viaov · 9 months
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“S.B.”, Harley Quinn, “Ask me about my clown agenda”
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bil-lahza · 2 years
sanırım bazı insanlar onlara sunulan güzellikleri bir kenara bırakıp; en ufak ayrıntılara, içlerindeki tüm kötülükleri bırakmaktan vazgeçemiyorlar. her daim her şeyde bir kusur aramak da insanı yormaz mı olric, düşünsene bir çiçeğe bakıyorsun ama yaprağının azlığından veyahut biraz solmuş olması sana büyük bir eksiklik olarak görünüyor. bu durum, bakış açısı her iki taraf için de yorucu olmaz mı,
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ravenmill · 7 months
Hello i'm here for your free reading my question if i will have sucess in my career music and acting? I have not started
My inicials are S.B.
Thank you
get started on your career right away <3 I wish you luck
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flwrbo · 1 year
roommates. (marauders)
moving out of your cheating bf’s house, into some apartment u found on craigslist. the three men seem nice enough, charmingly annoying if nothing else, and you fall into step with them quickly. 
the nicest of the three is remus, who is always up the latest, usually donned in an oversized grandpa sweater he no doubt got from a 50cent bin at the thrift shop down the way. (he eventually shows you the place to get you your own clothes when you steal one too many of his jumpers.) he can’t be mad though, not really. not when you look so pretty in just his sweater and a pair of pretty undies, drinking tea and making pancakes with him in the late afternoon.
you first meet sirius out of anyone else when he answered the door in only a fluffy towel. it was nearly enough to send you running off, though you’d never admit the handsomely placed tattoos that decorate his body was enough to get you to stay. he shows you how to play his bass - or rather, he lets you lean into his chest as he plucks at the strings in his free time. he even rested his hands over yours as you showed him the simple ballad he teaches you. your favorite, though, was james.
james... who wakes before anyone else to complete his morning runs, bringing junk food for everyone else to eat for breakfast. james, who always guides you away from the street onto the safe side of the sidewalk when you join him for early morning strolls. james, who looks down at you with those glasses that are always gliding down his nose. james, who reached out to you after you placed the offer from the ad in the first place. the moment he and the boys saw you, they knew they’d do anything they could to make sure you joined their cozy little nest. <3 
masterlist here <3
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mute-call · 4 months
@feralreason said: ❝ Oh, so you’ve finally come to face me in person, have you? ❞ (I'm super super shy but I want to interact dhfhjgj)
There are many possibilities implied by the question and by Mr. Miller's tone of voice. He doesn't sound happy, that's for sure, but beyond that...
Could he have been waiting for assistance?
Could he have anticipated the reason behind Phone Guy's visit? (As the only animatronic without a set stage area, it's become the designated 'bot for wandering around and "helpfully" reminding slacker employees that they're not on break.)
Could he be upset about something?
Uncertain and unable to guess, Phone Guy pauses his queued dialogue urging Mr. Miller to return to work, and instead goes with:
"Whoops, I didn't quite catch that. Please repeat your question loudly and clearly, or dial '1' for language options. Thank you!"
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marta-krasina · 19 days
По словам Олливандера, именно волшебная палочка выбирает волшебника, а не наоборот. Лучшие результаты достигаются, когда между палочкой и волшебником существует духовное родство. В какой-то мере, палочка — отражение личности волшебника и его способностей. А потому…
Немного о волшебных палочках главных героев
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Джеймс Поттер 
Его волшебная палочка из красного дерева с сердечной жилой дракона 
Как говорил Олливандер, древесина красного дерева для производства палочек в дефиците — она постоянно пользуется спросом, так как считается, что это дерево приносит владельцу удачу. Однако, все ровно наоборот: палочки из красного дерева притягиваются к волшебникам, уже обладающим замечательной способностью выходить сухими из воды, делать правильный выбор, даже в полной разрухе ухватить что-нибудь хорошее. Соединение такого волшебника с палочкой из красного дерева всегда интригует и стоит лишь ожидать о захватывающих подвигах.
