#roach ryder
dogueteeth · 1 month
something yet unnamed.
Beck(formerly known as Isa) x Roach (Sidestep x Sidestep)
sfw | A little moment between Beck and Roach(@salem-wilde 's blorbo) before the poly with Tegan is set. | AO3 Link
Available Below the Cut
The sky is so starless. Staring at it doesn't help. Mars seems so bright in the city, but you know how tiny and beautiful it can be in the full weight of a galaxy undisturbed by electricity and smog.
Maybe you should go back out to the desert some day. It wasn't the most stable time in your life, living out in the wilderness, callusing your feet on stones and eating scorpions and saguaro fruit. But it was peaceful. Cold. And when you looked into the night sky, it was beautiful.
Just like them.
Your nose crinkles at the name, and Roach giggles, bright and amused. The little shit. 
So you rest your head on them in retaliation. Comfort. Letting them know they have your attention. It's better for the both of you than eye contact or a verbal response. You're not used to either. But you're not used to touch, either. You hesitate before your temple lands on their head, heart squeezing uncomfortably and hands prickling with sweat, but Roach doesn't seem to mind. They bask in it. Bathe in the touch after a small hitch in their breath. Is it easier for them than it is for you, to be touched? Or are they just braver about it?
Brave or desperate and you're not sure what either really means because you're raising your arm to let Roach cuddle into your side, your arm wrapped around them like... what? Friends? You're not sure if the word applies to the two of you any more. Not since they kissed you. Not since you kissed them back, and you've been avoiding it, avoiding them, avoiding talking about it. You don't know what it means. Sometimes you don't want to know. That means putting a name to it. Making an enemy known. Could you trust them with that? Talking? Talking never solved anything for you. It just made problems worse. Digging your own grave and putting the dirt on like a pair of pajamas. Forgetting the bells and gravestone.
Touching them is your form of communication, in a sense. The comfortable way of talking. Letting them know that, whatever the hell the weirdness is between you two, you trust them enough to let them touch you.
Trust them enough to close your eyes. Breathe in, feel the world around you as they speak, jaw moving against your shoulder, and you're more aware of them than you ever would have been with just your ears. Aware that they keep their eyes open for you. Keeping an eye on the world while you let yourself expand, let go, relax. Extend yourself into tendrils of thought and awareness poking at the world. Poking at the little pinpricks of thought around you. People passing by the park turned away with a small push because surely there's nicer places than a dark bundle of trees to walk this evening. Ants on the hill, minds too alien and distant to be understood, more pheromone than thought, but still alive and real in a tangible way, speaking to each other in ways you can't understand, speaking... the bug is speaking.
Roach is speaking.
And you want to listen.
"... I just think you two would get along, you know? I think it'd be nice."
"Nice to what?"
"Meet him." They say, pulling away from you to squint a little, and oops. You really should've been paying better attention to them. It just felt too nice. To close your eyes and rest for a bit.
"I'm not good at meeting anybody."
"Neither is he," they say, flashing a quick smile that your eyes hone in on a little too fast. The curl of their lips says they noticed, even as you blink and try to look away quickly. You definitely don't swallow a little as their finger traces the line of your jaw. This is fine. They're just being friendly. Just being Roach. As long as you avoid thinking about the fact they're remembering what it was like to kiss you. As long as you don't think about how you're blushing and remembering how that felt, too. "That's why I think you'll get along." 
"Putting two awkward people together hardly sounds like a good idea." Their fingers are on your lips, teasing, and you can't avoid looking at them anymore. Can't avoid staring them down a bit, daring them to do something about it. Pull away. Draw closer. Back off, pretend it never happened. Kiss you again. Pull you close and tell you to kiss them again. Roach shrugs.
"You're both difficult people," they say with that quirky little smirk. "I think you'll cancel each other out."
"That so?" You whisper, because Roach has inched closer, so close, very close. You can feel the fur lining of their coat tickle your covered collarbones. Their hands are in your coat, pulling you closer, slow. Their breath is on your lips, and you could push them away, stop them. You're small but they're so much smaller than you. That's a rarity. One that would make it easy to brush them off, walk away, and go about your life as if nothing ever happened. 
But you don't.
And their lips are so soft.
A little chapped, but soft, velvety and warm against yours, and you're sure that your lips are much worse. Rough, never enough water. Stiff, unused to kissing and being kissed, awkward, though you suppose they're not much better in that regard either, with the way they forget to turn their head and your noses are squished together for a few, uncomfortable seconds. Breaking away for each other with small, crimped smiles because it's silly, and Roach breaks first but you can't help your small, breathless laugh either. Maybe you're not ready to name it. Whatever this is. But you're not sure you can push it away, either. Can't push Roach away.
"So," you drawl, tilting your head to give them a suitably suspicious look, "who's this mystery guy you really want me to meet?"
