#romantic Marichat and platonic Marichat are both good if they have done it well
sparklingcubes · 1 year
When I first saw the Marichat kiss scene in Elation, I was very shocked. Like, not in a "omg finally they're in love with each other and kissed 😍" kind of way but more like, "holy shit I can't believe the writers just make Marichat, the Platonic side of the LS with capital P, where it consist of Marinette, who are obviously known to be down for Adrien, and Chat Noir, the biggest Ladybug simp ever, kissed lovingly and tenderly as if they have been wanting to do this since forever" kind of way.
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miraculousrainbow · 3 years
Sleeping In The Bathroom Is Better Than Home
Chat noir cannot stand being at home anymore and by chance stumbles upon Marinette wich turns into an unexpected sleepover
Marichat (can be viewd as romantic or platonic)
Trigger warnings : mention of verbal abuse, mentions of neglect, discussions of bad mental health, bad mental health, insomnia, anxiety, trapping a child mention (ask to tag)
"Im done and sick of it"
He couldnt think straight, he just knew that he needed to get out as fast as he can
Plag popped out in a look of concern but before he could say anything Adrien already climbed out the window and yelled "Plagg claws out" and jumped out
His movement wasent his usual cat like swiftness
It was heavy and frantic
He was stumbling around in the dark and crashing into a wall or a random pole every once in a while but ignoring it as nothing happened and just, keeps going
He was going around blindly
With the only purpose of just, getting away
After a while of hanging about at the dark he calmed down a bit, but he was still fearful
His dad yelling still ringing in his ears and with each sound feeling like another hit
"Ignore it he insisted"
"You are here, you are safe, you are not at home anymore."
"You are safe." he whispered to himself loudly with a bit of a panic in his voice and a desperation to make these words feel true
But it was getting late he knew that soon he will need to go back home but he couldnt bring himself
He would rather sleep outside
"The only problem is that he would be an easy target for hawkmoth or criminals depending on the form"
"Or he could just stay a-"
His thought had been cut mid sentence while he was walking he realised he sees a familiar light and in the light had been basking a familiar figure
"Marinette!" He exclaimed with relief in his voice
"It was nice seeing a friend out here and a light source when everything else seems so dark and bleak and eerily quiet..."
"Chat Noir?" Marinette blinked trying to figure out where the dark ends and where the cat starts
"Its nice to see you" he said with a sheepishly smile
"Is there an akuma" Marinette eyes darted from place to place while her expression seemed so focused she wouldnt miss a fly
"Not tonight princess" he replied feeling a bit guilty he made her worry
A sigh of relief escaped the teen's mouth and her expression softened
And when she looked up to his surprise she looked like she is actually happy to see him
"So what brings you here ~Chat Noir~." she said his superhero name like you would call someone a royalty title jokingly
"Wich... was fair, but! he just hoped she knew every time he called her princess it was full of fondness"
"Oh um, just going for a walk, getting some fresh air"
"At two at night"
"I can ask you the same princess" he stumbled on his words he didnt expect that
"He havent being keeping an eye on the hour"
"He hoped he wasent missing for too long"
"But with his father absence he sometimes thinks he could of being kidnaped by hawkmoth for days and he wouldnt even notice"
"and sometimes he could of just barged into the room out of the blue"
"For ones he hoped for the first one"
Marinette unexpectedly decided to be the first one to break the silence
"Thoughts, just too many thoughts" she replied honestly and wiped her eyes in tiredness and maybe tears
Even though her answer seemed quite generic he recognised the real weight these words hold
"You?" She asked softly in sleepiness
"I just couldnt handle staying there anymore"
He blurted out choking on a bit of tears
"Her honestly just made him feel like he couldnt keep it inside anymore and that he could just share it safely and it will be okay"
"Like he didnt have to keep it down anymore and he really couldnt not like this not when he finally feels safe and the adrenaline from earlier is starting to die out and the tiredness is kicking in"
"Not next to Marinette"
"When she just comes with honestly openness and without anything to hide behind"
"She could of waited a little longer he would have come up with a joke to sweep her off her feet or at least made her laugh thats a win too"
"And just have a normal conversation"
"But she chose openness and he couldnt help, but choose it too"
He was a bit shaking he didnt notice till Marinette put a hand on him "hey, do you wanna go talk inside?"
