#rwby semblance
anthurak · 1 year
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I’ve talked before about my theories about the full potential of Ruby’s semblance. That being, Ruby’s ability to deconstruct and reconstruct herself at a molecular level has some pretty wild applications.
Among others, the ones I think are the most interesting are Ruby effectively being able to shapeshift, ie; she can reconstruct her body, her clothing and Crescent Rose into entirely new shapes and forms. And on top of that, Ruby’s ability to reconstruct herself would potential allow to recover from just about any injury. Whether it be losing a limb, being impaled, cut to pieces or even EXPLODED, one activation of her semblance later and Ruby is back to normal. Effectively giving a ‘healing factor’ on par with Salem’s immortality.
And the thing is, I think abilities like these are thematically perfect for Ruby.
You know how there’s been a lot of discussion on how it seems like every character’s semblance seems to represent the major flaw/problem that character has spent the show grappling with in some way or another? Often in some dramatically ironic way? Like how Weiss is a girl who has been working so hard to separate herself from the baggage and burden of her family’s responsibility and legacy, yet has what seems to be the ONLY fully-hereditary semblance in existence? And in Ruby’s case, of course the girl who has spent the entire show, and likely much of her life running away from her pain and trauma has a speed semblance.
But the funny thing is, for Ruby it’s pretty clear that the show has already started building to a big subversion of this idea. In Volume 7 we see that while Ruby has always thought she had a speed semblance, Harriet voices that it’s probably something else.
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And in Volume 8, Penny outright confirms that Ruby’s semblance ISN’T ‘speed’, but rather the ability to deconstruct and reconstruct herself at a molecular level.
It turns out that Ruby was wrong about what her semblance actually did. And through that, it turns out that this idea of Ruby’s semblance representing her attempts to run away from her pain are likewise flawed.
And now that we are in a Volume set to explore themes of transformation and our characters discovering who they might truly be, I think this is going to be the perfect time for Ruby, and the narrative, to reevaluate just what it is her semblance represents.
Because whereas Ruby’s Petal Burst simply being speed represented Ruby’s fixation on running away from her pain, Petal Burst being molecular deconstruction/reconstruction can instead represent Ruby’s unshakable idealism fully realized.
Now there is no obstacle that can stop her, because there is nothing she cannot move around or through. There is no challenge she cannot find a solution for, because she is infinitely adaptable. And there is NOTHING that can truly break her for good, because she can ALWAYS build herself back up from her literal molecules.
In other words, Ruby’s body may be weak and breakable, but her spirit is INDOMITABLE.
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iamafanofcartoons · 7 months
Explaining the RWBY Magic System
Tonight we're comparing RWBY system of "magic" to other shows to help explain that no, RWBY does not have a convoluted system of magic. We'll be splitting it into 3 sections. 1. Aura/semblance 2. Dust 3. Magic in the show
Now then, let's start with the most well-known and old shounen. Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. In that franchise, Ki, a life energy, like Aura, is NOT magic. And the techniques that come from using Ki, like Semblances, are not magic. But Magic does exist in the show. And it is shown to have its own strengths and weaknesses.
Dust....not magical, not life energy. Its the unobtanium that is an energy source and does more than that. How many shows, anime or cartoon or otherwise, are shown to have some sort of fictional element that does more than just serve as an energy source?
So what makes RWBY "convoluted?"
Weiss: There's no such thing as magic.
Goku from Dragon Ball uses Ki, but its not magic, he uses supernatural martial arts and can fly...but again, that's not magic.
And he and the Z fighters get surprised by actual magic.
So what makes Weiss being surprised something for critics to get upset about?
Then we have the magic itself.
Like Dragon Ball , magic is not superior nor inferior to martial arts or semblances. It varies on wielders and on its use.
Therefore, when people say that RWBY's Magic system is "Too convoluted" or "too complicated"....they do so while completely ignoring every other show out there. Because to "Criticize" RWBY, you pretty much have to ignore everything in every other show or claim it doesn't matter in order to have a point.