"Tegan," they say, all moonlit freckled smile, "his name is Tegan."
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salem-wilde · 6 months
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the deity of lost souls
finally am able to draw again how i'd like to! we were talking in a server i'm in about "what would your oc be the patron/deity of" and it got kinda out of hand akjlgbnfgb
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chevvy-yates · 2 years
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[赤-SERIES]-KNPK-PL_00312717-B mercs_in_corpo_disguise_graphics_05_1.file ///core:_the-boys.file\\\
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
Ryder and Vijay belong to me. Arki belongs to @nervouswizardcycle. ♥️
MUSIC: Made of Scars by Stone Sour Traumatic by Papa Roach Kill or be killed by Muse
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glitchy-npc · 4 months
Fire Hazard
Series: Fallen Hero Pairing: @boundtoanandroid's Ryder "Roach" Monroe (they/them)/ Tegan Wells (he/him). Tegan's POV. Warnings: none. Word count: 577
“Aw, crap.”  Ryder shakes their empty pack as if the action could summon a spare cigarette into existence.
“Want one of mine?” I offer, fishing around in my jacket pocket for the cigs and matches. It must have sounded uncharacteristically nice because they blink at me before accepting. I thought we were close enough the offer wouldn't have seemed out of place but these kinds of things are hard to tell – I never was good at making friends. 
Friends. I have to tell myself that, remind myself of that. I don’t know if friends would watch the way they put the cigarette to their lips the way I do. As if jealous that I didn’t get there first. And maybe I am, even if I don’t remember when I started to feel that way.
I strike a match and hold it out for them. Try to convince myself I’m not staring when they lean in towards the flame and take a drag.
Ryder turns their head to blow out smoke and I can watch them again safely. The way the corners of their lips curl up slightly in a satisfied half smile and – Fuck, I really am staring arent I? Can you not be a creepy weirdo for 5 goddamn seconds Tegan? Get it together. 
“Thanks.” They mumble.
“Don’t mention it.” Wow. Scintillating conversation asshole.
I busy my hands pulling out a cig of my own, a good excuse to look at something else. Not them.
“What's up?”
Something must have shown on my face for them to ask and like a fish snagged on a hook I look up again, right into that growingly familiar face. Right at those lips I can’t pretend I don't want to kiss. 
Fuck. What am I going to do about that?
Time gets funny, slippery. It takes too long to realize I haven't answered them.
Say something you fucking moron! Don’t just stand there like an idiot! Say anything! 
But the words feel stuck in my throat. Swallowed like ash from the cigarette I still haven’t lit. Suffocating any explanation or excuse I could give.
So I do the only thing a selfish, reckless bastard like myself knows how to do. Actions have always been easier than words.
I kiss them. 
I’m not smooth, I’m not gentle but Ryder’s lips are soft and warm and the surprised little noise they make sends a thrill straight through to my stomach.
I should feel bad. I should have asked. I shouldn’t have done it all but the way they’re kissing me back I can’t bring myself to regret it. It feels too good, here and now, and I'll always have time to regret it later. 
This weak heart and body of mine that wants too much. 
A brush of their tongue makes my thoughts turn to things I hope they can’t read. All my senses feel distant, it's just Ryder and their lips and their tongue and the soft sounds that are only for me. 
When I finally pull away I still haven’t come up with any words to say but they don’t seem to have the same problem.
“Do you smell smoke?” 
What? It's only then I look down to see the cigarette they must have dropped, causing a scrap of newspaper to begin to catch fire.
“Ah, fuck!” I stomp it out with my shoe as best I’m able. Ryder’s laugh is infectious. I think I might be doomed.
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kaaaaaaarf · 6 months
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Es ist Abend und wir sitzen bei mir - AnnenMayKantereit / Stick Season (We'll All Be Here Forever) - Noah Kahan / Yawn - Bill Ryder-Jones / The Record - Boygenius / The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess - Chappell Roan / Unreal Earth - Hozier / I Had A Dream That You Were Mine - Hamilton Leithauser & Rostam / Grace - Jeff Buckley / Roach - Miya Folick
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top 9 albums of 2023 / tagged by @spindrifters & @fruityindividual / tagging: @kaleidoscopexsighs, @butcherbacterium, @fxreflyes, @pupmotif, @sommerregenjuniluft, @wdcmaxy, @lynxindisguise
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hold-me-witcher · 2 years
Witcher Tangled au featuring:
Stregobor as Mother Gothel (evil dickhead in a tower)
Geralt as Rapunzel (great hair, never learned how to socialize cuz he's locked alone in a tower, falls immediately in love with Roach. Amazing with a frying pan as a weapon)
Roach as Maximus (horse)
Jaskier as Flynn Ryder (does NOT get along with Roach but they meet an uneasy agreement to save Geralt. Starts out as a self-serving dick but then ✨Geralt✨)
Valdo Marx as Jaskier's partner in crime (turns out to be way evil and betrays Jaskier but tbf Jaskier probably betrayed him first)
Vesemir as the King and Eskel and Lambert as princes who have been raised on the story of their missing brother
(Obviously in this au Jaskier is the one who starts the songs, not Geralt)
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bugs-are-nifty · 11 months
I have found the list of our current members. To my knowledge it is still accurate. Now I must rest, my aching bones need to sleep
Sincerely, Granny Long Legs
Bug species -- Name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Atlas Moth -- Mark Mosura
Bumble Bee -- "Bee King"
Daddy Long Legs -- "Granny Long Legs"
Praying Mantis -- "Manti"
Orchid Mantis -- Ochi "Oreo" M.
