reblogging these free little digital seeds we are planting that will truly blossom in the future when others discover our work. I know many Black writers lament that we don't get the same traction or BNF notoriety that white writers do. However, there is joy and divine calling when one simply sits and writes a Black Panther tale to give to other Black people for free all over the world. It still boggles my mind that there are people who have read my stories for years and they live on the other side of the world. People I will probably never meet, but they read and sometimes leave sweet comments that feed me to keep going.
Keep writing y'all. Keep reading and sharing and creating. You are making Afrofuturism fanfiction that is a time capsule for Black folks who aren't even here yet. Academics are secretly reading your stuff and using it to formulate academic studies on a fictional world ! Your Black Panther creations are beautiful no matter where you live on the planet!
Pat yourself on the back and keep worldbuilding and reading.
Here is a link if you want to check out some Wakanda Syllabus stuff that has been collected for the public to use.
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gabelish · 8 months
Death Stranding & Asexuality
I only ever played the Director’s Cut so I didn’t realize the log An Asexual World didn’t always contain the addendum and I wound up reading this article about it and wanted to share this excerpt.
This change, although slight, is incredibly impactful and represents a redemption arc for the story of Death Stranding's portrayal of asexuality. It acknowledges the past data log and does not attempt to bury it. Instead, it carefully explains the issues with the data log and why it can be considered discriminatory. It decouples the connection between asexuality and the Death Stranding, and in doing so asexuality is no longer presented as a pathological condition, but rather as a normal identity.
Through this change, Death Stranding has transformed itself from a piece of media containing a harmful representation of asexuality to one that serves as a teaching tool that facilitates a greater understanding of the identity. Rather than resort to insincere public apologies or simple deletion of the data log, Death Stranding instead learned from its mistakes and rectified them in a way that shows respect for the asexual community. However, this addendum is done in a way that does not break immersion from Death Stranding's narrative.
Death Stranding Director's Cut's handling of asexuality illustrates a good template for how video games can deal with social issues, and how they can acknowledge their own mistakes when they misspeak on these issues. Such moments need not be occasions for cover-ups and defensiveness. Instead, developers can engage the concerns of their player-base, genuinely understand their viewpoints, and have the courage to correct themselves when necessary.
I’ve included the text from the original log + the addendum (ripped from fandom.wiki) below. Also apparently a common right-wing talking point in Japan is that all these young queer people are to blame for Japan’s declining birth rates (when obviously there’s other factors like Japanese women entering the workforce in large numbers in the 90s and delaying marriage, more people living in urban areas and having only 1 or 2 kids etc.)
Also Sam is canonically demisexual!
Records suggest that the widespread aversion towards physical contact and intimacy was a phenomenon that had been observed even before the Death Stranding. One contemporary report, for example, details the increasing popularity of the "sexless lifestyle" among young people. A growing percentage of the younger cohort were self-identifying as asexual, claiming to be incapable of feeling desire or attraction. Accordingly, such individuals were less likely to have children or engage in sexual activity.
It should be noted, however, that many other unique sexual identities were being recognized during this period, such as demisexuals, who are incapable of sexual attraction without an emotional connection, and panromantics, who profess an attraction unrestricted by sex or gender—albeit one not necessarily sexual in nature.
One theory posits that the Stranding accelerated the proliferation of these sexualities. In a terrifying new world in which BTs roam and annihilation is an everyday occurrence, people have grown reticent to form emotional connections with others.
Although there has been no measurable decrease in human fertility, the birth rate has nevertheless dropped dramatically. Incidence of sexual harassment and assault have also seen a sharp decrease, which seems to suggest that sex could not be further from our minds, for better or for worse. I must preempt myself by admitting that I do not have any empirical data with which to support the following claim. That said, it is my contention that, based on the aforementioned observations and others, the vast majority of the population could be categorized as asexual.
Article advances a controversial thesis widely regarded as unsubstantiated and discriminatory. Prevailing theory is that increased self-identification of aforementioned sexualities is due to increased societal awareness and acceptance. Historical records indicate individuals asserting identities falling outside cisgender heteronormativity faced significant discrimination and persecution, leading to suppression and concealment as survival strategies. It is generally accepted that a variety of factors contributed to reduced sexual activity and birth rate pre- and post-Stranding. Studies are ongoing.
