#rumple/regina brotp
goosin-around · 1 month
Rumple: Alright now show me your best evil laugh.
Young Regina: Ok!
Young Regina: *giggles*
Rumple: this is going to be a long day.
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themattress · 1 year
For the Send Meme: Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold/Weaver
1: sexuality headcanon - Not a headcanon so much as an observation of canon: he’s firmly heterosexual and attracted to a very specific kind of woman - a young, lean brunette with a bold attitude and high aspirations. Of course, the key here is that they will ultimately be loving and nurturing and submissive toward him; he gets angered if they end up defying him. Examples of this kind of woman include Milah, Cora, Regina and of course Belle. This also explains why he felt nothing toward Zelena: a needy, clingy redhead just doesn’t do it for him.
2: otp - Rumple/Cora. It’s such a shame this relationship didn’t work out since Cora was the closest any of Rumple’s partners came to being an equal to him. If she hadn’t ripped her own heart out and chosen love, she would have provided Rumple with his healthiest romance.
3: brotp - What’s funny is that I have one for each of his guises. For original Rumple, him and Jefferson. For Mr. Gold, him and Isaac. And for Weaver, him and Rogers / Wish Hook.
4: notp - Rumple/Belle, aka Rumbelle. I was relatively fine with at first, but starting from him lying to her with his wedding proposal and onward, it just became more and more toxic, and when we reach him threatening to take her unborn child away from her unless she submits to letting him stay in her and the child’s lives, it becomes just despicably abusive. The fact that the writers allowed them to get back together as a happy couple after that was unbelievable. 
5: first headcanon that pops into my head - Again, this may very well be canon, but Rumple was psychologically ruined by his parents. The absence of his mother gave him his issues with women and the Freudian sort of attraction to a specific type I mentioned before, and his specific need to have power and not be a coward and assert his masculinity stems from his cowardly manchild of a father abandoning him to remain a literal child forever and little Rumple being powerless to stop it. It doesn’t excuse his evildoing, but it really is tragic.
6: favorite line from this character - The always classic ”All magic comes with a price!”
7: one way in which I relate to this character - I do feel for his anxiety about things going beyond his control. I’m not a coward about it like him, but I can empathize with the sentiment.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - You’d think it would be his imp self running around with that ridiculous voice, giggle and mannerisms, but I love that. What I don’t love is most of what he did after he woke up from his coma early into Season 5. Precious little of it worked and just ended up making his character less enjoyable.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - PROBLEMATIC FAVE.
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wicked-storybrooke · 2 years
5, 14, 18, and 24 for ouat asks!
Thank you!
Mary Margaret and Emma's season one friendship will always be my favourite friendship in the show! I love them as mother and daughter but I did really miss their s1 dynamic when the season finished. Just the way she was the first person in a long time Emma really opened up to and allowed herself to be vulnerable around. It was beautiful. They knew each other so well and had such a great rapport. They just got one another in a way that no one else could. They tried their utmost to help each other. Emma's determination to save Mary Margaret was just amazing and then her accidental confession that she saw her as family. Gaaaah! Part of me wishes they were revealed to be sisters so that we didn't lose them being on the same level. I love how their relationship develops as mother and daughter but I miss their friendship every day.
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14) Favorite battle
I'm not sure if this means best battle with several people or best one on one battle? If it's the best big battle then definitely the one in 1x21 where the fairies could have freaking knocked everyone out in the first place! But for one on one battles. It's gotta be Charming and Rumple's duel in 1x22. It just looks so awesome! I could watch Charming sword fight all day but his fighting style combined with Rumple's playful and magic-aided style is just incredible. The fight choreography blows me away.
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18) Character who deserved better
My girl, Kathryn! I just really freaking love her! No words can describe just how much. Snowing are my otp and I love them to bits but Kathryn didn't deserve what happened to her and she absolutely did not deserve to have Gold drug her up to her eyeballs and lock her in a basement!! I just- What the bananas, Rumple??! I can't believe how glossed over that was! And I really wish we saw more of her past season one. And more of her past for that matter. What happened to her mum?? She was so sweet and she's the most forgiving person ever. I wonder how she would've reacted to Regina's betrayal. She just deserves the world!
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24) One magical ability from the show you wish you had.
Teleportation for sure! It would be so cool to be able to go wherever I want in an instant. I'd still make time for hiking though!
