#sam really came out of an abusive relationship to ZERO support
pinbitch · 1 year
dean “at least he dies human” winchester: i never once left you to die!
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prorevenge · 6 years
How I stopped my co-workers and I being bullied, by outing that awful woman as a serial sexual assaulter. TW mentions of sexual assault.
I think this is a pro-revenge, if not tell me and I will post it elsewhere!
Also, this will be a long one... I am very verbose, and it spills over into text too!
A long time ago I worked for a fast food place that has a very noticeable “golden” (bright yellow usually) symbol.
The People Involved:
Me: a 17-19 year old male living in a medium sized town in the UK. (I am now old, relatively, damn, how does that happen? :) ) Also a giant toker at the time, had dreadlocks and smoked almost everyday.
Bitchqueen: a hostile, but shockingly beautiful, and thoroughly nasty human woman, approx 19-23 ish during all this nonsense.
TheBigMan: a 2nd assistant manager who I got on really well with from day one. He took no shit from bullshitters, had zero tolerance for Bitchqueen (his usual greeting was something like “Hey Bitchqueen, who are you going to pick on today?”) and if he saw her bullying someone he would just walk in between her and the victim and bend down to stare in her face. She would walk off and pretend nothing had happened. More than once he stated if BQ were a man she would have been beaten senseless by him by now. He hated violence, but she was really awful! Also he was a bit of a unit. As in 250lbs of muscle and a gym obsession long before it was cool! Also a fairly big smoker, we used to get high after work a lot with some of the other employees.
AwesomeManager: my stores 1st assistant manager, who was a wonderful women who helped me as a human a lot in a huge number of ways. Protecting me from Bitchqueen was only part of it.
Senior Area Manager: who I will call SAM, since all the actual Sam's I have know have all been good dudes too! Also a great protector from the BS of BQ.
MonsterBitch: the new store manager and the proximate cause of her own, and BQ's downfall. Also a troll faced harridan who oozed hate and bitterness.
So time to tell the tale of how it panned out.
I had been there a year or so before Bitchqueen was promoted to manager. Until then she was obnoxious but powerless, but somehow, after marrying the store manager she got a promotion (jumping the next two steps up at that) to second assistant manager. Surprising eh?
I had been warned by TheBigMan when I was first hired to never be alone with her as she had a number of young men fired for “groping” her by her Store Manager-BF/Fiancé/Husband (even when the video showed that there was no close contact let alone groping in some of those cases . I was super careful in this regard.
Bitchqueen started playing games with the rota against me and a few others she hated. I think she hated me because I got along with most people, and she always hated sociable and non-bitchy people. Her favourites got the best shifts and the people she hated had our hours cut and shifted about without warning. She would pencil in changes a few minutes before a shift started (I caught her doing it but her store manager husband didn't want to deal with it) and then send home the one who turned up for their (now given away) shift with a warning. She would then call up and scream at the one who was off, but now suddenly on shift, for not arriving when they had no idea the shift was changed. It's sort of genius really, getting two workers Bitchqueen hated in one blow! She did try this crap on me but I just called Awesome Manager and she checked the computer records and sorted it out, she also let Bitchqueen know she was going to be checking the rota daily and approving all changes, so Bitchqueen had to find a new tactic.
I was a pretty hard worker (it made the time pass quicker for me) and was friends with the AwesomeManager (and TheBigMan), who protected me from Bitchqueens bullshit almost all of the time, and would fix things when shit happened while AwesomeManager was off work. I also cultivated a good relationship with with our SAM, and he ended up setting up a special store rescue team to sort out failing (franchise usually) stores in the area, placing me in charge of it as the top trainer of the group (Bitchqueen was maybe 7 months into being a manager at this point). This made me more or less untouchable (as long as I kept my nose clean) and so Bitchqueen went mental. She started on my friends, bullying and abusing them in work, and trying to get them all written up. They told me and I told AwesomeManager, she slapped Bitchqueen down again, metaphorically of course. TheBigMan made some complaints about her treatment of the other staff and she calmed down a little. Until her husband got “promoted” to a different store some distance away. Later SAM admitted this was an attempt to calm the drama at our store... But how wrong it all went!
Our new store manager was a MonsterBitch, but good at hiding it to begin with. After a few weeks AwesomeManager noticed that only young women were getting accepted after interviews, and pointed this out to Me and TheBigMan, and asked us to keep out eyes and ears out for anything dodgy going on. It wasn't long until it became clear what was happening.
