#roleplaying is in quotes bc it’s not roleplay for him.
boyobjectifier · 4 months
i genuinely cannot believe there is a GROWN ASS MAN on here “roleplaying” the stalker love interest from the fucking book i’m reading afgxhhsvzhsdj
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quillheel · 11 months
@tenebriism // yusuke & akechi!
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the contact was something unfamiliar with him.
perhaps that is why he was so insistent on saying something, even when a sluggishness unable to be hidden in precise carnelian eyes, dexterity faltering in what is often used by such precise hands, a darkness discoloring the undersides of skin like cheap, shiny decoration — paint applied with a sensitivity often lost on Akechi, but one that was not so easily when it applied to the flesh; attention unending, monitoring, almost clinical.
perhaps it was that then, the unexpected from someone he has learned what to expect from, that championed him onwards like a curse he was bound to — eternally, Akechi was cursed, or at least that's often how he thought he was. how strange it was, for that moment of pinpoint notice, the contact an unfamiliar heavy pressure 'pon his shoulder, then; clumsy compared to the specific phrasing Akechi was talented in puppeting to prompt it, more natural than he ever was; its removal & its explanation. — if Yusuke had explained it sooner, Akechi hadn't been listening.
Initially, Akechi does not understand ; a thing he hates. he bites back the part of him that, impulsive, hears the reason & motive and calls Yusuke foolish. Uncomprehending, a white-hot moment of unwillingness to try met with the unkillable part of Akechi that denies the mocking, as if he is better than Yusuke, his eternal knowing he is not ; before he sets himself upon the task of seeing it through the lens of something he better understands. critical eyes scanning the lines, the progression, nipping at the edges of strokes of graphite or ink in his effort to understand why this mattered, why this was worth it.
Akechi is leaned forward, the worn booth of Cafe LeBlanc shifting as if moving to follow Akechi's lead hovering above his shoulder in one of the fewest times Yusuke is harbored within it's walls, as he shifts closer to examine. the same one might examine wounds, understanding the hands that made them, understanding what they were at all. ( Akechi struggled with the concept that Yusuke, or anyone at all, and himself were at all alike, however to say they were not similar in such a manner as this would be untrue. Goro's attention artistic in of itself, in the intensity his eyes always have. perhaps that is why Yusuke liked him. maybe Yusuke didn't like him at all. )
a perfectly trimmed finger-nail nips at the barest edge of a line at the bottom of the page, not tearing at the medium used to apply it, but rather only a pressure to it; as if by sinking his claws in, he could know it. — know it better.
"that is…" intrigue begins to strike him, rattling up into his nerves. his nail indents deeper into the fiber of the paper, never breaking through, only pushing it down. he understands it in the way detectives understand evidence, the way Akechi understands everything, the way he has to. "interesting."
he reels himself in, realizing that for all his intrigues, he is still expected to be the reasonable one. Yusuke was eccentric, blindingly intelligent in the ways Akechi took time to fully know just beneath the surface, but depravation and exhaustion were just the same regardless. human things, unhealthy in their intentional pursuit. what kind of friend would he be if he allowed this to persist? ( not friends. never friends. the way he always hesitates. ) — how hypocritical of him.
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"By all means." a hand waved, eyes glancing to Yusuke's in his familiarity with the request before finding themselves back at the page "How long have you been conscious, Yusuke-san? However in-depth, and fascinating this study is, your health is a vital priority."
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bunnywabigheart · 5 months
ask and you SHALL receive
I’ve been a longtime hasanabi fan (established in 2021 🫡) and I’ve heard WAYYY too much into about this man’s sex life you’ve picked the right person lol
- you’ve known Hasan since 2020 but you two only started OFFICIALLY AND PUBLICLY dating in like march/april/may 2023
- and if you had KNOWN the dick would be THAT GOOD you DEFINITELY would’ve confessed ur feelings earlier
- you’ll be seeing sex through a WHOLE NEW LENSE
- from dating for maybe like three weeks you already know what makes Hasan “break”
- anytime yall are out with friends? teasing. IRL stream he can’t end abruptly just to fuck you? teasing. halloween? forget it you might as well just wear a bikini because we all know that costumes being ripped APART
- your lowkey obsessed with his hands oh mannn
- and bestie…if ur into cosplay better start running (I remember one time he might’ve said something abt being like addicted to roleplay??? BUT DON’T QUOTE ME ON IT)
- he is going to want to fuck u IN cosplay
- literally thinks you’re the most beautiful thing ever to exist
- tbh you blow all his ex’s AWAYYY (am I projecting…? okay fine I am a little bit lol)
- but fr you really do he looks at you like you created the universe
- and I’m not saying you’ll be “addicted” to his dick bc “addicted” is a strong word but idk
- during his streams you’ll be bursting in and being like “heyyy whatcha doing?”
- trying to watch and engage in whatever he’s watching, trying your best to tease him without getting a TOS violation or banned, etc., etc.
- him trying to shoo you away with a stunlock but then coming to see you during a “pee break”
- y’all spend at least ten minutes going at it
- chat going like “bro is taking a long ass piss 💀”
- comes back sweaty af, hair messy…yeah we all know what happened buddy you can’t fool us
A/N: I’m so sorry I couldn’t get more requests out I’ve been so busy with school and shit and haven’t been on tumblr or even watching many of Hasan’s streams lately :’( but here’s my present to u ily all see you soon!