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ao3feed-samfro · 3 months
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bonebrujeria · 2 years
Hello, I saw in a comment section you were offering to make a rec list of queer adult fantasy. Any chance you happen to have that list handy? If not no worries, and thank you for your time
Contemporary Adult Queer Fantasy
Kalyna the Soothsayer by Elijah Kinch Spector Monster of Elendhaven by Jennifer Geisbrecht (we do not talk about this book enough it's so good!! Read if you love Hannibal or Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell) Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon The Unbroken by CL Clark (ft. Sexy butch protagonist) The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri Master of Djinn by P Djeli Clark (+ his Djinn in Cairo novella series) Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh (read if you love Hozier) The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie The Unspoken Name by A.K. Larkwood The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab Dead Collections by Isaac Fellman (ft. Trans vampire protagonist) The City of Dusk by Tara Sim Burning Roses by S.L. Huang The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern Wild and Wicked Things by Francesca May Her Body & Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado Wrath Goddess Sing by Maya Deane (ft trans Achilles!) The Bruising of Qilwa by Naseem Jamnia (ft. Aroace protagonist) Spear by Nicola Griffith (Authuriana) Witchmark by C.L. Polk, or anything by C.L. Polk The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry by C.M. Waggoner Fireheart Tiger by Aliette de Bodard (or anything by Aliette de Bodard) Sarahland by Sam Cohen House in the Cerulean Sea and Under the Whispering Door by TJ Klune Lady Hotspur by Tessa Gratton Magic for Liars by Sarah Gailey Unconquerable Sun by Kate Elliot (Alexander the Great retelling) The Bone Shard Daughter by Andrea Stewart Hollow Empire by Sam Hawke K.A. Doore's Chronicles of Ghadid series The Deep by Rivers Solomon Jenn Lyons' A Chorus of Dragons series Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse The Founders Trilogy by Robert Jackson Bennett The Tiger's Daughter by K. Arsenault Rivera The Devourers by Indra Das (Indian shapeshifters!) The Once and Future Witches by Alix E Harrow The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo (queer Gatsby retelling)
Adult Queer Fantasy that I know specifically feature on-page boning: Siren Queen by Nghi Vo (please read anything & everything by Nghi Vo) A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland She Who Became the Sun by Shelly Parker-Chan The Mercenary Librarians series by Kit Rocha (dystopian) KJ Charles' Magpie Lord series
Not fantasy but you should still read them: Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin (horror, trans cast, firmly anti-TERF) Light From Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki (science-fantasy, objectively a perfect novel) Summer Sons by Lee Mandelo (horror, gay yearning) The Seep by Chana Porter Genesis of Misery by Neon Yang (sci-fi Joan of Arc) Everything by Becky Chambers Everything by Rivers Solomon Arkady Martine's A Memory Called Empire
ALSO: author K.A. Doore keeps a running list of queer adult SFF published every year. I highly recommend going through those archives, which you can find here: https://kadoore.com/2022/05/23/2022-queer-adult-science-fiction-fantasy-books/
Tl;dr: SFF is extremely gay, almost everyone writing contemporary SFF is queer in some way, we are truly blessed and I don't want to hear anyone complaining about not being able to find stuff ever again, I love you all.
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spaceorphan18 · 11 months
Damn that it's late at night and no one will probably read this. Still.
I went down a rabbit hole and ended up in an interesting place...
How many of you guys remember the infamous Harry Potter troll fic My Immortal? This came up at work - and so I was telling a young employee of mine about the lore surrounding it and I told her I'd send her some links about the drama cause she had never heard of it before. That led me to stumbling over a young-ish Youtuber talking about it.
And then she had some more fandom-y lore videos and -- ngl, fandom-y lore things just catch my attention.
Anyway - she has one about the whole JohnLock fandom (which I've never been a part of aside from a) watching the show and b) knowing it's been a /thing/ on tumblr - that I've gratefully never come into contact with). Anyway -- as she was going on about BNF nutjobs in the JohnLock fandom - she mentioned one particular one who.... used to be a BNF in the Glee fandom.