I had made pretty good friend with one of the new hires (I admit it, I was interested and she was hot ), I will call her ShyNSweet, she was a lovely but very sheltered young lady from a nearby village, living in a house share in the town we worked in. She went out with “the girls” a group centred on MonsterBitch, Bitchqueen and a couple of MonsterBitch's “friends” on a Friday, and the next day in work was really distracted. We finished at the same time so I offered ShyNSweet a lift (that is I gave her a ride home in my car for our American friends) and she said yes since we lived pretty close together. In the car I asked if she had a fun night (just asking to fill the time, I wasn't digging at this point) and she replied in a very non-committal way. I remembered her saying she had a great time to Bitchqueen earlier during our shift so I asked her if she was OK. She burst into tears and told me that she had been the back of a Taxi with MonsterBitch and one of the “friends” (Bitchqueen was upfront) and MB and the friend had been groping ShyNSweet really hard (she showed me some bruises on her sides and thighs later, she said she had more on her boobs) and telling her she had to go back to their house and “experience real sex”. I was livid! But I tried to be outwardly calm. I told her that they should be punished, and I would support her, and I knew that SAM, AwesomeManager and TheBigMan would all have her back. I recommended we go to the police, but she was afraid she would lose her job. I knew she wouldn't, but couldn't convince her quickly and I didn't want to traumatise her further, so I just said what ever she chose I would support, and to call me if she is ever in a similar situation and I will come get her. She hugged me for ages crying and we went and had a cup of tea in her house. Her flatmate knew something was up and I encouraged ShyNSweet to tell her too. She did and I left after making them more tea.
I had to do something, but I couldn't directly involve ShyNSweet, and although I knew SAM, AwesomeManger and TheBigMan would believe me I had no direct evidence of an assault. So what to do? Well the first thing was to check where I stood legally, and it turns out the UK is a one party consent recording jurisdiction. As long as I am in place with no reasonable expectation of privacy I don't have to inform anyone I am recording audio or video, at least according to the lawyer I asked who is a friend of my step-father. Work counted as no expectation of privacy, so I was good to record everything. Of course back then the smallest video cameras were the size of a small shoe box and really expensive, and I was a burger-chucker, so cash was tight (smoking a lot of weed didn't help there either). But you could get some reasonably cheap audio recording stuff, that with an ok microphone could be hidden in my shirt. So I started a log of Bitchqueen and MonsterBitch's antics in the store, it was nearly 8 months of recordings in total before the fan was struck by faeces. While they didn't direct much at me anymore I was able to capture multi-minute rants from both of those awful harpies on almost every shift for about six months, in one recording I got Bitchqueen ranting at a co-worker for about 20 mins and then me for another 30 mins or so after I redirected her towards me. They would call workers (almost always men, but any woman who had turned them down got some shit thrown their way too), stupid, useless and worthless etc, with lots of fun adult words mixed in. They also got into the habit of threatening everyone they dislike with firing.
I also got a lot of audio from young women about how creepy and sexually inappropriate MonsterBitch, Bitchqueen and their little gang of “lesbian” managers (most of them were or had dated men, so Bi I guess, but horrible humans regardless of their orientations) were to the women who worked for us. I got several direct statements about female co-workers being abused and told to keep quiet by the abuse gang members on various girls nights out, and a few of them referred to bad things happening at MonsterBitch's house when they were too drunk to remember everything. Basically we had a blackmail and rape gang operating in our midst!
The final attack on me came when I was called into work by AwesomeManager and told I was being investigated for smoking weed on shift. While I did smoke a lot of weed at the time I never went to work high (food you get fired for eating without permission and the munchies don't mix), and anyway that day in particular the accusation was dated was one where I hadn't had any for a couple of days or been able to sort any out for a smoke after work either. So I was totally truthful when I was asked about it by AwesomeManager, and she said that because of the bullying she was escalating this to SAM, so she “suspended” me on full pay pending an investigation. The next day SAM called me and asked me to come for a formal interview, as the first part of the information finding process. He also said TheBigMan was on shift and would be happy to be my witness. So I went down and sat in the crew room waiting for SAM with TheBigMan. SAM stuck his head around the door and said “Deny everything to do with weed!” and winked. He stepped out again and then opened the door with a serious face and asked myself and TheBigMan to come through to the back office. We went through a few questions and I answered everything truthfully (pretty sure SAM thought I was smoking that day but gave no fucks about weed) and the interview ended with SAM reinstating me, paying me for the previous day and the interview day and giving me another store to fix for two weeks to get me away from Bitchqueen and the pack of harpies.
When I was back from the failing store, but not working that Monday, I got a call from ShyNSweet. MB and BQ had told her she had to come to their “Girls only” house party that Friday (it was going to be a BBQ and probably a lot of raping drunk girls by hostile lesbians). The rape gang had been telling all the attractive girls to go to the party or “think about finding a new job if you can't be a team player”. (MB, BQ and another horror worked at our store, the other 3 worked at a nearby store)
And that was the straw that broke the proverbial camels back! I had those awful bitches!
