penwrythe · 3 months
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Still working on Eightenate! Got the first of her poses cleaned up, next is expressions!
Some rough lore stuff below
Might do corrections on her arms tomorrow. It's fine her arms change their length between poses here. I like the idea that whatever a living object is doing, their limbs will shift their mass for that purpose.
An ability called Ichormancy.
I.e: jumping from a high place onto the ground requires the limbs (Eightenate's arms in this case) to thicken to absorb the shock when landing. If climbing, they lengthen. If fighting (which happens very often for earthkind like Eightenate), their limbs form thicker skin/scales for protection. And so on.
Advanced Ichormancy may allow an object to shift their limbs to extreme forms or disconnect them, allowing the limbs to float and have a wider range of movement. Example: Swords and their floating hands.
Eightenate's eye is a rare form of natural Ichormancy where she had gravely injured her core but her strong will prevented her ichor structure from retreating into a kernel. This forms a germ at the site where her core was injured. As with some partially revived objects with this rare condition, eventually, this germ may need to be extracted to prevent further injury as it will absorb any material surrounding it to create a new curio.
Eightenate is lucky that this germ is dormant...for now. It occasionally throbs, but it's nothing that a sip of mercury can't soothe. As long as she does not need to be revived again, Eightenate needs not worry about it.
Oh, and the die in her eye is mostly for cosmetic purposes. She can't see out of it, but she likes the way it looks.
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penwrythe · 2 months
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Eightenate Character Poses! Next is coloring and the expressions page.
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penwrythe · 10 months
I Love Your Insight on Object Topics Btw, Object Xenofiction is Such a Good Term
Thank you!
To elaborate on object xenoficton a bit, I also use it to describe how I worldbuild my object characters and the universe they are in. I focus on how their anatomy functions such as the ichor structure, and the core (object body they are in), and how different conditions such as wear and tear, durability, and magic have an effect on their overall existence. There are revival methods explored in my worldbuilding on how objects treat death and revival. With the Revival Ritual (or the Ritual of Convalescence), anyone can come back as long materials and donated ichor are provided to fulfill a requirement for a revival - with some limitations on age, damage, and permanent injury states on the object's core and body. The history and timeline for WOR are still being developed, but they explore the implications of the Inversion Event that created objectkind from the remains of gods and mortals.
For some very long-winded exploration of my object biology, see my 2023 draft for Biology of Living Objects.
You can read more about my worldbuilding project for WOR at worldofrelics.carrd.co and WOR's WorldAnvil (needs to be updated soon)! See also my worldofrelics tag, too!
I'm fine with anyone using object xenofiction tag for their projects or concepts, as long it's SFW!
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penwrythe · 7 days
I have thoughts around the discussion of mature writing for adult media.
My project World of Relics is for adults, so it's good to see how this discussion goes since I really don't want to struggle writing WOR as an adult webcomic (Rise of Relics) and anthology (The Mundane Realm) series. I think the reason why Hazbin and TADC feels immature that they have the nostalgia of edgy kids and teens media with occasional mature themes being the inspiration, but not really fully embracing those themes from an adult's point of view. It would explain in part why they feel immature for something that suppose to be for adults.
Note: this is an underdeveloped thought, still processing it so critique is welcomed and good thank you.
This is not to say you cannot take inspiration from kids/teens media, this is more to say how does it effect how you perceive/write/create adult media. Is adult media "shocking fact that the characters are stuck somewhere unusual", "randoms s*e*x joke the 5th time in an episode", and "it's mature because shocking thing you don't see in kids media"?
Or is adult media about recognizing both the mundane and extremes of adulthood, with no escapism from certain extremes, understanding the moments of joy, pain, sorrow, etc has more to them than brief moments but instead history and context behind all of that in an adult's life.