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4 dec 2023 pirates lore recap of the day
(aka prepare to cry your eyes out and pls watch the vods bc this recap will NEVER be able to do it justice)
obvious spoiler disclaimer + everything is roleplay
cw for streams: bad parenting mention (discussed in more detail below), cliffhanger, gun, mental health (incl. discussions of identity, lack of self-care, implicit self-loathing)
acho and chat manage to find and put together the remaining pieces of the kishi treasure map (in the sewers and in the lighthouse)
acho confides with dipper about going on this dangerous quest that star might not even come back from
cue apo showing up to invite star to a "monster slaying quest" with weirdly specific requirements (he is a godawful liar please bear with him)
acho goes along with it and they sail to the southern ice wall
acho tries to figure out this "quest" while apo has a moral dilemma about whether to actually do this (with great reluctance), but he decides it's his "only choice"
apo explains about the whole "martyn told me to kill you and now i have to" thing
the reasoning behind this is that he feels forced to conform to the nightingale stereotype (especially since graecie's confrontation with him has caused him to think he's gonna get kicked out of the faction anyway), and that by joining the blondbeard crew, he can be truly free to be his usual, violent self
acho thinks this is stupid (as in "bro you know you don't have to do what he says") and defends starself enough to make apo pop a totem (was trying not to actively hurt him)
cue the cinematic
acho tries to talk apo down via personal experience of obviously also not conforming to the nightingale stereotype: richest person on the isles (kestrel), learning to fight since star was learning how to walk (kite), exploring and discovering the seas for years (heron)
(also let's not gloss over the fact the denholm parents were like teaching their kids to fight since they were like 1 year old??? i knew those parents were messed up from the start but wtf… disgusted but not surprised…)
banger acho quote btw: "you're so worried about losing yourself that you're being someone else!"
apo now has to make a choice: friendship and… whatever the heck he'll become if he decides betrayal is better
apo chooses friendship
however… just before the cinematic, apo had a loaded gun ready to shoot. AFTER the cinematic… he shoots the ice under himself and drops into the sea. acho is last seen diving down after him (aka outsiders graecie and magic moment)
tldr: my god these pirates need therapy… and some warm blankets and food if we don't want either of them to die from hypothermia
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ghost-drfizz-au · 2 months
Welcome to the Ghost!Dr. Fizz ask blog !!!
This pinned is made to explain the rules for questions , the general story of the au , some general info abt Fizz himself , and general info related to this ask blog !!
Info about Dr. Fizz
Pronouns : He/It/They/She , all in order of most preferred to least preferred .
Gender : Trans Man
Sexuality + Romantic Attraction : Omnisexual (Pref. For Men) + Nebularomantic
Age : Adult . Prob in his 30s or so .
Any other information will be given as more questions are asked !
The General "Story"
(I put story in quotes bc there's not rlly much story wise)
This takes place a couple of weeks after the events of Box's Exit interview , which caused Dr. Fizz to die permanently after blowing his top from anger . He now currently lives in the attic of Purgatory Mansion , found a phone while he was looking around and just decided to use tumblr ask blogs to avoid going insane from a lack of social interaction . That's about it .
Rules !!!
Yes , this ask blog obviously comes with rules . Basic stuff you gotta follow if you want to ask questions . Any questions that do not follow these rules will be ignored and blocked .
NO NSFW QUESTIONS While Dr. Fizz in this au may be an adult , the runner of this account is a minor . This means no NSFW questions or comments of any kind . ("I want you" jokes and whatnot are fine though because I find them funny .)
NO SPAMMING YOUR QUESTION No one wants to deal with notifs blowing up because you want your question asked . Please send one at a time and wait for yours to be answered .
PLEASE KEEP QUESTIONS IN UNIVERSE Some questions may be things that Fizz in this au doesn't really know about (or know about yet) so please try to keep questions related to things that can be answered with stuff other than just "What ?" because it gets annoying after a while . Also I likely won't be taking questions ooc unless it's just small notes .
NO MAGIC ANONS / ROLEPLAYS Magic anons are asks that transform the character or change something about the ask blog for a certain amount of asks (ex : "__ Is now a cat for 5 asks" "The floor is lava for 2 asks .") As fun as these are , I do not know how to currently make this work in the au and therefore will not be taking them . This reason is the same with roleplays and hugging too . I'm sorry but y'all are just a bunch of people in a phone he found you cannot hug him . You'd phase right through him anyways .
General Info For the Blog !
Most questions will not have drawings . However , if I so wish to do so , some questions may have art accompany them (Don't expect any art for the background as I'm too lazy to do that .)
As I said before , I most of the time will not be answering questions ooc . BUT , if you do have a question / concern I feel should be answered ooc , I will do so .
This ask blog is inspired by a lot of tumblr ask blogs I've seen in 2019 and whatnot , but the main inspiration is ask-ii-drfizz's ask blog ! I would highly recommend checking their account out if you wish to ask the canon ver of Fizz questions !
Finally , here's a reference for Ghost!Dr. Fizz !
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With that , Have fun asking !!!!