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autumnsorbet · 4 months
🟢Ozpin semblance🟢
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🩷I don't really think I see anybody talk about this but I don't think when I was reincarnates the person he reincarnates into can use whatever assemblance he had if he had one or wasn't passing his magic off is his siblings so I'm thinking us maybe develops
🟡certain types of semblances he needs for certain occasions I'm thinking maybe he had a semblance a bit similar or possibly like rinse where it hides like his presence from Grimm and maybe
🌸 that's about it or maybe he had a semblance that helped him charm people and sway them to his side but when it comes to people like ironwood who assemblance is metal it can like override that ability
🔴 of he is to charm people and doesn't fully work like us once but it can still have a kind of effect on people that they are still charmed and think about him
🟢Another idea I have for his semblance I don't think it's really time related Oz has more of a Time aesthetic to his character but I don't think he has any time related abilities cuz if he did like even if he
🌕 could like turn back the clock or like turn back Time even for like a minute because I've seen it in shows where they don't really want to dip into time travel and I know Ruby doesn't want to do that but I've seen it in some shows where they don't really
🩷 fully want to dip in a time travel so they'll just have it where a character sacrifices themselves for their ability lets them stop time for one minute to change a few things or they can change time back
🔵 for one minute or maybe a few minutes and I think if I have had a semblance like that he would have used it over and over again and example I can think about is miraculous ladybug if you've never
⚫ seen the show it's a show where the people in the show get magic jewelry and it lets them transform and use certain abilities and one of the abilities in this show is called second chance and
💛 it's where you take the magic bracelet and you activated and it let you go back in time 5 minutes each time before you transform back into a normal
🔴 civilian and I think if all has had something like that he would have stopped the fall of beacon so I know a lot of people think he's possibly has a Time related semblance but he just has the time aesthetic to his character and that's it
🟠Cuz like I said if he could manipulate time he would have went back in time even if it was a minute to give himself a edge against cinder or at least to stop send her from killing Amber or from even letting himself die
⚫Cuz I was sitting here also wondering what was lionheart's semblance, for us could have had a semblance where Maybe he was kind of like talk
🌺who fought Maria where he could be invincible for a certain amount of minutes and he combined that invincibility along with his eyes like Powers he currently still has left that are connected to the cane and that we see Oscar develop and use in volume eight
🎆So that could possibly be a semblance he had I don't know
💖These are just some ideas for what his semblance could be
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noitsbecky127 · 2 years
I just realized we don’t know Ilia’s Semblance
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remnant-heirs-au · 2 years
Gravitational Authority: A Detailed Look at Blaine’s Semblance
What is Gravitational Authority?
Gravitational Authority is a semblance that is based around gravity and it’s uses. Blaine can decrease gravity in an area, increase it, change the center of gravity on something, and change the gravitational pull and force of something.
Blaine’s semblance requires a fair bit of aura to use, causing a significant drawback in his ability to use his semblance. The more area and material is effected by his semblance, the more aura is chewed up.
Blaine can create a radius of about 20 feet where anything and everything (besides people) are effected by his semblance.
Blaine can only effect people with his semblance if he makes physical contact with them first (a punch or tapping their shoulder is typically how he does it.), originally, he could only effect one person at a time with his semblance, however after training and evolving his semblance he can do up to 10 people, however it is incredibly draining and he ends up nearly passing out after a bit.
Uses of Gravitational Authority
Blaine rarely uses his semblance, but when he does, he’s a force to be reckoned with.
He typically will use his semblance to render people useless, making gravity for those people so strong they can hardly look up. This makes him a essential helper of the Ace Ops, who require his help with the biggest of baddies in order to arrest them.
Discovery of Gravitational Authority
Blaine’s semblance was activated by stress, and the discovery of his semblance was much more than traumatic.
Blaine was taken to a meeting with his mom one day, as they were coming back, the building was the victim of a robbery.
In the midst of the panic, Blaine activated his semblance and caused the building to collapse. The only thing that kept him and everyone else from being crushed was the semblance of his mother, who despite the harsh gravity caused by Blaine, kept the building held up and simultaneously calmed her son down enough to cease the reaction of his semblance. It was once the gravity was gone that Glynda noticed that it was her son who caused the building to collapse, Blaine noticed it too.
He never stopped blaming himself for the deaths that happened in that incident.
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rule-of-darkness · 1 month
Semblances (Part Two)
If you haven't read the excerpt in the pinned post, or if you have and just don't understand what it means, let me further explain how semblances work in this AU.
