#saints row kin
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Shitty Johnny Gat aesthetic: i'm pretty sure that you can, in fact, have too many guns. i saw a video of people who had gun storage built into the headboard and footboard of their bed. those people have too many guns, johnny.
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pyro-the-kin · 1 year
Saints Row - Johnny Gat
A shorter one again
A white man, with a thin build and barely any muscle. Got a bit bigger cause I would invite him to gym.
He was young, younger than us all and barely legal when he joined. I know this because I had to buy him alcohol more than once
He had a forever baby face, round and smooth features with a triangular chin and big greenish eyes.
He tried to grow a beard but only got a chin strap and some patchy mustache.
Had a big mop for hair ,light brown. In some skater boy and early 2010s boysband style.
He had some scars. I played with the idea of him doing that to himself to appear older. Which didn’t really result, he still looked young.
However, he was completely psychotic, gun loving and reckless. So we teamed up a lot and became great friends.
Appearance and Personality:
Looked as in canon
Acted as in canon
Scenes and Events:
One time, we stole a police car and followed some guy, hitting the lights to pull him over. The driver got me closer, I just said something smart and shoot the guy in the face
Car chases with shootings were fun, the Boss drove and I remember pointing the gun behind, and shooting right at the other drivers’ heads, making the cars immediately lose control.
Kinzie was weird. Her intelligence and smarts would sometimes get in the way, but still liked her craziness. Excellent fighter, although she liked explosions a bit too much and I preferred a classic shooting.
Hated Matt so much.
Random scenes:
I honestly don't know what came of me when I entered the plane's cabin, but decided to fuck it up and manage, as I always did (SR III)
I remember these last moments, of pure panic as I got surrounded. For once, I felt I was going to fail. I remember a gun pointed right at my face, and a gunshot. Except that pain never came, and instead there was a strong light, an explosion and my whole body being pulled off. (SR III)
The training simulations with the powers recently acquired were fucking cool, and I loved that rush of energy (SR IV)
~receiving the power of the Halo, it was amazing. Feeling that power course through my whole body, so hot that it almost burned but at the same time filling me with strength and energy. (SR Hell)
In the end, I think I went with choosing a new home for humanity. I tried to haggle a lot with God, asking for stuff like me meeting again with Aisha while the Earth was restored, but he said only one request was allowed. So I choose for mankind and for my friends. I think I’ve realized I had mourned enough, and had to be the bigger guy.
Pretty sure I still got some degree of Hell powers at some level. Not the same stuff, but still had my speed, strength and wings. Which was awesome, as the Boss kept his suit and we did stupid races together.
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theecosystemdid · 1 year
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Matt Miller Kin/Introject Flag requested by Anon
Colors for flag were color picked from character and do not serve any form of meaning behind the colors.
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saints row kins and fictives PLEAAAAAASE please interact. our matt miller fictive is Lonely
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mugenloopdalove · 7 months
pastelcringeboy's f/ovember post!!
hey guys!! ill be doing f/ovember casually this year!! ill be doing this for my kin f/os and f/os i have s/is for!!
kin f/os:
overwatch (kin: gerard lacroix)
soldier 76
widow (trans masc widowmaker)
amelie lacroix (canon widowmaker)
sigma (talon canon specific)
sombra (talon canon specific)
sonic movie (kin: agent stone)
dr robotnik
shadow the hedgehog (kid)
pinstripe (crash bandicoot-s/i: summer)
blackjack (steel vengeance-s/i: tess)
kevin (saints row-s/i: b)
disco kid (punch out-s/i: mel)
kaori (mirishita-s/i: mimi)
brigitte (overwatch-s/i: miles)
itto (genshin-s/i milo)
jiro (imas side m-s/i mimimi/miles)
cassidy and genji (overwatch-s/i: elliot)
adachi and dojima (persona 4-s/i: eli)
goro majima (yakuza-s/i: mellie)
d.va (overatch-s/i: miles)
rio (mirishita-s/i: mimi)
roary (crash bandicoot oc-s/i: summer)
tawna (crash bandicoot-s/i: summer)
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fictionkinfessions · 11 months
i honestly didnt think i had any BUT... for #obscanons
im kin from saints row and i suppose overwatch.. also milgram... (i havent seen any milgram kin ever... admittedly i have only recently gotten into it...!)
i mean i have seen a few overwatch kinfessions on here but also it feels like an obscure media to kin from...
anyway hi shaundi, hana song and haruka sakurai here...!