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lustbile · 2 years
johnny as fwb based on his birth chart is like. well basically this man LOVES romance but hates talking abt his feelings so i think it rly depends on the kind of situation you have w him. if its something where you’re already friends/know each other and he catches feelings he might entertain the idea of it as a means to be close to u without actually ~talking abt his feelings~. if it’s a one night stand turned fwb and he catches feelings while getting to know you i think itll be p much the same as before, except he will be posessive and jealous easy. this man is a leo mars, and for it to be in his 5th house (which rules family, relationships and sex) rly sends him for a loop. johnny doesn’t actually actively seek out dating in all seriousness,, he actually kind of has a hard time starting romantic relationships. but he does fantasize abt sex alot, due to his 5th house being ruled by capricorn/aquarius (i wasnt sure on the direct placement here, so im rolling w it!!) his 8th house is ruled by aries, which i def think could lead to him being a constant hornball. hes very sensual and all around INTENSE when it comes to his lover/partner, and hes more likely to be into rough, passionate sex. i definitely think johnny would initiate and/or agree to a fwb relationship, but i do think he catches feelings very easily (this could be bc of his capricorn neptune, or having a 5th house stellium!!) and is really into the idea of a family. but this placement can also lead to him getting into unattainable and unavailable relationships. getting into what hes like during sex, (take this with a grain of SALT yall this is for entertainment purposes only!!) his leo mars means hes dominant, a very much dominant and authoritative energy (daddy and sir kink bitches, im looking at YOU!!! 🫵🏻). i dont think he would ever be submissive, unless it was the playful “i’ll sit back and let you think youre in charge when we both know u arent” kind of energy. lets you play with him and boss him around, but it doesnt last long. i definitely think he’s more lax on controlling in bed, basically instead of demanding and forcing your submission he finds more pleasure in earning it. a DOG for praise, and loves to receive it too. i 100% think that hes into your basic kinks; choking, praise, dom/sub, roleplay, things like this. he will probably be into dacryphylia but more of the overstimulation side of things bc again, he wants to earn your submission. speaking of submission, johnny is an excellent caretaker if you were to ever fall into subspace w him. he loves giving praise and telling you how sweet and pretty you are, and knowing that you trust him enough to fall into that headspace with him has him reeling. not to mention the stroke to his ego it would be to have you fawning and thinking only of him and his dick. i think these COULD BE his hard limits based on his placements but dont quote me: anything public. johnny’s placements (basically every planet in his 5th house + their signs) show me that hes generally a really private person when it comes to, well, everything. which atests to what we see of him outside of nct activities!! johnny definitely is into rough sex, but he doesnt want to hurt you. while he has his limits i do think hes very experimental and is down to try almost everything w you once. (as much as i lowkey love the idea and wish) i dont think he would be into anything dubcon or con-noncon, somnophilia included. he likes knowing that he’s making you feel good and doesn’t like the idea of “forcing” you to let him play with you. johnny’s chart is literally such a dream, this man is quite literally right out of a teenage girl’s (and mine!!!) dream man magazine. like i always mean it when i say that johnny’s chart is my favorite. (his and hoshi from svt but hoshi’s just makes me scream bc of his gemini stellium 👁️👁️) —🪐
this. this. all this. like everything. I think that’s why I’m so obsessed with him because everything about his chart kind of makes him the dream boy honestly lmao. like he’s so emotionally stunted but once you pull him out of his silly little aquarius stunt he is pure husband material. and idk maybe im projecting but I think with the need to please would a strong thing leading him into being more rough. I can see where the lack of interest in dub con kind of stuff comes in, but I think if it’s something his partner was interested, like you said he’s very open and I think if he tried it and saw how much you enjoyed it that would really get him going. but sometimes he does just come off as cut and dry super h0rny but just generally rough and easily excitable guy
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prince-liest · 4 months
Heya! I really appreciate how manage to get each fanfic you write to really carry the voice of the character youre writing about! Like how in the lucifer/angel fic a lot of the text is packed with lucis inner monologue compared to how much dialogue goes on, really gets to how lucifer is really in his own head, and just from the words you use and how you write a reader can see a lot of that inner monologue consists of overthinking and all his other little quirks hes gained from so much isolation and rejection over the years.
When I thought about it, compared to the vox/alastor fic you wrote, its much more dialogue, and a lot of the internal thoughts and text is more observations about vox (some of them sarcastic, others analyzing things like vox's body language) and amusing descriptions of the situation.
Im just wondering, do you plot all these details in your head, or do you jot them down on paper? IMO it seems like in general some fanfics struggle with keeping the character's voice when describing things outside of the dialogue ,and tend to sound like its being narrated/observed by the writer, rather than a look inside how the character thinks/talks. It can be a tricky thing to really get a characters voice down TBH
Thank you VERY much! You've basically just gone and told me, "Hey, you know that thing that you really enjoy doing and is important to you? Yeah, that's great!" hahaha, so please know that this message is greatly appreciated. I LOVE.
I am a huge outliner for every single fic I write, except the occasional single-scene NSFW oneshots that kinda write themselves! But character voice is usually actually not heavily involved in that outline, haha.
I think for my first Proper Fic (TM) on AO3, The Sword of Damocles is Swinging, which was a 60k word character study of Hawks from My Hero Academia, I did do a lot of outlining regarding his characterization and how I wanted to portray that because I felt like if I didn't write all of it down then I wouldn't be able to wrap my head around him. But this type of thing has very quickly become a matter of "code-switching" into a character's head for me, basically. Characterization has always been really important to me, and I remember back when I was in my "1k words is an accomplishment I'm genuinely very proud of" stage of writing, it was the thing that made me the most nervous, because I was afraid of not being able to write characters that felt like themselves.
What actually really helped with this is that I spent like 4 years doing Homestuck fantroll OC roleplay, haha. It was the perfect combination of "these are my characters so I automatically know all there is about them" + "but they are their own distinct characters with different personalities and inner voices, so it's still great practice," and then ofc roleplay being a very rewarding, collaborative, and social activity as well that gets posted in smaller, easier-to-write chunks than an entire fanfic.
For the Hazbin characters, I mostly rewatched some of their big scenes (like most of the Angel episode, or Lucifer's intro) for a reminder and a point of reference, paying particular attention to their body language, the intended vibe of how they're portrayed, and the way they talk, but it's less note-taking and more like that moment before a choir starts singing where the teacher blows a whistle to remind them where that note is, haha.