I had organised the audio files into groups by person and topic, I had over 10 hours of insults and abuse recorded and I had nearly another 10 hours of staff telling me how they had been abused by BQ, MB and their pack of rapists.
I called SAM and told him I had to speak to him that day, he agreed and we met at a competitors store (I think they have a kingdom of burger chuckers ;) ) at lunchtime where I sat him down in front of my awful (at the time super cutting edge lol) laptop and had him listen to bits of the rape allegations first.
He started shaking with rage after about 30 seconds, stopped it and told me to go to the police.
I then started on the abusing rants messages and he listened to bits of a bunch of them and asked for copies of those files. I had already burned them to CD so I handed them over and went to the police station.
I asked for a woman police officer and had her listen to the abuse allegations. She took a CD copy of those and told me to be quiet while the investigated. I said fine, but that this Friday the rape gang would have a number of under 18's at an alcohol fuelled rape party. She asked for and got the address and details. I passed on the names of all the women who I knew for sure had been attacked in the past too, since the police wanted to contact them to confirm things, the police here never give out witness information so I was safe from retaliation.
The next Thursday I was on a late shift, so I arrived around 15:15 and when I got there the store was shut but the staff were inside. I got let in and told what had happened.
MonsterBitch and Bitchqueen had been on day shifts and were apparently non-stop talking about how great their girls only party would be, how any girl who had a boyfriend would dump him after spending the night with them, and how any women who didn't attend were basically traitors to womankind. After about 6 hours of this, and at around 14:00 6 police officers come into the store and arrest MonsterBitch and BitchQueen on suspicion of sexual assault, blackmail, extortion and assault. They were both removed in handcuffs and SAM was there just after the police to shut them out of the computers and officially suspend them. When I arrived they were just getting set to re-open so we got back to work.
Later I got more info on the case, my best friends older brother was in the police force locally and he kept us updated. MB's rape house was raided, the police found lots of videos of what was clearly assaults on drunk and non-consenting women. They got lots of text message evidence for planning sexual assaults and talking about how to control young female employees to get them to have sex with the rapists. They also had lots of threatening messages to victims to be quiet or face revenge/loss of job etc. All their victims were under 20, with most being 16-18. But the deepest fuck up for them came from this evidence, and I had no idea when I got this all in motion.
MonsterBitch had picked up a young woman from a club a few months earlier. This young lady was up for lesbian sex with MB, BQ and another friend, while a fourth on filmed it. But the young lady was 15 and just looked over 18 with makeup etc. So the rape gang had produced child porn inadvertently.
MB, BQ and all the other managers who were involved were fired after the arrests/charges.
They were all charged with a number of things, but the courts back then were even more lenient to female sexual offenders than they are now, so none of them saw prison. But they were all banned from working with children, or in an environment where children will be present, and the ones who were married/in a relationship were all divorced/broken up inside a year. Because of the UK laws at the time they were also not named publicly.
I know Bitchqueen never really recovered or grew past this, I see her now and again if I visit my mother, and she is still beautiful, but so clearly broken its almost sad.
ShyNSweet was my girlfriend for a year or so a few years later, we parted on good terms as she was off to study overseas.
AwesomeManager went on to be a store manager, and then a Pro Dominatrix, which wasn't a real surprise to me ;) She was/is a fun lady
TheBigMan, went on to run an IT dept in a large company, still a top bloke!
And I ended up in a field I love, being paid actual money to more or less mess about all day, and that is doing my job! :)
(source) (story by burgerchucker)
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noccalula-writes · 5 years
Can you give us your detailed thoughts on Avengers: Endgame?
The basis of most of my gripes are: if Age of Ultron hadn’t been so shittily written, a lot of this could have been avoided. Not all of it, but a lot of it. But I’ll go line item by line item outside of that thought.
First off, Steve. Y'all already know I’m a Stucky shipper, but even outside of the context of the ship - and I fully support people who feel their relationship is platonic but very intimate as long as they have been supportive of how emotional their story is, let’s do that more with male friendships please - you have to admit that there has been no greater, longer standing or fucking emotional relationship arc through the entire goddamn MCU than Steve and Bucky. Platonic, nonplatonic, whatever. We literally watch Steve tear down a branch of the goddamn government to get Bucky back, and since the first movie, Bucky has been his emotional touchstone. Steve’s singular dedication to rescuing and protecting Bucky has driven him to the heights of recklessness and has made him nearly sacrifice himself a dozen times.
But he ditches out on him, after he’s been dead for five years no less, to go back to the fucking fifties and derail Peggy’s entire well-lived life.