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morgana-pendragon · 1 year
favourite female character: regina mills you will always be famous emma swan you will always be a lesbian
favourite male character: boy. uh. uhmmmm OH aladdin
worst female character: cora mills
worst male character: henry daniel mills it’s a toss up between rumple and the p*rate for me
otp: swanqueen 🥰🫠😵‍💫🥴🤭
brotp: the mills sisters <3 they were so much more powerful together instead of fighting for no fucking reason 😭
notp: c*ptainswan 🤮 and to a lesser yet still fervent extent outl*wqueen
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.60--Episodes 10-13
I have watched through S6E13; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
I had the chance to watch two extra episodes today (even though there were real-life things I probably *should’ve* been doing). It was a pretty good day.
—David and Snow look so stately as monarchs. I love how elaborate their clothes are. And all the jewelry.
—Once again, I’ve been made sad about what the Charmings could’ve had. Their life where they got to raise Emma would’ve been really good for them. But—you know, curse aside—the life they got turned out pretty great.
—I love that Pinocchio is where Emma got her last name from. I honestly never wondered where she got her name, although I probably should have, but this is the coolest possible option.
—Princess Emma was a huge wuss. I can hardly believe there was a version of her that wasn’t tough. But I also kind of enjoyed that in the alternate reality, she was more reliant on her parents. Them having a closer relationship was probably the best part of that entire mess.
—I love that when she was out picking flowers, Emma was singing the song from the original Snow White animated movie.
—Actually, wuss though she may have been, Princess Emma was adorable. I’m in love.
—Actually, Episode 10 reminded me that if I didn’t love Hook to the moon and back, I would totally chill with Emma x Regina. They have the reluctant co-parents to friends thing, and their personalities are a pretty decent match. Also the aesthetic is impeccable.
—I really like what’s happening with Rumple and Belle recently. They’ve gone from fighting and constantly misunderstanding each other and both taking things too far, to being two very broken people who are trying to do the best they can for their wayward son. I think that dynamic works for them now, because they’ve had a lot of marital issues and while Rumple is incredibly troubled, Belle also has some *stuff* and actually showing their brokenness is exactly what they and their relationship need. You know me, I’m a sucker for the raw stuff.
—So lemme get this straight. Gideon lived through twenty-eight years of being raised by the Black Fairy and not didn’t choose to be evil, but now that he’s out of her realm he wants to kill the savior? His logic is absolute bogus, man.
—It’s cool that Pinocchio and Emma were friends in the alternate reality. They’re kinda my BROTP for the show. I want Pinocchio to be like the cool, sage older brother she never had. I also want them to get into trouble together, like racing his motorcycle vs her yellow bug down the main road of town.
—Regina’s feathery red cape was cool.
—I feel bad for Regina. I bet it was hard for her to go back to acting like the Evil Queen after she tried so hard to put all of that behind her.
—Once again, I’m loving the fact that people are going to see Archie. They all need some therapy, tbh, and having the heroes go talk to someone about their problems is the best.
—Rumple (secretly) giving David’s father help finding James without asking him to pay was cool. That’s the kind of extra dimension he suits best.
—Actually, I think Episode 11 was brilliant. The stuff with David’s father I wasn’t a huge fan of only because the Pleasure Island freaks me out, but the emotional connection between David and Hook was beautiful. And seeing David first become seriously unhinged and then come back from the brink was amazing. (Although, I kind of wish he had killed King George, because that guy was a right arse and he would’ve deserve death. As you can see, I would be more of a Rumple than a Hook in the OUAT world.) I think Episode 11 is one of my favorite episodes in a while.
—Lol speaking of Pleasure Island, my mom asked if that was from the original Pinocchio story, and my answer was ‘Idk, but they did this in Kingdom Hearts, so probably.’ If it’s not in the original fairytale, then for sure it must’ve been in the animated Disney version?
—What Rumple did for his sons was such a twisted kind of sacrifice. I really love the trope where the person who’s already gone dark does the dark thing the clean soul needs done to protect them. I explained it terribly just there, but it’s stunning. Of course, it doesn’t work so well when either the two people aren’t connected enough for it to matter, or if the soul we’re supposed to believe is clean has disproven that theory by their past actions (looking at Snape and Draco over here) but for Rumple and his sons? HELL. YES. He’s lived the darkness—heck, with Bae he’d barely even touched it and he already knew he wanted better for his kid. Also, the way Belle responded was perfect. She didn’t get mad about the fact that Rumple had drained the Blue Fairy, or that he had helped Gideon get closer to his goals. She understood why, and she also grasped the peculiar nobility of it.