And I'm like *chinhands* please tell me more.....
The YouTuber doesn't give away real names (or - real screennames) so I have no idea who this actually is, only that they were active on both the now defunct Glee Forum (man - I wish we had those archives) and on tumblr. And that they were a Sam/Kurt shipper who used claim that if you don't support Sam/Kurt - you don't actually support gay people and liking the actual gay ship (*coughklainecugh*) meant you're a straight girl who just likes watching boys kiss. And that she was bound and determined to prove that Sam was gay (and that het ships were bad) because it's bad for the lgbt community. And, I mean, this goes on into the shit she starts spouting in the Sherlock community.
Anyway.... I wish I knew who this was! I probably did know who this was! I'm so fascinated at some of these intersections. She apparently left Glee because the whole Sam/Kurt thing just wasn't going to happen, but sunk her teeth into Sherlock because -- until the show ended -- and unlike her Glee ship -- John/Sherlock couldn't be disproven -- especially since the showrunners were queerbaiting the hell outta that show.
And... like, there's so much to unpack. The fact that this woman is not a queer teenager but a straight woman in her thirties who feels more comfortable with queerbaiting ships rather than actual gay ships and tells other people how to fandom (as the Youtuber elaborates) is just... a lot. And I remember when this kind of stuff happened all the time.
I just... wow. And also memories.
Fandoms are wild, yo.
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sam and max is a comic series, cartoon and videogames in that order percell still draws an occasional doodle here and there but very rarely are they comics they started with his brother drawing charicters as a child and then him making his own comics with those charicters to tease him, for christmas one year his brother gave him a sheet of paper looking like a birth certificate as a way to literally give him the charicters so hes always captured this unbreakable but indescribable love that feels eternal with their spaces haveing baby photos of the two of them in the bathtub or shareing stories of times past and banter that only those joint at the hip can share. and crippling co dependence with that there is a gentle dance around censorship as well as he himself coming from a religious background but its very clear where he lays in it- still sam is shown to be the more spiritual one of the two and so will always make comments that feel like internalized homophobia while max is always very upfront and the most he talks about how the charicters breath a life of their own so hes been really open about how others see his charicters especially as gay icons, and every time asked the answer is a very sly "perhaps" but never cannon. and slowly as time goes on the ip slips through his fingers into others hands so thats its own thing, i havent played the VR game so i cant account for its quality but the tell tale 3d point and click adventure games are the most mixed bag the entire series gets with the weirdest ways that show absolute discomfort with everything to how mutch physical contact the two shared in the comics to just the lingering on the phrase "best friends" in a appeasing way.
the comics will always be my faveorite next to the ms dos game for both have the creator percell's closest hand in it with the comics entirely being his art and all though theres a new remaster comeing out of the last tell tale game "the devils playhouse" and its the most queer of all the tell tale games without any real spoilers to end this ramble somewhere positive though i need to just mention how often the comics have sam just constantly casually mauling max at all times.
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all of the comics are on internet archive for free <3 https://archive.org/details/sammaxsurfinthehighway/RCO000_w.jpg <3 they are very special to me <3
i am so gonna read this comic series y'all have intrigued me
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spngeorg · 2 years
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Episode 74: 4.14 Sex and Violence
Did someone say queer Dean content? Because we have some of that here...
Truly there’s been so much written about this episode, strictly about Dean and his sexuality, that I’m gonna take one little paragraph here to say that the surface-level parallels (including the vast majority of the THEN segment of this episode) are all sending up flaming red flags about Sam and what he’s secretly up to with Ruby. Even though Ruby isn’t even *in* this episode. Because if we weren’t already worried about Sam and the terrible secrets he’s keeping from Dean, this episode does its best to launch flare guns at us over it.
But the queer Dean content? I got plenty of that too!