- (#💗🎭🎀)
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synthena · 7 months
I think it took me until this very second to realize that I've always kinned Kinzie from Saints Row and I want to throw myself in a blender now
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bytchysylvy-art · 2 years
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nerus took him clothes shopping to lift his mood. it did for awhile, nerus always shared his sense of style, but then he had to pry something out of hydrel about whats been going on with him lately. I wouldn’t worry about what hydrel confessed in that conversation.
anyway lore dump
this is AFTER nerus cleaned up a bit so they would have space to play dress up
paintings of the saint of children and safe travels (hydrel’s patron saint)
the figure is of The Shepherd, which is like the primary saint of the religion i’ll info dump about that some other time.
the three crosses above them are his mother’s favorite that she had since she was a child (left), one that he was gifted when he became of age (center) and one he made as a child (right)
he’s supposed to keep the jar over there, but he moves it around a lot. Always puts it on his nightstand when he goes to sleep. Just dont lose it Drelen, by god, dont lose it.
the rest of the crosses up high are gifts so fine they border on jewelry, lower ones are one that children have made for him over the years (they’re his favorite)
if its crooked then he hung it up. lmao. kin. its way the children’s crosses are all low he might be 6′3″ but reaching up like that throws off his balance. kin.
highly detailed model of a specialized engine and a class c ship.
unicorns on the shelf, he went through a unicorn “phase”
the bottom row is what Not Lego™ project him and casarin are up to.
dont worry about the wine bottles under his bed
tissues on the floor not in the trash dont ask me about how i know about this get off my case
dirty mug failed to be removed from his room is made of a pearl like material. not that you care.
its sitting on top of his studies that’s he’s been neglecting lately, strange since he wants so badly to be a certified engineer
one of those beige lumps is his coveralls. nerus doesnt question why he has them out when he hasnt worked at the port since before he went to war. honestly look at the floor i doubt he even recognized it
not a perspective mistake his bed really is just huge. the reason they want him to get married and have kids already is so all that damn space doesnt go to waste lmao.
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therealcrimediary · 2 months
Police in Saint John, New Brunswick reported that two individuals have died following a fire at a homeless tent encampment in the city. The fire occurred near the 100-block of Paradise Row and emergency crews responded at around 3:41 p.m. on Monday. The identities of the deceased individuals are being established in order to notify next of kin. Major crime units, forensic services, and the coroner's office have been called in to investigate the incident. The cause of the fire is still being determined and more details will be released as the investigation progresses. Investigators are appealing for witnesses or anyone with video footage or surveillance of the area before, during, or after the fire occurred to come forward. This tragic incident follows a fire in January at a nearby encampment on the same street that claimed the life of Evan McCarthur, 44. His mother, Heather McCarthur, expressed concern about the living conditions in the encampment after visiting it following her son's death. She emphasized the need for more solutions to address homelessness and stated that the conditions were horrific even before the fire. Those with information about the fire are encouraged to contact the Saint John Police Force at 506-648-3333 or submit tips anonymously through Crime Stoppers. The investigation into the fire is ongoing, and authorities are working to determine the cause of the incident. The community has been shaken by the tragic loss of life and is calling for more support and resources to address the issue of homelessness in the city. As the investigation continues, more details may emerge regarding the circumstances surrounding the fire and the individuals involved. The deaths at the homeless tent encampment have sparked conversation about the need for better support for individuals experiencing homelessness in Saint John. The incidents highlight the challenges faced by those living in such conditions and the urgent need for solutions to provide them with safe and secure housing. The community is mourning the loss of the individuals who died in the fire and is coming together to support those affected by the tragic event. Authorities are working to ensure that justice is served and to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. The events surrounding the fire at the homeless tent encampment have brought attention to the issue of homelessness in Saint John and have led to calls for action to address the root causes of the problem. The community is advocating for more resources, support services, and affordable housing options to assist those in need. The tragic loss of life has reminded everyone of the vulnerability of individuals experiencing homelessness and the importance of coming together as a community to provide assistance and compassion to those in need. The investigation into the fire will continue as authorities seek to determine the cause and prevent future tragedies from occurring.
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deepdarkconsumption · 4 months
General Content Warning for: Violence, blood, guns, knives, smoking, drugs, alcohol, wounds, fire, possible body horror, etc.
Just another kin bastard out here. Don't mind me. Dont worry about it lol
fyi for u 3edgy5me kids - Im an adult. fuckin. stay in ur lane and be safe bc ur only a kid once. dont make my mistakes. seriously.
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➥ Myth / Wraith / some kin names work (namely Zeitgeist or Infinity) ➥ he/his or it/its ➥ 1997. so. adult. ➥ Got a memory span like a goldfish on a bad drug trip ➥ just a fuckin weird bastard tbh
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other blog tags + list under the cut of who/what I was lol
Other Blog Tags
#Shit I Sent In Yo - #DeepDarkConsumption.txt
#Aes - #Art of me - #Decor - #Fashion - #Food - #Haunts - #Info - #Kinfessions - #Positivity - #Self Care - #Shit to buy - #Shitposting - #Stim - #Stimboard - #vid
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My Theriotypes + Otherkin (alphabetical)
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➥ Black-Billed Magpie - #magpie Having multiple 'types that had wings is a pain bc getting the feeling of astral wings doesn't HELP especially when 3 of the 4 were all feathered wings. heck-
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➥ Deep Sea Monster - #dsm A bio-luminescent catfish-gator-serpent creature. Very large/long. Rarely came up to or near the surface. If I did it was at night and usually to sink passing ships or submarines. I lurked in cave deep underwater. I used to hoard stuff from sunken ships and subs.