—Gideon looks like a big ol doofus walking around Storybrooke in that robe.
—How big a deal is this whole ‘Hook-killed-David’s-dad’ thing gonna be? Because now that he and Emma are engaged, I really don’t want anything to derail their happiness.
—Leave it to a pirate to pick out a gorgeous ring.
—I can’t decide whether bad Robin and the Evil Queen getting together is better or worse than what I expected to happen—Zelena and bad Robin getting together. Either way it’s not good.
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enchantedxhearts · 2 months
Belle: Rumple/Gold (default but I am free to explore other ships)
Henry: Violet, (S7 Henry) Ella
Huntsman/Graham Humbert: Emma, Ruby
Emma: Regina, Gold/Rumple, August/Pinocchio, Bae/Neal, Graham, Jefferson (in certain AU verses)
Regina: Emma, Robin, Rumple/Gold (in certain AU verses), Maleficent (though I see their relationship as more of Regina's college phase of exploring who she likes and coming to terms with her bisexuality)
Gold: Belle, Emma, Cora, Regina (in certain AU verses), Zelena (in certain AU verses)
Cora: Rumple/Gold
Dreamy/Grumpy/Leroy: Nova/Astrid, brOTP with Snow and Belle
Nova/Astrid: Dreamy/Grumpy/Leroy
Prince Charming/David/David Nolan: Snow White
Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard: David
Red Lucas/Ruby: Victor/Dr Whale, Graham
The Evil Queen, season 6 edition: Wish!Robin
Robin Hood: Regina
Wish!Robin: The Evil Queen, season 6 edition
Zelena Mills/Wicked Witch/Kelly West: Rumple/Gold (in certain AU verses), Hades
NOTE: if you don't like any of the ships I like / write, let me know and I'll be tagging them so you can blacklist them!
Emma: Killian Jones (OG Hook)
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tang0mang0 · 2 years
2, 7, 11 for the ask game
2. Wow I was giving this a lot of thought of who it could be, but I stumbled upon one that I very much believe would be better as a BroTP canonically, and that’d be Snowing. It would’ve been a really interesting story element if the writers continued with the conflict between Snow and Charming that sprouted in the early seasons with the adultery going on. David was being stupid and wouldn’t tell his wife that he didn’t love her anymore which spiraled Kathryn and Mary Margaret against David, and there was a real moment where Mary Margaret despised David. I think this is an important element even for when everyone gets their memories back and we’re back with Snow and Charming, because it shows deeply how rocky their relationship is. They are given another life where marriage isn’t dealt as something that is forced upon women to tie noble families together for allegiance, or for carrying on lineages. They are given a chance to love each other just for the sake of it, with nothing holding them to that, and it doesn’t work out. David and Mary Margaret are still Snow and Charming, even if they have different memories. They are the same people who make the same decisions. Their relationship was given a chance to sprout from the start and it fell heavily. Also, when they do get their memories back, Snow and Charming still have distrust with each other, and have an unhealthy relationship. Their relationship is very forced just because they are Snow and Charming and “they will always find each other”. Would’ve been a lot more interesting if they were just pals, because Charming and Snow are both enjoyable characters when they are not interacting with each other.
7. Honestly my memory of the early seasons is very iffy, hence me saying early seasons and not specifically one of them (Need to do a rewatch). Since most of my likes to dislikes would have happened there, I’m going to answer this flipped around. I used to hate Hades when he was introduced because I didn’t feel like he captured the essence of Hades at all. There was no flaming gay pizazz and his tone was way too serious. He is depicted as this evil brooding character, which for one, Hades should not be cast in an evil light. Hades isn’t evil just because he was the God that got chosen to be the guardian of Hell. All he does is decide who goes to Hell and who doesn’t. Don’t shoot the messenger. Anyway, this tone still somewhat persists while he is still around, but his actor really lightens him up as a bubbly personality that I came to really enjoy. I don’t know if I was just biased against Hades at first due to the evil casting and the broodiness that I saw and he was interesting since the beginning, or if the actor really did improve in his character’s performance and display. Either way, I changed hearts on Hades for sure.