Links that will likely be especially of interest this week:
The Superwiki page for this episode
My tag for this episode
But especially these posts:
A very concise (but long, but still concise) read that I pretty much nod along to, written by Lizbob after this episode was mentioned again in Regarding Dean (12.11) (yes this is the post I mention specifically at one point in the episode)
And a summary of this sort of subtext even going forward through s11, conveniently in one post
There’s also a post with completely borked formatting (tumblr was having some sort of glitch the day I reblogged it that put the replies in a strange order, but scroll down and read Cass’ (thevioletcaptain) reply to the anon first, then jump back to the top and read the replies
Three Very Simple Points
And if you really want to dig into some of the meta written about this episode specifically, here’s a list of links curated by Mel
Network arena (previously posted for 4.12), as well as casting sides for Nick the Siren and Dr. Cara Roberts
An interview with Jim Parrack (the actor who plays Nick) from the official Supernatural magazine (archived from the source) and if that’s hard to read (tumblr version with embiggenable images) (yes, that’s the one where he talks about leaning into the sexuality of the siren, while also playing the character as not strictly male or female)
The 20 second CW Promo for this episode
Listen now on AnchorFM, or wherever you enjoy podcasts!
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almightytuba · 1 year
greetings! welcome to my blog! I’m Tuba, she/her and 18!
i am white, neurodivergent, queer and i only sometimes spellcheck. i post + reblog everything here from art to politics to character rambles. i’m currently super into Sam and Max, Faith: The Unholy Trinity, Across the Spiderverse, CRK (sorta), Lackadaisy, The Magnus Archives(+Protocol!), Welcome to Nightvale, Genshin (derogatory), HSR, TF2, and more. there is very little consistency.
if you have any recs please do tell me about them!
don’t interact if you’re NSFW, proship, “MAP”, homophobic, transphobic, etc.
also, i am awful at talking to people but thank you for visiting! i am follow for follow :)
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historyhermann · 2 years
An Alternative to the Studio System?: Indie Animation Forges Ahead [Part 2]
continued from part 1. Split because Tumblr claimed there was an error in the post.
Otherwise, Shannon Mowatt's 16-minute animatic of Revamped, has been released in advance of the full animated pilot. It is an upcoming short queer film about four high school sophomores who deal with school life, vampires, and the supernatural world.
Reprinted from Pop Culture Maniacs, my History Hermann blog, and Wayback Machine. This was the eleventh article I wrote for Pop Culture Maniacs. This post was originally published on July 15, 2022.
There's the Lackadaisy film about 1920s gangster cats, based on Tracy J. Butler's webcomic. Another series, Outcasts, has cats as characters. Shou Tuzi's Tallyho! series continues to develop. It is inspired by steampunk, fantastique, and other media. Tuzi's studio, Skull Hare Studio, is also working on Arthur: The Timeless Knight.
Daniel is continuing to pursue his action adventure series, Lumeon Lands, which has begin production. These series are important to highlight when Hollywood continues to end projects and sack animators. Some have put hope in indie animation, noting it has the promise to allow creators to have "creative control" unlike working under major studios.
While there are many indie animations I could mention. [6] However, I'd like to focus on a few series in development. One of those is Sam Sawyer's SALEM, also known as Salem or S.A.L.E.M.: The Secret Archive of Legends, Enchantments, and Monsters. In May, SpectroliteAAA, the lead storyboard artist said that she could talk about it soon, but not yet. In January, Sawyer, when asked by a fan, said the same thing.
The series has been fully funded. The now-fulfilled Kickstarter defines the series as an animated story about "a cryptid with a big heart and even bigger questions, on a quest to discover their true origins".
Apart from having high-profile voice actors like Laura Bailey, Rob Paulsen, and Adam McAarthur, a tweet from the show's account confirmed Petra as asexual, Salem (who is also non-binary) as pansexual, and Oliver as gay. The series has Randy Abrams as executive producer. It is being animated with help from Surfer Jack Productions, a company said to specialize in "ingenious storytelling". The company was founded by animation industry veterans Jeff “Swampy” Marsh, Lance LeCompte, and Bernie Petterson.
There are other series in development. This includes Georden Whitman's pilot named Port by the Sea on two kids who are "sailing the seas to fix a now broken moon", Matt Acuña's fantastical adventure The Garden Age, and the Far-Fetched Show, an animated series "about a rock band of misfits" by Ashley Nichols and Dave Capdevielle.