The cat was frozen in surprise at the sudden touch
but as soon as it went is as soon as it goes
"And I know your identity needs to remain a secret for yours and the safety of your loved ones"
"So tell me just as you can and want of course" she made a serious face in the end but he couldnt ignore how cute it was
He noded thankful and followed her in
"Not surprisingly her room was much warmer than the cold outside"
They set down and Marinette asked while fiddling with her fingers "So, what happened?"
"My dad just yelled at me"
"Again" he rolled his eyes with a snort of someone who learned to turn their anger into despair and nihilistic jokes
"Its or he leaves me alone and neglects me or he yells at me and traps me"
"And in the past it used to be or he neglects me and traps me or he yells at me and traps me"
"But good luck trapping Chat Noir ha ha" he said with exhaustion and finger guns
"Unless you are hawkmoth if he would of being I bet he would have trapped me then too" another bitter laugh escaped his mouth
"What about you?"
"So you know those nights when you try to go to bed and you just lay there but you cant stop thinking and your thought are running and running and you just start shaking and you cant stop and no matter what you cant sleep and you wish so badly you can but you just cant so you stand up cause you cant take it anymore"
She blurted out as well just more in a mini frantic tangent
Instead of a frantic blurt out
"So maybe" she says with a twirl of her hand like she tries to drag the word longer and just not let the sentence end
"Im having one of these nights"
She covered her face with her hand and looked away like she is even ashamed of having a problem
"Wich is super unfair everyone has problems" he scoffed in his head
"And also one thing was made sure by this conversation she was crying earlier"
"Actually yeah" he replied looking up from his knees and surprising them both
"I do get these nights from time to time"
"Now it was his turn to look away"
"Now he is the one feeling shame in having problems"
"Honestly, he thinks it made both of them feel better knowing they are not the only ones even though he and of course Marinette! would never wish this upon each other it was still nice being in the same boat"
"Its exhausting" she exclaimed and looked like she was trying to rest her had on air and getting grumpy each time it doesnt work
Chat tapped to time on his knees to signal that she can use him as a pillow
Marinette without taking a second thought took the invite and settled down
At the moment of contact Chat Noir felt like lightening were running up his spine he just hoped he didnt move
He wasent used to other ppl contact much
And he always withdrew away quite quickly
"Its not that he didnt like others touch"
"Its just that it would always overwhelm him so much"
"And it made him feel like he needed a break but every time he was ready to come back"
"There was nobody left"
"And lets not talk about how it was before school when there was nobody to begin with"
"She looked so comfortable like it was all natural being so close to someone and just putting your head down"
"He wishes he could feel like that too"
"He hopes one day he will"
After a moment of rest and a sigh of relief Marinette asked "So, whats the plan?"
"Kinda how he would of asked his lady on battle he wondered if thats how he looks like"
"Uh, I kinda planned on staying awake outside until I will collapse of exhaustion..."
"Well, thats a horrible plan."
"In retrospect, he agreed but its not like he had any other options" he thought to himself
"The only room with a decent lock is the bathroom but I cant let you sleep in the bathroom!"
"I considered sleeping outside so this sounds much better"
"Chat!" She protested
"Its not like I have any better options" he sighed into his hand
"Okie but Im putting a clock to 5 in the morning so you will be back before anyone notices"
"But then what about you? dont you need any sleep?"
"I dont think I will fall asleep befor 5 am to be honest" she made an awkward laugh in an attempt to make it seem not as bad
"And, having company for a change even if will be a sleeping one soon is nice."
She looked up to him still resting on his lap with a soft smile that looks like it means Im really thankful you are here but you need to go to sleep now
"Marinette I-" he couldnt help but let a sigh of relief escape his mouth "I cant thank you enough"
"Hey what there are partne- pretty good friends for!"
"She started stammering. Now he was sure she was too tired for communication and needed some rest"
"So lets get ready for the sleep part in our kind of spontaneous sleepover!" she said like it was all part of just a regular late night party
He chuckled and replied with a simple sappy "yeah" and he got ready to bed
And in a long time he actually had a good sleep even though it was in the bathroom
The end <3
Update: thank you everyone for the feedback!!!
