#riff x jet!reader
Day 27 of Kinktober: Sneaking Around With Riff
pairing: Michael ‘Riff’ Tamblyn x fem!reader
warning: dirty talk, eating out, getting caught, unprotected sex, violence
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Riff and I have been sneaking around for quite sometime but the Jets have been getting suspicious lately of Riff coming to their meetings late or him not showing up when Riff is needed when the Sharks are around the Jets.
I invited Riff to come to a spot that no one knows except for him and I but I want to do something different. When Riff found me, I was sitting on a crate naked with my legs spread out, I can tell he wanted me so bad but he just stood there staring.
“What’s the matter Riff, I don’t bite.” I said in a sweet voice he’s heard before.
“I wish we were married so I can this all the time.” He says approaching me.
“You know that my dad thinks you’re dangerous.” I said wrapping my legs around Riff’s waist.
“And the Jets don’t know about us.” He whispers in my ear.
“But that’s the fun part of it.” I whisper. “You can have me whatever you want, and you can always come to me when you’re having a rough day because I love it when you get rough.” I whisper again while trailing my finger on his body.
“Why’s that doll?” He said making us do nose to nose.
“The way you fuck me, you just go in and out, making me beg but you want to keep going and making me scream and moan until I cum, and then you take control on eating me out. But the way you fuck me, it’s different than you normally do, harder and rougher than usual.” I whisper in his ear.
“Where do you want to go hide and maybe, I can be rough with you.” He smirks.
“Wherever you want to hide.” I say.
Riff looks around and takes us to a different spot then where we not normally go to.
“This is different.” I say when Riff sets me down on a bench in a fort.
“Just want to make my baby feel good.” Riff says going down where my pussy is at.
I feel his tongue inside me, I gasp for a second, I tug on his hair which made him grab my legs so I couldn’t move them.
“I’m about to cum.” I moan.
He moans into me which made me moan again, fuck I need him inside me.
“Riff.” I make him look at me by tugging his head up to look at me. “Just fuck me.” I say.
He smirks and takes his pants off including his boxers off, he so huge. I lean towards him to make him be on top of me so we can make out. He positions himself so can fuck me. He goes in and out of me and I scream and starts to scratch his back, I can tell the Jets are going to make fun of him.
He keeps on fucking me until we hear the cat whistle. Riff and I look where the whistle came from and it’s the Jets, fuck! They found us.
“Well, well, well boys, look what we have here, our leader with a whore.” Joyboy says.
Riff covers me and himself up, but he tries to keep me behind him.
“So this is where you’ve been going to Riff isn’t?” Tiger says approaching us.
“Yeah, what about it?” Riff says.
I get scared so I hold on to Riff’s arm.
“Look boys, the whore is scared.” Joyboy says. The Jets chuckle.
“If you get near her I swear to god I’ll kill you.” Riff says.
“You’re defending the whore but you couldn’t be at the fights with the Sharks.” Mouthface confronts Riff.
“Stop calling me that.” I said.
“The whore speaks, did you blow hi-“ Riff slaps Tiger’s face.
“You son of a-“ Tiger and Riff begins to fight.
I try to hide but one of the Jets tries to grab me but Riff notices so he protects me from them. I find a knife so I hold it to in front of Balkan, Riff takes the knife out of my hand, Balkan looks smug and looks at the rest of the Jets and Riff ends the fight by punching Balkan in the face.
When the Jets leaves, Riff checks my body if there are any scars on my body. I check on his wounds, I help him sit down.
“Thank you for protecting me.” I smile.
“Anything for my girl, can you patch me up? I’ll try to patch you up as well.” Riff says.
I giggle, I try to find something to cover his wounds, I found an old t-shirt and I rip it apart so I can wrap the fabric around Riff’s wounds.
“You’re not a whore, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” He says holding still for me.
“And you’re the best thing that ever happened to me too.” I say wrapping some fabric around one of his wounds.
I give a look, I lean in to kiss him and he kisses me back. Sneaking around with Riff has been really fun but terrifying because of the Jets finding out about us but Riff protected me through all of this mess, and Riff knows what he’s doing when he’s in control.
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pariahsparadise · 2 years
riff lorton x shy!reader hc's
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requested by @luckyrabbits - hi! if requests are open, can i request something (fic or hcs are alright!) w riff lorton and a fem / gn reader who’s very shy? ty and have a great day! 
word count: 500
a/n: sorry this took so long to make! and as a shy person myself, i totally loved this prompt lol. hope you like this 💗
pairing(s): riff lorton x fem!reader
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riff first sees you when he stops by at doc’s. you’re working alongside tony and laughing at something he’s saying to you, one hand coming up a little self-consciously to cover your smile
riff melts on the spot
he bothers tony for next few days, trying to convince him to introduce the two of you
tony first says no, he knows you aren’t too comfortable around strangers
but riff manages to wear him down eventually
you’re a little scared when you first talk to him, and you’re really thankful that tony and riff manage to carry the conversation on their own with little input from you
but over time, talking to riff gets a little easier
until the mf starts flirting with you
my god, you get so flustered
riff’s a pretty smooth guy, with lots of confidence, he knows what he’s doing
you’re the exact opposite
the first time riff calls you “girly girl”, you get so flustered, you have to walk away to the staff room
he always keeps himself in check though
yes, he loves making you blush, but he never wants to actually make you uncomfortable, so he stays within his limits
he takes you out on multiple dates, usually in secluded places
originally, he did this so you’d feel better, but he ends up liking it more himself, it’s quality time with you AND he’s the sole receiver of all your attention
this isn’t always the case though
sometimes you insist on going dancing because you know all the jets are
and riff loves it too, but he won’t go without you
so you try and bear with it as much as you can
you’re too shy to dance in the hall with all the people milling about you though, so you encourage riff to dance with grazie and the other girls
and even if he does, he always manages to find his way back to you
will probably drag you out of the hall to dance in the parking lot
the music is muted, he sings along to it as he sways you around before pulling you into a kiss
you melt against him, knees unsteady, thankful for the arm he secures around your waist to keep you standing
riff’s also great at extracting you from social situations you don’t want to be in
all you have to do is tug on his sleeve once, and he’ll offer the people around you a pleasant smile and believable excuse before whisking you away
he’s usually the one to initiate physical touch, but on the rare occasions that you do?? fucking dead
just imagine, dragging him down by the collar of his shirt to kiss you?? out of absolutely nowhere?
he always makes the most surprised gasp, too
it fuels your ego, gives you the very necessary confidence boost that you need
riff kind of tends to keep the jets away from you, they’re a really loud and often rude gang
he knows you don’t need to be a part of a crowd like that, so the only jets you properly know are riff and tony
all in all, he’s a great boyfriend, and he finds your shyness endearing instead of annoying
it’s just one of the many things he’s loves about you :)
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viperixsworld · 3 months
thinking about a fic where the oc runs away of NY after the events of West Side Story (maybe a jet girl) and bumps into Dally Winston going back to Tusla with the Greasers (we know Dally was in NY for a time and bla bla bla) and she comes with dally and meets the greasers and then...
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sl-newsie · 5 months
A Clean Slate (Balkan x OC)
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I also have a request. Balkan x OC. Idc what happens in it, I just need him!
Another sunny day. Too bad I have to spend it working indoors.
“God I hate this place,” Rita groans from across the shop. “I can’t wait to get outta here!”
“Calm down, mi querida!” Valentina assures her. “You may not like it here, but some of us had to work hard to get here!” 
My coworker goes on complaining while I zone out and scrub the counter. Rita’s always complaining because of her position in the Jet gang. Apparently the Jets are a big deal, but I’ve never personally met them because I just moved from Brooklyn. My father’s in the police force and he transferred to the West Side, which meant I had to wipe a clean slate and start over with making friends. Turns out the goils of the West Side ain’t so friendly and instead of being social I’ve decided on keeping a steady job during summer vacation. Doc’s is the perfect place because Valentina needs all the help she can get.
I hear the door bangs open and a man wearing jeans and a white tank top steps in.
“Ey, Rita! Ya done woirk’n yet? We’s got business in ‘Hattan to deal with!” 
“Alright, alright.” Rita follows the brute out, strangely looking more bored than before.
Time slips by, only providing us with a few customers, and before I know it it’s already 5:30.
“Time to clock out, Lottie.” Valentina walks out from the back room holding the keys. “Don’t worry about the clean up. Tony’s stopping by to mop. Buenas noches!”
“Good night, Valentina.” I grab my purse and head into the cool summer night. The sun hasn’t set yet and a gorgeous collage of orange and pink spreads across the sky. I clutch my purse close and begin the walk home-
“Hey! Runaway coin!”
The clinking sound of metal draws my attention to a silver-colored coin rolling down the sidewalk. It nearly reaches the sewer until I step on it with my blue heel.
“Much obliged, doll!” A man jogs up from behind and kneels down to look for his coin. “Um, where’d it go?”
“Oh, sorry.” I lift up my foot to reveal the gleaming coin. “Here it is.”
The man keeps his face down as he retrieves his possession. What I don’t expect is for him to lean down to kiss my foot.
“Excuse me?” I jerk away. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Now the man stands up and I can see him. He’s wearing an olive-green shirt with the sleeves rolled up under a blue vest, along with dark jeans and sneakers. At first I think he’s too bizarre to trust, however the thankful expression on his face makes me reconsider.
“Sorry, doll. ‘S just that this coin means everything to me. Guess I overreacted.” He holds out a hand and we both shake, causing my heart to respond by racing much too fast than I’d like it to.
“You ain’t from here, are ya? I’d remember you if you were.”
I shyly shake my head and fidget with my purse. “No, I just moved from Brooklyn.”
“Brooklyn, eh? Well then let me be gentlemanly enough to officially welcome you to the West Side!” He gives me a quick salut. “Name’s Balkan, from the Jets.”
My breath catches and I step away. “Jets? That’s the gang everyone talks about. I heard some people were almost killed in a fight last month.”
Balkan pockets his coin and holds up a steady hand, eyeing me with a calm demeanor.
“Yeah, there were a few close calls. But that was before the peace agreement. You got nothing to worry about.”
I want to believe him, but my father’s teachings are spinning through my head.
“My father’s a police officer. If you do anything to me, he will find you.”
There’s a noticeable spark in Balkan’s eyes, something that imitates fear. But it only lasts a split-second. He steps a few feet back and holds his hands out for me to see.
“I’m unarmed, I swear. I don’t want you to feel unsafe. What’s your name?”
He knows his law procedures. This is how dad says criminals are supposed to stand when they’re arrested. Has he ever been arrested? Calm down, Lottie. He asked a decent question. 
“I’m Lottie.” My voice shakes a little. “Nice to meet you, Balkan.”
Balkan nods respectfully. “That’s a pretty name. If you want you can call me Marcus. That’s my real name, Marcus Jackson.”
I’ll have dad run a background check on him later.
“Since you’re new, would you want me to show you around?”
Keep calm, relax. He’s just being friendly.
“Um, maybe some other time? During the day?”
It’s strange how Balkan isn’t getting annoyed by my paranoid behavior. He’s been nothing but respectful, which is something I don’t expect from a gang member.
“I get that. Is your home nearby? I wanna make sure you get there safely.”
I inch further away towards the direction of home. “I’d rather not have you know where I live, if you don’t mind. Now if you’ll excuse me.”
Taking a deep breath, I swiftly walk past the now-stuttering Jet.
“What’s it gonna take for you to trust me?”
I keep walking. “In Brooklyn I learned to trust nobody. People are disappointing, they will take what they want and spread lies when they’re through with you.”
Now Balkan is walking to keep up. “I’m sorry that happened, but not everyone is like that. It doesn’t have to be too serious. I’ll start.” He clears his throat. “Hello, my name is Marcus. I come from a broken family because my own father left when I was 5. I met the Jet leaders Tony and Riff a few years ago, and since then I've become one-a the Jets’ best fighters. I know that sounds whacky to you, but to me the Jets are my family.”
His sad background sounds like lots of the cases dad talks about at home. He says delinquents are unpredictable. But this is the first time I’ve heard the other side of the story.
I stop walking and look at Marcus with a different perspective. “I’m sorry you’ve had to go through that. We both have conflicted pasts, but that shouldn’t define the future. Would you, um, still be willing to walk me home?”
Dad’s going to kill me.
Marcus grins in delight and offers an arm. More gentleman than delinquent. “I’d luv to, Lottie.”
I take his arm and we resume walking. Another trait that surprises me is his smell. It’s mint. Like a fresh peppermint pattie.
“Why is your coin important to you?” Just keeping up the conversation.
“It was my old man’s. He gave it to me before he left, said a million-dollar fortune could be made out of a single coin.” Marcus shakes his head and laughs. “Some fortune now, huh?”
His unfaltering optimism is something to admire. “What is it you plan to do for a living after school?”
“Dunno, maybe something with mechanics. I’m pretty good with building things. Have you met Jackie yet?”
The name brings no familiarity. “No?”
“She works with me in the shop. Jackie’s Velma’s little sister.”
I grit my teeth. “I do know Velma. Her and Grazie are… interesting.”
Marcus chuckles. “Yeah, they can be a handful. Jackie ain't like that, though. She’s nice.”
I give him a questioning look. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Because you’re new here and I can tell you’s looking for friends. Am I right?”
Ok this guy’s growing on me. First he offers to take me home, now he’s taken interest in helping me fit in.
“Y-Yeah. I’m not too good at finding friends. Thank you.”
“No problem.” We turn the block and start walking down my street. “So what’s your plans for after school?”
I don’t wanna lie, but I feel that my planned career will make him feel embarrassed.
“Um, I’m looking into being a professor of anatomy.”
Marcus’ head swings to look at me with wild eyes. Here it comes. Go ahead, make fun of the weird, nerdy outcast newcomer-
“That’s amazing!”
I stare at him. “You’re not upset?”
Balkan repeatedly shakes his head, still smiling. “Why would I be? That’s a top-notch job! You must be one smart cookie, Lottie!”
I slowly realize that my brain isn’t going to get me mocked. “Thank you! Normally people hear that and think it’s crazy for a woman to be teaching at a university.” I bite my lip. “That’s- that’s actually part of the rumors I had back in Brooklyn. The girls used to say I was less feminine for wanting to take up a man’s job.”