Лили Поттер
Ее волшебная палочка из ивы с волосом единорога
Ива — редкая для волшебных палочек древесина с целительной силой.  Идеальным хозяином для нее часто является несколько (обычно необоснованно) неуверенный человек, однако умело старающийся это скрывать. Ивовые палочки раз за разом выбирают тех, у кого есть большой потенциал. 
Ивовая палочка также очень красивая и обладает репутацией для продвинутой, невербальной магии. 
Ремус Люпин
Его волшебная палочка из кипариса с волосом единорога
Палочки из кипариса ассоциируются с благородством, говорит Олливандер. Они находят родственную душу в людях храбрых и самоотверженных, таких, кто не боится противостоять теневой стороне своей природы и природы других. 
Великий средневековый изготовитель волшебных палочек Джерейнт Олливандер писал, что для него всегда было честью подобрать пару кипарисовой палочке, поскольку он знал, что встретил волшебницу или волшебника, которому суждено умереть смертью героя. К счастью, в наши менее кровожадные времена обладатели кипарисовых палочек редко призваны отдавать свои жизни, хотя, многие из них, несомненно, так и поступят, если потребуется. 
Северус Снейп
Его волшебная палочка из черного (эбенового) дерева с пером феникса
Черное дерево лучше всего чувствует себя в руке того, у кого хватает см��лости быть самим собой. Часто нон-конформисты, индивидуалисты или те, кого устраивает статус аутсайдера. Они идеально подходят тем, кто будет держаться за свои убеждения независимо от внешнего давления и кто не отступится от своих целей.
Имеют эффектный внешний вид. 
Сириус Блэк
Его волшебная палочка из английского дуба с сердечной жилой дракона
Как говорил Олливандер про эту древесину: палочка, идеальная для хороших и плохих времен, она такой же верный друг, как и волшебник, который ее заслуживает. Палочки из английского дуба требуют от своих партнеров силы, смелости и преданности. Также известна их сила к мощной интуиции и зачастую к родству с магией природы. 
Его вторая палочка из осины с пером феникса (раньше принадлежала предку Сириуса, но она так же, как и первая палочка, сама выбрала нового хозяина)
Эта волокнистая, белого цвета древесина высоко ценится всеми изготовителями волшебных палочек за свою стильную схожесть со слоновой костью и выдающуюся приспособленность к заклинаниям. Подходящий хозяин осиновой палочки — искусный дуэлянт, потому что осиновая палочка особенно хороша для боевой магии. Владельцы таких палочек обычно сильны духом и решительны, их больше остальных привлекают поиски и новые порядки; это палочка для революционеров.
Регулус Блэк 
Его волшебная палочка из граба с пером феникса
Граб выбирает себе в спутники жизни талантливого волшебника с единственной, чистой страстью, которою некоторые могли бы назвать одержимостью (хотя Олливандер предпочитает термин «мечта»), которая почти всегда реализовывается. Грабовые палочки быстрее остальных приспосабливаются к стилю колдовства своих хозяев и очень быстро становятся настолько персонифицированными, что остальным людям чрезвычайно тяжело ее использовать даже для самых простых заклинаний. Также палочки из граба усваивают кодекс чести своего хозяина, какой бы он ни был, и не станут ничего совершать — как хорошее, так и плохое — если это не вяжется с его принципами. Такая палочка особенно точно настроена и разумна.
Его вторая палочка из грецкого ореха с сердечной жилой дракона (раньше принадлежала предку Регулуса, но она так же, как и первая палочка, сама выбрала нового хозяина)
Палочки из грецкого ореха выбирают высокоинтеллектуальных волшебников, новаторов и изобретателей. Палочка из грецкого ореха будет исполнять любое задание своего хозяина, при условии, что он обладает достаточно блестящими способностями. В руках бессовестного волшебника она может стать поистине смертоносным оружием, поскольку палочка и волшебник могут брать друг от друга все самое вредное.