I don’t buy it. I think this was purposeful diversion to avoid appearing “too gay”, and it fucking infuriates me. There is an article on The Daily Dot that explores this better than I even thought to and you should definitely read it.
The idea of Steve getting to live a full life and be happy? Wonderful. But the way this was executed felt cold, clinical. We’ve spent more time developing emotional bonds with Steve than any other character in the MCU except maybe Tony, and yet we the audience were completely shut out of his feelings for the entire last half of the very last film. It felt like a door had been closed on us. There was none of the warmth of Steve, only the resolve of Captain America, and a very rash decision that felt so poorly planned after he said barely two things to the man who has been the axis of most of his decisions in this entire series.
Sam is absolutely the right choice for Captain America, though. That was what I was hoping for, and he deserves the mantel.
Tony Stark, love of my life, was set up to make the martyr play from the very first Avengers film. This is where it was always meant to go, and I have spent every movie since AoU waiting for it to happen. Honestly, I feel like Tony’s arc was the one arena where everything was done right (except, I’ll be honest, I don’t know how I feel about him having had a kid - I’m not mad at it, though). If you follow me you know I don’t think he and Pepper had real staying power no matter how much they love each other, but I also never anticipated that he’d be with anyone else, so this wasn’t a disappointment (I love Pepper, to be clear). I was proud of him. I was sorry he wouldn’t get to see Morgan grow up, but I was proud of my man saving the world.
I love him with all my heart. He’s made dumb decisions but when the metaphorical knife was against his throat, he came correct with absolute resolution.
Wanda might as well have been a cardboard cutout, which on one hand was fine because she had way more screen time in Infinity War than she’s had anywhere else since AoU (shudder), but she’s been reduced to this background character who got shipped off with Vision just so she’d have something to do (and yes, I know it’s comic canon, but it was so out of left field in the MCU that there was no way this wasn’t a factor in). Wanda is a wealth of possibility for a storyteller - think about the grief this character has endured (consider my consider, Wanda Maximoff diatribe from yesterday) and how she’s learned to use her power. Think about the evolution of going from a volunteer for a program to literally become a mutant to fight the Avengers and then becoming one and losing your fucking twin brother, the only constant in your life. Think about having to kill the only person you could try to put a life together with. Think about all of that and tell me she hasn’t been wasted in the background.
(Also - how in the fuck is Steve gonna tell his black best friend Sam that he preferred the fifties? Really? )
This brings me to what I think is easily the most egregious of all the fuck-ups in this movie - Clint and Natasha. This is where we can draw a direct line back to the problem in AoU, when Joss “Feminist Icon” Whedon decided that dropping a house, wife and 2.5 cardboard-ass kids we got zero development time on was a better answer than, oh, actually developing Clint as a character. Partially this was to promote Brucetasha, which as we all know went so fucking well through the rest of the movies, but subverting what he felt was the “obvious” ship for Nat (the irony of this being he said something along the lines of “well, Bruce and Nat made so much more sense to me” and pulled some lame ass Beauty and The Beast allegory out during an Entertainment Weekly interview about AoU and it’s ended up becoming one of the most hated creative decisions in the MCU as of yet.
Listen, if you want Clint and Natasha’s deep and intimate and formative relationship to be platonic-only, I’m cool with that. I ship ‘em but I also love male-female friendships that mean the entire world to the involved characters and are not romantic. But we were given a decision in AoU that was eliminated so many future possibilities and put us on the path we’re on now.
If you know Clint as a character, you know that he’s a loveable fuckup. THat’s kind of his schtick. I have no idea how they plan to make that work in the supposedly-happening Hawkeye series based on Matt Fraction’s run given that now we’ve got Clint married with kids and Natasha dead, but okay. Endgame takes Clint’s grief and weaponizes it, but naturally, we only ever see him killing people of color (they mention he killed a Mexican cartel, we see him going after Yakuza) ((if you couple this with the shaved haircut and the shitty Japanese-inspired sleeve, you start venturing dangerously close to white supremacist territory)).
Clint is dark and broken, and Natasha saves him - just like how Natasha was dark and broken, and Clint saved her. By not dying. So. I mean.
As I’ve said in another ask, here’s the thing: I would have been okay with Natasha making the sacrifice play if there had been no Bartons to bring back. I still would have been furious if they hadn’t loophole’d her ass back - What happens when Steve returns the soul stone? Do you get back what you paid for it? - but the idea that we had to trade the original female member of the team - the closest thing to diversity they had being a white woman is terrible but here we are - for one of the shittiest, most sloppily written things that Joss Whedon plunked down on a page? My blood boils.