Taking a moment to review what I been viewing and reading so that I can understand how to write World of Relics:
--Animated Series--
JJBA - Stone Ocean*
Carol and the End of the World*
Blue Eye Samurai*
Blood of Zeus*
Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon*
--Books (both YA and Adult/New Adult)--
The Rage of Dragons by Evan Winter*
The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin*
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
Legendborn Series by Tracy Deonn (YA, but still handles mature themes well)
Oathblood by Mercedes Lackey*
The asterisk is for media I'm not just reading for enjoyment but learning how to handle the form of storytelling it presents. Without making this post too long, I feel gravitated to these media not for ~what shocking situation the character is in~ but the familiarity of their experiences to mine or to other people's life experiences they faced. Some more extreme than others (especially Blue Eye Samurai, Blood of Zeus, The Rage of Dragons, and The Fifth Season), the extremes of trauma, strife, hardship, discrimination, and destruction in these stories have an weight to them beyond the shock of violence or death, or the existential crisis. Like, there's no cry laughing, but there is quiet moments of grief and pain, the yearning of better days, desires of vengeance and justice. There's a substance to them that feels more thought out than what I feel from TADC Hazbin.
Note 2: I'm sorry if I'm being harsh, I love TADC. Yes, there's only two episodes out right now, but like I want more than what it presents.
Note 3: Yeah, I'm comparing apples to grand pianos, but I believe there's no harm in asking for more. I believe adult indie animation can do better, for now we have stepping stones that will help build the foundation for the next generation of adult animation. ~looking at Lackadaisy here since I'm a reader of their comic, that will most certainly be the next step if you know how it goes.
In addition to this, I will admit with my project WOR, I have concerns it might not be taken seriously as adult media, not because shocking edginess (there's a sprinkling of that here and there), but ...my characters are mostly talking object people set in a fantasy world. I have decided on certain things about them: despite them having human souls, sexuality is nearly vestigial in their species so all attraction is romantically driven -they are an asexually reproducing species, and almost all cursing/swearing will sound mostly mundane to us humans -no one says M*therf*cker but will using Blazing Hell, Broken Blades, Rusted Hell, Dirty Rags, etc (similar swears to how The Fifth Season does swearing in relation to earth and fire, WOR handles swearing to the material makeup of Objectkind - as well how biases of Hardy objects have of Fragile objects), and other things.
But, I knew, after awhile of reading and watching, what kind of story I wanted and how it appears to other people. If you like, person reading this very long post, I welcome you to read the following:
// Mild Spoilers for Rise of Relics and a little for the Mundane Realm
Note 4: The characters in Rise of Relics were gods turned to their relics after their realm was destroyed by the Inversion Event. So, if you are familiar with my story, its all baleful polymorph, almost everyone gets turned. If you are uncomfortable with that trope (due to certain past depictions in media), I suggest not reading anything World of Relics please. ~also, I'm Black soooooo, its alright! Everyone's dead lol. I equalized it!
Note 5: Also in the old draft of Chp 3 sample (its updated rn, just look at the Worldofrelics tag), Nicodemus is a crystal ball, Nikey is a trident. The flashback was before the Inversion Event. Just want to put this there in case confusion.
Do these examples of my WOR project:
Feel mature?
Feel as though, despite maybe a shocking thing or too, there's more to what's presented?
What of the characters? How do you feel about them in the situation? What about the implications of the situation they are in?
Does the voice (narration of Altostratus or how the characters in RFR Chp 3 speak and behave) feel like they are adult characters, or characters in general regardless of age, exist in a mature adult setting?
How do you empathize with them in their situation? Do you expect them to just react constantly to the events in the story in one type of way? Or do you expect as they develop over time, they adapt, struggle, and grow beyond just where they started?
If you imagine these characters in real life, would they be like what the story presents them as (in both examples, characters are above the age of 18 - from 32 to thousands of years old (read late 60s -early 100s in human years in relation to this question)?
Does it feel like at any point this could appeal to children (not because talking objects, but other reasons)? How do I improve upon that to appeal to Adults (by not adding swearing or se*xual stuff, but mature themes without making light of whatever topic I'm trying to handle)?
Giant Robot Monster Hot or Dear god, this old girl Flammin went through so much I hope they are happy with their trident wife? (they won't be, lol, oh they won't be)
Do you interpret Nikey as an angsty teen/20s or someone in their early 30s just trying to make sense of the world that died around her? (Okay, not obvious in chp 3, but give me your thoughts anyway)
Sexy Tumblr Old Man or This old man was a criminal and may have hurt people deeply and wrestling with that fact, knowing that one day he will face someone who was hurt by his actions? (still writing out Gwenny's lore, just hinting at this point tho)
Okay, I ran my fingers on this too long lmao. But yeag, tell me what you think. May the discourse begin.