Balkan stops walking and puts a hand on my shoulder. Earlier my instincts would’ve been to kick his crotch and run, but now I’m not afraid anymore.
“Those bitches don’t know what they’re saying. They’s jealous because you’s smarter than them, Lottie. Being smart don’t mean you’s less feminine. In fact, lots-a guys admire a goil with brains.” A smile grows on his face. “I know ‘cause I’m one-a them.”
Oh God. Steady, Lottie. But it’s no use. The walls I’ve built to keep people out are cracking. How has this man been able to make me feel special when he literally just met me?
“Who are you, Marcus Jackson?” I whisper. “You show up chasing a coin, a complete stranger. And now you treat me like an actual person.” My body reacts by giving him a soft hug, one that Marcus accepts gently.
“You’s a real nice goil, Lottie. Anyone should treat you like one.” I hear him sigh. “I’m probably gonna get killed for this.”  Before I can ask Marcus pulls away and looks down at me with soft eyes. “Lottie, would you maybe wanna go out with me sometime? It don’t have to be much, just- Maybe as friends?”
It’s a good thing Marcus is still holding me because if he wasn’t I’d be crumbling to the floor.
“You mean that? An actual date?” I can’t hide my excitement. “No one’s ever asked before. Are you sure?”
The Jet boy’s eyes widen. “Yes! Yes, a thousand times yes!”
Through my sudden happiness I feel tears beginning to form. “I’d luv to, Marcus. But first-” I give a small laugh. “You should probably meet my parents first.”
He doesn’t even flinch. “Absolutely!”
“Good! Because… This is me.” I point to the door of the small house we’re standing in front of.
“Nice place,” the Jet compliments.
“Thank you. Would you like to come in? Dad won’t be home for another hour but I can ask if you can stay for dinner.”
Marcus looks as if I’d just offered him a million dollars. “Um, yeah! I mean, if it’s alright with your folks- Am I dressed well enough?”
I can’t help but laugh at his adorable statement. “You’re fine, Marcus.” Taking his hand, I lead him to the front door and lead him deeper into my life.
“Mother! I’m home! I brought some company.”
“Hello, dear!” Mother comes bustling from the kitchen. When she sees Balkan she freezes and her eyes narrow. “Lottie, who is this man?” she asks in a stern voice.
I give Marcus’ hand a squeeze. “Mother, this is Marcus. He walked me home from work.”
The Jet sets himself in a respectful stance. “Good evening, ma’am. I just wanted to make sure your daughter got home safe. I meant no disrespect.”
“Could he stay for dinner?” I ask hopefully.
Mother stews over my words with a conflicted expression. “Could I talk with you for a moment? Your friend can wait outside.”
That’s not exactly a no. Balkan doesn’t seem to mind because he gives a nod and walks back out without question. Once he’s gone, mother rushes over to put her hands on my shoulders.
“Sweetie, I am so happy you are trying to socialize. But is that boy the kind of crowd you think is right to be around?”
My confidence doesn’t slip. “I didn’t trust him either, but Marcus is a good man even if he is part of the Jets. You know how hard I’ve had it trying to find friends, mom. Well, Marcus and I are both starting with a clean slate. He’s not like the criminals dad deals with.”
Mother lets out a deep sigh. “Your father may not be happy at first.”
“I know. But please at least let him stay for dinner? Give him a chance for you to warm up to him.”
I think my goose is cooked. My parents have always been strict, and someone like Balkan isn’t exactly the prime example of dinner company-
“Very well, he can stay.” Mother’s worried look changes to a smile. “We’ve raised you well enough to have good judgment. I’m sure this young man is quite catching enough for you to bring him home. You’re growing up so fast, Lottie!” She gives me one last squeeze. “Alright, let him in.”
Feeling full of giddy hope I rush back to the door and open it to find an anxious-looking Balkan.
“My mother passed her blessing for you to join us! Come right in.”
Marcus looks like I just hung the moon. “O-Ok!”
I show him to the dining room and we both help set the table. Mother keeps a watchful eye as she brings out dishes of chicken and potatoes, but relaxes after she starts to see Marcus isn’t a threat.
“We usually eat before dad gets home,” I explain as we sit down. “Sometimes he gets overbooked with paperwork and doesn’t want us waiting too long.” I lean in and whisper: “You’ve met my mom, now you just need to survive my dad.”
Balkan’s face freezes in a look of new-found terror, but mother just laughs.
“I’ll talk him into it,” she assures. “Your father may be the head of the house, but the mother is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants.”
Marcus and I grab hands under the table, and for once in my life I’m glad we moved from Brooklyn. This new start is refreshing for both me and Marcus, one that I hope will lead to something special.
(Sneaked in a My Big Fat Greek Wedding reference!)
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luwritesomething · 2 years
if requests r still open i would love to request some jealous riff from west side story headcanons! Just some simple stuff of riff meeting genderneutral!readers ex lol. ty for reading <33
Riff Heacanons: Jealousy.
Warnings: Swearing lol
Edited?: Like always, no.
Reader's pronouns: Not stated, gender neautral.
Summary: Just some headcanons with our little boy Riff.
Author's note: again, sorry sorry sorry for taking so long to answer :( i've been busy and unmotivated. i feel like this is very short, sorry again, but i hope you like it!! criticism is appreciated, and request are still open.
riff is a jealous dude.
it's not that he doesn't trust you --- he does, especially if he's daying you for real ---, it's more like he doesn't trust other people around you because, for him, you're everything good in this world, the hope he had lost.
but he still trusts you to tell them to fuck off if they try to make a move.
he's very physical, not only when he's jealous, but when he is you can bet he's gonna have an arm around your waist or directly eat your face out in front of whoever you are.
he's the kind that watches from a corner that interaction he thinks it's shady, narrowing his eyes and with his jaw tightly clenched.
barging into your conversations like that has always get him in trouble with you because you love him but you like your bondaries and the trust, but he swears it's because he loves you.
poor baby is so scared you'll find someone better than him (in his opinion, this is incredibly easy) and leave him.
reassuring is something you had never imagined you would have to do with him, but it's very common for him to end up going mute as you try to tell him there's no one that could steal your attention like he still does everyday.
anyways, going to the point,,,
let's say that your ex isn't part of the jets (not of the sharks, either), and neither are you because that would include a whole shit ass explanation of why you ended up with riff --- you just did, alright? :D
okay so let's say you're going on about your day in the jet part of the neighborhood, running some errands, knowing that riff is watching you from the corner of the street where he's at with his boys.
you've grown very fond of his attention, little gestures like those --- he watches over you from the place he's at, so he doesn't overwhelm you contantly with his bubbly persona but showing he still cares.
and uh-oh, now you're facing your ex.
things didn't end up great between you two, although it wasn't too bad either. still, you would've liked to run away from that situation, but before you can turn around and act like you haven't seen them before they lay eyes on you, they wave their hand at you and you're doomed to make some small talk with them.
your ex has always been a very charismatic and friendly person, which leads into you two talking probably more than what you've expected.
and riff noticed this from his place in the street.
he's able to wait for ten solid minutes before he pats diesel in the shoulder and he starts walking towards you two, unbothered face but a strong glimmer in his eyes.
you know it's him as soon as he rests his calloused hand on your waist, squeezing lightly --- the kind of squeeze he gives when he gets jealous.
the signs of him being jealous are easy to pick on, but you still look up to him when he reaches you, watching amusedly how serious yet cool he looks --- he tries too hard, you'd notice even with a blindfold.
"hey, buddy boy."
that's the cue for you to put your hand on top of his, to keep him grounded from saying something too harsh.
it makes him relax every time, that touch of security that let's him know he still has that special connection with you he can't describe.
your ex is a nice person and them doesn't notice that riff is jealous, and you're smart enough to instantly introduce riff as your boyfriend.
the thing ends happily, like it usually does.
sometimes, though, riff would go a bit out of leash when the person talking to you is shamelessly flirty to you with him still there.
he has never throw hands because he knows you don't like violence, especially not when it's about you.
but sometimes his snarky remarks annoy you a bit.
you always forgive him, though, because he ends up apologizing sooner or later and you'll always work things out <3
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mcumorningstar · 7 days
Friday Nights
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pairing: riff (wss) x reader
warnings: 18+, minors dni, oral (m receiving), exhibitionism
summary: After having Riff’s hands all over you at the dance, you can’t help but pull him away into the shadows.
a/n: mike faist world domination ‼️ I’m hyperfixating so bad rn. He’s just so gorgeous.
“Where the fuck is Riff?”
The Jets without dates shrugged from their places on the outskirts of the dance floor. Ice clenched his jaw, his date securely tucked underneath his arm.
“He’s dancing with… Y/N…” Baby John scanned the crowd of dancing couples, failing to see either one of you.
“Numbers and Action left with their girls so if anything happens without Riff here, we’re outnumbered,” Ice said pointedly to the Jets within earshot.
Mouthpiece and A-Rab nodded, as Ice and his date rejoined the dance floor.
Unbeknownst to them, you had taken Riff’s hand halfway through a number and weaved him out of the crowd underneath the bleachers.
You found privacy there and, after the past few hours of being so close to him, you couldn’t deny yourself any longer.
As soon as you were in the shadows of the bleachers, you crowded him against the wall of steps.
“We should go,” Riff panted with pink kiss-bitten lips as your hungry mouth moved to his neck, licking and sucking his sweat-salted skin.
You shook your head with a mischievous grin, “I wanna keep dancing… Just need you to myself for a couple minutes.”
“Oh yeah?” A wide smirk plastered across Riff’s lips and his eyebrows lifted, looking down at you. His strong hands gripped your hips tighter and held you close to him.
You and Riff had been going steady for a few weeks. He treated you to milkshakes at the diner, he took you dancing every Friday night without fail and you two even went to the drive-in movie theatre once.
He was certainly charming.
But you weren’t sure you were quite there yet. Riff has a special way of making your stomach swirl but the Jets had a reputation amongst your friends for being… town bikes.
“Yeah, I like seeing you like this,” You smiled, letting that hang in the silence for a moment before taking a step back, “Wanna head back?”
Riff watched you with half-hooded eyes as you straightened your appearance. His hair was mused and his cheeks were rosy pink.
Looking through the gaps between the stairs, Riff assessed the dance hall. Lonely singles sat above you, waiting to be asked to dance, their shoes tapping to the beat of the music against the bleachers.
Did he want to go back..? Riff would rather spend the rest of the night hidden away with you, but you wanted to dance so he’ll dance.
He turned back to you and stood up straight, “Let me cool off for a minute.”
The bulge in his trousers was evident as he stepped further out of the shadows. It looked sizeable and you couldn’t tear your eyes away from it.
Riff adjusted himself and the front of his trousers, straightening out his shirt and collar.
“You need a hand?”
The words escaped your mouth before you could think and Riff almost snapped his neck turning to look at you.
Silence hung between you for what felt like eternity but was in actuality a few seconds.
“I mean… if you want,” You shrugged, only now realising that you were ready to give yourself to Riff in that way.
“Sweetheart of course I want that,” Riff took your face between his hands, “Are you sure? We can just go back to dancing.”
Wordlessly, you wrapped your fingers around his belt and pulled him closer, your hips flushed to his. His unfastened belt buckle caught against your hand as you tugged down his zipper and lowered to your knees.
Riff helped you pull his boxer briefs low enough to free his aching cock. You gasped at his size and he groaned at your reaction to him, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear.
He was being so gentle with you. It was hard not to give him your all right away.
You started with kitten licks and soft kisses to his shaft, running your fingers through his happy trail and settling your hand on his thigh.
The other held the base of him as your tongue traced the vein across the underside of his cock.
Riff groaned from deep in his chest, gripping a metal bar from the bleachers framework above him. His other hand flailed in the air as he struggled to decide whether to hold onto you or not.
The hand on Riff’s cock ran along his toned stomach and took his free hand in yours, interlocking your fingers, as you wrapped your lips around him and took him into your throat.
“You can take it sweetheart,” Riff encouraged, his voice thick with lust.
Bobbing your head up and down, you worked up a rhythm that had Riff tipping his head back and biting his bottom lip.
He managed to muffle most of his moans and heaving breaths but the slick sounds coming from your mouth around him were hard for him to ignore.
Luckily the lively Jazz music of the dance hall bounced around the room, concealing your noise.
“Fuck baby, you’re so good at this,” Riff praised, low and rumbling. A smile graced your face despite your mouth stretching around Riff’s thick cock.
You moaned in appreciation, the vibrations making Riff moan and buck his hips, pushing his cock deeper down your throat.
Saliva dripped down his cock onto his balls. You pulled back to catch your breath, kissing his hand before untangling your fingers from his and stroking him.
Gripping him at the base, you took him in your mouth again and worked up another rhythm to prolong his pleasure.
Sweat beaded at his temples and his chest heaved. Riff wrapped his hand around the side of your neck, his thumb tilting your head back to meet your eyes.
The sight of him above you, ruined by pleasure, made you moan. The vibrations made Riff shiver. You met his eyes and his muscles trembled, pleasure shooting through him.
“Oh baby I’m gonna cum,” Riff groaned, biting his lip. His grip on the bleachers framework tightened, his bicep bulged and the veins in his forearm protruded.
You smiled giddily around his cock and reached up to massage his balls. A sinful moan sprung from his throat and his head fell back, ropes of warm salty cum coating the back of your throat.
Swallowing everything he gave you, you couldn’t help but laugh. Riff tried to catch his breath, a sheen of sweat coated his skin.
You rose to your feet, refastening his trousers and belt before tucking his shirt in and straightening it out.
Riff wrapped his arms around you and pulled you flushed against him. His face buried in the crook of your neck and pressed soft kisses to your skin.
You stood like that for a moment before pulling away. Riff looked you over before crouching and brushing his fingers against your slightly scuffed knees.
“Worth it,” You giggled as Riff stood to his full height, towering over you. He adjusted your dress and ran a thumb under your bottom lip, tidying your smudged lipstick.
“Beautiful,” Riff whispered with adoration in his eyes.
An arm wrapped around your waist and held you close, “Ready to dance, girly girl?”
“Just one more kiss and then we dance,” You rose onto your tiptoes, meeting him halfway and kissing him with raw passion.
Riff pulled away, barely an inch, “Just so you know, I’m returning the favour as soon as you let me.”