After the shattering of the sun, humanity came to adapt their semblances to create heat and warmth, light, and/or sustain the growth and life of things around them, whether that be other people, plants, or animals. The first two adaptations make sense, right? Without the sun, there's no heat or light, but what about the other adaptations? How do those play a part, you might wonder. Well lets not overlook the fact that, without sunlight, there's no nature. Plants won't grow. I know this is fiction, and the scientifics aren't needed here, but if Ruby's semblance is actually breaking down her body to her molecular components and more than "just speed", I can add a little realism to this. And so I have. I've decided that some semblances can force plants to grow and stay alive despite the horrid conditions of the world.
Those without semblances are generally viewed as lesser-than, as without a semblance that's adapted to Remnant's dystopia, they're seen as either useless to the greater society, or a group that needs to be sheltered by the greater society. They're viewed as though they are unable to contribute to anything, which is, of course, blatantly false. Despite the hardships, a select few without semblances have made it into huntsmen academies; namely Jaune and Mercury who became students, and Ozpin who managed to become headmaster of Beacon Academy.
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sir-adamus · 3 months
Raven's semblance is so telling about her character
the facade of the tough disaffected bandit leader crumbles completely under it - it's bonds to people she cares about. it's hard to pretend like she doesn't care when her literal superpower is defined by how much she does
but you can read deeper than that - cos it's defined by those bonds, you have to wonder about the original utility of that power was; what in Raven specifically led her to develop Kindred Link as a Semblance - to be able to open a portal to someone she cares about anywhere in the world? not necessarily the reasons why and how she uses it, but why it manifested like that
was it a desire to protect? a plea for safety?
or a cry for help?
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rwbyrg · 13 days
So, we can all agree that when Oscar eventually gets his semblance, it's going to have something to do with Ruby, right? And I'm not even saying this from a shippy lens. Kid has an immortal wizard move into his brain at 14 that he can't kick out, immediately becomes a child soldier, lives through a train crash, countless grimm fights, crash lands a plane, gets shot in the chest, falls for - quite possibly - a few kilometres after blowing up a hole in the bottom of a military compound, gets beaten up and abducted by a goopy grimm super monster, magic blasted by his headmate's ex-wife, tortured and beaten up by a man six times his size, fights off Salem again to save his friends, and not ONE of those instances has been stressful enough to awaken it.
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But both times he's talked about his semblance manifesting, it's been with Ruby. The first is in v5 after they spar and Ruby cheers him (and Jaune) on about getting there one day, while Ren makes a comment saying:
"One common philosophy is that a warrior's semblance is a part of who they are".
The second time is in v7 when Ruby does something new with her own semblance and Oscar asks if she's always been able to do that. Eventually leading to him lamenting again about how he's not unlocked his yet while everyone else's are evolving. And it's Ruby that responds with:
"Well, I'm sure we'll all be jealous when you do (figure it out)".
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And then, from both Ruby and Oscar's perspectives, we are shown their attachment to each other. Ruby throughout V9 with Neo's illusions, and Oscar with - many instances - but especially in the recently released epilogue where he speaks at her grave. And in this speech we're reminded of that attachment as well as his struggles with identity. Specifically how those two things are intrinsically linked together:
"You always believed in the best. Saw people for who they really were. Some of us... don't know anymore. "
Oscar can't grasp his own personal super power that's "a part of himself" when he doesn't know who he is. He's losing himself to the merge, the boundaries of where he ends and Oz begins are blurring by the day, and he's only 15 and still growing into the person he could become. And the one person that was always certain of who he was, always made him feel like he was his own person... isn't around anymore. So he feels even more detached from his identity and the parts that comprise it than ever before.
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But she returns in Vacuo before their final fight, and his semblance has been teased too many times to never appear. So my current guesses are either:
he's going to unlock it under stress to save Ruby from certain danger, because he "lost her once and won't risk it a second time"; or
he's going to unlock it in a different, maybe even quieter moment, where - once again, thanks to Ruby's certainty - he starts feeling like himself again.
Only one way to find out.
