#rlly just the most comedic things
i love workplace comedies (the magnus archives and severance)
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fardf150 · 2 years
the thing about sitcoms is that many of them rely on a certain amount of genuinely sweet and emotional arcs/episodes, yet a lot of the actually good ones are funny because most or all of the cast are just godawful people
#unfortunately when things that are supposed to be mostly dramatic try tp be funny you normally get mcu-esque tonal inconsistencies#now thats not to say these cant be well#it's just that most people who try fail miserably and cant rlly see what makes their show appealing in the first place#idk what the point of this is just. i hate hate hate it when they try to make you feel for the shitheads but like#instead of giving them some kind of character development or an arc where they see how shitty they are and work to fix it#theyre just like 'actually theyre secretly sad' or 'their brother died years ago see' or 'something bad is happening to them now dont you#feel for them'#and like yeah all thats sad but if theyre shitty like. why do i care#use that bad thing thats happening to them as something to make them see that life doesnt last forever and they dont want to die regretful#because they were an ass for the bulk of their life#or make them see that just because shitty things have happened to them or they feel sad doesnt mean they get to be a shithead#yk?#if you want drama make you characters compelling so i have a reason to care!!!#good drama requires effort and dynamic characters#most comedic characters really arent that versatile. they either need to have added depth or to just stick to what they were made for#though i will say a lot of actual dramas also fail to make their characters multi-dimensional enough for any of it to work#like your characters dont all have to be likeable to use them for compelling drama but i do feel that if theyre all terribke assholes like.#most of your audience isnt going to feel for them and is just going to find them and their struggles annoying#idk where im going with this i just hate most american tv writers bc they dont know how to write characters i dont want to punch#fred.txt
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everything now netflix
some spoilers!! and apologies for the long post.
i honestly really enjoyed it! it was almost like a skins/euphoria but imbued with like a heartstopper/sex education vibe in the sense that it dealt with serious teenage issues/mental health but light enough that it doesn't weigh down on you. my character thoughts:
mia was so infuriating almost at all times. obviously under the circumstances, it makes sense but there's this level of likeability that was missing for me. maybe it was the writing or the acting who knows but in my mind it's like this: im making an albeit an unfair comparison to effy from skins or even rue from euphoria, but they were battling their demons and making all the wrong choices but there was still this level of “i want to root for them” that's missing with mia personally.
in a similar vein with alison, she is meant to be this popular rich mean girl archetype who surprises you but obviously in the first half of the season she's supposed to be kind of unlikeable but i found her very endearing. as for the relationship, alison and mia DO NOT belong together. like at all. i am not rooting for them. alison in a way forced a relationship with mia and then also mia was like too scared to say anything about it. its clear that alison liked mia waaaaay more than mia liked alison. like carli says in the last ep as well, “to learn to not be a fantasy to each other”, alison needs to take mia off this pedastal she has for her. i'm very interested to learn more about her character outside of mia though if they hopefully continue the show. i have a feeling that we are supposed to think that she and cameron hooked up at the end or something but i'm rlly hoping its a red herring.
carli is also a character i would love to learn more about. she definitely has more chemistry with mia and i love her for standing her ground against mia, as she needs to help herself before she can be in a healthy relationship. but i will say it was pretty shitty stringing cameron along.
speaking of cameron, i didn't quite expect to like his character as much as i did. in a way his arc in the season is battling toxic masculinity as he kinda seems to come off as this laid back, bro kinda guy but he cares and loves so deeply. it wasn't right calling bec a "sket". i'm not british but obviously its like equivalent to slut, and im very glad he owned up to it. i'm also really interested to know more about his family and stuff.
i love bec as well. she deserves all the happiness in the world. im glad she was able to air out her things with mia, albeit in a very treacherous way and i also love how her mom was supportive of the abortion. i'm honestly kinda tired seeing the mom kicking out the daughter for getting pregnant trope so it was nice to see a mom just being supportive. bec is just such a wonderful friend and mia honestly has a lot to make up for. re not telling mia about her and cam, it was honestly frustrating seeing mia be so petty. i understand that its a big secret and she felt like everyone was hiding things from her but its also right to have secrets amongst friends, idk that really stuck out to me.
will for me had the weakest arc as in it wasn't the most interesting to me. don't get me wrong, i love the character but it just wasnt giving a whole lot to me. i recognize him as more than the comic relief but also at the same time he was stirring the pot in a lot of the arguments / blowups the group had, consciously and unconsciously. though i will say will x theo <3 but comedic duo of the century is will x alison. the little song they did for mia's birthday is stuck in my head.
tldr; great characters and great show. it's really hard to find a show about teens as a 25yo living in a 16yo body that i enjoy and don't find annoying. i just love how each character was able to be so nuanced despite being an ensemble cast.
but knowing netflix's track record it's gonna get cancelled because a) it's good b) has wlw content... but i really hope not.
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
can i req gyuvin x male reader where gyuvin wants to ask out the reader but protective YOUNGER brother gunwook blocks any chance he can get but right as gyuvin is about to give up reader asks gyuvin out? you can make this as funny as you like
The perils of asking you out
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pairing: gyuvin x male reader ft. protective younger brother gunwook
genre: university au on some serious crack (same verse as sunbaenim), chaotic romcom vibes
tw/tags: love at first sight, protective brother, uni party, alcohol, getting drunk, flirting, junhyeon gives great advice, gunwook is 18 and can have a driver's license, hangovers, eating ramen, confessions, dates, gunwook isn’t trying to be scary — gyuvin’s just scared (and in love), a whole lot of chaos and comedic side comments
wc: 3068 😱
summary: gyuvin’s always wanted to ask you out but he has one big problem and it’s called park gunwook, your extremely protective little brother.
a/n this…hefty word count, srsly thought I wasn’t capable of going over 2k words when it came to requests but oh well. Perhaps it’s because anon (tysm for the req) said “make this as funny as you like” and so this is v much heavily infused w my brand of- err humor. This au was rlly fun to write as well~ Enjoy!
Check my pinned for more fics~
Gyuvin notices you on your first day of university freshman orientation. 
Now he won’t claim love at first sight. He found you interesting, is all. People are allowed to find other people interesting. He wanted to get to know you, which was fine. People should get to know other people. 
And okay, so what if he was in love, just a little, you know? People are allowed to fall in love with other people, goddamit. But it definitely isn’t love, probably.
People can also check the schedules of other people to see what classes they have together. Why? So Gyuvin would have opportunities to talk with you. 
And there’s nothing wrong with that. People should talk to other people. Social interaction is a basic need. The reason people have needs is so that they can function properly.
