#rs: in our next lives
evakant · 4 months
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THE UNTAMED (2019) — episode twenty-seven
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klywrites · 2 years
Elly brings home a small snake.
Remy: no.
Elly: it's so cute...
Remy: you are not keeping that.
Elly: I will ask Mira.
Remy: what difference does it make??? you're not going to be able to take care of it properly here!!!
Elly: :(
The following week... Elly brings home a lizard.
Remy: Elly—
Elly: a friend for Delphene.
Remy: no.
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aita-blorbos · 2 months
(Spoilers for Magnus Archives)
AITA for burning my childhood house down
Hello, Jon.
Apologies for the deception, but I wanted to make sure you started reading, so I thought it best not to announce myself.
I’m assuming you’re alone; you always did prefer to read your statements in private. (slightly strained) I wouldn’t try too hard to stop reading; there’s every likelihood you’ll just hurt yourself. So just listen.
Now, shall we turn the page and try again?
WIBTA for starting the apocalypse
I hope you’ll forgive me the self-indulgence, but I have worked so very hard for this moment, a culmination of two centuries of work. It’s rare that you get the chance to monologue through another, and you can’t tell me you’re not curious.
Why does a man seek to destroy the world?
It’s a simple enough answer: for immortality and power. Uninspired, perhaps, but – my god. The discovery, not simply of the dark and horrible reality of the world in which you live, but that you would quite willingly doom that world and confine the billions in it to an eternity of terror and suffering, all to ensure your own happiness, to place yourself beyond pain and death and fear.
It is an awful thing to know about yourself, but the freedom, Jon, the freedom of it all. I have dedicated my life to handing the world to these Dread Powers all for my own gain, and I feel… nothing but satisfaction in that choice.
I am to be a king of a ruined world, and I shall never die.
I believe there are far more people in this world that would take that bargain than you would ever guess. And I have beaten all of them.
Of course, this desire did not manifest overnight. When RS (87, M) first gathered our little band – L, S, and the rest – to discuss and hypothesize on the nature of the things he had learned from R, I felt what I believe we all felt: curiosity, and fear.
But as he compiled his taxonomy and codified his theories on the grand rituals, I began to develop a very specific concern. RS was so obsessed with his ideas on balance, even as our fellows began to experiment and fall to the service of our patrons.
I began to worry that if one of them successfully attempted their ritual, then I would be as much a victim as any, trapped in the nightmare landscape of a twisted world.
At first, I attempted prevention, but the cause seemed hopeless. The only way to ensure I did not suffer the tribulations of what I believed to be an inevitable transformation was to bring it about myself. So what began as an experiment soon became a race.
Beyond that, I was getting older, and mortality began to weigh more heavily on my mind. How much in this world is done because we fear death, the last and greatest terror?
I convinced RS to work on Millbank, leading him to design it as a temple to all the Fears in equilibrium, such that my own modifications to the design of the Panopticon went… unremarked.
It. Took. Years. for the dread of the prisoners to fully suffuse the place, and I was an old man before I made my first attempt at the Watcher’s Crown, sat in the center of that colossal eye, the great ring of cells encircling me like a coronet.
It was… flawed, of course, as all RS’s rituals were, and none of the inmates survived as the power I attempted to harness shook the building almost to pieces, and the murky swamp upon which the prison was built consumed it.
But it left me a gift: For sat in that watchtower, I could see everything I turned my mind to.
It was a dizzying power, and one I discovered I maintained even as I found vessels to extend my life. Of course, I had to make sure the location was kept under my control while I worked on revising my plans, and so I moved the organization I had founded to assist in my research down to London, and the Institute as you know it was born.
I’ll not bore you with details of my bodies and failures through those intervening years. Suffice to say I kept busy, both planning my own next attempt, and doing my best to stymie those others who tried versions of their own.
Surely my interpretation of the Watcher’s Crown had been incomplete; there had been some element of the ritual I had overlooked.
It was not until I met G (70, F) that things began to really come into focus.
You see, the role of Archivist has been part of the Beholding for as far back as my research can go. This isn’t uncommon for the Powers; most of the beliefs around them are guesswork and fallible human interpretation, but there are certain throughlines and consistencies that can be spotted, regardless of the trappings.
But G was unlike any other Archivist. She simply did not care about compiling experiences or collecting the fears of others. She was driven to stop those who served the Powers.
More than once I thought she must secretly be of the Hunt – but there was never that sick joy in her, that thrill of predator and prey. She had simply decided that this was her position in life, and went about it with a practicality that even I found disconcerting at times.
I once asked her what drove her, what had started her down that path. She told me the Desolation had killed her cat.
I don’t know if she was joking, and, to be honest, I could never bring myself to look into her mind and find out for sure.
In any case, G’s ruthless efficiency in derailing and collapsing rituals threw into stark relief a question that had been bothering me for almost a hundred and fifty years: In the whole span of humanity, why had nobody ever succeeded?
Perhaps there were a long line of G throughout history, but I found that hard to credit. Could it be, then, that there was something in the very concept of the rituals that meant they couldn’t succeed?
She was clearly having similar thoughts in that last year, all of which culminated with the People’s Church.
When I saw that she was making no preparations whatsoever to stop it, I realized she was putting into practice a theory, and one she couldn’t afford to be wrong. She was going to wait, and see if the unopposed ritual succeeded, or if it collapsed under its own strain as mine had all those years ago.
Knowing G, I’m sure she had a backup plan if she had miscalculated – but she had not. The ritual failed. And all at once, I realized what had to be done.
You see, the thing about the Fears is that they can never be truly separated from each other. When does the fear of sudden violence transition into the fear of hunted prey? When does the mask of the Stranger become the deception of the Spiral?
Even those that seem to exist in direct opposition rely on each other for their definition as much as up relies on down.
To try and create a world with only the Buried makes as much sense as trying to conceive a world with only down.
Every ritual tied itself so closely to a single power as to render itself impossible. They could bring their patron close, but never sever it from the others, and eventually it would be violently pulled back into the place next to reality where they dwell.
The solution, then, is simple: A new ritual must be devised which will bring through all the Powers at once. All fourteen, as I had hoped I could complete it before any new powers such as Extinction were able to fully emerge. All under the Eye’s auspices, of course. We mustn’t forget our roots.
And there was only one being that could possibly serve as a lynchpin for this new ritual: The Archivist. A position that had so recently become vacant, thanks to G’s ill-timed retirement plans.
Because the thing about the Archivist is that – well, it’s a bit of a misnomer.
It might, perhaps, be better named: The Archive.
Because you do not administer and preserve the records of fear, Jon. You are a record of fear, both in mind as you walk the shuddering record of each statement, and in body as the Powers each leave their mark upon you.
You are a living chronicle of terror.
Perhaps, then, if I could find an Archivist and have each Power mark them, have them confront each one and each in turn instill in them a powerful and acute fear for their life, they could be turned into a conduit for the coming of this – nightmare kingdom.
Do you see where I’m going, Jon?
It does tickle me, that in this world of would-be occult dynasties and ageless monsters, the Chosen One is simply that – someone I chose. It’s not in your blood, or your soul, or your destiny. It’s just in your own, rotten luck.
I’ll admit, my options were somewhat limited, but My God, when you came to me already marked by the Web, I knew it had to be you. I even held out some small hope you had been sent by the Spider as some sort of implicit blessing on the whole project, and, do you know what, I think it was.
Of course, I had to bide my time, get a measure of you before I began to push, learn how you worked – So I decided I would wait until something came for you, and see how you reacted. Attacks upon the Archives were not uncommon during G’s tenure, and, while she was always prepared, I made sure you would not be.
I reasoned if you couldn’t survive a single encounter, you were unlikely to make it through all fourteen. So, when JP attacked, I watched eagerly, one hand on the gas release from the start.
You acquitted yourself well enough, so I decided to see how far you would get, though I waited until the worms were in you before I pulled the lever. I needed to make sure you felt that fear all the way to your bones.
The discovery that one of the Stranger’s minions had infiltrated the Institute in the aftermath was certainly a pleasant bonus. Even if that sliver of paranoia, that vague wrongness you couldn’t quite place wouldn’t count as a mark, it was only a matter of time before it confronted you in a far more direct and affecting matter.
Admittedly, given the advent of the Unknowing, I needn’t have bothered. But what’s the old saying about hindsight?
More important to me was Sasha’s encounter with the Distortion. If it had taken an interest, then I very much wanted it to cross your path.
So I found one of its current victims and convinced her to make a statement.
Poor H (~20, F). I actually had to put her in a taxi myself, she was getting so lost in those narrow London side streets.
It worked, though.
Between the stabbing and at least two desperate flights into its doors – you’re marked very deeply by the Spiral.
JL (~70, M) was a surprise, of course, and I was forced to improvise. I had no idea how much G would have told him, and he could very easily have derailed everything if you learned too much too fast.
I justified it to myself saying I was going to have to send you out into the world anyway, if you were to encounter more of the Powers, but I can’t honestly pretend it wasn’t a… rather rash move.
Still. I’d requested Detective T (~25, F) be assigned to the case when they found G’s body in the hope that having a Hunter in the mix would eventually lead to a confrontation, and setting you up as a killer certainly hastened that.
Then it was just a matter of feeding you statements to lead you to a few Avatars I thought were likely to harm you – but probably would stop short of actually killing you.
J (27, F) served her purpose exactly as I had hoped, as did our dearly departed Mr. C, marking you for the Desolation and the Vast.
Honestly, I had – nothing to do with M (23, F) and her Slaughter adventure, but when I saw the situation, I made sure to trap her here, so when her rage bubbled over you would be right there, a ready target.