11. I could answer this in one sentence by saying Hades since I mentioned him in the last question, but I’ll choose someone else. I’ll go with Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. The reasoning for hating these characters (character? Character, I guess) seems to mostly be that he was a villain that came and went quickly and didn’t add much to the story, but honestly. That’s like every villain that the show introduces other than Zelena, Regina, and Rumple. And that’s not saying that the other villains are all bad, some were, but hating a villain because they didn’t add much to the story could be said for basically all of them. Cruella was amazing for example and she basically followed a strange subplot with Rumple which I don’t even remember where that went. But anyway, Dr. Jekyll and Hyde I really liked. Now, call be biased because I think Hyde is very hot and I love his voice, but other than that, I really enjoyed seeing his story line play out. I’ve never read Dr. Jekyll and Hyde for one, so that might be why, but also it was just a really interesting subplot to me. Of course, they added in random shit to try to tie it to the main cast, but I still really liked him and wish he stuck around a bit longer.
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emmaswcns · 3 years
hey renee! 💖 how about emma, regina and neal for the character headcanon asks? :)
libby !!! i miss you & thank you !!! <33333
going under a read more so i don't jam up everyone's dash boards lmao
( also tagging @swiftbarnes bc my angel sent in emma and regina too 🤍 )
emma swan:
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Sexuality Headcanon: i rly don't like answering these questions bc they end up getting hate in my inbox lmao but imo emma is NOT straight (see examples: lily, regina, ruby and aurora) but she also has great sexual chemistry with men (examples: neal, hook, jefferson, august, graham). so i wanna say bisexual?
A ship I have with said character: should this be a random one? bc obviously everyone knows i love me some swanqueen and captain swan lmao but i guess i'll go w the one most prominent to me rn: emma and will scarlett. i know they had brief interactions, but omg, idk why but i loved their banter back and forth and how emma was so casual w him even though she didn't know him? she doesn't tend to act that way w strangers, especially someone who was breaking into libraries and ruining her date lmao, but i just thought they were cute. obviously knew it would never happen, but i dig it
A BROTP I have with said character: emma and elsa forever. elsa was the perfect friend for emma and i'm so happy that they met and had an entire arc together. my heart broke when elsa left emma though. i wish elsa and anna stayed in storybrooke so emma could have a best friend :(
A NOTP I have with said character: emma & rumple! ofc, no judgment/shame on anyone who does ship it, just not for me.
A random headcanon: emma has a praise kink lmao and that's that on that lmao
General Opinion over said character: emma is the light of my life and i love her so fucking much. i am so sad about how her character from (i wanna say) season 6 on got destroyed and diminished to whatever/whoever she was by the end, but the good thing about the tv show/fic is you can always go back and re-watch emma's good times on the show or read fic with better alternative endings for her character!
regina mills:
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Sexuality Headcanon: also same as emma but i get the sense that she prefers women more than men.
A ship I have with said character: i honestly don't ship regina w anyone other than emma? like wow i hate myself for that lmao but i just don't see it w anyone? i didn't like her and robin, we barely knew daniel... i guess i understand the allure of regina & mal? but idk. wow. i suck lmao. rumple maybe? like evil queen regina and rumple i can totally see lol
A BROTP I have with said character: i love regina's relationship with the charmings' and how they all evolve into one big found family. i love how regina still calls them names and acts like she hates them, but really, she knows david, snow and emma are her best friends lmfao
A NOTP I have with said character: ummmm... i can literally imagine regina w anyone? lmao probably my notp would be zelena? but idk everyone in this show is somehow related in some way so lmao
A random headcanon: i s2g it’s not just bc i love swanqueen lmao but i always got the vibe that regina was in love w emma and emma is totally oblivious. like regina’s “happy ending” was supposedly robin but he didn’t even last through the show so lol no & she never got with anyone else (i never watched the last season so i may be ignorant to her finding her true love but i’ve seen a lot of posts and it doesn’t seem that way but pls correct me if i’m wrong!) she never got over emma and hook being together (i.e., all her rude comments about them, never warming to hook), her facial expression when she learns emma’s engaged, that look at emma’s wedding.... just she’s in love w emma and she knows it’s unrequited love bc emma is dumb (i made myself sad okay wow bye)
General Opinion over said character: i can’t believe that i used to hate her. the first time i watched the show, i despised regina and idk why! i think deep down she’s my favorite character (emma i’m sorry). her redemption arc and everything, just so good. i love her so much. she deserves the world.
neal cassidy:
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Sexuality Headcanon: pretty straight. this show had a way of making everyone feel kinda gay in some sort of way but neal was always pretty straight to me 
A ship I have with said character: SWANFIRE. there’s nothing else. just emma and neal forever.
A BROTP I have with said character: i wish that neal and killian were able to make amends had neal survived bc they would’ve been a great duo. also love neal and belle’s relationship as well.