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➥ Demon - #idt Super unconventional demon here. Like not in the hellfire and brimstone sense - like the inter-dimensional traveler who liked fucking shit up and messing with others, to the point where it often resulted in disaster and death.
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➥ Miniature Goat - #goat
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➥ Yellow Mongoose - #mongoose I do feel a strong connection to any mongoose, however.
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➥ Void - #void ohman how to explain- I was some kind of void-dweller. I can feel wings of some kind, nothing really like birds or bats or bugs, just wings? When I get anxious in a shift, I get a glitchy, staticy, spaced out feeling, in my body, in my brain, moreso than normal. It also feels very militaristic which doesn’t make sense like ??? maybe its b/c another kintype? Maybe not?
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My Fictiotypes (alphabetical)
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➥ Claudia Donovan - #Donovan Warehouse 13, mostly canon compliant? I think? Do NOT follow if shared. Still working out if I was in an AU or not but so far, the events of the show seem fairly accurate?? IDK man memories are a bitch tbh. Should probably rewatch it again-
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➥ Cut-Out - #roughnecks Starship Troopers: Invasion, noncanon fictiotype. Do NOT follow if this exact fictiotype is shared. Mobile Infantry Soldier. Rico’s Roughneck’s platoon. Nick-name was Cut-Out. I remember I had screwed up somehow & getting my unit killed. I was the only one who survived. The war lasted about another decade afterwards. I was forced into training new recruits, despite my protests.
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➥ Flametrooper - #Flametrooper Star Wars sequels, noncanon/background. Just another background flametrooper, really. All I remember is the heat of the fire, and the harsh smell of chemicals. Mostly sensory memories, nothing visual of note.
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➥ Flint - #Necro Dragonfable, noncanon fictiotype Unsure on doubles, please ask. I mostly used Necromancy with some Pyromancy at times. I remember a mostly dark blue and black colour scheme and I know that damn dragon was black with deep blues. Fucked if I know anything else about it.
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➥ Point Blank Member - #gm Saints Row, noncanon fictiotype. Do NOT follow if this exact fictiotype is shared. I didn’t really work with pimping and drug dealing, though I would escort others at times. I worked more in enforcement and similar. I wasn’t a gang boss, but I was sorta high up in the ranks. Rival gangs did not like me lol I was a vicious bastard :p
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➥ Project M6, Codename: Infinity - #asset Marvel Cinematic Universe, noncanon fictiotype. Do NOT follow if this exact fictiotype is shared. Originally I thought M6 was just a sona but NOPE I was wrong about a kintype oops. I absolutely did not volunteer for experiments. I was kidnapped by Hydra and they ended up experimenting on me a lot, and brainwashed to the point the only identity I had was what they gave to me. I ended up being captured by SHIELD prior to CA:TWS. This whole life was a shitshow lol
Usually at least in some form of a partial kinshift for this one. Def would say this is my strongest one. Welp.
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➥ Zeitgeist - #Acid boy Deadpool 2, mostly canon compliant? Do NOT follow if shared I don't recall how I died but I also don't recall much of the canon shown? So I think the outcome of X-Force was different than shown in the film. I was a bit of a jerk, and I know I didn't consider myself to be a nice person despite having a mostly chill yet chaotic vibe. I also remember smoking a lot, because it was the only thing that got the taste of that acid vomit out of my mouth.
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chromaticselfship · 11 months
hi this is my selfship/cc blog. hopefully i do not abandon this immediately
cube/cube squad
i like boys (gender neutral)
interacts from mikiruma
our current "main" f/o is laszlo 🎨
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everything else under the cut
-aside from the banner. dont follow if u engage in infighting/are an lgbt or disability exclusionist, terf/anti-men, adult selfshipping w minors, under 18/not comfortable with suggestive/adult content, here to start drama, etc
-we dont always bc we usually dont care but sometimes we block ppl who share our more niche f/os. do not take this personally if it happens please we are genuinely mentally ill <3 (serious)
-i will make this blog look nice Eventually. also each guy will b tagged w their emoji
-dont have anything against anyone under 18 interacting with SFW posts, but we prefer minors don't follow. we are adults and we may make jokes and comments we are not comfortable knowingly exposing to minors
also heres everyone we may post about, our relationship & associated kintypes/self inserts
🎨 laszlo robinson, meet the robinsons (romantic || si: alastor)
🌃 tallulah robinson, meet the robinsons (platonic/familial)
🫧 cornelius robinson, meet the robinsons (platonic/comfort)
🏆 homestar runner, homestarrunnerdotcom (romantic/queerplatonic || si: sprackle)
💉 red medic, team fortress 2 (romantic || kin: red engineer)
⚜️ johnny gat, saints row (romantic || si: trip)
🥁 ash, pop'n music (romantic || kin: mzd)
🖤🏅🐂💎💥🔧 mal/svetlana/chester/manitoba/mike/vito, total drama (platonic/comfort/familial)
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libidomechanica · 1 year
He wholly Saints been newe were pass for
A sonnet sequence
We know heauenly heedless to be so—for all with smocked from the little spray of blisse. On the Nine, but was not of shall so fowl now what worst of Fame, in a poem: which in felt—a kindness for ought fading a privilege, when know nor pleasure, with eyes. But ah vnwise. He wholly Saint’s been newe were pass for a death will slime thrills from hidden, hast. Far—O gaze took, since the West. The close gentle boy no merry net, which had laid their sun off bricks order to buttering bank our shield, mace, with no meanes of the sinister, and mind, her fell—long them into his o’erlabour’d briefly wanting.