In addition, there's a demon/vampire themed series in the process entitled Bloodgore, the psychological horror dramedy named Please Stay Tuned, the ghost-themed Ghost Hunt, a sci-fi themed SpaceAges, and many more. These are a small sampling of the indie animated series out there. [7] These persist despite the problem of distribution and funding to "make original stuff", and possible iffiness of crowdsourcing, as writer Chris Hill pointed out.
Port by the Sea's pilot will likely come out sometime later this year. The Far-Fetched Show is also moving ahead, with comics to go with the series like Wild Card. The Nichols' Patreon notes that a lyrics video for the series band, Sesemoid, is coming out later this year. This also noted they are still working on the pilot. Currently, there is wonderful fan art of the show's characters, including putting them in a Steven Universe setting, and much more.
The fact that Port by the Sea has over 1400 followers and Far-Fetched Show has over 67,600 followers, along with 406 Patreons of Nichols, proves what animator LanceArts pointed out: that the indie animation scene is "exploding with greater popularity now more than ever."
More episodes of Alpha Betas are currently in production, with recording for new episodes. Four episodes are set to be released in Fall/Winter 2022. Additionally, Lucha Vandross is fundraising for various indie animated series. This includes those inspired by 1980s Hong Kong films (Project Icarus and Project Icarus X) and a modern take on Robin Hood. The latter is about friends "robbing the rich and giving it to the poor" (Samson). [8] Animator 9Hammer is actively releasing series in Newgrounds, of all places. This includes series such as Chaotic Heart and Solace, with new episodes in production.
Others, like Warlord-of-Noodles, have ongoing series as well, which is also posted on YouTube and has a Patreon. Series like Deep States, by Molly, are on YouTube. There is the exciting 2d indie anime in development entitled Broken Beat, made by animators of prominent anime series, like Creative Theory. The series is about a protagonist, Sin, tasked with stopping the reign of the creator god, and challenged by an "endless conflict between humans and manifestors". Sin masters his form along the way.
Newgrounds is a weird place. There's a lot of terrible (and amateurish content) there, mixed with sexual content. It is more than what would YouTube would permit, and includes pornographic material. Apart from the series on hiatus by 9Hammer, Beyond the Fog, there's The Looter, and Zack and Alex. The latter, by Jayevin Abad, had its pilot posted on YouTube as well. Otherwise, there are various other series, films, and more, which have aired on the site. [9] Some shows I've noted before in this post, and elsewhere, like Ollie and Scoops, Eddsworld, Tales of Alethrion, and Satina all have pages on the site.
Apart from Newgrounds, are further series in development. This includes The Art Of Murder, produced by an Australian indie 2D animation studio named Choc Chip. It is produced by Anokhi Somaia and directed by Nirali Somaia. Sonya Belousova and Giona Ostinelli are the series composers.
The Art of Murder is a murder mystery, musical, and pop culture parody where "sketchbook characters come to life" when the clock strikes midnight. It features voice actors like Lizzie Freeman, who also voices a character in Gods' School, Lauren Lopez, who founded a popular online musical theatre company named Team Starkid. There's also Joey Richter (part of the same theatre company), Joey Bizinger, a well-known Japanese-Australian voice actor, YouTuber, and more, and Megan Lee, a Korean-American singer-songwriter. 
There's further projects of note. This includes various series by LGBTQ creators. [10] For instance, there's an animated series such as Scrappers, Swift Spark and the Defense Five, Birdboys, and Novas. Scrappers and Birdboys are by trans women, Charlie Gultiano-Wyton and Danielle Maxine specifically. Swift Spark and the Defense Five is by a trans man, Pan. Novas is by a queer and trans artist, Jesse. Scrappers is being produced by Gultiano-Wyton's animation studio, Variation Media.
Swift Spark and the Defense Five is by artist and animator, Pan, who loves Phineas & Ferb, and is based on a comic of the same name. Birdboys is by artist and animator, Danielle, with some teasers posted on her YouTube channel. Novas is the personal project of Jesse, a SCAD student, who posted a casting call for the animation on Tik Tok. What Avara, mentioned earlier in this article, stated is relevant here: support for indie creators is necessary if you "want to see diversity in animation". Part of that is LGBTQ representation.