It’s been like 4 days and I am still just beside myself angry about Natasha Romanoff. Furious. I love her and Clint and I don’t undersell the strength of their relationship but at the end of the day, she died so a man could go back to his family, because nuclear families are more important and Natasha has no one. I guess. I don’t know. I’m so fucking mad.
That pandering-ass “we’re doin’ us a feminism” scene of all the women fighting together, even though it made zero logistical battlefield sense and most of them didn’t even know each other, felt even more gross and cheesy and self-congratulatory considering what had just been done to one of the most important women in the series. But hey. We got a shot of a lot of women fighting. Hashtag feminism.
Thor’s ending was okay. Thor’s arc was pretty good. The fat jokes were shit but I loved the idea of Thor still being worthy even when he’s not who he used to be. I nearly came when Cap caught Mjolnir. Conceding New Asgard to Valkyrie was super smart, and I like that he’s going to go figure himself out with the Guardians.
Speaking of, Gamora’s whole story has made me feel gross. As the daughter of an abusive stepfather who also loved me a lot when he wasn’t being a monster, it def made me squirm. But the reality is I don’t give enough of a shit about any of the Guardians to care about what happens to them other than Thor, so. Chris Pratt can eat my entire ass.
The things it got right - pacing an insane amount of action in a way that never stalled, executing a beautifully woven and inlaid sacrifice arc for Tony, Paul Rudd in general - are so much smaller than the things that were just… gapingly terrible.
Did Bruce even get an ending? Did anyone remember what the hell he said he was gonna do? He got lost somewhere in the shuffle and I legit have no idea what his ending was.
Ugh. I need some ibuprofen and a nap. I’m gonna go back to writing my Natasha sex-shop au in which SHE WILL NEVER EVER EVER DIE FOR CLINT’S STORY DEVELOPMENT and wish I still drank.
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unseelie-siren · 5 years
i'm not familiar with any of your ocs i'm sorry ;_; so how about a short introduction of all of them? i'd love to see that ♥️
I would love to! Sadly I have waaaaay too many ocs to cover all of them here. I do want to introduce you to some ocs of my main stories though!
I’ll do this under the cut
Please feel free to ask me about any of them anytime! 
 Well start with the story that has less main characters, only two. Their names are Jonathan and Derek.They’re typical high school jocks and play baseball!
 …is called Jon by basically everyone. He is a bit of an asshole and he is definitely arrogant. He is intelligent and he is definitely aware of it. He knows what he is capable of and will take no shit from no one. He’s that person that speaks out against the racist teacher, he’s that person who lets everyone know his opinion. And he has a lot of opinions.He’s sweet, but rarely genuinely so. He’s very rational in his approach and that can lead to him being cold and calculating. He also is a major flirt. 
 …on the other hand is just a really soft teddy bear. He’s been childhood friends with Jon since he moved there. They live only a few streets away, it takes them only a few minutes to get to the others house. There’s a playground between their houses where they like to meet. He likes to just let Jon do the talking and be rather passive. He’s really supportive of him and will defend him fiercely. He’s the type of person that whenever Jon gets up to one of his shenigans (because Jon tends to be mischievous) just shakes his head at them, rolls his eyes and tells him exactly why it is a bad idea. He definitely tries to talk him out of it, but he never succeeds. There is usually a fond smile on his lips though and he secretly doesn’t mind playing along. But someone has to point out why that plan is a bad idea okay??? 
 They’re the two protagonists for a ya novel I’m going to write. It’s going to be fluffy and short with maybe a bit angst I’m still undecided on the exact plot line. I do have basic sketches of them but only idea sketches. As soon as I have actual proper sketches of them I’m going to upload them on my art account ( @zhadyrart that is finally going to be more active hopefully) 
 Then I think I mentioned at some point that I have a really big project that I’ve been working on since seventh grade. It’s going to be a triology that is called “ragnarok”. It’s set in another dimension where simply said every mythological being and every god that there is exists. All my main characters are “Xi” which are people who have been blessed by gods. I could go on and on about this world and everything behind the Xi but that would take even longer. 
 …is the main character. shes human. She’s really sweet and strong but not really independent. She grew up with an abusive mother and without a father in the city of creators. Everyone there is destined to create something new and most people create smaller things. Helija hasn’t created anything yet which is unusual for her age. She is insecure in her abilities even tho she is not bad at most things. She’s rather held back and doesn’t speak much. This changes the more she gets involved with the other characters and establishes her relationships with them. 