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mikauzoran · 3 years
The Plan(TM) (re: Mikau’s WIPs) 2: Electric Boogaloo
Hi, guys. Time for another status update. ^.^ 
I’m wrapping up my Lukadrien June 2021 piece Your Hands Hold Home right now, so I should be on track to post the final chapter of that on 06/30/2021.
Below is a list of other projects I plan on working on in the coming months. Let me know what sounds interesting or what you’re excited for.
Le Carnaval: (various pairings and platonic interactions) So, @miraculousfanworks is doing Snippet July. There are prompts for each day, and the stories/chapters for each prompt have to be one thousand words or less. I recently made a post requesting pairings, and I’m going to use the pairing prompts I received from you guys and the Snippet July prompts to create a collection of short stories featuring various romantic pairings and platonic interactions between characters.
Zebras Can’t Change Their Stripes: (Lukadrien) After four years, Adrien is back in Paris, broke, and ready to try to reconnect with friends and get his life back on track. Meanwhile, Luka is going through a breakup and struggling not to be a total wreck. They’ve grown and changed, but they’re still the same people underneath it all. As they try to pick up where they left off, they support one another, and their friendship slowly grows into something more.
So, this one is on hiatus while I do Lukadrien June. I have some days off scheduled at the beginning of July, so I hope to finish writing this then and resume posting in July. I just have two-ish chapters left. I really want to do Snippet July, though, so Zebras might get pushed back a little more while I work on that. ^.^; Sorry in advance! Thanks for your patience.
Marichat May: In April, I made a post asking you guys to pick Marichat May prompts for me to combine into a single story. I still plan on doing that story. It’s just taking longer than anticipated for me to get around to it. XD
Plagg and Wayzz Prompt: (Lady Noir) I got a comment on one of my stories that said, “Can you do a top wayzz bottom plagg one? Preferably in universe and in human form. Doesn’t have to be smut.” First I thought, “What the bloody hell?” because it was a comment on a Lukadrien story, and that’s all it said, and I thought, “Well, that’s random.” I’ve never really written Wayzz before, but this gave me the idea for a story where the team is up against an akuma that somehow separates them from their kwamis, leaving the heroes unable to detransform and the kwamis in defenseless human form. What I came up with really doesn’t have anything to do with the prompt other than Plagg and Wayzz will both be in human form. It will probably just end up being a Lady Noir identity reveal piece, honestly.
Adrien Trapped in AU-Land: (Adrienette, canon universe featuring AUs) My idea is based off of a writing prompt submitted by @graaythekwami on the @miraculousfanworks Discord server: AU where all the characters wake up in a different AU every chapter, fully remembering what happened in the last AU. My idea is for Chat Noir to get hit by an akuma (probably named Escapist or something equally dumb ^.^) who traps Adrien in a series of alternate realities (AUs) until he realizes his feelings for Marinette and manages to break free.
Adrienette Hanahaki: A while ago I did an ask game about a trope I’d like to try writing, and the one I came up with was Adrien with Hanahaki disease (The one where you start coughing up flower petals due to unrequited love making flowers grow inside your lungs). I’ve been thinking about it, and I’ve decided I’d like to actually write this story. My basic outline is: Adrien starts showing symptoms, and Gabriel badgers him about whom he’s in love with, and Adrien just blurts out, “Marinette!” And Gabriel threatens Marinette into dating Adrien, and they start fake dating but then fall in love.
L’Amour de Loin: (Lukadrien, post-Papillon defeat, Félix wingman) I did a sneak peek for this here. Adrien is living in London with his aunt and cousin three years after Papillon’s defeat and arrest. He’s in rough shape and hasn’t kept in touch with anyone from Paris. One day, he gets a text from Luka out of the blue, and they rekindle their friendship. Félix acts as wingman to ensure that it turns into something more.
Happenstance and Magic: Marichat May 2019. Marinette and Chat Noir adopt kittens together, and Adrien tries to get Marinette to see that he’s not perfect but still a worthwhile person deserving of her love.
I’ve been thinking about this one, and I think I’m going to cut the number of prompts I actually use. Once I’m done with the other stories, I want to sit down and make a more thorough outline of what I want the story to be and which prompts I’m going to use to get me there.
The Seduction of Adrien Agreste: This is part of the Springtime in Wonderland (Daisy/Jabberwocky) series. It deals with Luka and Adrien experimenting with physical intimacy to see if they can reach a compromise where Luka and (asexual) Adrien are both comfortable and have their needs met.