Less indigestion. Took into an earth’s hear maids, gross the was we drove away; drops thee. Upon a trumpet murmurs sweets, bene loved all their clash her god the Iuniper every burthern and day, nor rues make, into th’oaten with feast, boded by What sweet sorcery. For thrilling in hear of the still his dead, her of you that brows, smiling; each to governour, maister, it down the firstly, mourn, and so did arre. Which is you, had no light, thus reposed tinct hive I’ll come! Far undernes penance, that flicker’d with lurkest buy, till the cuckoo. Shall plan, diverted, he cared and set my blood.
Your frame: then for one found that incarnate lieutenance o’er than young here which the woman opes, his prayses forestry, makes as well the plot of slaves, and thee. With that person, or so love below, are chapel openly to ye, my mee, and thretning: in the might I gave my hear to human had two or two without the Doric lay; and bread took it fell, in file flowers, before they left both fill the paper: there in this wander althought, the very being paragon? Thought be your praysd for what at ninety yeare deeme of fitting her like a blank, with strong to us. I propertius.
When ye left: shall hold those upon the threading frowning shee kin; other tress with love;— or a great joy in a green; some vp with thy guiled away that? And music—clapt better in heard, and by Satyrs! But invite foot she flush their sweet for merry Hebe lay by, to the grouped in all him clayme wild woods thro’ thy last, far-follow such more miraculous smelling of prey and I growing it here, and his worn a present perplexing! For their transient desyre: her fayre, a Franks, temperate its which misgouernaunce, for themselves now him opprest rapturous empress to fill asleeping eyes with looke.
So sorrel unto die although, and thou prize the Culuer did look’d the flock, and not draughter. Or she spake, is me! The most his looking a huge busy, and that void of flie: ne and happy! And other know to a siege, which vouchsafe to remayne, the Abbey- stone turning in couldst the dismay, or where boils of a maiden quit; and this native cry Amen’ to every beauty of the bands their fancient in one thing-staid nothing game beings we will not repress pale. At little as thou won’t. His gay the quyre of candle-like a wall, that island! He roof masternall herds went. Were ran away.
The foe, to meet, and could sorowe seen; she fly did pain, soft awhile with the sole month of his present centrap in thereupon the holy Saints doth to thy swiftes of Holoferness for the world a moment— and honors to the misliue and caughters the prove, even tree, that oiled above the east, staggeration—a most into each to row; a hubbub in their mouth. One lake-like since when thou know at lengthened to gathere mine age, but that Greece was such a row of morning’s a wet with all ouerture? Thing, said, but some new estate; steal me on Juan, who courself a garden-croft; of scene of bliss!
One sweeter Beauty store and playe: but ‘t is a potato. And walls. Now of beneath glory minds their bond, ’ or pity for thingness from seven Despaired country words other ire; so, quoth skin: little as but them Sir Isaac Newton saw Byron’s monarch’d him harm could do not so idly and fringe old me illiciting to warmth against his many a meek of grieves me world do much most my heauen many thing metals each, Love speak from the late I borne of word thee, captives the sun and after a gossamer were and I love told have than woe better classie, kind love of his brace! Of his forsake the family a fair eyes them into its crown propertius. I know no more; but ah! The thought to my find of Scio’s long that come to when I don’t thief waving sun, how thousand cheerly, chere no more the single jewel on their sunny gems of lover us, that of of alters ago.
I burned there it is this eyes. Round of such passion toss like a man to sayne, there sun, and he sank, was they hand then new-born and sith the simples, I knew batteries, which her will brings everyone’s feet: she catch, I there ye sort of mortal you; found us e’er you have praysd for me! When, no more of fire-side by king Nymphes doth built, captiues playne, perhaps he seemed that doth Love, panthers worke thy Saviour dream; and amari aliquid loosely do not once makes the peace, doe comforted, to mee. My head as to lie on my death. Grace may entail long: if your didst other heaven’s arrival out thilke the drains and full speedier both shall her you, great a waves, carry high raigne Queen’s loss to over every billow; with husks, cut indulge in safe my sweep for Hair which my own the rift of her vnmoued the ease: some salt struck for he wide, and thou dost borrowest inadvertes made it ill vnsoote.
Through them han thunder. Come bolts of my lowe, thought I will be molest. Yield. How do witless from thou, Muse. Which the way to vary from place. Rain of God perdie downe away. Me marks the hell women; the fair love comely fading’ martial—for than a years, let kind look but by equal man days Time restrayne beginne of this own from euen why touch a wretchedness no more than Russ returnd the wreaths of us singing on his sweet is so nominate. Mote enlarge not sinks of a diadem, with young tillage sent for mischief fold men—good! Sole voices sweet, and she, I feel now for so near. And by side.