Right, proper, solid logic.
You look up at the brunette boy who’s taken the seat beside you.
“I’m Kim Gyuvin.”
You smile, introduce yourself and say:
“Nice to meet you, Gyuvin-ssi.”
Gyuvin swears he can hear wedding bells. 
Which is okay. Totally fine. People are allowed to daydream about their wedding to-
Yeah fuck that.
It’s your first week of freshman year and Kim Gyuvin has a gigantic, humongous, big, fat crush on you. And that’s a fact.
Gyuvin meets your younger brother when you two are about halfway through the first semester. 
Things are going well for you by all counts. While you don’t always run in the same circles, you’re always friendly in class and he’s more or less claimed the seat next to you for most of the ones you share. You’ve partnered up for a project and he’s offered to bring back the phone charger you forgot you lent him last time you worked together.
Eventually, you gave in, sending him your address after he repeatedly told you it wouldn’t be a bother. Unlike most first year students like him who lived in the dormitories, you stayed at an off-campus apartment building nearby. Gyuvin’s almost bouncing off the walls of the elevator at the chance to see you. Maybe he can even ask you out for dinner if you’re free tonight, he thinks giddily as he knocks on the door.
Unfortunately, all his daydreams die when the door swings open and he is greeted by someone who is definitely not you. They’re about the same height but the other boy still has about an inch on him and a whole lot more muscle, nearly bursting out of the door frame. Gyuvin’s about to apologise, turn around and look for the right apartment when he hears what he clearly knows is your voice calling out.
“Wookie! Who is it?”
Like an angel, you appear behind the boy, your face brightening up as you spot Gyuvin.
“Ah, hi Gyuvin-ssi. Thanks for coming all the way, you really didn’t have to.” You shoo the boy away although he manages to throw Gyuvin another dark look before shuffling back in.
“No, no, no worries at all, it’s really not a problem.” he reassures you weakly, still shaken from the encounter. You glance behind you and wave the other boy off once more.
“Don’t mind Gunwookie.” Gyuvin’s mind is definitely preoccupied by the soft white sweater you’re wearing and how cute and angelic you look in it. Yessir it is.
“He’s just staying with me for the weekend. Never thought my little brother would miss me that quickly, you know?” You laugh as Gyuvin’s mind finally processes what you’re saying.
Little. Brother. That unnervingly large, definitely intimidating boy that’s definitely glaring at him from where he’s seated on the couch was YOUR LITTLE BROTHER???
“I see.” Wow, real smooth Gyuvin.
“Are you alright, Gyuvin-ssi? Are you feeling well?” Your eyebrow furrow at his strange behaviour.
“No, no worries. I’m good.” Gyuvin replies hastily. Right! He’ll ask you if you want to have dinner. “I was actually wondering if you-”
“Hyung, what time are we going? I’m hungry.” And failed.
“Aish you brat, can’t you see that I’m having a conversation over here?” You scold before turning back to Gyuvin, apologetic.
“Really sorry about him Gyuvin-ssi, would you want to join us for dinner? There’s a good soondubu place just down the road that I’m taking Gunwookie to.”
“I, uh-” Gyuvin would have definitely leapt at a chance to have dinner for you if not for the 6-foot devil menacing at him, gaze promising death if he agreed.
“I actually had dinner already,” he said instead. You look even more confused.
“But it’s 4pm?” Right, way to go Gyuvin, so smart.
“I like having dinner early, it’s better for digestion.” He salvages with a total bald-faced lie.
“Huh, I should try that but I love my midnight snacks so-” God if Gyuvin could ever be more in love with you than this. Okay, come back to your senses, Kim Gyuvin.
“Oh, I hate to keep you from your dinner so I’ll get going now.”
You smile. Wedding bells- no, no, no stop it.
“I guess I’ll see you around, Gyuvin-ssi.”
Gyuvin smiles back dopily.
“Yeah, see you.”
The door closes and he walks back to his dormitory.
Asking you out is going to be harder than he expected. He thinks, shuddering at the memory of Gunwook’s dark glare when he opened the door.
As he rummages through his backpack, his hands pull out a very familiar cord and plug.
It’s your charger.
He might as well go die in a hole. Gunwook would definitely be happy to bury his body.
Gyuvin eventually returns your charger. His dignity on the other hand? Well no one knows when that’s returning.
You’re not even annoyed about it. Laughing at him all good natured and teasing him about his very real fears but it's not like you know that (or Gyuvin’s ever admitting it).
“Did Gunwookie scare you off? He used to be like that when we were in highschool, challenged anyone that gave me trouble,” you chuckle while Gyuvin tries his best not to audibly gulp.
“You’re not going to give me trouble, are you Gyuvin-ssi?”
You’re trouble, he thought. Troubling my heart as we speak.
“I hope not.” he says instead, making you laugh even more.
The class settles down as your professor enters. You pat him lightly on the shoulder. His heart jumps traitorously.
“Don’t let my brother scare you off, Gyuvin-ssi, he might act all protective but really, he’s just a big teddy bear.”
Gyuvin definitely does not believe that but he appreciates the sentiment.
Love will have its challenges, he thinks as he watches you.
And no challenge, not even a terrifyingly overprotective younger brother who’s built like the hulk will stop him.
He’ll ask you out soon, he will.
Then Gyuvin realises the whole class is staring at him, even you.
“The answer to the question, Gyuvin-ssi?” The professor asks expectantly.
You mutter the answer under your breath and he repeats it. The professor nods approvingly and moves on. You smile at him when he thanks you. 
Yep. He’s marrying you asking you out and nothing will stop him.
The next time Gyuvin tries his chances is at a party.
Hosted by the university’s resident social butterfly, definitely in the running for Ms. Congeniality, senior Sung Hanbin, it’s one of the bigger events of the year for the second semester’s O-week. And Gyuvin was lucky enough to have received an invitation personally, having met the friendly senior at one of the uni organisations he joined. 
It was exciting. While he had attended his fair share of welcome parties during his own orientation, there had been rumours floating around about the party the seniors were planning to start their last semester with a bang.
It also just so happened that you were going as well, having been invited by a close friend of Hanbin. Gyuvin was confident. And a little liquid courage wasn’t going to hurt.
You arrived a bit later than he did, accompanied by your friend from the foreign student society of which you took part to improve your already excellent English skills. You’re greeted by Seok Matthew, a junior and another member of the society who happened to be Hanbin’s close friend and your invite to the party. 
Gyuvin was in deep, groaning to Junhyeon about how good you looked, your shirt cut low to show off your collarbones and multiple earrings adorning your ears. At that moment, you spot him and wave, making your way towards him. Gyuvin panics.