Tarantula -- Talyn Y.
Scorpion -- Scarlet S.
Scorpion -- Samara S.
Katydid -- Katherine M.
Fly -- Figaro F.
Water Strider -- Walter S.
Saharan Silver Ant -- Sarai A.
Lightning Bug -- Lawrence Q.
Giant Leaf Insect -- Fern P.
Wavy Maplet Butterfly -- Wilma M.
Centipede -- Hailey Z.
Wasp -- Carla Y.
Cicada -- Ida C.
Stag Beetle -- Stella B.
Darner Dragonfly -- Pia R.
Ladybug -- Lydia B.
Chinese Moon Moth -- David J.
False Tiger Moth -- Quizel J.
Silk Moth -- Steve M.
Waved Sphinx Moth -- Kalliope W.
Rosy Maple Moth -- Flint L.
Monarch Butterfly -- Prince K.
Ghostly Silkmoth -- Nico H.
Luna Moth -- Sun O.
Mexican Bluewing -- A. Alfaro
White Witch Moth -- M. Reid
Death's Head Hawkmoth -- Cedrick E.
Spanish Moon Moth -- Santiago R.
The Southern Festoon -- Shirley J.
Plume Moth -- Marvin D.
Diving Beetle -- B. Ryder
Giant Water Bug -- Erika S.
Queen Alexandra's Birdwing -- Tatiana F.
Snail -- L. Friesan
Pill Bug -- Violet R.
Wharf Roach -- Teri S.
Hermit Crab -- Harriet C.
Cricket -- Joe C.
Violin Beetle -- I. Lawson
Horned Elephant -- Gullane U.
Rosalie Batesi Beetle -- Viro P.
Saw Stag -- J. Pine
Great Purple Emperor -- A. Gennadi
Bagworm -- Rachel E.
Great Raft Spider -- Desiree V.
Orchid Mantis -- Orion M.
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MY 2023 Met Gala Guest List :)
(previous // there will be new people and old people as well as some changes)
Anya Taylor-Joy
Sadie Sink
Elle Fanning
Dakota Fanning
Margot Robbie
AnnaSophia Robb
Sarah Hyland
Lily Collins
Madelaine Petsch
Camila Mendes
Saoirse Ronan
Noah Schnapp
Melissa McCarthy
Florence Pugh
Rebecca Ferguson
Halle Berry
Keke Palmer
Miranda Cosgrove
Madison Pettis
Millie Bobby Brown (the so-called "boyfriend” stays at his own house!!!)
Amy Adams
Jessica Alba
Jessica Chastain
Phillipa Soo
Lupita Nyong’o
Gal Gadot
Anna Kendrick
Blake Lively
Jessica Biel
Ariel Winter
Winona Ryder
Zoe Saldana
Charlize Theron
Natalia Dyer
Nicole Kidman
Emilia Clarke
Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Idina Menzel
Viola Davis
Emily Blunt
Sofía Vergara
Meryl Streep
Anne Hathaway
Amanda Seyfried
Constance Wu
Elizabeth Olsen
Ana de Armas
Karen Gillan
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Madelyn Cline
Hugh Jackman
Daveed Diggs
Jared Leto
Finn Wolfhard
Tom Holland
James McAvoy
Leslie Odom Jr.
Regé-Jean Page
Ryan Reynolds
Chris Hemsworth
KJ Apa
Idris Elba
David Harbour
Bebe Rexha
Caleb McLaughlin
Bill Skarsgård
Alexander Skarsgård
John Krasinski
Dua Lipa
Stanley Tucci
Charlie Heaton
Robert Downey Jr.