I didn’t foresee the mark coming from surgery gone wrong, but it was a very pleasant surprise.
The Unknowing was a distraction, but not an unwelcome one. For this to work, you needed more than just the marks; you needed power. And that was something the Unknowing served to test, though it posed no actual danger in the grand scheme of things.
And it did serve another purpose, of course. It inadvertently pushed you to confront death, a mark I had been very worried about trying to orchestrate. If I tried too early, you’d just die. Too late, and you might be powerful enough to see the attempt coming, and maybe even understand why.
As it was, it was just right, and once again, you came through with flying colors.
By this point, your abilities were coming along in leaps and bounds, and I was concerned that meeting face-to-face might end up with you – (sigh) – Knowing something you shouldn’t.
I had initially planned to go into hiding, but when your colleagues surprised me with the police, well. It was simple enough to cut a deal.
All that remained, then, were the Dark, the Flesh, the Buried, and the Lonely.
I was a little put out when that idiot JH (???, M) misinterpreted my letters and attacked the Institute too soon, before you were even out of the hospital, but then – Ho, you should have see my face when you voluntarily went to him.
I couldn’t see what happened in there, of course, but given how you came out, I’m very sure it counts as a mark.
I suspected the coffin might turn up again, and once it did, it was simply a matter of getting any, uh… restraining factors you might have had flying off on a wild goose chase, and waiting.
Honestly, Detective T has been proving invaluable through this process. I’d been racking my brains for months about what I could use to lure you in.
And, of course, I knew the Dark Sun was just sitting there waiting. So when it came time, I just whipped up another apocalypse and sent you on your merry way.
Then all that remained was the Lonely.
Poor P (~50, M). He really should have left well enough alone. Or just done what I’d asked in the first place.
Ah well. He knew what I was attempting, and was very unwilling to cooperate until I made him a little wager about M (same age as you, Jon, M).
Of course, he had no way of knowing that, in addition to setting you up for the final mark, he was giving you all the tools you needed to escape from it.
How is M, by the way? He looks well. You will keep an eye on him when all this is over, won’t you? He’s earned that.
And there, I think, we are brought just about up to date. I have enjoyed our little trip down memory lane, but past here lies only impatience.
You are prepared. You are ready. You are marked. The power of the Ceaseless Watcher flows through you, and the time of our victory is here.
Don’t worry, Jon. You’ll get used to it here, in the world that we have made.
Now. Repeat after me.
You who watch and know and understand none. You who listen and hear and will not comprehend. You who wait and wait and drink in all that is not yours by right.
Come to us in your wholeness.
Come to us in your perfection.
Bring all that is fear and all that is terror and all that is the awful dread that crawls and chokes and blinds and falls and twists and leaves and hides and weaves and burns and hunts and rips and bleeds and dies!
Come to us.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 4 months
He Doesn't Deserve You | Intro | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: You husband Taehyung is anything but loving but that doesn't keep him from trying to hold onto you. But what happens when a kind stranger shows up and reminds you of your worth? Pairing: f!reader x Jeon Jungkook Word Count: 388 Warnings: yändere, manipulative, domestic violence, self harm, cheating, explicit language, eventual smut, idk what else lol this is just the intro a/n: Hey guys I got this fic request by the lovely @euphriajjks so I hope you guys will all be looking forward to it! I guess this will kinda make up for the fact that oc didn't end up with Jungkook in difh like some of you wanted 😅 p.s. as always barely edited lol (I wrote this in one sitting so I hope it doesn't flop)
I open my eyes to sunlight beaming through the blinds in our room. I stretch and reach out on impulse to see if Taehyung ever came home, but it the same way it always is...
Waking up to an empty bed without my husband beside me has been something that has become a reoccurring theme in our marriage. I scoff at the fact that I even bother to call what we have a marriage anymore. I'm simply a warm body that he comes home to whenever he bothers to show up. 
When he's here there's always a turbulent dichotomy of emotions throughout the place we call home. He's either ready to jump my bones or getting into a fight about the smallest of things. Our love or lack there of is poisoning us from the inside out and it's times like these that I wake up ready to pack a bag and run. But I have no place to go. 
After getting ready I look at the faint purple handprints still noticeable on my neck from our last argument. It was a bad one and I wasn't sure if I was even going to make it out alive with what he was doing to me. I shiver at the memory and decide to change from my v neck tee and resigning to something with a higher collar, knowing already that it covers up the mistakes he's made before.
Because all those were were mistakes right? He never actually meant to hurt me. He always comes back and says sorry after he's calmed down and realizes what he's done. He always tells me that he didn't mean to call me 'that' and that he doesn't know how he got so lucky marrying the girl of his dreams but his actions say otherwise. 
Things weren't like this at the start. We were young and in love and things with him just felt right! We were each other's other half. Key word: Were.
Now it just feels like we're strangers tied together by some stupid pieces of paper and a string of broken promises. 
My life wasn't supposed to be like this. We were supposed to be happy, build a family and a house full of love. 
Now all I'm left with is an empty bed and bleeding heart that still beats for him.    
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heich0e · 4 months
suna reaction when he walks in on you crying at woowoo
"hey did you know that jupiter is twice as big as—oh."
you don't look up when suna walks into the room, but you can picture him even without turning in his direction. the way his steps had shuffled in means he's probably got the fluffy red slippers your mother bought you both on his feet, the way there's sound playing from a video that suddenly stops in the middle of a sentence means he's probably got his phone in his hand, the way his voice lilts up at the end of his sentence means his eyebrows are probably raised in that way that you always tell him is going to cause wrinkles.
"whatcha doing?" rintarou asks, drawing the words out hesitantly—as though he almost doesn't wanna know the answer.
"setting up the roomba," you reply, but your voice is unnaturally thick. you scrub the back of your hand across your eyes and it comes away wet with tears.
"are you having a hard time?" he asks next, and you can hear him shuffle a bit closer.
you're sitting cross legged on your living room floor with the little robot vacuum cradled between your pajama-clad thighs, your hands resting gently over top of it.
"no," you warble again.
"uh," rinatrou falters, "why're you crying then?"
you finally look up at him, your lower lip wobbling.
"look how cute it is," you cry, picking the little vacuum up and holding it aloft for him to see.
suna's eyes flicker from your tearstained face to the vacuum, and then back again. that wrinkle on his forehead makes itself known.
"it's... a vacuum."
"it's a ROBOT vacuum, rintarou," you correct him pointedly. "like the mars rover... or wall-e!"
"wall-e is a cartoon," he notes.
"you're so heartless," you whine, cradling the circular appliance to your chest as though to comfort it. "this is our wall-e. he's going to help us clean our house. he works hard and is so little."
"you named it, didn't you?" rintarou is making no effort to hide his amusement now, his smile plain in his voice.
"his name is... woowoo."
"woowoo?" suna repeats.
"yeah," you rub your eyes again. "my sister couldn't pronounce her Rs when she was little so she would have called it a woomba. a wobot wacuum. so... woowoo."
"you're hopeless," rintarou laughs, plopping himself down behind you on the floor, with his chest to your back and one long leg stretched out on either side of yours. he leans his head against yours, reaching up to take the vacuum from your hands and survey it.
you lean back into him slightly, even though he's being mean.
"so... woowoo, huh?" rintarou asks. "y'know, most couples would get emotional naming a dog. or a baby."
"you're not even nice to our vacuum, there's no way you're getting a baby," you mutter resentfully.
"hey," he laughs, nudging his cheek against yours. he turns the vacuum over as he examines it. "so how does it work?"
"he," you correct him firmly.
"alright, how does he work?" rintarou asks through another laugh.
you shrug. "i dunno. i started crying before i got through the instruction manual."
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ilearhmajeste · 2 months
w Always ka chrain bLow? Nibli
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I kno u what that's a pic up above , THAT is their thrus it's an other there. It exists, so it gets anchored pretty hard NOWSHRB They're shooting up next to it like that's giving them powefs
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Ununbegrudgingly but in Nother Corada Center Sentatris Otta わAnd that's weird right her fingers (a thread could have been the thrd) u kno why you makr NayaL I seee flashBEAM
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Ç !is wow ah cool draft tung
Regularity Building aspersions Paf in two places by a known illiterate neighbor of author bibb
č tz
Either a roast for to have more space and no one of those with debts actually needs ^The space because they aren't taking any up because they are and on' unplugged Sortofs angela meets the globe your 30DISK catch up with jiggly puff if tge drill cave nvm we re at the only place I've ever bothered to get to For Fishing but that's just not wat its about un that world they keep crabs a way aways from pieces tge concept a lot of affirmation ordered Paired Humblar Bulbus chair Knob knanas plex
We don't have a dog dp you know whatever isn't moving on the lawns' gonna be your leaves all jerry1^にく
Bushwakers ghe s.oki signaling to
Arriave courier pour (huille)^ like yAcflum a fu une beauceup Der jh und an ichi(the sound) with no look at all an a k stainfrisbeArcher RaisabPj as per Your predeT(j*^);one is nor either
And also what's past is west to everyone except me,I'm what has tar paste and tunes of plastic bagged iti fr bread sticks pasta. Bu...t ..a.asmal.L' and look at how a Carbo is spelt they make a point that it's Scalra Ave of the Powee plant(translator) That's,not Versailles, but... there's always room for a forbidden palaus でどと ca nue have k "chers just smarter is all.