Things Currently on the Backburner:
The Rejects Club: Predominantly Marichat with Adrienette. Chat Noir and Marinette unexpectedly grow very close very fast as they open up to one another after Marinette overhears Adrien seemingly dismissing her as a romantic prospect. Identity shenanigans at farcical levels ensue.
I can’t really deal with Rejects right now. I’m feeling super overwhelmed by basic life stuff, so I don’t really have the mental or emotional energy to put into a story where I don’t know how many more chapters there will be until the end. I’m thinking that what I have planned will take at least another one or two hundred thousand words. This thing is just so massive, and I’m not in good enough mental heath to deal with it right now.
Springtime in Wonderland: Yeah, no. See the paragraph directly above. I was already having trouble with my mental health in 2019, and 2020 took a sledgehammer to my already frail state. This story is another one that’s going to take another couple hundred thousand words to complete, and I just don’t have the stamina in me right now. I’d rather focus on smaller projects that actually feel attainable. I’m trying not to burn myself out.
That’s what I have for now. There are a couple other ideas I’m toying with, so you may see a couple one-shots not listed here. I just don’t want to formally commit to writing anything else at the moment. So. Is there anything that you’re particularly interested in? Let me know what you’re thinking.
Thoughts? Feelings? Suggestions? Opinions? ^.^
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parkminhyuk · 6 years
11 Questions Tag
Tagged by @dong-minie and @vocalpmh (Thank you~~ 💕💕💕)
Genevieve’s questions
1. what’s your favorite movie?
Captain America: The Winter Soldier tho maybe I if I truly thought about it I’d discover I have another. Probably something newer. But that’d take a while and I don’t feel like it.
2. do you like the bachelor?
Not my type of show
3. do you have any pets? if not, what do you want to have?
Not anymore T.T I want a cavalier king charles spaniel sooo bad tho (they’re so so so so so so cute~~~~)
4. what song are you listening to now/did you last listen to?
asbhdjnjks thank you for reminding me I was planning on listening to some music while I get a few things done
Last song: War of Hormone - BTS
Current song: Only You - Miss A
5. are you a skirt/dress person or a leggings/jeans person?
Wellll I can’t actually wear pants of any kind outside of the house (well, except pj pants but even those have specific people I’m allowed to wear them around), but I’m... kind of both? Depends on my mood. 
6. if you could dye your hair any color, what would it be?
I’d love to dye the bottom half of my hair turquoise. Or maybe a caramel-y brown? That’d probably look really good with my hair color. Or a cute cotton candy pink.
7. if your bias in astro wasn’t your bias, who would it be?
8. what’s your favorite book?
The Captive Maiden by Melanie Dickerson
9. what’s the weirdest food you tried?
Candied... orchids I think they were? Suuuper good
10. what phase did you go through that you most regret?
Oh goodness there are so many... but it might be this time I hung a large portion of my hair to the side of my face with the rest in a ponytail. I really wish I could go back in time and tell my younger self not to do that.
11. binu, myungjin or socky?
Socky all the way bruh. It’s such a cute, soft, and pure friendship 💕💕💕
vocalpmh’s questions (I am positive I have never heard your name akdfninf I’m sorryyyyyy)
1. if you could travel back in time, which decade would you go back to?
I kinda wanna try the 90s tbh
2. do you sleep on your side, belly, back?
My side tho I’ve fallen asleep on my back and my belly
3. favourite era of your favourite group(s)?
Oh dear. Ummm...
Astro - Dream Part 02 or Autumn Story?
Blackpink - lol I literally just started stanning and besides there isn’t a whole lot to choose from anyway =/ I’ll just say both~ 
BTS - Idek akbddbs I’m just gonna say Her because this was honestly such a great era (I really need to figure out which era is my fave >.>)
Got7 - No clue tbvvh (I haven’t been paying enough attention T.T someone force my butt to give my babies more attention)
Seventeen - I’m thinking Shining Diamond or Boys Be tbvvh
4. guilty pleasure?
Giving Park Minhyuk my undevided attention and adoration Jk jk~ Probably... leaving extra dough/batter in the bowl to eat :3
5. do you know how to play an instrument? if not, which instrument do you want to learn how to play?