Taron Egerton
Selena Gomez
Ariana Grande
Halle Bailey
Chloe Bailey
Alessia Cara
Alicia Keys
Céline Dion
Taylor Swift
Lady Gaga
Elton John
The Weeknd
Lily-Rose Depp
Cara Delevingne
Taylor Hill
Elsa Hosk
Josephine Skriver
Romee Strijd
Jasmine Tookes
Lais Ribeiro
Sara Sampaio
Heidi Klum
Candice Swanepoel
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Behati Prinsloo
Miranda Kerr
Jacopo Venturini (CEO for Valentino since 2020)
Adut Akech
Paloma Elsesser
Kaia Gerber
Adriana Lima
Alessandra Ambrosio
Gisele Bündchen
Valentina Sampaio
Karlie Kloss
Gigi Hadid
Bella Hadid
Kendall Jenner
Lily Aldridge
Soo Joo Park
Paris Jackson
Daphne Groeneveld
Blanca Padilla
Sophie Turner
Nick Jonas
Jennifer Lopez
Ben Affleck
Billie Eilish
Billy Porter
Zoë Kravitz
Tiffany Haddish
Dakota Johnson
Kerry Washington
Mindy Kaling
Donatella Versace
Anna Wintour
Vera Wang
Tory Burch
Benedict Cumberbatch
Serena Williams
Kasey Musgraves
Katy Perry
Frank Ocean
Julianne Moore
Michael B. Jordan
Jordan Peele
Janelle Monáe
Ashley Graham
Mary-Kate Olsen
Ashley Olsen
Jennifer Connelly
Irina Shayk
Christian Bale + Mrs. Bale
Diane von Furstenberg
Gabrielle Union-Wade
Jeremy Scott (designer for Moschino)
Katie Holmes
Emily Ratajkowski
Gwen Stefani
Julia Garner
Angelina Jolie
Alicia Vikander
Adwoa Aboh
Jourdan Dunn
Solange Knowles
Billie Lourd
Daisy Ridley
John Boyega
Emma Stone
Eddie Redmayne
Bri Larson
Rita Ora
Dua Lipa
Naomi Scott
Law Roach (March 15, 2023: I would still invite him despite his decision to retire, but it’d be understandable if he chose not to attend.)
Kate Moss
Victoria Beckham
David Beckham
Mila Kunis
Natalie Portman
Zoey Deutch
Michelle Williams
Winnie Harlow
Kiernan Shipka
Rachel McAdams
Florence Welch
Danielle Bernstein (@weworewhat on Instagram)
Grace Elizabeth
Joey King
Dan Stevens + Mrs. Stevens
Christian Siriano
Jeremy Scott
Alessandro Michele (designer for Gucci)
Miuccia Prada
Elie Saab
Iris Van Herpen
Han Chong (designer for Self-Portrait)
Maria Grazia Chiuri (designer for Christian Dior)
Anthony Vaccarello (designer for Saint Laurent)
Silvia Ventura Fendi
Giambattista Valli
Zuhair Murad
Virginie Viard (designer for Chanel)
Elaine Welteroth
Nina Garcia
Imaan Hammam
Sara Paulson
Julia Roberts
Brandon Maxwell
Pierpaolo Piccioli (designer for Valentino)
Yara Shahidi
Gemma Chan
Laverne Cox
Lucy Boynton
Naomi Campbell
Penelope Cruz
Salma Hayek
Gwyneth Paltrow
Rami Malek
Sienna Miller
Aurora James
Carey Mulligan
Charli XCX
Alexa Chung
Stella Maxwell
Sofía Sánchez Barrenechea
Dapper Dan
Timothée Chalamet
Camila Coelho
Deepika Padukone
Tommy Hilfiger
Violet Chachki
Nasiba Adilova
Shailene Woodley
Joe Jonas
Megan Fox (MGMK stays home.)