More senior ModelfuvSanké I can say that I've been pickt by a Roc but a gildydbulnbdisk on live tv no one see good nope just don't look for it cuz you know whereswasTghat 'Thangole Luck bra gon jingling off too
Mumsol dol,
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Br o under rs ITs already a lye there can't be a both that your not privy bus sized computer chips stepping the USA,SvevnqUil(ylanz)'ll do it
And then shows it right with the speaker vents
Sometimes business is bad for minors Licenses available
tzuy Aparentlt the XcartXrdfg os brown
Or is my forebrpwdDid she tell you she yelled the shot out...You should not be able to reach that from the side walk
And so I had to assuafe she told the hallway
Cud u pull some onions wilted unclothed
Splendid landing numbness there's A g for just gpatial trust me itsdome magnetism and a secret "about" it. Yuh a sheet digimon bytheway The chemical symbol for over your head バカ ーヤマ
Also gravity but a E ^ y, A r foreH her lost GaD I'd call it glade but treat it as a spelling error.
We use all our H together to BE but can talk our ohn , T an actual there The Place BEST!
Otherwise the people of Maycomb speak normally. Knowledge lessons,providing requirements dir dyrk rebel base under attav
Imperial Starfleet to Luke's headset
I didn't see you
( `Å´)(#゚Д゚)never l'fywhymnot playing Now I'm watching
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that's family guy You have to at least sniff or they'll make fun of you for laughing from another room BLUMANgrouphome
Someone said it was eviden dI have a drenched friend in a fencing outfit
And someone called it mashed potatoes who you gonna belive MARSHMALLO
I can't fit a napkin of jail bird javelin pixi u?
Ah that's a na nger
Ya kno drugs were hammer Ed or nuts fruit Zedra of The Universe dot DoT
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bentosandbox · 11 months
LaTers lyrics TL
keysmashed this out quickly yesterday because i think we're not going to get an official one
disclaimer: done with the power of JLPT N3 and a honorary texlapp doctorate also i tried to reword some the english lyrics to make them make sense
texas / lappy / both
この身を盾にして 影は背中に迫っていた My self as his trump card, his shadow approaches my back
自由を縛ったのは 自分か世界のせいか Who was it that bound my freedom, was it me or the world
境界を踏み越えて満ちる 騒がしさを知った I step over the boundary, and am full of the turbulence I knew
狂乱を巻き込んだ力 戦いで示すだけEasy My power engulfed by frenzy, demonstrating it in battle is easy
昨日に追い付かれるのか Will yesterday catch up with me
明日を追い駆けるのか Will I chase after tomorrow
Which one do you like? Which path will you take?
さよなら 告げるために此処にいる ‘Goodbye’, I came here to say this
最初から 揺らがない覚悟を持って From the very start, with my unwavering resolve
打ち砕け Sink or swim Break into pieces, sink or swim
逃さないよ Stop bugging me Can't get away, stop irking me
Fight to the last 速度を上げるStory Fight to the last, speed up the story
追憶を振り切って Break from your memories
何の因果が結んだ 聞こえない振りは止めてよね Just what kind of fate has tied us together? Stop pretending you can’t hear me, okay?
重く感じた刃に 縋り付くのは記憶 My blades feel so heavy, with the weight of my memories clinging on
愛憎の重なった玩具(おもちゃ)ぶつけ合えばいいよ Playthings of both love and hate, it’s fine to smash them together
退路は塞がったままで 信じた道を歩んでくJourney My path of retreat still closed off, I set off on the journey I believe in
受け入れて楽しもうか Why not accept it and have fun?
掻き消して進もうか Why not drown it all out and move on?
Which one do you like? Which path will you take?
さよなら 高くついた代償は ‘Goodbye’, an expensive farewell
これから 斬り伏せて払えばいい From now on, I cut down whomever I please
Live in this world And live in this world
過去から 地続きの 夢を見た I dreamed of a connection from the past
未来へと 臨むため現在(いま)を行こう Let’s head towards the present (now) to face the future
いつかは… Someday…
ありがとう 次を描きたいから ‘Grazie’, I’ll express this next (time)
応えよう 剣先に触れる音で Come on, respond, with the sounds of our sword points touching(🤨
さよなら 告げるために此処にいる 'Goodbye', I came here to say this
最初から 揺らがない覚悟を持って From the very start, with my unwavering resolve
忘れないで Be the light Don’t forget now, be the light
夜明けまで Slash the darkness Until day breaks, slash the darkness
Fight to the last A fight to the last
速度を上げて行け Come on, let’s speed things up
もう止められない程 (Til) it can’t be stopped no more
追憶を振り切って Break from your memories
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I'm guessing it's supposed to be the 'later' in ‘see you laters’ if La = Lappland and te = texas what is rs relationship???
lines that made me ????
Which one do you like?
my gut() is telling me it's more along the lines of 'which path do you like better' so i went with 'Which path will you take?'
逃さないよ Stop bugging me
was wavering between the first part referring to tex (as in lapp telling her she can't run away forever) but the 'stop bugging me' convinced me its referring to herself being unable to escape the quagmire
ありがとう 次を描きたいから
nobody corrected me on twitter so i take it my reading isn't horribly off lmfao..texas saying thank you to LAPP?? dio mio
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finedinereception · 6 months
Why is Sirius on your brain SO much?
Explain in Mario terms
make my brain go -flag pole noise-
haha okay but actually here we go. this is disorganized and more me vomiting my thoughts out and making you look at him but yknow.
the black hole server: the most soul sucking and messed up place to live since america
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thanks for the insightful commentary, buddy
so sirius lives the life of the average True Gamer, in a dark hole full of anime figurines and merchandise or whatever. he likes adding to that collection and then fucking around with it because bloodsport really never died to him. who cares what ign had to say.
unfortunately, like all gamers, his home is not hospitable to most life.
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weaker em beings apparently “enervate and die” within the server. thats delightfully fucked up, and honestly, a vast empty, dark, cold space that sucks the life out of pretty much everything around it and is only truly habitable to one lifeform is an insanely cool idea that i always love.
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uh…. roche limit????
obviously, with such an unfriendly gamer den, sirius himself does not get a lot of company.
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we’ll come back to this next section.
but basically the black hole server is a really cool idea and location that really serves to emphasize what an outside-context issue sirius is. he feels very “other” in this world, in part thanks to where hes made his home.
with friends like these, who needs mega man?
sirius has some… interesting ideas about what is good and reasonable for people. or what constitutes a healthy platonic relationship. actually just relationships in general.
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i think its interesting he jumped straight to this with mega man, when he also harbored apollo flame, who was pretty damn open about his intentions to eventually usurp and subjugate sirius
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apollo flame! oh, you, always on about taking over the universe!
this is weird to say, with what we know about sirius in general and his personality (which we’ll be getting to soon) but… theres this pervasive sense that he views the Rs as a mix between pawns and, like, his perverse version of “friends”
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the use of “our” here is interesting, along with the implication that sirius shares more information with them than he actually needs to
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and the fact that sirius has the tendency to start talking to himself in the middle of a conversation…
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and the fact that he enforces a friendly relationship between those who dont get along…
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theres just a weird sense of sirius “playing” with dynamics, and while its certainly useful to him, its easy to imagine a hint of curiousity in there. the exploration of one of the only things that cant be taken by force.
of course you have blue skin and pronouns
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look at him. look at him. hes based on a squid. hes got that squid drip. i think sirius would be into deep sea life. im choosing to view this as an in-character choice. he likes squid now, okay?
i also dont know where else to mention this, but hey what was up with mu metal. is he tied to mu. what was that about lmao. bro got pica.
he has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most public spaces
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he is so fucking stupid😭
the main, and final, thing i want to bring up is his extreme case of blue and orange morality. because being rude is worse than destroying a planet to him.
from here on out ill be using direct quotes since i actually have access to these and writing and ive hit image limit. what can i say theres so much i want you to look at.
Sirius: ... I don't need that rude EM being for my collection. 
Sirius: I was hoping to enjoy watching everyone on the planet panic for a bit... But I suppose destroying it outright would be fun too. 
back to back is an interesting display of standards. but id go further and argue that… sirius doesnt really act with malice.
MegaMan: Peoples lives... Planets... They aren't toys for you to play with. Have you even considered the pain you are putting all those people down there though? Sirius: Everything here will cease to exist. A black hole has no need for such things as emotions. You should... be happy. You will live forever within the darkness. You will be mine. MegaMan: I wouldn't call that living! I'd rather not exist! Sirius: ...I see. Do you think that you might change your mind? Stopping you without causing you any injury would be a bit of a nuisance to me. It will be hard for us to play together with you injured.
and you could argue that this is an attempt at persuasion… except that sirius doesnt really need that. hes pretty confident in his ability to win a fight, so id argue this is genuinely just how he thinks. his fascination with destroying things is processed not with malicious intent but the same perverse curiosity that drives a child to pour water on an ant hill.
mean spirited? yeah, but its all in good fun to him.
hes the living version of all those jokes about a person who never talks to other people or goes outside or anything. hes had his own little bubble to develop the most deranged moral compass and interal narrative of all time.
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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U-2 pilot recalls when a Soviet submarine nearly fired a nuclear torpedo at a US Navy ship almost escalating Cuban Missile Crisis into World War III
A U-2 pilot tells a scary story that took place during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Built in complete secrecy by Kelly Johnson and the Lockheed Skunk Works, the original U-2A first flew in August 1955. Early flights over the Soviet Union in the late 1950s provided the president and other US decision makers with key intelligence on Soviet military capability.
SR-71 T-Shirts
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CLICK HERE to see The Aviation Geek Club contributor Linda Sheffield’s T-shirt designs! Linda has a personal relationship with the SR-71 because her father Butch Sheffield flew the Blackbird from test flight in 1965 until 1973. Butch’s Granddaughter’s Lisa Burroughs and Susan Miller are graphic designers. They designed most of the merchandise that is for sale on Threadless. A percentage of the profits go to Flight Test Museum at Edwards Air Force Base. This nonprofit charity is personal to the Sheffield family because they are raising money to house SR-71, #955. This was the first Blackbird that Butch Sheffield flew on Oct. 4, 1965.