“You’ll have no complaints from me,” You kissed him quickly and nipped at his lip before taking his hand and heading back to the dance floor.
The eagle-eyed Jets whooped as you and Riff reappeared, less put-together than when they last saw you.
“Enough’a that,” Riff was stern but in good spirits, pulling you under his arm as you giggled.
The Jets fell silent, despite mischievous smirks and knowing looks.
None of the Jet boys would ever say anything to you. Riff was their leader and he’d have their necks if so much as one bad word went against you.
You were his girly girl, his sweetheart, his.
“C’mon doll, let’s dance,” Riff grinned down at you, swerving you between other dancing couples to the centre of the room, “Wanna show you off… and then you’re coming home with me.”
At that, your mouth went dry. Riff bit his lip as he watched you swallow thickly.
After a moment to recover, a smirk twitched at your lips and you wrapped your arms around his neck, “One more song then we go.”
Riff dipped his head to capture your lips with his before twirling and dipping you in time with the music.
You couldn’t wait for what was to follow, and every Friday night to come.
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kqulitz · 1 year
bassist girl
bill kaulitz x reader
summary: bill tries to get you to take a break from practicing.
tags: established relationship, fluff, reader plays bass (obviously lol), cuddles!!, (tom makes an appearance bc i love them equally and i’ll feel bad for leaving him out), platonic tom/reader
lowercase intended :)
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
your fingers ache, yet you’re determined to get the notes right. the others had already gone out, probably mooching around town whilst the tour bus was stopped for a break. bill was sat on the bed across from you, which you couldn’t tell if it belonged to georg or gustav as they kept swapping based on who got on the bus first. his dark eyes are staring, yet it doesn’t make your skin crawl nor make you uncomfortable. “do you think you need a break?” he asks, you hum. “no. i’ll get it.”
the notes aren’t complicated, yet they require faster hand movements to make sure it fits with the flow of the song. bill’s eyes flicker between your concentrated face and your hand, watching it move then restart when you couldn’t quite capture what you wanted. “such a perfectionist.” he muses, clearly teasing. “you say that like tom isn’t.” you shoot back, glancing up at him with a small smile on your lips. “he doesn’t neglect his basic needs because he can’t cant a riff right.” bill gets up, moving to lean on the counter beside you. you sigh. “it’s a complicated riff. this has to be good otherwise i’ll fuck up our next show..!” you grumble, relaxing a little as his fingers comb through your hair. “you’re putting too much pressure on yourself. your finger work is amazing.” bill tells you, hand moving down to brush against your cheek. you exhale slowly through your nose, ignoring the pain in your fingertips as you begin the riff again.
bill sits beside you on the bed, shoulder resting against yours. you have to adjust your bass to accommodate him, it puts a lot more strain on your wrist. “take a break, mein hübsches mädchen.” (my pretty girl) you sigh. “i can’t. not until this is right.” you respond. bill’s slender fingers wrap around the neck of your bass guitar, slowly pulling it away from you. you let him, slumping back. “i’m gonna fuck up our next show, i know it.” you pout. bill frowns. “you won’t. you’re an amazing player.” he leans in, gently kissing your lips. “you’re just saying that to make me feel better.” you smile a little. your boyfriend hums. “is it working?” he asks, standing up to put your bass away for you. “yeah…”
bill returns, climbing on top of you and hiding his face into your neck, his arms wrapping around your middle. “you’ll be fine. you’ve done this riff a lot before.” bill mumbles, lips brushing against your skin. “but i haven’t done it recently.” you frown, squeezing him closer. bill rolls his eyes, moving his head to steal a kiss. “you’ll be fine, meine maus. it’s just nerves.” (my mouse) he smiles, rolling to his side with you so the two of you could cuddle more comfortably. you huddle close to him, letting your hands rest against his back. footsteps moving up into the tour bus don’t bother either of you. “jesus- can you two not?” you can hear the eye roll in tom’s voice. “hau ab.” (get lost) bill responds, a smile on his face.
tom flops down onto his bunk above the two of you, rummaging through his backpack as he went out to get snacks for everyone. “where are the others?” you ask him, yet tom shrugs (even though you couldn’t see him). “i don’t know, they went off without me.” tom sighs, leaning over the edge as he offers the two of you some snacks. bill snatches them up, “aw, poor tommy.” he teases his twin who scoffs. “give me those back-“ he jokingly lunges for the snacks, which bill shields away. you can’t help but laugh, watching tom break into a cheeky smile as his sits up again. he continues getting some stuff out, eventually you hear his gameboy turn on. “tom, have you got jet set radio?” you ask him, listening as he checks his bag again. “uhh… yeah, i do.” he responds. “fuck yeah. bring it down here.” you part from bill who pouts at you. “fiiine. only if you share your snacks with me.” tom hops down from his bunk, joining the two of you.
you end up sandwiched between the twins playing jet set radio as the two of you argue about which pokémon starter was best. bill occasionally feeds you some snacks, much to tom’s fake disgust. “i think she’s gonna beat your score.” bill mutters, kissing your shoulder. “of course i am. jet set radio is my favourite game..!” you giggle. “i don’t mind.” tom shrugs, pushing some more chips into his mouth. “you should, she’ll destroy your ego.” bill teases, watching his twin roll his eyes. “i don’t really play jet set radio anymore, she can have it.” he responds. “thanks, tom.” you chirp, yet your eyes don’t leave the screen of his gameboy as you work away at the score. bill leans his head against yours, watching you easily beat his brother’s highest score. it made him feel rather proud.
“i’m glad you’re taking a break.” he mumbles. you hum softly. “you two better not be flirting.” tom teases, nudging your leg with his foot. “we’re not.” you assure him, smiling as bill’s hand rests on your thigh. “when are the other two gonna get back..?” bill sighs, leaning back against your pillows. “they’re probably getting dinner, it’s getting quite late.” you shrug, glancing up at the clock. “i hope they bring something good.” tom replies, yet his brother scoffs. “you’ve just ate three bags of chips!” he points out, yet tom shrugs. “i haven’t eaten all day!” he defends. the level completes and you hand the gameboy back to tom. “done. try and beat that.” you grin, watching his eyebrows raise in surprise. “i definitely won’t be able to beat that.” he laughs, showing bill who nods. “i told you she’d destroy your ego.”
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anthem of the heart
(jake kiszka x reader) 18+
summary: you and your best friend move into a new apartment after college, wanting a fresh start in nashville. however, you come to find that your neighbors are musicians. very loud musicians who like to keep you up at night. especially one, who likes to bother you on purpose. you would hate him… if he wasn’t so hot.
warnings for overall series: eventual SMUT!!!, angst, mentions of past abuse (not jake), abuse (not jake), mentions of past sexual assault (not jake), sexual assault (not jake), enemies to lovers, cursing, let me know if I missed any. (i’m still making this series up as I go along so it might change)
warnings for this chapter: SMUT, unprotected p in v (WRAP IT UP), oral (m rec), dom!jake, jealous jake 😩, katoptronophilia (mirror kink), breeding kink (if you squint), spanking, kissing, cursing, let me know if I missed any!
author’s note: heyyyy! sorry for the long wait! I was on a small road trip with some friends so I took a break! although, I think this installment will be worth it ;). thank you again for all the love on this series! let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list! as always, please feel free to give me feedback, requests, comments, etc. enjoy!!!
• • •
Chapter Nine:
you were ecstatic.
you practically skipped out of the building and down the street. you were so happy nothing could ruin it.
immediately you called kaylee (because bros before hoes) and told her.
“NO. FUCKING. WAY!!!! i’m so happy for you!!! ok, we’re definitely celebrating tonight!!!”
you laughed and agreed before hanging up to text jake.
“guess what? I got the job!!!”, you sent.
you put your phone away and started walking to the parking garage.
almost immediately, you got a text back.
“I knew you would.”
you were unable to contain the smile that grew on your face. then another text came in.
“proud of you.”
your heart skipped a beat and you felt like flying.
getting in your car, you turned it on and buckled your seatbelt. then you screamed, pushing all your happiness to exit your soul. you screamed till you lungs got tight and there was no more air to be released. it wasn’t going to work, though. you just accepted that you were going to feel amazing today.
you drove home listening to oldies and drumming your fingers on the wheel. your joy was infectious and you were so excited to get home and relax before celebrating.
you raced inside your apartment building and nearly sprinted up the stairs to your floor. as soon as you opened your front door, kaylee was running to you. she grabbed your hands and you both jumped up and down screaming excitedly.
“you have got to tell me EVERYTHING!” she was using her squeaky, high voice.
just as you were opening your mouth to speak, an electric guitar cut you off. the riff was fast and sharp. it cut through the air and straight into your brain when you realized that it was are you gonna be my girl by jet.
you grinned and kaylee knew immediately what was going on.
“ughhh, you can tell me later. go see what mr. hendrix wants.”
you squeezed her hands, silently thanking her and promising you’d be fast.
you didn’t even get to knock before the door swung open, and you saw him.
jake stood there in front of you playing the last few notes of the song. you smiled at him, loving watching him play for you. he finished and looked up to smirk at you.
“hi, stranger”, you teased as you walked right by him and into the apartment.
he closed the door, shaking his head and simpering. he almost threw his guitar off and to the side as he made his way to you.
he sprinted over to you and tackled you in a hug. you wrapped your arms around his neck and he moved you in closer by your waist. you couldn’t help but squeal in delight as he lifted you off the ground and spun you in a circle.
jake let you back down and pulled away to look you in the eyes.
“congratulations!” he beamed at you. “this is amazing for you.”
“I know, thank you!”
“aaaaand…”, he trailed. “I have news too.”
you raised your eyebrows, eager to know.
“the band booked a set at the basement.”
“the basement?”, you questioned.
“a rock bar not far from here. it’s known for making local talent into household names.” his eyes were lighting up just talking about this event. you could tell it was something he had been waiting for.
“what? that’s so so great! what time tonight?”
“8”, he smiled from ear to ear. but then he backtracked a little, “well, you don’t have to come if you don’t want to. you’ve had a big day and I would completely understand if you wanted to stay home and relax-“
“jake, stop. of course i’m coming. my roommate, kaylee, and I were planning on going to celebrate anyway.” you grinned at him, showing that you meant every word you were saying.
“and plus”, you added, “kaylee hasn’t seen you play yet. she’s only heard it through the wall.”
you both laughed, and you instantly realized you wanted to hear his laugh on repeat for the rest of your life.
“let’s hope she’ll come around to it”, he encouraged, eyes locked on you.
you got butterflies.
“so”, he began, “see you at 8?”
“i’ll be there”, you leaned in and kissed him. then, pulling away, added, “baby.”
his blush crept up on his cheeks, at a loss for words. it was finally time for you to leave him speechless.
you backed up and turned, leaving his apartment with a small sway of your hips.
now to get ready to celebrate.
a couple hours later, you were just finishing up your makeup and dabbing a little more glitter on your eyes. you were going for a heavier look tonight: a bit of contour, blush, a smoky eye with glitter, and a swipe of black honey on your lips. you paired this makeup with a sparkly black party dress and black strappy kitten heels.
you looked damn good.
it was very much a bar look; seductive and darker than you would normally go. but you wanted to let loose tonight. and as much as you wanted to dress up for jake, you wanted to make sure that this night was mainly in celebration of the accomplishments you had made in your career.
as well as the perfect outfit and makeup, you made sure to put work into your hair. you wanted it to look freshly blown out, so you were fluffing it up with some product.
“hey, you ready to go?”, kaylee called to you from the living room.
“yep, i’m ready!” you met her out there, still messing with your hair.
“oh, honey”, she took in your appearance. “it’s perfect. you look amazing.”
“thank you!”, you replied giddily. “now let’s go!”
the drive to the bar was full of you and kaylee singing to the radio. you were both horrible at singing but loved belting your favorite pop songs.
after you both finished screaming one of your favorites, you turned down the radio and asked her a question.
“hey, did anything ever happen with aaron?”
you had been so caught up with your own love life that you had completely forgotten about kaylee’s. she had had one serious boyfriend in college, tom, but ever since they broke up a year ago, she’s been enjoying one night stands. aaron was one of the moving guys who became her latest one night stand.
“nope”, she popped the ‘p’ harshly. “just another player who left before I could wake up.”
you reached over from the drivers seat and squeezed her hand, “aww i’m so sorry, kay.”
she scoffed and looked at you, “I just need a quiet type, you know? one that wants to take me on picnic dates and walks on the beach. someone who thinks flowers aren’t ‘too expensive’.”
that last jab was directed at tom because of what he told her when she asked why he never got her flowers. but then again, you expected that from him. you always had a bad feeling about him.
“one that won’t leave you in the middle of a movie to go get drunk with his friends at a strip club?” you were referring to an infamous incident that tom did.
she glared at you, “exactly. someone completely different than him. different than all the other dumbass dicks that I attract. someone sweet and caring.”
you agreed. there was nobody you wanted to see kaylee with than a sweet guy who treated her like the queen she was.
you pulled into the bar and parked in the back. the prominent ‘The Basement’ sign adorned the front and made you antsy. the reality of being out again was intoxicatingly fun. it had been at least 6 months since you went out with kaylee, so this was long overdue.
you entered the front door, taking in the buzz of neon signs that made the whole place glow with blue and red.
it was definitely a rock bar. the energy that seeped from every crevice of this place was edgy to say the least. but you liked it, a lot.
it didn’t take you long to spot jake and the rest of the boys setting up on the stage.
jake was clad in some dark jeans, a nice belt, and a dark blue button up with the sleeves rolled up. the fact that it was a button up was ironic because only a few buttons were connected, leaving his chest open to show the many chains and medallions that dangled from his neck. he also had some chelsea boots and rings on. he was stunning.
you would’ve waved, but he was currently concentrated on the wires connecting to his guitar pedal. he hadn’t seen you yet, so you decided to let him be and go get a drink.
the bar was starting to fill steadily, so you were surprised that you found such good seats at the bar. they were directly across from the stage, giving you a perfect view of the band. you quickly claimed them and got the bartender’s attention to order yourself a vodka redbull.
you were gonna get fucking blitzed tonight.
kaylee ordered a coke. you had begged her to drink with you, promising to uber there and back so you wouldn’t have to worry about a dd. but she declined, saying that she wanted to personally look after you tonight. you had grumbled but ultimately agreeing and trusting her judgment. the bartender returned with your drinks, shooting you both a wink.
just then, that all too familiar guitar strum pierced through the chatter of the bar. they were all set up and about to start. you were almost shaking in excitement. if this was going to be anything like what you heard in the studio with them, you were eager to see everyone else’s reaction to their talent.
josh grabbed the microphone, “how we feeling tonight?”
there was scattered applause and you whooped a little to show more support. hearing your voice, jake’s ears perked up and started scanning the bar.
he found you after a second and you could see him suck in a breath. his eyes dragged up and down your body as you sat there in your short dress, legs crossed and straw in between your plump lips.
he grinned and shook his head slightly, looking up.
josh swatted jake on the arm, signaling him to be ready for his cue. josh got close to the microphone again, announcing, “we’re greta van fleet.”
a beat.