© 2022-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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sideflorfauna · 2 years
Me, My Blog, and My Tags
I’m Flor! ~ 22 y.o. (2/17) ~ They/Them Queer ~ ND
I like hedgehogs, video games, art, and animals in general. I use this blog for everything from reblogging to posting art, so I try to keep things tagged. More about that below:
Tags and What They Mean:
#real world - Irl events and issues. I understand that people want to enjoy art while curating their online space, and seeing shit go down in the world is not always a fun time. I try to tag this where I can to act as a filter, but do know it’s down to my discretion at the end of the day.
On trigger tags: I do my best to mark common triggers on posts discussing the issues (I.e. transphobia, homophobia, ableism, racism, etc). I only type the word itself so it’s easier to filter (I.e. #bugs, #antisemitism). I am pretty receptive to adding trigger tags if there is something I don’t commonly tag. At the end of the day, it is down to my discretion what I determine to tag, so if there’s something that we don’t agree on, I suggest to unfollow or block; I won’t be hurt by that.
#nsfw and #nsfwish - Used more for sexual and suggestive content. I don’t chase away underage users from my blog since I don’t reblog and post much mature content to begin with, but I am an adult and this is my blog. I think sex jokes are funny.
#flor.txt - Me talking about stuff. Have the bad habit of talking in tags because I have a lot of thoughts, but find writing on the post itself to be annoying (especially if I’m not contributing to something).
#flor fauna art - My art tag! If you wanna look through my art, this is the fastest way to do it.
#flor zoo - Pictures of my oingly scroinglies, the creatures that live in my house.
#lgbtq - Tag for all things queer, because I’m queer.
#autism, #adhd, #nd - Jokes, posts, and resources relating to autism, ADHD, and neurodiversity, because I’m neurodivergent.
#fave - I really like this, and want to come back to see it at a later point when I need to cheer myself up.
#ref - Things I want to refer to later, or save as a reference.
#inspo - This post made my neurons very excited to some degree, and I want to save it for later. This is a very high compliment for art pieces I tag this under!
My tag list will likely evolve and change over time. I will do my best to update this post, but I cannot make any promises
What I Like and Post About:
Sonic the Hedgehog (#sonic)
Hedgehogs (#hedgehog or #hedgehogs. Yes I see the irony in putting this after the last one)
Lupin the Third (#lupin iii). I especially love Goemon and he gets his own tag (#goemon)
Kirby (#kirby)
Splatoon (#splatoon). I am not normal about the Splatbands and they get their own tag (#splatbands)
Early internet archives, aesthetics, resources, and art (#old web)
Ace Attorney (#ace attorney or #aa)
Puyo Puyo (#puyo)
NiGHTS into Dreams (#NiD)
Space Channel 5 (#sc5)
Y2k fashion and design (#y2k)
Sam & Max (#sam & max, wish I could shorten this one)
Crochet patterns/techniques/yarns (#crochet)
Bayonetta (#bayonetta or #bayo)
This list may be update as my hyperfixations shift, and if I reblog certain things enough to want to tag them
Finding me Elsewhere + Links:
You can find me just about anywhere under the username “florrrfauna”
Art Twatter
Main Twatter
I have a Discord that I don’t give out freely. If we’re mutuals (follow each other), you’re welcome to DM me for my tag
It Should Go Without Saying, but I’ll Say it Just In Case:
I am not perfect and my ideas will likely change over time. I try to be thoughtful about what I say, post, and reblog, however I don’t take things seriously all the time while I’m having fun on here. That said, if you do have an issue with something I say, do, or reblog, I will not be upset by a message or DM with your concern and discussing the issue. If you’re polite and approach me with the benefit of the doubt, I’ll give you the same respect.
I have a zero tolerance policy for TERFS, transmeds, Nazis, white supremacy, queerphobia, misogyny, racism, and the other shit that often holds hands with one another. If you’re into those things, you probably wouldn’t enjoy my blog to begin with.