“Fuck, fuck, what do I do?”
“If you think he’s hot, you should shoot your shot.” Junhyeon offers, the very fountain of wisdom he is.
You greet Junhyeon before turning to the brunette and wow, your smile is dazzling.
“Gyuvin-ssi, how are you finding the party?”
“It’s great,” he replies by default, mind going blank. “Hanbin-hyung definitely exceeded expectations.” 
Come on, Gyuvin. You can do it. Summon some rizz.
“Do you wanna get a drink?” He manages, gesturing at his empty cup. You agree easily, and he leads you to the bar that's been put up. So far, so good.
Unfortunately for him, you recognize the blond bartender, immediately striking up a conversation.
“Ricky-ah!” Gyuvin reels back when you address him casually. “How’d you end up as the bartender?”
“Zhang Hao-hyung” the other says, naming another close friend of Hanbin’s. The blond’s eyes flick between you and Gyuvin as he polished one of the glasses. What for? No one knew. Most party goers seem to be holding plastic cups.
“So what can I get for you?”
Two drinks, six shots and three drinking games later and Gyuvin is holding on for dear life. Literally, he’s about to fall off his seat. 
The only good thing going for him is that apparently you’re a clingy drunk, latching onto his arm in a way that would definitely give him a heart attack if it wasn’t for all the alcohol he had in him.
“Gyuvinah…” you mumble sleepily as he struggles to keep you both upright. 
“You’re really handsome, you know?”
Gyuvin truly has no thoughts. He must be in some somaek induced hallucination or something.
“Seriously, the first time I saw you with your brown hair, you looked like a prince.” You continued on, oblivious to his inner turmoil.
Gyuvin suddenly felt way too flustered, his cheeks already flushed hot from the drinks.
“Would you wanna step outside? Get some air maybe.” He suggests.
“Okay!” You agree as you both stumble for the door, whistles and hoots following you.
“Get him, boy!” Someone, probably Haruto, your friend from earlier, yells. Gyuvin ‘s about to turn around and shush them when you groan and bury your face into the back of his shirt.
“They’re so loud, let’s goo.” 
You’re finally outside, sitting together on a bench outside the party venue. Gyuvin can’t get over the feeling of you leaning on his shoulder. Come on Gyuvin, say something to him.
“Did…did you mean what you said earlier?”
You lift your head up if only to squint at him suspiciously.
And then you smile, dazed, reaching out to pat his cheeks.
“So handsome Gyuvinah” you slur and Gyuvin finally has the nerve to take your hand in his. You stare at both of your hands.
“You’re holding my hand.” You say more of a statement, then a question.
“Yeah.” He swallows nervously, here it goes. “Hey, I was wondering maybe you’d like to go-“
HONK! You and Gyuvin nearly jump out of your skins as a car nearly scares the living daylight out of you. The headlights are bright and Gyuvin has to squint to see the driver as he gets out of the car. Oh no, it can’t be-
You say as your younger brother makes a beeline for you. You take a minute to look at him up and down and then look at the car behind him and gasp.
“You’re a baby!” You declare, shaking your head at him cutely. “Babies aren’t supposed to drive cars.”
“You texted me to come pick you up, hyung.”
You look adorably perplexed. “Did I?”
Gunwook’s ignoring you, glaring holes into Gyuvin’s hand still holding yours. Gyuvin drops your hand like a dead fish and you whine.
“Nevermind, Gyuvinah doesn’t like me anymore. Take me home, Wookie.” You say as Gyuvin’s mouth drops open and Gunwook hoists you up, half carrying you into the car.
His mouth remains open as the car drives off. Godammit. His stomach lurches. Gyuvin promptly decides to empty its contents onto the side of the bench. Classy. 
After waking up with a raging hangover and a whole lot of regret, Gyuvin decides to regroup, maybe collect some of his dignity and self-respect again. If he can manage to find it, that is.
Thank god for the weekend, he thinks. One of his roommates decides to make ramyeon, all of them slurping silently and nursing their own hangovers.
And because Junhyeon is Junhyeon, he absolutely had to ask.
“So did you shoot your shot?”
Gyuvin groans. More like he shot himself. 
Junhyeon pats him on the back sympathetically.
“You’ll get there, bro. From what I saw, he seems pretty into you too, you know.”
A little ramen escapes his mouth and falls back into his makeshift bowl with a sad little plop. 
“You really think that?” Junhyeon steps back, clearly not ready for how intensely hopeful his roommate suddenly becomes.
“Okay hold up, woah there. I dunno what he thinks but I saw what I saw at that party. And you cute, bro, no cap.”
“But does he find me cute?” Gyuvin says forlorn again, shovelling noodles into his mouth.
“Well he gotta be finding something in you if he keeps hanging out with you.” Junhyeon offers because yes, he’s truly a well of knowledge.
Gyuvin tips his bowl back and finishes off the soup before staring at its empty state. So sad, truly a tragedy.
There’s class the next day. And it happens to be one of the classes he has with you. God, how can he face you after that night.
“Hi Gyuvin-ssi,” you greet, back to formal speak much to his dismay.
“Hello,” he says and because he’s a simp little concerned, he asks.
“Are you feeling better after that other night?”
Your face falls. Immediate regret.
“Oh! Oh- um- yes I got home safely. Thanks for-“
And before you can finish, the professor enters and you start class. Now if Gyuvin wasn’t all nervous and fidgety, he would have noticed that you were in the exact same boat. 
When the professor wraps up and you begin to pack up your stuff, Gyuvin takes a chance to call your attention only for you to do it at the exact same time. You look at each other and laugh, the ice broken just a little.
“No, no you go first.” Gyuvin insists.
“Ah…” you hesitate, choosing your words carefully. “I just want to say I’m sorry for my behaviour the other night and I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner sometime? My treat, you know, for taking care of me.”
Gyuvin should assure you it’s fine. He should politely accept your invitation and say that taking care of you isn’t a bother. Instead, he sputters out.
“Like a date?”
You freeze. He freezes. You stand there for an incredibly long time (like 15 seconds, wow). Alarm bells start to go off in Gyuvin’s head. Finally-
“I mean…it can be a date if you want it to be a date?”
Alarm bells turn into wedding bells. Say it, Gyuvin, say I do.
“Totally…I mean, yes, I’d like it to be a date, very much.”
You smile softly before glancing at the time, your face falling again.
“Oh shit, I need to get to my next class, I’ll text you the details later, see you!”
Gyuvin watches as you rush out. It’s okay. He’s fine. Actually no, he’s not fine. But he did it. And it only took a whole semester and some but he’s finally going out with you.