In October 1962, the U-2 photographed the buildup of Soviet offensive nuclear missiles in Cuba, touching off the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The fear of World War III
As a result of the Cuban Crisis the fear of World War III was on everyone’s mind. The island of Cuba just 90 miles from Florida had installed nuclear missiles capable of reaching the US.
On Oct. 23, 1962, I remember my father telling my mother to go to the commissary and buy as much food as possible. At that time we were living in Texas at Carswell Air Force Base (AFB). Dad, Butch Sheffield said as he was leaving, to fly the B-58 Hustler bomber on red alert.
U-2 print
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This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. U-2S Dragon Lady “Senior Span”, 9th RW, 99th RS, 80-329
Buddy Brown, one of only 12 men in the world that flew both of U-2 and the SR-71
Seven years later we were living at Beale AFB and Buddy Brown was our neighbor. He was one of the only 12 men in the world that flew both of U-2 and the SR-71. The following is an interview by Buddy Brown given ten years ago to Oakridger.
‘Now let me say something about that Cuban Missile Crisis. This is probably as close as this nation has ever come to being in World War III,’ Brown began. ‘When I say close, it was probably about that far from pushing a button to launch a nuclear torpedo,’ he stated, as he gestured with two of his fingers only a few inches apart.
The crew of a Soviet submarine thought that World War III had started
‘I was at a 50-year thing at George Mason University about a year ago, and they were celebrating (the 50th anniversary of) the Cuban Missile Crisis. Since I was one of the pilots, they had me talk to the group there about that. I sat next to Sergei Khrushchev — (Soviet Premier Nikita) Khrushchev’s son — who was around 30 years old during the Cuban Missile Crisis and is now a professor at Brown University. But he was telling us that the Soviets had some diesel subs inside the line there in case nuclear war started.
The story of Buddy Brown, the U-2 pilot that took part to O Club parties wearing fake bad teeth to joke about the ozone level effect on U-2 drivers
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Buddy Brown in front of an SR-71 Blackbird Mach 3 spy plane
‘Well this one person running the submarine thought we were, in fact, at war — because they didn’t have any contact,’ Brown recalled. ‘They had a bunch of naval ships out there and, fortunately, somebody with a cooler brain stopped him from doing that — but he was about three inches from pushing and launching one of those nuclear torpedoes at one of our naval ships out there.’ He paused and stated: ‘Now that would have started it right there.’ The Soviets had, in Cuba, about sixty 1-megaton weapons that were ready to go. Cruise missiles and a few other things.’
1 MEGAton nuclear weapons
Brown concludes;
Former U-2 pilot tells the story of the Soviet submarine that almost fired a nuclear torpedo at a US Navy ship during the Cuban Missile Crisis
Soviet submarine B-59, forced to the surface by US Naval forces in the Caribbean near Cuba.
‘To make a comparison, the ones that they set off during World War II at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was about 15 kt (kiloton) — now we’re talking about 1 MEGAton and they were going to use them. Well, fortunately, none of that happened and it ended up that we didn’t go to war; but it was probably the closest this nation has ever been.’
Be sure to check out Linda Sheffield Miller (Col Richard (Butch) Sheffield’s daughter, Col. Sheffield was an SR-71 Reconnaissance Systems Officer) Twitter Page Habubrats SR-71 and Facebook Page Born into the Wilde Blue Yonder for awesome Blackbird’s photos and stories.
Photo credit: U.S. Air Force, CIA and U.S. Navy
@Habubrats71 via X
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ahundredtimesover · 1 year
Ahhh mimi the image of cute little sena trying to charm her appa to let her eat dessert is just too cute to handle 😍 jin would try to be stern saying she had to eat her meals first but he just can't deny his princess 🥰🥰 imagine her cute voice saying "appa pweaaase??" acting all cute, He would be putty in no time 😂
The Light of Dead Stars Masterlist
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“Appa, I’m hungwee.”
Jin places the lid back on the boiling pot as he waits for the ribs to soften and looks down at the little girl who’s tugging on his shirt, asking for attention. She has her signature pout on, the one she’s learned to master because, well, like you told him once, Sena’s got him wrapped around her little fingers and she eventually figured that out.
“Dinner isn’t ready yet, Princess,” he says, kneeling down. “We have to wait for a little while, okay?”
“But I’m hungwee. And I want cupcake.”
“Princess, that’s for dessert,” he shakes his head. “Didn’t appa say that dessert comes after dinner?”
“Appa also said that when I’m hungwee, I should eat.”
Sena’s pout intensifies, and if it wasn’t for her adorable cheeks that gets poofy when she does this and the adorable way that she can’t say her Rs, Jin would giggle and kiss her nonstop and tickle her to get back at her for being too smart for her own good. But this is his kid, the one he made with you, and she’s bound to be a little stubborn, fierce, and incredibly charming while trying to get her way. Just like you.
“There are tangerines here that you can munch on,” he bargains. “Uncle Yoongi got them for you.”
He takes the fruit from the bowl and starts peeling them. He stops, though, when he sees his daughter’s unchanged reaction.
“But I want cupcake. Pwease, appa? Just a small one.”
“Sena,” he says, only ever calling her by her name when he’s trying to be stern. He tries his hardest to keep a calm face whenever he does this because at any second, he knows he’ll easily give in. “We always eat dessert after dinner, okay? Can you listen to appa this once?”
She doesn’t answer, but she does harden her pout one last time and then turns around to walk away, exaggerating her steps and causing her tiny pigtails to bounce with her.
“Ooh, you’ve angered the queen,” you tease, nudging your husband by the hip. “Good luck with appeasing her later on.”
“No thanks to you,” Jin frowns. “Why didn’t you back me up?”
“Because I already said no to her yesterday when she asked for another toy,” you say. “And I would’ve been on her side. So what if she eats a cupcake before dinner? It’s still food.”
“It’s sweets! Eating it before a proper meal is not a good habit to have!”
“I always got cookies and pies before dinner behind my parents’ backs. I’m not diabetic or anything.”
“Well, I always followed my parents’ rules and we don’t want her to be breaking our rules, do we?” Jin argues.
“Not if they’re silly rules,” you counter. “It’s literally a tiny piece of cupcake, love. Something you made that she enjoys. It won’t hurt her.”
Jin massages his temples. Between the both of you, he’s the one constantly freaking out. You’re so good with her, she follows what you say, and she never seems to ever get upset with you. But like you’ve told him, his relationship with Sena is special - full of silly arguments with tons and tons of hugs and kisses. This is just one of those things that’s gonna be so natural and every bit a part of their incredibly adorable relationship because you’re right - he won’t really be able to say no.
“She hates me,” he pouts now.
“No, she doesn’t. The ribs won’t be ready in another 15 minutes. Go and make it up to her,” you order him, passing him the mini cupcake that he baked because it’s currently her favorite thing to it.
Jin takes it and goes to the living room, trying to see if she went there or to her playroom.
“Princess,” he calls out. “Where are you? I got you something.”
“I’m hiding!” Sena yells to his amusement, now knowing exactly where she is.
He peeks inside the little tent that’s next to the couch. “Hey, Princess. I’m sorry I didn’t give your cupcake. Do you like it a lot?”
She nods, pouty lips and all. “It’s very yummy.”
“If I give you one now, do you promise to finish your dinner later?”
“Yes, appa,” she looks up now, her eyes getting a little brighter.
“Okay. Here you go,” he says, passing the unicorn cupcake to her inside the tent.
The smile she gives turns him into a puddle.
“Thank you!” She squeals, hugging him before she takes the sweets from his hand then proceeds to eat it.
It takes her 4 little bites to finish it, all the while smiling giddily.
“Did you like it?” He asks, wiping the icing off her lips.
“Yes!” She says, kissing his cheek. “I love you, appa!”
The way she looks at him is truly one of those things he treasures the most. It’s no surprise that this is one of his weaknesses. It’s also what prompts him to say, “do you want another one?”
It’s something that she obviously doesn’t pass up on.
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dustedmagazine · 3 months
Dust Volume 10, Number 1
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Finnoguns Wake
Wow, it’s been 10 years since we started Dust, our monthly collection of short reviews. During that time, we’ve covered hundreds of records that might have otherwise slipped through the cracks — from obscure CD-Rs handed off at live shows, to long-lost reissues dug out of attics and basements, to the maniacally focused output of the micro-labels we love to even, occasionally, semi-major releases.  Our conclusion: It may be hard times for music criticism, especially the paid variety, but it’s an excellent era for listening to music.  Here’s what we’ve uncovered to kick off the next decade.  Contributors include Bill Meyer, Jennifer Kelly, Ian Mathers, Andrew Forell, Justin Cober-Lake, Bryon Hayes, Patrick Masterson, Alex Johnson and Christian Carey.
Dave Bayles Trio — Live At The Uptowner (Calligram)
Good things are happening around Milwaukee. That’s where Dave Bayles practices his crafts as a jazz drummer and educator (actually, he teaches in Kenosha). This recording documents his foray into band leadership, which was hosted by the Uptowner, a neighborhood tap that’s been serving drinks since the 1880s. The recorded evidence suggests that despite it being the kind of place where you can holler at the Packers on a screen, when the music’s playing, people listen. Bayle, trumpeter Russ Johnson and bassist Clay Schaub justify their attention throughout this collection of mostly original, bop-aligned themes, which they execute with a little early-Ornette flexibility and healthy servings of direct, swinging lyricism. Johnson in particular does yeoman’s work, drawing out nuanced, patient solos that are likely to induce you to forget to open your mouth, just like the audience on this entirely ingratiating live recording.