If you happened to read all this, thank you! I hope you enjoy my little corner of the internet. Don’t be afraid to send me asks, posts, or messages if want; I’d appreciate them :D
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stxend · 2 years
hi darling 💕 do you have favourite horror movies/series? or just some dark ones in general?
hello to you too! i'm honestly not sure if i have a favorite, but i can definitely try to remember some that i enjoyed:
i'm going to assume that if you look at my blog you've watched Hannibal and Killing Eve, but if you haven't i highly recommend them (KE's seasons written by Phoebe Waller Bridge are the better ones, the ending is a bit out of left field)
like any other queer person, i have to say The Magnus Archives. it helps to break down the anatomy of horror, and there's always one episode that hits a little too close to home for every person
Under the Banner of Heaven isn't really horror, but it's definitely dark! it has really interesting explorations of religious cults and the dangers of them, especially within political circles.
any Jordan Peele movie! Get Out and Us are phenomenal (Us left me with paranoia for days and while i should probably get a higher dose of my meds, i kind of love that feeling), and Nope is just as wonderful. it hits every topic that i love: religious imagery (see: the movie literally opening with a bible verse), the treatment of something as a spectacle, the exploitation of people and animals for media, just a bunch of gorey blood, etc.
while we talk about directors, i grew up on Sam Raimi movies and the effects show: i LOVE gore
everybody's talked about how phenomenal Hereditary is, and they're right! another movie that left me on edge for days
i'm also a big fan of terrible horror movies, and i think Velocipastor takes the cake on that one (correction: some of the older, more weird episodes of the Twilight Zone are with it. the one where the whole premise is that Bigfoot is on the wing of a plane and nobody believes the guy that's telling everyone has a special place in my heart)
leaning into media that isn't as conventional, i had a huge ARG phase back in 2017-19, and Local 58 and Robert Helpmann's channels were great from what i can remember. i'm pretty sure that they've gotten more popular since then with the boom in the genre, so beware of terrible takes in the comments section
i feel like i can't talk about horror without mentioning video games-- I'm personally terrible at them, so i keep to watching videos of more story-based ones, but games like The Quarry and the more recent games in the Resident Evil series (RE:7-8, and the RE:2 remake) are super well done
not horror, not exactly dark in the same sense as everything else, but the concept album Hospice by the Antlers ripped my soul in two and i take psychic damage if i try to listen to any of the songs
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ao3feed-samjack · 2 years
Everyone Sings Queen in the Car
read it on the AO3
by obscureenthusiast
Janet cajoles SG-1 into a night out at a karaoke bar and, miraculously, gets them to agree to participate. Lots of drinking, lots of laughing, a surprisingly high percentage of Spice Girls talk, and the agreement that they all sing at least one song turns out to be a great idea (mostly).
Sam and Jack do a lot of staring at each other and a lot of pretending not to stare at each other while their teammates pretend not to notice, and the night goes great... up until Sam and Jack are faced with a duet (and then faced with some other stuff, too).
Words: 24659, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Stargate SG-1
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Samantha "Sam" Carter, Jack O'Neill, Daniel Jackson (Stargate), Sha're (Stargate), Teal'c (Stargate), Janet Fraiser (Stargate)
Relationships: Samantha "Sam" Carter/Jack O'Neill, background Daniel Jackson/Sha're, Jack O'Neill & Teal'c, Samantha "Sam" Carter & Janet Fraiser, Teal'c & Sha're
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Karaoke, canon levels of Sam/Jack longing, Team Bonding, Team Dynamics, Fix-It Fic (Sha're), Everyone is Queer, Janet is a lesbian, mentions and discussions of period-typical homophobia, SG-1 Spice Girls Debate Finally Settled, Sha're is fine don't worry about it
read it on the AO3
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 5 months
How much harm can the Addams family theme really do?