Anyway, basically, we're all reaping the rewards of me being a long-term roleplayer who's really into writing in third-person limited rather than omniscient. 🤭
An example of one of my actual outlines below the cut if you're still interested! It's chapter one from Happily Ever After, and Other Shit Nepotism Can't Buy because I am Not sharing my nsfw outlines, HAH:
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As you can see, some moments are quoted almost directly bc I thought of neat lines while outlining, while others are fairly loosely outlined because I know it's going to be easy to write once I get there and I'm not accidentally already writing it in my brain. Sometimes large chunks of scenes write themselves, like the entire ending to this fic:
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kennexander · 6 months
people on the discord server simping over manfred von karma is crazy take some examples -multiple occasions of people (mainly me) asking to draw manfred pregnant -somebody ACTUALLY DRAWING HIM PREGNANT -said artist offering to draw him give birth (they did not) -whole ass mpreg roleplay where manfred had a baby it was insanely weird. there was debates over whether it was gant's or gregory's baby. it was gant's. -the sheer AMMOUNT of people (also mainly me, but it wasnt all me i swear) using the confession bot to simp over manfred (one of them said "pregnant mvk is making me feel things" -didnt actually happen in the server, but me and someone in the server call him damnfred sometimes -yes soda, i DO feel the need to mention the drawing you did of mpreg manfred and then offer to draw him giving birth a second time. and yes im calling you out on this. -i think the quote "i want to lick mvk clean !!" says enough and yes this is the second time im posting this bc tumblr glitched and i accidentally deleted it
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evaarade · 3 months
Hi! I'm MR (yes, with the capital letters) or Crazy and my pronouns are She/Her, though I don't mind They/Them and Very Much Do Mind He/Him! This is my Mandalorian Focused side blog, the main being @mrfandomwars, that was made because I wanted to have a place focused on the Mandalorians alone.
Some random facts:
- I'm Pro New Mandalorians
- I'm Pro Jedi
- I do not believe in the Korkie Kenobi Theory
- My main Mando Blorbo is Tarre Vizsla
- I tend to go with Canon and not Legends, that last one sure gave me a headache when it comes to my faves being mistreated by fans
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(Daily Reminder that Feen Rau was a new mandalorian!)
If you have any questions, I have my inbox open!
Below is my Masterpost, including posts from my main blog!
Canon Information:
History of Mandalore (Transcription Here)
Jango Fett In Canon (No Legends) - Brief Summary
Star Wars The Fact File Part 98 - Planet Mandalore
Plus some interpretations here
Star Wars Roleplaying Game - Age Of Rebellion: Friends Like This - Mandalorian Bits And Pieces
Mandalorian Cubism and it's commentary on War
Jaster is a Strong, Independent Man and he needs no Darksaber to be Mando'alor!
The Traditionalists were Assholes
Of Duchesses and Presidents <- Old Post
What Dukes are in the Mandalorian Government and their role prior to the Civil War
(HEADCANON) How I think the Nobility in Mando'ade works
*Beats Mando Jedi Knight Grogu Away With A Broom*
Mandalorian Jedi Their Hardships
The Resol'nare
The Way Of Mandalore
True Mandalorians and New Mandalorians Got Along
Fanon True Mandalorians = Canon New Mandalorians
"Satine enforced her pacifism in the Mandalorians" makes No Sense
Minority VS Majority
Mandalorians WERE happy with the change Satine bought
The Old Mandalorians were part of the Extremist Warrior Minority
Mandalorian Diversity
Satine Kicked Out Mando Elon Musk, more at seven
-Tarre Focused
New Canon Timeline Of Tarre Vizsla
Thoughts On His Position As A Jedi and Mando'alor
Funeral Rites and Possible Lack of there of
Analysing his statue
A Mixture of two cultural styles
He Possibly didn't die in battle
What the kark happened to your armour, buddy
-Darksaber Focused
It's Current Uses
Independent Saber With No Master
It's only used as a symbol of leadership in the Death Watch/House of Vizsla
Stop using 'it's Mandalorian!' to excuse it being stolen
Lightsabers and souls, a thought about the Darksaber
It's Curse and how Mandalorians are falling for it
Beskar Padawan Beads (bc Mando Jedi)
Tarre with them :3
Please Consider this alternate interpretation for when mixing Legends and Canon together
Tarre Has A Jedi Order Symbol, not a Shriek-Hawk
Jedi Temple Guard Tarre
Tarre's essays
Mango Thoughts
Jango's Terrible Jokes
My Favourite Mandalorian Headcanon
"The Darksaber" excerpt, Star wars 100 Objects
Recommended Meta Reading:
The Mando Posts by @/phoenixyfriend
Satine Defence Posts by @/smhalltheurlsaretaken
This Post by @/stairset
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mamapilled · 1 year
mother nonsenses 1.0
was part of the manifesto. (but not anymore?) though these are just random ideas in my notebook that i havent yet found a way to fully write sth decent with. though the evidences are all there. here just for archive, none of these really mean anything. except the last bullet point? but it also doesnt mean anything
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- [this was one of my replies when heilhades333 and i was talking abt my ageswap luther and her matriarch nature. then somehow it snowballed into ranfren chi no wadachi?] i think as far as where the series is currently at, randal's still far too young for luther to consider anything about him having a family of his own or even a partner. at this life stage he is still under luther's care, and therefore, a part of luther's family. i see luther as the highest queen of her own beehive, so she wouldnt want randal to eventually have his own family (though, as the "ivory heir", maybe that day will come. if they can grow old that is). luther's way of building a family is more of collecting "family members" - what she'd like to call them, rather than building branches. i dont think she would mind if randal gets a partner as long as they'd submit to become a part of her family (like how she got sebastian as a pet for randal) maybe only when said partner wanted to pull randal away we'd have a problem (satoru. though its mostly bc she wanted to go camping with her family and also blueberry pancakes)
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^ i kNOW the mother here is referring to the mother/earthbound franchise. but this is my domain and i can say whatever i want
- [purely delusional. hello hitchther nation?] in my beautiful mind theres this specific what-if situation luther is the queen bee, the hitchhikers are the drones, randal is the queen-to-bee (haha get it) while the catmen and like, nana carpet seb and the rest are worker bees. the drones' only purposes is to mate with the queen (only the fittest ones get this honor) and they'll die in the act but they're happy doing so ^^; this is just me fumbling the hitch hikers’ role theres nothing more to this really, lol
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- [i’m still marinating this thing with nou but its going to be mother manifesto 2.0 when i finally know how to verbalize it. wonder when that is... the following paragraphs are choppy and rough bc theyre mostly texts i sent to nou at 12am] AGAIN IM NOT A NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER PLEASE EXCUSE ALL THE... IDK VERBS FORMS ERRORS I DONT KNOW! WHAT THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!