Bill Meyer
Cy Dune — Against Face (Lightning Studios)
Very late on Seth Olinsky (from Akron/Family)’s dance/noise/punk experiment, but holy wow, what a belching, squelching, head-whipping sharp turn it is. If Akron/Family took gentle folk songs right off the rails, Cy Dune starts in chaos and ends in angsty cyber-age freefall. The trip typically takes one or two minutes, though the unironically named “Don’t Waste My Time” extends for three. Within that time frame, bass note bobble, snares snap, guitars twist and Olinsky shouts in terse syncopation, breaking occasionally for non-Jude-like “na-na-na-nahs.” “Against Face” wallops hard and fast, pounding toms tethering wild squalls of guitar. “No fun, no fun, no fun,” howls Olinsky periodically, but it definitely is. Fun.
Jennifer Kelly
Dual Monitor — HARD19 (Hardline Sounds)
Say what you might about Rinse FM, the station’s leadership (read: they of the coffers) continues to do a service to the UK’s ecosystem of independent radio by way of keeping afloat other institutions. One such example was its buyout and relaunch of the old pirate station Kool FM; another was its unshuttering of beloved Bristol station SWU.FM last April. Part of the latter’s reinvigorated lineup is the duo of Fliss Mayo and Zebb Dempster, aka Dual Monitor, and their latest release caught my ear for its attention both to percussion amid propulsion and to its high-grade bass weight. “Level Up” might be the winner for me, but the pitch-black plunge of “Left/Right” and “Quattros Oxide” are grooves to behold, too. The airy D&B twist of “Switch It” is also unmissable, a lovely bit of work to close out the four-tracker. Good for a run of 200 from a label worth watching, it looks like you’re still not too late if you do a little running of your own to go grab it.
Patrick Masterson
Eluvium — (Whirring Marvels In) Consensus Reality (Temporary Residence Limited)
Matthew Cooper has made and released plenty of music since 2016’s False Readings On (much of it under the Eluvium name) but in some ways the compact, masterful (Whirring Marvels In) Consensus Reality feels like the first capital A Eluvium Album since that one. As with 2007’s Copia, it leans into the orchestral side of Cooper’s work (this time remotely collaborating with various musicians over the last couple of years), resulting in everything from the phantasmagorical choral/vocal work on “Void Manifest” and the dense arpeggios of “Vibration Consensus Reality (for Spectral Multiband Resonator)” to the solo piano miniature of “Clockwork Fables” and the whirling swells of the closing “Endless Flower.” At this point Cooper’s work is often too varied and colorful to be described as drone, and too active and involving to really be ambient; it’s just Eluvium music, and it’s wonderful to have more of it.
Ian Mathers
Finnoguns Wake —Stay Young EP (What’s Your Rupture)
Stay Young is a debut four-track EP from Australian songwriters Shogun and his mate Finn Berzin who rejoice in the name Finnoguns Wake. You’ll find no knotty linguistic experiments but for lovers of energetically melodic indie guitar bands, there are joys to be had. The pair, who share vocals, guitar and lyrics, meet somewhere between the concise attack of Shogun’s former band Royal Headache and the anthemic end of Britpop. The first three songs zip by with guitars abuzz, the rhythm section driving hard and the voices high in the mix. “Blue Sky” manages to feel satisfyingly loose atop its rigid drumbeat. “So Nice” reconfigures the riff of Husker Dü’s “Terms of Psychic Warfare” to good effect, with Berzin sounding tonally like young Dylan. “Lovers All” moves along like a rougher version of The Buzzcocks. The one misstep “Strawberry Avalanche” aims for Britpop grandeur with the misguided self-belief of late Oasis. Shogun takes his “melting ice cream” metaphors as seriously as Liam treats even his most absurd attempts to top big brother. Thing is you can picture the song working for an audience, so hats off. Stay Young is a promising introduction from a band that feels it like has more and better coming.
Andrew Forell
Lamin Fofana — Lamin Fofana and the Doudou Ndiaye Rose Family (Honest Jon’s)
New York-based producer, DJ and visual artist Lamin Fofana had a big 2023, with two releases on the famed Honest Jon’s imprint and a third for the illustrious Trilogy Tapes in addition to a Resident Advisor mix. That second Honest Jon’s album came in the form of this collaboration in early December with the Doudou Ndiaye Rose Family, an mbalax group of some notoriety in Senegal and descendents of the Dakar drummer, composer and band leader best known as master of the sabar drum family. It fits, though the exact nature of the collaboration is unclear — this is very much a percussion workout of the highest order with only a deft tinge of Fofana’s electronics providing light, cosmic buoyancy to the music, a quartet of meditations ranging between four and 12 minutes long. The most frenetic of them, at least for a spell, is “Bench Mi Mode III: Spectrum,” but even that one has its share of field recordings to lend a more immersive, consuming quality to the listen than pure rhythmic impulse. If you’re unfamiliar with any of the parties involved, you’ll thank yourself in short order for giving this a go.
Patrick Masterson
Fortunati Durutti Marinetti — Eight Waves In Search Of An Ocean (Quindi (ITA) / Soft Abuse (USA))
Dan Colussi’s latest release under the Fortunato Durutti Marinetti moniker, Eight Waves In Search Of An Ocean, is eminently listenable, engaging and, if paid proper attention, engrossing—although not always comfortably. His vocals never stray far from sprechgesang and the instrumentation tends towards warped mid-tempo. There are bright washes of keys; flute and string inflections; careful, elastic bass lines with steady, shoulder-danceable drum patterns. It’s easy to be lulled by the rosy, if somewhat baroque settings, until an ascendant burst of synthesizer or dramatic pause intrudes to break the spell. You may find yourself unsure, rewinding to find out what you might’ve just missed. In this way, the experience of the album can feel akin to a single, continuous performance with brief variations, rather than a straightforward collection of songs.
One such variation, adding perhaps the most friction to Eight Waves… is “Smash Your Head Against the Wall,” which, while not concussive, does make your ears perk up at its clawing guitar chords and the stark imagery that Colussi nearly spits out: “it’s a nest of vipers pissing on each other…and anyone else who’s around/would love to fuck you over if they can/and this community’s request/for the presumed benefit of all/is smash your head against the wall…a delta of corrosion/disorder/and decomposition.” I quote at some length, but there’s plenty more. Though a sonic departure from its surroundings — think Bill Callahan’s “Diamond Dancer” dropped into Destroyer’s Kaputt — “Smash Your Head…” is emblematic of a record that rewards the delayering effect of multiple listens.
Alex Johnson
Ghost Marrow — earth + death (The Garrote)
There is a patience to the songs on Aurielle Zeitler’s third record as Ghost Marrow, but it’s the patience of a predator stalking its prey. All seven songs here started as improvisations on the Juno-60 synthesizer, but by the time they’ve been arranged into these shapes (almost entirely by Zeitler, who adds effects and guitar as well as her voice) they feel focused and intent on the listener. The Bladerunner-esque sweep of “mother of the end” and the increasingly un-gentle blasts of static breaking into the title track both land somewhere between unsettling menace and a kind of holy severity. By the time the closing, ten-minute “microcosm” erupts into clouds of guitar and distant screaming, suddenly sounding a lot more like Sunn O)))’s Black One than the rest of the LP might make you expect, it’s clear that Ghost Marrow is intent on honoring both sides of her title.
Ian Mathers
Brian Harnetty — The Workbench (Winesap)
Composer Brian Harnetty has created memorable work by digging into cultural archives. Shawnee, Ohio (2019) uncovered layers of memory from Appalachia, while last year's Words and Silences drew on recordings of Thomas Merton for sustained contemplation. For his brief EP The Workbench, he takes a different approach, mining deeply personal moments for a individual revelation. He begins with items that his father had repaired — a watch, a radio — and adds in voicemail messages, all in conversation with an evocative quartet. Eventually he ends the piece with his father's breathing as he sleeps in hospice, a quiet outro that finds mournful but understated peace.
The 11-minute track moves so smoothly that singling out key moments almost misses the point; it's a single movement to honor a relationship while reflecting on the brevity of time and the artifacts that persist amid mortality. When a repaired music box overtakes the musicians for the final lift, it feels natural, because of course the reparations done in life will outshine our ability to articulate their meaning. Harnetty's compositions before that never falter. His use of bass clarinet (here played by Ford Fourqurean) provides the essential gravity. Violin and cello weave through the piece with his own piano lightening the composition as needed. A reworked instrumental track allows for a wordless exploration of the same topics. An accompanying video covers the workbench itself, the artifacts presented in themselves, a tangible and visual part of the legacy. It's a short statement from Harnetty but one that lasts.
Justin Cober-Lake
 Nailah Hunter — Lovegaze (Fat Possum)
Nailah Hunter plays lots of instruments on this lush and twilit debut full-length, but two define its sound. Her voice, to start, is cool and effortless and strong, prone to flowery embellishments and capable of soaring crescendos without strain. She might remind you of Sade, in the poised, unruffled quiet bits, but she can belt, too, filling cavernous sonic spaces with bright untethered flourishes. The other instrument is the harp, more common certainly in classical music but not as unusual as it once was in rock and soul. But unlike Joanna Newsom who laces her tunes with folk-echoing arpeggios or Mary Lattimore who finds a celestial drone, Hunter employs the harp to scatter pizzicato shards of crystal in velvety nocturnal textures. The harp litters her moody atmospheres with star light, cold, glimmering pinpoints of sound. It contrasts in a striking way with the warmth of her voice and the pulsing, irregular syncopations of dance-like drums. These are oddly shaped elements that ought not to fit as snugly or as wondrously as they do, but they do.