“do it jakey”, josh whispered.
with that, jake squatted and started to play a booming riff. he locked eyes with you as he played, making you squirm in your seat.
the riff was so good it urged you to tap your foot. the beat was slowly growing heavier, the drums getting louder. it was building, building, building. then, the drums pounded once and jake played the final part of the riff, allowing josh to erupt in sound.
his voice was raspy and unique, making people’s eyes get wide.
“oohhhhhhhhhhhhhh mama.”
kaylee shot you a shocked look, shouting over the music, “this is crazy good.”
you smiled and agreed.
“we’re stopping at the green light, girl, cause I wanna get your signal.”
as josh sang, you focused on everyone else in the room. they were starting to nod their heads and get into the groove. you were so proud of jake in this moment, seeing all his work making other people happy.
you glanced back at him, meeting his eyes, and smiled big.
“ooohhhh, sugarrr”, josh finished.
the crowd went crazy. a wave of applause flooded the room, your clapping being the loudest.
“thank you very much”, josh began. “we feeling better now?”
the crowd roared a bit more and josh laughed. off to the side, you could see jake switching his electric for an acoustic and you were intrigued. “that was a song we call highway tune. and now, as a treat, we’re going to play a new song that will be on our upcoming ep. this is flower power.”
you instantly remembered that this was one of the songs you had helped them with and became ready to listen intently. not that you expected them to utilize your advice, you knew your place as a non-musician who probably didn’t know best, but you were buzzed to see what they had done with it.
the acoustic melody started, immersing you in the energy of the song. you swayed and hummed to it.
then your cheeks started to heat up as jake moved closer to the mic, and made eye contact with you again.
“she is a lady comes from all around”
his voice was just as good as you remembered hearing this morning. it was sweet but deep, and it ignited a fire in between your legs. you tried not to be too obvious about it, squeezing your legs together, and kept your eyes on jake as he sang.
in that moment, you felt like it was just you and jake in that bar. jake playing and singing just for you. just what you had been begging him not to do a few days ago.
it’s crazy how much can change in so little time.
it was so beautiful but fleeting.
as soon as the first verse was done, jake stepped back and let josh resume the rest of the song. you tried not to let the slight disappointment linger on your face. you did love josh’s voice too.
the next few songs flew by in a wave of guitar and drums. before you knew it, josh was waving his hand and saying, “thank you for having us. we’re greta van fleet, goodnight!”
you realized then that you had never knew the name of their band before tonight. greta van fleet. you liked it a lot.
you and kaylee gushed about how good the performance was while the boys loaded their equipment back up.
after a good amount of time and 2 drinks down, they all approached you.
you instantly wrapped your arms around jake, whispering, “you guys were amazing.” you pulled back and added to the rest of the boys too, “just truly incredible! the performance was unreal.”
they all expressed their thanks at once, smiling wide.
you went back to jake’s ear, hugging him again, “so proud.”
he squeezed you harder and you giggled.
his mouth found your ear and murmured, “what’s really unreal is this fucking dress. good god baby, did you want me to have a heart attack on stage?”
you laughed, pulling away, and nodded, biting your lip.
you weren’t gonna lie, you were a little tipsy and it was making him that much more irresistible.
but then he turned to introduce himself to kaylee. she scanned him up and down, giving him a look, “so you’re the one that’s been giving her trouble?”
jake winked, “the one and only.”
she shook her head, smiling and softly saying, “oh lord.”
you stepped forward and pointed at each of the guys, “jake, josh, sam, and danny, this is my roommate, kaylee.”
she waved and greeted them with a “hello, nice to meet y’all.”
danny was first to speak up, “sorry for all the noise.”
kaylee laughed, “apology accepted after that performance.”
“thank you, thank you. it seems like the crowd liked it.” danny’s eyes fixed on kaylee in a way you recognized quickly.
“it was great! so, you play the drums?”
their conversation kept going easily and the look on both of their faces led you to believe it was going to continue for a while.
you turned back to the bar, getting the bartenders attention and ordering one more drink.
“of course, little miss,” the bartender sweet talked.
jake’s arm snaked around your waist, pulling you close. you looked up at him and found that a tinge of hardness had poisoned his face.
was he… jealous?
the bartender returned with your drink and you thanked him. he grinned at you, but then caught jake’s glare and slowly backed away and left. jake’s grip on your waist had gotten tighter and you could definitely tell now.
he was pissed.
he grabbed your drink and set it on the bar, taking your hand and muttering, “let’s go.”
he pulled you through the place and to a back corner where the restrooms were. he flung you in one, and you quickly became thankful that it was a private bathroom with no stalls.
he locked the door and, without another word, attacked your mouth. his lips closed around yours as his hands found the back of your head to hold you there.
then his one of his hands gripped your hair and pulled, exposing your neck. his mouth moved down to litter your neck in hickeys and his other hand groped your breast. you breathed heavily, feeling overstimulated in the best way.
he broke away, the hand that was on your boob now moved to close around your neck gently; just enough to hold pressure and get your attention. meanwhile, the hand in your hair moved in between your legs and he growled in satisfaction when he felt that you had forgone panties tonight. his skilled fingers swiped through your folds, gathering some of your slick from him kissing you, and held it up in front of your eyes.
“you really think that twig out there could do this to you, huh? do you think he could drive you crazy like I do? make this pretty pussy this wet? I don’t fucking think so.”
with that, he spun you around to face the mirror. his hand was still on your neck, forcing you to look at yourself and him positioned behind you. he then reached into his back jean pocket and pulled out a white lace thong, one you recognized immediately.
it was yours from last night.
he dangled it in front of your face and his teeth grazed your ear, “i’ve been thinking about you all day. thinking about how good you take me, how tight you are, how fucking sweet that pussy is.”
you gasped slightly, his words making you hotter and hotter. he knew exactly what to say to make you have to rub your thighs together to relieve yourself a little. it was too much for you, and you were going to show him what you were capable of.
you removed his hand from your throat and faced him, quickly dropping to your knees. he threw your underwear on the counter, stepping back to give you room in front of him. you undid his belt, hands working quickly. you tugged his pants down just far enough to release him, his hard dick almost hitting his stomach.
your mouth instantly watered, needing him to fill you up. you started small, gripping him and planting a sweet kiss to his tip. he chuckled darkly and messed his hand in your hair, “good girl.”
you took it a step further, licking the whole underside of him. he shivered and groaned slightly, bucking his hips. you couldn’t help it anymore, taking him in your mouth as deep as you could. he gasped and moaned, throwing his head back. you started to move up and down, letting your tongue dance around the curves and veins of him.
“mmm, eager little slut, aren’t you?”
you sucked him harder in response, eyes trained on him, making his knees almost buckle. his hand moved you up and down on him, groaning with his eyes closed. he was getting more frantic as he watched you suck him, his hips stuttering.
“fuck, stop”, he pulled you off of him in a hurry, his chest heaving and his cheeks red. grabbing your jaw, he said breathlessly, “you almost made me cum, baby. fucking shit, I need you now.”
he urgently helped you up and bent you over the sink, your eyes finding the mirror. you watched him as he hiked up your dress, his mouth agape and eyebrows furrowing. his eyes flicked up to yours and he lined up with your entrance.
he entered you, stretching you deliciously. you moaned loudly, finally getting satisfaction to a craving you had had all day and night.
he encouraged you, slipping in and out easily, “that’s it, baby. let him hear how good I make you feel. show him how well I take care of this pussy.”
all you could do was moan and watch him fuck you from behind through the mirror. his hair started sticking to the sweat on his face as he pounded you, making him shine in the dim bar lighting. his dangling medallions swayed with his movements, making a metallic clang with every hard thrust.
jake was so good. too good.
you were already getting close, gripping around him and moaning louder. he reached over and grabbed your thong, pushing it into your open mouth and effectively gagging you.
“I want you to watch as I make you cum, do you understand me? you’re gonna watch me claim this pretty pussy.”
you did as he ordered you, watching him thrust into you and seeing yourself fall apart on his cock. his tip was nudging your cervix and your eyes watered. it was too pleasurable to describe, and your arms were close to giving out.
neither of you had ever looked better than you did right now. his eyes were glazed in lust and both your bodies flexed as he used your hips as leverage to work himself in and out of you. your faces contorted in pleasure, mouths letting go pleas of release and profanity. you could stay in this moment forever.
he sped up his thrusts and you could feel the warmth in your belly rise. his eyes locked on yours as he raised his hand and brought it down to slap your ass. hard.
that kicked you over the edge, and your high swallowed you whole.
it was a good thing that jake had gagged you because, even with the gag, you were sure people could hear you screaming over the booming music. he kept going, fueled by your orgasm, fucking you frantically before letting himself go.
he shuddered and came inside of you, your eyes still locked through the mirror. after his breathing slowed and his eyes started to droop, he slowly pulled out. you spit out your thong and stood back up to face him as he was rebuckling his belt.
he grinned at you, “could he make you come like that?”
“absolutely not.” you weren’t even lying, that was one of the best orgasms you had ever had.
“good.” he leaned forward and kissed you softly on your lips. “now, put those on”, he pointed to your thong and got close to your ear to say, “to hide the fact that i’m dripping out of you.”
“jake!”, you scolded. you bit your lip, imagining his cum leaking out of your pussy. to be honest, you weren’t sure what he could do that you wouldn’t find mind-blowingly hot.
you put on the panties and adjusted your dress as he reached to wipe your smudged makeup.
“did I tell you how fucking hot you look tonight?”
“I kinda figured you thought that after you fucked me senseless over the bathroom counter”, you added humorously.
he laughed and looked at you seriously, “you look perfect, just unreal. sometimes I have to pinch myself when i’m with you, you’re like a beautiful dream.”
your eyes almost watered, his sweet words pulling at you heart strings. you stood on your tip toes to kiss his cheek softly. you both smiled, lost in the daze of each other.
he was the first to break the trance, unlocking and opening the door for you, “milady.”
“good sir”, you played along.
walking back to the bar with his arm around your shoulder, you caught a glimpse of kaylee’s dark hair. as you came closer, you saw that she was kissing someone.
your eyebrows furrowed in immediate confusion as you hurried over to her.
“kaylee, what?”
her head whipped around, embarrassed and red, revealing who she had been kissing:
you and jake’s jaws dropped.
• • •
I mean…? can we blame anybody here? absolutely not.
tag list: @gvfpal @hollyco @piratejakesgf @sunandthemoontwinflames @kiszkas-canvas @jjwasneverhere @anythingforjtk
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mikedfaist · 3 days
Okay so I know I’ve promised the riff fic, which is still on my agenda, but I’m listening to Big Jet Plane right now and I’m inspired to write a Mike x famous reader fic. Probably the universe where they meet in January 2019 but I’m a whore for them meeting during Newsies times. I don’t know. My heart is just full right now.
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I know he's losing in the Kinkmas votes but, if we could get any reader x Michael ‘Riff’ Tamblyn (WSS) I would love it and I know a lot of the fandom would, too. There's very little fics out there anymore for WSS.
Day 10 of Kinkmas: After The Dance With Riff
pairing: Michael ‘Riff’ Tamblyn x fem!reader
warning: hickeys, protected sex, hickeys, riding
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There’s 2 weeks until the homecoming dance and I don’t have a date, which I really don’t care if I don’t because I rather stay home anyway watching TV, read books, or do my homework, like I normally do on a Saturday night.
One day, Michael Tamblyn, also known as, Riff, asks me to go to the homecoming dance, which I got so excited about because he’s the kindest and sweetest (to me) boy I’ve ever met.
Yes, I’m in the Jets but the reason why I’m in it because I met Debby in English 1 and she introduced me to the Jets. They told me that another gang name Sharks are dangerous, I’ve met María and her brother’s girlfriend they are so sweet and I try to treat them like they treat me and they appreciate it.
When I met Riff, I fell in love, but I can’t believe that he asks me to go to the dance.
When Riff picked me up we picked up some other jets including their girlfriends. We arrive at the school and the gymnasium looks pretty decorated! Riff holds my hand and takes me to the dance floor to dance. We begin to dance and our friends join in, I feel someone bump into me, I turn my head to see Velma and her date, I get excited to see them and Velma and I do this little hand gesture to each other, Riff turns us around and continues to dance but I’m hugging him while we dance.
I look around and see Tony, I tape Riff on the shoulder and he looks behind him and he sees Tony. We walk up to him and we let him join where the jets are at but he wanted to walk around.
Some of the Sharks come in the gymnasium doors, I already know what’s coming. I see María, I give her a little smile, We made an agreement that we would make little gestures to each other but we will make them not that obvious.
Riff and I kept on dancing and apparently Riff bumps into someone and then it turned into world war three, everyone yelling at each other, Riff screaming at the Shark in front of us and him holding close to me, I wanted to leave but we all hear a whistle and everyone payed attention to whoever blew the whistle.
The judge kept on telling us to behave, have you ever met Riff, he doesn’t behave at all. We do the dance but things go overboard, we ignore his orders so we danced on our own, it was so fun.
After the dance, Riff and I went somewhere, we went to West Point, where people go to make out. When we got there, he gets into the back seat and we start to make out. He gets my straps of my dress off my shoulders and he kisses my neck, I moan. He begins to give me hickeys which made me moan again. I get on top of him and begin to give him some hickeys, he holds me tight to keep me in place.