i know luther is the emperor tarot card (totally agree. shes also the empress TO ME. because im me of course) but then nou told me about her being the sun while randal is the moon and. huh. that kinda caught me off guard because the sun is supposed to represent. well? good omen and all the nicest things in the world. huh. everytime i think too much abt this i’d get super emotional (im getting emotional Right Now. thats why i dont think i can fully articulate this 2.0 manifesto any time soon) bc yknow. according to a normal regular person’s standard, luther is far from “good”, but also cap did write that luther “believes hes a nice person but is working on it” (not the exact quote but you get it)
something about her trying to be a good person though she probably would never be one but still in her cynical little mind hes being sweet and loving and Good. and not doing whatever she "in the past" has done. bunch of references to "the past" are mostly if not all abt how horrible and terrible and scary she was and how she keeps saying shes not like that anymore though we arent sure how much of it is true bc shes fucked in the head to oblivion. its the thoughts that count i guess?
these are probably all related to luther giving birth to randal (in my head) since ARHGHGH idk!!!!!! i'd imagine this was her before having him (or at least, when she just had him for a few? years? decades?) and then until she had to raise randal and realized he needs to grow into a decent person and started that fucked up roleplay spiral game of her she goes out less and less and trying to be a perfectly normal loving human and a caretaker of this made up family and stopped doing whatever the fuck she was doing when she was still a young maiden terrorizing canada’s deepest forest suburban hell
since randal is like. THE ivory heir to me too he'll take over one day its like now shes just being a mom and making sure hes ready to be it. one day (that day might never come once again she loves making shits up in her head saying stuff no one can fucking understand. cynical woman) and also making sure everything around him is ready for his growth and also being a good role model for him. yadda yadda. not to mention randal keeps talking abt how shes not like before / this body isnt what it used to before as if they both know shes fucking aging (old) and having randal is what she wanted in life like how parents after having children just want to devote their entire life to give their children the best upbringing bc their time is ending soon its time for the next generation. THIS IS ALSO PURELY DELUSIONAL SORRY
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whatever im rereading camping arc again (i do this every night) what can i say i love female hysteria and getting the horrors abt luther von ivory slowly descending into insanity
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vynegar · 1 year
vyn top-up card liveblog thread (updated as a read). spoilers!
ok so i think this means vyn was an exchange student for a year during undergrad at a university that was (presumably) in or near stellis, since it doesn’t mention anything about travel? don’t quote me on it tho
kinda revisiting youth vibes since they’re in another school event, almost reliving school days. also definitely a possibility of some vyn backstory
oh no not another story of love at first sight ending in tragedy that will seem like an omen for vyn
ohthe writing team is putting their ENTIRE ***** into this story in a story oh my god. like i know i’m not skilled enough to tell what good writing is but like. this is good writing
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ok. u kno what. if vyn licked my fingers i would lose my ability to speak too. that’s fair.
he’s blushing!!! that’s the blushing sprite!!!!
sometimes it’s just like. entertaining. watching mhy try to up the ante with the suggestiveness in cards but stay within the 16+ rating. i look forward to how creative they can get.
ok PAUSE bc the luke card got uploaded and the video is an hour long 🙏 WE’RE EATING TONIGHT
aaaand i’m back!
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one day. ONE DAY we will see this expression and Not when vyn is acting
ok damn honestly. props to the AI for this part
ok so that’s like. THREE recent vyn cards with an acting/roleplaying segment where vyn gets quite emotional/uncontrolled and he’s. remarkable good at it. is this the new motif?? are we headed toward a complete collapse and blurring of the line between acting and reality? 
also wondering if this is major for my theory on vyn (and fairy tales and stories) because getting really into the role probably qualifies as immersion and right now rosa is saying she needs to be the “rational onlooker”
i would love for an actual therapist to review some of vyn’s cards. like, i’m Pretty sure some of this is not best practice but i don’t know enough about therapy to talk about it
this card is a big win for people who want to see a more twisted rosa
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HUH????????????? CAN YOU -- IS THIS --- 16+??????? MIHOYO?????? (AND YEAH THAT’S HIS TIE)
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Vyn: MC... What are you trying to do?