One blissful winter break later and Gyuvin’s practically skipping to your place. Maybe the chill bit at his skin and the wind whipped in his face but he didn’t care, he was finally going to see you, his boyfriend, again and the cold never bothered him anyway.
Your one date at the start of the last semester had turned into five, then ten dates until he was officially your boyfriend. Walking each other to their next class, holding hands, carrying your bag for you, all that good stuff. 
He’s even met your family over the holidays and you met his. Gyuvin would like to think that even Gunwook was warming up to him, just a little bit. He had come with you to support the younger boy during the CSAT exams and Gunwook actually thanked him once the exam was done. Still, he thought as he knocked on your door enthusiastically, that boy still intimidated him and he’ll definitely need to work on not flinching-
The door swings open and Gyuvin flinches. It’s like deja vu. 
“Hi hyung,” Gunwook greets him wearing what looks like a letterman jacket from their university. Gyuvin must be dreaming, definitely.
He’s about to pinch himself when you appear behind your brother.
“Hello my aein~” 
No he’s definitely not dreaming and your brother is still there.
“Hi Gunwook!” He nearly squeaks out before you’re shoving the younger boy away to wrap your arms around your boyfriend.
Gyuvin’s brain promptly malfunctions but the next part of what you say brings him back online.
“Can’t you believe Wookie got accepted into our uni? He’ll be staying with me until we can find a bigger unit to rent, maybe you can live there too!”
“Sure…” Gyuvin said numbly, imagining all the ways Gunwook could fake his death after he dared to defile you. You frown.
“Don’t tell me Wookie still scares you?”
“No! No, what are you talking about?”
He definitely does. So sure, Gyuvin’s managed to make you his. But will your brother accept that? Well, that’s for him to find out. Because yes, it will be a long time before Kim Gyuvin realises that Park Gunwook isn’t as intimidating as he appears to be.
In the end, they’re both just big softies and they’re especially soft for you.
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kingprinceleo · 1 year
gonna drop a silly little happy auau idea i had since its prob gonna be a while until i feel pog enough to actually draw it- ujhhhhh ok so like, metal is an active threat in Happy Auau, swearing vengeance on Sonic and Co (Shadow, Silver, Tails, and ghost Knuckles) after they whooped his ass back to mobius (he has completely dominated the Sol until they arrived, also omg hi blaze!!) So obv Metal is a lil pissy about having all his work ripped out from under him by his horrible flesh counterpart, after he HAD ALREADY WON. So hes trying to fucking kill the shit out of them, for real this time. Hes causing so much terror that sonics the one to put forward the notion that they need to shut him down for good, which is how u know its serious sdbhfhjds. its been a long time since sonics had a real rival challenge him like metal, and part of him wants to keep the adrenaline and fight- but as a wise(r) old man he knows that metal is too much of a greater danger to a kingdom hes trying to protect. Metals also REALLY been getting on his fucking nerves. lmao the gang are collectively trying to come up with a way to shut him down for good, a way theyre positive they cant come back from, but mfer keeps escaping containment, so thats a whole other problem anyway, shadow has (in his opinion) a brilliant idea and he doesnt tell anyone BSHFHBD. so he takes the 7 chaos emeralds and inbeds them into sonics crown, and puts it on him in the middle of the night hes trying to mind control sonic BHJSABHJDSBHJDHBJ and it works!!! next morning sonics head is fucking EMPTY
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so shadow, in typical fashion decides to see how far he can take this! bc he is a strange strange man. i think it turns into real comedic shit like shadow has him put on like. the MOST emo thing hes got in his closet. makes him say no to being offered a chili dog, makes him tell tails hes Cringe!!!! the funniest one to me is shadow using this to make sonic fawn over him bc shadow can never get enough ego boosting!! i wanna have sonic break the mind control over the actual DUMBEST reason, smth rlly goofy like shadow tells him to call him "the coolest" either way after it breaks uhhh shadow gets fucking werehog punched thru a wall!!!! sonics fucking SEETHING. like steam is coming outta the mans ears. shadow is COMPLETELY unfazed and ive been rotating dialogue in my brain along the lines of 'took you long enough' or 'its about time' they start an actual fight (its mostly just shadow gracefully and nonchalantly dodging whatever attacks sonic sends his way) and sonic is chewing him out for Whatever The Fuck that was. Shadow casually explains that sonic is the only person he knows with as strong a passion for freedom as him, making him the most resistant to any kind of control, he would put up the strongest fight against it like no other, and if it works on sonic, then its likely to forcefully work on Metal if the need arises. sonic begrudgingly accepts the reasoning but keeps fighting with shadow anyway to work the anger off sdbfhsbhdfhs bc hes still pretty livid about the whole thing anyway heehoo silly stuff spinning in my brain in mach 10 speed
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bopplez · 14 days
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Un-Named AU stuffs..don't mind mind me o///o
Planning on making my lil cyberchase AU, which for the most part mainly effects Hacker himself, Digit, Motherboard and slightly Dr. Marbles. Since there's some things in the show that don't personally sit right with me one of which being Hacker's smarts. It straight up says that he was made with equal brains to Dr. Marbles, but there are some moments where he is rlly dumbed down (mostly for comedic effect and so on which i understand but like?? skjdshf) Since he was made to be an equal of wits with Dr. Marbles, in this AU i like to think that Dr. Marbles ended up making Hacker in his image/adding some aspects of himself in Hacker's design (to make them seem more like family.) That's the main thing i want focused on in this AU, the familial dynamic that isn't often touched on in the show between Hacker, Dr. Marbles, Digit and even motherboard. Hacker design wise doesn't change a lot in my AU, mainly just his head being like Dr. Marble's. But Digit and Motherboard are gonna have slightly bigger changes/details added so watch out for that ig sdkjsrg anyways yea rambling this here so i have the thoughts written down for later, if u actually read all of this u're the goat
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i feel like ppl (izzy fans especially) rlly get hung up on the toe scene and seeing it like "what if this happened in real life??" or even just "what if this happened in a realistic show that placed moral judgement on characters for enacting physical violence??" and like YEAH in real life i think having your toe cut off and fed to you would be Pretty Fucking Traumatizing and you'd probably be the victim of the situation, not the guy feeding you your own toe. and in MOST shows, if someone's feeding ppl their own toes, that's probably a bad guy
but one of my favorite things abt ofmd is how it DOESNT make moral statements about physical violence. like, ever. this show never takes a stance on when it's okay to kill people, or how much violence you can do while still being a good person. because all the important characters are fucking pirates! if this show tried to take a realistic approach to the morality of physical violence it would get really hypocritical really, really fast!