A NOTP I have with said character: neal x hook. again, no shame in anyone’s shipping game, just not for meeeee. 
A random headcanon: well in my head neal never fucking died and he and emma raised henry together along w regina and they all went to parent-teacher conferences and dealt with bad grades together. emma and neal would obviously be the less strict parents where regina is, well, regina. neal, if not romantically with emma, would’ve found someone (*cough* tallahaasee *cough*) and they would’ve been one big happy family together ugh
General Opinion over said character: i truly believe that the writers killed him off to pave the way for emma and hook. i think as long as neal was around, emma’s character wouldn’t of fully given herself to hook and the writers knew that so they took him out of the equation entirely. i think it would’ve been so cute for neal to be there w emma and support her for moving on and all that. i truly believe neal was emma’s true love (swanqueen feels aside lmao) but they didn’t need to kill him off to prove that he wasn’t. i could be totally wrong and the actor had other engagements but it’s just my opinion hahaha
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intothewickedwood · 3 years
for the headcanon thingy: emma swan, zelena, belle & neal :') (if any of these were already asked, replace with regina and/or mulan!)
Thank you so much, lovely! I really appreciate it <3 Heck, I’mma do them all xD!
Emma Swan
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Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual, I think!
A ship I have with said character: Graham, August, Elsa, Baelfire, Jefferson, Lily
A BROTP I have with said character: Snow, David, Henry, Elsa, Lily, Graham, August, Regina, Ruby, Baelfire
A NOTP I have with said character: Hook (I’m sorry!), just because of how much their characters changed but I did used to be an avid cs fan.
A random headcanon: Emma and Lily were a couple (or at least eachother’s crushes) and saw eachother several more times after the episode ‘Lily’ during their childhood.
General Opinion over said character:Love her. But so sad how her character changed from s5 onwards. But she’ll always be a fave of mine. Her joirney was incredible!
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Sexuality Headcanon: hmm. I definitely don’t think she’s straight. Polysexual, I think.
A ship I have with said character: Archie, Hyde
A BROTP I have with said character: Regina, Robin, Cora, Alice, Wish Hook, Snow, kinda Emma, Henry
A NOTP I have with said character: Regina (romantically)
A random headcanon: She gets her magic from her biological father Jonathan’s side, which is why she was born with it and Cora and Regina weren’t. I also think there was a curse on his side of the family, so that envy turned them green, maybe because they were a family of gardeners.
General Opinion over said character: Love her to bits! Alice Jones just managed to take over her as my favourite ouat character but I still love her sm! She’s just so deliciously wicked and hot and, yes, I have a huge crush. Don’t agree with her evil deeds, of course but love her as a villain.
Belle French
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Sexuality Headcanon: Given the amount of times she has said a romantic, longing goodbye to a disney princess at sea, there is no way she’s straight. I think she could be bisexual.
A ship I have with said character: Freedom, Adventures in the great wide somewhere, Merida, Kinda Ariel
A BROTP I have with said character: Gideon, Snow, Emma, David, Henry, Grumpy, Granny, Zelena, Will, kinda Killian, Anna, Ariel, Merida
A NOTP I have with said character: Rumple (sorry! I was just never into them and it got a bit much as the seasons went on. I don’t have an issue with fictional messy relationships but when it’s framed positively, I vibe a bit less with it)
A random headcanon: During the 28 year curse Belle had a completely different personality. She wasn’t Lacey or Belle and probably had a different name, she had no idea why she was trapped in the hospital.
General Opinion over said character: I was never really a fan and she kinda got on my nerves prior to my current rewatch. I still think she makes insane decisions sometimes in the name of being a hero but those are minor mistakes compared to villainous characters and I’ve realised the poor girl was in captivity for most of her life so I suspect that informed many of her decisions. I’ve come to like her and her wild decisions are kinda funny “yes, let’s run straight back to the town on my own in the dark where a woman is trying to shoot me in the face with her arrows and will turn into a ten foot bear.” I worry about her sometimes lol. I just want her to be free and for everyone to stop trying to control her.
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Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual
A ship I have with said character: Emma
A BROTP I have with said character: Emma, Henry, Rumple, Wendy, The Darlings, Milah, Rumple, Gideon, Snow, David
A NOTP I have with said character: Hook
A random headcanon: Baelfire being responsible for that tall guys death is a lie! That kid was an imposter! Baelfire would never! Completely goes against his character and I refuse to accept it as canon. Maybe the dark ones put that vision into Rumple’s head to assauge his own guilt.