…is Helijas best friend and one of the fae. Those two are one heart and one soul and if you let them loose there is going to be a mess. Sam is Helijas enabler and he is one of the few people who actually can bring her out of her shell and can bring her to overcome her fears and anxiety. They have been friends since they turned six despite not meeting until they were sixteen. They exchanged letters because they lived in different parts of the continent. That was part of a program of their mentor ship (which I could also elaborate on) which encourages Xi to form connections with other Xi. He’s funny and kind of a go wild character. He’s always up for anything but definitely also always here for you if you have a problem. He’s stubborn and can be hot headed from time to time. But he just wants the best for everyone and cares like crazy for his friends and family. 
…is Sams best friend. They have been childhood friends since their birth. He’s also one of the fae. He’s kind of apathic or at least he seems like it. He’s very focused on his thoughts and tends to overthink. He is also extremely stubborn and will always follow his own moral code. If something doesn’t fit with his morals or beliefs he’s not going to do it, no matter what it does to him. Later on he’s going to be Sams boyfriend. He’s non binary and uses he/him and they/them pronouns. 
…is your wonderful girl that you all love. She’s pretty (she and Helija look identical despite not being related) and just has a personality that everyone loves. She’s nice, genuinely so and she is very supportive. She has her shit together and if you need anything organised you go to her. She’s from the city of gods (again I could elaborate) and grew up without parents being taught to be humble. She is being trained to be a temple woman. She is basically your perfect girl™️.She does have a mischievous streak though and if you encourage her she will come up with the wildest things. Of course no one suspects her ever since she is well how she is. 
 …is basically the perfect boyfriend to the perfect girl Helena. There is looooots of pining for her but he’s such a respectful golden retriever puppy he never acts on it, especially since when they meet she just has gotten out of her last relationship. I’m basically aiming for a lesbian icon character lmao. Hes a real feminist and hes just super super sweet. He has all those thoughts about romance and love and he really is a true romantic. His and Helena’s relationship is fluff pure. Everyone is just really happy for them bc they really are just do perfect for each other. He grew up in a small fishermen village in a part of the continent (I do have a map but…) where it basically has a climate like in the arctis. He has zero clue about modern things and will be confused. He’s just really really soft and sweet and I love him.
…is the girl that Helena just broke up with. They just hit it off after years of fr.iendship, but decided on good terms that it wasn’t working out. It kind of broke Helena’s heart bc she’s a romantic but it was better for their relationship. They are now really good ride or die friends. Leanca is Helena’s enabler. She’ll just be like “he looks like he’s sexist” in a deadpan voice and look at Helena. It doesn’t take long and shenigans ensue. She’s incredibly cool and kind of reeeeally fit. She doesn’t show much facial reactions. She has a flaming sense of justice and will argue with you. Don’t challenge her to a discussion. She will win. And she is right. You’ll question your entire beliefs after a while because wow her arguments make so much sense. Very independent, very strong.
Illaya/Ilaya (not sure yet) 
…is an ancient being. She’s not really a god but she’s also not really human. (I don’t 100% know yet what she is actually.) she was the wife of uh well the now bad guy? Her mind has been tainted for hundreds of years and she turned into a mermaid like creature that lived in a lake. She grew sea lily like plants with which she lured beings into the lake where she would devour them. Some eldritch shit. When our protagonists “cleanse” her she returns to her old self and well realised that basically over thousands of years have passed since the land became tainted and she with it. She realises what her husband has become and mourns him. At some point she falls in love with Leanca. But a relationship doesn’t develop really fast because well she is still mourning over her husband and also she has a general crisis going on with all the stuff that has been going on. 
…is a character from the feral lands. That’s basically another continent and not many people from there come over to the main continent. He came because he was “scouted” and saw a chance to help his family. He’s really motivated by family. He is laid back and cool. He takes things calm and rational. He’s good looking and that goddamn smirk. (He’s a little bit underdeveloped since he used to be a shared oc with my brother) 
…is Helena’s childhood friend. They grew up together in the city of gods. She’s a punk, she’s freaky and she is always here for all the energetic stuff. She’s great at getting people fired up, at motivating people, but she also is good at listening, even tho she doesn’t give the best advise lol. She gets together with Jack real fast. They just hit it off and run with it. Her hair is purple. She’s wild. (I’m also currently looking into adhd symptoms that she might have.) 
 There are also cosmic beings that are going to be very important to the story and several other characters but I decided to leave it at those because….. they are already a lot lmao. I’m drawing them so as soon as that happens they’ll be on my artblog. 
 I also decided to leave the characters of my third main project for now because four more characters. Feel free to ask about them though. 
 And thank you for this lovely ask!
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thegayhimbo · 2 years
I can't tell you how many times a character has said something along thelines of "Jason is the sweetest/kindest/most special man" they've ever met.
There are also characters who referred to Jason as an asshole, called him stupid, and had no issue taking him to task for his behavior when he acted badly. Did you miss those moments?