Laura Haddock
Orlando Bloom
Willow Smith
Jason Sudeikis
Ewan McGregor
Coco Rocha
Ralph Lauren
BTS - Jungkook, V, Park Ji-min, Jin, Suga, RM, J-Hope
Blackpink - Jennie, Lisa, Rosé, Jisoo
Doja Cat
Sam Claflin
Kiera Knightley
Sebastian Stan
Alexina Graham
Rachel Zegler
Sophia Lillis
Sam Smith
Mimi Cuttrell
Aubrey Plaza
Adam Driver
Kate McKinnon
Aidy Bryant
Thomasin McKenzie
Evan Peters
Maddie Ziegler
Colin Farrell
Kristen Bell
Idina Menzel
Michelle Dockery
Chris Evans
Peter Dinklage
Luke Evans
Amy Poehler
Liam Hemsworth
Robert Pattinson
Christian Louboutin
Stuart Weitzman
Nicola Glass (designer for Kate Spade)
Michael Kors
Manolo Blahnik
Alberta Ferretti
Kim Jones (designer for Fendi)
Viktor Horsting
Rolf Snoeren
Richard Madden
Giorgio Armani
Isabel Marant
Nicky Zimmermann
Simone Zimmermann
Gimmo Etro
Abigail Breslin
Lana Del Rey
Natalia Dyer
Molly Ringwald
Giambattista Valli
Tamara Ralph
Michael Russo
Isla Fisher
Anastasia Soare (founder of Anastasia Beverly Hills)
Charlotte Tilbury
Allan Avendaño
Danielle Priano
Pier Gelardi (founder of Refinery29)
Aubrey Plaza
Philippe von Borries (founder of Refinery29)
Christene Barberich (founder of Refinery29)
Justin Stefano (founder of Refinery29)
Sara Moonves (editor-in-chief for W Magazine)
Arnaud de Contades (CEO of Marie Claire Magazine)
Anne Fullenwider (editor-in-chief of Marie Claire Magazine)
Lauren Conrad
Miles Socha (editor-in-chief of Women’s Wear Daily)
Jay Penske (CEO of Women’s Wear Daily)
Jessica Pels (editor-in-chief for Cosmopolitan Magazine)
Rob Zangardi
Mariel Haenn
Michael Fassbender
Jason Bateman
Elliot Page
Betsey Johnson
Jonathan Groff
Anna Faris
Sabrina Carpenter
Meryl Streep
Brie Larson
Renée Elise Goldsberry
Jasmine Cephas Jones
Cindy Crawford
Nicholas Hoult
Jennifer Garner
Zac Posen
Taraji P. Henson
Joan Smalls
Samira Nasr (editor-in-chief of Harper’s Bazaar Magazine)
Lily James
Thandiwe Newton
Ciara Bravo
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Phoebe Dynevor
Allison Janney
Daniel Levy
Claire Foy
Lisa Eldridge
Kale Teter
LaQuan Smith
Lacy Redway
Alexandra DiRoma
Alex White (fashion director for Elle Magazine U.S.)
Carine Roitfeld (founder and editor-in-chief of CR Fashion Book)
Carine Backoff
Zoey Grossman
Tyler Shields
Joy Sunday (’Bianca’ in Wednesday)
Greg Williams
Cass Blackbird
Kacey Musgraves
Owen Gould
Tobi Henney
Marc Eram
Charlotte Prevel
Romy Soleimani
Rebecca Minkoff
Joseph Altuzarra
Gabriela Heart (designer for Chloé)
Hedi Slimane (designer for Céline)
Phoebe Philo (designer for Céline)
Jonathan Anderson (designer for Loewe)
Kelsey Deenihan Fisher
Harry Styles
Demna Gvasalia (designer for Balenciaga)
Anok Lai
Precious Lee
Michelle Yeoh
Storm Reid
Jennifer Hudson
Maisie Williams
Tom Ford
Iman Abdulmajid
Ella Emhoff
Regina King
Amandla Stenberg
Eiza González
Stella McCartney
Edward Norton
Vittora Ceretti
Leslie Grace
Cynthia Erivo
Alton Mason
Mary J. Blige
Carey Mulligan
Ming Xi
Donald Glover
Brooke Shields
Tracee Ellis Ross
Maya Hawke
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Chiara Ferragni
Ewan McGregor
Laura Dern
Anthony Mackie
Barbara Palvin (Dylan stays at home!!!! He does not need to be at every single event with her.)
Pharrell Williams
Frank Ocean
Dove Cameron
Daniel Craig
Queen Latifah
Jason Wu
Shawn Mendes
Camila Cabello
Jenna Ortega
Olivia Rodrigo
Emma Myers (‘Enid’ in Wednesday)
Tyler Doohan
Christina Ricci
Ke Huy Quan
Demi Lovato
Kristen Stewart
Hailee Steinfeld
Anyone who works in corporate fashion, is a fashion designer, a makeup artist, fashion stylist, fashion model, or hairstylist is invited. There’s just SO many of them, though... . Also, significant others are an automatic +1 unless I said they are not invited :)
NOT Invited
Justin Bieber
Hailey Baldwin
Austin Butler
Pete Davidson
Cole Sprouse
Lili Reinhart
Kim Kardashian
Ansel Elgort
Khloé Kardashian
Kris Jenner
Caitlyn Jenner
Miles Teller
Kylie Jenner
Emma Chamberlain
Addison Rae
Percy Hynes White
Charlie D'Amelio
Dixie D'Amelio
James Charles
Cardi B
Nicki Minaj
Miley Cyrus
Priyanka Chopra
Jeffree Star
ALL social media influencers (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram)
Lena Dunham
John Legend
Chrissy Teigen
Kanye West
Doutzen Kroes
Ezra Miller
Johnny Depp
Amber Heard
Armie Hammer
Travis Scott
Emma Roberts
Tom Cruise
Henry Cavill
Alida Morberg (Bill Skarsgård’s problematic “girlfriend”)
David Dobrik
Madison Beer
Domenico Dolce
Stefano Gabbana
Lil Nas X
Olivia Wilde
Alexander Wang
Justin Timberlake
Adam Levine
Machine Gun Kelly
21 Savage
French Montana
Chloë Grace Moretz
Chris Pratt
Bella Thorne
Scarlett Johansson
Jennifer Lawrence
Emma Watson
Vanessa Hudgens
Sacha Baron Cohen
Dylan Sprouse
Sarah Jessica Parker
Olivia Jade
Kid Cudi
Channing Tatum
Paris Hilton
Nicky Hilton
A$AP Rocky
Jeremy O. Harris
John Mulaney
Olivia Munn
Elon Musk
Chris Brown
▪️ March 1, 2023 ▪️
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andres-ortega · 2 years
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Valeria Maldonado.