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penwrythe · 12 days
Next month, reorganization time
I think I'm at the point of my project where I seriously need to look over both worldbuilding and story elements between Rise of Relics and The Mundane Realm.
Now the good thing is, RFR editing is on chp 4 (after a year of getting stuck on chp 3) and I finally made a decision that everything TMR will be a collection of short stories.
I kinda knew that this is going to be a loooong project and while its slow going, I am glad that I still have interest in completing it one day. Some stories take a long time to complete, even from its beginning stages.
Anyway, things I want to work on:
Reorganize Worldbuilding Master doc thingy and delete out-of-date stuff, now is a good time to make maps for both settings of RFR and TMR, Improve timelines too
Re-edit all of RFR character sheets to be shorter (there's no reason for them to be so long); note to self: Tariote now needs a major update
Finish revising chp 4 next month
Miiight do a simplified Skeleton Draft for Eightenate's story for TMR (spent the past four days writing up a random idea for her and yeah, I got tempted) same with Gwenevere's story since they are somewhat connected.
Do research again on alchemy and freshen up the magic system (this time using Jstor and other more helpful resources than Wikipedia)
Research how to proper handle tone and themes for mature stories on heavy topics for young/new adults (getting some ideas from the Blood of Zeus and Dungeon Meshi)
Get back on Style Test mini-project
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penwrythe · 1 year
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War-Torch Sketches
Early studies on war-torch (monolith) and halberd anatomy (top). Gathering of war-torches meeting swords and a certain cloak.
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penwrythe · 1 year
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WOR Sketch Dump!
I forgot to post these here! A few halberds, a sword, and war-torches!
I need a month for polearms so I can draw nothing but polearm object ocs, lol!
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penwrythe · 10 months
Updated my Interactions and Fanart Boundaries for World of Relics! It's still a bit of a long read, but it's worth it if you want to know what's okay or not. I did my best to clear up anything, but if you have any questions, please let me know!!! Tell me through dms or asks about what you think! Thank you!
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penwrythe · 9 months
Whooa it's been a bit! World of Relics editing stuff yeah!
So today, I returned to my WOR worldbuilding project, reading over my past notes, character sheets, and chapters for Rise of Relics. There was a lot of things that needed to be straightened up (especially the magic system), but at the most, it felt tight, tho, just needed some polishing up. Also, the WorldAnvil wiki for WOR needs updating badly.
Final edits for Altostratus are complete! I just set up my accounts for Wattpad, Writersky, Royal Road, and Scribble Hub. You can find me there as "Penwrythe". Altostratus will still be posted here as its own post with a link to Google Docs. The uploads of this story will be online sometime this week.
Going to finish up on editing where I left off from RFR's third draft. I was on chapter 3, page 87. I got stuck on an upcoming scene within this chapter where Nikey and Nicodemus had a fight about briefly separating after finally seeing each other again. Nikey was concerned about Nicodemus' safety after the Inversion Event destroyed everything, but Nicodemus was not sure if Nikey would put herself in danger due to her reckless behavior in the past.
You know what? Here you go!!! Big spoiler warning in the doc!
Here's RFR chp 3, Draft 1. It's a bit old, but the scene is pretty much the same as Draft 2 (currently editing Draft 3). It's around pg 86-90 (referring to the comic pages, the actual pages of the scene in the doc above are 92-96).
Anyway, for this scene, I wanted Nikey and Nicodemus to confront an unresolved conflict between themselves. Nikey just returned home after she was banished from Antiqua for five years for stealing from other gods. Nicodemus was reminded of her past actions and only wanted to keep her safe, while still processing his pained memories of her banishment.
I did get some feedback on this scene that a confrontation like this should happen later in the story after the characters go through more development, not in the beginning where we're just introduced to the characters. I'm unsure if I can post the feedback here, tho (it was from the World Anvil discord).