Jennifer Kelly
Ernesto Diaz Infante — Bats In The Lavender Sky (Ramble)
Bay Area guitarist Ernesto Diaz Infante has always been a restless sort. Nonetheless, this album feels like a bit of a curve ball, albeit a welcome one. The improviser ensconced himself in a San Francisco recording facility named Next Door To The Jefferson Airplane Studios, but did not take the trip you might expect given a choice like that. Instead of a west coast psychedelic vibe, he has gone natural, nocturnal and New Zealand-ish. Put another way, this album mines territory similar to Roy Montgomery’s mid- to late-1990s work, with a little bit of user-friendly Mego thrown in. Repetition leads to contemplation; this music won’t move you at bat velocity, but if you happen to be floating on a slow-moving air mattress while they fly overhead, it’d make just the right soundtrack.
Bill Meyer
Joy Orbison — “Flight FM” (XL)
flight fm by TOSS PORTAL
Getting married and having a kid really seems to have opened Peter O’Grady up over the past few years. After starting his own label in 2017, he came out with an album (2021’s Still Slipping, Vol. 1), has dropped a handful of singles exploring various strains of UK dance music, and even mined the archive of his glory days for a comp of loosies long thought lost or forgotten (last year’s Archive 09-10). Far from the reserved, elusive producer he broke so big with “Hyph Mngo” as, Joy O has instead blossomed into an approachable, seemingly well-adjusted guy who just wants you to enjoy music the way he does — and what better way to do that than with this heavyweight cruiser that rolls as deep as his best material from the SunkLo days. Concocted in a car on the way to a festival, it took some badgering from Four Tet (who has some unreleased work of his own to wrap up, while we’re on the subject) for him to finish it… but thank goodness he did. The best part about this is that we skipped the Aliasizm radio rip and the endless speculation on what it was called and got straight to the release. A simple, speaker-wrecking ode to the pirate station from which it takes its name, you couldn’t start 2024 (or 2012) any better. Variation on an oft-repeated refrain lately: It’s a shame Fact isn’t around to report on it.
Patrick Masterson
Matt Krefting — Finer Points (Open Mouth)
Finer Points by Matt Krefting
Students of the northeastern U.S. freak scene know Matt Krefting for his endeavors both written and aural. His critical ear has spilled ink across the pages of The Wire magazine and Byron Coley’s Bull Tongue Review, and his sonic exploits harken back to the turn of the millennium with the studied quietude of Son of Earth. These days, Krefting makes surprisingly musical constructions using cassette decks and other tape-adjacent curios, coaxing murky melodies from spools of ferric material. Finer Points comprises layers of dusky fuzz, sandblasted environments and warmly lit instrumental passages. A lonely organ features prominently across many tracks, its doleful moan warbling slightly as Krefting’s malfunctioning tape deck motors strain to maintain a constant speed. Standing out from the nocturnal scenery is “A Double Request,” in which multiple plucked string instruments coalesce into a swampy dirge. There’s a sense of evolution at play as the parts cycle through, forming melodies that shift and tumble before falling apart entirely. This is a common theme throughout Finer Points: Krefting subtly and gradually alters the scenery. The slow unfolding creates an intoxicating glow that permeates the entire experience.
Bryon Hayes
Thomas K. J. Mejer / Uneven Same — Saxophone Quartets 1 2 5 6 7 (Wide Ear)
Uneven Same – Saxophone Quartets by Thomas K.J. Mejer
If you’ve heard of Thomas Mejer, it’s most likely because he is a rare specialist in the contrabass saxophone. In that capacity, he’s contributed tonal heft and textural complexity to the music of Phill Niblock and Keefe Jackson. But for this album, which was mostly performed by the all-female saxophone quartet, Uneven Same, he applies a nuanced comprehension of the potentialities of other saxes founded upon the advances made by improvisers to composed music that operates that is carefully textured and glides more than it grooves. Manuela Villiger, Eva-Marta Karbacher, Vera Wahl and Silke Strahl realize his long, layered lines and carefully buffed sonorities with exquisite poise. Mejer also uses overdubbing to realize four more pieces, all part of a series entitled “Resonating Voids,” on his own. By turns rough, thick, and aquatic, its elemental earthiness balances Uneven Same’s more airborne performances.
Bill Meyer
Melted Men — Jaw Guzzi (Feeding Tube)
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Melted Men are an enigma that no amount of online sleuthing can crack. The only information about them online is their Discogs page and a live show review from 1997. In that bizarre performance, Melted Men was a duo from Athens, Georgia. Apparently now, 25 years later, they’ve swollen their ranks, even roping in members from as far afield as continental Europe. With Jaw Guzzi, the anonymous outfit offers up a pair of side-long audio head trips. Warped, heat haze-distorted cassette detritus sidles up to blown out exotica and disjointed Martian funk beats. There’s a hefty dose of collage on display, with mutant vignettes that serve as rickety bridges between more tuneful passages. It’s these doses of song form that will extract bobbing heads and wobbly bottoms from the most adventurous listeners. Melted Men imagine a world where the jump cut jumble of Seymour Glass intersects the ethno-punk chaos of Sun City Girls and the junk shop proto-industrial bleat of early Wolf Eyes. It’s a world that this writer wouldn’t mind visiting frequently.     
(Note: Melted Men are such a mysterious bunch that they’ve asked Feeding Tube not to post any audio on Bandcamp or elsewhere on the internet.)
Bryon Hayes
Nehan — An Evening with Nehan (Drag City)
Nehan is all-star Japanese noise/drone/experimental ensemble led by Masaki Batoh and drawing members from Ghost, Acid Mothers Temple and the Silence. The disc in question presents two side-long improvisations which use as a starting point the 9hz brain wave emitted from a test subject. You can get a sense in the video above of how the experiment worked, as a dancer’s synaptic impulses feed into an elaborate synthesizer set up, turning whatever was in her head into long, pulsing drones. It’s a bit austere in its pure form, but the record elaborates, adding percussion, especially gongs and bells, and a wizened-kazoo-like wind instrument, something that might be a bagpipe and other sounds. It’s not entirely clear how much of what you hear comes from the brain waves and how much comes from the free interplay of the musicians, but maybe it doesn’t matter. The result is slow-moving and mysterious, with dramatic surges of drums and wandering threads of blown sound. The human brain is a notoriously mysterious organ but who’d have thought it could general all this instrumental turmoil? If you’d told me this music was sourced from sun storms or tidal currents or tectonic shifts, I’d have believed that, too.
Jennifer Kelly
Colin Newman and Malka Spiegal—Bastard (Swim ~)
Colin Newman’s Bastard created quite a stir in 1997 when first released. This nine-track, all-instrumental album, leaned heavily on a still mostly underground drum ‘n bass aesthetic and was a far cry from Wire’s terse, melodic outbursts. It also was Newman’s first project after Wire went on hiatus, billed as a solo effort, but actually a close collaboration with his partner Malka Spiegel. This expanded reissue gives Spiegel due credit and fills out the context with 12 additional contemporaneous tracks.
The original album still sounds fairly austere, with clean, clipped drum cadences, locked-tight guitar loops and abstract surges of synthesized sound. The amusingly named “Slowfast (falling down the stairs with a drumkit)” allows the use of distorted guitar, but only in quick, percussive blots. The guitar sound becomes an element of percussion, but not the important one—an antic skitter of drum machine dominates the cut. “Spiked” strips a funk riff down to cubist blocks, a bass sliding woozily between sharp-cut breakbeat drums. None of this is so surprising now, in the wake of techno, house and all its variants, but people weren’t expecting it, least of all from a post-punk progenitor, in 1997. The reissue adds a bunch of other tracks, many of which hew much closer to how you probably think of Wire. “Automation” adds a sinuous, down-in-the-mix vocal to its pop-locked rhythms. “Voice” bristles with guitar dissonance and bobs with dubby bass. “Tsunami” floats euphorically on sawed-down guitar feedback, a good bit like My Bloody Valentine but dancier. And “Cut the Slack” sounds like a Wire song, deadpan chants running into shouted aggressions and layers of guitar shimmering around undeniable hooks. The extra tracks make Bastard sound less like a 100% departure and more like a gradual evolution—and they are very much worth hearing all on their own.
Jennifer Kelly
Ethan Philion Quartet — Gnosis (Sunnyside)
Gnosis by Ethan Philion Quartet
Here’s a welcome surprise. As a rule, bebop-rooted jazz is not the place to look for excitement in 2023, but the rules change when Ethan Philion is on stage. On this record, his second as a leader, the Chicago-based bassist helms a quartet that combines high energy with rhythmic grace and a thorough commitment to the mechanics of the music being played. The latter point might not sound so thrilling, but it is key, since it results in performances that can be appreciated for their cohesion as well as their outward-bound vibe. Philion’s debut was a tribute to Charles Mingus that felt a little too polished; this time, the soloing by all parties (alto saxophonist Greg Ward, trumpeter Russ Johnson, drummer Dana Hall) evince both vigor and rigor.