Her name was written neatly across the envelope that I clutched between my hands. My grip was close to ripping into the paper, but my mind couldn’t register. This was it. This wasn’t the end, but it was something. Something that would hurt Wingard but benefit the lives of the people he had destroyed.
Robert Phillips took 2 million dollars from one of Wingard’s business accounts and deposited it into our untraceable one. The twins, being the geniuses they are, set it up with a fake name and social security number. Together, we split the millions among some of the victims. A few families got more than others depending on their need, and others got quiet deposits into their bank accounts. Ryder, Lenna, Niko, Lola, and I, all chose who we wanted to deliver the larger sums to.
Valeria was mine. Her parents were killed in the same gas leak as my own, and they were Puerto Rican like my family. She had to step up and raise her younger siblings but where I only had one brother, she had six. Throughout the years, I have anonymously left food, money, and Christmas gifts on their porch to try and help as much as I could. Today, I would change their lives.
I stepped up the paint chipped stairs and knocked. The house was dilapidated, with overgrown weeds and the bars on their windows. I knew Valeria worked as a nursing assistant in an old folk’s home, but it wasn’t enough to keep afloat. A few of her brothers had odd jobs which helped, but barely. They’ve had to struggle for years.
“Go away.” A shaky voice said from the other side of the door. “I have a knife.” I sighed, leaning forward to ensure my words would carry through. “Valeria, my name is Andres. I’m not here to hurt you. I’m here to help. You can trust me. I’m…” I glanced around, ensuring no one was listening in on our interaction. This was Wynwood, one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Miami. “Just, open the door and hear me out. You can keep the knife on hand.”
After a few seconds of silence, I nearly accepted defeat, but then I heard Valeria start to work on her numerous locks before opening the door. She glared at me suspiciously. I held up the envelope and proved I had nothing else in hand. “This is for you. It’s money. I… I lost my parents the same way you did. Can we talk?”
The golden-skinned woman’s expression softened and she stepped aside to let me in. The inside of the home was nearly as bad as the outside, but I could tell Valeria tried her hardest to keep it clean and safe. The roof was leaking, but she had buckets to catch the water from Florida’s daily storms. I noted roach and rat traps nestled into the corners of the room. The windows were open to try and offset the lack of air conditioning. God, she needs this more than most.
I sat on the lumpy couch and Valeria joined me. “¿Quieres una bebida?” Do you want a drink? I smiled warmly, shaking my head, and decided to reply in our native tongue. “No, pero eres amable al preguntar.” I pulled out the envelope and set it on the coffee table.
“Inside of that envelope is a check for $100,000. It’s a good check. It’s enough to either fix up this home or find a new one for your family.” Valeria’s eyes widened, reaching out to snatch the envelope and see for herself. She shook her head. “What? Why? Why me?”
My expression went somber. “As I told you before, my parents died in the same accident as yours. But it wasn’t an accident, was it?” She looked up to me in surprise. “We know the truth, Valeria. Wingard killed them with his unsafe working conditions. He put immigrant workers in warehouses that weren’t up to code. He had no regard for the lives of our parents… for the lives of the children they left behind.” I swallowed back the emotion in my throat. “I had to raise my brother just as you have had to raise your siblings. I know how hard it is to do that job… I know how hard you work to try and make their lives decent and safe… but now you can do more than that. With Wingard’s money.” This part made me smile. “Get an updated place to live. Once you do that, I’ll come by again. I’m going to pay for you to go to nursing school. We’re going to invest in a future that you all deserve.“
I stood up from the couch as Valeria sat there in quiet shock, her hands shaking as she held the check. “I’ll be in touch. My phone number is on the envelope. Call me if you run into any trouble.”
I didn’t want to linger. Turning, I left the house and shut the door behind me. As I did, I found an out-of-place woman standing awkwardly in the yard. Elyse Wingard. I would recognize her anywhere. I knew Bernard’s life in and out… the man couldn’t even take a shit without me knowing. Naturally, I’d recognize his daughter, standing tall and beautiful in front of me with her Louboutins sinking into the muddy yard.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
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talkwithflynnryder · 11 months
A Helping Hand || Rynique
Ryder Lynn had always prided himself on being helpful whenever he could. Though his time in the glee club had been rocky, there were also some fun experiences and great friendships that had come out of it. When he made the pact with Jake, Marley, Kitty, and Unique, he truly meant it. He would do anything to support them. 