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vyn’s and rosa’s expresisons when she suddenly ties him up.... both of them just taking it in without batting an eye.....
ok i think people who enjoyed the ending scene in vyn’s 2nd anniv card will like this a LOT lmao xDDD but vyn’s not really trying to hold back this time
i think i like the way that the vynrosa cards show a progression of their desire for each other. maybe it’s because Control has always been such a theme of vyn’s route, but idk, the way that their desire grows in his cards just hits properly
i really liked the ending lines
this is probably the top-up card i’ve been most tempted by. i liked how the story flips the script a little by making rosa worry that she’s too much like the cautionary tale, but in the end shows that it’s more of a mutual feeling of greed that she doesn’t need to worry over. and (maybe it’s because i paused in the middle of reading for a long time) but i feel like the writers did a good job of quickly setting up the premise for the card but not letting it bog down the actual crux of the story. i’d honestly be interested to hear if other people also felt that way about the card, bc i’m not sure if i’m just in a positive mood toward tot right now; like, maybe that point could also be applied to the anniv 2 top-up card.
okay but speaking of that, why was it another vyn top-up so soon?? i get that the first round just finished (artem with desert, marius with gufeng, vyn with anniv2, luke with bakerlon) but at least do marius!!
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deathclassic · 12 days
Hi Molly! How about 12 & 27 for the Gallavich headcanons?
hi krystal <3 <3
12. what’s their lockscreen?
ooh okay, honestly i think their lockscreens are just like,,,a picture they like? Maybe Ian has like a quote or a nice picture he took on a holiday and mickey probably has something weirdly edgy idk but their home screens are probably something more sentimental! mickey i can see just having Ian bc he has the i dont like my photo being taken attitude but ian has the two of them taking a selfie together and it's not even a significant one they were just at home
there is no 27! so i'll jump to 28
28. What are sexual kinks/ fantasies they are too embarrassed to tell anyone?
i feel like they roleplay way more than they let on, ian probably overshares his sex life with lip for some reason and mickey gets mad when people assume things about him so he's always ready to prove them wrong.
idk if embarrassed is the right term for this but since they love to fuck in 'public' places - cars, kash n grab, dugouts, high school bleachers etc - theyre probably a little embarrassed about some of the locations?
i dont think theyre embarrassed by any of it tbh its more like okay lets not share that ian motorboats mickey and stuff like that
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afaramir · 5 months
for the ao3 wrapped!! 1, 6, 28! (also you are not alone in believing you can finish one more thing. i am also doing that :P)
happy (newly i guess, for u!) new year anna!!! waving at u NOT from the google doc! we did it! we finished the one more thing! [ao3 wrapped]
1. How many words have you written this year?
nearly 14k (13,924 to be exact) published and at least 6-7k more of wips! tragically my least prolific year since uhhhhhhhh a long time. 2017? but thats ok it was a hard year all that matters is that i survived<3 im proud of myself for what i did bc im in that kinda moment where im relearning how to write and reengaging the creative part of my brain. and next year will be better!! i have a lot of plans and a wip list as long as a cvs receipt<33
6. Favorite title you used
this one is actually your body drowning in gravity! i havent reread it in a long long while (aside: wow i was a totally different person when i wrote that (i published it jan 3)) bc my brain has temporarily been caught by other things. but it was an idea that i'd been turning over in my head for over a year at the time when i wrote it and i think i saw the richard siken poem that the title is from (it's "the dislocated room" btw) on my dash in the middle of the writing process and it was like. Perfect. like i choose all my titles very carefully but this one really knocks it out of the park. when the fic is literally about tanner thinking mallory is the one that's fallen from the top of the cns building at the end of spectre and not knowing until the body hits the ground.
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
OUGHHH this is hard. Ough. ok i DO think it's just so long as this thing's loaded. im chronically an "i wrote this for me but you can read it if you want" guy bc i have rarepair disease. if i want to read it i have to be the one to write it. but this fic was really an exercise in like. getting weird with it. remembering that u cannot judge ur creation by any possible bad faith interpretation of it. letting myself write the kind of wildly unhinged horny possessive devotion that eats the inside of my brain but ive never been able to put on the page bc of the Fear of like ohhh that would be sooo bad in real life. dude theyre. not real. idk im not good at that sort of thing the panopticon inside my mind is sometimes kind of crazy. but like yeah actually they do think the power dynamic is hot. yeah nick made jasper fake betraying him obviously here is this situation where jasper comes back to nick after his faked death and both of them are pretending not to know the betrayal wasn't real. its just roleplay 2 them. sorry to quote a line in this already extremely long answer but like "The only thing he wants to keep is right here at his side and hasn’t that been the point of all of this, the knife to his throat and the blood in his kiss and the slow simmer of barely leashed desire. Jasper has come to him like this, the traitor slinking his guilty way home, to show Nick the lengths to which he would go for him. To which he has always gone for him, giving up everything to play Nick’s triple agent, just what the Director ordered." is literally the thesis statement of the whole thing. Anyway
also its the kind of fic where every line is trying to be The Line which...is a quirk of my writing style that comes out every now and then that im usually (for good reason tbh) always trying to cut back on. but this...Needed It. sometimes the prose DOES need to be purple. and i had fun. it was really fun dude lol i had a great time
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eightw · 2 years
finished playing life is strange true colours and honestly? it was immesnly underwhelming, and kinda disappointing.
im gonna rant about it here a little bc i dont have any friends who like the game lol
my biggest problem is that none of the choices matter, at all, and you can tell even as you’re making them. half feel like nothing more than dialogue choices, and the rest have no outcome on the ending. jed is arrested no matter who believes you, forgiving him or condemning him has no effect on either of them, and in the end the most important decision you make is the silly “do i stay or leave” bullshit. like, i really don’t care??? the one and only choice i made that felt like it had consequences was choosing to sign the affidavit vs taking pike’s fear and guess what, that choice didn’t fucking matter either! you take down jed and typhon either way! 