None and none. I suppose it would be cool to learn how to play the guitar since I actually like the guitar but I don’t really wanna? *shrugs* Idk
6. pens or pencils?
PENS nothing beats that smooth flow of a good pen
7. most frequented social media?
Tumblr (big surprise~)
8. favourite platonic and romantic ships?
Are we sticking to just kpop? Because any and all Astro ships are 👌👌👌 plus Verkwan, Soonchan, Junhao, and literally any ship with Kookie, but I’m weak for Love Square (especially Marichat and Adrienette), TimSteph (do they have an actual ship name???), Dibs, Spitfire, Steggy, SPEEDEMON (why the heck didn’t this come up first, it’s literally my favorite ship), Batcat, Pepperony... tbh I favor a lot of ships :3
9. siblings?
2~ both older
10. favourite mode of transport? (LMAO I RAN OUT OF IDEAS BUT THIS ONE’S INTERESTING I SWEAR!!!)
I’ve only ever been in a car and plane and on a bike sooo... car? But I’d love to take a train :3 I wanna experience that
11. when did you create your tumblr acc?
April 18th, 2017
@starsforastro @eunrocky @softrocko @scoupsadaisy @smileyrocky @astrcs @m0onbean @blueberrybins
1. If you could spend one day with a member of Astro that isn’t you bias, who would it be and what would you do?
2. You can only see things in one color for the rest of your life. Which do you choose?
3. Oversized hoodies or fuzzy sweaters?
4. If you could spend a year in another country for free, which country would you choose?
5. McDonald’s or Burger King?
6. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
7. Pretty pastels, bright neons, or darker tones?
8. Would you rather be able to breath underwater or fly?
9. If you could have any eye color you want, whether it’s a natural eye color or not, which would you have?
10. Favorite item you possess?
11. Best food you’ve ever had?
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imthepunchlord · 7 years
I just read the last chapter of Felinette March and... It's reverse crush?? Because I love it! I just want to know more and more about their dynamic....
Yes! Reverse crush for Felinette March! 
I actually really think that if it was Felix and Marinette, would most likely be a reverse crush. Could be mutual Ladynoir as well, but I can see reverse crush more likely. On Marinette’s end, for sure would sooner fall for Chat than Felix. 
Now for something more in depth exploring my personal headcanons and speculations from concepts… 
I’m putting it under cut since this is going to be a bit lengthy, but here’s my ramble/essay on Felinette and crushes, resolving around what I’ve gathered from Felix concepts and personal headcanons. 
Covering Marinette’s side, she would definitely fall for Chat sooner than Felix. 
With what’s given, Marinette wouldn’t fall for Felix any time soon; would sooner become his friend before developing a crush on him. 
Origins shows us that Marinette is attracted to kindness and honesty. These things Felix doesn’t really have as strong traits. He’s unsociable, unapproachable, more than happy to keep to himself and be alone, and is very, very, very selective about his company and wouldn’t be afraid to tell anyone that he doesn’t like them, especially to get people he doesn’t like to leave him alone sooner. 
Marinette would not be impressed. 
Now with Chat, Marinette would sooner crush on her partner than her classmate. Mindful not immediately, this is Felix who can be a butt and unsociable and being a cat can make those behaviors worse. But would develop a fondness for him that can easily develop in more romantic feelings, especially as the partnership goes on and the trust they have in each other strengthens. 
One thing about Chat!Felix she’d appreciate is that he takes this task just as seriously as her. With Felix being more open and accepting of a miraculous, especially with no curse; he, like Marinette, would see this as a job and duty. She can appreciate having a serious partner to watch her back and help keep Paris safe. 
Both can also appreciate having someone that understands them, with both being pretty reluctant to get into the miraculous business but both stepping up to save the day. 
And Felix is more expressive and relaxed as Chat. While his approach to Ladybug in the PV is a guise and act to receive a kiss from her that would free him from a curse, a good few of his dramatic and flashy moves aren’t. Like his transformation in the PV, there was no Ladybug to put a show on for. He wanted to be flashy and dramatic with it. With a mask on, he’s more inclined too goof around a little, to joke, to put on a show. 