General Opinion over said character: Love him. I wish he hadn’t died. He had such a difficult life and was so brave and selfless as a child and tried his best to be as an adult as well. He had a good heart and wanted the best for his loved ones.
Regina Mills
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Sexuality Headcanon: Pansexual, I think
A ship I have with said character: Dr. Facilier, Kathryn, Daniel, Maleficent
A BROTP I have with said character: Henry, Zelena, Cora, Robin Mills, Snow, Kathryn, Emma, David, Rumple, Alice, Wish Hook, Lucy, Maleficent
A NOTP I have with said character: Robin. They just seemed incompatible in that time of her life. I feel like she had to be a different person whenever around him, Zelena (romantically), Rumple
A random headcanon: After the corination Regina and the Hyperion Heights group went back to there own damn timeline otherwise my head freaking hurts trying to make sense of it.
General Opinion over said character: I like her. Sometimes her hypocrisy got to me big time but she changed by late season 6 and season 7. She was a great villain in s1 and compelling to watch.
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Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual and polyamorous.
A ship I have with said character: Otp is Aurora and Phillip as a throuple, Aurora, Phillip, Ruby, Merida
A BROTP I have with said character: Aurora, Phillip, Snow, Emma, Ruby, Merida
A NOTP I have with said character: none I can think of
A random headcanon: After the events of ‘Ruby Slippers’ she returns to SB with Ruby and Snow and admits to Aurora and Phillip how she feels for them just as they admit the same to her and how much they’ve missed her. They ask her to be with them and she says yes, helps raise Phillip Jr. with them an they have more children together and I cry.
General Opinion over said character: Love her! She’s hot as hell! And has great chemistry with every character she interacts with, she’s incredibly loyal and protective. She’s great!
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Emma for the character ship thing
My NOTP for them: I had to look up her ships and uh apparently rumple and her is a thing. So i'll go with that. NOPE.
My BROTP for them: I do ship them Emma/Regina. But they are also a favorite brotp. It's really context wise.
My OTP for them: Graham and Emma.
My second choice pairing for them; Maybe Emma and Jefferson?
My fluffy pairing for them: It's not a romantic ship. But I'd say her family: her snow, david, henry etc. I love that dynamic and seeing those moments made me so happy.
My angsty pairing for them: Captain Swan was full of angst to me. I do think I shipped this more before they became an actual ship though? If that makes sense. The flirty banter was so fun.
My favorite poly ship for them: I don't think i have one?
My weirdest pairing for them: I don't think it's a weird pairing per se. Just a crossover or a crackship. But maybe Dean and Emma?
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goosin-around · 1 year
Rumple: The first time I saw you, you stole my heart.
Regina:yeah that's kind of my thing you're not special.
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astridthevalkyrie · 3 years
Oh, let's have some fun. Salty Ask List, HTTYD fandom, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19
I’m so sorry, I went through half this post before realizing you only meant the HTTYD fandom, but it felt like such a waste to delete everything, so just ignore all the non-HTTYD stuff.
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Okay, here are a list of ships that I do not get, as in I don’t necessarily hate them, but I can’t bring myself to ship them:
Harmione, Kataang, Zutara, Merricup, Jelsa, Barchie, Jlaire, Rayllum, Jason /Janet (is there even a ship name for them), and Lingfan.
There’s no OTP in the HTTYD fandom that I don’t like that is popular. Hiccstrid really is the only big pairing in the fandom, and I like Hiccstrid, so...
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Basically see above? Every single ship on that last is a couple whose non romantic relationship I thrive for. 
But in a general sense, nearly all my ships. I like writing people being friends more than I like writing them being in a romantic relationship. I like writing Hiccup and Astrid being friends with each other - even when they’re a couple, they’re friends who kiss every now and then. SO, every ship technically. 
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
I do not care for Rufflout or Dagla or Heathlegs but I don’t consider them popular OTPs. 
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Zutara, Harmione (these two are gonna be recycled a lot, pfft). Hiccstrid to a certain point, the love square in MLB, Jake and Amy? Kinda?
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
Already answered!
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
REGINA MILLS. There’s probably others but I cannot stand Regina Mills, holy crap. She is everything I hate. Her character and fan following boggle my mind so much. The woman is terrible and the writers’ love for her screwed over every other character. That being said, I love Lana Parilla.
There’s also two meanings to “dislike” in this sense. Characters like Regina are ones that I dislike but ultimately am still entertained by. Cheryl Blossom and Severus Snape fall under that category too. But I could also dislike a character simply because they’re boring, like Nini from HSMTMTS or Elena from TVD (but I’ve only watched one episode of TVD so don’t come for me there).