Of course, things with Unique had been tough in the end. She had catfished him and it hurt. However, Ryder had come around to what happened between them. He knew that there was a strong connection online, and he forgave her for what she had done. 
After graduating, Ryder hadn’t spoken with many of the glee kids. He had been accepted to Ohio State on a football scholarship. His grades were not the best, but his abilities on the field were incredible, and they brought him in because of that. With his dyslexia, Ryder knew that he would need to work twice as hard, but it was worth it because he was one step closer to the dream he had since he was a young boy: becoming an NFL wide receiver. 
When Unique posted about having a roach in her place, Ryder remembered the pact they had made and promised her he would be there. So, after practice, he did just that. Freshly showered, Ryder was clad in an Ohio State Football t-shirt and black gym shorts. He got in his car and made the hour and a half drive to Lima from Columbus. He took the time to listen to some music and sing obnoxiously on the way. 
Once he arrived at Unique’s,  he knocked at the door and waited for her to let him in. 
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caxycreations · 10 months
How well would your OC do against a cockroach?
Tag game created by @serananymph I'm tagging @heavensfallenfaction @moremysteriesthantragedies @thetruearchmagos and anyone else that wants to take part!
Without further ado, here's mine!
David: *staring contest with it until Ryder does something about it*
Davina: *Crushes without hesitation, preferably with a napkin for easy disposal, abject terror on her face the entire time*
Ryder: *Casually captures it and sets it free outside*
Kaleb: Bruce, please remove that pest from my desk, if you would?
Devon: *pulls out his Bolt 240 and empties all nine rounds into the general vicinity of the roach, laughing maniacally*
Luka: *gently picks it up, lecturing it on the dangers of entering a People House as he carries it outside to set it free*
Olivia: *standing as far as she can while keeping an eye on it until Luka does something about it*
Cyrus: I've never had cockroach before... *eats it out of curiosity on the taste*
Bruce: Sure, Boss. *crushes it under his thumb*
Peter: *sprays roach-killer on it until it stops moving*
Zephyr: *ignores it entirely*
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dogueteeth · 4 months
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A little gift made for @salem-wilde of bat!roach :3 💕💕
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playstationmademe · 4 years
🏆 for any fandom you feel like!!!!
🏆 What do you wish more authors in your fandom would write about?
I'm drowning in Mass Effect Andromeda atm so I'll go with that fandom 💞
I adore this ship and there are many brilliant works already but just...more please? xxx
Oh also, I replayed MW2 remastered again recently and I really wish there was more Soap/Roach content out there 🖤
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chevvy-yates · 4 months
got tagged by @thelonestrider and @heywoodvirgin thnak yu <3
Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people!
I have too many playlists so I jumped into my best ones and took the random first two songs from there, otherwise you won't have much variety in it.
From Hizumi's Favorites:
From Ryder's Favorites:
From Vijay's 80s & 90s Favorites:
From Jaysen's Favorites:
From Thyjs' 'Marcherende Muziek' Favorites:
From Thyjs' 'Classic Rock' Favorites:
tagging: @nervouswizardcycle, @dreamskug, @gloryride, @alphanight-vp, @streetkid-named-desire, @morganlefaye79, @fereldanwench, @aggravateddurian, @cyberpunkaddict, @imaginarycyberpunk2023.
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decennia · 3 years
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robert's rebellion fancast
linus roache as aerys targaryen
charlize theron as rhaella targaryen
henry cavill as rhaegar targaryen
aiysha hart as elia martell
jessica brown-findlay as lyanna stark
sam claflin as ned stark
mark ryder as robert baratheon
mads mikkelsen as jon arryn
bruna marquezine as ashara dayne
santiago cabrera as arthur dayne
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ycurkxng-a · 2 years
Michael couldn't lie, the pay for contracts was enough to make him kill innocents if he really had to. But he wasn't that desperate, he always went against those that would've forced him to find someone who simply saw something they weren't supposed to. No, he left that to the other bastards in his business.
He found much joy in erasing those who earned a bullet to the dome, but this.. this made his stomach twist into knots. It churned with displeasure as he read over the paper, completely still.
Wanted dead for killing a contractor during a drunk fight, contractors brother wants him gone.
7k, 3k more if a picture of his corpse is taken and shown.
Holy shit.
Roach, only he would be the kind of idiot to murder a contractor for a business he had no fucking business knowing about, goddamnit! He'd known the guy since middle school, he didn't deserve to just die to some random bastards hands. No, Michael felt an obligation to put him down. He wasn't sure why, but it felt right.