After a while, clothes on the car floor, moaning in the car, and the car is kinda rocking. Riff is going in and out of me. We’re protected don’t worry! I get on top of Riff and start to ride him. I can hear him groaning, I can hear other people screaming and groaning which makes me go faster, Riff sits up and kisses my chest.
After us making out, we get back home and my parents almost killed me because of the hickeys that Riff gave me but I don’t care, he’s so good to me that I sometimes forget that he’s done that to me before.
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pariahsparadise · 2 years
riff as your boyfriend hc's
nav. | m.list
requested by anon: hi !! you’re like the only person on this app who writes for riff. so i was wondering, if you’re still writing for him and you write hcs, if i could get like a riff as ur boyfriend hcs?? 
word count: 0.5k
a/n: i wrote this so quick lol, i hope it's okay? i went for gender neutral reader as you didn't specify what you'd like, i hope it still works. oh also, i'm sorry about the ending, i know i strayed away from the topic a little, but maybe this is fine??
pairings: riff lorton x gn!reader
warnings: none? woah is this maturity
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even before you and riff were dating, the jets (especially riff) were super protective of you
and once you two start going steady, they only get MORE protective
riff used to make sure a jet would walk you home if he couldn’t make it
but after you two start dating, it’s always him there, 9 times out of 10
riff tried his hardest to keep you out of the sharks vs. jets rivalry, he couldn’t stand the thought of something happening to you
and this idiot thought the best way to go about this was to not tell you ANYTHING at all
you had a series of long fights about him disappearing on you randomly, or blowing you off, leaving you to wonder about which ditch he was lying dead in
you lose track of the amount of times you have to show up to val’s, interrogating poor tony about the whereabouts of his best friend
(tony always gives in, you’re fucking scary when you want to be)
the two of you eventually sort things out, staying up all night talking and making up
riff promises to talk to you more, though he knows you’d prefer it if he wasn’t a part of this feud at all
but hey, at least it’s progress
riff always takes you as his date to the dances, no question
and if you don’t know how to dance, he will take the time to teach you properly
low-key, you took longer than necessary to learn
the lessons were so much fun, and the time together made both of you genuinely happy
riff definitely wasn’t complaining about being able to put his hands on you ;)
one of his favourite things to do is watch you get ready
not in a creepy way, though he can’t argue that watching you change your shirt is sometimes the highlight of his day (he can’t help it)
but your meticulous routine is something just so calming to him, it’s a nice change of pace
he swears that he falls deeper in love every time your eyes meet in the mirror, and you give him that sheepish smile
another thing riff loves is playing with your hair
when you’re exhausted, he’ll gently drag you down to lie in his lap, fingers already threading through your locks
you’re asleep in seconds
you and riff don’t go on too many dates, maybe one every fortnight
but that’s okay, because riff comes around your place almost everyday
and if he can’t, he’ll ensure that he at least drops by during one of your breaks at work
even those fifteen minutes of talking are precious to both of you
the two of you love meddling with tony’s love life and pissing him off
you’re always organising double dates to go on
which, to be fair, does not end well for tony, so it’s a little counter-productive
the girl usually gets pissed that he doesn’t pay her the same attention that riff does you
which leaves tony a little baffled
how is he supposed to replicate your relationship with riff? how is anyone?
secretly, tony’s rooting for you guys to get married. so much so that he’s already started his best man’s speech.
he can’t wait for the day he gets to say the words out loud.
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auspicious-manner · 2 years
riff x short!latina!reader who has a very heavy accent and is extremely shy. riff and her are secretly dating and he teases her a lot and it's all cute and fluff? ty, love ur writing!
i’ve missed writing for riff 🥲
female reader x riff
warnings: none
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Confidential Couple
“good afternoon, riff.” Y/N said in her thick puerto rican accent, meeting up with him in a secluded alleyway.
riff looked up from lighting his cigarette. “hey Y/N, how’s my lady feeling today?”
“good. and you?”
“my day has gotten a whole hell of a lot better now that you’re here.” riff replied.
riff and Y/N both knew how bizarre of a partnership their relationship was. gringos weren’t supposed to like puerto ricans, and vice versa. especially when riff is the leader of the jets, infamously known for being overprotective of their territory.
Y/N and riff met completely on accident. one day, riff stumbled across a group of puerto rican men beating up on a girl who he believed to be white at first. when he scared the men away and saw that the girl was, in fact, not white, he felt the need to help her anyway. normally, in any other circumstance, he wouldn’t have helped. but she seemed different than all the girls he’d been betrayed by in the past. she carried herself differently, and riff took note of that right away.
riff tried not to become friends with Y/N. and Y/N tried not to become friends with riff. she was extremely shy, and she didn’t want to let her walls down for riff. when Y/N mentioned to him that it was a regular occurrence for the group of older men to beat her up, riff couldn’t help but feel remorse for her. that was a weird feeling for him, as he had never truly experienced it before, especially with a puerto rican girl. given her inherited introverted nature, riff wanted to keep the men that hurt Y/N at bay for as long as possible.
riff tried his hardest to avoid Y/N because he knew if any of the jets saw him anywhere near a puerto rican, he’d practically be exiled. however, something about her kept drawing him back. maybe it was because he desperately craved an escape from living his life as a gang leader. whatever it may be, as more and more time passed, the more often he found himself with Y/N. eventually, a casual friendship developed into a secret romance.
riff opened his arm to give Y/N a hug. given her small stature, she rested her head just below his shoulder in the hug, and riff reached down to reciprocate it.
“what would you like to do today?” Y/N asked, pulling away.
“not like we can go many places, right?” riff replied, taking a puff from his cigarette.
Y/N loved her relationship with riff, despite hating how secretive it had to be. she completely understood why he needed to keep it a secret, it was just a downside to falling in love with a gang leader.
she shrugged in response, looking down.
“you’re extra quiet today, what’s wrong?” riff asked bluntly, stepping closer to her.
“i’m always quiet, riff.”
he laughed and ruffled her hair playfully. “i know that, i just thought you seemed even more quiet than usual, that’s all.”
Y/N shrugged. “i know, i just wish we could do more together. i wish we didn’t have to hide.”
riff sighed, rubbing her shoulders with his hands. “i know girly girl, but it’s safer for the both of us if we keep it a secret. my boys find out, i’m dead. your people find out, you’re dead. the more secretive we are, the better.”
Y/N looked down, and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “we can still have fun today.”
after more discussing, the couple decided on playing card games, eating snacks, and resting for the whole day at riff’s place.
riff’s hang out spot was an abandoned train car in the junkyard. he had set up a small table and a bed for him to rest on. for him, it was home. Y/N liked the simplicity of his “house”. she wasn’t into everything lavish and grand.
Y/N couldn’t decide if riff let her win at cards over and over again, or if she was actually really good at them. but, she also figured riff would actually play every so often so she would lose, and riff could tease her about being bad at cards. regardless of the outcome, she enjoyed this valuable time with him.
after a few hours into one of their last games, riff sat up in his spot, holding up a finger that silenced Y/N.
“riff, what-”
“shhh!” he interrupted, listening. Y/N sunk back in her chair a bit.
then, she heard it too. it was the sound of footsteps growing closer and closer to riff’s train car.
“shit,” riff started, standing up. “you gotta hide.”
“hide, seriously?” she whispered back.
“yes, i mean it. these people will not approve of you, and i don’t want them to hurt you, now hide!”
Y/N scrambled to find a sufficient spot to hide in riff’s small abode. suddenly, she realized there was just enough space under his bed for her to hide.
“go, go!” riff said, helping her under the bed. when she disappeared, he sat quietly at his table when a knock sounded on the metal outside his home. Y/N held her breath, trying to keep anxious tears from spilling out of her eyes.
“who is it?” riff asked monotonously.
“a-rab and tiger.”
riff lit a cigarette and took a quick puff. “come in.”
they stepped into his train car and looked around. “who were you talking to in here, riff?” a-rab asked.
riff kept the cigarette he was smoking resting on his lips. “no one.”
“so you were talking to yourself?” tiger asked, not believing riff for a second.
“yes.” riff said coldly, with a sharp “s”.
a-rab squinted at him, before smiling playfully. “you hidin’ a girl here, riff?”
“then how ‘bout we have a look around?” asked tiger.
“not like you can even look around much, this is a small place.” riff replied.
meanwhile, Y/N watched the feet from outside the bed walk past multiple times, and it took all of her energy to not make a noise. she was frightened of riff’s friends.
she watched as a pair of shoes stopped in front of the bed, and before she knew it, a pair of eyes that weren’t riff’s caught sight of Y/N. she snapped her own eyes shut, hoping that if she didn’t see him, he wouldn’t see her.
“oh tiger, i think i found something.”
“a lady?” tiger asked, bending down to take a look.
“yep, riff’s hiding a lady.”
“and for good reason too,” riff started harshly. “there’s a reason she had to hide when she heard you two. she doesn’t want anything to do with you.”
“we just want to meet the lucky gal.” tiger said.
“no means no, tiger. now leave.” riff said with a very stern tone.
tiger and a-rab exchanged looks, before going on either side of the makeshift bed and lifting it to the side before riff could stop them.
tiger and a-rab gawked at the sight before them. “woah.” they both saw that Y/N was puerto rican, and not white like they had expected. she had light tear marks on her face.
Y/N looked up to the men and saw their confused, angry, and hurt faces before backing herself as close to the wall as possible.
“you assholes!” riff yelled, storming over to the two jets.
“riff, what the hell is this?” tiger asked.
“how could you do this to the jets? how could you betray us like this?” a-rab continued. “she’s puerto rican!”
“you guys didn’t have to see this. i kept this a secret for a reason. you guys stormed in here and did your own thing, and now we’re all angry. you two need to leave. as your leader, that is an order.” riff yelled, stepping closer to the boys.
Y/N watched the scene unfold in front of her in horror. tiger turned to her, and began to speak. “what have you done to riff?” he started. “he used to be like us. what kind of puerto rican witch shit did you do to make him like you?”
Y/N froze, trying to find words. she stuttered as more slow tears fell out of her eyes. she hated that she was so shy.
“look, she can’t even speak when spoken to, lousy pig!” a-rab yelled.
“hey!” riff yelled again, pushing the boys towards the opening of his train car. “the only person that gets to say anything about Y/N, positive or negative, is me, you hear? now scram before i take a chain to your head.”
he pushed them again and they ran out, not looking back. riff watched as they ran far away.
riff whipped his head around and saw Y/N crying on the floor. he walked over to her, sat down next to her, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. she leaned her head in and rested her head on his chest, and riff kissed the top of her head.
“i’m sorry, Y/N. i’m so, so sorry.” riff said quietly, gently rubbing her arm.
Y/N lifted her head up and looked at riff. he turned his head so his eyes met hers. “i was scared, that’s all. i guess this crying is a little over dramatic, isn’t it?” she said, laughing a bit.
riff wiped her tears away. “yeah, it is.” he teased.
Y/N giggled, and riff laughed back. “i’m kidding, you handled it just fine. i’m happy they didn’t do anything to you.”
the two sat comfortably together until Y/N fully calmed down. when she did, they stood up, and riff looked down on her. he held her hands in his own for a moment, and then he let go of one and placed it on the side of her face, tilting her head up so she looked at him.
“you know, i always forget how short you are.” riff whispered.
Y/N rolled her eyes. “riff, ni siquiera vayas allí. don’t even go there.”
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lovingmusicalmen · 2 years
Boys Who Rumble
Pairing: Riff x female!Reader
Summary: Riff broke up with her months ago, too scared that he'd end up hurting her somehow. And yet when Tony hears about the rumble his friend has planned, it's still Y/N who he turns to for help trying to convince Riff to call it off
Warnings: Violence (I mean... it's wss what do you expect? lmao), swearing, mentions of drug use
Word Count: 3,750
A/N: Heya so this is my first riff fic so I hope it's alright! I might write a second part to it (maybe as like a prologue or smth like them getting together for the first time?) so let me know what you think! Remember to reblog, comment and everything - anything to tell me your thoughts! Requests are open at the moment so feel free to send them into my inbox :)
Happy reading!
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If Y/N was to write a list ranking who she felt was most likely to pay her a visit at her place of work, Tony was probably in last place.
It wasn't that they didn't get along - on the contrary, before he had been sent away for a year, they were pretty close friends what with their mutual link to Riff - but, a lot had changed in the year he was gone. And one of the more major things - something that Tony hadn't believed when he was initially told about it - was that Y/N and Riff had broken up.
And even with Y/N and Riff still being on friendly - though undeniably awkward and painful - terms, there was little reason for Tony to seek her out anymore.
And yet here he was, leaning against the counter casually, looking rather out of breath and a scowl on his face as he waited for her to finish serving the customer currently waiting on their food. Y/N passed it over with a smile on her face, one which became a lot more confused, her eyebrows raising and lips twitching in slight amusement as the customer turned away to leave and there was just Tony and Y/N left in the store.
"Can I help you?" She asked mildly. "I can't give you mates rates anymore, you know that, right?"
Tony let out a sharp laugh, which Y/N was sure bordered on sounding bitter.
"I need your help," he said instead, pushing himself up to walk over to stand in front of her.
"Nice to see you too," Y/N rolled her eyes, but she couldn't stop herself from smiling a little at the familiarity of the situation - who would've guessed that she'd miss getting called on to look after the Jets. Y/N turned away from him and reached up into one of the higher cupboards, bringing out the first aid kit that she had kept in there since she first met Riff. "Baby John again?"
"What?" When Y/N turned around again, Tony's nose was scrunched up in confusion until his eyes landed on the first aid kit and he shook his head stiffly. "Nothing like that - well..." he caught himself and sighed again. "Riff's planned a rumble."
Y/N's heart jumped in her chest and she felt her grip on the first aid kit loosen involuntarily, her throat running dry.
"With-" she cleared her throat, wetting her lips. "With the Sharks?"
Tony sighed again and nodded his head.
"He's got a gun."
This time the kit really did fall from her hands, landing on the floor with a thud.
"He's what?!"
"It can't go ahead," Tony said, almost pleading with her.
"Have you talked to him?"
"Yeah - but he thinks I've betrayed him, deserted the Jets and all that, since I said I wouldn't get involved with it."
"When is it?"
"Tonight," Tony said regretfully.
"Fuck," Y/N breathed. "Well, what do you want me to do about it?"