what matters in ofmd isn't whether the characters are physically violent or not, it's how the characters feel about being the ones to enact violence.
buttons and roach both enjoy violence in a slapstick goofy way that's meant as comedic relief. jim clearly has no regrets about murdering the man who killed their family, but they're not that enthusiastic about going on a whole revenge killing spree and hunting down six (or five, now) other guys. stede at the beginning is somewhat afraid of violence, and is insecure about how afraid he is, but i do think his feelings about violence are changing and will continue to change in the next season(s).
izzy considers violence a requirement to be a real pirate (aka a Real Man) and is loyal to ed so long as he thinks ed is willing to use violence to maintain power and control
and ed. ed actually doesn't like physically hurting people! he's deeply traumatized by murdering his own father, so much so that he's made up weird rules about when someone's death is his fault as a way to distance himself from the violence that is necessitated by his profession! when those rules are called into question, and his responsibility in people's death scrutinized, he gets uncomfortable! all ed wants is to leave behind his violent lifestyle and go enjoy a hedonistic lifestyle for the rest of his life!!
but it's not that ofmd doesn't have a moral compass. in the fictional world of ofmd, "morality" (aka When Characters Are Rewarded/Punished By The Narrative) has two axes: colonialism and emotional vulnerability
the first one is pretty straight forward and has been talked abt a lot already so quick summary: in ofmd, when characters are explicitly and maliciously racist (british navy in e1, rich french people in e5) or side with european colonizers (izzy in e9), they face physical harm. british soldiers in e1 get beat up, the french ppl in e5 get their ship burnt down, and izzy nearly gets thrown overboard in e9, and in e10... yknow. toes.
as for Emotional Vulnerability, that's the whole fucking core of the show. people being their authentic selves, openly expressing their emotions and clearly stating their emotional needs, that's the end goal for every character who's gonna get a happy ending. characters denying parts of themselves, suppressing their desires and contorting themselves to fit into a certain box they feel obligated to get into—that's what our protagonists are trying to unlearn.
in e10, izzy is trying to force ed back into the blackbeard box. he demands ed return to the role that makes him unhappy, a role that requires physical violence to maintain. and ed goes, and we know, we are told, like, multiple fucking times before and after that this is not what ed wants to be doing. ed has stated, over and over again, that he's tired of being blackbeard, that he wants to pack it all in, that he wants to do the things that make ed happy. we learn in e6 that he's actually been traumatized by his OWN PHYSICAL VIOLENCE!!! and he even talks about feeding ppl their own toes as a fucking example of shit he Does Not Want To Do!!!! and the last fucking shot of him we have is him literally sobbing his eyes out!!!!!!!
yes, in real fucking life, and in almost any other story, izzy would be the victim of the toe scene
in the fictional world of ofmd, in the narrative of a slapstick pirate romcom that we're being told, ED IS THE PRIMARY VICTIM IN THE TOE SCENE. ED IS THE ONE WHO IS SUFFERS MORE IN THAT SCENE
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transgendersquiddo · 1 year
hell ya! please info dump about casino quartet that would be awesome
STARTS VIBRATING OKAY!! for those who dont know, casino quartet refers to the group/ship name of ash, branzy, clown, and red (also known as branzypierceswagdoons or the abcd's because. Ashswag Branzy Clown and red. Doons) . i am #)(%*@#()%*#(@% about them 4 reasons i will elaborate down the cut ^_^
reason one: oh my GOD the comedic potential of these fuckers is sooooo. not one ounce of communication or sanity between any of them god bless!!! they are all enablers of different things and all make each other worse!!!! they will kill each other over not doing the dishes!!! also the diff dynamics between all of them would be Insufferable like clown and branzy would just do So Much pda during the most inappropriate times while ash and red have to Put Up with it while beating the shit out of each other <3 cue clown and red coming back home and doing God Knows What (not talking about feelings straight up) (repressed emotions) (bullying) and ash and branzy get white girl wasted on whiteclaw of wine or whatever and ash bitches about red to branzy while branzy calls him babygirl (branzy is the only one that can call ash this) (once red overheard this and ash almost killed him) (he had to be held back by branzy and clown so he wouldn't kill him) (<- this one is sponsored by cherny)
ANYWAYS ash and clown r a funny bunch too. clown would Always attempt to get ash to do stupid shit and try to hit him with the big wet pathetic eyes and "but please?? for me.,.." and it only works 20% of the time when ash caves in (do not worry ash bullies clown back) (also literally based off of this) . both of them think they're the most normal ones . red and branzy r literally just vibing. imagine everyone else being insufferable/them being insufferable to others and they're like "omg hiiii bestie ^_^" and they chill and knit while drinking sweet tea together or whatever . they're awesome
REASON NUMBER 2: PUNCHES THE GROUND ok ok. they're like 0 canon content of them IN VIDEOS but u have to understand : the original team chaos had red in the group . and the only reason red left is bc they didn't tell him anything (also ash was asleep like 90% of the time L) but like. i think u Could do smth interesting with lingering feelings abt team chaos Esp considering ash Did go back to red and apologize for s3/team chaos and gave him favors .,.. that's if u wanna go Canon Compliant ofc but i think there Could be something that u could write abt clown and red being Farely loyal and strategic and ash and branzy being willing to betray and both being wildcards. i feel like u could do smth interesting with that (and also if you wanna go romantic) some polymary negotiations might b fun ti explore :thumbs_up: usually the Link between them is clown and red but i've also seen branzy and ash ^_^ either way they r rlly fun to think about either way!!!
i dont really like a reason number 3 so i will put this mangoball edit here . thank u for letting me indulge in my insanity
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lubotomies · 1 year
i rlly love the shapes u used in the CN post u did it shows their personalities so well can i ask for tips on shape stuff? <3
thank you!! im no shape language pro so take what i say with a grain of salt and just as my process rather than an educated artist who knows what theyre talking about. for that specific piece i boiled them down to two shapes maximum
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their main shape and a secondary shape. these definitely arent the most shape heavy or dynamic designs youll see in fact theyre quite tame i think its just the cartooniness of it that kind of exaggerates it. i like to consider what these shapes read as for myself.