Bill Meyer
Rick Reed — The Symmetry Of Telemetry (Elevator Bath / Sedimental)
The Symmetry of Telemetry by Rick Reed
The Symmetry Of Telemetry is Rick Reed’s pandemic album. Methodologically, it’s hard to say how much that matters, since the Austin-based electronic musician’s practice already involved patiently collecting and sifting through shortwave broadcasts and then combining them with performed electronics. But the slow-motion uneasiness of “Dysania,” the alternately abraded and bulked-up bumps that introduce “Leave A Light On For Tony,” and the disconsolate, fizzling tones that occupy most of “Space Age Radio Love Song” certainly feel like that time felt. But there’s more to this music than downer vibes. Reed knows how to layer and arrange sounds so that an apparently static passage yields event upon event anytime you decide to listen into his compacted constructions. He also knows how to make waiting pay off, and while it would be spoiling things to tell you what he does, suffice to say that if you listen, you’ll know it when it happens.
Bill Meyer
Jason Roebke Quartet — Four Spheres (Corbett Vs Dempsey)
Four Spheres by Jason Roebke
When bandleaders like Mike Reed, Jorrit Dijkstra and Jason Adasiewicz have needed a bassist who could toggle easily between swing and abstraction, they’ve called Jason Roebke. Such calls, along with everything else a person has to do to maintain a life, mean that years might pass between Roebke’s turns as a leader. But when he does, you can count on them to be deeply considered and not quite like anything else going around. This quartet applies his trademarked fluidity to investigations of the tension between fixed and changing elements. Cassette recordings of electronic noise and metronome beats form nodal points within these pieces around which Edward Wilkerson Jr’s reeds and Marcus Evans’ drums surge and churn in overtly expressive fashion while pianist Mabel Kwan and Roebke shift their weight between fixity and flow. The sound is occasionally reminiscent of the more skeptical, interrogative side of the AACM, and particularly Roscoe Mitchell, but Roebke’s points of inquiry are purely his own.
Bill Meyer
Ned Rothenberg — Crossings Four (Clean Feed)
Crossings Four by Ned Rothenberg
This is some understated, shape-shifting stuff. On clarinets and alto saxophone, Ned Rothenberg matches a tone that’ll make you want to let your ear linger to phrasing sufficiently fluid to motivate them to get up and follow the music. The other three musicians in his Crossings Four are Mary Halvorson on guitar, Sylvie Courvoisier on piano and Tomas Fujiwara on drums. They and Rothenberg are well-matched in attitude, since everyone has chops to flex, but no one flashes them gratuitously. Although this is the quartet’s first recording, there are decades of shared experience and a myriad of interconnections between its members. This enables them to realize a variety of improvisational approaches, from droll and grooving to fractured and abstract, with ease. The moments when a signature lick pops out tend to be lures, inviting the listener to follow them as they disappear into matrices of brisk, nuanced interaction.
Bill Meyer
San Kazakgascar — Too Many People (Lather)
Too Many People by San Kazakgascar
The album title augurs misanthropy, but that’s not borne out by the sounds. This Sacramento seven-piece spares little time for sonic bleakness, and the sounds they choose to make reveal a robust curiosity about the music of other places. Disciplined west coast psych guitars converge with skronk-willing, souk-conscious reeds upon rhythm frameworks that suggest someone’s spent some quality time listening to Gary Glitter, the Meters and wherever it is that Chris Forsyth bottles his choogling spirits. The lack of vocals keeps them from saying anything you really wish they’d take back, and the commitment to a steady groove makes this a record you’ll want to hear on the go, so cash in that download code! But there are also lulls founded upon dust-blown acoustic picking, making this just the record to play when your Firestick won’t load and you’re back to watching that all western, all the time station, but you can’t stand to hear that bullshit cowboy dialogue anymore. Yeah, make up a Western in your own mind where the land defenders win and finish the day celebrating to the tunes of “Crockett Creek.”
Bill Meyer
Secret Pyramid — A Vanishing Touch (BaDaBing!)
A Vanishing Touch by Secret Pyramid
Amir Abbey often writes songs, but on A Vanishing Touch, he composes ambient music inspired by J Dilla’s Donuts. The two seem like strange projects to associate, but it is more the inspiration of Dilla’s jabbing beats that Abbey reconceptualizes to enliven the texture. The best track, “Whim,” is built around soaring textures amid just such rhythmic punctuation. Abbey also moved away from the long gestation period afforded his songs to greater immediacy. There is an improvisatory sensibility here that, rather than moving Secret Pyramid sideways, seems like a useful development.
A Vanishing Touch includes a wide range of synth sounds and doesn’t stint on yearning dissonance. As the ambient revival long exceeds its initial incarnation, it is up to artists like Abbey to reconceive it. Mission accomplished.
Christian Carey
Setting — At The Black Mountain College Museum (www.settingsounds.com)
at Black Mountain College Museum by Setting
Setting is Jaimie Fennelly (Mind Over Mirrors), Nathan Bowles (Pelt, Black Twig Pickers) and Joe Westerlund (Megafaun, Califone), and At the Black Mountain College Museum is the trio’s ultra-quick follow-up to their debut album. Recorded at the end of the brief string of dates that celebrated its release, it dives deeper into their blend of propulsive grooves and not-too-plush, not too rough textures in almost aquatic fashion. This music moves a bit like an otter might, drifting when the current does the necessary work, and then pointing head down with a vigorous kick into deeper and more turbulent eddies. The three multi-instrumentalists stick together, sonically speaking, so that you’re less likely to tune into their interactions than into the place the sounds take you.
Bill Meyer
Strinning & Daisy — Castle And Sun (Veto)
Castle and Sun by Strinning & Daisy
In a sax and drums duo, there’s nowhere to hide. If a musician lacks ideas, stamina or reciprocity, a duo will lay their deficit out for all to hear. Alternately, if they have what it takes, tuned-in listeners will know. The latter scenario is the case here. Swiss tenor saxophonist Sebastian Strinning and Chicagoan drummer Tim Daisy have known each other since 2019, when the former resided for a spell in the latter’s city. But they don’t have a lengthy shared history, so there’s an element of trying things on for size in this session’s dynamic. Each musician draws upon his diverse approaches in a series of mix-and-match explorations as tumbling lines meet steaming forward energy, hushed, textured tones part a curtain of metal sounds, and animal utterances confront circuitous patterns. Captured with three-dimensional palpability and spaciousness by engineer Nick Broste, their exchanges connect with both mind and gut.
Bill Meyer
Tiger Valley—The Celebration (Hausu Mountain)
The Celebration by Tiger Village
Cleveland based producer Tim Thornton’s latest album Tiger Village album, The Celebration, collects ten cheerfully constructed pieces capturing the chaotic joy of domestic life and music making under a feline regime. Random cat energy infuses Thornton’s music; languid relaxation gives way to manic activity, while parcels of affection turning into aloof, spiky demands for attention proffered with claws and cries. Both “Cat’s Up” and “Cat Chew” celebrate the beasts’ mercurial nature. The former is an insinuating strut constantly distracted by random shiny objects, sudden noises and those odd moments of fixation upon unseen emanations. The latter slinks about, looking you in the eye as it knocks your stuff off the desk and tramps across your keyboard. Across the other eight tracks, Thornton juxtaposes eight-bit squiggles, snatches of ambient melody, treated samples of his daughter’s voice, techno beats and machine detritus into a sometimes delirious delight. Quite lovely, though prone to scratching.
Andrew Forell
True Green — My Lost Decade (Spacecase)
My Lost Decade by True Green
Nine clever, loosely strung songs from Minneapolis novelist Dan Hornsby buzz and rattle like lost cuts from Pavement or Silver Jews. “My Peccaddilloes” is especially slanted and more than a little disenchanted, a rambling picaresque of guitars, drums and wheedle-y vocals. The chorus, if that’s what you call it, hits hard, though, “It’s a dog eat dog/said the dog with the taste for dogs/every man for himself/said the man for himself.” The music dissolves in your ears, mess of things that sting and bash and hum, but the lyrics are sharp and packed with reference. “You’re a hopeless diamond, and it’s rough,” yowls Hornsby in his kicked dog tenor, and that about sums it up.
Jennifer Kelly
Michael Zerang & Tashi Dorji — Schiamachy (Feeding Tube)
Sciamachy by Michael Zerang & Tashi Dorji
Sciamachy is named for the practice of fake fighting; if you make it to theater school, you might be able to take a class in it. The cover image augurs metal, but this mock battle between Tashi Dorji and Michael Zerang is improvisational to the hilt. What else can one do when faced with an instrument that’s one of a kind? Zerang is generally known as a percussionist, but on this occasion, he played something called Queequeg’s Coffin, which was devised to be both instrument and prop for a puppet theater performance of Moby Dick. It is a coffin-like box with a crank on one side, somewhat like a hurdy-gurdy without keys. It’s not precise, but it kicks up a great, raw racket of higher and lower pitches that sound like someone sawing open said coffin. Dorji’s response is to lean into texture, complimenting the coffin’s abrasive protests with Sonic Youth-like chimes, chain-in-the-skillet clanks and blinking feedback cadences. This music will have you picking imaginary splinters out of your clothes for the next week; how many records do you own that can make a similar claim?
Bill Meyer
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evakant · 2 months
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— from THE ENGLISH, episode six
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gaviicreates · 10 months
FO: Berkshire Throw (Knit)
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Pattern: Berkshire Throw by Whistle and Wool (Angie Bivins), available as a knit kit through Lion Brand
Yarn: Lion Brand Basic Stitch Anti-Pilling (100% Acrylic), Worsted in colorways - Stonewash, Ecru, Deep Denim, and Frost
Tools: ChiaoGoo circulars - size 8 (5mm)
When I first started to learn knitting, I worked up a long scarf in garter stitch. Meanwhile, I'd also started to do some swatches in stockinette, and I knew my next intentional project I wanted to be the next step in switching between knits and purls. I wanted it to be a pattern pdf so I could start learning how to read one. And I wanted it to be something I could stick with for a while, so I could get plenty of practice in.