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flipomatic · 1 year
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Neo discovering changes to her semblance
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aspoonofsugar · 5 months
Weiss's Design
Here comes an appreciation post of our Snowhite's beautiful design! This is also the third installment of my RWBY design series, after Yang and Blake's analyses. As per usual, it uses ideas shared in other Weiss's metas. Enjoy!
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Monty Oum's early sketch depicts Weiss as a living snowflake:
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This is because Weiss's design plays with the idea of "a special snowflake" in two different ways:
"snowflake" is a derogatory term for a person, who is entitled, oversensitive and easily offended; it also holds some political implications linked to white privilege
snowflakes are famous for having unique structures, so each one is different from the others
Weiss is initially a stubborn and pampered heiress, who feels superior because of her name. Still, she is deep down frail and needs to build her own distinctive identity.
These two sides of our Snowhite are conveyed by the Schnees' semblance:
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Glyhps are snowflake-shaped and they represent:
the family privilege, as they are inherited by all the Schnees - they are a magical projection of the family crest
the potential of each Schnee to grow into their own person - they gain more complex and individual designs with time
In short, Weiss is a special snowflake, for better or worse. She can give in to her father's mentality and be defined by her name. Or she can step into the world and discover who she is outside her family:
Winter: It sounds to me like you have two choices in front of you. You can either call Father, beg for his money back, and explain once more why you would want to study at Beacon over Atlas, or you could continue to explore Remnant, discovering more about the world and honestly, more about yourself.
Let's see what Weiss's design says about her choice.
Let's consider Weiss's concept art:
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And let's compare it to Winter's:
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The two sisters appear similar:
their color schemes are the same
they look like royalty
they share glyphs as their semblance
they fight with swords
They are designed this way to show that Weiss looks up to Winter and tries to emulate her. This is clear if one considers Weiss and Winter's allusions: Weiss alludes to Snowhite, while Winter alludes to the Snow Queen. And yet, when one looks at Weiss's concept art, it is easier to see the Snow Queen's inspiration, rather than Snowhite's:
She looks like a snowflake
She is the color of ice and snow
She wears a crown, like a queen
Glyphs resemble the Snow Queen's power to turn snowflakes into animals
It is as if Weiss's true self (Snowhite) is hidden behind a mask (the Snow Queen). This conveys Weiss's insecurity, as she is caught between the weight of the family crest (a snowflake) and her idolisation of Winter (the Snow Queen). She is a Snow Princess, who needs to decide which kind of Queen she'll be. Either an Evil Queen like Jacques or an Ice Queen like Winter.
Still, Weiss is her own person and this comes to the surface in her final design:
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The main differences with the first version are:
Her bangs and pony-tail do not part in two sides
She has a scar on her left eye instead than a beauty mark
Her necklace is an apple instead of a tear-drop
She has no tear-drops dangling from her sleeves
The golden circles on her bolero become silver and she gains silver decorations on her boots
Weiss loses her tear-drop motif and her color-scheme gets simplified. This gives her more Snowhite-like details:
The apple on the necklace alludes to the poisoned apple
The scar on the eye alludes to the magical mirror cracking
The final design only has black, white (silver) and red, which are Snowhite's defining colors
Moreover, Weiss's appearence grows more asymmetric. Her hair is not perfectly parted, but worn in a side pony-tail. This symbolizes Weiss's struggle against Jacques's expectations. Similarly, the elegant beauty mark is changed with a scar. This gives Weiss more personality and shows that behind the princess there is a fighter.
In short, Weiss's Vale design shows glimpses of our girl's true self. However, they are hidden by the cold ice covering Weiss's soul. Luckily, the Spring Arc comes and the ice melts.
In Mistral, Weiss leaves her white dress behind and wears a blue outfit:
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This happens because our snowflake is slowly melting into water (white > blue), so that she can become herself. In order to do so, though, she has to first lose all the superficial things that define her identity:
Jacques: You are no longer the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company.
Weiss sees herself as the SDC heiress, so the story takes away her title.
Vernal: Your sister isn't in Mistral anymore. No one is coming to rescue you.
Weiss sees herself as Winter's little sister, so the story has her separated from Winter.
Thanks to this, Weiss faces herself and discovers who "just Weiss" is:
Vernal: Let's see what the Schnee name really means. Weiss: I'm more than a name.