"Talk to Riff?" Tony said immediately. "He'll listen to you - he always did."
"You know it's different now - Riff broke up with me, remember?"
"Yeah, but it's not like he did it because he stopped loving you," Tony pointed out, sending another stab into her heart.
"Has Graz tried to talk to him about it?" She tried.
"It's not like that between them and you know it," Tony scoffed.
"What's... what's it about, anyway?" Y/N picked up the rag on the counter and began to wipe it down, just to have something to do with her hands as her mind raced with thoughts.
"At the dance last night," Tony's suddenly doing his best to avoid Y/N eyes entirely. "Bernardo tried to start with me."
"Why?" Y/N asked. There's a sudden flush on Tony's cheeks and he cleared his throat, lips beginning to tug into a reluctant smile.
"I... I was dancing with his sister - Maria. He... wasn't a fan," Tony said, though he didn't look the slightest bit ashamed about it. Y/N snorted out a laugh.
"I'm sure Riff wasn't too pleased either," she said knowingly.
"Nah - he hasn't actually said anything to me about it," Tony shrugged. "Think he thinks I just did it to mess with Bernardo."
"You better not have," Y/N said sharply. "Maria's lovely - they all are, I've never understood Riff's problem."
"I didn't," Tony promised her. "I love her," he stated simply with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "And she asked me to get Riff to call of tonight's rumble so..."
"Oh - well, good to know that you wouldn't be bothered about stopping it if your girlfriend hadn't said anything," Y/N couldn't help herself from saying.
"That's not fair! You know Riff, he doesn't listen to anyone!" Tony hesitated. "Well, except for you."
"Riff's avoiding me anyway, he won't talk to me, especially if I just tell him to call off the rumble."
And even though she knew her words were the truth, she couldn't help but also think about where she'd be most likely to catch him before the rumble - where the jets would usually go to prepare before their fights.
The door jingled, signalling another customer and Y/N was grateful for the interruption.
"Just..." Tony groaned frustratedly. "Try?" He begged, walking over to the door as it had begun to swing closed again.
Y/N didn't look at him, but gave a single, silent nod of her head.
As it turned out, Y/N didn’t have to try and seek Riff out, because when her shift ended that night, there he was. Right outside the bakery, leaning against the wall, lit cigarette between his lips and a would-be-indifferent expression on his face.
It was a sight that was so painfully familiar from their time together, back when Riff would walk her home every night after a shift. He hated the idea of her walking back alone in the dark - and Y/N knew he still hated it, and also that he still cared about her because she would often catch glimpses of the other Jets, walking a distance behind her or hiding behind corners.
Something that would be utterly terrifying to almost anyone else, Y/N was sure. But the thing was - for a while, they had been her boys. And Y/N knew that it was Riff who’d sent them, just to make sure she got home okay, to make sure no one bothered her as she walked.
But this evening it was just him, waiting where he always used to.
“I feel honoured - I hear you already have evening plans.”
Riff’s expression tugs into a slight smirk and he drops the cigarette he’s holding to the ground, crushing it with the heel of his shoe.
“Who told you? Baby John?”
Y/N smiled a little, shaking her head. “Tony.”
Riff’s smirk faded.
“Yeah,” Y/N agreed. She tilted her head to the side. “You walking me home or not, Jet Boy?”
“Depends - you gonna try and talk me out of rumbling?”
Y/N just laughed and set off walking. Sure enough, Riff was quick to jog and catch up with her. He offered her his arm silently and Y/N took it.
“I’ve always come back fine before,” Riff breaks the silence at last.
“This is different, though,” Y/N said.
“Why? Because I’ve got a gun? I’m only gonna use it if-“
“No, because you came to me.”
Y/N peaked at Riff from the corner of her eye to see him frowning a little.
“I always came to you before rumbles.”
“Yeah. But that was before, Riff,” she pointed out. “You’ve been avoiding me since you ended it, even when you’ve had full on brawls. But tonight you came to me again before a rumble,” Y/N tugged on his arm, forcing him to stop in front of her. He refused to meet her eyes. “That’s how I know it’s different.”
“Ever thought I just wanted to see you, girly girl?” Riff tried to inject some of his usual confidence into his voice but Y/N isn’t fooled. She knew him too well for that.
“I know you did,” Y/N agreed gently. “But you never did until now.”
“You used to be so shy when we met,” Riff chuckles and he tried to make it sound bitter, annoyed. But there’s nothing but affection in the sound. “Convinced that I didn’t like you.”
“And you spent the whole time we were together determined to change my mind - figured you’d be proud of yourself for it,” Y/N teased. Riff finally lifted his gaze to meet hers and it’s the softest that Y/N has ever seen him look, save for the night when he first told her he loved her. “Please don’t go tonight - please call it off, Riff,” she whispered, and it’s instinctual how her hand raises to rest on his cheek, her thumb caressing the scar beneath his eye.
“I can’t,” Riff said gently and he turned to press a kiss to her palm. “It’d be too late now anyway.”
“You ended us because you were scared to hurt me,” Y/N reminded him and she hates herself just a little for the way that her eyes fill with tears. “This is it. This is you hurting me. Seeing you go into this - knowing you’re going to get hurt. And over what? Territory? Tony dancing with a Puerto Rican girl?” She tried to gulp back her tears, tried to calm her shaking breath. Riff noticed her struggle and tugged her just a little closer to him, winding an arm around her waist and kissing her palm again. “You said to me once that - that you were destined to die young. I’m sorry that I couldn’t make you change your mind.”
“That’s not you, Angel,” the pet name is achingly familiar and Y/N closed her eyes, feeling Riff’s other hand come up to brush away the tears on her cheeks. “I’m gonna come back to you, I promise.”
And there’s a resoluteness in his voice that hadn’t been there before, despite all of his suave confidence. A vow, as though now he has a reason to come back from the rumble. He has something to loose.
“You know you’d like Bernardo if you weren’t always trying to fight him for no fucking reason,” Y/N said after a moment and Riff laughed a little and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“Come on, girly girl, let's get you home.”
This time, he held out his hand for her, and Y/N couldn’t not accept the offer, allowing his fingers to wrap tightly around hers.
“I mean it, though! I mean, Jets, Sharks - you do realise you have a common enemy in the police, right?” Riff just chuckled again, squeezing her hand.
“We’ll see.”
It’s not far to Y/N’s apartment, and they walk the rest of it in silence, Y/N’s mind plagued with thoughts of the worst case scenario for the evening to come.
When they reach the door, though, they loiter awkwardly, unsure of how to navigate parting on these terms.
“And you’re sure there’s no way you can call it off?” Y/N asked at last.
“They’re on our turf. They gotta respect that - you know that.” Riff said, injecting his usual confidence into the words.
“There’s enough of New York for all of you,” Y/N reminded him. She gnawed at her bottom lip. “I don’t want any of you getting hurt,” she whispered at last.
“I’ll come to you - tonight, after the rumble,” Riff said abruptly. “So you know I’m okay.”
“Okay,” Y/N agreed. “And I know you’re gonna go through with it no matter what but… don’t let it go too far - please,” she begged. “I know you Riff - I know you don’t want that. You don’t want anyone getting seriously hurt.”
There was a moment of hesitation that crossed his face before he, at last, gave a stiff nod of his head.
“Close your eyes,” she instructed, letting go of Riff’s hand to reach up to the clasp of her necklace. Riff raised his eyebrows but did as instructed without question. Y/N unfastened her necklace and slipped the charm off of it and into the palm of her hand, her fingers closed momentarily around it as though by doing that she could store all the luck in the world inside of it for Riff. But then she reached over and carefully lifted the chain from around Riff’s own neck, unfastening it and threading her charm onto it so that lay beside the four leaf clover she knew was all he had left of his mother.
Y/N carefully slipped the necklace back around Riff’s neck, her fingers loitering a little too long where they made contact with his skin before she pulled back. Riff opened his eyes, hand coming up to play with the new charm.
“Now you have to come back to me. Because I’m not going to a fucking morgue to get that back,” she said fiercely. Riff grinned at the words before glancing up at the darkening sky, and the smile slipped ever so slightly.
“I…” he hesitated before setting his jaw, grim determination on his face. “I shouldn’t’ve ended it. I know that was… dumb. But, if you’ll have me, I still-“
Y/N reached forwards and covered his mouth, scowling at him.
“Tonight. You tell me tonight, when I know you’re safe and I also know you haven’t done anything utterly stupid.”
Riff nodded and Y/N dropped her hand.
“Tonight,” he said and Y/N repeated the word in confirmation.
And with a swift kiss to her forehead, and another to her cheek, Y/N watched her Jet Boy disappear into the night.
Naturally, Y/N had known all along that she would never be able to fall asleep that night - not until Riff came, at least. She had tried to convince herself that she could, though, by changing into her nightwear and settling into bed with her book.
Not that she was paying any attention to the words on the page whatsoever, far too distracted with her concern for what was happening across town somewhere from her. A concern that only grew as the minutes dragged sluggishly by.
By the time that the frantic knocking came, she had given up all pretence and was instead just pacing back and forth in her room. Her heart dropped into her stomach at the sound - Riff would have just come to her window, as he always did, so as not to wake her flatmates. There had to be something wrong.
Y/N rushed to the door to her apartment and flung it open, greeted by two familiar, red-faced and panting figures.
“You gotta come - it’s Riff,” Anybodys gasped out, Baby John nodding quickly next to him, beckoning with his hand.
“Is he okay?” Y/N asked, though she was already halfway out of the door, not pausing to grab her shoes or a change of clothes.
The three of them sprinted down the steps of the apartment building.
“He’s hurt bad - we got him to Doc’s but he’s just been asking for you,” Baby John filled in.
“How bad?” Y/N asked, the three of them practically sprinting down the near deserted streets of New York. The pavement is cool and rough beneath her bare feet and she knows that she’s going to regret not bothering with shoes the next morning but right now it’s the least of her worries.
“Well… he’s conscious,” Baby John offered, evidently not wanting to have to be the bearer of bad news.
“Well that’s something,” Y/N muttered.
When they arrive at Doc’s, the rest of the Jet’s are clustered inside, not talking save for a few awkward murmurs here and there. Graziella and Velma are also sat inside, looking solemn and worried. The girls stood up when Y/N rushed inside.
“You’re here,” Velma sighed with relief. Y/N nodded mutely.
“He’s downstairs,” Graziella said, reaching out to grab a hold of Y/N’s hand. She gave it a quick squeeze and what Y/N knew she hoped to be a reassuring smile.
As she headed to the door to the backroom, she heard Baby John ask:
“Is he doing any better?”
She shut the door behind her quickly, not wanting to hear the answer.
“Y/N? That you?” Tony’s familiar voice called.
She rounded the corner at the bottom of the steps into Tony’s room and couldn’t help a slight gasp.
Riff was laying on Tony’s bed, his shirt discarded on the ground, though Y/N could see it was entirely soaked with blood. There was a deep gash in his torso, which Tony appeared to be in the process of cleaning out.
“We managed to get the bleeding to stop,” Tony filled her in with undeniable relief in his voice.
“What the hell happened?” She asked, stepping closer. Riff’s eyes were shut lightly, though seemed to be flickering slightly as though he was coming in and out of consciousness.
“Stabbed at the rumble - Bernardo… I tried to talk him down, explain everything you know. He just wanted to fight. He started on me and I think that was what… set Riff off - I wouldn’t fight back, see?” Y/N just nodded mutely along with Tony’s shaky words. “So Riff told him that he’d fight. I don’t really… know what happened then? There was a knife on the floor, then Riff was pulling one out of his pocket and then…” Y/N tore her eyes away from Riff to look at Tony, who was struggling with his words. “I managed to get hold of it. I wouldn’t give it to him - he was just wrestling with me for it. He managed to get it free, but when he turned… Bernardo’s knife…” Tony shook his head. “He didn’t mean to do it - I mean, his face,” Tony swallowed thickly. “We’re just lucky that he wasn’t aiming any higher,” he shook his head stoically. “I lost it then, started fighting him properly. Then there were sirens and the police had found us, so everyone else scattered. Anybodys yanked me back before I could… before I could do any worse to him than he did to Riff.”
Y/N just nodded silently.
“You think he’s going to be okay, though?” Y/N asked, hating the hopeful lilt in her voice.
“I hope so,” Tony said, clearing his throat awkwardly.
“And Bernardo?”
“Alive. Sharks carried him out and he was still conscious.” Y/N nodded her head.
“That’s good,” she whispered faintly. Then she remembered: “Maria - weren’t you meant to…”
“I couldn’t leave him,” Tony said, gesturing at his best friend, laying on his bed.
“Go find her. I’ve got it. I swear.”
Tony stared at her for a moment before nodding slowly.
“You’ll… you’ll come find me if…”
“Of course.”
And Tony was gone, rushing up the stairs of his room and outside into the cool night to make amends with Maria, leaving behind him Y/N with a pile of medical supplies and Riff.
“So much for being careful, huh?” She couldn’t help but murmur into the quiet of the room.
“Promised you alive,” came a raspy, weak voice. “Nothing about careful.”
“And I thought you meant alive-alive, not… one bad cough away from the grave,” she said, though couldn’t hide the relief she felt at actually hearing him speak. Riff’s lips twitched up into a slight smile and he shifted on the bed before groaning in pain. “Stop moving! I need to bandage you,” she scolded, placing a hand gently on his chest.
Riff at last peaked open his eyes.
“You came in your nightclothes?” He asked, smiling a little. Y/N rolled her eyes.
“That’s not even the part you’ll find funniest,” she told him as she began to carefully wrap the pristine bandages around his wound, giving a soft apology when he gave a hiss of pain.
“Oh yeah?” He asked.
“Yeah - didn’t even get shoes on my way out of the flat,” she said, lifting her eyes to meet his and grinning. Riff huffed out a laugh, but immediately groaned in pain. “I’ll see if I can find some painkillers,” Y/N said as she finished tying the bandage around the stab wound. She stood up, turning to face towards the exit where the actual pharmacy was. But Riff’s hand shot out and his fingers wrapped around her wrist, stopping her.
“No just - stay here. For a sec,” he said. And when Y/N looked at him again, there was genuine fear on his face that she would leave him.