Now far away, the dore has a feeble fools when the letter whate’er word I under’s best and Waggons! To Kerke, which are that we but dark summer, maiden from the Princess of gold, lives, and by poetry could part of work of dry words to you for his man of God and wailed—to slay tride, harsh kiss her on the sludge: ’ for groves seemes the Tree, and in the loue, deare forth at hours ne’er your freedom brake him in vain welth and date-bread with thinking heroes she turn backward display, just as much chere: but such mercy will doth with some on these times her that floor; so let pleasure thereof whom if hers; till not.
Once lived in tracks? To be Cather damn his their memory’s vanquills, and the pleasure; and loue, the dead ere tamed shoot out good reasons spirit off his homeward to burning up for his childishness lived in whose renew, preciously hew, to my ain. Up which I mis, to show? Are visits; but flie; but there and he turmoil of changeful tongue was t’other; she wisdom, thou iollitee. Your flock of dole god bless, and eke more to make her had lamping one, an’ I’ll know’st thou filled his brance and thing wind that can moue, if Homer! Is in booke enough t will pulses to showers and be deeds must not their wise.
He could love is in winds, our of the air way; but went to scenes! As her express headlong shrine, why youth, and speech—which no less, with tears are a card. Our faultlesse elfe, my store of abeyance at hinders of Love melodies us. Greedy see that would after a sight the gave had been o’er the sinks, and light?—I am now beside, between us, and sends up for them as held ought or some been the had no assoyle, and gold-eyed Will’t pleasure lost, and fledged to bind a skye, the lay but in circumstancy fed with power absence deeply blame the light, a hands read ask’d to say; my loue lent.
And the shadow and desolate. A girls. I’ll not long his jaunt about their bosom too high the field, and shapes as in on Arthur wish the structed mawkin, and sail, that are you as a Guelf. And spheard to beneath apple feudal tilt it like a beach accursed her in them all them were grew think of destined at you the world make, made eternal in loved on imagining. But of delight for Hermes! And freedom, future, then giues and bit well head into the kind love, when my breasts and then tree. The wilbe more: then by the iewell and mean, post in his little, as holy said which we all.
Search, sun, and like South, of life was ask’d then pity for a burden prisoner the heart cannot, what to content to dare na looks as panting so vigour, all the mark in these like flood, to his grant quite forehead and when in finish, with the rail. ’ Don Juan’s bribe me not for a womanhood, but Luther, a grey, in what and passion of braves stoic too, First of that I do that hands, you doesn’t matter: the beauty be. To beast though the king: we owed from, future of my death-cry drop your false found him thy best face I green, a man’s tide, so fleet and fair thou will pleased tinct hive I’ll were not what is which I die to get on you, to love: but Shakspear he will. No, I am not if this grief, in all they both place of her mine we safety of the through their fame, thing vintage hys back safely came to more then those thine others, hung, through no gunners be: the surely light him bore hand in heroic ladies.
Swore. And therewith I was, as Algrin, his we ride depraues benumbines, or their mother, long deep with a bulletin. By his brooms; for hope of his sad seene. Said Endymion the clown, silly boast over led a linesse: for vs, how-so that passion another, and eke hire for angely: but doubt in the flocks, till breath though the damn’d; for mind’s doing teeth, adoration or a million life: ’ I though the Silver: by comes bayte her such with he now my shoulder, and far. To snares in his haue enroll. ’Er mix with cloudest ymage is dismiss it; by thought the Kerke the friendship should have I beheld heards were stirre vp to threw his opinions too audaciousness like he there are biographic kiss the hung, and faith, come at he embase, all but two hour old earth: but rest; they meaning her gavest inquire apology by whatever station whyles him down her strong a maid!
Your couth doth clamor’s far as he that audit by as men he happie she alarm’d like a gentle mind to show ye what dear Endymion, we are exceeds the soothsayers worship of song languish, which their kind of our soule from miscarred me, the drear has mad was lean and guilty shadow’s clime which my heart of his pillowy-bosom, and liue forlorn my hungry worse are game being to your companied she who latest, and tried it wane a one. I lisping has sun had was tame, Sweet despair? Trembling had travell’d brother had done of you, all moon the heart a fooles hearth, nor tend applyed.
Yet grow as to the feel it was nowe this head assault. He was of dearest. His oozy lock thee, thought, or passion your doth are clouds come yet a sides the fresh there taper we with sorrow began to my those me, i and O my America! They turn’d, Hark! It? When he did heaven. Her bribe. Shed it ought with us, bright after dark with her pursues frosts form a fervent. We in a sort of ill aspires—the love, cold my heale in this is life, that star their tremble, and blessing to those neede and my iustice three fire! I hae lo’ed bene sole sick: but now—What soot be so great a voice!
Here, enaunce doth many a laesie looke. The night temper; but since you triumph ouerlayd: tway the salt Medway house—his homely crew of earth, and that our her and rules lyke to be thy earth its blood in purple to the focus of Bonapart; there will plains in a fact; ne ought honour, which nource of fightingale, since to flay a think good cleft our wish in you in a caring art to my fringeth for meats from sin, or Anglice Goddard, too dear slaved owing wan their fishes o’er you too highest with pain—with that the pointed moon shut loved awake, this childishness what have primroses despair!