This transformation is mirrored by Weiss's design. She loses all the superficial references to Snowhite:
she wears no apple anymore
she has no black-white-red color pattern
Still, her fairy tale emerges strongly in her glyphs, as she learns to summon:
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Weiss's avatars are Snowhite's characters:
The Boarbatusk is the Hunter, who is famous for killing a boar
The Knight is the Prince, who saves Snowhite from the glass coffin
The Queen Lancer is both the Evil Queen and the New Queen Snowhite becomes at the end
Weiss loses all she has to be reborn anew. Similarly, her design is stripped of all the Snowhite's allusions, only for them to be expressed more clealry and in a deeper way by the evolution of her semblance. Weiss's magical snowflakes aquire unique patterns that refer to her personal story.
This process of refinement climaxes in volume 5. Here, Weiss dies, is resurrected and crowns herself queen by summoning the Queen Lancer. This Grimm represents who Weiss truly is. She is neither the Evil Queen, nor the Snow Queen, but a Royal (a queen), who is also a Knight (a lancer). She is a Queen Knight.
After this metaphorical coronation, Weiss starts showing her interiority outside. This is why she gains back her two missing colors in her journey to Atlas:
she wears a red scarf
she wears black thights
She is back to look like Snowhite (black + white + red)!
Interestingly, both the scarf and the thights are items worn to stay warm. In short, the closer Weiss gets to her Icy Kingdom (Atlas), the more she shows her true warm self (Snowhite).
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Weiss's Atlas design has three layers to it:
it is queen-like
it is Snowhite-like
it has all the colors of the previous outfits
1- Weiss gains a silver tiara with red gems. It is bigger and more refined than the old one because Weiss has grown. She isn't a princess anymore. She is a queen.
2- Weiss wears Snowhite's three colors: a white dress, black gloves and red jewels. interestingly, black and red are not covered by white. The ice is melted and Weiss's different shades are now out in the open. What is more, Weiss's outfit is similar to her Disney's counterpart:
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Disney-Snowhite wears a dress with blue puffed sleeves, which are present in Weiss's Atlas design. There is no risk to confuse our girl with the Snow Queen anymore:
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Weiss is not Winter's imitation, but her own person. She is 100% Snowhite.
3 - Weiss's clothes are white, black, red and light blue. These are all the colors worn by her throughout the story. In addition, there is a warmer shade of blue, which shows the cold is gone once and for all. These palette symbolizes Weiss's different parts coming together into a more beautiful and stronger person.
This fits Weiss's new summon:
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The Nevermore combines all the other glyphs. It is the final form of Weiss's inner snowflake and the culmination of her growth. Aesthetically, it gives Weiss an angelic look, which brings to mind the final inspiration of her design.
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Oh look! Weiss looks like Sailor Moon! This isn't by chance, as Weiss is inspired by the magical girl genre. Magical girls are heroines, who:
transform into ideal versons of themselves
fight metaphors of human emotions in the form of monsters
purify people's hearts
Weiss is the same, but the first heart she needs to cleanse is her own:
Mirror, tell me something, Tell me who's the loneliest of all? Fear of what's inside of me; Tell me can a heart be turned to stone?
Yes, it can:
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Pure Heart Crystal (Sailor Moon)
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Soul Gem (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
A gem standing for one's heart is a pretty common trope in magical girls' stories. Not only that, but the corruption and healing of these stones come up often. Well, Weiss's heart is a snow-crystal, which needs to be melted and rebuilt into a unique structure.
Weiss purifies it by fighting her inner demons in the form of Grimms. As a matter of fact these monsters symbolize humanity's darkness, so they are the perfect enemy for a magical girl. Weiss defeats them and makes them white like snow. She integrates them and the struggles they represent into herself. Through this process, she slowly changes into her ideal self. She doesn't need a spectacular transformation sequence because her evolution happens inside. It is slow, but deep and here to last. After all, the heart is irreplaceable:
Everyone is entitled to their own sorrow, for the heart has no metrics or forms of measure. And all of it… irreplaceable.