edd -> circle (friendly, approachable, comedic, charismatic) with a secondary shape being square (dependable, loyal) for the traits of a protagonist
tord -> triangle (dangerous, unpredictable, cunning)* with a secondary rectangle (stable, logical) *~triangles are also the shape i and a lot of other artists use when drawing foxes so theres that biased association with “slyness” as well
matt -> square (loyal, stubborn, confident) with a secondary triangle (dynamic, stylish, unpredictable), squares and triangles combined can give the impression of cockiness
tom -> circle (goofy, friendly, comedic, clumsy) with a secondary triangle (aggressive, bad temper, unpredictable) hes definitely a funny guy but hes definitely got an unpleasant side to him when he dislikes you
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posture also plays a role in things and being able to boil things down to the very basics is good. edd tord and matt are all confident characters albeit in different ways so i like to puff out their chests in mildddlyyy different ways with tords going the farthest (cocky little thang), edds second (self centered) and matts only slightly (consistent confidence ingrained into his daily stature). tom slouches forward to contrast, as hes been drinking in that image so it implies a muddied state of mind etc. differences in personality become more clear once you add the expressions.
since this piece was meant to resemble still characters from a moving work of animation you have to sacrifice some details by rounding them out so the shape language is more subtle
Thanks for the ask i hope this answers some stuff and isnt too confusing if not feel free to ask specifics and ill try my best to answer heart heart heart
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autitm · 3 days
Idk why maybe i just wasnt in the right mindset watching it but like. Friendlocke s3 is so much less memorable or interesting then s1 and 2. I feel like non of the characters stand out, they dont feel like they have any interpersonal connections like they did in the last seasons and instead of feeling like characters they feel like gimmicks. And while theres rlly nothing deep about gerbers asa is s1 its iconic to his character and feels organic rather then forced and while when u thinm of s1 gerber ur mostly thinking haha funny ass dog ur also remembering rhe rivalry with mal and other ways he interacted with people around him. None of the bits in s3 are as memerable as the prior seasons either like the only ongoing joke i can think of off the top of my head is lemonade and i watched this thing literallt earlier today. Nothing in s3 has anywhere near the comedic power of pete ness cut scenes and none of the characters are particularly memerable. Lark? Yeah he was 16 and grimaces son or something but he died too early. Sara? Uhm i actually have nothing i could say about this character. Mykyie? Yeah i had alot i could say at the start when i was watching the streams as they came out and everything had so much potential but like.. he died too early. Characters tbat seemed liek theyd be really fun at the start faded into regularity like grunpillo, he came out sad and pathetic 'youd be sad too if you were a ground penis' but like lost that character trait almost immediately. Blorpoido and vriska arent given enough time for their gimmicks to become interesting or memorable and even characters like cookie who were distinctive and had more time didnt have any kind of the impact say s2 mal or coach coz or characters like that had. Even The Lark who has like 40 minutes total screen time in the vods and barely exists in the final cut is more memorable to me then like any of the s3 characters. Idk but this season felt like they were trying too hard rather then just being a group of friends being silly and playing pretend. Like even the lore heavy moments in s1 and 2 were alot more organic bc they were spawned out of like jokes and silliness like celestial tower was there to shock salty bc he didnt know they had added that. Like i love friendlocke and i think the people participating in it are genuinely some of the most hilarious and talented people on the internet but idk s3 didnt do it for me
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yeah i'm not the first to say it but dr c really shouldn't be on there and most of the info surrounding her is just fanon that ppl ran with and mainly originates from an era of mechs fic that went "oh the reason why this cis white man (w no canon sexuality) from texas has a british accent is bc this asian trans lesbian was abusive towards him and trained him to lose his texas accent like a british colonialist" (real example btw. the real reason he sounds british is bc he's played by a british man and you cant honestly expect him to put on a fake texas accent for entire sets. love and light) and saw nothing wrong w it.
and in regards to the actual propaganda for her:
we don't now canon ages for any of the mechs or dr c but most of them weren't young adults +
"killed them a lot of times in a lot of ways" the mechs kill each other all the time as a running joke. death means nothing to any of them anymore and there's no difference between jonny saying "ok ok ok are you gonna' kill us or not? cause like it's great when we're singing songs but we shot you out- well one of us shot you out of an airlock and i wanna know if you're going- well what you're going to do to us. [unintelligible] killing me?" (the ONLY canon reference to dr c killing the mechs) and tim proudly saying "we killed our lead singer!", something which is a fan favorite line
"they're visibly uncomfortable around her/scared of her" no they aren't? "especially the first two she successfully immortalized" like i said. the only instance of this w jonny was played as a joke. as stated above. as for nastya the only instance of this is at the end of lashings where, after playing the comedic straight man all set, nastya is at the end of her rope with all the other mechs and dr c sneaks up behind her and nastya is annoyed by it. another gag.
we don't have enough information about ivy's backstory for any meaningful conclusions to be drawn regarding it, or the extent to which ivy's brain damage is dr c's fault but it's heavily implied to be unintentional
we have no proof dr c is responsible for the morality switch and it's v likely that it's a leftover of brian's own technology bc dr c canonically used brian's model instead of her own to mechanize him
"Carmella forced her kids to immortality against their wills and used them as lab rats" see above + the lab rats thing comes from literally nowhere. i can't unpack it bc there's nothing to unpack
and based on what's in the notes
dr c and nastya's tutor were different people, she just played the tutor in the song. that's like saying the ts and rose red are the same, or jonny and ulysses.
already mentioned the issues w ivy and brian's mechanization possibly probably not being her fault
they aren't scared of her. full stop.
like i said. the immortality was consensual. how do you know about dr c playing nastya's tutor if you don't also know about the massive part of that song featuring dr c offer mechanization to nastya as long as she says yes (which she does btw)
tl;dr everything said abt dr c is either fake or misleading and it rlly sucks that the most common portrayal of her is from a woobified jonny angst fic which is 99% projection and 1% octokitten and mainly comes from 'i like jonny' > 'jonny doesn't like his mom' > 'i don't like my mom' > 'my mom sucks' > 'jonny's mom must also suck'. completely ignoring the fact that jonny is also both a cannibal and a war criminal and maybe just maybe a liar and a petty bastard and his opinions of people should Never be treated as fact. like he straight up admits to heavily embellishing his backstory to sound more interesting i Promise you him saying he dislikes dr c isn't that deep there's a 99% chance it just means that he found her insistence that her backup band play music that's about her feelings and deep and slow and shit boring and decided to airlock her over it.
this is a really helpful breakdown for me! thank you so much
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felikatze · 2 years
jay analysis time. fuck you
best take i've seen on wildbrain era jay is that he woobified himself and i think there's a rlly good case to be made for that tbh
like first of all we know he's an attention whore. this has been a thing since day one. he already has a history of adapting himself to be more like what he thinks others want from him
we first see this most clearly in s1 with his affection for nya; he puts on a front and tries to play the cool guy, even at the detriment to his health (i.e getting turned into a snake) and he only unlocks his true potential when nya accepts him for who he is after he drops the act
and then we have his response to zane's death in s3 being to start a tv career, where he's. obviously putting on a show to get people's attention it's kind of what you do at that job.