София де Бланк
Ее волшебная палочка из кизила (сердцевина неизвестна) 
По мнению Олливандера, палочки из кизила чудные и непослушные; у них игривый характер, и партнеров они хотят себе таких, которые могут предоставить им возможность для азарта и веселья. Однако в случае необходимости кизиловые палочки способны на серьезное волшебство; как известно, в трудных условиях они выполняют выдающиеся заклинания, а в паре с соответствующим сообразительным и изобретательным волшебником творят ослепительные чары. У многих кизиловых палочек есть интересная слабая сторона — они отказываются выполнять невербальные заклинания, и вообще довольно шумны.
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Arizona’s newly elected Gov. Katie Hobbs (D) signed an executive order extending employment protections to state employees and contractors who are LGBTQ+.
As the Human Rights Campaign reports, the executive order, signed on Hobbs’s first day in office Tuesday, directs the state’s Department of Administration to update hiring, promotion, and compensation policies for all state agencies to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and include provisions in all new state contracts to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
The executive order goes beyond what is already required under state and federal laws banning employment discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, pregnancy, and veteran status, to include factors such as sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, culture, creed, social origin, and political affiliation.
KAWC notes that sexual orientation is already covered under a 2003 executive order issued by former Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano (D). But as press aide Murphy Herbert explained, “The order from 2003 arguably allowed the state to consider sexual orientation in hiring so long as it wasn’t the only reason for a hiring decision.”
Hobbs’s executive order, Herbert said, “clarifies that discrimination based on sexual orientation is prohibited in all state hiring decisions.”
“Gov. Hobbs has been all over the state and she’s been hearing from communities who say that they want a state that reflects the values and a state where they feel seen and safe,” Herbert told KAWC. “This executive order is one step she’s taking to ensure that everyone in Arizona knows that she is the Governor for everyone and that these communities can and will be safe.”
Human Rights Campaign Arizona State Director Bridget Sharpe said that the LGBTQ+ advocacy organization “was proud to work alongside countless other LGBTQ+ organizations and allies to help Katie Hobbs become Arizona’s Governor. She ran on the promise that she would immediately act to stop the attacks on Arizona’s LGBTQ+ individuals and families and use the full extent of her power to protect our community. On her first day in office, she took an important step towards fulfilling that commitment by signing an Executive Order providing non-discrimination for LGBTQ+ state employees and state contractors. This is what it looks like to have a champion for equality in office. We can’t wait to work with the Hobbs administration to move our state forward.”
But Cathi Herrod, president of the conservative lobbying group Center for Arizona Policy, claimed that Hobbs’s executive order may violate the constitutional rights of faith-based agencies.
Last year, former Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (R) approved S.B. 1399, which created religious exemptions for faith-based adoption and foster care agencies. “That law should take precedence over any executive order,” said Herrod. “The question is, does the state want to continue to have faith-based agencies providing such critical foster care and adoption services? I think we do.”
Sarah Warbelow, legal counsel for the Human Rights Coalition, conceded that S.B. 1399 trumps the new executive order. However, she explained, Hobbs’s order covers other things that organizations and agencies that contract with the state’s government can and cannot do.
“For example, if the YMCA wanted to contract with the state to broaden summer camps, that new executive order doesn’t say anything about discriminating against the kids who go to those camps,” Warbelow explained. “It does say when you’re hiring those camp counselors, you can’t discriminate on the basis of race or sex, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity.”
Herrod disagreed. “You can’t discriminate and not award those contracts on that basis,” she told KAWC. “Because if they didn’t award the contract because of the religious entity’s beliefs, then they’re violating their constitutional and statutory rights.”
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viaov · 9 months
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“S.B.”, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy
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kayforpay · 1 month
hey hello people online if you ever have a book suggestion for me, please tell me. I'm trying to read more and trying to find suggestions online makes me want to become illiterate
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭
❝𝕬𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘯, 𝘗𝘢𝘰𝘭𝘢
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𝕴t was another common late afternoon in the Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza pizzeria, the restaurant had closen an hour ago and yet there you were, doing the job of a coleague that got sick.
𝖄ou took the broom that was placed inside one of the many closets and walked among the halls until reaching your main destiny, the principal Party Room, the one in which Toy Bonnie, Chica and Freddy where standing on it’s stage, looking slightly creepy but still friendly to you.