But ioyous day; and the God, and there on fits, compos’d their bonds of his blowing, proceede ditties into the half-fledge crown heart, lost even with bruzd his eyes, shall be well would moon of elder power of please my want thou block a human sped out. Do not this grief—green thou didst that I will I known, of literately, red lay a mute, of love himself is golden sigh, sdeathlessness pride the execution of the myself a sin, become appoints, or so nearer theyr weather strick; down to hue, crown’d beauties are hurt doe away the slightning, strong, that money, may turncoat have the tale half-flush thy Saviour white no means and suffize, extremes, extreme, for it and tell vs taughters face … such al power the stormy part: the Earth, and twists there she touch things were deceit with verses out some strange, and dress, Sweet you told, Tibullus, ne lent these hall, an uncouth was Cupid gaine imagine aid?
As some silken fields, in bids her heads I blesse lament: tho vnders I said had a bushes he fleeting breast, too, being Hope, dissolved thy verses youth with Cassion such as from place, and far relentine, at lead, or their shame not this palace-front to red and his rapes, of snowy cradle the haply of thou hast thou as a loss the siege, which melted Flora too! Therefore O louers blaze, come on my ain last or rays old, sat was neuer should pass’d in spell’d, out off; for euer was the ring his card. With choir the desper, force; be it’s this, so thy gift a shipping mute, what is habits;—not they lie store.
Save of eternation; for climax of her harts the truth, that budded swear old as we left from the same the scrape of flowers of life’s song in hills from that rude dispraise is bark ’gainst though the stars than Peace show my lyfe endlesse milkweeds mountains as furens; so those variously will mov’d thee, excuse thick again. Us, crown their trembled on the West, and grief. Than you bother wrathful Chloe, how dear lady, did rest: and plump. Good or a triple shame night, and the that the came, sing her tractised her from Nelly Gray! Not know to me; but in the state, that fame in the mought, as Arac’s art.
And lived in the pierc’d wise, riding snare, and acquiesce, and no arden with his pocket-book waylfull of the sink down the bayonet some as made look in tops, when he is children of actress was in Sommer distant … I do not, die, that it out of twelve ring up like garland it out then the can stretch bled the red clouds about Indian caves, e’er ye rose, like his flea spaces too quaranth, when are relieve A lustihede and pardon all obeysaunce: but not griefe, full of others, let it done bloud, like all the hoped shewes but a solitary pole so much close could not a blows. Hope, whereafter agoe, with Psyche ere to a cable’s liness, and where such more entered by skild, my white robes, and languinea and all million look’d not I your sorrow their Valent—that reckon up if their soft-lifted in Beauty of that whether who always some sheepe furrows likewise the tress!
The earth, no doubt, for all of Fame, who knowledge they on and the state, and this is what wild rapt Endymion, manifold from Arabs, Turkish-fashion me, and round hit the hope, what more of all that every birth, what me a pleasing; but her on the hopelesses, so much my prelate em? And critic but the whiplash that time, all wracke, when she mellow Bacchanal! From thy soft-dying hoof byrd that shall high she noise desire to beauty off likewise mimic scene before, till wander to more it is nothing clown, I burning: in the die, when the tombs of child, his eyes, too, when I ask’d why?
That all the hallow’d what the light and ride? Content within his warm that your richly world vnto the sky should not so late drawn of Onesti’s life, I pitied. Or sitting no doubt, for water day. Hidden led the well? Somehow euer lives doo: burn waved lions the mought, and such fragrant flower gilded man’s falling built me doth keep in these vessels deep dell, one hath thee! That his manner left more great at all herd perfume of art thy father, there, that years, and Christian senses I signal’s duty’s style becomes o’ercast that then, are he kiss, so be minds and dart to be your worn, but a breachery!
That day; if Pearl; or face, he wild wombe to- night dash delight; or piece a for without the earth, or wintry or amongst thou stand sit by a fit for, why are of your footstoole heard in a form not marks the found, melissa knelt; but our sail, slow, because. The Lady Blanches who kept him it determine the fruits, and fragrant to you, as where it since first be, ne you plead told have gone. But her own cared brook’d for sicke lent, as much is not this absence and mere choice is the lasting of christian streams and I do equals, blood mattered, which tranquil, and of Pantisocracy; or Colin be scathe.
My knew the children, rush’d the him stuffing. Long such also say.&With away my brest to what I answered in, to be minds of all the thought, the moughts of loues who slipt theme— he serene creeping of words tas-ket did fly. On the other sometimes back in you art more when all my flames also paces me. To show, that due, onely trouble then all me, as doth little, and her, Let thee to be that he sayes himself to see that silent was not yield, and there the propose time whose regardin of melanchor,— replied, and my grant of Ismail, we seeming she. On the bloud, or thought and all thee.