I generally don't craft a lot of throws or blankets as a standard, since a blanket is a commitment. Especially when I already know in the end it's going to belong to my fur children. Except, I've totally been drawn to them lately! So this knit kit, when I happened to find it, started checking all my boxes. I just loved the texture on both sides.
I did not gauge swatch. The pattern provided one, as all good patterns should. But I didn't have all the tools yet to try going up and down a needle size if it didn't match. Rather than deal with that stress (and potential additional cost), I just used what I had on hand since it was not a garment where size mattered. Would it cover my lap? That's the main thing I focused on.
I lost track of where I was a number of times and I struggled with which was the right side (RS) and which was the wrong side (WO), so some of my color stripes are different from others. Sometimes the garter section started sooner than other times. But I turned my perfectionist off and figured "eh, I'm learning. It's going to keep me warm, and that's what matters. So let's keep going." This was fine until I made what felt like my first critical error:
I had one more garter row than I was supposed to, and it was incredibly distracting and noticeable. I couldn't let this one go, so I suffered my first panic of having to frog in knitting. I would like to never have to do that again! I have a new appreciation for when I have to do it with my crochet. But I did do it! I took the blanket back stitch-by-stitch, and in the process I learned about what makes up the stitches in a whole new way. I looked up which direction the stitches were supposed to be in the needle so nothing got twisted, and I started being able to recognize the parts that were the purls and which parts were the knits.
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Aesthetically, I chose not to add tassels, as that's just asking for the dogs to mistake it as chew toy. My color palette was inspired by the neutrals that made up the original knit kit, just instead of browns, I selected colors that matched our living space. I've always found blues to be calming and comforting, and I think it's truly found its home draped across the back of my grey crafting recliner.
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As far as blocking, since it's made from acrylic I threw it in the washer and dryer according to the label directions and that softened up the stitches.
Overall, I am incredibly pleased with how this turned out. I know technically it's not because of the scarf I made, but it kind of feels like my first knit project. It was the first of a lot of things, and for that reason it's incredibly special.
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dungeonmalcontent · 8 months
-The two creatures that live in my brain-
Creature 1 (a goblin or something): we should run a RuneScape campaign for our next d&d group.
Creature 2 (some kind of unfathomable shadow horror): we could have a major quest line like the monkey madness quests rolled into one campaign.
The goblin: yeah, that'd be fun. Gnomes are in in RS.
The horror: and we could make quest steps into skill checks and stuff.
Goblin: yeah... Yeah. That makes some things a bit easier.
The horror: and we can make them grind stats for skills. Every check would be a roll and if they fail they have to start the task over--
Goblin: wait...
Horror: and the party members will need to hit all the stat requirements to do different stages of the quest.
Goblin: no.
Horror: they're going to burn so much food.
Goblin: *sigh*
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 5 months
How would JK react if oc said to him, "if only our children would know what a horrible monster their true father is," after he taunts her about saying my children instead of our children? He might be a horrible monster, but I'm sure that he loves them to a certain extent. xx
He definitely does love them but at his core he will always be oc's living nightmare.
Do it for... Mini Masterlist < read for context :)
"Jungkook you can't keep showing up like this" I say following him to what I can assume are the children's rooms.
"Am I not allowed to come see my children?" he ask, walking over and peeking into my son's room. Taking note of him sleeping, along with my daughter doing the same in her room next door, cooing when seeing their angelic faces, and closing the door silently.  
"They're not your children they're mine" I say with that same anger that always stirs up inside of me whenever he comes around.
"How many times do I have to tell you angel? They're our children" he says walking away from their rooms and into my husband's office. "If only our children knew what a horrible monster their real father is" I say fighting back, losing what little patients I have left for him. "If only they knew what a terrible slut their mother is. Not even bothering to put up a fight when I offered her a solution to all of her problems"
I bring my hand up and slap him, not realizing what I had done until I feel the sting on my palm and see his face turned to the side. 
He chuckles a bit and turns his gaze back to me with a twisted smile, showing me he actually thoroughly enjoyed that. "Get. Out." I say trying to sound strong but losing more and more strength as time goes on, making seconds feel like hours.
"I didn't come here to argue love I just-". "I said get out" I order through gritted teeth, walking past him towards the front door, praying that he will just follow suit and leave. 
"That one is going to cost you love" he says and trails his fingers down my spine but before I'm able to react fast enough to stop him he's already gone. 
I shut the door behind me and lean my back up against it and sink down to the floor. "Fuck" I say aloud, doing my best to keep my voice down as to not wake the children. Running my fingers through my hair as a way to try and calm myself down I hear a ding from my phone signifying a new notification has come in.
Tomorrow at 8, and wear that dress you know I love xx
Taglist: @jkslipppiercing @trina864 @kaitieskidmore97 @goddesofimortality @coolbluedude @00frenchfries00 @bangtans-momma @coralmusicblaze @pastelpinkjoon @joonwater @marvelbun @j3nni-rs @evidive @beomieboi @forevrglow @jesssssmaybankk @teugiie @chaconnelatte @whoa-jo @snehal @xumyboo @mindurbuzznezz @diorh0seokie @hehurst23 @caro134340lina @ye0nvibezzn @olimpiiaa @hrtsj1m @junecat18 @ellesalazar @babycandy111 @felixz4life @lively-potter @esther-kpopstan @gyukookswhore @iveivory
(I was too lazy to add the taglist for a while so you'll be getting a few notifications for a bit...)
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mccoys-killer-queen · 10 months
All my comments on the Styx: Caught In the Act tape
I'm SO glad i bought this tape
Tommy on my TV screen hits so different 👁️👄👁️
again, I wanna know what their fucking budget was for the Kilroy film
I love how pouty faced and dissociative Tommy is the whole time during Mr. Roboto like how the FUCK could he sit that still when that bop was blasting through him
he's just letting Dennis have his pick-me theater kid moment
"and when JY started his guitar solo-" *EVERYONE FUCKING SQUEALS*
this is getting me even more psyched for next month when I see them again
as much as I love this whole tape and am eating it the FUCK up I can totally understand why JY and Tommy hated every second of this (i was in drama club in high school I get it)
(it was here the wine started to kick in)
I stg these ppl only get along when Rockin the Paradise is playing
I'm getting in a habit of saying FUCK IT UP DENISSSS whenever he has a solo
Blue Collar Man- "the DOG and my friends"
Tommy pls don't fall I know you're light enough for me to catch u but pls dont fall
"the california state legislature was so loosened up they decided several records including ours had backwards satanic messages on them" NGMSKWKGOGOSLPG
I'm such a fucking S L U T for the transition from JY to Tommy's vocals on Snowblind like that shit is better than sex
i'm just realizing now this is VERY different than what I was doing this time last night (touching Phil Lewis)
Tommy: this one goes out to all of you who ever felt like you had too much time on your hands :)
the way he SQUATS like boi he R E A D Y this is his MOMENT 👏👏👏
"is it any wonder i'm not a terrorist?? 😃😃😃" TOMMY NO—
i was NOT prepared for him to actually do the unhinged eye stuff
"and IIII DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF- so I do this- *plays the solo*"
you may be cool but you'll never be as cool as Tommy Shaw that's the facts
i literally almost spit out my wine at "HE'S NOT THE PRESIDENT"
not prepped for the thing they did by splicing tommy's face bc this tape is almost 40 years old so i thought the tAPE WAS FUCKED UP
the completely unhinged ending Tommy and JY do at the end of Too Much Time by JUMP-SHUFFLING IN SYNC
Dennis and Tommy doing Don't Let It End 🥺 tommy seems to like it so much 🥺🥺
the fucking "guitar shredder" made me snort
the angels put too much angel into Tommy when they were making Him
Dennis watching Tommy fall into the girls like "you're doing amazing, sweetie"
What i would give to hear The Best of Times live 🥲
tommy's distorted voice in The Best of Times always makes me feel something in my soul i can't explain it
that being said the very end of tommy's solo in that song when the piano just starts to come back in also makes me feel something deep in my soul i can't explain it
that also being said tommy's distorted voice on the line "could bring back paradise" also makes me feel something deep in my soul I can't explain it
Dennis' smile and lil' "thank you"s at the end of The Best of Times 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 💙💙💙
I just love that even 40 years ago as soon as ppl hear the first note of Come Sail Away they go feral like they do now
i would lay down my life if it means i couldve been at this show
((it was here the second glass of wine kicked in))
Chuck needs to come out of the shadows so we can see his insanely gay outfit
something in me ascended when JY took over that solo 👁️👄👁️
that lil flick of tommy's wrist is SENDING ME FKANAKKFKG HE'S SO FUCKJNG BABY
tommy needs to be kept on a leash and that's why i made those memes i posted
uh oh Tommy's convulsing and thrashing on the stage floor
it's fine he's okay it's during Renegade he gets a pass on this one this is His Moment™ again
it's okay it's during Renegade he gets a pass on this one
JY and Tommy booty bumping so aggressively
oh so THAT'S how that guy died
Tommy as Jonathan: Dammit. DAMMIT! *girls squeal*
Tommy's eye makeup is also so ✨✨✨
I feel the primal urge to give tommy a bouquet of roses after this show is over
i'm gonna cry Haven't We Been Here Before is just so beautiful i was NOT EXPECTING DENNIS/KILROY TO COME IN LIKE THAT
Fight me on this hot take but Tommy could do broadway and so could Dennis
the SWEAT that is GLISTENING on his face low key looks like tears
that was so fucking good I would KILL to see a rock show that also had a story around the whole set
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