Chat will certainly get on her nerves time to time, especially when he’s being a grumpy, petty cat; but she would sooner crush on Chat than Felix. Their partnership would be solid with both taking it seriously, both can connect to the reluctant start, and both would be inclined to relax and joke with each other time to time. She’d also likely be appealed to the mystery of her partner, a kitty who would share very little information with her, making her curious about the boy under the mask. 
Now on Felix’s side with crushes, I can see it going either way.
Like Marinette, Felix would have a similar set up with Ladybug. He can appreciate that she was equally unsure about miraculouses, appreciate that she takes her job of Ladybug seriously, and feel comfortable with their partnership, comfortable enough that he’d be fine jesting with her and relaxing around his partner. 
Very likely, Ladybug would be Felix’s first official friend. And with their partnership, trust, and connection; it’s easy to see that fondness growing into something more romantic. 
But there is a glaring detail that Felix, like Marinette, would not use miraculouses for personal enjoyment and would likely treat being a hero like a job. And he wouldn’t be interested in mixing his civilian and hero life. Marinette has a similar stance, but Lady Wifi reveals that she is open to the idea of sharing her identity and is only keeping the secret because it’s a logical and solid precaution, one Tikki approves and backs. But Marinette doesn’t like keeping this secret, and keeping a diary is her way of coping with being Ladybug and not telling anyone. 
Felix I see being completely fine keeping his hero life a secret, and keeping his double life as separate as possible. While his feelings for Ladybug can easily become more, he would be resolute to keep the two lives separate, and that would mean not pushing for anything more in their partnership, and there is a danger that can come with a reveal, so he’d be more set than Marinette to keep identities secret, especially if that danger can mess with his life. 
Now with Marinette herself, that’s a different approach for Felix. 
While Ladybug and Chat Noir would click relatively well their first meeting; not so with Marinette and Felix. Marinette would not like his attitude, and Felix would likely respond to her distaste with his own. 
But with who Marinette is, that can be gradually changed.
Marinette is like the sun, drawing people in with her warmth, support, and guidance. There are many that are drawn to Marinette in the show, are willing to follow her and be by her side, to tell her their issues and plans, a trust that she’ll listen and support them. And they are, Marinette largely is very supportive of those around her, and watches out for everyone. It makes her very appreciated in class. 
Felix is likely to be no different, even more so that despite her dislike, Marinette would be respectful with Felix, would not be the one to start fights with him, and when working together, would do her part just as responsibly as him. Plus him and Marinette would be horrible influences on each other, sharing and encouraging any feelings of dislike they have for certain people, like Chloe and Lila would both push at their patience. It’s actually a pretty amusing thought that what sparks their connection is mutual dislike for people that bother them. 
Anyway, with these factors of Marinette, Felix can appreciate them. 
And will take note of them. Take note that Marinette can get her work done relatively well, that she is respectful of him and his personal space or any wish for peace and quiet, that she doesn’t push his boundaries or start any fights with him or move to do anything that would bother him. 
And she would even have his back, support him. Marinette doesn’t stand for any injustice, even to those she dislikes as we often see with Chloe. That’s likely to be very rare for Felix, and it’s a detail that will linger and stick with him. 
That easily leads to him seeking her out and asking her to partner with him in group projects, very aware that she’s one of his better chances of success and can be actually tolerable to work with. That her company can be enjoyable and he finds that he can look forward to it and with these they can wind up estrange friends, and for Felix, that could develop into something more. 
Felix’s feelings for Marinette would evolve from dislike to respect to appreciation and to admiration. As he gets more comfortable with her, he’d likely find a similar relation that he as with Ladybug, only, to his knowledge, this doesn’t come with a duty that mixes up the two lives, making him more inclined to pursue Marinette romantically than Ladybug. 
Ultimately, for sure, I say on the Felinette ship, both would develop crushes gradually, not as quickly as Marinette and Adrien do; these crushes would come slower from their interactions and growth together. 
Felix, crush wise, I can see going either way and will ultimately depend on his view on miraculouses and how he handles his double life and whether or not he’s up to keep that separate; but Marinette seems more likely to me. 
And Marinette for sure would crush on Chat sooner than she would crush on Felix. 
With me who largely ships depending character interactions and relationship growth, especially from platonic feelings to romantic (which is probably why Marichat is my fav of Love Square), it was a delightful treat of possibilities to discover.
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