“I don’t want you to be in pain,” she said, leaning over and she pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips. “I’ll be back in two seconds.”
Riff raised his other hand, which Y/N hadn’t noticed had been clenched into a fist and he slowly moved it towards her, wincing with every small movement, carefully opening it and allowing the chain to dangle from a finger.
“This way you’re the one who has to come back to me,” he said.
The necklace was tinted rusty red in parts, likely from how tightly Riff had been gripping it in his hand. Why he had taken it off to hold instead of wear about his neck was a question that Y/N wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer to.
“I’ll always come back to you,” Y/N vowed, taking hold of the necklace. “And I’ll stay for as long as you let me.”
“Forever, then?” He asked, his voice hushed and embarrassed, vulnerable in the way he often was when it was just the two of them, without any of his jets to see him.
“If you want that,” Y/N agreed, grinning at him. She lent down again and moulded their lips together as gently as she could. Riff’s hand rested on her cheek, pulling her closer, a sense of desperation in the kiss. It felt as though he was making up for lost time, or perhaps that was just Y/N’s imagination.
They broke apart, though Y/N kept her forehead rested against Riff’s, close enough to feel his breath fanning against her lips.
“I’m not gonna let you go again, Angel.”
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riffaist · 2 years
innocent — riff x reader
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warnings: childhood friends to lovers! taylor swift inspired imagine! riff being... riff ig. sex talk. some SLIGHT dirty talk but not much. anita's tauting scene. tried to make this a really angsty one.
i guess you really did it this time
left yourself in your war path
lost your balance on a tightrope
lost your mind trying to get it back
"riff, i don't -" y/n mumbled, feeling her body shrunken, her hands clapped together. "i don't think that's gonna be a good thing."
"well, sweetheart." the overly sweet voice made her sick to her stomach. the stern tone. seeing riff displeased was a pretty unusual thing. "we don't have that many options."
"you do have more options.." calling the rumble off was on top of her list. "but a gun? you know that tony's not gonna agree with it, and besides-"
"if tony would stop being a wuss, and came to the fucking thing," he cut her sentence in the middle. "then we wouldn't need the gun."
"you don't mean that."
"oh, i don't now?" he scoffed, slowing down once he saw they're both getting close to the location. "these sharks are sneaky as hell, y/n, and i don't want any of my boys-"
"hey! look what the cat dragged in." mouthpiece announced once the couple came infront of the bar they were supposed to get the gun from.
"the chicks should cut out, right, riff?" action confirmed, glancing sideways to velma, grazi and y/n.
"we might" the taller blonde said, crossing her arms. grazi wasn't going anywhere. "but then again we might not."
"the cops are already after us." ice took the floor. "i'm sure you don't want to be in the middle of it. it's dangerous stuff, you know?"
"we can deal with it," she replied. " 'cause we ain't stupid, and won't take shit from anyone."
some slight buzz started, between the blonde and some of the boys. y/n kept quiet, only turning her face to the side, feeling a familiar touch in one of her wrists.
"just promise me you'll go." riff said, quietly, once he pushed the girl aside, holding y/n's hands, with a serious look on his face.
"if you promise me to get the gun and go as well." she replied. holding her breath. "no funny business in the middle."
"promise." he touched his own forehead with hers. his voice merely a whisper. y/n could feel her boyfriend's shoulders tensing up. but she didn't even brought the fact up. not in a time like that.
"please, be safe." was her final whisper. interlocking arms with velma, seeing grazi storming off, hoping that the end of the day wouldn't take so bad of a turn.
wasn't it easier in your lunchbox days?
always a bigger bed to crawl into
wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything
and everybody believed in you?
way before things started going downhill. y/n and riff had their own little story.
the little boy, who had just turned 10, lost a hide and seek game to tony, and found himself sitting at one the old school's outdoors benches. one knee completely scrapped, and the hope no one would find him there and take him away. no one, besides her.
the small girl, always dressed in lilac or blue, wearing tiny dirty sneakers with a big smile on her face, and way too big of a heart, who always gave him something for her lunchbox.
he wasn't used to the pain. not yet. but letting his tiny group of friends - the future jet boys - see him cry over some blood, was definitely not in riff's plans.
"i hope it helps" she said once the bandaid was carefully place on the wound. "i can draw a star on it if you want."
the dark haired boy kept quiet, shaking his head, making y/n nod, sitting right next to him.
"you know.. when people do good things for you, you should thank them?" she muttered, not offended by the silent, already opening up the pink lunchbox, taking half of her sandwich from there, giving it to him.
"shouldn't you be with you other girl friends?" the boy replied quietly, accepting the food, taking a big bite of it. he was starving.
"you're my friend, riff." y/n smiled, choosing to take a bite from her apple. "my favorite friend, even. i wished you were at school with me every day..."
wasn't it easier in your firefly-catching days?
when everything out of reach, someone bigger brought down to you?
wasn't it beautiful, runnin' wild till you fell asleep
before the monsters caught up to you?
"sure, y/n! good choice, huh?" the woman in the clear drunken state said a bit to loud.
"mom, please.." y/n wished she wasn't causing such a scene. being the center of attention was never her thing. "not here.."
"it's alright, darling. go hang out with riff-raff out there why don't you?"
"goodbye, mom.." y/n closed the door, and took a deep breath.
the fifteen year old girl turned around with an embarrassed smile on her face, shrugged, walking in the direction on the jet boy.
"afternoon, princess." riff said with a smirk, already grabbing one of her hands. "did mommy want to lock you up in the tower?"
"something like that, yeah.." he passed his arms around her waist, kissing her cheek. "so, where are we going today?"
"well.." he spun her around, smiling once he heard the girl's laugh, starting to walk through the moving streets. "someone told me that watching the stars was super romantic.."
"oh, shut up, riff.." y/n covered her own face with one of her hands, shaking her head. "i can't believe you remeber that.."
a flushed y/n and a smirky riff kept the calm and soft conversation while walking to the secret place the boy insisted he had prepared for them.
once the sun was completely set, both of them laying down at the hill, holding hands. the moonlight shining on the girl's face made riff shiver, and the silence was comfortable. it always was for them.
"so, tell me." he finally said, looking at her, trying to not sound so worried. he couldn't deny the fear on his tone, but tried anyway. "what is it that's been bothering you?"
the jet girl took a deep breath. eyes still focusing on the night sky ahead of both. the stars always caught her attention, and that day wasn't different.
"my mom doesn't think you're a good influence.." y/n replied, taking some seconds to continue. "it's annoying 'cause it's not like she can say something about being a good influence, you know?"
"adults are complicated as hell, princess," the boy stood up by his elbow, turning to the side. "come here."
she quietly came closer to him, letting him hug her to the side. both of her arms wrapped around her waist, carresing the place softly, until the girl fell fast asleep.
it's alright, just wait and see
your string of lights are still bright to me
oh, who you are is not what you've been
you're still an innocent
y/n's head was peacefully resting against riff's bare chest. both of their body's almost completely covered by the sheets.
her fingers interlaced with his, and the warm bodies were comfortably glued together.
"thank you for waiting for me..."
she knew seventeen year old boys had needs. she had some of her own as well. ignoring the fact all of her girl friends had already done it. y/n wanted to wait. not for the right person - she had found her right person years ago - but until she was totally ready for it.
"don't even thank me, girly girl." a kiss was left on the top of her head. "i would wait the fucking eternity for you if i had to."
"eternity huh?"
"to see you like that again?" the teasing tone came to riff's lips way to quickly, causing the girl to roll her eyes. "to have a chance to listen to that little sounds you made? i-"
"please, my love," she cut him off, laughing quietly "don't even think about ruining this for me."
"you ready for a second round now or..?" the jet boy asked with a smirk on his face, eyes focusing on every bit of her face and bare shoulders. they couldn't stop at the sight of her perfectly translucent breasts covered by the sheets.
"god, riff, shut up."
did some things you can't speak of
but at night, you live it all again
you wouldn't be shattered on the floor now
if only you had seen what you know now then.
"he was left laying there." y/n said quietly. her boy. her riff.
he died. in a way no one thought he would.
the jet girl wasn't there. not to hug him. to see him for the last time. to stare at the dark brown eyes for ten more seconds. they took him away from here without a previous warning.
she was wearing riff's blue shirt, her hands couldn't stop shaking while she held velma's ones. the tears stains on her cheeks kept getting covered by new ones.
"that's bothering me too." ice muttered.
"they didn't let you see him at the hospital, y/n/n?" balkman this time. she could swear she never saw the whole gang in such a low energy.
"no, uh-" she shook her head. "i wasn't legally his family or, anything.." the last part made her swallow a sob.
the silence wasn't comfortable this time. it was almost sick and saddening. all heads turned to the door once bernardo's girlfriend appeared. she looked as miserable as the rest of every teenager in the room.
"i have a message for your friend.. tony?" she waited. waited like her life depended on it. but all of the jets stayed quiet. "where's valentina?"
the second the sneaky comments started to appear. y/n stood up, in a failed attempt to control her breath.
"valentina! és anita!" the woman started to walk into the store, making y/n feel her heart right on her throat. "puedes subir? que tengo que.."
"spanish?" grazi stood up this time, the raspy crying voice taking the floor. "you come here speaking spanish?"
"grazi, please.."
the boys continued to talk, but the girl could swear she wasn't assimilating anything. her head was aching, and her knees were shaking. anita tried to go, but some of them got right in front of the door.
"let her pass." graziella tried one more time. "no one wants you here."
"you hear that boys?" ice said. y/n was starting to feel like throwing up. "she wants to pass."
"numbers, stop it." y/n tried to get him away from the woman, feeling herself being held up, throwing out of the pharmacy.
the next second was a blur. a fucked up blur. the girls found themselves outside doc's, in a desperate notion, hitting the door in front of them. in a miserable attempt to stop the scene of happening.
"i'm so sorry." y/n sobbed. still trying to hit the glass door. she started to realize what was going on right beside her eyes. she lost balance. it was the rumble, the fights, the deaths.
things were failing apart. little by little.
riff wasn't there. to be the one to stop it, to control it, to be their leader. she didn't have him by her side now.
her best friend, her boy.
lost your balance on a tightrope, oh
it's never too late to get it back
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misguidedswagger · 2 years
Now, Sit Still. [riff lorton x reader]
*this will not follow the exact plotline of wss. pov will switch after line break.
“Valentina, are you sure about this? I can always stay later, you know that I-” 
Valentina waved Y/n’s offer off with a wave of her hand, “Ay, mi querida, do not worry. You know how those...boys...can get...I do not want you to be walking home alone so late.” She shivered at the thought of the two fighting gangs, before going back to organizing the glass box the cash register sat on. Y/n’s face scrunched up in worry before she walked up to Valentina, helping her organize.
“Valentina, let me help, por favor.” Y/n had been trying to work on her Spanish slowly, so she began integrating bits and pieces into her vocabulary slowly. She wanted to make things easier for Valentina for being so kind to her. “It’s the least I can do.” Y/n affirmed softly, causing the older woman to smile and playfully smack Y/n’s shoulder. “You are too much like your-”
The door of Doc’s slammed open so hard that Valentina could’ve sworn the window broke. Both employees rushed forward towards the door, but the older one stopped before rolling her eyes. 
“I told you, I do not want you in my store!” She said, a scowl resting on her face. For someone as kind and loving as her, any sort of displeasure on her was nerve inducing. Her eyes landed on the tall boy standing in the doorway. “C’mon, you know me. I’m not going to-” 
“You’ve been stealing from me since you were six. Now get out,” Valentina deadpanned. Riff completely ignored her, his eyes and attention finding her, “Hi there, gorgeous.” He flashed a smile at Y/n, “Don’t you usually get off earlier than this?” He questioned before walking a bit closer to her. As enticing as Riff was, she knew he had an ulterior motive. 
“What’re you hiding from now, Riff? Or who?” It was Y/n’s turn now to walk closer to him, causing him to scoff then swallow before looking at the girl nervously. “No one. A Jet don’t hide. Guys hide from me, it ain’t the other way around.” He spoke lowly before starting to walk towards the Milky Ways. 
“Wanna cover me, girly girl?” He asked holding up a Milky Way and shaking it a bit, his typical smirk back on his face as if anything he just said never left his mouth. Rolling her eyes, she opened her mouth to say something before an idea came to mind. It was time for Y/n to wear her own smirk to challenge Riff’s. “Hmm, only if you tell me why you’re really in here.” 
Clearly, Riff didn’t expect that. His eyes widened and Y/n had to fight very hard not to laugh. Riff didn’t expect Y/n to tease back, pleasantly surprising him. Riff swallowed his nerves and cleared his throat, looking at the candy bar in his hand. “Can we talk somewhere else?” 
Y/n was taken by surprise by Riff’s request. Skeptically, she glanced between her boss and the tall Jet, “Ir. Estar a salvo.” The older woman spoke, before smiling at Y/n and repeating herself in English, “Go, be safe.” At that, Y/n smiled nervously and nodded before grabbing her bag and leading Riff to the door. The two walked together before Y/n ran back to the cash register, placing a coin into the drawer before walking back over to Riff who was holding the door open for her. 
“Y’know, girly girl... I didn’t expect you to actually cover me.” Riff teased before shutting the door behind them, chuckling at her. 
Valentina held her hands in front of her mouth, watching Y/n and Riff walk off together. Her nerves were frayed enough, but watching her surrogate child walk into the arms of a gang leader frightened her. She trusted Y/n, not Riff. 
“Girly girl? And, yes, Riff, I had to cover you. Valentina is too sweet of a woman for you to keep stealing from her.” You reprimanded, causing Riff so smile. Has he always been this smiley? You shook the thought from your head and looked at your surroundings, “You’re not gonna try anything with me, are you?” She raised a brow, causing Riff to laugh. “Relax. I just didn’t want the old woman to hear me say what I wanna say. But, we’re here.” Riff kept walking to the edge of the park, to the river. He sat down at the edge and held a hand for you. You took his hand and sat next to him, looking out at the river. 
“So...Are you going to tell me what you wanted to say?” You queried, a teasing tone evident in your voice. Riff was staring out at the river as if you never said anything at all. You leaned forward and waved a hand in front his face, causing him to snap out of it. “Hm?” he hummed quietly, finally looking over at you. “What did you-”
You had never noticed the slight heterochromia in his eyes until now and you were at a loss for words. Riff was a magnet and you were being pulled in, fast. Riff swallowed, his eyes staring deeply into yours. “I wanted to tell you,” Your lips were almost touching at this point, but he finally finished his thought when your lips brushed, “I love you.”