For HTTYD I dislike RTTE Hiccup, RTTE Tuffnut, Grimmel and Dagur to a certain point. 
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Regina’s redemption arc because she never regretted anything and constantly blamed everyone else and never did anything to atone and literally separated the evil from herself as though the evil part of her was someone else and not just her. Like, she was not possessed, she was not controlled, she may have been manipulated by Rumple, but her evil actions were entirely her own.
I also dislike Dagur’s redemption arc honestly? He never was shown to be changing, he just did a complete flip out of love for Heather and didn’t really have to go through any work for it, so it doesn’t feel satisfying.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Already vocalized, but some people hold HTTYD up on a pedestal and ignore its flaws. Its villains are racist and antisemitic and the writing is sexist (yes, even the movies, describing astrid in a “sexy ball of fire” is weird). 
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
Which opinion do I have about RTTE that isn’t unpopular, pfft. Let’s see if there’s any I haven’t talked about yet...
The timing of the show was so weird? It’s supposed to take place when Hiccup is nineteen, so one year before HTTYD2 at least, and yet it’s kind of impossible that everything happened within a year. Specifically in Shellshocked (I think), Astrid mentions that Hiccup has been working on a plan for months, months that we did not see that happened between episodes. The writers also seriously wrote the show as though they had not seen HTTYD2, and while Mala and Atali and Minden are cool characters that I appreciate, BERK SHOULD BE THE ONLY ISLAND THAT HAS MADE PEACE WITH DRAGONS. As for being “canon,” it depends on what you define as canon. 
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
Have Hiccstrid be in a relationship already. Give Dagur a proper redemption arc. Snotlout and Astrid are bisexual. Hiccup changes outfits so that he starts wearing armor closer to his HTTYD2 outfit. More time spent on Berk. Less of a “gotta catch em all” feel. More villages introduced. Heather is a proper grey character. 
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Instead of the dragons leaving, I would have had them stay and beat the odds and gotten an optimistic ending instead of a pessimistic one.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
I’m not on Tumblr as much anymore, but I wish that there were more discussion posts like there were around HTTYD2/early RTTE times. I know it’s hard to discuss theories and stuff when the franchise is over, but I miss analyses and discussion and that kind of fun.
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Chapter Update: Ch 63
The New Normal
Sequel to Breaking The Hatter, The Ties That Bind Us & Cursed stories.
AU set right after the curse is broken during season2. Will Jefferson find out Aurora is alive? Can they have their happily ever after in Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest? Will King George's powerplay succeed or will Cora and Hook's plans interfere? Is Science stronger than Magic?
OTP to come at some point in the story- MadSleeping, Frankenwolf, Rumbelle, MadQueen(flashbacks) OutlawQueen MadWhale Brotp.
Prologue – 
Chapter 63- Hook tries to warn Jefferson about Cora’s upcoming plans, but she is keeping him too in the dark to provide any useful details, not that his son would believe them if he had. Regina is still finding herself dreading the count down to the Winter Solstice and her mother’s plans of revenge and homecoming back to the Enchanted Forest. Victor is starting to enjoy his life in Storybrooke between Ruby and Belle starting to remember her old life including Rumple, things are looking up for him. The worry of his father and Cora’s plan won’t stop Jefferson from enjoying the approaching Christmas Holiday with Grace and Aurora.
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
😎🌍🤣 for the fic asks :)?
😎 Who is your BroTP?
I don’t know how to pick tbh. I love Red Snow but I also kinda ship it romantically and I feel like there are also so many other awesome brOTPs that deserve a shoutout. Like, Alice and Rumple certainly, even if I kinda count that more as a familial relationship (he adopted her and that is that on that). And Lucy and Facilier was also super adorable in the one episode we got of them. That would have been a beautiful relationship if he hadn’t died.
🌍 What is your dream AU?