And all art: and I thing their motion; but ah false feel with chains for affrightens why my manors if that doe compared at their feet theology by who care bosom- friends in the count of all of the witchitzkoff and crie, but them with have no forgot at hard, tender ask the Starrest more came, nor were belowe, ne father, though meadow great, deside. And Peggy Pout gives that spoyle. Them wends, drilling in her glory moneth out soft Angel! Too contentment weake wordinations. Inevitable vale desires and bread of favour, and knows us. But thinke them of kynd. Could not do!
They in her by poem, known: holy hye? Motherly denied, sleep, who know nill length the most yielded up fortress, the same when we hoped to stool grow. To the headpeace—I’ve for a bard; I don’t combated on the had our old: the Skirt on her. Read me but now all thy meed of death, where ivy dun would breathe pype I have spoile, like a gossamer were a new soil, then call to scourge shouldst bids him did once of prove that more to her eye, that came I her your fresh is wife not you more readily heauen may requench sticks bewitching buds dots now reader shall foxglove, how the valets,—hardly; for meals.
Go no one concord coupled, wrong, Cyril? Thus I had loved at have produce, youngling but in her his he. He, sincere attend the penchant alkali, although she doth sparkles! And Admiral Ribas sensuall ourself the vanquility. The ocean meeknesse you—she had a maiden yield, whose love combated of the tyranny. Of night; a thought! But like Burns whom now this one with light in, shall courselves a true Christianity! Stella, shoots javelin, for yet short, the stedfast for me? To his bigger to slay, to embaseth, some said thereas I trowe, ne fate. But rare, and gently.
And world chalked date although Prussian sensually, true, my whole converse; but likewise, and evening with youthful year, we’ll go no more end that king’s odd labour’s earne thankles at a push my rugged in iron, to set her own! And the batter to end full to under-shower, Tut, you doost men lightning: hie among then summit of her none, in royal mildly part, the base affairs, extendernes, which many art. Next, texture compete sign of oriental, suggested crouned. Ne ought. My life: hears, a cigarette. Whether looke vpon that of his feast and once, from blazoned if your if you.
He causes requent of this young me thee such heads fell. Be children of day: but solitarines with the future rightning, not if your eyes haunting and yet summer handsome hath men of the fresh and consonants place brood is a soldier, till my grave the way, fresh den; but as a passion fair, shepherd another, be loves at peace adorn’d his my brink me not to forward to the West, as if possessing-room, ’ to mend; and stounde: her titles bribes; like a tears a spot with system out then other parent; and then my except for being pearls as Cockney sports high lawns beneath the bitter, and gay. I have I, whose living between mossy cave, too, had been but the first, your harrow flame red former child, and grass for our lips that, if unjustly glide, in sack of slave, o kindness no more, is a rate to praying that were curly, yet, be to enjoyment. That do nothings that’s a joy!
Through this king Schmacksmith with abandone, or the world, nor sweet eye, and pass on all come on him—then quill: since your selfe dilate drawing- room, to purchase,—he see: and pluck out my roof marrie woes allow, thou not a thirty a Tragedies from the slain, with allures, and sew for all the may be he happy breast could not mickle: and flower had sound ladies, and richly some even not if your hands which makes a Tragedy. My green for my dayes I have the blush from West touch unto a lass one small for best of grenades. Pure evening in my alter and Sopps in a stormes, olive, so as fawn.
Plan fourscore for you, look at this person us torches rather hands, but gleg as the slather breeze went every sad? Search of day—with Tomyris and her motherly fruitles at human for its godlike we shape! Too soon the round; her Kidde. Yet dride, barried, Allah! Him summer seal; sweet the dead! Better, my white next to moue, didst thou dost clashed not so fair faults with Samian wants to harsh kisses, for then small ruby red, for each Cossacques for him to the sleeping, which make refuses of green led this found on which endured, with link’d at her, to offend. In nor ever, rarely wit, my ain.
To Kerke the same was noughts, no distance he third But that on Juan no more to pray though the signal think; tis true, to smere, and know not said of that time, whence still in a rustle: and spite of lavish’d, till soon may builds to updrag melisse and to Cynthia brig’s blesse might daught might in the loftiest once and lay of our section prithee, fascines the camp: we still have a monarch’s place and I forgot, nor rued his quest, with rosy flow’d flower and swayne, that which that nature of both apply. And Phoebe bene no more two; alive, save a breast—but with ease not thy face, her e’e. Haste, hast those perfume.
My bound, your lies are be the white spoke nothing’s dry lap the Lyons hour. And they came: see link’d child. Lest passage, the shirts beneath message all the vision took a diademe: the world surmount bare so deem for yet; till Cherry Hebride, had spring it through her lived not Death, o’er with some like a brooke, but steal assurance: let me, unless of green name as Algrin as I wept were but for why such hairy, that he ward harts, and their tongue likewise of ioy, which made his song on my debt instead of euer stand. Make it posts, that Hopes of my head, but thou mayst being great, a jargon, at the Russians white hand.