now don’t get me wrong im not against a happy ending (even if i prefer the endings in LIS 1 and LIS 2). my problem is mostly that they’re both extremely shallow, and have nothing to do with the game you’ve just played. the biggest change is who you romanced, but even that doesn’t change anything other than which character model is in the scene. but also, not to get on my high horse or anything, but insisting that they needed to make a happy game because you’re “tired of the depression games” (actually quote i saw on someone complaining about the criticism of true colours) means nothing. like, okay, so you want to ingest nothing but fluff and happy times, regardless of depth, i get that, it’s your right. but why does other media have to conform to your desires? i do think it’s worse that they didn’t stick with the themes of the other games, even if it was in the name of making things happier. seek out something that’s happy, rather than insisting something pr-existing change, or thinking it’s a good thing that it did. 
the last episode is also kinda unwhelming. like, i love the flashbacks, but they feel like they’re coming way too late in the game. up to this point alex has shown little preoccupation over her past, and they put so much emphasis on “you need to stop rewriting your memories” even though up until this point we’ve been given no reason to think she’s struggling with this, or the whole “you need to be strong thing”?? it’s like they invent a whole bunch of character issues just for the sake of resolving them. 
alex’s powers are also immensely boring. they’re interesting for the first fifteen minutes, where we see her being overtaken by mac’s rage and ethan’s fear, but then she just, magically overcomes that weakness, i guess?? and spends the rest of the game reading other people’s emotions with no problem, which isn’t interesting from the start because all the characters are already making it clear what they’re feeling, but made worse by the fact that there isn’t actually any gameplay for her powers. it’s just watching a slide show of the zoomed in object while listening to a voice over. most of the time, it isn’t even telling the player anything new. 
don’t even get me fucking started on the LARP. it was so goddamn long, and for nothing! none of it was plot important, and it comes right after such a build up, they’ve just stolen the usb, now what’s going to happen? oh. a hella long LARP where nothing matters. great /s. if i wanted to roleplay, i’d play a roleplaying game. if i wanted to LARP, i’d do it irl and not in a video game. 
the only thing i really liked about this game was the characters, at least the few that don’t get shelved halfway through. i love gabe (especially in the fifth episode), and alex, and of course i love steph and ryan. so if you see me reblogging art of them mind your business lol. i like the story, i like the characters, did not like it as a video game. 
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relaxxattack · 3 years
hi im asking u this bc u seem to be bee duo enthusiast so
ive been calling c! beeduos relationship platonic because i thought that was what their cc’s said, and i thought they had said that they were uncomfortable with ppl shipping the characters. But ive seen a lot of posts that say their relationship is canonically romantic? and i absolutely do not want to come across as homophobic by watering down a mlm relationship to just friends because that happens so much in media so.
what is the canon state of their relationship / ur opinions on the platonic thibg
dont worry abt answering if u dont want to!! i see a lot of differing opinions and i trust yours :)
aw it’s totally fine, im flattered you asked me about this!
let me put it simply: it’s a whole mess, lol.
first im going to talk about what’s happened fandom-wide that caused differing opinions, and then i’ll explain my own opinion/interpretation. :]
(this got really fucking long im so sorry)
ranboo and tubbo initially proclaimed the relationship was romantic, specifically in argument with the wiki editors who had set it as platonic by default. (you can see this in the vod where they decide they’re canonically married— it’s very funny. chat tells them the marriage is already on the wiki, they check, tubbo is jokingly offended that it says platonic and asks if he needs to up the romance).
tubbo also makes jokes about adultry, which sort of implies the relationship is not necessarily a platonic one.
(theres definetly more in that stream alone but it’s been a long time since i watched it so i don’t remember a lot of it.)
the wiki, because of this, suffers from going back and forth on platonic and romantic, seemingly unsure where the joke ends and the canon begins, or if its canonically a joke! a mess, as you can already tell.
this gets more complicated as the marriage bit goes on: outsiders, such as phil and scott, both at one point say “platonic marriage”, which then ranboo and tubbo agree with. however, when chat asks them if they’re platonic, they say the opposite. so there is a lot of confusion there.
there’s also the difficulty of being able to tell streamers and characters apart. ranboo and tubbo both don’t like being shipped irl, and that’s their boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed. (they’re also minors, but tbh when they’re 18 in a year i will still be following their boundaries regardless of their legal age).
due to people not wanting to be accused of minor shipping, they started adding the platonic tone indicator to most of their drawings— basically a way of saying “no homo”. meanwhile, tubbo frequently on stream flirts with ranboo and makes quite a bit of nsfw comments towards him that are frankly hilarious.
this goes on for a while with nobody really sure what’s canon, but a lot of people assuming it’s probably platonic, until: the drama of the mods night. a few mods dmed all the wiki editors telling them ranboo wanted his canon character relationship officially set to platonic.
unfortunately for those mods; the very same day, a few hours later, ranboo on stream makes fun of puffy delivering him and tubbo “friendship flowers”. because, and i quote, “bruh. we’re literally married. this must be how the ancient greeks felt.”
in case you don’t know, the internet often jokes about how historians will call ancient greeks ‘very good friends’ when they are quite obviously gay. so in this context, ranboo is joking that people will call him and c!tubbo, who are married, “close friends”, when he doesn’t think they are.
basically, ranboo canonized romantic bee duo, the very same day the mods told everyone he’d wanted a platonic one.
chaos and drama immediately erupted everywhere. on tumblr, we were talking about how weird it was of his mods to do something like that without asking him first. we ALSO talked about how weird it was of them to assume that ranboo can’t make his own decisions, or assume teenagers cannot be in relationships without it being sexual. twitter did the same thing but in the opposite direction: called ranboo mods homophobic, or said they were mad ranboo felt pressured into making a romantic relationship canon ‘just so people could have mlm rep.’