I can't think of a single good deed he did that did not revolve around him getting or keeping pussy. That's not being a good person, that's being a nice guy stereotype that just gets overlooked because he has eight abs showing.
In Season 2, he turned on the Fellowship of the Sun and came to rescue Sookie, even after Steve Newlin tried to have him killed because he loved his sister that much and didn't want to lose her.
He was also willing to humbly apologize to Bill and Sookie for his previous behavior, and tried to be more supportive of Sookie's relationship with Bill (which is more than Bill deserved honestly considering he turned out to be an abusive boyfriend).
He worked with Andy to rescue Sam from Maryann's followers, and later accepted Sam as a shapeshifter with no judgment on his part. He even thought it was cool Sam was a shapeshifter.
He helped comfort Sookie when Bill disappeared, and stayed behind to help her clean Gran's house after Maryann's rampage.
He was there for Sookie at the hospital after Bill drained her, and was relieved when she recovered.
He let Hoyt stay with him at his house after his fall out with his mom.
He came to Tara's aid against Franklin, which was an incredibly brave thing to do considering Franklin was a psychopathic vampire who could rip him to shreds.
He looked after Crystal's werepanther tribe for an entire year by providing them with food and supplies, even though he had ZERO GUARANTEE of ever seeing Crystal again. He could have easily walked away at any point, or turned them over to the police (which would have exposed their secret), and he chose to help them the best that he could.
He also helped Lafayette and Jesus move in together.
He tried to help Andy off of his V-addiction, which is more than Andy deserved since Andy was making really poor choices and was being an asshole to everyone at that point.
He risked his life to save Jessica when Antonia's spell was going to force her to walk into the sun, even at the risk of getting his head ripped off by her.
He worked with Sookie, Lafayette, and Jesus to save Tara from Moon Goddess Emporium, and later stood up for Sookie when Eric, Pam, and Bill were badmouthing her.
He helped comfort Sookie when she thought she was responsible for their parents deaths, told her that what happened wasn't her fault, and made her Breakfast-In-Bed to help her feel better.
He worked with Andy and the other police to track down members of the Hate Group in season 5, and helped save Sookie and Hoyt.
When he found out Warlow was coming to claim Sookie for himself, he worked to protect her, and even saved her life when Warlow tried to kidnap Sookie.
When Russell and Steve came for Sookie in season 5, Jason offered himself up as bait to lure them into a trap, risking his life for her again.
In season 6, he risked his life to try and rescue Jessica from the Vamp Camps, and even told her he wanted to do right by her. He was also horrified and disgusted by what was going on at the camps, and later helped Eric in taking down the camps.
In season 7, he willingly worked with other vampires to rescue the hostages at Fangtasia.
He ended his relationship with Jessica on an amicable note, and was genuinely happy for her when she got together with Hoyt in the last season.
The last episode of the series also has Sookie meeting with him when she's trying to decide what to do about her faerie powers, and he tells her that regardless of what she chooses, he will love her either way.
I just gave you several instances of good deeds he did that weren't about getting or keeping pussy (as you so crassly put it). Truly shallow and selfish people do not go to these kind of lengths for others. Regardless of his flaws, Jason was genuine about doing the best he could in trying to help other people. It's why I liked him. It's also why plenty of other people on this subreddit like him.
He then turns around and sabotages the police efforts of getting drugs off the streets. 
He was trying to protect the werepanthers from having their secret exposed to the humans. They very clearly spelled that out on the show.
He doesn't grow at all as a character.
He became more supportive of Sookie and worked to be a better brother towards her. He also became a lot more open-minded about the supernatural world compared to how he was at the beginning of season 1 (like accepting Sam as a shifter, taking care of the werepanthers, etc), and even acknowledged his previous attitudes and behaviors weren't okay. He also did the best he could in helping other people (see the examples I listed above). That's character growth.
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bassguy · 6 years
GOTY 2017
Honorable Mention: Doki Doki Literature Club
2017 was a strong year for deconstructed visual novels, but none of them take that concept quite as literally as DDLC. Not only does it successfully subvert every sexy anime school girl cliche you can come up with, it literally forces you into interacting with the game at a meta level to progress. It uses reality distortion to great effect, and the fact that it's free makes it all the easier to recommend.
Platform: Mac Country of Origin: United States
10. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The world is in love with Breath of the Wild: The open world, the systems-driven gameplay, the sharp swerve away from Zelda traditions. I like it – it's charming as hell, but I can't find it in my heart to love it like I love other Zelda games. Breath of the Wild is huge and intriguing, but it never quite hits the stride that more focused Zelda games do. I don't really like Skyrim or Far Cry 2, so seeing those influences here is actually a turn-off for me. Good on Nintendo for trying something new, but it just doesn't resonate with me like I wish it would.