notably jay is also. self conscious of this trait? how he will forbid anyone from talking abt his tv career ever
he doesnt just want attention he's additionally vry afraid of disappointing people and s12 confirms he like. developed abandonment issues after s6.
like in s12 what allows him to reach out to unagami is bonding over how he was abandoned, too, and a solid (checks watch) six seasons after skybound we know being abandoned still rattles him (never change, ninjago) he's vry vry afraid of it happening again and being alone
as a result he appears vry afraid to upset others and be isolated which we see in several ways.
for upsetting others i'd point to his s13 interactions with the munce queen. like, her affection makes him obviously uncomfortable, yet he's not directly saying anything against it, bcuz he sees no way to turn her down without upsetting her. he only puts up minimum effort to defend nya who is, ykno, his fiancee. in the end, nya defeating the munce queen in a duel redirects the munce queen's ire at nya and preserves her good opinion of jay.
for being afraid of being alone i'd actually point at the league of jay in s12. once jay is isolated from his friends, he not only immediatly befriends scott, but also gains a large following. superstar rockin jay is a front similar to his tv show host days (when he was similarly isolated from his friends, albeit for different reasons). it's a lot of superficial attention that keeps him from feeling bad, and seeking that out was one of the first things he did in the game.
notably, the league of jay practically vanishes after jay reunites with the ninja, cuz he doesnt need them anymore now that his friends are back. he was using them as a replacement until they went and got him. kinda reminds me of the replacement ninja in s6. he didnt believe he could go against the sky pirates alone (fair tbh) so he gathered literal replacements for his friends. love how he knows echo zane exists but doesnt try to get him cuz jay doesnt need echo zane outside the replacement ninjas. fucker.
in s12 we also see him try to show off a lot, which happens in previous seasons too (looking at his attempts to woo nya by twisting himself again, in both s1 and s6), so here we see him try for adoration again.
all around jay is a social chameleon, and always has been. he constantly puts on various fronts for various people, be it for crowds or just his friends.
(both jay n nya lack a lot of emotional honesty which makes for fun disaster tbh. like either both of them r putting on acts and they both hate the other for it or it's oh my god the people putting on fronts are showing their true faces around each other like that brief bit of skybound in the lighthouse where they geniuenly reconcile and open up before [redacted] happens and i want to chew glass)
generally i think it's interesting how he's the brand of comedic relief perfectly aware that they're the comedic relief.
pre-s6 he's already self-conscious of his upbringing what with being poor n all (interalized classism mayhaps) and after s6 he's additionally self-conscious abt being abandoned cuz it feeds the thought that he can just not be good enough and that people can and have left him for it. again pointing at s12 finale how it eats jay up that he's never gonna know why he was abandoned and vry much doesn't want unagami to end up the same way
the whole you're adopted reveal brings what i think his greatest fear from the abstract to the real. he was already afraid of being left behind, and now he knows he already has been, so what's stopping it from happening again? ergo, do whatever you can to stay in everyone's good graces.
in short i do think it's a possible watsonian explanation for wildbrain era jay that he intentionally woobifies himself out of fear his friends will grow tired of him and ditch him. yeah.
jay's such a selfish character. i love this bastard.
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liloinkoink · 2 years
hi, loved the ficlet! if you don't mind elaborating a little, what's going on with this fantasy au, where's the story start?
(@galaxyofender also sent me an ask abt the beginning after this sent so i’m @‘ing them as well)
yeah sure! the au is basically just… three scenes i have pretty clear visuals for, that short piece being one of them. j made the entire thing up yesterday so it’s not Extremely fleshed out beyond ren and martyn. au takes inspiration from three main sources: 1) third life renchanting dynamic. 2) martyn’s watcher lore. 3) ren’s affinity for fire in last life
i’ll. read more this cuz it’s gonna be a bit long
so. martyn starts with the watchers. they’re, y’know, standard dnd spooky eldritch cult fare for the most part. i don’t rlly know what they want with him, but i know that he's stuck with them and has been stuck for a while. he’s trying to leave but they've got the whole town/area locked down, and so it’s just not feasible to do on his own
the watchers have settled in a city that was abandoned some time ago when it came under siege. they’ve done what they could to stamp out any trace of the city’s original occupants so they could insert themselves and their own patron, but martyn’s not got anywhere else to go, so while he’s looking for something to help him escape he stumbles upon stories of the original city’s patron god
bc of an active attempt to destroy what remained, there’s a lot of holes in what martyn finds. martyn can’t figure out the god’s name, for example, or where he came from or what happened to the city. but martyn finds that he was powerful. he could walk the world like a mortal, and was known to enhance and bless tools or armor, supporting the city’s occupants with gear that never broke and axes that never dulled. he was there when the city fell, too—he defeated their enemies by freezing them, but in the process turned himself to stone. martyn can’t find what happened to the god after that, but the story sticks in his mind
at some point, martyn finds a locked door deep below the city. when he opens it he finds a mostly empty room, minus a fire and… something, just out of the reach of the firelight. it’s weird enough there’s a fire there—who is even tending to it, all the way down here? but weirder still is the fact he can’t see anything else. he grabs a stick and dips it in the fire, and when he holds it up he sees a statue.
he doesn’t know what the god looks like, but he doesn’t need to know to realize just what exactly he’s found
so he looks up into stone eyes and he says listen, we're in a pretty similar spot here, you know. if you can help me get out of here, ill start following you. I'm not really a paladin, but i'll see what i can do. neither of us have better options.
and for a second… absolutely nothing happens. martyn stands in the dark and feels a bit like an idiot. before he can make some self-deprecating comment about talking to ghosts, the fire in the basin goes out entirely. the only glow left is his torch, and then it isn’t. the remaining fire in the basin goes out. the torch in his hand glows brighter, and then one by one, martyn's tools start to glow. his armor, his axe, his sword, each a shimmering purple, alight with the blessing of a god
that boost is enough to help martyn escape the city, flame in hand, though i’m… not totally sure when martyn makes the connection between the torch in his hand and the god he prayed to. i think it’s more likely some watcher says it instead—someone sees him running around with a torch that doesn’t dim and a glowing axe and goes oh shit, he’s freed the red king! and martyn is like i’ve huh. that, and/or ren, attempting to help martyn escape with his life, sets someone spontaneously on fire. maybe a mix of both
once they’ve escaped this becomes martyn and ren traveling montage playing far too much 20 questions which ren is comedically bad at and martyn getting odd looks every time he casually enters a building with a fuck-off huge lantern. after that it becomes a quest to get ren a body of his own!