https://ift.tt/gqeowUP by StabbyMcstabboi After Jamie comes out as one of the first openly queer players in the Premier League, opposition fans come up with a special chant just for Jamie. But how much harm can a chant really do? Words: 4731, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent, Coach Beard (Ted Lasso), Sam Obisanya, Keeley Jones, Dani Rojas (Ted Lasso), AFC Richmond Players (Ted Lasso), Rebecca Welton, Ted Lasso Relationships: Jamie Tartt & Everyone, Coach Beard & Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent & Jamie Tartt Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Homophobia, fr there’s some real crude insults here, we’re talking about English football fans so like the epitome of homophobia 💀, Jamie Tartt Needs a Hug, Bisexual Jamie Tartt, the evil whims of The Sun and The Daily Mail source https://archiveofourown.org/works/52486933 December 24, 2023 at 02:31PM
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ao3feed-samfro · 3 months
Hidden Depths
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CPo0ylw by j9ac9k “Right, I’m off out,” Sam stood as he finished his last mouthful of casserole and picked up his plate, “you’re on dishes Mari.” “Oo shaid? ” “Marigold, don’t talk with your mouth full. Where you off to then?” said his dad, looking up from his own plate which he had barely had time to touch. "My boyfriend’s place," Sam imagined saying and saw three reactions play themselves out simultaneously in his mind’s eye: Oh, jolly good, when d’you yourself get one of those, then? You trying out the comedy act Samwise? Stick to gardening. Or his dad said nothing, frozen with his fork halfway to his mouth, and then keeled over sideways, killed by the shock. “Just out with some mates,” said Sam, aloud. --- College AU but it's 2003 now: Sam discovers the downside of having a secret boyfriend is that you can’t tell anyone about it. Meanwhile, Merry learns an important lesson about assuming things about people Words: 9277, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English Series: Part 7 of College AU but it's 2002 Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Multi Characters: Frodo Baggins, Sam Gamgee, Merry Brandybuck, Pippin Took, Éowyn (Tolkien), Hamfast Gamgee, Marigold Gamgee Relationships: Frodo Baggins/Sam Gamgee, Merry Brandybuck/Éowyn Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Queer Themes, Coming Out, discussed in great detail, Bisexual Merry, lovingly mocked by his friends, Gender, period typical assumptions about gender and sexuality, Comedy, lots of jokes about engineering students, sorry in advance read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CPo0ylw
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cheerfulripley · 1 year
Every morning, my writing discord has a prompt.or question to promote engagement. This morning's question was really fun so I decided to share my tangent from there.
The question was:
What’s one fact about the universe of [insert fic] that you didn’t get a chance to mention in the fic itself? (x)
And so I want to share this tidbit of behind-the-scenes lore from my destiel fic Contingecy. It's a possession fic and a s4 rewrite, where Cas is a fallen angel in hell who finds Dean and pulls them both early to stop the Apocalypse. But there's a bit of backstop for Cas I didn't get to include in the fic itself that I wanna share here. The discussion is under the cut, and there will be spoilers to Cas backstory.
So, in chapter 6, Cas is talking about how he's spent millennium hiding on earth, helping people and running from Heaven for reasons.
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Later on in the fic there's a music lesson scene. Sam is breaking down the meaning of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" and explained to both Dean and Cas how the lyrics talk about Freddie Mercury as a bi man. Dean tries to cut him off, thinking that Cas will get smitey if Sam keeps talking about queers. We get to see a very impassioned response from Cas.
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If you're a gardener, do you care which of the ants have sex together? No, it's literally beneath you, which is how angels view most human relationships. Cas cares because he loves people and cares for them, even if they are just ants to something so cosmic.
So, Cas is partially correct that Heaven doesn't care, but it's just because they *don't care.*
CW homophobia, murder (temporarily)
Anyways, the bit of lore I wanted to include but didn't was that many millenia ago Cas ran across a lesbian couple whi treated him kindly and helped him. A man in their village hated these women and when they spurned his advances, he led a mob that killed them.
Cas found out and returned to the village, making a point to not hide his righteous fury. He made sure that everyone knew he was an angel from Heaven and those women were protected. He resurrected them, and killed the man instead. He made sure everyone in town understood he was their guardian angel.
In the fic Cas is labeled in lore as the Angel of the Downtrodden, but he's now also considered an angel of queer protection.
Like I said, it never made it into the fic but yeah. Maybe he can tell this story in part 2 (bc there is a part 2 full fleshed put in my mind.
Here's a link to the fic if you want to read more :3
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