Anyway, for some context of this draft:
On pages 67-79, this flashback takes place centuries before the Inversion Event of the story. Nicodemus and Metatron (name change pending) are demi-gods, while Ferrous is a fully-fledged god. At the end of the flashback (page 79), we see the Nicodemus in the present. He's a crystal orb and Nikey is a trident, the weapons they had before they died during the Inversion Event.
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penwrythe · 10 months
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Altostratus cover update
Fixed Flammin's wing anatomy! Trying to do my best to show her rising from the clouds...I think I got it? Might change her crest to match the flow.
Painting the clouds is going to be interesting...
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penwrythe · 2 years
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Broken Mirror - Bygone Era
Feat. Goddess Nikey
Side A
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Speeddraw Below!!!
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penwrythe · 1 year
My Interactions and Boundaries list!!
So, this doc is very WOR specific, but still good to reference if anyone wants to do fanart of not just WOR but my other projects, too! If you have questions or concerns, please send me an ask!
I did my best to cover a few concerns I had over fanworks, my deepest concerns are humanizations of my WOR characters and 18+ art.
Humanizations are fine, but due to WOR's worldbuilding, might be a finicky topic with the whole "human/gods being dead but their souls live on in their possessions". I just want to be clear that any interpretation is fine, but some of my object ocs do have canon human/god forms.
18+ fanart is self-explanatory. I just want my boundaries respected, as well as keep NSFW out of the main tags for WOR. I included a guide on how to best filter and tag 18+ art. If you're an adult, I highly suggest reading it. Remember to respect my boundaries.
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penwrythe · 1 year
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Lineart complete!
Next, color! Looking at these characters, I might need to learn how to sculpt first before tackling them for the 3D cell shading style. Might be another month before this style test.
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penwrythe · 2 years
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Sketches for a future a Monolith War-torch
Sketches for a future Monolith War-torch. This design was a bit difficult. I was having a hard time keeping the facial anatomy of this war-torch from looking too human-like.
Posted using PostyBirb
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penwrythe · 2 years
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Swordtember prompt 11: Mythological - Animalculous Vivusobjectus
Goddess Alexandria (she/her) of Antiqua transformed from the onset of Soul Putrification caused by the Inversion Event.
Short story below!
That day, Alexandria was preparing to descend to the Mundane Realm when it happened. In the armory of her home, she assembled her gear with her sword in tow and was ready to meet with her men when something felt deeply off. As an ascended Goddess of War, she has connections to the magical ether of reality. She can feel all its ripples, from the heightened emotions of her mortal followers to the ebb and flow of battles throughout the Mundane Realm. As a Goddess of War, she must watch over the wars and conflicts of mortalkind. Yet this feeling, this strange force invaded every part of her senses.
She remembered that strange radiant light and her shock as it enveloped her. Then the searing heat and crushing pressure surrounded every part of her body from the inside out. The pain as stone crept up her body. Her scream silenced by an all-consuming void.
She watched as her body grew rigid as the world around her burned to ashes. She heard the screams of other gods as they fell to the same fate. Then she felt a suffocating pull as her soul tears itself from her stone body.
When Alexandria woke up, she was lying on the floor surrounded by ash, dust, and stone. There's energy in the air, but it feels sick and wrong. Her body feels far too stiff, but she still has her magic. She lifted herself, an unusually easy feat until she saw the result of the light that took everything from her.
A statue of herself loomed before her, frozen mid-walk with one raised broken arm with a missing hand. As realization begins to crawl into her mind, Alexandria rushes away to find the nearest mirror in her ruined home that now lies shattered on the ground. Grabbing a partially burnt cloth with her weakened magic, she wipes off the largest piece of broken mirror. She wept as she saw a crying living sword looking back at her.
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penwrythe · 2 years
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Hi! Sorry for the major slow down on art as of late, but I'm getting back up to speed!
Working on Broken Mirror for World of Relics (Goddess-form Nikey's side). I made some changes to Nikey's armor, making it closer to hoplite armor used by ancient Greeks. I originally wanted to change her chest armor to a linothorax (cloth armor) but I just liked the simplicity of the bronze breastplate. This style depicted here was inspired by this recreation of the hoplite style! Nikey's armor is not historically accurate, but that's fine!
My worldbuilding has talking object people in it, so it's no problem!
Left is the old version and the right is the new version!
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