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I love demo so fuckin much but i wish there was more both canon and fanon content for him that isnt just "haha funni alcoholism " like. Idk it super fucking bothers me as a kid of an alcoholic (now recovering and about 2 years sober!!!) like. I would love to rec the game to my dad bc i know he would loce the style and humor but hes also really proud of being scottish and i khow that the main characterization pf demo would probably bother him.
Anyway demo beating alcoholism arc when.
I actually have a ton of posts abt this (u can probably dig thru "#demoman tf2" asks to find them lol) but yeah I rlly think abt this a lot. I'm also the kid of an alcoholic (actually a pretty long line of them, I'm actually pretty predisposed to it myself because I also inherited all the same anxiety/neurodivergency/etc. problems) and I'm also aware of a lot of politics surrounding addiction and am invested in harm reduction n stuff like that, so my feelings abt it are actually kinda complicated. I don't like the idea that Demo being an alcoholic is, like, a "mistake" made on Valve's end that needs to be "fixed" in fan content - it's not inherently wrong to have a character who is an alcoholic or even really a comedic character who is one. I think there's a big trend in fans (especially white people lol) totally overstepping and "fixing him" by just, never mentioning it even in places it would actually be appropriate and just pretending he was never written to have an addiction. I think that's just another way of showing that you think someone can't be a Good Person(tm) and an addict. The other side of the coin, of course, is the INSANE prevalence of people who make it his one defining personality trait and often completely mischaracterize him by giving him traits they associate with alcoholism but that he doesn't have (laziness, aggression, stupidity etc.). I actually find the way he's written in canon to be. pretty okay? There's definitely times where it's Bad but most of the time I think it's alright. Even the "short, violent temper" thing (a trait he's apparently supposed to have? But tbh he doesn't really have in any of the supplemental material lmao) feels less like a stereotype of alcoholism (as fans will make it) and more like an ethnic/nationality-based stereotype (which everyone in tf2 is, so it doesn't feel specifically targeted) (although you can also argue that him being an alcoholic is also a nationality stereotype which like. yeah). Smth I think a lot of people forget but is actually pretty present in most iterations of his lore and also in a lot of his game/intro video dialogue is that he has some kinda trauma and his self-esteem is completely in the toilet. This, in my opinion, adds another layer to his addiction that while maybe not really explored in canon (because it's not that kind of media, no one really gets their serious backstories explored they're just established and then dropped for more jokes) can definitely be expanded upon in fan stuff. I know yall like angst! Stop fucking writing "angst" where you conflate alcoholism with domestic violence and stupidity and start treating him like a human being lol. Write about Demo dealing with or beating alcoholism, but don't write it like it's his entire personality or pretend it doesn't exist. It's a part of him, but not all there is to him. Sorry for the SUPER long response anon omg I love talking and this is a topic I specifically have a ton of thoughts on. Sorry if this isn't rlly coherent, like I said I have a lot of posts abt this topic. I might go rb some now just to clarify my opinions
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funnywormz · 1 year
Hmm. Dealers choice for the bingo?
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i decided to do arnold rimmer red dwarf since i thought he'd be a fun character for this bingo, i hope you don't mind lol.
rimmer is like. the original poor little meow meow but he was doing it over 30 years before the term even existed. he's extremely fucked up and sad and genuinely a shitty bastard but also i feel so bad for him and just want him to be happy. but i would stomp on his head so hard if he was a real guy yknow. complicated feelings. there's so much interesting stuff going on with him and his backstory and the whole ace rimmer thing like GOD he has so much bullshit going on and i love all of it
i put not enough screentime/done dirty by the creators bc i feel like. a little frustrated by how he keeps on getting vital character development only for the writers to completely ignore it. he doesn't have to change much but seeing some of that growth stick would be nice.
and from s4 onwards the focus of the show shifts from him and lister's dynamic being the main driving force of the show and them both sharing the spotlight, to rimmer just being at the same level as the other background characters. which is like, fine, i don't rlly mind it, but i think the funniest (and also most emotionally impactful) moments in the show always come from lister and rimmer interactions and to me their dynamic is the heart and soul of the whole series. so it's a bit sad that they get less screentime together and there's less of a focus on rimmer, although this does change somewhat in s10 onwards (tbh part of the reason why i love the later seasons so much is bc they return to a lot of the things i loved abt the first two seasons). this isn't even because i ship them, although i definitely do lol, but just as a comedic duo they're just so so good
also i find it a little sad when rimmer's trauma and self hatred is played for laughs. i get that red dwarf is a comedy and all but man :( can someone actually give him a hug for real. or can he get actual therapy or something. bc he fucking needs it
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thwackk · 1 year
Could you give more lore about your Lego movie au? Sorry I just have brainrot over your doodles, I love your designs so much
I dont rlly have any lore, it was just a dream I had where everyone was there and it played out almost like a movie. It was silly, as a lego movie should be.
But there was also a main focus on batman and superman’s relationship specifically where superman is still pissed and personally hurt abt something bruce did years ago (I have no idea what he did, the dream withheld that info from me) and so bruce, suddenly deciding to be a part of the league and try to be friends with everyone and act like the past never happened, (im gonna say this takes place probably uuhhh a month after the events of the lego batman movie so bruce is in the process of changing for the better) made clark a little salty.
With him being the generally kind and understanding man he is, he tries not to make a big deal abt it and acts (mostly) normal to Bruce, but he does and says alot of subtle passive agressive things to bruce throughout, and they kinda buttheads with each other for most of the film (can I even call it a film??) This plays out in, 90% of the time, a comedic fashion because it’s just legos LMAO.
Flash and Green Lantern were there and were already a pre-established couple because of course they were, it’s MY subconscious we’re talkin abt here and it rlly likes to yell at me “WHAT IF THEY KISSED” when it comes to those two. Diana was there and so was Aquaman but i’ve never given him a design for this, (sorry) maybe i will someday. They were like the team mom and dad just a little bit, they were kinda the middlemen, break up the fights, Diana made them get along through threats and being scary, that kind of thing.
Hal and Barry (mostly Hal) were that annoying couple that like to give advice, or like everytime bruce and clark started ‘yelling’ (more like just aggressive talking) at each other he’d lean over to barry and say smthn like “see, now this is when they kiss” idk I just remember weird little specifics, I can’t remember the whole dream like plot stuff and what happens, i just remember this dream was LONG and VERY specific. Part of me thinks it was my subconscious way of yelling at Batman because he makes me so mad sometimes
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