Okay, so this is more of a canon divergence but at the end of 7x20 Wish Rumple doesn’t kill Facilier. Instead, he sends Rumple, Regina and Wish Killian into the just in Cursed!Storybrooke (I have no idea how he had the Curse cast; I was working on that before I abandoned the idea and now even what I knew is a bit hazy so... apologies for that). They are cursed but they have memories sporadically entering their minds and that is the fun part. You know how the flashbacks in each episode are always one connected story? What if we mix that up and show pieces of several stories in the same episode and then as the episodes progress, the stories start to piece together? I mean, obviously that is a more advanced storytelling than OUAT could have pulled off but I thought it would be neat and fit in well with the mess that is happening. So Wish Rumple sent the other three there to stop them from interfering with his plan because he thinks they are the only ones that can stop him. However, Henry, Alice and Robin team up and also get Gideon to Seattle (so maybe we need to remove the time travel thing also) and they try to get through to Wish Rumple instead of fighting him. He is shocked that he has another son, and from Belle no less, and he does put off the doomsday plans for a while to get to know Gideon (and Alice and Henry as well) so maybe there is still hope for him. And for extra amount of angst in the end, we can have Rumple (from the EF1) do something that kills both him and Wish Rumple (and maybe all other Rumples in any possible alternate universes (just to be safe)) after he gets his memories back but since he is in Storybrooke 2.0 and Wish Rumple is in Seattle, they both go to the wrong afterlife so Wish Rumple ends up with Belle and Rumple ends up with Wish Belle. And Rumple never sees Gideon again but he is by Wish Rumple’s side when he dies.
🤣 Has a fic ever made your face hurt from laughing so much?
Oh, yeah. I’m pretty sure you know of “Adventures with Cora Mills”. It is one of the most popular crack fics in the OUAT fandom and for a good reason. I laughed so much from that fic that not only my face, but also my throat started hurting. I had a good time, though.
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ryik-the-writer · 4 years
Character Headcannon: Rumplestiltskin/The Dark One
1: sexuality headcanon
Rumplestiltskin: definitely a low-ley bi. I can see spinner!rumple maybe having a little crush on a fellow sheep farmer (someone give me a sheep bros au). He would never discriminate on who someone falls in love with, especially after being raised by the Aunts.
The Dark One: hmm...he’s tricky. The Dark One is someone who uses close-proximity manipulation to get what he wants, but there’s never really a sexual motive behind it. I’d try for poly-bi.
2: otp
The Dark One
3: brotp
Rumplestiltskin: That’s hard because by the end of the series Rumple really didn’t have friends (fuck you writers). But if I had to get high off markers and pretend, definitely Alice, David, Regina, or even Emma. 
The Dark One: Jefferson all the way. I would sell a lung to get a miniseries with these two maniacs.
4: notp
Rumplestiltskin: Zelena. Get that evil bitch away.
The Dark One: Zelena, The Blue Fairy, any bitch who tried to hurt him.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Rumplestiltskin: Still being the DO post-Gideon, he never slept, so he would take care of the bulk of  Gideon’s nighttime needs. 
The Dark One: he’s a knitter. Got to do something when you're an immortal. He knits tiny hats and clothes for all the babies he deals for.
6: one way in which I relate to this character
Rumplestiltskin: I don’t have confidence in my self, and I’m alway second-guessing every move I make.
The Dark One: I rather people be freaked out by me than want to be my friend.
7: thing that gives me second-hand embarrassment about this character
Rumplestiltskin: Honestly, the lying. I know it stems from fear and it’s unintentional, but Rumple never let himself be loved so he never knew how to open up to others.
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Rumplestiltskin: problematic cinnamon roll
The Dark One: problamatic fave
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Leave a TV show or movie in my ask box and I'll tell you...
favorite male character: I don’t think I have a strong attachment to any of the guys but I guess Henry? Also reminds me of my blog for Wish!Henry who may or may not have a comeback who knows
favorite female character: Anyone who knows me KNOWS I love Drizella fucking Tremaine
least favorite character: I’ll say Rumple idgaf 
prettiest character: You can’t do this to me?? OUAT literally has one of THE most attractive casts okaY NOPE I REFUSE
funniest character: Legit tho my first thought was Ariel and Cruella???
favorite season: Ofc I’d say season 1 duh but also s7 gave me Drizzy even tho it fell flat a bunch so I say 1 with 7 as the honorable mention
favorite episode: My gut instinct was to respond with s1′s “Red-Handed” because RUBY GOD I LOVE YOU and I just feel like that was OUAT at one of it’s peaks??
favorite romantic ship: Legit no overall ship is popping into my head, like I DO have a favorite ship for each character like Snowing, SwanThief, Driz/Gretel, RedBeauty etc etc
favorite family ship: The Charmings, Regina/Zelena, and Driz/Ella/Ana fo sure
favorite friend ship: noah fence but Red/Snow/Charming is the Brotp of dreams
worst ship: Rumbelle/CaptainSwan was amazing in the beginning but hhhhh not anymore
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