Hearts are like snowflakes because there are no two, which are the same. Weiss learns this lesson and starts teaching it to others. This is how she heals hearts. Empathy is her superpower. Thanks to it, she is ready to save her family legacy:
Weiss: I will not be defined by my name because I will be the one to define it.
Weiss's first step is to define herself outside the Schnee name. Her second step is to give the Schnee name a new meaning. She first refines her heart. Then she cleanses her surname. From her inner snowflake to the family crest. That is the kind of magical girl she is.
In a sense, she is stepping into Nicholas's footsteps. He purifies minerals into Dust. She purifies stones into souls. From Saint Nicholas to Snow Angel.
In conclusion, Weiss's design describes her evolution in three ways:
She goes from being a snowflake (derogatory) to being a snowflake (unique)
She grows from a princess into a queen
She leaves the Snow Queen behind and becomes Snowhite
This refinement process is nothing, but her magical girl transformation.
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redheartedtramp · 7 months
What if Ruby & Yang Swapped Semblances?
Ruby: *running track in a gym uniform*
Yang: *dashes past Ruby in a burst of sunflowers*
Ruby: -_- *keeps running*
Yang: *dashes past Ruby again*
This cycle continues a few times...
Ruby: Stop abusing it!
Yang: *stops in front of Ruby in her own gym uniform* Aw come on, Rubes! This is so cool!
Ruby: My semblance isn't a toy, Yang! And you still need good cardio to use it! It's not some kind of life hack!
Yang: Well, I already have good cardio, so I can do this all day. But you know what? You land one punch on me and I'll stop.
Ruby: *takes a pose* Fine. *throws a punch and misses*
Yang: Come on, I'm not even using the semblance. *jabs Ruby in the face*
Ruby: *swings and misses*
Yang: Come on, Rubes~ Hit me. *pops Ruby*
Ruby: *swings and misses*
Yang: *pops Ruby* Come on~ *pops Ruby* Ya gotta move faster to dodge. *pops Ruby* Come on, slowpoke! Don't tell me you relied only on your semblance~
Ruby: Stop it, Yang... *throws a punch and miss*
Yang: Well? What are you gonna do? *pops Ruby again and again* Your lucky these aren't real punches or-
Ruby: *eyes glow red as Ruby's hair turns silver, she throws a body blow on Yang*
Yang: *proceeds to gasp and doubles over*
Ruby: *returns to normal and huffs* Should've kept your guard up, Yang.
Yang: Jaaaaaaaaaaune, you gotta help me! I need you to heal me! I think Ruby cracked a rib!
Jaune: Sorry, Yang. But my Semblance got swapped too.
Yang: W-with who...?
Pyrrha: *walks in, cosplaying as Mercy*
Yang: ...
Pyrrha: I will only heal you if you cosplay as an Overwatch character.
Yang: ...Can I at least be Tracer?
Nora: No. *comes in dressed as Tracer* I'm already Tracer.
Yang: Fuck!
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anthurak · 2 years
The Tragic Irony of Neo’s Semblance
Has anyone else noticed the quite interesting, almost tragic irony that is Neo’s semblance?
With not even a snap of her fingers, Neo can assume the form of anyone she wishes. She can mimic another’s appearance perfectly. With her semblance, you’d think Neo would be the ideal spy and infiltrator, able to get into anywhere she wanted.
And yet, for all of her skill and talent in the mimicry of others, there is ONE thing, one aspect of just about anyone who’s form she assumes that Neo simply cannot replicate:
The ability to speak.
It’s almost kind of funny when you think about it. Here we have a girl who can not only mimic any appearance she wishes at a moment’s notice, but also has years of experience and practice in mimicking body language and other physical quirks. With only a bit of observation, she can replicate a person’s appearance and physical mannerisms so perfectly that not even that person’s closest friends and loved ones would be able to tell the difference...
...right up until the moment that person was expected to actually SAY something.
Again, it’s almost comical the way Neo’s semblance is hamstrung by her inability to talk. It’s easy to picture countless situations where Neo is able to replace some important or significant character, is able to perfectly replicate their appearance, get RIGHT up to whatever target she’s after... and then someone just asks her a question and then everything falls apart.