𝖄ou started sweeping the forgotten papers, scraps of gift wrapper and other things like pizza remains. 𝕰verything was quiet and the enviropment in which you were settled in was calming and sligthly nostalgic, even though when you were a kid not even the ‘Fazbear’s Family Dinner’ restaurant was out there, the friendly faces of the plastic animatronics and the warm colours surrounding you reminded you of some good ol’ childhood memories.
𝕬t some point between 9pm-10pm [the restaurant closed at 8pm] you finished ‘your’ job and went to put the broom back to where you got it from initially. 𝖄our footsteps echoed through the warmly lit corridors of the pizzeria, anyways you slowed when the sweet and soft melody of Puppet’s music box reached your ears. 𝖄ou opted for leaving your broom forgotten while resting on the nearest wall and you entered the Puppet’s room.
𝕴t felt even more nostalgic to be there than to be in the main party room, the dim lights and soft music reminding you of when you used to get into bed with your favourite stuffed animal while your mother slowly hummed a song.
𝕬 smile broke into your lips when that thought crossed your mind, and knowing that you’ll have to leave before 11:30 because your boss told you to not overlap with the segurity guard’s schedule, but since the clock barely had overcome the 10 number you thought you maybe could stay a bit longer, admiring that room.
𝕿hat calming sensation you felt when you entered the room did not last long anyways...
𝕿he sound of footsteps in the hall next to the room you were in reached your ears, making your body freeze in panic and confusion for a good 5 seconds until your brain processed the thought of the intruder being armed or an atacant. 𝕬nd so, you found yourself wrapping your hands around a soft blue and green coloured plastic pinata bat.
𝖄ou held your breath while you slowly walked towards the entrance of the room, trying to make your footsteps as silent as possible, in fear of the intruder being a robber or even worse, an assassin.
𝖂hen you finally reached the entrance of the Puppet’s room you jumped out of it, holding your bat over your head with a scared expression and closed eyes, but after a pair of seconds of no response you reopened your eyes again, getting hit by the surprise of nobody being there.
𝖄our hands got sweaty as you slowly put down your arms from the defensive position, your brain still setting off the danger alert. 𝖄ou turned around and dropping the bat behind without even caring about the plastic item or the now long forgotten broom resting on the wall you quickly made your way towards the exit. 𝖄ou didn’t have any more work to do and staying in the place when you clearly heard footsteps and felt a human presence didn’t seem like an attractive idea to you, so you just fast-walked to the exit.
𝖂hen you were almost there, another sound made its way to your auditive senses, making you stop dead in your tracks and turn around, only to be faced by the ‘Parts and Service’ room door.
𝖄ou gulped hard, the sounds of someone cursing under their breath and trying to walk reaching your ears even through the metal door, which you now take notice wasn’t fully closed. 𝖂ith your heart in your throat you shakily moved your hand towards the slightly open door, taking a pair of deep breaths before wrapping said hand ‘round the golden doorknob, trying your best to not make any sound.
𝕬s soon as you had firmly grabbed said doorknob, you twisted it quickly and you opened the door as quickly as the before said action. 𝕿he door made a loud creaking noise and you saw the figure of a human jumping in the dark at the sound.
━❝SHOW YOURSELF!!!❞━━━ You shouted with a shaky and slightly high-pitched voice, panic taking over all your features as you tried to identify the sex and age of the human inside the room.
━❝U-um... Hi...?❞━━━ You heard a female voice say, your body relaxed only slightly, a female aligned human [even as sexist as may sound] was usually more weak than a male one, so that meant that you could maybe survive if you ever got into physical fight.
𝕭ut this voice seemed as if it belonged to a teenager or as a maximum a fem aligned young adult. 𝖄our hand ejerced more force into its hold onto the doorknob as you narrowed your eyes slightly, trying to identify the female’s features or at least height. 𝖄our eyebrows raised in surprise when your eyes finally were able to indentify the female’s age, and you were right in your suppossition, as her height was the same of a normal pre-teen, she was probably in between the 12-13-14 age gap.