Platform: Switch Country of Origin: Japan
9. Tacoma
Tacoma could never have the same impact as Gone Home. It's unfair to hold it to that standard, but I just can't help comparing the two. I thoroughly enjoy the aesthetic and story of Fullbright's sophomore effort, but it doesn't ever hit the high highs that I wanted. Gone Home was a deeply personal tale, but this is more of a biting societal commentary. The characters are pleasant means to and end, but each one could be swapped out with an equally compelling interpretation. The same could never be said about Sam and Lonnie.
Platform: Xbox One Country of Origin: United States
8. Mass Effect: Andromeda
Mass Effect, as a series, is personally important to me – any new entry will garner my complete attention. Sadly, the execution of this Mass Effect Gaiden ranged from perfectly average to actively off-putting. The changes to the combat were very smart, and I sincerely enjoy the core premise, but the way it's all put together is a huge disappointment. Add in the near-complete abandonment of single-player support, and it makes me want to cry. There's a skeleton of a great Mass Effect game in here, but it's tainted by gross mismanagement.
Platform: PlayStation 4 Country of Origin: Canada
7. Super Mario Odyssey
Mario is fun: Runnin' around, murderin' goombas, butt stompin', and all of that stuff is neat. But if "here's more Mario, I guess" was the entirety of the pitch, I'd have brushed it off like I have with so many modern Mario games. A highly-refined platformer only gets you so far in my book, so I was overjoyed when Nintendo decided to get weird. I came to New Donk City for the giggles, but I stayed for the gushing love letter to a franchise that meant so much to me as a child.
Platform: Switch Country of Origin: Japan
6. Horizon: Zero Dawn
If there's a single game that can sell the PS4 Pro's strengths, it's Horizon. It has a massive open world that could suck up hundreds of hours, and Guerrilla Games stuffed incredible little details in every crevice. I spent hours playing with the photo mode because it's so damn pretty, but that doesn't come at the expense of story. The characters, motivations, and revelations kept me coming back until everything was finished – nothing to sneeze at considering how easily I fall off of these kinds of games.
Platform: PlayStation 4 Country of Origin: The Netherlands
5. What Remains of Edith Finch
Edith Finch, to me, feels more like two intercut games. The first game stars Edith exploring the House of Finch for a larger wrapper narrative, and the second game is a series of vignettes about her dead family. The two games compliment one another – intensify each other. They examine the concept of fate through the popular lens of the "doomed" family/building, and since you, the player, get to experience both the physicality of the home and the viewpoints of the family, the interactive nature of video games lets Edith Finch transcend the well-trod tropes it leans on.
Platform: PlayStation 4 Country of Origin: United States
4. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
The Lost Legacy is, without a doubt, the best Uncharted game ever made. Chloe and Nadine are much more interesting than previous pairings, the open world aspects make the setting feel much more tangible, and it doesn't overstay its welcome like the last game did. If the Naughty Dog B-team wants to crank out short Uncharted side-stories every other year from here on out, I'd be completely up for it.
Platform: PlayStation 4 Country of Origin: United States
3. Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Despite going in as a skeptic, this prequel to Life is Strange deeply penetrated my leathery critical shell. I hated the resolution of the first game's A plot, and much of Max's dialogue came up short. So the fact that a different team in a different country on a different engine with a different protagonist with different voice actors was able to pull off this kind of powerful backstory is goddamn astounding. Before the Storm doesn't have the same time-bending supernatural goodness of the original, but it has so much more heart. And let it be said here once and for all: Chloe and Rachel Amber are the OTP of this series.
Platform: PlayStation 4 Country of Origin: United States
2. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Hellblade is unlike anything else I've ever played. It explores parental abuse, grief, personal loss, and the murky relationship between belief and mental illness. The player and the main character alike are never entirely sure what's real or imagined, and the surreal audiovisual presentation really sells the tenuous connection to reality. Pile on the phenomenal performance-capture tech, the top-notch acting from a purportedly novice actress, and the fascinating "Independent AAA" pitch, and the cultural heft of Hellblade cannot be denied.
Platform: PlayStation 4 Country of Origin: United Kingdom
1. Nier: Automata
Gobsmacked – absolutely gobsmacked. This pseudo-sequel to Drakengard grabbed me by the collar, and would not let go until I squeezed every last drop of narrative from it. It's been well over a decade since a game's twists and turns have legitimately floored me like Nier: Automata did this year. And in spite of the robot anime booty tomfoolery, this game manages to dive deep into the nature of war, duty, xenophobia, and humanity far beyond what I could have ever hoped for.
Platform: PlayStation 4 Country of Origin: Japan
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