He folded the contract up and slid it into his pocket as he grabbed onto his suit jacket, putting it on to hide his gunrigs. He began to walk out of the office building, hands stuffed into his pockets while he did. Michael had fought the guy before, and he wasn't that good of a fighter. How did he kill someone like Ryder? That tough son of a bitch managed to scare Michael, as shocking as that was.
That didn't matter now, none of it did. It was all business now, he kept repeating that in his head as he walked outside and got into his car. Starting it with a twist of his keys in the ignition, he slammed down on the gas and sped off. Roachs location was almost engraved into his mind, he didn't need any help finding the guy. He knew where he'd go, especially during a time like this. He killed a guy, he must've been fucked up and hiding out in the old warehouse him and the others used to hang out at.
It took less than 17 minutes to get there, Michael could spot the lights on inside. Roach probably wouldn't be alone, the guy himself wasn't hard to fight, but the guys he rolled with certainly were. King had been able to learn about them one night at the bar, watching them get into a fight and clear house with everyone inside. But he had one thing they didnt, GUNS.
Was it cheap? Sure. But he'd rather get this contract done quickly and with the quickest time possible then taking forever fighting them, so upon realizing this he took off the jacket and got out of the car. Leaving it running, knowing he'd need a quick escape for when the law reacted to gunshots.
Michael walked to the trunk and popped it open, flipping up the cover for the weaponry inside. He grabbed onto his uzi and slid the magazine out, fully loaded. He slid it back in and primed it, holding it in one hand and grabbing onto the glock in his rightside gunrig, taking it out and cocking it. He already knew Sinner there was loaded, if it was on him- he was gonna raise Hell.
Michael walked to the open entrance, the men had already gotten up and were standing just ahead of him. They were a little bigger than him, bulk and height wise. But they would fall just the same as everyone else, when they caught sight of his gun one stepped forward.
Michaels left hand snapped up and fired the handgun twice, the rounds going straight into his chest and sending him back and down to the floor. The others followed suit, hoping to get him down before he could fire again. Bad move on their part, he didn't bother aiming the uzi. He was focused on simply getting a general direction on them and opening fire, which he did. Turns out he aimed for the waist, tearing through their abdomens and legs as he turned to take down the other 2.
When they had fallen, he knew they weren't getting back up. He slid the glock back into the gunrig and took ahold of his uzi with both hands, beginning to move further into the warehouse. "ROACH!" He shouted out, looking around while he walked. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!"
Michaels mouth opened to continue screaming, but it shut upon seeing a much larger figure step out, the man quickly grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up off the ground, it was like he didn't even break a sweat doing it.
The grip on his throat quickly tightened and cut off the airflow, Michael struggled and kicked for a moment before he fully began thinking straight again. He pressed the barrel of his machine gun to the man's chin and squeezed down tight on the trigger, every bullet shooting straight through his mouth and going out through the top of his head. Blood splattering out and falling onto the floor and crates that had been collecting dust for nearly 27 years, his release on Michael was gone and the contract killer dropped to the floor with a grunt. He landed on one knee and pushed himself up.
Roach already didn't have a chance in hell of getting out alive, but now Michael was gonna make sure he suffered a little longer. He looked up and saw the control room, Roachs head peeking out of one of the windows and staring down. Michael gave him a grin and practically sprinted up the stairs, Roach quickly shut the window and had already locked the door. But that wasn't enough to stop him, Michael sent a fist straight through the window, cutting the shit out of his hand. But he didn't really care at the moment, although he would soon. Probably.
Michael was silent as he climbed through the now broken window, glaring down at Roach who was huddled in the corner staring up at him.. hell, was it even worth making him suffer? ...nah.
Upon thinking that, Michael attempted to fire his uzi once more, but only hearing a click. "You piece'a.." He looked to the gun and back at Roach, shrugging and dropping the firearm before stepping forward and grabbing his old friend by the neck, lifting him up and pressing him against the wall as he began to choke him with both hands. "Its nothing personal.." He mumbled, watching as Roachs arms flailed wildly and began to hit Michael, but he remained unphased. His grip only growing stronger, and Roachs life coming to a speeding halt. "Its just business."
Michael didn't know when Roach really died, but once he realized there was no pulse, no struggle, no life left in the male- he dropped the deadweight. Stepping back and reaching into his back pocket for his burner phone, opening it and snapping a photo of the corpse. He stuffed it back into his pocket and grabbed his uzi, he needed to get outta here and fast. Michael turned and climbed back out of the window, running down the stairs and going to the entrance, he continued his mad dash to his car and tossed his machine gun inside before getting in himself. He slammed the door shut and hit the gas, speeding off and kicking up the dust as he did. He could hear the siren and see the blue and red lights, but they would never see him.
He felt a little bad about the killing, but it was better that he did it than some random douchebag looking for a payday..
Plus, it was just business after all.
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