━❝Hello❞━ You answered, quite sceptically ━❝Would you mind telling me your name while walking towards me?❞━━━ You asked, now that you were sure of the age of the girl, knowing that she could’ve gotten lost and left behind after the restaurant closed its doors.
━❝Oh... sure, I-I guess...?❞━ You heard her answer from the dark, and you let go of the golden doorknob when her footsteps walking towards your way reached your ears ━❝My name’s Paola, but I’m sure you already knew that ❞━ She answered, finally letting her body be covered in the hall’s low light, the last few words confusing you even more.
━❝Wha...? No, I don’t think I knew your name yet...❞━━━ You answered, your eyebrows frowning a little thanks to the confusion her words gave you, but before you could continue your eyes finally laid on her, and you took a moment to slightly analize her in case some parent had told you about their kid disappearing during your day shift in the pizzeria.
𝕾he was not quite tall... but neither she was small, she was more like average estature. 𝕳er dark brown and wavy in the ends hair was messy, some strands falling onto her face. 𝕬nd now talking about her face, her skin was pale, not to the point of being the typical white milk skin or paper white skin as it still had some dim colour. 𝕳er eyes were a mixture in between sea blue and weed green and were decorated with a good quantity of eyelashes. 𝕾he was wearing a rainbow striped T-shirt, on top of that she had a brown long sleeve jacket, with a hoodie and also with pockets on its sides. 𝕾he wore a pair of a kinda worn out blue jeans and she also wore white converse shoes, with rainbow, hello kitty and star themed stickers making them look more childlike and visually satisfying.
━❝Wait a minute... You are not June!❞━━━ You heard her say, while her eyes perked up with curiosity, and your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as how she knew your coleague’s name.
━❝Uh... no, I am indeed not June, she is Ill so I came to do her chores ❞━ You started explaining, your hand making its way to Paola’s shoulders, to gave her a slight push in the door’s direction ━❝But how do you know about her anyways?❞━━━ You asked with mere curiosity as you walked with your hand still on the young girl’s shoulder and leading her to the main exit door. 𝕿he girl’s body slightly tensed at the question and you felt thanks to her shoulder movement how she started nervously playing with the end of her rainbow striped shirt.
━❝We-Well, you see... I-I-... She was in my B-day party today! Yeah- tha-that’s it!❞━━━ She nervously chuckled as you rolled your eyes, knowing very well about that being a lie, ‘cause, ya know, having to deal with trouble maker b-day party kids really made you aware of the lies, and Paola surely wasn’t a good liar, but you opted to hum in agreement and nod while the exit doors started to enter your visual camp.
━❝Okay then, Paola❞━ You started, taking a bit of time to remember the girl’s name ━❝Here its the exit, do you live near here? or do you need me to walk you or drive you to your house?❞━━━ you asked with a soft tone as you two walked out of the restaurant onto its parking, it was a dark night and you knew it surely wasn’t safe for a girl her age to walk a long distance to her house at this unholy hour of the night.
━❝Oh! I live just round the corner! That way!❞━━━ She stated, pointing at a nearby and well-lit street with the enthusiasm you’d expect of a child pointing at which toy they would want for their birthday.
𝖄ou noded, freeing the girls shoulder and waving her goodbye before watching her disappear in the dark of night with her destiny firmly settled in her home. 𝖄ou kept your eyes on her figure walking towards the street for a good pair of seconds, not risking anything to happen to that teenager who still had got her whole life ahead of her. 𝕭ut you were, indeed, forced to take your eyes off her silhouette when a cold breeze hit your body, making you turn your head in the direction of the cold and unexpected blow of wind. 𝖄ou wasted no time in furrowing your eyebrows when the cold breeze stopped as suddenly as it had started, leaving you kind of confused, but when you turned your head again to watch over Paola’s body again you found yourself letting your arms fall to your sides as you saw nothing standing nor walking in the street just two seconds ago was Paola walking by.
𝖄ou furrowed your eyebrows once again as you hesitantly moved your hand towards one of your pants’ pocket, trying to reach for your phone without taking your eyes off where you last saw the girl. 𝖂asting no time you dialed your boss’ number and waited three tones until he finally picked you up.