It’s why we always see Neo disguise herself as random background extras like Atlas soldiers or Schnee servants and almost never tries disguising herself as one of the heroes for more than VERY brief instances. Because she KNOWS that if she tried to replace Ruby or Weiss or anyone else to slip in among the heroes, she’d have maybe two minutes TOPS before everyone would start getting VERY curious at just how quiet Ruby or whoever else is suddenly being.
Oh, and if/when that person in question escapes whatever closet Neo stuffed them in and confronts their friends and puts Neo in a ‘spot the shapeshifter’ situation, Neo would be screwed. Like I think it’s pretty easy to imagine such a scene in Volume 9 where Ruby and Neo are fighting and Weiss/Blake/Yang find them, with Neo have disguised herself as Ruby.
The rest are confused at first, then Ruby blurts out “I’m the real one! That one’s Neo!”
The group then proceeds to look to the other Ruby who simply opens her mouth. Opens it again. And then gives a look that can only be described as “...Fuck.”
And given what we’ve seen of Neo, I can’t help but think this irony fits her all too well. When we look at Neo across her appearances in Roman Holiday going through Volumes 6-8, I think we see a girl who very often tries to use her semblance as a way of ‘escaping’ a painful reality. At first, this took the form of Trivia using her semblance quite understandably as a means of escaping the control of her parents. But by the end of the book, we see it used in a more unsettling manner.
At the end of Roman Holiday, after fulling assuming her new persona and more or less orchestrating the deaths of her parents by blowing up for childhood home, Neo basically writes off any guilt or trauma she might feel from this by simply deciding that Trivia ‘died’ in that explosion too.
And we see this trend continue in Volumes 6, 7 and 8. Rather than actually trying to cope with her grief over losing Roman, Neo just chases revenge on anyone she considered responsible for his death. But this just leads to her being easily manipulated by Cinder, a fact she is totally oblivious to right up to the point Cinder kicks her into the void.
I think Neo’s character and arc through the show represents the futility of trying to completely escape reality through fantasy. That no matter how perfectly you craft a fantasy, reality still comes crashing through the wall before too long. Whether it’s Neo’s perfectly crafted disguises being undone the moment she’s expected to actually SAY something, or her obsession with revenge blinding her to how easily Cinder was manipulating her.
It’s rather fitting, considering that Neo’s semblance is called ‘Overactive Imagination’.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 7 months
Nora: I bet Jaune Could take Ironwood in a fight.
Jaune: Nora no!
Winter: You must have a great deal of confidence in Mr. Arc. Why is it you believe that?
Jaune: We really don't need to do this!
Nora: Well, Fearless leader has a Shield, which means bullet will do pretty much nothing, He's spry enough to avoid most gunfire, and the General could easily run out of bullets before Jaune manages to close the distance entirely.
Winter: But as Jaune could be knocked back by the Gravity dust infused ones.
Nora: He Held a Charging Nuckelavee back! Gravity dust is nothing!
Jaune: Nora Stop!
Nora: And as for the Cannon, well, Jaune tanked a hit from Cordovin's Mech while amping my own aura so we could survive and still had some to spare, plus that thing takes a while to charge a single shot, giving Jaune ample time to get close and/or recover aura!
Winter: Hmm. Fair Points. What had you so hung up on this conversation, Mister Arc?
Jaune: ... Well ... Given my luck I'd figure that the general would've-
Ironwood: Huntsman Jaune Arc, report to the training field immediately. And Good Luck.
Jaune: ... Overheard.
Jaune: Nora?
Nora: *Smug* Yes?
Jaune: No Pancakes for a week.
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eshden · 1 year
rwby the show: yeah so someone's semblance is like a reflection of who they are and their weapon is an extension of them
weiss: lemma use my semblance to create steps for my bestie Blake and a weapon for my pal Yang
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superiorsturgeon · 8 months
How JNPR Adopted Oscar
Mistral Kingdom Clerk: *looking over paperwork* So…you four…
Clerk: …want to jointly adopt THIS young man…
Oscar: 👋 🙂
Clerk: …and become his legal guardians?
Pyrrha: *puts her hands on Oscar’s shoulders proudly* That’s correct! ☺️
Clerk: Aren’t you four a little young yourselves to be adopting a child…?
Nora: That’s what everyone says! But we’ve got our Vale ID’s right here!