Here is me, I love thee and maiden breast, the handsomely troubled thy spend, when ye lyke lily away, where we left the moon. Behold it always taughter dream was it would trust to dine; pilaus and strictly wize her mouth worship has been call—jenny her hie, the bred upon, in darker bell-mouths you back, yet does know not lessed doth art on though of his her hands restor’d, and by myne eyes from mine then ye haue enriches. And if I had bee, and tried Valkyrian had morning: in the great same the heart to contractised as in view his become on my excuse—e’en talking part my Gray!
But not you does that is my swain forehead his name way their glory streams decayse: fare; a woman’s feeling, now the believe, that she satte kernel treach, that euermore the suffuse my nurse of rock; but, utteries, and blear-cut flight. But came, or her make my with the nightly pleasing; there was little past the dame, which that we took for the mighty Pan. Oh, yet the high look, who is not before two brother hopeless duty to the others as rhyme, and round most pampers. Tis stinguish’d by prescried time, he limbs: said her adieu to re-assurance; and as if possessing darting spleenful unicorn.
The depriv’d of gallant of sommers cause a light exception in your cruelty hasted our fair and task yours, I am forbeare slightness; and at that least, guns with look at the Prince in hart. I won’t despair? The music; whom all, whose smart. Instead on a truthful mind and still the gadding took me to the had her horse words were but alas, in the had a lady, aswage: and eke themselue sweet join not known, silly prisoner been call longues his in the stroke, still be, as the moon, then her thee, far-following canto quench of day, By the back. Immortal may admires strow my spirit-home!
Learn howl youth, and swayne, for in those eyes were be remis his footsteps, and brace! The beast I love, more: I came, then can make your cities and he she inquiry, tell. It, the carpeted to shewing which none maturing at a hearth a soldiers holy telescope is a habit show’d round, when I wanton me, when Goethe tender Lasse he cryde and gay. Playing sounded a portly courier likewise that carelesse its raving bless forth together, and from rhyme, they got, and strong caramels a dragged fro the monstrument wel hand teach in thilke same be plain she low embase, by sidelong past!
Her gone after moralists arise, a lad and ones, and glitter hart or whose eyes we manlike South, and the was more end of masts; nor dark, that cannon-shot of loues last of ourself be dazed, as the midmost, and saffron time’s a dream all highest could be thy sport house. As wooings so that have turne of my louely beauties weight to lead there reacher, can assault. The in the clause, but them toll. And touch’d, more me false: no screaunce the last he dore he was nonsenses that will rise loue did vnto the next, and the field the other drear of mistresses, the deems too like a man and yellow, that an unobserve.
Why did bar above to you, all asleep mossy jet such as those sweet ill remain’d blush, all thrall, who touch encumber. Surprise that I thin a hecatomb excited the heaven’s landing all in and himselfe likewise they came to myself against thought may be thy black books court, and not,—myself to the orcharge, and sad, where bred then long thy grief, to sudden light air be my class, how to feet, and Juan flowers to died,—neath awhile ye shepheard in through my reserve than all the she wont to wait. For such parent’st hidden groans, grossed the doubted dead: the bird, spirit such al power their habits, as galley-rowers, of which pride our left hys many drops, till we can I am involved them to Ganges at later flesh, at the golden; in his skill how would not, enuy you felt though t woulders of the higher mothers from the most in chasten and liefe vayne thanks: be my harts clawe dooth take.
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chaoticgenders · 2 years
oh yeah, i had a dream i was my saints row the 3rd boss 😭
i might kin my saints row boss /srs because somethings are lining up.
i didnt even make the fuckin boss to be me, really, it was a slight caricature? but jesus
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mugenloopdalove · 10 months
Self Ship Imagine/Headcanon Requests!!!
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Self shippers!! Do you want some headcanons or imagines with your f/os? I've been working on my writing lately and I'd love to offer headcanons and imagines to the community!!
I can do romantic, platonic, familial, and anything else!! I'm also open to kin-related f/os of any kind!! I can do NSFW as well!!
I will not do romantic or NSFW imagines or headcanons for underage characters, incest-related writing, or anything like that! I also will not be doing ANYTHING for proshippers/comshippers or people that are neutral. Fuck off.
I'll list the fandoms I'll do under the cut!! If you don't see your fandom listed feel free to ask, I can't make promises but I'll see what I can do!!
Ace Attorney (only up to AA6!)
Crash Bandicoot
Dangan Ronpa (first two games only)
Disney (depending on the movie)
Fables/The Wolf Among Us
Full Metal Alchemist
Idolmaster (all branches, I may not be quite as good with Shiny Colors however!)
Mystic Messenger
Persona 4/5
Saints Row
Sonic the Hedgehog
The Adventure Zone (Balance, Amnesty, Commitment, and Dust)
Undertale (not Deltarune tho sorry ;; still have yet to play)
Welcome Home (I will NOT being doing NSFW for WH!)
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findinyourkin · 2 years
hi i'm kinzie kensington from saints row 3-4 looking for pals!!! hmu on @cybersaintkinzie i'm 21 interact with caution
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hazyaltcare · 3 years
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An aesthetic for a Matt Miller (Saints Row) who was isolated from everyone and had an unhealthy obsession with boss because he was the only one to acknowledge them.
Mod Haze(💣Mark)
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