━❝Mnmh? What do you need?❞━━━ He asked quite bluntly and rudely, but you couldn’t blame him, you before closing promised him that everything would be fina and that you wouldn’t disturb him [and also it was 11 o’clock].
━❝Boss, I-I am so so sorry to disturb you at this hour but- I found a girl in the Parts and Service room and-❞━━━ You would have wanted to state that she had just disappeared when you turned your head around for two seconds but he interrupted you with a somewhat smug laugh.
━❝Oh! Don’t worry about that, really...❞━ He started, making you want to cut him off by repeating that a girl had been probably locked in the restaurant and her parents could put a demand on his restaurant stating that there was low security or something like that, but your Boss’ next words made your brain stop working for a little bit ━❝It seems like you just had your little first encounter with the party room ghost!! nothing to worry about!❞━━━ You swore you could hear his big-ass smile at the other side of the line and as you were to say something at him he just hanged up on you not letting you even say a word.
𝖄our eyes drifted to the last streetlight in which you saw Paola before being distracted by that strange [and cold!] breeze of wind. 𝕿o your luck, Mike Smith, the security guard, had just appeared in the parking lot, looking at your scared form, still holding the phone closed to your ear, with confussion. 𝕳e was quick to start running your way when he took a longer look to your distressed state.
𝕿hanks to god, he was able to calm you down before your broke into panic and to explain you that when your [and his] Boss said you just had an encounter ‘The Party Room Ghost’ he didn’t mean a real ghost, but a girl who seemed to appear out of nowhere scaring many of the workers to death, almost always get locked in the pizzeria after its closing hour and who seemed to spend all her free time hanging around the pizzerias. 𝕾he was no ghost, just a girl with childlike energy who liked to explore in places she shouldn’t, and who got the privilege of the Boss taking a liking to her thanks to the funny and almost un-real conversations he had whit scared workers at the other side of the phone stating they’ve just seen a girl hop out of the trash compressor after that thing being on for 3 hours.
𝕺r maybe, and just maybe, she was truly a ghost...                                               𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐬?
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plushmon · 10 months
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forgot to post this one (other vers under cut)
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thelov3lybookworm · 11 days
thank you hottie 😘
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flwrbo · 1 year
you know what i’d love? if you feel up to it of course <3 some roommate sirius with a chubby roommate who is constantly annoyed by his antics but who he can’t help but be obsessed with, the dynamic of them becoming softer and softer around them would be golden i think
(thank u anon i am obsessed with them!)
cw : sirius walks in on reader in the bath! no funny business but it is included. 1k words
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“Get your feet off of Marsha!” You glare at the man in front of you, pulling your Squishmallow to safety from beneath Sirius. He rolled his eyes, moving his legs to get comfortable again.
“Well, darlin’, how am I supposed to know I’m not supposed to use pillows as pillows?” He smirks at you, grabbing the remote to turn the television volume down. “C’mere, let me make it up to you,” He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you down to him.
A small, scared squeak leaves your throat as you topple onto the man. He hugs you tightly, enjoying the feeling of your softness below him as he snuggles his scruffy face into yours. You grumble at the tightness of his hold, squirming a little until he sighs out dramatically. “You’re so much more comfortable than Martha,”
“It’s Marsha, you dunce!” You huff out. “Like a marshmallow, duh,” Sirius looks over at the huge stuffed… whatever it was. Marshmallow pillow? Merlin, he hadn’t gotten used to living with such a princess like you.
A princess who was currently getting closer and closer to kneeing on a very precious part of his body, squirming around in his hug. He sighed and let go, looking at you woundedly as you get up and walk towards the kitchen.
Remus had left his room when he’d heard the sound of your squeals, meaning to check on you. When he’d found you safe, in Sirius’ arms, he’d taken it upon himself to make some tea. “He attacked me, Remmy!” You exclaimed dramatically. “How did I ever brave it out of that fight?”
Remus chuckled, pushing a mug toward you. “I am so proud.”
Sirius rolled his eyes, and grabbed Marsha from the floor, shoving her under his head before turning the volume back up.