Then your lips touched, and your heart soared. For the entire time you’ve known Riff, you had longed to hear those words. You kissed him deeply and leaned into him, a hand coming up to hold your cheek. Riff pulled you closer with his other hand, resting it on your waist. You were ecstatic, for so long you had acted like you hated Riff, and now you could actually show how you truly felt about him. 
Before you got too carried away though, a sudden loud whistle caused you to jump, “Ah, look at this. The Jet boy is taking our precious Y/n.” A voice said, causing your head to flick to it. “Anxious...?” You asked softly, looking at one of the Sharks, swallowing your nerves. You stood quickly, feeling Riff stand, a protective hand on your hip. You pushed the butterflies from your stomach out of your body and paid close attention to Anxious. You had no idea if he was alone. 
As comforting as you found Riff’s hand placement, clearly this angered Anxious. He stepped closer to the two of you, grabbing you by your dress. “Hands off her, asshole.” Riff said, shoving him off you. Anxious stumbled back a bit, before going head to head with Riff. He grabbed Riff and wound up for a punch. You ran to him and pulled on his arm, “It’s okay, Anxious, you don’t have to-” 
Too caught up in his own anger, he jerked his arm away and shoved you away, causing you to fly to the ground. With a whine of pain, both men’s heads snapped to you. You looked down at yourself and noticed your arm was scraped and bleeding, it dripping onto the bodice of your dress. You frowned as it was now ruined, as blood was next to impossible to remove from fabric. 
Your eyes flicked up to Riff and you had sworn you’d never seen him so angry. You were happy that it wasn’t directed at you, but you were nervous that Anxious would get beat to a pulp. Riff swung a punch directly into Anxious’s nose, causing you to flinch. “Now look at what you did!” He said, venom lacing his words. Anxious held his nose as Riff gripped his shirt and prepared to throw Anxious to the ground. 
“Riff!” You called out, standing up. Riff looked at you with sadness in his eyes and the anger in him returned at seeing the bloodstains on your dress. The dangerous fire of anger burned brightly as his eyes locked back onto Anxious. 
“Riff, no! Stop. Don’t--” You took a second to pry his hands off of the other man, “Let him go.” You kissed his temple softly and Riff tsked, “But he-” Riff tried, but you held a finger up to his lips, “Let him go.” You repeated to him. Riff sighed softly and shoved Anxious away. “I see you again, you’re fuckin’ dead. Got it?” 
Anxious spit out blood before turning around and glaring at Riff before turning t look at you. “I-” 
“Anxious, please leave while I’m still entertaining the idea of not telling Bernardo about this whole thing.” You said flatly, a brow raised and a hand waving him off. At your words, Anxious turned around and took off running.
As soon as Anxious turned around, Riff was on you in a second, examining your injuries closely. “I’m sorry princess, I shoulda killed him before he had the chance to-” You shook your head very quickly, “Violence is not the answer to everything, darling.” A light blush fanned over Riff’s face at the use of the pet name. He placed a kiss onto your forehead before nodding. “I’ll work on that, just for you.” He smiled, causing you to smile too. He leaned in to kiss you, holding your face in his hand,
“Ow.” Your sudden word of pain caused Riff to almost fly back. He had temporarily forgotten your injuries and he tsked once again. “C’mon...” Riff spoke, leading you away from the river by your uninjured arm.
Riff led you back to his home, showing you a plethora of first aid and tattered cloths you could only assume were used to wrap wounds and other injuries. “Woah...” You let out quietly, causing the boy to laugh softly. “Yeah, gang fights’ll do that to ya...” He trailed off before sitting you down next to his first aid station. “ ‘M sorry for the mess.” He mumbled before starting to get to work on cleaning you up. He looked around his room before handing you one of his spare shirts. “Do you want to change into this?” Riff asked, starting to stand. “I wouldn’t look, don’t worry.” He put his hands up as he backed up and inched closer to the door before smirking, “Unless you want me to.” he winked, causing you to blush dark. 
You took a second to think before reaching your hand forward to him, flicking your fingers to and from yourself. “Give it to me.” Riff did as you asked and turned around and leaned on the door frame, his eyes on the wall. You removed the dress and slid Riff’s shirt over your head, it draping over your underdress. “Ya decent?” He asked. You nodded, forgetting he couldn’t see you. “Yes.” You said shortly before he turned around and smiled at you. 
Riff walked back over to you and his smile only grew as he crouched again with you near his first aid, “You look good in my shirt. Maybe I’ll let you keep it.” You laughed softly, your heart swelling just a bit. Your laugh caused Riff to begin laughing too. Eventually though, your laughter died down and Riff began to frown, “Doll face, you know this is gonna hurt right?” You nodded and held your arm out to him, “It’s okay. I trust you.” You reassured Riff, smiling at him. “Gotta trust my boyfriend, don’t I?” 
Riff’s breath caught in his throat and he sputtered. His usual calm and collected personality had faltered, “Woah there, girly girl. And who said that’s who I was?” He asked quietly, his pupils growing in size. You could see the love in his eyes and you blushed before leaning forward and kissing him. 
You pulled away, much to his dismay. He leaned forward to catch your lips in his once again, leaving you to only raise a brow at him. “Okay...Okay, I say that’s who I am. Give me those cute lips again, doll.” He grinned, causing you to laugh and kiss him again. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you impossibly close. He ran his hands up and down your body before you pulled away. “You’re getting carried away, darling.” You teased, causing him to only smile and kiss your nose before leaning back to look at your wound. “Can’t help myself with you, Y/n. You’re changin’ me, doll.” 
Another smile spread on your face, “And you’re changing me, Riff.” Riff turned your arm for further examination, “How could that asshole be so careless? I swear to ya, Y/n, the very next time I see that motherfucker, I’m really gonna-” 
“Yeah, baby doll?”
“Could ya just clean it please?” 
The two of you laughed and he nodded and finally picked up the first aid, “Okay okay, workin’ on it. Keep in mind how bad it’s gonna hurt though.” You nodded, “I know.” Riff picked up the alcohol and poured it over your open wound. 
“Ow.” You whined, a frown burning deeper onto Riff’s face. “I know baby doll, I’m sorry. Almost done.” The Jet reassured, cleaning the last bit of your injury. After wrapping up your wound, he took the dress you were wearing and walked to another part of his room, started to scrub at it. You smiled at his dedication and followed behind him. You watched him try everything he had to attempt to get the stains out. Ultimately though, he accidentally made it worse. 
“I’m sorry about your shirt.” Riff said sheepishly, frowning at the stained and soaked fabric. You sat next to him and rubbed his shoulder, kissing his temple. “It’s okay. I was going to throw it out anyways.” Riff smiled and laughed softly, 
“No you weren’t.” 
“Yeah, you’re right.” 
“That’s what I thought. Now, sit still.”
req. by @mikefaistmiamor “Hi hi can you please do a riff x reader for the prompt ‘I’m sorry about ur shirt- it’s okay I was going to throw it out anyways’”
pls give me more riff requests. love this man(’s actor) sm.
hope you enjoyed!
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xriff-raffx · 2 years
When We're Alone
A/N: 18+ Smut based on request
"Riff smut plz!!! (Maybe the reader being one of the Jets little sister)"
I arrived at my building and immediately recognized the sound of The Jets. As I climbed the stairs to my apartment, their hollering became louder and I groaned in frustration. Diesel told me he was working at the auto shop late tonight, why are they here? I open the door, slowly looking around, my eyes land on a small group of rowdy boys standing around my kitchen table. When I walk closer, silence fills the room as they turn to stare at me.
“What are you doing here?” I ask pointedly, looking from one to the other before looking at Riff, their leader. He’s sitting at the table, casually with his legs propped on the chair next to him and a tooth pick in his mouth. 
“We’re waitin’ on yer brother, girly,” He leans back further into the chair. 
“Well, you’ll be waitin’ a while,” I say walking past them to the fridge, pulling out a jug of lemonade and pouring myself a glass. “He’s workin’ late,” I turn back to face the group, “There’s really no point in you all hangin’ round.” I mumbled the last part, hoping not to anger them.
Mouthpiece lets out a loud groan, “Yer kiddin.” He turns his attention to Riff, “Can we go now?” he sounded like a whining child. 
“Yeah,” A-Rab shouted, “She said he’ll be late.” The boys started to get worked up again, all shouting over each other. I attempted to get them to quiet down, but of course, they ignored me. Until Riff stood up, silencing them all.
“Alright,” he spoke slowly, taking the toothpick out of his mouth. I watched as he locked eyes with Ice briefly before giving a nod. “Roll out, boys.”
I watched as they began to file out the door, running down the stairs, the yells starting to become distant. All of them, except Riff. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw he had returned to his earlier position at the table. A lump grew in my throat, as I felt his stare.
“Mind if I wait here?” His voice was much softer than when I had heard him speak earlier. Not knowing what to say, I nodded back quickly returning to my lemonade. “Sorry about them,” he gestured towards the door.
“It’s fine,” I sigh out, “I’m kind of used to it by now.” I rolled my eyes and he smiled back. He had a beautiful smile that lit up his face, he looked like he wouldn’t hurt a fly when he smiled but I know better than that. I realised I was staring and quickly shook myself out of the trance. I watched his smile turn into his signature smirk, as he stood up from the table slowly.
“When did Diesel say he’d be home?”
“He didn’t,” I croaked out. My eyes went big at the sound of my voice, I had really hoped I wouldn’t sound nervous. I coughed, pretending to clear my throat. “Just that it’ll be late.” I stood up a little straighter, trying to recover from my little hiccup.
“I see,” Riff slowly began to walk towards me. “So it’s just you and me tonight,” he spoke lowly and I felt his hand lightly brush against my waist before resting on my hip. “Hows about we have a little fun?” He looked down at me, mischief reflecting in his eyes and I watched as he lowered his gaze on my body.
I was used to this side of Riff, whenever we were alone he couldn’t keep his hands off me. Not that I mind at all, he’s gorgeous. We always had to be careful though, Diesel would kill me if he knew I was foolin’ around with one of the Jets, not to mention the leader. I looked Riff up and down, returning his smirk before turning away and walking towards my bedroom. He quickly followed me, closing the bedroom door behind himself. 
“I don’t know how long we have,” I said while slowly unbuttoning the shirt I had on. He nods at my words, but he’s too distracted by my body.
“Better get started then girly girl,” he replies smugly. I take off my top, revealing a red bra and Riff groans to himself before closing the space between us. “You sure you weren’t expectin’ someone? You’re lookin’ real sexy.”
“This is nothin’,” I say gesturing to my bra, doing my best not to blush. “Besides The Jets always come on Fridays and yo-,” I realize what I said and freeze, stopping mid-sentence.
“Oh really?” Riff wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in even closer. He clearly caught what I said. “You mean to say, you get all dolled up for me?” His lips were on my neck in seconds, kissing and sucking lightly. I moaned quietly at the contact and I felt him smirk against my neck. “Jump,” he mumbled, as he moved his hands to my thighs. I did as he said and he caught me, wrapping my legs around his torso. 
His lips now crashed onto my own in a wave of passion. I felt him walking me over to the bed before dropping me on it. His eyes, now dark and filled with lust, racked over my body. I felt his hands grip my skirt and rip it off in a matter of seconds, my panties were gone next. I propped myself up so I could see him better, his muscles glistened from sweat with each movement. I smirked to myself as I watched him frantically remove his clothes. His hands returned to my body, slowly making their way up my legs, I knew Riff was doing it on purpose.
“Riff,” I moaned, “stop teasing.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” He asked, in a playful manner. I watched as he slowly lowered his face to my pussy, maintaining eye contact with me. 
I gasped as I felt his mouth leave kisses around my folds. His tongue moved expertly on my clit, rubbing small circles and earning a moan from me. A shiver ran through my body, feeling him suddenly blow onto the sensitive area. My hands grabbed his hair and he let out a grunt, burrowing his face into my pussy deeper. My legs began to shake as I got closer to my climax, I couldn’t help but moan out in pleasure.
“I’m so close, Riff,” I moan out and I feel him stop abruptly, pulling himself up to a standing position. I sat up, watching his every movement, mesmerized by his beauty. 
“Not yet,” he said sternly, yanking off his boxers. His cock was already hard and looking at it made my mouth water. I instinctively licked my lips, looking up at him, waiting for approval. His smirk reappeared, “ya wanna suck me doll?” I nodded back in response. “How about ya suck me and then I pound that pretty little pussy?” 
“Yes please,” I moan back in response. I grab his member by the base and slowly insert him into my mouth. He lets out a quiet moan as I take in his length, putting his hands in my hair. I feel him start to push my head further into his cock, making me gag slightly, the feeling making me wet. I let out a moan on his dick and I feel his grip on me tighten. 
“Just like that,” He moaned, “be a little slut for me.” I moaned again at his words and hollowed out my mouth, starting to deep throat him faster. I moved my hand to his balls, massaging him lightly, earning another moan from Riff. 
“That’s enough,” he practically growled and pulled me off of him, pushing me back onto the bed. He lined his cock up with my opening, thrusting deep into my pussy. I moaned as he quickened his pace, digging my nails into his back. My moans turned into screams moments later and I did my best to match his movements.
I could feel my orgasm nearing, and I threw my head back in pleasure, Riff’s name spilling from my mouth. I wrapped my legs around him tighter, pulling him impossibly closer to me. He leaned in, connecting our lips again sloppily. I bucked my hips into him, and he moaned into my mouth before lightly biting my lip. I came hard on his cock, a small scream of pleasure escaping my mouth. Quickening his pace, Riff quickly filled me with his cum before pulling out. 
We stayed in bed for a moment before the sound of the door made us both jolt up. I started to fix myself, making it look like I was sleeping. Riff scrambled to his feet, putting his clothes on in record time before heading over to the window. He looked at me then back and the window, pausing briefly. Within seconds he was right in front of me, placing one last kiss hungrily on my lips and then dashing right back over. He sent me one last glance, giving me a wink then slipped down the fire escape.
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