i dont want to go into detail about the drama that happened that night because apparently official people follow me and i dont want to stir it up or have them come “clarify” things. im just saying what we talked about.
ranboo in typical ranboo fashion apologized quickly and seriously. he was deeply sorry for possibly offending anyone with how he’d portrayed his rp relationship with tubbo, and he also assured everyone the mod thing was just a miscommunication.
he said he would talk to tubbo and they’d decide once and for all whether it was platonic or romantic, and then announce so everyone would know.
it’s now been a few months and we've had no word from them on that development. we still have no clue.
now, here’s my opinion:
i want to take ranboos word for it that it was a miscommunication with his mods, but... we had it on good authority from people on the wiki team and people in the discord with the mods that (while it was happening) they were really going after the wiki admins, and also made some weird comments about it. that combined with the way ranboo seemingly had no clue (considering he canonized their romance that very same day).... it’s very. sus of the mods.
then there’s the canon we’ve got since then. although occasionally adults in the room have called it a “platonic marriage” and tubbo once (back when it first started) called it a “plankton tectonic” marriage, in roleplay it’s been... kind of not that. tubbo and ranboo make nsfw jokes about each other in character, and their characters also share a master bedroom and bed in the mansion. there's also the way c!tommy really thinks it’s a romance between them as well, and they agree with and play off that— for instance confirming that they “fell in love” when he asked, or ranboo confirming that they “make out on occasion”.
people will still put platonic on their art and posts, imo, because they’re worried about breaking ranboo and tubbo’s irl boundaries by looking like they ship them. or even just being accused of shipping real life minors. and that’s a valid fear to have.
the thing is though: c!bee duo are not cc!bee duo. they’re roleplay characters. cc!bee duo are not okay with being shipped, but they made their characters get canonically married, and call each other “husbands”. so it’s okay to write the word “husband” in your comic without adding “platonic” to it, i promise.
telling the ccs that their characters have to be platonic is... weird. it comes off as not only babying them, but also as saying teens can’t date without it being gross. which isn’t true.
(this is why seeing people overuse “platonic husband” so much bothers me. like, they ARE husbands. you can just say it. what are you trying to hide...?)
do i think they’re canonically romantic? ehh, its likely. it’s still okay to interpret them as platonic, because again, it’s hard to tell where jokes end and roleplay begins. like, maybe it’s jokes in the rp too, and c!bee duo are just friends. friends can and should be allowed to make jokes like that with each other! aro & ace marriages exist!
or, maybe it’s actually part of the rp, and they’re very much romantic. we don’t know!
some people say they could be a qpr (queerplatonic romance), which i could see. (a qpr is a relationship that fluctuates between, or can’t quite be sorted into, “romantic” and “platonic”. people in a qpr can do romantic things while having platonic feelings for each other). in my opinion this is a very valid interpretation as well!
CONCLUSION (sorry this got so long omfg):
are c!bee duo romantic?
its likely, but you can still interpret them however you like!
should i put /p on bee duo content?
ehhh? i find it annoying when it’s overused (as do others), but if you’re worried you can. its up to preference. putting it too much is weird though
should i put /p on things cc! bee duo do?
no. you’re not the one saying it so you can’t decide the tone tags for that. imagine you said something to your friend and a random stranger came up and was like “haha but that was /p right...?”
can i ship c!bee duo?
mmm. i’m not sure on this one. they are canonically married and very flirtatious, but the ccs don’t like being shipped and they’re close enough to being the ccs that actively shipping might be against boundaries.
can i treat c!bee duo as romantic?
yes. literally just don’t be weird about it. it’s not that hard! you can understand that two characters are husbands without making it weird
here’s the most important thing: boundaries. cc bee duo still haven’t told us what their preferences and canon is about this whole thing.
right now, i am assuming based on what they already show us they’re comfortable with, but! the second they give us any more info! all these opinions will change!
i am only going off what they do. i would never want to cross boundaries at all. i just wish they would make theirs a little more clear.
..... i hope that helped anon, i went way off the rails... i need to go to sleep.
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waitineedaname · 2 years
What's your favourite thing about each HLVRAI character?
oh god that's such a hard question. I feel like "they're fucking funny" is the cop-out answer, but it's true ldkjfkdlsjf but if I had to say something beyond that.....
I love that Gordon cares SO much about the rest of them, he really wants everyone to be okay. also he laughs so much and it brings me joy. he's also got some previously untapped violence in him and I enjoy when he gets to let it out (his DOOM music rampage in the uncut vods my beloved)
I enjoy that Benrey is super rule oriented but like. the rules don't make sense to anyone except him. he's a mess of contradictions and it's great. I like that you can kind of take him in any direction and it works, like is he genuinely malicious and evil? is he just confused? is he just joking around? is he hurt? any interpretation is valid
Tommy's moments of snippiness get me EVERY time, like generally he's polite but then he's had Enough and goes "no one is going to watch video games on the internet" and it kills me instantly. also he's so fucking loyal to Gordon at his lowest moment and I care them <3 also the fact that he has the highest murder count is SO funny to me. go off king.
Coomer is an INCREDIBLY well done and complex character for something to come out of a fucking gmod improv roleplay series. this video game character suddenly realizing he's in a video game and coping horribly before coming to terms with it and caring for the protagonist anyway???? miss hollowtones how the fuck did you do this
Bubby legitimately made me laugh the most out of anyone the first time I watched the series. he's harder to quote but GOD is he funny. I enjoy that he's super contradictory too, like he's extremely arrogant but also a total coward. king.
I don't really think of the others as much, but I guess I like that Forzen is just super fucking whiny, Darnold is the only real straight man bc Gordon is just as unhinged as the rest of them, and G-Man is just so incredibly awkward and it's great
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