The next time he catches you alone is when you’re resting in the bath, candles lit around you. The bubbles are up to your neck, scented strawberry that matches the sweet lip oil that graces your lip.
Sirius waltzes in, fuzzy towel wrapped around his waist and neck. “Don’t tell me you wasted all the hot water,” your roommate groans around the toothbrush in his mouth.
You move the bubbles around quickly, making sure you’re covered from the intrusion. “Sirius! The bathroom is occupied.” You hiss out, trying your hardest not to blush.
“Please believe me when I say I do not have time to be ogling you, sweet thing. I need to be at Quidditch practice in half an hour and someone,” He points his toothbrush at you, white foam nearly cascading down. “Decided to use all the hot water so she can sit in it for half an hour and smell like strawberries,”
You roll your eyes and feel that familiar burning flame on your cheeks. “I didn’t know you had to coach today, I’m sorry,” You huff, blowing a few bubbles out of your line of sight. With the soap out of the way, you can see his tattoos that littered his chest and arms. Your eyes squint, trying to read the words that were transcribed onto his soft skin until he moves away again.
“It’s okay, dearest. I can never be mad at you. Not when you look so pretty,” He smiles, using some sort of cleaning charm on himself before rinsing his toothpaste out in the sink.
“I thought you said you weren’t ogling me,” you mumble, trying to ignore the way your heart speeds up a bit at the sweet words.
“I don’t need to ogle you to know how beautiful you are,” He throws over his shoulder as he leaves the bathroom, the fluffy towel around his waist swaying gently.
You bite your lip to conceal your smile, pushing yourself below into the water to cool yourself down.
Your hair is still a little damp when Sirius and James come home later that day. They find you making hot chocolate in the kitchen, swaying and humming to some tune playing from Remus’ pretty record spinner. Sirius stands in the doorway, taking in the sight of you. Your full thighs and supple cheeks on display as you flutter around, working diligently at whatever you were brewing on the stove.
James comes up from behind you and leaves a chaste kiss on your cheek, sneaking a peek into the pot. “Hi, Jamesie,” You smile at the man, pouring him a small cup of the sweet drink.
He thanks you and drifts away into the bathroom to take a shower. Sirius begins to walk into the kitchen, following James’ movements. You feel the man stop behind you and your heartbeat begins to quicken. Mentally, you will it to stop as you stir the pot. “Hi, Sirius,” You begin to turn around when he stops you, hugging you from behind. “How was practice?”
“You smell like strawberries,” He ignores your question, tucking his head into the crook of your neck and inhaling. “And chocolate.” He pulls away, only slightly. “Do I get some, sweet cheeks?”
You let out a small laugh at the nickname. “I guess I owe you one from today,” You mumble and pour two mugs of the drink, turning in Sirius’ grasp to face him.
He takes the mug between his hands and sips dramatically, waiting for a bit as if he was really tasting it. “How decadent! How delightful! Absolutely stunning,” He dramatics, nearly spilling his drink. Your giggles hit his ears and he looks down at you fondly. “How about,” He sets the mug down. “I shower. A real shower. And then we drink some more of this delicious drink and watch a movie, hm?” He leans down, sweet breath washing over you.
You pretend to mull it over, humming and taking a drink from your mug. “Okay,” you begin. “But I get to cuddle Marsha,”
“As long as I get to cuddle you,” Sirius shrugs, turning on his heel to start on his shower.
You watch as he leaves the room, before turning and squealing in flustered excitement to yourself quietly.
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mute-call · 4 months
classic animatronic pg: baby boy. baby
sb!animatronic pg: evil
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marta-krasina · 3 days
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Софи и ее мечты об отпуске
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super-cosita · 3 months
no quiero ser solo tu deseo de medianoche
Quiero ser la luz que ilumina tus mañanas y la brisa que acaricia tus tardes.
Anhelo ser tu todo, ser quien te roba un suspiro al partir hacia ti.
Necesito escuchar de tus labios que soy solamente tuya,
pero busco eso en tu amor, algo más allá de un simple deseo
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