Jaune: *lays four fake ID’s on the desk*
Clerk: 🤨 *examines cards and carefully compares them to JNPR faces*
Clerk: …hm, very well, but you should know that the kingdom of Mistral has a preference for married households when considering applications for adoption!
Ren: Ah, we thought you might say so, so we brought our marriage certificates!
Jaune: *produces forged Arkos and Renora marriage licenses*
Clerk: *carefully inspects documents* …so you’re actually married?
JNPR: *hold up hands with fake wedding rings*
Pyrrha: *kisses Jaune’s cheek*
Ren: *kisses Nora’s hair*
Jaune/Nora: 🥰
Clerk: 😒
Ruby: Congratulations! *hugging Oscar*
Oscar: *holding a certificate of adoption* 😁
Weiss: I can’t believe it worked!
Pyrrha: *kisses the top of Oscar’s head* Welcome to our family, Oscar! 😊
Yang: They really believed all those papers were legit?
Nora: Yeah! Our fearless leader is a master forger!
Jaune: I mean…I got into Beacon with fake transcripts, didn’t I? These weren’t too hard!
Blake: If you could forge all those papers, why didn’t you just forge an adoption certificate?
Ren: *facepalm* 😑
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remnant-heirs-au · 1 year
Qorbyn’s Syndrome: a detailed look at Qorbyn’s (lack of) semblance
What is Qorbyn’s Syndrome?
Qorbyn’s Syndrome is the name of the disorder that Qorbyn possesses that causes her lack of semblance and aura.
However these are not the only symptoms, symptoms also include:
- Weaker immune system
- no aura glands
- unable to intake aura into the body without the body near fatally rejecting it
- body aches
- easy scarring
- muscle pain
- poor eyesight
- temperature sensitivity (more likely to get heatstroke or hypothermia quicker)
Why is Qorbyn’s Syndrome so rare?
Well it is but it isn’t, Qorbyn’s syndrome is rare because it’s the disorder where both the aura AND semblance are missing.
However people only missing one or the other are quite common, it’s normal for people, such as Watts, to have no semblance but to have an aura.
It’s slightly more rare for someone’s aura to be missing, however is an easy fix as they can take aura supplements to activate their aura.
Having both is UNHEARD of.
You see, if you have no aura but have a semblance, you still have the aura glands (which similarly to lymph nodes, are all over the body). Which is why you can take aura supplements. It’s the same story with no semblance but having an aura, the glands are still there.
Without a semblance or aura, the glands are entirely missing. This is what makes it so rare.
Qorbyn was the first one to be found with this disorder, soon after, a few others were found to have this same disorder.
However it’s still unheard of.
Traumatic Results of Qorbyn’s Syndrome:
It’s unsurprising that Qorbyn suffered many different types of trauma stemming from her disorder.
Emotional, Physical, Verbal, and even Medical trauma are all things that she suffered with due to how the world saw her.
What’s important is the perspective people have towards her, some are scared of her because she represents a possible future for remnant’s society. A weaker, semblanceless and auraless society.
Some are resentful of her ability to be on par with her peers despite her disorder
Some simply think she’s weak.
Ozpin and Qrow very quickly decided to put Qorbyn into regular therapy sessions to process through this trauma and to try to lessen the impact of the trauma. Which did work for the comments about her disorder.
But however did not work for other things in her upbringing, such as things later relating to Salem.
Qorbyn’s Workarounds
To make up for her lack of semblance, she became an incredible fighter physically, knowing several types of martial arts and hand to hand combats.
She knows how to aura block, a difficult technique to learn, but was taught by a stubborn teacher who wouldn’t take no for an answer from her.
She dodges, disarms, disorients, and disables enemies, using her acrobatics and agility to her advantage.
She’s a quick thinker, using her imagination to play out scenarios of fights in a quick moment and use her environment to her advantage.
Environmental Suspicions of Qorbyn’s Syndrome
There’s lots of thought that because of a rumor that Ozpin doesn’t have a semblance (a rumor proven to be untrue by the headmaster himself,) and Qrow’s lack of control over his semblance, that this resulted in Qorbyn’s disorder.
There is no known reason why Qorbyn has this disorder.
From the limited research done of the disorder, it appears to happen randomly.
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